THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. SAVES CASH FOR LANCASTER About the city. The old Chautauqua grounds were looked over and the cotnmlttf.e ex preised themselves as being highly pleased with their location and favorably Impressed ...1(1. . I. . . I .. .1 , n t. H H i. nt Vrnmnnf Deduction of Population OuU Off Many for a mcelIng of their organiiatlon. it is ex- Official Positions. peeled that fully 10,000 people will attend the meeting, which will bo held In July next, and the Fremont people think tho FEWER CLERKSHIPS AT THE COURT HOUSE chances .very good for Its location here. Today tnc committeo were inKcn 10 mo sugar factory at Ixavltt, a special train being provided by Agent McOtnnls of tho Elkhorn, accompanied by tho city ofnctals. Fnlllnar Ilrlorr Seventy Thonsnnd Seta (lie Comity Oruiitilr.ntloii Hack nil CliHtiKr the Itate of ComnensHtliiu 1'nlil. Worry Over Court' Decision, CItAWI'OHD, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Tho decision of tho supreme court In the Irrigation case of the Crawford Company LINCOLN, Nov. 23. (Special Telegram.) against Lcroy Hall has been tho all-absorb- The decrease In tho population of Lancaster Ing topic here for several days past. The county as shown by tho 1000 census made Crawford company has spent upward of public today will liavo the effect of redtic- $50,000 on Its system and It Is looked upon lng tho compensation of many of the county as the only adequate source of water sup- olllclals and Id addition wl.l probably throw ply for this town. In this county alouo a small number of clerks out of employ- the numerous Irrigation plants have cost mont. The census of 181)0, gavo Lancaster tho peoplo nearly $500,000. Wero It not county a population of over 70,000, but for tho forage grown under these ditches this year's count brings the number down during the last summer practically no to 64,835 and places tho county ofllces stork could be wintered hero nnd tho county under another set of laws. Tho three com- would be on tho crgo of ruin. Tho grist mlsslor-ers will bo reduced to a 3 per day mill, "the mouso that has labored nnd basis. Tho clerical forco of the ofll cs of brought forth tho mountain," Is worth tho sheriff, county Judge, treasurer and nothing without wheat to grind and wheat clerk will be cut down. While not uncx- ennnot bo grown Hero without water from pectrd the announcement of the county's 1110 samo stream, whllo the reported de population ban caused tho expression of "lalon of the supremo court has caused much disappointment. s cnnstcrnntlon and uneasiness, here, the bet- Clovornor I'oynter today offered a reward icr-inionnca pcopio iook upon it as tho of $200 for tho arrest and conviction of sm,'IllnK or a very weigmr nnd Important tho murderer of W. H. Fullhart, who was ''rompm wimoui a too morough dellbcra- killed In Custer county November 22. uon lrom 1,10 B"Prcmo court to tho Stato : : ncard of Irrigation, where the laws of fiANfJ HAS Tflfl Mlir.M UARNPCQ Nebraska, made so by usage and nature viiiiiu itrw iinimfcvu I,, thin western district, arc rr BURNING THE MITCHELL MAIL Story of the Destruction of McBridVs Plan Told in Court. EFFORT TO COMPROMISE PROVES FAILURE i'urtle I'nnble to Agree nnd the Hear ing of the Matter l'roeecda 'Without Incident or Interruption. Wjrmorf Offlccra Arrest Toimli Trln I'o ii nil to llnve Iox-ii Seta In Their Vhkii, district, arc moro thor oughly understood nnd realized than are tho customs of England, which havo grown 10 do tne common law through usace and nature there. WYMOIIE, Neb., Nov. 28. (Socclal.)- ArrntiKea to Aecoiiuuoilntc Iiniiknr.l. Tho ofilcors of this city raided a camp In HKATHICE, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) nornrauue par yesicniay nnu maue wnai inc general committee of tho Natloual proved to bo on Important enpturo. Thrco Duukard association was In town today follows were nrrcsted nnd placed In Jail, consultlnc with a special committee of cltl- charged with stcallnu harness and blnn- zens for the purposo of arranelnr for thr kets, and today two more of tho gang wore Dunkard General conference, which will catignt. considerable stolon proporty was meet hero next spring. Tho soliciting com found in their possession and later, when mlttce, having chargo of tho raising of a search was made In the vicinity of their funds for the erection of Additional build camp, nearly a dozen sets of good harness Inga at the Chautauqua grounds for the and n.ony other things wero found, conference will start to work Krlday. It Farmers are here from northern Kansar. Is estimated that tho convention will bring today and most of tho harness has been on averago of 20,000 visitors to tho city Identified. Tho throo follows arrested dally, yesterday gavo heir names as James Wll- The seventeen flro Insurance companies Hams, A. Virgin and Ed Hart and claimed suffering losses from Sunday's fire finished to llvo In Iicntrlce, but Sheriff Woddlnj- adjusting the losses today. Nearly $0, ton, who came hero today to sco tho men, 000 was paid to llegolo & Van Arsdalo." sayB they aro a gang of professionals who : - rr have teen nrevlne unnn II, la ooMInn f Drynn la Unaltered. the country for months nnd h .!. LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 28.-In answer to th men . .i goods are claimed bv thr, frm,r of u Hookey, thanking him for tho expressions shall county. Kansas. . rhnr f ,,., f esteem, and concluding as follows: larceny will bo mado ncalnst thorn hnr When, a political party meets with re- nn.i n. ,,, ,' , " ", verses tno grentcst consolation mo enmu nnd ns soon as the Nebraska authorities ,iato has, asldo from tho npprovnl of con are dono with them they will be turned science, la the knowledge that ho retain: n..nw n u .r . . Ilin nrmflilpnptt nf thnsn wllnm llfl XVUH IH hnvn,; T , 1 , , . ? m l Hoclated with, and I thank tho Guards havo ovldenco enough to send them to the for this nsiuranco. The contest between penitentiary. Thoy aro n touch lnnklnp democracy and plutocracy will go on. and mo urream wero mnae Dy .Marshals Du- bofnre the 'nw must still defend itiman Kan and Hatch and Constable Allen of rights from the encroachment of greed. this city. , Klkhorn lo lie Ilrlilwed I,odire Klectlom. STANTON. Neh., Nov. 28. (Special.) YORK, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Tho Tno Board of County Commissioners of this Knights of I'ythlas lodgo nt Its meeting ounty has separated tho offices of county laut evening elected tho following offlcers c,crk und cIcrk of lhe dlstrlc' court and ap- lor ensuing year: W. M. Wolch, C. C." POinieu Alien onarp, n young man irom i-u he country for months and he deems likcul.n. wen., Nov. zs.-m answer 10 ho capturo a most Important one. Tho n congratulatory address presented by the .en will bo given a preliminary hearing raa ",rao Gur'", HOme hg,0' .day, but Inasmuch as most of tho stolen I,ryan thl" onlng sent a letor to H. F. Koy Davis, V. C.s J. B. Miller, prelate; Charles Kolllug, M. of E. ; J. N. Keldow, M. of P.j C. C. Campbell. K. of H.j W. A Miller, M. of A.; J. V. Hyder, M, of W.j L. M. SturdovanVtlnner guard; V. Moist, outer guard. OSCEOLA, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Rising Star lodge No. 75, I. O. O. F., has elected tho folowtng officers: T. O. Rich ards, noblo grand; F. M. Fox, vice grand; 8. A. Snldor, secretary; W. O. Johnson, treasurer; D. II. Kunkell, trustee, E. A Walrath, organist. Robekah dogroo lodge elected Mm, Mary Wilson, noble grand; Mrs. Sarah Miller, vice grand; Mrs. Oliver Westberg, secre tnry: Mrs. S. V. Qushec, treasurer; Mrs. ger, to the latter office. Ho will assume the duties of the offlco December 20. The pres ent clerk Is republican, but the majority of the board being tuslonlsta a populist has bern appointed. The bmrd has also awarded tho contract for a new Iron brldgo across tho Elkhorn river rlx miles west of Stanton to tho Stand ard Brldgo company of Omaha, the contract price being a trlflo less than $2,000. . York County' Corn Crop, YORK, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Corn buskers arn In great demand and as soon aB one Job Is finished a dozen farmers aro ready to employ thorn. It Is a common sight to sco girls, young women anfl even Marv R. Saunders, financial secretary, and matrons shucking corn. Cribs are nileu Mrs. Mary McCoy. Installing officer. to overflowing nnd corn is plleu in anvo ST. UDWARI). Neb.. Nov. 28. (Special.) wayB and on tho ground. Tho weatner has St. Edward lodge No. 158, Knights of been flno for shucking and farmers hopo Pythias, elected officers last night as fol- to bo through before cold weather sets in. lows: E. Q. Crlss, chancellor commander: York county corn Is of good quality and A. J. McKclvoy, vice commander; Dr. O. good yield and at tho present prices is a II. Flory, prolnto; Ren E. Reeves, master money-making crop. of work; R. E. Case, master of exchequer; James T. Royston, master of finance; Simpson, keeper of records and seals. I. Cann County Hnnk Wins Suit. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 28. (Spe- lal Telegram.) In tho district court this afternoon tho Jury found for the defendant in the caso of tho First Notional bank of Grunil iHlnud linn Only nn Itch. ORAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. 28. (Spe cial.) Thero havo been numerous reports Omaha OFalnBt the Hank of Cass County of of smallpox In this city, but Investigation piattsmouth. uv Mayor Piatt, as chairman of the Hoard Judgo Jcssen sentenced William Nation of Health, has resulted In finding all but to four years In the penitentiary. Nation one of them to he cases of a prevalent ami W8b convicted of stealing boots and shoes vory mild skin disease, known ns an itch, from a storo In Union. The Jury was cx- Iho doctors of tho city havo so far per- CUi.od until Monday and court adjourned fectly ngreed upon the disease and, with until that time, thi' exception of the single case, thero Is no danger of alarm. The single case Is that of a woman In one of tho houses of Ill-repute, located a mile from the city proter. Tho existence of this case was discovered lost Krlday and Mayor Piatt Immediately had tho houso quarantined and a day and night watchman placed on guard. Dnnknrd'i Committee Vlilta Fremont FREMONT, Neh., Nov. 2S. (Sprctal.) grams were rendered by tho schrlnrs ficneva School Mattem. GENEVA. Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Superintendent McBrinan of tho Geneva schools has received tho appointment of deputy state superintendent and will quit tho Geneva schools on December 21 Today waB patrons' dy In the schools, each grade being provided with speakers from among tho patrons nnd good pro In MITCHELL, S. I)., Nov. 28. (Special Tel egram.) Tho first trlul of the Mcbrldo case against tho citizens of Mitchell hus brought out tho main facts of Incident of the burn lug of tho Mitchell Mall printing outlit nearly llvo years ago. Last night there wus evidence that a settlement might take place before tho trial was started this morning. Lnto In tho evening Senator Allen of Nebraska, ouo of Mcllrlde's at torneys, approached tho attorneys for tho defendants with a proposition for settlo- tnuut un tho basis of paying Mcllrldu $3,000 In cash and tho coins In tho caso. Tho defendants offered to pay what tho offlco material was worth. All ncgotbulous wero then off nnd tho trial began In earnest this morning. Tho ilrst witness called by the plaintiff wan A. E. Hitchcock, a leading attorney of this city and against whom with others tho suit for damages was Instituted. Ho told of the meeting hold by the citizens to dccldo ou taking samo action against Mcllrldo and his newspaper; of an agree ment made by Mcllrldo to let them know Monday morning If ho would sell his paper. After tho committee had called on him Saturday night nnd had notified him that he could no longer run tho Mall In Mitchell It was unanimously agreed by tho com mlttca that no bodily harm should bo douo to Mcllrlde. llelllierntcly IJentroycd the (mice. Tho, commlttco went to Mcllrldo's ofilco Monday morning to receive his answer, but no was not there. An Investigation nt tho olllco was taken, tho money for Its pay ment turned over for a receipt from Mc- Brldo und tho (work of destruction was commenced. He stated that no attempt was made to enter tho private domicile of McDrido nnd a man was on guard to keep anybody out. After tho material was piled in tho Btrt-vt a match was applied anu in a abort timo tho material was con suined by tho flames. T. C. Rums, rccolvor of tho United States land office, testified to tho meeting had on Saturday utght and of tho expressions thero mado as to tho fitness of the Mall t) be published In a respcctablo commit ntty; that It was tho consensus of opinion that It was an Immoral sheet and vlctous In Its attack upon the lato John D. Lawlcr, upon the First National bank, and McRrlde had been heard to state that "he would fol low Lawlcr to his grave and drive his family out of town." Another Important witness was Dr. R, Warne, who was called by tho plaintiff this afternoon, Warne was McUrldo's most Intlmato frlond at that tlmo and stood by him through It nil. Ah tho men were carrying tho material down tho stairs Wurno notified them that ho had Just taken a bill of salo of tho Mall ofilco and bad a right to tho property. Ho took tho names of nil the men seen carrying tho material downstairs, stated that a demand was mado on him for tho body of McIJrldc, who was concealed' In his private ofilco, but refused to give hlra up without proper authority. On cross-examination Wnrno admlted the bill of oalo was given him that morning and by arrangement with McBrlde, made tho night before, he was to protect tho property In his own name. Tho bill was oflered In ovldenco. Mcllrlde Telln the Story. After eight unimportant wltncssca had boon called to corroborate previous testi mony, tho plaintiff In tho cobo. Robert H. McRrlde, was put on tho stand. His attorney wont exhaustively Into detail as to the preliminary transactions of tho burn ing of his plant; ho told of tho Saturday night meeting, when ho was approached oy tno committeo of sevon nt his nrlvnto offlco, who told him that if ho did not sell his paper thoy threatened him that some- thing direful would happen him; stated that ho was at their mercy and It would not bo worse than death nnd, if it came to that ho was'reaily for it; stated that he finally con cluded to glvo them answer Monday morn ing; that tho material In his plant was worth a llttlo over 32,000, and tho files of his paper worth $1,500. Tho bill of sale camo up at this point, which ho had given, Ho attempted to explain why ho had made tho tranzftr, but tho defendant's attorneys Interposed objections that tho bill Itself was sufficient. Deforo tho point was argued court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The plaintiff has summoned forty-five witnesses to give their toatlraony In his behalf and tho defense has but four, al though many of tho defendants will go on the stand to provo that nobody went Into McRrido's privato apartments and do stroyed anything na alleged in his com plaint. McDrido has resided in Mitchell slnco a month after his printing offlco was burned and has existed In close letlremont with tho aid of his pen, having, It Is said, contributed to eastern magazines. Missouri river Saturday. They left hore in n skiff early In tho ovenlug to cross to their homes on the Iowa side, but were so tossed about by the water und hemmed In by tho Ico that they wero unablo either to cross or to return until after daylight, and were mony times so near to death ns to make their survival' miraculous. Governor Lee Inspecting Institution. DEADWOOD, S. D., Nov. 28. (Special Telegram.) Governor Leo arrived hero to day at noon .for tho purposo of examining tho stato educational Institutions of tho lllar.k Hills. Ho left at 6 p. m. for Hot Springs, to tnko his last look at tho Poh'lers' home. Ho was non-committal on tho question of, tho legality of the appoint ment of Drown and Lien. Re-Election of Preiident McKlnley Gnusei ter in the ice General Satisfaction There. Tho committeo from tho Dunkards, con atsttng of Messrs- Lechty of Davenport, Mooro of Falls City and Gable of Octavla, who aro socking a location for the National meotlng of the religious body, nrrivod In this city yesterday They wero mot at tho depot by Mayor Vaughn and other citizens tliu third-year Gorman class number of students held a debate on tho question of equal rlchts Xnreeii Oetn No Uninniccx. FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) In tho district court this morning tho and shown tho various points of Interest Jury brought In a verdict of no cause of action In tho caso of A. O. Noreen against the City of Fremont, which was nn action brought to recover damages from tho over flow of (he sowerago ditch eaBt nf tho city. Tho caso has been on trial for flvo dnj'B, Thero U nnother slmllnV enso on tho docket, which will bo tried this term ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bnr Signature mi $m Fac-Slartte WvayfMr BtUw. 'I'liloven Iluny nt Sliclton. SHELTON, Neb., Nov. 28. (SperlM.) During Monday night parties went to tho barn of Rruno Nonck, a farmer living ten miles north of this place( nnd took n tram of horses, und as yet uo trace of the team or parties nns neen lounu, M-om tno front of L. L. Weaver's store was also taken three 100-potipd sacks of sugar, nnd from tho roar of Ward Hay's restaurant a dozen cans of oysters were carried off, CONVICT WINS HIS SUIT Man Serving t,lfe Sentence for Murder Held to lie. I.eKBlly l)cnd Only In Partial Sonne. PROVIDENCE. R. I-. Nov. 28. Martin Mowray. now serving a' Hfo sentence. In tho Btato prison for tho murder of Mrs. Abblo J. Reynolds In Ilurrillvlllo, It. I., was nwarded a verdict of $4,500 by a Jury In tho common pleaB division of tho supremo court today In his suit against tho admin istrator of tho estate or Kiisna Jiatnowson. Mowrny sued through an administrator, having been declared civilly dead, although he was permitted to appear in court nna testify. Ho claimed $5,000 damages for services rendered Mnthewson during tho last twenty years of his llfo and also for tl.OCO. which had been put Into Mathew- son's caro and which had been given Mow ray by a man named Webb, whom Mowray had nursed during an Illness. Counsel op poelng Mowray urged that tho man, hav ing bocn sentenced to imprisonment ror life, had' na legal cxlstenco and therefore could not bo considered eligible to bring suit. Van Home Tulkii of Cuban Itonil. SANTIAGO DE CUDA, Nov. 28. The Cosmopolitan club entertained Sir Wil liam Van Horno lnBt evening at dinner, tho function being tho most brilliant that San tiago Iioh known slnco tho American occu pation begnn. All tho prominent Ameri cans nnd foreigners, together with the consuls nnd principal Cuban officials, were present. Colonel Whltesldo Introduced tho guest of tho occasion, who talked long and seriously In explaining the objects of tho Cuba com uany. of which he Is president. In the- courso of his speech ho snld: Tim rnmnnnv'q mimosa Is to devolon the resources of tho eastern portion of Cuba. After my Ilrst visit to the Island, during which I saw tho possibilities for tho Invest tr.nnt of rnnltnl that would yield enormous prollts. I returned to New York nnd had no difficulty In organizing n company. In two days. Wo expect In tho course of the next elgnteen mourns to cumpieio wie piujcuiuu railway from Snn Luis to Banta Clara, thus connecting Santiago and Havana by rnll. Our Idea Is to bo liberal In the matter of local rates, because in this way wo can the more rnpldly develop tho resources In the Interior of the province, it is our mienuon tn onpmirnim I lin Immigration of Spanish und other white laborers nnd we will glvo land nlong tno rnliwny to sucn immisrunia, expecting In this way to promote, tno uo vMnnmrntfl nf thn Interior. We have no intention wnniovor oi dis regarding tho KornKcr taw, dui wo are wii ling to take our chances us to future leg uimlnn wlmtever form of government Is en tnhllHhiMl In Cuba. Our company Is now operating without a franchise, but we oniv building a railway on our own lands, which would bo in tno ngm oi any owuur, Civil Governor Castillo, In wolcomtng Sir William Van Home, said: "You will find that Cuban land owners are willing to meet the company more than half way and I predict a rapid dovclop mcnt of tho province and succoss for the company." I, Hat MkIM'h Dnncc. Tho twentv-nlntli annual ball of the Iron Moldcrs' union, held nt Washington hall ..m T-t. .... i ....... i .. . . - H.H V. ,.r n DOLE AND ANTI-DOLE FACTIONS AT WAR social und llnnncial success ns the best ct its predecessors. Thero wore present ue- tween aw nna 4v coupies, wno oiijoyivi Uietmolvrq Immrnsrlv until a lute hntti'. JtuncH Dnughton, nuifter of ceremonies, was assisted by n number or cannula com mittees, to whose efforts tho success of the ball was due, . ... rSnlflftnrnrl rnmn ivn 33fi. Tlnvfll NellZIl bora of America, gavo nn enjoyable .uul well-nttended danco at Labor Templo hall M'a.I ....... I MM. ,.rMAA..1a f ,f HONOLULU, Nov. 20. (Correspondence the auditorium fund, tho Neighbors being tho Associated Press Via San Fran- tho first fraternal society to urranga a Isco. Nov. 27 ) Tho election In Hawaii has oeneiu. by no means brought an end of politics, Mortality Ktntlxtleii, but has rather given opportunity for the Tho following deaths nnd births were re- outbreak of a more twentVifour5' hour's" Sffiftl'" missionary wings, or Dole and anti-Dole factious of thn republican party. Each Is busily accusing tho othor of having knifed tho ticket nnd helped to cnuso the repub- Wnllaco M. Coats, Clnrkson hospital, Ucan defeat and Independent bucccss. V. S. Locbenstcln of Hllo mado two un successful efforts to havo local courts listen to arguments that tho election of Wilcox ns delegato to Washington was Il legal. Locbcnsteln claims that thero Is nn law nnilnp whlph thn elrr.tlnn of a delo- gate could bo accomplished territorial olection laws to cover the point not having jr(th. repairs, $75. bocn enncted yet. Attorney General uoio refused to tako any steps on tho ground FORECAST OF THE WEATHER that congress Is tho only Judgo of the qual- ideations of Its members nnd today First ThanUlvltiK Hay na Well am Friday Kaiinn Wnnta Pardon, NEW YORK, Nov. 28. A, special dispatch from Washington to tno. mDuno says Charles P. Eagan, commissary general of subsistence of tho army, has como to Wash Incton, It Is understood, to appeal to the president for n pardon and for restoration to duty. He was suspended from bis rank and ofilco for a term of six years on Feb ruary 7, 1899, for his language before tho court of Inquiry on army beef. He has called at tho White House, but ho has failed to sco tho president, who, It Is generally rumored, ofturcd somo tlmo ago to remit tho sentenco of tho court-martial, pro vlded Oeneral Eagan would apply for rd tlroment. This General Eagan refused to do. It Is said, contending that he Is en titled to return to duty and vindicato him self beforo, retiring. Tary aa m aaay V taka aa aacan FOR BUB ACM. CARTERS FIR RiniNCtf. FOR IIUOUtlEIS. FIR TORPID LIVER. FIR CORITIPATIIR. FOR IAU.IW SKII. FORTrlECOMPLCJUII I'lft-ers CoiiNolldllte, WEST TOINX. Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) -Tho Cuming County Advertiser, n Bheot which hus busn published hero for some ten years past In connection with tho No- brasku Volksblatt, by M. O. Gcntzko, was today sold to Anton J. Longer, ox-post-ma?ter, nnd editor of tho West Point Re publican, and will bo consolidated with that paper. Humboldt Odd KellnTTn Rleet. HUMBOLDT, Neh., Nov. 28. (Special,) Th'' members of Odd Fellows lodge No. 34 held tho semi-annual election of officers last night and mado the following selec tions: Noble grand, R. 8. Unland; vice irnnd, M. W. Harding; aecreUry, W, J. Davis; treasurer, J ,V. Scott; trustees, Q. F. Morburger, D. F. Bartlett. CWRE 3IOKyEAPACHi- llla Train Wni In the Wny. NORFOLK. Neb., Nov. 28. (Special Tel- rram.) On his arrival here today Con ductor Fplece of thn Union Psrtfle was ar rested for blocking the main street cress'ng nd Interfering with travel, He was admit i ted to ball pending his trial. Xmv South Dakota Corporation, PIERRE, S. D., Nov. 2S.-(Speclal.)-Artlcles of Incorporation havo been filed for tho Tymlall Telcphono company, at Tyndall, with a capital of $2,000. Incor porators, 11. W. Ilurnott. J. D. Elliott, C. M. St II well and others. For tho Uluo Stone Mining company, at Plorro, with a capital of J2SO.O00; Incorporators, Guy C. CaHon. Arthur nurns nnd II. M. Stcrud. For tho Ontnrlo and Colorado Gold and Copper Mining company, nt Pierre, with a capital of $50,000, Incorporators, Malcolm V. Mc Innes, William G. Mackintosh und II. M. Sterud. For tho Union Center Ploasuro club, nt Alccster; trustees, Dolbert Den nett, Guff Hltlon nnd J. T. Mcllvnnna. Tho Stnto Land department has Just turned over to tho treasury $.ri00 as rental of Taylor lands, A number of such tractu aro under lenso and brlnu a small annual revrnuo, whllo they are Increasing In valuo. Coal on Clu'j eiiiic ItrMTvalloii, AI1ERDEEN, S. D Nov. I'S. (Special.) Llgnlto coal of good quality Is reported as existing In abundance ou tho Chuyonno reservation, about twenty miles west of tho Missouri rlvor. It Is Bald that tho pcopio of Evarts havo nrranged with the Indians to haul tho fuel Into that town as soon nB tho Missouri freezes over. Tho deposit lies closo to tho Biirfano and can be mined cheaply. If tho facts aro na re ported the field Is a vory Important ono and means much for this section, of tho Btato, SIoiit Knlla I'rena. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 28. (Special Tclcgrnm.) A changs In management was announced this morning by tho Sioux Falls Press, W S, nowen, private secretary to Senator Pottlgrew, becomes chief edltorlr.l writer; M. L. Fox, son-in-law of Governor Lee, takes charge of tho general tele graphic, Btato and local news, and John T. Cngan, present register of deeds of Minne haha county, Is to he business manager. It Is stated tho paper will be Independent In politics. Spend Terrible Micht on Illver. YANKTON, S. I)., Nov. 28. (Special,) J. J. Floorshlnger and Nick Nelson, two farm era of Cedar county, Nebraska, had an all night battle for their lives with the treach- orous currents and heavy Ice gorges of the 1 KV I II TC UTT1 I 1H V KQVT I with wooden or steel Bhlt nnd n crew of ' 1 AW AH lb LLL FLhAbhl) on nnd live scentisls, Enle.lm; than Nniisen did. the Miln would bruin to drift .tot) tntlm further east than N.ill- sen's vessel did. The expedition would win- ach Allenjea the Other'a Ileaponal- tilllty for Hepnhllcan Defeat la Local Contest Heavy llalna and HlRh Wind Prevail. Deaths John McQunde. St. hospltnl, ngeil 63; W. It. Johnson, Fortieth and I'onnleton avenue, nued sat l'ntor ivriFs, iii nouin i wcniy-nimn, ngetl rS need 51. Hirins u. a. isicKum, wiy south Seven teenth, girl; Thoman W, Walsh, 2001 South Nineteenth, girl. Itulldittir I'erniltM, Thn cltv Inspector of buildings linn ts.nn.i tho following permits: II. It. Penm-iv TIilrty-flrBl avenue und Dodge, frnme ilwol- mm nnd 1314 South SyruPoFigs Actrfcasanty andfivmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently nnd Effectually when bilious or costive. Circuit Court Judgo Humphreys also ro fused to Bumtnon Wilcox to mako answer to tho Issues raised. Thero Is gcnoral satisfaction throughout Hawaii at tho re-election of McKlnley, Robert W. Wilcox, tho Independent, who Will lie Fair with Wenterly Wind. for WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Forecast Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska und Kansas Fair Thurs- goes to Washington as delegate, 1b quoted day and Friday; westerly winds ns saying that tho result of tho election IB For Iowa Fair, warmer Thursday. FrI hotter, In his opinion, for Hawaii than tho day fair and warmer In cxtremo eastern contrary result would havo been. portion; west to south winds Tho French bark llossuot, which loft hero Tor Missouri Fair Thursdny; warmer In nt tho end of October ufter a stay In port northenst portion. Friday fair; warmer In bocauso her master, Captain Pordolnoe, eastern portion; northerly winds. was 111, has returned for the samo roason. For Illinois Fair Thursday; colder In Tho vcBsel had gotten nearly half way lo cxtremo southern portion; wnrmer In 'ortlnnd when Bho turned back. Sho camo northern portion. Friday fair, warmer; round tho horn In ballast and Is under fresh west to southwest winds. heavy loss for delays hero now. For Western Texas, New Mexico, Okla Official notification of tho finding of somo homa, Indian Territory nnd Kansas Gcn- moro cases of plaguo in San Francisco orally fair Thursday anil r'riuay; variauio havo been received by tho United States winds For South Dakota Fair Thursday Friday; south to west windB. For Wyoming Fair Thursday and day; westerly winds. For Montana Fair Thursday and and Frl-Frl- Frl- quarantlno officers here, both from Wash lngton and from San Francisco". Precau tlons will bo taken against steamers com ing from San Francisco hereafter, Socretary Gage of tho Treasury depart ment has BURgcstod to Governor Dole that day; winds mostly southwesterly. duties on Imports may bo paid In San Fran- For Colorado Fair Thursday ana cIsco and the receipts accepted hero by the day; variable winds local collector of customs. Nearly or quite I Iocal necord all of the Importers of Europe whose goods OFFICE OF THE WEATHER TIUItEAU, are dutlablo havo agents In San Franolsco OMAHA, Nov. 28.-omcIal record of tern from whom money I. due. Secretary Gage's rhTcoVreSponf.n''of thS'Tasf threS pian win pui an eua to a serious njenuy years: .!in f ..i. . it.oii wno. 1S93. isw. irof, ui.tiu "a"ni . . . at. fA nn 1'. Washouts and Hoods continue to bo re- ",""" ,3rfur .'" si 38 2t 2 ported from all the different islands as a I Preeinltiitlon 00 00 .03 .01 result of the recent storm, which was gen- Record of temperature and preclpltntlon cral throughout the group. With the hoavy nt Omaha ror tnis uay unu bhilo .uuii.ii i, rains camo the strongest "kona" or high iVJi- , temDernturo 20 wind known hero for many years. The Kxcess for tho day 11 only lives lost ns a result of tho storm, ho Total excess since March 1 nVineh far as known, wero those of two Japancso r,"n' "AnV fnr the dv 03 Inch usnerniuu, wno were mown to sea in a Total rainfall since ainrcn i, zj.m ineiius Excess slnco March l, iw mcnes Jtvsetits ittt to mast ttrccptablcorm the Jaxatiyi' principles of plants Jcnown to act most Jjcneficluty. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN 'RANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVIILE.KY NEW YORK. N.Y. for stle ty drvtfiits - prkt SOtper toft9. CHICAGO Come to I'rrnrh ItnddhlMin. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2S. The Iluddhlst nun, Sister sansiiammn, nns arrived in this city from Honolulu nnd proposes to sneak throughout tho country In behalf of her choHen faith, Sho repre.sentB tho Mnha Hodhl society, which nims to nromulKtito thn true tenchliiRH Of Uuddha. Sister Sunghnmltta was formerly the Countess do Cnnavnrro, wlftr of tho ono-tlmo minister from Portucnl to tno iinwauan inlands She wits born In Texna nnd llvcul for years In Cnllfornla. In 1S07 she entered the Iluddhlst sisterhood in New iork. the ovon cnuslng conRlderablo comment, as sho thereby abandoned her husband and 3-year-old son. Sho now wears the robe of final renunciation and will devote her llfo to Buddhist missionary worn. ervapnper Chnnirea Honda. nouncement was mnd tills afternoon tha Georce T Oliver, who represents a Hvndl cato made up of himself nnd n few friends, havo iiurcnu.ieu n controlling interest 11 thn cnnltal Btock of the Pittsburg Chron lclt.To:eirraDh. Mr. Uliver nnu nix nanocintes nro nircauy ownerH of tho l'lttstmrg commercial aniolto nnd the purchaso of this stock Is mado with a view or lornung a closer ui llanci) between the two pupers and eventually operating n Joint publlshlni plnnt, Oliver S, lllrsohmun, who has hai iictlve charge of the affairs of the Chrnn leln-Tclpi'rutih for ninny years, retains 111' Interest nnd will contlnuo In tho samo capacity. I rile In I Count Goea On, HALT LAKE CITY. Utnh, Nov. 28. Tho official rnnvuss or the vie or I'tnh shows thnt if'.ras voti-H were ra-t for the national ticket, of which MoKtn'oy received 47.0SO nnd Urynn 41,019. Jlclilniey's majority : 110. MADISON'. Win.. Nov. 2, The Stat Hoard of CanvnBsers completed the enn Minsltig of tho voto for president today, thn voto being ns follows: Ilepuhllcnii, IiVi.fcCG; democrutlc, 15f,2sr)i jiroh'bltlon. 10,. )!!; social democratic, 7,005: socl'il libor, Ml; republican nlura tty, 101,K1j republican lobs from ISM, 2,2Ci; democrutlc loss, 0,2Ji. .Innl.- Dealrra Huy Xnll I'lunt. RELL-KFONTR. Pa.. Nov. 2S.-In lS7Stlio plant of tho Hollefonto Iron and Nnll com pany was erected hero nt a cost of J18j.Ii00. Three yoars Inttr tho company beeame heavily Involved nm'i tho works shut clown permanently. Yesterday, at nsslgneo'd sale, thn nnll wnrkH plant wns sold to a Phila delphia firm of Junk dcnlers for 8,375, which Includes tho buildings nnd equipments. Anierli'iiii Soft Coul for Frnnce, DALT1MORE, Mil., Nov. 28. It was an nounced hero today that tho Pittsburg Coul company of Pittsburg. Pa., has closed n contract to slilji 4W.O0O tons of bituminous, coal to Nnntes, France, which will bo for wnnled by wny nf llultlmoro, Tho coal will como from tho bituminous mines nf western Pennsylvania and will represent In value ?2,500,Q0U. Kniipu SlKioii 'oncluve. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2S.-Thtj four teenth blennlnl ctmclavo of the Kappa Sigma fraternity began hero today nnd will contlnuo until Friday. About 160 delegates aro In nttendance. Ono of tho features of tho gathering will bo tho Inltatlon of a now chapter and Its Installation. Tomorrow tho delegates will witness tho Pennsylvania foot ball sroe, Vermont IJeclarea AKiilriit Clnrnrrttra. MONTPELIER, Vt.. Nov. 2S. The Ver mont legislature adjourned early today. Among thn meanures pasid wus one pro hibiting the nale of clgar.ittes in tho stnto. Standnrd Oll'a New llluli Murk. NEW YORK. Nov. 2S The ralea nf Standard Oil snares In the open market loony aggregaien joi Bnares ni (to, n noiv high record for the stock. Oernnlc'a nintlnmilalied PnaaeiiKera, NEW YORK, Nov. 28,-Sar Charles Rivers Wilson, Leigh Hunt and Monsigneur Nugent wero passengers on the Oceanic, which Balled for Liverpool today, small bout and havo not been heard of since. Tho stockholders of tho Klhet sugar plan tation passed a resolution accepting of H. II. Daldwln and L. A. Thurston to turn Into tho treasury of tho corporation tho sum of 539,000 In paid up stock and to reduce tho stock of tho company from $3,000,000 to $2,600,000. Baldwin states thero Is no reason for hla action except tho conclusion that tho purchasers of stock paid too much for tho land when the cor poration was formed. Baldwin sold the plantation to Its present owners. Ilnalneaa Men Orurnulae. BROKEN BOW, Neb. Nov. 28. (Special Tolcgrom.) A meeting was hold tonight In this city to organlzo a business men's association, the attendance was qulto large nnd tho meeting enthusiastic. Tho object will bo to encourngo public enterprises and all lines of industry calculated to Interest capital and labor. A temporary organiza tion was offected by electing George W. Apllc chairman and James Lcdwlch secre tary. Tho neccessary committees were ap pointed to draft constitution and bylaws for a permanent organization next Tuesday night. Deficiency for cor. period, 1S.D9.... 4.G7 Inches Detlclcncy ior cor. pouuu, iojj... o.a mtutn it. iv. viinii, Local Forecast Olllclal. Horsf ord's Acid Phosphate Imparts Energy. When vitality and nerve force have become impaired by Illness its value is wonderful. Induces refreshing deep. Gamine bears name Honsrotn't on wrapper. 1 Meritorious and Beautiful Pianos BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Bit! Dinim Cat Suite BanEBgMBHMaMinaaBBBHKxamiaaNanBBBBBBB 7 Days 1 Nights ItoKera Itevlvnl Cloaea. ROGERS, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) Rev. W. I. Coburn, an evangelist of Rockford. 111., closed a successful scries of meetings last night at tho Baptist church. He wa assisted by his wlfo and by Rov. Arthur L. Horan, the local pastor. Rev. Coburn and wife go to Wahoo from here. llenedlct Hanker Bella Intereala. BENEDICT, Nob., Nov. 28. (Speclal.)- W. A. Taylor, cashier of tho Bank of Ben edict, has sold his Interests In the bank to C. A. Pylo and will resign on January 1 to movo to York and probably engago In business there. Selerta Superintendent. HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.)- At a regular meeting of tho city council last night Mr. Robortson of Beatrice was ap pointed superintendent of the new munici pal electrlo light plant here. Mobrurn, l l'lnliivleir, O. NIOBRARA, Neh., Nov. 28. (Special Tel egram.) A return foot ball game between Tlalnvlew nnd Niobrara teams today re- I suited in 6 to 0 In favor of Niobrara. Three Car Loads of the Latest 1900 Designs. CHRISTMAS lUIYr.KS POX'T ntiaa .a by, for we run anve yon oliI ilollnra. We ore the oldest dealer In the lveat and know we can ault yon In u piano and In price. MAKIC NO MISTAKE, bat call on the MUELLER Piano and Op Co. 1316 Fariiam Street. the elevators run, and that is only one point where The Bee Building excels all others. Look around for yourrolf a glance will tell. R. C. FlTERS S Rental Agents. I mn in hii i ii wim n im" H HEI Cured While You Sleep In Fifteen Days "Urmn-8olTnl"lluolfilltrlcnirllli mow b. Hlh the ma. reie Knlam rrayui trtnc thrna the Krmlnal nscu, Honilng Drulnt aa KmlHloiit In Fifteen l)yt. , , No rtrnn to ruin lh tuuuarh, bnt n dlrcrt local and iiosIiIto aiillr.atlon lulbannliraurnhial track tlr'tn-HolTCnl It not a liquid. It U iieiinrol l th form ut Cmronnor Hewilin. Mumitliniuinelbl, and iu narrow n to fata lb loieti Hlrlciura. Every Man Should Know Himself. Tha m.Jumra Attn.. Hoi KU. Cincinnati. O.. ha prepared at arreril riente an dlhutitl- pfira rrr-lllutrM"l Treatlto upim Mia mala LULL Mtrm. whloh tber will itnd i anr rnrr male oppllcanu - nonornl AVIiite Wanln l.enleiier. GIMNn i HAIMDS. Mich,. Nov 23.-Mra. W. H. White. KlKtnr of Rmiriil w. I. Whllo, tho ex-quartermacter Rcncral of tho .MiiiuKiui national Kuani or this nlty, who Is under bond to nppear In tho Inir- hnm countv circuit court ni Mnmluv for trial on tho chnnre of complicity In tli'i mil m iuiiiur.v uiuuiiiiK irauuH, announcfa iiHwiy mui uenerai wnuu will probaaly nlpiul culltv. i Bho is Circulating n notltlotl thnt Innlnnrv lin shown General White on tho itroun.1 thnt It Is his Ilrst offpnse: that ho has Buffered Iteonlv durlnir tho vnnr hi. mi uuiuuii un ii luKinvn; inai nn nns rnuao full tlnancial restitution for his rrlmo and has returned to tho state voluntarily uml has not put tho public to any expense in ino way oi a trial. zctt Sii) lie la ot Short. FI3HNANDINA. Fla., Nov. 23.-K. P, I.tiltimlilll, the acent of tho Seaboard r.yi tern hero, reslRtied on November 3 and requested nn exnmlnntlon of his accounts Tho railway people nfter partial examina tion of tlie linotts. dlcrovr red n phortafj, which Is estimated to have renched sorn--thliiB like $50,000, Mr. Lultenblli was r. rested nnd put under bonds for n prelim inary trial on the 10th lnp.t. On that date, by mutual consent of counsel, tho henrim wns pnntponed until December 17 and -Mr l.ukenblll nut under bond nf $3,000. Tho attorneys for Mr. IiukenMU c'n'm there i lias been no snortato. -Mr. i.vKcnbill claims thero Is absolutely no truth In Iho nti.'i'v that ho hail dealings In any way with brokers In Now York, nn. a. n. sicahi.ks. Court llonnra Dead Senator. BT. LOUIS, Nov. !8.-Tho United States circuit court of appeals, at its opening to day, announced to tho members of the bar tho sad news of tho death of Senator Cushman K. Davis of Minnesota, and In view of the eminent services of Henntor Davis in BupportinR the bill for the or ganization of this court and of his many acts of friendship toward it. tho court ap pointed Juda-o Banborn to represent It at the funeral of Senator Davta. Judge Sanborn will therefore lcavo for St. I'uul In time to attend tho funeral service. Una Dealcna nn the North I'nTe, BUFFALO. N. Y.. Nov. 2!.-A special to the News from Montreal nays: "Captain Ilernler of Quebec has, rained tho support of Sir Clements Mark-ham, president of tho Itoyal Geographical .no. clety, for his scheme l reach the north polo and Is now In thn city maktnir ar rangements. Captain Uernler's plans con template art expedition from Vaucouvtr Searles & Seariss OMAHA. SPECIALIST. Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. Private Diseases of Iny Nature, Varicocsle, Hydrocele, Blood Poisor,, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, Etc. V alriCflfifilfi Are 'ou ailllctfxl with Varicocele nr Ita results Nervous De- "'""' blllty and Lost Man hood? Are yoj nervous, irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-tl me energy and ambition? Ar you suffer-in- from Vital Weakness, eta.'; You need expert trtatmout, WVtreat thous ands of eases whore the ordinary physician treats onn. Why not ba cured b fore It Is too late? WIC CAN CUHE VOU TO STAY CUP.15D UNDEIt WRIT TEN GUAltANTEE. We have yet to sea the case of Varicocele we can not curt-. .Method new, never ml.. vl hout cuttliit,'. p.ilu or loos ur Umv. tlOl II 7ft ur cure dissolves the SStricture completely and removes every ob structlon from the Urinary pasiii(rs. allays nil Inflammation tops every unnatural dUcharee, reduces the I'ostato Gland oleanses and heals tho bladder and kldnaya, invliorates tho sexual ors-ans, nd restores health and soundness to every part of the body affected by tho disease. SVDnilltlC ylOOQ POISOil 2,lr1.?,)l,c,ltU form ot tereatment for W r syphilis Is practically th result ef my Ufa work, and la Indorsed by the bast physicians of this and fonrtrn countries. It contains no danffereua drug's or Injurious medlclnea of any kind. It kos to tb vary bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. Boon evary al-n and armptom of SyphlHs disappear comptutelr and forever, and the whole ayatam la cleantad, purified and restored to aa healthful and para a cootfltlon aa baforo contracting th disease. NCrVO'SSXIISl DCbllliV ur for weak men atops every drain JT V S uof v,or builds up the muscular nnd BTroaB aratem, purtOaa and nrtch ,ha blO0Q cittlnlstanA htaI, th, bU(1. dar and klndnoya. iavlaorataa th,llver, revive (he apirlts. brlrhteiis tha Intel. mcu, ana, aoove ana bojrona ali; restores the wasted nower of sexual manhood. IKme Treaiintnt One personal visit la preferred, but If roti cannot call .t m V ofTIrA UrrlU mn vriif tvmntnnii fnl1 bom treatmant is successful and strictly private. Our counsel Is free and aac redly confidential, OURIS aUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW. CoBanKntloia Free. Treatment by nnll Cull am or addreaa, lift H. 14h II. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb.