Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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$3 Chiles Reefers $1.39
Children's reefers, made of
$5 Child's Reefers $2.98
Children's1 nobby roofers, box
backs, with largo braided
heavy materials, largo cape
collar, nicely braided
In all shades
13.00 values
capo collar, heavy
novelty cloths, all
colors, 5 values....
Rare and Artistic Millinery
The prevailing styles at very special prices.
ers, and to
exhibit for
trimmed bats, showinir this
JjflnV 1(1(1 1UIVC
" " J v v .w i JLU1 UlVlf CIIHI
ful combinations flowers and
lace, on sale at
Greatest of Saturday Millinery Bargains
Sample lines and odds and ends from our Iramenso stock. 1,000 in all to select
from. This assortment Includes ready-to-wear hats or every do- A v
scriptlon, Ladysmlths, Hough nidcrs, Crushers, and Bailors, la ClXJkC
castor, pearl, cardinal, brown and black, all on sale at -,
?aM?2 ?f Sl,k nn1 velvet crush
feathers, birds, wing roses-threo In a bunch
and brmsts, worth r. -worth toe- Yri "
up to 2, go at.
Latest novelties in hair ornaments for evening wear, on
sale in millinery department
Hosiery and Underwear Sale
300 dozen
ludlefe', misses'
mid children's
hunt-, ull full
eoamlosJ, medi
um imd heavy
wclRUt. lino
and heavy rlb-
I frmJ 150 Eft R0 at
Ladtos' and children's fast black
plain and fluoco lined hoso, in
lino and heavy ribbed, all sizes,
worth up to 25o pair f 'I'n
coat..,. , I52V
Immense lota of ladles' fine" Imported
hose, medium and heavy weight cotton
nrt nil wool cashmere, black IJ
and fancy colors, worth regular Jjt
Uic pair, in this utile ut.r
Odd Lace Curtains
39c each
worth up to $5.00 n pair
1,000 odd lace curtains worth
up to $5 a pair, go at 39c
each. Those are in heavy and
soft lacoy Brussels effect, In whlto and
ecru, and are the samples of a largo New
York mill. This Is the biggest 1A
curtain bargain wo have over
offered; each
Form of a Vagabond Husband Standi
Between Her and Justice.
Orrrntlon Sal to lie neiipoiiiitble
Take Ilcfuc Behind Kink
In the Un nnd New
Trial Is Denied.
Judge Monger Iibb filed his opinion In tho
case ot Anna J. Thompson, administratrix,
against tho Milwaukee railroad, In which
he dentoB the motion of tho plaintiff for n
new trial. This case created couslderablo
interest at the tlmo of Ub first trial for the
reason that a rule of law in forco In tho
stato of Nebraska was applied to the caso
which excites tho pity and Indignation of
many persens.
In thlstcj.8o Mrs. Thompson sued tho rail
road company and the Armour Packing com
panyuor$S,000 damages for the death of her
minor son. Tho Judge In his opinion re
views tho caso, saying that it was brought
under the state law' and caroo up In the dis
trict court for 'the reason that tho defend
ants were non-residents of the state. The
plaintiff prcved that tho death of the boy
was caused by tho negligence of tho defend
ant; whereupon tho defendant moved for a
dismissal of tho caso for tho reason that
the mothei ot the deceased was not tho
proper person to bring tho suit, tho law pro
viding that such suits should be brought by
tho administrator of tho estato for tho ben
efit ot tho next ot kin; that tho father was
the next ot kin and that therefore ho would
be the person In whose behalf the suit
should be brought.
The evidence on the trial showed that tho
Cough Gambling
It's too risky, this gimbling
with yopr cough. You tike
the chance of its weiring off.
Don't. The rst thing you
know it will be down deep on
your lungs and the game's lost.
Take some Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral and stop the gambling and
the cough. There is nothing
so bad for a cough as coughing.
Thr !! I5o.. enouch for an ontlmry
colJiWa. Jut right for attliroa, brnni'lillu,
)inrenri whooping . coili, lurcl roIJi'
1.O0, inoit economical for ihroolo c.
n i w .m
The newest things in millinery are
hats trimmed with fur, lace and flow
meet this demand we will
Saturday 50nevi
combination, choico
$15.00 Hats at $5.00
3r Satur-
We have trimmed especially for Satur-
flit llnu Iwinnl!.
Larue American beaut
roies, a In a bunch
silk and velvet. OOi-t
regular U quality. .."'1'
$6.98 French
Flannel Waists $2.98
300 new French flannel waists, many of
them silk embroidered, polka dots and
other designs, in all the new colorings
of French ilannel, old rose, light blue,
pink and dark shades, made In the
latest styles, on sale on djL "fc Q O
main floor bargain P 30
square at ....,!..
1,000 union suits In Mclba and Onelta
styles, heavy Angora fleece lined,
silver gray, all wool and part wool,
i"o Burit?uEora49c, 75c, 98c
Dig lots of misses', children's and
boys' fine ribbed and plain heavy
fleeced vests, pants and g
drawers, all sizes, go at....oC
1,000 children's heavy ribbed and
heavy fleeced unloni in
suits, all sizes, at. .iDC,JVC,4VC
350 dozen ladles' flno Egyptian fleeced
cot,ton and silver gray saxony wool
vests and pants-all sizes-worth
5X.!. ..39c, 49c, 69c
Big Bargains in
25,000 hoses of tho best
Crochet Cotton,
worth Bo ball, 1 "I
go at lv
1,000 boxes of tho best large puro silk
spun Crochet Silk, worth l
25c, tomorrow only, J.
ball &2-'
Ono very big lot of all silk nibbon In
short mill remnants,
worth 6c yard, J.
go at i2v
father of the boy had deserted his family
and had been absent from them for a period
of raoro thau ten years; that tho mother
had supported tho children until tho dead
boy was able to support her. In his opinion
tho judge holds that the father Is the proper
person to bring the suit and that tho com
plaint could bo amended to bring the case
beforo tho court, but ho further decides
that, If Buch case was brought, tho father,
by his desertion ot tho family, had lost all
right to tho wages of the son and, therefore,
could not bo damaged by his death. For
theso reasons tho application for a new
trial Is denied.
Court .ute.
Tho Jury In tho federal court has been
dismissed until Monday morning by Judye
Lucy J. Ilennett has applied to tho courts
for a legnl separation from John V. lieti
nctt. Desertion is the ciiuso of action.
In the t'nltod States district court Mark
12. Rohrrr of Omaha hus Hied application
to bo declared bankrupt. lit says that ho
owes $23,807.15. and haH nssets of JSCfi.
Judgo Kuwcett has returned from Illi
nois, having been thero for tho last week
on account of tho death of his son. Judgo
Kawcett will probably hold court again next
I.lzzlo a, Inko has commenced suit for a
divorce from I.eon l- l.eako on the plea of
desertion. I'lalntirt usks for nllmonv mid
tho return ot her maiden name, Lizzie
In Judg Uojcter'H courts V. W. Cox, for
merly chief of detectives, is suing tho city
for salary alleged to ba duo him. Cox
claims pay for six mouths ufter ho was
discharged from tho force.
C, II. I'rrklns, nppralrer In the estnto of
Benjamin Oallatrher, has tiled In the county
court an inventory showing tho property
to bo valued at WDj.sai. Tho estate consls.s
mostly in stock in I'nxton & Gallagher's
store, and In real estate.
Lester Hluck, the 10-year-old boy who has
been kept In the county Jail pending 11
hearing on tin charge of incorrigibility,
wus (iixciiiirueu uy juuge nutter yester
day. Tho lad's mother, with whom lin has
been living In the city, cor.sented to his
ueiug returned 10 111s ruiuur ni union, ut.
Articles ot Ineorporntion for the Inter
stnto Stock nnd Grain company, with u
capital stock of 10).UA h.ivo been filed
with the county clerk. The. Incorporators
are IWward I.. Hrudbury and Thomns Tay
lor of Chicago, The main oltlct of the
concern will be In Omaha.
The Jury In the case of William Addis,
executor, against Kra4ttis N. lllackman,
returned a verdict in favor of tho defend
ant, lllackman was charged with having
removed from among his wife's paper.,
aftor her death, 11 Jluu note which ho lrtd
given her In 1S92. The testimony against
him was by n sister of thu wife.
Sheriff Tower ami his deputies are serv
ing n writ of replevin to recover from tho
Omuha Mnchlno works property which
composed tho assets of the Omaha Gas
Engine and Motor company, sold by tho
receiver nt tho rocent sale to Lovt V. weolts.
Tho proprietors of tho machlno works aro
holding the property to satisfy a $2U0 Judg
ment. Tho Jury In tho caso of tho Stato against
Tom whltn returned a verdict of not guilty
ufler considering tho evidence for nc.irlv
twenty-four hours. White Is a colored man
charged with having robbed the dwelling
of Julius Sherman on North Sherman ave
nue. Ho was not released from Jail, ns
thero nro poverul other simitar complaints
ugnlnst him.
Charles Hoosevelt and James R. Veatch,
charged with stealing brass Journals from
tho Missouri Parltlc Itallroad company, aro
being tried before Judge Maker, a Jury
having beon impaneled yesterday. This
U tho second complaint tho men havo un-
Special .Offers
$7.50 Values for $3.98
Ladies' golf skirts made of
extra lino quality of heavy
golfing and walking cloths,
elegantly tailored and perfect
hanging garments actual
7. 60 values Q Q
on sale Satur- M5 O
day for
$35 Tailor-Made Suits for $10.00
Y lmvo uoubie
j ilounce bottoms. Many are sample suits, of which there are no
two alike. Holt" and walking suits are also included in this
plaid back material. Not a sui t in this lot worth less than
$35.00, but they will all go Satuarday at one price
One big lot of all silk nar
row Ribbon in lone mill
auiiK mm
remnants, worth ,
up to 15o
Grand special bargain In Fringed Ta
In Evinced Ta-
ble covors, handBomoiy
frlnn-pil ull around. 1
yard squaro, mado of
tho very best uenira,
worth COc. go at, each
swered to. In the first case tho Jury found
them not guilty. The chargo in the present
hearing is grand larceny, tho specllic alle
gation being the theft of $71 worth of tho
brass taken from freight cars on side tracki
nt Lawn, Neb. HooeovuII nnd Veatch uro
believed to havo been responsible for many
of tho wrecks that have occurred in thu
state recently, owing to tho removnl of tho
Journals from tho wheels ot freight cars.
VutlllK Content.
George Duncan, 2020 Harney st 21,073
K. S. Jameson, 3424 Franklin 10,892
Karl Hovlns, 2722 Howard st 1G.GG9
W. U. Itoynolds, Hastings, Neb 14,063
Bernard Flook, 2513 North Thirtieth.. 13,830
J. G. Hovel, 1234 South Fourteenth.. C.040
F. Uenzlng, arand Island. Neb 4,823
F. A. Decker, Council Dluffs 4,732
H. I.. Cnssell, 2230 Meredith avo 4.C73
L. G. Wood, Tekamah, Neb D.073
Albort Sesseman, Murray hotel 2,133
J. E. Miller, 2915 North Twenty-fifth. . 4.23G
11. K. Muller, Fisher & Lawrio 4,135
Dwlght Cromer, 3513 Jackson st 4,027
Watson II. I'erklns, 13, K. Ilruce & Co. 3,390
W. A. Drown, Fullerton, Neb 3,051
William Koeher, 2621 Parker st 3,011
J W. Mulr. Omaha Machlno Works.. 2,910
H. C. VanAvory, 1008 Capitol avo.... 2,287
J. C. Allen, 2220 Chicago st 2.EG5
F. I). Holbrook, 110S Harney st 2,235
John Hayncs, Dewey & Stono 2,033
Uobcrt nisdon, 1819 I'lnkney st 1,995
W. E. Hatch, 1919 Spencer st :. 1,715
F. W. Ilartllng, Nebraska City 1,090
Lawrenco Williams, Council Bluffs.. 1,090
Charles D. Colo, box 9C3, Omaha 1,040
Ilosa Morgan, Grand Island, Neb.... 939
John Furbush, 1618 North Sixteenth.. CS4
A. J. VanAntwerp, Lodl, Neb 570
J. W. Woods, Council Dluffs 570
DIancho Wlggs, Millard hotel 485
Emma Ilood, Tolophono-Exchange. .. . S33
Daisy Hickman, Dennett's Dept. store 331
Thco. Schnetz. 2021 Howard Bt 323
Carl Ilcuch, 1109 So. Twenty-soventh. 273
Winifred Unlngcr. 1711 South Ninth. 213
It. II. Kortlang, 1723 South Sixteenth, 199
George L. Fisher, U. I. Supply 172
Henry Majors, Gretna, Neb 82
W. E. Goodman, Telephone building.. 16
Hurt While PInjIitK.
While playing tag with 11 number of other
High school boys Thursday noon, Albeit
Mooro fell against n treo 11 ml broke his leg.
Ho Is a member of tho Ninth grade und
lives at 621 South Seventeenth street. Af'er
eating his lunch nt the High school ho anil
ceveral other boys engaged In a game of
tug. Ho did not realize that ho was seri
ously hurt until ho attempted to walk. Upon
examination by a physician It was fotnd
that tho boy had fractured a small bono
In his right leg.
Tenderness or aching In tho small ot
tho back Is a serious symptom. Tho kid
neys aro sucrlng. Take Prickly Ash Hit
ters at once. It Is a reliable kidney remedy
and systom regulator and will cure tho
trouble beforo it develops Us dangerous
Dunce Ton lull I,
Washington hall, Eighteenth and Harney
streets, Jolly Eights' lively ball this even
lng. Clark's union orchestra. A grand
good tlrao for you. Yes, gents' 25c. Wel-como.
Ladies' Skirts,
Ladies' electric
scarfs or stolls,
very long fur,
trimmed with 4
nnd 0 tails actually
$2.50 value for
for 30.50
?t).70 Collnrottes
$1.98 for $10.00 Collarettes
This is by far the best value in tailor-made
suits we ever offered. In consideration of
the astonishing bargains we have mven in
the past, this sale is indeed a marvel. The
suits are worth every cent we represent them to be worth, (from
25.00 to .fJlo.OO). They are the very latest styles in the market
and are most desirable. Every garment is expertly tailored
and finished. The materials are the linest pebble cheviots, cov
erts, zibelines, Venetians and vicunas. Every style is rep
resented, blouse, box and eton effects predominate. The skirls
and single inverted punt backs,
$1.50 Picture Frames
at 35c
One big counter of very fine
golf moulding portrait pic
ture frames, small and large
sizes, would bo a -bargain at
$1.50 Saturday,
Tencliem Trylnn to BrlnK Mothers
In Touch with Kinder
Kartell Method.
That tho mothers of the city may bo
brought Into closer touch with kindergar
ten work Mrs. Orletta Chittenden, super
visor ot kindergartens in tho public schools,
has adopted tho plan of inviUng mothers ot
pupils to visit schools on certain days.
Tho first "mothers' morning" was hold at
I.othrop school several weeks ago and was
a great success. Forty-flvo children aro in
tho kindergarten and thlrty-sovcn mothers
responded to tho Invitation to pay tho
school a visit. Similar' Invitations wero
Issued by the principals of Mason, Train,
Omaha View and Central Park schools.
"It is not our aim to Invito tho mothors
to como some day when show work has
been prepared," said Mrs. Chittenden. "Wo
want to have them seo our regular exer
cises and hopo to Impart to them tho true
kindergarten spirit. Although everything
1b taught by us in play, women who watch
tho children cannot fall to appreciato tho
vnhui of tho training thoy receive. Where
wo have been able to securo tho hearty co
operation ot mothers wo havo found that
the children yiold to dlsclpllno moro read
ily, and much of tho friction between par
ents and teachers is avoided. During the
year we expect to havo mothers visit every
kindergarten In tho city at least once."
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Good Digestion.
Taken regularly after meals, removes
the sense of distress, oppression and
"all gone" feeling of the stomach.
Genuine bears name HnitsrOFO's on wrapptr.
The Saver
That Is what a "hot water" bag could bo
called. Hot applications will often koop
a person allvo until tho doctor comes,
Evory family should havo ono, A hot
water bag costs Ilttlo. Ours hold water
without leaking and are guaranteed.
A good Water Dottle 50c
A hotter Water Dottlo 750
A good Fountain Syringe 0c
A hotter Fountain Syringe l,00
A good Dull) Syrlngo 50c
A belter Dulb Syringe $1.00
A good Rubber Glove, per pair $1.25
A good Hubber Stomach Tube $1.50
14th aad Douglas ill,
- Ojyea All Mirht.
Jackets and Furs
$8.50 Values for $4.98
Fine wool kersey jackets witli
appliqued collars and rovers,
silk lined throughout, in
blacks, navies and castors
all sizes very
newest styles
actually 8.50
values for. . . . ,
with Hare and
lot. These are made of all wool
25.00, and some worth more than
Sale of Yarns
The best Spanish -d ff
Knitting Yarn. 1 rid
sktln lu
Coral j 1
Saxony, AjZilCt
per skein
Bliutland .4 -Tit
Zephyr, 12C
per skein m
Host Orado Angora -w
Yum. every color, I 0 In
per ball VW
Ice ool, a s
largo ball, I I IC
each A WW
Zrphyr. r2tCt
per lap mmv
others sell at 50c, wo sell for 25c. Ladies' 7-botton black
LadieB' 10-button black Overgaiters we sell for 29c
In the Basement
8,000 pair Lntlles' Odd Slippers,
leather, velvet, beaver nnd felt,
plitln venrm lined and fur trim
med, ko at COc pair.
Small sizes In Indies' shoes, 2,
8 and 3, shoes worth up to $2.00
and $3.00, go at GOc.
2,000 pair ladles' good dongola laco
Bhoos, all sizes, 4 to 8, every pair
warranted, go at 98o pair.' This Is
tho best valuo In regular shoes ever
300 pair children's nrctlcs and Alas
as at 30c.
On Dargaln Table No. 1360 pair
ladles' flno black and tan, light,
medium and heavy solo shoes, nil
sizes, worth up to $2.60, on salo at
$1.59 pair.
Child's Bhoos, slzo 3 to 5, SDc
Child's shoes, size 3 to 8, COc.
Child's shoes, bIzo S to 11, 79c.
Llttlo cents' and youths' shoes,
size 9 to 11 and 13 to 2, go at 35c, 80o
and 9Sc.
Sale of Blankets and Comforters
As a result of a succession of fortun- rfTjT?
nto purchases wo nro in a position to ofTor you most f c ' " 'r
extraordinary values in blnnkots and comforts. Wl.H'HKrVjM
cotton bluukots in ie mex mm
whito, Bruy, tan &.vC 0S9C and !T
and rod,10-4 uizo, pair tj tl7 i VK,
TIkuipuihIs of pairs of extra weight flcoccd cotton
blankets In 11-4 and liM sizo, aq rm
white and colors, Q and J
i i
Very heavy part wool blonkcts In sit
vcr gray and dark gray; a thick,
heavy, warm blanket, s mm
nnd extra value M I - "1 7j
pR)ri ftj
r', , . . . , ...
COO elegant wool blankets In whlto
nnd Bcarlet only, they would bo
cheap at $4.00- C f gZ
nit go In ono jd JmiKJ
lot at ""
... , , ., ,, , . . , . .,.
D00 strictly all wool blankets, fu
20 ?TJ b"Vy, 21
hu bigge.t -w cty qo
tho season when wo soil Vff
you these, pair, nt W
COO very heavy 11-4 strictly nil wool
blankets In whlto, gruy, scarlnt and
plaid, actually worth up C A
to $7.C0 pair-all In CJL
ono lot at
R1U Uiuvc opcuai
$1.50 Kid Gloves
500 dozen ladies' high
. i i .i r
gloves, just arrivuu xruui u nugu
Now York importer, all now fall
shades in two clasp,
mill nnlfnrt rmrtllnt M
,rico 81.50 ,.air, all V-
hizca, go ut
Big Sale of Handkerchiefs
Nearly 20,000 dozen all kinds of handkerchiefs at one
half and one-third price.
This is ono of tho biggest lots of fino
handkerchiefs that was ever offered for
sale west of New York.
All tho plain whlto and fancy hotnstitchod bordor
r.nttnn linmlkorchlofs. worth regular up to
jlllUIBi nuibu iu;utni w
2.jc each Co on bargain
nquaro, oaoh,
All the finest sheer linen Imported hemstitched and hand embroidered Initial
handkerchiefs, including samples and broken lots from a Dolfast manufacturer
-his prlco from $1.50 to $6.00 dozent go in three- f a q
lots on bargain squaro at , A Vf Owf IVw
Thousands of dozen of ladles' puro Swiss, lace nnd embroidered scolloped edge,
handkerchiefs, Imported for this coming Holiday season g jm i
thoy will be sold at less than tholr regilar value, AtJLj it7L
and Worsteds
Domestic Saxony In every Co
shade manufactured, CW
Host grade Imported 1 n
Haxony, every ahado, XVFw
KlelRhor's Qcrmnntown "i fmsi
.opliyr,, nil colore, IvFw
Flelshcr'B Knitting Worsted, -d
nil tho now mixed colors, J.OW
I'lclsher's best grada "e
German Knitting
vor3tcd, skcln "
Better Shoes
Finer Shoes tasr o,hep 8,oro
JQ SllOeS ,mn ny tW r ,,rcc ord,na'y stores
and every pair guarranteed, no matter at
what price we sell them that's the way
Boston Store sells shoes always.
Saturday we will sell
4 pairs
On Main Floor
Ou llurKiilii Square.
Choico ot about COO pair women's line
welt, turn nnd McKay sewed shoes In
black und tan, light, medium and
heavy soles, all now stylo toes, worth
from $3.00 to $1.00,
on salo Saturday
I.iullt'n' Skntlnic IIootM.
Ladles' boots to wear with rainy day
skirts, cut about 3 Inches higher than
tho ordinary boot, In medium and
heavy and extra heavy solo, but still
vory flexible; Just tho right thing for
this tlmo of the year for all out-door
wear, In black vlcl kid and box calr,
valour calf, also In tan, Russia calf
Htau in iHU AbuoatM tail
and vlcl kid,
on sale to
day at
On Sale for the Vlrnt Time To.
Another lot ot thoso swoll automobile
red shoes for ladles' wear, In light
medium and heavy welt soles, on
Saturday at.
Kid I.lnrd
About 300 pair
Shoe, for Lnilli-n.
very flno Cincinnati
mako shoes for ladles, well lined with
white kid, heavy welt soles, made to
retail for H00,
on salo Saturday,
iM mm mm um .ii.i. ii
- ,250 horso blankets, extra bIo and
weight, with straps mm aq1
ot,j buckles com- UXf
Vo, each wv UV
lmmenso variety In better grade
,10ra0 bnnket8( ttrK0 eUo9 SM0
in either square or w n 4 tin
shaped, complete (U UK
with straps, buckle." J
200 bales of bed comforts, largo slr,
, d , h ;
cotton-worth l SB- r7 '
BPCCilU8a,0 7nc
250 bales of bed comforts, extra stzo,
covered with lino sllkollno and filled
with best Ahlto cotton- g
an exceptional bar-
Bnlu. nt
69c pair
grade kid
1 nn (ti
mostly om- K- KT7V
mm W M W
W Vff
Gloves and Mittens
All the Bamples of warm
gloves, including all wool
EngliBh cashmere and fleece
lined jersey gloves and mit
tens, mostly importer's Bam
ples, go in lots, pair
5c, 15c, 25c
for the
of SHOE LACES for 5c
tlio kind other stores soil at 5c pair.
15c Shoe Dressing we sell at 5c
that's Fordem's famouB Vici polish.
Infant's fancy Soft Soled Shoes.
Overgaiters we sell for 19c.
On Main Floor
Loala XV. IlrelN.
Wo call your attention to our showing
tomorrow of ladles very swell" shoes,
both for street, evening or ball room
wear, mado with all Uio newest and
latest styles of heels, tho half Louis, full
Louis, extremo empire heels for full
dress wear. Tho new Cuban, military
and opera heels for evcry-day wear. Our
showing today Includes all tho high
est grades of lino Imported kid, both cm
bossed and dull kid, beaded for evening
wear, also patent leather, pntent Ideal
kid and patent enamel, as well as tho
regular medium and heavy weight shoes
in vlcl kid, valour calf, box calf, etc.
Prices on this lino rango from
$3.00 to $1.00 and then from $5.00 to
$0.00, $8.00 and $10.00 a pulr.
Wo aro solo agents for tho celebrated H.
C. Durt shoes for women, tho famous
"Queen Quality" $3,00 shoes for women,
Rochester Kit-Easy shoes, niado by C. P.
Ford & Co., which took tho grand prize at
tho Paris exposition for flno footwear. We
also carry a full line of Trlmby & Rrew
Rter's flno patent leather shoes for ladles at
$0.00 pair.
We show Haturday another new lot of
ladles' Fancy Slippers, making our line of
slippers now even more complete than ever.
Wo have the reputation for telling more
and finer slippers than any Htoro In tho