The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JTJXE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER JO, 1000 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MM DROP TO DEATH Srrentj-HTO Prnons Crash Through Hoof of Glut Works. TEN ARE KILLED AND FIFTY INJURED Pinhled Yictimi Boast on Fursum in Sight of Frienda, WERE WATCHING CLOSE FOOT BALL GAME Iim Amphitheater for 'Varsitj-8tanford Contest in San Francisco. ROOF GIVES WAY UNDER GREAT STRAIN 'Weight of Five Hundrrd Pcraona l'rorm Too ftrrat Dnnirer He UUed, tint Not In Time to lie Averted. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 20. By tho col lapse, of tho root of the San Francisco and Pacific glass works at Fifteenth and llryant troots this afternoon about sixty persons wore more or less Injured, bouio of them fatally. At 3:15 o'clock tho number of dead was reported as ten. Tho victims woro watching the foot boll Kam between tho Stanford and University of California teams when tho roof beneath thoui gave way, precipitating them to the floor of tho factory. Some of them fell upon the furnaces and ono man of unknown Identity was burned almost to a crisp. Tho crash of the falling root whs heard a great distance away and thousands of people hur ried to tho scene. Messages were sent to the city receiving hospital and the morgue and all tho avallablo ambulances wcro hur ried to the spot. At tho Central receiving hospital at 1 o'clock Ave of tho Injured had been re ceived. At the tlmo of tho accident there whs but ono dector on duty at tho hospital and he was totally unablo to attend the casen as they came In. A summons was sent out Immediately calling upon doctors In the neighborhood to come and render assistance. Owing to tho confusion existing at that tlm'i the nomo of but one of the injured has been learned. That ono was Al Essmann, who was frightfully cut about the head and faco. Hoof Collnnaed Under Crowd. Tho crowd was gathered upon tho roof of a building directly over the furnaces of the glass works. When the roof collapsed overy occupant was precipitated upon tho heated top and rolled off. Fully forty were Injured, nearly all of them seriously. Seven of tho dead aro boys ranging In age from ten to fifteen years. They were found lying In a row and most of them were badly mangled. Thero were at least 200 pcoplo on the root when It collapsed, and of theso at least sixty went down. Those who were forlunitto enough to bo on a olM Hoctlon of tho building scurried down and helped removo tho Injured. Tho heat around the furnaces was so great, however, that to many no assistance could be rendered and they slowly roasted to death. Not 200 yards away wero 20,000 peoplo watching tho foot ball gamo and whun the news becamo known there was Intenso excitement among them. Tho UHhcrs went through tho crowd calling for doctors and many sur goons hurriedly left tho gamo. Tho living victims from tho disaster wero taken to various hospitals. Tho Southern Pacific hospital, within two blocks of tho glass works, was soon overcrowded and many wounded had to bo turned away. They woro hurried to St. Luke's, the city rocclvtng hospital and nearby drug stores. So scattered are they among tho various institutions that it Is Iraposslblo to toll exactly how many wcro hurt or how seri ously they wero Injured. The coroner did not have enough wagoni to remove tho dead and they were taken away In express wagons. Many elegant private carriages wero waiting outsldo tu foot ball grounds and they woro pressed Into servlco to take awuy the woundid. A high fonco surrounds tha glass woiks grounds and thousands of people attempted to got Inside. They were restrained with dlfflculty by a largo force of police. Llat of Head nnd Injured. About seventy-five persons fell through tbo roof upon the rcdhot furnaces and glass vats bolow. All were horribly burned and It Is feared that In nddltlon to the ten deaths already reported there will be sev eral more. Tho dead: william Valencia, george ext ell. edwin fla11aven. m. vandigina. j. a. mulroony. thomas j. rippon. thomas oakes. w. ii. iiaciifelt. two unidentified men. Tho Injured: Walter OrlfTIn, George Campbell, (lcorge Miller, Louis Cooper, John Lane, L. E. McCauloy, V. Frechtler, Jesse Cohen, Clarence Burns, Harold Palmer, Martin Traynor, John Brough, Fred Garlty, It. E. Easman, William Hauacb, Leon Ger ard, Clarence Burns, E. Frechler, John Doylo, Fred Bowlnklo, Oeorgo C. Miller, Arthur Otsen, George Hensor, Frod Hart man, John Houser, Thoodoro Baker, George Pelle, Ed Hornsc, James Bowon, Carroll Harold Palmer, Albert Gerko, Georgo Campbell, Albert Loux, Qeorge Mor- ahat, William Conway, Darcy, W. Qrant, Otto Bennelster. Tho manager of the glats works realized tho danger before tho accident occurred and had sent for the police to compel tho crowd to leave. Just as a squad of officers arrived from tho city hall tho roof wont down. THREE CRUSHED IN A BOX CAR Trro Trunin and a Ilor , ndly Krulaed In n Wreck on the Union I'HclUc, CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 29. (Special.) A disastrous wreck occurred at Castle nock, a few miles west of Evanston, on tho Union Pacific yesterday. A car In a freight train loaded with steel rails Jumped tho track and ditched flvo other cars. An Ogden boy named Thomas F. Wheel wright and two unknown tramps occupied tho car that first Jumped the track. Thoy were stationed at either end and when tho crash earuo they wcro pinned down by the ends of tho rails and horribly In jured. Wheelwright was taken to Ogden. No bones were broken, but his bruises are serious. Ho had been at work In the coal mines at Kemmvrer. Ilia Injuries aro not fatal. The two tramps were brought to tho Wyoming general hospital at Itock Springs. Both were crushed and will probably die. Tho wreck delayed trade for several hours. PRAISES ft&JHE CANADIANS Knsllah (I til c&fiJo ''ilnie Hetarn- intf o I itnt rfc"" r llrnv.3 LONDON, Nov. 23. A dctaTU men belonging to the lloyal Can? went, Colonel Otter commanding, wh Just reached England from South Africa .u tho Hawarden Castle, nrrlved In London today and proceeded to Kensington bar racks. Blncu their arrival at Southampton, whero they were welcomed by Major Gen eral Hobert MacOregor Stewart, tha Cana dians havo everywhere been greeted with tumultuous applause. General Stowart mado a brief speech to the Canadian j, during the courso uf which ho said Englishmen rejoiced at their bravery and deeds Just as much as they rejoiced over the honors achieved by tho homo troops and their kinsmen from all tho colonies brought together by tho war. Colonel Otter expressed hla thanks for tho sympathetic utterances nnd tho Canadians took tho train for London. Tho reception of tho Canadians In London was moat enthusiastic. Largo crowds at tho railroad station cheered and rcchccred them along tho wholo routo from the station to the barracks, whero cordial throngs awaited them. Including many Canadians. Tl,n tnon marched In splendid order nnd at reared to bo In perfect condition. When they wcro drawn up in tho barracks' square tho duko of Aborcom, chnlrman of the re coption cmmlttoe, congratulated tho Ca nadians on their achievements. General Trotter followed In a similar strain. Ho also read a letter irom mo duko of Connaught, eulogizing mo worn of the Canadians. rho contlncent consists of Companies A, B and I. Tho composite regiment of tho Household cavalry also returned on tho Hawardnn Castle. Thu trooporB' arrival in London was marked by the scones of enthusiasm which havo so often been re hearsed In tho metropolis during tho last year. Great crowus awaucu mo cvhj men and tho cheering was lusty and long throughout their march to their quarters. Paddlngton, whero they detraineu, was ablaze with color, as wcro tho streets alone tho routo. Several regimental bands added to tho general gaiety nnd tho throngs sang "God Savo tho Queen." A nortlon of tho Household cavalry ae- tnehment proceeded to Windsor, whero they wcro received at tho railroad Htntlon by tho mayor and corporation. Cheering thou sands lined tho beflagged routo to the cas tlo, whero tho homecoming warriors mnrched past tho queen and members, of tho royal family. Tho Canadians will proceed to wmasor tomorrow morning and will thero bo re- vlowed by tho queen. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 29. Tho lord mayor entertained another contingent of home ward bound troops today at the town hall hero. A dramatic feature of tho enter tainment was a speech by Private Molloy, who has been rondorcd sightless by a bullet, which traversed both temples. Mol loy. who was supported by a comrade on each Bldo, related how ho left his uni versity to servo the empire. Ho Bald he had no regret for bo doing, ns tho "truly bravo should bo ready to accept the vicissi tudes of fortuno with fortitude." FAMINE FUNDS GETTING LOW Provincial Council I'etltlona Itnaalnn Government for Grant with Which to Feed the llnnirrjr. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 29. Baku Is crowded with agents of Russian and for eign capitalists and syndicates, who are necking oil lands under conditions more favorablo to tho small capitalists than formerly. It. Is reported that tho Moscow refineries have sold largo orders of sugars, Intended for Japan, at prices undor the Austrian and German bidders. Tho Bossarablau Zomstvo, or provincial ccuncll, has petitioned the government for a grant of 500,000 roubles, to be devoted to the use of tho famine sufferers. This In dicates that tho provincial funds are be coming exhausted. Tho Governmental Gazette of Finland de clares It Is not true that tho government of Wlborg will bo detached from Finland nnd united to Russia proper at tho begin ning of tho new year. M. Bobrlkoff, the minister of education, has requisitioned copies of all the history and geographical text books used In the Finnish schools. BOERS REACH ORANGE RIVER Fire Into Itrltlnh Camp on Cape Col ony Side, Killing- One Man nnd Wounding Two. COLESBERO, Capo Colony, Nov. 29. Boer raiders havo reached tho Orango river. They havo fired Into the British camp, on tho Capo Colony side, at San Rift, killing ono man and wounding two more. Confer with President 7.elnya. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Nov. 29. (Via Galveston, Tex.) Senor Fellclslmo Lopez, tho minister of Ecuador, has arrived hero to confer with President Zolaya. Ho Is also authorized to represent tho president of Venezuela, General Castro. The minister of foreign relations ot Nicaragua, Senor Sanchez, has returned here, after a long absenco abroad. Cnr Galnlnir Strength. LIVADIA, European Russia, Nov. 29. The strength of the czar Is Increasing. His physicians Issued tho following bulletin this morning: Tho czar passed a good day yesterday. Ho slept about nn hour. At 9 o'clock in the evening his temperature was 97.6: pulse. felt more cheerful this morning. His DIIUIIHVI1 in mtlcUBIUK. y O ClOCK tniS morning his temperature was 97.2: pulse, 60. Ilecelve German Minister. MANAOUA, Nicaragua, Nov. 29. (Via Galveston, Tex.) The German minister to Central America, Baron von Eyb, arrived here yestorday and visited Nicaragua's min ister of foreign relations, Tho new min ister was accorded the honor of a "musical ro treat" by tho National band. His formal reception by President Zelaya takes place today. Colonel Yorck Dying, LONDON, Nov. 29. A dispatch to a news agency from Pekln says that Colonel Yorck, In command ot tho German column, Is lying at the point ot death at a village between Calagan nnd Pekln. Ills Illness was caused by Inhaling fumes from a stovo in his bed room. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee will bring In Yorck's column. 8teyn Still I.lvea. LONDON, Nov, 29. So far as known hero former President Steyn Is not woundod, al" though reports to the contrary have been ciiculatcd. Inquiries mado at the War office hero show the officials have no knowledge ot Mr, Steyn being wounded. To He Amliaaaador at Pari. BERLIN, Nov. 29. It Is understood that Prince von Ranodllln, the German ambas sador to Russia, will rtplace Prince Munster von Dornberg, the German ambassador at Paris, who, as announced yester day, had resigned owing to his act. GENTLE WORDS TO KRUGER Chamber of French Deputies Formally Ex presses Sympathy for Boers- LEGISLATORS HOLD ANIMATED SESSION Lund Protend, Interrupt Henrilng of Motion to ttxteud Sympathy to UiikIImIi Democracy Cochery Admonlahea Citation. PARIS, Nov. 29. In tho Chamber of Dep uties toduy M. Cocherv. hn nniin .m. or that body, announced that M. Donys Co- wi.u, conservative, representing a district of tho Helno, had presented an interpella tion as to the Intentions of the government regarding arbitration in favor of tho Boers. Tho minister ot foreign affairs, M. Del cacao replied that thero was no uso In opening a debato on this subject, as in furclgn policies especially buch discussions wcro useless and often dangerous. At M. Cochery'g request M. Denys Cochin withdrew tho Interpellation and proposed tho following motion: "Tho Chamber of Deputies, on tho occa sion of tho urrlvnl of tho president of tho Transvaal in France, is happy to address to him u slncero expression of Its respectful sympathy." M. Cochery then announced that he had received another motion (mm m. vnrr.i socialist, representing ono of tho Alsne dl- woions, coucnea in tho following terras: "Tho Chnrabor of Deputies, while ex pressing sympathy for tho English democ racy " Hero tho reading of tho motion was In terrupted by loud concluded: "Sends its greeting to President Kruger." Continuing, M. Cochery begged tho chain bor to refrain from domonntnitl Ana. which. ho said, could bo badly interpreted. Ho also asked that a vote bo Ukcn without any discussion. Tho motion of M. Denys Cochin was then adopted unanimously and tho 559 voters cheered when tho result was an nounced. M. Fournler, after declaring that tho democracies of all countries wcro animated by the samo pacific sentiments, withdrew his own motion. Mr. Kruger nassed the dav recelvlnr a number of deputations, including delegations irom tho Chamber of Deputies, who, after tbo vote in the chamber, immediately pro ceeded to tho Hotol Scrlbo and communi cated It to him. Mr. Kruger, who was much touched, warmly shook hands with tho dep uties. Krager to Spend Four Dnya In Ilerlln. BERLIN, Nov. 29. Former President Kruger will arrive here December 4 nnd will stay until December 8. He will go to Cologno December 9 nnd to Magdeburg De cember 10. Tho government has been In formed of his impending visit. HEADS OFF GENERAL DEWET EnnUali Column Under Knox Slakea a Forced March Itecovera Some Loot. ' CAPETOWN, Nov. 29. General Knox, "by a rapid march ot twenty-six miles, suc ceeded In getting In front of General Dewet, placing himself botween the Boers and the Orange river. Dewet Is now believed to bo going westward to Join Hertzog at Boom plaatze. Colonel Pllcher had a smart skirmish Tuesday, November 27, with part of Gen eral Dewet's command, which was convoy ing loot captured at Dewetsdorp. Tho Boers retreated, abandoning a portion of tho loot and a large number of horses. Former President Steyn aud Dewet woro In close proximity to tho scene ot the fighting, but they eluded tho British. LONDON, Nov. 29. In connection with tho movements ot General Knox reported in tho dispatch from Capetown Lord Rob erts In a messago from Johannesburg, dated Wednesday, November 28, says that General Knox roccupled DeweUdorp November 26. The Boers, he adds, had attacked the placo November 24. General Knox at last ac counts was pursuing the federal commando. Lord Roberts also reports that various columns found tho Boers holding strong positions In tho vicinity of Harrlsmlth, Phllltpopolls (both In the Orange River colony) and other widely separated points. Tho fighting, however, was of little Im portance. CAPETOWN, Nov. 29. Tho Boers woro so tenacious that Colonel PUcher'a men actually roached a position within thirty yards of them, where revolver shots were exchanged. Tho Boers shelled tho British with fifteen-pounders captured at Dewots dorp. Ex-Presldcnt Steyn and General Dewet, who wero breakfasting at a farm nearby, rode off to tho westward, leaving the front clear. The British casualties were ono man killed and six wounded. Several Boers who had been wounded were found by tho British. Steyn and Dewet havo since been re ported to be encamped to the westward, between Helvetia and the railroad, but ttiH command appears to have broken up Into three bodies. District Commissioner Boylo of Dewets dorp remains in the custody of the burgh ers. Many farmers In the district havo Joined General Dewet. LONDON, Nov. 29. Lord Roberts cables from Johannesburg under data of Wednes day, November 28: "The Dewetsdorp garrison of two guns of the Sixty-eighth field battery, with de tachments of tho Gloucestershire regiment, the Highland Light Infantry and Irish Rifles, 400 In all, surrendered at 6:30 p. ro., November 28. Our lossos were fifteen men killed nnd forty-two wounded, Including Major Hansen and Captain Dlgby, Tho enemy Is said to bo 2,600 strong. Four hun dred men wero despatched from Edenburg to relievo Dewetsdorp, but they did not succeed In reaching there In time. Knox Joined this force and found Dewetsdorp eacuated. Seventy-five sick and wounded had been left there. Knox pursued and Is reported to have successfully engaged Stoyn and Dewet near Vaalbank, November 27. They retired west nnd southwest. Knox's messenger fatled to g et through, so I have no details." DOES NOT FAVOR CONGRESS Cape Colony Government nefnaea Ap plication for Special Train to Discourage People'a Meeting, CAPETOWN, Nov. 29. Tho government ot Cape Colony has refused tho applica tion for special trains to facilitate at tendance at the people's congress at Wor cester, December 6. Tho government officials declare such meetings are unde sirable In the present unsettled state of tho country. Mr. J. W. Sauer, the former commis sioner ot public works, In a speech Just delivered at Paarl, this colony, declared the Afrikanders had always been loyal and that it they ever became otherwise Great Britain would only have herself to blama. WHEN THE Y0SEMITE SANK Reported from I'notilclnl Source Tliut the Auxlllury Crulaer Wnn Not Typhoon' Only Victim, MANILA, Nov. 29. Rear Admiral Remcy has as yet received no official report of tho wreck of tho United Stutea auxiliary cruiser Yosemlte, which parted Its cables nnd struck a reef off tho harbor ot San Luis d'Apra, Island of Guam, during tho typhoon of November 13 and was subsequently driven to sea by tho gale, where It sank November 15. Tho United States cruiser Newark will sail for Guam tomorrow to Investigate tho circumstances of tho disaster According to dispatches rocoived hero from unofficial sources tho wind was blow ing from tho southeast lu the early morning ot November 13 nt tho rate of 100 miles an hour. The Yosemlto had two anchors down, but both wero dragged a mile across the hurbor entrance. At 11 a. m. tho vessel struck tho reef and stovo In forward. It drifted for an hour nnd n nocn struck tho rock near Somayc, carrying away its rudder nnd breaking Its propeller. A launch had been sent to find shelter, but It capsUcd and tho occupants were drowned. They were: Coxswain S. Swanson, Seaman Georgo Abel, Engineer J. L. Mnbnncfy nnd Flrcmnu J. L. Davis and Joseph Anderron. Tho storm abated somuwhat nt 1 p. m., but was then renewed with violence from tho southwest. A dozen of tho crow attempted to carry a lino ashore, but tho boat capsized, although tho occupants managed to roach tho land. Meanwhile tho Yosemlto wan being blown seaward, Its head down and tho forward compartments filling. Tho bollor and englno rooms, however, wero freo of water and the pumps were kept going. Tho cruiser was kept nfloat until the afternoon tif November IB, when tho United Slntes colllor Justin, which also had Buffered damngo to Its anchors and had narrowly escaped tho reef, was sighted. Tho Justin attompted to.itow tho Yo semlte with two chains and two cables, but theso parted. Finally 138 of tho Yoscmlto's crew, twenty-six marines nnd nine officers, wero transferred to tho Justin, together with $68,000 Mexican money. Tho Yosemlto Boon plunged forward headforemost and sank. , , Tho members of the crow w3ro provided with temporary quarters at Agana, which suffered bndly from tho hurrlcuno. Tho typhoon was of unprecedented vio lence. Many nro reported to havo been killed or Injured. At Agana three were killed nnd ten died of exposure. Tho town of Mornnjan was destroyed, thirty of tho townspeople being Ikjllcd nnd ranny Injured. It Is believed there was considerable loss of life elsewhere. In Guam and all tho crops wero destroyed. Many dwellings In Agana were demol ished. Mrs. White, wife of Major White ot the marine corps, tho only wlilto woman In A?nna, took refuge with her husband nnd Commander Seaton Schrocder, naval gov ernor of Guam, In tho cellar ot tho gov ernor's mansion, which was already partly filled with water. Tho United States steamer Solace, Com mander Herbert WlnBlow, which left San Franclslco November 2 tor Manila; was ex pected to nrrlvo at Guam November 24 with supplies for tho families of Govornor Schroodor and the othcV' cftlcyc.. AS NEW" MVISTERDAM DID IT greater New York: Humble ltacir nnd Observe ThiuiKl vlnir Day In Stuyveaant Style. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Thanksgiving day was colobratod In Oreator Now York and vicinity In old-fashioned stylo, though tho day as far as tho weather wns concerned was by no means an Ideal ono. Heavy clouds and a raw, damp atraosphero prevailed and In the afternoon a hard driving rain camo to annoy those pooplo who from pleasuro or necessity were out of doors. As usual many pooplo spent a portion of tho day In churches and thero wa3 tho usual comple ment of Thanksgiving ecrmons and lino music. All tho charitable and penal In stitutions gavo the Inmates bountiful din nors and the numerous missions through out tho city fed tho poor. A dinner for 1,000 nowsboys In tho Newsboy's Lodg ing house was provided from a fund left by Mrs. W. W. Astor. Mrs. William E. Dodgo also furnished a dinner to tho news boys In tho East Thirty-fourth Btreot lodg ing house. Miss Helen Gould entertained the Uttlo cripples In her Children's Home, Woody Crest. Inmates ot tho state prison nt Sing Sing were excused from work for tho day and had an oxtra bill ot fare at break fast nnd dinner, turkey bolng served at tho latter meal. Tho men In tho condemned cells enjoyod the same fare as the other prisoners. Following tho usual religious services tho sailors of the warships In tho Brooklyn navy yard partook of turkoy nnd plumduff. About fifty civilians had special Invitations to help the tars dlsposo of the provender and following tho dinner thoro wero sports. Tho battleship Mas sachusetts Is at tho novy yard and Captain Charles J. Train, who commands her, made a personal Inspection of the preparations for his men's dinner. The "giant" repast, however, was on the receiving ship Ver mont and It was thero that tho majority of tho civilians wero guests. SMALLPOX SCARE IN GOTHAM Known Caaea Number Twenty-Four and Health O Ulcer Feel Un enay About It. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. A smallpox scare which first came to tho public notlco yes torday, when two cases of that disease woro rcportod to tho West Sixty-sixth street sta tlon by the Board of Health, has spread, until nt a late hour tonight thero wero twenty-four known cases. When tho first two cases wcro discovered Dr. Benedict nnd Dr. Somerset of the Bureau of Contagious Diseases commenced a most thorough In vestigation of tho district in which tho disease appeared. The first two cases were found on Wost Sixty-ninth street. The two doctors, as sisted by Dr. TbomaB Burkhalter and Dr. Marxacuh of the Wlllard Parker hospital, commenced to vaccinate- all people found In that house and tho neighboring tene ments. Many of tho lodgers and tenants who llvo In what Is known as "all nations' " block between West End nvenuo and the railroad tracks on West Sixty-ninth street persistently refused to allow tho doctors to vaccinate them. Captain Frank Kear ot tho West Sixty-sixth street station de tailed six men to assist the doctors In en forcing vaccination. Up to 11:30 o'clock to night twenty-two new cases had been found. As soon as located they were taken to Wll lard Parker hospital. Dr. Alonzo Blauvelt, tha chief Inspector of tbo Board ot Health, was on duty at tho board building tonight ready for an ornery ency. The disease Is supposed to have started In this city from a negro actor who belongs to a southern theatrical troupe. He cwne north u short time ago and boarded on West Sixty-ninth street In tho house where the cues were found. TURKEY WILLING TO SETTLE Imperial Irado Issued Ordering & Cruiser in tha United States. RICE IS TO INCLUDE THE INDEMNITY llellcf Thl la a Suhtcrfunn for Home Conumptlun nnd thnt tho Money Will llu l'u I (I Direct. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 29. The arrival of tho United State3 battleship Kentucky at Smyrna has so shaken up tho palaco that Indlcntious aro accumulating of n dcslro to hasten a settlement to thu satis faction of tho United States. An Irado has been issued calling for tho purchase of a cruiser ut Philadelphia, tho price for whlcn 1m to Includo tho J90.O0O Armenian In demnity. This Is regarded as a BUbtcrfugo designed for local consumption, In order to eavo tho faco of tho Porto. Neverthe less It Is now believed that Turkoy will find tho money nnd order a cruiser In tho hopo of propitiating tho United States. Dcsplto tho dispute tho relations between tho United Stntcs legation nnd tho Porto contlnuo cordial. EMPEROR WAITING TO RETURN Honolulu Una Advice Thnt Chluu'a Monarch Will Hob Up Attain tia Soon n Snfe. HONOLULU, Nov. 21. (Via San Fran cisco, Nov. 29.) (Correspondence of tho As sociated Press.) Tho Bow Wong Will of Honolulu Is tc tho front ngnln with Im portant advices from tho reform leuders In China regarding events there. Reports re ceived from China wero to tho effect that tho emperor Is in tho western part of tho emplro and that ho Is availing successful operations by tho reform forces under Dr. Sun Yat Sen before coming out boldly ns tho ruler of Chlnn and opening negotiations with tha powers to savo his country from too severe conditions exacted by European nations. The Republican of today says: "Within thirty days suits will be filed on behalf of tho United Stntcs to set asldo all grunts, Bales nnd leases of public lands made by territorial government of Hawaii since tho 14th day of June, 1900. Tho Republican Is In a position to state this as an absolute fact, desplto tho statement sent out from Washington to the effect that the Depart ment of Justice, denied that Attorney Gen eral Griggs had instructed District Attorney Balrd to Institute, suits to set asldo all grants, sales, franchises and leases In Ha waii grnnted since Scptcmhor 28, 1899." MUCH PLEASED TO LEARN IT St. l'eterahnrg Kind llcep Hntlarnc tlon In Tteport Thnt I'owera Yield to American I'rnpnaal. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 29. The an nouncement from London that thu powers had yielded to the American view concern ing capital punishment and Indemnities has made a good Impression hero. United Ste.ten Minister Tower hoa transmitted the note of tho United States, but it Is under stood ho has, not received an aswer. In fact, it Is said tho note does not require a formal reply. Fifteenth Infantry ior Manila. TIEN TSIN, Nov. 28. Tho Fifteenth United States Infantry has departed for Tong Ku, where It will bo embarked for Manila. Tha Russian contingent has been in creased by tho return to Tien Tsln of two regiments of Infantry which had been pre viously withdrawn. The cold weather Is driving the hostile natives Into outlying villages, where thero Is much restlessness. Scouting parties constantly report sniping along tho Pokin road and on remote trails, but severe reprisals aro lessening It. Navigation up tho river practically has been closed and tho remaining supplies aro going In wugons to Pekln. FUNERAL OF SENATOR DAVIS Obneqnlea to Be Held Saturday Morn ing at the llealdcnce 1)1 tlngulahcd l'ullbcurera. ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 29. Tho stream of sympathetic messages and callers Is un interrupted today at tho late homo of Cushman K. Davis. All arrangements havo been completed for the funeral, which will bo a quiet one at 11 o'clock Saturday morn ing at tho family residence. James J. Hill, Judge Walter H. Sanborn, Judge Charles E. Flandrau, fo-.mcr Governor John S. Piilsbury, former Senator W. D. Wash burn, lion. Samuel R. Thayer, Minneapolis, E. W. Peot and District Attorney Robert G. Evans will net ns pall bearers. Tho crmmlttees from the two houses of congress will reach tho city early Saturday morning. The following are among the additional messages that havo been received by Mrs. Davis: All Ferough, Turkish Minister: "Permit mo to express my deepest sorrow and sym pathy with your great loss and please ac cept on this cruel occasion my highest re spect and consideration." Other dispatches wero received during the day from Melville E. Stone, New York; ex-Secrotaryy Redfield Proctor, Senators Nelson W. Aldrlch, Bolso, Penrose, Georgo F. Hoar, Knuto Nelson, Georgo K. Well ington, J. M. Thurston nnd S. B. Elkinsj Secrotary of Agriculture James Wilson, Congressmen C. II. Grosvcnor, Robert J. Gamble, David H. Mercer, J. A. Tawney, Page Morris; Minister from Chill Vicuna, Charles A. Towno, Tams Rlxby, John Brant, secretary Old-Time Telegraphers' associa tion; John F Dillon, cx-Secretary Henry L. Dawes and Governor-elect Van Sant. Former Governor Asa S. Bushnoll of Ohio: "Mrs. Bushnell and I offer our sin cerest sympathy In your great bereavement. Your loss Is the nation's loss and the people mourn with you." Stanford Newel, United States minister to tho Netherlands, cabled: "Sympathlzo deeply with you. A great loss to the state and country." EXPECT TROUBLE AT TAMPA Manufacturera F,eur Interference with Their llualneaa and Sheriff Iteapunda that Mllltla la Ileudy, TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 29. A communication was handed tho sheriff today signed by tho leading manufacturers of the city Baying they had good cause to anticipate an at tempt to Interfere with their business. They said that the city was unablo to af ford them protection and demanded pro tection from the state nuthorltlen for their property nnd tho right to contlnuo their business without molestation. Tho sheriff replied that five companies ot state mllltla aro now ready to move here on a momont's notice and that he will preserve the peace It H takes every soldier In the state to do It. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair; Westerly Wlnda. Temperature nt Omnhn Yeterdny Hour. Ueg. Hour 1ck. n n. m :iu t p. til IS II . in ill p. in Ill 7 n, in..,,,, :to :t p. m r. i m n, m :io -i p. in nu t u. m :u r p. m no 10 a. m :ir ti p. m .iti 1 1 in it r p. m in I- m in H p. in It p. Ill CJ SCORES OF FOOT BALL GAMES Ilenlt of the Principal Mutchc on Hie Grlillrnu Told In n I. Inc. ai?dl?Hhila .llUsU Muu,C9' ss! Omaha tVml'i.0,n.alla 3I'sti School, 30; Genoa Indian School, o. LIlicoln-.MIniicHotn. 20: Nebrnnkn, 12. Itock Island, Northwestern. 5; lown, 5. ?ew ork-Columblu, 17: Carlisle, 0. luintin City Kaunas, ti: Missouri, 0. San raiiclseo-stunford, D; Berkeley, 0. unlvorMty o"S ' "'" ""'versity, 16; Ottawa ChlcuKofaiilctigo, 15; Michigan. . LufllVittt,! .... I. .11. ......... . - - - ....(..... v..,, t (iio, , 1, L UIUUl', Dubuque uilllnup 39; Davenport. 0. ", v . ." """inu i'iuii, Ji; mie CoiiHolIdntcd Law school, 0. r,MV,!W)(,l,',I.ll,'i7Unlv,r';Hl,' of Illinois, 21; Cujiltul Uty cycling club, 0. K'cuyon colicsorsr'"0 u,,lvcri!lt'. I mi.. i ... .... c. i . r"C; 'l?,-HOUln uaKota university, 6J Lincoln Medics, o. jiiumnoiri aimtiKoti, "3; Ponn, 0. iiVhHohooi'.'r11'0 Norm,a 6; wn,cHo ljiistlngs-IliLstliiRs, C: Or:in.l Island, 0. I;retiu)nt-Frcniotit, u: South Omnhn, 0. tumid Nland-arand Island, 11; York 0. Onawii-onawn, 11: Mu drove. 0. nuulap-Dutilap, 15; Coon ltiiptdH, 0. lege"? Normal. 6; Agricultural col- C?i1itirll tlfllffo T.,t- a. Tabor college, 0. u" ,"B'" v,lmru"' ": .Miicnon, b. U.-Mltchell, 23; Ynnkton, 0. STRIKE RIOT ENDS IN MURDER Nonunion Lluciiuin t Han Antonio IlcfcmU llliiiNcIf VIorouly AVhcn Cloe Prenaeil. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 29.-In a meloe hero today botween union nnd nonunion employes of tho Southwestern Telegraph nnd Telcphono company, ono man loat hU llfo and four others wero wounded. It was tho first bloodshed of tho telephone strike, which was Inaugurated on Novem ber 3. Tho dead: WILLIAM LACEY, policeman. Wounded: O. D. Hlanton, striker; bullet through tho body near tho heart; will die. Martin Wright, president of tho Elec trical Workers' union; shot In left nrm. Sandy Smith, omployo telcphono com pany; wounded In head. Two others whoso names nro unobtain able. Smith did all tho shooting. Thh morn ing, In compnny with other employes of the company, ho started out to repair broken wires. The men had police protec tion. The party returned to tho exchange shortly after 11 o'clock. At 11:20 Smith emerged from tho exchango nnd started to climb n polo on tho opposite Bldo of tho street. Whllo ascending tho pole a crowd of men surrounded him and begnn Josrlng. Someono began throwing stones, after which ho ran Into n livery stable to escape the 'crowd. The latter followed and tho fight was continued In tho stable. Shortly afterward threo shots rang out. Lacey wn? tho first victim. Tho second shot grazed Wright's chest and entered his left arm. Tho last shot ctruck Blonton. Policeman EBplnnea was In tho stable nt tho time, but claims that ho sow none of tho Bhots fired. Lacey died a few minutes after tho shoot ing occurred. Ho leaves a wlfo and four children nnd was serving his second day as a regular policeman. Smith and ono of tho strikers woro placed In Jail. DICK DECLINES THE HONOR Ohio' Hcpiibllcaii Chnlrman llefnea ConNlderntlon na n Senatorial Aaplrant nt Thla Time. CLEVELAND, 0., Nov. 29. It has been definitely sottled that General Charles Dick, chairman of tho Ohio republican com mlttco, will not be a cnndldato for election to tho United States senate In response to tho recent Indorsement of the American Loyal Republican league General Dick has written a letter to John Housku, president of tho organization, In which the positive statement Is made that he will not bo a cnndldato for tho senate. The letter con cludes as follows: "Ohio la now represented by Senator Foraker and Senator Ilanna, both of whom have performed distinguished services to the country, and unless called to higher du ties nnd clothed with more distinguished honors both nro entitled nnd deserve to bo continued In tho senate. " IOWA MAN KILLED BY A THUG W. II. Muter of Cedur llnplda Ilralata Holdup In Iliirllnirton and la Fatally Shot. BURLINGTON, la., Nov. 2D. W. II. Lin tcr of Cedar Rnplds, la., accompanied by his wlfo, while on his way to tho depot to night to leave for homo after spending Thanksgiving with rolatlvcB hero, was held up by a footpad nnd on resisting, Mr. Lin ter was shot and killed, Mrs. Llntor ran, but was shot In tbo back and Is now at tho hospital dying. Tho assassin escaped. A man waa captured at Patterson, bIx miles south of hero, early this (Friday) morning, who gave his name as Georgo Anderson. Ho practically confessed to shooting the Llntors. MURDER AT CHURCH FESTIVAL Hud Nemro Interrupt Cornet Vlrtuoao nnd Ilouuh House llnauea lTlth Fatal Ileaulta. WELLSTON. O., Nov, 29. Oscar Cassel shot and killed Robert Leach nt a festival in tho colored Methodist church nt Berlin Cross Roads last night. Cassel foil against a horn Robert Thompson wiib playing. Tho lattor remonstrated mid was attacked by Cassel. Leach tried to Rtop tho bellgerents, when Cassel pulled a gun nnd fired, the first shot penetrating Leach's heart. As Leach fell dead Cassel held tho crowd at bay and mado his escapo to the woods. Tho affair created Intenso excltemont In tho church. The colored penplo threatened violence If CnHsol Is captured, as Leach wns promlncni nnd well-to-do. SAY HE STOLE IN CARLOADS Milwaukee Itond Detective Arrcat F, 13. Weer for Allritrd Theft of Three Car of AVIicut, MOUND CITY, Knn., Nov. 29. F. I". Wen- ser was nrrestcd here today by the dotectlvo of tho Chicago & Mllwaukco road on I ho chargo of Mealing threo carloajla of wheat from the yards of tho company In Des Mnlnes, la. Wessor In some manner. It la alleged, ercurod tho bills of lading for tho cars nnd got thaai to market, realUlug f 1,000. GOPHERS GET A GAME Nebraska Oivfs Minnewtn the Bun of Iti Foot Ball Season. SCARLET AND CREAM IS PROUDLY BORNE Showing of tho Team All That IU Test Friends Hoped For. PILLSBURY HERO OF THE WJiOLE AFFAIR His SoTenty-Yard Hun to a Touchdown Delights a Multitude. PUNTING WINS FOR THE NORTHERNERS Men from the l.niul of the Mlilntftlit Sun .More Skilled : Ith Their Feet nnd Cain Much (irnuud by IMucntcd KlcklnK. LINCOLN, Nov. 29.-(SpccIal Telegram.) in ono contest today Nebraska Bcored moro points against tho giants from Minne sota than did cloven other college foot ball teams lu us many different games. Tho scoro-20 to 12-denotcs tho superiority ot tho Mlnnesotans over thu Nohrnsknns, but thu llgurca nro significant In still nnother way, for thoy show that tho ComhuskerB, ns tho visitors saw nt to call them, put up a harder light mid accomplished better results thun cither Chlc.igo, Wisconsin. Northwest ern or any of tho other teams that played Minnesota this year. Nebraska mado a brilliant but hopeless fight. It waB science ulono ugalimt a combination of science and beefs, ond tho combination won. Thero Is no question remaining as to tho Nebraakaus' ability. They nro unquestion ably among tho chosen. They played hero ically and their ambition to mnko a higher Hcoru against Minnesota than did any of thu great teams wns fulfilled. Coach Booth hail his men lu perfect condition. Their team work was fuultlens, for which largo credit Is duo to tho coach and to Captain Brew. The NebraBknns nro lightweights, averaging about twenty pounds less per mmi thnn tho Mlnnesotans, but even tho powerful lino of tho opposition was unablo to BUcccBsfully break tho defense. Most of Minnesota's; galna woro inadu by punting. Tho tackle back formation used with such telling effect by Yalo agalnnt Harvard and Princeton wa3 tried by tho lsltors. but without avail. Nclirnikn Held Well. Nebraska repeatedly hold Minnesota for downs nnd sevcrnl times when tho ball wns perilously near tho goal lino succeeded, with no npparent dllllculty, In regaining tho ball from tho opposing team. Thero was con siderable punting throughout tho gamo and in this play Minnesota excelled. Nebraska's punts woro all too high, while thoso ot Min nesota wcro low and long. In ono respect Nebraska was surprised. It wob anticipated that Minnesota's .ends comprised tho weale part of tho team, but tho first few mlnutca of play demonstrated that they were an atroni; ns any other part of tho team, Plllsbury, who was substituted for Cook a few minutes nftcr the gamo began, played a star game all tho way through. In tho first half no gained tho ball on a fake kick, eluded all pursuers and ran seventy yards for a touchdown. This was tho most spec tacular ploy of tho gamo. Plllsbury made tho two touchdowns for Nebraska and Ringer kicked both goals. Hoyt for Min nesota mado two touchdowns, Auno one and Knowlton kicked a goal from tho field, but all goals after touchdowns wcro missed. Tho gamo was witnessed by fully 5,000 persons; Minnesota rootcrn comprised one 11ft li of this assemblage. Thero wcro from R00 to COO pcoplo from Omaha. Tho Minne sota crowd left tonight on two special trains. Thoy aro jubilant over tho victory, but Bomowlmt disappointed at tho Bcore. This morning considerable money was wa gered nt tho hotels that Minnesota would score sixteen moro points than Nebraska and not a few bets wero mado that Nebraska would not scoro at all. This money, ot course, wa3 nil won by tho local crowd. Nehrnaka Kick Off. Captain Pago of the Gophers was the lucky man In tho tcB8-up nnd took tho south goal, glUng tho pigskin to Nebraska. Minnesota therefore had tho choice of posi tions during tho first half, tho ground bolng downgrade toward tho Cornhuskcrs' goal and tho wind blowing slightly from tho south. Ringer kicked off at 2:38 p. m. nnd Doblc cnught tho bull and carried It back ten yards beforo ho was downed. Vnn Val kenberg, the husky left hnlfback of tho Gophers, tried tho Nebraska lino, but failed to advance Minnesota nt onco began n, punting as well as a Uno-bucklng gamo. Knowlton lifted tho ball over Nebraska's head tor seventy yards, and throughout tho gamo proved a beautiful punter, except when ho tried to kick goal, NobraBka Im mediately Buncndered tho ball on a tumblo, suffering at Intervals all through by fum bles and off-side playing. Minnesota put tho ball Into play at tho thirty-yard lino on Nebraska territory. At this point they tried their first place kick for goal, missing by a scratch, the ball hit ting tho cast goal post and dropping out sldo. Nebraska kicked oft from tho twenty yard lino very poorly, netting them not to exceed ten yards. Rlngor's punts were too high In tho air and did not go far. At this point Minnesota gave tho first exhibi tion of tho superiority of beef over sclenco with light weight behind It. Steady galnH through tho line, aided by a flftocn-yard gain by La Frons, brought them within five yards ot tha Nebraska goal and Auno car ried tho ball over for tho first touchdown. Knowlton failed to kick goal. Score; Min nesota, ri; NobraBka, 0. llrlak KxchuiiKe of 1'nnta. Ringer kicked off from tho center. Min nesota returned tho ball fifteen yards and lost tho ball on a fumble, Weslovcr went through tho Gophers' heavy lino for fifteen yards and. Montgomery for ten moro, Then Nebraska rooters took cheer and yelled. But tho scarlet and cream upholders lost the ball nn downs. They held tho big men down on tho next two lino bucks nnd forced another punt by Knowlton. Drain fumbled on an attempted fly catch and Crandall downed thn leather. Not loss of fifty yards to Nebntbka. Not gaining tha covetod amount Ringer punted and returned tho ball to tho center of tho field. Knowlton punted back and tho ball was caught down thu Hold by Crandall, who was downed In his tracks, Minnesota recovered tho ball on an otf-sldo play. Cook was Injured In a scrimmage and replaced by Plllsbury, who played tho otar gamo for Nebraska there after. Minnesota mado steady gains to ward their opponents' goal and Hoyt car ried tho ball ovor for the second touch dawn. Knowlton again missed goal nnd tho score slood 10-0. VeliruHka' l'lrt .Score, Ringer kicked off for n galu of twonty llvo yards. Minnesota seemed to bo sat isfied with her success at punting and Knowlton returned the ball for thirty yards, This was repeated again by both)