Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells glass.
"Mr. Jtlley," 5-cent clg&r.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Tirol.
Giut fixtures and globes nt nixby's.
line A. 11. C. bc!r, Neumaycr's hotel,
Wollmnn, scientific optician, 409 U'd'y.
Bchmidt'B photos, now nnd latest styles.
W. J, Hostettrr, dentist, Untdwln block.
Moore's stm-k food kills worms, fattens.
Drlnlc Dudwclscr beer. L. Itoscnfcld, az,'..
I-cfrert, Jeweler, optician. iCO Hroadwny.
New lino of statuary. C. 13. Alexander
fc Co., 3.13 Hroadwny.
Charles Conloy of No. 3 onglno houso la
tukltiK bis utinuul vacation.
t'lmrlos H. W'ulters has returned from a
business trip to Oklahoma.
Oct your work clono at the popular Eaglo
laundry, ;il llioudway. '1'hone 157.
V. C. Kstep, undertaker, 23 I'enrl street.
Telephone. Ollloe, 97: residence, 33.
l:ilto Thanksgiving linll. I. O. O. K. tern
plu Thursday night. Admission, 25c.
Wanted A girl for Kcneral housework.
Mrs. A. a. Gilbert, 12S Oakland uvenue.
, XV. V. Graff, undertaker und licensed cm
calmer, lul .South Main street. '1'hone WW-
Morgan & Kloln, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress makltu:, 11".' 8. Main nt
XV. XV, Ifanthorn roturned homo yestsr
day from a two weeks' sojourn at Colfax
Mrs. U, 9. Woods has been called to
Mnrcv, la., by the scrloun Illness of Mr.
Woods' father.
Mrs. Mary Jacobs has gono on a visit
to friends at 1'endlctoii, Oro., und other
western points.
Kllto Thanksgiving ball, I. O. O. V. I em
lilo Thursday Light. Whaley's full orches
tra. Admission, Wc.
City Treasurer Frank T, Truo and wife
loft yesterday to spend Thunksglvlng with
friends at i.uiilsvllle, Nob.
Your wlf will lovo you If you buy Shorl
tlun coal. Smokeless, no clinkers, soot nor
milphur. Konlon & Foley, .sole agents.
Bherlff Cousins went to Nebraska City
yeslirduy to spend Thanksgiving day with
his daughter, Mrs. Cadwallader, and lamlly.
A wurit udJ In The Hoe will bring re
runs. Tho same attention given to a wntit
ndd In Council Muffs us at tho Umuha
Tho pupils of St. I'eterV pnrochlnl school
gavo a musical nnd literary program yes
trrday afternoon in celebration of Thanks
giving day..
Tho enso tignlnxt Vcrr.o Hlrsch, chanced
villi nsH.utlllnir another miih.II loy naim-d
dishing, vai continued In .luxtlco Vlcn s
court yesterday for thirty days.
Tho revival meetings nt Trinity Methodist
'church nru being1 coutlntied throughout this"
week and tho iittendancu evidence!! tho n
crenmng Interest manifested In them.
William C. Keollnc, the Ilroadway
butcher, was nrrented yesterday afternoon
on complaint of his wife, who charged
lilm with disturbing tho pcuca of their
Congressman Walter I. Hmlth will leave
for Washington, I). C, this evening-, lio
will In1 ncenmpanied by his prlvato secre
tary, Hobert llendtitHon. until rocontly city
editor of the Council Muffs Nonpareil.
Tho ladleH will bo given un opportunity
to meet Mrs. Jenness-MIIIor nt tho closs
of her lecture to bo given nt tho First Ilnp
tlst church Friday at 2M0 p. m. for the
benetlt of tho city sick poor. Admission,
Mr. and Mrs. Iou Dale of Stockton, Cal.,
formerly of this city, uro In the city re
newing nc(uaintunces nnd visiting frlonds,
From hero Mr.i. Halo will go to Nebraska,
whero she will spend tho winter with her
Prof. W. N. Clifford, superintendent of
the city schools, will leave tomorrow for
Carroll, la., to attend tho annual meet
ing of tho Schoolmasters' Hound Tnblo of
middle-western Iowa, whore ho will take
rart In tho program.
Tho Thanksgiving donations made by tho
pupils of tho city schools for the poor hnvo
been divided among; the several charltnb'e
organizations of tho city. Including tho
Woman's Christian nsjoclntlon and the
H'.imiin'u iri.llnl' rnrns.
For Thanksgiving night I ho attraction nt
tho Dohnny thenter will be the Georgia
Students and Jublleo Singers. The enter
tainment will undoubtedly nift tho expec
tations of all. Tho dancing, cnallengc cako
walk nnd buck nnd wing dancing are said
to bo very llnely executed. The nudlctiea
will also havo a chance of seeing the
smallest drum ninjor In the world In hH
lightning baton Juggling. A crowded house
will dimbtlcss greet this favorite musical
One of tho largest turkeys possibly
brought to the Council Muffif market for
Thanksgiving was found In a load of poul
try purchased by J. '.oiler At Co. from h..
Omens, a farmer living near the city. It
weighed fortv-llvo pounds. As a memento
of tho Thnnfcsglvlng this year It was de
cided to glvo every ono present n chance
to get tho turkey on n plan formulatoil
for that purpose and J. W. Morso securoJ
the prize. Ho nnd his family will undoubt
edly have tho prlvllego of feasting off tho
largest turkey In the city today.
Tho funeral of tho Into W. F. I.yon wai
held yeslerd.iv afternoon from the family
residence on North Seventh street and win
attended by a large number of rejntlves
nnd friends of tho deceased and bereawd
famllv. Tho oral offerings were many
nnd beautiful, llev. Myron C. Waddell,
pastor of tho Proadway Muthodlet church,
conducted the. services anil burial wns In
Walnut Hill cemetery. Tho following acted
us pallbearer.i: O, XV. Oriham. John Hen'i,
B. M. Williamson nnd J. Hrown. 'I he
musln was rendered by a quartet composed
of Misses Urock nnd McCnbo and Messrs.
W. Itlgdon and J. H. Arthur.
N. Y. l'lurablng Co., telephone 2o0.
Commonwealth 10-cont cigar.
Davis sells paint.
St. raul's church "Street Fair," old Ileno
building. Admission, 10 cents. Dancing
Thursday night. Supper Friday and Satur
day, 25 cents.
MnrrliiKi Mocimm.
Licenses to wed wcro Issued yostenlay
to tho following persons:
Namo and Residence Age.
Francis Purcell. Missouri Valley, la.... 31
Hertha Ammons, Missouri Valley, la.... 18
William McK-iown. California June, la. 2;
Amanda Henry, California Junction, la. .2
Arthur O. Mvoia. Council Mutts 23
Frances IC. Keck, Counoll Muffs l'J
Clarence 15. Weaver. Council Muffs 21
Cnnlo M. WoMoy. Council Muffs -1
Adolim Anderson, Council Muffs 23
Dora Johnson, Council Muffs IS
If. C. Valentine, Omaha 2S
Klnora Grots, Council Muffs JS
John H. ItlKKln, 'Omaha...
Ellznbcth 8. Combs, Omaha 4'J
Urul Kstntc Transfers.
Tho following transfers wero filed yes
terday In the abstract, title and loan ofllco
of J. XV. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
K. P. Peterson and wife to David
Walker, nKi feet luts ti and 6, block
14, Hall's r.dd J2.100
County trensurer to C. I), Dillon, "6
lots In Council Muffs, JO tax deeds.. il2
Total transfer J.312
Gravel roofing. A. 11. Head, Ml nroadway.
Wanted Girl for housework. 339 Scott.
UR6EST assortment
f 1,2.1, iii,no, pi.7T, 9u.n0
Kvery Pair
Warranted at
NefottntcJ In Eastern Nebraska
end Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
i:e Main St., Council Muffs.
Save Your Money ufe
1UU l'curl Street, Couuoll IlluSs, In,
What the Citizens Will Engage in During
Their Woking Hours.
Foot Hull Will Vie with Turhry, but
llolh Will Come After u Scunon
of Devotion ami Thunks
KlvliiK Thanksgiving day will be, as Is tho gen
eral custom, observed ns a general holi
day In Council Muffs. Tho county and city
olUccs will bo closed all day, as will most
of tho wholesale houses, while tho larger
number of stores will shut their doors at
noon tnd allow their umploycs tho rest of
tho day In which to colobrnto tho holi
day. Tho foot ball gamo between tho Dodgo
Light Guards and the Tubor collcgo team
promises to bo tho Btollar attraction of the
day and with n lino day tho Driving park
should bo well filled.
In iho morning the churches will hold
tho usunl Thanksgiving dny services, tho
featuro of which will be tho union service
nt tho First Christian church, where tho
following program will bo carried out: In
vocation, llov. J. XV. Snyder: presidents
proclamation, llev. M. C. Waddell; music,
scripture reading, Tlov. J. H. Hauernfclnd;
prayer, Hcv. It. Venting; offering, appeal
by llev. W. S. Hames; music, sermon, Itcv.
J. W. Wilson; closing prayer, Nov. W. II.
Cable; hymn, "My Country 'TIs of Thee;"
boncd'ttlon, llov. K. XV. RrlcUson. Itev.
W. I). Crcwdson, pastor of tho Christian
church, will have chargo of tho servlco.
Scrvtco will bo held nt St. Paul's Episco
pal church at 10:30 a. m., when tho roctor,
Rev. Georgo Edward Walk, will preach
tho sermon.
At tho I.atter-Dny Saints' church servlco
will be held nt 10:30 a. in., when Elder
James Cattail will deliver tho termou.
The Iowa Holiness Association mission
will hold all-day sorvlccs nt 146 Broad
way. At 9:30 n. m. thcro will bo a pralso
service and lovefeast, followed by presett
ing n ii;30 a. m. At 1:30 d. m. thcro will
bo a song Bcrvico and preaching at 2:30
p. m., with n sermon Dy itev. u. w. uricn
non of tho Fifth Avenuo Methodist church.
From i to G p. m. thcro will bo a number
of ten-mlnuto nddrcsscs by lay workers and
evangelists. At C:30 p. ni. thcro will bo n
street service, followed by preaching nt
7:30 p. m., when n number of speakers
from Omaha will nsslst In tho services.
TVnnl.f.lvtnff srrvlrrq will be hold at
St. Francis Xnvlor's church "El 8 n. m. and
at St. Peter's church at 8:1C n. m.
Postmaster Treynor nnnounccs thnt tho
following holiday hours will be observed
at tho postofflce: Stamp window, general
dclhery window nnd money order division
will bo open from 8 until 11 a. m. Car
riers will make but ono delivery, leaving
tho postofflce at 9 n. m. Thero will be ft
collection mndo In tho business district in
the afternoon, carriers leaving tho post
office at 1 p. m.
St. Paul's church "Street Fair," old Beno
building. Admission, 10 cents. Dancing
Thursday night. Suppor Friday nnd Satur
day, 23 cents.
Another Cone of Hinnllpox,
Another caso of smallpox developed In
tho city yesterday morning. Asa Deets, n
man employed on a Union Pacific bridge
gang, called at tho ofllco of Dr. N. J. IMco.
His appearanco led Dr. Rice to bellevo
that ho was Buffering from smallpox, and
ho nt onco called In Dr. Jentilngs, tho city
physician. Tho latter at onco pronounced
tho case one, of smallpox and lost no tlmo
In having Deots removed to tho city pest
houso. Deets, It appeared, went on November 6
to vUlt friends In Croto, Neb., where ho
found sovernl of tho family of which ho
was tho guest, sick. At tho tlmo ho did
nut know thoy wore suffering from iimall
pox, but tho very night ho left thero tho
houso was placed undor quarantine, an two
members of tho fnmlly wero found to bo
suffering from tho disease Deets Is an
unmarried man nnd his home Is aald to bo
In Grand Island.
Conmey, tho smallpox patient nt tho
Woman's Christian association hospttnl,
wns removed to tho pesthouse yesterday
afternoon. Tho Hoard of Health held a
short session yesterday afternoon and went
through tho rogular formalities In con
nection with tho new case of Deets.
Up to last evening no fresh cases of
smallpox had developed nt tho Woman's
Christian Association hospital. Tho quar
antine thero nnd nt the Mnrr resldenco
will bo strictly enforced for tho next four
teen days, when if no now cases develop It
will bo lifted.
y, t, I. n. r. p. n. n.e. d. y. U. h. c. 1. 1, n, e.
Urlng these letters In their correct form
to Purity Candy kitchen Saturday nnd got
a pound of angel food taffy for 10c. Dig
special salo December 1st. Hutterscotch,
10c lb.: Yankee peanut, 12140 lb.; angol
food taffy, 12ftc lb
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures cougui. colds.
DUtrltt Court Notes.
Judge Green adjourned district court yes
terday morning after excusing tho trial
Jury until Monday morning.
Frank Wood tiled n petition tor aivorce
frnm t.iriin Wood, whom ho married In
this city on August 15, 1SS6. Ho com
plains that sho deserted him n January,
1S97, nnd has since pcrsistontly refused
to if turn to his bed and uonra.
Closed All Day.
Tho Boston Storo will be closed nil day,
Thursdny, Thanksgiving.
ItemovliiK Obstructions.
Tho rosult of tho suit against the city, In
which J. C. NIelson was awarded a vordlct
for $1,000, for Injuries alleged to have bcon
causod by falling over a stopbox on Broad
way has aroused tho municipal authorities
mien uu
you think
when you see J5 shoes advertised
for $3, and K shoes for !2? Does
It seem reasonable to you7 Were
thoy Jo or J3 shoes or Is It hum
bug? If you think It Is try
Where there Is Just ono prleu, ana
as (rood its can be bought for the
money on earth.
Look for the
Bear that's
to tho necessity of enforcing tho ordlnanco.
Notices have been prepared nnd wherever
a gas or wnlcr stopbox Is found not levot
with tho sidewalk, tho abutting property
owner will be served with notice requiring
him to remove the box or place It so It will
conform to the surface of tho sidewalks.
This will havo to bo done within ten days
nftcr tho sorvlco of tho notice. Tho ordl
nanco was passed last spring, but after n
very short while was permitted to become
prnctlcally a dead letter and no steps wero
taken to enforce. Thero Is another suit
pending against tho city for Injuries nl
legcd to havo been received as tho result
of a fall causod by a protruding stopbox.
City I'livliiK JutlKiiiriit.
The city has paid another Installment of
$900 upon tho Judgment secured by Ed
mund Jcffcrls in November, 1S98, for un
paid warrants. Tho original Judgment was
$1,954.93, with a small amount added far
costs. Interest has accumulated since, but
tho Judgment has now been satisfied with
tho exception of about $300. Hod Jcffcrls
been content to wait ho would have been
puld tho wnrrnnts held by him and Interest
to date In full several months ago when tho
city refunded Its outstanding Indebtedness.
Tho next Judgment against the city on
tho list for payment whenever thero nre
funds to do so Is that obtained by Mrs. S.
11. H. Rohrer last March for tho opening
of Sixteenth nvenuo. Her Judgment
nmounta to $2,481.40, with Interest from
Next In order comes tho Judgment for
$D00 obtained by M. M. George, tho Chicago
traveling man, who fell on Pearl street
and broko n leg. Tho coats In this caso
against tho city amounted to $163.70. With
tho exception of n few minor Items theso
nro tho only Judgments now outstanding
against tho city.
l'rourcss of the lnvliir.
Contractor Wlckham expects to complete
tho paving of Tenth nvenuo today, when ho
will commenco work on Bryant street. Tho
present condition of tho latter Btrcet Is
such that It la almost Impassablo and tho
city authorities nro anxious that It phould
bo purcd this winter If posslblo. A largo
part of tho cost of tho Improvement will
havo to bo borno by tho city, ns It owns
considerable property abutting on this
Tho work of excavating was complotcd
on Plerco street yesterday and Contractor
Wlckham will commence laying brick thcro
this morning. It Is expected that this plcco
of work, which Is only n block long between
First and Stutsman streets, will bo finished
by Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Tho property owners on Fourth street
aro anxious to hnvo tho paving on tholr
street laid this winter and It tho weather
keeps good Contractor Wlckham says he
may do It an soon as ho gots through with
Plorco street.
Unit to llrenk llrlcks.
Tho cfilcacy of the cement filler on brick
paving has been demonstrated on North
Main street bn tho work dono thcro ro
contly by Contractor WIckhnm. A few days
ngo in order to connect a lateral plpo with
the main sower on this street, It was found
necessary to tear up a good sized section at
tho paving.
Tho cement filler hnd made an nlmost
solid mass of tho brick and It was found
practically Impossible to tako up tho brick
without breaking them. Tho bricks couU
not bo pried apart and hnd to bo broken
boforo they could bo removed and tho neces
sary excavation made.
Tho excavation was necessary as the
sower pipe from tho new laundry building
In course of erection was found not to be
connected with tho main sower. An attempt
to Hush tho sower demonstrated this and
on the excavation being mado It was found
that tho lateral was ten feet short of con
necting with tho main pipe.
Shuts OIT Collin Nulls.
Users of cigarettes havo to go to Omaha
now to get their supplies, na tho local to
bacconists havo withdrawn them for sale,
owing to tho notlco sent out by the Ameri
can Tobacco company that It would not
stand bock of dealers selling thorn In enso
of prosecution undor tho mulct tax. Local
doalerB havo also removed clgarctto papers
from their sholvcs, although they nre still
to be obtnlncd In somo of tho snloons nnd
smaller stores. All of tho regular cigar
dealers say thoy cannot afford to pay the
tax of $300 a year for tho privilege of soil
ing cigarettes as tho profits on the trado
would not warrant It.
Kodaks, kameras nnd kutlery for Krlst
mas at Kolo's.
UniiKcd IllniNelf In Neighbor's Yard.
OTTUMWA, Ia Nov. 28. (Spoclal Telo
grnm.) Tho body of John B. Breckett, an
old and respected citizen of Moulton, a
small town In Davis county, was found this
tnornlng hanging lifeless from n maple tret
In n neighboring yard. Tho deceased was
employed on tho Chicago, Burlington &
Kansas City rntlrond as a car Inspector
and had been working for tho company
for tho last thirty years. No reason Is as
signed for tho sulcldo except sudden In
sanity. Mr. Breckett was 7S years of ago.
Ho was n member of the Moulton lodge of
Odd Fellows.
Juvenile llimd of Thieves.
CEDAR FALLS, Ia Nov. 28. (Special.)
Tho department store of Colonol Brant
was rubbed about two weeks ago, Blnco
which tlmo tho authorities havo boon look
ing for tho lost goods, Most of tho prop
erty has been found hid In nn old paper
mill, but Bomo of It waB hid In a cavo
along tho river bank. Tho thieves had con
structed tho cavo for the purposo of receiv
ing tho stolen goods with a stolen door nnd
near by was n small raft made of stolen
lumber. It Is evidently the work of young
boys Inspired by dlmo novels.
Itnllrond OHIrliiln Suspect Murder.
GLADHROOK, la., Nov. 28. (Special.)
Representatives of tho Great Western rail
road aro Investigating tho rccont destruc
tion of a box car hero very thoroughly.
Tho car contained tho household effects and
six horses bolonglng to Peter Peters, who
was moving from Rolnbech to South Da
kota. It burned and Mr. Peters' body was
found tn tho charred ruins. It la said to
bo tho railroad officials' theory that thugs
first robbed Peters and then burned the
car to cover their crlmo.
Mm. Monler AVnnts a Divorce.
SIOUX CITV, Ja., Nov. 28. (Special Tel
egram.) Emma Mnnlor has begun action at
Pouca. Neb., to Bccuro a divorce from Jo
seph Monler, n prominent stockmau, A
few days ago she loft htm and Is living nt
Emerson, Neb. Ho remains on the farm
near that place. Mrs. Monler asks the
custody of her two children.
New lihiKliieerhiK Ilnll nt Amea,
AMES, la., Nov. 28. (Special.) The
foundation for tho new Engineering hall
at tho StAto Agricultural college has been
completed and tho workmen aro laid off
for tho winter. Tho building when com
pleted will be tho strongest structure tn
tho state except tho stato capltol, nnd Is
to cost $U0,000.
For Dodtre 1'eeU nn Interrnt,
FT. DODGE, la., Nov. 28. (Special.)
Fort Dodgo people feel considerable Inter
est tn the appointment of Dr. Edward Ross
to tho chair of sociology and political econ
omy In Lelnnd Stanford university, as tho
doctor held his first professorship hero fif
teen years ago In tho Fort Dodge Collegiate
Ion. Will Be Relieved from Threatened
Constitutional Convention.
Mlstnkc of 1,000 In a County Footing
Outline (he Itesiilt nnd Upiet
Some Promised Itcform
DES MOINES, Nov. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The count of votes on tho state
ticket was not completed today by tho
executive council nnd tho official figures
will not bo given until Friday. Tho clerks
discovered nn error In tho footing on tho
voto for n constitutional convention, the
error In ono county being 1,000, and tho
corrected footings show that tho conven
tion was beaten by 550 votes Instead of
being cnrrled by a similar majority. This
will cllmluato tho contemplated campaigns
of tho equal suffragists nnd tho temper
ance pcoplo for a chango tn tho constitu
tion. Tho grand Jury exonerated Miss Mattle
Mnsh .tor tho killing of William Foster
about two months ago. Foster was a young
lawyer and wns going to marry tho girl,
but ho put It off and ono dny sho mot htm
on tho street and shot htm. Ho mado n
statement admitting ho had bctrnyed tho
girl nnd tnklng nil blnmo upon himself nnd
today tho grand Jury released her.
Tho coroner's Jury In tho enso of tho
murder of Dr. Hamilton nt Mnrysvlllo held
Alfred Aim to tho grand Jury for tho crlmo.
Ahn wus seen near tho sceno of the killing
nnd Is known to havo had n feud with Dr.
Judgo Cole, ex-chlcf Justlco of Iowa, has
mndo a bold chargo that a young woman, a
witness In a dlvorco case here, la under
hypnotlo Influence. J. P. Byrne Is being
sued for dlvorco nnd Colo charges that
Allco Potts, whoso father lives near Jeffer
son, who Is tho co-respondent In the caso,
haB been hypnotized by Mrs. Byrne, who H
compelling her to Incrlmlnato herself by
false testimony. Tho enso was put over
until this could bo Investigated.
Tho Des MolneB nrmy post commltteo to
day notified Congressman Hull of Its selo:
tlon of nn nrym post slto four miles south
of tho city for the purchaso of which tho
money has all been subscribed. It Is ex
pocted tho government will send commis
sioners soon to confirm or reject tho cholco
of tho commltteo nnd establish tho post.
I.en Crime In luwn.
Tho secretary of state has Just compiled
tho returns from the counties on criminal
rnnttcrs, especially the convictions and the
fines Imposed In district court, and finds
that convictions aro on tho decreaso In
Iowa. For tho year ended September 30,
1900, tho total number of district court
convictions In tho stato waB 1,153, a slight
decrease from former years. Of these con
victions the courts sent twenty-two to the
Industrial or reform schools; 280 wero given
Jail sentences ; 412 wcro sent to tho peni
tentiaries; 399 wero fined without being
sentenced to confinement and ten wero oth
erwise disposed of. Tho total amount of
tho fines Imposed by the district court was
$81,284.85 and of theso fines thero was col
lected $43,990.15. The total expenso to tho
counties on account of criminal prosecu
tions was $409,171.17 and the county attor
neys wcro pnld on account of theso proso
cutlons $87,250.07.
Tho Jail Bcntenccs In tho year aggregated
slxty-thrco years and four months nnd tho
penitentiary sentences aggregated 1,279
years and eight months. Of tho persons
sentenced, 941 could read nnd write, 32
could not nnd In regard to 180 It was un
known. There were 697 of them of Ameri
can nativity nnd 220 foreign. The hnblts of
199 wcro reported na moral, 268 as me
dium and 400 as bad.
Tho largest number of convictions was In
Polk county, with a 1 ' I of 274. Thero
wero 60 In Linn cou 4 Other large coun
ties had as follows: Appanoose, 28; Benton,
24; Cass, 30; Fayetto, 20; Jasper, 22; Jones,
35; Madison, 39; Mahaska, 21; Pago, 27;
Pottawattamie, 3C; Scott, 25; Wapello, 26;
Webster, 23; Woodbury, 24. Tho number
In Cnrroll county wns 8; Crawford, 13; Fre
mont, 10; Harrison, 19; Mills, 3; Monona,
3; Montgomery, 13; Ringgold, 4; Sac, 10;
Taylor, 11; Wayne, 10.
Tho largest numbor of convictions was
for breaking and entering houBes, being
94. Thcro wcro 76 convictions for bur
glary. Thoro wcro 10 convictions for mur
der, 4 for manslaughter; for assault to
commit n felony, 2; to commit manslaugh
ter, 7; to kill, 1; to commit murdor, 24; to
commit rape, 4; to commit robbery, 1. Ten
were convicted for breaking and entering
railway cars. Thero wero 24 convictions
for forgery nnd 23 for cheating by false pre
tonses. For grnnd larceny 11 wcro con
victed. Thoro was only one conviction for
highway robbery. Ono wbb convicted for
placing dynamite on tho doorstep of nn In
habited building. Two wero convicted for
doing Injury to n railroad whereby the
lives of peoplo wero endangered. Thcro
wero 16 convictions In contempt proceed
ings. Tho total numbor of convictions for
felonies was 532 and misdemeanors 593 nnd
other convictions 28.
Crouton Cnc In District Court.
CRESTON, la., Nov, 28. (Special.) Tho
November term of the dUtrlct court nd
Journed yesterday nftcrnoon, closing with
ono of tho most Interesting suits of the
term. It wns nn action brought by Mar
shall Field & Co. of Chicago against the
Oron-Ruffcorn company to secure- payment
for proporly purchased of them by the
Ruffcorn company. Judgment was rendered
for $3,868.25 nnd the defendant brought n
counter claim for $10,000 damagos for ma
licious prosecution, but the court over
ruled tho claim, as ho did In the claim set
up that tho company had excoedod Its
capital stock and thereby Invalided tho
notes on which the plaintiff sued. An
othor defense w3 sot up that Mr. Ruff
corn had no right to sign tho notes for
tho company, but this fell flat when the
notes were produced In ovldonco with Mr.
Ruffcorn's namo attached as president.
Just before tho court adjourned a Judg
ment was rendered against Fritz Falcko for
$1,000 in fnvor df Anna Hebbcrle. The
plaintiff brought nn nctlon for slander In
the sum of $5,000. When tho caso was
called at tho opening of court tho de
fondant permitted It to go by default.
Tiro attorneys for tho Chicago Great
Western railway endeavored to get a new
trial In tho case for damages brought by
Jnmes Larklns against tho compnny, but
the court overruled the motion. Larklns
got a Judgment for $1,838.25.
John Dixon, the alleged murderer of Lot
tie Holmes, wns nrralgned yesterday boforo
Justlco Maxwell and waived exnmlnatlon.
Ho will bo tried at the January term of
Trnln Kill Two.
IOWA CITV, la., Nov. 28. (Special Tel
cgram.) Ed Warner r.nd Chris Wofferdlti
were struck by Rock Island train No. 1
east of this city this evening and both
wcro Instantly killed.
lown New Notex.
Eastern capitalists contemplate reopen
ing tho closed Des Moines pucklng house',
Nine hundred and ninety-two low.tns
sought to tako advantage of tho national
bankruptcy law the pact year, a larger
number than In nny other stato exc-jpt
New York und Illinois.
Keokuk county voters refused to order
mo uuiming oi a new court nouso nt aigour
ney. PnlW PnimtV linn n nrtrt. fnrm wt.lMi VL'IMl
Its county nsylum has nn appraised valuo
of $234,S2S.60.
Threo rural mall routes out of Corning
have been located for tho benefit of Adnms
county farmers.
Mall service was established this week
on the new Clowrlc-Slblcy extension of Die
Hock Island railroad.
Tho Davenport Free Public Library board
has under consideration nbout fifty plans
for the new library btilldlm; to bo erected.
The county nttorney of Clinton county
hns directed tho assessors to nssess cigar
ette dealers $25 a month under the ttatl
Albla wnnts to tnko Keokuk's place with
n. company in tho lowu National Guard
and County Attorney Everett Is engaged
in organizing a company. ,
The crndlnir tor double tracking thn
Northwestern rnllroad through Greene
county win bo completed in nnother week
ii me wrntner is rnvornule.
Tho tironnsnl fnr n iMnv.n(lnti in rovls.i
tho Iowa constitution carried by a ma
jority of 1.091 nnd tho majority for tho
constitutional amendment making biennial
elections wns 3V,Wf.
Tho Atlantic Commercial association, or
ganized originally for the purpose of light
ing for n normal school, has been kept up
to further tho material Interests of thJ
city nnd tho officers and directors havo
Just been re-elected. J. A. McWnlil Is
president und John II. Hoys, secretary.
E. 11. Tabor, formerly In the railway mall
servlco In lown and later managing editor
of tho Sioux City Journnl, has sold his
nowspaper property In Draiidon, Miss., nnd
purchased n newspaper nt Marysvlllo, O.
Ho has been running n democratic news
paper In Mississippi und hns now purchased
a republican paper.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Nov. 2S.-(SpoclaI.)
Ono of the most prominent society ovonts
of tho season hero was tho mnrrlago of
Miss Phoebo Doty to Mr. Glen Becker nt
tho resldenco of tho brldo's parents nt 10
o'clock this forenoon, Rev. Connor of the
Baptist church officiating. Miss Doty Is
tho eldest daughter of I. K. Doty, president
of tho Centrnl Nebraska National bank.
Mr. Becker Is tho Junior member of tho
firm of Osterhout & Becker, lumber dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Decker left on tho nftcrnoon
train for n short wedding trip, nfter which
they will go tn housekeeping in n now res
ldenco on Fourth street Just completed by
Mr. Becker.
FREMONT, Ncb Nov. 28. (Special.)
Mr. Charles E. Abbott and Miss Gertrude
Sexton of this city wero married hero nt
neon In tho resldenco of tho brldo's pnr
entB by Rev. T. L. Kotmnn of tho Baptist
church. Only tho relatives and Intimate
family friends were present. Tho groom
has been ongaged In tho practico of law
hero for tho last threo years and is tho
present chairman of tho republican county
commltteo. Tho brldo Is tho eldest daugh
ter of Dr. T. C. Sexton nnd wns educated
at a leading seminary In Virginia.
ASHLAND, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.)
G. William Loofo and MIbs Anna Leo Roso
wero united in mnrrlago tonight nt C:30
o'clock, Rev. C. P. Hnckney officiating. The
ceremony was performed nt tho homo of tho
brldo's mother. Tho houso was tnstlly
decorated for tho occasion. Tho brldo Is
tho oldest daughter of Mrs. C. II. Roso,
while tho groom Is the Junior member of
tho firm nf Wlvsnn H. 1 ntn m.
i.V'XJl L , 1 lltjf Will
bo nt homo to their friends In this city
uuer uccemocr (i.
LOUISVILLE. Kv.. Nov. 2f) Ai-th,,- n
Langhnm of this city announces the en
gagement of his niece, Miss May Langham,
to Baron Herman Speck von Sterberg,
formerly first secretary nf tho normnn
bassy nt Washington, nnd latciy appointed
consul general nt Calcutta. Miss Lang
ham Is now living in England. Tho mar-
riago will tako place Dccemher r. mnn m
St. George's, Hanover Squaro, London.'
Tho marrlaco of Edson Rich tn Mm rnn.i
L. Clark occurred yesterday nt the resl
denco of E. L. Speod. Mr. Rich la n well
known Omaha attornoy nnd has served as
n member of tho state legislature Ho Is
now a regent of tho University of Ne
braska. Mrs. Clark has mado her homo In
Omaha for ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Rich
will resldo at Mr. Rlch'a present homo on
Park avenue.
HtirrlKht-lf oh.
MITCHELL, S. D., Nov. 28. (Special Tel
egram.) D. W. nurrlght nnd MIbs Katha
rlno Kosh, two prominent society pcoplo of
this city, were married this morning at 8
o'clock. Tho ceremony took place In tho
Catholic church and was performed by
Fathor Shea. Thoy will reside In Mitchell,
where Mr. Burrlght Is conducting a real
estate business.
CHICAGO, Nov. 28. (Special Tolcgram.)
A marrlago license was lsr.ued today to
Georgo E. Case, aged 31, of Omaha nnd
Loulso D. Sensongood, aged 29, of St. Jo
seph, Mich.
Negro Liberally Perfornted.
LAKE CITY, Fin.. Nov. 28.-Rponcer Wil
liams, n negro, was shot to death near this
cty today by a mob. Wlllllams, who re
cently nrrlved hero from Pensacoln, Inst
night shot nnd dangerously wounded Cltv
Marshal Strnngo nnd William Strickland,
n business man of ttila city, while resisting
nrrest. As soon as tho nows of tho shoot
ing became known citizens armed them
selves nnd. forming n posse, followed tho
desperado on horseback and afoot nud over
took him today In ri swamp. The negro
wns literally shot to pieces, fully 200 bullet
holes belnu found In his body. The bqdy
wns brought Into town nnd -placed tn front
of tho court house gate, whero It was
viewed uy hundreds.
Aw renin Amount of Npceulntlon.
CHICAOO, Nov. 28. Judge Kohlsaat of
tho United States circuit court entered a
decreo today awarding $3,204 to Wllllnm
Strlchtenoth of Cincinnati, money lost In
speculation on the Chicago Hoard of Trado.
Tho nctlon war brought nt tho Instance of
Strlchtennth's slstcr-lti-lnw. whoso money
It was alleged ho had used and lost.
The court nlso refused to dismiss nnother
case In which $20,500 wns asked for and or
dered tho defenso to contlnuu tho proceed
ings. Lottery I" I it lit In Nevndn.
RENO, Nov., Nov. 28. The people of Reno
held n mass meeting todnv to devise ways
nnd menns of organizing the fight
tho lottery amendment which will come up
before tho legislature next Jnnunry.
The chnlrman appointed a committee of
twenty-tlvo to orunlze the fight nnd with
power to appoint from their number or
othorwlso sub-committees to carry forward
tho work of the league In such a manner
aB they deem most expedlont.
In life U more often due to exhausted
nerve force than to lack of capital.
Strong nerves are the capital that
helps men conquer conditions.
when people lose their capital they
set to work to regain It.
When we lose our nerve force we
ought to sck a means of getting It
back. There Is a way, certain and
feed the nerves, making them steady
aud strong as steel.
We do not believe they can fall to
cure Nervous Debility und physical ex
haustion; that's why we agree to refuud
your money If six boxes do not cure
11.00 per box; 0 boxes MOO, mailed
securely sealed upon receipt of price,
lloolc free. Address, I'kai.
Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Sold by Kuhn ft Co., 15th and Dojglas,
ind J. A- Fuller ft Co., lttii and Douglas.
Robbers Bind Citizen and Allow Him to Sco
tho Job Dos a,
Uscniie with Their Swnir nnd All
Truce of llobhrra la Lost
Ilnnk lltillillnir In Al
most Wrecked,
EM DEN, III., Nov. 2S. Four masked men
n-rccked the Farmers' bank of Emdcu early
today. It Is stated that they secured nil
tho funds of the bank, between $3,000 und
When the robbers discharged their first
blasts of dynmntto In an effort to open the
vault the explosion aroused a citizen, John
Alberts, four blocks away. Alberts hurried
to the bank. Ouo of tho robbers was un
guard In tho street. Ho seized Alberts,
W'ho was bound hand and foot nnd drnggfd
Into the bank, where ho witnessed the gang
drilling Into the vnult door, muklug ready
u Becond blast. When tho fuso was lighted
tho robbers stcrped outside nnd left Alberts
lying In tho corner when It went off. Ho
was not seriously Injured, however. Tho
second blnut unhinged the vault doors nnd
tho robbers mndc off with all tho cash. Se
curing n hnndcar. they pulled In tho direc
tion of tho Delavnn. Thoro thoy wero met
by Night Patrolman Sautord, who at
tempted to nrrest them. Ono of tho rob
bers fired nnd Snnford fell, mortnlly
wounded through the body. Outsldo thu
town tho men boarded a passenger train
on tho Chlcugo & Alton. All traces of
them wero lost. Tho engineer of tho pas
senger train claims that ho saw n man
Jump from tho first car near Mlnler, whllo
tho train was moving nt n high speed, but
a senrch of tho locality failed to ohow any
traces of tho mnn.
Thn bank building was almost r complete
wreck aud tho vault was entirely ruined.
A l'roiihv)-,
Tho holidays will soon bo hero nnd feast
ing galore Children will cat moro candy
nnd sweets thnn Is good for them nnd older
peoplo cram themselves with much moro
food than they enn digest. As n result
thero Is certnln to bo enses of Indigestion
nnd bilious colic, nccompanled with the
moBt excruciating pains. Buy n bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy now and be prepared for them be
fore Bpendlng all your money for Christ
mnB presents.
fiillmn Confident of llelllrttlou.
SPRINGFIELD. III.. Nov. 2S.-Ronator
Cullom urlrved hero today from Chicago
nnd spent tho dny nt the Inland hotel.
Ho wns closeted with United Slutesr District
Attorney Humphrey nnd Mnrshal Hitch.
In reference to tho srnntorshlp he said:
I have no doubt hut Hint t win i,nv
enough votes In caucus to nominate 1
shall leavo my campaign In tho hands of
my menus, nt lenst for the next month,
whl p I nttend to my duties tn Washing
ton." lown nt Slene of VIcknhnrK.
VIPIvHIlITlin Mluo K'.. ooTl. t
commissioners to loc'ato the positions oc
cupied by troops from ttiat stnto during
fh(. nlnir.t nf VlnlaH,if- ..nmnlnA.l
work today. At a meeting of tho com
mission It wus decided to recommend to tho
Iowa legislature that nn appropriation of
il.W.000 bo made for a grand centrul monu
ment In memory of tho thlrty-llvo Iowa
reglmentH thnt participated In the Blcge.
Itnllwnr Ouirlnl Short.
ATLANTA. On.. Nov. 28. A tmpelnl tn
the Journal from Portsmouth. Vn says:
Vlco President K. St. John of the 8eaboard
Air Line stnted today that E. D, Lukenblll,
former agent of the Seubnnril nt l.Vrnnn.
dlmi, Fin., Is short In his accounts $50,0w
Killed hy Stenm Tank Hxiiloalon.
GRAND RAPIDS. Wis.. Nov. SS. Tlin
blowlnir un of n stenm innk nt thn Plnneor
Wood Pulp factory In this city today re
sulted In Instnnt death nf ChrNtlnn I'ngot.
need f9, nnd tho probable deuth of Adolph
Mlddlestadt, nged 19.
Homeseekers' Excursions, Dec. 4-18
One Night Only,
Thursday, November 29,
The Original
Georgia Students
Jubilee Singers
I'rlccs 25c, 35j, 50c. w
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
FlfUon lota In a body for cm at a Terr raatoaabl prtc. ThcM
lets are located In Omaha addition and lis high and dry, Thty
will make a splendid location for soma factory. Bareral othtr Iota
aultable for building purpoaaa on ef thtm (specially will male
a 0n location for a borne, being within en block ot the mater
line and within two blocks of a schaol house aad church locate
Lb tha wee tern part ot the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
Wo nro handling so many Knvorlto nnso nuniers nnd Colo's Hot Ulnsta thnt
wo nre overloaded with some sucond-hnnd hIovi h In good condition. All hnvo
been rebuilt. Hold on guarantee; If not uh represented and satisfactory may bo
exchanged at prlco pnld on nny now stovii wn have. 3 Peerless Unrlnnds, 2
IJndlunt Homes, Htowarts and nil tho. well knoun mnkes. Also soverul good
Cook Stoves. AM. MUST OO W I'UlCUS WII.I. MOVE Til KM,
Kodaks, Kameras and
Kutlery for
An Enemyjo Drink
One Wiininn Who Una Done a (Irent
Denl to Put Down
This Uvll,
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. M. (Spe
cial.) Whin tho Independent Order of Good
Templars of Minnesota wanted a state or
ganltcr It chose Mrs. Laura J. Smith of
1117 West Thirty-third street, this city.
Tho American Antl-Trcat league nlso
selected Mrs. Smith as national organizer.
The reanon is not far to seok. This gifted
woman has devoted her life to a battle
against drink and drinking hnblts. Her
lnflucnco foi good In Minnesota Is and ban
been very far-nnchlng.
About two years ago, however, It seemed
ns If this noble woman would hnvo to glvo
up her philanthropic work. Severe pnlns
In her back and under hor shoulder blades
made life n burden nnd work Impossible.
Physicians wero consulted and they pro
scribed for kidney disease. Three months
treatment, however, failed to give Mrs.
Smith nny relief. Her husbnud vna much
exercised nnd enst nbout him for something
that would restore his good wife- to health
and strength. Ho heard of tho cures ef
fected by Dodd's Kidney Pills and advised
her to try them, which she did. Sho Is now
n well ,woman and says:
"Two weeks nftcr I commenced tnklng
Dodd's Kidney Pllln I felt much bettor nnd
nt tho end of seven weeks wns completely
cured, I havo had no recurrence of tho
troublo, but I tnko n pill off and on and
find that It keeps mo In good health."
Dodd's Kidney Pills nro for snlo by all
dealers at CO rents n box.
They nro easily within tho rench of nil
nnd no woman can nfford to suffer when
such n simple nnd suro remdy Is nt hand.
Itcmovei Tun, I'lmplrs,
Freckles, Moth I'ntchr,
,tv Hash Ami Hkln dli-
Pipi rme, a tut every
Al blemish on beauty,
(, A and denes ilelec-
y lion, it nan stool
the test of 11
)ears, nnd is sa
harmless we tart
It to bo sure It
Is properly made.
Accept no counter
feit or similar
name. nr. U A.
Kayre said to n la
ity of the hauMoil
(a natlenDl
"As you Indies
will use them. I recom
mend 'QOUItAUD'S CHEAM' ns the least
harmful of nil the Skin preparations." Kor
sale by all Druggists nnd Kancy Goods
Dealers In tho U. 8. and Kiiropc.
l'KHD. T. HOPKINS, frop'r,
8? Great Jono Bt, N. T.
CI.J l omn l-lntlM hr4. ef I tlr, ,nj half
Ilia Utile elheaatjr'i n, TkoM hraullful TllUn
tlnu, rih t.rone thar., melUw goM tffectt,
wtrm theitnut hue,, tre projutej only by 'ha
Imperial Hair Regenerator
TheStn,id HllrColoiInf ft-Grirornlruh-d, Mak.,lhehlt ,(. in J rloi.y. Satm.te
of jrourl.tlt color rd fit, . S.n.1 for pimphlrt,
liastrlsl Cbem.MI.Co.,:2 W.Ui St.,New Vsra
by druggists und nntrdrcssera.
Uook'E Duchess Tablets arosuccfMsfullr
I used monthly by over lO.ono ladles. Price.
M?($1. By mail, 9I.W. Bend 4 cents for
g sample, ntnl partlcutsis. The Cook Co.,
M3 Woodward are., Detroit, Mich.
Hold In Omaha tiv Ku hn & Co., 15 & Douglas.
Ureal monthly
I rCKiilatorfor uiv
uret most tuliiHirn r,e relieved In few dTt H
at Sherman .McConnella. Kuhn Co. nnd other
drugitltla or mailed by Uoa Drutf Co. UufTalo, N V
. -tUl'lt
u Hie U fnr uuimtnral
In If. 6".,: diichar(a, Itiaainum'.lona,
UuniuJ 'Tltatlotii or Ions
sol to iitliinrt. ot i-nuui rjeuibraur. i,Uo, Palnleio, not attrla
IfHlEVVISCHEMICUCO. r,,t or rolf'i
ItciliI by Krutrclsta.
pr sent In plain rtrapper,
ly eipreis, prepaid, f'
sa Cu-cmar sans iu tvatiaatw
Tho worst thing for
n cough is cough
leg. Stop it by us-
lag Antl-Kawf.
Cold by all druggists.
Genterville Goal
And coal from tho best mlnos In tho
country. Also tuird coal and wood.
Prompt doltvory Is our motto.
Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs
and Omaha
councii Bluffs Officii, No. 23 North Main
St. Tcliinliono 128.
Omaha Ofllco, ail South 12th Streot.
Telephone 1308.
Connection mado with Sonth Omaha
Stock Ranch for Sale
About 3 miles north of Council Illuffs. 11
miles from South Omaha and VA miles
from rnllroud switch. About TOO ncroa,
35 ncres cultivated. Including hay
meadow and fruits: SuO acres In timber;
set to blue nnd nntlvo crnsseH; nlx-room
house, bnrn. stock shcdi. chicken lintun
nnd cnglno houso; neer falling watar
by 4-horse-powcr gasoline engine to S0O
barrel rfservolr, to house, barn, feed lot,
hog pasture nnd three pnsturo enclos
ures; nil fenced by 3 barb wire fences.
L. P. JUDSON, 929 6th Ave,
Council Bluffs, la, Tel, 348
41 Main St
Council Bluffs