The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187 L. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOHNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1900-TW33LVE PAGES. SINGLE COL'Y llVE CENTS. PLOT TO KILL BO fc-ils! SHA!'PE- "MB appeals in vain Pro-Boer Sympathizers Charged with an Attempt at Actaiiination. L-ioncr Than Obey tri-'s her. 1 With Two Exceptions Powers Refuse to Join "7 rw.H.t iMm& Press Pish sh ne Cn .1 'u ruwwou iur Aiunruwuu. ' flW ' LONDON. (New York worm Pnt.ln.tfn ... tttturlfi I Tnlnt?rflmni ninl Inn BITTER rti Alii iin Tiir rin r iiinMlii I n ... .1 SUrltMt lUDLUYtur iriLntLU mnnaiwu. cago millionaire, Is now dancing in tho ballet with "Tho Casino Girl" nt Shaftoh burv theater. During tho Paris exposition like Is Laid Under St Mary's Ohurch at last summer she was tho guest of Thomas Walsh, united states commissioner, 01 DENUNCIATION OF ENGLAND Johannesburg. CONSPIRACY LAID BARE IN NICK OF TIME whoso cntertnlnments sho took a promi nent part, her dancing being said to have delighted tho guests, amongst them Kins Leopold, tho Bhah of Persia nnd many other Leader of Dorr Say Tiint n Surely a There In n God In Ilrutcn Ore lit Urltnln Will lie Punished. LONDON, Nov. 27. Tho Vienna corro- nntalillltlcs. Mr. Sharpo disapproved of spondent of the Dally Chronlclo says ho nil tliflnll.o n ml n,1nr.li1 Ilia ,1 it oil t nr I hnnpa .tin. lr(il,tn.i Ifrnifii Itna n.tlllnnn.l Ten Foreigners, Including Italians, Fronch- homo, hut sho refused and a quarrel en- thu powers for arbitration under Tho liaguo m r,A amain Arreted, sued, Miss Sharpo declaring sno could convention; that two powers acceded to his men ana Uieeo, illiwiuu. tnl. li,,r nivn n In Ihn wnrlil. l.'rlenrl reniient hut Ihnf nil rnlnM.,,1 IUn no. subsequently Introduced her to Ocarga tltlon. DDienucnc Anr NOW AWAITING TRIAL keUrrer, who engaged her for "The Casino Tho Paris correspondent of tho Dally Mall rrUSUNtnJj ArlL nun nnnl""u Girl" ballot, whero sho mado her debut on wires that ho had a conversation with Mr. Monday night. Krugcr yesterday and that tho Hoer states man grew excited and vehement when tho Lord Ilohert Cubic Ills Belief In the Kxlntence ' Intrigue nnd 1'nr nUhcn Detail nn He Know Them. LONDON, Nov. 27. According to a spoclal PUT TO HIS OWN DEFENSE reporter hinted that England would Ignore an nuempts to sccuru arbitration ana Political nticmlc of Jnncpli Chum- would fight nny combination of powers bcrlnlu Force 11 1 nt to Kiplnlu rather than glvo up tho republics. Contract Connection. Kruger Insisted," says tho corre spondent, "that Mr. Chamberlain had signed LONDON, Nov. 27. Joseph Chamberlain, Tho liaguo convention and could not with- edition of tho Evening Standurd today a socrotary of state for tho colonies, reply- draw. Ho said that England had earned a Blot to osBiisslnato Lord Iloberts. In which ing to incessantly repeated accusations Just punishment, and that 'as tbero Is a ... V 1 ... I t..l 1.- - . , I. .. 1. .. 1 .1 .. i.. ......... I flnA aim alwittM nml untM Iin txinlutiiul " began a overal forolgnora aro concerned, has been that ho Is a shareholder In companies pro- God sho Bhould and would bo punished tInvril lltlng by government contracts, has mado PAHIS. Nov. 27. Mr. Kruger bega It appears that tho conspirators laid n tho following atatomont to J. M. L. Wank- busy day this morning by making an official mine which was designed to bo blown up lyn, moraber of Parliament for Central call, Ilcforo 0 o'clock he departed from the at Johannesburg, but the polico and Lord Bradford, with tho Intention of having it Hotel facrlbo, driving In a landau sur tini.nriu' ir..i votinril frustrated tho con- published: rounded by Republican guards and by blcy piracy. Ten men, mostly Italians, havo "I hold n vory small portion of tho capl- clo policemen, to visit tho premier, M. Wul i.n nrrnair.1. tal of tho Birmingham trust. I do not deck-Housscau. He was accompanied by Tho details, tho Evening Standard says, know nnd never havo known anything Ur. Leyds, Dr. Van Hamtnel and Delegate n i.nn imnn nnthin tn verify. about Its Investmentc. which, of course, i iscnor. mo pnrty was met at tno Tiw. wnr nftinn nuiiiuhen tho following nro constantly chancing, entrnnco to tho premier's salon by M. Ul .lUn-.M, from Tjini Roberts, dated Johan- "I did not know It had any Investment rich, director of tho cabinet, who Intro ..n.Miro- Knynmiiir 2fl; In tho compnny called "Tho Tubes. Limited' duced tho visitors to tho prime minister. "As reports of a plot against my life nnd I did not know that tho company wns Tho Intcrvlow took place In M. Waldcck- wlll probably reach you, I think you should Interested In government business. I was llousscau's private study nnd lasted ten know tho facta. It 1b believed that thorn not awnro of theso facts when I asserted minutes. At 9:30 o'clock tho premier, ac- was a plot in existence and flvo Italians, In tho House of Commons that i had no companled by M. Ulrlch, returned tho call. four Greeks and ono Frenchman wero ar- interest, uircct or indirect, in any nrm Municipal Council Reception rested November 16 and aro now nwniung supplying military stores to tno govern- Tno officers of tne municipal council of trial. Their intentions were to expiouo u mrui. mino nniinr Hi. Mbrv's church during tho morning service, held at 11 o'clock on No- CARRIES PULPIT WITH HIM vorabcr 16." LONDON. Nov. 27. Tho Dally Mall pub lishes this morning tho following alarmist dispatch from Capetown: "Tho nntl-Urltlsh fooling in Capo Colony Is assuming dangerous proportions, owing to Parts and of tho general council of tho Sclno wero received at 10 a. tn. by Mr. Krugor In tho Hotel Scribe. Tho intcrvlow wns private and brief. Immediately nftor KnUcr Wllhcliu Prepared to Mellrcr tho visitors had departed Mr. Krugor drove Hxteuiuorr HrriiiiuiH on HIlKhtrst to tho Hotel Dovtltc. Ho received an ova- l'rovoeutlon. tlon ?rom tho crowd massed in tho square In front of tho edifice. Mr. KruKcr was con- DEJtLIN, Nov. 27. When traveling now- ducted to tho debating hall, where ho whs false stories Bprcad of Hrltlsu barbarity adays tho emperor usually takes with him given tho arm chair reserved for roprcBent in Orango ltlvor Colony and tho Transvaal, a specially carved pulpit, elaborately orna- atlves of governments. Tho municipal Loynllsts fear that tho Dutch congress next montcd with heraldic devices, from which councillors and the pooplo In tho public gal- wcok will bo tho signal for n rising and ho dollvcrs his orations and sorraona. lories loudly cheered tho distinguished vIb they demand that martial law bo pro- Emperor William, it Is understood, dur- itor. VIco President Escudlcr dollvorcd claimed throughout tho colony. lng his recent visit to Ktol to swear In nn eloquent address, saying Paris had given "Tho situation Is declared to bo graver naval recruits inspected Kiel harbor In Mr. Krugcr a wclcomo worthy of his noble than at any provlous period during tea connection with tho plana for Its cnlargo- character and tho grandeur of his cause, war." merit. It Is reliably reported that tho plans Ho also tald: Hcforrlng editorially to Its Capetown ad- which lnvolvo an oxpendlturo of 30,000,000 "You havo heard tho heart of Paris beat, vices, tho Dally Mali adopts a most serious marks wero approvod. Tho same sum will It Is tho heart of Franco. Let tho people tone, asserting that tho untl-Hrtllsh movo- bo oxponded in enlarging Wllholmshavcn epenk and speak loudly, and arbitration rocnt Is accentuated by the withdrawal of harbor and dovcloplng tho shipyards there, will tmposo Itself, as necessary sattBfac- troops from Cnpo Colony nnd calling for In consequence, of tho Illness of King tlon to Justice and civilization." vigorous action by tho Ilrltlsh government. Oscar, tho knlscr abandoned his proposed Tho president of tho general council trip to Swcdon. Tomorrow ho will recolvo apoKo in a similar strain. tho presiding officers of tho Rolchslag nnd s,r- Krugcr replied In energetic tones, there will bo no session at that body. thanking tho speakers for ho sentiments expressed. Ho Bald ho was deoply grateful DIVULGES ANARCHIST PLOT Police .o tilled of Projected Attempt oh the Life of President McKlnlc)'. NEW VOIIK. Nov. 27. Tho polico of Ho boken, N. J., havo received a letter alleging the existence of n plot to assasslnato Presi dent Me.Klnlcy. Tho writer of tho letter gavo In his communication tho naino of tho nllcged chief conspirator, which tho polico refuse to mako public nt this tlmo. Tho letter, which Is Illegibly ulgncd, Is as fol lows: Sir: Having almost thoroughly nssured myself of an anarchist plot ngnlnst his ex cellency, JlcKltiley, I consider It my duty to ndvlso you of tho nnmo of ono who Is more than suspected of being n lender, whoso tmiuo Is found In tho enclosed s'.lp. He la a fugitive from Justice nnd a dan gerous man, hnvlnit been convicted several times and on tho last occasion being sen tenced to nvo years' Imprisonment for an anarchist uttcmpt. My statement can be verified on appeal ing to the prefect of police nt Paris, Franco. in lltn course in ine mm yi'iir no mm con caled with him n man named FrnncolB, tho author of nn nnnrchlst circular nt Scrantun, whero ho dansorously wounded nn ofllcer. The author of the letter has been located and his story will bo Investigated. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Chief Wllklo of the secret servlco said that the government had no luformatlon whatever on tho sub ject. SCKANTON, Pa., Nov. 27. On tho night of July 1, 1S97, two men, who wero prowl ing nbout tho houso of ft prominent coal operator Just outside of tho rlty limits In Dunmoro borough, wero surprised by a couple of Dunmoro polico and ono of tho latter, Officer Patrick Koycs, was shot nnd seriously wounded. Tho prowlers escaped. Tho next morning a dynnmlto bomb was picked up at tho sccno of the shooting. A year later a letter was rocotvod by tho Seranton polico announcing that two an archists, Joan (lullholil and Francois Mcr- Her,- wcr under nrrest In Montreal on sus picion of having shot a policeman, whllo attempting to blow up tho houso of n wealthy coal operator. A Montreal dctco tlvo heard them boasting of tho deed at a drunken orglo In an anarchist rendezvous In tho French quarter. Tho two suspocta wero brought hero and by tho exercise of strategy on tho pnrt of tho polico they woro induced to confess. They . wett; sent to tho Eastern penitentiary nt Philadelphia last June for flvo years. Uoth wero young men, not over 25 years of ago, and had been In Seranton only n few months when thsy committed tho crime. Tlioy worked as laborers In tho mines, but thoy woro both well educated and ovldcntly sons of good families. Several l'lulitu with Iloers. LONDON, Nov. 27. Iord Iloberts, cabling from Johannesburg, undor ditto of Novem ber 26, reports a number of encounters with tho IJocrs at wldoly separated points. In which the Drltlsh captured somo cattlo nnd a fow prisoners and suffered Blight casualties. Tho most serious affair was an engagement with tho forces of General Dolaroy, numborlng about 1,000 men with TURK SAin Tfl RP UFAKFNIMR I for tho welcome, which wns a continuation U4 uuu u viunujiin ui mai wnicu rmnce naa nUpntch of UnUlenhln Kentucky fQ Rircauy Klven nim- H,nco h0 ""itletl, the Smyrna llnvliifc Hh KfTect iircmucni aaeu, no naa occn on r.. ntH. riaiiiK wnvo 01 acclamation, no was very luuimaiti iui wimi UU.U UCUIl UOUO ELLlll I Or nnvoTAVTivntiiP xt nf rrt.- i I whnt they wished to do fnr h!m anft h three guns who opposed General Clom-' tlonfl b!twoa tho Un,'ed statcs'govornmcnt PcP'e: wh oro still struggling nnd wero "" , . , md tho porto aro becoming acuto. Mr. u"i " ueT ' iiocra. no uiBpuiuii Daa. UIO wuu.p.ole.y arigcom th0 Araercnn charg0 d.nffal dlsporsed res. Their reslstanco continues and will still continue. They will ever strusclo for In POPULATION OF NEBRASKA Returns by Oountios Qiien Out by the Census Bureau. CHANCE FOR INSTRUCTIVE COMPARISONS l'luuren of the Present Connt and Those of the Tiu l'recedlnie JlilUe A Contrast Populu tlon of Other Stutca. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Tho population of Nebraska, as officially announced today Is 1,0G'J,539, against 1,058,910, In 1S90. ThU Is an Increase sluco 1890, of 9,629, or D per cent. Thu population in 18S0 was 452,402, showing an increase of 606,503, or 134.0 per cout, from 1880 to 1S90. Tho population by counties follows: 1900. Adams 18,810 Antelope. 11,314 lianner 1,114 nialuu 603 Uoon.i ll.&vj Hox Uutto 5,572 lloyd 7,332 llrown 3,i;o lJUffalo 20,251 Hurt 13,04) llutler 15,.ai Cass 21,8.)i) Cedar 12,467 Cluiso 2,559 Cherry 6,541 Chuyunno 5,570 Clay 15,735 Colfax 11,211 Cuming 14.584 Custer 19,758 Dakota 6.2M Daw es 6,213 Dawsun 12,211 Deuel 2,10.1 Dixon 10,533 Dodgo 22,298 1890. issn. 21,3)3 10,235 10,39'J 3,953 2,435 1.116 8,683 5,49 1 695 4,359 22,162 11,069 15,451 4,170 7,531 6.9J7 9.191 24,080 1U.683 7,o: 4,807 70 6,428 6,09.1 1,558 16,310 11,291 10.453 6,588 12.2K5 21,677 5.3S0 9,722 10.129 2.89J S.US1 KILLED BY UNKNOWN PERSON Coronor'H .Jury Complete It Inqnlry Into the Dentil of W. II. I'ulllnirt. went tn thp YllfllT. nnlapn Sllnilnv nn,1 in,l IJewet In I'ortnKiieMe Terrltorr. an mterviow with TewllK Pasha, mlnlstor w ju.lm. tnnnm7n MAimuifa vnv o7a of forelen affairs nnd TnhMn flnv. nit uiumuiiig, mt. Krugcr sain: .-.'i . i, ,..n,. ,l,,t.! seprninrv nt thn iminen. Th,. ininrvinn. "AM Why thiinot they hear your ac ":.u: : ", ; e 7;; :i::r7. however barren of clamatlons? It would redouble their cour . u ft a,1 O 1 I Whllo I Tin nirU nllTvni11 v nnfalafa In tlin I Dowet Is In Portuguese territory and In that attitude It has assumed regarding tho ques- '!jn ufr also sa,M h, h"P0 wul(1 J.., tinn nf rnntin.. .nn.i,, .,. tti.i t know them one day In tho future when Stntes consul at Hnmoot. there is rMmn """ '" '"-" mueponaenco. no GERMANY IS UNDETERMINED 10 bcllcvo lhat th0 ,,lBi,fttch of th8 balUo- ouip iwiuuun iu ouiriut tuts mauo a Dormi't Know 'Whether to Antree to tultetl Ntates' SuuKevtlmiM l.'on ccrnliiiv Clilnu or .ot. marked Impression In official circles. BURNING STEAMER ABANDONED regretted arbitration had been refused and ho would censo to demnnd It. Tho Doer leader was then shown through tho superbly decorated halls of the Hotel Devllle. Onco he nppeared at a window and was cnthuslnstlcaly cheered. As ho drovo back to his hotel ho was accorded a BROKEN HOW, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special Tolegram.) Tho verdict of tho coroner'a Jury lu tho Inquest on IV. II. Fullhart's tody nt Anselmo yesterday, wns to tho ef fect that tho dccoasd camo to his death by being struck on tho head with some weapon, at tho hands of somo porson or persons to tho Jury unknown. j As tho snow Friday night had covered most of the tracks made, iu On,' former Bnow, except the sled TrnclCW1 l mado -It difficult to dotcrmlno postlvcly 'the number, but tho conclusion was that tno two men's tracks accompanied tho sled tracks to whore Fullhart waa building fence. Whether ho had n man working for him at tho tlmo Is not postlvely known, but thero was a man working for him ten days previous, when ho was last seen by any of tho neighbors, but ho was n stranger to those who saw him. It waa known by somo of his acquaintances that a few wnekn nm ; . " lie had at least SI, COO in cash, and thero is but llttlo doubt but ho wns murdered for his money. His stock, which consisted of iuo neaa 01 cattlo ana horses, wns not molested. A half brother, John Shldler of Cuba. Kan.j arrived this evening, who will look after tho property nnd lend all as slstanco posstblo to apprehend tho murderer, DouuliiH DlllKly 2,434 Fllltnoro 15.087 Franklin 9,455 Frontier 8,781 Furuns 12.373 (.luge 30.051 nnrllcld 2,127 Gosper 6,301 Grant 763 Greeley 6,691 nun 17,'OU Hamilton 13,330 Harlan 9,370 HuycM 2,708 llltelicocK 1.WJ Holt 12,224 Hooker 432 Howard 10,343 Jefferson 16,196 Johnson 11.197 Kearney i 9.86G KCllll 1,.'.H Keyn Paha 3,076 KImbull 758 Knox 14,313 Lanca&ter 64,S35 Lincoln 11,116 Logan 960 Luup 1,305 AlcI'licrson I'll Mudlsou 16,976 .Merrick 9,255 Nnnco 8.222 Nemaha 14,952 Nuckolls 12,414 Otoe 22.288 Pnwuco Il,7i0 Perkins 1,702 Phelps 10,772 Pierce 8.145 Platto 17,747 Polk 10,612 Hod Willow Hlcliurdsun 19.611 Hock 2,809 Saltno 18,252 Sarpy 9,030 6,569 2,211 3,213 4.V7 19.261) 11.263 .140,690 158,008 37,613 llouril KiiKlInh VcnmcI In .MMut of Awful .Storm, T) Kit LI N, Nov. 27. Atdrew D. White, tho Crew of Italian Collier Taken on warm greeting, The president of tho municipal council will propose In tho council tomorrow n vntn 1n fnvnr nf nrliltrntlncr npnna..nnl The British jites. " """" filven Sword nf Honor. Henri Uochefort, accompanied by a deputn United States airbasaador, today reiterated to tho correspondent of tho Associated PrcsH that his recent Intcrvlow with Huron von Itlehtenhnffpn. thn secretary of forelcn FALMOUTH, Eng., Nov affairs, was a moro discussion of tho 8nP Lanarkshire, Captain Douglass, from Chlnctin niiestliin. (Icrmanv hsvo no refusal Iqulque, August 18, for tho channel, ban ar i , i. ...I.. I hpro. Imvlntr nn tmiir.l Pnnlntn fltin answer to the United States' suggestions. and thirty-eight of tho crew of tho Italian .Jm'1 ZnT, ZJ uVT A representatlvo of tho Foreign offico In- Reamer Assldulta. laden with coal, which llfJ.? "elaunn5r nni formed tho correspondent that ho could not M"" Now Orleans on October 29 via Nor- ' " n7"J: 3 B " ... i... . i tt fnik Vnvrmhrr fi. fnr nrnnn nn.i vni Mr. Kruger with a Bword of honor, destined ... i .v.-. .k.. i... i i. i- Tho Assldulta was abandoned, nn flrn N!n. for "cnernl Cronje, now a prisoner on tho aquutv.i inni, viiu nun (tins uuvii v.wuiiuuui i - c! tii . ii iv. .i i , vnmlirr 1ft in lnlHiuIn (hlrt v-nlcrlf IBlanU Ol fat. Helena to say whether Germany wns preparing an nnd longitude thlrty-nlno west. Tho crew ."'"'jJ" "VtV f ,1 answer or how It would answer, adding: of the Assldulta woro transferred to tho lnr- JCB?P' "pc. "f . ho ,hcrols,m ,of J "Wo must not Interfere lu the matter. It Lanarkshire in a heavy sea. during which "0"? ""dnfoxf in P . l? Is tho United States government's business two men woro Injured. When the Lanark- syni' "'u,of, th"ncs ,wl1 somo 1)0 to give out Information on tho subject, es- .sniro arrived nero na supplies of food and ' --v...- llntlnnu WatOT WPTO OXhnilStpd. P10" , on " : During tho day 1.000 students formed In Th gnthers 'ok'n aro about flnlshcu, p .u.u,iU , Ho correspondent, from various sources. CZAR CONTINUES TO MEND pr,occ" n ,V V"" T' 10rs tho following facta: 2-Z school preceded by a banner and tho whole Germany, beforo replying to Secretary Sleep AVell ami Teniiirrntnre and Hay's note, wishes to ascertain from Its diplomatic representatives at tho capitals of tho powers how tho other powcra have received die United States' suggestions. Replies from tho representatives, nro ex pected within forly-elght hours. If Ger- l'nlhc Are Aiiroiu!hliiK the formal. LIVIDIA, European Itussla, Nov. 27. Tho Improvement in tho czar's condition con tinues, Judging ftom tho following bullo- headed by a magnificent boquet of chrys nnthomums, ribbons nnd tho French nnd Transvaal colors and lnBcrlbod "Tho Btu- dents of Pnrls to President Krugor for tho fatherland and right." The students marched Rcross tho Sclno and wore loudly cheered on their way to tho Hotel Scrlbo, Thero President Krugor appeared on tho balcony and saluted them. many, from tho answers, should 11 ml that tin, Issued todayi grnvo danger exists of Germnny s Isolation The czar paused a good day yesterday. At oy not recuiug 1110 uniicu aiaiea sugges- I iviuwiuiuni wns iif.a: l inlinrr) nnsitlkto to r-ninit tions and Insisting on cxtrcmo punish- ?." s.0' ..5, "IfUiS ."J "M'1.."1" Jir KRUGER COMING TO AMERICA mentfl. then Orrmnny will answer tho condition nnd gcncrul strmigtli woro per Unlted States favorably. If, however, Gor- lectly sntlBfuctory; temporatuie, 96.8; imlse, many should find enough of tho powors aid- Wl . lng with It, then it will adhere to Its orlg- No swl Loan inai ucuinnus. NEW YOUK. Nov. 27. The Evoninc Former Ofllcer of Army llrntioiislhle for Stnleincnt lie AVI II .Malic llln Home Here. Field Marshal Count von Wnlderseo re- l'oBt's London correspondent cables todays ports Hint uoionoi Armsirut, with a small "Th(, negotiations for n Swiss loan havo detachment of German troops, has left Tien fallen through. The syndlcato lhat has Tsln on n punltlVO expedition to Wu Sing l.n.l tho nrnnosltlnn under ailvlsnmnnl Minn. Hsnng and Nan Tsal Tsun, northwest of lIonoJ tho Idea locauao It was unwilling to T ' I n Tulll I ...... .. .. accept tno Swiss government's nnal tonus," NEW YOUK, Nov. 27. Samuel Pearson, formerly commissary gouoral of tho Trans vnal army, who has Just arrived tn this country with a number of other Iloer refugees, is responsible for tho statement that President Kruger probably will soon seek rcfugo and a permanent homo here Pone Proven It l'nlsi "President Kruger win leave Paris vory LONDON. Nov. 27. Tho reuort of tho soon, I believe," said Mr. Pearson, "and nermann lluve the t.oul 1 leldn. death of tho ucdo. which reached N'ew Ynrlt come to America, where, with his wife, hn BERLIN, Nov. 27. Tho Lokal Anzelger today, wao based on Paris rumors clreulniPd will mako a homo until such time ns our publishes a dispatch from Shanghai, which uy a Bmnu neWB agency, Tho pontiff waa nrms havo triumphed and ho can return to Bay8- I nulto well vesterdnv. when hn rppplved In tho South African rcnubllo to tnkn nn "Unfavorable reports are In circulation Uudltnco tho princess of tho ABturlas, eldest again his offico as chief oxscutlve of the bister of tho king of Spain, Boer republic." Tien Tsln. Colonel Yorck's column left Kalgan for Pckln Novombcr 23. concerning alleged American Intrigues." "Tho Uermans havo occupied tho rich Tho dispatch odds: coal fields on tho borders of tho provinces of Chi LI and Shan St." Schooner' Crew All Gone. Count Convicted of Forirery. MONTREAL, Nov. 27. Count do Toulouse Lautrec, who was extradited to Canada from Chicago, was today sentenced to five years In tho penitentiary on a chargo of WILL AID THE G00D-R0ADERS President PIciIkcn Illnmelf to Fur ther Their Alma and Kxpreanen Interest In the CoiiKren. j-ut.-w 1'm.ll. ont Nov. 2.. When day- soiling bonds, knowing thorn to bo forged light, allowed anxious watchers tu see tho " spars of tho wrecked schooner on the middle Xew York Central HciicIich rnnuifii, frnnnil Imliiv llnm .... tv... OTTAWA. Dili.. NOV. 27. Thorn Is u who wore lashed to the rigging yesterday possibility of tho New York Central ac- Uoarts congress, which recently has been In when tho tug Homo Rule left tho scene for qutrlng tho Ottawa & Now York railway f ess on nt C1hlc,n,K' Tho rtleKallon "as KingBviuc. 'ino tea lias gono dowii oon WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Tho president today received a delegation from the Good stderably and another attempt will bo made to reach tho wrecked schooner. IluriiHlilc at SliiKiijinrr, SINGAPORE. Nov, 27 Tho United States cableshlp nurnilde, bound from Now York te the Philippine Islands, has arrived here. ntld lu that way gaining an entrance to headed by W. II. Mooro, who presented a thn nnmlnlon ranltnl. memorial urging uie presmeni to reeom Iiui'ua uu uppruirmiiou 01 iiav,uuu or tne conttructtng of samplo roadn and the dlf- CHRISTIANA, Nov, 27, Tho season's fusing of Information on the subject of herring catch Is now nt an end, the total road-mnklcg. Tho president expressed his yield being 243,170 barrels, the largest .on Interest In the purpose of the congress and record. u I said he would be glad te further lis alms MAN FROM FREMQNT KILLED 91. .1, Morne Iliew In IIoNiltiil nt Fort AVuyne, Indiana, an ItcNtilt of Myntcrloii Aeclilent, INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 27. A Sentinel special from Fort Wayne, Ind., says; M. J. Morse, a wealthy man of Fromont. Nob., died at St. Joseph hospital lu this city from Injuries received In a myster ious manntr tonight. Ho was a passenger on tho Pennsylvania limited, eastbound, und Just as tho train was entering thin city ho was missed. When tho depot was reached tho conductor noticed he wns cone and had left his valise. A short tlmo after track walkers roportcd tho dlscovory of his body lying bcsldo the track near Swln- ney park, nt tho western edge of tho city Tho skull was fractured and one nrm was cut off, but thero woro still evidences of life. How tho accident occurred Is not nuunu, uo no one renieinucra seeing him leavo tho rar. Communication with Fremont nt an early hour this morning brought tho Information that M. J, Morso had removed from that city to Omaha somo months ago. Ho was In tho milling business, 4.012 37 10,022 10.204 7,093 6,463 8,497 931 9,810 6,407 36,341 13,161 l,UT,tt 4,816 458 4,869 16,513 14,090 8.158 3,953 0.73 13,672 426 9,430 14,852 10.3X1 9,061 2,556 3,9.10 959 8,582 76,395 10,411 1,378 1,66.! 401 13.689 8,758 6,773 1,673 iiidi 8.5 8.267 0,040 119 1.01 3,287 41391 8.096 7.593 4,072 Jill 3,666 2S,t90 3,632 5.5S9 5.341 l,:i.' 12.920 10.451 11.417 4,235 25,403 15,727 10,310 6,920 4.301 9,869 4.S61 15,437 10,817 8.8!(7 2,417 1.20: 9.511 6.816 3,041 Maunders 22.05 Beotti; Ml art 2,5tt Seward 16,61X1 Sheridan Sherman Kloux Stanton i'huyer Thomas Thurston ... Vnlloy Washington Wuyno Webster .... Wheeler 6.033 6.650 2,053 6,939 11,325 628 8,750 7,339 13.0S6 9,862 11,010 1.J62 17.671 15,031 3.0X3 20,097 14,491 6.873 4.481 21,577 15,810 1.IWS 16,110 11,147 8,03 6,399 2,452 4.619 12,733 617 3,176 7.C92 11. 869 6,109 11,210 1,63 2.C61 699 1.81; 6,113 2.321 8.031 813 7,101 611 York 18,203 17,279 11,170 LONE STAR STATE GROWING Iuerenne of Population In Tcxun for I, ant Uremic Shown Percentage That In StiriirlalnK. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Tho population of Texas, as officially announced today Is 3,048,710, against 2,233,523, in 1890. This la an lncroaso slnco 1S90, of 13,187, or 36.3 per cent. Tho population in 18S0, wns 1,591,749, showing an increase of 643,774, or 40.4 por cent, from 1S80 to 1890. Tho population by counties follows Anderson 28,015 Kurnes Andrews 87 Kaufman Angelina. Wi Kendall i.ntiKeiii 2,608 Kerr 1,205 Klmblu 7,113 King 20,676 Kinney ; 4 Knox 5,332 1, uniar 26,843 Lumb 2,052 Lumpiissas , . , , 7.720 LaSalle 45,535 Lavaca I, 9,422 l,eo 4,703 776 Liberty 1 ,390 Llmestono 20,0,6 Lipscomb II, 861 1.lvu Oak 18,!9 Llano 2,356 Loving 1,253 Lubbock 16.019 Lynn 18,36?. McCulloch 10.528 Mrl.,ntifln J.I MJ .ll,Tl, III,,, II ....... I ll'l 2,395 Madison 10,432 k ?r.V 1I...I.... in rr. , i.... i't tut Aransas Archer .... Armstrong Atascosa .. Austin , Halloy ..... Uundvrn . Huuttup .. liaylur ... lieu J toll liexar .... lilanco ... llonlen ... Uosiiuo ... Howie .... Brazoria . Hriizo.4 . . Hrowster Jirlbtou ... Urown ... llurluson . ljuniel ... Caldwoll . (.'ulhouii . Ciillullim 8,768 Marlon 8 (SI 33,37 4.10: 4,8!X) 4'jO . 2,147 , 2:u n , 8.0'. , 2,303 , w.'z . 14.69-. , 1M07 , 8 102 , 32,573 "!) , 2 26S , 7,301 33 293 17 . 3.960 69,772 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER 'orocast for Nebraska- Fair: Cooler; Northerly Winds. Temperature nt Oninha Venterdayi lour. Ilrit, Hour. IH'U, n a. m It." 1 p. m i a. in :iu u p. iii ii) 7 n. in :iN !l p. ill II 8 ii. iii its 4 p. m " (I n. nt ill! r. p. iii 17 0 a. in in it p, m in 1 a. m I I 7 p. m II 'i m 47 N n, iu it t) p. in ::." SIN OF GREAT CITY Busineis Men of Now York Ready to Do Battlo with Rampant Vice. AMERICANS LED INTO TRAP Severn! Memliern of Third Infnutry ICIIlcd or Wounded Ncnr .Malolon 8 ii ml uy. MANILA, Nov. 23. A detachment of tho Third United States lnfnutry wns ambushed ncnr Mnlotos. Tho ladroncs flrod u vol ley at tho Americans, killing two privates of Company F end wourdlng three. Tho Insurgents escnprd Into n swnmp. Numerous insurgent bonds havo been dis persed and considerable quantities or stores destroyed in tho province of Bulucnn by Gcncrul Grant's mounted scouts. General Bates reports the capture of thirty-seven Insurgents, six of whom mur dered live persons last spring. Whllo returning by sttnmcr a detach ment of Americans landed at Snn Vlnccnto nnd nttneked a body of rebels, killing seven. A branch party attacked a party beyond Palrstlca, killing flvo and cnpturlnn nineteen. The Americans had no casualties. Thero has been considerable wlro cutting In that district. Tho Spanish nnd Filipino nowspapers nro urging tho commutation of death sen tences passed by tho military courts. General MacArthur hns ordered tho two pueblos adjoining Sublg bay transferred to tho command of Admlrnl Ilemey. Tho troops will bo removed on tho arrival of tho marines. Tho United States transport Grant will nail next Saturday, calling at Hong Kong to got tho remains of Lieutenant Barber of tlio naval pay corps and to embark his widow. Tho Grant will carry $500,000 to bo forwarded to Taku for tho establishment of a supply station for tho United Stales troops and sho will touch at Nagasaki for coal. The United States transport Sherman, from San Francisco, November 1, arrived Imit evening. GAUNTLET THROWN 'DOWN TO TAMMANY ron Determination Shown to Potco Major Van Wjok to Do Ilia Duty. BOYS BLOWN TO ETERNITY Cnn of Xltro-tll ccrlue Thrown Into Driftwood Flic with Awful ItCNIlltS, WHEELING, W. Va.. Nov. 27. At Leasor- vllle, W. Va., twenty miles above Whoellng, on tho Ohio river, a crowd of twenty boys built n Are on tho river bank from drift wood and woro watching tho rising waters In a lot of drlftwocd one of tho boyj throw on tho fire was a cnn partlalyy filled with nltro-glycrrlnn. Immediately thero was a terrific explosion and three boys were killed and fourteen wounded, of whom three mny die. Tho dead: HARMON FINLEY. aged 13. WILLIE DAVIS, aged 0. ROBIIUT ;.r.'LHY, a3vd If). Tho Injured! Harry nnd Herman Arbogast, Will Nnglo, Will Blackburn, James Jones, Theodore and Alex Gilchrist, Charles Thomas, Ralph Hahn, Thomas Kinney, John Bono and Joo Webb, all boys under 21 years of ago. Of thtie, Will Naglo nnd Will Blackburn mnv die, As n rosult of tho explosion nn Infant child of Mrs. Durlg died a few minutes nftcrward. SUSPICIOUS OF HIS DEATH STATE RIGHTS ONCE MORE Georgia Court lloldn That I.citno In Competent nn llvldcnce, TIiourIi Not liming Htump Atllveil, ATLANTA, Ga Nov. 27. Tho supremo court of Georgia today handod down u de cision affecting not only tho war stamp tax, but Involving a question of tho state rights. Tho principal Involved wns whether or not a lease contract, which did not bear tho special stamp required by act of congress, Is admissible ns evidence, Tho Biipremo court ruled that congress, whllo It has tho right to lovy taxes through a stamp act, has not tho right to prescrlbo rules nf evi dence for Btato courts, which would bo con ceded If a document not beartpg n federal stamp wero dented ndmlsslon as evidence. Tho court, In tho decision rendered by Chief Justice Simmons, adds that under our system of government tho states retained nil powers of sovereignty which wero not grnnted to tho federal government by tho constitution, Movementn of Oecmi Venneln Nov. 27. At New York Arrived Cape Frio, from Hamburg, Houlogno and Plymouth: t!nlf fornlnn. from Glasgow nnd Movltlo: Astorln, from Glasgow and Movllle. Balled- Kaiser Wllhelm ler Orosio, for Bremen, via Cher bourg und Bouthampton; Anchorla, for Glasgow; Tuurle, for Liverpool. At Gibraltar Sailed Genoa, from Genoa, for Naples. At Hrowhcnd. November 28, 1:15 p. m. Passed Majestic, from New York, for Qiifonstowii und Liverpool, At Sydney. N. S. v. Arrived Aliuneda, from Han Francisco, via Honolulu nnd Auckland. ..... At London Arrived Mlnnehnlm, from Now York.. At Cherbourg Arrived Pennsylvania, from New York, via Plymouth, for Hum-liuriT. At Hamburg Sailed Graf Waldorsee, for .New vorK, At Scllly Passed Trave, from New York, lor Douuiuiuviun uiiu urcuieu. Cuintron w.ow Martin 232 Camp v.JiUMnsou, 5,673 Cumuli .6J Matagorda 6,097 Cuss '.8ll Maverick 4.(66 Castro 400M,.illnu 7,783 Chambers 3,01b Menard 2,011 Cherukeu 2u,15l Mldlund 1.741 Childress 2.13S Milam S0Xi Clay 9.2JI Mills 7.851 Coclirnn 2.MltehelI 2,8ST uouo '!'' Momnguo ai.soo Coleman ........ 10,077 Montgomery .... 17,007 Collingsworth 1.-33 Mooro V09 Morris 22,203 iiUc.y .''Nacogdoches ... , ' VS Niivurro L-7 Newton sMHi Nolan .l.JJa NlleccH l,0UoC,ltreo , ."Oldham l.WlOnuiKo 'Wpnlo Pinto 82,7211 j.urKer '.'J Parmer - Pecos Polk 28.3 ? Potter -J.3U Presidio 1.151 itnlim l.IWiltaiidnll V63 '!Rm1 Hlver 29,893 ".''! Hef Ugh ??,! Huberts J-1!?. Robertson WW Hock wall 21.810 llnnii.ilH Kralli H'l'SHuBk Fulls fMi-Sublno Iminln al.iHUn,, a iMMiuHtif. Fayette 3;j,642 Slul jncnto. ..... lo!277 Fisiier ?'Aru,san Patricio 2,372 Floyd r SrSan Saba 7,663 Foard Schleicher C15 Fort Bund lt.5S Scurry 1.158 Franklin 8.074 Shackelford .... 2,461 Freestone 18.91Uuhelby 20,45'J Frio 4,-VJ Rhermnn ICt uuincs Galveston ., Garza Ulllcsple ... GlaHicock , Oollud ...... Gonzales ... Gray Urayson ... Gregg GlillU'H (luudaloupe Halo Hall Hamilton ., Colllu Colonido ... Comal Comanche . Concho Cooke Coryell Cotllu Cpino Crockett ... Crosby Dullniu Uallati ...... Deaf Smith Dawsun .... Delta Denton Dewltt Dickons .... Dimmit Donley Duval Kiistluuu ... Kctor Kd wards .., Kills El Paso S,.'.'0 1 257 21,663 43,371 7,282 2,611 10,439 '.'67 219 6 61 1 J 12,291 21.401 25,823 21 2,360 14,117 3,673 C.127 1,817 1,611 UL'O 31,480 i,63l 6,379 2C.C99 6,394 K.424 IiiHiiriiuce t'limpnii- Xot SntlNlled Willi nil Iowa Man'n Tiikluir OR lu Colorado. DENVER, Nov. 27. A special from Pn gosa Springs snys that tho remains o George A. Barber, nn Iowa man who died there suddenly on November 10, havo been disinterred and that tho brain, stomach and other organs will bo subjected to chemical analysis to ascertain whether they contain poison. It Is snld Barber had taken out $7,800 lnsurnnco six weeks beforo hi: death. Mr. Barber wnu accompanied on his nr rival nt Pago.xn Springs by Mrs. Myrtl Wright and n man named Neff. Aftor Barber's death Mrs. Wright, who said sho was his llance, made an application to tho local lodge of Odd Fellows for tho lusur nnco. which ho carried In that order. Tho matter was reported to Barber City (la lodgo of which Barber wnB a member, and an attorney was then sent from Harbor City to Investlgnto. It was learned that Barber had been 111 nt a hospital In Durnngo for several weeks. Mrs. Wright and Neff said ho had boon suffering from dropsy, but If Is claimed that ho appeared to be In good condition when ho took out his In surance last September. A chemist will examlno the stomach of thn deceased. X-MAY0R HEWITT HINTS AT IMPEACHMENT olico Thrive on Pap of Prostitution and Pillage. OFFICIAL CORRUPTION IN ALL ITS SHAME JOLLIFICATION AT H0LDREGE l'helpn County llepuhllcnnn Have a Itojnl Celebration of the Victory of the Party. HOLDREGE, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special Tol egram.) Tho republicans of Phelps county, assisted by a number from outside towns, hold n grand rally nnd Jollification meeting I here tonight In celebration of tho repub lican victory nt (ho polls on November 0, und particularly In commomnratlon of the republican majorities In Phelps county, which has gono fusion slnco 1890. Tho foi tlvltlcs opened with a grand parade through the principal streets of tho city. Durtn; tl..i p.tindo Roman candles and skyrockets weiv discharged In profusion. Tho parado Included a tiumbor of Moats and transpar encies In hnrmonywlth tho spirit of tho ccnslon, Ono of tho grcnt features was a largo wagon loaded with democrats carry ing tho most bnnncrs of tho Int. After tho parado McBsrs. Illnshuw of Falrbury and McCrrary of Hastings delivered nddresses at tho opera house, which wbb packed to overflowing. Great preparations for tho os cnslon wero mado. Tho city was decked In (lags and bunting throughout tho day. Al together It waB ono of tho greatest demon strations of tho kind held In Holdrcgc. TRAIN GOES INTO RIVER 37,J'iO ..... 44 ill, L.n......ii J, Starr ll!49 "."J Stephens 0,206 -"Sterling 1.127 MIOstonowull 2,183 SHutton 1,727 If" Swisher 1.277 y, 1 arrant -?,HTny!r SHTorry .... -i,-f-Throekmorton 14 Titus ..... l.tnO'rom Green,,., 13,610 Travis 62,376 10,499 18 1,750 12,292 6,801 47,386 (Continued on Second rase.) Three Men Known tn Hn Killed nt Heaver, Pu nnd Fears Felt for Many Otlicrn. BEAVER, Pn Nov. 27. Lato tonlcht a Clnveland & Pittsburg flyor went into tho Ohio river at this placo. Threo Cleveland men, Englncor Coucheour, Flroman Allen and Express Mcseenger Casoy, wero killed. Nlnetcon others are reported dead nnd tho entire train Is said to bo In the river. Tallinn Strike Swelling. TAMPA. Kin.. Nov. 27 -Several hundred men wero added to tho rtrlklnx forces hoio todnv. These camo from the ranks of un organized labor and building operation liavn neeii tiiociuauv nusocnueu. Great Meeting; nf Representative Men of All AVulkn of Life Held In Chamber of Commerce In An swer to lllnhop Pottcr'n Call. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. A gathering of business men resulted from tho call fur a conference at tho Chamber of Commerce toduy. Tho features of tho meeting woro tho practical retirement of Bishop Potter from the front rank of the movement; nn address by Abrnm S. Hewitt, lu which he said that tho responsibility for tho pres ent condition of a Hn Irs In New York City rested upon tho mayor, and favored tho unanimous adoption of tho following resolution: Resolved. That a committee of fifteen bo appointed for tho purpose ot attempting to uring to account uiosu respousioio xur iuu present condition of affairs. Bishop Potter In ft lotter explanlng his absence from tho meeting, wrolo ns follows: I shall not bo able, owing to 11 trustee meeting, to attend tho meeting nt tho Chamber of Comnicrco today, nor I think I ought to udd, should I do" so it I wero free. "Tho aim of such a meeting should bo. primarily, to unify tho forces on tho sldo of law, decency, nnd tho protection of tho wenk, In this community. But In such au effort an ecclesiastic Is not tho Instrument. Ills particular affiliations mako him dis tinctly not a persoua grata to priests nnd ministers (aud sonictlmes people) of other communions, with whom tho odium, tho ologlcum Is still a very nctlvo sentiment. Tho clergy may fitly cxcrclso tho pro photic offico of rousing, warning entreating, but lu soclul and political movements their best servlco will bo lu tho ranks, where, as lu times of stress and Blcge, they may patrol, mount guard, keep watch, but leavo to others thu task ot generalship. "Ab to this, In tho present emergency, I am quite cledr. Now York wants a strong committee of threo ot flvo trusted laymen to co-oporato und co-ordlnato forces, senti ment, purpose, nnd then, If wo cnn maintain tho present awakened senso of danger, tho rest will almost accomplish Itself." Charles Stewart Smith presided ovor tho moetlng and In his opening address said: "It is humllltatlng, but It Is true and np- pnrent that, In the polico forco certain mora. ,brrs of ltttro In collusion with the dent ot vlco and' with tho crlmlnalr. of this rlty. It U also clear thnt the proprlctem of thoso dens of crlmo pay monthly Bums to tho polico forco for protection." Hewitt Telln of Ilotteiinenn. Abram S. Hewitt, in tho course, of nn address, frequently Interrupted by applause, said: t "Bishop Potter was called upon to ad dress tho mayor In terms unparalleled In this city. Tho bishop's clarion call mot with rrndy responses. When tho head of Tnmmany spoke it was tho first confes sion frcm tho governing power of the city thnt anything was wrong. "Two years ago reform wns sent to h 1 by a leading citizen of this city and there It seems to havo remained ever slnco. If It bo recalled now, It Is becauso Tammany Hall thinks it lias suffered purgatorial punishment long enough. "Tweed, when complaints wero mndo, naked: 'What aro you g6lug to do about It?' ThW was a lesson to Tammany. "Tho limit of public abuso hns been reached. Somo of tho men on tho Tam many committee nro entitled to our sym pathy, but moio to our commiseration. If they do their duty they strike a fatal blew nt Tnmmnny, nnd If they do not thoy loso their ntnndlng In tho community. "If thero had been any sincerity on Mr. Crokor's port the commltteu would novcr havo been appointed, "Tho responsibility for tho conditions horo today belongs primarily to tho polico. in tho Inst analysis If things go wrong tho reHponolbllty rests with tho mayor." Mr. Howltt told how ho troatcd lmmor- allty when ho wnH mayor. I sent for Chief of Polico Murray," ho said, "and told him that If ho could not close up evil resortB at least to cover them up. "I told him tho places must bo closed. I nsked Chief Murray If ho wero a rich man. Ho said that ho was worth $300,000 and novcr hnd any business but thnt of police-' man. I asked him whero he got It. Ho said ho hnd friends lu Wall street who gave him opportunities. "I had tho president of tno police board call on mo and asked him about tho corrup tion. Ho told mo to let It alone I d only stir up a hornet's nest nnd blast my po litical future 'He told mo tho truth about that. 'Whllo I was mayor, for two years, New York was a respectable city, externally nt least. I had no power but the sontlmcnt of tho pooplo behind me." Owned hy Tammiiii' Tyrant. Rov. Dr. Paddock, representing Bishop Potter, said: "I know of men nnd women on the cast Bldo who havo gono to tho polico with their complnlnts only to bo told to got out of tho district If they did not hko condi tions there, I know of men and women who havo been driven from their homes and buslnesii by thoso sclf-samo conditions. Thoy havo been threatened with persecu tion If they should dare to come to tho procathedral and submit tholr complaints. I can produco 100 or 1,000 witnesses, If their names bo kept from the public until It In certain beyond doubt that tho Tammany leador hns beon crushed, for thoy fear him as a tyrant." Prof, Follx Adlcr said: "I havo no doubt as to tho sincerity of Tammnny's purification commltteo, Croker said: 'f, too, urn a father' nnd I havo no doubt that oven they sen tho evil hns gono farther than they intondod and they aro willing to cut off tho fringes of tho evil. I hope that out of this will .come a movement not primarily political, not for the removal nf Tammany Hall, but for tho tradlcatlon of tho evil. Lot that bo tho chief object whatover may bo the conse quence." St. Clnlr McKolway told of the. good that rosultcd from tho Blnglo-honded police cora mlcilon whllo that system was tn opera tion In Brooklyn. The moetlng was tbeu adjourned to re- J