20 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, TngCEarniSR 2, 1000. MOTHER OFFERS A THEORY SIL'Klna ilrlilrcriioin llrllrvril to lie J.)liiK AVmihhIi'iI nt Sonic t'nriti lloiine .Nt-nr Omnlin. Chief Donahue liaii received a letter from Mrs. M. M. lllrum, Victor, Colo., toother of Hay Blrum, tho mleslof; bride room, In which she cxprecses tho belief that her eon Is lying mounded nt some farm house nar Omaha and bcKi the chief to net upon this theory. As tho chief lias no Ilillo respect for n woman's Intuition In matti, of this Itlnd, ho would comply with her repeat but for the fact that thero nre few fiirm houccs within his Jurisdiction. Tho letter follows VICTOH, Colo., Nov. 30. Chief of Police, Omaha: Dear Kir Will you not put dc teethes along tho Ilurllngton railroad, both going In and out of Omaha, to try and find my poor boy, Hoy Blnira? Perhaps ho lies ni dome farm houso outsldo of the pollco district to Blck and uneotiHclous that ho cannot let us know. "Also, could not the tlAlnmcn bo Impli cated In uhootlng him for robbery I know tho conductor and two trainmen wcru Im plicated In trying to sandbag a traveler going across the St. Lawrence river, tho plan being to throw him In tho river, and only Protldnnce saved him. I could not conscientiously eay thoy wero going to do that, as mora wltnessco wero needed to convict, but thu affair was reported to the railroad company and shortly afterward the crew was discharged. "Or It muy bo ono of thoso negro porters watched bin rh&nco to shoot him. Tho chief of police of Victor has written you all thn particular). Hut, homo way, I can't holp thinking he lies at somo houso along tho railroad omsldo of Omaha. Pleaso do 41 you can for a distracted mother. "MUH. M. M. IHltUM." Though still persovcrlnc In their quest for tho myntorloua Dr. Ouer, tho detectives havo nothing now to report. f M.7r. lilriitfn unit Itctnrn. Sunday and Monday only. Dnectnher 2 and 3. Via tho Burlington ltouto. Tickets, 1S02 Farnam at. For policies that are stent drafts at maturity apply to 11. t). Neely, manager Equitable Life, 206 mil 208 Bee building. Seo our flno lino of ladles' and gents' Hatches. Kdholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th. Hilary Orillnitnui In l'nuHril. At n Bpeelal miotlpg of tho city council, hold yesterday, the fnlnry ordltmnro for Novmnbor wus Introduced nnd pushed. Councilman Mar call onposod the ordinance on llm ground that tho appropriation lor the comptroller's olllco wis $150 In excraa of the amount allowed that ollloe by the churti-r. Tho milarv of two of tho comp troller's cl'jrUw wuh included In ml'icol lmieous Items, und Mr. fjascull contended that tucli method should not be resorted to for tho purpose of swelling tho nppro jirlntlon for any odlce beyond tin- churt.ir limit. After oonslder.iblo dlscits'lon thn ordlnuncu wa.i rofctrcd to tin; llnauco com mittee, which reportotl favorably. It was then passed by a voto of C tn 2, Council men Tlnseiill and Tioctlur casting tho ihmh. tlvo vot'-s. Couucllmcn Ilurklcy und I.ooeck wero not In attendance. Tho handsomest line of sliver manicure pieces In Omaha. John Uudd 115 8. 13th. An -elegant gift a ladles' gold watch, $12.00 up. John Rurtfl, 115 S. 10th. Cleveland Cycle Co. and National Cycle Co., sold out to' Omaha Illcyclo Co. Mme. Muentcforlug, planoforto studio, 120 N. 26th St. Dr. Somen, Continental bias. Tel. 10(5. Smallpox Vaccine Wo sell Smallpox Vacclno In slendor glass tubos (glycerlnated) and on Ivory points. Fresh supply received two or throe times dally. Write or telegraph us. ' iiIno bundle DIIMITIir.niA ANTI-TOX1NR from (lie lulinrntorlrM of II. K. Mulfnrri mill I'nrkr, Davli & Co. AVp iiiiiUc CUT IUUCES on IMS I.M'lvCTAVIS. r0o Piatt's Chloride, wo sell 40c J 1.00 Llstcrlno, wo boll 7Gc 7Gc slzo Autl-Qerm, wo sell 40c Chlorldo Lime In 6c, lOo and 16c pack ages. Wrlto for Catalogue of Drugs and Rubber Goods. Sherman & McConnell DrugCo Southwest Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. (i Would Surprise You to know what a va ritity of Holiday Presents wo soli. CARVCRS "P CKET JvNIVhS SKATES TOOLS In sets SCISSORS SCROLL SAWS Our lino nt Christmas i Cutlery Is not equaled T SIIHARS in tho city aud our pi'iucs u ro right. J Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 DODGE ST. Cutlery Hendqnnrters. Business men nnd others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the UNION PACIFIC for WESTERN POINTS OMAHA. ( salt lake city Toysan francisco (portland - - - OMA.IIA. ( SALT LAKE CITY TH SAN FRANCISCO (PORTLAND - - New City Ticket Office 1324 STEEL APPROACH TO VIADUCT , Cll- HiiKlnerr OfTem Another I'lnn to .Meet ni'lliMiltle of Twenty Fourtli Street .Structure. A committee from tho Southwest Improve tnnnf Mllti tii.M ri fl.ml inn ....... i An ... ! " " ...... J"ra day with Mayor Moores, City Attorney Connell and City Engineer Andrew Itose 1 water concerning the proposed Twenty fourth street viaduct. Mr. ltotowater pre sented n plan for a steel approach nt the north end of thn bridge, which, ho said, did I away with every feature of the viaduct with which tho Shull and Heed estates have been finding fault. The city ofllclals and club members de cided to give the persons Interested In tha adjoining properly u chance to slgu wulvets of damage, atd unless this Is dono without delay tho rullrond will bo author ized to begin tne construction of dirt ap proaches. In case tho persons Interested In' tho two estates which control tho land adjoining the viaduct sign tho waivers of dainngo tha approach In controversy will bu entirely of steel nud will have a roadway underneath, In compliance with tho request of tho Heed and Shull estates. The members of tho committee who at tended tho conference wcro: V. II. Orcen, M. J. Fernnn, C. V, Ilatlcr, Fred Zotzmann, Uonry Itohlff, O. S. Cott, K. F. Morearty, A. A. Perry, Jacob Schamel and Loula Peterson. Wanted, two flrst-clasB ten, rlgar nnd splco salesmen, with an established trade In thcfo goods In tho northwest. II. C. e'lshcr. Chicago. I'uiicrul otlt'R. Tho members of Capitol lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M.f art; earnestly requested to as semble at Freemnsnns' hall, 16th and Cap itol avenue, on Sunday, Dec. 2, nt 1;20 p. m., for tho purpose of attending tho funeral n! our lato brother, William Hay. Sojourn lug Master Masons aru coutcoualy requested to attend. Itcllglous services will be hold In the north hall, to which tho rclatlve.1 nnd friends nre requested to attend. By or der of JOHN II. CHAPMAN. Master. JOHN BAMKOKD, Sccrotary. Fourteen Hoventy-KI vt. CHICAGO AND ItETUIlN THK NORTH WESTilHN LINE I)ecomler 2 and 3. ltoturn December 10. 1401-3 Farnam street. Tho Guards of Holllstcr hlvo No. 21, L. O. T. M., will give their second annual boll nt Thlrston Hides' nrmory, Wednes day evening, December C. Tickets, 2,r cents. Union music. A magnificent display of silver manicure pieces nt Kdholm's, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th. Ilubermann's lewelry itoro is tho plnc you get your money's worth. 13th und Doug. Danco programs nnd wedding stationery. A. I. Root, printer, 414-410 Sou'.h 12th. Wedding rings, Edholm, Jeweler. Your Bank Account Is in danger. If you buy poor coal, you will regret It, as It will only maki you more work, and expense, In buy ing more. You will find that wo have tho best Hard and Soft coal In Omaha, not only for steam purposes, but for cooking and heating. Johnson Bros., 1106 Farnam. Tel. 1052-1269 OMAHA. ftOOOOOt9 4OO0 I Get Your List ! o o q of presents for Chrlstmaa ready. FutQ on the top a KODAK or CAMERA a O nothing clso will give halt the pleas-O uro; nothing else lasts half so long, J nnd nothing half as cheap for the vnluo given. 0 o Inspect our large assortment now. O Only rellablo dealers keep PREMOS, O pnnns kohakr. KnnriMAS nv. CLONES, etc j Reduction in price of all Dry Plates O from the first of December. The Robert Dempster Co.,S O 1215 Farnam St. Uxcluslve Dealers In Thoto SucplUs. We can fix you up an Album It you O cannot find the time. Q 0OO4O0OO4OOO0O A DUAL ROLE FASTEST 1 RAINS AND SHORTEST LINE. - 10 4 1 Hours Quicker than 15 l diij u lilt: I liiib, I Miles Shorter than 64 f any othar Una. Farnam Street. Tel, 316, n.rrv-t ine.uio a.i iiiiTi iix-i i.Tr. i Via Chlt'itBo, Mlliviiukre & St. I'nul Ity On December 1, 2 and 3 the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets, Omaha to Chicago, for $14.75. Tickets ore limited to December 10. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Qcncral Western Agent. VutliiK Content. Cien. Dmiciin, -OO llnrne' .St.. llrrniiril I'li.oK, U.TIII S. Mill.... IIil Jniiiemiii. ItliM I'ritnkllii .St.. t.l.dillt ;is.s II i:ti.(inr. Ilmer)' Sinltli. -lit V. KKIi nt.. I'. A. Ileeker, roiiucil IIIiiITn.... Kiirl llevliift, IIomhi-.I St.. W. II. Ile ikiIiIk, Huntlnic", .Veil.. Ii. ('. WihmI, Tekmiinli, ol.... ar'J77 'i t, isr. :i i,:ms !'.), ITO .IoIiii llnvi'l, mUl S. Mill ei.US 1 iii,iiiHi 1U.1III7 7,611 S.1S5 4.S25 4,675 8,0.10 4,376 3,836 8.010 4,055 2.49.1 2,135 2,347 2,255 2,035 1,745 1,233 1,126 1,000 1,104 600 570 333 331 323 321 199 172 S2 16 Will . llrtMtn, J'lillrrtfin, rl. DuIkIiI Cruiner, il.llil .luokMou.. .1. 11. Miller, itttir. .. t:r.tli .St.... Hois Morgan, (Iraml Island, Neb.. n. K. Muller, Fisher & Lawrle T. Ilenzlng, (Jrand Island, Neb II. h. Cnssell, 2230 Meredith uvo.... Itobert Itlsdon, 1S1P I'lnltney St.... J. Mulr, Omaha .Machine works.. Watson 11. I'erklns, li. K. Ilruco & Co William Kochor, 2C21 Parhcr St.... John C. Allen, 2220 ChlcaRo st John Heat, (JOS So. Twenty-seventh st Albert Sesscniar., .Murray hotel.... H. C. VanAvery, 1008 Cnpltol nvo.... V. U. Ilolbrook, 110S Harney st John lloyncs, Dewey & Stone V. 12. Hatch, 1U13 Spencer st F. W. Ilartllng, Nebruskn City John Furbush, 1018 No. Sixteenth st. Lawreuco Williams, Council muffs.. Charles D. Cole, box 9C3. Omaha.. A. J. VanAntwerp, Lodl, Neb J. W. Woods, Council Bluffs Illnnche WIrrs. Mlllnrd hotel Kmmu Itood, Telephone F.xchntigo.. Daisy Hickman, Dennett's store.... Theo Schultz, 2024 Howard st Carl Ileuih 1109 So. Twenty-seventh Winifred I.lnlnser, 1711 So. 16th ot.. Coo. I. Fisher, U. V. Supply houso. Henry Majors, Gretna, Neb W. K. Qocdmun, Telephone building. Hern's Kree Souvenir Continued. In Decomber, with each new dozen Pln- tlno Cabinets or larger photos, wo give n beautiful water color FltKE. Hcyn, tho Photographer, 313-317 South FlfUcnth. Chlcuito nnd lletiirn, il.,7n. Tickets on sale December 1 and 2 at Illi nois Central ticket oftice. Colt nt 1402 Far nam for particulars. Christmas Prtas Wo havo Just received n largo Invoice of tho Choicest Perfumes made and place them on salo Monday. Our prices are way below competitors as you know. Como In and make your selection now for Christ mas. Wo are still selling those lino l'KIU'tlMli ATOMI7.KIIS FOR 20 O AMI Ul. Not ono in the lot but is worth double. POSTON CTORE l DRUG 19 DEPT. Vitalized Air for Painless Extracting. $8.00 Best Set Teeth $8.00. All work warranted to give satisfaction. TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOM S 1517 Douglas St rout. HAYDENs Wholesale Stock, on Sale Monday Thousands upon thousands of pairs of fiuest shoes from this stock go on salo Monday in our New Economy Bargain room and in our Big Main Shoe dept. See Bargains on page 11. Hoys' $1.75 tat In grain lace Shoes, sale prleo 97c Loilles' velvet embroidered Houso Slip- pcrs, worth $1.00, salo prlco 34c, Ladles' $2.00 vlcl kid laco Shoes, nil N IIOMHHKUtCnilM' Tii-Kiyrs In It i' U Inlnml Itiinte J On salo Tuesday, December 4, to points In southern nnd western Kansas, Oklahoma, jnman Territory, Texas, Arnonn, Colo rado, t'tnh, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. For full Infoimatlou call at city ticket ofHce, 1323 Farnam street. I.'ree I.OtlO tinmen Free. On opening day (tomorrow) In our toy department wo will glvo free to ench child accompanied by parents choice ot several games, "tiring tho little ones." OHCHAHD & WII.IIEI.M CAItmT CO., 1414-1416-1413 Douglas St. Hamilton Warren. M. D.i eclectic nnd mignotlc physician, offlto nt the Central Hotel, corner North Fifteenth and Dodgo streets, till n suitable location can be found, Special attention to all long stand ing or lingering diseases nnd to diseases of women and children. CliteiiKii nnd Iteturn, ?M!.7r. On December 1, 2 nnd 3 tho Uock Island ltouto will sell tickets Omaha to Chicago nnd return for $14.75, good for return until Decomber 10. City ticket office, 1323 Far nam street. Latest styles, choice qunllttos, In scarfs, collarettes, enprs nnd sealskin Jackrtn, lowest prlcei. O, K. Shukert's. 315 3. 16th St. Havo Hoot print .. What the Lincoln Journal Hnjt to say about tho success of tho Cramer Kidney euro In tho west: OMAHA, Nov. 30. Thero nro many people who do not bcllovo In advertising in tho dally papors; thoy nro under Ulu Impres sion that tho returns nro very small ns compared with tho expense. Sometimes thoy think circulars are moro effective; that they reach moro direct than news papers nnd bring results tltnt can bo traced, Nothing brings success so qutcKly as good newspaper advertising; this has been dein ontrated tlmo and tlmo ngnln, but lut un Illustration tho Cramer Chemical company advertising recently dono In tho Stato Jour nal and Lincoln Evening News Is worthy of tho careful consideration of thoso who nrn under tlm false Impression that there may bo methods of advertising hotter or even eiunl to tho nowiaiers. It Is about eight months slnco Charles II. Schaefer, u well Known druggist of Omaha, was rc quested to tak tho western agency for the Cramer Chemical Co. of Albany, N. Y., with tho understanding that ho was to havo ontlro charge of all tho advertising In this western country for tho company. About August 15 ho began advertising In tho Jour nal and News and tho sules of Cramer's kidney and liver euro havo neen so largo that Mr. Schnefer has boun offered a most responsible position with the company In Albany, and ho has accepted. Tho secret of Mr. Schaufcr's appointment Is the direct result of tho strong advertising he has dono for his company. Of course everybody rea llzes had tho goods advertised been of an Inferior quality his advertising would havo fallen Hat, as In order to secure paying re sults the goods advertised must havo merit, That tho Immenso sales of Cramer'b kidney and liver euro Is Uio direct result of news paper advertising no one can deny, as when Mr. Schaefer took hold of tho western ngonoy no one in tho weat had ever heard of this remedy, whllo today it Is perhaps tho best known kldnoy euro on tho market, and lta wonderful curative powers are known to every render of this paper. All this has been accomplished slnco August 15 three and a half months. Owing to a change in their firm to oc cur Jan. 1st, one of Chicago's largest shoe factories cloned out to us their entire floor stock of men's, women's, boys', misses'and children's shoes at a mere fraction of their value for spot cash, Men's $2 satin calf lace Shoes for J1.18 Men's $2.25 satin calf Shoes, salo prico i,49 Men's fine $3 kangaroo calf Shoes 1.90 Men's $3.60 patent leather congress Shoes, fine sorgo tops, at 1.90 Children's patent leather cloth top Shoes, sizes 1 to 6, worth 75c, at.... 32c Children's $1 kid button Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, nt '. 49c Misses' $1.50 kid laco Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, on salo 97c I sizes, salo prlco 1.16 Ladles" $2.60 vlcl kid lace bbocs, ealo price 1.23 Women's flno sample Shoes, worth $5.00 and $6.00, Chicago salo prlco 2.97 BROS. A SIGN OF THE TIMES Winter tlmo Is trying on bad teeth, Unless your teeth nro perfect you aro going to suffer. You catch a sovoro cold and tho cold settles In thn weak est spots. Tho pain Is awful. Oct them fixed boforo It's too lato. Wo can do you good nfter tho pain has commenced, hut we do you moro good by preventing tho trouble BAILEY, the Dentist Ilonin ;ill!-Ui; liistnn Illook. Kith und Fariiiim, I'hont 10SS. Ldy Attendnnt. nii:n. WKHK8--MW. I F., aged 4S jears, No vember SO. Funeral from the residence, 622 North Twenty-thitd street, Hundity, nt 2 o'uiuck Inturment at Aurora, 111. l.v 'riinn Half Hnte TO Port Arthur, Houston nnd Oalveston, Texas, on sale December 10th, only via O. & St. L. lly. All Information nt city ticket onicc, 1415 Farnam St., (Pnxton Hotel block), or write Ilnrry E. Moores, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Nob. Oood qunllty "golf" nnd stiff hats, $2,50. Kelly f- Hoyden. Our Swift System Did you ever try our "swift system" ot delivering goods wlvn yiiu telephone In an nrder7 It's marvelous how wo do It, but It's a fact. Wo attend to them ut onco nnd "Lightning Jnkle" Jumps on his wheel nnd runs it rnen ns It ho was In a contest tu win a pumpkin plo. ('miner's Kidney Cure 75C Ixitus Cream ina Duffy's Malt Whiskey s5C Poruna 7ga itrotno Quinine 150 1 dor. 2-gr Qulnlno CapMilcs 70 1 dor.. 3-gr Quinine Capsules 1 doz B-i;r. ivulnlno Capsules i5o Wine of Caidul 75c s. b. s 755 Plercp's I'reicrlptlon 7Ca ur, ivnn vrnmers ronnyroynl Pills.... $1.00 Hchnefer's Cough Cure. 20c hcoii s I'.mtusion OzoimiWon Wine of Coil Liver Oil .. Hehrader's Fig Powder.. Munnnt 1'llp nlntinnnt .. c 73c 7"e 2ro 2.')C 75c 60c Miles' Nervine Hudyan SCHAEFER CUT 1HICK DRUGGIST ft. V. Cor. ltlih nnd Clilonao. The j,Store is ready f-r m ia.. ..r ii ii ii ii mi mm i 1 MWS? 1519-1521 uuuyiuj Street. nmmw lotk itr Men's $10 Suits s $10 n r li mm m lTCWk Men1 if Sincerity in word nnd deed that is what makes friends, wins customers, enlarges business and insures success. Every promise and guarantee is always FULFILLED The great values we are offering in Men's Suits and Overcoats at ten dollars cannot be too highly praised. More than this, we will allow you to compare them with $15.00 and $18.00 Suits and Overcoats sold by other houses. They will stand comparison. Cut to lit, linings first-class quality, all seams sewed well, no i " ir. i. wear. uver one tnousanu rsuirs, color, that you could wish. Black Clay Dress Suits, heavy weight, in cutaways, single and double-breasted sacks fancy worsteds, si 11 colors black and Oxford unfinished worsteds fine heavy cassimeres for cold weather. Popular priced Suits and Overcoats 10.00. . , , . Men's 9.00 Kersey Overcoats at. Men's 12.i)0 Vicuna 'Overcoats Mill's 10.00 Worsted Suits for. Men's 10.00 lilack Flsters at Selling the Most "Small Evils Cause Great Vexation." So does dirty, smoky coal. Therefore USE SHERIDAN COAL No smoke, no soot clean aa hard coal. Victor White, 1605 Famatii. Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for a IT COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St, Louis. UNION MADE i Wmmm . Acorn Steel Ranges It Is possible that Acorn Steel ltnnges nre not tho only good ranges made, but they are the leaders of tho good on h. They nro inado entirely of Planished Steel nnd hnve no paint or Japnn to burn off. They nre asbestos lined throughout und bnko with less fuel than any rnime you ever saw. Wo hco no reason whv von should buy cheaply constructed Imitntlons when thn Aeorn Is to be had nt tho same or even lower price. Will you Investigate? John Hussie Hardware Go. 2407-09 Cuming Street, If You Boy It of llusslc It's Right." THE 9D CENT STORE. Great Holiday Complete in every detail with our enormous stock to select from and plenty of agreeable clerks to wait upon you. This store, the largest of it's kind in the city, has been re constructed, changed and adapted to the great business that will be done here in the next 30 days. Come while assortments are complete and get first choice. 1519-1521 Douglas Street. Ha imth 1 HAYDEN s Overcoats AT OUR HOUSE. danger of ripping if given hard -f I -1 1. .1 einnrucnig every siyie, ciiu aim . . $4.50 S7.60 $5.00 $5.75 at. . . . Clothing in Omaha. TIJLhIMIONIi 127. FEET COMFORT A Blioc tlint doesn't lit Ih unflt to wear. It mny be ever so Btyltah nud nhapoly built nlotii; the Intest lines nnd yet bind and pinch nud cntise tho cont est UKony; thnt Is becnusc they Imvo not been properly ilttcd. We nro experienced In tho nrt of flttlns feet; wo study It and every time wo sell n pair of shoes wo prnctleo It. W'c lit Ihctn properly to tho feet so thnt yon get tho greatest foot comfort ns well ns tho latest nhoo stylo nnd tho most vnluo for tho price you pay. CP. Cariwriglrt i , Something Like Chrlstnms Gift- Cf. jo mo man or woman of renneii () tajitcs Ih one of tlio line porcelain lined tiatli tub?! that we put In when wo cmiln your bath room with new open T lllllltillll. Dill. Ii n I. . 1. . . V of beauty when wo havo put In open X besides, wo do stenm nnd prtis nttlnr nt o comfort, hut health. $ Free & Black, S Phone. KITS) ISOtt FuriMin m ' Meritorious and Beautiful Pianos Three Car Loads of the Latest 1900 Designs. ciinisr.MAs nuKns,"no"r pn u lr tor we can Hnve you sold riollnra. We rc tin olilfHt drnlrm tu the went nmt liimw vrr can milt you In n piano mil! In price. ' HAKK NO .MI8TAKI2, but cull on tho MUELLER Piano and Organ o. 1316 Farnam Street. For Plain Folks and High Exclusive Tastes, W have n splendid lino of unmounted ebony articles and loutlier Roods In nnoat iuallty and rlchint stylo obtainable, that wo can sell plain or mounted or mark for you Juat any way you want them. Don't think wo can't suit you, for wo CAN nnd WILL, if you will buy. And In our plain Wutches, Jowolry and Silver wo can on. Kravo or nnlnh to suit your tastn exactly. o Invito you to come and we'll chniuo selling you, HUV NOW A small deposit secures you " T. L. COMBS & CO., 1D1IO Duuclui St., Omaha, nnd 34th an M flt., fla. OinahK. Our Christmas Offer A Life Size Platino same nH sample In our window FREE With our ilosen of our neat Cabinet l'liotu. 213 N. 16th SI