Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Men's Odd Conts.
Tboso woro truvollni; nion's Mini trios.
OnoKt cuslmorrH.hnvlotAk
anil worsteds, worth up lo
S 10, your cliolco only
i s rvnnvav l, in -- j nun v'rrL'" xahitru it tm i" inn ,
iwnvftvjrr -.m xn frFKi -mj rv ' " .; """ .m,""iu uuu u,u"m' i nu mm im u jtt"" j 'riflMri'Mgwitif l em u i nud consist oi mo
i.98 r rm
'JJ IkTThat
$63,00022 Clothing
We made with Levy, Rosenfield & Co. of 3 and 5 Waverly Place, New York,
Has Electrified the Bargain Appreciating People of This Great City.
At no place, at no time and under no circumstances have the people of Omaha had such an opportunity to buy
such magnificent clothing at such extremely low prices. Remember we bought this stuck at 50c on the dollar of
cost to make, and consequently can afford to sell you garments, at retail, for less than they generally sell at
wholesale. We declare this clothing to be first class in every respect. You can buy a suit and an overcoat in
this sale for what either one is really worth.
$1.75 For Boy's Ulsters, Overcoats, Cape Overcoats and Reefers, worth $5.00
Men's Extra Fine
Suits and
These ynrments ure ctiuul to custom
mudo elotA Ing In every purtlculnr. Our
range of BtA'Ies and patterns nre unsur
passed and the materials arc die very
best The now checks and Htrlpes In
the latest hIshIs of cheviots, worsteds,
thlnctfl, vicunas, etc. Every garment
Is expertly tailored and guaranteed
perfect fitting and .are worth consider
able more than our special sale prices
$1250 $1500 $1900
$2.98 For Men's Extra Heavy Storm Ulsters, all sizes, worth fully $6.50
$2.50 For Men's All Wool Heavy Winter Weight Suits, actual values $750
$i,25 For Boys' Double Breasted and Children's Vestee Suits, worth fully $3.00
I' 1 1 ""'"'II i -i. i.ii.i. .... i - i i. ii. i , i 1 ... i i i i. i . .. " ' . " ' 1 -I I m ' .i i - i i.i i .i.i. - ... i.n. Hi, .
$SEMSlt For Men's Stylish
Suits and Overcoats
worm iu.uu juvery
garmont in this lot is
strictly up-to-date, ex
cellent fitting and well
made and lined. The
Suits are made of fancy
striped and checked worsteds, gray vicunas,
black and blue cheviots, cassimeres black
worsteds, etc. The Overcoats are made
of fine kerseys, meltons, coverts and beavers
in blue, tan, brown and black. Regular and
box lengths, cloth and velvet collars, actual
$10.00 values oti sale for $5.00.
For Men's Fine
Suits and Over
coats worth $15
Stop and realize tho
magnitude of these values
Kight now when you
aro most in need of cloth
ing we aro offering you
$15 suits and ovorcoats for $7.50. Every garment Is strictly
up to late and thoroughly woll tntlorod nnd trim
med. The Suits aro mudo of lino clay worsteds, fancy
checked and fctriped wors eds, cassimeres, cheviots, mel
tons and now vicunas, all sizes and all stylos. 1 he Over
coats aro fine oxfords, vicunas, Washington kerseys, IrUh
frlezo and fanoy back covorts. Evory garment splendidly
lined and mado to fit perfectly. Actual $15.00 values on
sale for S7. 50.
For Men's Very
Fine Suits and
Overcoats worth
$19 This lot comprises
IV the very best suits and
ovorcoats in tho entire
stock. Every garment is
faultlessly tailored, extra
well lined and trimmed and fits like made-to
ordor clothes. The Suits aro mado of black
and blue serges, imported worsteds, meltons,
thibete, finest worsteds and vicunas. The
Overcoats are made of tho best fabrics and
comprise the new and loading styles. Corne
and choose from this superb line for $9.50
They are actual $19 values.
Special Values
in Men's Fine
Fur Overcoats
Our lino of men's fur coals Is very ex
tensive and Includes every variety and
grade of fur In the market Coats
made of the tlnest dog skins, horse coats
dyed black, gallowny. wombat, raccoon,
Hulgarlnn lamb or astrachan nnd Jap
anese wolf; In plain or trimmed, prices
range upwards to 535.00.
We offer 3 Specials for Snturdny
$598 $850 $998
Extraordinary Values in Seasonable Men's Furnishings Saturday,
For 'en's Fleeced Lined and
heavy gray under wear, all
sizes shirts and drawers, worth 50c a
XQn For Men's Wool Fleeced Under-
Wfiar and all 'WOOl gray Un
derwear, a'l sizes shirts and drawers, worth 75c a
SOr For Men's Flne Derby Ribbed
t-'vJV' and silk fleeced underwear,
all sizes shirts and drawers, worth $1 a garmont.
7 Cp For Men's Finest Lambs' Wool,
- natural gray, camels' hair
and fancy colored underwoar, worth fully $1.50 a
O Cn For Men's
50c Neckwear.
We guarantee ev-
P. itn ho worth f nil v
j i
)0c. They are
tfold for that
price throughout
flirt lltlfvnrcn- Thn
A' styles and colorings
aro tho very latest and comprise, tho
now narrow" teuks and four.ln-hauds,
mado of extra quality silk. Como and
got two ties for tho prlco of ono.
Men's and JJpys' Winter; Caps
For, Sample Caps worth 75c
In this lot are caps for men and
boys in every conceivable style,
made of fine cloth, fur, etc., well lined and warm
winter hcadwear, worth up to 76c, on salo tomorrow at 25o.
Men's and Boys'Satnple Caps worth $(.25
are on sale Saturday at 49c. Como and choose
from the greatest variety of styles ever shown in
Omaha. There are all sizes in this A f
lot and every cap is worth from L-4
$1.00 to 31.25, but wo offer thorn for Suatrday at
For Men's
A number of
these sh irts
aro worth moro
than $1.00, none
aro worth less.
They aro the very
latest styles In
both plain and
fancy colors, in all
sizes. Wo advise
you to lu v In a sup.
ply when you can
buy them s o
cheap.$l vuluo,60o
Another Big Shoe Sale Saturday,
Better Shoes than anyone else sells for the money.
Better Shoes than anyone else carries in stock,
Newer Styles and more styles and more shoes than any
other store in the west.
Each and Every Pair Guaranteed
No matter what we sell them at.
That's Boston Store's Way of Selling Shoes
Saturday we will sell
4 Pairs of Shoe Laces for 5c the kind others sell 5c pair.
2000 pairsMen's Satin Calf
Shoes, in 5 different styles of
toe, 11 iron sole, good plump lea
ther every pair guaranteed any
and all sizes on sale Saturday
in basement at $1. 25 ... .
On Main Floor, in Men's Department.
1200 pairs Men's Custom Made
Calf Shoes, double soles, in the
newest style of too, all sizes from 6
to 11 and 100 pairs men's vory fine wolt solo vlcl
kid shoos, sizes 6, 0, 7 and 7. worth up to $o.U0,
go at 31.DS
On Main Floor, in Men's Dcp't.
800 pairs Men's Single,
Double and Triple Sole
Shoes, in black and tau, in
calf, Russia calf and vici kid, all
sizes, on sale Saturday at 2. 50
For $3.00 we will give you unlimited choice of all the vory
vwwv v utj lug III illUit a llliU DUUUO III 04lJj J.ltJiJ UllU tllflU i
soles, leather lined and drill lined, in patent leather, enamel, I
French calf and vici kid, box calf, willow calf, velours and Phoenix
kid, in all sizes and all widths, which could not bo bought at any
other store for less than $3.00, wo '.vlll sell thorn Saturday at M.pO and $3,00 a pair
Wo mako a special offer for Saturday of boys' and youths' shoes,
ootn on tho main lloorantl in basement. Wo give youthe choice of-
tho (lnost shoes ever put on salo In Omaha at prices that aro simply impossl olo olso
SHOES 98c $125 $139 $150 $159 $175 $200
I IM I I II hi lil.lil.IM II I I I M
25c Leather Mittens for 8c 500
pair of men's lined leather mit
tens and men's and boys' fleece
lined knit mittens, worth
25c a pair, only. OV
OECr For Men's and Boys
&KJ Scotch filnves nnri frnlf
gloves, and lined and unlined
kid and leather gloves and mittens.
ftOf For Men'sand Bys' Lined and Unlined kid
-'v,w and leather gloves and mittens.
Loses Her Husband and Forgets Number of
.Her Bearding House.
OlUccr lit CIiui-kc Trim to I.ooutc tho
JIlvHluir Mhu hy Tclephoulint
to Frlendn ill ,or-folk.
Since the resignation of Mrs. Tlcdeman as
police matron, and pending the quallllcatlon
of tbe new appointee. Officer Sam Helgloman
has been In charge of the matron's room on
the second floor of the jail building, and, It
Is alleged, his condition has bordered upon
nervous prostration so great is his dread
of huvlng to officiate In a dcllcnto case. Thus
far, howevor. ho has been Involved In no
embarrassing predicament, though ho has
htd several narrow escapes.
Tho most Interesting, perhaps, was that
In which figured Mrs. O. W. Mooro of Nor
folk. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, both of whom
wero strangers In Omaha, arrlvod In the
city about noon Thursday, and at once went
out on West Karnara streot and rented a
room, Then they camo back down town
and separated, agreeing tu meet at tho
lirstou store at 5:30.
Mrs. Mooro was thero on time, but her
husband wnsn't. Flvo forty-five came, C:50,
and then tho big storo began to discbarge Its
crowd of customers. It was time to close
up. Six o'clock. Tho employes wero llling
out. Finding herself alone lu the storo, Mrs.
Mooro gave up waiting ana concluded to go
to her room, but hero sho was confronted by
an unexpected, difficulty: She had forgotten
Its number nnd location.
It was after 10 o'clock Thursday night
that Mrs. Moore, accompanied by a police
man, entered tho station and told her story
to tho captain. But tho captain didn't
know tho number of her room either.
"Perhaps you'd better stay In tho
matron's apartment tonight," he said to
her.' "Your husband, of course, will call
for you here as soon as ho Is satisfied you
aro lost. Walt and I'll Introduce you to tbe
matron I mean to tho"
For tho moment the captain had forgotten
that Sam Ilelgleman was acting matron.
A half-hour later Officer Itelglcraan and
Mrs. Mooro entered tho Millard hotel offico
and obked to uso tho long-dlstnnco 'phone.
"Aro you sure tbe name was Georgo
Sherlock?" ho was saying.
"Yes, quite sure."
"And that ho is a real estnto agent In
"Yes. My husband used to know hlra In
Norfolk, nnd now ho's going to work for
htm hero. I'm suro Mr. Mooro has been
with him all tho afternoon."
"But ' no RoorgQ Sherlock, real estate
agent, Is In tho city directory."
"I can't help it. Maybo he hasn't been
here long enough."
Coiiiniiinlcufrn with Norfolk.
"All right, we'll call up Norfolk, then.
'Will you please get Norfolk for us?' " This
to tho young woman In cbargo of tho tele
phone. After a delay of flvo minutes the maiden
handed him tho transmitter.
"Hollo!" began Sam. "Is this Norfolk?
No. no! keep out, Hastings! Is this Nor
folk? Well, am I talking to Mr. Alnsley?
All right. This is Omaha, Mr. Atnsloy
No, Omaha! I am talking for Mrs. Moore.
She's lost her husband, and"
There was a half-mlnute pause.
"Mrs. G. W. Moore," ho resumed. "Mrs.
G. W. Moore of Norfolk. She's here in
Omaha and cau't find her husbaud. Yes,
I know I know you haven't got him there,
lie's In Omaha, too, but sho can't find him.
No, this Isn't Mrs. Mooro; I'm talking for
Mrs. Mooro. All right. Now, I want to
And Mr. Sherlock S-h-o-r-l-o-c-k, Sher
lock. No, no, no not smallpox Sherlock
your former partnor in business at Nor
folk. I want his address where does ho
live? Well, thcro's nothing tho mattor with
Sherlock that I know of, but I want to find
Another pause, during which tho acting
police matron scowled and chewed his
"Yes, I do want to find Mr. Moore," he
began again, speaking in low, constrained
tones. "But I have to And Mr. Sherlock in
order to And Mr. Moore. They are to-
geth "
"Did you get them, central,"
sweet femlnlno voice.
"Keep out! Keep cut! I say
men wtnt out togeth "
"I didn't exactly catch that,"
buzzy interruption from Norfolk,
peated the explanation.
"Look tor them at tho police
Why, I'm a pollco officer myself!
that? No, no, co! No ono Is arrested! No,
I don't want you to go his bond! Ob, for
heaven's sake, ring off1."
"Flvo minutes is up," caroled central.
Acting Pollco Matron Ilelgleman paid tho
reckoning and escorted his charge back to
tho station, where, In tho comfortable
rooms upstairs, she emalned all night
Yesterday morning, qulto by accident,
Mrs. Mooro met her husband on tho street
In front of tho postoffico and seemed to be
glad to see him. Ho, too, bad been up nil
night, searching for her.
Dissolution of Railroad Board Frorei Em
barrassment for Yeiser.
Endeavor to Secare Cheaper Service
Itraehea Interesting? Stave Whea
It im Interrupted by Su
preme Court's Decision,
piped a
tho two
came a
Bam re-station?
It i-p ii li IU' H ii County Cum in I ((eo Ileu
ilerN Account of Itn llounekeep
lilt; Durlnif Tlure Months,
Georgo Hclmrod, treasurer of tho re
publican county committee has filed with
the county clerk a list of moneys received
nnd expended during August, September
and October In tho furtherance of the cam
paign. The total expeuso Incurred during
tho campaign amounted to about $8,000. This
monoy was expended for halls, necessary
canvasses, labor in the headquarters offico
and in a scoro of minor directions. Tho
committee recoived, on tho othor hand,
ensh contributions of J7.017.80, which has
been applied on the hills rendered. The
Income was mado up of assessments on
candidates and officeholders and subscrip
tions from well known republicans and by
the assistance of the national and state
committees of 2,595 and $1,700, respec
tively. i - '
Slnco tho supreme court decided that the
law creating the State Board of Trans
portation was unconstitutional and that
thnt body had no legal existence, John O.
Yetser has been spending several hours a
day tiylng to And out "where ha is at"
with his suit against tho Nebraska Tele
phone company to compel it to reduce the
rate charged patrons of that system in
Ho has at last come to tho conclusion
that he is a litigant without a tribunal.
Tho case against the telephone company
wns originally started In the district court
of Douglas county. It came up for hearing
before Judge Scott, who dismissed the com
plaint oa the grounds that the legislature
had provided another tribunal for the trial
of such cases the State Board of Hall
road Commissioners. Suit was thon
brought before that board and tho taklug
of testimony in the case proceeded for sev
eral days, on different occasions, as the
work of tbe board and tho convenience of
tbe litigants permitted. The case at
tracted state attention and for a whllo it
was predicted that It would result In the
nomination of Mr. Yclser as populist and
democratic candidate for governor, as he
had done more active work In attacking
corporations than the occupant of the
gubernatorial chair.
The sequence of events proved the
falsity of the prophesy, Governor Poynter
boing nominated to succeed himself. Even
after that shattering of hopes the case was
continued and evidence was taken during
the campaign. Tho hearing promised to
extend over moro time than any initial
hearing of similar nature In tho history of
Nebraska corporations, when It was stopped
by tho supremo court decision. Mr.
Yeiser says that ho Is now considering tho
next step and intimates that he will again
bring suit In tbe district court for a reduc
tion at the charges. It la possible, how
ever, that the matter will bo dropped.
has served two terms, ono for burglary tht.
othigufor passing counterfeit money. Tony
Void has served Ave years for highway rob
bery. "Biddy" wick., alias Loom" and
aeorgo Laird, alias Buck, associates of
old. are notorious hop Aends and three
card monto men. Will Gludy has a reputa
tion as a "stickup" and "Maryland Slim" is
fresh from the Canon City penitentiary.
Aimer, alias Tom Ford, who wns arrested
a month ago with thlrty-Avo gold rings on
his person. Is again In custody. This time
ho appears with n beautiful IrlBh friers
overcoat and n pair of gloves that cost not
less than 13, for tho possession of which
he cannot satisfactorily account.
Two men giving tbe names of Ocorgo
Tarkor nnd George Wright wero arrested
at 3:50 this morning nt Shecley station
while lying In wait for a train to South
Omaha. Parker had JS5 in his pocket and
Wrigh! 125, and both wero armed with high
crado revolvers.
For n Cold In the Head.
One ut the Two Holdup Artists Who
Hnvv Horn OpcrntliiK In
Oinuha Is I.nndeil.
As a result of a diligent manipulation of
tho dragnet the pollco have In Jail ten
men, one of whom has been ldontlfled as the
tall man of the pair which held up three
saloon keepers Wednesday night. Another
has been partially Identified as his oal.
Several of thoso brought In havo peniten
tiary records.
A man known as Burtt, alias Nicholson,
'" f.