Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wheat Liquidation Continue! aa Balli Be
w coire No Hopeful Newi.
Oats Ertn Dnller'Tlinn Canal Pro
visions Easy Early on Heavy ttag
Jlecelpts Shorts C'oier on Hint
of Influential Operator.
CHICAGO, Nov. 23. December wheat, de
pressed by cables and Argentina shipments,
closed o lower today. Corn was quiet
und closed easy, November le and Decem
ber (4o down. Oats closed a shade lower
and provisions 2(4&Gc to 22(4c higher.
It wan u (Ulct day In the wheat pit. The
news had In It nothing which could be
twisted by bulls Into a ray of hopo and
liquidation continued with scarcely any In
terruption till near the end of the session.
Liverpool closed ?j?J2d lowur on the fact of
uteadtness hero yesterday, and Argentina
shipments, according to board figures, wero
736,000 bu., compared with 261,000 bu. the
week provlous and 660,000 bu. tho corre
Hpondlng week a year ago. December
opened Wiifto to ?iT4o lower at 70!i'ao4c
und declined during tho forenoon to 70ft
70Kc. Tho mnrket steadied and later under
the Influcnco of a moderate cash demand
und a prediction that tho visible would
nliow a decrease Monday, tho market re
acted and closed steady, "io under yester
day at YOtyt&TO'Mc. Seaboard clearances In
wheat and Hour were equal to 411,000 bu,
Primary receipts aggregated 005,000 bu.,
compared with DCfi.OUU bu. last year. Mln
iicuik1Ih and Duluth reported 474 cars,
ngalnst 182 last week and 740 a year ago,
jAcal receipts were 162 cars, none of which
graded contract. Now York reported ten
loads taken for export.
Corn wus quiet and easy, the legitimate
factors being good weather and a prospect
of Increased country offerings, It was
chlelly a scalping market. December Hold
botween 36He and 35-Jir and closed Ho lower
lit 354c. George II. Phillips, who controls
tho November corn option, was doing noth
ing today, and In consequence deals In tho
cornered option were few and far between.
Corn for delivery this month opened (4c
up at 4Gc und sold down to 43c. Tho closo
was lc under yesterday at 44(4c Tho grain
Inspection officers refused to pass porn
which hod been doctored In an utlempt to
make It Into contract grado to deliver to
Mr. Phillips on the day of reckoning.
Local recelpto wero CCD cars, 19 of contract
Oats wero oven duller than .usual and
little bUBlnoHs was dono except In tho way
of changing December holding for May at
n premium for tho latter of 2VdWc. Re
ceipts worn 136 cars. December sold bo
tween 21T022o and 21!mf21?c and closed a
shndo lower at 21Kc.
Provisions wero rather easy early, Influ
enced by heavy hog receipts, but turned
firm later on buying by an Influential local
operator, whoso duties formed a hint for
shorts to como and cover. January pork
closed 22(4o higher at 512. Januury lard
closed Bo higher and JO. 90 and January
ribs closed 2r4'tf6e higher at J0.35.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 153
rurs: corn, 430 cars; oats, 115 cars; Iioeb,
27.000 head.
Tho leading futures ranged ns follows:
Artlclcs. Open. Hlgn. Low. uiose. Ycoy.
70 70if?n 70?V 70;f? 71(4
70W TOTi 70Hii--i 71H17V4
71V4Ti 71 70T4G71 71iQ(4 ,72',i
40 4(5 43 4H4 45
3VA1 30i 35 35 36
30? 30(4 3GU 30UO?i 3CHQ
21i 21 214 214 21i
21?f,'?r22 21T4S22 214? 21?i 2122
24 21(4 21 24B24't 2iy2114
10 To 11 00 10 75 11 00 11 00
11 70 12 00 11 70 12 00 11 7714
11 70 11 90 11 70 11 90 11 75
7 15 7 25 7 15 7 23 7 12W,
6 95 7 07(4 6 92(4 7 05 0 97(4
C 82(4 6 90 G 82(4 C 90 C S3
6 65 G 92(4 C S3 G 92(4 G 87(4
I. ...i 7 75 7 75
6 27(41 6 35 6 27(4 0 33 G 32(4
G 30 C 37(4 C 30 G 37(4 C 35
No. 2.
Cash nuotatlons were as follows:
FLOUR-Dull; wlqtor patents, $3.70(33.90;
straights, $3.103.G0; clears, $2.90Tf3.40; spring
special, $3.40; patents. S3.G0O3.90; straights,
J3.00tt3.45; bakers. $2.20fi2.7G.
WHEAT No. 3, C5V4u"lc; No. 2 red, 71(4
tXJRN No. 2, 43r?44c: No. 2 yellow, 44c.
OATS No. 2 white, 2C(iQ27c; No. 3 whlto,
RYE No. 2. 45c.
BARLEY- Fair to choice malting, GOftCOc.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1. J1.C9J4W1.71; No. 1
northwestern, $1.71. Prlmo timothy, $1.10y
I. 20. Clover, contract grado, J10.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J10.S7W
rfll.00. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.20(57.25. Short
ribs sides (loose), JG.7GfXi.S5. Dry salted
boulders (boxed). J3.87HfijG.12V4. Short clear
Bides (boxed). $6.85(&C.93.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, per gal.,
II. 27,
SUGAR Out loaf, JG.15; granulated, $5.75:
cottfoctlonors' A. $5.65; off A, J5.40.
Following uro tho receipts and shipments
for today:
Artlclju. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbts.. 19,000 17,000
Wheat, bu 85,000 833,000
Corn, bu 2G2.O0O 320,000
Oats, bu 131,000 235,000
Rye. bu 8,000 6,000
Hurley, bu 73,000 12,000
On tho Produco oxchango today the but
ter market was dull; creameries, 15(Jj25c:
dulrlen, 12(4ff22c. Cheese, actlvo at lOUc.
Eggs, quiet; fresh, 21c.
Quotations or the Day oa Various
NEW YORK, Nov. 23,-FLOUR-Recelpte,
8,300 bbls.; oxports, 31,000 bbls.; easier and
leBH active, rolloctlng tho break In wheat
market; winter patents, J3. 0033,90; win
ter straights. J3,40H3.G5; Mlnnetota patents
J3.90ai.2G; winter J2.GOJi2.90; Minnesota
imKtjru. -winter low grades, J2.45W
2.G0. Hyo Hour, quiet; fair to good, J3.00W
8.20; cholcn to fancy. 3.253.C0. Buckwheat
Jlour, quiot at J2.1tir2.25. '
BUCKWHEAT Quiet at COflOSc, c. 1. f
Now York.
CORNMEAI Quiet: yollow, S7c; city.
9c; brandywlno, $2.45ft2.C0. '
HYE Steady; No. 2 western, 66o, f.o. u.
afloat; stato, 60(S51c, c. 1. f., New York car
lots. BARLEY Quiot; malting, 65001c, c. 1. f
UAULEY MALT Quiet but firm at C3
U i.e.
lutn, wic, i. o. u. niioat; no. i hard, Du
luth, ECHft f. o. b. alloat. Options experi
enced a sharp decllno to day. Tho decline
started with disappointing cables nml bear
lsh Argentina nowu, but developed later
Into unmtstakable December liquidation,
which destroyed nil of yesterday's lmprovo
nient and loft sentiment rather discouraged
over the outlook. Cloned easy and 4iio
net decllno; March closed at 80?ic; Slay,
79'4o: November, 7Cic: December, 77Vc.
CORN Receipts. 72,773 bu,; exports. G3.445
bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 46o olevator, and
4CV4c o. b. alloat. Options market quieter
and qulto wcuk In sympathy with wheat,
Improved weather west, talk of larger re
celpts and uncatlsfuctory cables, eloseil
wcuk Hio not decllno; May, 4242 G-I6c,
closeil at 42'ie; December closed at 43T4e.
OATS Receipts, 74,800 bu.; exports, 93.500
bo.. No. 2, 25l4o; No. 3, 25'io; No. 2 white,
29c; No. 3 whlto, 2SUc; track, mixed west
ern. 25HQ27HC. Options dull and barely
HIDES-Flrm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., isu
fl9c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry!
24SJ30 lbs.. 15c, '
LEATHER Steady to firm; hemlock solo.
Huonos Ayres, light to heuvywelghts. ui
25o: acid. 23V4ffW4Hc. "
TALLOW Firm; city (J2 per pkg.), Gc
country (pkgs. free), 4iG5Hc.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 4;
CtfHo: Japan. 4'i5c. ' "
MOLASSES Steady; Now Orleans onen
Kottlo. good to choice, 4241530. '
FEED Steady; spring, bran, JlG.0Oiri6.33:
middling, jn.owuia.w; winter brun, jn.OOij
18.60; city. $18.6017.00. tf
PROVlSlONS-lleof. quiet: family, J10.50
ril.7G; mess, J9.0O4i9.G0; beef' hams, Jio.oo
20.60; packet, JIO.OOCT10.60; city extra India
moss, Jltf0017.00. Cut meats, quiot; plcic
led Uellles, 9(tfl0!ic: pickled shoulders, Co;
pickled hams, 8ii'.Hc. Lard, llrm; west
ern steamed, J7.U); November closed at
J7.G0; refined, firmer; continent, $7.65; South
.America, i-uiuiiuunu, 1'OrK.
steady: family. $15.6016 00; short clear
114.00inrv00! mi.H S12.(iOffI'13.0O. '
HAY" Quiet; Bhlpplng, 77HOS0O; good to
choke, 5(i9jc.
AVOOI-Qulet; domeatlo fleece, 2ig23c;
Texas. 14Ql6c.
HOPS unlet: state, common to choice.
J9O0 crop. 10o: old, 2(RCc; Pnclfla coast. 1900
crop, iMfioe: i)tvj crop, iiwhc; om, stiue.
Now York, Jl.25ffl.75: Long Island, J1.50tf
1.75! jersey bwoou, jj.wu.w.
BUTTElt-Recelpta, 3,622 pkgs.j quiet;
creamery, 1926c; June creamery, 1823Ho;
factory, 12'Jltie.
, CHEESI-Receipts, 4,515 pkgJ.! quiot;
large, September, fancy, lOc; small, Sep
tember, fancy, lie; large, October, fancy,
10'4r; small, October, fancy, 10Hc.
LCIU8 Receipts, 4,333 pkgs,; quiet; west
ern, regular packing, at mark, 20B23',4e;
western, loss off, 26c.
PO t LT It Y A 1 1 ve, quiet; fowls, per lb.,
8c; chickens, 7c; turkeys, Sc; ducks, per
pair, GOfi-Jic: geese, J1.0gl.a74i dressed,
heavy supplies, slow demand, weak and
unsettled on turkeys, chltkens nnd fowls;
spring chickens, western, dry picked, fancy,
METALS Tin was a shade off from yes
terday'fi closing figure, owing to the noroe
what favorable advices from abroad and
In tho absence of buyers and closed eojy
nt $2S.&4iv2S.85. Tho rest of the list con
tinues qulJt and nominally unchanged.
Pig Iron warrants were quiet at J'j.SOfllu.GO;
lake copper, JlG.7u1il7.0O and quiet: lead nnd
spelter, quiet, JI.37H nnd Jl. 30ii. 35, re
spectively. The brokers' price for lead was
Jl and for copper $17.
CotidlMon of Triule nnd Uuo'latlons on
Staple nnd Fuiicy I'rodtice.
EOOS Receipts, light; good stock, 20ft22c.
LIVE POfLTRY-llons. Gc: roosters, 8
4e; spring chickens, GUfiGe; ducks, GH'o;
geese, CHf7c; turkeys, 7(i(8Wc.
GHc; roosters, GQGc; durks nnd geene, StiPo;
spring chickens, per lb., 6HTf7c; turkeys,
(SAME Prairie chickens, per doz., J5.00f(
G.50; mallard ducks, per doz., $3.00ti3.50; teal,
$1,605(1.75; mixed. $1.60fI1.75; Jacksnlpes, J1.25
(U1.G0; quail, Jl.G01.75; Jack rabbits, Jt.75f
2.00; cottontails, $1.
HUTTER Common to fair, 12Hffl3c:
choice, ICtTl'c: separator, 25c; gathered
creamt'ry, 20ff21o,
FRESH OYSTERS First grade, solid
packed, New York counts, per can. 3So; ex
tra selects. 32c; standards, 25c; medium, 20c,
Second grade, slack filled, New York
counts, per can, Sflc; extra selects, 26c;
standards, 20c: bulk standards, per K.ll..
PIGEONS Live, per doz., 900.
VEALS-Cholce. 9fH0c.
HAY Prlco quoted by Omaha Wholesalo
Hitv Dealers' association: Choice UDland.
$9.60! No. 1 upland, $9; medium, $3.60; course,
s. uyo straw, vi.w. xnese prices aro ror
hay Of good color and quality. Demand
fair; receipts, 11 cars.
OATSNo, 3 white, 26c.
t.'UHN NO. 3, 3SC.
TURNIPH-Per bu. basket, 60c,
HEETS-Pcr bu., COc.
CARROTS Per bu.. 60c.
LETTHCE-Per doz.. 30(335c,
RADISHES Per doz., 30c.
HEANS Wax. nor 1-3 bu. basket. Jl:
string, 90c.
I'OTATOES-Pcr bu.. 40250c: Idaho, ncr
bu,, 75c.
SW EET POTATOES-Per bbl., $2.(X32.K.
CAUUAdE-Fcr lb., 1V4CJ Holland seed,
TOMATOES-Per V,-bu. basket, 60o.
ONIONH-Per bu., 75c.
CELERY' California, as to size, 450750.
PEARS Per box, $2.00412.25.
GRAPES Delaware and Niagara. nr B.
lb. basket, 15c; Malaga, per keg, $6.607.50.
APPLES Native, 75efal.0O per bu.; per
bbl.. $2.W: eastern, $3.00fi3.25.
CRANH ERRIES Hell nnd' Bugle, $3 per
bbl.; per crate, $2.75.
ORANGES California seedllnm. J2.7B:
navels, $3.60; Mexicans, $3.50; Florldas, $4.
LEMONS California, extra fancy, Jl;
choice, J3.60.
HAN ANAS Per bunch, accordlncr to size.
J2 (W2.50.
FIGS California, new cartons. 90c: lay
ers, S3c.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb 13c;
filberts, per lb.. 13c: nlmonds. rer lb.. lSfi
20o: raw peanuts, per lb., 6f3Vc; roasted,
6H'il7Ho; Urazlls, 13c; Pecans, 910c.
niui'.a-no l green, thc; No. 2 green,
OHc; No. 1 salted, SHc; No. 2 salted, 7Hc;
No. 1 eal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8V4c; No. 2 veal
calf 11 to 15 lb.. nuC: dry hides. R13c:
sheep pelts. 25075c; horso hides, $l.G0$r2.25.
St. I, cm Is Grain anil Provisions,
ST. I.ntTIM Urn r1 WIIT.'A'I T
No, 2 red cash, elevator, CSVic; track. 711
January. 70T4c: May. 73H073':c: No. 2 hard.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 33c: track, 3Gff
SGc; November, 55o; December, S4Ho;
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 23c; track, 23Hc;
November, 23c; December, 23c; May, 2l?ic;
No. 2 whlto. 2Cc.
RYE-IIIghcr at 45c.
FLOUR Quiet: patents. 3.50Q3.C5: extra
fnncv and stralcht. J3.157i3.25: clear. 12 KTiTi
SEEDS Timothy, steady, J3.7o1.20. Flax,
no market.
CORNMKAL-Steady at $2.
BRAN Steady; sacked, cast track, 64
HAY-Stcady; timothy, J9.25ffl3.00; prol
rlo. $10.25filO.GO.
WHISICY-Steady at $1.27.
1'ROVISIONS-Pork. steady: Jobbing. $13.
Lard, higher at J7.07. Dry salt meats (boxed),
steady; extra shorts, J7.17H; clear ribs and
clear sides, J7.62H. Bacon (boxed), steady;
extra, shorts, $S.37'4! clear ribs and clear
Sides. $S.G:i.
METALS Lead, quiet at $1.25. Spelter,
firm nt $1.20.
POULTRY Dull; chickens, Ec; turkeys,
7c: ducks. 7c; geese, 6',4c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 20ffl21o;
dairy, lSfi21c.
EGGS-Steady at 184c.
RECEIPTS-Flour, G.000 bbls.; wheat, 58,.
000 bu.: corn. 76,000 bu.; oats. 23,000 bu.
SHlPMENTS-FIour, 8,000 bbls.; wheat,
25,000 bu.; corn, 26,000 bu.; oats, 11,000 bu.
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
?MfV4rt lower: December, Gs lid; March,
Oh d; spot, llrm; No. 1 California. Gs ZWt;
No. 1 northern, spring, 0s 3Vid; No. 2 red
western, winter, Gs. Futures dull.
CORN Spot, American mixed, now, Is 3d.
Futures dull; November, 4s IVid; December,
4s 'id; January, 3s 10a.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady
at 8s Gd.
rnoVISIONS-Bcef, extra India mess,
easy, C9a; prlmo mess, nominal. PorK,
prime mess western, llrm, '2s. Lard, Amer
ican refined, In palls, steady, 39s 6d; prime
western, In tierces, steady at 3Ss Gd: clear
middles, heavy, llrm at 47s 6d. Hams,
short cut, 14 to 1C lbs., strong, 46s 3d. Bacon,
Cumberland cut, 2s to 30 lbs., strong, 47s;
short ribs. 18 to 22 lbs., strong, 4Ss3d; long
clear middle, light, llrm, Ss 9d; long clear
middles, heavy, strong, 47s; short clear
bneks, 16 to 18 lbs., firm. 43s 9d; clear
bellies, It to 1G lbs,, Arm, 66s. Shoulders,
square, 12 to 11 lbs., strong, 33s 9d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady,
2 5siT3 6V4l.
BUTTER-Unltcd States finest, quiet, 93a;
United States good, dull. Sis Gd.
I'EAS-Canadtnn. .quiot at 6a SWd.
TALLOW Prlmo city, arm, 23s; Aus
tralian, In London, llrm, 27s Gd.
CHEESE American llnest white, easy,
Gls 6d: American llnest colored, easy, 56s,
Receipts of wheat during the last thrco
days, 142,000 centals. Including 118,000 Amer
ican; receipts of American corn during tho
hist threo days, 210,700 centals. Weather
lino. r
Knimnn City Oriitii nnd Provisions,
comber. tUfG3Ho; May, G7;407',o: cash,
No. 2 hard, GjUJiGOVje; No. 3, GimffiGHc:
No. 2 red. CttHWOo; No. 2 red, C3Hif70c;
No. 3. 6CTifi9c.
CORN Uecembor, S3Vlc: May,. 342-34Hc;
cobIi, No. 2 mixed, 35c; No. 2 white, 30
OATS-No. 2 white, 26Hc
RYE No. 2. 42HC
HAY'-Cholco timothy, $10.COffl0.60; choice
prairie. $9.GWil0.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 19(ff!3c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Higher; fresh Missouri nnd Kan
sas stock, 19c doz., loss off, case returned;
now whltowood cases Included, Ho more.
RECEIPTS-Wheat, CG.C0O bu,; corn, 2J.2CO
bu,: onts, 8,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 72,000 bu.; corn,
10,400 bu,; oats, 4,000 bu.
Corn-Cornerer Phillips Rests Kasr,
CHICAGO, Nov. 23,-Georgo II. Phillips,
who has successfully cornered November
corn, rested on his oars today and decided
that ho would do nothing morn this week,
In consequence of Mr. Phillips' nttltude tho
corn pit was quiet. November opened at
4Gc, sold on a few trades to 43c per bu. and
.closed lo lower than It did yesterday at
"1 don't care whothor prices go up or
down for the present," said Mr. Phllllpe.
"If November will work back to 40c Iv
will please me. When the last day of tho
month comes I shall bo ready for nil tho
corn delivered and those who Havo Bold It
and cannot deliver It will have to settle."
Toledo Market,
TOLEDO. Nov. 23. WHEAT Dull and
weak; cash, 71Sc; December, 74Hc; Muy,
7!Hic: January, 76c.
CORN-Dull; cash, 3SHc; December, 37Ho;
May, 37ic.
OATS-Cash, 22Hc; December, 23Vlc; May,
RYE 51 e.
SEEDS-Clover, quiet and lowor; 1R01,
prime, $6.10; December and March, J6.G2H.
l'lillnilelpliln Produce Market,
Qulct and easier: fancy western creamery,
ttio; fancy western prints, 2&e.
EGGS Steady; fresdi nearby, 27c; frojh
western, 26c; fresh southwestern, 25o; fresh
southern. 21c.
CHEESE-Firm: Now Y'ork creams,
fancy, small, lllHic: New Y'ork full
creams, fair to choice, l(V019?ie.
Business Recovering Former Form Without
Last Spring's Unstable Rise.
Iran and Steel Market Still Active
Wools ml Woolens Militated
Aaratnst by tMIld Weather
Hides on the Rise.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. n. O, Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
With reasonable promptness business is
recovering In both uctlvlty nnd tone, and
fortunately without tho sharp rise In gen
eral prices which was seen In tho sprln.T,
and which was followed by n sudden and
serious transition to a more natural runso.
Manufactured poods are rising It- response
to a belter demand frjat distributing
sources, helped at tho end of tin weak by
the more seasonable weather. Business Is
not what It whs tin tho ton of the wave of
Industrial prosperity, but tho working force
!. fast increasing. The ordinary measures
of business tellect operations nt all potnU,
but the textile markets nro nt tho point of
least responso to thu Improved updertono
or trade.
Ricltal of conditions In tho Iron nnd steel
market has becomo a monotonous reposi
tion. Lach week there Is the x.tmo record
of activity so generally distributed tint
everything, from tho raw material to the
finished product, enjoys a share. There la
also tho same freedom from speculative .tf
cmnu atlon In anticipation of fancy prices
thru has been for weeks tho most encour
nglng foaturo. Railroad coinpnulcr compete
for rolling stock. Export order.? In some
lines are tilled with dlillcully, owing to the
inusuul domestic demand ror nil forms of
iron and steel products. I tit In no quarter
In there tiny unreasonable inflation of prices
mich as was seen during the meteorlr as
cent last year, in a few descriptions prlrc
;m export orders nrj shaded to hold tho
Two factors militate strongly ngalnst nc
tlvlty nnd strength In wool and woolei's
Mild weather bus been tho chief udvorso
influence, reducing sales far below n nor
mal volume. In this vicinity, while llqtilda.
uon or embarrassed concerns threatens to
throw a considerable quantity on tho mnr
ket til forced sales, in tho light or thao
dltquletlng features It It not surprising
that sales of wool at tho three chlor eastern
nifirkets declined to 6,351.331 pounds, ngalnat
TtPvTL P"ns In tho week preceding nnd
lJ,SiO,392 pounds a yenr ago.
Hides contlnuo to rise, regardless of tho
largest arrivals of cattlo at Chicago In
many years. Leather has ceased to follow
tho advance In tho hide market and most
grades ot boota nml shoes nro at the prices
prevailing two months ago, except for a
gain of 2H cents In men's satin shoes and
split nnd kip boots. Considering tho ad
vance or over 10 per cent In hlde In theso
two months, tho gain In the finished prod.uu
Is Inslgnlllcunt, but every attempt to secure
higher prices ends negotiations for sales
nnd It Is necessary to tako orders at old
rates or close thi shops.
Undnunted by recent reverses, specula
tors In cotton advanced tho prlco about
$3.60 a halo In ten days. Receipts have been
of moderate volume, but the slzo of tho
current crop cannot bo approximated by
any ordinary system of averages this year,
owing to the ample funds In the hands of
planters, enabling them to hold back much
of their crop. Estimates havo fallen below
10.0oo.000 bales because of the slow mAve
mcnt nnd this fact, together with last
month's record-breaking vnluo of export.?,
forms tho basis of present prices. October
shipments am unlikely to bo equaled again,
whllo sales of noxt September's options nt
9 cents do not tako Into account plans for
a largo Increase In ncrcage next year. Con
sumption decreases on account of the high
price, northern spinners hnvlnp taken 160.
(10 bales less than last year to dato, whllo
British exports of cotton cloths In vtoaer
were IS per cent less than In 1S99, atul of
cotton goods 33 per cent smnller.
Failures for tho week wore 23S In tho
United States, against 191 Inst year, and
twenty-nine In Canadn, against twenty-two
last year.
Agsreffntc 0f linslness Transacted br
the Associated Ilnnks.
NEW Y'ORK, Nov. 23,-rTho following
table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows tho
bank clearings at tho principal cities for
tho woek ended November 22, with tho per
centage of Increase and decrenso as com
pared with tho corresponding week last
Clearings, Inc. Dec
New Y'ork $1,479,473,241 2G.4
Boston 154,243.917 4.7
Chicago i 151,696,538 3.0
Philadelphia 109,761.773 9.0
St. Louts 41,196.138 19.7
Pittsburg 37.877.076 18,5
Baltimore 25,279,768 1G.0
San Francisco 20,f.91,3."9 1.3
Cincinnati 16,310,100 6,5
Kansas City- ..: 18,016,020 23.8
Now Orleans 16,957,975 61.7
Minneapolis 13.C3S.40S 2,8
Cleveland 12,189,411 16,0
Galveston, Tex 10,100,000 29,6
Houston, Tex 12,320,112 21.1
Colorado Springs .... 1,074,806
Detroit 9,413,433 G.l
Louisville 8,601,019 7.G
Provldenco 7,257,200
Milwaukee 7,151,471 19.4
St. Paul 6.254,108 10.8
Buffalo 6,733,700
OMAHA G.495.7G0 2.8
Indianapolis 8,246,433 28, G
Columbus, 0 6,791,500 2.8
Savannah 6,252,670 49.7
Denver 4.727,501 7.5
Hartford 2,203,250 8.7
Richmond 4.191,210 46,0
Memphis 5,199.600 62.1
Washington 2.856,663 4,6
Pecrla 2,413,343 14.5
Rochester 2.S90.4S9 12.1
Now Haven 1,637,091 3,1
Worcester .'7.. 1,410.142 3.8
Atlanta 3,007,000 44.6
Salt Lako City 3,506,322 13.1
Springfield. Mass 1,604,215 14,0
Fort Worth 2.335,0X1
Portland, Me 1,269,0S9 4,0
Portland, Oro 2.450.6S0 11.2
St. Joseph! 4,005,900 . 24.4
Los Angeles 2,455,538 11.3
Norfolk 1,693.363 5.3
Syrncuso 1.223.6S0 4.5
Des Moines 1,530,771 13.2
Nnshvlllo 1,402,029 1.9
Wilmington, Del 1,013,716 8.9
Fall River 1,174,116 2.1
Bcranton 1,100.204 15.4
Grand Rnplds 1,388,532 16.4
Augusta, Ga 1.G33.0S2 64.1
Dayton, O 1,213,320 7.6
Seattlo 2,861,18.1 as.5
Tncoma 1,200,472 3.9
Spokane 1,069,410 10. G
Sioux City 1,465,919 1 7.5
Birmingham, Ala 1,042.014 17.7
Toledo. 0 2,306,820 13.4
Evansvlllo 1,122,219 3,2
Lowoll G01.058
New Bedford 628,830 0.4
Knoxvllle, Tenn 635,510 7.4
Topcka 873,400 45.2
Wichita. Kan 482,164 4.1
Blnghamton 418,400 1 0.8
Loxlngton, Ky 4SS.IW, 17.5
Jacksonville, Fla 281,800 4.4
Kalamazoo, Mich aS6,3.".l 1.3
Akron, 0 603,910 28.8
Chattanooga 418,337 9.2
Rockford. HI 29S.535 8.0
Canton. 0 292,000 14.0
Springfield, 0 293,709 - 3.9
Fargo, N. D 423,049 17.5
Sioux FalK S. D.... lSI.rai 8.3
Hastings, Neb 163,781 28.3
Fromont. Neb 10S.1G5
Davenport, la CSI.232
Holcna 689,014 7,9
Macon 927,000 30.fl
Llttlo Rock 791.130 63.2
Springfield. 111. 615.68S 24.3
Y'oungstown, 0 344,782 23.2
Totals, U. S $2,240,117,814 19.8
Totals outsldo N. Y., 766,011,693 8.9
Montreal $ 16,728,652 4,9
Toronto 11,033,903 12,5.,..
Winnipeg 2,646,539 21,7
Halifax 1,739.282 14.9
Hamilton 847,858
St. John, N. B 777.434 14.7 ....
Vancouver 786,781 3,6
Victoria 83S.9S6 40.1
Totals $ 35,409,335 (Til 777777
Retail and Jobbing: Distribution Cur
tailed by Unsettled Wentlier.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Bradstreet,'s to
morrow will say:
Unsettled weather conditions havo oper
ated to curtHll retail and Jobbing distribu
tion this week, and Imparted a quieter tone
to several lines Indirectly assoclate-d there
with. Stock speculation, too, has been less
rampant, nnd last week's record of bank
clearings has, therefore, not been equalled.
Thero Is. however, llttlo or no apparent
loss of bnslo strength, and, Indeed, the
general level of staple prices has been
slightly advnnced. This latter movement
Is moat notable In the Iron and steel trades,
In raw cotton nnd to a lesser degreo In the
cereals and soma hog products,
In murine shipping circles a distinct Im
provement Is reported since the llrst week
of November, while tho volume of busi
ness In pig Iron Is still largo It does not ap
parently como jp to that of last week or
tho week previous. No disappointment Is,
however, telt at this, inoro particularly
us quotations havo ugaln been marked up.
Reports of preparations to resumo como
from many plants for somo time Idle and
a sample Instance Is tho report that every
furuaco In tho Chicago Held wl'.I bo at
work next week. Reports from Pittsburg
nro that demand for steel billets Is still
backward, not so much because of the
prlco demanded $19.60 but because of It
being tlxed by the pool nt that rate. Foun
dry pig Is. however, active nnd tending
higher. What the market for cruder forms
lucks In the way of activity, however, Is
mad a up for by the lmmcnso demnnd for
Mulshed products, which Is reported In ex
cess of all records for this period. Plates
aro active, us aro structural and car ma
terial, wire, bars and In fact nil classes
of llnlshed material, not excepting rails,
which nro reported being freely tnken by
western railroads nt the much abused $26
basis. Other mcta'.s, notably copper, aro
strong. Tin Is again tending upward.
Tho strength of primary markets and
light receipts, actual and predicted, have
been the basis of the ndvanco of ?a shown
In spot cotton this week. More speculative
Interest has been taken, but events proved
that a bullish circular from a heretoforo
rather bearish source had been ulreudy
discounted. Cotton growers have evidently
been holding back, and somo still talk of
10c as a minimum, but receipts show a
Blight gain toward tho close of tho week.
Collections south havo certainly been In
terfered with somewhat by tho holding
movement. The advance In raw material
has stiffened somo mokes of brown cottons
nnd prints, and glnghom quotations havo
also been marked up. Rather moro
strength has been exhibited by cerea's.
Cash wheat Is slightly higher, partly on
the belief that somo real damage has been
Intllc'ed In Argentina, but mainly because
tho supply suitable for export Is really
limited at the seaboard. Corn receipts havo
been of generally low grado nnd tho. No
vember option has been cornered at Chi
cago. Better weather Is looked for to lm
provo both the volume nnd quality of re
ceipts, and In the meantlmo visible stocks
are well down to minimum.
Wheat, Including flour, shipments for tho
week aggregated 3,827,290 bu., against 4,002,
020 last Week, 3,688.677 III tho corresponding
week of 1899, 5,821,766 In 1898, G,463,153 In 1897
nnd 3,753,696 In 1896. From July 1 to date
this season wheat exports aro io,301.SS7 bu.,
ngnlnst 83,108,512 Inst season nnd 89.124.0S3
In 189S-99. Corn exports for tho week ag
gregate 6,235.568 bu., against 3,976.914 last
week. 4,149.523 In this week a year ago,
3,993,846 In 1S9S, 2,869,705 111 1897 nnd 2,920,802
In 1896. From Julv 1 to dato this season
corn oxports nro 69,880,561 bu.. ngalnst 92,
170.488 last season and C0.8S2.762 In 1898-99.
Business failures In tho United States
for tho week number 215. as against 227
last week, 202 In tho same week a year ago.
Canadian failures for tho week number
31, as against 25 last week and 2S In this
week a year ugo,
near Attack on Steel and Wire Has
FHr-Itenclilnic Effect.
NEW Y'ORK. Nov. 23. Tho slump of Steel
nnd Wlro of 4U points Just nt tho closo of
tho trading last ovenlng wns universally re
garded as a danger. Spcculatlvo men came
down to Wall street In a mood suggestllng
depression and reaction. Tho first sugges
tion came In tho form of a further break of
3 points In Steel nnd Wire. Apparently no
moro effective point could havo been se
lected nt which to attack tho market.
This was known from previous experiences
with this particular stock. Tho iron and
steel traders aro supposed to have had most
to hopo and In fact actually to havo en
Joyed most of tho benefits of tho revival of
business nnd Industry. Tho midden weak
ness ot Steel nnd Wlro did not raise any
doubts of the reports heretoforo accepted of
tho prosperous conditions In that trado and
the excellent prospects for tho future, but'
It did arouso serious apprehension of 11
determination on tho part of some of tho
steel magnates to enter upon a course of
slashing competition nnd to unsettlo tho
trade, ns they havo already proved them
Kelves abundantly nblo to do. Tho wldo
reaching effect such nn outbreak of hos
tilities In tho nteel trado may bo measured
by tho degreo of apprehension exhibited by
holders of long mock today. Tho stool
stocks themselves wero most Immediately
affected, but heavy declines nro shown In
nlmosl overy department of tho stock list.
Tho shnrp effect produced was duo in part,
of course, to tho extended speculative ac
counts held all through tho market. Tho
purposo of tho bear maneuver was palpably
to dlslodgo these holdings. They succeeded
very well In doing this. As tho decllno In
prices extended, , tho offerings incrcuscd.
Thoso stocks In "Which tho recent specula
tion for the advance has been most actlvo
wero naturally tho most nffected. Tho local
traction stocks, tho grangers, tho Pnclllcs
and Baltimore & Ohio wero tho most prom
inent In tho downward movement. Sugar
was freely sold on tho cut In prices of re
fined sugar nnd coffee, which Boomed to
threaten a rcnownl of tho trado war. But
tho stock was very feverish at all times.
Prnctlcally tho only effective reslstence of
fered to tho decline was In tho early deal
ings. Now Y'ork Central and Chesapeake
& Ohio showed continued strength nt that
time, New York Central rising 1 over
Inst night. An effort wns also mado to
boom Amalgamated Copper on tho occasion
of Its llrst being dealt In tho list of tho
exchange, but tho llrst price, which was
99H, was tho highest. Tho price subse
quently fell back to 97. compared with
9SH In tho curb market last night. Tho fre
quent rallies during tho day, when room
shorts wero taking quick profits, showed
tho professional bear character of tho at
tack on tho market. But the buying de
mand seemed not to extend beyond tho
short Interest and tho market quickly lost
animation on tho rallies. Tho closing Itself
was wavering and uncertain, but at con
siderably nbove tho lowest for many stocks.
Thero was nothing In tho money market to
causo apprehension, rates ruling at 3H per
cent or lower practically all day. Tho re
ceipts of gold from tho Paclliu coast In
sure a good Increase In ensh reserves for
tomorrow'H bank statement, although tho
net receipts from tho Interior In tho ex
press movement show a considerable fall
ing oft trom laBt week. An expansion In
loans Is expected on account of tho specu
lative activity, but tho easiness of the
money mnrket Is evidence that tho position
or tho money markets Is not materially
There were firm spots In tho bond market,
but railroad bonds, as a whole, wero af
fected by sympathy with tho reactionary
movoment In stocks, Totnl sales, par value,
$2,453,000. United States 3s, registered, ad
vanced ) nnd United States 3s, coupon,
nnd tho fas H. tho old 4s , new 4s U nnd
refunding 2s, when issued, ',i per cent on
tho last call.
Tho following aro tho closing prices on
the New Y rk Stock exchango:
Atchison 38 Wabash VA
do pfd S2'u do pfd 204
Baltlmoro Ac u.. iA wncei. & l. is... inj,
Canadian pacinc. ms 00 zu pru
Canada So G7T Wis. Central ..
Click. & Ohio liVi Third Avenuo .
Chlcaco G. W.... HIS B. & O. pfd....
.. 1U
.. 4H
.. ClVi
C, B. & Q 130 National Fuse.
Chi. Intl. Ac L...
z.i no nru
do prd
Chi. E. Ill
C. & N. W
GGH Adams Ex
. HSU American Ex.... 160
.167H 17, H. Ex 4XH
C, R. I. & P.
.liuvii weiis-i' argo jux.lao
C. C. C. & St. L. r.0 Amor. Cot. Oil... 3ii
Colorndo So (l do pfd 89
110 1st pin .mcr. .Miming
do 2d pfd 1"H Jo pfd
Del. & Hudson.. . 116' Amor, S. & R..
Del. L. ft W ISO do pfd
Denver .t R G... T.'Ys Amer. Spirits...
do pfd., 7i" j do nfd
Erlo 13'JiAmer. S. Hoop... 29tt
do 1st pfd. a,,,, rj'i do pfd 7&H
3t. Nor. pfd 179'i Amer. S. & W... 15
Hocking Conl
UU pill ft(?4
Amer. Tin Plato. 4?i.
Hocking A'alloy
Illinois Central.
Iowa Central ..
do pfd
Lako Erlo & W
do pfd 87W
20'i Amer. Tobacco.. UO'i
46U do nfd.
26V. Anne. Mln. Co.
. 49T
do nfd
.106 Brooklyn II. T.
Lako Shoro 2101 Colo. Fuel & 1... 62
L. & N K1! Con. Tobacco
Manhattan L....lUi do prd
Met. St, Ry 172 Federal Steol
Mox. Central .... 13 1 du pfd
Minn, & St. L.... C4 Gen. Electric .
do nfd 99 Glucoso Sugar
Mo. Pacific 69'j do pfd
Mobile & Ohio... 39Vj Inter. Paper .
M.. K. & T 11 do pfd
do nfd 26'A Lacledo Gas ..
. 93Vi
. 49tt
. 7:i$
. 55
. 12
. 71
N. J. Central ...112 Natlonnl Biscuit. 38
N. Y. Central ...HPt do pfd 9:'Vi
Norfolk &
W.. .National i.euu ,, r.n,
80 'do pfd 92H
CUTt National Steel .. 37
M do pfd 92VS
do nfd
No, Pacific
do pfd
Ontario & W...
Ore. Rv. & Nay
do pfd
Pennsylvania ..
do 1st pfd.,,..
do 2d pfd
n?4 w. 1. Air uraKe.:iw
No. American
Pacific Const
do 1st prd...
nVa do 2d pfd..
. tiivb Pacific Man
. SOU People's Gas
. 05 (Pressed S. Car..,
. UJ do pfd
. 17 Pullman P. Car.,
. 72 S. R. & T
ltlo u. w
do pfd
St. L. & S. 1
do 1st pfd..,
uo .a pni.
4a,ii sugar
St t. r,l, tl.... 1tl ,1 nf.l
do pfd rVronn. Coal & I.. 72'A
St. Paul V21 U. 8. Leather ... 14
do pfd 176 do pfd 75
St. P. & Omaha. 120 U. S, Rubber .... !C
So. Pacific
do nfd S7U
So. Railway ...
do pfd
Tex. &. Pacific
Union Pacific .
do pfd
n western i.nion... m
C2tt Republic I. & S 26
1? ' do pfd 01
7t p. c. c. & st. l. rs
blUAmal. Copper ...67
HnnU Clearings.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3.-Cleartng!, $22,1&4.C30;
balance-"', $1,439,009; posted exchange, J4.S2H
t)4.S6, New York exchange, 6c discount.
ST. LOPIS, Nov. 23.-Clcarlngs, $6,805,56$;
balances. $761,977; money, 4jf per cent:
New York, exchango, par bid, 10c premium
NEW YORK, Nov. 23-Clearlngs, $331,.
C09.4O7! balnnces. $10,030,945.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2S.-Clarlngs,
$16,3,7W; balnnces, $2,155,000.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 23.-Clerlngs, $2,2S7.
GOO; New Y'ork exchange, par; money, 3$fl
per cent,
BOSTON. Nov. .-CIarlng, $23,875,334;
balances, $1,S12,S35.
BALTIMORE. Nov. 3.-Clearlnf9, $3,521.
$70; balances, $479.348.
Week Marked by General Speculation
nnd Enormous Investment.
NEW YORK. Nov. SS.-Briidstrect's
Financial Review tomorrow will say:
A continuance of the lnrge transactions,
which liullcnto the presence of nubile par
ticipation In speculation and of enormous
Investment purchnses, Is tho principal
feature In tho stock market. Tho tone has
generally been strong, but the market has
had Intervals of Irregularity and has also
shown at times a reactionary tendoncy.
This last was duo mainly to profit taking,
though some renewal or short sales by pro
fessional operators was noted, nnd It fs alao
evident thnt ns the market has spread out
and advanced tho number of weak speculi
tlvo accounts nnd stop orders hoa Increased,
thereby rendering It even, has not materi
ally diminished the bullish liability to sud
den nnd sharp fluctuations,
The notion of the money market. In view
of tho remarkable ndvances that havo ac
companied the phenomenal activity, Is re
carded ns 11 principal In favor of the bull3,
With trading at tlio New York Stock ex
change prnctlcally exceeding $1,000,000 a day
for tho entire period slnco election, there
Is no symptom of prcsiure In tho money
mnrket, Somo hesitancy about ncceptlng
Industrials as collateral for loans Is notoJ,
but call money has not risen above 44 or G
rer cent, but 4 per cent or less seems to
havo been the rates nt which uccommoda
tlon to carry standard rtoeks could bo ob
tained. Tho fact that the Item of loans In
Inst Saturday's bank statement Increassd
only somo $2,000,000 was at llrst regarded
with surprise, but tho explanation offered
for It Is thnt a great proportion of tho pur
chases of stocks nnd -bonds made by com
mission houses aro In the nature of Invest
ments, tho securities being paid for nnd
taken out of tho loun market. This process
brought money to Now Y'ork, and nt tho
samo time reduces the volume of outstanJ
lug loans to an extent which largely offsets
tho Increased tipcculatlvo borrowings. Eu
rope has to some extent been a buyer of
stocks nt concessions this week, probably
to meet calls on Americans put out In I.on
don prior to the election. Tho effect of this,
however, has not overcome the previous
largo foreign Miles, which have been suffi
cient to hold up foreign exchange rates nt
a level considerably above tho old Import
ing point. Tho conlldenco of our own pub
Ho In tho financial nnd business situation
Is, however, so general nnd marked that
Europe's position continues to bo regarded
with Indifference, nnd In tho purchasing
power which nsserts Itself at nil concessions
or reactlona the street finds the best Indi
cation that the bull movement In prices Is
not exhausted.
New Y'ork Montr Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23,-MONEY-On call,
steady nt 2V44H per cent; last loan, 3 per
cent. Prlmo mcrcanttla paper, 40'4 per
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.85
4.85H for demand and nt $4.81tt4.81 for
sixty days; posted rates. $4.82 and $4,86;
commercial bills. $4.8O(Jt4,80.
SILVER-Certlllcates, 64365c; bar, 63c;
Mexican dollnrs, GOc.
BONDS Government, strong; state,
tteady; railroad, Irregular.
Tho closing prices on bonds today are as
U. S. rof. 2s, rcg.105 IN. Y'. C. Is
do coupon 103 N. J. C. g. 6s.
do 3s. reir 110'i No. Pnclllo 3s.
do coupon U0 do 4s 1014
do 4s, reg 137 N Y, C & St L 48.107
do coupon 137N. & W. con. 4s. 99
do old 4s, rcg..il5', Ore. Nnv. Is 1W
do coupon 115'4 do 4s 101
do 5s, reg 113ttlOrcgon S. L. CS..U74
do coupon U3tt do consol 6s....ll44
D. of C. 3 63s. ...1244 Rending gen. 4s.. 89
Atch. gen. 4s... .101 Rio G. W. Is 994
do adj. 4s 10G S L & I M c. 6s. .1124
Canada So. 2s....U S L & 8 F g. Cs.,127
C. & O. 44s 101 St. Paul conols.l7G
do Gs 120 St. P., C. & P. 18.118
C. & N. W. c. 7s.H0 do 6s 120
do . F. deb. Os.119 So. Pacific 4s 834
Chicago Ter. 4s.. 93 So. Railway 5s. ..112
Colo. Ho. 4s 84 H. R. & T. 6s 714
D. & It. G. 4s.... 994 Tex. & Paclflo ls.HOTS
Erlo general 4b... 744 do 2s 82
F. W .& D. C. Is. 76tt Union Pacific 4s. 1064
Gen. Electric Ps..lt24 AVnbash Is 1164
Iowa Centrnl Is. 116 do 2s 105
L. & N. tml. 4s.. 99 West Shore 4s. ..Ill
M.. K. & T. 2s... 70 Wis. Central Is.. 874
do 4b 91 Va. Centuries ... 92
Doston Stocks nnd Ilonds.
BOSTON, Nov. 23. Call loans, 3f4 per
cent; time loans, 4r5 per cent. Official
A.. T. & S. I
. 384 Union Lnnd 3
. 824 West End 9.04
.133), Westlngh: Elec. 61
do pfd
Amer. Sugar
do nfd
.nii Atcnison 48 iuou
Amer. Tel 1594 N. E. G. & C. Gs. ff4
Boston & Alb'y..249 .Adventure 64
Boston Elevated. 157 Allouez Mln. Co.. 3
Boston & Mo 197 lAmal. Copper .. 97
C. B. & Q 11374 Atlantic 27
Dominion Coal... 41 Boston & Mont. .319
do pfd 113 Blltto & Boston. 9':
Federnl Steel
do pfd
Fltchburg pfd
... 494 Cal. & Hocla.
... 7G4 Centennial
US',4 Franklin
Gon. Electric
166 Humboldt
do pfd.
113 Osceola 7814
Ed. Elec. Ill 215 Parrot GOV
Mex. Centrnl .... 12 Qulncy .103
Mich. Telephone. 85 Santa Fe Copper. 7
N. E. O. & C 15 Tamarack 290
Old Colony 202 .Utnh Mining .... 34
Old Dominion .... 304 Winona 4
Rubber SOU Wolverines 454
Union Pacific ....714
,Ntt York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-The following- ar
the closing- quotations tor mining; shares
Chollar 0
Crown Point 7
p.. 78
.. 10
.. 33
.. 12
.. 20
.. 10
Con. Cal. & Va..l20
Deadwood 58
Quicksilver ...
do nfd
Gould & Currlo.,105
Sierra Nevada
Halo & Norcross. 20
Homestako G500
Iron Silver 75
Mexican 22
Ontario C25
Union Con
Yellow Jacket
'Brunswick ....
London Stock Qnotatlnns.
LONDON, Nov. 23.-4 p. m.-CIosIng:
Cons., money.,
9S9-1G do 1st pfd...
uo acct
Canadian Pac..,, 90 Reading ..
Sf. Paul
.i33Vii.No. I'acuio prd
.1294 Grand Trunk .
Illinois Central.
Louisville 84V4
Union Pac. prd.. 81
N. Y'. Central. ...115
Rand Mines
BAR SILVER-Stcndy at 294d per ounce.
MONBY-34 per cent.
Tho rnte of discount In tho open market
for short blllB Is 3ii3T per cent; for three
months' bills, 1IV83 15-16 per cent.
Condition of the Trensnry.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-Todny's stato
mcnt of tho treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000
gold reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Avnllablo cash balance, $135,731,339;
gold, $92,701,209,
Xerr Y'ork Live) Slock,
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-UEEVES-Re-relpts,
4,612 bend; steers very dull and lOfj
20o lower: bulls and cows, steady to a
shade higher: steers, $3.75J5.35; bulls, $2.25
(T(3.60; cows, $1.1062.60. Cables steady; shlo
ments, 550 cattle, 1.0S0 sheep and 4,260 qua'r
ters of beef.
CALVES-Recelpts, 144 head: veals, dull;
grasaers, slow and easy; veals, $4.00S.W;
grnssers, $2,25if2.G0; fed nnd mixed calves,
BlftjEP AND LAMBfi Receipts, 3,300
head; sheep, Blow and very steady; good
lumbs n iihado lower: others steady; sheep
$2.00Ij3.60; culls, $1,504(1.70: lambs. $4 0U-S
G.15: extra, $5.25; Canada lambs, f5.00if5.25:
lambs. $3.ocW3.75.
HOGS-Roceipts, 4,303 headj nominally
St, Louis Live Stock,
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23.-CATTI,E-Rccelntfl
1.G00 head, Including 900 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers
$4,G5i'5.60; dressed beef and butcher steers'
J1.004tS.10; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.604 60!
Blockers nnd feeders, $2.30S4.40; cows arid
heifers, $2.(-4.76; canners. $1.25fif2.75; bulls
$2.6003.26; Texas and Indian steers. $3. ait
4, GO; cows nnd helfars. $2,3083.35, '''"
HOOS Receipts, 8,800 head; market
.r Slir- u B,"V"B f.iJ1i ana lights,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head
market steady: native muttons, $3.85'&4.00:
lambs. $4.Wi(o.lO; culls and bucks, K.iOtb
4.00; Blockers, $2.75, ' ,-ovu'
Stock In Kltclit.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets November 23:
cattle, nogs. Shoe
South Omaha
Kansas City
St, Louis ....
Liberal Receipt, of Cattle for Friday and
Tendency of Prioei Lower,
Onlr a Few Sheep Sal ma ffane
f Them CU CM4 Chalce
Market Held Ahaat 8ea mm
Feeders and Fat Staff.
h.i . SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 23.
nm .i? were: trniiie. no. ""jiA
Ofllclal Monday B.10O 4.295 4.530
omc at Tussdiy SU 12.10) 7.012
Official Wf.,tti..S-.: unit 9 970 6.5M
Official TlUUday '...I:: 647 U.2S6 6.479
Official Friday ....i;."."" GS 9,060 663
Ri',V? da'f ,Ills week.. 19,880 . 4671 28.9S4
Samo days last week.. ..19,934 31,793 M,035
Same days Weok before.. 8,125 21.823 20.i8
Samo three Weeks ago? 17 270 25,204 28,213
feamo four weeks ngo.l.ln.Ml 24,523 37,827 l,rce vald for hogs for tho last
neural, days, with comparisons:
I 1. lS99.lS9g.11897.lS96.1895.1894.
4 81
4 60
4 66
4 65
4 C4
4 01
4 04
4 04
4 02,
4 02
4 03
4 06
4 03
4 02
3 94
3 93
3 E3I
3 29,
3 42 4 44
3 27 3 41 4 45
3 30 4 39
3 31 3 33
3 21 3 35 4 41
3 17 3 3 4 GO
3 23 3 45 4 65
3 45 4 42
3 28 3 39 4 29
3 27 41
3 17 3 39
3 22 3 45 4 43
3 23 3 44 4 64
3 25 3 45 4 34
3 46 4 37
3 18 3 45 4 45
3 11 4 43
3 14 3 41
3 16 3 39 4 61
3 13 3 42 4 iV
3 15 3 42 4 37
3 38 4 41
3 21 3 41 4 26
3 45
3 47
3 41
3 43
3 43
3 51
3 62
3 44
3 46
4 674
3 Go
3 54
3 41
S 31
3 32
3 38
3 34
3 27
3 31
3 32
3 32
3 34
3 34
3 39
3 27i
3 52!
3 45
3 47
3 43
4 684
4 8.1
4 73'
4 67
3 44
3 41
4 824
4 82
3 90
3 33
3 35
3 36
3 35
3 29
3 S4
3 87
3 S6
4 74
4 7S
4 76
4 78
3 88
3 89
3 31
3 K6
.1 S3
3 37
3 44
Indicates Sundny.
The ofllclal number of cars
brought In today by each toud
n xr . c. Cattle. Hogs.
O & St. L. Ky:..... 2
Missouri Pacific Ry.. 1
Union I'nclnc systom. 27
& N. , Ry
F., E. & M. V. R. R. 7
C, St. P., M. & o... 10
B. & M. R. R. R.T 40
C, B. & O. Ry......... 3
C., R. I. & V. Ry., B, 2
C, R. I. & P. Ry.w: ..
Total reenlnta iw 110
Tho disposition of the day's receipt
" fo''ow' each buyer purchasing the
s was
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co....
,. 119 1,496
v. 11, iiammond Co
Swift nnd Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
Armour, from Sioux Cltv
,. 695
,. 486
V- "ecKer & Degan 346
J. L. Curoy 144
Lohman & Co 65
McCrenry & Clark 3
W. I. Stephen 64
Hill & Huntzlnger 31VJ
Livlngstono & Schaller.... 29
Hamilton & Rothschild... 275
Hobblck 4
Other buyers 273
T,lnl 3.C91 9,093 SK
9ATTIj&TTl,ere wa" a K01 liberal run of
f.-li . , todny for 11 Friday, and as both
yard traders and packers were not par
tlcularly anxious for supplies the market
was slow and weak all around. There were
quite a few fnt cattle, Included In tho re
celpts, ami a number of bunches of pretty
good stuff. Buyers, however, did not tako
hold with much llfo and claimed that prices
hero wero too high In comparison witn
eastern markets. Sellers were not willing
to make nny concessions, und us a result
thp market was dull with the tendency of
prices lower. Aa compared with the close
of "t week it is safe to say that tho
ninrkot Is all of 10tW3c lower, the greatest
decline being on the commoner grades.
The cow market was also very dras.TJ'
today. Bids were so uneven and have
been all tho week that It is difficult to tell
much about what tho market really Is.
The best cornfed cows, howover, are not
so much lower than they wero a week ago,
lOo or 15c probably would cover tho decline,
and canners have also hold up In pretty
f1,r,-sh.npe' bl!t ,l10 medium kinds aro all
of 2oc lower for tho week.
Thero was very llttlo life to tho sto"ckor
nnd feed trado excopt on tho best heavy
yelght feeders, which havo sold In good
shapo all tho week, and prices on that
class of stuff U very llttlo. lower than It
was at the closo of last week. Common
kinds, however, nnd anything nt all light
or on tho calf order are very slow sale, and
probnbly around a quarter lower ror the
week. It Is undoubtedly true that stock
cattlo can now be bought at as low n flguro
as nt any tlmo this season. This Is true cf
stock cows nnd heifers, as well as of steers.
mere wero quite a row western beef
steers on sale this morning, and tho better
graues soui just anout steauy, out tho com
mon kinds did not bring qulto as good prices
as they wero selling for a week ago. What
has been said above regarding native cows,
heifers, feeders, etc., Is equally applicable
to western range cattlo. Representative
sales: s
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 1000 3 00 E9 1078 4 95
4 950 3 CO 43 1220 4
42 1103 4 10 36 1630 5 10
44 1107 4 20 34 1311 5 10
36 1063 4 45 79 1466 6 10
14 1071 4 75 69 1603 5 20
20 .1290 4 90
22 967 4 65
1 900 1 60 6 S8S 2 95
1 870 1 75 11 1010 2 95
3 853 2 00 11 755 2 95
2 960 2 00 2 1205 3 00
5 1008 2 00 2 1025 3 00
6 903 2 00 6 1264 3 00
10 779 2 15 12 935 3 00
2 945 2 25 G 1168 3 00
1 90 2 35 2 1140 3 00
1 860 2 33 5 1190 3 "0
3 826 2 35 2 810 3 00
1 1010 2 35 1 770 3 00
1 950 2 40 5 902 3 00
1 1180 2 50 1 1040 3 00
2 1045 2 60 1 1020 3 10
10 1046 2 65 6 924 3 10
7 983 2 GO 1 1060 3 10
4 990 2 00 3 1160 3 10
2 98, 2 60 15.. 1108 3 20
1 9 2 CO 6.'. 733 3 20
1 1020 2 65 6 1061 3 20
2 970 2 C3 2 920 3 25
G 990 2 70 1 1140 3 iS
6 1160 2 76 5 1192 3 3d
1 1030 2 75 1 1300 3 30
6 984 2 75 1. ........ ..1100 3 35
10 8,2 2 75 1 :..,1290 3 35
7 972 2 75 1,. 1210 3 10
1 1040 . 2 73 1 1270 3
1 1060 2 80 2.. (30 3 W
2 985 2 80 19 m 3 60
9 1182 2 80 2 1275 3 (in
24 9S0 2 90 1 12S0 3 C3
1 760 2 75 3 R33 3 SC
2 670 2 90 3 683 3 30
4 957 3 15 14 8C3 3 CO
2 860 3 20
1 1580 2 16 1 1320 2 75
2 1255 2 15 1 810 3 05
1 1580 4 25 1 160Q 3 25
1 1180 2 G5
1 200 3 50 2 95 6 25
2 190 5 00 1 UO G 00
1 230 6 25
1 670 2 50 G 640 2 VS
1 990 2 75 1 1090 3 10
3 803 2 75 2,..v 1085 3 25
2 1000 2 75
3 320 3 00 3 283 4 00
9 380 3 30
13 G0 2 76 10 758 3 55
2 W 3 880 3 55
1 930 2 90 29 905 3 m
15 827 3 25 2... 950 3 65
4, 1130 3 HQ & 678 3 GO
G 930 3 35 17 799 3 GO
9 653 3 60 11 704 3 G5
9 722 3 60
21 cows iuuO 3 fJU 47 feders.. 921 3 65
1 cow...... 1030 3 00 7 feeders,. 932 3 00
12 feeders.. 667 3 60 3 feeders,, 786 3 00
3 bulls 1110 2 75 1 feeder... 800 3 65
2 cows 1115 2 60 1 heifer.,,. GOO 3 00
2 cows 1015 2 90
2 cows..... 925 2 60 1 bull 80 160
1 COW 930 2 80 1 bull 1191 1 60
1 cow 10W 2 60 1 steer 970 3 25
1 steer 830 3 00 1 steer 10S0 3 00
1 steer 1130 3 00 14 feeilnrH . RR-) a jr.
33 cows 1013 3 00 3 cows 696 3 00
2 cows 890 2 2G 2 cows 980 3 00
2 COWS 1010 3 00 2 COWS 1140 3 01
8 COWS 1127 2 80 9 COWS 1040 2 CO
2 cows 970 2 25 2 feeders.. 1065 3 15
1 stag...... 990 3 25 1 feeder... 103) 3 (M
1 stag 940 4 30 6 bulls 1199 2 26
2stugs 910 4 00 lbull 1470 2 26
9 stags WA 4 30 lbull 1270 2 23
1 bull. 1130 1 50 11 feeders.. 690 3 ft)
2 feeders.. 6t0 3 GO 3 cows 1056 2 (5
5 CHlve.. 288 3 10 3 calves... 110 2 60
6 heifers... 611 3 10
21 feeders. .1007 3 75 20 feeders. .1030 3 40
14 feeders,, 1014 3 75 64 feeders.. 879 3 61
2 90 it feeders
16G feeders. 6S9
3 bulls poti
1 calf 250
30 feeders.. t31
41 feeders,. 644
62 feeders,. 73.1
15 feeders,. 774
12 feeders.. t97
3 90
13$ feeders.. G64
3 fO
3 GO
3 75
3 9J
3 0
3 45
2 S5
2 60
2 GO
3 GO
4 00
3 75
4 05
4 05
3 90
3 05
3 00
2 7G
1 feeder... 63)
2 steers,.., 955
16 feeders.. 602
31 feeders,. 696
7 feeders,. 657
32 feeders.. 866
7 cows 1007
2 Cow s 1130
7 cows...,, 925
2 cows low)
6 cows 92S
1 cow 1440 2 50
10 cows.
924 2 60
44 cowa 877 2 10 4 cows 910 2 GO
1 cow 770 2 10 1 COW 930 2 W
1 bull 1260 3 GO
Ernest Land and Cattle C0.-C0I0.
Hi itr. Tex S3S 3 424 HI str. Tex 849 3 42J1
Moncrelffo Bros. Wyo.
22 cows 1076 3 35 4 cows 10.3 3 M
2G cows 942 2 75
n ItnvtVfh.
1 steer 114) 3 73 2 feeders.. SG0 3 G5
11 COWS 100")
1 cow !M0
G COWS 1030
3 00 1 cow low a
2 ) 4 COWS 995 2 50
3 15
F. Hlnsnn-S. D
1 COW...
4 cows.,
1 COW...
5 cows.,
.1050 3 0) 6 cows 1011 3 00
897 3 00 1 COW HSJ a W
960 2 GO
W. A. Brennen-S. 1). . .
941 3 05 2 COWS SS5 Z m
Scows 932
I G5 1 COW 700 -i W
E. Cololn-Neb.
i COWS P86
17 cows 1014
8 cows 932
134 calves.. 35G
a or. m nst 3 0.1
2 GS 6 cows 9S4 3 08
2 65 1 cow 950 3 25
Murray Wyo.
4 75 121 neltcrs... 337 3 50
3 00
2 calves... 315
II. Pnmnhell S. D.
14 heifers... 670 3 10 4 cows 110a 2 w
2 heifers... 790 1 GO . ,
HOaS-There was another liberal run of
hogs hero today, but In splto of that fact
tho market opened up strong to Gc higher in.
somo cases. Light liogs wero In tho best
demnnd, and on tho early market sold
largely at $1.80. and as high as, $4.82'i and
$1.85 wns paid for a number oMoads. rho
heavier hogs sold around $l.7i'4. Huycra
did not seem to want the heavy pacKcra
today, nnd sellers found it dlftlcult to go
11 bid on them nt tho Htart. After the
llrst few roundi) tho mnrkot did not seem to
bo qulto as strong and the $l,77Mi w,rr
moro numerous. The high prlco or the day
was $1.90. paid for a load wolghlng 1
pounds. . . ...
Tho bulk of nil tho hogs today brought
$1.77 und $I.S0, with tho long string tit
ti.l'U. Tho closo wns slow and weak and
It wiih late before a clearance was made.
It wns mostly tho henvy hogs that were
left until the Inst, und packers were only
bidding $t.72V4 nnd $1.76. At no tlmo did they
bid moro than steady prices for the heavy
weights. It has been wmo time slnco
packers discriminated ns much ngalnst
heavyweights ns they did today. Repro
Rontntivn Hiilos:'
67. 227
GS 279
52 297
G5 238
07 251
80....... 210
22 252
18 98
12 88
92 104
19 92
4S 208
61 245
90 191
30 374
61 292
61 288
60 309
62 319
44 305
94 191
, .26.1
,.34 1
.187,!' there wern tmlv 11
sheep hero today and what few were offered
wero rather on the common order and
largoly feeders, Packers all seemed to bo
anxious fur good stuff mid bought up both
tho Bhcep and lambs offered today nt Just
about steady prices, though they wero far
from choice.
Feeders were nlso In good demnnd today
and tho fow on tho mnrket wero bought
up at right around steady prices, no ma
terial chango from yesterday being notice
able. Quotations: Choice fed wethers, $3.85JP
.00: fair to good fed wethers. $3.G5T3.85;
choice grass wothers, $3.85lf4.00; fair to
f:ood gross wethers, $3.GGfo3.85; choice ewes,
3.2503.60: fair to good ewps. $3.0083.25:
choice spring Inmbs. $4.90(R3.15: fair to i;o"d
spring lambs, $4.654.0: feeder ewes, $2.25W
3.00: feeder wethers, $3.60ff3 7&: feeder lames,
M.ww.'v. itcpre&eniuuve sates:
A v.
3 05
3 85
4 65
3 45
3 60
G 00
168 Iowa fed ewes
212 Nebraska fed wethers...
C2 Iowa fed buck lambs
8S Nebraska ewes
1 buck
2 lambs
Week's Cattle Receipts Lnrirest Since
INO-i, Trlth Mnrket Steady to Slow.
CHICAaO, Nov. 23.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
3,500 head; week's receipts largest since 1894;
steady to slow; good butchers' stock nteady
and strong; natives, best on sale today, two
cars at $.40; gooil to prlmo steers, $5,25iP
6.75: poor to medium, $4.205.15; selected
feeders, steady, $3.7&ijl.40: mixed Htockers,
$2.253.75; rows, $2.704.25: heifers, $2.76$
4,6o; canners, $2.00ff2.65; IjiiIIh, $2.G0fiW.S5;
calves, weak, $3,&l"fru,G0; Texas fed steers,
$1.0O4f4.85; Texas grass steers, $3.25H-1.15;
Texas bulls, $2,G0Q3.25.
HOQS Receipts today. 35,000 head; to
morrow, 25,000, estimated; left over, 4,000;
generally steady and actlvo, closing strong;
top, $1.95; mixed and butchers, $1,60411.95;
f:ood to choice heavy, $4.70fr4.921,4; rough
icavy, $4.65lcl,65: light, $4.6(kU4.92(4; bulk of
sales. $I.8W. 871,4.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9,000
head: sheep and lambs, cholca steady, oth
ers slow; pood to choice wethers, $1.00fj4.30;
fair to choice, mixed, $3.7u'&'4.O0: wt stern
sheep, $4.O0'(N.25; Texas sheep. $2.GMi3.60;
natlvo lambs, $4.4OftG.30; western lambH,
$4,751(5.23. '
Kiiiiniis City Live .Slock.
ceipts, 3,000 natives, 450 Texans, 150 calves;
a row early salos were. a Hhado stronger;
market closed steady nt ycsterdny'H val
ues: natlvo steers, $4.G5?jG.60; Blockers and
feeders, t3.(P ft 1.50; butcher rows and heif
ers, $3.0W5.45; canners, $ fed west,
erns, $3,G5ifi5.05; wintered Texans, t'l.Uty
3.75; gross Texans, $3,0003.60; calves, 13,60'tp
IIOQS Receipts, 14.000 hsad; trado fairly
actlvo at steady prlres; market rloseil
strong: heavy, $1.901.95; mixed, $I.85U4 95;
light. $I.85B4.97',4; pigii. $I.GVTt4.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Iterelpts. 1.1W
head; supply too light to sntlsfy demand;
early stendy, but actlvo competition
strengthened values and tho close was lOo
higher: lambs, $4.805.25; muttons. $3.GM0
4.30: stockers nnd feeders, $3.2jftl.25; culls,
rer ibo
orwiA in-"-
Telephone 1039. Omah. Sol
Correspondence: John A,
Warren C
19 cows 917
Sh. Pr. JNO. av. n. IT.
4 00 67. 227 50 4 77
4 35 279 ... 4 77'i
... 4 7714
40 4 77ii
160 4 77a
SO 4 77',4
270 200 4 77Vi
181 80 4 775
269 120 4 77U
2X0 120 4 77(5
29S 121) 4 'IV,
246 160 4 77'ij
305 160 4 77V?
SO 4 75 67....297 80 4 77'
SO 4 75 60 287 ... 4 774
G3 253 210 4 75 61 -il ''"1
77 220 80 4 75 C9 313 40 4 77ty
51 187 ... 4 75 65 292 ... 4 77?
7S 221 SO 4 75 60 3GS 120 4 77
69 210 80 4 75 S4 223 80 4 77(4
65 3CI 200 4 76 46 312 120 4 77,j
37 349 220 4 75 69 313 ... 4 77(5
14 219 ... 4 75 74 19S 40 4 SO
69 318 2S0 4 75 64 311 ... 4 U
60 275 SO 4 75 64. .....270 120 4 SO
64 333 160 4 75 61 255 40 4 0
47 266 40 4 77V4 57 2SG 40 4 V)
13 261 ... 4 77Vi 62 263 ... 4 80
30 283 ... 4 77U G3 253 80 4 SO
75 29S SO 4 77U 77 217 ... 4 80
II 365 80 4 771.5 SS 20S 160 4 80
61.. 235 200 4 77(4 69 223 80 4 10
G3 2S3 4 0 4 774 GO 311 100 4 SO
41.- 360 ... 4 77(5 56 321 ... 4 80
66 298 40 4 77(4 73 255 ... 4 SO
61 264 40 4 77(5 05 262 80 4 SO
56 220 ... 4 77',4 GS 259 ... 4 SO
60 300 80 4 77( 64 321 ... 4 SO
68 322 120 4 77(4 90 195 120 4 SO
50 302 101) 4 j7(5 81 219 ... 4 SO
GS 291 210 4 .7li G3 267 200 4 SO
GS 324 ... 4 77(4 61 257 80 4 80
66 292 ... 4 77(5 80 261 ... 4 80
62 302 SO 4 7714 56 273 ... 4 80
62 291 ... 4 77(4 75 241 160 4 80
3S 275 ... 4 771,5 70 243 SO 4 SO
63 335 160 4 ivl 70 271 120 4 80
52 349 ... 4 77 G3 2S1 ... 4 10
67 265 ... 4 77a 40 303 ... 4 80
65 291 40 .4 7714 70 2S4 ... 4 sO
62 2IS 40 4 77U. G2 247 SO 4 80
19 332 40 4 7714 GS 282 ... 4 80
66 278 80 4 77(5 71 241 160 4 SO
48 342 80 4 77(4 72 217 SO 4 80
70.W...263 ... 4 77(4 6i 279 '... 4 SO
73 271 100 4 77(4 SI.. ...'.229 120 4 80
GO 334 40 4 771.j 6ti 290 ... 4 S2'i
61 310 ... 4 77l5 ') 193 ... 4 821?
63 295 160 4 7714 205 40 4 S2'.4
G6 311 40 4 77' 7? 193 ... 4 S2V,
63 293 ... 4 7714 05 208 ... 4 KIV,
40 238 ... 771,4 101 192 ... 4 8JI4
62 284 40 4 77ij 72 213 .,. 4 825
GS 285 ... 4 77i4 67 232 40 4 iJ
61 272 ... 4 774 GO 290 40 4 S2V4
61 319 ... 4 7714 GO 277 40 4 82,4
63 2S3 ... 4 77H 77 260 80 4 S2',4
34 305 ... 4 77 U 67 207 ... 4 85
73 201 40 4 V7' 90..
G2 317 ... 4 77' j 62..
G3 201 120 4 77'a 13..
GS 258 80 4 77'4 SI..
tnrsel wlr to Cklco
Nw lots,