THE OMAHA DAILY ?DEEt MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements tor theac oolumm Trill lie taken until lit ra. for the evening edition anil nntll 8:110 p. an. (or morning anil Bundny edition. Rates, I lSo a word fir! Insertion, la a word thereafter. Nothing- Inkrn fer leaa'tllttn 'Mo tor the Orat Inser tlon Theat ndrertlaeaaea ta aaaat be ran connecnll vetjr. Advertisers, by rennastlnat a fcnm fcercd check, nan have anawera ad dressed to a numbered letter In rare of The Itee. Answers a addreaaed will lie delivered a reaeatatlea mt tae cheek oaljr. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-A situation nbout. January 1 l)' an all-around Insurance miln of fifteen j?'rl. experience. Address, O. W. It., IMG Vine St., Lincoln. Net). A-M611-6 wanted male hum. WANTED, wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and uppear anco. C. F. Adams Co., 1J5 Howard BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue and purticulurs tree, Address Western Barbara' InKtlttHe Omahn, Neb. , ll-OH WANTED, everywhere, hustler) to tack up signs, dlMtrlbute circulars, etc. No can vualng; Rood nay: stamp for reply. W I'.o Qlobe Advertising Bureau, Omaha Neb. SALESMEN wtnted to soil fnilt tree; hi? wage to hustlers; no experience nccei ary; cosh weekly. write Western Nursery Company, Dept. K, Lawrence. Kan. ii-MBO D6 WANTED BALEHMEN. The Hawks Nursery Co. Milwaukee, Wis. I1-M407 nr. WANTED, a good experienced clothing sollrltor. Apply 1314 Farnam St. Gold position to right party. B US MEN to advertise or sell; straight salnry. Triumph Co., Dallas, Texas. B M'-ll fi WANTED, pressfeeder, one. who can feed pony cylinder and makn ready on platen proaucn. W. C. Deltch & Co., Sioux City, Iowa. U-M572 3 WANTED, men to learn harbor trade, only eight weeks required by our advinta-os, constant practice and expert Instructions furnished students at oitr Chicago, St. Louts and Minneapolis colleger; can eirn acolarshlp, board, tools ami transporta tion if desired; cntftlogiio and partlcu nrs free. Mnler Barber College repr'i" tn tlve, 1623 Farnnm St., Omaha. I1-MIC0 6 i i WANTED, life Insurance solicitors: bit? pay. Hartford Life., 609 Ilea Bldg. B 133 ! WANTKUI-FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. i70. C-410 80 girls wanted. Canadian ofllce, 1522 Doug'n.i C 141 WANTED Competent second girl with references. Apply at 423 S. 39th St. C-651- W ANTED Cook. 3030 Fnmam. C-C75-3 GIRL for genoral housework. 201 3. 30th Ht. C 586- QIRL for general housework. 1322 8. 6th. C M627-3 GIHL for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Porter, 1512 So. 29th. C-M626-4 WANTED, competent general houso girl, $5.00 per week. 118 N. 39th St. C-M675-4 LADIES, do you want a 15.00 mottuette rug 36x72 Inches for 15c; legitimate and easily worked. Stamp for particulars. Logan & CO., .Perry, la. C M873-4 WANTED, ladles to learn hnlrdresstng, manicuring and face treatments; 4 weeks complete; constant practice; expert In structions; position guaranteed: tools furnished.- -Call or write for 'Particulars. Moler'B Halrdresslng College, 1623 Farnam, C M736 5 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1024 Park avenue. C 740 4 FOR RENT-HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Renawa & Co. ' D 142 ALWAYS moving H. If. goods. Pianos. Ofllce, 1511ft Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 893. D 143 HOUSES for rent in all parts of tho city. Brennan-Love Co., 820- So. 13th St. D 111 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D 445 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnnm. D-446 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-147 HOUSEB, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douctns. D 148 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Ulk. D 150 S-ROOM .ouso. 27th and Fnrnnm Sts.. all modern. Call 2066 Farnam or phone 5S8. D 451 HOUSES wuntod. Wnllace, Brown hlk. D 152 DARN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-453 FOR RENT. 12-room house, heated with steam, modem conveniences, good bnrn. Address C 49, Bee. D 176 6-ROOM cottngn and barn, S1Z. Inoulro 2702 Decatur St. D M393 FLAT. B rooms, modern except furnaco. 1219 8. 10th St., J15.W. Rlngwalt, Barker hlk D-M413 2905 S. 17TH ST.. 0-room house, city water barn I $15.00, Omahn Loan and Trust Co , ltith nnd DouglaB sts, D M409 FOR RENT Modern cottago of 7 rooms: nlco lawn; on Georgia Ave., near Pacific JUllft w. UUlHUlNd, JSVJ r AKNAM, D-4 C FIVE unfurnished rooms, flrst-clmui nit modern, complete for housekeeping. 2124 aijunu ni. UMjVJ 2214 Lake st., 10-room modern house, $27.50, 2124 N. 15th t., 7-room modern house, $15. 2414 S. 16th at.. 6-room Hat, $10. 2423 Patrick live., 6-room house, $10.50. 1039 8. 20th St., 4-room house. $9. 2202 Clark st,, 10-room house, $16. 2212 Clnrk st.. 0-room house, $12.50. S420 l.nrlmore, nvo., K-room house, $5. 510 8. 34th st., S-room house. $12.50. JC26 Emmett St., 7-room house, $10.50. 2517 Pnrker st., 7-room homo, $15. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodgo St. D-M571 3 1D04 N. 24TII BT 8-room house, modern ex cept rurnace; in kooq condition; very handy location; will be vacant Dec. 1st; $25.00 per month. Omaha Loan and Trust uo., inn ana uougius su. u M412 THREE S-room modem brick houses, 25th au, near l urimin. iiinuuo .u( jones at D-5S2- 1826 N. 16TH ST.. nice 5-room cottnee cltv water. Just been papored and painted throughout; $12 per mouth. Omahn Loan nnd Trust Co., lfith and Douglas sin. u M410 CONVENIENT 8-room house, modem, In qulro 1411 Vinton. D-W-10 1001 S. 30th Ave., small six-room cottnge, an inouern oxcepi rurnnce; in. goou con' dltlon. Will be vacant December 6. Rent $2&. 'J,'hls Is a choice location for. Htnali family. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ltfth and uougiua nia, u osu ELEGANT 10-room nil modern resldonco; hardwood MnlBh, porcelain bath, laundry. This boUBO la In uood condition nnd with. In ten minutes' walk of the center of tbo city;. In a very Bnlect nelghborhowl. near :iin anu oi. aiary s Ave. Kent, US. OMAHA LOAif & TRUST CO., 16tll and uougina ois. I J ) i Lt t-ROOM flat, modern Improvements 2'i6l UOUglUS. JU. U 706 a" POH ItENT Fl'RMsllEI) ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E 151 HOUSEKEEPING, $6 up; 2623 St. Mary's, K M72S 1)1 FURNISHED rooms, modern, with or with out board; private family;, reasonable, rillt RENT-FURNISHED ItOOMS. THREE furnished rooms for housekeep ing, man and wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E 383 ROOMS, private family. 2101 Douglas. E-MMS 7 FURNISHED room, S42 S. 22d St.. private family. E-M656-9 WANTED, music teacher to share com fortable room with young gentleman. CH Ho. 20th. K G33-S FOUR nicely furnished rooms on 'first floor. 2500 Patrick Ave. E-M634-3' ROOM8, modem. 4C3 N. 14th st. E 72G 5 furnished rooms ami hoard. GLENCAIRN,trnnslents,$1.2Sday, lftro Doug. F 155 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 5 NICE warm rooms, good board, reasonable. "lira, i lie iioae, tj;v iiarney. F-737 D12 Tho Merrlnm, good winter home. 23 & Dodge F-437 THE PRATT, dcsirablo rooms, 212 S. 25th. F 553 FOR HKNT-UNFUHNINHEl) ROOMS. TWO large modern roomi, with alrow. ?V2 Harney. a M731 k FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, rtoro in first class location, rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bco Uldg, I-2M FOR RENT, tho building formerly occupied bv Tho Bee at 916 Fnrnnm street. It has four stories nnd a basement which wan formerly jacd tit The Ueo press room This will bo rented very reasonably If interested apply at oneo to C, C. Hnsa wator, secretary, room 100, Bee Building. 1261 LARGE double room in Continental block: can bo made Into very deslrab.e ofllce and reception mom for physician. Will ar range to suit. i OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16t!l & Dougluj Sts. i 1-537 BRICK store nnd basement. 24th and Ornco Sts. Geo. W. Holbrook, Brown block. I-Stt A FINE corner b'jelness block in tho center of trade; room, 48 by HO feet, lust being compieieu, in a goon town or z.buu; situ ated In a good farming country; well settled. Address, Jennie Brown, Geneva, Neb. I-M6IO-4' AOHNTS WANTED. IDENTITY GUARANTEE CO., Pittsburg, I'enn., guarantees lacntity in financial transactions, falso arrest, accident or death; device patented; Is Inexpensive, Blmplo and absolutely rollnble; agents wanted for Omaha and all Nebraska and Iowa towns; good with other business; commissions liberal. For particulars ad dress the general agency, Lock Box 795, Omaha, Neb. J-M566 AGENTS, Streetmen: Song books, $1 per 100: not sellers; deposit on i;. u. u. orders. Carter Book Co., SU S. Broad vvay, St Louis. J-MSjI-6 WANTED TO It EXT. WANTED By cldorly lady, three or four umurnisnru rooms tor ugui nousexeeping. Address, D 19, Bee. K 381-3 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co., 912- H jones, generni sioragu una lorwaratng, I5H OM. Van Stor Co., lOim Farn. Tels. 1559-Ma STORAGE and forwarding. Expressman's Delivery co zh xm. istn. Tel. n5. 460 WANTED TO I1UY. ALL kinds bf household goods, hotels, etc., in targe ana uraun minmuiey. unicago j? urnuure to., iio-iu uouge. lei. zwv, N 41 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Brown Blk. W 462 WILL purchase a limited number of umana Havings DanK accounts, urennnn Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-463, WANTED to buy. $1,000 of Omaha Savings Dang accounts tor casn. Address A 19, Bee office. N M54S WHO hns a blaclumlthlng business to sell aneapT Address, stating wnat you nave nnd how much you want. Lock Rox 456, Callaway, Neb. N MI29 5 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOR SALE, furniture of 6-room house, tn-' ciuuing range, new una? uurner ana gas stove. Address II, care Bco office, South Omaha. O 118 & CABINET repairing a specialty; Hertford & co.. iojj .eavenwortn, corner loth Ht. Tel. 1461. O M684-5 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. SELL and repair vehicles, all kinds. II. r rosi. carriage worxs, ittn ana Leaven, worth. P 164 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IIAID and soft foundation piling: hog fences mm (.iiuuiug. wi uuugi&a, iw 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. W 183 SAFES; buy, sell.Wgc. Schwartz. 114 So. 13. to, FOIt SALE, 1 ino-H. P. Hoffman & Billings coruss engine in soou cunuiiion. call or address Seo'y of Bee Bldg, Co. Q 61 WtllTM for rntnlncuo of trusses. Hiinnnrl. era. bnerman atcconnju urug co.umana 21 BI'FF COACHIN chickens, 50c each. Hoyden, 33a : Nicnoiiifl. g M679-4 ANTIQUE furniture. Hertford & Co.. 1523 Leavenworm, corner lBtn bi. Tel. kbi. Q-M6S2-5 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, Sdhand furniture una moves at lowest prices, car oad lots or icbb. wiut'uiiu x urnuure co., ltvu-iu uodge. R-IOJ SELL cheap benutlful UprlgHt nlnno. mahogany case, fully guaranteed, bnreatn. 910 N. 26th Bt. R-678-Jy.l UPHOLSTERING nnd mattress mnirtn 1 , 1 0 r . r ni r . . ' iieriiuru wu iu.j ucuvenworin, comer IDlll ai, 101, Jiui. it AlfiKl-S GLADISU pharmacy, 12 & Dodge, rellalilo drug store. R 725 Jl WANTED We have customers for 100 to 200 shares South Omaha Btock Yards Co stock, List your offerings with us. Payne-Knox Company, Main Floor New York Life Bldg. R-053 1 CLAIRVOYANTS. PALMISTRY. The greatest exponent In tho nrt of palm Istrv todny It OMAHA'S FAVORITE, MME. OYLMER. She hr.c had few rqu ils und no superiors, nnd today stands recog nized as the leader of her profession, If you nre In troublo consult this celebrated Indy, tier ndvice is suto to benefit yon, as a prognostiraior sno is a phenomenon, Her tiredletlons are nlw.ivs nboolutelv nr. curate. Sho tells Just whqt tho lines In tho palm Indicate nnd they don't lie. TliU wonderful woman Is well known In Omaha people, having been I years In tho rlty. Her renutatlnn for honesfv nnd fjlr dealings i thoroughly established. P.vv- iurs 01 ruiiiiiBir , iww uuugf, a. sine new P. O. 8-703 2 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North lth S 170 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1806 Po Kje v H M471 ELECTRIC TREATMENT, MAE EDGAR, 317V4 N. 15th St., tint E. T-893 D17 ELITE parlors, 615 8." 16th, second floor. T-M38S & MME. AME9. 1615 Hownrd, 2d floor, room 1; tnerniai uuiuv. -i oys a- PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous nair removed oy electricity, n. . Fren er Blk, -J U-47J PEIISOXAI,. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Bee iilit U-I7J TI'ItKISH baths, masenge bathji. electrio baths, for Indies only; skilled women mnssagu operators; finest equipped Jb.'Utm in me ciiy. iiciiairuin xiaiu uuiii""s Rooms 216 to 220 Bee Bldg. U Id LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade coshtmer. 1018 Farnam. U-475 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 uurueue. u lit PRIVATE hnnnftnl for Indies before & dur Ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 U Ml .PLEATING and skirts, nil kinds; buttons mnd to mutch. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U-480 SEWING machines rented nnd repaired; rent $2 tier month! smitiltes for all kinds of mnchlnes. The Singer Manufacturing uo jail uouglas Ht. Telcpnono us. U 478 PERSONAL. LADIES' Jackets and tailor mado suit al tered, cleaned, repaired. -M. r ogei, j, a. u, U-481 CALENDARS. Burkley Printing Co. U-M129 D20 FURNACE work. STOVE work, tln.shcet iron, gnlvnulzcd Iron, ilnc and copnor worx uone; encapesi ptacn in ine cuy, Savage's Tin Shop, 2322 Farnam St. U-380 LADIES, nil halrdresslng, manicuring and face massage free at Motor's Hairarcss Ing College, 1623 Farnam. Hours, 9 to 4. U-M7S7 5 $C50 STEINWAY upright tilano, latest style case for Bale cheap. Address D 18. Bee. U-677-Jy.l PICTURES framed and enlarged. Hert . ford & Co., 1023 Leavenworth, corner 16th St. Tel. 1461. U-MS83-5 MOSKY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 ncr cent: borrowers rnn pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennan-Love Co., 309 Ho. 13th St., Omaha, Nub. W 4S2 MONEY to loan on Improved Omahn real estate. Brennun-Love Co., 209 So. 13th. W 183 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & co., u.u I' arnam, w 4l WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants, George & Company, 1601 Fnmam street, W 4SJ MONEY In any amount at 6, 5 6 per cent, J. W. BOBBINS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W 186 MONEY to loan on farm and cltv nronertv. lowest rates, O. F. Duvls Co., 1506 Furnnm vv tS7 MONEY to loan at 5 and C4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 8. 15th W 188 PRIVATE money, 5, 6Vi, 6 per cent; no do lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 489 WANTED City nnd farm loans: also bonds and warrnnts. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 r arnam St., uee Uldg. w 490 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas W 4t FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block W-492 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or ror Diinaing purposes, l'ayne Knox Co., New York Life. W 493 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. W 494 $l,rifl0 TO LOAN on real estate :eall at once, M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Brown block W-493 MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. THE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (Established 1892.) Will make you a loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. You keen the nronertv. Or If you have a permanent- position -we will make you a. SALARY LOAN without Indoraer or mortgage. We loan from $10 up. You 'can get the money In a few hours after making application and you may pay It back In 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 6 months. Others claim lower rates, but all we ask Is a chance to make comparisons. We charge nothing for papers or filing and we give you the full amount of the loan in cash. We are the oldest and largest loan company In Omaha. Our motto la "to try top lease. Telephone 2295. 306 South 16th Bt. X 196 MONEY MONEY LOANED BAL,AKU2JJ PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage renulred. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and BTKIUTIjY tUNKIDIUWTlAU OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bld.r. jt toi AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY will pay off your SALARY ASSIGNMENTS And all other, debts. A steady position all mat is required, isahinh tkkmh au LOWER CHARGES THAN ANY OTHER LOAN COMPANY. Call and have a private talk with us. ROOM 601. DEE BUILDING. X Wl MONEY loaned salarled'nennlo holdlnc ner jnnnent position wim responsu:e concern upon their own names without secuil y; easy payments Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. b dg. MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture. Pianos. Diamonds. Wntches. etc. Privately on payments no charge for pnpere. BERGER'S LOAN CO., 1504 Fsr- nnm street, upstairs. X-503 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, Horses, cows, etc, c need, 3l 8. u, X 501 SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. J, w. TA11.UL, 21s i- irst ruut. uank nidg. X-60J- MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, honrs. cows, jeweiry. uun ctreen, u 3, uargcr uik JL GJ6 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE with partial payments on note; no mort caeo or security: absolutely confidential: POSITIVELY LOWFBT RATES; loans yf other companies tanen up. itnom 303, pax ton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. X-607 BUSINESS CHANCES.' $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly awiui inicRrw mm mucuinps ror unnKs, Hinrn or cash: will earn 12 nnri in.o.Nr.1 weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co., Furnl- turu Alunuiauiurrra, aiuuto, ill. Y 608 $300 TO $500 a month selling new patent brako attachments to mechanics; positive proof; territory one-fourth value; some money neeueu; no laiuraj ut once. 11-nm 7, Karbach h.otel. Y-M501 14 RAKERY In iiood town: nlso harrtwnro business, for rain right: I have a buyer for lumber business. W. C. Vrtuirhnn, KOR KXCHANOi:, WILL trade for brick or lumber one nlnnn. tiny standard make. 613 S 14th St. Pel, J3U1. iS .M427 5 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. Good east front lot on 37th near California, $500. Small lot an 20th St. nenr A. South Omnhn, $150. Good lot one block from Ames Ave and sum, jjio. South front In Centrnl nnrk. $100. Sixty-six feet on Cnsslug street, close to sinn, $xu. Sixty-five feet on 19th near Center St., $300, I'lrty reel on cnuriea near l,owo Ave. nnved St.. $500. Section of land in Govo Co., Kans., with wnter, House and lot on M street near 27th, S. O, $600. Four tots In Wakeley Add.. $200. Lot 20. block 2. Barker Place. $100. Lots 16 and 17 In Second addition to West Bide. $100. Forty acres one mllo from Capitol Cheyenne ;,wv. Sixty feet south front Cass and 39th streets iwv. SAMUEL S. CURTIS, Receiver. 1808 Harney St. RE-M5SS-16 PROPERTY bought and sold; money luunru; rviiie uuiicuicu. u. jj. jnnnfon CO,, 311 BO. 1DII1 Ht. RE 102 HOUSES, lots, farms, land, loans: also fire iiituikuvvi utti.iri , uwu win Av4v FOR SALE REAL 1WTATB. lUnnAtNB TN FATtMS 160 ncres 9 miles west of Omaha nt end of ioogo n macadam: wen improved grovo nnd orchard. $56.00 An acre. 100 ncres 12 milts northwest of Omahn, all wiiucl uuuivauun, seta ui uuuuings Dil longlng to tenants. Price, $l5.00nn ncre. 200 ncres 11 miles from Omnhn. 2 nnt nf buildings, first-class land; will divide In two pieces. Price, $15.00 an acre. a.9?s 3 miles nortli of Irvlngtoh, no buildings, raw pralrlc. Price, $42.50 per acre. ' 150 acres on county lino 11 miles from M nl, , . .1 1 1 1 .. tinit, w..ift., , guuu uviiiuiu(. iv.w mi ni:re. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST HE .M734 1 nAimroM LAND. Tho best locntlon for gardening nround viniiinu or notiin umann; ai ncres lust south of Jetters' brewery, South Otnuhi, with good house, bnrn, etc.; will lense for threo,yearM. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St.. Omahn; or 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. RE 710 5 LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebrnsku, KB va IJ28 80 ACRES, !) miles frnm Omnhi, $43 per tic. 100 ujTun itccu cu., in a. mn nl, RE-509 C. F. HARRISON, BARGAINS. 113 v. y L HE 03.1 w.r TWO lots, south front, on Cnpltnl nveriuo, west or zetn, $f e.tcn; on grado. no nil, cheapest lots offered wt of High schoit. A. P. Tukcy, Board of Trade. RE SU SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE RE-513 SEE HERE. I've got to have money, 320 one pasture lanu 11011 co., .-.!. 1 per acre; 160 In Dundy, $1.50 per acre. Jacob Van pelt, 609 Bee Bldg. HE MG07-3 FINE east front lot, 3 blocks south of de- pot, on lutn mi. inquiro mi vinton. RE-'32.D7 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union I'acinc ltanroan company. B. A. McAlIaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. UK-SI 4 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam Bt. RE 515 33X132 FEET on Chlcngo st,, between 13th and tun st.; permanent sidewalk. Price, $1,250. Byron It. Hastings, 212 S. 14th st. RE-M732 I BEST farm bargain In the stnte Four rnrms. adjoinning. comprising 1,100 acres, miles from Omahn postofllce; rnllroad station nearly In center: 550 ncres In cul tivation. Price $28 an ncre; $10,000 cash payment, halnnco 5 per cent. Numbers of other large and small farms near Omaha frdm $10 to $00; Fremont, $30 to $50: Ulnir and Herman. 12n to 145. For most reliable Information as to farm Dargoins see or write w M, NELSON, 604 South Tenth St., Omaha, RE-594 3 7-ROOM now, nil modern, -story house, full lot, east 01 jiarx. i-nce. tJ.jju. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 11th st. RE-M733 4 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt rcllof. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. C16 PERSONAL. Golden Seal Fcmalo Regulator relievos in A hours' u.uo anu n.w boxes; none genuine without .signature. Golden Heal Medicine Co., mil xviorgan Ht., Ht, Louis, Mo. M-722 D12 DR. LE DUE'P Vmftle Regulator, posi tively warrantfd to cure the most stub bom cases of nathologlcal monthly ston. Danes. Irrearule rltles. obstruct'ons nnd suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package, or 3 for $5: sent any where prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American of fice, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug co., umana, ai. a Jiuon, eoutn umana; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full Una LOST.-s LOST, black nnd white Scotch collie pup. newaru 11 rcturnea to ma ismmeit Ht. Lost 497 SO $5 REWARD Lost, green parrot, short ' tall, yel'.ow head. Return to 1213 Chicago St. L.OSt Mi65 a IRISH setter bitch pup. named Bessie. Re turn to an a. sist ana get reward. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 3918 S. 26th St M 505 D7 BELGIAN HARES. FOR SALE, nedlgreed. Imoorted and rtn mestla Belgian hares, docs and bucks scoring from 91 to 96 points. Does bred to Imported, bucks. My stock Is of the choicest blood, grnnd red color, good shape and style, good heads, eyes, ears, lacing and ticking, with nice red feet, also Imported bucks nt stud. If interested In prize winning itcigian nares address A M. Vandell, Loomls, .Neb. 666-3 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg.; Tel 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 513 . aj. wt,w,&u, ij. w. , U, nun scnrei 1 Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 JUNK. B.&M. Junk house, J, Milder, Trop., dealer in nu meiais. Dottles, etc. carloads r specialty. 801-803 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378 521 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION and sldo Dleatlnur. ehnnnnnt best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat- icrsun urn., inn anu rurnam ats. SHORTHAXn AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 023 BOYLES' Collogc, court reporter principal Bee Bldg, , 524 NEB. Bus. & Shorthand college, ' Boyd's T ti n t r for GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug, 620 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, -527 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 530 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 16, -Ml ENGINES, 1IOILCH3, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mnch, WkB.; motors, dynamos PIANO TUNING. WE tuno your piano for $1.50. Rose's Art more, imi uoago. xei. wi5. ,33 TICKET BROKER. CUT rnto tloltets cveryi'here. p, h. Phil bin, 1500 Furnam. Telephone 781. 531 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nttended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20-h anu j.iiKO cub. BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store, 1603 Leavenworth. -533 LAUNI1UY. OMAHA Steam Laundry! shirts. 7c: collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617 wo PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Onice, reliable accommodat ing; nu ousiness coniidcniiui. 1301 uoutns. u28 LOANS, H. Marowltz; low rates, 41S N. 16. 01 MfSICAL. FREE scholnrslilps to piano students, Prof, uruum, ttw itntngo uik. --ii PATENTS GUARANTEED J SUES & CO . Patent Lttwyers Bee Bid., Onuht.Ntb Patent BookFreo GOVERNMENT NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE supervising Architect, Washington, u. November 21, 19)0.-SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tnls ofllce until 2 o'clock p. m. on the 27th dnv of December, 19W, and then opened, for the construction (ex cept hcuttng nppArnttls nnd electric wiring) of the U. S Postomco at BLAIR. NE BRASKA. In accordance with drawings nnd specifications, copies of which may bo had at tho discretion of tho Supervising Archi tect, uy nppiying to this onice or 10 me Postmnstnr nt Illulr, Nebraska. Jumcs Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect. N24-26-2S-S0 D3-5 M POSTOFPICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested, as chnnges may occur nt nny time.) Foreign mnlls for the week ending Decem ber 8, liwO, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho General Fosioftlco as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close olio hour earlier than closing tlmo shown be low. Trnnantlntitlc Malta. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. tn. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. b. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must lo directed "por s. s. Ht. Louis"); at 9 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 o. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queens town; at 10:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Noordlund (mall must be directed ''ter s. s. Noordlund ), THUU8DAY At 7 u, tn. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EOYPT. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ. pel 0. s. La Gascogno, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. I. a Onscogno"). SATURDAY At 3:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, vln Queensttiwn; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Potsdam (mall must be directed "por b. s. Potsdam''): at 9 a. m. for ITALY, 1er s. s. Columbia, via Naples (mall must 10 directed "per s. 8. Columbia '); nt 10 11. tn. for SCOTLAND direct, por s. a. Fumessla (mail must be directed "per s. s. Furnesala"), ' PRINTED MATTER. ETC. Tills nteamer takes Printed Mattel', Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only The same ctnss of mall matter tor other parts of Europe v-III not be sent by this ship un lens specially directed by het. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mnlls named above, ad ditional supplementary mhlis are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French nnd German Htramcrs, unu lernaln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour vt nailing of Btenmcr. Slalla for South and Central Amerloe, Weat ladlen. etc. MONDAY At 10:30 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Wllhelin II (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Gulona must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Wllhelm II"). TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. tn.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cent Costn Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC TORTS, por s. a. Alllnnco, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s. Alllanca"); at 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. a. Cherokee: nt 9 p. m, .for JAMAICA, per s. M. Admiral Dewey, from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria: at 10 a. m. for GRE NADA and TRINIDAD, per a. s. Grenada.; at 10:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Ol hers (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay and Parnguay must be directed "per s. a. Olbers"; at 12 m. for BRAZIL, per b. s. Capri (mall for North ern Brazil, Argentine Repub'lc, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed ' per s. s. Capri"); at 1 p. m. for CUBA, CAM PECHB. YUCATAN, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Seguranca, via Havana and Progrcso (mall for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "tcr a. s. Seguranca"); at 1 p. m. (supplemen tary 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, per s. s. An tllla (mall must bo directed "per a. a. An tllln"V THURSDAY At 2:30 n. m. for JAMAICA and SANTIAGO, GUANTANAMO and MANZANILLA. per s. 8. Admiral Samp son, from Philadelphia: nt 1 n. m. (supple mentarv 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, OUAN TANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. 8. Sara toca. FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per a. b. Silvia; at 1 p. m, for INAOUA and CAPE GRACIAS, per s. s. Kong Frodo (mall for Jamaica, Belize, Pjerto Cortez nnd Guatemala must bo directed "per s. a. Kong Frode"). SATURDAY At 1 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Corean, from Philadel phia; at 9:30 a, m. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for 8T. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, WINDWARD nnd LEEWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per s. s. Fontabe'.le; at 10 a.-m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan, via San Juan; nt 10 a. m. (sup plemennry 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE Island. Jamaica. ravanilla, CARTHAGENA and OREYTOWN, per s. s. leno (mull for Costa Rica must be direr ed "por n. s. Alcno" : nt 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a, Hlldur, via Curacao (tnnll for Bavnnllla nnd Cnr thagena must bo directed "per s. s. Hll dur"): nt 11 a. m. for CUBA, per b. s. Morro Cnstle, via Hnvnnn; at 12 m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per R. s. Italian Prln'jo; at 1 p. tn. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s.'s. AmazonenBo. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydnev. nnd thence bv ateamet, close nt this ofTlco dally nt 8:30 p, m. (connecting close hero everv Mondnv. Wednesday and Raturdny). Malls for Mlque'on. by rail to Boston, nnd thenc by nteamer, close at this oftlco dallv at R'30 v. tn. Malls fo Cuba, by rail to PnrS Tamtrn, Fin., nr.d thenco bv stenmcr, clnie at this office dallv 8t 7 a. m (tho connecting rloe; are on . Mt'.day, Wednesday nnd Frldnyi. Malls for Mexico Cltv. nverinnd. unlrs Kneclnllv ad dresed for dhpntch by stenmer, clore nt b' nr 1nll, n n,'r n rr sml fl,,0 n' m Mails for Costa Rica. Bell7e. Puerto Cortez nnd Ountemntn. by rail to Nw Or'eans and thence by steamer, closo at thh oriro dnlly at I p m. (conn'ctlne closao hre Mondavs for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trnnnnnelrto Mnlta, Malls for China. Japan nnd PhlllopInB Inlands, via Seattle (ordinary mnll nnd speclnllv nddresl reslstorod mnlh. closo here dallv tip to December 4 nt 6:30 n. tn. for dispatch per 8. s. Idtiml Man. Malls for Australia (except West AuntraMa), New Zealand, Hawaii, Flil nnd Samnan Islnnds. v'a San Francisco, close here dnllv nt 6:30 p. m. up to December 8. In elusive, or on day of arrival of s. b. Lu canla. duo nt Now York December ? for dbnntch per a. a, Sierra. Mails for Aus tralia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, unit Now Zealand, which goes via Snn Frnnclsco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver. cloe here dnllv nt 6:30 n. tn. nfter December 7, tin to December 8, tn elusive, for dispatch per s. b, Aorangi, specially addressed only (stioplementflry tnnlK via Beatt'o. oloe nt 6:30 n. m. De cember 9. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phlllnplno Islands, via Ban Francisco. rlos here dnllv at 6:30 n. m. tin to December 9 Inclind'. for dlsnntnh per f, H Rio do Janeiro. Malls for Hawaii Ch'nn. Japan nnd Phlllnnlno I-dnnda, via Ban Francisco, close here dallv at G:V) p. m. P tn DecemltfT 17. Inclusive, for dlenntch per s. a. Pontic. Mnlls for Ch'nn nnd Jnpnn. via Vancouver, close hr dnllv nt 6:30 ti, m. un to Decmhor ?t. Inelurlvo. for dlsnatch ner s. s. Kmnress of India (registered mall must, bo directed "via Vancouver"). Trnnsnnclfln mails nre fnrwnrded tn twirt of snlllnir dni'v nnd the schedule of cloilnit Is nrranired on tho prennintlon nt thlr un lnterruntet overland trnnlt. Registered mall closes nt 6 n m. nrovlons dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Pnt master. Postofllce, Now York, N. Y., November 30, 1900, RAILWAY TIME TABLES, UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER, land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam P'.reeta. City Ticket Ofllce, 1331 " 'arnam Street. Telephone, 316. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Teleuhono. C29. leavn. Arrive, a 7:39 pm a 7:30 pm u 3:25 pm a 4:2o pm Tho Overland Limited. .a 8:20 nm The Chicago-Portland Cpcclal , a 8:20 am The Fast Mall a 8:50 um The Mall and Express.. all :35 pm T.tnen!n. Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Express, ,b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm The Pacific Express. ...a 4:25 pm The Atlnntle Express,.. a e:60 am Grand Island Looal b b:20 pm b 9:33 am , Pally, b Dally excejjt Sunday. I RAILWAY TIME- TABLES. BURLINGTON A M18 sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route' Ganeral Offlces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farntm 8ts. Ticket OtTtce. 1502 Farnam St. Telephone, station. Tenth and Mason Telephone, 12A UVD, nillf" Lincoln. Hnstlngs and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:25 pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo- rado, Utah. Callfomla.a 4:2$ itn a 3:00 pra Lincoln & B!a?k Hills. .a pm 6:43 urn Montann. Puget Sound. .a S:00 pm a 6:4S am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 pm al0;3j um Denvee t'oUrado, uian and Cnhiomla Bellevue. Papplo a!0:45 am Pacific Junction. ...... ...nll:50 nm n t:IS am nll:43 am a 8:20 am i'acinc junction ... ... i;w pm Bo. Bend . Louisville. Plnttimoutl b 3.3'i pm bll:f6 nm Ft. Crook, Plattsmouth.a 6:53 pm a 8:20 ota a Dally; b ex. Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluff Rnllroad "The Hurllnz ton Route" Ticket Omoe, 1502 F.irnnm St. Tele phone. 2f0. Depot, Tenth and Maon Sts. Tclo nhone. 12a ieave. .Arrive, a 5:;6 pm a 6:15 am Kansas City Day Ex.., .a V.29 am Kanpaf City Nlidt Mx..al0:J5 um m. coins r iyer tor n Joseph and St. Louts. .a 4:50 pm 0.11:15 am lmuy CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Qtilncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Tlekct Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Ht, Telephone, 260, Depot Tenth und Mason Sta. Te.ephone, 128. Leave. Arrlvn. Daylight clal Chicane Sne- a :uu um nl0:26 un a 7:t5 un n 4:06 pm a 7:45 am a 2:41 put Chtraa-u Vestibule,! Ex. .11 4:uo nm Chicago Ixicnl Express. a 9:39 nm Clncugo Limited a 7:60 pin Fast Mnll a Dallv. OMAHA PT LOUIS RAU- iujiu-u j nu, rvausne l l.y & 11 Rut road "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Farnam St Tele- pnone, ax. uepot, Tentn and Marcy Streets. Tale phone, 629. , ieave. Arrive. Rf t niila Cnnnnn Ball Express a 6:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and qulncy Local i.vw mm u ;w pxzi a Dally LLINOIB CENTRA! Railroad. City Tickot Ot. fice, 1402 Farnam Strew.. Telephone, 245. Dept.t, Tenth and Marcy Streeis. dlnoiS Leaver Arrlvt- ChlcagcTExpress nllilo am n 4.0J fta Chlcngo Limited a 7:15 pm a S:o5 am Minneapolis and 81 Paul Express u 7:00 am b 9:4t pm Minneapolis and St Pnul Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 8:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Eutiday. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and & Pr.clllc Railroad -"The Oreat Rock Isl and Route"-Clty Tick et Office, 1S23 Farintn Str'.et. Tlephone. Dopot. Tenth & Marcy Cta. Telephone. 623. Leave. Arrive, EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:25 nm Chicago Express bll:15 am Des Moines Local a ''20 pm C! 'cago Fast Express.. a 5:w pm Des MotnaK. Rock Ial- bll:S3 nm a 8:10 am a 4:45 pm a 1:25 pra und and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 nm WEST. v Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and Vcst ......... ..a 1:34) pm a :15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer.... a 520 pm a 9:50 am n Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Ofl1ca and Ticket Offices Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. at '.:- a. L'miia Ml. -- ... U W . LO 1)111 K. C., St. L. Express.. ..aW:50pm u 6:15 nm .(,., Bin'mom n .p . Leave from 16th am Webster fltroets: Nebraska t oral, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:46am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE A St. Pnul Railway Cit Ticket Office, 1604 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. De- got. Tenth and Mason trects. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. IMlLWAUh Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex...b 7:15 am b 3:40 pin a Dally, u ualiv except aunuay. BIOUX CITY & PACtFIC Railroad The North western Line" ORlces, United States National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm Ht Tlrvt umce, jui c arnam at. 'leiepnone, 601. Uo pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 129. Leave. Arrlvj. Twin City Exnresa a 6:55 am nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm a Dally FREMONT, KLKHORN A Missouri Vai.ey Railroad "The Northwestera Line"-General offices, United States National J.' W- Cor. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone ML Depot. 15th und Webster Sts. Tele phone, 1454 Leave. Arrive Black Hills. Dendwood. "9' Ar"v- Wt Spring. a 2:00 pra a 5:00 pm Wypmlng. Cuapax twta Douglas ....... d S:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York. David City dufurlor. Geneva, meter ana ewaro...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fren.uni .b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont ..... b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:3J am a Dally, b Dnllv except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturduv. Dally except Mtmduv. CHICAGO & NORTH wetern Ratlway-"The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661. Dopot, Tenth and affl wason - Htd. Telephone, Daylight Chic. PA Rnn, Leave. Arrlys. clal 7;oo am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eaatern Express, Des Molncc Murshalltown. Ceuar tinpids ana Chi cago Ai0:58am Eastern Special, Chi cago und East a 4:55 pm Fast Mull, Chicago to nll:l3 pm a 3:40 am a 1:03 pm a 4:C6 pm omana n 2;ts pm Omaha-Chicago Llmlted.a 7:45 pm a 8:00 pm Feint Mall 1 Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 nm Eastern Express b 9:00 pm a Dally, b Except Saturday. CHICAGO., ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omuna Rullway "The North western Line" General Oftlces. Nebraska Divi sion, 16th und Webster O,.. Iti . . . rr.J , . . . ... ISth and .Webster SU. , Leave. Arrive, Twin City Paseenger....a 6:00 um a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger allilO nm Sioux City & North- cast Nebraska 3:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone 322. Ui pot. Tenth und .Marc Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express , a 6:05 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. Pullneiuan'a Myaterlous Death, NEW YORK, Dec. 2.-MyBtery aurrounds tho finding today of the deud body of Policeman Patrick McGloln, which was floating In tho Kant river at the foot of Ninety-fifth, street. McOloln, who wan regulnrly detailed to duty In the House of tho Good Shepherd, nnswered S o'clock roll :all, us usual, this morning at his pollen station and then loft to go. It was believed, to the Houso of the Good Shepherd, Timothy Callahan, captain ot a canultjout, at 0:10 o'olock, discovered the body of the policeman In the water. McG'.nln hod been on tho force about twenty-live years and waa 61 year old. A. Perfect Cathartic, Not violently emptying the bawlM tr cleaning but gently stimulating, tOBtag strengthening the Intestinal walls CaicaroU Candy Cathartic, 10c, 25c, 60c lliirllfiirtni Sts. WARNINGS ARE OF NO AVAIL Packing Housa Employe. Gtifltd by Qos Despite Good Advice. CARD OF ADMONITION IS IN PLAIN VIEW Bodies of TH10 Butchers Fonnd lr Lodulnir llnuie lledrtmni with Fumes of UAh Isstilna- from an Open Jet. Ferdinand Schlll of 2503 Arbor street nnd Fiank Kroft of 2112 Elm street blew out tho gas In tholr room nt the Llttlo Gem room ing house, Fourteenth and Webster streets, Saturday night nnd when found nt 7:30 o'clock Sunday morning wero dead. The coroner has decided that no inquest will be necessary, 8chili was 22 years old nnd Kroft 25. Both were butchers employed in Cudahjr'a packing house, South Omaha. Tho young men called at tho saloon which adjoins the rooming houso at 9 o'clock Saturday night nnd Schlll. who was a brother-in-law of Chris Mnthlscn, the proprlotor, put on a white apron nnd as sisted the latter at tending bar, while Kroit amuevd hltneelf by drumming on tho piano. Then, ns rlosng-up tlmo approached, It was agreed between tho brothcrs-in-lnw that Schlll should open up the saloon for cleaning-out purposes Sunday morning. With this end In view tho young men decided to sleep In tho adjoining rooming house. This was nt 12:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Six hours later II. W. Barnaho, who oc cupied an adjoining room, delected tho cdor of gas and began an Investigation. He trncod tho fumes to room No. 1. As the door was not locked ho entered nnd found Kroft lying on the floor besldo tho bed. Schlll, fully dressed, save that his shoes were off, lay upon his back on tbo coverlid. The as Jet was turned squarely on and both 'dow nnd transom were closed. A pcdOiar circumstance observed by tho coroner, vho arrived n few minutes later, was tho f.vt that the iron berstead had been broken, Allowing ono corner of tho mattress to sin' to tho floor. As the frnc turcd comer wt Immediately under the gas Jet It is suppi.'cd It was broken by one of tho young men standing upon It whllo blowing out tho lltmo. Nailed upon tho w. II bealdo tho fixture was a dogeared card, ye'low with ago, which bora the admonition If big, black type: "Do Not Blow Out tho Ciiv" It waa further disfigured by sarcastic pencil-written com ments. A cold, cough or la grippe can ho "nipped In tho bud" with n dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of substitutes. Dillon's drug storo South Omaha; Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omnhn. ALUMNI HONOR OMAHA MAN Local Harvard Graduate Will Lend Crlumnn Forces Thin City la Favored fur Convention. The election of Jnmrs H. Mcintosh ot this city as president of tho Associated Harvard clubs In tho annual convention at Minne apolis is accepted by tho Omaha Harvard men as a notable honor. Mr. Mcintosh nnd Charlca S. Elgutter ot this city went to the Minneapolis convontton as dclcgntcs from the Omaha club, which has a membership of twenty-one. Tho Associated Harvard clubs is com posed of alt tbo clubs west ot the Alle gheny mountains, thus a largo number ot prominent cities are represented. Con ventions aro hold annually, this being the fourth. Omaha and .Milwaukee aro rival candidates tor tho next annual gathering. The selection' is left to the executive com mittee nnd announcement may not bo made for somo time. Tho convention ended with a brilliant banquet at the Weat hotel and Messrs. Elgutter and Mcintosh aro expected to arrive homo this morning. 1 James H. MclntoBh, tho ne.w president, llvos at 138 North Thirty-eighth avenue and is a well known attornoy. Tho Omaha Harvard club Is one of tho most prominent in tho country. TI10 CM 11 rue Aliiimiiie. Thcro is no work in the world of which so many copies nro printed annually as ot the Chinese almanac. It predicts tho I weather, and notes the days which are considered lucky or otherwise for com mencing any undertaking, far marrying, burying or tor applying remedies to dis eases. A lucky dny Is not necessary when Hostettcr's Stomnch Bitters in taken for constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia, bilious ness, nervousness or Insomnia. It will effect a cure when faithfully taken. 1 urna'a .lolly for nan Frnnclapo. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2. Tho Grau Opera company finished Its week's nlay here tonight and left for Denver, where the company Is to appear December 6. The irrand on era season wan the moat success ful ever known here nnd Mr. Grau goes nwny well aatlsficd. He hns come out ahead on the venture and states that If ho taken his company on a tour next year ho will surely como to 8nn Frnnclsco.' According to Mr. Grau San Francisco la tho only city In tho country, except New York, that can support grand opera, Twonty-nne per formances wero given here without a change of any kind being inndo In tho nrtcrlnnt nnnnlineement. From Tt,mv.r thn I company will go to Kansas City, Lincoln, sen. nnu iunnenpoiis, aim win open in the Metropolitan opera house In New York December 18. Htibmerirefl Cnr Renovered. EABT LIVERPOOL. O., Dec. 2. The nx preas car of tho Cleveland & Pittsburg train wrecked nt Beaver Wednesday morn ing was discovered In tho rlvor a tni!o bo low Wollsvlllo this morning. Tho cnr wan roofless, the roof having floated down tho liver, lodging Hour Steubenvllle and caus ing tho erroneous report that the cnr hail gono to tho bottom at that point. Tho wrecking car pulled the car from tho wator after a day's work. A lnrgo quantity of expressa go was rocovcred In a badly dam aged condition. The body of Messenger Casey, for which aenrch has been made at all points blow Beaver, wai not In tho car. It Is believed to have floated to a point be low Steubenvllle. Red Crass Wutch Sleet lnK. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. MIbh Clara Bar ton haa rocelved tnanj telegratna nnd let ters asking about tho twentieth century watch mentlncn, and asks tho Associated Press to mako It known that while, the movomont Is tinder her guidance niid con trol nil the details aro committed to tho New York office of the Red Cross in the St. James building, Now York City. Mnnv towns soein to be waftlntr for anr.- clal authorization to hold these motlngH, whereas nono is necessary. All that any church, !odpe. military company or school of nny lttnd needs to do is to orgnntzo lta own watch meetings. Marrlnuo Positioned. CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 2.-Mlsa AUa Rockefeller, daughter of John D. Rockefel ler, has cabled her mother from Vienna that her marriage to E. Parmolro PrentlBS, a Chicago lawyer, linn beon postponed In definitely. Mr. Prentiss is with his flanceo in Vienna. Mr. Prentiss and Miss Rocke feller were to havo been wedded on De cember 1. Miss Rockefeller li being treated for deafness nnd tho dnctnra at Vienna de sire that aim should remain abroad and continue her treatment. The wedding prob ably will take placo early next spring. rhnrireil with TnVlnir Mtank. CLEVELAND, 0 Dec. 2-Mra. Ornco Robtnion, aged 18 years, of Llbby, Mont,, was arrested hero tonight nt a leading hotel and wns charged with being n fugitive from Justice, Mrs. Robinson Is the wife of one of the officials of tho American Kootenai Mining nnd Milling company nt Llhby. Sho la chnrged In the telegram to tho police hero with having stolen $25,000 worth of the stock of that company belonging to her husband. The woman Buys tho stork ia In her nnmo on the book of the company. She offers to return to Montann. Ilitnrd of Trnile Admits New Rule, CHICAGO, Doc. 2. Tho propoted amend ment to the rule of tho Hoard of Trade, which provides for a period of ninety dnya for trading In future dcllvorlea of grain, with tho special provision thnt contractu for May delivery may be entered Into nfter th 'f r" dnv of Or"1-- oneb "n wag. adopted today by a majority of K3 votes.