8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1900. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. SHXOlt MH.VriOX. Davis sells jlnM, "Mr. Itlley," 6-cent clRhf. rtno Missouri ouk. Gilbert Hros. Oas fixtures and globes at Illxby's. Flno A. II. C. boor. Neumuyer's hotel. Wollmnn, sclentlllc optician, 409 H'd'y. Schmidt's photon, new and latest styles. W. J. llostettr.r, dentist, Ualdwln block. Moore's stock food kilts norms, fattens. Drink lludwclscr beer. L. Itotenfeld. agt. Lofrort, Jeweler, optician, CO liraadwny. It. . Illoomcr It-ft lust evening on n jjslncss trip to Chicago, The plncn to havo your framing done Alexander fi Co.'h 3X1 Hroadwuy. , Oct your work done at the popular Eaelo laundry, :u Urondwuy. 'I'hone 157. Wllloughby Dyo of Macedonia was In tho city yesterday vlsltlni; friends. W, C. Kstep, undertaker, 2S i'carl street. Telephones! Olllce, 97; residence, 33. . W. I'. draff, undertaker and licensed fm balmer, 101 riouth Main street, 'l'hone WW Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture repairing, mattress making, 122 S. Main at. Tho regular meeting of Myrtlo lodge No. 12, Degree, of Honor, will bo held this evening. . Lloyd Forgnivcs has been granted a di vorce, from Hudlo Korgruves on the ground of desertion. Thern will bo a special meeting of 13x relslor Masonic lodge this evening for work In tho second decree. County Attorney Kltlpack nnd family havo removed from Neola to this city and nro located ut 741 Mill street. Mrs. J. N. Miller of !0S Avenuo K haa been appointed local representative of tho Iowa Children's Homo society. Your wife will love you If you buy Sheri dan coal. HrnokelesH, no clinkers, soot nor sulphur. Kenlon & Foley, sole agents. Justice Vlen performed the marriage cer emony yesterday for V. K. Taylor and llattlo Martin, both of Florence, Neb. A wnnt ndd In The Dee will bring re sults. The same attention given to a want add In Council llluffu as at tho Omaha olllce. James Walton of this city nnd Miss Emma Holler of Omaha wero married yesterday afternoon by Hew Henry DeLong at his residence, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H, Lewis of Walnut, la., aro In tho city, tho guests of Mr. Lewis' sister, Mrs. llobcrt Ueccroft of North First street. Next Tuesday has been fixed as tho date when tho children of tho city Hchools wll! make their regular annual Thanksgiving donations to the poor. Matt MathAwH and Mary Schultz,. both of Omaha, wero married yesterday after noon In this city, the ceremony being per formed by Justice Vlen. Justlco Ferrler sent John King to the county Jail yesterday for a week for steal ing a valine from In front of Glllnskl's second-hand store on Ilroadway, Lost evening another crowded house fireoted the Hedmond company at the Do iany theater. Tonight tho bill will bo "West India," a beautiful drum a In live acts. Council camp No. 14, AVoodmen of tho World, will meet In regular session this ovenlng. District Deputy 13. C. Wlllmartli und a delegation from tho Omaha camps will bo present. In tho case brought by Colo & Colo ugulnst George W. Htanton to recover a bicycle on which It was claimed tho pay ment:! hud been defaulted n Jury In tho dis trict court found for tho plaintiff. Word has been received here from Mrs. II. D. Hutherford of the death of her mother, Mrs. A. M. Forrest, ut Charleston, H. C, at the ago of hO years. Mrs. Huther ford has been at her mother's bedsldo for the last month. Tho attraction at the Dohnny next Sun day ovenlng will bo Oeorge It. Kdeson's latest comedy success, "Two Married Men." Tho nrcss wncrover It has appeared speaks In tho highest terms of tho company und our theater-goers will no doubt turn out to great Its uppcarance here. Mrs. Heeler, tho Misses Reynolds, Laura and Jennlo Thomas, Warren, Gross, Ban ders. Crabtree. Majors and T.nsh lach"rs In the city schools at Beatrice, Neb., vis ited tho city schools here yesteruuy and wero escorted through the different build ings by Superintendent Clifford. Tho rovlval meetings at Trinity Methodist chinch aro uroiislug considerable interest and tho attendance Is Increasing dally. !.,.. TV II r,il.l.. IIia ti'iatnr ni.nniinpiid u service at 4 o'clock this afternoon for .oung people. A special meeting will be leld Hunday afternoon for women und girls over il years or age. J. H. Sweet failed to identify Hugh Landy yesterday us ono of the men who held up and robbed him and his son In their grocery store on .West Ilroadway lust September. I.ainly Is being held at the city Jail until tho police learn whether he is wanted In Omaha for the alleged theft of a horso and buggy from a livery burn on Cuming Btrect. LoHoy F.. tho S-yenr-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Schoenlng, died yesterday morn Ins of typhoid fever ufter an Illness of six teen days. Tho funernl will bo held to morrow .afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from tho family residence, 311 Ninth avenue. Hew G. W. Snyder of St. John's English Lutherun church will conduct tho services and inter ment will bo In Fulrvlow cemetery. N. Y. Plumbing Co., tlephone 250. .11 m my ' ! License. "I am not tiulto sure, but I guess I wbb born In 1S0O," said Jumes Walton, a youthful-looking applicant for a marrlago 11; cense, yesterday uftcrnoon in answer to Deputy Clerk of tho District Court llalrd's Inquiry nn to his age. "In that case you must bo 100 years old," aid Clerk llalrd. "Well, I do not remember In what year I was born, except that thero was an 18 In It. I suppose It must havo been in JS80," suggested tho would-bo groom. "If you wero born In 1880 you aro under ago and I cannot glvo you a license," re marked tho clerk, At this point tho brldo-clect, who np. peered still moro youthful, settled tho mat ter by saying: "Why, you know, Jimmy, your mothor said you wero 21 last birth day." Tho llcanso was issued and tho ago of tho groom was entered on tho recoid an II, whllo tho young woman blushlngly admitted ho was 18 last birthday. Most for your money Domestic soap. Premiums given with Domestic soap. MurrliiKi Llrriiscs, Ltcoi ses to wed were Issued yoBtcrday to the following persons; Numo nnd Residence. Age. Matt Mathews, Omaha , Gii Mary Schultz, Omnhu 57 W 13. Taylor, (Florence, Neb iD llattlo Martin, Florence, Neb 29 Robert McCntmout, Council muffs 25 Kmma 13yman, Council muffs 23 James Walton, Council Uluffs 21 Kmma Bolter, Omuhu IS Howell'!, Antl-"Kawt" cures coughs, colds. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. RUBBERS Wo sell rubbers that are war ranted to glvo satisfaction at tho same prlcn you usually pay (or the poorer kinds. HAMILTON'S SHOE STORE. GRAHAM AVENUESEWER COST Oity Engineer Etnyre Completes Hii Final Estimate on Work, LONG-DELAYED JOB AT LAST FINISHED Wnlt for I'nvliiK Held Hnck the Work C'nrlilnu Net IHirlnK the Sum in or Alio Re ported On, City Engineer Ktnyro has completed his report on tho Graham avenuo sewer and the curbing that has been done during tho summer and will submit It at tho mooting of tho city council next Monday night. The contract for the Graham avenuo sewer was awarded threo years ago, when tho ono on South First street was put In, but tho work was postponed on Graham avenuo until such tlmo as tho Btrect would bo repaved. Tho contract for paving Graham avenuo with brick has been let to Wick ham, but work on It will not bo com menced this year. Tho sewer as now completed on Graham avenuo gives an eight-Inch pipe at a cost of G0.06 cents per foot of pipe, or divided between tho two sldos of tho street n prlco of 25.03 cents per foot frontage. In addition to this tho property owners on Graham avenuo aro to pay a part of tho cost of the First street sower, It all being one syBtem. Deglnnlng at l'lorco street the plpo on South First street Is twclvo;lnch and higher up Is reduced to ten-Inch, which runs to Graham avenuo and connects with tho eight-Inch plpo Just laid. When tho lower part of the sewer was put In the city engineer nvcraged the cost ot all tho sizes of plpo and mado tho avcrago price of 25.03 cents per foot.- This left n balance ovcrduo the contractor for tho construction of tho lower part of $137.03, which Is now added to tho cost of tho Graham avenuo sower. The total cost ot tho Graham ave nuo sewers amounts to $G13.42. Tho curbing contract was handled by 01 Bon & Nelson and tho cost of tho work less the engineering, advertising and other Incidental expenses was as follows: Sixth street, from Thirteenth to Sixteenth avenue, 1,169 feet, $75.19; Tenth avenue, from Fourth to High street. 1,019.73 feet, J2C3.13; Tenth avenue, from Main to Sixth street, i.i'Ji feet, J75.19; Harrison street, from Hall to Denton .street extension. 1.717.00 feet, J445.28: Fifth nvenue. from RliilT to Third street. 262.7 foot, $63.30; Ilroadway, from Twelfth street to Indian creek bridge, 467 feet, $183.54. Domestic soap has no equal. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska ana lowa. james jn. -aaay, jr., lit Main St , Council muffs. Save Your Money ufe WlXiS, LOAN AS II BMI.UTXH ASS'S, 188 I'carl Street, Cornell II luffs, la. MY8TI3HY IS FINALLY CLKAIU3D I Secretlvr HtrmiK" TuniK Out to Hnve Hern n Smooth Crook. The horse and buggy which the "mys terious stranger" was endeavoring to sell to M. Wcatherbce, tho Ilroadway liveryman, last Saturday whon arrested ns a sus picious character, havo been claimed by C. Doulwark, a liveryman of Hcd Oak. Boul wark and Sheriff Thomas ot Montgomery county came to Council Uluffs last even ing and will tako tho property back with them today. The strangors hired the out fit from Doulwark last Friday. Dctectlvo Weir and Sheriff Thomas went to Omaha last, night on a hunt for the stranger, but failed to find him. When hiring tho outfit tho'stranger gave" tho naruo of Edward Allon, tho samo name ho gave under pledge of secrecy to Dc tectlvo Wclr. To 'loulwark ho claimed to bo a nephew of bilas Jones, n well known and wcnlthy farmer living near Red Oak. When Allen failed to return the rig Iloul wark bocamo suspicious and on making inquiries learned that ho wns no uephew of Jones. Whon Dotectlvo Wclr took the strnnger to Omaha tho latter said ho had 'resided thero In March and April of 1899 In the homo of n family named Henderson at 209 North Eighteenth street. This Weir found to bo correct nnd that tho man had gone thero undpr tho samo name of Edward Allen and had passed himself off as a post offlco Inspector. Inquiry nt tho postolllco showed that ho had never been employed in that capacity by the govorumont. People who know Allen when ho was In Omaha told Dctectlvo Wclr that tho man had been a frco money spender and was considered quite n "lady'B man," also that ho moved In good society. Allon took Dotectlvo Weir to tho Com mercial Nntlonal bank, whero It was learned that ho had a small account in March, 1899. This waB all that Wclr was ablo to find out nbout tho man in Omaha, and on bringing him back to this city and acquainting Judgo Aylesworth of what ho had learnod tho latter ordorcd his rclirsc. Davis sells paint. lliirher's llonril Kill. Jack Doners, a barber, was arrested vrs. terdav morning on a warrant Imuhp.i unv. eral weeks ngo charging him with enter ing the house of Mrs. If. M. Jackson on Twelfth avenuo and stealing $9 In cash and a quantity of clothing. Tho clothing wns held by Mrs. Jackson as security for a board bill that Dovers owed her. Dovcrs ucnira entering tho houso nnd says ho hired a man to co thero nnd crt hln oinih. Ing. As to tho money ho snya ho knows noining nuout it, Gravel roofing. A. H. nead, C41 Broadway, , Itrnl Kstute Trunsfers. Tho following tracstorB were filed yester day In tho abstract, title and loan offlco of J. W. Squlro, 101 Pearl street: Emmet Tlnley. guardlnn. to William Drogo' nnd Henry Droge, und. 10-38 of bw'4 iwU 28-74-43, guardian's d..$ 333 Samo to name, und. C-30 of same, gjurdlun's d ics S. S. Ko'ler nnd wife to Elizabeth Hliimensteln, lot 12, block 3, Thomp son's mid,, w. d 23 Three transfers, aggregating $521 IlnntlrKKrr (Jets Ills Liberty, Irvln J. Tldball, a federal prisoner con fined In tho county Jail on n charge of Our Armored Cruiser Shoe For Boys' .Wear Filled with .CHILLED STEEL CIR CI UTS, which protect tho bottom nnd assure tho wearer doublo the service of any shoe made for boys. SARGENT. Sign of tho Hear. bootlegging, waB released yesterday on his own rccognlzanco In tho sum of $300 by order of Judge Mcl'hcrson. Tldball, who halls from Clarlnda, had decided to plead guilty and had Bent word to tho court that ho desired to bo sen tenced nt onco Instead of lying In tho county Jail until tho federal grand Jury should meet, Clarlnda Is In the new Crcs ton district anil tho recent act of congress establishing that district provides thst nil enscs arising In It must be tried nt Cres ton, This being the enso Judgo Mcl'hcrson decided ho could not sentence Tldball whllo ho was holding court In Den Moines nnd, not desiring to hold tho man In Jail any longer, ordered him released on his own recognizance, Tho act establishing the Creston court Is the only one which pro vides that all cases arising In that dis trict must bo tried there, In tho rest of (ho Southern district cases can bo dis posed of nt either Council Uluffs, Keokuk cr Des Moines, wherever tho court may bo sitting. Domestic soap gives t'est satisfaction. Dcst weight Domestic soap. All grocers sell Domestic soap. To HrmtrHlii Lionise Co II cot In tr, SlOt'X CITY, la., Nov. 22. (Special Tele gram.) O. C. Tredway nnd Eugene Lutz, attorneys of Sioux City, havo filed original notices of Injunction suits they will bring against the county of Woodbury and tho city of Sioux City to restrain them from collecting ltccnso money from any saloon that Is being conducted In violation of tho Martin law. Trcdwny and Lutz have been quite Indus trious In bringing Injunction Bulta against saloons around town, filing papers against two more saloons today, but this Is their first effort to Interfere with tho city nnd tho county In receiving tho saloon rovenuc. Many html things havo been said about Lutz and Tredway and tho community scorns to feel much Incensed toward them, but no ono sccma willing to tako the first step to discourage them from n conttnuanco of tho work they ha'vo been doing. They nro not working lit th? Interests of prohibition. Ilrtcrmliiril to ICcrn IMnnt Going. SIOUX CITY, lu Nov. 22. (Speclal.)-If tho International Packing company Bhould dccldo to closo down Its Sioux City plant, It Is not unlikely that a larger concern would Immediately step In nnd tako charge of the plant. At nny rate, Sioux City busi ness men nre not worrylug over tho whis pered report that tho International might shut down. Colonel I. C. Elston, president of tho Sioux City Stock Yards company, said Just boforo ho loft for Chlcngo to confer with the officers of tho International company: "It doctn't make nny dlfferonco what tho decision ot tho International may be, tho plant will contlnuo to run. It Is too valuablo an Institution to bo allowed to remain Idle. Ono trouble with tho Inter national has been that it did not have tho markets. It costs lots ot money to estab lish depots all ovor tho country, hnd thero must bo distributing points It tho product Is to bo sold." Stockninsi GcIk Damnum, CItESTON, la., Nov. 22. (Special.) James Larklns, who brought suit against tho Chlcngo Great Western railway In tho Union county district court for $1,999 dam ages for Injuries received whllo riding on a company train nt- Marshalltown about two years ago, was awarded a Judgment for tl.lS3.S0. Tho Jury deliberated several hours. It required almost two days to finish tho case. Larklns la n Clark county stockman. Tho Creston Mutual Telcphono company has its plant about ready for service and tho Introduction of tho new company is ex pected to create n rato war with tho Iowa Tclcphmo company. firny Convicted nt Miir!iiill toirn. MARSHALLTOWN, In., Nov. 22. After twelvo hours of deliberation, a Jury ngrecd at 1 o'clock this morning, 'finding ,Joo Gray guilty of manslaughter, In tho killing of Joseph Williams. Willlnms was a respec'sd negro and several 'weeks ngo, whllo on his way home, rebuked u crowd of trnmps for Interfering with four llttlo girls. Tho tramps were drunk nnd Williams wns shot threo times. Joo Dunn will bo tried ns on accomplice. Ioivn Sown Noted. Wlnfleld has voted to establish a gas plant. Floyd county Is In tho midst of n hay famine. Company A of tho Nntlonal Guard, lo cated at Keokuk, has been musteren out The next convention of the Itetnll Gro cers' association will he held In Waterloo. Every county In tho stato except Wood bury showed an Increase in population bo tweecn 1SS0 und 1900. Oskaloosa has granted a frnnchlso to a company which Is to construct a street rnllway. Dev. G. M, Tourtelott of Ida Grove acci dentally shot and killed his hunting com panion, Joseph Herger. Sibley had a big celebration lu honor of tho completion of tho branch ot tho Hook Island road to that pla'je, James M, Stewart nnd wlfo of Alnsworth havo Just celebrated the sixty-seventh mi nt versnry of their mnrrluge. Louis Hrltsnti, ngml 10, of Itolnnd was accidentally shot nnd killed by his brother while the two wero hunting rabbits. The standphie of tho Cedar Fulls wator works fell and emptied Its contents Into thu streets. 'It contained nbout 100,000 gallons or water nt 1110 umo, Jack Phillips. -city marshal of Eldon, has been sentenced to two years In tho peni tentiary for killing a prisoner, whom he hit on tho head with a club whllo arrest ing him. Jesse Smith of Iowa Falls died as tho result of drinking an overdose of whisky. Ho bet he could drink n certain quantity at one drink and won tho wager, but died as tho result. Only nlno of tho nlnety-nlno counties In Iowa were carried by the democrats at tho last election, and of these Dubuque Is tho only one which Is classed nmong tho large counties. Deports from tho northern part of tho stato aro to the effect that over hnlf the corn Is now In tho crib, In the southern portion a still greutcr portion of the crop hns been gathered, It, II. Marshall of Ottumwa, who wont out Into the surrounding country to buy poultry for his employers, hns dlsanpoar"d and his friends fear ho has met with foul lday. Ho hnd a considerable sum of mon-:y belonging to his employers. Policeman J. L. Kent of Ottumwa nccl dentally shot himself with hlh revolver while uttemptlng to shoot a vlclotis doc. Tho hammer of his revolver caught In his clothing as he drew It from his pocket. The wound is u dangerous one. Tho new mines opened up by the North western road at Duxton will give employ ment to n large number of men. There cro already 100 dwelling houses completed at tho place for tho use of tho miners. Tho now mines uro twenty miles from Mucha klnnck. Tho old court houso at Adol Is being de molished nnd several of the citizens nro unxtously wilting until the corncnitone is renched. When tho building was erected In 1S5S a gallon Jug filled with whisky was scaled up and deposited In the itone alonj with some rellcu. Thr Olilmt Uniikiiotc, This note is In tho possession of the Dank of England It Is dated December 19, 1099, and Is for S55, but on account ot Its ago tho Barao Is mado very valuablo, Ono of tho oldest and mont valuable stomach medicines before the public In Hostctter's Stomach Bitters. For tho past fifty years It has been the standard ot such remedies for dyspepsia, Indigestion, biliousness, nerv ousness or insomnia. It will effect a euro when faithfully taken. Okliiliomn Hank Snfn Cracked, OHLANDO, O. T.. Nov. 22. Burglars last night blew open tho safe of the Farmers' bank with nttro-glyccrino and escaped with UiiW in currency, leaving no cice, THESE DEDUCTIONS ARE TQ APPLY ON OUR PRESENT MARK DOWN PRICES. On Our Entire Stock of CLOAKS, GAPES and FURS. laetss THAN HALF PRICE Our Entire Stock of MILLINERY. COMFORTER llegular s.'zo comforter, cover and nillnu; Bale prlco , Full size comforter, regular prlco 91.25; salo prlco Extra large, well made, pure cotton filled com forter, prlco Hogular $1.75 homo mado comforter; salo prlco Hand tied comfort, filled with long whlto cotton, extra quality covering; salo prlco : : Jackets, Cnpes, Collarettes, Hons, with good 75c 95c 1.25 1.39 vlth long 1.69 r L Full slzo 10-4 cotton blank ets, value G9c; salo prlco Extra heavy 11-4 cotton blankets, In whlto and tan, regular prlco $1.39; salo prlco Full slzo 11-4 extra heavy cotton blankets, valuo $2.00; sale prlco Extra heavy 12-4 twilled cotton blrnkcts, valuo $2.00; salo prlco All wool 10-4 blarkcts, In gray, valuo $2.00; sale prlco All wool sliver gray blank ets, extra heavy, valuo $3.93; tor Extra quality $4.50 blankots In fancy hluo and black, red nnd black plaid and plain silver gray and tans, salo prlco Extra largo 11-4 gray and fancy guaranteed strictly all wool blankets, salo prlco 55c nkcts, In 1.00 1.39 1.75 1.75 3.00 ita In fancy 3.75 and fancy 4.25 25 DISCOUNT Our entire stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets, Capes and Furs to bo still further sacrificed at a 25 per cent discount BELOW our present SALE PRICES. Hero aro just a few sample prices to show you how wo intend to cIobo out our entire lino: Ladles' nnd Misses Jackots, were $3.98, now $2,50 less 25 por cent.... $1.87 J Ladles' Capes and Jackets, wero $5.00, now $3.69 less 25 per cent $277 Ladles' Capes and Jackets, wero $7.60, now $5.00 less 25 per cent $375 Ladles' Capes and Jackets, were $10.00, now $7.60 less 25 per cent.... $5.02i Ladles' Capes and Jackots, wero $12.00, now $9.98 less 25 per cent $7,50 $15.00 I -ad Ics' Jackets and Capes less 25 per cent $11,25 $20.00 Ladies Jackots and Capes less 25 per cent $15,00 All Kur Collarettes, Boas and Muffs at tho samo discount. millinery at Less than Price. 1 3 1 J J J j J 1 J J J J Ladles' good quality union ribbed suits iu uusuneu sizes, vniues 39c per garment salo prlco only.. NO STOCK RESERVED Deductions apply to liVEKY Article Included In the Heading. mm Children's ribbed vests and pants, lots ossoneu, vaiuo idc and 20c sale prlco only 10c d suits 19c:: without 30c:: 50c . quality 62ic i Including every lint and Shape In our cntlro stock $3.00 Trimmed Hats Sl-48 $4.00 Trimmed Hats $1.05 $6.00 Trimmed lints 52.75 $7.00 Trimmed Hats $3.25 $10.00 Trimmed Hats $5.00 $12.00 Pattern Hats $fi .:) $25.00 I'attern Hats $12.0 SUITS AND SKIRTS AT 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Entire line of Ladies' Tailored Suits of fine Che viots, Serges and Flannels and Ladies' Dress and Golf Skirts in plaid backs, Serges, Mohairs and Novelties at 25 per cent discount below our marked down prices. Men's wool undershirts, drawers, valuo 76o per gar ment salo prlco only , Men's extra, vnltm wrwl mm fleeced underwear, vory SlIP warm, valuo C5c; prlco... wlW Special offer of men's extra quality ,u; uiue Buiria anu drawers solo price Silk fleeced underwear for men; also In wool fleeced garments; regular $1.25 value ask to teo them salo price Australian wool flno qunl lty shirts and drawers; $2 value; salo prlco.... Special lots In underwear that space crowds out all at reduced prices. Ladles union Billts, all grades, $2.90, $1.50, $1, S9c, 50c and 1.00 1.50 Ladles' fine ribbed and fleece lined underwear; usk to soe them; 60c, 39c and SPECIAL Undies' all wool underwear, $1.00 and Ladles' extra heavy wool flcoccd underwear I9c s lined 25c 75c 50c FIVE OUADES MEN'S HEAVY UN DE II WE A II IN ALL SIZES. J J J : : : 25o Skirts. Discount on all WHITELAW & GARDINER BOSTON STORE, COUNCIL BLUFFS, - - IOWA. AT LESS THAN Price Your Choice of Our Entire MILLINERY STOCK. DEFERS TO WILL OF VOTERS State Treasurer Herriott Expect to Turn Over His Office Promptly. TECHNICALITIES WILL CUT NO FIGURE Ills Successor Win Clionen In Oood Fnlth nnd lie I)oe Not Propose to Clvc Any Trouble In ChiiiiuliiC. DES MOINES, Nov. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Stato Treasurer Herriott put a stop today to nil gossip about his holding ovor another year on nccount of tho al leged defect In tho constitutional amend ment Jusfndoptcd, Mr. Herriott has been regarded as tho stato officer most likely to bo affected seriously by tho contro versy, as ho is under $000,000 bonds and would not feel like quitting offlco until as sured that his bondsmen would bo released. Thero havo been rumors that Herriott in tended to hold on until tho courts decldo tho matter and that he would mako some move to havo a test made. Ho de clares that he will not mnke an attempt to hold ofllco after tho first week In Janu ary and that on January 7 hp will turn tho ofllco over to Mr. Gllbertson. "If," ho said, "by that tlmo tho effect of tho amend ment upon official terms has not been do clded by tho supremo court, I shall as n protection to myself and bondsmen form ally resign my offlco, as I cannot in view ot tho grave doubt generally entertained respecting tho effect of tho amendmout, step out In tho ordinary way. Further, If In the menntltno tho supremo court should detorralne thut tho nmeudment extends my term of office, I nevertheless expect to resign In favor of tho treasurer-elect. Tho pcoplo In good faith elected Mr. Gilbert son to succeed mo and the present Incum bent has no purpose or deslro to utilize n technical right to thwart their will." Heinle' "Will TnUr No Action. Tho attorney general has been asked to bring a test suit before tho supremo court, but ho says he will tnko no action. Sev eral suits will bo brought by county officers and the court will get a chance to pass 011 tho case at an early date. In federal court today tho Injunction case Involving tho Tri-Clty Labor congress nt Davenport enmo to and end. Judge Mc l'hcrson had been severoly censured for having Issued a restraining order against the labor congress on behalf ot Sllbersteln Bros, to break up a strike Today tho attorneys announced that an agreement had been reached to submit tho matter to arbitration and the effort to havo the re straining order declared to bo Irregular was dropped. Tho United States weather observer to days received orders to telegraph post masters In the Seventh and Sixth congres sional districts weather forecasts, to bo sent out on all the rural mall routes re ccntly established. This will put dally weathor forecasts Into 20,000 families along tho routes established this month In cen tral Iowa. Mutual Innarnnce Meeting;. The annual meeting of tho Iowa Mutual Insurance association was concluded hero today. It was ono of the best attended meetings ever held, thero being present about 150 officers of mutual Insurance com panies and representatives, tho number of companies represented being sixty. These mutual Insurunco companies aro In almost every county ot the stato and are chiefly organized nnd iralntalned by tho farmers for mutual protection. Under the Iowa laws thesa companies havo mado great progress and are proving of great benefit to the farmers nnd small householders. Re cently thero have been a number ot com panies organized to insure town dwolllnga and also companies to Insure against tor nadoes, hall, wind, lightning and other calamities, Theso companies are all banded together Into a strong stato association, which has regular meetings and which guards the business against unfavorable legislation. At this meeting the following now comprnlcs wero admitted to member ship: Northern Iowa Mutual Insurance as sociation, Mutual Klro and Tornado asso ciation, Retail Merchants' Mutual Flro as sociation, Farmers' Mutual Fire associa tion of Ringgold county, and Farmers' Mu tual Flro and Lightning association of Taylor county Tho next annual meeting of tho association will bo held lu Des Moines. Tho following officers wero elected: President, N. Uensmorc, MnBon City; vlco president, A. M. Walker, Osage; secretary nnd treasurer, R. J. Young, Oelwcln; dele gates to nntlonal convention nt Columbus, O., F. E. Gordon of Sao City and W. 11. Golloy of Zearlng. I'ytlilun OrKUit Itrinove. Tho Knights of Pythias of Iowa aro mourn ing tho loss ot ono of their publications which hns beccmo conspicuous. The Knights Jewel ot Cedar Rapids has been sold und will go to St. Paul. Tho publica tion was not a success nt Cedar Rapids and tho company was left with many debts on Its hands. Ono of tho stockholders has figured out about $2,100 of debts which tho stockholders will hnvo to make good or will bo lost by various firms of printers nnd others with which tho Jewel company had been doing business. Tho Knights Jewel was brought to Iowa from Omaha a few years ago, tho Knights of Cedar Rapids of fering Inducements to tho editor, Mr. W. L. Seism, to Induce him to remove to tho slate. IoTvn'" Grocers' Association, Tho next meeting of the Retail Grocers' association of Iowa Is to bo held in Water loo, arrangements to that effect having been practically completed by A. L. Sorter of Maaon City, president of the association. Tho association always has a flno exhibition In connection with tho meetings and this will bo held in a big warehouso to bo built In Waterloo at an enrly date. Chester Vorse, the lG-year-old son of a prominent Implement dealer, was acci dentally shot nnd killed this evening by Rurcn Guynard, his companion, as they were returning from a rabbit hunt. They and another boy wero playing soldier and had exchanged guns. Mormon Bishops' Plll tua la u , J4 i-y their!. uimt moim q.orc & Ui.- lo.wacn. Tiwiiw curtl tht wont cwtl la old Ud jroanr tntinr (rem cltrcsi of MtfiJwie, dliiijuiloa, ttttsut, or dfuettciaokU;. Curss Lost Mnnhood. Im ;nr-uot3, apsrmatorrnoen insomnia, Ti ni nai Emissions. Lnmt Hurl, fasrvaus tmm .oranrrrikpss.or v.m Daman, vsricoct.it. poisncTi vo.sx fowsff m or Constipation. fttoa Ou rrllls TlsfltAhli r tinrttrn. kAiiP Aiia7.-iI at .- la a K . .1 m.iuiuii wia unm aata hcttc tcnrris, jk MI, lf J JO E7 nail. II chars; Seeps Kr Keitoret .mill, undercut! A vxis.e n fJ 'tttte, to cum mwmwwMtu ucLUAn&ct..AdtfrttCIshopRmdiCo.Oan 1-runcisco.Oay mi" aB. 11 Hit V S mt si L' i.t 1 1 ... . . -. . - - . mmm anuu ui sii.ii9.iiu,i,uA Ulltu IU 1U1U AND I'WIl.NAM. A Splendid Wholesale Location Tke building formerly occupied by The Bee at 916 Parnam utreet will be vacant November 1st It has four stories and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply, at once to O. O. Rose water, Secretary, Boom 100 Bee Building. t '1 Ready November First Second Attempt ut Jull Dollvrrr ATLANTIC, la., Nov. 22. (Special Tele gram.) A second attempt at Jail delivery was discovered by Sheriff Hill today. Tho prisoners had cut a nolo through tho steel floor of ono of the cells used for storage purposes and had broken a leg off ono of tho Iron beds and used It ns n pry. They had heated It and had so nearly burned through tho wooden sills that in a fow hours moro they would probably havo escaped. l'liird for Selllnir Liquor. CKDAR KALLS, la Nov. 22. (Special Telegram,) In tho district court today L. O. Hlcler, a druggist at this city, was lined $500 for soiling Intoxicating liquors. FREE SAMPLE of Wurnor's Safe- Curo will bo sont to any do- siring' samo, on re ceipt of a postal card, mentioning this paper. Acldretis Warner's Snfo Cure Co., Kochestcr, N. Y. Stock Ranch for Sale About 3 miles north of Council Uluffs. 11 miles from Koutli Omaha ana 1 miles from railroad switch. About 70) acres, Si acres cultivated, including hay meadow nnd fruits; 300 acres In timber; set to blue and native grasses; clx-roun house, bam, stock shedi, chlcKen houJe and engine house; never falling wntar by -horse-powor gnsollne engine to MM barrel reservoir, to houre, barn, feed lot, hog pasture nnd threo pasture enclos ures; nil fenced by 3 barb wire fence. L, P, JUDSON, 929 6th Ave, Council Bluffs, la, Tel, 348, A Carpenter's Base Burner TheFavorite Hans Hansen, 1812 S. 1Kb St, Used Kavorlto all Inst winter.' Ileuted threo rooms nil the tlmo nnd part of tho tlmo four rooms, nnd only burned 1V4 tons hard coal from December 1 till spring, liest stove I ever saw. II. HANSEN, Carpenter. Our claim that tho FAVOIllTR will do as much work as other baso burners and savo from one-half to ono ton conl is supported by tho work of 160 FAVORITES In use In Council Illuffa. KODAKS amfCAMERAS KOIt CIIHISTMA8. 41 Main St.', Council Bluffs, la. Good Property Is a Good Investment Fifteen lots In body for isle at s Terr reaioaabls pries. Thass lots are located In Omaha addition and He high and dry. They will make a splendid location for seme factory, Sereral other lota nltable for bulldtns purposes ene of them eipecUllr will make a One location for a home, being within one block of the motor line and within two blocks of a acbool house and church locate 1b tho western part of the city.' Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. A 1 A