THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECEMHEtt 1, 1000. 0 WORLD S RECORD IS BROKEN Two MiuouriaiiB Mafeo Clean Scoro in Team Contest. OMAHA MARKSMEN ARE CLOSE BEHIND Lock) 'on(PHlnn(N llrluit Dimtii Dozen Uurr lllriln ultli l'lrnt lliirrvl Champion Will Ue Mntched Tcidar. All shooting records wero broken by two of tho Knnias City contlgcnt In tho Omaha Kansas City llvo bird contest yesterday at the Dupont Oun club grounds, C. Cock rell and Alton of tho Missouri tcum maklnK clean scoro of nfty birds, Plfty birds Jiavo boon killed without a miss before, but never boforo In tho hlntory of tho American associ ation have thoy bcon broURht down In an vent whero ten-men teams contested. Tho highest previous record ns birds, whllo tho hlKhcst record previously estab lished In tho Omiiha-Kansas City champion ship contests was forty-eight. This score was mado by Hardin last year at Omaha and Cockrcll tho year before at Kansas City. Tho day was Ideal for shooting and tho men of both teams wore In good form. The rrault was that tho scores aro generally higher than thoso of former years, and whllo Omaha Is llvo birds behind thu men from tho mouth of tho Kuw, tho tenm has tho satisfaction of knowing that It has shown no rlgns of degeneration. Tho score further shows that whllo Kansas City's team Is credited with flvo birds to the good, tho Nobrvskans killed an ovon dozen more with tho first barrel than their competitors. This may mean much or little, as many times, no doubt, tho birds ,wcro dead at the tlrst shot, the second being mado to make lusuruiico doubly sure. CocLrrll .11 alien Ntrnlulit .Si'orc. Tho content opened with C. Cockrcll of Kansas City nt tho traps. Ills nrst bird wiis a left quarter from the fourth trap. It required tho second barrel to mnko a killing. From thr.ttlino It wns "tang, bang, banij," aivl a world's recbrd was broken wlifii ho In 11 down his gun uftor the fiftieth pigeon had fallen. For Omaha W. Hardin wan pitted ngnlnst tho reoord-broaker from Kansas City. His first bird, from I ho first trap, started dl roctly for his gun barrel, and ono shot sct tlod mutters with It. ThU encouraged tho homo tenm, but Its Joy was short, for tho birds camo from tho trap In a manner to mystify the most experienced shot. Tho third, tho twenty-eighth, tho thlrty-secoud, tho thlrty-nfth, tho thirty-eighth, tho forty first, and tho forty-eighth birds wero clean mhises, whllo four others fell out of bounds. Tho Bcoro of thlrty-soven wns a surprise ana 11 dampener to tho Omaha team and Its friends. IJrunliolm of Omaha folio -od and failed to add to tho pleasure of tho day for tho homo team when ho missed his first bird a loft Incomor from tho third trap. Ho Immediately brncod up nnd ended with a ssoro of forty-three, losing ono bird becauso tho bounds wcro not of grentor extent. W. A. Smith, who went against this score on tho part of Kansas City cmulntcd his rival by missing his, first bird, a straight away from tho first trnp. Aftor losing ono bird which fell out of bounds, his scoro was found to bo fort j, nnd tho spirits of tho men of Omnha began to rise. P. N. Cockrcll of Kansas City added to their hopes by missing his first bird, which camo from tho fourth trap ns a rlght-quar- icr ouigoer. Four of his dead birds fell bojrpnd iho bounds nnd his credited score was rory-one. Kxcellent Work of Klinlirill. u. Kimball, for Omaha, killed his first bird, which camo directly toward him, from tho first trap. Thrco of his birds fell be yond tho bounds and his score wob forty- sovrti, nlinough bo Killed every bird. At this point Omaha wns but two birds behind and the outcomo of tho day was very much In doubt when Allen of Konsas City camo to tho fore. His first bird was a dim cult right-quarter from tho third trap. It took two barrels to bring It to tho ground and then tho Mlssourlau proceeded to kill miy ptgeons wiiuoui stopping and ovory ono of them fell Insldo of tho bounds Omaha wns then sovon birds behind tho visitors and gained but two during tho day Thomas Kimball, for Omaha, killed his first bird, nn Incomor, from trap 5. Ho irsod but two, but threo fell outside of bwris and his scoro was entered as forty- fivrt Ocorgo Loomls of Omnha had hotter luck than hln ronfrore, losing but ono bird on account of tho boundaries, but his total killing wns only forty-six. Ho lost his first bird and then two others. Tom Norton, for Knnras City, openod his Inning by killing his first bird, a straight away, from tho third trap with one shot Four birds fell out of bounds Hnd his total was" forty-two. "1'lumbor" Itend of Omaha scored a miss on his first bird, which sailed away from him on tho left quartor. Ho lost threo birds which foil out of bounds, nnd missed four others, closing with a total scoro of forty- two. nrnmhall of Knnsas City, tho last man to shoot, required two shots to get his Incom ing bird from tho fourth trap. Two birds fell out of bounds and other misses reduced his sctro to forty-four. Hrcnrd of the liar. Tho scoro of Friday Is as follows: C. Cuckrell... 12222 21221 22121 21212 22222-23 22222 22212 22212 22221 222222560 W. Hardin... 12012 22121 US22 Ul 1222122 21021 10110 11011 011 11011 17 39 Driishelm ....02220 22122 22021 12112 2101121 2122 22021 22222 01222 22222 22 IJ W. A. Smlth.02122 02222 12100 22222 2222121 22202 2222 21122 2202i GJ220 19 W K.N.Cockrell..022iit 2122 22022 22222 2212221 22222 2222 22220 2111 2220 20 41 It. Kimball... 22221 &27 22212 2222 C212-M 11122 T2J22 32212 1222 22222 21-47 W. AlUn 21111 233U 22221 22221 21112 25 22322 23X2 2M 12222 22222 2S-C0 T. Kimball... 12122 1112 01112 02222 221221 ZZZZ2 Z212Z 2222 22222 22222 24 (6 Loomls. ...00222 2222 22222 22222 2222223 2222 22222 22222 22221 22220 23 it Norton.. ..22222 2218 22220 2222 0222221 22222 02222 22222 0222 22222142 Head 02202 22222 22222 2222 222221 22221) 22222 2022 22222 02222 21 11 Dramhall ....2220 22222 02222 2222 2010219 21122 22222 22222 22222 222222511 Hlrd dead out of bounds. Tho big men of tho teams will contest to- ay. Elliott of Kansas City and I'armelee of Omaha will probably be pitted against each other and tho homo team Is counting much on Dan Dray. Tho Omaha men, with five birds against them, reallzo that thoy 111 hnvo hard work In winning the contest, but their hopes aro high nnd their deter- (nation unshaken. A largo number of per sons not engaged In the contest were pres- nt yesterday and with the "big men" up today thero will bo n larger number In at tendance. For thoso pcoplo the club has arranged n number of llvo bird nnd target wcepstakes. BIG PRICE FOR CHAMPION he Abbot, KIiir of Trotters, Sold at Auutlon In Now Vurlc for NKW YOIIK. Nov. 30. There was a large crowd In Mndlson Square Garden today, the attraction being the unnouncoment thnt Tho tibot. holder or trio worm a ironing rec- rd of 2:03Vi. was to be put up for Bale by the Fnsig-Tlpton nuctloneer. There was much discussion as to whether the price for the rnmotiB trotter would euunl or ex- ctod tho Jlt.000 paid for Sutiol. Tho Abbot n nay geming, loaieu in iws, uy vjmnics cttlo Kinc. und wrts sold by the Vlllaso frtrm of U. J. and Hurry Hamlin fit East uroru, N. v. Ho was brought Into the n ut 4 o'clock. The blddlnz wns short. ICd Tipton of Now York, acting for T. V. uwson or uoiion innue uiu nrsi uiu, j.o.wv. iro I'ommission&r jonn Hcannuu or isew ork raised him JiVjO nun tho home was sold ii Mr. Hnmnnll for JM.B00. It wns thotiuht Mr. Scnnuell might have bought tho animal for Klcliard C'rokor. He announced thul he hnd bought tho horse for his own upo and that The Abbot might remain In tho haml3 : 11 (Jeers for further training. Bidding for other horses was slow on nc- ount of tho Interest In tho day's riticlpal event. The summary: Conslanmctit of John Mariner. Norfolk. Vn.: Kitty It, br. m., 1SH. by Kermis Queen, to F. U. Turner of Ambler. I'n., 1000; Walter 8, br. f H02. by Krud Wllkes-ltena, to J. Mulligan or New YorK, ioso: liemiion, rli. f., 1S94. by Allerton-Qucen, to Matt uwycr or New York, jew. Consignment of Patnhen-Wllkcfl Stock farm, Lexington, Ky.: J'lss Conloy, b. m., ISM. by Constnntlne-Aberdccn. to It. 8. Strnder, Jr., of I'lttsburg, Pa.. $600; Ilex On- ara, nr. c lsss. ny unwara-uieam, 10 ni. . Stephenson of Hethlchom, Tu., 1900: Lou Maynard, br. c, 1F9S. by Pntchen Wilkes- Jano l j. to Chnrles Forster of London. Eng land. $700; chestnut colt, vms, ny unwaru- Hella Harold, to k. w. vaienuno or lon- kers, N. Y il.000; brown more, 1S95. by llaron Wllkcs-l'linntom w, to w. ii. i'asig New York. Jl.wn: ue Hire. d. n.. isai. uy IlesHemer-Jeunlo It, to Dr. II. QUI of Now ork, $i,200. nnnslirnmpnt of Charles Tanner. Clove- nnd. O.: Ous Iinrrett, blk. g., 1594, by Qusto-Maud K, to jonn Aiaguire oi ew York, J725. SLAND PRINCE AT LONG ODDS ii 'm . i aji m aji j j-mtthii wmwmm SyrupFigs ActsJjfeasantly andflvmpffy: Cleanses the System Gently nnd Effectually when bilious or costive. Jroscnts in the most acccptabh'fonn XAr JaxatJVf prmcjpcs oi pjants Jfitowt io act most Ieieuci&l'. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN fUMtCtSCO, CAL. 10UISVIUC , KY NEW YORK. N.Y. for salt ty tfrvffhfj frit 50 per iofte. The worst thing for a cough Is cough Ing, Stop It by' us 1b Antl Ko.mL Sold bf Sll druggists, Auii-Kawt"; tla Salllo, Kodd, Armand, Sister Fox, Pant land und Ulckma also ran. Fourth rose, four nnd one-half furlongs: Kohnwreath, 99 (Hansom), 6 to 2, won: Ani mosity, 107 (Mitchell). 8 to 5 and 1 to 2, second; Fleche il'Or, 97 (Wondcrly). 30 to 1, third. Time! l!09U. Gibson Girl, As sessment, Athont, Enjoy and Fairy Prlnco also ran. Fifth race mile and ono-clghthi Donna Hlta, 1(0 (Uradford), 3 to 1. won; Yoloco, 93 (Cochrani, 9 to 6 and to 6, second: Gar land liar, M (May), 15 to 1. thiitl. Tlmo: 1:58. licrt Davis, Urlght Night, Dick Fur ber and Monk Wayman also ran. Mtnke Kncm at Memphis. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 30. At a meeting of the executive committee of tho new Memphis Jockey club It waa decidtd to give the following stake for the spring meeting of 1W1. which opna April 1 and continual eighteen days: For 2-year-olda, the Qaaton Hotel stake, for colU and geldlngi, 11,000 added: the Ardell stakes for fillies. fl.OOO added; the Memphis stakes, I1.0CO added. For 3-year-olds. two of which closed January 1 lost, The Tennessee derby, closed January 1, 19W, W.00O added; the Tennessee Oaks, closed Junuary 1. 1900, J1.500 added: the Turf Congress stakes, to closo January 1, 1901, J2.000 added. For 3-year-olds and upwards, the Montgomery handicap, $2,000 added: the Peabody Hotel handicap, 11.000 added: tho Tennessee Hrcwlng company stakes, selling, tl.000 added: the Cotton steeplechase, handicap. $700 ndded. Two stakes for 1002, coming 2-year-plds to enter, the Tennessee derby, $3,000 added; the Ten nessee Oaks, $1,600 ndded. All entries for these stakes will close January 1. 1901. The majority of purses will bo $400, $S00 and $000, and no purse less than $.100. 1879 Twenty-one Years of Unparalleled Success in eevry pari of the Civilized World places. WAR as I)nvc Snlllvuii Loses on Font. CHICAGO, Nov. 30. Persistent fouling lost Davo Sullivan of New York his tight 1th o o Olson tonlglit nt tne imnois Athletlo club. Aftor tho first round. In which he luul decidedly the worst of It. Bulllvtui reortcd to choking and elbowing In the clinches, despite tho constant warn ings of Hcforeo Slier to desist. Finally, in ine iniru round, ino ;ncw icrKcrs un fair tactics became so flagrant that 8ller was compelled to disqualify him und give tho fight to Olson. Tho light an far as It wont wu a lively affair. Olson staggered Sullivan with two straight lefts to the Jaw during tho first three minutes and hud eonsiuerauiy inc ueiier oi it m win enu ui tho round. No complaint could bo made on Sullivan's work In this round, but In tho cocond round ho neemod determined to rough It. At this style of fighting ho out classed Olmin nnd at tho end of tho second round manors stood nuoui oven, buiii van's behavior In the next round was worse than In Uic preceding. As soon as Sulllyiui would get In a clinch lie would entwine both hands around Olson's throat and hang on until the reforeo prleU thorn apart. S Jill van was cautioned for each offense and It was plainly evident that he was making no effort to fight fair. Sullivan protestwl vigorously at tho verdict, but It availed him nothing. French 1Vretler Wins. NEW YOIIK. Nov. 30. Paul Pons, tho French wrestler, tonight ut tho Grand Central paluca, Huc-cowle-d In putting John Pinning of this city to tho boards twlco In succwtslon after a most Interesting, nl- thojKh one-sided wrestling uout. tho men wrestled under tho Gracco-Uoman rules, best two In threo falls. Tho Frenchman assumed tho nggresslvo as soon ns tho men had shaped themselves. trying all sorts or ootiyiioldB anu Bucceeuen In flooring Pienlng after ono mlnuto of wrestling. Hut tho Now Yorker regained his feet nnd camo back cautiously. The men pullod and tugged each other. Pons always bslng the OKgressor. After about twenty minute of thla work the French man tried a hammer ho!d, but failed. Again ho tried a hammer noui. I'icning noonng him. On his third try for a hammer hold 'lnnlnif was prepared, out j'ons voriei nis hammer hold to a half-Nelson and threw tho New Yorker like a log. Time of fall, 2:31. Tho second uout was simpiy a ropoiiuon of tho first Pons wan always on the ag gressive and swung his attack from the lnmmer noia to a naii-r.eion. i-ena ukmii I rut Ituoe nt IleiitiliiKa Gnea o to 1 Shot with Mere Stable, Hoy on Ills Hack. BO WABIIINflTON. Nov. SO. Island Prlnc. tv 59 to 1 shot, captured (ho first rnce today ni uenmngs'in a neiu or tweivo siariers oy tho narrow margin of a reck. Boys who never had ridden In n race had the mounts. mnklnir tho contest an extremely uncertain ono for tho talent. An outsider, Ellen Ii. at 30 to 1, took tho fifth race by a length nnd a Halt. Tnreo lavornes won. summary: First race, selling, six ruriongs: iisana Prince, 92 (Fitzgerald). 50 to 1, won; Evelyn Hyrd. 98 (Kltson), 4 to 1, pecond; Lexing ton Pirate. 100 (Mtllor). 2 to 1, third. Tlmo: V.17 1-S. Miss Mitchell. Carasallo. Charles F.stes, Impartial, Chnrawlnd, Cornzo. Give and Take, Staten Island and Allaire also run. Second race, llvo ruriongs: jus urecn- wood, OS (nrlen). B to 1, won; Provost, to (Richards). 6 to 1. second; Courtesy. V5 (Waltcru). 20 to 1. third. Time: 1:03 -5, rtnlil.-oi H.V. Infnlliblo. Farslcht. KlnK- brook. Iidy Padden. Ford. Albert Knright, waibti inn ami iioiinwwoou niso ran. rii rd ruce. sol ing. one mno nna a six- t ...mii it Rlr Pltrhneli. 100 (Hooker). 8 to &. won: Spurs. 96 (Hrlen), 7 to 2, second; Tyr- shena, do (Phelan). 4 to 1. third. Tlmo: i:ss. Jlnrry .Mcuoyn, taro i-eriume, iy uuira1 l 1 . I J I Ull. furlongs: Queen 10. won: an Luis, 101 (T. Burns), 9 to 2, second: Mis. ir..uo a? m Mlrhnell. 4 to 1. third. Time 1:17 2-5. Itabuntn. Hand Vice, Hln-jdale. King's Favorite, Edgefield, Obey and Wmc lHn nlai. mn. Firth race, maiuons, one muo unu mux ardn: Klien h. vt tiiicnnrusj, i io i, wan, rnu. riTiuar orr Itrixnt. It to F. second! Unci Josh. T (Oannoni. 7 to 1. third. Tltnci: 1:4 -5. Motchlm, Ellon Terry and Facile alto ran. . ... Blxtn race, nanaicup. on m'"."u." nir. ncenntcr. 11 (T. Burns). 7 to 6, won AinTlce. 91 (Brennen), 4 to 1 and 4 to 5. sec nmi! ilorounh. 95 (Brleni. 16 to 1, third Time: 1:58. Cliarontus aiso ran. Harry McCoun, Uaro Perfume fly, Ollvor und Elsie Skip nlo Fourth race, selling, tlx furlt Carnival. 101 (T. Walsh), 7 to GREAT DAY FOR O'CONNOR Lad w'lth tlie Irish Name Pilots Three Winners Under the Wire nt Tanfornu. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30. Woathor iiml trnek fnst at Tanforan. Hesults r irai rucu. bijl iuiiuiiks. bcihuk. uwh". , 102 (O'Connor). 2 to S, won; Bevelling, 108 (V edUurstraiul). o lo l, socouu; .unun Bristol, 104 (Blank), 30 to 1, third. Time ir,i;. Hlintawav also ran. Second race, seven nnd one-hnlf furlongs uirsoi Vulcaln. 112 (Coburn), 2 to 6, won; Itedwald, 112 (U'uonnor), 3 to j, second Wax. lit! (J. McDonald). 8 to 1. third Tlmo: l:31V4. Only threo starters. Third race, seven furloncs. selling: Ed enrdo. 104 (O'Connor), even, won; Uosalbra lis (J. woods), i 10 i. sccnuu; tiunier, iw rvickcrv). 40 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:29. Mc Namara. ltacery. Emllo Zola. Twinkle Twlnk. Duckoy, Magnus nnd Lomo also run. Fourth rnco. seven niriongs, soiling Novin, 109 (O'Connor), 4 to l, won; wyn. unco). 10 to 1, third. Time ire. Don l.uin. .Muxello. Alon tnniia. Ned Dennis and Lodestar nlso run. Fifth race, ona ml o. sc ing: ir Kings ton. 94 (J. Martin), 4 to 1. won; Tirade, loo (Mounce), 10 to 1, second: Owensboro. 9.1 (Poliurn). 5 to 1. third, Time: lir.'li. Bed Cherry. Limelight, Pilot, Wulkcnshuw and Lotmnn aiso run, Sixth rnce. five and one-naif ruriongs, selling. Amasn, i'9 (Huusch), 4 to 1, won ond: Briar Hill. 102 (Coburn), I to 1, third Tlmn; 1:07 Kntlo Gibbons. Juvn. Aluml num. Wethnm, Antloch, Astor unu siontai lade also ran. do via, lirj U v. mlng, 109 (H. MIdo, 109 (Moil 1:29. Freo Lnn RESULTS AT CRESCENT CITY llorsrn Well I. Iked by the I'lililie Purl of the Sinner In Nearly .Uvery ltnVe, (ie NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 30. Light rain fell after tho second roco and the truck was slow Close finishes marked each mci, J, J. McCafferty arrived this afternoon with u stiiuie or iirteou norses rrom ninniiiKs, jako Moumun. starter, is exacted tomor row. nummarics; Flrot nice, six nnd ono-hulf furlongs Isobel. 101 (May), 13 to 5, won; Andes, 109 (A. Weber), 5 to 1 and 8 to 5, second; Tea Oown. si (Cochran). 10 to 1. third. Time 1:23, Dan Paxton. Midsummer, I3p. Diana Fonso, Mcorathlanla Prlnco and Shut j alto ran. Second race, six furlonKs: Oeorsro Arab 110 (Tnlley), 10 to 1, won: Djces Tecum, 108 (Mav). 15 to i aim o to i, second: Add. 1 (McJoynt). 13 to 10, third. Time: 1U7 .ack Phelps, Hunro, itondeiio, jidy Ben brook, Quarterback, Lord Uzu and St Kivliin. also ran. Third race, seven furlongs: Sir Christo pher. 114 (Mltcher), 3 to 2, won; Blocker, 102 (Hanrster). 10 to 1 and a to l. second Brown Veil, 102 (C, Murphy). 15 to 1, third, .Time: 1:30. Weldeman, Bush Hughes, Lit lurod his opponent Into a trap and for tho Ig went 10 uih iiuur, i-uim second fall and winning tne socond time Plonln irottlnir taa t match. Ttmo of second fall, 3:21. Lyons Easily Defeats Kane. ntSNVKR. Nov. 20. Harry Lyons of Chi cago won from Jack of San Francisco In sovon rounds of what was to huvo been a ton-round go before the Colorado Athletic association tonigni. wnn nane s ieii eye swollen shut and hla faco and breast cov ered with blood, wnicn was Mowing in streams from his nose, tho referee awarded tho tight to Lyons at mo enu or ine seveuiu round. It wan a humane step, as Kano's condition was pitiable. Kane was very game, howwer. and wllllngly'-mlxed It up u-tth T.vnna. nlthnuuh his damaged ove- slirht uroventeil anything like accuracy In nilllllg. Ljyvila uuiuituHuii nuuu ilk wnv luul flnixhed tne URUt witnout a scratch and is apparently In aa good con dition as wncn no eniereu mo ruiB. Chlenao Live Stock Hhovr. otTlf!Anr. Nov. 30. What uromlses to be ono of tho greatest live stock shows ever held in tnis country win opou tomorrow morning In the Dexter park pavilllon at the stock yards. Over 10,000 pedigreed animals nave aireauv occn reireiveu mm n. is ex pected that this number will be increased nnimlilorahlv hv Monday mornlnc. Tho dis play of blooded stock will represent a ensh value nf over 12.000.000. Six hundred classes are listed and prizes amounting to $75,000 will bo awarded. Base Hall PIlKrliiis Home from Cuba. NEW YOIIK. Nov. 30. Among tho nns sengers wno arriveii nero loivigm on tne Ward steamer Zegura wero: James Shreck- ani. win Mcrcor. wiiuam uonovan. vn ltntn Dahlen. William Gletuson. John C. Barry. Harry Howell, nugn Jennings and Thomas C. Simpson, members of a base ball club returning rrom a tour in cuna. Geneva Did All the Scoring:. OENEVA. Neb., Nov. 30.-(Speclal.) The foot ball gamo yesterday afternoon between Harvard and ueneva n-suitea is to u in favor of Harvard. Tho Harvard waa much the heavier team. Tho Qeneva team Is composed of boys from tho High school. A big crowd witnessed tho game. l'snger and Herrlek Foaffht to Draw. MILWAUKEE. Nov. W.-Benny Yanicer. tho "Tipton Sloaher," of Chicago and Kid tlsrrlnk of Brooklyn foucht six rounds to a. draw berore ine uaager Ainietic ciuti to night. Jioin men were on meir rei ana apparently rresn at me enu or mc doui. Tn Itere was no knockdown. Jockey Freeninn Hume from France LEXINGTON, Ky.. NOV. 30.-Jockoy Patsy Freeman arrived homo today from France, wnero ne is uitucr contract witn Bron ureytus. iwaunce no uuort and Madamo Albert Mlnler. In tho last season he rode 127 winners. Ho will return to Franco In a row weeKs. Tnvrn va. IIIkIi School, nmpwn XTrt,- 111 1.. 1 T 1' lllli.iu, .v... uv. kj't-uii. I ii it came or root ouu ueiween me I'Tienu iniru school team nnd tho town tenm held yes terday the High school team defeated tho opposing tenm oy a score or 12 to u. THE HliALTY MAHKET. INSTRI'MENTS placed on record Friday, Novomuor au. "Warranty Deeds. K. A. AnderBon. executor, to J. E. Murks, lot 2, pruyn's sutidlv In Pajl sen's ndd $ F. T. Btoltenberg and husband to Bertha Peterson, lots 1 niul 4. block 11: lots 1. 2 and 3. block 10. Burn- ham Place 1.000 K. .M. nan to n, M tsurns, s i reet or n 00 feet or lot 10 and s 30 reepnf 11 CO feet of wHi lot 9, block 3, Bhull add S. M. Burns nnd husbnud to K. M. Ball. 11 W rcot lot 4. (1I0CK lDIVi, omnha 800 1,500 John Anlsfleld company to Davenport unoivtt or pari hiock 1,370 Savlntrs bank 143. Omaha and Market street 7,r:o Frederick Piles to J. L. Kalev. nwli nw4 sw4 1G-If-13 HO G. M. Hitchcock and wire to world Publlsblne comnany. w 1-3 lut 7. block 119, Omaha 19.0W Lorenzo (.'rounso to j. c. iiiiciicock, o 11S feet nf 11 152 feet of h 24 feet lot 1, Capitol add 2,550 G. M Hitchcock and wife to Lorenzo Crounse. samo 2,90 Marietta urceu and nusnand to ennr. tntti. !!iirfiin. hU lnt 11. lih e! 135. South Omaha f 60 B. M. Peck nnd wire to 1. H. Faris, lot 71. Kalrmnunt I'Inre E. 11. Farls to V II. Johnon, snm... D"V) Merchants' Nallonal bntiK tn J. c. vu 2iinl. undlvV. of n .KiVi ftut nf w 102 feet lot 14, block 1, Lako's add C5) T. L. Benznn to Omaha Saviugfl bank, lots 7 nnd R, block 1R2V4. Omaha lO.OCrt M, A tiiegins anu nusnnnu to Fame, e 2.3 lnln CI nnd 22. lilnfrf 13. Hans- com Plnco 5,00) Globo uulldlnir company tn i;, j. Den nis. n'. a 44 feet lot 7, block 15, Pat rlck'n 2d ndd E. J. Dennis tn 8. G. Johnson, same.. 1,000 w. v iiaiuwiu 10 I., a. anu it. u, Hellstrnm. lots S anl 9. block 2. Sprtngdnln 1.1C0 Deeds. Edward Blley. gunrdlnn, to J. C. Viz inril. n SO"4 feet nf w 102 feet lnt 14. block 1, Lake's ndd ftO S if r ft to O. M. Grant, parts of ot 7. Johnson's idd 4,0'. Sherirr to b. w, penuieton, s i-s mts i nnd 2 and s 1-3 lots 21 and 22. block 9, Summit add l.OG) Sheriff to A. L. Stevens, lot 5. block 3. Mayno's add..... 450 T$tal amount of transfer".,... $t.C6: HIS COMRADE KNEW. Chicago, III., Juno 6, I90O Exposures to domp- nosB during tho war oomplotoly rulnod my honlth. It eoomod ospo clolly to bottlo In tho kld- noya and pinaiior, and oausod mo oxtromo pain. I did not think I would ovor bo any bottor. I had spont all I could on modlclno, but no holp did I rocolvo. An army comrndo brought mo a bottlo of WARNER'S SAFE CURE, and It rollovcd mo some. I kopt taking It for four montds, and I fool bottor than I havo for years. What a grand modlclno It Is t H. F. LISCOM, I3S5 Wost Ravonswood Pk. Snrgt. Co. E, 37th Roglmont, Illinois Voluntoors. 1861-1865 Civil War. lliR'S SAFE CURE Beyond the Experimental Stage, a SPECIFIC for Kidney Diseases AND Liver Diseases tWl'reo sunipU of Warner's Saf Cure sent on application. Address, Waruer's Safe Curo Co., Itochesttr, N. V. I'luasn mention this paper when writing for sample. 1900 THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED IT. Chicago, III., May 28, IOOO. "For years I suf fered with nerv ouintn and general trouble of the liver and kldneya. .( . had Iven up all hoi ot. recovery-had tried almost everything and found It. a fail ure. At last my doctor prescrib ed Warner's tjOfO Cure and before I had used two totties I felt that twaa ust what noeded and f mproved right along. .Six bot tles entirety cur ed mo and I nave oun in ine dssi mont War Engl noers. iJTntfr-f1ifT'a''lttT'ri IHi-r South Omaha News . Contractor P. J. Dock, who Is erecting tho Corrlgun school bulldlug, may have Borao mnicuity in securing mo casn on estimates allowed for his work, as It Is reported that steps will ho taken to pre vent tho city treasurer from cashing any rnoro warrants Issued ou this account. Up to tho present time Mr. Dock has been llowcd $4,500 for labor and material fur- nlbhcd. As theso warrants havo been dis posed of, It Is not likely that payment can bo stopped, but the Issuing of futuro war rants will very likely bu contested. Thero la seemingly no objection to tho contract prlco of tho building, which Is $10,300, and thu building, It Is stated, will bo ouo of tho best In tho city when completed. Tho wholo trouble seems to be with certain people who objected to tho purchase of tho Hoctor site. In speaking on this sub ject last evening ono of thu members of tho Heard of Education suld that tho records how that a year ago tho district treasury was virtually oxnausieu on jsovemucr l, vhtlo this year thero is still a balance on hand. If the aggregation of soreheads," said this member, "who aro trying to stop tho payment of warrants for tho erection of the Corrlgun building will look Into tho llnances of tho district a little they will find that tho funds aro In better shape than thoy wero a year ago. Moro than this, tho prospects of an Increased revenue aro bettor than ever before. Next spring tho board will derlvo at least $70,000 from sa loon licenses, whllo this yenr tho revenue from this source amounted to only $13,000. On account of tho consus returns, which Bhow South Omaha to bu a city of tho first-class, tho saloon license will bo in creased by natural operation of tho law from $500 to $1,000. Since May 1 nlnoty-ouo saloon licenses havo been Issued, bringing into tho school district treasury $45,000 and Into tho city treasury J18.200. With thu Increase In tho llccnso feo it Is hoilidit that tho number or saloons wiji no eprcasou, uui a con servative estimates' places t tho number of saloons at seventy fori noxt year. It will bo readily seen that tho revenue for the school district under tho nowt order of things will bo nearly doubled. Tho school district will thus profit by tho lncreaso in tho license feo, but tho city will bo n lobor, as with high llcenso no occupation tax can very well bo assessed." Continuing nlong this lino tho member said that all of tho contrncts for tho Cor rlgan building had been let to tho lowest bidder and that thero no causo for complaint from taxpayers or patrouB of the schools. It is understood that tho plan ot tho board now contemplates tho erection of cno wing of tho proposed now High school ns early as posslblo In tho spring In order to do away with tho renting of outsldo rooms next winter. The money to pay for this wing Is to come from saloon licenses. Tho work on this wing cannot of courao commence much beforo May, when all license money la due; thus funds will be provided for the expenditure whon tho time comes. committee have devoted considerable time to Investigating festival matters and will i havo some novel Ideas to suggest. A per manent organization Is among the possi bilities nnd there Is talk of securing head quarters and making tho organization socla.1 ns wall ns business. llmiNC Aiimliei'N Necttcil. Som" action Is needed in regard to tho numbering of houses In South Omaha nnd It Is posslblo that tho attention of tho council will bo called to this matter at nn enrly dato. Lcttcr-carrlcrs nro having con siderable, diillculty In finding persons on nccoiint of lack of tystcm In numbering. Th snma may bo said of newspaper carrier boys. City Knglncer Heal Is to bo nskod to mado seme suggestions towards numbering and when this Is dono nn entirely now sys tem of numbering may bo arranged. Miuile (,'lly (.omlti. Street Commissioner Clark had N street cleaned yesterday. George) Daro Is on tho sick list, being laid up with tonsllltls, Mayor Kelly Is expected homo from his hunting trip today. Mrs. L. C. Gibson, Twenty-third nnd N streets. Is quite sick. Matt Peterson Is putting up a $2,003 dwel ling at Twenty-fourth and H streets, Tho big cattle show opens today In Chi cago and will continue for ono week, , M. C Johnson is building a J1,(kM resi dence at Twenty-sixth nnd J streets. Tho Hoynl Neighbors of America havo donated $00 to tho South Omaha hospital, Deputy Clerk Ashe has completed tho hlbtory of the Issue of $7l,mM) funding bonds. Mrs. llolmefl asks everybody to help the hospital association along by buying a but ton. Kloyd McKny Is still looking for his horse and buggy, which was stolen over u week ago. Tho Kntre Nous club gave an enjoyable dancing party at Odd Fellows' hall last night. Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh, Twenty eighth and It streets, announce tho birth of a daughter. City Meat inspector Moso Howard left last night for Missouri, where he will visit for a few days. "Wan tho Thief on tho Cross Saved" Is tho topic upon which Rev. Martin will preach at tho Chrlstlati church tonight. ' 1'ostmaHtcr Utter says that he needs one more clerk In the olllce In order to give the packers tho late night service they want. County Commlsloner Thomus Hoctor has taken out a permit for the erection of n $3 W0 residence ut Twonty-llfth und F sireets. Mukk MeetliiK Clinrter. Colonel C. M. Hunt presided at tho mnss meeting of citizens held tn tho council chamber last night, where tho proposed new charter was dlBcuBsed at length. Tho meeting was not ns well attended as was expected, only nbout thirty citizens being present. A grcnt many points In tho pro posed new charter wero suggested and tnlked over, but no action of any great mportanco was taken. Objection to tho Commercial club charter commlttco was taken for tho reason thnt It Is composed largely of corporation representatives. On tho other hand, tho commlttco appointed b tho council was objected to on account of It boing mndn tip largely of city offi cials, who aro supposed to havo axes to grind. A tax commissioner will, it la un derstood, bo recommended by this citizens' committee and other suggestions already brought forward by tho council committee wero talked over and endorsed. The meet ing was not largoly enough attended to sccuro nn expression from tho pooplo and It Is thought that another session will be held soon, when It U hoped that nil taxpay ers Interested will attend. Complaint. About Holler Orillnniiec, Hoprrsentntlven of the packing houses are opposed to tho bolter Inspection ordlnnuco which la now before tho council. As orig inally Crafted the trdlnanco contained a number of clauses which did not meet with tho appioval of tli3 members of tho council und si'f.gertlons nro now being mado for a revised ordinance Tho packers aa that all their boilers aro Insured In r. guirnnton company nnd Inspections aro mado two or Ihrco times a year. Therofoo they do not sco any necessity for an lnp ictlcn by a city official. Ono roprcsenfatlvo of a cor- porntlMi said that l.o had no objection to licencing engineers, but ho considered tho Inspection of boilers n plcco of unmicnsary work on nccount of tho Inspections pro vIouBly mentioned. . In speaking of this matter n member of the council Bald that If tho corporations were to ho exempted from Inspection the ordinance would not bo pasied. Ono Intent of tho ordinance Is to derive revenue for tho city, and with tho packing houses out tho feeB would not pay tho salary of an Inspector. Ten- Cnlls for Chnrlt,. So far this winter vory few calla for charity havo boen made to tho city oin cluls, Tho charity commlttco of tho coun ell Is composed of Miller, Clifton and John aton, and whllo some nhl Is being given to a few Blck persons, tho rails aro fower than ever before, Nearly everyone who war' work Is able to sccuro It and thero orr hut n few Idlo men In tho flty Full 1-Vatlrnl Committee. On December 12 the commlttco of ten of the Commercial club appointed to ptoparo plans for a fall festival will meet at tha South Omaha club and nnnounco tho nr mneements. Several members ot thla Kdltnr bees Wonder. Editor W. V. Berry of Lexington, Tcnn., In exploring Mammoth cave, contracted a severo case ot piles. His quick euro through using DucUlln's Arnica Salvo con vinced him It Is nnother world's wonder. Cures pllcr. Injuries, Inflammation and all bodily eruptions. Only 25c at Kuhn & Co's. Two I'lcilMllllt Diineen, Though a day Into tho Thanksclvlng ball of tho Kxcelslor club, which occurred Fri day night tit Washington hall, was none the less enjoyable. A hundred couples wero In attendance at the festivities, which continued until a latu hour. During the evenirur refreshments wero Bcrved. The committee In charge consisted of Messrs. 15. It. Smith, II. J. Iluford, Thomas I'ayno, II. V. Pluinmer and James G. Hrooks. Tho Foresters of Ilickorv camu. No. G12S. Modern Woodmen of America, wero splen did hosts at a dunce anil socinl given Fri day night nt Triangle hall. Twenty-second and Cuming streets, A feature was an ex cellent drill by the ForcHters, after which refreshments wero served. For a Cnlil In the Ilenil. LAXATJVR imOMO-QUININB TA II LETS. Deiunri'Nt Gold Meilul Content. Five young women were the earnest con testants for the Demorest cold medal. awarded under tho auspice of the Women's cnnstian Temperance union at me urant Streot Christian church Friday evening Kaoh had prepared a declamation Upon a temperance subject, under the rules of tho contest, und all wero well delivered, receiv ing generous applause. At tho closo or tho BuenKimr. which una ncen iniorsiiersou witn a number of musical selections, tho threo iudirett rendered an unanimous verdict. awarding the meilal to Miss Grnco Uum- mell. Miss Hummel! has been tho winner of a Demorest medal on two former oc caslona. KI1n' Meninrlnl Servlee. Owing to Illness In his family Jeromo II, Fisher, grand exalted ruler of tho IJenevo lent Order of Klks. will not arrive In Omulm this morning as expected, but will bo hero tomorrow morning. This delay has necessitated tho postponement of tho ban quet to be given in his honor ut tho Millard notel rrom tnis evening mini .vionuay even ing. Grnnd Kxalted Huler Fisher comes to this rite nt th s time for tho sneclnl nur poso of delivering the prlnclpnl etiology at tno r.iKi memorial rerviro in ne noiu ai tho Orphcum theater tomorrow morning at 10:30 o ciock. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Benr Slgnnturo of S Fac-Slmilo Wrapper Below. Tery small and aa oasy to take aa smffar. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILI0USHE3S. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION irf cn I Purely TrtaUe.i CHRISTMAS NUMBER OP THE LEDGER MONTHLY 35 AUTHORS 20 ARTISTS Contribute to this Number of tlio GTtEsT FA.MIL Y MAGAZINE A grentor quantity nnd moro inti.'rcatlnjr reading matter than In any periodical of its kind. This mini bo r contains 135 Illustrations. 13 Articles on Up-to-date Subjects. 12 Departments of Useful Information. 6 Pages of Fashions. (Including Demoreat-Ledgar Pattern.) 8 Short Stories. 2 Serial Stories. 2 Poems. All fur 10 cents a copy. For sale by all Newsdealers. Or Bond SI. 00 for a yoarV subeorlption and sccuro, FI12H of all cost, tho beautiful threo panol LEDGER MONTHLY CALENDAR. Address ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, Publishers, LEDGER BLD6, NEW YORK "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." CUBS SICK HEABACHK. SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. V MORE BOOK POINTERS. We have filled two large tables with books that have been slightly soiled from handling and marked them at 2i5c, 35e and 75c. These books are all bargains and Rome of them are worth as high as $'2.00. It w ill be worth your time to look over this counter before buying. Our stock of Uoliday Books is most all in and ready for your inspection, and we assure you our prices are as low or lower than any other book store. We cordially invite you to call and look over our stock before deciding what you wish to give for Christmas. All SOc Copyrighted Paper Hooks , 30c Reign of Law, James Lane, Allen's latest 115c All James Wiiitcomb Kilcy's $1.25 books 90c We do not reserve any of them they all go at the same price and will remain at that price until Christmas. Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnom Street. The largest book store in the state. Muil orders receive prompt attention. Folding Card Table THIS clcRivnt FoMInK Cnrd or Club Table, rami of nelect oalt, top eoyeroil with grwsn full, ilecoratcU with nickel corners. It Ib strongly inndo with u clnnt nt ench owl to kct'P tho top from wnrpnc, und tu ar ranged thnt n person con lt cloio to tho table with out cmmpInK tho Kiicoh. Is regulation curd table aim top 2Gx33 InchPH. This table Is adopted and used ex clusively by TUB AMIcn'lCAN WHIST CONOUBSfl. Is solid nnd substantial when open for use, folds up coinpnctly, prlco $3.50 each. Wo arc exclusive neents. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. 1414-16-18 Douglas Street.