Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Bouricius Music House
335 Broadway
JIIMJll mi:.tio.
Davis sells gloss
"Mr. Riley,'' 6-cent clerr.
Duo Missouri tjiilt. Gilbert Uros.
Gas llxlurcH nnd kIoIicm nt nixby's
Flno A. U, C Iht Neumaycr's hotel
Wollmnti, scientific optlclnn, 409 H'd'y.
Bchmldt't) photos, new nnd Intent styles.
W. J ItostettT,, Iialdwln block.
Mooro's stock food kllln worms, fatitns.
Sec Hclimldt for cleratit holiday photos,
Drink lSudwelsor beer. U. Ilutctifclil, ant.
I.cffcrt, Jeweler, optician 2M Hroadwny.
New lino of stntuury. C. 12. Alexander
ft Co., 333 lirondwuy.
Ort your work done at tin pontitnr EokI
laundry, 711 Broii.1v.ay. 'l'hone 157.
W. C. Kslep. tindertnkrr. IS !enrl street,
Telephones: Office. 07; 33.
W. V. draff, tindprtnk'r nnd llcenred em
balmor, Ml riouth Mnln Btteet. 'l'hone M
Morcan ft Klein, uphotstcrlnn. furniture
repairing, mnttrehs making, 122 8. Main at
MnmbiTH of Council IlluffM Itebektth lodge
No. 3 will incut Wednesday utternaon sit 3
For rent, furnished rooms, renson.iblq;
ntenm heat, km, bath; references required.
728 Mynr.tcr Htrcet.
V. If. UodKu of thn Illinois Central rail
way ha been cuKed to Winona, 111., by tho
death of u relative.
Miss Arkwrlnhfs china nnd watercnlor
exhibit. 0.X Myimtcr Htrcet, for one week,
bcRlnnlnir December 1.
13. K Klrklnnd of 17R Klflernlh nvenun
hu reported the theft of n bicycle from his
residence Friday nlKlit.
Uert ICnnpp nnd MJnn Younif, both of
Honey Creek, were married In this city yes
tcrdiiy, Justice Vlen otllclntliiK.
r. K. II Campbell has Kono to Montann,
whero he ban secjred tho contract for tho
construction of u number of bridges.
Your wife will love you If you buy Sheri
dan coal. Smokeless, no clinkers, foot nor
sulphur. 1'cnlon & Foley, sole itcclltM,
A want add in The Ilea will brine re
sults. Tho same attention given to n want
aild In Council Uluffn us at the Omaha
Jewel court No. 2, Tribe of Hen Ilur, will
meet Monday evening, when all memberH
of the degree staff nro retiuestcil to bo
J. U. Sherman complained o tho polleo
luHt ovrnluir that his overcoat had been
Htolen from thn barn at J. T. Stewurt'H
Mrs. I'nntlus of TOR First avenue has nsked
the police to recover n black marten col
laretto which was Htolen from tho hall of
her resldenco Friday nli;ht.
V. H. KlmliTley of Lincoln, Neb,, will
glvo a Htcreoptleon lecturo Monday evening
at tho First Christian clnircn. nustriitltiR
tho work of tho American Sunday School
While- ltnac rastle, Lady Highlanders,
Till rrcrt Wednesday ovetdtiR nt 7 o'clock
with Mrs. J. C. Flrmlnjr. MB Fifth nvenu.
when olllcers for tho ensuing year will bo
Truo council No. M, Knights nnd Ladles
of Security, will mret In regular Besslon
Tuesday evenlii;? at lloyal Arcanum hall.
The business cession will be followed by
Ethel Cramer, Twenty-second street and
Aventio F, wns reported to tho Hoard of
Health yesterday iih suffering from scarlet
fever. Two noun of Dr. Harstow wero re
ported to bo 111 with chlckcnpox.
Mrs. Charles J. lloth of Seventh avenuo
has been palled to ilnttlo Creek, Mich., by
tho borioits Illness of her daughter, Mrs.
Kinmii llnlinnn, who went there recently to
undergo a severe surglcul operntlon.
"Tho Ilrownles" at Dohany's Saturday,
TVr,.mlifr 8: xmctuculiir. melodious chor
uses, catchy music, witty lines, beautiful
costumes; the most popular play on the
stage. Matinee, 10c, 20c, 30c; night, lue. 25c,
8jc, OOc.
The Klks' clubhouso on First avenue Is
rapidly nearlng completion. Tho lust brick
htiM been laid anil tho building Is under
roof. Tho windows are all In, bo that the
contractor can now llnlsh tho interior work
Independent of the votaries of the weather.
John M. Harden, former street super
visor, met with a serious accident in a run
away butt night. Ho was driving In a
buggy when his horso became unmanage
able and throw him out. His collarbone
wafl broken and several ribs torn Ioomc. He
was removed to his home at 1422 Avenue r.
A deer belonging to W. It. Cuppy of
Avoca, which escaped last Wednesday, Is
said to bo bending toward Council Hluffs.
It was seen Thursday in tho vicinity of
Treynor and has so far eluded tho efforts
of h number of men to capturo It. Tho
deer In Falrmount park were purchased by
the commissioners from Cuppy.
A match dropped In a barrel of paint In.
Win basement of the three-story brick
building on Ilroatlway, occupied by Swalno
& Matter, started a small blaze which called
out "the lire department yesterday morning
shortly nfter k o'clock. The tinmen wero
smothered by placing a covering over the
barrel beforo the nrrlvul of tho department.
l'rcpnra lions for repaying Ilrynnt street
aro well under way and last evening moro
than half of tho excavating und tearing up
of the old cedar blocks had been done. A
large force of men is employed and tho
work will be rushed along while the good
weather lasts. The bottom courso will bo
Council Jlluffs brick and thu top courso
Onlesburg brick or block,
Mrs. A. O. Mudge, wlfo of Dr. Mudge.
died Friday nU-ht at her home, 338 West
llroadwayi after tin illnesH of one week
with peritonitis. Her age wns 49 years. lie
sides her hiuiband (die leaves two daugh
ters, Mrs. W. I,. i:vans of Salem, Neb., and
Miss Irene, living dt home, and ono son.
U II. Mudge of Denver, Colo. Notice of
funernl will be given later.
In some unknown manner a basket of
rubblnh In the main hall of the North
Klghth str-nt schoolhouse caucht tire
C o'e'ock last evening. The liinzo was dis
covers by peoplo living In tho vicinity,
who broke In tho doors and cvxllliKUlshed
tho Unities before the arrival of the lire de
partment. Tlio only tiamnfo wus a hole
burned In tho iloor. Nono of tho school
buildings are Insured.
Charles II. llovt's revival of his most
successful comedy. T Hniss Monkey,"
will h. the attraction In this city at til"
Dolniny theater tonight. The principals of
the ci'.'iitHiny aro llrtit-el.iss artists and In
cludes. th- pretty ami nttrncllvo soubrette.
Mazlo Trumbull, who plays "Baggage.'
Charles A. Morgan Is the "Jonah" of the
iilcoe. Hoth Mt Trumbull nnd Mr. Morgan
liavo made great hits In their respective
Just Itnnglno how you would feel to be
a bride of a few hours and on the wed
din? tour be Hcparntcd from your husband,
nil the fault of the railroad otllelals full
ing to notify tho passengers that nt a
Junction part of tho train went one way nnd
part continued on Its rourfe. Tho neeldent
causes many laughable situations which
must be seen to lie appreciated. "Two
Married Women " which will be presented
nt the Dohanv theater next Monday night,
will explain tho whole nlfnlr to your entire
Harry Howard, nllns Ollmore. and Charles
Hrowimru are conllned In the city Jail,
charged with committing the recent bur
glaries at a saloon on Ilroadway conducted
by J. I'lunell. A gold watch, which was
stolen on the occasion of the last raid, was
traced to them through a pawn ticket
found In their possession when they were
nrrcsti'd In Omaha n few da8 ago. They
were turned over to the local authorities by
the Onmlia police yesterday afternoon and
brought back hero by Detectlvo Weir. It Is
understood that Drown has turned statu
Best Shoes Made
Cut from the FINEST LEATHI1H
nml m.tdo by UNION LAHOI1,
Nfgotlatfd In Eiistern Nebraska
and lowu James N Casndy, Jr.,
Vii Main St . Council Hluffs,
Save Your Pfloney
Jl 1,1111 uir
i:tU Pcurl Street, Council llluni, In,
' AVE llt'Y ONI.Y Till:
.sum; stohi;.
rormal Order of Court in His Cwe Given
Out by Olcrfc
.ludtro Mncy Order Corrections In thu
.Minute mill StoeU IteconU of tho
t'n Ion I.nnd nml Improve
ment tonipaii).
Judgo Macy's decree In tho suit of Ed
ward W. Ntiih of Omaha nKalnst tho Union
Land nnd Improvement company and otli
era, tried beforo him In tho district court
hero last October, wns received by tho clerk
of tho district court yesterday. On Novem
ber 2 Judge Macy, beforo adjourning tho
Octobor term, handed down a verbal de
cision In tho case, which was in favor of
Nah, but tho language of tho decrco showa
that tho result of tho trial was a swcepIuR
victory for Nash, and unlesa .overruled in
tho event of an appeal to tho supreme court,
rellovos him from any further litigation In
tho matter. The decree In part follows;
It Is thercforo ordered, adjudged and lo
crced that tho capital stock of the rnion
Land and Improvement company held by
plaintiff wa fully paid for at lu par or
face value at the orgunlratloti of the de
fendant company In ls92; thut plaintiff was
never tho owimr of Bald stock, but held
tho sumo as collateral secirity lor tho debt
of said company to him; thnt ho never has
been a stockholder In tho Union Lund nnd
Improvement company or i subscriber for
its stock In any amount or lu uny manner,
or llablo for any part of tho par vaSuo of
ltH stock.
It Is further ordered that each and every
clause, provision and writing In the record
and minutes of the proceedings of tlio
stockholders and directors of the Fnlon
Uind and Improvement compan, whereby
It is made to npear that the plaintiff Is
or over wan a Htcckholdcr of said comimny,
and ail entries appearing in the books of
account of said company, purporting to
show that plaintiff Is a stockholder therein
or Indebted to It In any way. bo and tho
samo tiro hereby canceled; that tho en
tries In the stock certtilcato register of the
Union Land nnd Improvement company,
purporting to show that plalntltT Is a stock
holder of sold company bo und the same
aro hereby so corrected and reformed that
said entrlea will show tho plaintiff hold
said stock as collateral security; that tho
words "Union Ijind and Improvement com
pany" written uioti tho back of four such
certificates and shares be and tho same
aro hereby canceled nnd said assignment
appearing upon the back of said certlllcnteM
is hereby corrected und reformed so that
It will read as and be an assignment of
said certltlcitos to H. W. Nash ns pledgee.
It Is further ordered that the said de
fendants bo nnd aro hereby perpetually
enjoined and restrained from prosecuting
any or either of tho threo revcnil actions
bv them restiectlvelv broucht acnlnst the
plaintiff, or taking any other or further
proceedings in snui nciion, or euner ni
them, suvo to cause tho samo to bo dis
missed. The decree also perpetually enjoins the
defendants, tho Union Land and Improve
ment company, tho First National bank of
this city and tho Interstate Commercial
company, from Instituting or pioscciitlng
any action nt law or In equity or any other
legal proceedings In thn courts of this stato
or the courts of tho United States seeking
to charge him, as a stockholder of the
Union Land and Improvement company, for
Its debts. The company is also enjoined
from instituting any proceedings at law
for tho purpose of charging Narh with a
liability as a stockholder of tho company
and from pretending, asserting or claiming
to any person or persons that ho Is or over
was a stockholder In said company, or
liable In wholo or In part for the par value
of tho stock of tho company held by him
Nash Is given Judgment for all costs of
tho suit against tho defendants.
For tho holidays Petersen & Schoenlng
aro arranging an endless display of fur
niture and house-furnlshlng goods.
Faber, Dixon, Dlagraph and other high
grade pencils, 30c n dozen, In our stationery
department. DeLong, Tho Printer.
Decorated toilet sets for S2.85 at Keller
& Hand's, 407 Ilroadway, for this week.
N. Y.
Plumbing Co., telephone 2S0.
Wanted Girl for housework. 339 Scott.
Qravel roofing. A. II. Read. S41 Broadway.
Smallpox Qnnrnnt lue.
Tho city council met as a board of health
yesterday morning to discuss with City
Physician Jennings the need of any furthor
measures to prevent tho spread of smallpox
From tho reports of Drs. Jennings and
Troynor It was evident that everything pos
sible Is being dono by tho authorities.
The mcmborB of the Union Pacific bridge
gang, with which Ara Deots was associated,
havo been vaccinated by Dr. Treynor with
tho exception of threo or four men who re
fused. Coiimey and Doets, tho two patients
nt tho city posthouse, nro doing nlcoly,
and through tho effortn of Dr. Treynor ar
now comfortably lodged and havo every
thing they need, Conmey is confined to
bed, owing to tho disease having attacked
hl3 feet.
A small framo shed has been erected at
tho corner of Sixth avenuo nnd Ninth avo
nuo ns a shelter for the special pollcemon
detailed (o watch tha hospital nnd Marr
residence at night.
Correct visiting curds, 200 for JL
Long, Tho Printer, 307 Ilroadway,
If you want to furnish your homo bo
sum and see Petersen & Schoenlng nnd got
their prices on furniture nnd household
goods of nil descriptions.
A 100-plcco English semt-porcolaln dln
nor set that sold for $!).G0 goes this week
at tti.GO at Keller & Hand's, 407 Ilroadway.
Tried .Suicide.
Lena Witt, a domeslc, lu a fit of de
spondency attempted to commit suleldo at
tho Ogden house last night by the chloro
form routo. For tho last three years sho
has been employed at various times at tho
Ogden houso, but recently secured n po
sition with a prlvalo family. Sho camo
flown town last evening to sccuro some
Our Armored Cruiser Shoe
For Boys' Wear
Filled with CHILLIS r STEEL CIU-
CIET8, which protect the bottom nnd
insure the wearer double, thu service
or any shoe tnado for boys.
Sinn of the Hear.
medicine for her mtitrcss and on icturn
Ing to the house was Informed that they
had no further need of h?r services. Shu
went to tho OGden house, whero she wns
told her room was nt her disposal. She
appeared very despondent end suspicion
was aroused by her If nvlng In a frleud tf
room a slip of paper giving her slstor'o
address In Omaha. This friend notllled tho
mnnagcr of tho hotel and ho had the door
of Mlsa Witt's room forced. She was found
Inscnslblo on tho bed with a cloth over
her fnco nnd n largo bottle of chloroform
by tho sldo of tho bed on a chair. A phy
sician wns summoned nnd the unfortunate
woman restored, after nn hour'3 work, to
You can buy n Alio rocking chair, a ladles'
writing desk, sideboard, extension tnblo
and every other hind of n piece of fur
niture nt Petersen &. Schoenlng'a nt reason
able prlroe. They niako a feature of fur
nishing homci) nnd giving satisfaction to all
A full lino of toyn and Chrtstmn goods
almost given away at Keller & Hand's, 407
Hroadwny. Open every evening till 9
o'clock. You can own anything In thU
atoro by paying 11 11 week until paid for.
Everything In rubber stamps.
The I'rinter, 207 Ilroadway.
Tho glnsn In I ho now Wickham building
will bo furnished by ftcorgo S. Davla.
Davis sells paint.
I.ocnl Society Mciits,
Mr. and Mrr. Harry Wcstcott entertained
at dinner Tuesday night.
The Misses ltnss of Willow avenuo enter
tained at cards Saturday afternoon.
K. Ilyndshaw of Chicago Is thn guest of
hla daughter, Mrs. Drayton W. Hin.hnell,
Mrs. George V. Orlswnld Is entertaining
Mlsa Anna ,M. Peterson of Ilnwtliorno, In.
Mrs Cli irles Hf no entertained nt dinner
Friday ovenlug for Mr. und Mrs. Sweat
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mayne of llluff street
entertained a family party at dinner Thurs
day night.
Mrs. H II. Olover of Ornnd Island, Neb.,
Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Cnvln, on
Park avenue.
Mr. mid .Mrs. Grnrgo llnntliorn of Fourth
nveuuc eiitertnlned nt a family dinner party
Thanksgiving night.
Miss Mny Crano of Pnrk avontio enter
tained a number of the, younger set at din
ner Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huno entertained at
dinner Wednesday night for Congressman
and Mrs, Walter I. Smith.
Mrs. J. N. Cur.udy. Jr., gave a luncheon at
tho Omaha club Wednesday for her guest.
Mrs. John Stafford of St. Louis.
Miss Agnr-s MeClcllnri of lloston. Mass., Is
the guest of her brother, Harry McClellan,
while enrouto to Denver to visit friends.
Oeoige llo'com of Memphis, Tenn,, Is tho
guivit of his sister, Mrs. John N. Iialdwln,
and mother, Mrs. llolcomb nt tho Grand
Mrs. If. H. VanHrunt has as her guest
Mrs. Conner of Dcni: on, la., wife of Congressman-elect
Conner from tho Tenth district-
Miss Maud Cavln. who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cavln of Park
aveiue, returned to Washington, D. C,
Inst Friday.
Mrs. William Shaffer, 1009 Avenue B, en
tertained Monday ntternoon from 4 to 7
o'clock In honor of the seventh birthday of
her daughter, Laura.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. listep entertalnHl nt
dinner Thursday night for Mrs. II. 11.
(Hover of Grand Island and Miss Maud
Cavln of Washington, D, C.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Worley announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Harriot
H. Worley to J. Trueman Jones, the wed
ding to Hike placo this month.
li. II. Merrlujn entcrtalnod nt dinner
Tut.-sday night at his home on Fourth,
avenuo tho olllcers and board of directors
of tho Warehouse Construction company.
Miss Klttlo White, who Is at home for
the Thanksgiving holidays, from thn State
university at Lincoln, entertained luat uven
Ing a number of tho High school class of
Tho dancing und card party given last
night by the United Commercial Travelers
at Hoyul Arcanum hall proved a most
pleasant affair. There wus u large crowd
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Douglass gavo a very
enjoyable dancing party Friday nlzht nt
their handsome homo on South Eighth
street In honor of the house party they aro
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Cnsady, Jr., gave a
seven-course dinner Thursday night lor Mr.
and Mrs. John Stafford of St. Louis. The
decorutlons wero American lleuuty roses,
ferns und red candles.
Tho Council Bin IT a Woman's club held Its
regular monthly reception yesterday nfter
noon at tho resldenco of Mrs. E. C. Smith
on First avenue. Tho members of tho lit
erary department wero the hostesses,
Miss Hcssle Spoor entertnlned nt n taffy
pulling party nt her home on Seventh nve
mio yesterday afternoon. The parlors wero
prettily decorated with carnations and cut
roses, llofreBhmenta were served.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dojglas are enter
taining a house party, their guests being
Mr. and Mrs, W. Coppock of Mason City,
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Shenkberg of Sioux
City, Miss Edith Hrady und Arthur Rule of
Cedar Kuplds.
Tho members of tho Central University
Extension club were pntnrtnlnni! Tnwiiiv
afternoon by Miss Kellmore and Mrs. Paul
son ut the homo of tho lntter on Fifth ave
nue, i ne reguiur meeting or tho club will
bo hold next Tuesday afternoon nt tho homo
of Mrs. J. M. Matthews.
Tho fair given by tho members of St.
Pauls KnlsLonnl church Thnrsilnv. ViHilm-
and Saturday wus ono of tho enjoyablo and
ru uiienueii social ovuilis OI mo weeK. It
proved most successful In every way nnd
was brought to a closo last night with u
buttlo of confetti In the Midway.
The dancing party given Tuesday night
at Odd 1'ollowM hall by Dr. and Mrs.
Donald Macrae, Jr., was tho swell functlo-i
ol tho week and socluly turned out In f
force. Tha hall was elaborately decorate!
wiui luuiiiH, lerns uiiu cm nowers in pro
fusion. Hi-freshineiits wero served lu tho
banqueting ha:i.
One of the most pleasant affairs of last
woe was the second iinnual reception, ball
and bunoiiot given Wednesday night at Odd
I-ollowH hall by tho members of Uhaduklniu
temple. Knights of Khoru.ssan. Tho affulr
was attended bv n large gathering of the
knights and their friends and dancing was
kept up until n late or, moro coricctly
spcuklng, an early hour.
Commencing Monday, the millinery store
of Sirs. A. Huster will be oprn every even
ing until after Christinas. There will ba a
great reduction in prices during tho holi
day season.
DoLong will print U right.
Commonwealth 10-cunt cigar.
Mnrrliu;c Llcrnne.
Llcotises to wed wore Usuod yesterday to
tho following persons:
Nanm nnd Hesldence. Age,
Hert Knapp, Honey Creek, In 20
Mlna Young, Honey Crook, la 17
Myron Carlllo, Underwood, In 2.1
Molllo Kimball, Weston, la 21
Huy your furniture, stoves and hard
waro nt Pntursen Schoenlng'a and you
will got the best goods at tho lowest prices.
Good envelopes, 16c per box of 100 In our
stationery department. DoLong, Tho
Printer, 307 Ilroadway.
Odd )ti-!llllnn,
RIOL'X CITY, la., Dec. 1. (Speclnl Tolo
gram.) A. T. Anderson nnd nennott An
derson, brother, separatrd In Sweden
twenty-flvo years ago. Tho former Is a
wealthy stockman nt Stanberry, Mo, By
accident ho learned that llennett, whom
he had not seen in a quarter of a century,
wns living lu Sioux City. Ho cumo hero,
determined to pcrpetr.ito a nurprlso on hlin.
Ho called at Hciinott's homo und was uot
recognized. IIo engaged his brother to
superlutcnd tho crcitlon of an alleged
building. Talking business they strolled
downtown and then attended thn theater.
I All tho whllo the Sioux city brother sus
, pectcd nothing. Tluy wandered over to
tho Missouri brother's hotel and qulto by
ncclden llennett noticed tho nnmo of A.
T. Anderson en tho register and saw
through tho Joke The scepe which fol
lowed was pathetic In Its Joy.'
Result Reached Showi Overwhelming Lead
for Republican Candidates.
Mnnr IcleRiit-N llcnr HciiorU of 1'ros
urrotin cnr und Choose Ollloom
to Snrir DiirliiK bo Un
suIuk Term.
DES MOINES, Dec. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho count of Iowa's vote wus com
pleted today and ilual Ilgurcs given. Tho
vote for becretary of stato follows: W.
11. Martin (rep.), 303,s:i; S. 11. Crano
(dom.), 209.707; S. O. Plllnbury (prohlb.),
U.110; T. (1. Wheolcr (pop,), C7S; J. M,
Krrmtr (social labor), 249; E. W. Sago
(united Chrlhtlan), 204; C. Wlrth (social
deiu.), 2.4S1. Thu plurality for McKlulcy
was 2,489 moro than for tho head of tho
stutc ticket.
Thero wero 2C0 nicmbcr3 of tho Iowa
Stato Travollug Men's association In at
tendance at tho twentieth annual meet
ing. President Wheeler made his annual
report, showing a substantial lncrcaso In
membership and general Interest In the
asrcelatlon. Tho report of Secretary Haley
showed that the number of members ad
mitted during tho year was 1,C3'J and ra
lnstatemeuts 45. Thero wero dropped for
nonpayment of dues 654, deaths reported
OS, canceled 21 and resigned l'J. Tho net
lncrcaso was 1,022 and tho present ment
hol ship Is 12.129i Tho treasurer reported
a balance of 130,239,93 ono year ago, whlcii
is now 13,724.90. Tho bcncllts paid during
tho year amounted to (74,137.65. A. I).
Cummins, attorney, reported on tho status
of various cases lu tho courts und Dr.
Hnnnwalt on tho work of tho examiner
during tho year. Tho new board of di
rectors will continue substantially tho same
policy tho coming year. Tho election of
olllcers resulted: President, William
Wheeler; vice president, O. H. Winnie;
Becretary and treasurer, F. E. Haley; di
rectors, William A. Myer, E, C. Evans,
John Vcrran, Adam Sterling nnd W. H.
School Hook Activity.
In a very short time there will bo a lively
scramble among tho representatives of tho
various school book companies for busi
ness In Iowa. Flvo years ago, when tho
law was new under which county or dis
trict uniformity may bo adopted, thlrty
tlirco of the counties of Iowa took up the
county uniformity Idea. Under this law
tho contracts wero made for a period of
flvo years. This period Is now nearly
ended nnd tho result Is that In all theso
thirty-three counties new contracts will bo
m ml 0 and tho county boards will again
havo under consideration tho adoption of
new series of books. It opens tho field for
lively work among tho publishers. Tho
startling fact Is reported in this connec
tion thnt tho school book business of tho
stato of Iowa docs not amount to over
(500,000 n year and Is not as large as tho
cigarette trado has been.
Wife Not n Ilnnkrapt,
An unusual mothod of circumventing
bankruptcy proceedings 1b to bo tried In
Plymouth county. N. II. Miller of nemsen
hns brought suit against Mrs. Nlc Mauer,
wlfo of n farmer In Plymouth county, for
tho recovery of J127 for merchandise pur
chased of plaintiff. Nlc Mauer, tho hus
band of the defendant, went through tho
banktruptcy court last spring and wbb
properly discharged as a bankrupt. Among
his creditors was tho plaintiff. Now tho
latter brings suit agatUBt Mrs. Mauor for
tho sum named on tho ground that tho
gocds purchased wore household necessities
and wero used by her and that as sho
has not been declared a bankrupt he Is en
titled to Judgment against her. She re
cently fell heir to a portion of tho estate
of her fnthcr and a Judgment for the
amount against her would bo good.
Petition for. u Sec.
One of tho most representative petitions
asking for division of a dloceso ever pre
pared and signed will be forwarded from
Dcs Moines Sunday evening to Dubuque,
thero to bo presented to Archbishop Keano
and tho bishops and tho council of tho
church nt tho meetings Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week. This petition
asks for tho division of the Davenport
dloceso of tho Catholic church and the
creation of a see with Des Moines as the
seo city and homo of a new bishop. The
movement grow out of the effort on the
part of the Sioux City members of tho
church to secure a division of the northern
dloceso which has bocn persisted In In tho
last ten years. Prominent members of the
church here havo been assured that wbon
the division comes It will lncludo both of
the dioceses In Iowa, as they aro of nearly
equal church population, nnd whon Sioux
City nets a bishop De.i Moines will also
got one. Tho report sent out from Sioux
City that an order had nlrcady been re
celved for a division of the northern dlo-
coso la untrue, as Archbishop Krane de
clares positively ho has had no communi
cation from Homo on tho subject and tho
matter Is right whero it was when Arch
bishop Hennessey died, llowover, It will
bo considered at the meeting of tho suf-
fragnn bishops and tho archbishop's coun
cil In Dubuque next wook, when tho no.v
archbishop will rccelvo reports on tho
condition of the church in tho entlro field
Tho petition which la being prepared la
Des Moines asking for tho division already
contains tho names of most of tho promt
nent bU3lucs3 and professional inon of Dcb
Moines,' tho city and county officials, ull
tho members of tho Iowa suprome court,
tho Iowa stato officers, Including tho gov
ernor, und of prominent Catholics. Thero
nro over 12,000 members of the church In
Des Molnon alone, tho largest number In
any city of Iowa. Tho delegation which
will go to Dubuque with tho petition aro
confident that Des Moines will get a bishop
somo time next year.
Iiitliectliiic Conrt Hoinm.
Judges Conrad, Holmes, Hlshop and
Prouty of tho district court of Polk county
tiavo gone 10 .Minncnpoiii to inspect a
court houso and get pointers In regard
to tho proposed r.ow court house for this'
county, which Is to bo commenced next
Tho official count of tho votes shows that
the prohibitionists did not cast u largo
enough vote to entitle them to recognition
as a political party. Under the Iowa law
a party must cost 2 per cent of the total
voto and tho prohibitionists nnd all tho
minor parttci fell below this amount.
Certificates of election worn toduy for
warded to Washington for Judge Conner
of Carroll and Judge Smith of Council
Hluffs, the niwly elected members of the
present congrccs. Congressman Dolllver's
resignation does not tako uffoct until tho
first day of tha session, so that Judgo Con
ner will not bo ahlo to tako his scat until
aftor the meeting of congtrss.
AVnoilirorkft May Come to Omnlin.
SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. L (Special Tolo
gram.) Tho Architectural Woodworks Is
considering the advisability of moving from
Sioux City to Omaha. Tho plant Is one
I of considerable site. It has been doing a
good business In Sioux City, but Omaha
I has offered Inducements which may Infill
eace It to leave this city. The company
The Finest Line of High Grade
Pianos and Organs
Also a Complete Selection of
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Accordions
Telephone 466 Council Bluffs
Where the organ stands
Do You
Buy a
Wai t to
House of 9 room, bath nnd closet, cellar,
furnace, gas, gns fixtures and stove, throo
fireplaces and mantles, hot nnd cold
water, choice location: tirlce. trt.001.
S-room house, bath, closet, laundry room.
hot and col t water nreiiinces nnu man
tles, furnace, gas nnd tl no gns fixtures,
bam, good corner lot; price, tS.CXi.
Fine resldenco containing 9 rooms, buth and
closet, city water, gns, hardwood flooM,
cellar, barn, shndo trees. Sr.20O.
13-room house, gas. b.ith. furnace, cellar,
city water, largo barn, nearly two acres
of ground; price, tO.O.
8-ronm houe, bath nnd closet, pantry,
china elocet, cellar, cistern, barn, coal
house, J3.WO. . .
Fine modern resldenco of 10 rooms, bath
and closet, hot and cold wnter. furnace,
cellar, cistern, gas and fixtures, paved
street; choice location; price, Vi.WX
8-room house, buth, closet, cellar, city
WIUl'l, 11,1111. Ill .iV.lOV, M ...,
9 or 10-rooin house, bath, closet, hot and
cold water, cellar, rurnnro, gns, nnru
wood lloors, central location, 15,5o0.
Johnston 6k Kerr
541 Broadway, Co Bluffs.
Telephone) 417.
Take No Risk
Do you know thnt tho tllf
foronco between fresh nnd
Btnle dniRs mny bo the tllf
ferenco between llfo nntl
death, when thoRp dniRs nre
compounded to Ml your doc
tor's prescription? Stnlo
dniRB have lost their virtue
nud have little or no medici
nal vnlue.
We till prescriptions with
fresh drtiRH only. You tnke
no risk when you trado nt
Dell G. Morgan's
l'llAHM ACY,
142 Hroadwny, Council Bluffs. Tel. 222.
moxuay, iiucHSinisn a.
Presenting this cunrnntced city
Two Married Women
A Comedy of Krrors full of lnush from
Rtart to llnlsh. Kpeclnl neenery. start
ling specialties, strong cast. Prominent
In the cast Is the famous minstrel,
25c, Soc, 50c und "3c.
manufactures store fixtures and fancy
woodwork of nil kinds.
Saloon Mtuntlon Involvm IIIk Krdue
tlon In ltrt emirx, iik IlHrmrn
Jluy (M'uiiiiI.o "Club."
SIOUX CITY, lu., Dec. 1. (Special.)
Tho saloon sltuntlon In Sioux City Is u
remarkablo ono at tho present time, nnd
the outcomo of tho contest which Is now
on between tho Anti-Saloon league and the
liquor dealers, with the city and county
administrations, the druggists and somo
private parties Interested on tho side, will
bo uwalted with Interest.
Tho Anti-Saloon league, whoso moving
spirits nro ministers of tho city, hnB or
dered nil saloons to comply strictly with
tho Martin law by Monday or tako tho
chances of being closed by Injunction pro
ceedlngs. The snloon men do not know
what to do. They talk of organizing
"clubs" to escape prosecution. Tho pro
prietors would bo mado "managers" of tho
clubs and thuy and tho bartenders would
bo paid salaries by tho corporation. Stock
would bo sold in shares of 25 cents and
up, and each tlmo a man got a glnss of
beor he would havo a G-cent punch taken
In his cortlflcato of stock. Ho would uot
bo buying tho bocr. IIo would be a mem
ber of a club, drinking his own beor, and
tho saloon men's attorney has advised
them that they could not bo prosecuted If
such a Bchome wero properly conducted.
Hero Is whero tho city and county ad
ministrations aro Interested. No llccnBo
money could bo collected from such pri
vate clubs. As It 13 now soventy-fivo
saloons pay JCOO earh Into tho city treas
ury each year and $300 each Into tho county
treasury. If tho Martin law bo strictly
onforced this rovenuo will bo reduced and,
It Is argued, that tho city In particular
cannot afford to lose tho money,
Tho saloon men declaro that If they aro
compelled to observe tho law strictly they
will get nfter tho druggists, who ore re
ported to bo selling Intoxicating ltquois
with Impunity.
Last week Davis put the glass In the new
Bluff City laundry.
Howell's Antl-Kawf" cures cougbi, colds.
upon the building.
ir .
Some Big Piano Bargains
We have a large and
th best makers In the country, and w are going to mak It an object for
you to com In and see tksm and got our prlca then buy. Our aim li to
kep something that will give Ihe bat of satisfaction nnd this we guaranta.
As for prices, wo will meet any competition In the country and make It a
point to allow no house to undersell ui on equal quality of goods.
In Slightly Used Pianos
We Lave Borne extraordinary bargains. Some of
theae Instruments cannot be told from new one Jut from the factory an 4
when we say that they are to go at bargains we neaa that It la a saving
to your pockets to buy them.
In our line of Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and other
musical merchandise we carry the largest aad moat complete stock along
with pianos In the city, and lnrlte yeu to aaake us a vlilt before buying.
Swanson Music Co,
Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs.
OAK STOVES Unit sold for ?7.50, now go at G. OO
OAK STOVES that sold fop $0.00, now go nt 87. 20
OAK STOVES that sold for 0.50, now go at $7.G5
OAK STOVES that sold for 11.00, now go at $0.00
RADIANT ESTATE and A I IT OAKLAND baseburners sold at
same proportion in reduced prices.
CARVING SETS from $7.00 down to Otfc
SKATES up from GGo
big reduction from former prices.
The old reliable hardware store.
P. C. DeVOL,
Telephone 87. 504 Broadwuy, Council Bluffs
Special SnlG
for Christmas
1,000 Salesman's Sample Pocket Knives at
tho lcn.ldi''s usual cost.
Bipr line $2 Razor at $1.25.
Kvcry knlfu nnd Huzor Kunrnntet'd on enlo Mondny.
wi n. u uiiRisr.MAs c.oons.
I'oco Onmrns speclnl prloM for Chrtstman,
jxoiiuitp uinnimnn s miesi kouukk as cuuup
iih from tho factory
Drownlo CnnioraH $1 W--tnke n cood pic
ture. Wo touch our customer to tnko
rmo linn Cnrvlnc KctB. 7Ro to $10.00.
Htnr Safety Ituzora, Hingis nnd lu ttetB.
Dainty i.aaic.r rcan Knives.
DAY & HESS, 30
Ilnvr for Mile n Inriic lint of Improved
v-KMitlile IuihIni iilun rrnlilmce and
ami Oninliu. SOMI! I'AtlMSi
1C0 acres lliuel Doll tup., 11 miles ne O. B.,
good buildings, tVo per ncro.
SO acres near Crescent, well Improved, $45
per ncro
f0 nciCB C mllra east, cood buildings and
fruit, JS0 v'l acre.
60-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improve-
mentr, $150 per acre.
BO-orr- fruit f-rm adjoining city, $6,000.
The nlmvr l only a mimiile of our
R per rent latei'rnt. 'IXepliuue ill-4.
IX IS TRUE Uiat lhoro is a riht Wfty of doins
ovorythlnp. If you linvo n nioturo to bo
framed you wntit to find that way and fiiivo it put up In tho Htyle thut Is most
aultablo for that particular ploture, Wu muko a constant btudy of frnralnK und
our btook of
Picture Mouldings
cannot bo equaled In tho city. Como, boo, and you will bo convinced.
C. E. Alexander & Co.
JJ3 Broadway, Council Bluffs. f
varied stock of Pianos from
If You Wish
good reliable dental work at mod
erate prices we can please you.
Our methods are the most improv
edour prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 145
H. i. Wccdtury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. 1 Grand Hotel.
Huckn Stool ItnnKcs nlccet present In the
world for wlfo or mother.
I'nvorlto Hnao HuninrH.
Onle'H Hot Uhut I (outers.
HIikN nnd Skiitus.
1W1 Columbia chalntras nnd chain nicycleH.
INK) Indlfs jrif.O HIcvrlcH for J19.W.
HpuuldliiK C'liulnlrns Illcyclos.
Illcyclo OnH I.ainni nnd Cyclomote r.
Ii. l rimltli nml Miirllti tuk'-down dun.
Doubln-biirrel ShatBuns for Jll.OQ,
Main St., Council Bluffs, la,
Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
farm, chlokru runchcn, frnlt anil
buKliim protirrty la Council IllulTa
160-ncres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles s
city, $40 pnr ncro.
600 acre stock farm near Earllng, Selby Co.,
320 acres In Silver Creek twp., $50 per acre;
well Improvd.
213 acreH flno bottom land In Hockford twp.,
$42.50 pot ac;e; well Improved.