2 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT VII DAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000. Telephone 618-631. All our now niack and Colored 311k Pet ticoat, which- wo receive every sea ton for Christmas trade, are now here. Out Colored Bklrtg comprise all tho now nnd late co ors roso, Ktay, plum red and other desirable shades at $8.60 and $10.00. lUndtomo Black Mercerized Petticoats Nearly as prcttty an silk and made qulto as well at 12.50, J3.00, $3,110, $4.00 and $4.60. French Flannol Waists many new things arrived today ready for Satur day's trade Genuine Drown Marten Muffs, beautiful quality, nt $8.60, usually sold at $10.0J and $12.00. Exclusive styles In Dress Skirts all our pretty new DIack Taftcta Dross Skirts We Close Our Store Saturdays nt fl P. M. AOKilT FOR FOSTER KID QLOVKS AA1) MoC ALL'S PATTERNS. Thompson, Beldeh &.Co. Tilt ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. V. M. O. A. BUILDING. f'OR. J6T11 AND DOL'GUAS STf. JEFFERY IN HOPEFUL MOOD I'rmlilrnt of IlPiivrr t Rio tiriitule llrllrvrn Tim I Mute CiittliiK It .ot mi llnil mm It Vn, NEW YORK, Nov. 30. 13. T. Joffery, president of tho Denver fit Hlo Grande rail road, and chairman of tho renulur confer ence of western presidents, said today that tho regular quarterly meeting of tho chief executives of tho western rullroadii would begin In this city next Wednesday and will proceed on lines similar to tlioso followed at previous meetings. Asked whether the members of tho divisional commlltco ap polntnd to regulate) nnd maintain rates throughout tho wostorn territory had fallod, as reported from quarters In the west, I'resltlont Joffcry said: "No. Tho efforts Instituted by our con ference to maintain and regulnto rates have not failed. On tho contrary, much progrei3 has been mado In brlnclng nbout a better uiidorst.-inding nnd moro cordial co-opera tion among tho different railroads In tho vest. "It Is not true that wo havo trlol to form frolglit trafllc pools. Our ilm has been to socuro such co-oporatton of tho different railroad companies ns would result fn tho establishment of uniform und stable Inter state rates. Wo deslro to navo such rates published aud In that way Inform Iwth rail road and shippers Just what thn honest charges of tho freight shipments should bo. Publicity In the matter of railroad rates, I believe, will havo a sulutnry effect. If' wo can hold nil tho railroad companies to a public accountability tor the malnte r.anco of Its pledges wo shall havo advanced a long way toward the do-ilred reform. "I am happy to say that a great deal of good has been accomplished thus far1 through tho orgaulrntlon of our commit tees and tho projects for tho future aro favorable. lCven If there Is rate-cutting now, it Is safe to say that tho evil has been materially reduced. A better fooling 'be tween tho rnllroads throughout tho west Is surely developing." SECOND RICE WILL IS FILED tAlliert I'atrlrk'n Attorney Further Coniilli'utra (hp Altulrx of the Kxttttc of Tciiin Millionaire. NEW YORK, Nov. SO. M. 1". Unrby. tho attorney representing Albert T. Patrick, to day tiled In tho suri'ogata's court what Is called the "second" will of tho lato Texas millionaire, William Marsh Rice. In the petition accompanying tho will counsel for Patrick says: "Your petitioner further states that' the estate given to tho petitioner In and by tho aid last will und testament of William Marsh Rice must bo taken subject to a trust In favor of certain purposes and beneficiaries Intended to be benefited by tho said will." Counsel nlso said that ho Is now pre paring for execution by Patrick a paper In which tho petitioner may In legal form troku cffcctlvo the Instructions constituting the secret trust, tho provisions of which. It Is promised, will bo made public nbout tho mlddlo of I)ecetnber. All bequests In the second will are Btibjcct to tho condi tion that tho bcncflclaries accept without ccntest "nnd thut they will execute such prnvcyances and rolcnsa of nny or nil of my estnto wheresoever situated and of This root of many evils Glandular tumors, abscesses, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions, sore ears, Inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspep sia, catarrh, readiness to catch cold and Inability to get rid of It easily, pale ness, nervousness and other ailments Including the consumptive tendency Can be completely and permanently removed, no matter how young or old the sufferer. Hood's Sarnaparllla was given the datichter of Silas Vernooy, Wnworsinir, N. Y who had broken out with scrofula sores all over her ftce and head. The first bottle helped her and when she had taken six the sores were all healed and her faeo wni smooth. Ho writes that she has never shown Any slirn of tb scrofula returning. Hood's SaroaparSSSa Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for it today and accept no substitute. O FREE SCHOLARSHIP VOTING COUPON. CUT IT OUT VOTE IT. Hl -BU desenrlng boy or girl fat a practical aducatlM FfUn. 0KB VOTB r3K. ADDKESi (It. aaa Ns.) This coupon If accompanist by caia payment on aubaerlptlon account tat Tna Cmaba llaa counts U totes for sarh 15c paid, 1C0 votes for eicb $1 paid, aia. Coupons with cash moat ba eountarstgntd by circulation dapartmeat. 1t4. Tl.!,, Dapoalt at Baa offlca or mall to "rRKB WUL 1 Ilia UUl BCIIOLAnSIHP DEPARTMENT," Oman : Boa, Omaha, Nab. iuii'di l'iuci tit'v. .IrU, u'mui'i. . 111, Be?, Not. 30, 1900. Items of Special Interest in our Cloak Department For Saturday's Sale : aro now ready for your approval Prices $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. V:our Coats and Dlouscs some very swell effects, handsomely trimmed, at $22.00, $26.00 and $30.00. Fine tailor mndo suits In black and new shades of brown, cxcluslvo styles with us at $20.00, $26.00 and $30.00. Fine Neck Furs Such as scarfs, storm collars and other effects. Now Is a good time to select your Christmas presents, as wo havo an elegant as sortment of natural martons, which aro the most desirable fur. Handsome Klectrlc Seal Coats, trimmed with black raccoon, genuine brown marten, mink and other combinations. whatsoever nature to tho said Albert T, Patrick aB ho mny demand, and any legateo not so doing Is forever barred from taking under this will or In any manner Inheriting nny portion of my estnto nnd such por tion shall cnuro to tho said Albert T. Patrick." Following these bequests the will says: "I give, devlso and bequeath to Albert T. Patrick, formerly of Texas, nil tho rest nnd residue of my estate, reol, -personal and mixed, heretofore or hereafter nccrucd nnd wheresoever oltunted." DEATH RECORD. Lorenzo I'ltimb of Hlielton. SHKL.TON, Neb., Nov. SO. (Special.) I.orcnzu Plumb, an old and respected cit izen, died of typhoid-pneumonia at his home In this place this morning, fie enmo hero thirty years ngo and took up govern went land and by good management gained nnugh In property to retire nnd live com- 'ortably with his family, which consisted of a wife and three children. He was a dc voted membor of the Advent church. fieorier S. Jewell. NEW YORK, Nov. 30. Oeorgo S. Jowoll Is dead at his homo in Urooklyn In his fifty-second year, from smokers' cancer of tho tongue. He was In business tlrst In the llrm of Smith & Jewell, then Jowcll Dros., nnd ntferwnrd tho Jewell Milling company, of which ho was secretnry. Ho eft It when it became thn Joues-Hecker- Jewell Milling company. JonppIi I'utrlolt llnrrliiKtnn. ST. I.OUI3. Dec. 1. Jcsoph Patrick Her rington, state railroad and wnrchouso com mlssloncr-alect, who had been Rcrlously 111 with Wright's discaso for the last throe weeks, died this morning at 1 o'clock at his homo hero. Mr. Herrlngtoq. was 48 years old,' having been born In Lohdoh,' Canada, in 1851. , v. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. E. II. Gerecko of Norfolk wnfl nt thu tier uniuu i riuay. I,. H. Carroll of Cozad Is tiuttlnc un nt inti tier itriiuu. Otto V. Piirnoll of Dendwood. S. D.. Is at mo iicr urnnti. James A. Cllne of Mlndnn reentered F"rl uay in mo ner urnnu. Ado nh Most Oerber of Pntillllnn In roe. isiurcu ill mu iienuuuw. . riuear Ilrawu of Fremont Is nnnr. lereu hi ino .vicrcnaniH. T. T. Hitch of Fort Madison. In.. In stopping nt tlio .Millard. U. F. Foldn of Schuyler. Neb.. Is trans acting iiusinevs in ino euy. XV. M. Morrow of Clnv (,'pnlnr. NVh.. U quiiriereu ni me llcr uranu. Charles A. Thorno and wife of Opnnva aro guests or uiu .Merchants'. Mr. nnd Mrs. (J. K. Hchtnlnkn of Nehr.-iskn v.uy were ui tne .Milium irrui:ty. Vt. H. Allen nnd V. A. Smith of k'snniu wiiy aro patrons or tne Allllaru, O. D. Ilartchtleld nnd wife of Creluhlnn ntu ure kiu'hih oi tno .Minimi. Mr. and Mr. C. XV. Smith of Whltm.ui registered i-riuuy nt tne Milium. A. t. Muckc and S. W. Chamborfl. lumher aeniers irom .Minneapolis, nro quartered n me iien&iiaw. W. I.. WaDles. Chnrles I- Krhron nnd II. E. I'llon of St. I-ouIs are putrons of me ijcunnaw. II. S. Kerrar. manncer for the American Hc-ct Sugar company at Qrnnd Island, tviis a Friday guest at tho llcr Grand, Judge A. J. Cornish of Lincoln cutne to omuna yesterday una joined ills brother. E. J. Cornish, In a trip to their farm near Louisville. William McEver of Columbus, n travclln auditor for the Union Pucllic. nnd O. il Swlngley of Jicatrlce, tax commissioner, are at tne Murray. N. W. Clover, cashier of tho Union Pn cino at i-remont, spent l-'ridny evening 1 tho city oh tho guest of Horh Howell iruve-ang ruprcBentativo or the Milwaukee C. II. Wusliburn, a prominent capitalist of Chlcngo, Is In tho city, the guest of his om irienn, joko unsontnal or Mlaco Trocadero. Mr. Washburn Is connected with tho Hlbcmtnn bank of Chicago, and is u. orouier oi rormer ainyor wasliuurn o mat city. Ncbrnskans nt tho Merchants! Vr.nilt Naylor and P. O. Hedlund of Lincoln, J. A. Mnuntnir of Fremont. A. O. Orrln nf llmil rege, XV. A. Ulunkonshlp of Seward. A. O, Perry of Atkinson, Anton Pnerlton of Vordl grlB, C. It. Root of Beatrice. II. A. Attrit ion of Geneva nnd 11. Hock of David City. Winter Hyles, who made lila homo In Omaha for a number .of years previous to lt98, has returned from England to reside In the city permanently. Ho has secured tho correspondence of u number of lirlttsh newspapers and will devote his time to exploiting conditions In Nebraska and tho west. "Pony" Moore, formerly a newspaper and theatrical man In this ity, paused through Omnhn yesterday enroute from HutTnlo to Han Francisco, from whero he sails Immedi ately for the Philippine Is'.auds. Mr. Mooro will gather 100 Filipinos and bring them back for exhibition at the lluffiilo oxposl tlon, Ho will also spend some tlmo In Hawaii and will collect together about seventy-llvo Hawallans for tho Huffalo ex position ICcarnim No Core. .V. Pay, Your druggist will refund your money If PA7.0 OINTMENT falls to cure ringworm, tetter, old ulcers and sores, pimples and blackheads on the face and all skin dls eares. 60 cents (Kama) (Towm.) BIG STACKS OF YELLOW GOLD Amount of Coin and Bullion in United States Treasury Breaks All Records. TOTAL IS NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED MILLIONS It U Kstlnuitccl. That ontclitl Iteporta to lie Untied Soon Will Slioiv ttlic Tntnl .Supply of (lolil In Amer ica to lie 1,10(1,000,000. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Tho largest stock of gold coin and bullion over held In tho United States Is now accumulated In tho treasury and Its branches. The total has bocu rising steadily during tho wholo of tho present year and Is now M"t. 103,336, or about $70,000,000 greater than at the close of 1893. This cold is not nil tho direct properly of tho United States, but Is held against outstanding gold ccrtiiicniefl. Tiie amount of these, less tho amount In tho trcaBiiry and It3 brunches, was $230,755,80!) on Wednesday. All tho remaining gold, amounting to nbout $213,000,000, belongs to tho treasury as a part of tho reserve fund of $150,000,000. Tho Influx of gold Into tho trensury comes partly from tho new gold from the Klondike aud other mines, but Its retention Is duo to tho pressure for currency which leads to the acceptance of gold certificates and other paper money In preference to coin. Tho treasury re cently has been shipping small notes In largo quantities to New Orleans nnd other points upon deposits of gold In tho New York subtreasury by the New York re- servo nuentq of the southern banks. Tho fact that $174,103,330 is thus accu mulated In n sense under a single nnthorlty ennblea nn estimate to bo mado of some of the other visible gold resources of tho country. Tho national banks reported gold holdings on September C of nbout $312,- 000,000. of which amount $115,018,140 wns In tho gold certificates Issued by tho trens ury. Tho remainder, about $197,000,000, If added to tho vlslblo gold In tho treasury, makes n total In theso two classxs of es tablishments nlouo of nbout $070,000,060 This Is more than the entire estimated stock of gold In tho United Stntes nt tho clone of 180.". The gold supply of the country on the last day of 1830 was estimated ut $032,947,- 2Vt. Tho estimated amount November 1. 1900, was $1,080,027,407, and It Is probablo that tho report for December 1 will show nt least $1,100,000,000. Tho treasury of ficials aro confident that the round sum of $175,000,000 In treasury gold holdings will soon be attiilned, nnd that even $500,000,000 Is not beyond reasonable expectation. NEED OF A NAVAL RESERVE l'rrNPitt Mllltlu Force Cnpitlilc, but li Not Available on Short .Notice. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Lieutenant Commander W. II. II. Sutherland, tho odlcer In charge of tho naval mil U la, bus mado a special report to tho Navy depart ment upon tho operations of that organiza tion during the past year. Twenty states are shown to have nn organized naval mllltla, comprising In all 507 Bilkers und 5,309 petty olllcers nnd en listed men. Tho naval appropriation net allotted the sum of $60,000 for tho mllltla of which $57,000 had been distributed among tho twenty state organizations on January 1 last. The Nayy department ns signed two vessels for tho practice crulff of the mllltla, thtr PTnlriti qa- tho Atlantic const and the Michigan on the Great Lakes. Through fa'ck'of 'fa'cllltles, n vessel on tho Pucltli! seaboard was not assigned. Con tingents from Louisiana, Georgia, Pennsyl vanln, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ilhode Island aud Maine took short cruises of about n week's duration on the Prairie, and tho organizations of Ohio, Michigan and Illinois made practice trips nu tho lakes aboard tho Michigan. Thcso cruises devel oped a deal of energy, ability and zeal among tho ofllcors and n llko einclcncy, to gothor with a high state of discipline, among the enlisted men, Lieutenant Commnndrr Sutherland set3 forth nn array of facts to make obvious the absolute necessity of a national naval reserve, In addition to tho present mllltla organizations, calling particular attention to tho fact that this proposed Innovation Is not suggested with any view whatever of displacing the present naval mllltla The general government of tho. United States, says Commander Sutherland, has no direct control whatever over these naval mllltla bodies. They nro stato organlza Hons pure and simple, organized under state laws, and thus It is that In event of war each member Is not under an obliga tion to nnswer a call of tho president for any naval service. Then, too, It is pointed out that an opponent In a possible wnr of the future may bo a thoroughly equipped flrst-rato naval power, In striking contrast to our adversary of IS'.IS, and that, there fora, It behooves the Navy department to create Bomo sort of reserve force, or ganized under the provisions of federal law, nnd operating under the direct con trol of tho Navy department, ready at i moment's notice to reinforce tho regular fighting strength of tho nnvy. Tho status of tin naval rcservo odlcer would bo well defined. Ho would hold a commission In the navy, signed by tho president, and his name would bo borne on the naval register Tho primary. In fact the sole object o tho nrst naval reserve, the ropprt says would bo tho manning of the fleet; the overflow, which would form tho second ro servo, could bo utilized by tho Navy do partment on many kinds (if special duty. Captain C. H. Stockton, president of the Naval War college, has submitted to tho Navy department-his annual report of tho fork of that nody during tho year ended Octobor 31 last. Vurlnua problems were dealt with, Including naval tactics, navn reserve and war preparation of tho per sonnel, tho question of the typo of nhtu best suited for tho navy, tho preparation of war charts and other matters. CAUCUS WILL PASS UPON IT Draft of New War Hevenue Hill to De CoiiMlderril b- Itcpubllcun McmlirrM of House, ASHINQTON, Nov. 30. Chairman Payne of tho ways and means committee is BUed notices today recalling tho previous nonce of a full committee meeting tomor row to consider the bill for the reduction of tho war revenue. It was given out offl dally that this was dono hecauso General (irosvenor and Mr. Tawney were absent at tending the funeral of tho late Senator "Davis and that Mr. Steele would not bo here, leaving tho republicans hort of a ma Jorlty In the committee, Mr. Tawney did not go to .Minnesota, however, nnd It wa learned this afternoon that General Grosvo uor will nrrlvo In Washington tomorrow Tho real reason tho commltteo will not mre tomorrow, It Is statod, Is because further Information Is desired as to tho views republican members generally In referenco to this bill, Such features of tho measure prepared by tho republican inembors have become known, together with otnts slons which the committee tns made In th proposed reductions, have caused consld erable opposition nnd It Is probublo that conference or caucus of tho republlca members will bo held before a final decision Is reached. The greatest opposition that has developed comes from tho browing Interests. Hep great deal of beer manufactured aro mak ing serious protests against the action of the committee In not reducing the tax on beer. There nro some other Interests also hlch are making protests and republican members of tho houso hnvo telegraphed to their friends on tho ways and means com mittee that they think tho proposed bill should be changed. Tho fact that tho ma jority In the present house Is only sixteen arns the republican managers that n bill must bo supported by practically tho entire republican membership In order to pass. If Genernl Grosvcnor arrives tomorrow It Is posslblo that tho republican members now In tho city mny make a request for a cau cus, to bo held early next week. NEW BANK GOMES TO NELIGH Authority (Irntitcil tl. W. AVnttle nnd Ills Ansoclntcs to Orisniilie ('fi ller .Vntlonnl I.nw, WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. (Special Tele gramsAuthority was today granted for tho organization of the Nellgh (Neb.) Na tional bank, with a capital of $25,000. O. W. Wattles of Omaha, W. T. Wattles, S, I). Thornton, William Campbell nnd II. A. Ool- rlch nro named as Incorporators. Kural free delivery will be established at Nora Springs, Floyd county, la., on De cember 15. The acrvlco will cover an area t thirty-eight square miles, with a pop ulation of 882. T. T. Shannon Is appointed carrier. Iowa postmasters appointed: J. H. Chick nt Grand Islnnd, Jackson county; Louis H. Alvord nt Kolo, Webster county, nd Conrad Schwln, Jr., at Moscow, Musca- Ino county. The Continental National bank of Chi cago was today appointed ns reserve agent for tho First National bank of Dell Hap Ids, S. D. Cards announcing the marriage of Henry , Oxnard to Miss Marie Plchon of Paris hnvo been received In Washington. Tho tcrcmony occurred In the Church of tho Madeleine, Paris, on November 15. A postofllco has been established nt Sclby, Wnlworth county, 8. D., with Frederick K. Urlflln postmaster. Wlntrcd drilling of Tnblo Hock, Samuel , Fryo of Holmcsvllln nnd A. II. Ashton f O'Neill, Neb., nnd Charles H. doldsberry of Charlton, In,, have been appointed rail way mull clerks. W. E. Ferris, lotter-cr.rrlor at Dubuque, nd Elmer E. Ulssell nt Dcs Moines were today promoted from $600 to $850 each. GUAM'S GOVERNOR APPEALS ttepnrts iiiroimli Itemey that There I llimcrr of Stnrvntlon Snp lillrs Will lie Sent. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Tho Navy de partment has received the following cable gram from Admiral Homey CAVITB. Nov. 30.-Ofilclnl report from Guam Just received. Following men drowned 13th: JokopIi Anderson, coal pas. ser; Jacob I.eroy Meliaffey, apprentice llrt- ciuss; ueruiu audoii, seaman; wiiuum Tederlck Davis, llreman; Frank Hwunsnn. coxswain. Two bodies reoocred, but were unrecognizable. Governor reports diuieer of starvation. Asks tJ.V'0 pounds Hour, A'),y) blxcult. l.fM sugar, 20,lW mlt pork, 20.UM rice, nil for dei'tltutu natives. filial! I send by our cruiser? llrutus took ample stores for tnt. present. Newark, Guam. HI3MKY. Secretnry Long has directed that the sup plies bo sent. FIRE IN TREASURY BUILDING Some Pnprrn Kcori'lieil, tint .o Nrrloun DninuK? Hone to the 111k Structure. WASHINGTON, Nov. SO. At 11:30 today flro was discovered In tho flies room on tho third floor of t lib-Treasury department. It was extinguished before serious damage v,aa done. The lire occurred In room 60, used by tho auditor of tho Interior department. It de stroyed nnd damaged some tcmpornry sup plies used in tho office. The loss Is small. Tho cause of thu fire Is not definitely known, but Is supposed to have been cither from spontaneous combustion or a defective Hue. IMJ.VSIO.VS roil -WUiSTlJUX VETEHAXH Wnr Snrvlvnrs Ileini'liiliereil liy th (.enrrnl liiiKTiiiiicii t. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. (Special.) Tho following pensions have been granted; iKHuo 01 txovemi er n: Nebraska : Orlulnnl .lumps It. Thnmn. Osmond, $0. Original widows, etc. Hpeiiul arcrueu jovemocr iii. nuiry A, Tuvior, Lyons. JS. Iowa: Orlclnnl Oottn nek. Iilu drove. $: Henry II. Pope, Vlllnvi! Creek, $0; Jo, 111 Kingsbury, Dertancc, Renewal Martin t. Williams, Council llluff-j, $8. Increa c William Hlndmnii, HIocKton, $U; 1'lilllp I.oomr. Clarksvllle. $12. Orlelnnl widows. etc. Regnlld K. Rerun, Rrlstol, $S; Em.ly vi. flioore, neoKUK, ij (special iNovemiir 10) ICIIzabotli Niger, Iowa City. $1: (speclil accrued November Alary Starks, Vin ton, 11 . North Dakota: Orlclnnl Irvln Thnmnn. Huron, $0: FinnclH M. Conklln, Conde, JO; David Rosn, Spent fish, $5. Montana: Original widows, etc Leah J. Aimer, uaruy. ii. Colorado: Restoration niw supplemental Irvln J Stoutenburg (dead), Uenvor, $8. iksuo or iNovemuer 11: Nebraska: Additional John Watson. Lin coln, $C. Restoration, relHtie ami Incienie i'orter b. Williams, unvenport, jh. increase Reuben 1). Norton. York, $12: John Mc Dermott, Ryno, $10; Samuel A. Coweri, Crab Orchnrd, $10. HelsUp Jason Kester. Ne llgh, $6. Orlglnul wldowo (Special accrued iso-rcmoer IT) Caroline upnouse, imvenport S12. Iowa: Original George P. Morris, Charles City. $6; John Sellers, Uecntur City, $. Re- newni ami lncrenFf jnnu w . umer, rauor, IO l...nu..ll.......l., T. Dxlln. C3',1..A(. t. Original widows, etc.-J.Maliala tlrecken. ridge, Himnnon city, w; (speeini accrueu Novemnor 171 ti.irnn i-. unnmeiui. 11 00m Hold. 8: Dellla Hancer. Des Moines. $12. Montann: Original Klton A. Kmory, Kullspei, JU. MoreniPutN of .vl VrsarlN. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Tho gunbont Princeton has sailed from Shanghai for Cnvlto. Tho Pompoy has left Ponta Del gada for Malta. The Mayflower has arrived at San Juan. The Scorpion Is reported nt Kingston. Tho training ship Dixie has ar rlvod at Malta. Tho Saturn has sallod from Che Foo for Woo Sung. Tho collier Caesar arrivod at Singapore yesterday. Hirer nnd llurlior Report. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Tho river and harbor committee today heard Colone Robert, Lieutenant Colonel Haines and Cap tain Hlcho of tho engineer corps concerning the works under their charge along the Gulf of Mexico and tho mouth of the Missis slppl. A considerable portion of tho tlmo was devoted to Aransas Pass, Tex. Ilnlienck to Tnltc Dolllver'n IMiiee WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. It seems to bo generally understood that Hepresentatlv Ilabcock of Wisconsin will bo appointed to tho vacancy on tho ways nnd means com mlttoe caused by the resignation of Mr Dolllvcr, In which caso ho probably will ro tire from tho commltteo on Insular affairs KIlpHtrloU Reported from .Muttn, WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. Captain Arnold reports to the QunrtermnBtor's department tho arrival of the Kilpatrlck at Malta, with all well on board. The Kilpatrlck carried about S00 recruits for tho Philippines, th samo number as tho 'transport Duford whliih arrived at Port Said yesterday. (Irnntlnlrcr of Wnhlnnt(in. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Miss Eugenlo Washington, great grandnleco of George Washington, one of tho founders of the So clety of tho Daughters of the American Revolution; and president of tho Society o Founders and Patriots, died In this city this morning. to ci'iti: , coi.i i.v om: day Take Laxatlvo Ilromo Qulnlno Tablets, All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure, K. W. Qrcvo's signature la on each bos 25c, AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PACT French Ambastador Finchon at Pekiu Heart from His Country. FRANCE SATISFIED IF OTHER POWERS AF.E t In ItrKiirileil ns Likely Thnt Aitrrc- ment In Likely to He Amended Further llcforc It I Prracntcd to Chinese (Jot eminent. PAH1S, Nov. 30. A dispatch to tho Havas agency from Pckln says the French min ister there, M, Plnchcon, Is authorized, if 11 tho ministers are In accord, to sign nnd nnd to tho Chlneso plenipotentiaries tho repositions adopted by tho diplomats nt tho Chinese cnpllnl, though before the rcRcutatlon, tho dispatch adds, they will rolnbly undergo fresh modifications. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-it Is understood that tho ministers nt Pckln havo not In cluded In their preliminary agreement tho proposition of Japan thnt a monument bo orected by China to tho memory of tho Japanoso chancellor of legation, who was killed at Pckln during tho early stnges of tho troubles. Tho Idea of Japan nppcars to havo been to have n special Chinese en- oy appointed to convey nn official expres sion of China's regret over this Incident and also to provide a suitable memorial for tho deceased. Whllo thero wns no objec tion to the proposition Itself, It seems to have come so late In the deliberations that It was doomed ndvlsublo not to Include It In tho agreement. CHINA IS PREPARING FOR WAR MiiuiKlinl Itrimrtn Tell of 1, 11 rue 1'ur- chimr of (iiius unil .Munition.. LONDON, Dec. 1. 1:C0 a m. "Tho Jap- ncso consul hero," suys tho Shanghai cor respondent of tho Dally News, "acting under Instructions from Toklo, has withdrawn his sseut to tho consular proclamation for- dddlug the Importation ut articles used In tho manufacture of war materials. This action has caused general surprise. It Is rumored that the Chinese nro actively pur- hnsltig arms und ammunition and that thu customs otllclals arc conniving nt tho pas sage of falbo declarations, under olliclnl in- tructlous." The Shanghai correspondent of tho Times, wiring yesterday, says: "Reports of uneasiness nt Tien Tstn con- Inue. Chlneso regulars and Boxers arc believed to bo returning to that district secretly and n renewal of trouble 1b feared when tho port Is elenred for the winter. "It Is alleged that the Kalgau expedition met with u reverse nnd It Is believed that n party of Germans who were cut off were obliged to nbandon their dead auJ wounded. "On the other hand Count von Waldcreee estcrday telegraphed to Ilorlln that tho icrmnn column wus returning from Kalgan nnd would 'continue tho march, under Gen eral G:i:i.' " A similar reverse had been previously rumored nnd denied nt Htrlln. Tho Spectator, in a strlklug article dcal- ng with tho Chinese crisis, expresses tho opinion that tho most recent developments ut Pekln foreshadow a Chlneso victory over tuo allies. "Tho quurrcl has been brought to the est of force," It says, "and force on tno lvlllzed side has proved lusufllclcnt. This result Is mainly duo to tho uttltudo of HUEsla nnd tho United States. If China escapes vyith tho jiaymt-ut of a small in demnity ami many promises on paper, us seems not uullkejy, slnco Gcrmuny and Great Britain may not bo 'willing to Incur tho expenditure and risk Involved In per sisting In their demands, It will bo equiva lent, to a victory for China, for nothing has occurred that will convince the Chl neso that their mighty empress has been defeated or that Europo can avenge any future massacres," Tho Shanghai correspondent of tho Morn- ng Post, wiring yesterday, says: "Dcsplto tho cordial reception given Ad miral Seymour tho situation Is unchanged. The Hankow viceroy refuses to stop send ing supplies to the court, unless the Nankin viceroy will nlso refuse, and tho latter, although ho undertakes to send no more arras, says he must continue sending sup plies so long as the emperor requlrcB them. "In fact, nil our remonstrances amount to n miserable farce. We havo uo courrrgo to do more than to talk. In tho Chlneso theater hero tho allies aro represented as a soldier with an enorulous mouth, who docs nothing but talk until his career Is ended by decnpltation." Coloiii-I VnreU Dim, BERLIN, Nov. 30. A special dispatch from Pckln to tho Tageblatt announces that Colonel Yorck, commander of a German column, who was reported to bo nt tho point of death In conscquenco of Inhaling fumes from a stovo In his bedroom, died at Hlvalbat. His body will arrlvo In Pekln today. Colonol Yorck's death occurred November 27. Clonlininkrr Huukrunt. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-Clmrles I. Freed- man. a elonkmuker of this cltv. tiled 11 nutl- tlon In bankruptcy todny, with liabilities of JiJ.Nju; nssutH cousining 01 real rsinte, wiin a nominal value, $30,ouO. The laigest (o cured creditor Is Lowls Sensongoud of Cin cinnati. MOTHERHOOD COMES TRUE WHEN Dr. PIERCES IS USED. Sirs. Axel Kjcr, of Gordonville, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., writes: "When I look at my little boy I feel it my duty to write you. Perhaps some one will see my testimony and Ix: led to use your ' Favorite Prescrip tion nnd be blessed in the same way. I took nine bottles and to my bur prise it carried me through nnd gave us na fine n little boy as ever wns. Weighed ten nnd one-half pounds. He is now five months old, has never been sick 11 day, and is so strong that every body who sees him wonders at htm. He is to playful nnd holds him- 6Citupsoweu." 1 1 11 vvn s m 1 For Girls Mil A. M. Robrrson, 193 S. Fitxhugh SUttt, Rochtitcr, N.Y., telli how Dr. Williams' Pink Pills txvtd her life. "Three yean ago I wis in a pitiable condition! I had Just reached that critical stage in a girl's lite when she merges from girlhood into woman hood. I had grown too fast and the rapid growth had sapped my strength. Consequently, when the change which is incident to this time of life look place, my system was unequal to it and 1 broke down completely. I was scarcely able to drag my sell from one chair to another. My face was white as a sheet, and 1 looked as though I had not a drop of blood in my body. I became to nervous that at times I was hysterical. One day a friend told me about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and induced me to try them. I did to, and improved rapidly. I gained in weight, grew strong, my cheeks took on a healthy color, and I looked and felt 1 k a different girl. In fact, I was made well enough in three months to be able to accept apoiition and start to work. I cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People too highly, as they have made of me a strong and healthy girl." A. M. Roberion. Bubicrlbod nnd sworn to before me this th day of July, 1809. I'll am K Pokiilku, jVutury JibUe. For the common complaints ot womea Dr. WlllUmt' Pink Ptlh are anriralcd. Dr.Williams' PiiaK Pills 01 Pale Pe ople tUlrulfU or dlrtct from Dr. WlllUmi MdlclnCo.,!k hmwtady, K.Y., pottiM on receipt ol ptlot.Mc ptrbox; ilz boin,i2.so. Years Quality High. Every one guaranteed. The Leading Stov Denier of tho If no Dealer in your Town does QUARTER OAK 5TOVE AND RAIJQE J70.. UT. I.OUIS. H i7.P.i3KMiiwiiMiMU.i:ara IB Poor Indeed nre those nelehed down In' me wesston. Men rise In this world through mioyaut nerve force. The loss of tills force dally drags down to (allure some of the world's brightest minds. Such n condition it commonly known , is Ncrvotn Debility. When you lose self-coufideiice und feel your ttrcnutli, enerpy nud nere force nre tlipting 11 way, it is hiyh time you seek sensible 11IJ. You prefer health and success to misery and allure. have mo equal nso.nerre restorer. A couvIe.of hazes wlll,dlspel tlmt hcATy, fcelinc! the unnatural wecine) dls nppenrs nnd rcploceslsncnor with new force and vljonof ldy and bralu. his boxes will cure nny ordinary case of nervous debility. If not, you get your money back. Sl.00 per box; 0 for &.C0, mailed In plain pacVonc. Hook free. I'jtai. Miiliictsp "o.. Cleveland, Ohio, Bold by Kuhn & Co., lSlli and Don Rlns, nU J. A. Fuller & Co.. 14th and DoukIub. DYSPEPSBA. Geo. P. Scally of "D Nnnsnu St., New York, cayn: "Far yours I havo bt-en troubled with rhoumatl.sm und dysppHla and I came lu the conclusion to try your pills. I Imme dlutely found crcat relief from thrlr uso; I fuel llko a new man ulnor I commenced taking thfm, nnd would not now b without hem. Tlio droway, nlefp fet llng 1 used to have iwa entirely dlsuppcared. Tho dys-p-psln ha left trie nnd my rheumatism Is one entirely. I am untlslled If any one so afflicted will give R.-ulwiiy h Pills n trial they will surely cure them, for 1 believe It till cotni'8 from the system bcliiB out of order thl- liver not doing Its work." adway'e frills cur. nil Olsordem of tho Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys. Hlnttdor, Dizziness, Costlveneos, I'll. Sick llendHche, Kemaln Complaints, Ulllnusnr.sK, Iudljiostlon, Ccmutlpallim nnd nil disorders of the Liver: 25c par box. At DruKuIsi or by mall. Itadnay & Co., 55 Elm Street, N. Y. Be ture to Kct "Had wny's" and see that tlio numo Is on whitt you buy. CHICAGO BUFFET LIBRARY GARS 81st Olnini C Smlti Cured White You Sleep In Fifteen Days ntath the tun. rt(iuce hnlnmnl I'rofUio nn l"ntbt'ni Us demlnnl Duett, nopplns Drulnt uuJ No 1ruK to ruin tho ilomnch. but n illreet local and i.e-mlra application toibBrntiiriirethral triicu liMii-foHent la nut n llqiilrt. II l ptei.ared In the form of Crajunanr I'eacllk. mooth nnd ileal ble, and to narrow ua to pnu the clotctt llrlciure, Every Man Should Know Himself. The Ht. Jnmea Ann.. Iloi &u, Cincinnati, U.. ha prtpared at ireat ei;ne an ehaml. rrtrr I e lllinlwileil Trentltoiii'iininenioltLIJi.l, irnieiu. which ther will tciid m '"'rrjlLLl male appllcaiiu -- SlJ CURE Y0URSElr Uiu IllgU fur imnu'urm dlicharca, Inflannua'lciis, il a "Tltatloua ur urritlmit ur. Ol m."ioii liPiuuri.ri itioa. I'ulnlri. i.ot aalrlA ChimicuCo. l'D' r Polio-iu 1-B-MU KO,u r ,,rultBI, or fnt 111 nam wrapr" lr tiprrti, pif,uI1, lo II.O). or I, bottltt tJ ji:ujur ivo no imU ntalde- ISA i M MEN MgJ-7 Uiuuu JCJ u ilrU w' fraftnu CO Vffi CH5I1KITI, Dr. Kay's Lung BalmK, the Lead. AS1 5izes. All Prices. AH Styles. United States sell Chnrtsr Qnks. WROTE DSHEG? TO US. H DR. R3cCREW Ofllce open continuously irom 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. KundayR from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CHARGES LOW (Dr. SIfUr.Tr at ait Tllli RHIST SDOClOSSFUb SPECSALIST In the trcutiur 111 ol u.l lurum of 11IA KAUS AM) DISOUUIMIS UK JUC.M O.M.V. ail I'ltm' t'aiici lenvt'. 1.". yi-ura u Uinnlm. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A i'Uli.llA.Mi.Va' Cl.Kli UliAll.V.N'l ICUU IN A l'h 1AV s without cuitmn. tmln or loss of time. 'I'ht ULIiKUyr uuu JlOil' A'l'l.llAl, Ul'lii. thut hub yet been din covered. CIIAIKil LOW. s.1'0.1 iv 111 un aiaBi.u und conditions ois iiilio cuicu. ana every trucu of th. uibcaau 'a tbuiuUKhly vllmiudUU from luu uiuuu. lu "lmiJAKINO OiJT" on 'lie nkln or luco or 1 ny cx.crmU aonuuiuiik'iu of tho uib.uso unutHVer. A irtutmcnt that la luuio succ.'BSful und far mine. sitUttluutory thun .h.. "Hot oprintiH -r.-uimnt und ut kfea thun IIAhF TIIK CUbT. A euro that it. KUHiuineea to ho perniunent lor nr.. ltAXftl'SS of younk und mlddle-uued TlLriniYLOO mp,J oj,;, oi-' MAN Ju.uu. XilKht UosBt-s. Nervous Dablllty. L-iiaa of Urmn und .Nervo I'ower, Loss of Itiur and Vitality, I'lmuleu uu tho Face, I'uina in ihe luck, ForKutiuliiL-ss. XUbbful- IH-bS ll lilt II.IMNI (JAI:! CIIII..I1. SI Rir.TIIIIf- uulckly cured with u now v"nioiUUL nll(I fnltlhlo homo treat mtnt Kiuncy and llladdor Troubles, Hon orrhova. Ohi-t CUHI2S GIIAHANTISISU. CHARGES LOW. CuiikiiI tullou iree. i'li-aluu-ul h uiull. Medicines sent overywhuru Ireu from saz. or Ureiikuse, ready tor use. Office lioi-rs; S u. m. to D p. m. Sundays, 8 a. in. to u. m. 1'. O. box 7GC. Offlc. over 215 Bouth 14th St., between Karnum nd Uouiilab Bin., OMAHA. NEli AMtNL.il tC.NTs. A onaitiMTON mm TODAY 2:30 fjffl JESSIE PADGHAM s(Liiiit .i.ri.M:i:. !" front run a, Iioxch nnd Iokcx, rrnri-voil, Cllc. Ilaliun-o nf liousr, nny purt, i!"e. Cliililrcii I Do, nnllery, lllo. tumciit, iir, ioc, ar.-, noc. iiovn: woodaru I Tel. liuroess, Mors. I 1010. TO- DAY 2:30- TO-NIGHT 8:15 KfiRilllEillTA SYLVA OPERA COMPANY. "The Princess Chic" I'rllM-a Sliil., l!5-nO-7fii-l.H. i'i-Ii-.n i:ve an-ric-T."!i'-i.o-i.n. Next nttrnctlon- V. C. Whitney uml Kd win Knowlcs Krt-itt London und New York production, five performance!! -opontiiK Huiidny nlKht- -QI'O-VAIJIH. IlKlfJHH CHOWUS THAN I2VKR, MIACO'S TRUCADERO "l"" Tho Now Pnlnco of Burleimuo flmoke If Von l.llte- NlKht I'rlcis: lOo. 20c, 30c. MntliK't 'I'lidny lllo mill i!(le, Tin: i roiMW nniii.iisdiinits, A feiiBl of fun. Two niirh-KfiiK-H, All-Star Olio. Notice -Hntiirilny nlnht uhow -.vlll lipjiln promptly nt h o'clock. Next week; Uulnty I'nree llurlouiiucra, COLISEUM (AK-HAIt-IlKN D1CN.) Tliis Saturduy 3c Sunday im:ciimiii:ii 1 uml i:, MATINIillS AT at0. 11 VI'.M.MiN, H5. I-'our Clrat Muslcul Festlvalii, INNE.S EKE!! In Hcenes from Orand Opiirn. rilri-n, tl M, 75o ami Mo. Reserved set on Dale ut llotpe'tt iluulc ijforw. rcsentatlvcs from districts where there r