Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Etui Estate Agent! Feel that Creditors Are
Diicritnlnated Against.
Kiehnnce Appoint Committee to
iauurnt CliniiKi'K So (lint Lender
Jlny .lot llo Kept from
Tliclr Ovrn for Year.
Presldnt W. It. Orecn of the Omnha
Itoal Kstato exchange has npppolnted John
N. Fronzer, Illchard llerlln and John v.
Uobblns a committee to propose changes
In the realty laws beforo tho legislating
The appointment was made In pursuance
of a resolution adopted nt a mcotlnR of
tho exchango earlier In tho week,
The Omaha Ileal Kstato exchange, In tak
ing tho Initiative In reforming tho Ne
braska statutes pcrtalnlnf! to realty mat
ters, sooms to havo struck a movement that
will find favor and support Htnong all
daises of business men.
"It has long heon reallied that tho legal
conditions surrounding mortgage loans and
tho relations between owners and tenants
aro particularly favorable to tho debtor
class In Nebraska," Raid Henry U. Payne
"and tho falluro of tho luws of
this state to glvo satisfactory pro
tection to Investors and money loaners has
been a nubjoct of serious consideration by
the representatives of larco financial con
cerns In tho east. Not Infrequently has
eastern money been turned away from Ne
braska Investments by reason of the exist
ing statutos, and that an orgaulzod effort to
correct the defects In the laws Is to be
niado will bo good news not only to the
capitalists of tho east, but to every man
who Is Interested In the material progress
of tho stnto.
"Prosldcnt Oreen of tho Heal Katate ex
change has selected tho members of the
committee on legislation, and the real es
tato agents and owners and tho financial
men of tho city are manifesting a lively In
terest In tho work that Ilea beforo them.
John 8. Knox, upon whoso motion the com
rolttoo was appointed, realizing tho Impor
tance of tho task to bo undertaken, Incor
porated In his motion a suggestion that ttio
threo committeemen should bo old hands
and experts lu the real estato business, and
Prosldcnt tlrcen has followed that sugges
tion In making tho appointments.
I'ntr Piny for Creditors.
"Tho Importanco of the movement to
correct the realty laws of this stato cannot
bo overestimated. I am not sufllclently
versed In the Intricacies of tho law to
suggest tho particular amendments needed,
but wo want laws that will make It Im
possible for a small minority of debtors to
retain tho possession and profits of property
for half a dozen or moro years after Its
title should havo been quieted In Its right
ful owner. Nebraska, In common with other
western states, Is u debtor state, but nine
out of every ten of our debtors arc honest
and falr-mludcd men who do not tako ad
vantage of legal technlcaltles to avoid meet
ing their obligations promptly. It Is this
ono-tcnth of the debtor class that composes
tho small minority of our citizens for whom
tho statutes governing real estato transac
tions work favorably.
"It somub to mo that It U about time for
our legislators to consider tho rights of
tho majority of tho peoplo as against allow
ing special privileges to tho minority. The
debtor Is, of course, entitled to leniency,
but It should bo tomperod with Justice.
"So long as It requires from tlx to eight
years to end an action In foioclouro In this
tatu Investors of the east who prefer to put
their money In mortgages -vlll look else
where beforo sending their good and help
ful dollars to Nebraska.
"Another defect In the present laws Is the
opportunity they offer for tho successful
reslstanco to suits In ejectment. If a ten
ant refuses to payls rent nnd has tho dis
position to fight his landlord In court ho
may under our laws remain In free posses
sion of the proporty for muny months after
ho has ceased to pay for Its use. Strnw
bonds In ejoctment suits and the many ex
emptions allowed under tho proscnt statutes
rnako tho burden of the house owner who
hay unfortunately secured a bad tenant al
most unbearable. Wo want landlord and
tenant lews that will protect tho owner as
woll as the tenant, and with such laws wo
can more easily lnduco men to put their
mouoy Into real estato for Investment."
Ilniikmpt Mny I.tnifer l.onu.
Frank L. McCoy, In speaking of the
changes in the statutes sought by tho real
estato men, said:
"Foreclosure 'proceedings under tho Ne
braska laws are necessarily slow and ex
pensive when tho debtor takes It into his
head to fight In tho. courts, Tho first delay,
which may bo unnecessary, Is tho publica
tion of notice to all parties Interested In
tho Involvod property five times, This pre
liminary consumes flvo weeks, nnd It might
without Injury to anyone's Interest bo cut
down to three weeks. Foreclosures, after
the publication of notice, go through tho
district court In reasonable tlmo, but when
an appeal it taken to the supreme court
tho accumulation of cases In that tribunal
makes It lmposslblo to reach a hearing for
perhaps flvo or U years. Then, after you
net a decision from the supremo court you
must have a sale under the mnrtgnge, nnd
from this tho debtor, If particularly pug
nacious, may tako anothor appeal. So it
is that the serious dolay In connection with
foreclosures Is caused by tho crowded
docket of the supreme court. I thluk that
tho creation by the legislature of a special
commission of eight, ten or twelve mem
bers to clear up tho work of tho supreme
rourt would give tho real estato men n
large measure of tho relief they aro suck
ing." Indian Have .Hninllnox.
WASHINGTON, Deo, 1. Indian Agent
Campbell of the La Polnto agency, In Wis
consin, has reported to Commissioner of In
dian affairs Jones thut smallpox has broken
out at Odanah among the Had ltlvcr In
dians. Ho says their condition is serious
and tho outbreak is spreading, Commis
sioner JoncH has telegraphed him authority
to quarantlno tho Indians and take any
other necrssury measures.
Vetermi I'u.tniaater Hmlgns.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 After serving as
postmaster and assistant postmaster con
tinuously for thirty-eight yours. John Ttynn
of St. George, Utah, has resigned. He H
(5 years old and only a few postmasters
havo outranked him In point of service.
A Ncio Trick
The next time you go from
hone on a visit for few days
take a bottle of Aver's Hiir
Vigor with you. When you
come back your gray hair will
have all the dark, rich color of
early life. You will look
twenty years younger. Father
and the boys won't know you,
and it makes the hiir grow, too.
If you do not obulu tit. bf unfit ton rieilr
from uis of tli Visor, will the ff
tboul II. IIS wm tan yuii ju.i iu
7i.,.,-...A llr .1.11. AVIll.lAM, 1.
President MelClnley Instruct thnt
New Civil .Service Itnnril in Phil
ippine He Helped.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. President Mc
Klnley hns Issued an exocutlve order direct
ing tho United States civil service commit
tee, to render such acslitanco as may be
practicable to tho civil service board cre
ated by tho Philippine commission to estab
lish and maintain "and honest and cftlclent
civil servlco" In tho Philippines, The com
mittor Ib Instructed to conduct civil servlco
examinations there on the request of tho
board and regulation hereafter to be ugrced
upon between tho two bodies.
Departmental .Votes.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) A postofllec has been established nt
Langdon, Clay county, la,, with Catherine
Mclntyru postmistress.
Rural frco delivery will bo established nt
the following points lu lown on December
15: Corydon, Wnyno couuty, area to be
covered, forty-eight squaro miles; popula
tion herved, 89G; carrier, H. W. Clarke.
I.amotte, Jackson county (additional sorv
Ice), area to be covered, thirty-eight square
miles; population served, CG5; Nicholas Ed
llngcr, carrier. Maquuketu, Jackson county,
area covered, fifty squaro miles; popula
tion served, l,t00; carrier, John IJarklcy.
Warrants worn signed at the treasury to
day for tho disbursement of about $13,000
to the Slcux Indlnns nt Pine Hldgu Agency,
South Dakota, lu payment for beef con
tracts, John II. Ilonler of Ogalalla, Nob., and
Karl J. Turner of Slsscton, S. D., havo been
authorized to practlco beforo tho Interior
Sirs. Daisy M. Woodward of Kansas has
been nppolntcd assistant matron at tho
Rosebud (S. D.) Indian school, nt $400 a
Authority has bocn praatcd for tho con
struction of tho Waterloo (In.) Statu bank
Into tho Waterloo National bank, with n
cnpltal of $100,000.
Audrow CJ. I.usBon was today appointed
postmaster nt Adavlllo, Plymouth county,
la., and Oluey G. Day at Ash Grove, Day
county, la.
Labor Coiiitiilliiier' lleport.
WASHINGTON, Doc, 1. Carroll D.
Wright, commissioner of labor, has com
pleted his fifteenth annual report. It Is n
compilation of wages In commercial coun
tries nnd embraces data relative to high
est, lowest and nvcrago wages paid and tho
hours of labor In ninety-two countries,
provinces and colonies, exclusive of forty
seven states and territories In this country.
This compilation is taken from authentic
olhclal sources and Is r.ot the result of or
iginal Inquiry. Tho very naturo of tho work
provonts any sumninry. It gives quotation!
for each country ns far back as any oinnlnl
statement was to bo found and down to tho
present year. Quotations aro for 4,449 occu
pations nnd sub-dlvlelons of occupations.
The facts aro taken from noarly 1,500 offi
cial retorts and they cover 900,000 different
Cnnndlnn-BiiKlLli Trade.
WASHINGTON. Doc 1. Commercial
Agent Felix Johiuon of Stabrldge, Quebec,
has furnished tho State department with
official statistics concerning Canada's trndo
with Great Ilrltnln during tho past year.
A material Increaso In the oxport of wheat,
oats, bacon, cheese, fish and sawed wood
to the mother country Is noted, together
with a considerable falling off In tho
amount of Hour and butter sent over to
England. British exports to Canada havo
enjoyod material Increases In tho matter of
cotton and pleco goods, woolen tlesucs, tin
plates, salt, pig iron and many other arti
cles, while thero has been u considerable
docreaso In tho export of railroad Iron,
Population of Indian Territory.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Tho population of
tho Indian Territory, as nfnclnlly announced
today, is 391,960, against 180,182 In 1890
This Is an Increase slnco 1R90 of 211,778, or
117.5 per cent. The population by uatlous
and reservations follows:
Cherokee Nation .....101,751
Chickasaw Nation 139,1:60
Choctaw Nation
.... 69 m
urecK Nation
Kemlnolo Nation
Modoo Reservation
Ottawa. Reservation
Poorla ltenervatlan
Ouapaw Reservation
Seneca Reservation
tfliawnen Reservation
Wyondotto Reservation
.. 40.074
.. 3,76
.. 2,203
.. 1,18)
.. 970
.. 207
.. 1,213
Admiral MeXnlr' I'linfrnl,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Tho funeral of
Rear Admiral McNalr, ranking rear ad
miral of tho nay, was held at St. John's
episcopal church hero today. Tho services
were attended by all of Admiral McNalr's
old nssorlntos now In Washington, Includ
ing Secretury Long, Admlrnl Dewoy, Hear
Admirals Hichborn, O'Neill, Crownlnshlold,
Rodgcrs anil Hlgglnson and Commander
Remey. Tho servlco was conducted by the
Rov. Alexander McKay-Smith, rector of St.
John's, assisted by tho Rev. Walden Meyer
of Christ church, navy yard. The burial
was at Arlington.
Armor Pinto Contract Completed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Tho contract
with tho Hothlchem Steel company of Penn
sylvania for nrmor plate for naval vessels
was signed at tho Navy department today,
thus concluding tho armor plnte contract la
its entirety, as tho contract with tho Car
negie, company was signed yesterday. The
Hethlohem company'n contract was exactly
similar to thnt of Carnegie, viz: 18,692 tons
of nrmor for $8,188,370.50.
Ilou.e IleiniternlM to Cnneii..
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. A ceu-us of dem
ocrats of tho hnuso has been cal'ed for next
Monday afternoon. Tho proposed bill for
reorganization or tho army will bo tho sub
ject of consideration. It Is understood that
many democrats favor tho Idea of offering,
as a substitute for tho nrmy reorganization
bill, n measuro extending for two or throo
years the presont temporary army arrange
ment. Admiral Hnmimnn'a Action.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. In tho action
"In prize," Instituted by Admiral W. T.
Sampson against the Spanish vessel of
war Infanta Maria Teresa, Justice Ilagner,
piesldlng In the district branch of tho su
preme court of the District of Columbia,
has ovorruled a motion to strlko out tho
arcwer Died by the United States In the
Prenldent lint ertnlna.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 1. Tho president
entertained nt dinner tonight Secretary
Lour and Senators Fjya, Aldrlch, Klklns,
Plott of Connecticut, Allison and Hnnna.
The affair was quite Informal and social,
hut In view of the appiouchlng session of
congress It permitted a general discussion
of tho legislative outlook.
.Mnnley May Hucreed "Wllnon.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.--U Is stated cn
excellent authority that Hon. Joseph H.
Mnnley of Maine hns been requested by tho
president to accept the commlsslonersMp
of Internal rovenuo made vncant by tho
d-ath of George W. Wilson. Mr Manley haa
not yet Indicated what his decision will bn
Inxtiectlnir Iliii'kn,
WASHINGTON. Doc. 1 Rear Admiral
Kndlcntt, chlof of tho bureau of yards and
docks, has gono to Charleston and Port
Royal, 8. C, Admiral Endlcott's tour will
bo In the line of a brief Inspection tour of
these two points, Involved In the question
of the removal of tho Port Royal dock.
Stewart Hum Into Itepuhl lean Cniieim,
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.--Senator Stewart
of Nevada has had his name placed on tho
republican caucus list, He has been n sil
ver party man for tho last eight years.
As a reward
hoa given mo
My Electric llelt Is an 'nrtlclo of
merit and hna cured 20,000 weak men
nnd women. It Is expensive to man
ufacture nnd tho prices asked aro ho
low thoy will not stand the wholesale
reductions offered by other concerns,
if you are cured by my Klcctrlc licit
you must pay for it; If It falls to cure
you I refund you every cent you paid
for It and nlve you a legal written
Guarantee thnt I will do so. You deal
honestly with mo and I will with you.
No other concern ever mnde audi an
9 ' V 1
I 1 I
i A
Oitizom Begin to Euy Auditorium Stock
Without Solicitation.
Snhcrliitloim Norr lteneh Point
Where Conservative CnptulUtx
Look Upon the Enterprise
ai t.ooil In ventineut.
Ueforo anothor week passes Into history
the Auditorium committee has a reasonable
expectation of passing tho 100,000 point,
llurlns tho week" Just ended the subscrip
tions have amounted to n trifle moro than
$10,000 nnd tho members of the commtttco
feel confident of beln(t able to secure an
equal amount next wck. Citizens are be
coming Imbued with tho proper spit it, as
Is shown by tho fact that several subscrip
tions wcro brought into headquartcrn last
week without solicitation. Tho list of new
oubscrlbers follows:
$2,0,. Omnhn Urcwlnx association, Mots
llros. llrewlnff company, Krug Hrewln
ti iwi fi. riti.,i tixti
$300 Omaha Casket' company, Hugh
$2.V Johnson Bros. Transfer company,
National Hiscult company, tho Uyron Heed
tlOO Stephens !c Smith, Omaha Wood
Working company, Mrs. I.. Ollphunt Dodge,
Cartan & Jeffrey, Charles it. Ho.unders,
Omaha I.ltliotto Stone company, .1. It. Van
cio.Htcr, v. uyuaai. lyers-uiuou utug com
pany, QiMjrKo F. Onienlir.
IG0 I'ccau & Moctte. P. II. Phllbln. Yet
ter Wall Paper company, Quetave Andrecn,
K. V. Uttlloy. Floyii J. camphoii.
JiV-DavId C. I'atterson, S. M. Sadler, J,
C. Tyrrell.
$20 George W. Cralfr, J. IJ. Conto, John V.
J1r J V. nunsell.
$10 Albert Bessomann, Itobert Purvis, II,
f. Cunningham, Albert Ilalloy, Andrew
Hutton, ('. J. Westenlnhl. Charles I.. Hart,
i.'. it. uaicomiic, ii n. .'Miiuciiuoir. uuo u
fiebwerin. J. a. Shenherd. A. 11. Edwanls
H, P Dolman, H. V. Stewart, tleorne
Cathro. Antonio Hcaizo.
$5 ThomaH Collopy, Herman Vetten, I,.
N. Yates. William lluttton. William a. An
derson. William Coburn, Hnrvov W. Ma
jors, Michael, Edward Slorrls, J. H,
llummol, James O. Bnowden, H. It. C.rxer,
Kate PnweH Moorefl, Emma A. Moores.
$1 P. M. Hack.
Previously reported, S85.B15.
Total. $.'i.E79.
I. eo WoodH of Indianapolis Is at the Mil
lard. Amos P, Orovo of ChicaBo Is at the Her
O. W. Stancllff of Grand Island Is at the
J. O, Lowe and wife of Kearney aro In
the city.
Lillian 11, Lindsay of Seattle, Wash., Is
In the city.
II. II. Woodman of St. Paul Is a patron
of tho Mlllnrd.
J. P.. Murray of Arapnhos Is quartered
at tho IleiiHhaw.
Georgo V. Conornn of York Is registered
at tho Ilenshnw.
W. L. Minor of Nelson, Neb., Is a patron
of tho Merchants.
V. W. Tlarber of Hastings Is putting up
nt the Merchants.
W. J. Miller nnd wife of Hastings are
giietH of tho Mlllnrd.
John W. Allen of Kansas City Is reg
istered at tho Millard.
W. M. Weaver of Fairfield, Neb., Is
quartered at the Merchants.
C. C. Herman and F. W. Flato, Jr., cf
Kansas City are In Omaha.
M. L. nolan and wife of Grand Island
arc guests of the Merchants.
H. W. Lnmb and L. E. Muthm of Knnsas
City aro patrons of tha.ller Grand.
J II. Woolloy. an attorney of Grand
Island, Is stopping at the Merchants.
B. W. Wright nnd W. H. Graves of
Detroit aro transacting business lu tho city.
m . r, .... A T IMml.Inn riml CI
U. Souter of Lincoln wero at tho Murray
It Is understood that Mlis Lorena John
ion, who Is attending school nt Porn, will
Pltlon as teacher In the ,.ub!lc schorls.
NebniskntiH at tho Merchants: W. E. Col
vln and famllv of Pawlet. Mr. and Mm. II.
A 1 1 nit of Elkhorn, A. R. T. Ansolmo of
Humphrey. D. M. Owen of Norfolk. II. C.
V 1 Markn of Ord. W r. Alexander of Mc
Cook and L. V. Hnnkelt of Wakelleld.
The Womnn's Veterans' Monument ns
..,!. ir, hntil u mentlnu In the omen
of the custodlun of tho city hall at 8 o'clock
Mamlny evenins.
. nnn.ainn. imine bullillnir nt Ills Cum-
lug street, occupied by Jens Hanson m tnl or
shop. bst iV worth of siding nnd shingles
by fire Into yesterday afternoon. Careless
hot ashen was the cause.
llev 11. It, Cannon, known to many
Omaha people, died Wednesday at his hi'ma
funerul hold Friday at tho home of the
deceast 1 nil Interment will be made at
y.unesvllii, O.
Mrs, Frances Dulany, a deaf muto living
at Forty-bocoiul und Grant streets, oc-
called at tho police Btatlon yesterday to file
U COmiJIUIlit IlKI"!'''1 ,,WMln ............
l)onovut uoy.i oi -.' wiii i jkiij, ikiiii. -4113
Orant street. IJttlo Velva Dulanv. 10
years old, onyB the boys persecute her lie
causo her purenls are both deaf mutes.
They waylay her on her way tn school, sho
alleges, und scratch her face and beat her.
Thousands upon thousands of men and women who are weak, nervous, debilitated wrecks, and who lind
their energy, ambition and all bodily strength forsaking them, and whose very lives are a burden, are iu this con
dition only been use they neglect the means of a cure. Electricity will cure these weaknesses of men and women
in every case if it is properly applied, and I have discovered the only true and correct method of applying elec
tricity for the various weaknesses of humanity.
The United States Governmsnt
for my study, research wul discovery,
tho exclualvo use of my method of ap
plying iieciricuyj mcrenire, w neu unin? umiui uilv
havo appliances Just llko ml no or when they say
their so-cftllixl electric beltH have tho features of
mine, you can set them down n-s frauds from tho
Dr. Bemiett's
Electric Belt
Has iioft, silken, chamois-covered spongo, electrodes
that do away with that frWhtful burning and blister
ing caused by all other malted of belts, which havo
bare motul electrodes, upi n which verdlgrlH will accu
mulate. Vcrdlnrls Is a deadly poison. My ICIoctrlo
Hell can bo renewed when burned out for only 73c;
no other bolt run bo renewed for nny price nnd when
burned out Is worthless. lr you arc nolntr to buy nn
Electric Ilelt tor your weaknesses, the non-burning
and renewing features of my Kloctrlo licit should up
pcul to your better Judgment.
cal or electrical treatment. This kuiu--anteo
Is based upon tho fact that my
Kleetrle Hell cures ninety-five per cent
of tho cases I accept for treatment, I
can refund the money in live per cent
of tho rases I treat nnd still mnko a
living, and a living profit Is ull I want,
if yon havo neuleited your caso so
lonit thnt deuth only will relieve you
1 will not accept your case. If you can
bo cured I will accept thu caso and re
fund the fee paid me If I fall, This. I
think, Is fair. As to my fluunclnl
standing ntid Integrity you ran easily
ascertain or write ami 1 will send rcf
ences. De Christinas Time Am Ccming
An' you kin bet yore Hveot life I'bu
Kwlnc for fift n jroiit blk Btockln', as I
oxiKict It rliock full, cnuoe dene nre
prosporouB times an' dcro'H no excuse
fur tno not Rlttln' n plenty espeolnll.v
when uiy boss Is ft'lllu' good pocket
knives from 10c to $-1 enrvin' sets from
?1 mi elmlln' dlalieH from $2 up 11 vt
o'clock tena from $'-.r.O up fancy coffee
nnd teapots from 5J8c up nn ef dcre'H n
persun In dls town dut lmsn't bot u
stove dls year nn' needs one, you bettor
eee dat boxs o mine cnuso bo sells n
Rood Knvorlte bnue burner fur ?1i.80 nn'
n good cook stove fur 911.00.
A. C, Raytiier
1514 Farnarn St.
Do You Feel Liko Candy
Today? Do you want some delicious
confectionery? You can got ns fine, as
Is made from us nnd It will not cost you
ns much ns poor candy would. The
wny our candy Is done up does much to
sell It to those who nre guided try ap
pearance. Our boxes nro ns tnstcful ns
such things enn hebut we want our
confectionery Judged upon Its merits.
s n
tnste Is all the test
nnd you llnd our candy even more Umn
we claim for It.
W. S. Balduff,
1020 Fuvuam Su
An incident
?,,rSf.,n(', 1 !lrtVB ,been recommended
niU?!1, cI,lr' looked his wulehes over,
picked out one and handed It to the koii
tlemun. ' How much?" Price was quoted
assured lm has a GtiOD WATCH at a fair I
,,u iui iiu ii.u kiuii couiuer wnttn
not M per cent below rost but GOOD
valuu for his money. This Ib Ooploy's
method of dolne busineBS and it Is jucctss
ful. Are you ono of his customers? If
not, why not?
AVnrc of Gold nnd Silver.
215 S. 16th St., Paxton Bloc!J
City Prosecutor Thomns refused to file a
complaint for her. explaining that she
wou'.d havo to sottlo her dllllcultv out of
In anticipation of a larBo nttendanco at
the Elks' memorial service ut the Orpheum
theater this mornlne nt 10'30 o'clock the
doors will be open at 10. Tho program will
be notable lu Its oratorical, musical, olec
trlcnl nnd decorative features.
Fifteen essavs have been entered In
competition for the gold medal offered by
tho DauKhters of tho American Involution
for tho beat essay on "RellRlon of tho
Colonies IJcforo the Revolution." The
contest wan open only to Eighth gradu
pupils In thu public schools.
A complaint ban linen tiled In notice court
ufTiiliiHt unicer Michael J. Sullivan, charg
ing him with disturbing tho peuce by using
loud, obsreno nnd abusive langunue. Tho
complalnnnt Is Airs. Unrbara Fisher, a
widow, living at L'113 Larimer nvoniio, next
door to Sullivan She vnya ho ties IiIh cow
lu her front yard, and, when phn protests,
raises a uisiurnunce ny ciiiiiiik utr n.imes.
M. Mnuk. n farmer Irom Carson. la., blow
out the t;as In his room at the Htato hotel,
near Fourteenth and Douglas, about 2
yostcrday morning, and when found two
hours biter was unconsrlout. The nlzht
clerk, H. Feltmnn, fortunately detected
tho smell ot gas In the hall anil traced It to
Its Hourro. Police Surgeon Ames was called
and two hours later Mauck was out of
!'rleit Conclude Their I.nliors,
The iwo weeks' nil"ilon by tho l'naslon-
1st Fathers. Anireln n nd Hllorv nt Bt. Peter'
church, Twenty-eighth und Leavenworth,
will close tonight with tho usuul ImpreSHlvo
ceremonleB, After thu Hcrraim by 1'ather
Angclo thero will be tho renewal of the
baptismal vows, followed by papal benedic
tion. An this Is tho close ot the mlstlon
for tho men the body of the mutch wll' tut
reservid for them, Tho services will begin
promptly at 7 3') p. m.
Meet I nur of Trnvellni; .Men.
Thn Omaha MeKinley nnd Roosevelt
Trnvellnc Men's club met at tho Her Grand
hotel rJaturuny nigni io ciosu up uio uum
ness of tho campaign. Treasurer J, F.
llccxmuu mauo a report winvn uu-
fni?i ?-v.Lm, RK9 a tsonUeman stepped into
ii?J i,S Jewelry (-tore, 216 8. 10th St..
Paxton mock, ami nild: "Mr. Uop Hy. i
want a wu eh-ono that will keep timo-
I know lloth ni? nhnnt wnt,.l,o u1,..".
This UOth dnr of November, .1. II.
11)011, (lie maiiilKer of tlie Dr. llennett
Klectriu llelt t'oinpnny linn person
ally uppeiired before me, mid upon
oath mi)n that the Dr. llennett Ulee
trie llelt Company ntvrnN Keeps mi
deposit In the fnllnvrliiK nil mod nn
tlnnnl linnhn snlllelent money to
miihe uood nny Kiuirnnteo the cum
pnn.v mil)' lilve itn patients!
Denser .Niillonnl llnnk of Denver,
New niiKlnnd National llnnk of
KiitisiiN City, Mo,
Merchant National llnnk of Oniiilia,
Diamond National llnnk of I'ltts
bnrir, I'n,
Third Nntlonal llnnk of St. Louts,
State if Colorado, County of Arnpo
hoe hn.
Subscribed and nviorii to before me
thl Utlth day of November, IllOO.
Notary Public.
My coinmlnvlon explren Nov. 11101,
I ST A ft D
Dr. Bennett's
Electrical Suspensory
Vor tho euro of tho weaknesses of
men Is Just as great an Invention as
my Klcctric licit, and In sent FItUK to
enrh nmlu pntlent,
Knowliif; beyond tho possibility of a
doubt that my Electric llelt will euro
Imiiotency, Lost Manhood, Varlcocelo
nnd all Hexuul Weaknesses In cither
sex, restores Shrunken nnd I'ndnvel
oped Ornnns nnd Vitality, euro Kidney,
Liver nnd Bladder Troubles, Chronlo
If your glasses
are skewed or pinch you come'
Id and w will tdjuat thn, bo
charge for such plentantrlts an
thit nor for examining th fy t
Our charts are for furnlshlnf
tho propu tyo helr but th
chartre 13 Just right You wlU
tay M much.
Leuillnir Selentllo Oytlclnna,
1408 Fnrnnin. OMAHA.
ceptcd. The elub endorsed J. L. Houston
for state oil Inspector und pledged him Its
support, paused a voto of thanks to Itomo
Mlllor for courtesies extended during the
campaign and adjourned subject to tho call
of tho rhnlr.
INBTIIUMHNTS filed for record Saturday,
December 1, 1M0:
AVnrrnnty Ileeds,
Commonwealth Heal Kstato company
to Chicago At Northwestern Hallway
comiMinv, l.? acres In set, 32.jj.1a.. i,C07
Harms to Fremont, Klkhorn Missouri
Valley Hallway company, 2,(rj ucrea
Mouth Omnha Land company to Chi
cago & Northwestern Railway rum
pany, lot 5. block 201; lots 7 and 8,
block 2171 lots .1 to 'J, bloel; 2H, block
21!) and other property In Suuth
Omuha 10.023
S. i". Hennett nnd hjsbund to Annlo
Lundberg, n'i lot 2, block 20, V.
Hmlth's add ix)0
Herman Kountzu und wlfo to (1. II.
and Ida J. Harr, o',i loll, block 15,
Khlnn's add 1,200
M. J. Murphy anil wife to H. L. .Mend,
0 20 feet lot 12, block 4S, South
Omaha 00
James II. Ilr.idy nnd wife to H. L.
Mend, w .'10 feat of e CI feet lot 12,
block 4S, Houth Omaha rj0
H. L. Mead and vlfo to V. .1. liron
son, lot 12, block 4K, Snith Onvhu.. 1.00Q
Ilattln Jucki'on and husband to w. j,
Hronson, lot 3, block 7. Plaliivltnv. . . . l.fflO
John Flda and wtfo to 11, Jetter. lot
12, block e.", South Onmhn , 2,600
(toll t'lulni lleedN.
Ira Cook and wife to Union Pnclflo
Railway company, lot S, block HI; lot
a, block 05, Omaha 600
O. W, Plckurd et a! to Parkwny ftinl
Instate company, 11H wli se',i 25-lfi-12
Mary Ilowor nnd husband to Mnrla
Markvlcka. a'-i lot 27, block U,
Knuuize'a 3d add 1
Anna Forst et al to sarno, samo 4
Total amount of transfers j.;2?,ait
For the Enlighten
ment of My Patients
I here i;vo you nn Idea of "Frfo (T) Trials" nnd "Pay
'hen You Aro Cured," ns advertised so extensively
1ffr 111 nl Mentis thnt you may (to
... to the iirnro of tho com-
pi i ndyertlMng ' Tree ,7) Trial,'' and If they huvo nn
VIS.llll. Kill IJ1 l
PPllinc to sell you
yoj n. "Free, (')
i rim or u in Uietr
a schema to have you wrlto or cull,
.iu.iv .... vft'imt .unit iu reu you.
" i " wain vour name. Tiioy win aim
you to put about Sio In tho bank ns security that you
will pay when cured, lr you nro mil cured and de
mand your money, you will he informed that you
havo not worn tho appliance on eno iuli. in thli
wny your money can bo tied up Indefinitely nnd you
will Kindly Rive up half of It to obtain n t dense. A
soon as you wrlto nnd want to "Pay when Cured,"
you will Immediately bo Informed thnt If you will not
put the money in the bunk, but will pay ciish, you
may have thu nrtlclo fur half price,
Constipation, Dyspepsia, all Kemnlo
ComplulnlH, etc., I absolutely Kiiarun
ten tho cure In each easts. I hope to
obtain you ns ono of my patients; you
will not bo experimented with you will
bo cured or Vour money refunded.
lou may think I exaKgerate and say
my Klertrlo Helt will do too much,
but tho truth Is, 1 cannot say too much
about It, for 1 worked the best part of
my llfo to perfect nn uppllancc to tip
ply l.lectrlclty to the human system
so oh to make cures and not Incon
venience you, and I succeeded. I wns
dlssntlRlled with tho ordinary methods
of npplylng Electricity an tauKht In
colleges mid elaborated lu medical
Koonis IS to 21 IJoualns
UOClirO find lOtll
How's This?
A $3.10 plnno for $197 on ensy pny-meiits-$5.00
per month. We nre going
to offer you this week u number of our
line $3f0 pianos for the nbovo men
tioned figure. Wo have to make room
for the Christmas stock hence the
sacrlllce. Cull early on Monday before
they nre -"Id. This offer is open for ti
few days only. We guarantee them for
ten years and Include n stool, scarf nnd
Instruction book. Our self-phiylng
piano attachment, tho Apollo, Is the
only successful nttuchmont on the mar
ket. A. HOSPE,
Uittlo ib Art 1513 OflitTifc
A Now Special-
Drex L. Shooman's woman's special
selected for the style, durability nnd
price a popninr shoe made of light
weight calfskin or the genuine vlci kid
for $3JiO In two heels common sense
and new military with hoary extension
soles that make them an Ideal street
shoe thnt can be wom without rubbers
Knunlly as good for service as our men's
?3.r0 specials that have reached such nn
enormous sale No one can describe lu
words the value In this shoe to see Is
to buy to buy Is to he sntlsfled Wear
ing nlone will show you the cxtrnordl
mirr value In this, our womnn's $3.50
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Nevr Cntnloirv rendr fcent tree lor
the uaUliiB,
OmnhR'a IJp-to-dHI Shoe llnnaa,
1410 FAHMAM STHKiyr,
Our Bicycle Man Say-
When sick you call the doctor, nud
I tins is wise, as any delay may provo
j fatal when your stove Is out of order
i and docs not heat nnd does not bake,
you should consult us any delay might
, prove fatal to your stove, when other
j wise It easily could bo repulred-wo
j havo tho right medicine In the shape of
all kinds of repairs for cooking stoves,
j heating stoves, ranges, furnaces and
i gasoline stoves. Iiemeinbcr our head-
quarters Is the stove hospital.
Telephone 000.
11207 Douglas St
Sisk 0Qg;s
Aro unnecessary evils, They enn all bo
cured, and It Ih tho duty of everybody keep
ing dogs to spo that they aro frco from
disease beforo cold weather sets In.
BOo Clnytoii'x IHntf niperliie , . ,, 4 do
r.lln ( lu) Ioii'h .11 ii ii uc Cure; mm
-,"e CIiuIoii'h (Vrlliie tor DeiiN,, l!(lo
fiOe Cluyton'M Vermifuge ...... 40o
r.Oe C-iiton'H Tonle I'IIIh 40o
r.lle Ctnylon'N I,nntlve 1MIU Klu
iille ClHtmi'n .Soiij).,,, ,, Ifi
Itlli n.irt DniiKlii St.
Ouen ll Mulit,
00 CO rj rw,jr CD t;(S 3Qt
; 5
II e
! 1 i
they will rIvo
olliro. It is just
thnt they may
fllmttlv miothrr
udIiahia tit tttitrt
works, ns experiment demonstrated
such methods a failure. This spurred
me on to llnd the truo wuy. nnd I
found tho truo wny, ns you will know
should you need treatment and beirln
with my llelt.
If ion hare nn old ntylr Ilrlt
thnt tin run nnd lillatcr, or gives
no current, or In harned ont nnd
cannot he renewed, mil It to me
n linlf payment for one of mine,
I have written a book. "The Flndlnir
of the luuntaln of Eternal Youth'
irJA, frr.c,', Postpaid, for the asiilnir.
which will tell you all about It Call
or write today. Sold only by
Omaha, Neb,
These two stocks wo aro sollliur at
prlco.i that you will never fiRiiln bo
ablo to dupllcute. Just think of buy
A his line of other kooi! wheels from J
tliiso two siockb for 518, J20 ami J23.
You ran save at least 110.00 by buying
a wheel now A bin line of aerond
bond wheels for KM, IS 00 and $10.00.
Omaha Efcycle Co.
Ccr, lEIh tin! Chicago,