Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1900, Image 8

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Ml. NO II Mi:.M'I05.
Davis rcIIs clnsn.
"Mr. miry," 5-cnt clcfcr.
rino Mlmioiirl oak. Gilbert Bros.
Gas fixtures anil globes at Hlxby's.
Flno A. IJ, C bc!r, Neumnyer's hotel,
Wollman, i-clcntiflc optician, 403 B'd'y.
Hchmlctt's photos, new nnd latest styles,
W. J. Hostattcr, dentist, Baldwin block.
Moore's stock fooil kills worm', fattens.
Drink Uudwelscr beer. L. nogenfeld, agt.
Leffcrt, Jeweler, optician. 220 Broadway.
Thn phicr In have your framing done
.Alexander & Co.'s xa Broadway.
O. Y. Wilson has Kono to Sacramento,
Cal., ti spend thu winter months.
Oct your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, Tit Broadway. 'Phone 157.
W. C. Ritep, undertaker. 2S Pearl street.
Telephones; Otllfe, 97: residence, 33.
. V. Ornff, undertaker and llrciu-ed rm
bnltner, 101 South .Main street. 'Phone
Moru.ui Sc KMn, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress muklnK. 122 S. Main at.
Attorney ('. M, Marl returni'd yesterday
mnrnlns Irom a ImslnesH trip to New York.
AV. If. Kreomnn, president of tho Citizens'
Btuto bank of Uiiklund, la., was In thu city
J. W. Rvcrson, n lcudlmr business man of
Carson, la., was In tho city yesterday vU
Itltitf friends,
It. K. MontKomrry Is homo from his ranch
In Now Mexico for a short visit with his
family In this city.
Mr, and Mrs, W. O. Mitchell and dnURh
ter hava uone to VleksburR, Miss., on a
visit to relatives and friends.
Mrs. Harah Cndncr of ParkersburK, la.. Is
In tho city, the Kiiest of her iltiunliter, Mrs.
T, It. Drake of North avenue.
A marrlaito llcenso has been Issued to It.
P. Lawrence, lined HI, and Mrs. Mande
llcnesch, aKed 2u, both of Omaha.
Will Hchelillo of Fourth street, who has
been seriously III wltb typhoid lever, Is
reported to bo rapidly recovering.
Oratit l"toh, cashier of tho National Kx
chatiKe hank of Milwaukee, WK, Is In tho
cltv, tho (tuest of Krnest H, Hurt.
Tim executive committee of the Council
Bluffs Womun's elub will meet this after
noon at .1 o'clock In tho club moms.
Your wlfo will lovo you If you buy Sheri
dan coal. Hir.oUcless. no clinkers, soot nor
milphur. Kenlon ti Foley, sole tiKonts,
A want ad 1 In The Uee will brltiK re
sults. Tho s.'imu attention kIvcii to a want
add In Council Jlluff.s as at the Omuha
W. W. Ilnnthorn Is sojourning at Colfax
HprltiKS, la, Kranl: Levlne returned home
from thcro yesterday much Improved In
Tho school foot ball tenm will po to
llurlan, la,, this mornliiK, where It will try
conclusions on the gridiron with thu HIrIi
school team there.
Paymaster II. I), Warner of tho Illlmls
Central was In the city yesterday In his
prlvato ear and disbursed last month's pay
cheekH amoiiK tho employe hero
Word from tho capital City Is to the effect
that J. II. KinmltiKer, recently of till" cl'v,
has secured control of tho stock of tho
Fidelity Insurance company of Ues Molne,
W. II, Ivalser took out a hulldliiK permit
yesterday for tho erection of a one-story
frhmo cottage on Avenue C between Seven
teenth and KlRliteentli streets, to cost $(V).
1j. F. Potter, former stato representative
from this county and now president of a
bank at llurlan, la., was In thu city yes
terday callltiK on friends und acquaintances.
County Superintendent Mc.Manus Is hold
ing tho' regular monthly examination for
teachers' certificates. Homo thirty appli
cants arc taking thu examination, which
closes this morning.
W. H. McCllntoek, brother of O. It. Jlc
Cllntock of the Minneapolis Threshing com
pany, arrived In the city yesterday with
his family from Owatonna, Minn,, and they
will make thole homo here.
Adolph Prlosier, stato mannKer for tho
Gormaula Mfo Itisurnnco company of New
York, with heudquarUiru Jn Davenport, wad
in tho city, yesterday calling tin business
aciiuainiances anu menus.
Temperance day will bo observed nt the
Union Hand Sabbath school tomorrow aft
ernoon, when the pupllH will render n lit
erary and musical program. N. P. Dodgu
will deliver an address to the young folk.
An all-day scrvlco will be held Thanks
giving day at tho Iowa Holiness associa
tion's mission, 144 Ilroadway, beginning at
U:30 n. in. Ministers of this city and two
tvangbtlsts aro expected to preach during
tllo day,
Ilcv. C. Hoover left yesterday for north
ern Indiana, whero no will meet Mrs.
Hoover, who has been spending tho sum
mer there, und from thcro they will go to
Ohio, whero they will visit relatives und
friends for tho winter months,
Claims aggregating about H.200 were tlloj
yesterday against Oltlcer & Pusey's bank
with tho clerk of tho district court. J. J.
Hughes, us administrator of thu estate cf
the lato Thomas II, Hughes, has tiled a
petition asking that his claim bo declared
u preferred - ono, tho money deposited by
him being a trust fund.
Fred Haines and Olllo Illock, two young
colored lads, are under n at tho city
on suspicion of having stolen an osercoat
which they sold at a second-hnnd goods
store on Hroudwuy for $1. Haines claims
that the coat was given him by his father,
who Is a porter In an Omaha saloon. The
police n ro Inveutlfratlng.
Tho case of Jack Devcrs, tho barber,
charged with entering tho housu of Mrs.
H, M. Jackson of Twelfth avenue and
stealing W In cash and a quantity of cloth
ing, was continued In police court yester
day until this morning, Devcrs" ball was
llxcil by Judge Aylcsworth ut $500, in de
fault of which he Is In Jail.
All London nnd New York has laughed at
Cleorgo Kdeson's new comedy, "Two Mar
ried Men," which will appear at the Do
hany theater next Sunday evening. It la
brimful of mirth-provoking situations,
bright nnd sparkling dialogue, novel spe
cialties und pretty girls. All tho scenery
nnd paraphernalia used In tho production
uro carried by tho company.
Clerk of tho District Court K. L. IteeJ
returned yesterday morning from Oakland,
whero on Thursday he attended tho funeral
of tho lato 11. M, White, a well known and
wealthy retired farmer of Pottawattamie,
county, who had been a lesldent of Oak
land since lstX). Mr. Whlto was n prominent
Odd Fellow nnd delegations from the lodjea
at, Hancock, Carson und Avoca attended
tho funerul.
Tho Itcdmonds, who have nlwnys been
a favorite company In Council Illuffs, will
closo their engagement ut tho Dohauy the
ater tonight by playing tho "Modern (Jul
atea," ciw of the oest In their repertoire A
matlneo will bo given today and thn bill
for this Is that old favorite, "Function the
Cricket." From hero tho Itcdmonds go to
Trenton, Mo., nnd expect to give Council
Bluffs another visit next yenr.
Ilov. A, W. I.anlngham of Hcd Oftk, la.,
agent for the Iowa Children's Homo so
ciety of Des Moines, was In the city yes
terday on his way home from a trip to tho
eastern part of tho county. Talking of the
work of tho society Mr. I.anliiKham said
that during the twelve years of its extsteuro
It nail found Homes ror j.swt children. In
the care of tho society are only twelvo chil
dren for whom homes huvo not yot been so
cured. Joo 11. PaiiKburn. clnlmlntr to bo a bar
ber, was urrested yesterday morning by
Detective Velr whllo trying to sell some
ritzom and slieurs In a saloon. Pungburn
answers tho description, even to a right
cork leg, of James Cameron, who broke
jatt at osKuioosa atiout a weeit ago. word
of Pamcburn's arrest was sent to Oskaloosa
nnd the sheriff from there will bo hero to
day to look at tho man. Pungburn claims
to have recently moved from Oklahoma to
Ulcnwooii, la,
Wo sell rubbers that are war
ranted to gvo satisfaction at
tho same price you usually pay
for tho poorer kinds.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
I2t Main St . Council niuffa.
Save Your Monty'
IK! I'eHrl Street, Cuuuoll UluB, la.
Manager Nichols Eajs His Company Cannot
Make It at the Figure.
Only AVnltliiK for Hip How tit an Con
crrn to (let Heady for Itiislitrsa
In Order to Turn Out
(lit Plant.
Manager Nichols of the Council Bluffs
Gas and Electric company, on his
return yesterday from New York, where
ho went to consult with stockholders
of tho concern, snld no further ad
vance In the negotiations for tho sale of
tho company's electric lighting plant to the
Uluff City Electric Light and Gas company
had been made. Ills company expects to
sell tho plant to Thomas llowraan and his
associates In tho new lighting company,
but Manager Nichols tnys It Is probable that
the now company will not be prepared to
take hold of the plant for some time.
Under Its franchlso tho Uluff City Electric
Light and Gas company has ten months
from the passage of tho ordlnanco before
ccnimcnclng on Its contract to furnish tho
city lighting and fifteen months In which to
furnish commercial electric lighting. From
wtnt ho had learned while In tho cast
Manager Nichols says ho believes tho new
ccmpany will experience considerable diffi
culty and delay In securing new electrical
machinery, ns all the largo firms are behind
with their orders.
When asked regarding tho ordlnanco In
troduced by Aldorman Lougoo at tho last
meeting of tho city council to fix tho prico
of electric lighting, Manager Nichols said
ho was surprlred that nny ordlnanco should
have been presented to the council boforu
tho committee on lighting had confencd
with him. Tho original Instructions of tho
council wcro to tho effect that tho commlt
tco should consult with tho company with a
view to reaching some ugrecmrnt as to
rates. At different times Aldermen Lougco
nnd Lovett had talked the matter over with
him, Manager Nichols said, but nt no time
had tho full committee been present at any
of the conferences.
Hegardlng tho rate ruggestod, that of t'n
n year for tho arc lights, Manager Nichols
said it Is nlltogether too low under tho
circumstances. With Its plant In thn pres
ent condition his company cannot produce
tho light at that figure. Ho snld:
"When It became apparent that tho former
city council Intended, if possible, to take
away tho lighting contract from us and give
It to some other company, wo naturally did
not feel Justified In spending n largo sum of
money In Improving our plant. To havo
done so In face of tho opposition wo were
meeting from tho council would hnvo been
suicidal. With nn Improved plant we could
produce the light at a reduced cost, but
with tho plant as It Is we cannot. For
tho council to fix tho rato at $70 would be
an Injustice to us at this time, aud I do not
believe tho nldermcn will vote for It. Wo
arc, I might say, In tho last throes nnd In a
few months will be out of tho electric light
ing business nnd I do not think tho alder
men will vote to mako us furnish the city
with light at a loss for tho few remaining
months wo will bo forced to."
Gravel roonng. A. II. Read, 641 Broadway.
K. P. dance, Hughes' hall tonight.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures cougha. cold.
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
I.ociil Ileitlrrs lluve Not rt IlPtlrcd
Thrlr Stock if ClK"rette.
Local dealers are still soiling cigarettes
aud clgarettu papers despite tho decision
of tho United States Euprrma court uphold
ing tho Tennessee lnw, which is Blmllar to
tho Iowa law, to bo regular nnd constitu
tional. Tho dealers nru selling tho "coflH
nails" nt their own rUks, as tho American
Tobacco company has notified them that in
view of this decision It will not Btand
back of them In case of prosecution. In
tho notlco sent out by the American To
bacco company to dealers hero Is the fol
lowing: To what extent this decision will nffect
tho cb' business In Iowa does not yet
fully appear. Owing to the uncertainty of
tho sltuutlon wo advise nil dealers to cease,
i-nllln.- elirnrettes immediately. It would
bo well to remove nil cigarettes from your
shelves and showcases in order inai iney
may not bo uued as evidence against you
for tho purpose of criminal prosecution or
collection of mulct tax.
Tho company Intimates that it stands
ready to tako back whatever stock of cigar
ettes tho dealers may havo on hand.
Tho Iowa Jaw Imposes a tax of $300 a
year for the prlvllogo of selling cigarettes
and few. If any, dealers nro prepared to
pay this sum, us they claim thoro Is llttlo, If
any, proilt In the trado, but say they nro
forced to soil cigarettes simply for tho
benefit of their regular customers who
otherwiso would carry thoir custom to
Omaha, whero there la no law against tho
sale of cigarettes.
I.ocitl Drnth Unit.
Patrick Dlncen, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Dennis Dlncen, 1G23 Fourth avenue, died
yesterday morning of tuberculosis of the
bowels, aged 2fi years. His parents, two
brothers and one sister suivlvo him. Tho
funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at
2:30 o'clock from Saint Francis Xavtcr's
church. Hcv. Father Smyth will conduct
tho services and Interment will bo In the
Catholic cemetery.
Martha Curl, the Infant adopted daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Curl, f34 Bluff
street, died yesterday morning early, aged
2 months. The funeral will bo held from
tho reBldenco tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock and burial will be In Fnlrvlew
The funeral of Leroy, tho S-year-old son
of Mr. nnd Mrs, J, W. Schnonlng, will be
held this afternoon nt S:30 o'clock from tho
family residence, 341 Ninth avenuo. Ilev.
G, W Snyder of St. John's English Luth-
Our Armored Cruiser Shoe
For Boys' Wear
CLETS, which protect the bottom and
assure the wearer double the service
of any shoe made for boys, 4
Sinn of the Dear.
oran church will conduct tho services nnd
burial will bo In Fnlrvlew cemetery. These
will act as pallbearers! Matt Tlnley, Gcorgo
Tlnley, Oeorgo Pilling and C. II 111.
Mrs. W. S. Wllklns of 745 Washington
nvenuo received word last ovenlng of the
denth of her father, Ira Carpenter, nt
Hillsdale, Mich., tho old family home. Mrs.
Wilklna wil leavo for there this morning.
Joseph It. linker III tide 111m llrotlier,
Win) lliul Mini In Custody.
John T. Baker of Washington, I). C, Is
at tho Grand hotel hero anxiously await
ing somo news of his brother, Joseph I).
Baker, who cscupcd from his custody
Thursday whllo enrouto from Chicago to
Nebraska. J6scph B. Baker Is mentally
deranged nud after leaving Burlington In
tome manner succeeded In getting off tho
train unknown to tho conductor or nny
of tho trainmen. Telegrams sent yester
day by Colonsl Davenport of tho Burling
ton road to Burlington nnd other points
Lctuctn there and Council Bluffs failed
to reveal any traco of tho missing man.
Joseph II. Baker nnd his wife were
formerly In charge of St. Mnry's Hospital
for the Insane In Wnshltigton, D. C, but
after tho death of his wife two years ago
Baker went In live with his son on a ranch
near Eddysvlllo, Neb. A few weeks ngo
he expressed a deslro to visit relatives
In Wushlngton. After ho had been thero
a short time, owing to his mental condi
tion It was deemed best that ho return
to tho farm in Nebraska nnd his brother
started with him from Washington last
Wednesday. On reaching Chicago Baker
mndo several attempts to oscapo from
his brother nnd tho latter had great
tir.Llilo In controlling him. When the train
reached Burlington Thursday morning John
Baker and Ills brother wcro In a smoking
enr and tho latter mndo nn nttompt to
leave tho train, but was prevented by tho
cenductor and brakeman. After leaving
Burlington John Baker fell asleep nnd
when ho nwoko ho discovered that his
brother was missing. Ho had not been
seen to leave tho train, but a search of
the errs failed to reveal him. It Is thought
that ho Jumped from tho train whllo In
motion and may have been killed. On
teaching hero John Baker stopped Thurs
day night at tho transfer, awaiting soma
news of tho missing man. Receiving nono
yestcrdny morning ho laid the case beforo
Colonel Davenport and asked his asslst-
anco In securing somo traco of his brother.
Joseph 11. Baker Is C3 years of ago nnd
In addition to his mental trouble Is phys
ically In a very weak condition.
K. P. dance, Hughes' hall tonight.
Comtnonwoalth 10-ccnt cigar.
Dlxtrlet Court .Votrx.
Judgo Green, in district court yesterday
morning, tork nwny tho fruit treo case of
F. W. Moneray against Leonard Everett
from tho Jury and directed a verdict re
turned for tho plaintiff. Everett BOt up
n counter claim for JSS0, alleging that he
bad been damaged In thnt amount by the
failure of a largo percentage of tho trees
to live. The court held, however, that tho
counter claim could not be allowed, as thcro
wos no guaranty given by the plaintiff
when selling the trees. Tho verdict for
tho plaintiff was for $333.20. Everett Was
given ten days In Which to fllo a motion
for n new trial.
At tho closo of tho Mcncray-Evcrett
enso the trial of tho suit of J. C. Nielsen
ngnjnst tho City of 'CouucN Bluffs to re
cover $2,500 for alleged porsonal Injuries
wus commenced. Tho plaintiff alleges that
on tho night of January 9 last ho stubbed
his toe against n water or gas stopbox
on tho sidewalk at Tenth street aud Broad
way, which caused him to fall and Injure
himself. An adjournment was taken shortly
beforo noon to enable Drs. Lacy, Jennings
nnd Chrlstensen to mako an examination
of, tho plaintiff. The afternoon session was
taken up with tho expert evidence of tho
A motion for n now trial was (lied yes
terday In the caso of Colo & Cole against
G. W. Stanton by Mrs. Catherlno McKcnzle,
guardian nd litem.
A motion for n contlnuanco In tho case
of MU:o L. Kadol ngalnst Oeorgo Kasslng
wns overruled by Judgo Green. Kadel
sues to recover damages for alleged slan
der nnd defamation of churaoter.
Sidney Gngo secured a temporary injunc
tion yesterday restraining Lily E. Doty
nnd others from moving buildings or
digging cellars on n certain lot In Grimes'
addition on Avenue B, between Tenth nnd
Eloventh streets. Gngo claims to bo tho
owner of tho property.
Davis sells paint.
K. r. dance, Hughes' ball tonight.
Suit Over Prunes.
Groneweg & Schoentgen, wholesale gro
cers of this city, commenced two suits In
tho district court yestordny against II. S.
Gilo & Co. of Salem, Ore., to recover dam
nges In tho sum of $1C5 by reason of tho
fall uro and refusal of tho defendnnt to
carry out nn alleged contract for tho pur
chase of a carlond of prunes. In ono suit
tho Capitol National bank of Salem and
tho First National baulc of this city aro
mndo party defendants. It Is claimed that
Stewart Bros, of this city wcro Indebted
to Glle & Co. In tho sum of $793.04 and
that In order to plnco this out .of reach
of attachment by tho plaintiffs Gilo & Co.
drew n draft payable to tho Salem bank.
In this suit It Is asked that tho monoy
collected on this draft by tho First Na
tional bank of this city bo mado subject to
tho payment and satisfaction of tho plain
tiff firm's claim of $1G5.
I.nlinr Matters.
At tho meeting of tho Trades and Labor
assembly last night tho nppcnl from tho
Retail Clerks' association for assistance In
enforcing Sunday closing was taken up.
A committee of ono from each union wns
appointed to canvass the city and endeavor
If posslblo to secure a voluntary closing
of tho stores complained of. In the event
of tho proprietors refusing to comply with
tho request of tho assembly inoro drastic
measures will bo resorted to.
Oeorgo Gorman of tho Bluff City Typo
graphical union was selected as local cor
respondent for the new trades union paper
to bo published In Omaha,
I'iivIiik Work Completed.
Contractor Wlckham completed tho pav
ing on Broadway, between Twelfth street
and tho brldgo over Indian creek at Thir
teenth street, yesterday nnd tho street
has been reopened to trafTlc.
Tho preparatory work for the paving on
Pierco Btrcet, between First and Stutsman
Etrcets, was begun yesterday and tho lay
ing of brick will commenco Monday,
On Tenth nvenue overythlng Is In readi
ness for the laying of brick, which Is ex
pected hero from Galeoburg by tho flrst
of next week. Thla will bo tho first street
In this city to bo laid with brick from the
Illinois town.
K, P. dance, Hughes' hall tonight.
Minn Cooiir Cnn Husk Some,
SLOAN, Ia Nov. 23. (Special.) Sloan
claims to have the champion woman corn
busker In the person of Miss Mary Coones,
living threo miles south of town. She
husked soventy-elght bushels and forty
pounds one day last week and succeeded
In defeating two men who were busking
In the same field,
Want to rent a room! Don't wait,
a Bee want ad.
Emminger of Oonncil Bluffs Purchase! the
Fidelity ofDea Moines.
Avilt-ntttx for District Attornrlilp
Stir t"i n Clniuor for n Complete
CbaiiKe In the I'l"t '
DES MOINES, Nov. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) J. B. Emminger of Council Bluffs
has acquired a controlling Interest In the
stock of the Fidelity Insurance company
In this city. A majority of the pnidup stock
has been held by Dr. John Cooper, 'who has
been president of tho company, nnd It la
largely his Interest which has been pur
chased by Mr. Emminger. Tho capital
stock Is now $100,000, of which $20,00 1b
paid up. No chango in thu management will
bo mado nt' present, but Mr, Emminger will
go In as president and treasurer next wcok.
Judgo Mcl'hcrson of the United States
court has taken under consideration tho
first caso of alleged violation of tho con
tract alien labor law brought In tho titate.
David Morrison, a prominent manufacturer
of Grlnncll, lins been nccuscd of Importing
Inborers to work In making gloves, paying
tho way of tho men from Europe and Riving
them positions In his factory. He was given
n private hearing beforo the court, ns only
somo legal points nro Involved.
Dc.i Moines dealers In cigarettes, who hnd
hoped to escape the penalties of the mulct
tax because they had promptly obeyed the
orders of tho American Tobacco company
nnd stopped selling cigarettes ns soon ns
tho Tennessee decision wns rendered, wcro
surprised today by having tho city assessor
nsHcsa each dealer $75 taxes for tho cur
rent quarter. Thero nro 300 of them. If
ho finds that he can assess them for the
time thn law has been In forco ho will ndd
nbout $S00 to each one. The dealers clatm
that une'er their contract tho American
Tobacco company will havo to stand tho
.Seeking l'cilcrnl OHIoen.
The politicians of the stnto are Just be
ginning to take seriously the report that an
effort will bo mado next year to oust tho
two United States district nttorncys and
supplant them with other men. In tho
southern district Harry O. Weaver, chair
man of tho republican stato committee, Is
n candidate for tho plnco now held by ex
Senator Miles of Corydon. Mr. Miles has
had two terms, though not consecutive, as
ho was appointed by Harrison, let out by
Cleveland and reappointed by McKlnloy. Ho
hns attended strictly tn business and has
Ink!! little part In politics. Mr. Weaver
hns been very active for tbo party and slnco
the election hns been quietly laying his
plans for appointment when Mr. Miles' term
expires, which It does next year. In tho
northern district nn attack Is being malo
on H. G. McMillan of Cedar Haplds, largely
on nccount of his location In tho Judicial
district. When the slate was made up
by tho Iowa congrcsidonal delegation the at
torneyship was assigned to tho Eloventh dis
trict and Mr. McMillan, who then lived In
Lyon county. In the extreme northwest, got
tho place. Ho met' with strong opposition
cpn In Hint dlftj'lqt, )ut had been chair
man of tho statu, commlttco and had strong
backing In Scnntor Allison. After nls ap
pointment ho moved to Cedar Haplds, In
the Fifth dlslrlct.r where ho purchased the
Cedar Haplds Republican nnd becamo man
ager. Now Eleventh district peoplo vow
that ho must be, ousted because ho hns
moved out of the district and they havo
bi ought out J. U. Snmmls, n young lnwyor
of Lemurs, ns a candidate to succeed Mc
Millan, Ho Is raid to have tho backing of
Congressman Thomas of tho Eloventh dis
trict. Tho only federal official who has
had nny cause to worry about reappoint
ment is Mr. Ketnble, tho collector In tho
southern district. Ho lost n considerable
qcantlty of stamps In a mysterious manner
n year or ho ago nnd nn effort was mado
then to havo him supplanted. However, an
tho cntlro list of federal officials was ar
ranged by the congressional delegation with
tho senators It will be found very hard to
btcak over In nny case, and tho best poli
ticians hero think thero Is no reason to
oxpect nnv chango In nny of the districts.
Dolison Intend tn Quit.
William B. Martin of Greenfield, tho
nowly elected becrctary of state, arrived
In Dca Moines todny to get ready for tak
ing pojscsslon of his office early In
January. It is his flrst visit to tho city
slnco tho question was raised as to tho
right of officers elected this year to take
tho places they sought, and ho hns been
somowhat worried by the various news-
papor rumors. However, ho Boon dis
covered that In tho caso of his ofllco there
wns no occasion for worrying, ns tho office
will bo turned over to him promptly and
In a manner so that thoro can bo no ques
tion about tho legality of his acting. Tho
present secretary of state, Mr. Dobson, has
cxtonslvo business Interests which demand
his attention at onco nnd ho will loso no
tlmo discussing tho allegod blunders of tho
constitutional amendment.
IIIIiiol Central Kxiiuimton.
Tho announcement that next week tho
Illinois Central will Inaugurato a through
Chlcago-St. Taul passenger servlco, using
tho Minneapolis & St. Louis from Albert
Lea, tends to confirm tho generally accepted
opinion tn Iowa that the day Is not
distant when tup Minneapolis line will bo
Little Liver PUls.
Must Bear Signature of
5m Facsimile Wrapper Below.
Taar hmU aja aa rf
tn tak as rtfar.
I riair ' rOR IAUIW SKIN.
RrwBMrI prr tnccomplexmr
Tho Health of the Fields is in
Nervura Biooii and! Nerve
Yon need Dr. Greene's
vura to renew the strength, vigor,
snap, and energy of the nerves to
purify nnd enrich the blood to
make you strong and well.
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy is the one remedy
to take the greatest and best
medicine the world has ever
It is absolutely harmless
and every ingredient is a nat
ural food and medicine for the
nerves and blood.
Now in the unhealthy and
trcachcrpus mouths you
Greene's Nervura most. It has been
the world's standard tonic and restora
tive for years the one remedy on which
the people can always depend.
It conquers all nervous wcakxiess
and exhaustion, debility, run-down blood,
sleeplessness, dyspepsia, kidney and
liver complaints, weakness, and all
diseases which accompany debilitated
blood and weakened nerve force.
MRS. n.J. CimNERY, z Spring
Street, Woodford's, Me., says:
"Last Bprlne my husband nnd tuvsclf were
not xeollnj; well, ana 1 was HUilurlng'
cutiicuiiy. i ill a uot Hlcep well nights, uml having
had sickness In tho family, I hud become ex
hausted. We hoard Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
und ncrvo remedy highly recommended
uy oiners. My Husband nnd my
self used eight bottles and wo
derived great benoOt from its
uso. I can now sleep well and
am better since it use. Wo
think highly of Nervura."
Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., Now York Olty, la tho most successful
sapotallst in curing nervous and chronic diseases. . Ho has remedies for
all forms Of disease, and nffmix in niun fnam nnnuuMatlnn and advlnm.
personally or by letter. You can tell or write your
for 'l communications are confidential, and letters
vbmmou onveiopes.
operated as a part of tho Illinois Central
system, Tho now Chtcngo-SU Paul sorv
Ico will glvo tho Central as good a ono
Into tho twin cities from' Chicago na that
of tho Western or other roads run
ning through Iowa. Tho train will leave
tho main lino at Waterloo and go to Mona,
on tho stato lino, thonco to Albert Len, over
I tho now Albert Lea & Southeastern. Tho
Illinois Central Is also getting well down
I Into tho eastern part of central Iowa.
Engineer Jacobs of tho Central force Is
now engaged in surveying a now lino south
from Cedar Ilaplds, being nn extension of
tho Manchester & Cedar Haplds branch
This will cross tho main lino of tho Hock
Is!nnd at Tiffin, In Johnson county, nnd tho
branch nt Washington will proceed south
ward to Coppnck, whero connection will
bo mado with tho Iowa Central, Tho II
llnols Central recently purchased a con
sldorablo tract of land In CoJar Haplds fo
tbo uso of this extension. Now that tli
Minneapolis & St. Louis, tho Iowa Cen
tral and tho Illinois Central aro all practl
cally under ono management It will Ik
seen that tho Illinois Contral Is expanding
greatly In Iowa.
at iiic
e, siari
urangeinc regulates Nerves, Stomach
and Liver. Acts quickly surely
successfully. Never fails; never harms,
full directions in every package.
?-IAr?;.V,".,l7BlnMulII'ianl CMmbo, wrltei:
.iV.i ,P,,k(n 'OranijiliiB 'powder for two
i S?r", ntlrelr reeoTered from an
attack of -grip' In It. .cvere.t form."
Lfj,rrl "0"5lne;' redr to "head off"
coldi, headache and i.errou. ethao.tlon.
Hon, Frank 11, Jonet.
Sold by druggists generally In 23 and Mo
packages. A trial packago will ha sent tn
uuy address for 2-ceat stamp,
Chicago, III,
Take No Risk
Do you know Hint the dif
ference between fresh and
Btale drugs may be tho dif
ferent between life and
death, when those drtifrs aro
compounded to 1111 your doe
tor'rt prescription? Stalo
druRs have lost their virtue
nud have llttlo or no medlel
' mil value.
Wo fill prescriptions with
fresh dniRs only. You take
no risk when you trade at
Dell G. Morgan's
142 Broadway, Council niuffa. Tel. 222.
Dohauy Theater
The Laughing Success
Two Married Men
A Grand Company of Comedians
Special Scenery, Novel Specialties, Spark
IIhk Wit, I'retty Girls.
Trices, 25c, 35c and 60c,
m Every Drop
need Dr.
from u nervous
manhood restoed:;.e:
ble VlwIUcr, the prr!rluon of turnout French phyiicUu. will qnlcfciycure you nlaU
roimor ulvMraot tlx cmnnllve orinm, ucu m JinUnel, Inwimlill,
! tn ill Hark, MrtaliiHl Dnlulnnl, Nrriom IIIUy, rimwla
ltMijin..ii.iiu.r !!!. V Arlpor I mta1 fHetlnllOn.
f JUtu.ll lounliy tUror nlftm err venuqulcKnemuf dibri. which If nptctiecked
1 lf l lo Bneniilorrln nnd nil tur luirrort nt linpetroer. ;','.!',;SEc!n,?.Ul
llwr. the Lldni.Yintl me urliirr ol mil laniuilUes, CUrioftiNKstreocUMaa
and rdtorfml! wpic oritain. ., . ,..
HisrrMin uorers are nut caid by Doctors Is hmnn 00 per cent aro troubled with rratauua.
Oni'lDICMlA the only known remedy to cure without nn operation. 4000 tenUuiniiUlt. A wrltUa
EurnteKlTeii ami money returneit If lit-oxudotjnot ofloct a permaucnl cure., I.OIaboxIor M,
mill, hem) for kiikk cfrmlr ami tesllmu;lil(. ,
Au!r.i I vol, .YlfcllVl'IM: CO., 1. O 'toz 3Q7A. Ban FraneLioo. Cal.
m VKiis-tiii.i.oN
DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
Hiirf for Niile 11 larttn Mat of Improved
vcK-tnlilo IiukIni nlmi rrnltlnioe nil
mill Onmliii. S1IM1C I'AHMSi
1C0 acres Jluzel Dell twp., 11 miles ne C. B.,
good bulldlnso, $15 per aero.
SO acres near Crescent, well Improved, (45
per aero.
(0 acica C miles cast, good buildings and
fruit, 550 per acre.
CO-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improre-
merits, J150 per acre,
SO-acrt fruit frm adjoining city, J6.000.
The nliovc la only n miniitr at oar
f lie I- cent lull-rent. Tclpphoiio :I44.
Really Now.
when a Charter Oak Stove or Range
gives you 20'yenrs or more of
satisfactory service
Isn't that the right sort for you ?
Sold Toy.
IWAfElN I MADE Charter
DEmlmllu I BY main a.
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Plfteea Iota tn a body for sale at a very raasoaabla prlca. Tfeaaa
lots are located In Omaha addltkm and lis blfh and dry. Taty
will make a splendid location for soma factory, flararal otbtr lota
suitable for building purpoaas one of tttra especially will maka
a 0n location for a htxaa, batox within one block nt tha rostor
line and wltbln two blocks of a school sous and caurca locaU4
la tho wastarn part of tbo olty.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
Dr. Greene's
tirntiMtwirtiO iimmh
WM IHftill MM.
lnwA t it mi itmMi mm mnn hi
ub ti tn -viiii ui n i in mm AMimi
ini muiiuiii iimitniiui miiiiii.
iihi minim mitttimmnv.
ftjttmtilii hi
rsKE.J.A. Greene,
tit niiutiM atuvutmtm mtu mi
fa PRICE $1.00.
troubles to Dr. Greene,
aro answered In plain,
.aiio co.. lam and faun am.
If You Wish
good reliable dental work at mod
erate prices we can please you.
Our methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 145
H. I. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotel.
farm, chicken runohea, fruit anil
biialnrna property In Connull niuffa
ICO-ncrcs Missouri bottom land, 8 miles (
city, $40 per aero.
COO acre stock farm near Garling, Selby Co.,-
320 acres In Silver Creek twp., 450 per acre;
well Improved.
213 acres fine bottom land In Rockford twp,
J42.DO pel acre; well Improved,
X0 IT ! !
Oak Stove & Range Co.
ca3s ave st. louis, mo.