12 TIIE OMAITA DAILY TiEE: T TTTT T? S3") A. Y , .NO V EM HUH L'!, 15)00. TEACHERS BECOME STUDENTS Om&ha Educators Will Bo Well Bepresonted at Lincoln Meeting. NUMBER OF EMINENT SPEAKERS PRESENT I'ruKrnm li Mostly Filled, However, by XelirnoLnii Who Are BlH-clnllst In Their Jt, Linen f Worlt. Omaha and South Omaha tcachors will lo well represented on tho program of tho thirty-fifth annual motlng of the Nebraska Btato Teachers' association, held at Lin coln Decembor 26, 27 und 28. Special at tractions liavo been secured for cuch of tho threo nights Tho Krneat Gamble Concort company will bo heatd tho Oral night. Dr. E. llenjamln Andrews will speak thn night of December 27, and He v. Newell DwlRht mills, pastor of Plymouth church, HrooUlyn, will address tho association tho closing night. Dr. II. A. Sentcr of Omaha will report to the Physical Sclouce section on experi ments and BUpplIea for laboratories, and Miss Eva O'Sulllvan of South Omaha will discuss tho quojtlon, "Should Laboratory and Toxt Book Work Ilcgln Simultan eously?" In tho ktndorgartcn section Mls3 M. L. Lewis of Omaha will read a paper on "After tho Kindergarten, What?" and Mrs. Harriot Heller of Omaha will lead the round table, dtecussloa In this section. Miss Mary Sullivan of Omaha will rcud a paper to literature teachers on "Co-Ordluatlon of Writing and Heading." In the Latin sec tion J. Irving Heed of tho Omaha High bchool will discuss "Latin of tho Second Year." Dr. S. H. Towno of Omaha will address tho physical culture teachers concerning tho hygienic Inspection of schools and pupils and Miss Helen Woodstnall of Omaha will read n paper on "Tho I'laco of Hcurcatlvo Work In Physical Culturo for Children." Tho primary section will bo addressed by Suporlntendont II. K. Wolfe of South Omaha on "Discipline In Primary Orades." Mlsa Ucsslc Snyder of Omaha will present a paper to the high school section on "Of What Should a Four Years' Latin Courso Consist?" NeliruNlmnn (ilvcn Preference. Moro than 200 names appear on tho pro gram of tho association and all are Ne braska men and women with flvo or six ex ceptions. Preuldcnt I). B. Perry of Doano collcgo, who Is presldont of tho association, Is an educational pioneer In Nebraska, hav ing beon In tho stato for nearly thirty years. Ho has a personal acquaintance with all the leading educators In tho stato and ho and his assistants have not deemed it necessary to go outsldo tho stato to mako up a creditable program. Mombers of tho Nebraska library sec tion aro particularly Interested In an ad dress which Johnson Brigham, tho Iowa stuto librarian, will deliver on "What a Library Commission Can Do for Nobraska." Mr. Brigham was largely Instrumental In securing n library commission for Iowa and has for several years been engagod In bringing all parts of tho stato Into touch with tho work by meana of circulating libraries. Iliiyilen llriiN. Tho big store will closo at noon Thanks giving day. Do your buying early. IIAYDEN BHOS. Head announcement of big shoo sale on this pa go. EDGERLY SUCCEEDS SHARPE Jlnjor of Seventh Infantry "Who Served with I.ec in Ilnvunu la Anttlurned to OuihIiiu Word has been rccelvod at nrmy head quarters that Major WlnUold S. Edgerly of tho Seventh cavalry has been assigned to tho position of Inspector general of tho De partment of tho Missouri, to succeed Major A. C. Sbnrpo, recontly appointed Inspector general of tho Department of Colorado and of tho Missouri. Major Shnrpo will retain tho former position. Major Kdgerly la n natlvo of New Ilampshlro and a graduato of tho military academy In 1S70. Ho en tered tho Seventh cavalry as second lieu tenant, later belug nssigned to tho Sixth cavalry and moro recently returned to tho Seventh. During tho Spanish war ho was nontenant colonel and Inspector gcneial of volunteers. Ho was on tho staff of Gen eral Leo as inspector gonernl of tho De partment of Havana nt tho time that de partment wnB discontinued. Colonel Hathaway has returned from a trip over tho department which Included tin Inspection of Jefferson Barrncks, tho Arcadia rifle rango, Fort HUey and Fort Leavenworth. Veterinarian John Ernest of Leaven worth, Kan., lias reported to the quarter master for assignment to Manila. He leaves for San Francisco Saturday. VAlm "Welcome Kviilted ltuler. Jerome II. Fisher, grnnd exulted ruler of tho order of Klks, has informed Gcorgo II, Cronk of this city that ho will nriivo In Omaha on Saturday morning next for the purposo of participating In tho memorial service at the Orphoum theater noxt Hun day forenoon nt 10:0 o'clock, A banquet will bo tendered him, to take placo nt tho Millard hotel nt 7 o clock Saturday even ing, on which occasion he will meet prominent KlkH of Omaha and Council Bluffs lodges. f 1-1.75 CHIOAtSO AMI HliTtJllN-$1 1,7.1 Via ChlriiRO, Milirnukce X St. I'uul Ity On November 30 and Decembor 1, tho Chicago, Mtlwnukce and St. Paul railway will soli round trip tickets, Omaha to Chi cago, for JH.25. Tho tickets aro limited to Docomtor 10. City Ticket ofllco, lfiOl Far nam strcot. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Union A'eterun' Hrputillenn C'lul), negular meeting at Red Men's hall, Con tinental block, Saturday evening, Decem bor 1, 1P00, at 8 o'clock. Important bus iness. Let all attend. WINFIELD S. STHAWN, President. 3t(sJS)(!) e MM iLf I y?ii 7m mm Your Thanksgiving Guest ! Will admire tho benutv and eonven. i lenco of your up-to-date bath room( wnen wo navo mieu it tin wmi ex. 1 jpo L'il plumbing, porcelain tub, etc. There Is absolutely no chance for lurk- ; ! ing uiscaso germs wnore exposeclf plumbing, put In scicntlllcnlly as v;o, do in an expert manner. Is In vour ) noma, wo nro masters or me piumn- ( . Inir trado unit do all kinds of nlumb. , mi?, steam ana gas lining at reason- auie riuc.1 Free 6t Black. Phone. 1010 1800 Furnuini a ( BANQUET IN NEW QUARTERS .Inti-Roiilnn Club lntieft Invltntlonn for Annual I Vint in More CotiuitodlotiM Huoni. Despite their recent reverses, tho dem ocratic cohorts of tho Jacksonlan club got together In goodly numbers Tuesday night and decided to movo into more convenient and commodious quarters, The club's pres ent rooms at 1818 Harney strcot were pro nounced out of the beaten path of democ racy nnd It was finally decided to trek over to and down Farnam street to No. 1417, where tho sucend and third floors of tho Maul block have been leased for the futuro rendezvous of tho Jacleoonlnns. Arrangements are well tinder way for tho tenth ennual banquot of the club, which occurs on Jnnuary 8. An effort Is being made to bring the Sago of Wolfert's Boost to Omaha for this occasion, It being tho evident belief of the Jacksonlatis that the former Ne,w York aerator Is tho real prophet of tho democracy at this post- lection date. If Srnutor Hill cannot bo Induced to favor the club another Now Yorker, In tho person of Mayor James K. McOuIre of Syracuse, will be asked to ex plodo tho oratorical pyrotcchn!c3. Mayor Mctlulro, nlthnugh but 32 years old, has Ihrlco been elected tho chief exccutlvo of hlj city, he was chairman of tho state dem ocratic executive commlttco In the recent tninpnlgn and enjoys an oratorical reputa tion that reaches far beyond tho limits of Onondaga county. Among tho lesser lights booked for tho Jacksonlnn feast aro Gov ernor Beckham of Kentucky and tho un limited J. Ham Lewis of Washington. Both of theso gentlemen havo already ac cepted invitations. Voting Context. Cm, Dtmcnti, -IliiO Harney St . ..1"." t lloriinril lion!., until N. 1 Ith. . . .HT.CTT l-.a .Iiinu-xoii, :il!M IVuiikllji St . . IM.tllll Hurl IfevliiN. '2722 Ilonnrd St . .l!7,3Ntl AV. II. Ite ik.I.Ih. IliiMthiK". .l. . IT.lOSt I. . ('. "Wood, '1'i'ltaniali, A'rli. . , IR.7SI .lolin HiivH, 1R1M S. lit! 10,11!).' Will A. Ilruu M, I'llll. rli.li ApIi.. !,!IIMI Dvtlcclit ( rnnicr, ISM!! .liieknon. . 7,ul!l .1. i:. Miller, uiti.i x. urth St.... 7,o:s:: Boss Morgan, Grand Island, Neb.. C.037 F. A, Decker, Council Bluffs, la 6,203 B. 13, Mullor, Fisher & Lawrlo E.205 F, Bcnzlng, Grand Island, Neb 4,820 II. L. Cassell, 2230 Meredith avo.... 4.C75 Robert Hlsdon, 1819 Plnkney street.. 4.4CS J. W. Mulr. Omaha Mnchtno works 4,376 Watson B. Perkins, E. E, Bruco &. Co. 3,856 William Kocher, 2C21 Parker streot. .3,691 Emery Smith, 213 No. ICth streot.. 3,31.') John C. Allen, 2220 Chicago street.... 3.1S3 John Best, CCS So. 27th street 2,493 Albert Scsscman, Murray hotel 2,135 II. C. VuuAvery, 1008 Capitol avo.... 2,347 F. H, Holbrook, 1108 Harney Btreet.. 2,255 John Hnynes, Dewoy & Stone 2,033 W E. Hatch, 1919 Spencer street.. 1,745 F. W. Dartllng, Nebraska City. Ntb. 1,233 John Furbush, lfilS No.. 16th streot.. 1,120 Lawrenco Williams, Council Bluffs.. 1,090 Charles D. Colo, box 9C3, Omaha.. 1,106 ,. J. VanAntwerp, Lodl, Neb 670 J. W. Woods, Council Bluffs, la 670 Blnncho Wlggs, Millard hptol 4S5 Emma Hood, Tclcphono Exchange.. 333 Daisy Hickman, Bennett's Dept. Storo 331 Theo Schultz, 2021 Howard street.... 323 Carl Houch, lioa So. 27th Btreet 321 Winifred Llnlngcr, 1711 So. 9th street 243 H. H. Kortlnng, 1723 So. 16th street 199 Geo. L. Fisher, U. P. Supply houso 172 Henry Majors, Grotnn, Neb 82 W. E. Goodman, Tclcphono building 1C TltA.NKSHI VI.VO MAY. Remember the Poor of Oar City. During the reorganization of the Asso ciated Charities donations of clothing and provisions will bo thankfully received at tho Dean Gardner Memorial Parish house, corner of Eighteenth and Capitol avenuo, an Tuesday and Wednesday next. Tele phone 1663 or drop a postal card to the Associated Charities, 113 north Eighteenth street, and a wagon will call. iio.MUsumcrcits' tickiots Via Hock IhIiiiiiI Ilontc On sale Tuesday, December 4, to points In southern and western Knnsas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Colo rado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon nnd Washington. For full lnfotmntlon cnll at city ticket ofllce, 1323 Farnam street. Christmas Buyers To avoid the usual holiday rush we offer tho following discount on all pianos sold beforo December 22; New Pianos, 30 Per Gent. Used Pianos, 15 Per Gent. STEIN WAY, STECK, A. B. CHASE, IVERS & POND, VOSE, EMERSON. STEGER, PACKARD and STCOER PI ANOS to select from. A small deposit will reserve your plnno for Christmas delivery. Somo unusual bargains; Fhnnv llnricrht. nnlv tlin Rosewood Square, Only -. - - S 50 1 Special New Upright, only- - $ 145 Organs $15 and up We sell on easy monthly payments and glvo a fluo stool and scarf freo with each piano. Now pianos for rent. Fine tuning and repairing. T . , 1 V. .w, IdOf T l'-1 . iOIVJillVHV 1V.U, IWHO IUI UatillllgUeS j nml nrlres nr nnv nu n vlclf nf I n M epectlon. SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA Solil on Unny I'nytuentM. SCHMOLLER k MUELLER. I The Old Reliable Piano House, 1313 I'ariinm St., Oiualia. 037 Hroadway, Ct). IlIufTs I otice to l a I iiimi ii ii i in i 1 1 i 1 1 1 him i EXPERTS TALK REAL ESTATE UxelinnRP Adda to It KnoiTlriliie of I'lilillc nnd l'rlvntc (MmrrNlilp of Wnter WorUn. At tho regular weekly meeting of the Real Estatecxclungo Wednesday short nd dretscs were made by John T. Bell and A. J. Simpson ot Omaha and Charles E. Brewster, a leading realty man of Min neapolis. Mr. Brewster devoted his re marks to the water question, contracting tho rates of tho private company In Omaha with thoso of tho publicly owned plant In Minneapolis. He ald tho meter rate in Minneapolis was 8 ccnti per 1,000 gallons, while In Omaha It 1b greatly in excess ot that figure. George W. Holbrook was elected a mem ber of tho exchange. A committee consisting of G. W. Benawa, A. P. Tukcy nnd W. H. Gates was appointed to arrango for a banquet for tho members and their ladles, to be given somo time after tho first of next year. John S. Knox suggested that Important regulations relating to realty matters should be asked of the Incoming legis lature, and, upon his motion, President Green was authorized to appoint a com mittee of three to draft bills nnd attend to their proper Introduction. Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller, whose many years of activity In tho public life of Omaha peculiarly fits him to talk to tho real estate men, will bo tho principal speaker at noxt Wednesday's meeting. II rtl the Itf il l'lti a, of Diuiirert Red pimples, blotches, bolls, sores aro danger nlgnals of torpid liver, pottoned blood. CascaretB Candy Cathartic will save ycu. All druggists, 10c, 23c, EOc. Aiinouni'fiiiontn of the Tlirjitera. The mirthful nnd pleasing event for this happy Thanksgiving day will bo presented nt the Orphetim. Tho big special mntlueo at 2:30 and tho evening performance will bo pntronlzed by packed houses If tho big ndvanco snlo Is reliable authority. Tho show Is very delightful nnd appropriate for n holiday and will be much enjoyed by thoso who nro favored with tho oppor tunity to attend. Tho amateurs will mako the fun tf morrow night. Curd of Tluinlta. We deslro to express to our neighbors our kindest thanks for their thoughtful ness during tho Illness and death of our dear husband nnd loving father. Espe cially do wc wish to return our thonks to tho members of tho Modern Woodmen of Amorlca. MRS. O. C. BARLLETT AND CHILDREN. ClilcnKO nnil Itcturn, fl4.7ff. Tickets on salo November 30 and Decem ber 1 at Illinois Central ticket office. Call at 1402 Farnam for particulars. The Saver That Is what a "hot water" bag could bo called. Hot applications will often keep a person allvo until the doctor comes. Every family should havo one. A hot water bag costs little. Ours hold water without leaking and are guaranteed. A good Water Bottlo COc A better Water Bottlo 7Ec A good Fountain Syringe COc A better Fountain Syringe $1.00 A good Bulb Syringe COc A better Bulb Syringe 11.00 A good Rubber Glove, per pair $1.25 A good Rubber Stomach Tube $1.50 J. A. FULLER &CO. 14th nail Doaslna St. Onrn All Night. HAYDENs Buy a Big Shoe Stock Sale Begins Friday Morning This big stock of fine shoes, consist ing of men's, women's, misses', boys' and chil dren's shoes, ALL ON SALE FRIDAY MORNING. AT ritlCES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE ITEARD OF MOSTLY IN OUR RIG "ECONO MY BARGAIN ROOM," SOME IN OUR MAIN SHOE DEPARTMENT ON ACCOUNT OF ROOM. SEE OUR PRICES SEE OUR SIIOE WINDOW AND DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SHOE SALE. IT WILL BE A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD SHOES FOR A LIT TLB MONEY. Thousands of Pairs of these Fine Shoes on Big Bargain Ta bles and in Original Cases. lor sale CHILD'S 1 kid button shoes A On MEN'S $2 eatin calf lace shoe Oil 1 Q sizes 5 to 8 for TrVC for 4JI.IO MISSES' $1.50 kid lace shoes, 07i-i BOYS' $1.75 satin grain laco shoes, 07-i sizes 11 to 2 for "it for V 1 C WOMEN'S Fine Sample $5.00 and $0.00 Shoes, for $2.97 mm that 9;hm),oo( ci.oriii.ya SAI.H. I Xntlinn Pliarhrr Co., Villi lliirrn tind l'rnnUIlii Kin., Chlcmco. Sold at auction. BOSTON STORE BUYS tho choicest of all the stock. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1. Every man In Omaha will bo speclnlly In terested In this sale. All this clothing was made this year and for this fall's and win ter's wear. The houso of Kuh, Nathan & Fischer Is acknowledged nmong the tradu to bo pre-eminent In their line as manu facturers of clothing nf tho highest .char acter. Tho selling of this Btock, on account of tho reorganization of the firm, Is one of tho sensations of the trade, nnd will en ablo us to sell this splendid clothing at one-half whnt It was mado to sell for. Remember this sale of fine clothing begins SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, nt BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd DouglaB Sts. ChlrnRo nnd llPtnrn IM-I.7B. On November 30 and Decembor 1 tho Rock Island Routo will sell tickets Omnhn to Chicago and return for $H."5, good for leturn until December 10. City ticket of fice, 132.1 Farnam street. ThankSQivini It was four years ago this Thanks giving day that the Burlington an nounced Its determination to build a station of Its own in Omaha. Ever nlnce then there has been real thanksgiving for tho construction of "tho handsomest railway station In the United States," From It flying trains leave dally for; Chlonjro nnd the Knnt. DriiTr nnd the Wmt, St. I,onln nnd tho Soiitlirnnt. KunnftH City nnd the Smith. Montana nnd the NortlMTi-nt. TICKI3T OFFICE). 1502 FARNAM STREET. ticl. srio. nUniil.NfiTO.V STATION, IOTH AND MASON STS. TEL. lilS. YOUR TEETH Save them by having them fixed beforo they are destroyed. Our crown and bridge work unsurpassed. Vitalized air for pain less extracting. Tad's Philadelphia' Dental Rooms, 1B17 nonglna St. A big Chicago wholesale shoe manufacturing company closes out their entire floor stock of shoes to us at less than half their value, on account of j change in their firm Jan. 1st.. WOMEN'S $2.00 vici kid lace shoes, all at WOMEN'S $2.50 vici kid laco shoes pro at WOMEN'S $3.00 and $3.50 vici kid and lop lace shoes for WOMEN'S $1.00 velvet embroidered house slipper, all sizes for CHILDREN'S 75c patent leather cloth top shoos, sizes 1 to 5 for iiovro.N Mtim: m'l.y ivni, .noon. Today, Tliimkul Vlnu liny, Wr CIom: Our Mure nt Noon, UNDERWEAR SALE IN THE MORNING. This morning we continue our great sale of tho wholcsnlo stock of underwear. $1.00 men's wool underwear, 25c. COc men's underwear, 15c. $1.25 men's lino underwear, COc. 25c children's and boys' underwear, Ec. 75c misses' underwear, 23c. 35c ladles' union suits, 15c. 73c ladles' underwear, 39c. $1.09 ladles' underwear, 49e. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Open till noon Thanksgiving day. Fonrtrrn Sevrnty-I'lvr CHICAGO AND RETURN THE NORTHWESTERN LINE November 30, December 1. Return Decem ber 10. 1401-3 Farnam street. Some Tilings You Cannot Say. SURPLUS S.6I.0DD.DD0.. You Cannot Say "It la expensive." ijmi ynu can laying up money "expen sive?" You might ns well talk of tho i'Ai-linu Ul 1111 lilt, nuilll HlUClt or OI putting aside your earnings In any wife, In- I'liolmnlll r.O (n DHnnl. nf ,1... PVIHVOI keeping up n life policy. It Is ACCUMU LATION, not expense. You Cannot Say "I run tin hettrr In n niivIiikn hunk." If you put your money In n savings bank It may take many years to accumulate n comparatively small sum. Insurn your life nnd If you should die tomorrow yojr family would havo more of an estate than you could save during n long BcricH of years. You Cannot Say "I nni not nhln lo nay tip n nollcy." A very little outlay will do It. You can, by tnklng n policy, create IN AN IN STANT a capital or Jl.ono for your family, though you bo ever so poor; for, although tho annual premium may heem n sum cf somo importance, A FEW CENTS laid by cuch week will make up the amount. You Cannot Say "I 11 in not nble to keep up u policy." On ordinary forms of assurance. If from any ouuso you ure unable to continue your payments you may secure un equitable re turn on thoso already made, upon the sur render ,of your policy, subject to the so ciety's rules. H. D. NEELY, Mnnapor for Nobruskn, 20G-208 Hce UulldiiiB, Omnhn. sizes, $1.16 J;i rC Zpl.V vesting Oil An ipiT 34c 32c The Question To-dacy . . Is ltifcrcly a question of price and quality. All wc ask is a fuir field and no favors. We're in the race to win. Wo win your confidence because of our straight forwardness in our business methods. Wo win, bo cause wo deserve it. How about your Thanksgiving: Overcoat? How about your Thanksgiving' Suit ? How about your Thanksgiving Gloves ? How about your Thanksgiving Hat ? How about your Thanksgiving Shoes ? How about your Thanksgiving Neckwear? How about anything' in the This is tho one storo that Tho question to-day quality. All we ask is a we'ro in the field to win. Mrvf!rt Tho llUUUv noon it's to Read Thursday evening paper for special features for Friday. 1 Tiniiw hi in UNION PACIFIC 150 Miles Along the Columbia River by Daylight on the . . . "CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL" Leaves Omnlia 8:20 A. Al. Daily. "THE MAIL AND EXPRESS FOR PORTLAND" Leaves Omaha at 11:35 P. M. Dally. "THE PACIFIC EXPRESS," ALSO FOR PORTLAND, Leaves Omaha at 4:25 P. Al. Daily. MEW CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM STREET. TEL. 310. Ice Cream Soda Wo nro Htlll Hellllne ICR CUHAM SODA nnd ahull nil winter somi: o.mi nuut; imiickh. 00 I.Isterlno (Lambert's) COc c Byrui of FIbh (Genuine) Morrow s khi-iu'-ouis. 00 Mme. Vnle's I'ri'pnrutlons 00 I'erunu 00 Wyoth's Beef, Iron and Wine.... 00 Hcott'H Emulsion Cod I.lver OH.. 00 Htfiirn'H Wlno of Cod Liver Oil.. 00 Klns's New Discovery 00 Jnynes' Kxpertoraut 00 Hull's Hulr Henuwer 00 Wainpole's Cod I.lver Oil 00 Kilmer's Fw.imn-Hoot 00 Wlno of Canlul 00 I'lercu'H Kavorltn Prescription .. ,00 I'nlno'H Celery Compound 00 Miles' Nervine 00 Hood's Kiirsaparllla O0 Malted Milk WIUTK KOH CATALOGUE. 7&c 7.1c 7Do 75c 7fo 75c 7f.p 75c 75c 7!ie 75c 75c 75c 75c 70c 75c Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go In New Htore ut JOth and Dodge, Smoke the best. IT COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R, RICE N. C. CO., Mfrs, St, Louis. UNION MADE wearing - line for Thanksgiving ? takes care of you properly. is merely of price and fair field and no favors store will closo today at do your trading boforo youi late. ONLY TWO NIGHTS IN MAKING TIIE TRIP OMAHA TO PORTLAND VIA Yonr Thanksgiving Dinner Yovi can't enjoy ThanlCHRlvlnB lln ner with tmpcrtuct, broken-down (roth If they uro not imtnful to you they mny bo OlHKUHtlns to your frlemln If they are not an dlsnKrcciiblo to you iih to others, a day Ih comttiR when thev will be. Huve them llxrd now. Unsy to not Rood tetith from poor ouch, ir you ici us ao u. Hood .Set Trrth fft.OO (iold Crunn (1.00 BAILEY, the Dentist Hooin :tlU-::i!t I'nxtnn Illook, Kttli nn a Kurnum. l'liunc 10H3. I.mly Attendant. Schaefer's Cough Syrup Is a sura euro for all kinds of coughs. It will rIvo relief at onco. Kor chlHron It certainly "can't bo bent," It's what Is called a firnt-elaHs remedy and the price Is 20c a bottlo. 1 doz. 2-ur. Qulnlna Capsules ?o 1 doz. 3-xr. Qutnlno Capsules lOo 1 doz. L-Kr. Quinine, Capsules !5o I'r.ln'B Celery Compound 160 l'ertimi i Carter's I.lver Tills I0 Bchaofe 'h Couuti Syrup 2Jo Ilar-lien o AJnx Tablets J2 Pyramid Pile Cur 3 Pierce's Prescription Jno Miles' Nervine 7fo Winn of Cardul 75c Hlack Drui'Kht 20a Syrup of KIkn 22 Gem Catarrh Powder 3Jo Ilu-Cnn Hnlr Tonic ... ite Multed Milk, 40c, 75c nnd 3.1!5 SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST e. W. Cor. mill nnd Clilcnn. Ask your dealer for a