13 TITE 03r AH A DAILY KEEt WEDGES DAT, XOVEMBETt 28, 1900. BOSTON STORE UNDERWEAR Greatest Eargains We Eyer Gavo Since We Are in Business. $1.00 MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR, 25C Tlif I'tirclinup of Thin Ritllrr Wlmle- nlo .Hliirli (liven Vim tin (t)iirtiin Ity tn Secure Men', l.iiillm ami CUIlilrcii'n liiilcrwenr ut LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 11.00 MEN'S WOOL UNIJEItWKAK. 23C. Men's all wool scarlet underwear; men's all wool fancy striped underwear; men's brown, liuo and camel's hair- underwear; men's lleecu lined underwear, all go nt 25c a gnrmont. COC MEN'S UNDERWEAIt, ISC. Men's natural gray and camel's hair un derwear nnd men's flceco lined underwear, blrts or draw (irs, 15c each. $1.25 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, COC. A grand assortment of men's silk llccccd underwear, flno derby rib, swltz condo nnd lamb's wool underwear; In fact, In this lot you will nnd nil tho men's flno underwear, worth up to $1.25, nnd you tnko your choice of It for fOo a garment. 14 MERCERIZED SIMC UNDERWEAR, $1.25, 1 case very flno mercerized silk under wear; you can hardly tell It from tho pure, real silk; It Is worth $1 n suit, but to sell It quick wo offer It at $1.25 n garment. 2DC CHILD'S UNDERWEAR. CC. All tho children's and boys' odd lots nnd broken sizes of 25c heavy natural, part wool underwear go ut Cc each. All tho mines' and Loys' 50c and 75c heavy cotton and wool-fleeced nnd all wool catuinl gray underwear go at 25c. Misses' 50c and "5c heavy cotton fleeced and part wool union suits go nt 25c and 39c. 35C LADIES' UNION SUITS. 15C. 1,000 ladles' silver gray ribbed union suits, worth 35c, go at 15c each. Ladles' 25c Jersey ribbed underwear go nt 1214c. Ladles' 60c Jersey ribbed fleece nnd heavy natural wool underwear go nt 25c each. Lndles' 75c heavy ribbed and extra heavy plain fleece lined underwear go nt 39c. Ladles' $1.00 and $1.50 wool Onclta stylo union suits go nt 75c each. All tho ladles' 75c nnd $1.00 saxony wool ribbed and medium nnd heavyweight Egyp tian vestH and pants go nt 49c each. DOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas. Vullutr Content. Ren. Diinciin, Utl!l llitrney St...17,OHI Ileninril I'l.iuU, BBia M. J-lth . . . .27,r.77 liil .liiiiifn, II IIM I'rniiUlln St . .Sll(IU,1 Karl llevlii. '2722 lliitruril .St. .iMI.lllll W. II. !( iiIiIn, HiiNtliiK". Nell. . 17.0:1 li. (1. Wood, Tekniiiiili, .eli. . . . JI.KSI John iiitvi-t, ir.1 a. litn k,oii.-. "WIU A. Ilrowu, 1'tillert Nel.. N.ISt DtvlKlit Cramer, Itr. lit JnekMin.. ,iD j. i:. .Miiifr, uuir, x. ur.tii St.... 7,:t:i Ross Morgan, Grand Island, Neb... C,8S9 1 A. Decker, Council Illuffs, la 6,203 II. E. Mullcr, risclicr & Lowrto.... 5,205 I Ilcnztng, Grand Island, Neb 4,820 II. L. Cnssull, 2230 Meredith ave.... 4.675 Robert Rlsdon, 1819 Pinknoy street 4,258 WntEon H. Perkins, E. E. liruce & Co. 3,896 William Kocher, 2621 Parker street. .3,694 Kmcry Smith, 213 No. 16th street.. 3,315 John Callcn, 2220 Chicago street.... 3,185 J. W. Mulr, Omaha Machlno Works 2,916 John Uest, 6C8 So. 27th stroot 2,493 Albert Scssman, Murray hotel 2,135 II. C. VunAvcry, 1008 Capitol nvo.... 2,317 K. n. Holbrook, 1108 Harney Btrcot.. 2,255 John llnyncs, Dewey & Stono 2,035 W. E. Hatch, 1919 Sponcor strcot.. 1,745 K. W. nnrtllng, Nebraska City, Nob. 1,233 Charles D. Colo, box 963, Omnha.. 1,106 Lawreneo Williams, Council Illuffs.. 1,090 John Kurbush, 1618 No. 16th street.. 1,126 A. J. VnnAntwcrp, Lodl, Neb 670 J. W. Woods, Council Bluffs, la,.... B70 Illancho Wlggs, Millard hotel 486 Emma Rood, Telophono Exchange. 333 Daisy Hlckmnn, Dennett's Dept. Store 331 Thco Schuotz, 2024 Howard street.. 323 Winifred Llnlnger, 1711 So. 9th street 243 Carl Rench, 1109 So. 27th street.... 321 R. H. Kortlang. 1723 So. 16th street 199 Oco. L. rubor, U. P. Supply houso 172 Henry Majors, Gretna, Nob 82 ,W. E. Coodmau', Tolephono building 16 $1.I5 l.lncnln nnd Ilcturn. Tho Burlington offers rata of $1.65 ; , Omaha-Lincoln and return 1 Thanksgiving day, for foot ball game between Nebraaku and Minnesota. Greatest gamo over , scheduled In tho west. Chlt'iiKo n ml Iteturii, 1-1 .75. Tlckuts on salo Novcmbor 30 and Decem ber 1 nt Illinois Central ticket office. Call at 1402 Farnam for particulars. W. II. McOeo's oysters direct from Balti more nro tho best, for salo only by S. H. Duffel & Son. IIOSTO.V STOIU2 llOSinitY SAM'. .'1,000 Iloirn I.mllen', Men'n nml Chilli' Smiiplr llmlerj- nt 4 unit '4 l'rlcc. COO dozen ladles', men's and children's fast black and tun hose, full seamless, all sizes, ut Cc pair. 20C HOSIERY, 10C PAIR. 1,500 dozen samples of all kinds of hos iery, flecco lined nnd heavy cotton, hun dreds of different styles, all sizes, worth 20c, go nt 10c pair. 35c plain black and fancy opera length hose at 15c pair. 35C AND 60C HOSE, 19C PAIR. 1,000 dozen ladles', men's and children's flno Imported, full regular mado hose; In fast black, fancy colors, cotton nnd lisle thread, hcovy flecco lined and cashmere wool, many worth 50c, nil go at lDc. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. HAYHn.VN TIIA.MC.MilVlMJ SAI.U. Hot Vonr Turki'jK, Men!. Clrneerle nml CiiiiiIIi-h ut There Cut Price. Turkeys, 10c; cranberries, 10c; large, crisp celery, 'Cc; cholco ducks, &c; choice geese, 10c; fresh dressed chickens, 7c; XXX cured bacon, lOVSc; C-lb. palls best brand lard, 46c No. 1 hams, sugar cured, 10c; mlxcil nuts, 15c; cholco separator creamery butter, 27c; candy, fnlry pillows, 14c; as sorted caramels, 12V4c; mixed candy, 8Wc; buttered cream candy, 21c; oystor crackers, 6c. HAYDEN BROS. ? I 1.75-CIIIL'AdO AMI UKTl'ICV J 11.70 Vlu ClilenKo, Ml'vruuUee fc St. 1'nnl Ilv On November 30 nnd December 1, the Chicago, Milwnukeo nnd St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets, Omaha to Chi cago, for $11.25. The tickets uro limited to Di'cemLcr 10. City Ticket ofllcc, 1504 Far nam street. F. A. NASH, Ocncral Western Agent. IIAYIIB.V IIHOS. tWMiUWUAH SAI.R. ?7r, ()()( Stuck of I tulrrwenr (loon on Snip llculntilnp; YVetlnemlnr A. M. THE GREATEST SALE IN YEARS. Men's wool fleeced lined shirts nnd draw crs, that were mado to sell at 60c and 76c, at 25c. Ladles' 26c vests and pants, In heavy Jersey ribbed, nt 10c. Men's $1.60 and $2-00 underwear, in flno all wool, all sizes shirts and drawers, nt 75c. Men's $2.50 and $3.00 underwear In wool nnd ellk at D8c. Children's 25c vests at 10c. La dles' $3.00 all wool union suits nt $1.60. Children's 76e union suits nt 3nc. HAYDEN BROS. HAYDEN BROS. WILL CLOSE AT NOON THANKSGIVING DAY. Orent Clnme of the Went. For foot ball gamo nt Lincoln Thanksgiving day Ncbraskn vs. Minnesota tho Burlington will sell round trip tickets for $1.65 Train leaves Omaha 8:40 n. m. All local freight offices will be closed inanKsgiving day, November 29. 50c Pozzoni Powder on Sale for 28c White 1 POZZONI Mesh Medlouicd Complexion llrunctte POWDER 28c HOJ1B IMIKI" IIIIIHJ CUTS. (For Cash Only.) Mo Syrup of Figs (genuine) 30c 60c Morrow's Khl-ne-oldn 40a $1.00 Mine. Yalo's Preparations 75c 11.00 Peruna 7Go 11.00 Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil.... 73a $1.00 Btearn's Wine of Cod Liver Oil.. 75o $1.00 King's Now Discovery 75o $1.00 Jnyne.V Expectorant 75c $1.00 Ilnll's Hair Ilenewer 7Ro $1.00 Wumpolo'H Cod Liver Oil 75o $1.00 Kilmer's Hwnmp-Root 75c 11.00 Wino of Cnrdul 75c iJ'SS .,.,:r0'', Favorite Prescription.... 75c $1.00 MIIen' Norvlno 75c $1.00 Hood's Snrcaparllla 75a $1.00 Malted Milk 75o WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Now Storo S. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge. lltAXKSfal i'I.(J I1AY. Iteiiiciulier the Poor of Our City. During tho reorganization of tho Asso ciated Charities donations of clothing nnd provisions will bo thankfully rccolved nt tho Dean Gnrdner Memorial Parish house, corner of Eighteenth und Cnpltol avenue, an Tuesday nnd Wednesday next. Telo phono 1553 or drop n postal card to tho Associated Charities, 113 north Eighteenth street, and n wagon will call. Fourteen Se vent) -Fl ve CHICAGO AND RETURN THE NORTHWESTERN LINE November 30, December 1. Return Decem ber 10. 1401-3 Furnnm street. CIiIoiiko nml Iteturii l l.7fS. O.n November 30 and December 1 tho Rock Island Route will sell tickets Omaha to Chicago nnd return for $14.75, good for icturn until December 10. City ticket of fice, 1323 Farnam street. .Mortality Ktutlnden. Tho following deaths ntul births were re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending ut noon Tues day: Deaths Sndlo Clnrk, 2615 Cuming, ngeil 2,r: Miss Hetsey Crary, 2C3I Corby, nged '.6; W. A. Lurson, 1517 North Nineteenth, nged hlrths Snm Kernso, 1111 South Four teenth, boy; C. I). Bedford, 220S Hnrnoy. boy; J. M. Swift. 2013 Lake, boy: Axol Lund, 815 South Seventeenth, girl; Fred M. Youngs, 3W2 Florence boulovnrd, boy; Hans Chrlstcnscn. 3121 Jones, boy. Do you need a hired girl? will bring one. A Bco want ad Dress Reform Mndnmc Jenness Miller will tell you nbout the Rrent com forts derived from lier Inovn Hon In Indies' footwenr full complete llnes-nll widths nnd sizes nlwnj-8 In stock exclusive sale at this store only. Tho ROCHESTER Shoe Co. 1515 Douglas St. Successors to The Howe. Our Drug Store Is on tho South West Corner of 16th nnd Chicago Sts. Over us Is Frank's Hotel Gordon, conducted by J. C. Oreen, n rest dent of Om.iliu for si yenrs, nnd wo will vouch that this Is a flrst-claBs hotel, nnd Is conducted Uko our drug store up-to-date, Crnmer's Kidney Curo 75c Lotus Cream ii,c Duffy's Malt Whiskey ; S5c Peruna 73,. Dromi) Quinine. i30 1 doz 2-gr Qulnlno cnimiles 7c 1 doz. 3-gr. yuiiilnc capsules Wc 1 doz. C-gr. Qulnlno capsules 16c W Ino of Cardul 7fc s. s. s wc Plerro's Prescription 75c Dr. Knrl Crnnier's Pennyroyal Pills.. ..$1.00 Schnofcr's Cough Curo ile Scott's Emulsion 73c Ozomulslon 75C ino 01 uou uiver oil 750 Shrnder'R Fig Powder 2"i- Mngnet Pllo Ointment 25c Miles' Nervine 73c Hudynn fro QPUACCED CCT price ounAcrcn druggist i. W. Cor. lBtb and Cliloaao. UAXnCil9 GRAND hay yens SPECIAL mm Thanksgiving Offer of Men's and Boys' Fine Suits and Over coats for Wednesday Men's pure worsted suits, nil sizes, 3d to 4i, in five patterns, regular 9.50 suits, special, Wednesday for .$5.00. Men's oxford gray vicuna suits with double breasted vests, elsewhere 12, nt Ilayden's Wednesday, for only $0.75. Men's 9.00 blue and black kersey overcoats, Wednesday at 1.50. Men's 9.50 oxford gray vicuna overcoats, at 5.00 0.50 pair of men's fine worsted pants, regular 5 values, at Elayden's Wednesday for 2.50. Men's 22.50 Uaglan and eton vicuna overcoats, Wednesday for only 12.50. 800 men's 18 and 20 finest suits and overcoats, on sale Wednesday at 10. Extra special offer Wednesday in our boys' clothing depart ment, of Kussian blouse suits, vestee suits, double breasted suits, and reefers. ONE EXTKA PAIR OF PANTS given away with each knee pants suit, for Wednesday only. MYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. Mrs. J. BENSON. Shirt Waist Sale For Wednesday Only We will SELL you choice of any Flannel or Mercerized Shirt tjWaist in the house for ONE-THIRD OFF of regular price. We have a large and handsome line to choose from. TI11S SALE IS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY. o o o o o Thanksgiving Dinner. S Take a picture of the family gather- 4 Ing at Thanksgiving. For those who q already havo a kodak or camera all 4 that Is needed Is somo of our Smoke- n less Flash Powder safe nnd reliable. PIIKMOS, POCOS AND EASTMAN j KODAKS greatly 1 educed In prlco. 4 Iieautlful assortment of q Albums. Albums. I The Robert Dempster Go, 1215 Fnrnnm St. O o O Rxclustvo Dealers In Photo Supplies. O $oooooooooo Thanks giving Suggestions We tiave good reasons to think that the public ful!y under stand the unity that exists between our advertising and our goods We make strong statements whenever the facts warrant, but we never allow the desire for suci statements to create immaginative facts It is, therefore, well to weigh carefully the statements that are made. In our public talk on this subject, the only permitted inspiration comes from the goods, present and in sight Women's Clothing If any body else hereabouts have anything like the show ing of new wraps nnd jackets, we'd like to know it. The result of our cloak buyer's trip to the market brings us many suitable Thanksgiving things of great interest, and, nt a big off from the regular price. Automobile t Special Yesterday we ran short of a few sizes in the great au tomobile sale, but thanks to the express company for prompt delivery, they bring us sizes and colors enough for everybody, and as long as they last they will con tinue'to sell for 11.75. Fine quality kersey, in black, navy blue, brown, tan, and castor, strapped steams, fancy collar, nobby patch pockets, and large rovers, collar, edges and seams fin ished with five rows of stitch- ing, lined throughout with Skinner's guaranteed satin to mateh color of cloth, length of garment 43-in., price. . . Women's Jackets 1415 Made of fine all wool kersey in tan, black, blue and castor. New 0 button box front, kersey strapped and stitched new high storm collar and lapels, heavy satin lined, best tiling malm for the money nt 75 Women's Box Coats Made of best quality Washington Mills kersey, in tan, red, castor and black, ncavy satin lined a very nobby gar ment one that cannot be matched in .price for less than S18. our price only.. , 1111111:111:11 12Z5 Thanksgiving Furs 4M) Sheared Coney Collarettes with long tails, edged with boar fur - a pretty and stylish collarette real value 7.50 QC) Gray Fox-Head Scarfs 50-inch long, with largo tail 3.90 and natural head worth $10.00 for Real Martin Scarfs Trimmed with six tails real value ?7.50 QQ Real Martin Derby Collarettes With cluster of tails price everywhere Q M ES 15.00:-for V.- kJ Men's Winter Clothing You can't trust the weather. Any day may see the therinometor playing with zero, and nights are sure to be cold. The wisdom of forehandedness is in having good comfortable clothing when you need it. Men's All Wool Winter Suits In a choice line of patterns to se lect from, all well made (i Cf and in perfect style .... p" Men's Winter Suits In a wide selection of choice pat terns, piped seams, reinforced, good quality lining, &s crv perfectly tailored pU.Ul Men's Winter Suits A wonderful line to make your se lection from, newest patterns, per fect in style and construc tion, suits that usually A bring $10, for pi tUU Men's Winter Suits All wool, Farmer's satin lined, nicoly finished, correctly constructed, properly shaped, woll tailored (j ffrv complete line of sizes . . pi MEN'S WINTER SUITS. In a cholco lino of patterns TUcy nro wonderfully woll tailored and havo tho appearanco of lino cimtom tailored suits Wo do not bclevo C0 CA tliolr equal In tho city for loss than 512.00 pO"UU , Other suits at 59, 50.50, $10, $11, 512, and up Gray striped worsteds, gray Scotch plaids, brotten plaids lu gray or brown, herringbone patterns, gray mixed worsteds, checks, stripes, etc. Jim MEN'S O'COATS Men's Men's Men's O'Coats O'Coats O'Coats at $1.50 at .fu.no at $7.00 Men's O'Coats at. . ... .$7.75 Men's Ulsters nt $4.00 Men's Ulsters at. Men's Ulsters at 8.00 BOYS' CLOTHING .3i.t) 0 Iloys' Two-PIcco Suits, In a full lino of patterns, every suit strong and durable, 8 to 15 years, at 51.50, 2, 52.25, 52.50, 52.75, $3, 53.25, 53.50, 53.76, 54 and up. DoyB Vcstco Suits, with detached vests, somo with pearl and others with brass and ornamental buttons, vestccs namo material aa coat, others with fancy silk vestlngs, they como In plain diagonals and In a great variety of fancy suitings, i to 8 years, 51.50, 51.75, 52. 52.50, 53, 53.50, 53.75, $4 and up. Hoys' Hloiisu Suits. Hoys' Illuo Sorgo Blouse Suits, 4 to 8 years 52.75, 53.73 noys' DIouho Suits nt 53.25 and 53.60 Hoys' Russian Blouso Suits at 53.75 and up Men's Winter Shoes Men's Box Calf Shoe- heavy weight double sole, lace, fashionable shape. Na ture's own Inst. Goodyear welt sewed low, broad heels. Warrant ed. I)o x Calf possesses to an extraordi nary degreo all tho qualities that a wearer has n right to expect in the best shoo leather. It Is tho ono black leather that Is universally worn and universally liked our prlco and guaranteed only We've a Vlcl Kid Mnn's Shoe with all tho good points attached to thm that is lookd for In any shoe medium weight Goodyear wolts all sizes nnd widths, Our prlco worth a guarantee Women's Shoes We are dendorlng tho shoe-buying people of Omaha tho best shoe-saving serv lco that you havo as yet mot with. Yon can't raontlon a stylo or kind of Women's shoo that wo haven't In stock and nt a less prlco for sarao quality than can bo found In any othor storo In Omaha. Wo mako a epoclalty of women's good shoes at 2.50 i nuiio nit 2.50 2.50 IMM I1 1 1ll ir--""-- We expect a small profit, but our great desire is to phase the purchaser. Pennsylvania Best Hard Coal, Sheridan Best Wyoming Coal, You will like our service. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel. 127. H CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal, pills l.tVTv Orlglii.Tnnd Only Urnul.r. ; .ri;. Ai....t.nn. l.adlr.. nt nruiii.i fir riiu.'iii.M r;us r.Ndi.isn , Id ki:ii hi (iohi m.unii t.n. ...:. f yilli tin. Tnke no otlirr. Itrra.o Puniirrou Nulmtllutlon anil Jrnlla. Hunt, llur ef lour UructLl. r toJ 4. la iiti. r.ir l'rllrulr. Tcillia.iiUU U4 "It.llrl for l.Jlr,"l.i l.ll.r, t,j re turn MmII. 1 O.UIIU 1a.tin.ilft!.. M.iflif til IJruiliii. rLl.li..i,.l'h.ml..l ('.... Mcall.a tM r! MWL.a !ii.r, 1-1(11. A., I'A. 1 Anti-Kawf Ing Antl-Kawf. Tho worst thing for a cough Is cough ing. Stop It by us- Sold by all druggists. MEN Cured While You Sleep In Fifteen Days - t i Br, r.i'i i : Kidneycura. CUKK.I all Klilacy Ulseawis, lluck ache. etc. AllniB kImb. ur by wall, II Vtte Look , au- f i r rre uiru.' trtco, etc., of Dr. 11. J. Kaj, Httrtt''-.'. N. Y. ..nran-Kultf nt" dK'Olrei Sirlclurc like mow b. naath itio inn. reducut nniamru rrotmte aou irrnitticnt It" Hamlnkl Duett, Hopping Urtlni kn !n driu'i l" ruin th ttomaeh. but direct local and noil lire ai'pllcallon lothoenllr.uielhrnl traeu Uran-holvoiit U nut n liquid. It l ffpnieil In the form nf Crnjon or I'rnclla. tmootti andneilD;., anit ao narrow ua to pan I ha clojeit airlcuire. Every Man Should Know Himitlf. Thm Ht-Janaa Ann., lioi M4. Clnclunatt. hft rirapareq ni Krvai eap.nto an cxnaniv rllliitriktl Trtallae upon lb. uialo arat.io, which tu; will tand to nr wait applicant FREE!