Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Thine at the St John's Lodtte is Annual
ThutkBgiring Symposium.
Km from Various Calling Kxprcns
Themselves an the General Toplo
and All Agree, on the
The members of St. John's lodge, No. 23,
observed Thanksgiving day momorably by a
symposium In which Masons ot all degrees
participated, Tho templo was open dur
ing tho evening to a host of Invited guc3ts
who assembled In responno to tho annual
Thanksgiving communication. Most of them
wore members of other lodges and chapters.
The cntortalnmcnt differed from tho cus
tomary program only In respect of ex
cellence, tho banquet being more elaborate
than usual and tho Intellectual session being
marked by talks of oven more lively Inter
est and music ot surpassing charm.
At the outset thcro was a reception In
tho drawing room to cnablo tho unac
quainted to meet on tho common ground of
friendship tho lodge officers officiating as
a reception committee. Immediately after
wards the company was ushered Into tho
commandery hall for the musical selections
and tho talks that preceded the banquet.
Charles 8. Loblngler, who presided, stated
tho general topic, "Masonry, as Viewed
from tho Various Walks and Callings In
Life," saying that tho subjects talked about
would be but phases of this theme. He
aid that as everything begins with the
schoolmaster, ho thought It fitting to make
no exception to tho rulo, and so had asked
l'rof. Carroll 0. I'carro of Cnpltul lodge
No. 3, to Bay a few words by way of be
ginning. How It Helps a I'ciIiikokiif.
Among othor things Prof, Pcarao, whoso
subject wbb "Tho Schoolmaster In Mn
onry," said: "As a schoolmaster It Is ex
pected of mo to say why It Is beneficial to
be a Mason. You know that things have
come to be managed In such a way that a
large proportion of the Instructors In the
schools arc women. Now, It Is not wholly
good for a man to havo all bis business
relations with women and children alone,
In other words, with those to whom ho must
dt for for reasons of sex or age. Man needs
to strlvo with other men. neuds to bo thrown
monir hu follow, in invent romnetltlon. to
got his mcasuro by opposing thorn, and ho
who falls to gauge his capacity In this way
falls to make tho most of his ability. Men
aecd to bo Masons to get best the shoulder-
to-shoulder contact with other men that
rounds out the character to Its fullest ex-
Judse W. W. Kevsor discussed "Tho Law-
yor In Masonry." Ho said:
"Thero Is no placo whero you will not
find a lawyer, excepting In that spot which
Dante, tells nbout in tho 'Dlvlno Comedy.'
Among other things I am grateful for to
day Is the fact that I am a lawyer. Thero
Is no profosBlon In 1 lfo but what those In
It somotlmo require legal advlco. Although
It may be as Walter Scott oneo said, the
legal profession Is the chimney through
which the soot of society goes, nevertheless esieraay alter a years Illness of corn
It Is a necessity. A good lawyer cannot Plicated diseases. The deceased catno here
hnvo a sootv chamber, but on the contrary from Oakland In 1888. Tho funeral will bo
he will holp to clean society of Its soot,
If It Is true that lawvers oucht to be nroud
of their vocation, so is It truo of other
crafts. The mechanic who turnn out a
good pleco of work has tho right to be Just
is nroitd aa tho attorney who takos r.r do
In nn nrrrnmAnl In fnnrt. All nf lla fnsnnn
.r" '
a man says' 'There goes n Freemason,' ho
will say, too, 'There goes a good carpenter.'
, JZ i :.r n, n,M,nni wh ,
or a good la wyer, or a good mechanic. When
the lawyer comes up hero to these lodge
meetings tho argument and contention of
tho day's work ceases. We all meot here
In a restful and changeful way, and men
who havo been busy nil day with books or
tools learn up horo many things, among
them that through the grasp of tho hand
In these friendly greetings men who trado
or flguro or study tako now encouragement
Into their vocations next day."
Where the Preucher Coined In,
Ho v. Luther M. Kuhns took for his sub
Ject, "The Minister In Masonry." An cx-
corpt of his address Is:
, ml."Utry n1ccda n, d?,e"fe n"e,r
1,800 years' expcrlenco in dealing with
...w.. "f "v. ..u iinu iu 1I1UDUI11I
I. . B , .
" x--. - Yiiiuno.
Tw. I.IKIn la a,. , U - ..... 1 1 V. .
m.l.u tn nuitouiu un nic ll-ul UK'.
The moral law Is to bo carried to the re
motest lands and latest times. Here than
are tho things In which a minister can bo
llovo and for which ho can stand. Tho
charity exorcised toward the poor is
Christlike. Masonry is a beneficent In
stitution for tho amelioration of humanity
and tha Inculcation of morality."
Tho othera who contributed to tho In
tellectual entertalnmont are; Dr. B. D.
navls, who discussed "Tho Physician In
Masonry," and Simon Goctz, who talked
about "Tho Business Man In Masonry." In-
terspersed throughout the program were
musical soloctions by tho Madrigal club and
Bolos by tho Individual membors. Mrs.
Kolly's soprano solo. "The Silent Wnrlil In
Sleoplng." nnd Miss Frnnces Davis' con-
iruuo boio, ab mo uawu, were charm
ingly ronderod.
Notice, NcottlMh lllle Mo
Drother William Hay departed this life
Wednesday. November 2S. Funeral obso-
qules of Kodosh will bo held over tho re-
mulns Saturday night, November 1. All
c. .j .
l J"" Anirows- procoptory,
Knights Kcdosh, nro earnestly requested to
bo proscnt.
The meeting called nt 7:30 o'clock has
been moved forward to 5 o'clock p. m. on
the same night. Ofilcora plcaso tako duo
Clilnrxe I.lUc 1'otntoeN.
CHICAGO. Nov. 29.-A sncclnl to the
Record from Tacotna, Wash,, says: The
It Is only necessary to breathe It for a few
minutes dally.
Your doctor will tell you that IIYOMEI
is tho only known cure for respiratory dls-
Flvo days' treatment and medical advice
HYOMKI Outfits J1.00. Trial Outfits 25o.
au druggists or sent by mall.
TUB It. T. 110OT11 CO., Ithaca, N. Y.
first largo shipment of potatoes that has
gone forward from this state for China
win bo sent In a few days from North
Yakima and will consist of 600 tons.
destined for Shanghnl. In tho past the
rnnfnf i .,., f fnmat'tt flint i u lidiin
called for from turn section has been
a tasto for potatoes.
Some TlmnkxRl vlnir ArTnlrn That
Served to Spread Joy nml
Tho seventh annual ball of the Omaha
Street Hallway Employes' nonent associa
tion, held Thanksgiving night at Washing
ton ball, was attended by several hundred
of tho members and their friends. A pleas
nnt tlmo was enjoyed, tho rulo of tho oc
casion bolng, "Step up lively, there." Tho
ball was under the direction of A. Ucnnet,
master of ceremonies, and 1 A. Hosiers,
floor manager, assisted by various commit
It was a lolly, good-natured crowd that
filled Crclghton hall Thanksgiving night at
tho fourth annual ball of tho Omaha Hack
men's union. They were there for a good
tlmo and they had It. Charles 8. Moore,
president ot tho union, was maUcr of cc.o
monies and bo was nbly assisted by a num
ber of commUtccs.
Uollornmkers' union No. 33 entertained
members and friends at n progrcsslvo high
flvo party In Labor Temple hall. Klchnrd
Trotter nnd Miss Illancho Konncdy wero
winners of the grand prlzo and John Mat
tern and Mrs. Varney of tho consolation
prlzo. ltofrcshmcnts wore served.
Alfarctta council No. 3, Degree of Poca
hontas, gavo a pleasant social ddnco at
Myrllo hall In tho Continental block. A
largo number wero In attendance.
rnthrr I.itcotitlie Itepnrls Thnt Upon
Hot-rut Visit lie Found Holy
Kntlirr KnllliiK Knit.
I1UKKALO, N. Y., Nov. 29. A special
from Montreal sayo:
Tho Rev. Father I.ncombe, who rcturnod
from Homo a short time ago, Is In the city
ou his way to his mission field In tho Cana
dian northwost. When told by a reporter
hat al"ilng news had been received from
Home regarding tho Pope's condition, Fathor
uacombe said:
"Yes, tho end is very near. Tho Holy
Father's health was very poor when I law
him a few weeks ago. He received mo
UB usunl nnu questioned mo concerning my
rntsBlon In which he seemed to tako c
KrCRt Interest, but I could not help obsorv
lnK tout a great change had taken place
lnc lost I saw him.
"Ho appeared thin and emaciated and his
oice noa a nonow rins. He was very
recbic, so feeble that ho could not movo
about without assistance. The nudlcnce
continued for upwards of a quarter of an
hour and at Its conclusion tho Holy Father
blessed me nnd those whom I might bless
n rny return. As he left tho audience.
cnamner i ieu mat I naa seen tho Popo for
mo last time.
Aired Woninn nt Ciot lienliura.
GOTHENBURG, Nob., Nov. 23. (Special.)
Mrs. Olot Hegglund, nged 74 years, died
held tomorrow, Rev. E. R. Leedom of tho
Methodist Kplscopa! church officiating,
Mrs- Schlelslnger, aged 65 yoars, died
yesterday after an Illness of three weeks.
Tno remains will bo taken tomorrow morn
,n i bi. iwouis xor ourial.
pierrb. s. p.. Nov. 2D.-(soeciai Teic
"'"'T," lc ' "u ' V., .y
""Ctm,,; th de,ath of c,0 1,1
Connecticut, whero ho was visiting relatives,
Ho was at ono tlmo a leading business man
and banker In this city nnd leaves a family
Weddings nt Weening Water.
WEKPINO WATER. Nebf Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) Ye terday, tit tho Mo h )dlst Episcopal
church, occurred the wedding of Mr. Harry
Evans to Miss Dllllo Davis, Row Worley
officiating. The church was filled with
guests. A reception was held In tho after
noon and evening at tho bride's home,
Wednpfidnv nt thn fnll
church, Mr. William Kennedy and Miss
Marjf nornnck wcro unlt0(, , marrlag0i A
ilanm at wllloll nmnw ,... ...
, ..,., HUVOIO 1 1 I 4 IllCflUUli
wa trivfln In thn rllv lmll v ihn
" V "u t"Ul.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 29. fSno-
clal.l John L. Kchlnttnnn nt llvn..,l i
Miss Lena May Yoder of Elmwood woro
united In u.arrlnge last evening by Countv
JudRo J. 15. DcuRlaB.
Danish Oleoiuiiricnrtiic Factorr.
AARHUS, Denmark, Nov. 29. Moensted's
oleomargarine factory was destroyed by flro
last night. Tho loss Is placed at 1,000,000
kronen Tho fire brigade was powerless
and tho garrison had to bo turned out to
subduo tho conflagration
William Lalng of the Chicago lodging
house, near Twelfth nnd noughts streets.
reports to tho pollco the theft of a coat,
wSdneay nhilu" ntl hat frm h'8 room
Th rhic t ,.'ii n a. t
wires the Omaha pollco department that
:w? runaway boys of thlB city are In cuh-
tody there. They irlvn the tinmou nf ir'n.n
Vnllln. 2332 Dlondo street, nnd Fred Mor.
row, 3i Putrlck uventie.
Tho tailor shop of Joo Munch In the
5i,B'1am m?cIt ,lt ?7T, I'fnvenworth wns
n'nd Te,,tft 'mStAr VnS,M!aV. n.'5M
Munch nnd his wife wero burned nbout tha
hands. Tho damage was nominal.
unarien Harrison celebrated part of
ThankHglylntr by breaking n number of
ntimunn in me nun iuiiuh nnti mo rest or It
In tho city Jail. Ho was arrested by Patrol-
mull uuiiiiiuut umi crmrirftfi w t i ,,
liclous destruction of property.
Alfred Garland has been nrrested. charged
Willi lllll UUIK illy UL 14. . IPk'nn'v rtnm.
mlHslon house. Twelfth nnd Howani Hi ri.otq
Mununy iiiRiu. un mat nignt sixty mi:
wire stolen. Gnrland wan apprehended
v.'MIe trying to dispose of them.
John Scott, nn insane innn. n-linm, i,nm
Is believed to bo 111 Den Moines, wan picked
up near Seventeenth nnd Leavenworth
niruvin luin miiiaunv iiiirrnoon ny Turn
key Glover. Hu wi'.I bo held nt thn ntv
Jail until tho Iown authorities can bo heard
A postal card nddroaseil. "Tim Unci
Pollco Marshal of Nebraska." has found
na iij linn iiiu iiuitua 01 unci uoniiiiue
.on tnru imtin mr iniurinaiiuil COneeriUliK
11 "amall inun of light bniwn skin and
straight black hair, named Georgo Wll-
llnni.T " tvltitHi linn, 1, 1 f. I... n-
West Preston street, Baltimore, Mil, Tho
writer lulils that Georiru'u mother la rv
uii.Muun iiuuui nun, unu .iibua ncrsuu, Atrs,
Tammto Uemls. tho little bor whn h.i.i iua
iiiopuiH wim iur. iioiucuuerg, n commission
iiieicniiiii. ovur inn posseHMion or a turi;oy
nt Twelfth nnd Capital avunun Wmlnnminv
evenlnir. has come out trliimnhnnt. nni w
this tlmo lias enjoyed several helpings from
the whlto and dark meat of tho bird In con
troversy, Judge Learn decreed Iu police
court Thursday morning that Goldonborg's
only means of doprtvlni? tho boy of the
fowl was to bring a replevin suit, which
would rost at least This Ooldenberi:
uecuueu 10 110,
S. P, Williamson was taken sick In th
Whlto Front saloon ou lower Fnrniim
street Tliumdny evening, nnd when he re
covered It wub found thnt his gold watch
was missing, 'inen ne remembered that
Corn llo.vnton bud held his head duiim; thn
most exrruclntlng moments of pain, and It
seemeu renscnnuie tnat sne inicnt Know
something iiunui tne uit,appearani'e or tin
watch. The woman was arretted by Detec
tives Heelan and Johnson. Tho watch wan
found in her clothing nnd she was booked
for larceny from tne person.
Secretary Boot Transmits Craft of It to
House Committee.
Fixe Only Minimum nnd .Minimum In
.Number of Unlisted Men MiiU.cs
Provision for Retirement of
Veturnns of To AVnrs,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. Tho houso com
mittee on mllltnry n flairs tonight made
public a leter received from Secretary Root,
under date of tho 23th Inst., transmitting
a draft of a bill prepared by the War de
partment for tho reorganization of tho
army. Tho letter says that tho army, as
at present organized under the present law,
will ceaso to exist ou July 1, 1901, and
thereafter will consist of a total enlisted
strength of 29,025 men. Without further
legislation, ho says, tho volunteers now In
service must bo dlochargcd July 1, 1901,
and tho regular army reduced from 63,000
to 29,025 men. Continuing tho letter says:
"Without leaving much, If any, margin
for Btckness, such as tho campaigns of tho
last two years warn us must bo counted
au nu Importunt factor In any occupation
by tho tinny, peaceful or warlike, of many
of the Islands which constltuto the Phil
lppiuu group, tho strength thus fixed must
prove utterly Inadequate, leaving out of
consideration tho sorvlco In the United
Stntes, ,lu Porto Rico and, for tho time
being, In tho Island of Cuba.
Show of Force In Needed.
"Tho nrmy Is confronted with many se
rious problems, tho solution ot which de
mands not only Intelligence and wisdom,
but a showing of well-organized force in
tho now pcsscsslons. Tho history of our
Indian wars Is replete with Incidents show
lng tho futility of sending nu Inadequate
forco to bring Into subjection hosttlo na-
tives such aB those occupying tho Philip-
plno Islands, It Is presumed under theso
conditions that congress will provide a
suuicient number or men to caro for tho
coast defenso fortifications, to provldo gar-
rlsons for the moro or less permanent posts
un tho Canadian and Mexican borders nnd
tnoso scattered through the Indian coun-
try, smnll garrisons in Porto Rico and
Cuba and a sufficient forco In tho Philip-
plno Islands to restoro order and cstnb-
llsh peaceful nnd stable conditions of gov-
"in tne preparation of tho present bill
tho minimum number of men Is fixed for
each 'organization, with a proviso that tho
picsldent mny In his discretion, enlist tho
ni mber of enlisted men In any troop, bat-
tf.ry or company, provided that tho total
number of enlisted men authorized for the
nrmy by congress shall not at any time
bo exceeded. Ry the adoption of this plan
tho absoluto fixed strength of the regular
army can bo shown nt a glance, and any
Increase of numbers nbovo tho minimum
will bo limited by such authority ns mny
bo conveyed from tlmo to tlmo by congress.
The peace strength of each troop, battery
nnd company Is fixed In this bill as now
authorized by existing law. Tho number of
reglmen'.H has been Incrcasod by five of I
cavalry, five of Infantry, numbers which
would correspond to five regiments of nrtll-
lery nnd two battalions of engineers. As
tlie Increase In tho artillery Is Intended for
tho scacoa8t defenses, tho only InoreaBf of
tbo regular army for field service will bs
ten additional regiments of cavalry and In-
fnntry nnd tho two battalions of engineers,
Authority Is asked In this bill to rnlso a
provisional forco ot natives In tho Island
of Porto Rico nnd nlso In tho Philippine
Islands. Tho organization of the native
Hoops tn tho Philippine Islands will, under
tho peculiar conditions existing there, bo
proceeded with slowh' nnd wJth great care,
Provision of the Hills.
"Tho bill contains provisions for a better
distribution of chnplalns; for authorizing
veterans of tho war with Spain to wear, on
occasions of ceremony, their uniforms, sim-
liar to tho authorship given by congress to
veterans of tho civil war: authority for tno
reiiruiiii-iii, na uu luucuacu
veterans of tho two wnrs-tho civil war
uu iue wm- nu n,mi,i, iui iuo numuuii m
nurse corps, tho necessity for which has
been developed during tho last two years;
iur tncmmimi, buihj. uuu i-biuui.du-
mont of camps for tho militia and regular
nrmy, authorizing the president to nppolnt
cnieis 10 vacancies incurring iu iuo biuu
nntra nn,1 ilo.i'iWTiii.ifo frnm (hn nr.nv n I
"l' v...w ...... v.w .
largo, and tho Introduction of the detail
system to several of tho staff corps and do-
"To replace tho volunteers and regulars
who will bo discharged prior to July 1 and
glvoan army of sufficient size to meet tho
exigencies now confronting it, or such as
mny hereafter occur, provision has been
raauo bo mai mo iireaiucm. ma.) iiiviunan
tho number ot enlisted men wimoui tno
creation of new organizations
CVnmerlonl 8treiiKth Provided For.
Tho bill provides for a minimum and max
lmura organization as follows:
mum. Maxi
Fifteen regiments cavalry, S03
each : 12.015
Artillery corps, 30 field, 120
coast in.j.u
Thirty regiments Infnntry, 803
each 21,480
Threo battalions engineers and
Miscellaneous organizations.
lnciuuing gunriiB ior uracniua.
West Point detachment, non
,nmnilRr,lnned staff officers.
Grand totals 68,921 90,768
"Tho Porto Rico regiment, when ro-
crulted to threo battalions, will have a
minimum strength ot 816 and a maximum
of 1,830 enlisted men.
"Under tho net of March 2, 1899, authorlz
ing a force or 35.000 volunteers, one rcgi-
ment of cavalry
Mltniry anil iwo uuunuuna ui iuhu
trnnn. wero enlisted. The experience or
iu ,ionnrtment In niacins reculnr officers
at the head of these regiments and causing
them to Ik) enlisted nnd drilled under a
number of experienced officers has been
most sntlstactory In putting into tho fiold
thoroughly good" nd serviceable orgnnl-
niinnn In n rivii.irUnhl v short, time, hut thn
oxrcrlinent has boon most expenslvo ono
cMwwt ... . .
for tho country, compared to whnt would
havo been the case had the snmo number
of troopn been raised for threo years' serv-
"7 - --. .
'Hi s excess of cost ar scs
Ico us regulars.
from tho necessity of sending thoso regl-
mcntB many thousand miles away rrom
homo for a short term of service, during
which tho allowances are much greater
than would bo tho caso If the sorvlco ex
tended over threa yars.
l'liiniii'iol Fenlnren
"The necessity for returning them home
for dlschnrgo on July 1, 1901, makes the
average cost of their maintenance vory
high compared to that of regulars enlisted
In tho ordinary way for threo years. The
regiments wero plnccd in camps, which
had to bo hired for tho purpose, and they
drow tholr flrst year's clothing and allow-
nnccs. which nro very much larger than
for r.ny other year, whereas they will ron-
dor only nn nvorago of ono and one-half
years' nctlvo service. Hstimates navo noon
prepared ns to the excess of cost of such
n bedy of volunteers, rendering from ono
nnd ono-hnlf to two years' service, to the
cost of a forco of tho same strength en
listed for three years sorvlce, and tho
total cstlmato of tho various supply do
partments shows the excess to be 116,
071,009. It will therefore bo seen that It
will be more economical to obtain the
Increased strength of the army required
at tho present time ns provided under tho
bill submitted herewith than wilt be the
case If moro volunteer regiments nre raised.
"For short terms of service and durlug
war, when large numbers of men are re
quired, the country must always rely, as it
has dono in tho past, upon the volunteer
soldier, but the conditions now confront
ing tho department demand that It shall
havo at hand a sufficient number of reg
ular regiments to furnish tho garrisons
and perform the work uow required of tho
army. Tho number of regiments must bo
sufficient to enable the department to re
lieve regiments from time to tlmo on duty
outside of the United States, Tho ex
pcrlonco of the last two years has shown
that tt will bo next to Impossible to con
tinue tho American troops Indefinitely in
tho Philippines without rollof."
r v 9 f 9 - Ssw
"The 1'rliu'cn Clile"
Charles tho Hold, Duke of Hurgundy. . ,.
Louis XI, King of France
, ..... Walter A. Lawrence
Francois, Maniuls of Clnremont, his
. friend Frederick Knights
Chaiiibcrttn, stewurd to tho duke
Thomas. U. Leury
Urovet I Swaggering ..Joseph U. Allron
I Soldiers I
Ilrabau of Fortuno ..W. A. Lawrcnco
l'ommnrd, steward to the Prlneecs
,. Nell McNeil
Herald to tho King Lymuu Wheeler
Cuptnlu of tho Duko's Guard
. Frunk 8. Uentduft
Vnlmond, follower of tho Duke
Qeorgu Williams
Lorratno, pugo to tho Princess
Mnthlldo Prcvllle
Estelle, duughtcr of Chnmbertln
ACIH'H I ! 11 1
Princess Chic of Normandy
Murguerltu Hylva
Huntsmen, Retainers, Men-ut-Arms,
Peunnnts, Cavaliers, Cojrtlera,
Time: 140S. Place: I'orone, Uurgundy.
Charles tho Bold, tho rash and romantic
duke of Uurgundy, Is tho figure about which
Kirk La Shollo has woven a somewhat
tenuous tulo of lovo, wnr and Intrlcun,
Tho story comes most wlnsomely nnd with
exquisite finish, however, from tho Hps of
Miss .Margucrltn Sylva nnd a band of merry
liegemen. None nro able to follow whero
Bhc lcadu, however, except bor faithful
stewnrd, who passes undlemaycd through
many quaint disguises each succeeding. In
cldcntally, In setting forth tho physical
chnrms of the Princess Chic to excellent
Tho opera Is put on In thn manner of the
day with a prodigality of scenic elothluir.
unly two views are presented, tho court
yard and grand hall of n Durgundlan chn-
teau, but upun these good artists havo ox-
ptndcd their best effort. Tho stage ar-
rangomcnt Is remindful of other recent pro-
ductions, notably tho "Singing Girl." Just
as a similar levy seems to huvo been mado
In tho choice of Jests. In the setting bril
llnnco of color blended Bhado to shado had
been rarely conceived as a treat to tho eye.
To this effect Is added tho gleam of steel
and tho flutter of skirts dyed with gaudy
Julian Edward has furnished n bountiful
supply of melodies which linger In tho
memory, the most choice of tho lyrics fall
lng to tho sharo of Miss Sylva, Tho llbrot-
tlst has sot tho most quaint and dainty
fancies to tho airs and altogether tho opera
has conspicuous merit as a musical com
position. Miss Sylva appears In throo cos-
tumes, two of them disguises, nnd to tho
best advantago In the simplest one that of
tho peasant. Her vo'leo Is puro and clear
wltn yet a quality and richness in It fun
of promise for the singor's future. Tho
song which found most favor was "Tno
Wood Nymph nnd tho.Rivcr God," a lyric
or superior merit. As'tne -princess cine, a
whimsical young personal, who appears nt
almost nny tlmo In any garb sho wins the
lovo of Charles tne uoia. ho stoops to
offer his hand nnd holdings to a supposed
pensant girl and Is accented after many
happenings by tho princess In her true per
son despite tho fact that history pelslsts
in awarding him to the sister ot tho Eng
lish Edward IV.
Although a limit might bo placed upon
, nf ..... svivn's volco no lack
lf zeal wml,d ,)(J 8nown r0Kardlr,g charm
Bs a beautiful woman and n clever actress,
Hcr wor la mnrkcii ty n g00d tasto and
fcimpllclty which does not fall to plcaso.
fn , .nmpilv tho comnnnv has sev
cral consplcuous lights, J. C. Mlron, a basso
.,. vn1iimn of CoWlCB. talilnE tllO BOC-
, ,,nnnPa n, ,hn dav. Ho Is a comedian
lQ tne lnnnner born. Assisted by a trio of
otner 8cnpCgraee3 he produces a trlumpn
... ....... 1 i . ......... t.
rt nnninnqn Wlllnn V1B1U1V UriUUlUUO lliu
pr0(Jucton Ho Is ably seconded by Thomas
c Lcnryi steward to the duke, nn'actor
w,ln ft tlrou manner shnred by row. me
unrtot roa(icrs the capital song. "Reader
c,. ulJdcai whisper Low, How Aro Wo to
KnoW7 t'0 tho enthusiasm of n somewhat
)angu'j nudIenco. The quartet exchanged
th(j onJy cn(jnage of merit In tho opera,
I wlilcU has scarcely its snaro oi wormy
of tho more serious soloists waiter ww
nlav's a rich barltqne heard to
equnl advantage In the dual part of Louis
VI nnrl Hrnbau. tno uiusiering umiur ui
fortune. Winfield Rlnke, possessed nlBO of
. i,nriinnp. moro virile but less modulated
of tone, carries well tho bluff part ot
Charles tho Bold.
Acnes Paul Is a pert ana uainiy youiiK
..inwini' with cood health and
spirit B, who ndds dash to tho progress ot
events. Her moro or less favored suitor
Is Fredorlck Knights, wno secmB aomewnuv
Indifferent In view of tho prlzo at stako.
Another Iosb conspicuous part Is well filled
by Mathllde Provllle, pngo to tho princess,
who Is trlven a soio in mo moi iiv, n..-
deserved concession.
Tho chorus deserves mention ior u -..
. . i xnnlplhutlnn. The
cellcnt ana"- - -
men aro full-voiced ami wen immu uu,.
forty wqll-appearlng young women aro no
-u.v ""-"' " Me ,or rlchness d
whit, less worthy, ab mui,
,n short( tho opera
" - nfntlnn
worthy of nil acceptation.
Tno aiiernuuu 1 .
. . r inrrnrmnTirn vhhliiiukj
opened " engagement ... .
f" " , . ' 0 HtronB outdoor and house-
largo In splto 01 niroi.b
hoW attractions.
At SrJ,i for the Tienf.
. 11, . Institute for the Deaf
NTiinpmn ui zj.: . . . " ....
nnd Dumb otism-eii i'Lu"K'n m.Zp
program. qf th'Mj "I, ,! after
r(hn flrn't. xecnnd and Junior to'WJ
eloventR met nnd 'n.SiV'Tii.VnVsPand
XV vnrth Omaha tho (' rton 11 III nrBi nnu
of North umaii-'. , , . th von.
f,,,, there was a series of Indoor games and
intellectual ciiiiimw,
A Snap Shot-
As wo give It in n description of our
Vinson' KbnPR onlv dveB vou a dim
, , f , t , y renlly llveto Beo ,H to
I . . , ' t,.,4io.i mi,M
miy-w wnu js iu .,.,.-
Hlioes nnve iuo spring iieeis, unu nno
tho foot to grow In the proper wny per-
ftH,t j foot fonlli they never tire
, , (1, , t lf nn(1 hoaVy ilon-
Boln) to prevent wet feet-very Impor-
tnnt nt this season of tho year Misses
sizes, 8 to 11, $1."; Wj to 2, $l.r0;
youB woman's, with uprlng heel. Wi
to (I, ?2.00.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
Stir CataloKue llendy Sent Free for
lb AaUluct,
Uuiura's t'i-to-dte Shoe House.
1I1U i'A.H.Alt bTIIU-T.
jffljr 77tereare?oti0ms v)i use of i
JSheiXnJCggiiJti) -Til
South O
in aim News .
Politicians of nil kinds, colors nnd de
scriptions wero engaged yesterday In talk
ing charter lovlston. Thero Is to bo a mass
mooting tonight for tho purposo of tnlklng
over tho needs ot tho city, nnd whllo tho
regularly appointed, committees do not coun
tenance tho meeting it will doubtless be
hold. Somo of tho taxpayers assert that
they will not trust tho revision of tho
charter to tho commltteo appointed by tho
council nor tho aggregation composing tbo
Commercial club committee. Fault is
found with both of these committees, tho
statement being mndo that selfish ends are
Involved In both cases.
In enso tho mass meeting tonight pans
out and a commltteo to draft a charter Is
appointed there will then bo threo charter
committees In tho field nnd It will be a
question which will bo accepted. On ono
point all those who nre Interested aro as a
unit, and that Is tho naming of a tax
commissioner. It Is asserted thnt tho as
Besaments mnde hero are not right and
that If a commissioner Is appointed who
la paid a good salnry tho property in every
ward will be assessed In accordance with
There Is somo llttlo hitch between tho
committee appointed by tho Commercial club
and that named by the council for tho
renson that tho club Ignored the city offi
cials entirely, whllo on tho other hand tho
council commltteo Is composed of two well
known representatives of labor organiza
tions. If tho mass meeting called for to
night develops and n commltteo Is appointed
It Is probablo that negotiations will be
mado for a Joint meeting of tho threo
committees In order that time, labor and
expense mny bo feaved nnd tho Bamo re
sults arrived nt as If each commltteo
worked separately.
A nu 11 ill Police llnll.
The eighth annual ball ot tho South
Omaha pollco department wns given at
tho hall In tho city building last night
and tho nttendanco really exceeded the ex
pectations of tho committee In charge of
tho arrangements. About COO tickets had
been sold and tho pollco relief fund will bo
enriched by several hundred dollars,
One of tbo features was the presentation
to Chief Mitchell ot n gold watch. In the
midst of tho grand march tho music stopped
and ns everyone looked toward tho stage
to asccrtnln what was tho causo City Prose
cutor Murphy stepped forward and called
Mitchell out of tho lino, In a few brief
words Mr. Murphy conveyed to tho chief
tho regard the men of tho line havo for
him and In conclusion handed him the watch
as a mnrk of esteem. Tho ball was the
most largely nttended of any given so far
this season.
TlinnhHKlvlnic Is Observed.
Thanksgiving was observed In South
Omnhn yesterday by tho closing of stores
nt noon nnd a general relaxation of bus
IncsB. All of tho banks rcmalucd closed
throughout tho day, ns woll ob city offices.
Union services wcro held nt tho Christian
church, Rev. Dr. Renwlck, paBtor of the
United Presbyterian church, prcnchlng tho
sermon. At tho conclusion of this service
a collection was takon for tho benefit of tho
South Omaha Hospital association. The
muslo at this sorvlco was excellent and
wns under tho direction of W. H. Overton
local secretary of tho Young Men's Christian
Chief ot Pollco Mitchell saw to It that
tho lumatcs of tho city Jail wero well
provided for and oven went so far as to
buy pome delicacies for tho unfortunates
who wero detained within steel wnus.
AdltliiM AellnK Mayor.
In tho absence of Mayor Kelly Wesley
P. Adklns, president of the city council, Is
acting mayor and Is performing tho duties
of tho otneo llko n veteran. Kolly Is on
a hunting trip and will not return beforo
Saturday or Sunday. Ho is cited to appear
beforo County Judge Vinsonlmler on Mon
dnv on tho charge of receiving official
bribes and upon leaving hero announced ht3
Intention ot returning In tlmo to meet tho
Counellninn Trnlnor Mnrrled.
At St. Agnes' church yesterday morning
Councilman Patrick Tralnor was married to
Miss Margaret Kelly. Following tho cero
mcny thero was n reception nnd tho cus
tomary wedding breakfast. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ttalnor left la3t night for an eastern trip
nnd will bo gono nbout ten days.
Complnliit About Menln, ,,
Prltoners in the city Jail are complaining
about the meals furnished them ami Chief
Mitchell has taken tho matter up with a
view to cither having better servlco or nn
nbrogatlnn of tho existing contract. The
prtsent contract calls for meals worth nbout
12 cents each, but It Is stated thnt tho
person who furnishes tho food Is not lol
lowing out his agreement and ho will bo
called to an accounting.
Memorial Serviced.
On Saturday evening Pbtl Kearney past
No. 2, Grand Army of tho Republic, will
hold memorial services In memory of
Michael Coady and Dennis Purccll. Follow
ing the services an election of officers of
the post for the year will be held. All
members of tho order nra urgod to attend
tho cervices and the election.
Mnirlc City Gossip.
ny the purchase of n hospital button a
worthy causo will be advanced.
Tonight tho Rntro Nous club will give a
dancing pnrty nt Odd Follows' hall.
P. J. WnlBh Is nt Cheyenne, Wyo., where
ho Is representing the Armour company.
Threo children nt tha homo of Frank
Holdlnx. Eighteenth and Railroad avenue,
nro down with diphtheria,
A mnss meeting of citizens will bo held
nt the council chamber tor the purposo of
considering the new charter.
The funeral of Mrs. Ountnv Mntson will
be held Sunday at the Swedish church,
Twenty-second and K streets.
Wllllnm Hay, who wns struck by nn en
gine In the yards, Is dend and has been re
moved lo Omaha. Tho funeral will bo hold
There Is tome talk of nsklng the railroad
companies to place n sufficient number of
watchmen at the N street crossing to the
Btock ynrds.
Fred, the young son of Henry Keller,
Twenty-third nnd 7. streets, will be burled
today rrom tne rnmuy resiuence. interment
will bo at Lnurol Hill cemetery.
J. C. Lathrop of Lincoln Is at the Millard,
M. C. Cusack of North Bend is In the
G. W. Grlsen and wifo or Aurora aro in
M. L. Stark and wife of Aurora are In
tho city.
II. K. Wilson of- Beatrice is at tho
C. It. Crltchell of Denver Is stopping at
the Millard.
8. R. Kanoll of Cozad Is a patron of the
Her Grand.
a. R. Souter of Lincoln was at the Mur
ray Thursday.
W s G fore of Hyannis is quariereu
at tho Merchants.
G. M. niKKun of Kansas City Is registered
at tho Henshaw.
Fred Fuller of Fullerton was a Thursday
guest at tho Millard.
It. G. Rlffetoe. a stockman of Cheyenne,
Is at tha Her Grand.
D. H. Crutcher of Kansas Cltv Is nutting
up nt tha Iter Grand,
O. 11. Jovful or Washlnirton. D. C. Is n
guest of the Her Grand.
K. Snauldlntr nnd bride of Brndy Island.
Neb., are guests of tho Merchnnts.
n. It. Crostnn and wife of Colorado
Springs are guosts of tho Millard,
trranels It. K. Hewlett and bride of Merrl-
mnn, Neb., are stopping at the Merchants.
P. E. McKllllp and M. T. uyan or
Humphroy, Neb., are stopping nt tho
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Go-.dnow of Mlnne-
npllos, Minn., arc tho gucBts of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Sylvester Rush.
Mineral Manaser E. Dickinson of the
Union Pacific returned yesterduy from a
short business trip over the line.
Mr nml Mrs. Wi am II. Plndel of Han
nibal, Mn are the guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Sylvester Rush, at 4931 Webster street.
J. A. R. Klllott, Chris cjottnen, Fren
Cockrlll. Clint Cockrlll and J. W. Bromhall,
al! of Kansas City, nre In Omuha to par
ticipate in tne live oira biiooi.
T. C. Taylor of Aurora, W. E. Stein of
Frlt-nd, W. J. Biles of Hnatlngs nnd J. C.
Kullenwlder of Lincoln nro stato guests nt
the Her Grand.
Fred ReynoldB of Gothenburg, C. D. Jen
The Self Playing "Apollo"-
Tho Inti'st nnil boat In plnno nttneh
Hecfiufia It Is bo vastly Biiperlor In every
way to nny of Its competitors It re
quires Just one-half the expenditure of
physical forco to run It Como In to our
plnno rooms when pusslng and try It
yourself you will be delighted nt once.
Owing to the enormous number being
produced It nolla cheaper than nny other.
Muslo and Art. 1513 Dougla
Our Bicycle Man thinks It is Funy
Hello Hello! Can't make connec
tion! This Is provoking but when you
call us up we are always ready to make
connection with your range or cook
stove to tho water works wo have tho
hot water attachment tor your stove
we lit them nnd connect them so you
'can get hot water lu a moment's time,
We are the people that do thnt kind of
Telouhouo DtfO. 1207 Douirlas St
kins of Norfolk, Gun Sl"vir ot Grand Islnnl,
Will lltiffsmlth of CrelKliton, Dan Hrynn or
Hyracuro and Dick I.lmlrinan of Adam iro
Iu the city to laku part In the Dupout Gun
club shoot todny.
Nebmskans at the Merchants; Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. W. Earl of OakduV. II. J. Ashby
and John Dlcmer of IlvinniH, Frank nnd
William Krxlebor of Wayne. J. Jiu-lfs' of
Long Pine. F. A. Howard of Sewnrd, II. C
ull of Albion mid J. O. Mnurlng of Fre
mont. Among the Omaha contlngi'iit In attend
nnce upon the Nf braBkn-Mliini-'ota game at
Lincoln yesterday tho local 111 Iroiul frater
nity was represented by W II Itrlll, .11 1
trlct passenger agent of thn I 1 liiis Cent nil;
J, I'. Buckingham, chief clerk lu the Bur
llngton general passenger depnrtnirut, and
Blllle Barnes of the Missouri 1'iicUlc,
General Passenger Agent Buchanan,
Francis nnd Lomax, 0 the Mlkhorn,
Burlington nnd Union Pacific, left yester
day for Chicago to attend n meeting "f
tho Western Pnssengcr iiKsoclntion. Ono
of the prlnclpnl matter that will comj
up for consideration will relnte to the ndop
tlon of a uniform Interchangeable mileage
to be used on all rnllronch operating be
tween Nebraska and Colorado common
Volnts, including the ICansns lines. i'hlf
Into Clerk Scott of tho Union Pacific will
also nttend tho mccttnrr.
Tom Smith's IIIk llenrt.
Tom Smith's heart was oo full of tho
Thanksgiving spirit that he Invited every
body to tho bar In 11 North Sixteenth street
saloon Thursday evening nnd ordered tho
best In the place. After the bar towel had
been passed Smith refused to pay tho shot,
and was nbout to be thrown out when a
kind-hearted stranger offered to make n
settlement. Ho produced a big roll of bills
to do so nnd Smith Iminedlnloly accused
him of having picked his pocket. Smith
wns drunkenly abusive nnd wns arrested by
Patrolman Reldy. Thero wns no truth In
his complaint that his pocket hud been
Vngranla, H.-uunrs nml 'I'hlrres.
John Larson nnd Charles Arthur, va
grants nnd street beggars, wero urrested
Thursday night by Patrolman Taylor near
tho city Jail, nnd whllo on the way thero
Arthur threw away tho lint ho wore. It
wns later found to bo tho property of Tom
Itvnn, from whom it hint been stolen In
Odin's hall ou lower Farnntn ntreot. An
additional charge, that of lnrceny, wns
placed against Arthur.
Tim Murphy's Club.
To whllo nwny tho otherwise tedious
leisure of touring Mr. Tim Murphy has
organized a book nnd magazine club In
his company. The dues nru 25 o'nts n week
and on this tho comedian finds thnt Ills
professional family enn rend eight of tho
lending monthly inngnzlnes, ono American
nnd ono English quarterly nnd Increase
tho traveling library by two new books n
week. When tho books nnd periodicals hovu
been rend by nil who enro to Mr Murphy
sends them to some public library or tn
somo hospital.
etc, made to order
by corupotont
Sond to us for
blanks and other
Dafevmlty Brae Haaafaotarers.
mm Farnntn OMA1IA.
Op. P-xton Hotel.