Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    Telephones C18-C01.
liolh colored nml black till go at onc-linlf of usual rem mint
prices. As sure as lire makes ashes, so the great selling of dress
goods in this store makes odds and ends. Good lengths, most of
them, for waists, skirls and dresses, including plain. colors, nov
elties, plaids from all the choicest of the dress goods fabrics.
The list that follows appeals to women far and near.
C3c for 5-X yards Tufted Novelty, for
mer remnant price, U.35.
Ada for yards Plaid, former rem
nant p.-lce SOc.
27.4c for I yard Stylish Plaid Suiting,
former remnant price, "Sc.
IGc for Ay, yard Doted Novelty, for
mer remnant price, $1.10.
COo for 2 1-S yards Polka Dot Novelty,
former remnant price, $1.00.
11.49 for 3& yards Handsome Suiting,
former remnant price, J2.SS.
2.t5 for 6& ynrds Gray Cheviot, for
mer remnant price, '$4.90.
$1.13 for 6 yardn Old Itoso French
Scrsc, lormcr remnant price, 12.23.
$1.10 for 5Vfi yards, All Wool Suiting,
former remnant prlco, $2.20.
$1.80 for G 3-8 yards All Wool Suiting,
former remnant price, $3.60.
$1.50 for 3 -8 yards All Wool Striped
Novelty, former remnant price, $3.00.
Wo Close Our Store Saturdays nt O P. M.
Thompson, Beldem &Co.
Ides, after which Crandall made a fifteen
yard run around the Nebraska right. The
ball was on Nebraska's territory and near
tho west line. At this Juncture Plllsburv
exploded the first dynamtto In Nebraska
lungs by oludlng the feBtlve Oophorites and
maklug a seventy-yard dush for a touch
down. It was a spectacular play that
atcused tho enthusiasm of the Ncbvaakans
and chilled the hcartn of tho Minnesota
porta who had wagered money on tho
proposition that Nebraska would not score.
Illcgor kicked goal easily. Score, 10 to 6.
For some tlmo tho plays wavered be
tween the twcnty-flve-yard lines on both
sides, but moro on the Nebraska sldo than
Minnesota. Tho Nebraska boys wero clearly
on tho defensive as Minnesota was using
weight with great effect, as well as a
scries of successful punting. A short tlmo
beforo Minnesota made her third touch
down Left Halfback Van Valkenberg was
Injured. Ho was badly crippled up In a
scrimmage, but did not retire. Ho was
tho first .visitor to bo laid out, tho Ne
braska boys frequently delaying tho gamo
by a knockout. After Van rocoverod the
ball was started from tho Nebraska twcnty-flve-yard
line, .with tho ball In Minne
sota's, possession. After working tho ball
flvo yards nearer Knuwlton tried another
place kick and succeeded In getting tho
ball between the posts. Scoro, 16 to C.
Tho first halt ended at 3:60 p. m.
. Second Half Sturt Well.
-The isecond half began nt 4:05. Bender
ucccedcd Montgomery at right halt.
Kncwltpn kicked off Tor Minnesota and tho
ball was caught by Bender and returned
twenty-flvo. ynrds. Nebraska, got ten yards
on an offsldo play. They next tried the lino
for a thrco-yard gain, but Crandall made
a losing attempt around the fight, drop
ping back four yards. Illngcr punted for
thirty-five yards. Tweet was Injured In
tho socond scrimmage and the Oophers lost
tho ball on a fumble. At this point Ne
braska began to. play more aggressively
than at any previous tlmo In the game.
Bender carried tho ball for ten yards' on a
nlco run around the left end, but the um
ptro gavo the ball to Minnesota on an off
sldo play. At this Juncture Van Valken
berg mado a twenty-yard run around the
right end, which wan the best run mado
by Minnesota during tho game. They then
resumed tholr bucking tactics, but lost
tho ball to Nebraska on downs. Ne
braska tried the double pass, Crandall and
Drain working the trick and making a nlco
gain for fifteen yards. At this point Smith
succeeded Van Valkenburg as left half.
Nebraska then mado a scries ot splendid
gains toward the Minnesota goal, Pills
bury, Crandall and Bender carrying the
ball. When thoy had succeeded In get
ting tho ball within five yards of Minne
sota's gonl tho Nebraska rooters saw an
other touchdown In sight. Plllsbury car
ried tho ball over for Nebraska's second
touchdown. Itlnger kicked goal and tho
icoro stood 16 to 12.
Mlnuraota Kept Courage.
Tho Minnesota followers did not lose
heart by any means at the stronger work of
the Nebraska team, but began 'to see tho
gamo was not as much of a walkaway as
they anticipated. During tho remainder ot
tho second half tho Gophers plnyod a moro
stubborn gamo, aud did not let the locals
handlo tho ball very much moro, seeing
thoy wero playing too nggrcsslvely when in
possession of the pigskin. Knowlton kicked
oft from tho center aud Crandall caught the
ball for Nebraska, regaining twenty yards
boforo ho was downed. Bender made fifteen
yards around the loft end and Plllsbury
bucked tho lino for ono yard. Then Ne
braska was forced to surrender tho ball on
an offside play. Minnesota pushed tha ball
down tun line until thoy thought thoy wore
again near enough tho goal for a place
kick, but they missed. Nebraska kicked off
from the twenty-yurd lino, pushing tho
loathcr over Into Minnesota territory. Thoy
mado live yards In tho next three plays by
bucking tho lino, but lost ground next on
fumble ami resorted to a punt. Crandall
nd Drain took turns nt fumbling tho ball,
but Cortolyou was cn hand to save tho
leather for the locals. Nebraska was forced
Biliousness, sour stomach, constlp
tlou and all liver Ills aro cured I
HomX' PsSSs
The non-Irritating cathcrtlc, Pri
25 cents of all itrurcglsU or by mall
C.I. Hood & Co., towel). Mass,
! 6.1 mi dMrvlu( boy or firl ct a practical aucatla nunk
nb vera ron.
(It. tad No.)
This coupoa If accompanied by cask payiatnt on subscription ccoaat tst
Omaha U counu 15 votti for each 15c paid. 100 voUa for tach $1 pats, eta.
Coupons with cash must oounterstgaed by circulation department.
faff Tt-ii'o r44 DPf,t of" or mall to "TOM
tuuiMi uior Mac. UrU, C o'ciucr 11, tu.
Bee, Nov. 25, 1900.
Remnants of Dress
Goods Must Go.
88c for SH yards Polka Dot Serge, for
mer remnant price, $1.76.
"Jo for 44 yards French Serge, former
remnant price, $1.60.
$1.80 for 64 yards Novelty Suiting, for
mer remnant price,
$1.03 for 4Vi yards Dlack Mohair Cre
pon, former remnant price, $2.10.
$1.48 for 4'H yards Dlack Cheviot, former
remnant price, $2.35.
$1.30 for 1 1-8 yards Black Mohair
Novelty, former remnant price, $2.60.
$1.50 for 6 yards Black Plerola Novelty,
former remnant price, $3.00.
$3.38 for C 7-8 yds. Black Pcbulo Chev
iot, former remnant prlco, $3.75.
$1.05 for 3 7-8 yards Black Novelty,
former remnant price, $2.10.
On salo Friday morning. Over one
thousand remnants ot colors aud
black to select frcra.
to punt In turn, gaining twenty-five yards.
The Oophers seemed determined that their
rooters who had placed money on the prop
osition that tho score would exceed seven
teen on their sldo should not go homo dis
consolate. Each succeeding line buck re
corded a gain of two, threo or tlvo yards,
nothing big, but steady and sure. Them
was six moro minutes to play when tho
ball stood on Nebraska's thirty-yard line.
Foo carried It for ten yards through the
lino nnd Hoyt took It ton, nnd tho
ball wa3 placed on Nebraska's ten-yard
line. Tho next ten yards wero stubbornly
contested by Nebraska, but they could not
stem tho tide. Hoyt carried the ball over
and Knowlton mado a clean rocord of miss
ing goal. Score 20-12. During the last few
minutes Wurl took tho place of Montgomery
as right halfback, but tho tlmo was too
short for any moro scoring. When time
was called tho ball was on tho twenty-five
yard line In Minnesota territory.
The tcums lined up as follows:
Lineup and Score.
Nebraska. Position. Minnesota.
Kochler Center , Pago
Itlnger Right guard Mueller
Dasenbrock ....Lett guard Klyim
Westover ltlght tocklo Tweet
Brew. Left tacklo Fee
Cortolyou Hlght end Hoyt
Johnson Left end Aune
Montgomery-Bonder.night half Lafanx
Crnndall Left half .VanValkenburg
Cook-l'lllsbury-Wurl.Fullbuck ....Knowlton
Drain Quarterback Doble
Touchdowns: For Minnesota, Hoyt, (2):
Aune; for Nebraska, Plllsbury, (2). Oail
from field: For Minnesota, Knowlton. Go.U
after touchdown: For Nebraska, Ttinger (2).
Goal missed after touchdown: HyMlnnc
Hota. Knowlton (3). Umpire1: Phil Allen .of
Chicago. Referee: Clark of Omaha .Lines
man: Crawford ot Omahu.
Rockefeller' Protege Expiate- Iat
Sin by Drubbing Ann Arbor
Aiilrnnt A'l'lenty.
CHICAGO, Nov. 29. Chicago, 15; Michi
gan, 6. Tho University of Chicago cloven,
defeated flvo times In succession, wound
up tho foot boll season of 1900 today by
scoring threo touchdowns on Michigan and
with' tho exception of a few minutes in
tho first half rompletoly outplaying them.
Michigan scored first, getting tho ball
on a fumble well In to Chicago's territory
and by line plunges, in which tho old
Princeton tandem formation was frequently
usod, carrying It straight down tho field
and across tho lino. But that was their
last chance for scoring. Fifteen minutes
later Chicago had bucked Its way nearly
seventy yards and across tho Michigan goal
lino. Early Id tho gamo Chicago found n
weak spot In tho Michigan lino. It was
at left tackle, and against this spot Per
klus and Sheldon wero hurled until Whlto,
completely exhausted by tlie terrlllc ham
mering, was forced to leave tho game.
In tho second half, with the scoro 6 to 6
against them, tho Maroons, playing fair
foot ball, and showing beautiful team work,
Btartcd In to win. Twice they forced the
pigskin Inside ot Michigan's five-yard lino,
and twice tho malzo and blue, fighting undor
tho shadow of their own goal posts, hold
for downs. But Sweeley's punting was
poor and when for tho third time Chicago
reached tho sarao spot tho Michigan for
wards gavo way and tho game was won.
Chicago's third touchdown camo much
easier. Even after Bliss bad rellovcd White
nt tacklo, Fell opened up big holes for
tho Maroon backs to plungo through, and
whon tlmo was called for the end of the
game Chicago was gaining from three to
to ton yards on a down. After scoring
their first and only touchdown Michigan
was uuable to mako niatortal headway
through tho Chicago lino on straight foot
ball and Sweolcy tlmo and again was forced
to punt. A clovcrly exocuted fnlse kick re
sulted in the longest run a Michigan man
mado during tho game. Sweoloy gotting
around left end for nvcnty-nvo yards on
a piny of this kind. Tho teams lined up as
Chicago. Positions. Michigan.
Hlch I,ort end snow
AVJSr,'1 1-oft tackle Whlto Loft Rjnrd... Mark
Speed Center ., Hrown
Flanagan Hlght guard .... Kelly
ell HlRht tacklo ..... Shorts
Morton night end........... Ite.l.Ven
Garry Quarterback Week
llenrv Loft half simw
She don Hlght half nodner
Ferklns Fullback Sweeley
-louehdowns: Perkins (3). White. Goals
kicked: Whlto, Sweolcy. Umpire: Hob
Wrenn. Referee; Hefolllngor.
Do yon ant n stenographer? Spond 23
tents for a Boe "want ad."
Omaha, Nib.
Oolnmbia's Eloven Dissipates Carlisle In
diaus' Lait Gleam of Hope.
Tiventj-Klvp Tlmusaiiil People Altrml
Drftjiltc n DHkzIIiik Itnln Tlint
It 11 1 11 tho Ground mill .Milken
l"nt 1'iujlnn IiupoMwIIile,
NEW YORK, Nov. 29,-The Columbia foot
ball team today defeated tho Carlisle In
dians on Columbia's field In this city by a
score of 17 to C. Thero wero ucarly 25,000
people watching the game and they flaw
fl clean and accurate nn exhibition as Ims been put up on tho grounds. Mean
weather threatened from tho beginning of
tho game. The sky was overcast and tho
field was In mlserublo condition for good
playing. It wan no soft that largo qunn
titles of sawdust had to bo sptlukled over
tho field In spots to secure n foothold.
About tho mlddlo of tho Becond half 11
steady drizzle started In, making tho ball
slippery, tho playing dead nnd putting a
damper on tho enthusiasm of tho great
Two sensations marked tho game, tho
first a aprlnt of fifty yards by Weekes for
Lolumbln's first touchdown. His play wus
partly duo to the ap'.endld Interference of
Wright, who ran with Weckeo nil the way
down tho flold and blocked off Carlisle's
buckraan. Tho other feature was a fumblo
mado by Morley In a dangerous attempt
at a fake kick when Carlisle was only
seven yards from tho Columbia goal. This
sent tho ball rolling toward Columbia's
goal and Rain shot through tho lino und
fell on tho ball Just over tho line and
between the posts, scoring tho touchdown
for tho Indalns. Tho other two touch
downs made by Columbia were scored by
pushing Berrien nnd Austin over tho lino
when tho ball was but a few yards from
While lluvr the Avoirdupois.
When tho two teams came on tho flold
It was plainly evident that Columbia had
weight In her favor. On the tossup Co
lumbla won tho goal and took tho cast,
securing advantage of tho slight breeze that
was blowing. At first It was most any
body's game, but after thirteen minutes'
play Columbia had tho ball on Carlisle's
fifty-yard lino. Weekes took tho ball and
went between Itcdwatcr and Wheelock for
the first touchdown, with Wright Inter
fering. Bruco tried to kick tho goal, but
felled. Shortly after the klckoff the Indian?
got tho ball to Columbia's thlrty-flve-yard
lino and then tried for a goal with a placo
kick. Wright Jumped through the lino and
blocked Pierce's kick. Columbia soon after
got tho ball and pushed down on Carllslo'B
goal. She was five yards away when Pierce
punted out of bounds. After small gains
Columbia pushed Berrien over for tho second
touchdown. Bruco kicked tho goal. Tho
flrBt half ended with Columbia In possession
ot the ball on Carllslo's fifty-yard lino.
Score, first half: Columbln, 11; Carlisle, 0.
Conper Gcnta Mnkp It Iiiterentlnir. -
At tho klckoff for tho second half tho
Indians began a fierce Ixittlo and rushed
Columbia hard. They had tho ball on Co
lumbia's thlrty-flve-yard lino and Wheelock
made a try for goal from tho field by drop
kick, but failed. At tho puntout Carlisle
maintained her hammering at Columbia's
lino and got tho ball down to Columbia's
eleven-yard lino, whero Bain fumbled tho
ball and Berrien got It. Columbia then
tried her fake kick trick. The ball was wet,
slippery and heavy. It was snapped to
Morley, who slip from hlB hands and
It bounded toward the goal. Bain shot
through tho bunch and landod on the ball
Just over tha line. The goal was kicked
by the Indians.
Columbia thon mado a spurt and pushed
the Indians down tbo field to Carllsle'a five
yard line. Austin Jumped through Bain and
Columbia pushed him over the line for the
third touchdown. Bruce kicked tho goal.
After tho klckoff tho Indians got the ball
on Columbia's thlrty-flve-yard line and
Wheelock again tried for a placo kick for
goal. Tho ball missed by a few Inches, as
It struck tho sldo of tho goal post and fell
outside. Tho gamo was called with Colum
bia In possession of tho ball on Carllslo's
forty-yard lino. Final scoro: Columbia, 17:
Carlisle, 6. Tho lineup:
Columbia Position. Carlisle.
9 ; Left end... Itogcrs (Capt.)
Benrdsley Left tnckle Wheelock
Wright Left guard Redwater
Bruce Center.. ..Smlth-Wllllams
Meser ltlght guard Dillon
Austin Illght tacklo Daln
Van Hoovenberg. ltlght end..": Hare
Rt'Wa T I. ...... I ... I .
Weekes ..; Left half .Parkcr-Slmmons
ivy v.iiik. ...infill nun uoaver
Berrien .'Fullback. . .Plcrce-Palmer-
Touchdowns: Weekes, Berrien. Austin,
Bain. Oonls from touchdowns: Hruce (2),
Johnson. Time of halves: 35 minutes. Um
pire: Bert Waters. Referee: Fordon
Brown, Yalo. Linesmen: Simons, Columbia,
and Walto, University of Pennsylvania.
TouelidniYii and fionl Apiece at the
End of Tito Hani Kouiilit
KANSAS CITY", Mo., Nov. 29. Today's
annual foot ball gamo between the stoto
universities ot Kansas and Missouri resulted
In a tie, with a score of 6 to 0. Tho teams
were evenly matched nnd a spirited contest
was the result. In tho nst half the MUtourl
team proved stronger than iho Kausans,
both on offense and defense, and tho Jay
hawks woro powerless to Btop tho rushes of
the Tigers. After eight minutes play, Cooper
carried tho ball over for a touchdown for
Missouri and Washer kicked goal. In tho
second half Washer sprinted fifty yards with
tho, ball, only to be downed at Kansas.' flve
ynrd line. Thurman kicked to tho center of
tho field and Qulgloy caught tho ball on
tbo forty-five-yard line. Qulgloy sprinted
slxty-flvo yards down tho sldo line nnd
planted tho ball between the goal posts,
scoring tho first touchdown for Kansas.
Qulgley kicked goal. Score: Kansas, ;
Missouri. 0. Tlmo was called with tho ball
on Missouri's forty-flvo-yard line. Tho
Missouri. Positions. Kansas.
Davidson Center Carter
Hays IWt guard Allphln
Williams Hlght guard Morton
Washer Hlght tackle Hehrant
Kruso Left tacklo Wilcox
Smith'... Left end JJreozo
McCualln Hlght end Algln
llcmx Quarterback.. ...... Hotsforcl
Cooper Ix-ft half Tuckor
Yant Hlght half QuIkIov
Thurman . Fullback O'Dcll
University .of .Cullforula Doesn't Kvcn
Moore AgnliiNt Itn llnrdy nml
ARurrnalve Aiituuonlat.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Nov. 20. Stan
ford defeated tho Untvorslty of California
today by a scoro of C to 0. It was Berke
ley's gamo all tho way through tho first
half, but In tho second Stanford took a
brsco and acorcd Just threo minutes bo
foro tho call of tlmo. Trcnger, Stanford's
left tacklo, made tho only score by kick
ing a goal from a place kick on tho thirty
yard lino. Twice he made the attempt,
tho ball going far off tho goal. The third
trlaj sent It squarely through the posts.
Moore, California's punter, made threo at
tempts at goal from tho field. Tho first
two missed and tho last was blocked by
Do Forest. McFadden fell on the ball.
Hall shares the punting honors with
Moore, ills kicks were long and high and
gave tho ends plenty of chance to get under
Haltt, Leo and Erb were compelled to
cave trie gamo on account or injuries and
Liny or California was ruled on for slug
rlnc. '
Sltikrr. Rorlnv nnd tin Knrrit worn thn
siars or the Stanford lineup, whiio aammon,
Smith and Albcrtson took the honors for
Xorthrrralrrn University Murprl.ten
Hie Hnotcrn by l'lnlnK Tie (Same
Tilth Iovrn Trrron,
ItOCK ISLAND, 111., Nov. 29. Tho gamo
between Northwestern university and the
State university of Iowa, played hero to
day, did not decide the rival claims of tho
elevens to tho foot ball championship of tho
west, tho scoro being C to 5 at tho closo of
a heart-hreakltig contest. Tho gamo was
witnessed by 8,000 people. Wh'le to h team
wero In tho pink of condition at the be
ginning of tho contest, Iowa was regarded
ns a suro winner, but Northwestern not only
played a strong defensive game, but stir
prised tho rooters by Its ability to rnrry
tho bnll nt tho closo ot tho contest. While
tho acoro was a tie, tho honors of tho day
wero wltb Northwestern. Tho latter kicked
off, Iowa carrying the ball back to tho forty
yard lino. An exciting contest followed,
lino nnd mass plays being Interspersed with
punting by both tennis when they found It
Imposslblo to advance tho ball. Iown twice
tried a placo kick, which each tlmo resultod
In a touchback. Otherwlso tho ball was not
advanced to within twenty ynrds ot either
goal. After twenty minutes' play Iowa
punted from the centor of the Held. North
western carried tho boll back to the sixty-flvc-yard
lino, when Eby captured tho ball
on n fumblo nnd, backed by splendid In
terference, sprinted to Northwcstern's goal
for a touchdown. A kick for goal failed and
the close ot the halt found both teams
struggling In Iowa's territory.
Tho second half was a repetition ot tho
first. Contrary to expectations, North
western showed no weakening from thn
effects of the battering received. Both
teams played fast, aggressive ball, without
a decided advantage to cither. Iowa mado
considerable gains by several fake punta
and plays around tho end, but they were
outpuntcd by Northwestern. After twenty-
five minutes' piny Johnston mado n place
kick from the thlrty-fivc-ynrd lino and tho
bnll sailed squarely between tho gonl posts
defended by Iowa, tlelng tho scoro. Neither
sldo scorod In tho balanco of the halt.
SlnKle Touchdown Settle thn .Score
ARnlnnt the lluaky Hoy from
Grand Inlund CoIIckc
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 29. (Special Tele
gram.) Hastings collego trailed tho colors
of a rand Island collego In tho dust this aft
ernoon to tho tuno of G to 0. Thero woro
nearly 1,000 spectators out to sco tho foot
ball game, Including Oovornor Dietrich,
eecortcd by tho Progress club, and they
wero enthusiastic to extreme In their ap
preciation of Individual and team plays.
liotn elevens wero evenly matched In regard
to weight, but tho boys from the Sugar Beet
city put up better team work nnd their
interference wna splendid. drand Islnnd
opened tho game with tho klckoff and In
less than ten minutes had th ball within
flvo yardn of Hastings' goal, but Hastlna3
cnrrled tho ball fifteen yards on line bucks
aud then Captain Osborno worked a Httlo
game of his own aud punted twenty-flvo
yards. Tho first half was called with tha
ball In Hastings' territory. In tho klckoff
ot the second halt Hastings put the ball
well down iln tholr' opponents' territory,
whero It retrained -until Hartlgan was
pvshod over tho lino for a touchdown. A
failure to kick goal made tho score 5 to 0,
where It remalnod until the close of tho
gamo. Osborne, Chrtstensen and Hartlgan
did offecttvo work for Hastings, while Ab
bott, Colvln, Rogers and Bobbins wero tho
stars for the visitors. Tho lineup:
Grand Island. Positions. Hastings.
Farrlck Left end Jonen
Johnson Left tnckln Parrot
Ainienstein i.ort gunm .. KlrK
Hodge Center Burnett
Kberly Hlght guard Ingalnbo
Bobbins Right tacklo Burgess
Abbott Illght end llnnklns
Davis Quarterback Phillips
Colvln Left half Chrlsten?en
Rogers Right half Osborno
Davis Fullback Hartlgan
South Dakntu University Player Get
OS with the Only Touchdown
of the Game.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 29. (Special Tele
gram.) An exciting came of foot ball was
played In Sioux City this afternoon by
teams from the University of South Dakota
and the Lincoln (Neb.) Medical college
team. Tho Dakota boyB, after a hard
struggle, won by the scoro of 6 to 0. Neither
sldo scorod until near tho close of tho last
half, when Hansen, right halfback for
South Dakota, got tho ball and escaped with
It from a corner left unguarded by the
Ncbraskans. He mado a brilliant dash of
twenty yards, beating four men who tacklod
him on his run and scored n touchdown.
Nowcomb then kicked a goal for South
Dakota. Tho attendance was 1,000. Much
Interest wna manifested In tho game hero.
Tho Lincoln boys will leavo for homo early
In tho morning. This evening they aro bo
Ing entertained at the Euclid club. Tho
Lincoln. Positions. South Dakota.
Porter Left end Doguy
Morrison Left tackle Carr
Ablld Loft uuurd Hwlne
Jeffries Center Pealman
Thompson Right guard Sktth
Hanson mgnt memo uinnm
Johnson Right end Master
Moody Quarterbnck Breudel
Hoonrd (Capt.). ..Left half Latta (Capt.)
Hurkland Hlght half Gray
C. Nowcom Fullback Stewart
Slate uriunl Get Away with Iowa
Aerleiiltural Collrwe at the
Amen (Irouuda,
AMES, la., Nov. 29. (Special Telegram.)
Iowa Stato Normal school beat Ames G to
0 today In a slow game on a slow flold,
Players waded around in tho mud ankle-
deep. In tho first halt neither side got
within twenty-yards of goal. In second
half Iowa Stato Normal had tbo best of It
and rushed tho ball to Ames' twenty-flvo-yard
lino nnd kicked goal from field.
Captain Scholty of Ames was retired from
tho gamo early In tho first half and quarter
back Burroughs was retired shortly after
wards, weakening Ames' team considerably,
Result was a surprise to Ames people as
Ames Was figured a winner by about 30 to 0,
Ames. Positions. Nnrmnl
Williams Cent-Jr Dowel
Turvo Hlght guard Stoepliu
Shealy Hlght Uck'.o Ycuger
.MtiHon mgnt win Jone.i
Hanger J eft guard Djnkertan
Orborno Left tackle tilokes
l'esliak Lett end Chantrv
Coye ,, Right half ' Wolfo
KcKlen ........ ,..i.eri mur Wallace
Burroughs Quarterback Jones
Mitchell Ilrnla Yankton.
mninimr t a x-.. n o.
j tiichiiiiu.f ill iiiu hu-ii1. 1,1. iiiu, iiuii iiuiu
today Mitchell evened up Its old scoro
against Yankton college by dofrntlng Yank-
nu . , n ,1,U ... ....
,1111 n lu . .,11 unci, ,111" uuvnillK IIIUI 11119
feature of tho game. Tho weather was
perfect for tho contest.
Stops the Couuti nil it Uorm Off the
I.aiatlvn nromo-Oulnlnn Ttthlctn mir
cold In on day. No Cure, No Pay. Price
25 cent.
Bons of Pcnn Score Twentj-Seven to Ithacans'
Inglorious Cipher.
Cnplnln Stn rliuek and Fullback Mr
Criii'ken llolh Retire HreitUKc ot
InJurlcK t'rowd Iho linraeitt In
Philadelphia' Illxlory.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29. Beforo prob
ably the largest crowd that ever attended
a Thanksgiving foot ball gamo In this city
tho University of Pennsylvania team today
defeated tho Cornell elurcn by tho ono
Bided scoro of 27 to 0. Only once during
tho entire contest was tho Quaker goal lino
In danger of being crossed by an Ithaca
plnjcr and during most of tho tlmo the
ball was In Cornell's territory. Pennsyl
vania won tho battle by straight, hard foot
ball. Thn white and cnrnellan men played
florcely nt times, but no tnntter how hard
thoy tiled, old Pennsylvania could not he
halted on her inarch to victory. Tho Qua
kers' main strength was their famous
guardsback formation, which they worked
llko a machine.
Soon after the rame began It became ap
parent that the players of both teams wero
not all In that prlmu condition which Is
generally expected lu big games. Captain
Stnrbuck, who has Just recovered from In
juries, was forced to leavo tho field soon
after play was started. Captain Hare also
showed signs of lack of condition and, al
though he did not leave his team, he fre
quently was laid out. True, he put up his
usual htrd, aggresslvo game, but he failed
to shlno ns brilliantly as heretofore. It
was his last gamo as a Pennsylvania player
and It was expected ho would put up tho
greatest foot ball of his brilliant career.
McCrackcn, who has ahtned as a star guard
and fullback for tho last four years and
who lined up for tbo last time today on
tho Quaker team, also had to quit tho gamo
uecauso of Injuries sustained by his lamo
shoulder. Nearly all tho spectators In tho
four crowded stands arose and cheered him
as ho was dragged from tho gridiron. With
ono or two exceptions tho players of the
two teams camo out of the gamo not much
tho worse for wear.
Content Lacked Spirit.
Tho contest during most of the tlmo was
rather slow and lacked spirit. Hero and
thero cither team would mako a dashing
play, only to fall back Into tho sonio languid
stylo of advancing tho ball to defcudlug
the goal. Of tho brilliant plays that marked
tho gamo Potter's run of flfty-flvo yards for
a touchdown outshone nil tho others. Tho
Heel halfback was given tho ball exactly In
tho center of tho field for a plunge, through
the mlddlo of Cornoll's line. Pennsylvania's
big forwnrds opened a holo large enough
for tho proverbial horse and cart to drlvo
through tho Ithaca line. Potter almost fell
as he was pushed Into tho hole, but ho kept
bis feet and mado n wild dash for Cornell's
goal. After tho Cornell mon had recovered
from tho surprlso four of them started to
chaso after tho little man with tho ball.
Just as Potter reached tho flve-yard mark
opo of Cornoll's big linemen grusped htm
around the waist; but Potter managed to
stumble over the goal line for what proved
to be. Pennsylvania's last touchdown. Tho
great game was all over In almout a flash.
Next to Potter's fun was Morrison's sprint
for thirty yards around Pennsylvania's left
end. The Cornell men had lined up tor a
kick, but It proved to bo a fako move, aud
tho Quaker men were completely taken In
by the maneuver. This dash of Morrison's
arooaed much enthusiasm among tho Cor
nell spectators and for the next Ave minutes
tho carncllan and whlto pushed tho red
and bluo down the field for short but stendy
gains for a distance ot forty yards, when
the New York stato team lost tho ball In an
attempt to kick a Held goal from the thirty-
yard Mne.
Outside of tho abovo mentioned Instances
thero was Httlo brilliant Individual playing.
Purcoll and Morrison played strong, con
slstant foot ball, In the face of adversity.
Tho other men on tho Cornell eleven did
not get a chanco as the Ithacans seldom bad
tho leather long enough to glvo others than
tho backs a chanco to advanco tho pigskin.
For tho Quakers, Hnro and McCracken did
tho best work until thoy wero hurt. Teas
and Wallaco wero not far behind them,
while the performances of tho two Gardi
ner's nnd tho halfbacks wero worthy of
mention. In tho kicking lino J. Gardiner
had a Httlo better of It after Starbuck quit
tho game, and neither side bad anything
on tho other when It enmo to fumbling.
There was very little "butter finger" play
ing and what thero wns of It was not costly.
The Quaker team had a tendency to charge
beforo the ball was passed and It was fre
quently penalized for this offence. Pennsyl
vania's flrat touchdown was made on pure
Una bucking and plunging. She secured
tho ball In mldflcld nnd forced It down
to Cornell's fifteen-yard line, whero It was
lost on a tumble The Quaker's soon re
gained poEsesston of It on tho Cornell fifty
yard lino and this time without losing the
leather carried by the aid of the guards
back to and over tho Ithaca goal lino.
Ten Point on Field Goal.
The scoro was raised to ten points by the
Quakers on a field goal by Hare. Pennsyl
vania, after carrying tho leather to Cor
nell's flve-yard lino, was penalized ten
yards for offside, so Captain Hare thought
tho easiest way to irake a scoro was to
kick a goi.l from flold, which he did from
th otwonty-yard line. Captain Haro tried
another field goal after tho ball had been
pushed almost the length of tho field to
twenty-live yards In front of the Cornell
goal posts, but the kick was low and the
halt ended with the score unchanged at'
10 to 0.
A fow minutes after tho socond hnlf began
Pennsylvania secured tho ball on Its own
fltteen-y&rd lino on downs and without los
ing tho ball carried It ninety-five yards for
the third touchdown. In this march down
the flold every, man wbb aBked to carry tho
ball with tho exception of center and quar-
terbauk after Ross had mado an unsuc
cessful trial for Held goal from Pennsyl
vanla'b forty-yard line, the Quakers again
3ot their gunrdshack machine to working
and slowly pushed Cornell back yard by
yard. Captain Starbuck's men this tlmo,
however, stubbornly resisted tho.QUakcrs'
onslaughts, but It availed them nothing, ns
It only itndo tho Quakors work a little
harder for their next touchdown.
Pennsylvania's last touchdown, as al
ready stated, was mado by Potter on a
flfty-ynrd run.
It Is conservatively estimated that 25,000
persons, saw the game. Tho foot ball gamo
between Pennsylvania nnd Cornell Is the
fcaturo of Thanksgiving In this city, and a
big holiday crowd 13 always In attendance.
It was a vory enthusiastic throng consid
ering tho slow camo, and cheered every
good pay. ao matter which aldo mado It.
A band of about E00 Cornell students, who
came hero from Ithaca this morning, mndo
things lively on tho north stand by keeping
up nn almost constant yell for tho white
and carncllan. Tha red and blue bad throe
well organized cheering sections and thoy
mado n great volume of noise whon they
cheered together.
Tho Pennsylvania students at tho con
clusion of tho gamo signalized the victory
by n great snako dance on tho flold, which
wns led by the university band. When they
had tired the Cornell iren formed In lino
ten nbrcast and paraded over tho gridiron.
cheering for both old Pennsylvania and
their own alma mater.
Promptly at 2 o'clock the Pennsylvania
players came on the field. Four minutes
later Cornell camo tumbling onto tho
arena, Both teams wero loudly cheered.
Cornell won the loss and elected to de
fend tho east goal.
At 2:12 Hnro kicked off, but tho ball
went over tho goal line, Tho bnll was
brought out to Cornell's twenty-yard lino
and Starbuck kicked off to mldflcld and
Potter mado thirty yards beforo ho was
downed. Pennsylvania made ten yards on
line plunges when they lost tho ball on a
fumblo on Cornell's flfteon-ynrd line. After
two tries for no gain Starbuck kicked to
J. Gardiner on Cornell's fifty-yard line and
had made only Ave yards when ho won
thrown. Haro and McCrackcn ench made
their distance through the Cornell line nnd
on two moro plunges took tho ball to Cor
noil's thtriy-yanl line.
(ItmLer Unci (iunrdtiiick Piny.
Pennsylvania continued her famous
gunrdsbnek play and gradually took tho
ball down tho field. The bnll was barely
over, both teams pushed hard nnd Pennsyl
vania pushed It over. Hnro failed to kick
nn easy gonl.
Score: Pennsylvania, 8; Cornoll. 0.
Stnrbuck kicked to Hare on Pennsyl
vania's live-yard lino and tho captain mado
twenty yards In running It back. Mc
Crackcn broko through Cornell's lino for
ten ynrds. A guardsback piny made Ave
yards more. J. Gardiner kicked to Starbuck
nnd the Cornell captain was brilliantly
tackled by W. Gardiner on tho Ithacans'
thirty-hve-ynrd lino. Cornell tried Penn
sylvania's line and then Stnrbuck fell back
to kick, but r fumbled the pass nnd the
ball went to Pennsylvania on downs on Cor'
nell's twcnty-elght-ynrd line.
Stnrbuck lett the game and Schoelkop toik
his place. Pennsylvania made ten yards In
two downs. Sho continued to hammer her
way through tho Cornell tackles until sho
had tho ball on Cornell's flve-yard line,
when Pennsylvania was penalized ten yards
for charging beforo the ball was passed.
McCrackcn made threo yards and then
Hnro tried n field goal fron(he twenty-yard
lino and made it. Scoro: Pennsylvania, 10;
Cornell, 0.
Cornell kinked off to McCrackcn nn Penn
sylvanln's eight-yard lino nnd ho ran the
ball back seventeen yards. Davidson took
tho ball arout.d Cornell's end to tho thirty
yard lino then Potter ten around tho same
way. Pennsylvania ngaln begnn hammer
ing the Cornell left tackle, with an occa
sional plunge through the center of Iho
line and soon hnd the hall on their fifty-
yard lino, whero n Cornell mnn was laid
out. An assault on tho right end resulted
In threo yards, when McCrackcn was half
pushed nnd half carried for ten moro yards,
after which the center play brought tho
bnll to Cornell's thlrty-seven-ynrd line.
Horner was sent through Cornell's left
tacklo, W. Onrdlncr was twisted around the
right end and then Davidson was rammed
through tho center until they hnd the ball
on Cornell's twenty-three-yard lino, whero
tho Quaker players held a consultation.
Davidson was twlcn scut around tho lett
of Cornell's lino for six yards: then Mc
Crackcn for tho first time during tho game
failed to mako his dlstnnco through tho
Itbacan line.
Namuck Iln to Itetlre.
In the last mix-up Namack was hurt and
Dorner took his place, Hunt taking Dornor's
place. Pennsylvania tried tho Cornoll right
end for no gala und then Haro tried an
other flold goal from tho twcnty-flve-yard
line, but this tlmo he failed. Cornell, from
her twcnty-flve-yard lino, kicked to Mc
Crackcn on tho Quakers' fifty-yard line and
tho fullback ran It back fifteen yards. Pot
ter mado flvo yards around left end and
guardsback against Cornell's weak left and
netted threo more. Hare fumbled tho pass
back and Alexander fell on tho ball on his
own forty-two-yard line.
Cornell failed to advance tho ball and
wna compelled to kick tbo ball, Testing on'
Pernsylvanla's forty-two-yard line. Mc
Cracken hurdled over tho New York Btato
players and before he was brought to earth
gavo Pennsylvania twelve morcyards. Then
Pennsylvania's big captain spurted nround
Cornell's right to mid-field. McCrackcn
mado flvo yards through the left of the line,
after which Davidson failed to gain. Mc
Cracken, however, got flvo yards around
Taussig and on tho next lineup Haro, with
the asslstanco ot the guardsback, put the
leather three yardB nearer Cornoll's goal
Tho Quakers kept up their assault on
Cornell's lett until the ball was fumbled
on Cornell's thlrty-flve-yard line, whero a
Cornell man got It.
Cornell's flrBt attompt gained threo yards.
Then Taussig went around tho left for four
and on the next play Cornell mado two
moro. It was tho first down that Cor-
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
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