THE cm AIT A DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. Telephones 618-C91. Our will bo closed nil dny Thanksgiving. See our ad in Thursday's papers for Special Sale of Dress Goods to be held Friday, November 30, 1900. We Close Our Store Saturdays at 6 P. M. ABBOTS FOIl 'FOSTEIl KID GLOVES AAU McCAM.'S PATTERNS. Thompson, Beldem &Co. Tilt ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA, '. U. C A. BUILDING, CO II. 10T1I AND DOUGLAS ST3. REAL GROWTH OF NEBRASKA (Continued from First Page.) Dakota Dixon . Dodgo . Knox .. 0,2SGThurston ..... lu,533Vuyno 'US liSIJ Total , 'OUItTII DISTRICT. 15.VU3 Saunders .... 15.087 Howard 30.051 Thuyor 1.1,330 York 13.199 10.012 Total 18.252 FIFTH DISTRICT. IS.FIO Hayes 2,f9 Hitchcock .. 1S,7Vi Kearney .... 2,431 Nuckol.s .... I'.CS I'erklni 8,781 l'helps 12,373 Hcd Willow 6.301 Webster .... I7.roo 9,.r.O Totnl SIXTH DISTRICT. 1,114 Keith fes Koyu Palm . 0.572 Kimball 3,470 Lincoln 20,254 Logan ..... 0,511 I.onp 5 D70 McPherson . 19.7S3 Hock 0.715 Hdittn Ulliff 12.211 Sheridan .... 2.16.1 Hhermnn .... 2.J7 Sioux 70.1 Thomas r..i;?i Valley 12,221 Wheeler 4.7J 10..143 Total . F.7M . 9.K2 Butler Flllmoro ., On Ho llumllton . Jefferson ., Polk Saline .. 22.0S3 .. 15,090 .. 14.325 .. 1R.205 ..is3.4C Adams .... Chase Clay Dundy 1'ranklln ., Frontier .. Furling .... .Oospor .... 'Halt Harlan .... Banner .... Ulalno Box Hutto Brown .... Buffalo .... Chorry .... Cheyenno . Custer Dawes .... Dawson ... Deuel Oarflold ... Grant Greeley .... Holt Hooker .... Howard ... 2,703 4.09 9,fC6 12,4m 1.702 10,772 0 t'04 11,019 .103,143 . l.Wl . 3,076 . 7iVS . 11,410 . WO . 1,305 . 517 . 2,ti9 . 2,052 . e.m . 6,E50 . 2.0S5 . P2H . 7,wn . 1.3J .161,303 I MILES PLANS FOR NEW ARMY Meiitcnnnt tii'iiernl Favors Pmvldlni; One Hemllur for Kvery Thoil nnd of Population. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. Copies of tho loiter of Lieutenant General Jllles to the secretary of "war submitting tio draft of a proposed bill for tho- rcorgnnlintlon of tho army have been furnished to tho military commltttcoH of both houses of congress, (lencral Miles favors nn army proper based ou one man for every 1,000 of tho popula tion of tho country. This will provide 76,730 men, tho array to bo mado up of four regiments of cavalry, fourteen rogl monta of heavy artillery, four regiments of Held artillery and thirty-two regiments of Infantry. In addition to theso tho bill pro vides for D.080 non-combatants divided ns follows: Quartermaster's department, 1,000 men; Biibslstouco department, COO men; engineer corps, 2,276 men; ordnance department, t90 men, and alKiial corps, 720 men. Provision is mnde for un auxiliary force of 20,000 men to servo for three years unless sooner discharged, whenever In tho opinion of tho president such force Is nec essary such auxiliary forco to bo divided Into lnfar.try, cavalry and artillery ns may bo required. Tho bill contnlns clnstlc provisions by 'which tho enlisted foreo may bo Increased or decrcasod, provided tho total strength of tho army Is not Increased boyond tho numbers provided by law. Provision la mado for ono general, two lieutenant gen erals, Eovcn major goncrnls nnd twenty-ono brigadier generals, tho heads of tho adju tant general's department and the quarter master's department to havo tho rank of mnjor general, each with au assistant with tho rank of brigadier general. General Miles favors rotation In servlco for tho of ficers of tho dtfforent arms nnd also bo tween tho lino nnd staff of tho army up to tho higher grades. PEOPLE HAVE SOME RIGHTS Interstate Commerce CoiiiiiiInmIoii De cide AKAliixt Southern Ilntlrond v lii Danville Cane. WASHINGTON, Nov- 28. Tho Interstato Commorca commission today dismissed tho potltlon for rehearing In tho caso of tho city of, Danovlllo, Va., ngalnst tho Southern Hallway company and others, de cided last February against the railroad company. Tho Southern Hallway company claimed that to obey tbp decision, which ordered an adjustment of freight rates mora favorablo to Danville, would causo it a totnl loss of over $433,000 per annum, through necessary changes at other points. Iteforrlng to tho claim of tho company that lis $120,000,000 of common stock paid no dividend In 1899, and that tho order of tho The cause exists In the blood, In what causes. Inflammation of the mucous membrane. It Is therefore impossible to cure the disease by local applications. It is positively dangerous to neglect It, because It always affects the stom ach and deranges the general health, and is likely to develop Into consump tion Manr have been radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. It cleanses tha blood and bat a peculiar atteratlve and tonlo effect. It. Long, California Junction, Iowa, writes: "1 had catarrh three years, lost my appetite and could not sleep, My head pained me and I felt bad all over. I took Hood's Bartaparllla and now have a eood appetite, sleep well, and have no Bymptoms of catarrh." Hmod'm Smrsapmrilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. It Is better not to put off treat ment buy Hood's today. FREE SCHOLARSHIP VOTING COUPON. CUT IT OUT-VOTE IT. tUli Kims err In j boy or tfrl cat practical ttocatUa mm Mfa vora ros ADDRBSI (It aad Tfo.) Tfcla eeupem If aceorapaalad by cask pamnat ta rebaertatlot aoeooat far ffka Omaha Baa eoumta 15 toUs tor aaeb lie pala, ltt rotaa for each $1 paid, eta. Coupon with cash must ba oounUrilcnaa by ctrculatloa dtaartaeat. . . .4. TLJn f4- Dapeatt at Baa efflca or roall U 'TUBS WUT 1 IllS UUl SCHOLARSHIP DEPARTMENT," Owaaa r Baa, OBiaka, Nab, luuteal oioaea ilvu. ilrii, B o'ciocu p. ut. Beo, Nov. 28, 1900. Store commission would deprlvo tho owners of tho stock of tholr property without duo process of law, tho commission ons that tho stock was itsucd ns part of tho reorgani zation scheme, under which tho company enmo Into existence nnd It docs not appear In tho tostlmony that nnythlng ever was paid for It. Tho commission rules that "it does not rest in the whim of a reorgani zation committee. In Wall street to lmposo a tax upon that whole southern country; that tho property of tho railway company should bo most carefully protected, but tho property of tho citizens of uanvltlo Is Just as sacred as uro tho securities of tho rail way company." EAGAN IS STILL SUSPENDED Stntrinrnt In Made nt the War lie linrlmeiit Tlint Application Has Not Hern .Hade. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Offlclals of tha War department deny positively that Com missary General Ragan, now under suspen sion from the nrmy, has been reinstated. It Is further said that General Kagan has filed no formal application to have his sen tence net nsldo, It is understood that General Lagan might bn reinstated at any time upon condition that ho would accept Immcillnto retirement, but ho has Bhown no disposition to accede to such arrange ment. PIJ.VHIOXH FOIt WI3ST1311X VHTKHAXS War Survliorn Itemr inhered by the General (!u eminent. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (Special.) Tho following pensions hnvo been granted: Issue of November 13: Nebraska: Additional John Hutchliigs, Fulls City, 18. Original wb.ows, etc. Snrih Smith, Schuyler, $6: (special accrued, No vember 15), Agnes M. Stlerlen, Kearuoy, W. Iowa: Jacob I.uft. llltiton. $S: John W. Kccler. l.eon, W; lhlndrielr Bau man, Pella, JS. Increase Zcph Hoed, Fro dontn, M7. Original widows, etc. Minor of Ferdlnnnd Ilerbcr, Charles city, $10; mlmr of Wllllum it. Alexnnder, Mount Ayr, S10. War with Spain. orlglnul-Wllllum 11. Wy r.onir. Bedford. SI I. South Dnkotn: War wi.h Spain, original- John l' llogers Ynnuton. ?12; Mianey j. Cornell, jr., lanKion, a; it-rnesi .uauuen, Worthlntr. M2. North Dnkotn: Relssu nnd increase Kdwln J. Doncy. Valley city. js. Colorado: Increase Heniy Butler, Buena Vlt'tn, $10. Montnna: Original William r. ShocklJy, Augusta, w. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. (Special Tclo- 5111 lilt f it uiuani 1 utai u,aaia servlco will bo established at Pawneo City, on uucciuuur iu. ii win umuiuiu uu area of thirty-six square rallcs, with a popuiRUOZl 01 uuu. J. i. nru wua .hi- mlt.t,l nnfflAK Qnrt'ln H'lll fllan 1lA fitf - nabllshed at Hooper, Nob., Covering an area or rorty-cigiu square inuca, aviiu jiwjiu W. K. Beazor haB been appointed post master nt Panther, Dallns county, la. Dr. C. It. Sanderson has been appointed at Keokuk. Ta. O. II. Kellogg haa been appomieu rurai carrier ai uaiva, 1a. TV. nlnlma nt T)irV VnHiertlt flf Matt- 1 1 i 1 1 l. 1 1. 1 1' 1" w. .'.. J . haoinr nn,1 Wllllnui Hunter nf Orocno. la.. ...... t - 1 .1 nn for refunding certain amouius i.uu i" documentary stamps used in excess on deeds of conveyance have boon allowed and submitted to tUe auditor 01 iue u.- ury for action. VftMrili-rinKN limtniniT" Safe. tt'a omvnTnv Vnv. 28. Whllo tho,. ,ionnrtment has not mado nn an nouncement of policy to govern change! of fourth-class postmaster during mu u"i four years, It can bo stated that tho de partment prefers that there be no more . t, hn Interests of tho service gilUMfcWB . require and that, and especially In tho southern states, lourin-ciasa uuswuuaicia ..m m nnrvn iliirlnir the next four years of the administration, unless thore .. nn, enimn tor maKinK a CnililKO. It Is understood that no fixed policy will be adopted to govern cnanges umous presi dential postmasters. nini, Pornt I.nnds Wltlulrnwn. Washington. Nov. 28. Commissioner Hermann of tho ccneral lnnd ofllco has ordered tho withdrawal from public entry of 250,000 acres of vacant, unappropriatoa mihlln ilomaln in Utah, that constitutes tho watershed, from which tho domestic water nnmilv nf Snlt Lako City is derived. Tho action Is taken with a vlow to reserving land permanently for forestry purposes. FOR BUNCOING THE BOARD ClilcnaonnH Indicted (or Fnrulnldnic Civil Service Exnmllicra' Ques tion to Police AanlrantK. CHICAGO. III., Nov. 28. As a result of the grand Jury Investigating Into nllegeu attempts to Interfero with the workings of tho civil service law In the conducting of examinations for police lieutenants, the grand Jury today voted. Indictments' against David "Weber and Samuel C. Kanter, money Ieuders, nnd Braman H. Loveless, an ex nminer on the commission, and partner of Commissioner John W. Ludwlg of tho merit board. Tho men aro charged with con spiracy to furnish spoclal and secret in formation regarding civil servlco examina tions. Statements woro mado boforo the grand Jury that tho firm of Weber & Kanter hud secured tho questions for tho police lieutenants' examination from At torney Loveless and that the questions had bcon sold to sovcral police sergeants previ ous to tho examination. Fatal KxploNlnn In French .11 Inc. PARIS. Nov 2S.-A dispatch from Anlche, near DounI, says a quantity of dynnmlte nt tho bottom of one of the coal mines there exploded today from an unknown causo. Twelve dead miners and elsht In jured havo besn removed nnd eighteen are not accounted let-. (Nam) (Tews.) RRUGER SPARS FOR OPENING Interview with Dolcasso Which May Prove Big with Consequences. FRANCE'S ATTITUDE ST.LL UNCHANGED liner Leader Olvcn No Intimation nn to HIn Program, lint It In llellrtcd That the .Next Step Will lie Taken at The llnicuc. PARIS, Nov. 23. The conversation which former President Kruger had with tho French minister of foreign affairs, M. Dolcasae, yesterday, was confined to tho former sounding the latter ns to tho proba- bio attltudo of Franco In certain eventu alities. Mr. Kruger did not prcs3 for a definite statement and tho conversation tneked picclseness, M. Delcaeso let It bo understood that Franco nad not changed Its attitude slnco ho explained tho govern mout's position In tho Chamber of Dcputlos last March, Franco will not tako tho initiative in intervention In South Afrlcn, but will not .discourngo any other country from so doing. On tho contrary It will Join in such Inltlatlvo If it is taken under such conditions as appear to It to merit acqulsccnce. Air. Kruger did not Intlmnto what ho In tended to do, but It Is believed ho will tako tho official diplomatic step at Tho Hague, It Is not known whether ho will nk Hol land to propose mediation or open other and less clearly defined negotiations. Mr. Kruger today drove to the school of fluo arts, to Inspect tho plaster tnod,cl of tho monument to bo erected to tho memory of Colonel Do Vlllcbols-Mnrcull, tho French oinccr who died In South Africa fighting for the Boers. Ho was received by Colonol de Vlllcbols-Maroull's brother. A number of artists and literary people and students woro present. Mr. Kruger eulogized Colonel do vllleboIs-Mnreull and his comrndes, whoso dovotcd heroism, ho said, "recalled tho chivalrous knights of tho mlddlo ages." Mr. Kruger then proceeded to vlow tho I'ontheon, but wns too fatigued to enter. Ho wns heartily cheered everywhere nlong tho road. PARIS, Nov. 28. Tho general council of tho Selno to day uuaimously adopted a roso lutlon that tho French government nhould take tho Inltlatlvo In tho endeavor to bring ubout an arbitration of tho Issues between Great Brltnin and tho Boers. KRUGER DENIES ONE STORY In Not Conduit to America to Live, but MlKht Make Lnlted State a Vlnlt. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Michael Davltt cables from Paris to tho Evening Journal today that Miy Krugor, replying to tho question If ho had any Intention of making his future homo In tho United States, said "I never contemplated going to America to live, although I havo received several pressing invitations to do so; 1 am seriously considering, however, a short visit to tho United States. "Tho sovero hardships of winter travel would not deter me, old us I am, If I wore suro I could accomplish any good for ray oppressed country." Mr. Davltt nddB that It Is almost certain that Mr Kruger will not visit America, and that tho entire cablnot of tho South African republic opposes tho Idea, tho unanimous opinion being that tho McKlnlcy ndmlnlstra tton will do nothing whatever for tho Boer causct a ' 1 BOERS NOT YET CONQUERED Have 1'rnrlnloiiN and Money to Keep Up the FlKbt for a Year at I.enwl, KANSAS CITY, Nov. 28. A special to tho Star from Lawrence, Knn., says: John Williams of Lawrence returned homo to day after n year's service In tho Boer army Williams went from Lawrence with Ernest Crlss, formerly n moraber ot tho Twentieth Kansas olunteer regiment. They wero to gether during that time nnd Williams says they enjoyed tho sorvlco, which was without restraint of military rule. Williams do clares the Boors have plenty of mouoy nnd provisions stored to last a long tlmo and ho says ho docs not believe the war. will end for nt least a year. On lenvlug for homo ho says he and other foreigners who had served In the Boer array wcro paid for tholr services in gold and given free trnnsporta tlon to Now York. Crlss remained in tho Transvaal. KNOW THE WAR IS NOT ENDED Roberta' lleiineat for Seasoned l'lclit- era Confirm KiiuIJnu Fran thut Peace la Not Yet. LONDON, Nov. 28. Whllo tho reports of tho condition of Capo Colony aro regarded as somowhat unnecessarily alarmist, there is little disposition to tako a too roseate view of the general situation. Tho constant dispatch to South Africa of reinforcing drafts and tho dally fights at points wldo apart show tbo war is not over, and, while tho report that Lord Roberts has demanded 20,000 frosh troops Is Incorrect, It is a fact that ho has asked for 8,000 men to replace tho battalions whoso wastago Incapacitates them from duty at tho front. Theso rollers will bo dispatched, but thoy will soriously attenuate the garrison of tho United King dom, Inasmuch as Lord Roberts Insists the troops shall bo picked men and havo sea soned officers. Ilrltlah Minister Precede Kroner. LONDON, Nov. 2S. Thero Is somo com ment horo on the arrival In London of Sir Henry Howard, tho British minister at The Hague. It Is officially explained that Sir Henry Is taking a holiday, but it is ad mltted that his presenco In this city Is not altogether unconnected with tho approach lng nrrival of Mr. Kruger at tho capital of Holland and tho promised demonstrations which, naturally, would bo very embarrass lng to tho Britisher were ho at tho Dutch capital. Warned to Stay Away from Afrleft LONDON, Nov. 28. Tho British high com- mltsloner In South Africa, Sir Alfred MUner, wnrns tho colonial officers that no one should go to Africa at prosont with tho view of seeking employment In "tho now colonies," unless thoy have secured an ap polntmont or havo oraplo private means. ninlnfectlnir 1'lttabiirir Cellara. PITTSBURG, Pn Nov. 28. Tho rivers aro iauinK rujnuiy ami tomorrow navlga tlon will uo compietoiy resumed out of Pittsburgh Tho health boards of Pittsburg anu jMiHKiiuuy uiu wuiiwiik industriously uiBiiiici:iii!K 111a wuici-suukuu ucnurss (o pre vein uiBuunu. , Movement of Ocean VeaaeU Nov. 28 At Southampton Arrived Trnve. from New York, for Bremen: New York, from New xorK. Buneu i.min, irom Bremen, ior jpw i orit. At New York Sailed Oceanic, for T.ivr. ppol: Aller, for Clenon, etc.; Kensington for Antwerp, via Southampton, At Hons Kong Arrived City of Pokln from San Francisco, via Honolulu and Yokohama. At Queenstown Arrived Majestic from Now York." for Liverpool j Montfort, from iuonireui, ior Liverpool. At Naples Arrived Fuerst Blsmavck, from Now York, for Genoa. At Plymouth Sailed Graf Waldcrneo from Hamburg and Boulogne, for New York. At Rotterdam Arrived Maasdam, from New York. At Liverpool Arrived Cuflo, from New Ynrk. At Glasgow Arrived Samaritan, from 'At'llremen Arrived Prlns Regent Lult CZAR IS GAINING GROUND teady Dccrenxe In Temperature, Heatn Well and ltetalna 111 Strength. LIVADIA, European Russia, Nov. 28. The following bulletin was Issued today by tho czar's physicians: Tho omueror tiasacd a eood dnv venter. day. Ho Blcpt un hour nnd n half. At 9 In tho evenlnir his temncraturi) wnn w 2; pulse, 68. He slept fairly well Inst night. 11110 iiiuwiuin jiia jiM.jcotj o .uiiui null III1U strength are satisfactory. His temueraturo this morning wns tc.l; pulse, 03. Whllo the nttcndtng physicians of the czar until recently asserted that no com plications had been observed In his maj esty's condition, n physician In court de- larcd n few days ago that there had been pectoral complications from tho beginning, which, ho added, explained tho Influenza diagnosis of the early stages of his sickness. Ho further asserted that tho Illness ot tho czar was In tho first Instance caused by tho fact that ho tiat between an open window nd an open door dictating, and that Baron Fredericks, tho aide-de-camp and minister of tho imperial household, had been greatly blamed because he was present, ho ilia not romonstrnto with tho emperor LONDON. Nov. 29. Emperor Nicholas, according to a dispatch to tho Times from St. Petersburg, Is now considered on tho way to speedy recovery. HOLD SESSION ON SUGAR BEET Forclmi Nations to Attempt Annthur Conference nt llruaneln to Abolish the llonntlea. PARIS, Nov. 23. Tho recent conferences between tho powers concerned aBsuro tho reassembling of the beet sugar conference ut Brussels. Tho -Inst conference enmo to naught on account of the stnud taken by Russta and France. It Is believed these dlfllcultlo" havo been eliminated. The now conference, the object of which Is tho aboli tion of the sugar bounties, Is likely to have definite results. Great Britain Clnlma Wliuinx. LONDON, Nov. 28. Tho lord chief Jus tice's crurt Is occupied nt present with de termining whether the lato William L. Wlnans, formerly of Baltimore, Md., was a domiciled resident of Great Britain when ho died In, 1897. This question is being tested on a legacy of 2,000 willed to his slstcr-in-law, Ellen Dclaruo, on which tho crown claims a legacy duty. As tho attor ney general smilingly remarked, tho de- Islon, of course, will nffect tho wholo of Mr. Wlnans' millions, nnd counsel for the crown proceeded to recount tho estates nnd shootings leased by Mr. WInaus, on which ho lavished enormous sums of money, in cluding 70,000 en tho shooting leased from Lord Lovatt, "constituting," contendad the nttomoy general, "nmplo proof of his set tlement In tills country." Queen to KcTVnrd Ainlmnnnilnr, LONDON, Nov. 28. Truth, which has al ways shown Itself particularly well In formed as to diplomatic affairs, says It la probable Queen Victoria will offer a vis- ountcy or an earldom to Lord Pauncefoto, the British ambassador at Washington, on his retirement from tho diplomatic servlco In recognition of his successful embassy, adding: "All tho moro ns this mark of royal favor will be much appreciated In tho United States.." Yield of Itvo and Wheat In llusnla. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2S. The cen tral statistical committee estimates that tho yKild of winter wheat for 1900 la Rus sia, Including Siberia and Central Asia, will bo 221.300,0,00 poods and the yield of ryo l,497.3Q0,0QQ.'poodB. German A mbniaai1nr ltexluni. RERLIN, Nov. 28. Tho North Gorman Gazette announces that Prlnco Mun3ter von Dorr.eberg, tho German ambassador at rarls, haa resigned on account of hla age. DEATH RECORD. DlNpnted Mlth Olil Hickory. QUINCY, III.. Nov. 28.-CaptaIn Johu C. Glenn, SO years old, died horo today. Ho commanded several Mississippi steamers in tho early days, and onco had a dlsputu with President Audrow Jackson, who was a passenger on Glenn's boat. Johnson ten dered a $10-nolo of the Unlttd Stntes bank for his passage and Glonn declined to tako It becauso General Jackson had just re fused to renew tho charter of tho United States bank at Philadelphia. Captain Glenn was born in Pittsburg, and when n school boy was selected to mako an address of wclcomo to tho Marquis Lafayette, who was visiting America. David Whitney. DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 23. David Whit ney, jr., millionaire lumbormnn and vcbsoI owner, died tonight In bis homo here, aged 70 years, after an Illness of about two weeks. Mr. Whltnoy was ono of tho beat known lumbermen in tho west nnd nt one tlmo tho firms of C. & D. Whitney and Skllllng, Whitney & Barnes, In which ho was Interested, wcro tha largest lumber firms In tho United States. Ho was also the owner ot seven or eight steam barges engaged In tho lumber and oro trndo on tho Great Lakes. Ho Is survived by hla wife and four children. Ilenr Admiral McNalr. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Rcnr Admiral Frederick G. McNalr died at his homo In this city today from n stroko of apoplexy. Ho had been In poor health for many months. Yesterday ho was taken violently 111, nnd today his condition became, so critical that his attending physician callod into consultation Dr. Stone, ono of the naval surgeons, but tho admiral Blowly sank away. Ho was the ranking rear admiral of tho navy and tho officer next In lino to Admiral Dowoy. Funeral nf Commlaalouer Wllnnn. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. The funeral of tho lato George W. Wilson, commissioner of Internal revenuo, was held at tho Rlggs houso hero today. Tho services were at tended by Columbia comrnandery No, 2, Knights Templar, a delegation of Templars nfterward escorting tho remains to tho Pennsylvania depot. The funornl party started at 3 p. m. for Hamilton, O., whero tho Interment will take place. J. Lenllc TliompHon. SIOUX FALLS, S. D Nov. 28. (Spoclal Telegram.) J. Leslie Thompson of Mndl son, one ot tho best known residents of this state, died suddenly at the Morcnants hotel here last night of ncuto congestion of tho lungs. Ho was prominent in banking circles and was receiver of tho Chamber lain National bank, which failed during the panic, and also of tho First National bank ot Sioux Falls. lluitilr Frankfurter In DUirrnce. tiii.Tiimnii! nr,l .. Nov. 23. The little rod frankfurter sausago received n blow In criminal court today which may ter minate Its existence in Baltimore as 1 an article of diet. Judse Dennis lined Her man Frank. Harry Kfnlan, Lou s Sachs and Mncoa rinlilmrH on nil 110 for HO'llmT ailUlteT- ntn fnn.i u wn tpatiMeil bv Prof. Wyman that anlllno dye was used to color the food nnd the preparation, ho said, was in jurious, to health. The defendants pro- .ln..ri nr nvnitrt fmm ChtcntTO. WflO ft(l- mlttod that aniline dye was used, but i-laUncfl that It was a coal tar preparation und contained no arsenic, which Is said to bo one ot tho Ingredients of the common n,,ni,ia ,H. Tha, Kinnrt wis noftltlve that the frankfurter was a perfectly healthy nrtlclo of food, hut the Judge decided It wiui not a good thing nnd the court imposed the sentence as stated, Arkanun' New Capitol. t.iTTi.K Tinnr. Ark.. Nov. 28. With Imposing ceromonles, tho cornerstone of Arkansas' new 11,000,000 state oarltol was luM tnrinv In (hn nrpf.enco of a lartTO OS- semblare. Officers from the Masonlo grand BIG GROWTH IN DAROTAS North and South States Show Substantial Gains in Population, OKLAHOMA MAKES REMARKABLE GAIN WanhltiRtnn Adda One-Half to Its Totnl of Ten Yearn Aro, While l'ltrarniy New Mexico Keeps Well Vp nlth Procession. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Tho population of South Dakota, as officially announced to day Is 401,570, against 328,803 In 1800. This Is an Increaso since 1890 of 72,762, or 22.1 per cent. Tho population by counties follows: Aurora 4.011 Jerauld 2,78!) Beadle , 8,081 Kingsbury v,Q llotihommo 10.3i9I.nke 9,137 Brookings 12,501 Lawrence 17.S97 Brown 15.U.C Lincoln 12,101 Brule u,4U l.yinim 2,032 mirrulo 1,790 McCooit s.w Butte i,9U7McPhersotl Campbell 4.C27 Marshall f.,912 Charles Mix b,498.Mcado 4,907 Clark 6,912 .Miner C.iCI CllLV 9,310 Minnehaha 23,920 Codington 8.770 Moodv Custer 2,728 Pennington D010 Davison 7.4S3 Potter 2,9.53 Dny Deuel .... Douglas . Edmunds Full Hlvor Faulk .... Grant .... Gregory . Iltunllu ,, Hand Hanson .. Hughes .. Hutchison Hyde 12.254 Roberts 12,210 ts.030 Sanborn 4,401 b,l'I2SllnK u.w 4.916 Stunloy 1,319 3,541 Huhy 1.715 3.517 Turner 18,175 9,103 Union 11,153 2.211 Walworth 3.K9 6,913 Yankton 12,019 1,525 Cheyetinn H'h'ii 2,Sti7 1.947 Pino llldge R'n. C27 3,ftS4 Rosebud Ites'n. 5,201 11, Si'7 Standing Hock 1.49J Reservation .. l.CM Population of WnxliliiKton, Tho population of Washington, 'as officially announced today la C18.103, ngalnst 349, 930 In 1890. This Is nn incrense nlnco 1890 of 108,713, or 48.2 per cent. Tho population In 1SS0 was 75,110, showing nn Increaso ot 274,274, or 3G5.1 per cent, from 1SS0 to 1S90. Tho population by counties follows: Adums Asotin 4.S40 Lewis 13.517 3,30'J Lincoln 11,909 Chehnlls 15.121 Mason 3,810 Chelan 3,931 uknuognn 4,Ci9 Clallam (,M Pacific E.9S3 Clnrko 13,419 Plerco 6S MS Columbia 7.128 San Juan 2.9S2 Cowlitz 7,S77SknRlt 14,272 Douglas 4,90Skamunln 1,038 Ferry 4.50J Snohomish 23,9) Franklin tSOSpokano 57.042 Garfield Mix slovens 10,543 Island 1,870 Thurston ' 9.9J7 Jefferson f.712 Wahkiakum ... i.SlO King 110,033 Wnlla Wnlla.... ls.CV) Kltiup 0,707 U'lmtcom 21.110 Kittitas 9,701 Whitman 25.200 Klickitat 0,107 Ynkia 13.432 Population of Nciv Mexico. 'Tho population of Washington, as officially Mexico, as officially announced today is 193,810, ngalnst 153,693 in 1890. This Is au Increase sinco 1890 of 41,717, or 27.1 per cent. Tho population In 18S0 was 119,505, showing nn Increnso ot 34,028, or 28,4 per cent from 1880 to 1890. Tho population by counties follows: Bernnllllo . Chaves Colfux Donna Ann Eddy Grant 28,C!0Rlo Arriba 4.773 Ban Juan .. 10.150 Han Mlguol 13.777 I.S2H 2.0jl 14.65S 3.15S 12,193 10.M9 1,028 13,5.95 10.1S7 Santa in fo.... .1.229 Klcrra .. 12.8S3 Socorro 5.419 Taos ... Ouaduloupo Lincoln 4'n:tl'nl(m .. Mom 10,201 Valencia Otero 4,791 Population of Olclnlionin. Tho population of the territory of Okla homa aa officially announced today Is 398, 245, ngalnst 01,834 In 1890. This Is nn In creaso slneo 1S90 of 330,411, or 544.00 per cont. Tho population by counties follows: Denver .... Rlalno Canadian . Clovelnnd Custer .... Day Dowry .... Garfield ... Grant 3.051 Noblo 11.015 25.SC4 10.' '99 26.012 5,190 15.001 31.975 7,019 10.G38 Oklahoma '. 15.9S1 Pawnee 16,383 Payne 12,2t!l Pottawatomie . 2.173 Roger Mills .... 8.819 Wnshltu 2,070 Woods 17,273 Woodward 17.922 Wichita. Indian S2..") Reservation .. 1S.501 Klnwn, etc 27,007 Osaffc rtos'n.... 20,5S8Knlr Res'n K:iy jicsorvuuon .. Kingfisher 1S.501 Klown, etc 4.69) Lincoln 27,U07OsaBc Res'n.... 0.1W Logan 20,5S8Kalr Rea'n '08 Population of North Dakota. Tho population of North Dakota ns officially announced today Is 319,146, against 182,719 In 1S90. This is an Increaso since 1890 of 130,427, or 74.6 per cont. Tho population by counties follows: Barnes 13,159 Morton 8.009 Benson S,:!0M'lon 7,150 Billings V,3 Oliver VW Bottineau 7,532 Pembina 17w Burleigh e.ttl Pierce 4.7K5 Cass 2R.C23Ramsey 9.198 Cavalier 12.6S0 Ransom 6.199 Dickey 0.601 Richland 17.2X7 Eddy .. 3,330 Rolette 7.9V5 Emmons 4.339 Sargent 3.039 Foster 3,770 Stark 7,021 Orand Forks.... 24.459.Steele Grlgss 4,744 Stutsman 9.H3 Kidder 1.751 Towner 0.491 Lamouro 0,048 Trallle 13.107 LOKan 1.023 Walsh 20.2K.S Mollenry D.l23Vara 7,790 Mcintosh SKJKf,1,1,9 ?$n McLean 4 017 Williams ........ 1,530 Mercer l,778Stnndlng Rock.. 2.2H8 llllnola' Urban Population. Tho population ot cities, towns and vil lages ot Illinois having moro than 2,000 and less than 25,000 Inhabitants wns of ficially announced today as follows: Ablnedon J'Lockport 2,639 Aledo 2.081 Macomb 0.3I5 Alton Auburn Aurora Batavla Beardstown Bollnvlllo ... Bclvldern . . Bloomlngton Blue Island Braid wood .. Hushnell .... Cairo Canton Cnrbondalo . Carllnvlllo .. Carml Carrollton .. Carthano .. Centralla ... Champagne . 14,210 Murengo !!,()C5 2,2t-2 .Marion -,i)iu 21.147 Marshall 2.077 2,171 , 9.022 3,750 4.009 2.513 3,871 Mnxcoutuh 4,827Mattoon ... 17.484 Mcndotu .. 0,937 Metropolis , 23.186 Mlnonk .... 6,114 Monno 17.248 2,270 Momcnce 2,020 2.490 Monmouth 7.4C0 12 600 'Morgan Park.. 2.3:9 6.501 Morris 4,273 3,313 Morrison 2.30X 3.502 Mound City 2.703 2.039 Mount Carmel.. 4.311 2,?45Mount Olive.... 2,935 2,10IMount Pulaski.. 2,410 0.721 Mount Vernon.. 5,216 9.0V8Murphysboro ... .4iin 6,488 Naporvlllo 2 029 2.832 NashVlllo 2.181 5.100 'Normal 3.795 Charleston . iMienter Chicago HgtH Clinton 4 432 01ney 4,260 Coal City 2.007 Ottawa 10.5S8 Col Insvlllo I'nna i-.uou Danvlllo 10,334 Paris Decutur 20,764 Paxton .... DeKalb ft.WIPekln 6.105 3.030 3.420 6.PG3 2,M7 2,357 2,293 4,260 4.C23 2.073 2,170 19.493 2.351 Dixon 7.917 Peru Downers urovo s.iuj rcirmuure Duauolu .1,853 Plncknevvllle Dwlght 2,015 Pittslleld Edwnrdsvlllo ... 4.157 Pontine Effingham 3.771 rnnceion F.lgln 22,433 nochello Evanston 19.2;9Rock Falls.., Falrbury 2.187 Roek Island. Fairfield 2.238 Rood houso .. ninm 2.P11 Ttushvllln .... 2 2V2 Freuport HI. unariew Fulton 2,085 Sandwich 2,620 Oalena 6,004 Savannah .1 325 OaleHburg W.M7 Shelby vlllo 3.M6 Geneseo 3,356 Kpartu 2,911 Geneva 2.4l6Sprlng Vnlloy... 6.214 nibson x,o.iinmunion ,iw fJrnnlto 3.122 Storllwr 0.M9 Oreenvlllo 2,501 Streator 11,0,9 Harlem 4,i'85Hulllvon 2.399 Harrlsburg z.zws sycamore Tlnrvnrrl 2.602 Tiiv orVll o 4.248 Harvey 6,?93Toluca 2,f29 JlllYlllllJ, J'J U'lkUIW lllll'lll .'vv Highland Park.. 2.M10 Upper Alton.... 2,373 Hlnsdalo .".iw uruunu ,,,, 3.123 Vnndalla 2.665 Honneston Jacksonville ... Jerseyvllle .... 15.078 Vonlce 2,430 3.517 Vlrdon 2.20 Knnkaiceo ..... Kowonoo LnKrange Lako Forest... LaSalln Lemont 13,r93WarsaW 2,815 8.3S2 Waterloo 2.111 3,009 Watseka 2.503 2,215 Wnukegnn 9,426 10,140 W. Hammond., 2.935 2.449 Wheaton 2.115 Lewlstown 2.KCI White Hall 2.030 Lincoln S.896 Wllmetto 2.300 Litchfield 5,918 Woodstock 2,502 Village or town, Population of Idaho. The population of Idaho by counties and minor civil divisions, as officially an nounced by the census bureau today, glvcB a totnl for the state of 161,772, an incrense during tho decade of 77,387, or 91.7 por cont Part of the Increaso is duo to the totnl of 4,163 persons In Indian reservations, etc., not Included In the genoral population in the 1S90 census. Of the thirty-three in- corporatcd places, only five havo a popula tion of over 2,000, namely IJolto City, with 6,937; Pocatello City, 4.04G; Lewlston City, 2,425; - Morrow town, 2,481; and Wallnco City, 2,265. Tho population of Tennessee, as officially announced todny, Is 2.020.61G, against 1,707, 618 in 1890, This Is an Increase stneo 1S90 of 253,098, or 14.3 per cent. Tho popula tion In 18S0 was 1,542,359, showing nn in crease ot 223,159, or 11.6 per cent, from 1880 to 1890. JORDAN WILL GET THE PLACE Thuraton Withdrawn III Opposition to the Man 1'lokeil by .Mercer. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (Special Tolo grain.) Tho Indian supply depot at Omaha Is to bo opened nt once. Senator Thurston had n talk with Commissioner Jones todny nnd as a result decided not to present tho nnino of any other candidate for superin tendent than R. C. Jordan, who was nom inated by Congressman Mercer. Congressman Mercer was at tho Whlto Houso this morning nnd received tho con gratulations of tho president on tho Ne braska victory. It Is rumored tonight that Wayno Mnc Vcagh of Pennsylvania has been tendered tho Department of Justlco portfolio, with ovcry likelihood of Us being accepted. It Is well known that during tho trying days of tho Chinese otnbrogllo Wnynu MacVcagh was nn almost dally visitor to tho Wnr de partment and wns In constant touch with Secretary Root, who had chnrgo of tho China situation during tho Illness ot Sec retary Hay. According to a big bulletin Issued today frotr. the census office, giving tho number of domestic animals In barns and In cisures, not on farms und ranges, Ne braska keeps In stables 39.03G cattle of all clahses, 60,201 horses, 1,987 mules, 43,903 swine, 308 goats and 199 nsses. Omaha re turns: 3,291 cattle, 0,108 horses, 190 mules, 9 nsses, 175 swlno nnd 6S goats. Douglas, Lancaster, Buflalo nad Otoo counties led In tho order named as having tho largest number of cnttlo uud horses outside of farms nnd ranges. Senator Thurston was at tho White House today to urge the promotion of Lieutenant Arthur M. Edwards of Nebraska to be cap tain and quartermaster. Lieutenant Ed wards uiado n most enviable record In tho Philippines, but was Invalided homo on ac count of facial paralysis contracted In as sisting to subdue lire among somo ot tha nntlvo huts. Senator Thurston said todny that ho would not sail for Europe on Wcdncsdny, as ho had Intended, His business wns at at. Petersburg. Cliuich Oltlcrr-i Only Will He Affected. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2S. Tho General Assembly committee of sixteen of the Presbyterian ch'irch will convene at tho Now York avenuo Presbyterian church In this city next Tuesday, to tabulate tho re turns from tho presbyteries on tho sub ject of tho revision of the confession of faith nnd to formulate a recommendation on tho subject for action by tho next gen eral assembly in May. Tho meeting will continue until Thursday or Friday, with probably three sessions a day. Tho ques tions to be considered will affect only th5 church officers, ns neither the ministers nor tho lny members subscrlbo to tho rrecd llt erslly. Tho chief Issue, said Rev, Dr. Rad cllffo of the- New York Avenuo church, Is to mako tho rovontecnth century creed con. form to that of tho twentieth century. It Is said that nf tho 200 presbyteries only 173 havo voted on tho question; 126 havo dojlarod for romo change, while forty six havo gone on record as opposed to any cha'niro whatsoovor. " ' I.onix CntitcriiplnteM .o CIiiiiikcn. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2S.-Secretary Long said today that no chango IS contemplated In tho command of the Asiatic station nnd that tho detail of Rear Admiral Frederick Rogers to duty on that station wns morely for tho purpose of giving Rear Admiral Remoy, tho commander of the station, much needed assistance. Rear Admiral Remoy, as tho senior officer, wilt continue In supremo command of the naval forces and will act In tho character of general manager of tho oporntions of the fleet, which will bo divided Into two divisions, ono operntlng In Chlneso waters and tho other In the Philip pine nrchlpnlago. Admiral Rogers will un doubtedly bo placed In command of the China fleet. Iteporti o .More Caxuiiltlo. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Tho ndjutant general received n cablegram dated Novem ber 24 from General Chaffee, commanding tho small American forco In Pekln, saying that no casualties have occurred among tho troop's In China slnco tho Inst report. to cum: a com) ix o.n day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglstB refund tho money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grovo's signature, is on each box 25c. "St. Louis Gannon Ball." Leave Omaha B05 I. M. Arrive St. Loala .... TlOO A. M. Winter Tourist Rates ew on aala to all polats south good re turning until Juae 1st, 1901. Halt rates south, account Homesektrs' Excursions on calo lit and 3rd Tuesday of each monta. For rates and all Information call nt O. A Bt. L. office, 1415 Faniam St., (Paxtan Hotel block), or write HARRY E. MOORES C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Nab. Dr. Kay's Utlouro cures all EJHtBClllTft female diseases. At drug. i " pist,, (j. illustrated book and advlco free. Dr. B. J. K ay, Saratoga , N. Y, (rucludlng KHYL, the Wonderful Cornetist.) Scenes from Grand Opera by 70 People- NOLDI AND HOYDEN, (Soprunos.) ZEHNl AND XANTEN, (Tenors.) VEKON AND A LBEUTI, (Raritones.) Saturday matinee, "II Trovatore." Saturday Night, "Faust." Prices, $1.00, 7oc and TiOc. Reserved seats now on sale at llospe's Music Store. GRAIN-O V J THE PURE V GRAIN COFFEE Coffee injures growing children even when it is weakened. Oraln-O gives them brighter eyes, firmer flesh, quicker intelligence nnd hap pier depositions. They can drink nil they want of Ornin-O the moro the better -and it tastes like coffee. All jrocc r ; 13e. and 23c. DR. McCREW Office open continuously from 8 a. tn. to 9 p. in. Sundays from 8 a. m. to p. in. CHARGES LOW (Dr, MeUravr nt an MM THIS MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST In the Ireiitnieiii oi u.i toruia of IMS liASKS AMI lllDOItlllvltM OK MUM O.M.I, ail eur' experience. 15 year m Omnhn. UHICOCLLL AND HYDROCELE A I'KIUl.lAUM CtUli (.LAUAMl.Kl) IX A DA tb without cumng, palu or loss or unit. Tljt iLicivi:si ana Most', Ctltluthat lum yet been dis covered, CHAIttiKS LOW. Sll'lllilS "' u" uud conditions sju iiilio cuii-U, unu ovury truce of tha ilmLiinu 'a uiuiuuuhly ullmi'iateu Irom tha bluou. .So 'BRIiAKlNO OJT" on 'he skin or luce oi ny ex. omul uppcurauu.'s of tha Ulscuse wli.itiner. A iivutliKiil that la inoio Hueiy:esiu and tar moiu atlaluclury than .hb - iiui opriiius v.'aimiil uud ut less thun HALF THE COST. A euro that la i; ununited to bo peiumnent lor Ufa. Vtl or oUiiu uud nilddle-UKcd lli.i.ii , r...t.iu... .,Km i.ushca. crvuua iuuu,.. Loss of Hi uiii und .Servo Power. Loss of Mgor and Vitality, PiiuiiIub on tho Fuoa, l'ulns in iho li.ick. Foigutfullitss, Bushful tWH IIMlill ail.Otlll CAM'iH StninillliP quickly cured with a now oiiiioiuilt. , lf unu,!,. home ireut- mtiii. Kidney und Bladder Troubles, Gon orrhea, Gleet CUIUS Gil Ml AXTHEU. CHARGES LOW. CoiiHUllatioit li ce. . i iiutineiil by mull. .Medicines soul every whclu free from gaia or iiretikugu, ready lor usu. Offlco lioi'rs; s u. m. to 9 p. tn. Sundays, 8 a. in. to p. in. P. O. Box 766. Offlco over 215 South 14th St., between Kurnum und Douglas Sts., OMAHA. NEB. NO CUBE, NO PAY. If you oro KoiiiMly wrik, unilo rt lo( r.l irhAto dmtn, TrlKcli ctu nur laical Vacuum ITrlop.T will rlere you wltliout dmirt er ' Iti'trlfllri li.OOO In ui net oue lulluirt nut one rftiimnli no O. O. I rrauJi wrtlfor iinrtii-ular. tn.nttffvlnl In pliilu rntflot e. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., M Chirl Bldj., Denver, Colo. CUI5K.5 nil Kidney Kidneycura. Diseate.i. naca ache. etc. At truij. rNts. or bv mall, SI I'reo lionx. ua- vice, etc., of nr. B. J. K. Sjunvosra. N. Y. AMUHfuMlSX"! ONDIAHTON Tlio Happy Uvrnt of Tluiit lihul vlutc. MATINEE TODAY Kow Front Rows Reserved 50g Bnlunce of Houso 2,'ic Children lOo Gallery 10 TOXKillT Sil5 10c, 'Mv, nuo. SUOIMATO IMPHItl.M, .lAPAXIlHH. MLI.H. CIIHISTI.MVS Performing Dogs, Monkeys and Cuts. HOWARD ATC1IISOX 101. V. i iiohm: AM) CARLiri'OX". JHSSIIJ I'MH.IIA.M. I, US I'llASSUTTIUS. tillOHCIl Al S'l'I.V MOOIIII. AiATEUilS Appear at theORPHEUWFriSv7.sht' A rhnnco to cet famous nr.d rich. Assistance Klvcn umatolirs to get professional uugaRcmcnis. JOYD'S SMpcrj?tJi,ctniosn?h"nn Matlneo ut 2:Sf)-Todny Tonight Friday und Saturday Nights und Sat. .Mutlnco. MAItliUMIUTA SYLVA OI'IIKA CO, "II IK PItlXCLlSH ClIIC. Prices-Mats, 23e, 50c. 70e, Jl. Nlghts-23o, TiOc, 75c, J1.00, J1.50. All seats reserved by telephone not called for by 10 a. m. today will be sold. NEXT ATTRACTION F, O. Whitney and Kdwln Knowlos' Great London nnd Now York Production Flvo Performances Opening Sunday Night. WJO VA1MS. TUB DAY W 10 OIVH THANKS MIACO'S TRUCADERO T1""""" Tho Now Palaco of Burlesiiue Smoko if You Like Night Prices: luo, 20e, 30c. Criuiil TlinnkMKlvliiu: tiitlnee Today lOo anil Ulte, Till) UTOPIAX lUJItl.i:S(lUi:itH, Biggest-Brightest Best. Noxt Week Tho Dainty l'nrco Bur lesiiuers. Seats now on sale. MOMNDSfiRAND Tif ANKSG1VING MATINEE Crcightoti Hall. Dancing from 2 to d p. in. Admis sion 25 cents. bl t M mm 1A Coliseum (Ak-Sar-Bon Don.) This Saturday and Sunday, Lccein'her 1st iuul 2nd. Matinee at 2:30 Evenings at 8:15 4 Great Musical Festivals INN AND fpk HIS mv BAND X A V J pold, from New loru. lodge ouiciaiea.