TILE OMAHA DAILV BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1900. A X i II AXnCII' Economy Bargain Room nil f IjrilS Bargains for Saturday. H-WLalatJ The Most Astonishing Values Ever Put on Sale In Umaha. Grand Ribbon Sale in the New Economy Bargain Room. . This lot of ribbons la a combination of two bankrupt stocks and will bo closed out at prices unheard of before, lllbbona worth 15c for 24c a full line of beautiful fancy ribbons, 35c ribbons for 10c. worU, 33e t0 joe, at 15c. Itlbbons worth 25c for "V4c. Notion Specials Saturday tv0h.NovvEconomyBarBa,n Puro silk for crochotlng, on spools, new fresh lot, all perfect, all colors; regular price, 15c; special prlco, per spool, 3'4c 16c motal back horn combs, each, Ec. 15c pearl buttons, per'donen, 2V4c. 25c quality buttons, Saturday, per doion, 10c. 15c tooth brushes, each, 7V4c. $1.00 and $1.25 Boston bass, each, 50c. 60c shopping bags, 10c. An elegant 11ns of ladles' dress buttons, worth from 20c to COc, on sale at, per iozon, 6c. . v Hlg Job lot of ladles' poarl collar buttons, for Indies' or children, worth 23c nnd 60c per dozen; nalo prloe, per dozen, 10c. Furnishings Sale in the New Economy Bargain Room. Mon's four-ln-hand ties, only lc. 200 dozen men's 4-ply all linen collars, all sizes, slightly soiled, at, each, lc. Men s 25c suspenders, 10c. Mon's COc gloves and mlttons at 10c. Men's working shirts, In light nnd dark colors, 15c. Children's camel's hair and Jersey ribbed vests and pants that were made to 11 at 25c, on salo at 10c. Ladles' 23c vesta at 10c. Ladles' 60c heavy merino vests nnd pants at 25c. Bed Blankets in the New Economy Bargain Room. 11-4 extra heavy Alexandria white cotton bed blankets, fancy border, extra good bargain, $1.38 a pair, regular prlco $2.00. 10-4 cream wool bed blankets, fancy border, $2.25 per pair, regular price $3.60. 72-84 homo mado bed comforters, covorod with sllkollne, filled with puro white cotton, six pounds cotton In each comfort, $1,50, worth $2.25. Caps in the New Economy Bargain Room. 60 dozen men's nnd boys' caps, all styles, color and sizes, worth 25c to 60c, on sale Saturday at 10c and 6c. Children's toboggan, toquo and Tain o' Shanters, all colors and sizes, on sale Saturday In tho now economy bargain room at 10c and 5c. Thi Gnatist Shot Bargains Evsr Offirtd te?,Tonomy Saturday. icai saie uii Arcuc uversnoes and Rubbers. 200 pairs women's 95c felt houso slippers on salo at Ortrt ..i ... . - . . . i onien B "no w'w kU1 ,ace I (t.lU UUILUII. HIIUC.1 Ul , 200 pairs misses' flno $1.75 kid, lace shoes, I on salo at 160 pairs children's J1.00 kid Bhoes Impairs beys' 90c cunvas leggllngs 4OT palm men's flno $1.25 velvet em- uiuiucreu nnppers, ail sizeH, ai , ISO pairs boys' ll.ii satin calf shoes, Blzes 9 to 13H. at , ClOlk Bargains for Saturday in iauiea jacKcia, an wool, worm e.uu, lor Ladles' Drees Skirts, worth $3.50, for Ladles' Percale Wrappers, each Ladles' Taffeta Silk Waists, worth $6.00, for Ladles' Flannoletto Wrappers, worth $2,00, .auieB .du, unaersKirts at 98, Attond tho great salo of Chicago manufacturer's suits and cloaks In tho Cloak Department. Special for Saturday, 75 suits, some silk lined throughout, worm iu w, ior...... , $9.95 Ortat Pants Sale in the New Economy Bargain Room for Saturday- 1 j riuca ies lama one-iourm usual on m en Yesterday J. J. Maher appeared at tho sheriff's ofllco In Omaha in response to a suggestion that tho authorities had a war rant for him and upon tho document being road by Deputy Sheriff Flynn ho went be fore County Judgo Vlneonhaler and pleaded not guilty to the charge of obtaining money Under falsa pretenses. His enso was sot for hearing utter bonds In the sum of $700 had been arranged for. Two warrants are now In possession of the shorlff for the arrest of Mayor Kelly, but a deputy said last night that when tho mayor returns ho will be requested to call at the ofllcn of the sheriff on Monday morning to hear tho warrants read. Tho mayor has spent tho last few dnyn at Ord, where he has boen a wltnobs la a cattle easo In which ho Is Interested. These arrests, It 1b understood, are only ono step In tho tight now being made on tho administration. Some tlmo ago Mayor Kelly closed the Sherman-JorgenBon Rm ' bllng houso on Twenty-fourth Htreet and, It is asserted, allowed other houses to run Sherman did not say much at tho tlmo, but when JorgonBon returned from Europo he attempted to assert what bo claimed as his rlihts under tho supposed protective treaty and was, If reports are truo, turnod down by the chtofexecuttve. When, a little later, tho Berlln-Healy Maher trust' was allowed to open gambling rooms at Twenty-fifth and N streets it was given out that there was to bo only ono protected gambling house in tho ctty, but Jorgenson thought differently. Through his efforts,, so It la related, all gambling was stopped. Mayor Kelly, however, did not tako kindly to the talk Jorgenson put up and consequently ordered hla saloon closed on Sundays, This order was not compiled with and the result was that Jorgenson was arrested. Ho was found guilty In police court and appealed the case. The Sunday following found Jorgonsqn with the sldo door open, the same as some other saloon3 In the city. Again ho was arrested and oloscd. Then the light started In earnest Jorgenson swears that ho will fight to tho end. It Is predicted that when Mayor Kelley re turns tonight be will order tho strict en forcement of the Slocumb law, which means the closing of all saloons at midnight un keeping closed all day Sunday. Police Elutrd Over ('mtturc Members of the police force aro greatly elated over tho capturo of tho threo tough characters at the Dollono hotel yesterday v morning. It was a nervy proposition for tho ponco to jump Into a room occupied by threo men who wero known to be dos perate characters and armed with weapons of the latest pattern. Chief Mitchell, Cap tain Allle, Newman and Klsfolder, howovor, proved themselves equal to tho occasion and without any parley broke down the doors and entered the room before th crooks could reach their weapons, which lay on a bureau near tho houd of the bed THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Grnln-0 Is not a stimulant, like cotTec. It is a tonic und its effects re permanent. A successful substitute for coffee, Pccause it has the cotTeo llavorthat everybody likes. Lots of coffee substitutes In the market, but only one food drink Grain-O. ' All grocers; 13c. and 23c, 3ii. Elr ji J- il J THE PURE V V AR 4"C QQ llhSli sT f UU QC ,0 gg Qg CC CW? UwU on. (JOC I the New Economy Bargain Room. 98,. !.!!!! 08c 2g0 !!'.!!!$18 for ,'. 98c s and boy s pants fter tho crooks had beon cowed thoy wero stood up In lino and compelled to dress one at a tlmo. While this dressing process was going on the clothes and room wero being searched by tho officers who wern not kept busy holding shooting-irons at'' the beads of tho trio. When an attempt was mado at tho Jail to question tho prtsonors thoy appeared sulky and refused to talk. They wero locked In the steel cage, where they will remain for several days at least. Last night several ofllcerB and detectives camo down from Omaha and after a brief nspectlon Identified the prisoners ns men who nro wanted not only in Omaha, but n other cities. It Is suspected that at east two of tho prisoners havo rewards hanging over them. After tho struggle to make the capturo Chlof Mitchell docs not Intend to let go of his birds unless they are wanted worso elsowhcro. Unrlnl of Mm. I)nnlell. Tho funeral of Mrs. Richard Danloll wan held nt Union church In Sarpy county yesterday afternoon. Ilev. Irving P. John son, rector of St. Martin's church, South Omaha, conducted tho services. Many of tho pioneers of the county, ob well as a large number of friends from Omaha and South Omaha, attended tho services. The interment was at the Old Palley ceme tery. Christian Amoclatlon Lecture. At tho First Presbyterian church tonight the first of a series of lectures for the benefit of tho Young Men's Christian asso ciation will bo given. Through tho effortB of tho Woman's auxiliary of tho association a largo number of tickets for the course have been sold. Tho money derived from tho lectures will be used to Improvo tho present quarters of the association. High School ICiitrrliilniiient. The modernized "Merchant of Venice" will be presented by tho sonlor class of tho South Omaha High school at Modorn Woodman hall on Monday ovenlng. No vember 20. Dlmmlck'a full orchestra will furnish the, music on this occasion, Tho snlo of seats has been quite satisfactory and It 1b predicted that tho hall will bo filled. Improved I.lurlitlnir Service. Tho Thomson-Houston Lleht comunnv hon about completed Its Improvements hero ana now heavy wires carry tho current which supplies tho city hall bulldlnir ami other downtown business blocks. Slnco tho Installation of tho heavy current the llcht Is much hotter than formerly. Muulc City Goanln. Mayor Kelly Is expectod to return tonight irom urn. The Home Clrclo club has reorganized for me, srnson. MIsb Daisy Morris Is visiting relatives at Councilman C. C. Clifton returned yes terday from a trip to lowu. Remember the Yalinc Men's Christian nn soclatlon entertainment at tho Presbyterlun cnjrcii ionium. Mrs. Callow, Nineteenth and M streets entertained tho . Presbyterian King's uaugniera yeuieruuy aueruoon. City Treasurer Koutsky reports that two saloons arc running without a license. He will call the attention of the Hoard or Kd ucnuon to me matter. IMucate Your 1lowrlnt Ycur bowels can bo trained ns woll as your muscles or your brain. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do right. AH druggists, 10c, 25c, 60c. Cohbler Cobbled, John nnrkdale, a shoemaker, whose shop Is In a bacement at Thirteenth und Leav enworth streets, reported to the police lato .. uii.iiiuuii t,ti iiu iici.i urrii n- saulted there by two mn. Harkdulo said one or mem tnrew mm uown and held him while tho other beat him over the head with n shoehammer nnd ho had .three scalp wuumis iu ojiuw iut u. lie ciuimea 10 De lunorant of the cause of the assault. Th wounds, which are not serious, worn drpsanl I Dy rouce Burgeon Ames, HAYDENs Convincing proofs o Tho sortments of tlio newest and best goods put on salo at tho most astonishingly low prices Satur-urday. You Get What You Want and Save Money at Haydens. (Agents for Butterick Patterns and Regnier Kid Gloves.) Bargains in Silks. The most Important salo In tho entire Btoro Is tho big silk sale. To wind up this great salo wo will offer for Saturday tho biggest bargains In nil kinds of silks. Tho very flncst 19-lnch black taffeta for 49c. $1.25 black Swiss taffeta, 27 Inches wide, for 6Sc. $2.00 black taffeta, 36 Inches wide, on salo at $1.25. lleautlful fancy silk, all styles, and plain silk, of all kinds, many worth up to $1.60, at 49c. 27-Inch wide pure white taff'a silk at only 59c. All $1.60 and $2.00 black hemstitched taffeta for waists or skirts, on Bnlo Sat urday, $1.00. Big Sale on Velvets Saturday All colors and black, In flno silk faced velvet, 69c. $1.25 fine black velvet at only COc. $1.50 velvet, In black and colors, nt $1.00. Sheet Music Hnvdnns' n.-n leaders In tho very latest and most popular sheet music. Tomorrow wo will place on Bale 10 of our best sell ing selections, such big hits ns: 1-or Old Times' Sake." "What Is Homo With out I.nvn" nml "Without Your Lovo Oh, Let Mo die," three of Charles K. Harris' latest songs. "All'8 Woll that Ends woll," "My Heart's Tonight In Texas," "Lam Lam Lam," "Tho Sentinel Asleep," "Dluo and tho dray," both tho march and tho Bong; "Way Deep In My Heart" und "Can You Forglvo Mo." Anx.of tho abovo songs tomorrow only 19c per copy; regular price, 26c and 35c. Wo also carry a choice catn loguo of 10c sheet music, many of tho very best composers' works contained In this lot. lc extra must bo added for mall orders. Optical Dept Wo fit you accurately with spectacles and eyeglasses or fill the prescriptions of your oculist at very reasonable prices. HAYDEN BROS, ROSENTHAL DENIES RUMOR Su There In Xo Truth In Report that Trovnilero Will Chnnve Manila. Jako Rosenthal, resident manager for Mlaco, Miller & Wlttl;j, lessees of tho Trocadero theater, enters an authoritative denial of tho report that has been In circula tion In theatrical circles for the last day or wo that tho E. D. Stair circuit Is negotiat ing for possession of tho Trocadero. "So far us I know," said Mr. Rosenthal, "the Individual who Is said to bo In tho ctty en deavoring to get hold of tho Trocadero Is purely a myth. I havo been approached by no ono and I know for a certainty that tho management of this theater Is considering no change In policy. "Mossn. Mlaco, Miller & Wlttlg have five-years' lenso on the roca'cro and the business wo havo been' doing Is entirely satisfactory. Tho leasees aro now shaping their plans for an enlargement of tho Ircult of hnus38 controlled by them, which now uumbors fourteen. I hnvo Just re ceived a letter from Mr. Miller stating tbnt he 1b negotiating for tho control of a Denver liouso and I predict that by the opening of next season tho Mlaco circuit will Includo houses clear through to tho Pacific coast. Rooklngs for tho Omaha house nro completed for two years In ad vance nnd every company that has been hero this season has been so well pleased with tbe patronage accorded that they have all applied for futuro bookings." Aro you out or work? A llee want ad will bring ou a position. SyrufFigs Actifcasmity widJbomptly. Cleanses the System Gently nnd Effectually when i bilious or costive. Jheseitts j'nt tJic mast acceptablearm the laxative principles of plants Jcnown ;i act most JeieIiclnI(y. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPC0. SAN rRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVlUt . KY NEW YORK, N.Y. terjfU bjf dwfti'ts - jrh SO tr kottl: SPECIAL SALES Big Storo's leadership in genuine bargain givinc "Vast ap- Grand v Millinery Sale Saturday we offer 60 very flno pattern hats, exquisitely mado up In tho very new est fashions at fully one-third below their actual cost. Thcso aro part of a special purchase closed out to us by a big eastern dealer anxious to end his winter business. llegular $4.00 trimmed hats at $1.93 and $2.50. Complete lino of feathers, trimmings and millinery novelties of all kinds. Ladies' Underwear and Furnishings Ladles' $3.00 all wool union suits at $1.50. Ladles' $1.00 corsets In black and drab, all sizes, from 18 to 20, on salo at 49c. Boys' Lion brand shirts In nil tho now styles, rngulnr $1.00 values at 28c. Ladles' $10.00 silk union suits at $7.50. Ladles' 35c and 50c .hose In wool and flcoccd lined, at 25c. Ladles' and children's 25c hoso In wool and fleeced lined at 15c. 1 lot of ladles' union suits, worth up to $1.50, on salo at 50c, 76c nnd 98c. Ladles' $1.50 and $2.00 outing flannel gown nt 98c. Ladles' heavy ribbed vests and pants, at 25c, 35c, 50c. DOUBT DIVISION OF DIOCESE I.ocnl KccIcnlnatU' Point Out that Pope'n Iteportetl C'ourne Would He Without Precedent. Tho telegram from Dubuquo, la., an nouncing that orders had been received from Homo for tho division of the dloccso of Dubuque, tho part set off to bo attached to tho new dloceso of Sioux City, is received with expressions of Incredulity by prom inent men In tho Catholic church in Omaha. Thoy point out that this Is not the way Homo transacts such business. Orders for tho division of a dloceso aro seldom or never Issued until after the meeting of tho bishops which Is to recommend tbe division, and this meeting will not be held tn the nrchdloceso of Dubuque until next week. Tho rumor of tho elevation of Mgr. Chap- pello to tho cardlnalnto Is received 'vlth moro confidence, as It Is said that this se lection would, bo In the natural ordor ct things. Archbishop Chappelle, whoso sta tion Is tho archleplscopal sco of New Or leans, Is now papal legato In tho Philip pines. It Is customary for persons charged with such Important affairs to bo called to Rome at tho closo of their work and re ceive the red hat. Tornado In Ohio. r.rT.TTXtTJTTa n Vnl- nn . .r.rt.1rt which svvept over Delaware and Knox coun- $.20,000. Tho path of tho storm was only about a quarter of a mile wide nnd touched 1110 eiimi in iuia. a u ituiuuiu juir grounds wero badly damaged. Shoe The Little Feet- Thoy need It more than you do rut In nil kluds of weather, over all kinds of roads, tho wearing quality and price of n shoe has a great deal to do with It Now n dollar nnd a half Isn't much for a boys' shoe and yet It. Is a great deal If the bhoe Isn't worth It We have a Hhoe at $l.f0 that wo not only eny Is worth It but time lina proven It For yenrs wo have sold this sanio shoo, nnd In every Instance they have given sat isfaction Wo can lit your boy to these Bhoes, nnd Saturday will be a good duy for us to do It. Drexel Shoe Co., Sen CntaloK-:e rendy Sent free for the nalclna. Oniaha'a Up-to-dnte Shoe House. 141U FAUNAS! STllElvT. Ef Dis Hers Stove Waz Hot- You can bet your sweet llfo I wouldn't be sottln' where I am cause I got more sense But dis cut am to show you dnt my boss sells stoves and he sells good stoves, too de kin' dat lasts a lifetime do Favorite baso burner for ?19.80 de Oak Heater fur $4.08 an' do Favorlto cook fur $11.00 An' ho sells dem on dat easy payln' plan, too Den ho sells dem Harney & Ilerrv skates fur 00c an do good kin' o' sleds from 25c up an' fine wedder strips fur 94c a foot padlocks fur oc up He's do greatest, hardware man In town an' what you buy of him you can bet your sweet life It's Just right. A. C. Raymer 1514 Farnam St. Grocery Specials IS pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00 Kagle Lye, can 2ic 2-pound package Self-IUIsIng Puncako Flour, tho most delicious and palat able pancako flour on the market.. 8 l-3c 3-pound can Syrup 0c Japan Hlce, per pound 5c Fancy Head Hlce, per pound 8Hc Lentels, per pound 3Hc 10-pound snck pure Nebraska P.uck- wl cat 45c 10-pound sack N. Y. state puro Iluck- wtcat 60c 11 bars Best Laundry Soap 25c Pint bottles Tomato Catsup 7Hc Flour, the most dollclous and paint- package 8Wc 5-pound pnll Jelly 16c Caroline Hlce, per pound "He Mikado Fancy Illcc, per pound 10c Pearl Tapioca, per pound 7V4c 10-pound sack Graham 19c Sago, per pcund 7Hc 10-pound sack puro Iowa Buckwheat.. 45c THANKSGIVING: PIUCES ON Poultry and Meats for Saturday No. 1 sugar cured hams, 11c. Fresh dressed ducks and geese, 10c. Fresh dressed turkeys, lie. Fresh dressed chickens, 7c. Large, crisp celery, 6c. 5-pounds best brand lord 48c. Fresh pork snusagc, 8 l-3c. Salt pork, 7c. 20-pound palls bent brand lard, $1.75. HEADQUAHTEHS FOK FHESH DRESSED POULTItY. Great Ring Sale at 25c, 50c and $1 Wo havo placed on salo thousands of fine rings, guaranteed to wear for from 3 to 5 years with constant use. You can not buy a ring equal to tho ono offered in this sale at 25c, for less than $1.00 else where; tho 60c rings aro regular $1.60 and $2.00 values, and tho rings offered In this sale at $1.00 will glvo as perfect nntisfac tlon as any that can bo bought. All stone rings offered tn this salo aro warranted for five years' constant use. Any ring bought In this sale and not giving satis factory wear will be replaced by us. THIS IS POSITIVELY THE GREATEST RING SALE EVER OPENED IN OMAHA. The greatest lino and tho greatest values ever put on sale. F 1 AMUSEMENTS. t -- "Way Uown I3nit" It is Just possible, though It requires something of a stretch of tho Imagination to mako It seem probable, that a company composed of capable actors could make bo bad a play as tho much-vaunted " 'Way Down East" tho vehicle of an evening's en tertainment. Conversely, It Is also possible that a company so bad as tho ono that Is presenting that amorphous conglomeration of cant, fustian and silly twaddlo could, If given a play with somo Inherent virility, furnish amusement for an Intelligent audi ence though that, too, Is unlikely. Tho combination of wretched drama and In capablo people to present it Is too much, howovor, and tho result of the whole Is a production that Is flat, stalo and unprofit able. It tho piece were worthy of serious criti cism, It 'would be Interesting to learn where tho authors found tho prototypes of the people they havo put Into their so called play. Presumably It was from see ing similar characters on tho stage of the burlesque houses In tho Dowory or from the comic weeklies. At any rate, thoy more nearly resomblo those caricatures than they do tho sturdy men and the noble women of New England. Tho habitat of such a specimen of tho genus homo as HI Halter should bo revealed to n watting world and the adherents of the Darwinian SCHOOL SHO'S m r Mzgm B If I Min's Underwear and II 1 LIE IT and Furnishings Sale A I UEIlS Men's heavy nodi fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, all sites, made to sell ''"ftf nt 60o and 75c on salo at Ouv Men's $1.60 Wool Underwear at 75c 5 case s men's lino wool, In plain and fancy col ors, In ribbed and plain also extra heavy all wool that Is sold every- "T E?s-t where at $1.60 on sale hero nt i - Ow Men's $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Underwear nt 9 So Thousands of garments of men's fine wool and part silk underwear that was ma do for tho ery best trade. This underwear was made by one of the best mills In this c ountry and every garment Is mado perfect and warranted to lit flno wool, Jersey ribbed, In plain nnd fancy colors, QQp California red flannel, heavy balbrlggan, worth $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 at VOw Men's heavy all wool Jersey Gloves and Mittens that wero mado to sell nt 50c on sale at '. 4 Ow Men's 60c Neckwear In all tho now styles CSLr nt Men's 25 cent Wool Half Hose at Men's and boys' Wool Sweaters In all tho new colors that wero mude f Q to sell at $1.60 and $2.00 on sale at VOt Men's flno Cardigan Jackets at $5.00 down $ 1 OO Men's heavy Jersey Overshtrts In blue, brown and fancy colors g A- at 9Sc, 75c and O vf C Men's one dollar Dogskin Oloves g f at OUC Hayden's Fine Shoe Sale Saturday. The flncst shoes tho best makes of shoes tho latest stylo shoes tho best wear ing shoes. "Brooks Bros." flne shoes for shoes for wemen "Merrlam" shoes for chl pair less than others sell Inferior makes. nnnn mmXM Tho "Brooks Bros." make ladles' line sh leather, all tho newest styles, worth up t All sizes and widths A to E. Tho "Ultrn" shoes, In vlcl kid, box cal military and Cuban haols, slr.es 2H to 8, wl The H. W Merrlam shoes for misses a with single or double soles sizes 6 to 8, f 11 to 2 for $1 76 Infants' sizes, 2 to (I, fo Tho "Stetson" hand made shoo for ma and vlcl kid, all styles and sizes, prlco $5. Men's flno "Satone" calf and vlcl kid at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE ON GRANITE WARE. 49c Granite DUh Pans 19c 79c GrxrrLta DUh Palis.. . 49c 59c Cranlto Walar Pall 33c ZSc Granite Slew Pan ......... .... 11c 35c (Inm Ita Tea Pats..... . 19c E3a a-quaxt Oranlta Milk Pans 3c 25c- 6-qunrt Granite Milk Pans.. 2o theory bo notified. It might be that a search of tho locality would reveal the whereabouts of the missing link. It would bo a real pleasure to know the name and postofllce address of the genius who de signed the maple sugar shed which ap peared In the last act and which resembles tho thing It Is supposed to represent about as nearly as It docs tho Grand Opera houso at Paria or St. Peter's at Home. It would be but what's the use of pursuing tho sub ject further? The snowstorm scene In tho third not Is vividly realistic and is very handsome. Further than to commend this, It were kinder to pass both tho play and tho play ers without additional comment. PROVIDING A FEAST FOR POOR Associated Charities Will Itecelve Thanksgiving- Uonntlons to Ile ulenlsh Empty Caphoards. The Associated Charities of Omaha has begun preparations for a Thanksgiving feast for the poor of the city. A prelimi nary meeting for tho reorganization of the body was held at the Young Men's Christian association rooms last night. It was be- Uovcd at first that tho board would not be In a position to tako Independent action In time for Thanksgiving. At this point Dean Fair tendered the association tho use of Trinity cathedral parish houso as tpmporary headquarters and the association accepted the offer. It Is therefore the request of the association that all donations intended for tho poor of the city bo left at the parish Anyone Can Play A Guitar, Zither or nn Autouarp You can learn to master either one in ono week without a teacher Wo havo them from $2.!j0 up to $25.00, Including In struction book Call and Inspect tho same and tho mnny other pretty things wo have In tho line of musical Instru mentsOur Burton Mandolins and Gui tars aro the standard of tho world. A. HOSPE, Mutlt ill Ait I5I3 DiDClts. Whether Chocolates Or Bonbons You'll find our confectionery tho best As a present It Is uncqualed Not only Is the candy good, pure nnd delicious, but the boxes are neat and handsome and the namo a guarantco that the sweets aro the best Wo don't do n bargain-counter candy business Six cent candy at four cents a pound Is out of our line Wo havo only high-class goods at moderate prices. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Fartiatti St. 4 g? 1UW women "Stetson" shoes for men "Ultra" ldrcn. All on snlo at $1.00 and $2.00 a oes, In vlcl kid, volour calf and patent o $0.00, on Bale at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. f and enamel calf, with double wolt soles, dths A to E, prlco $3.60. ud children, In vlcl kid nnd velour enlt, or $1.26 sizes S V4 to 1014 for $1.50 sizes r 60c and 76c. n, In heavy enamel, box calf, patent lenther 00. welt solo shoes, worth up to $4.00, on salo 59c Granite Dish Pans 29c 85c No. 8 Granite Tea Kcttlo 49c 15c Milk Pans, granlto 8o 39c Granite Stew Pan t 19c 29a arunlte Cullenders .- 13c 20c 4-quurt Granite Milk Pans flc 25c Granite Dipper 13c house, corner Eighteenth street nnd Capi tol avenue, Tuesday and Wednesday of tho coming weok. The teachers of tho public schools will be asked to appeal to the children as they have done In former years, and It Is hoped that the pupils will mako as liberal re sponse as formerly. For n Cold In the llend. LAXATIVE nROMO. QUININE TABLETS. Supplies All of tho pop ular aad da pendaW kind. Eastman Kodaks Premo Poco Adlake Vive Diamond Cyclone and New Karona Cameras glaBs plates, films, ohemloaU, mounts, etc. developing and printing prices right, THE A10E & PENfOLD CO., Amattur ?htgrphU tupplU. 1408 Farnam. OMAHA OFPOSITZ PAZTON HOTEL. , ..,-X-V