0 McCLURFS MAGAZINE ANNOUNCEMENTS ..F0R.. 1001 $1.00 a Year A continuation and enlargement of the policy that has made the most pronounced success in current literature. The keynote of McClure's Ahpazine is human interest; the record of human activities and achievements, whether put into the form of fiction, historical sketches, biographical articles or descriptions of inventions and narrations of travel and exploration. McClure's Magazine contains whatever is vital, wholesome and stimulating in the life and literary product of our time. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, XOV EMBER 30, 1000. 10c. a Copy RUDYARD KIPLING'S "KIM." A GREAT NOVEL OF LIFE IN INDIA. I r N THE DECEMBER NUMBER will be found the opening chapter of "Kim, one of the greatest novels that has appeared in this generation. In this wondrous story of adventure, comparable to Robinson Crusoe, whose chief characters are an Irish ragamuf fin of the streets and an ancient lama of Thibet, the reader js given pictures of people and places and a mighty in sight into human life, its problems, its STAGE MEMORIES. Raeolleetior of a Lifetime en th Stage by Clara Marrk OF living American actresses, none has achieved fame and success equal to Clara Mom's. Her rise was full of hardships and against obstacles almost insurmountable. How this frail, friendless girl fou.qht her way from the lowest round to the highest rank in her pro, fession is one of the most re markable records in dramatic history. Aiss Morris writes as well as she acts. She tells the story of her trials and triumphs with dramatic power. Her reminiscences of the great men and women of her pro fession will be found of ex traordinary in terest. She will tell of John Wltko Booth, Lawrence Barrett, Joseph Jefferson, Mr. Gilbert and other greet lUn In the dramatic firmament "KIM," Mi. DHIbi's New Hera. philosophy, its failures, its hopes and traged.es. Mr. Kipling has used India for his setting with marvellous effect. And the keynote of the story is the secret service of India-the institution that keeps the British informed of local disaffections. We see the priests and beggars, horse traders and fakirs, danc ing girls and detectives pass over the stage in rapid succession. Besides be ing a novel of surpassing interest, it is a literary illumination of a marvellous people, of a mysterious religious phil osophy of a land more varied than anywhere in the world. Next to the Grour d. Entertaining Jtudlti of Perm Life end Country Cuitome by MARTHA McCULLOCII.WILLIAMS. MRS. WILLIAMS prew up on a firm In Tennessee. From Infancy she lived among plants, minute and Insects and knows them as she knows her mi ther tongue. These articles bring one close to Mother Earth. She writes with that knowledge of detail that con ;s only from lone and Intimate association. She tells of the flees and Birds, the Hounds, the Horses, the Hop, th.; Trees, the Crops, the Soil ami the tillers with Infinite el'irm. MORE DOLLY DIALOGUES. By ANTHONY HOPE. IT is some years since we all lost sight of that dainty, 1 flirtatious, elusive "Dolly," whose conversations with Ar. Carter set the English-speaking world agog with dclieht. Now the delectable Dolly appears again on the scene, and in More Dolly Dialogues Mr. Anthony Hope supplies us with conversat'ons more dehghttul than ever. Illustrated by Howard Chandler Christy. "Dally." Clara UotrU la 170. STIRRING ARTICLES ON HISTORICAL SUBJECTS FOUR GREAT FEATURES. HcGvrt's MtoAiine fuu for years presented nets light on American History . For lot coming ytkrttft h&e some especially good feaksrts. DRAMATIC EPISODES IN AMERICAN HISTORY. By IDA M. TARUELL. who, as the author of the "Life of Lincoln," "Lift of Na poleon," etc.. has entered the front rank amon American historians, will write a series of articles about well-known events, presented In a new dress. The Trial of AARON BURR, the JACKSON-CALHOUN Imbroglio and the Signing of THB DECLARATION OP INDEPENDENCE are amons her forthcoming articles. -COLONIAL FIGHTS AND FIGHTERS." By CVRUS TOWNSEND B ?ADY. DE SOTO, FRONTENAC and PEPPERELL are among his subjects for the nter future. UNPUBLISHED CHAPTERS. These will Include two articles from the papers left by Talcs of i Merry Monarch. Sme ef Nu tciAttc Adventure of Jamei V. 4 Scetland. by ROBERT BARR, TTHESE have been heretofore an- nounced as the "JIMMY" Stories, because by this pet name this uncon ventional mourch was known to his people, amonj whom he often travelled and revelled in disgu se. Some of th se adventures are told with characteristic humor by Mr. Barr. "WITHIN THE GATES." By ELIZABETH STUART PHELPS. MRS. PHELPS-WARD, author of "The Gates Ajar," gives in dramatic form her matured beliefs as to the great problems of Life, Death and the Resurrection. The drama carries the characters from this world to the next, and the action involves the problem of Redemption. It Is certain to attract world-wide attention. IN THE WORLD OF GRAFT. Studies of life amon the Criminal Classes made during a long tour of the larger cities, exoressly for McOure's Magazine, By JOSIAH FLYNT. THIS author, so well known for his stories of criminals and tramp 1 dom, has made searching, original investigations amonif the criminals of many cities, studying their relations to the public and particuUrly to the rulmg powers. These articles are not fiction, but sociological stories of the highest value. Thev set forth condi tions as they are. The criminals tell of their acts, their views of lite and how they could suppress crime if thsy had police control Stephen R. Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate Navy. They graphically tell of the FALL OF RICHMOND, the FLIGHT OF THE CABINET and THE CAPTURE Of JEF FERSON DAVIS. DISBANDING OF TIE ARMIES. By IDA M. TAR. ELL. Two articles prepared after great research, dealing- with the return of the Union and Confe 'erate soldiers to their homes. Hitherto Inaccessible oflic.il records nuke these articles of unusual value. nokm Hrr. People of the Woods.':affla 'THESE are drscrlptions of animal life by one who has lived long In 1 toe woods and has teen the playfellow or some and the keen ob server of others. Mr. Hulbert not only knows his friends II, but he writes of them with Inimitable charm. These ate not only absolutely correct, but they hold an intellectual mirror up to nature whereby we may know them from their own standpoint so far is this Is possible. The Loon. SHORT FIGTION Vy Best Writers. We shall have the choicest short stories ever offered the American public. A few of the contributors will be : JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. Tela at UK U tb South. HAMLIN GARLAND. Tftlta ef Llf AM.nc lb In an JACK LONDON. Tlfi tt UU In Alula. SARAH ORNE JEWETT. BtorU H Do in Mile LU. FRANK SPEARMAN. Slurlca ot lb Railway. NORMAN DUNCAN. Matte. ( Nw1ounHa. JOSEPHINE DODGE DASKAM. T4m M Ckila Life, WILLIAM M. RA1NE. Ro:Bilr Stories ot Bjrgo.e Cars ta EnUne FREDERIC REMINGTON. A Dot Slot? lUuUti tor ttu AuUxu. EDITH WYATT. fitorits of ChtcafOL Stories of Wall Street. Illustrating Remarkable Incidents of the Pbancia! World, by EDWIN LEFEVRE AH1LE Ihejf arc fiction, they are yy based on actual or typical events of "The Street." They throw a flood of light on th: way financial tramac tions are earned on. They involve p.ithos, humor romance and tragedy. They are written from actual knowledge. At U Ho' c". 1 THE NEWEST SCIENCE. nr HE very latest discoveries In science, the newest Improvements and I the most important application in novel ways, au irtai represents the nrogrees of the world in this great branch of human en deaorwlll be found in our pages. Some forthcoming artldesi UNSOLVED PROBLEMS IN CHEMISTRY. By Protestor Ira Rtmsen, ol Johns Hopkins Unlvcrs ty. THE REICHSANST ALT Germany's Liborctory of Applied Science. How tht highest scientific standard are etUrned. THE BOTTOM OP ThE SEA. From mUrll furnished by Sir John Murray. THE NLW NIAGARA, by hoUin Lynde Hnrtt. The wonders In applied mechanic achieved by the felling water. Great Character Sketches. COUNT I.EO TOLSTOY, by ANDREW D. WHITE, LL. D., Ambassador to Germany. RICHARD CROKEK, by Wllllnm Allen White. PROFESSOR HAECKEL. tho German Dar- iwln, by Ray Stannard Baker. JOHN WILKES BOO 1 II. by Clara Moi rU. An Encyclopedia of Business. READERS of our magazine know that our advertising paces are an Index of business progress ana prosperity. They are prepared with all the skill and artistic excellence which great commercial enter prises can employ. They show bettw than anything else can lust what Is being done for mankind to make life luppler in its outward circumstances. They appeal as strongly and profitably to the reader In their way as the text does to the intellectual life. They are certainly of (rreat Importance and replete with ai tlstlc attractions $1.00 a year S. S. McCLURE CO., 155 East 25th St., New York City, ten cents a copy !T NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Long List of Volumes Published Especially for the Holiday Trade. FICTION DECIDEDLY IN THE LEAD Something to Plrnae Alt Kinds of People of Wtdelr Varying Tmetea Luteal Work of tUe Ileat Known Writer. Tho last few days havo brought to hand many new bookn well calculated tor Christ mas gifts, In (act bo many that It Is no easy matter to decldo where to begin. It would seem as if any porson, even the meat particular, might And somothlng to please them.- For example, there la a now edition of "David Harum," which Is al ready an American classic. It la remarka ble that within so Bhort a time a book ituuiu tako hu deep uud permanent a hold upon tho affection ot a wholo people. To this recent comment upon a book which liao proved Its enduring quality thero has been added another that few books aro o well adapted to sympathetic illustra tion, In response to tho many Inquiries which have shown a goneral deslro for an Illustrated edition ot "David Harum" the Applctons have fortunately been able to arrnngo with tho distinguished artist, Mr. D. West Cllncdlnst, N. A., who has beon peculiarly Interested In tho book aud ac cepted tho commission with an enthusiasm and ported appreciation which have pro duced the happiest and most sympathetic results. In addition to somo seventy full page and text drawings by Mr, Cllnedlnst, which place before us In an Inimitable fashion the progress ot the famous horse- trader and tho other features of tho book, there are sovernl marginal drawings by Mr, Farrand. Tho ontlro book has been rovlscd by Mr. Forbes lloermans, who has furnished a new biography of the author, and It has beon reset throughout. The new typo and binding, as well as the nu-1 merous Illustrations, make this now Isauo of "David Harum" practically an edition dc luxe. D. Appleton & Co., Now York. Prlco, 12.00. Among the most recent publications ot Harper & Bros. Is a strong story of con temporary political and social life In Lon don entitled "Lord Linlithgow," by Morloy Roberts. It will be remembered that Mr. rtoborts Is tho author of "Tho Colossus," published last year, In which Cecil Rhodes was quite cleverly portrayed. The present work shows tho author In an entirely new light. Price, 11.60. A story from tho same publishers of up-to-date poople that will be enjoyed by mnny Is "The Slaves of Society: A Comody In Covers," by The Man Who Heard Some thing. A millionaire, a beautiful music hall singer, a daughter of a marchioness and a "situation" are woven Into an nmuslng story of society llfo In England. Price, $1.25. "Lucid Intervals," by E. S. Martin, Is another of Harper's most recent publica tion. It Is a collection ot humorously phil osophical essays by one ot the roost grace ful ot the younger writers. Among the sub jects touched upon are: "Children," "Ed ucation," "Swains and Damsels," "Hus bands and Wives," "Riches," "Energy and Its C ns quet ois," "Some New York T,p ," etc. Price, $1.60. "The Story of Nineteenth Century Sci ence" Is a voluminous work by Henry Smith Williams, also published by the Harpers. As Its name Implies, this volume touches upon all tho Important branches of sclenco, explaining their .most complex developments In a manner which, while being thorough, Is within tbe comprehension ot the layman. It not only brings one up to date In all tho marvels of electricity, medical and physical science, natural phenomena, but It gives us an Inkling aa to how the savants wore lad to experiment, and adds most Intone ;t lug sketches ot the men who havo made them solves famous by tholr researches. Price, $2.50. , Stilt another valuable .work from the same publishing houso Is "Literary Friends and Acquaintances: A Personal Retrospoct ot American Authorship," by William Denn Howells. Emerson, Lowell, Hawthorne. Julia Ward Howe, Bayard Taylor, Cella Thaxtcr, Stodman, Holmes were all friends of Mr. Howells and he writes ot each as no other living person could. His work Is not only entertaining, but Is ot such value that It would hardly seem that any Amer ican library could bo entirely complcto with out It. At this season of tho year no list of books Ih complete without a certain proportion of Juveniles, and among tho latest from Har per's Is nn attractlvn volume for Uttlo people by Gertrude Smith, entitled "Tho I'oRglo and Regglo Stories." It Is tho story of twin boys and Is gotten up In a way to entertain small people. Tho Illustrations are In colors nnd very good. Prlco, tl.R0. I "Vosty of tho Basins," a novel by Sarnh T. McLoan-Qrecne, has boon brought out In n bciutirul edition by the Harpors. It la Illustrated by Otto H. Dacher nnd Clifton Johnson. The attractive) binding, printing and Illustrations, p.s well as the entertain ing character of tho story, render this volume especially desirable as a gift book- Probably there has never been a time when the Interest In the Indian huB been greater than now, and Innumerable theories nre afloat about tho best method of eompastilnt,' his education and enlightenment. These thoorlos tako very little account of tho real Indian, his character and training and tra dltlons, They expect to change him In a day nnd keep him changed, nnd every edu cated Indian Ib believed to be an evangelist to his race. Miss Constance Qoddard Du Dots, who has made some study ot the sub Ject, sees the man in a different light, and In "A Soul In Ilronzo" she Bhows how dif ficult It Is to give valuo to an Indlau'n edu cation and how Impossible It Is for him to make his training useful to his trlbo. She takes an Indlnn ot tho noblest type, edu cntes him, and then sends him back to his tribe only to nnd that he can do nothlug to clcvato It. He Is at onco the victim of Jenlousy nnd suspicion, and ho cannot udapt hlniBelt to his people, nor they to him. The i of Anything You Wish? We are headquarters for Books, Stationery, Boheol and Offlc Supplies. If you wish the latest popular novo) r the newest thing In labor-saving of fice devlcss, this Is the plaoe t lok tor It. We ate showing tht latest sty Its In an pantrs, copntr platt work and alt stamping and wish especially to call your attention to the new term for wedding Invitations, announcements, etc If yeu are Inttrtsttd It will cost yeu nothing to look. MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. WYsS" author has written an entertaining romance. Herbert 8. Stone ft Co., Chicago. Price, $1.25. The new editions of "The Sky Pilot and "Black Rock," Ralph Connor's woccerful talcs of the Rocky mountains, havo Just been Issued. They are Illustrated, hand somely and In novel fashion, by Louis Rhead. The success ot Connor's books has been phenomenal and they have reached the 100,000 mark. It seems strange that the religious stories of thj Canadian clergyman should outsell many of the works of pop ular novelists, but such Is tbe caso. What arrests one In both tho stories Is a certain wild freshness. Every page Is full of touches. Ralph Connor haB somothlng of his own. He has, for one thing, a new subject. For another, he has a stylo that fits It. There is much of the open air and mountain air In both stories. They both tend to Inculcate a One conception of Chris tianity and to teach true manliness. One la always tho better for tholr company "Black Rock and "Sky rilot" are com pletely unconventional, no breezy, bo ro bust, and yet so profoundly religious. Fleming H. Revel! company, Chicago. Price per volume, $1.25. Few writers have Increased their repu tation so much recently as Joseph Conrad, whoso lateHt book, "Lord Jim," has Just beon published In this country. This strong wrltor about tho sea Is of Polish ancestry and was born and passed his boyhood in Poland. His grandfather fought under Na poleon and his father played n leading part In tho Polish uprising of lfif.3. Left an orphan at tho ago of 13, young Conrad found his way to Paris, drifted to Marseilles, thenco Into a merchant house, and nfter ward to a snllor's life. As a merchant seaman ho has gone through nil tho grades up to that of full captain of English ma- rli!38. He has served In every corner of tho i 6pvoii seas, but chiefly In tho Paclllc and on tho Borneo coast, and for a tlma commanded a steamer on the Congo. So good a Judg! as Captain James M. Forsyth of tbe navy has lately pronounced him tho ablest and most compelling of living writers about thu sea. Those who read "Lord Jim," which has In It the very heart uud meaning of sailor llfo, will not quarrel with this ver dict. Doubleday, Page & Co,, New York. There is a rapidly growing disinclination on the part of students to spend valuablo time trying to master the dead languages. A few years back Creek and Latin wero the all-Important studies ot a college course, but In most colleges Greek Is no longer required and Is rapidly becoming a back umber. Some educators still cling to Latin, but that, like Greek, Is destined to mnko way for studies moro Important In this day and ago of the world, Wb.lo giving up tho study ot the languages themselves, no ono Is willing entirely to ovorlook the literature. Prof. William Cleaver Wilkin eon of tho University of Chicago has brought out a work designed for English readors, covering that portion of the Greek and Latin classics usually embraced In a college course, to which ho has also added a review of Fronch and Oermau classics Tho work is divided Into six volumes and the object of It Is to furnish readers not versed In any tongue but the English with the means of obtaining nt tholr lclsuro and without change ot realdonco on their part knowledge ot npproxlmntcly tho same authors as are studied by students during a four years' stay In tho uverngo American college, but again with this difference that tho knowledge Impaired by Prof, Wilkinson Is knowledge of tho lltoraturu rather than of tho toxt. The Inspiring aim ot the author In tho French and German classics has likewise been to furnish enlightened readers with tho means for acquiring a proportioned trustworthy and effective knowledgo and appreciation ot the master pieces of French and German literature. This object has been sought not through narrative and description, making books and authors tho subject, but through the Uteraturo Itself, In specimen extracts Illu minated by tho necessary explanation and criticism Tho result Is a series of handy volumes which will be suro to win the reader's interest and impart a clear and systematic knowledge. of thu Important foreign clusslca. Tho course Is not Intended to be an equiv alent for a collcgo or university course, but It furnishes a satisfactory substitute. Tht books will offer delightful facilities fur home study and rending, whtlo they ore suro to be ot practical helpfulness when used as supplementary helps In connection with the regular text books. Funk Ac Wagnalls Comrany, New York! Price, per volume, $1. Paul Leicester Ford has written a Christ mas story having for its title, "Wanted, a Matchmaker." It Is a Bhort story, being little more than a novelette in length, but I has been brought out in a very attrac tive volume. It Is fully Illustrated by H, C. Christy, whoso natno is getting to rival Gibson's as an Illustrator. Tho decorations nnd binding design are by Miss Armstrong and aro In harmoily with the spirit ot the book. It should prove one of tho most popular Christmas presents of tho season. A story from tho same pen tint wroto "Janlco Meredith" should hardly fall to moot with public approval. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Price, $2. "Tho Duko" Is a new tooic by J. Storor Clousion. In this story the author of "Tho Lvnatlc at Largo" finds u now opportunity for much lmraoroUs writing. Tho escapades of tho adventurous Irishman, who plays tho part of the duko for a brief spaco, aro varied nnd laughable. Tho truo owner of tho tltlo finds the Joke, to which ho lendH ihlrctelf, moro embarrassing In Kb Immo dtato couscqucnccs tbnn ho could have forcEeen, but he eventually extricates him self from bis difficulties and In tho end finds a' wlfo to sharo his honors with him. Thcso who enjoyed "The Lunatic at Largo" will bo pleased with this lutcst effort ot the author. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. Prlco, $1.23, A now novel from tho pon of tho author of "The Prjsonor of Honda" Is an event of no llttlo Importance and Its appearanco will he 'hailed with undisguised pleasure by tho many ndmlrers ot tho distinguished novelist. Tho title ot this latest work of Anthony Hope Is "Qulsanto" nnd It la now Issued for tho first tlma without a previous publication in sorlnl form. This novel Is mainly concerned with the for tunes of Alexander Qulsante, a man of foreign extraction, whose brilliant abilities gain him a prominent position In English political life, nnd of Lady May Gaston, a girl of high birth who, ngalnst the wishes ot nil her friends, bocomcs his wife. His character and hers, tholr history, the Imperious alternatlvo with which ho was faced, how ho met It, and tho ultlmato Issue of bis chotcn form tho chief subject ot a story which presents many phases ot social and political life in England and especially In London at tho present day. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Prlco. $1.00. humorous episodes and dramatic scenes which marked Penelopo's progress through England and Scotland These designs are not only of the first order of cxccllenco as Illustrating Mrs. Wlggln's books, but they possess high qualities of art Which will strongly commend thorn to many persons who are much moved by ordinary Illus trated books. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., New York. "TJncanonlzc'd; a Romance ot English Monnrchlsm," Is by Margaret H. Potter. It Is n story of English monastic llfo In thu thtrteentl century during the momentous reign of King John. Tho lending character, Anthony Fltz-IIubort, Is a brilliant young courtier, son of thu ArchblBhop ot Can terbury, who turns monk to Insure the safety of his father's soul. The Interpre tation of King John's character and nets differs widely from tho traditional view, but It Is one which Investigation is now beginning to present with confidence, for the evil rnmo which John 1ms borno for nges wns bestowed on him by tho monks, tho solo source of our knowledgo ot those times, and It may well bo that they wore biased by their acknowledged enmity to him. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Price, $1.50. "Penelopo's Experiences," by Kate Doug las 'Wlggln, Ib a book of two uncommonly nttraollve volumes, both us literature nnd ns Illustrative art. Tim 'first volume In cludes "Penelope's English Experiences," published a few yenrs ago with "A Catho dal Courtship." to which soveral chapters are now added. Tho second Is "Penelope's Progress," which linn enjoyed a very wide popularity and Ib Indeed ono ot tho most humorous and fascinating ot books. To the literary charm of thrso volumes Is now tdded a very generous equipment of Illus trations from designs by Mr. Charles E, Brock, the well known English artist. They Interpret with great felicity the situations and lncldunts of tho stories: they show that the artist tins entered with rare sym pathy Into the spirit and atmosphere ot the "Quicksand," by Hcrvey Wblto, author ot "Differences," Is uot merely tho story of nn Individual, but ot the llfo history of u family. Tho growth and education of a boy (rearl'd by his grandparents as their sou and In ignorance of tho tragedy of his mother's death nnd his own birth), his strugglo for recognition as n writer, nnd llnulty tho tragic Incidents which end his llfo, form tho current of the book, but thu other characters nro no less Interesting. Tho kindly and faithful hired man, tho qulut father, the encrgotlo mother, the brother and sisters, all aro drawn with Inflnlto detail nnd astonishing vtvldncbs and real ism. Small, Maynard & Co., Boston. Price, $1.50. With tho publication of "The Three Miss Kings" Ada Cambridge gained at once a place In tho affoctlou of American readers which she has maintained. Her new novol shows tho constant human Interest, which characterizes the work ot this sympathetic and charming writer. Thoro is nn enter taining plot and tho backgrounds of tho varying scenes of action nro sketched most vividly. "Path and Goal" may be safely commended as one ot the best of Ada Cam bridge's novels. D. Appleton & Co., Now York, Price, $1. PolltlfH uml Wnr. Political campaigns, llko wars, nre usu ally accompanied by a Hood of llteruturo of mcro or less value, frequently less. Tho writers of bucIi volumes arc distinctly par tisan and tholr opinions nro warped to a degree that renders their work practically valueless fur any other than campaign purponns. A work that docs not In any way corao under this head, though tho time ot Us publication nnd Its tltlo might lead somo to so consider, Is "A History of Po litical Parties In tho United States," by J. P. (lardy of tho Ohio Stato university. Prof. Gordy has written an cxhaustlvo his tory of political parties slnco tho founda tion of tho government and his work Is nlrcndy recognized as an nuthorlty. Tho volumo now at hand Is the first and, with three moro to follow, will constitute tho second edition of his worlt. Slnco the first publication of tho work the author's fur ther studies havo led him to mako some changes and a good many additions, so thnt tho work has been entirely recon-oti-ucted. Mnny of tho chapters havo boon rccntt and others entirely rewritten. Prac llcnlly It Is a now production and, In Its present form, must provo a most valuablo accession to tho library of tho student of civics. Unmistakably thero Is a rapidly Increasing class of Americans whe with nn awakened sense of their cltlronuhlp In the greatest of republics, are anxious to familiarize themselves with tbe political at nSanBrpaia'a nsajast jaanaaa' aaa aa-anp aBaaB" aBaa aaBa tajan "A Representative Bookshop." We started out with a definite purpoie to sell good books cheap at all times. We offer two books for one week, beginning tomorrow, and will con tinue tor each weak until we run through all the popular books. CI nfl nuy" " n thfi ' Klr.jr,"by Murinn Crawford CI fin $1 iUU lluv "Tho llulfrn of Luw," by Jtiuos L.uo Allnu. wliUU Big cut on nil hroks and extra special price on the Elsie, Polly Pepper, Bessie, Louisa Alcoa's books, James Wbltcomb RUoy and Ella Wheeler Wil cox poems. Toy books from 6c up. $1.50 buys an Oxford Bible, Teachers' Edition. $1.50. A full line of Oxford Bibles, Prayers, Testaments and Hymnals. The series of Honty books wo sell at 25c are equal to uny'76o on the market. Tho books reviewed In this paper get pur prices beforo purchasing. Encyclopedia Brittanica, 30 Vols., $27.00. On our news counters we have slnckn of lato periodicals, Including all the Kmas London periodicals. Wo take subscriptions and can save you money on same. Wire Card Racks and Photo Holders 10c. ..nnniniinn n nuuitttiur 1612 Farnam St. Phone 320. history of their country. To all such Prof. Gordy's work can bo recommended as an impartial history ot political parties. Henry Holt & Co., New York. In tho great task ot opening tho empire west ot tho Missouri tho American regular soldier has played a part lurgo und heroic, but unknown. Tho purpose of "Tho Story of tho Soldier," by General Oeorge A. For syth, a gallant oincer who has been a pan of what ho writes, Is to picture the Ameri can soldier in tha life of exploration, recon nolsaances, establishing posts, guarding wagon trains, repressing outbreaks or bat tling with hostile Indians, which has bean so large a part ot the army'n actlvo work for 100 years. To this work General For syth furnishes perspective end bainuml by tracing the origin of the regular ool dler, tho popular foellng regarding blm and his relation to politics and the militia, his training and tho manner la which he has borno tho brunt of war at tho outsot ot real war from tho Inception of the gov ernment. No romanco can bo moro bug gostlvo of herolo deeds than this story ot the soldier which appears most opportunely at a time when tho regular army Is facing so many nnd so serious duties In both hemispheres. No ono Ib bettor entitled to wrlto this story than tho brave officer who with his llttlo handful of mon held the sandpit In tho Arlckarce for days against Roman Noso and his thousands of war riors, and Unally won their lives by sheer doggod pluck and heroism. Mr. Zogbautn's knowledge of military themes and westorn army life leaves nothing to be said. His illustrations are a most valuablo gallery of pfcturcs of western array llfo. D, Appleton & Co,, New York. Price, $1.60. HeiTiit Juvrulle. Dana, Estca & Co, has gained an enviable reputation for the publication ot boys' books ot a high, order. In addition to their loug list of former publications five booku ot more than usual' lmportaucu have beon added during tho last week. Two of the number are by James Otis, one ot the beat known writers for boys. "Boston Boys of 1775; or, When Wo Boslcgod Boston," Is a stirring talo of revolutionary times and "Tho Armod Ship America; or, Whrn We Sailed from Balom," Is an equally enter taining story of tho war of 1812. Both books broathe a Bplrlt of high-minded pa triotism and are of such a character that they can bo placed In the hands of any boy without misgivings, Another volume 1GRAND PRIX k GOLD MEDALl AGENTS WANTED. The greatest display of One boeka and artistic bindings evor made was that at 'be Exposition at Paris, where ther wero over a thousand exhibitors from AMURICA and EUROPE. In this clasa there were 315 entries from the United States alone. An AMERICAN firm, GEORGES BARBIE ft SON, received tbe GRAND PRIZE and A GOLD MEDAL (tho highest award), and the credit of pro ducing the FINEST BOOKS IN THE WORLD, During the past year this Arm has had engaged In Parts a large corps ot Utcrateurs and artists on a work which tho Now York Times has pro nounced "a new standard In tbe pub lishing and printing art." Agents are wanted tor the sale of this work. For particulars, address 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. from tbe tamo publishing houso bears th title, "Ned the Sou ot Webb; What He Did," and Is by William O. Stoddard, also; a well-known writer of boys' books, It' also Is a story ot war aud adventure. The fourth volume is a dainty llttlo book for younger children entitled "Snowwhlte? or, tho House In tho Wood," und Is from tho -pon of Laura E. Richards, tho author of "Throo Margarots" and many other! popular books for children. Tho fifth Is. Chatterbox for 1900, The thousands of children who have beon delighted and en tertained by Chatterbox are tho best recommendation of this standard child's book that could bo offered, so that It Is hardly necessary to say anything further regarding It. Dana, Estes ft Co., Boston, The above books are for sale by tbe Megeath Stationery Co., 1008 Farnam street.