Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wall Street Still Under Influence of the
Army of Optimists. '
until Selling for 1'rnfltH Does Sot
Check the MVf iiipiiI, Which
In (,'iirrlril nn with Cau
tion .Vcmt.
NBW YOHK, Dec. 2.-(Spcclal.)-Hcnry
Clows, head of the banking house of Henry
Clows & Co., writes of tho situation in Wall
Tho stock market appears to have reached
the llrst staRH of tliti prcat election ao
vance. Olnco November 7 Its activity has
boon wlinily iitiprrci-dcntMl; prices lor
many of tho netlvo Mock havu risen to
flKures about ciiual to tin- hlKlH-st touched
within tho hint two yiurs, itnd tho largo
advunco hit been made within the Bhort
twrlod of three work. ConsKlerltiB what
lion licctt uicompllnhed within mich u com
paratively Khort time, and contrasting It
with tho preceding months) of dulliu-sn and
relatively low prlccB. It Is not HurprlolnK
that durlnK tho hint tin dnyH there Hhotlld
have been n lare extent of renlUlnK.
l'rolltn wcro tempting and, althO'JKh thero
wan no abatement or the stronK bull pentl
ment, yol a connervntlvv, or timid, clans or
operate huvo thought It wlxc to realize
on at least a considerable; part or their
holdings, and tho moru no Vcuuho they
were willing to seo tho murket tested In
order to Mod out what extent or staying
power thero Is 111 It.
Viewed as an experiment, this rcaltzltiK
movement has been a success. Thosu who
wero doubtrul of tho continuance of the
boom have hud their rontldenco strength
ened. Those who had hoped to shako
prlceM and f?et In nr;iiln at lower figures
liavo found buyers promiit to accent their
largo reallzlnfc-s wltli llttlo snadlng or
vnlues. Thin buying hns not come trom
tho country merely, nor from an enthuslnu
tic crowd or small local speculators! It rep
resents, for the most part, a class able to
carry considerable lines of stock and who
urn convinced that tho market hns not yet
renchel Its highest point of ndvancc. The
realizing sales have also been taken to an
Important extent by Inventors, who from
their characteristic raullon havo rollowed
tho ndvnnco too slowly and therefore found
themselves compelled to pay unexpectedly
high prices. It would therefore bo a mis
take to BUpposo that the sellers havo un
loaded upon a set ot buyers whoso weak
ness Imperils tho markut. Home of those
who havo realized may ilnd that "short"
contracts to which they then committed
themselves will not bo so easily taken caro
of as thoy havo hoped.
AVliu ! llelilnd It f
H Is not fully realized to what nn extent
tho present market Is concerned with largo
capitals. Tho extent to which rich men
and great llunnclal Institutions had put
themselves In a. position to fuco the ruinous
results of tho election of Uryoii has not
been generally realized. Tho consequences
or HUcn an event would havo been so dlro
that capital deemed It prudent to discount
thn worst ixiHslbllltles. Instead or tho
worst, however, the best has Impelled, and
It Is tho undoing or tho damaging ante
election precautions that moro than any
thing eltm constitutes tho rorce of this
boom: but tho breadth nnd practical forco
or this factor Is not siitllclcntly appreciated
In estimating tho vitality or the boom.
Tho consciousness or escape rrom a great
national danger U not the sola Impulse of
the current movements, llesldes that nega
tive bencllt. there Is tho positive ono of
added security to tho llnances nnd tho pub
lie order or tho nation. And. beyond those
contributions to conlldence, tho country dis
covers that we are In tho midst or tho most
rcmarka olo expansion In tho history or our
Industries. It needs no exercise or tho
Imagination to seo what such a concur
rence or circumstance! means for the rutu-o
or tho United Htates. It Is not likely that
Wall street has yet done with a situation
so full or stimulus and promise. It is not
unlikely that prices, having hnd such a
largo perpendicular rise, will In ruturoshow
moro or an oscillating movement: but,
amidst such a set or conditions as now pre
vail, It seems llke'.v that values will reach
a higher range than has boon touched
within the last three weeks or advance. Wo
nro approaching tho end or the year with
out nny probability ot tho mlsror
tunes that rreouently attend that season of
settlements. The bank reserves showed a
Biirplus or JIL'.l.'iO.OOO nt the close or last
week, and thero Is nothing In sight to sug'
nest any special activity In money) foriomc
months . to cotnq. Congress opens with no
prosi)cct of disturbing questions 'arising to Tho. commercial outlook Is
suggestive of year of sound and prosperous
business The Hood of "Industrial" securi
ties that crcnted so much apprehension In
1RM seems to havo nubslded. and the now
issues aro finding their places without
detriment to legitimate investing Interests.
Indeed, taking the. country In all its Inter
ests, thero has never been a situation so
uniformly calculated to bespeak conlldence
and to assurn national prosperity.
Itelntlniis More Complex.
Wall street, however, has got to learn
that this Is becoming less nnd less an lndo.
pendent country. Tlmo has been when our
Shlef dependence wast upon borrowing Tor
lgn capital. Within a very few years this
position Is reversed, and wo aro dependent
n funds loaned to foreigners. Our Inter-
sU havo becomo Interwoven as never be
uro with thoso of Huroe. We have been
rawn Into International politics: our troops
ire marching side by sldo with those of tho
freat powers and our navy is spreading Its
hips over all tho seas. This closor political
tininlty carries with It a closer llnanclal nf
Inlty. Our relations with tho transatlantic
murses must becomo moro Intimate, nnd
w must be moro In evidence In the rorelgn
exchanges. A war In nny part or the world
has becomo moro than ever beforo a con
cern of our government and thcrernro or
our markots. In brier. Wall stre't Is now
part and parcel or tho world's system or
nerve-centers, ami thereforo must sym
pathize with a thousand matters which It
has hitherto viewed with tho eyes of a dis
interested stranger. With this broadening
or our national interests Wall street must
widen tho scop or Its dally outlook and ln
creuso the number of factors to bo reck
oned in dealing with tho affairs or tho Htock
We cannot bo unfothen In restricting our
estimate of the futuro course or Invest
ment and speculation to tho wholly domes
tic conditions and prospects nbovo rcrorred
to; wo must stand ready to mo homo In
fluences crosseil by foreign. China In
timately concerns us. It Is destined in be
of moro moment to us than to any other
government: and, with the swiftness with
which events nro moving in that empire,
JV'klu may nt any time become a disturbing
ngont acting upon New YorK. Whatever
may be s.tld as to our theoretic relations
with other countries tho United States have
been permanently dragged out from their
national Isolation and must In futuro par
tlclpato In whatever movements concern
the fnmlly of nations. At an early day tho
attention of congress will be occupied with
affairs concerning Cuba, the Philippines
nnd China, and Its discussions may quite
possibly have a slgnlllcnnce that will ma
terially affect Wall street Interests.
London .Stock Kxchniige Show In
orenxed DeiiiniuU for l.anrr
I'rlceil Securities.
LONDON, Dec. 2. Tho activity of tho
Stock exchange has not been checked by
tho settlement, tint It Is miilnlv rnnllnpil tn
American securities, which, after a decline
canv lust week unuer tno pressuro or
realizations, moro than covered tho loss
under renewed buying for continental and
Now orli accounts. Moro notion was
lUKoii, as tno week advanced, of tho lower
priced securities, llko Uric, Missouri. Kan
KtlU X- N'iivnu flll.l ln.lln.r . v. 1 1 .. ......
manent feature was the buying of Southern
ltnllroad shares, which closed from 3V4 to
4Vi points higher. Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Ke, Denver & ltlo Urunde. Louis
ville u Knsnvilio, Northern racltlo nnd
t'nioii I'auinc snares were substantially
ht.rh.r nil tlm tvnL 'Ptiu filruiA linwnva
was dull, ltaltlmnru & Ohio nro'ferred ami
Chicago, aillwaukeo & St, I'nul, with soma
others, wero U to U lower. The settle
ment disclosed that un cnurmous business
hud been done In Americans. Tho turn
over was unnrecedented. two forelirn bajika
nlono delivering Americans to the value of
jLi,nni,w lor continental account, pnn
dually Uerman.
Mlnc:i wero somewhat depressed by tho
nows from South Africa nnd quotations
woro lower yesterday. Hands fell 4 point,
Silver was 1 inn. rls ng 1-lti nt atd ner
ounce, on tho supposition of purchases by
inn j no mil government, me weea cioseu
with no chnnues In tho money situation.
the supply being nt the following
rates; L,ait money, l.;t per cum; money
ror a week, iiuvan; uirea montns ouib, a;
ill per cent. '
Mmichmtcr IIhs Unlet Week.
MANrilKSTEIt. Dec. 2. lAsi week
closed amid quiet conditions for this
month. Tho firmness of sellers acted as a
deterrent In the placing of orders. Appar
ently shippers of cloth nnd users of yarns
have supplied their wants for some time to
TinunrtH na to transactions aro contradlc
ory, but tho turn-over probably was below
lin nvuniu.v Thorn Is a verv unsettled feel.
up with record to the nrnbablo course of
? rices In cotton, although thero la ,'.-on-Iderable
bull sentiment, growing out of a
belief that the crop llgures will be small,
OB the other hand many dealers doubt the
accuracy of reports which place tho crop
distinctly below 10,000,000 bales.
in tne cioin margei a prominent reaturo
wan the Increase In demand for China,
which resulted In booking a few lines for
quarto whero practically tiothlng hnd
oeen uono inr several montns.
Thprn was no lack of orders for India.
but the limits were frequently Impractic
able, uccasionni transactions were done
with the smaller markets, notably In tho
far east, South American and Mediter
ranean porta.
Added Firmness Characterises Gen
eral Markets of Ger
many, 1JHKL1N. Dec. 2. tinder tintiRinllv ensv
money conditions the monthly Hcttlompnt
passed off. 1'rivato discount advanced tem
porary to 4U per cent, but foil back i. The
mnrkct expects easier rates.
t-rum lteicusbank oniclals it is ascer
tained that tho bonk now looks forward to
entering upon tho new year with the exist
ing rate. It also uppoars that laot week's
movement, so far as the bank Is concerned,
was highly satisfactory. Gold to tho
amount of lO.Ouo.OoO marks won imported
and further sums aro expected from Eng-
lunu noon.
The ease In money caused a rise In domes
tic government funds, us will ns nnlmnted
firmness to tho general market, iron shores
vacniateu considerably, nut tno gains ror
tho .week ranged from 1 to 9 points. Tho
market was strengthened by the prolonga
tion of tho girder and half-tlnlshed products'
svndlcato and hv thu extirefottnti nf nnln.
Ions by the heads of the coal syndicate that
tno depression in iron would bo only tem
porary. Nevertheless, iron prices continued
to fall. Tho syndicate hns reduced girders
to 120 marks a ton and steel billets to 116
On tho bourse the most sensational event
Was tllll tllpptlncr nf Ihn ulinfhnlHnr nml
creditors of tho two mortgage banks, whose
nrfalrs, as already cabled, became omoar
rn.sed recently. Their total obligations
amount to 46."i,oo0,000 marks, which, at pres
ent quotations, represent a loss of lll,UuO,OW
nun un,
.Tho eoso in money causes unusual ac
tivity In new Issues of stocks ond bonds.
Obllgntlomi or the Allege.tnelno Kloktrlci
tlaets Gesellschaft to thn ntmuinf nf 1.1 onn .
000 marks at 4A lvr cent wll! b subscribe!
on December li at WW. The Hollos Klek
JriclUietH Oesellschaft will lssuo I.UOO.tW)
in nuuri'H ai it per cent nnu i.iw.uw at ft per
cnnL Tho Kochum Cast Steol comp;iny
will Issue shares to the umotint of 4,000,000
The bourse estimates tho llnanclal needs
or tho government at .mooo.OOO marks.
Navigation companies havo done nn un
usually profitablo business this year, mostly
Increasing thulr dividends. Tho earnings or
tho North Uerman Lloyd company to Octo
ber are estimated at D.oOO.OOn marks abovo
tho figures ror 1893. The South Uerman
cement syndicate has been renewed, but
production will bo restricted 30 per cent.
Dr. von Siemens will retire nn tVcemhet.
31 from tho directorship of tho Deutsche
iiuiik, out wi.i remain on tno board or over
seers. Tho prohibition of tho importation of
canned meats caused unusually heavy Im
ports up to September 30. In anticipation of
the law becoming elTectlvo, tho total lm-
linrt tllllll ' r. A.1 1 I n n ll na nnnlno, Hflll a I .
".r ", mj.iviiio, 1U1 IIIU
corresponding period or tho previous year,
inn in liu luiui !,iuj ions rumo troni tno
uuura oiuies, as against s,'jrj in lSW.
London "Wool Market.
I,ONDON. Dec. 2 tt'OOI Thn wnnl
market durlnir tho week wn nrm nml n
rair business was donn at Improved rates.
The outlook ror ruture.i Is good. Trices on
the continent showed additional advances.
'Iho arrivals or wool ror tho next sales
amount to 112.828 bn'cs. Including !.C0O ror-
naruen uirect. 'ino imports during tho
weok were: New South Wnles, 4.C68 bains;
Australia. 2S1; New Zealand, 2,423; IJus-
duiiui, ojo; jjremen, jui; oiscwnere, 151.
Iteport of the Ilank nf Spain.
MADRID. Deo. 2 Tim mnnrl nf tUr.
Ilank of H nil ll for the week nr1,l vi.r.
day shows tho following: Gold In lmnd,- In-
ooii,vjv jii-sL-iiui; Hiiver in nauo, oe-
CreUSH. 2.'v1.(Kl nenntiui! nnlaa In
decrease, 7,7C9,6ob pesotas. Gold was quoted
Oil City Market.
.i ni "-11..1..' Mec- --Ul''-t-rellt balances.
J1.07; certltlcatcu. Jl.OOJi; shlpmcnta and
runs, not reported.
Ilovr Ther Valed the Monotony of
Many fond goodbys wero said tts tho boat'
stnamed out from tho Cloveland wharf.
rqlates tho Dotrolt Freo Press. Sweethearts
tossed farewells to sweethearts over the
murky river and mothers and fathers waved
handkerchiefs In regret.
A young man, bearing a Boiled Batchel
and a sad, melancholy expression, had
boarded tho boat and sought a secluded
corner. As tho steamer passed the break
water he mado mental observations of the
A young man at his elbow looked up in
nn appreciative way. ile, too, seemed sad
and retrospective.
"Ueautlful, isn't U7" ho obserred, blink
ing unsteadily at a bell diver's apparatus.
"Fine!" responded his new-round com
"Let a go down on tho lower deck, whero
we can get a better view," suggested the
first speaker.
On tho stairway they met another sad-
appearing young man. Some way or an
other sympathy seemed to draw the trio
together and they all Bought tho lower
They did not find the dealred scenic in
spiration. They looked at ono another In
sorrowful deapalr. The blue waves, as
thoy tumbled along the surfaco of the
lake, looked tempting.
'It's a long trip," said one, gazing des
perately over tho gunwale.
'A terrible trip undor the circum
stances," said the tocond.
"What 11 wo do?" queried the third.
"Pray for a storm and tho customary
antidotes that are provided on board Bhlp,"
said tho Drat.
Then tho trio sat alone and disconsolate
in a corner and watched the waves dancing
In the sunlight. After a while the broeze
stiffened and the water began to stir fret
A nervous man sitting opposite tno trio
reached Into his satchel and pulled out a
fat bottlo containing a rich red fluid. He
took a long pull. One of tho trio nudged
tho man noxt to him. His faco grow a
triflo palo and ho looked far out to sea.
Thn third siirang to Ilia ieet ana quicmy
approached tho man with the bottlo. In
an indescribable tone of pathos he ex
plained that ho had a sick Infant upstairs;
that ho had neglected to provide certain
necessaries and that unless ho could se
cure tho bottlo thero would be dlro dls-
irnqa aboard shin.
Ho passed up the stairway with a grave
faco and tho bottle and In a Bhort tlmo his
nnmnnnlnnfl lolnod htm.
A happy trio stepped off the boat at De
troit that evening.
It Mnrie Her Indignant.
Chicago Post: "How much to take me to
tho depot?"
"Fifty conts," answered tne caoman.
"And how much for myself and my wife?"
n.ivnnl v.flvo cents."
At this point a large and Indignant
woman broke Into tho conversation.
"Why, you insulting fullowl" she ex
claimed. "Don't you suppoao I'm worth as
much as ho Is every day In the week? Do
you think I'm a trunk or a baby to bo
bundled in for half prlco? Well, I guess
"Do you think you will go to heaven when
you die, mammal" asked -year-oia ouw
v nrirlf I am eood." sho replied.
"Then pleaso be good, mamma," said the
little follow, "for papa and I would bo awful
lonesome thero witnout you.
Ilnnest AotlllK Mail.
Chicago Post: "What are your financial
prospects? demanuea tno oiu Kviiiirinnn.
"I will not deceive you. sir," replied the
honest young man. "i mina uiey ure rcu
8on.ibly good.
"I would be glad If you wero more ex"
"Certainly. If you will accept ma as a vnn win rendllv understand that
my futuro Is assured. If vou do not your
dauchter has nromlsed to elope with me and
we feel that wo may reasonnblv expect your
forgiveness. Altogctner. i iiuuk i muy
sareiy say that tno ouiiook is quite promts
"It m n me. vnunir man." returned
the old gentleman thoughtfully, "as If you
thought you had a mortgage on my for
tune." "That's how It semes to me, too," an-
Btverea tne nonest young man.
JJ1JLMJB.M Mj'WiaTiwiaiM
South Omaha Nows . I
Consldorablo anxiety Is being expressed
by business men at the number of robberies
and holdups perpetrated lately and it Is un
derstood that tho mayor will bo asked today
to omploy a number of special police to
protect citizens until tho present epidemic
of crime Is over. Tho police forco as now
composed Is mado up of twenty-two mun,
but after deducting a day and a night
Jailer and a number ot special odlcors only
fourteen men are left for patrol duty. Of
course tho officers on special detail do
more work in ferreting out criminals than
do tho patrolmen on beats, but tho people
scorn to want moro men to walk beats just
at this tlmo and this nccounts for tho re
quest that will bo mado tor a temporary
Increase in tho pollco department.
Owing to the condition of tho funds In
this department tho extra men, It put on,
will havo to bo paid out of tho emergency
or Boino other fund, but it Is thought that
this matter can bo arranged satisfactorily.
At least six additional men to work nights
or from noon until midnight aro needed.
As Q street scorns to bo tho favorlto
stamping ground of tho holdup artists, thesa
additional men, It Is stated, can bo distrib
uted along this street for the purposo of
offering protection to the business Inter
ests of tho Third ward.
Tho Impression provallcd that when Chief
Mitchell, Alllo and tho other officers cap
tured tho throo crooks that tho gang had
been broken up and that a stop would be
put to robberies. The trio of toughs had
not been In Jail twenty-four hours, how-
evor, boforo tho pollco received a tip that
another gang was enroute here. From tho
number of tricks turned within tho last
few days It Is evident that tho gang ar
rived ns per schedule, but so far tho pollco
havo been unablo to land a slnglo one of tho
Information wai received by the pollco
ycBtcrday which leadr. them to bcllovo that
ono If not more of tho members of tho gang
now working South Omaha will bo appre
hended within tho next twclvo hours. M.
Moskowltz, tho Q Htreot merchant who was
robbed Saturday night, stated to tho police
yesterday that he thought he could Identify
ono of tho men who hold him up and n
good description was given tho olTlccrs.
Ono or two clues are being followed and
Chief Mitchell Is In hopes that ho will
bo ablo to announco tho aneEt of one or
more membera of the gang today.
Interest nn Ilondn Due.
On December 1 thero fell duo nt thn Rtatn
flBcal ngency in Now York tho sum of $7,
10(1.00 Interest on cradlner. sower nml Inter.
section bonds. When special district bonds
aro Issued tho city guarantees tho payment
ami wnon property ownors In tho various
districts fjo slow about nnvlnc th nan Ann
clal taxes tho city officials aro compelled
to borrow money with which to tako up tho
interest coupons. In this ease, as with tho
November maturities, notlilmr will lm ilnnn
toward borrowing tho monoy needed to pay
tho overdue Interest, as tho lssuo of $70,
000 landing bonds will proVldo for tho pay
With tho COmnlatlon of thn hlstnrv nf Milo
bond Issue tho documents will bo sent to
bond nttorneyB to pass tmon tha lecalltv of
the bonds. It Is expected that a reply from
tne nonu lawyers- will bo rocelvcd boforo
January 1. In case tho lssuo is not de
clared up to standard by the municipal bond
attorneys it will most likely bo necessary
w isbuo genorai indebtedness bonds to tako
tho slaco of tho district bonds declared il
legal. In Bpcaklng to a cltv olTlnlal a fmv ,inv.
ago a representative of a firm of bond
buyers who deal lartalv In Rntlth Omnlin
securities said that from a legal stand
point tno city wns in a bad way as far as
bonds went. So many of tho special dis
tricts havo been thrown out by the courts
that buyers aro naturally a llttlo backward
about investing their money in Rnmh
Omaha bonds Just now. This buyer said
that tho only thing South Omaha could
do to savo its credit would bo to lssuo
ziZB.000 in general indebtedness bonds. Tho
general indebtedness of tho city now is
J3O7.000. Thus by such an lssun th
debt of tho municipality would bo Increased
to 413Z,VUU.
Dr. Schliulr! In London.
In a loiter to Tho Ileo dated London
Novombor 17, Dr. C. M. Schlndol. who la
attending a courso of lectures at duy's
nospitai, tons or the interest Englishmen
manircsted In tho recent presldontlnl elec
tion. "Near tho closa of tho campaign."
ho says, "any nows we could nccuro through
any rcllablo sourco was Indeed appreciated.
Tno London papers printed many extracts
from American publications and wo wero
thus enabled to keep fairly well posted.
Wo received the news of McKlnloy's elec
tion nt 10 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Several of tho London papers had head
lines 'McKlnley Victorious,' lollowcd by
portraits or tho president. A great many
Englishmen appear to be admirers of our
Continuing, Dr. Schlndel writes that he
and his wlfo spent about two weeks travel-
Ing through Scotland and England beforo
Bottling down In London for a two-month
Btny. At every city visited thoy wero
treated courteously, In speaking of tho
Paris exposition the doctor says that ho
spent two weeks there. Ho does not think
tho show equal to tho World's fair. In
conclusion tho writer 'says: "We get Tho
Boo every day and aro so anxious to recolvo
nows from homo that wo read tho paper
through, advertisements nnd all."
Dr. Joliimoii nn Alleged Corruption.
In tho last lssuo of the South Omaha
Methodist Dr. J, A. Johnson, pastor ot tho
First Methodl3t church, Twenty-third and
N streets, has this to say:
"Consldorablo Interest has been created
by tho beginning of prosecution of Mayor
Kelly for bribery ond ofllclal corruption. If
nil of the threatened rumors aro mado good
some tntnrcstlng and sensational rovolations
may bo looked for. If tho mayor enforces
tho law strictly ho may expect to inako
enemies of sonio of tho 'baser sort,', but
nt tho same time ho will win tho gratitude
and respect of the many law-abiding people
Thero is a constant and Increasing demand
for a strict, fair and Impartial enforce
ment of tho law In our city. If this de
mand Is not met by tho city authorities
there will very likely bo a strong nud in
fluential movement towards n city elec
tlon in tho spring. The present admin
istration has made somo Improvement over
the past, but thero Is yet room for still
larger improvement.
Labor Temple OrKHiilintlon.
Members of tho local labor unions mean
business in regard to the erection of a
temple to bo used by the labor organizations
alone. With this end in view a permanent
commltteo was appointed a week or so ugo
nnd now this committee has organized and
Incorporated. At a meeting held In tho
office of City Prosecutor Murphy Friday
night tho details wore agreed upon. The
capital stock will be $75,000 and shares will
be sold at 1 each. It Is expected that tho
great corporations hero will assist In tho
movement by the purchaso of good-Blzed
blocks of stock. The articles provide that
when one-third of the capital stock Is paid
In a site mny bo purchased and work com
menced on the building. These are the
officers: John Salmon, president; Ed Co
penharve, secrotary; John C. Dlngman
JnrKeiiMiiu'a Siilnon Closed.
The saloon of T. Jorgenson on Twenty
fpurth street was closed tight yesterday
whllo other places whero liquor Is sold were
allowed to keep tha side or back doors
open. In order to explain to hla customers
why ho was not dispensing vlnuous liquors
Jorgenson displayed In his window two plac
ards. Ono of theso cards read: "An ex
tract from Mayor Kelly's platform 'cqualtty
for all and special privileges to none.' "
Ilolow this was a card reading: "Closed
by tho order ot tho honorablo mayor and
0. K.'d by Maher."
Validity of Ordinance Questioned.
Tho arrest ot T. O. nice, the oil merchant,
under tho provisions ot ordinanco No. 951,
which was recently pasaod by tho council,
will cause a test of tho ordinance to be
mado In tho district court. Judge King
fined Ttlco $10 for peddling oil without a
license and notlco of appeal to tho district
court was taken at once, A. L. Sutton, at
torney for nice. Is of tho opinion that tho
ordinanco is not valid and tn order to dccldo
that potnt he will endeavor to havo the
caso called at an early date.
Artificial Ice Used.
Tho entlro crop of natural Ice harvested
last winter has been exhausted and arti
ficial ice is now being used exclusively.
Ono or two of the packers have a small
upply of Ice harvested two years ago,
but this Is being used mostly for cooling
purposes. Almost all of tho artificial ico
now being delivered hero Is sent In from
Lincoln and this Journey adds to tho cost.
Mnyor Kelly's Trial Today.
Mayor Kelly returned from a wcok's hunt
ing trip yesterday and will appear boforo
Judgo Vlnsonhaler of the county court today
to answer to tho charge of official bribery.
In Bpcaklng of this matter last evening the
mayor said that ho was anxious for a speedy
hearing and expressed the opinion that he
ould readily clear himself when given an
MaRlo City Gossip.
Tho city council Is billed for a meeting
Tho counc 1 w 111 meet today as a Doora
of equalization.
Dr. W ey has returned from an cxtenaea
southern trip.
Mrs. J. J. Maher has gone to Hammonu,
Ind., to visit relatives.
Albert. Nnn returned from Chicago yes
terday, whero he spent a week attending
to business matters.
Tim beet Kiinir fnetnrv at Thlrtv-slxtll
and M streets has shut down, tho supply of
beets having been exhausted.
A mentlne of thn Good Temblors w 111 be
held Friday night at tho hall over tho
South Omaha National bank.
W. If. Overton conducted Interesting
services at tho Young Men's Christian as
sociation yesterday afternoon.
A doll show will bo held by the women of
St. Martin's church on Wednesday evening
at Twenty-fourth nnd L streets.
On Thursday ovenlnir Mnvor nnd Mrs.
Ifellv will entertain tho Homo Circle club
at their residence on Twenty-second street.
On Tuewlnv afternoon tho Ladies circle
of tho Methodist church will meet with
Mro. Georeo Chase. Twcnty-tlUrd and K
The YounisKter Is on the Klondike
Limited nnd Itnten Are HlKh.
Tho old query as to whether or not you
would llko to bo tho lecman will bo rapidly
forgotten, says tho Chicago Tribune, as soon
as song writers and ballndlsts learn about
tho train boy In Alaska. Thero Is a train
boy In Alaska. Just ono. Or rather thero
wa3 a few weeks ago, but by this tlmo he
may bo Bomowhcro In tho Mediterranean
on his prlvato yacht blowing rings from his
AO-cent cigars and swearing at his $5,000-a-
year sailing master becauso ho cannot
whlstlo up a breeze.
Think of being tho only train boy on a
railroad that brings minora with thousands
and thousands of dollars' worth of gold
out of the greatest mining camp in tho
world. Thero Is only ono railroad to Alaska
that is tho White Pass & Yukon railroad.
On that railroad thero 4a a train called the
Klondike Limited,
Tho Klondike Llmltedr 'Isn't tho sound
of that namo enough ,10 make a common
candy butcner on mo run between l'cona
and Lafayette, Ind., stick his head Into his
basket ot salted peanuts and strangle him
self to death? For ithore Is a train boy
on tho Klondike Limited. On the Klondike
Limited, that brings prospectors and miners
and adventurers weighted down with golden
nuggets back to the states and civiliza
tion, and tho girls they left behind them,
thero 1b a caudy butcher. And nil these
prospectors and miners and adventurors on
this Klondlko Limited aro bubbling over
with Joy that tho days of their exile aro
over and that soon they will be back to
their boyhood homes again. Think of turn
ing looso a candy butcher In such a crowd as
that. To quote another popular song, "It
seems llko a shamo to tako tho monoy."
Tho trnlnboy on tho Klondlko Limited,
llko his brothers on tho Kenosha local,
deals In peanuts, candy, books, papers nnd
magazines. Hut more than that, ho soils
shirts nnd collars and bright red neckties.
Ho ulso has a full line of whiskeys and
plug tobacco and cigars of the finest cab
bage Eclected leaf. Tho tralnboy does not
llko to sell cigars. Ho only gets B0 cents
npltco for thorn and thoy cost hlra 75 cents
a hundred. Ho sells the cigars to snow
he's a good fellow. He didn't originally
deal In shirts nnd habcrdashory, but he
found that tho miners returning to clvlll
ration yenrn madly for a "blled" shirt.
So after he had sold the shirt ott his back,
together with his collar and red necktlo
for $100, ho decided to carry a stock of
Fhlrts and tics.
Thero are stringent restrictions in Alaska
In regard to selling whisky and so the
trnlnboy doesn't sell It. He gives It away
and lots tho man who drinks it tip him
for his trouble In pulling the cork. If the
mun wcro to glvo him a nugget any smullor
than tha slzo ot thn cork tho tralnboy
ould haughtily refuse to let him buy any
moro cigars and would charge him at least
$5 for u two months' old nowspaper, which
ha ordinarily gives away tor only $1.50.
Then the tralnboy Bells playing cards
and tho passengers aro nlwnys wanting a
game. Ho puts up tho table, too, hands
around tho matches and, of course, a large
and substantial "kitty" Is maintained on
one side of the table for the sole support
of tho obliging tralnboy. If anybody was
to put a quarter or a silver half dollar
Into tho "kitty" the tralnboy wouldn't be
angry. Ho uses those things to pay store-
kerpers for fresh goods for his next run.
A Seattle newspaper man interviewed the
tralnboy on the last trip from Alaskn.
Quoth the tralnboy: "Am I It? Am 17
Say. ain't I a naughty boy? I know It's
wrong to tako the money, but I need It
In my business and, besides, as coon as I
get enough I'll buy the railroad and give
stmo other good, deserving boy a chance
to fasten onto a little honest money. Hut
$1 for n sack of peanuts! Say, that's a
prnltontlary offense In Illinois. But I need
tho money."
Do you want a Btonographer? Spend 25
KOHin iui a ieu - wnui an.
Simplicity of Klnic Oscar.
Tho pence of tha world may hanir unnn
tho life nf the czar, but the nravers offered
in gold-domed churches of St. Petersburg
and Moscow have not come rrom tho heart
or tho people, as have those offered ror tho
recovery or the kindly King Oscar or
Sweden, relates a rorelgn correspondent.
King Oscar, who was once examining a
clans or little girls, asked one or them:
' Can you tell mo the names of somo cf
"Oscar II. she said.
Tho king asked: "And what was one of
tho great events of his reign?"
U .. Vill,l , J ...1 ,n . 1. 1 . L. 1.1 ... 1. - .1 v. .. .
i 111 .iiivi inn, .f ilium, uiuoum, UUIBI
Into tears, and replied: "I don't know of
i nn King, Hmitin. pauru ner neaa in a
comforting way and said: "Don't cry, my
dear child. I really don't know of any my-
Tho aneedoto Is characteristic of the man
whoso personality alona has held the dual
munurcji)- luguinur.
Cold and cough cures are numerous, but
the one that leads all others In merit Is
Foley's Honey and Tar, which is la great
demaad these days, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Omhj Dillon's drug a to re, South Omaha.
Ohoioe Cattle of All Kinds Ton to Fifteen
Cents Higher for tho Weok.
No Sheep nn Sale Today to Make a
Test of the Market, bnt for the
Week the Market on l'nt
Stuff U Strong.
Ilecclbts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 1,787 4,093 3,fc6o
Official Tuesday 4,777 14.268 6.1SJ
OlTlclal Wednesday 2,010 11,760 1.M3
Official Thursday 2UJ 6.S4U 4.11W
Official Friday 674 6,737 3,670
umciai Buturaay bxi b.stjj
Week ending Nov. 24... .21,005
Week ending Nov. 17. ...20,161
V'ml .....II.... Ik.... . n e
't-i.-'v CI1UIIIK iUV. IV.,,. OidlM
.'nal a. .11.... ..... n -1 mi
uilUIIItt IUV, U.,,,lf,Ui& UV,UV
Averm... ,, !.... .,..1.1 n vni,a ftr the last
evtral days, with comparisons:
I 100. 1SW.1S93.1W7.1896.1S03.1K4
I. ..
II. .
f "HI
3 42
4 44
4 45
4 39
4 41
4 60
4 65
4 42
4 29
4 41
4 43
4 64
4 34
4 37
4 45
4 61
4 56
4 37
4 41
4 26
4 40
4 26
4 30
4 40
4 S9
4 41
t w
i U
4 61 (J
4 704
4 73ffc
4 S3;
4 73
4 82H
4 W
4 82Vi,
4 78:
4 78 I
3 44
3 33
3 35
3 3
3 45
3 45
3 39
3 39
3 45
3 44
3 46
3 46
3 45
3 41
3 39
3 42
3 42
4 76
3 38
3 41
4 85$
3 46
3 60
3 43
4 76
4 70TA
4 74'4
3 3
4 tSVl
3 40
4 6:
Indicates Sunday, Indicates holiday.
Tho nfHt'l.ll niimtinr nf rum nf stoek
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. H'r's.
C M. & St. P. llv 7
O. & St. j lty 2
juissouri l'acltlo lty 10 1 ..
Union l'uclllc system 15 3
C. & N. W. Hy 4
K, K. & M. V. It. 11 23
J Bt. 1'.. M. & O. Ry.. .. 6
II. M. It. II. H 1 39
C, H. & Q. Ry M
C R. I. & V. Ry., east.. .. 0
Illinois Central 3
Total receipts 11 ISO 3
Tho disposition of the day's recelntn wns
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num-
uer u ueau inuicaicu:
Buyers. , Cattle. IIocs. Llh'n.
Omaha Packing Co 1,00.1
O. II. Hammond Co 1,097
Bwlft and Company 1,378
Cudnhy Packing Co 2,699
Armour &. Co 2,404
Omaha I'. Co., from K. C. 202
Other buyers 12 101
Totals 214 9.0S1 101
CATTLE There wns nothlnir on naln tn.
day but a few odds and ends and con
Bequently nothing with which to mako n
teat of tho market. Tho few catt'o that
did arrive today woro mostly consigned
direct to packers.
The receipts tho past week have been tho
lightest on record for somo tlmo past, but
inai in, oi course, accounted tor ny tno
fact that neonlo usually avoid Hhfnnlnir
around a hoMduy, In view of tho light
receipts the tendency of prlcen has lieen
upward on all classes of good cattle. Corn-
iea steers ato prouaoiy jixui&c Higher man
thoy wero at tho close of last week. Choice
handy weight cattle nro tho best sellers
and command tho greatest premium. Tho
mgn lincu, oi ma. weeic was ta.oy, which
was rinld oni'Krliliiv for n. Winlrn hnnnh nf
cattle of medium weigh ""he half-fat and
common stuff is very little, if any,
uouer won it was a wees: ngo, as pacxers
never can tell how that class of cattle aro
going to kill out twd eonseauently thoy do
not want them unless they can get them at
a very low llgure.
Tho light supply of cows and heifers hns
had a tendency to ndvunce prices, tho
snmo as was tho -hum with tho steer
market. It Is safe to say that all classes,
both good and bad, aro selling 1015c higher
than they wero a week ugo. Packers
seemed to want a few cows nnd owing
to tho llcht reeelnts they linil tn n:iv fur
whnt they got.
ino feeder trndo has not been particu
larly brisk this week, but owing to the
very light supply on sule tho good kinds
Bold a llttlo strongor. Choice feeders of
good weight command very satisfactory
prices, but the light, trashy sttuft Is hard
10 move, as country ouycrs no not seem to
want that class or cattle. Stock cows and
heifers havo not been In good demand and
prices nave not picKcd up as much as on
feeder steers. Stock calves urn nlmiit rut
slow salo ns they have been of lato and
quotations aro not much uirrerent.
Tho proportion of wostom grass cattle
Included In tho receipts Is growing smaller
each week nnd very few cholcu cattle are
arriving. Ueef steors may be quoted
stronger for tho week and cows also, tho
market being probably 10lGc higher.
Feeders, If of good quality, aro nlso selling
a llttlo higher than they wero a week ugo,
tho samo.n.1 tho natlvn cattle.
HOOS There was a good liberal run of
nogs nero toaay ror a Saturday, and as
other markets were nono too tlrm prlcei
lie re wmii n iimo lowor. opening DHH
wero from W.GOfi4 65, but largely at Jl.62,
or 5S7V40 lower than yesterday. Hellers
were not exactly satisfied with tho prices
offered and hung on for u time, liopliu
packers would havo to rnlfo their hands,
but Anally sellers began to cut loose, and
everything wns sold In good season. There
was very little change In tho market from
start to finish, though there my have
been a weak snot ut ono time, whon quito
a few hogs sold at $1.00. Tho close, how
over, was good and strong.
Thero has teen a good supply of
hero all tho week, taking everything Into
consideration, though hardly as many us
arrived on tho mnrket the preceding week.
Tho demand has been In good shape, but nt
the same time tho tendency of prices wns
downward. The weok started in with tho
average cost at J4.S7& nnd kept going down
until Snturday, when the market uveruged
about or practically 25c lowor. As
will be seen from the table of average
prices, Saturday was tho low point of the
month with the exception or tho llrst three
SIIEI3P Thero were practically no shoep
on salo today with which to mako a tost
or tho murket. Tho desirable grades of
feeders nro well cleaned up. so that tho
coming week will open with the sheep pens
prnctlcnlly empty.
The receipts of cheep havo been light all
ino ween, inero iieing a decrease as com
pared with laot week amounting to 4,0.'il
head, but as compared with tho correspond
ing week of last year thero Is an Increat..
ot 9,916 hend. The demand hns been full'
equal to the supply, and while prices ara
not much different from what they wero a
week ago, the market Is strong and packers
evidently nro anxious for good stuff. Weth
ers und yearlings brought as high ns Jl.n'i,
but they sold largely around $1.00. and somo
at $1,06. There havo been very few Inmbs
coming In of late, and tho market on that
class of stuff Is strong.
Feeders aro also selling about the same
as they were a week ago If the quality Is
desirable. The demand ror good wothirs
Is equal to tho supply, nnd prices nro fully
steady. When It comes to common stuff,
however, such ns old ewes or cull Iambi,
the market Is not so good and might be
called dull and weak. Anything good, how
ever, has met with ready salo at satis
factory prices.
Quotations: Cholco feu wethers, IS.NS;?.
4.10: fair to good fed wethers. t3.63f(3.85:
choice grass wethers, t1.75fl3.90; fair to
good grass wethers, 33.fs?3.76: cholco ewes,
13.25ff3.50; fair to good ewes. 3.00.V-5:
enctee spring lamtis,; rair to g od
spring lambs, S4.65ft4.90: feeder ewes, UM'ii
3.00: feeder wethers, I3.60S3.75; feeder lambs,
$4.WH40. .
St, I.duls Live Stork.
ST. I.OUIS, Dec. l.-CATTDE-Rccelpts,
800 head. Including 400 head Texans; steady;
native shipping and export steers, J4.90fj3,ri0;
dressed beef and butcner steers, St. 6005.10;
steers under 1.000 lbs., 12.90-B4.75; stockers
and renders, $2.004.16; cows and hetrers.
J2.00-1.20; canners. tl.2502.75; bulls, ll.60J(
4.00; Texas nnd Indian steers, S3.G54,65;
cows and heifers. S2.3SU3.30.
HOGS Receipts. 5.100 head; market 6310c
lowor; pigs and lights, St. 65W4.7B; packers,
t4.75W4.85: butchors, S4.80fi4.87W.
H1IEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head;
market steady and active, natlvo muttons,
3.00TM.20; lnmbs, 4.7S?3.55; culls and bucks,
$2.7523.75; stockers, $2.00Jj2.60.
Kansas Cltv Mve Stock,
KANSAS CITY, Doc. l.-CATTI.E-Re-cetpts,
150 head; receipts this week, 40.000;
choice dressed beef, butchers' and canning
steers and good stockers and feeders sold
steady this week, medium natives bring
ing $4.60trJ,0; stockers nnd feeders. $3,0O0f
4.(0; butcher cowu and helfern, $3,00-1.80;
i 01 3 t3 3 29
4 04 3 45 3 41 3 27
4 04 2 47 3 43 3 30
4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31
3 62 3 44 3 21
4 01 3 46 S 17
4 02 3 65 S 23
4 03 3 52 3 64
4 06 3 45 3 41 3 28
4 03 3 47 3 31 3 27
4 02 8 43 3 32 3 17
3 44 3 38 3 22
3 94 3 31 3 23
3 82 3 41 3 25
3 90 3 35 3 27
3 84 3 33 3 31 3 18
3 87 3 36 3 32 3 11
3 86 3 35 3 32 3 14
3 29 3 34 3 16
8 88 3 34 3 13
3 89 3 31 3 lu
3 86 3 37 3 39
3 &' 3 44 3 27 S 21
3 82 3 46 3 27 3 21
3 77 3 3 S 3 30 S 16
3 23 3 24 3 24
3 76 3 28 3 25
3 73 3 20 3 32
3 fi8 3 19 3 3rt
3 71 3 21 3 27 3 38
3 74 3 20 3 23 3 19
canncrs, 12.604(3.00; fed westerns, $3,604
6. Aii fed Tcxans, !3.6y4,50i grass Tcxnns,
W.Kifl.'l.&O: calves, J3.6O5.60.
llOOS Itecelpts, 6.000 head, mnrket slow
at 2Hc lowor; receipts this week, 06,000,
tho Increased supply caused a depression
nf AtV, In h.I... .1,1- . 1 . I. n , , liner.
" . Ill III ILtH ln TfCI'IVi
brought today I4.87V4! mixed, 4.i5'rf4.S5;
light, tt.70il4.R3: pigs, J4..10O4.60.
head: tho light supply stimulated valued
this week and prices for all killing grades
ruled 161fC3c higher: stockers nnd feeders,
steady: Iambs, J4.7iVif5.60: muttons, I3.S0W
4 40: feeding lambs, 3.75ffl.25: feeding
wethers, W.&Oftl.oo; Blockers and feeders,
W.&OiH.OO. culls, W.006T3.60.
Cattle Nominally Stend Has Weak
to l.iMver Sheep Aetlve.
CHICAGO, Deo. l.-CATTLB-ltecelpts,
800 head; nominally steady; natives, good
!j nS-" ",ocrB' K.KftCOO; Poor to medium.
4.00o..o; selected feeders, 3. 4004.25; mixed
Blockers, 2.23tf3.50j mixed, $3.501.16; helf
ejf. -6.60, ennners, J2.00fi2.50; bulls, $2.60
ntiitif.lvV' W-S0O5.M: Texas fed steers,
S,," Blce'
tlit, 40,000 head, estimated; left over, 3.000
mi iKnn rullr..w,rak t0 60 lwer: topjtiw;
mixed and butchers, J1.5.VgM.W; good to
tfi'.SO. ' ,Ujs",-8Ttt; bulk of sales, $1.65
HH'eBP AND I.AMH8 - Itecelpts. 2,600
head; strong and active; good to choice
i!0irSi.. 'i00?4,30' ufalr '" choice0 mixed!
Sffi4l(l?.!n.w,cA,?.rn Hh.l'. 00W4.23: native
Receipts flits week: Cattle. M.200 head:
hogs, 190.600 head; sheep, 53.7W head, list
Wp;kn! 76'f hcni": hB"- :2-'' h'ad
sheep, 6I.SO0 head. '
New York Mve Stoek.
NUW vnn if rnn 1 tiKt.iti.-o .
1,189 head; no trading: reeling steady: ex.
tuiio, imau luiiio unu quarters or
eer; tomorrow, 715 head cattle and 3,733
quarters or beer, estimated.
ftuir.3-iieccipis, i.u nean; steauy;
Veall $.V(XVrYK IV)' nn nllnlKn linrn nrin.n
. AND DAMIIS-Itecelpts. 3,203
iiv-aii, niict-i muw , milium iutwt; niirt'u.
Cf3.r.O; lamliH, $5.0(H(G.0: Cannda lambs. $5.60.
HOOS-RccciptN, 2.BK8 head; fltemiy; Penn-
tfli'Mttln tilr.. l,i n crux
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Send for catalogue.
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Fire Doors.
Elevator Hydraulic and Hsnd Elerators.
Eletator rcpalrlne a specialty. Leather
Valve Cups for Elevators, Enjlnes and
Prlntlnc Pressies.
Knowledge ft
man, however studious, how- jp
The Christian Cynosure, Chicago:
"It Is difficult to Ftpeak adequately
ot this great wo'lc without seeming
to bo extravagant."
tub interior, unicago: "it was
stroke of genius to glvo a full cat
alog, for example, of the name
nvery tool and of every devlc otn- 3
ployed by the carpenter; to give us
the namo or every oue ot the vast
varieties of apple. The editors havo
forgotten nothing. It la all here,
and evorytblng whero ono can lay
nana upon it."
The Tribune, New York: "... A
comparison with the Century Dic
tionary leads to the Inference that
the Standar-' Dictionary has raide
a distinct advance In cerU.n fields.
. . . The new dictionary is rich In
terms peculiar to occultism aad
oriental religions."
The CoDgregatlooallst, Boston:
"It Is positively a splendid plnco of
work and an honor to our country."
The Western Druggist, Chicago:
"Americans have Just reasons to
(eel proud of this achievement."
Tho Christian Secretary, Hart
ford: "Wo cannot speak in too high
,a vocabulary