Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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The United States Leads All Nations in
Good Wages ,
Tlie Opportunity of a MffTlme U
Onercil In I'rve. fcdiolnrNlilp Con
tent at the Inicrnut lonnl Cur
renpondcnue School.
Nowadays It la well understood that a
woman la most womanly wlien sho knows
something of business principles, whether
ho' keeps houso for her husband or Is
vniBoearner herself. Modern society and
cotmnun-sunsu must approve tho wo mini
who la both useful and ornamental. Every
woman, no matter what her statldu In life,
should bo tiuiued as a wage-saver, If not
sb a wago-carncr. A good business edu
cation makes a woman u better housewife
mid a moro Intelligent companion and help
mato for her husband. Sho Is enabled to
tako a greater Interest In his affairs and,
having learned tho valuo of money, Is
wiser In her expenditures nnd can moro
fully apprcclato and sympathlzo with her
husband's efforts. There Is a largo army
of women who must enter tho ranks of
breadwinners to support themselves and
thoso dopendent upon them. Tho Instruc
tion through tho methods of tho Interna
tional Correspondence Schools of Scranton,
I'a., thoroughly prepares such as theso to
sccuro good positions and good salaries,
with a thorough business education. Now
adays any woman of ability will find It
easy to win promotion to a well-paid posi
tion suited to her sex. Wo can and do
teach women at home. Invcatlgato the
schools, Inquire of your friends as to the
good wo nro doing. Seo Drowning, King
& Co.'s store, on 15th and Douglas streets,
for window display.
Following shows tho standing of the con
tft&nts to date:
Uecrgo Duncan, 2020 Harney at 21,078
12. 8. Jameson, 3124 Franklin Bt 10,891:
Karl lievliiH, 2722 Howard Bt 15,669
W. II, lluynolds, Hastings, Neb 14,968
llornard Klock, 2513 North 30th iq,836
J. C. Havol, 1254 South 14th 5J19
V. Denzlng, Grand Island, Neb 4,826
1 A. Decker, Council llluffs, la.... 4,732
H. L. Casscll, 2230 Meredith ave 4,675
I.. C. Woods, Tekamah, Neb 4,356
J. 13. Miller, 2910 North 20th at 4,296
U. K. .Muller, Fisher fc Lawrle 4,13.
Dwlght Cramer, 3513 Jackson St.... 4,027
Watson U. I'erklns, 13. 13. liruco & Co. 3,390
Will A. Drown, Fullerton, Neb 3,051
Win. Kochor, 2621 I'arker st 3,014
J. W. Mulr, Omaha Machlno works.... 2,961
J. C. Allen, 2220 Chicago st 2,740
F. II. Holbrook, 1108 Hurney st 2,255
II. C. Van Avery, 1003 Capitol ave.... 2,205
J. M. Waynes, Dewey & Stono 2,035
Albert Scsseman, Murray hotel 1,935
Hobert lllsdon, 1819 I'lckncy at 1,995
W. B. Hatch. 1919 Spencer st 1,715
Charlen D. Cole, box 963, Omaha 1,010
F. W. Dartllng, Nebraska City, Neb.. 1,090
Lawrence Williams, Council Bluffs, la. 1,090
Itcss Morgan, Grand Island 930
John Furbush, 1618 North 16th at.... 684
A. J. Van Antwerp, Lodl, Neb 070
J. W. Woods, Council Dltiffs, la 4S5
Blanche Wlgga, Millard hotel 452
13mma Hood, Telephono exchangn.... 333
Daisy Hickman, Dcnnott's Dept. atoro. 331
Theodore SchulU, 2021 Howard St.... 323
Carl Itoucli, 1109 South 27th 273
II. H. Kortllng, 1723 South 16th at.. 199
Oeorgo Jj. Flshor, U. I aupply house. 172
Winifred Llnlngcr, 1117 South 9th.... 143
Henry Majors, Gretna, Neb 82
W. 13. Goodman, Telephono building.. 16
1'rrsldeiu'y of llonrtl of Education
Will In All l'roliublllty lie Dc-
toived on Him.
Dr. Frederick F. Teal will not resign
from tho Uoard of Education until after
January 1. Ho will go cast In a few days
for a stay of about ono month, but expects
to returu to Omaha beforo tho first of the
year. Thoro has boon considerable discus
sion of Dr. Teal's probablo attitude toward
tho candidacy of Charles S. Hayward for
president of tho board, but Dr. Teal has
stated that ho feels kindly toward Mr.
Hayward, and will no doubt cast his vote
for him when tho board reorganizes.
After Dr. Teal's resignation thero will bo
hut two threo-torm members left on tho
board, Charles S. Hayward and Charles 13.
Dlack. Theso two men are tho only ones
who are eligible to tho presidency, and
unless somo great change Is brought about
In present condttlops Mr. Hayward Is likely
to sccuro tho oOlco practically without op
position. 117.00 CHICAGO AM) HETUHN-.Jt7.00.
Vis Chlt-HKO, Milwaukee A St. l'uul II y
On November 30 and December 1, tho
Chicago, Milwnukee and St. l'aut railway
will sell ro'ind trip ticket, Omaha to Chi
cago, for tn. The tickets are limited to
Dccembor 10. City Ticket o.'llco 1501 Far
twin street. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
Via Wmbitnu ;inllrond.
"Now on sale, good returning until June 1,
1901. Special tours to Florida, Cuba, Key
West and Old Mexico. Ask your nearest
ticket ngent or wrlto Jos. Toahon, Trav.
l'ass. Agt., Wabash It. It., 1415 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Nob.
AnnoiiiicaiiiPiilN of (hp Tlienterit.
Viewed as a scenic production, tho great
Now York atic'ccss, " 'Way Dowu East,"
which appoara at Doyd'B theater tonight,
presents a series of beautiful pictures. It
Introduces many rural and realistic sketches
which show familiarity with country life.
It Is full of human naturo, presents many
episodes of marked dramatic force and
touches tho sympathies without tho least
verging on sickly sentimentality, while there
are many sallies to rcllovo tho serious In
terest, thus bringing out tho truo, genutuo
Is full of tho latest novelties In rillow Tops,- roster, Floral, Conventional,
etc. Stamped Linens In entirely new designs. Shaving Covers, Curling Iron
Tolders. Culendars, Match Scratches, Magazine aud Novel Covers, Whisk riold
crs, Work Hags, IMu Cushion Tops, etc. Heautlful Irish Hand Embroidered
Doylies, Centers, Scarfs and Lunch Cloths.
Renimlsanco Centers, Scarfs, etc., nil sizes and prices, from the lowest to
the best, A full lino of Itennulsaucc Patterns, Braids and Materials.
GrrntPHt llnricnlim In I.nrilr' Tnllor .Stilt liver Ilriird Of.
Wo have had sales of tallor-mado suits be
fore, tho values were wonderful, purchasers
were very eager to sccuro tho bargains, but
all tho past sales palo into insignificance
when compared with this one. At no tlmo
havo wo placed better goods on salo. These
suits are the very nowrst and most stylish
on the market, they nro made of tho very
best material, fhey rango In valuo from
$25.00 to 935.00; a number of them are sam
ple suits, of which no two nro alike. Golf
and walking suits are Included in this lot.
Every stylo and every slzo made according
to tho newest modes, not a suit In the lot
worth less than $25.00, all go on salo
SATUItDAY. NOV. 24. AT $10.00.
Watch tomorrow night's papers for full
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts
Imva nnd .N'rbnmkn Vcterlnarlnim
Spurn (lit- (in vcriiiiipii t Offer of
l'onltlona In (lie hlllnpliim.
Positions as government veterinarians In
the Philippines with n salary of $100 per
month held no attractions for tho fifty
members of tho Iowa-Nebraska Veterinary
Medical association, which Just completed
its annual meeting In Omaha. A represent
ntlvo of tho government appeared beforo tho
association Wednesday afternoon nnd urged
tho veterinarians to apply for positions In
Manila, but without avail. Ono hundred
dollars a month did not tempt any of tho
animal doctors.
"Tho salary will havo to bo better before
any of us can bo Induced to leavo tho United
States, when conditions are as favorable as
they nro at present," said Dr. II. I Ilamac-
clottl of Omaha, who was elected president
or tho association for tho coming year.
The Nebraska Veterinary Medical associa
tion met nt tho Merchants' hotel after tho
closo of tho session of tho Iowa-Nebraska
association nnd named a commlttco, which
win endeavor to havo tho legislature mako
provision for a Btato veterinarian. Although
tho laws of tho state rccognlzo such an ofll
ccr, no appropriation has been made for his
Olllcers elected by tho Iowa-Nebraska as
sociation aro as follows: II. L. Ilamac-
clottl, Omaha, president; W. II. Austin,
Newton, In., vice president; J. J. Drasky,
Crete, secretary and treasurer. Tho board
of censors Is mado up as follows: M. D.
Dyers, Osceola; Fred Evans, Grand Island:
H. E. Talbert, Des Moines, In.; D. II. Miller,
Arcntiiniodntlon for Travelers Thnt
Mild lie Tried to III. Alllrn.nti.i1.
Tho editor of tho Davenport (Iowa) Dally
Demorcat recently mado an eastern trip, and
wrltos his paper as follows of tho cab service
oi iuo t'cnnsyivania System:
"it goes without saying that tho Pennsyl
vania railroad. In all Its manv dlvlai
branches, Is ono of tho greatest systems of
frolght and passenger transportation In tho
worm, uui u is particularly popular with
tho traveling public becauso of tho pains it
takes to provide tho conveniences many rail
roads overlook. For thnsn
In tho ways of tho world, especially for
women who are laurnovlnp lnnir iiutnn..w
alono, tho Pennsylvania supplies a service
mat meets a real want, and at a cost so
reasonawo that all can afford it. Iteferenoo
Is mado to tho cab and carrlago servlco,
which la bo perfect that nothing further Is
to bo desired.
"On tho arrival of trnlnn In PhllnriMnhln
Washington, Now York and, other cities thero
' ui.mjro iu nuuiug carnages ana com
petent drivers. These tako the passenger to
connecting lines and1 to hotels at a charge
that Is almost nomlnnl In mmnnrlann with
tho usual uncertain way of Rotting about
nacKmen wno, too often, aro irresponsible
and untrustworthy. Tho samo service la at
tho traveler's disposal for taking trains and
ferries. Ono may as safely enter a Penn
sylvania cab ns a Pennsylvania sleeping car.
"This accommodation is no money making
ono, but It meets a want long felt In a way
to bo appreciated on tho first trial, and to be
patronized thereafter. Tho writer has tried
It by night ns well as bv dav. and this un
solicited commendation Is not Intended so
mucti for tho benefit of tho Pennsylvania
company as It ia for tho unfortunates who
havo fallen Into tho hands of unknown and
uncertain persons who too commonly charge
unreasonably for what thnv dn. Tho nop.
ploxcd traveler who reaches a largo city and
uoesn c Know wnat to ao can make no mls-
tako by taking it Pennsylvania cab."
Saloon Kroner Apply for Meennen.
All saloon keepers havo been notified by
tho Hoard of Fire and Pollco Commission
ers that liquor licenses must bo renewed
hoforo January 1 nnd that no saloon will
bo allowed to continue In business which
does not comply with thla rule. Iast year
many applications for renewal were not
tiled until a day or two lioforo the first of
tho year. Pending Investigation saloon
were nllowcd to keep open In spite of tho
fact thnt they had no license. Flftv-twn
applications for renewal hnvn already been
men wun uie secretary or me uoara. At
this time last year nn'v six liquor dealers
had applied for renewals.
Fleas Don't Freeze
But thoy can bo KILLED yes, KILLED,
by uslns
siiRUMAVs noa shampoo.
This preparation effectually rids the dog
of Heas and leaves the hair and skin clean.
Price, 25c por bottle.
FOR, MANGE uso Sherman's Mange Cure.
Price, 60c.
FOrt WORMS uso Areca Nut Worm Tab
lets. Price, EOc per box.
FOB. DISTEMPEB uso our "Distemper
Powders" affords quick relief, reducing tho
fovor at once and curing tho discharge from
eyes and noso Prlco, 60c per box.
Wo sell Spratt's Dog Biscuits and Medi
cines. Wo also havo full lines of DENT'S,
GLOVEB'S and CANNON'S Dog Remedies.
Sherman & McConnell DrugCo
Wrlta for Now Catalogue.
New Location. 16th and Dodgo Omaha.
Mrs. J. Benson.
Our Art
Needle Work
Thousands of Remnants of Imported Dres
Qoodi on Sals Today,
In This Ilemnnnt Sale Yon Can lnr-
clmse IIlKlimt Grucles Drrnn K
brim In Desirable Lengths
nt One-Fourth Their Worth.
Thousands of remnants that wcro sent
over from the other side to tako Import
orders, all high grado black goods, crcpons,
cashmeres, sergca, camol's hair and bro
caded black goods. Every ono of these
remnants run In length from Va to Vt yard.
Thero aro 3 to 7 pieces to match, all very
wide, enough for a ladles' waist, skirt,
child's dress, and they can bo utilized for
many other useful articles. Goods ranging
In prlco from Si. CO to $2.60 and go In rem
nants according to length and quality at
15c, 2Sc and 35c for entire piece.
Remnants of high grado dress goods In
3 to (-yard lengths, silk and wool mixtures,
cashmeres, plaids and stripes, on bargain
squaro at 25c yard.
From our recent great dress goods 'sale,
goods that wo havo been selling for $1.00
and $1.50 yard, broadcloths, Venetians, peb
bio cheviots, rough cffcctB, etc., all go on
sale on bargain squaro at 49c yard.
Special lots of silks In taffeta, extra wide
checks, plaids and brocaded silk, go at 09c
and C9c yard,
Ono big lot of remnants of chambray
gingham, worth 12 V4c, go at 3 Vic yard.
3G-lnch wldo bleached muslin, 2c yard
Best grade lining cambric, lc yard.
Imitation French flannel remnants, 10c
10c outing flannel In mill remnants, Cc yd
Beat grade heavy outing flannel, light and
dark colors, at 8 Vic yard,
Drapery cretonno and denim remnants,
SVic yard.
36-Inch wldo percalo remnants, 3Vc yard.
Mercerized sateen rcmnanta, worth 40c,
go at 10c yard.
Big bargains In remnants of tablo damask
and toweling, all klnda, long nnd short rem
nants, go nt U tho regular price.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts.
JSctv rittnhurtr Special Train Fort
Wayne Iloute.
Beginning with Sunday, November 25, tho
Fort Wayno Routo of tho Pennsylvania
Lines will run a dally special train for Pitta
burg passengers from Chicago and tho west
leaving Chicago nt 8:00 p. m., with Pullman
Buffet Sleeping Car and passenger coaches,
arriving at Pittsburg next morning at 8:30..
Tho rittsbtirg Special will have no con
nection for eastern points and therefore
tickets to points beyond Pittsburg will not
be honored on that train.
Full particulars may bo obtained by ad
dressing or calling upon Mr. H. R. Dcrlng,
Assistant General Passenger Agent of the
Pennsylvania Lines at 248 South Clark
Street, Chicago.
Christmas Buyers
To avoid tho usual holiday rush wo
offer tho following discount on all
pianos sold before December 22:
Naw Pianos, 30 Per Cent.
Used Pianos, 15 Per Cent.
DiunnAi, ai.un, A. 11. (J11ASM,
ANOS to select from.
A small deposit will reserve your
piano for Christmas delivery, Somo J
unusual Dargams:
Ebony Upright, only $110
Rosewood Square, Only . ... $ 50
Special New Upright, only.. $145
Organs $15 and op
Wo sell on easy monthly payments
nnd glvo a fine stool and Heart free
with each piano. New pianos for
rent. Flno tuning and repairing.
Telephono 1625. Write for catalogues
and prices or pay us a visit of In
Sold on liimy Payment.
The Old Reliable Piano House,
1313 Furuam St., Omuhu.
337 Brondwny, Co. Bluffs
Keep One
Jin Mind
o o
O When making a note of your Christ- O
Bortment of all good makes at prices
O mas presents put down a KODAK or
q CAMERA. We have a complete as- o
unheard of before. J
Now Is the time to got an ALBUM, 4
O bo that you can have It fixed up In J
q good time. We have a beautiful as- q
sortment at prices from lOo to $7.00,
J If you do not havo time to finish J
O your pictures wo can do them at O
reasonable prices.
The Robert Dempster Go,, :
O 1215 Farnam St. J
O Exclusive Dealers In Photo Supplies. O
Notice lo
rtonril of Kiliioutlon Secure the Xrccs
mrr Iliilldlnu Permit ami Con
trnelor IItrIii Annlii.
One dollar nlaced In Ihn lmnd of thn rltv
building Inspector by tho Uoard of Educa
tion produced tho building permit for the
Improvements on tho Lako school annex and
tho work of completing tho building waa re
aunicd yesterday morning. Rather than have
any further dolay, members of tho board re
quested Duncan FInlayson, superintendent
of buildings, to Becure tho permit and re
storo ponce.
In many of the rooma at Lako school thero
nro moro than fifty' pupils. Seats have been
placed In tho aisles and every other nvalla
bio plaoe and the work has been hampered
hy tho Unusual slzo of classes. Within one
week the two rooms In tho annex will bo
You can buy Saturday next one bottle of
Egyptian Lotus Cream for Cc. This Is
used for chapped hands nnd face. It's a
regular 25c size of such n preparation. Sat
urday next tho prlco will be Eo a bottle.
Ono bottle to n customer.
Cramor'o Kidney Cure 7.c
Pond's Extract 4UO
Dromo Qulnlno ISo
1 tloz. 2-gr. Qulnlnn Capsules 7c
1 doz. 3-gr. quinine Capsules lOo
1 doz, 5-gr. Quinine Capsules 15o
Pr.ln's Celery Compound '.Co
Perunfl 76c
Carter's Liver Pill 15c
Schaefe 'n Cough Syrup 2)c
Har-Uen 40c
AJax Tnblets 40o
Pyramid Pile Cure 40e
Pierce's Prescription 7oo
Miles' Nervine 7.'c
Wlno of Cordul 75c
Dlack Draught 20c
Syrup or Kim 30c
Gem Catarrh Powder 33c
Hu-Cnn Mnlr Tonic 75c
Malted Milk. 40c, 75c nnd S3.15
criiAccca cl't price
ounncrcn druggist
V. XV. Cor. Kith and Cliloauo.
Over 10,000 yards of all wool nnd half wool remnants at Cc, 10c nnd 15c yard.
6,000 yards of mill lengths, from 2 to 7 yards In each piece-goods that Bell from
2fic to $1.60 per yard at 15c, 19c and 25c per yard.
300 Dress Pattorns, 6 yards each goods that Bold for $1.08 to $2.50 yard, entire
pattern for , $1.93
$3.60 Dress Patterns, 40 to G4 Inches wldo, C yards and 0 yards to pattern these
goods sell from $2.98 to $3.93 por yard ontlro pattern for $2.98
SPECIAL 33 pattorns of Ulack Crcpons $3.98, $4.98 and $6.98
SPECIAL 40 pattcrna of Colored Crepona ; $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98
SPECIAL 25 patterns of high grado Zlbellnes $3.98, $1.98 and $5.98
Theso goods nro worth $3.00, $1.00 and $5.00 per yard.
New Goods in the Piece Direct from the Mills.
Silk and Wool Novelties, all wool novelties, extra heavy homespuns 4G-Inch silk and
wool novelties 44-Inch all wool grays 42-lnch storm serges In blue, hlack, brown,
gray, etc 30-lnch Henriettas 38-inch English black novelties and goods that are
worth from COc to $1.60 per yard all on salo nt 16c, 19c and 2Eo yard
Romnants of 20c nnd 25c French Flannelette, yard 90
Remnants of best grade yard wldo dark Percales, yard Bo
Remnants of 16o Waist Lining, plain and double faced, yard 8&o
Romnants of Dark Dress Calicos, beat grade, yard 3c
Rcmnanta of Simpson's Royal Percales, yard 2o
Remnants of 18c Plaid Dress Goods, yard 8&c
Remnants of 25c heavy Eiderdown Flannel, yard 9o
Rcmnanta of heavy Imported yard wide "Skirtings," worth 75c yard, finest cloth
mado for underskirts, remnants 2 to 4 yards, at, yard i9o
o I
f I
Remnants of Linen, from 19c up to 75c yard.
Remnants of Crash Toweling, from 2c per yard up to 10c yard.
Remnants of Muslin, from 3o yard up to 7V4c yard.
Remnants ot,Tablo Oilcloth, from 5c up to 18c yard.
Remnants of 'Wldo Sheetings, from 12Hc yard up to 20c yard.
Remnants of flno Laco Lawns for curtains at 10c yard. Thla cloth la worth 25o
per yard. Friday's price, 10c yard.
Ded Ticking, embroidered nnd white Wool Flannel, 36 Inches wide; Outing Flan
nol less than mill prlco.
In tho now Economy Dargaln Room.
Ladles' Jackets,, all wool, worth $6.00, for 9g0
Ladles' Dress Skirts, worth $3.60, for r,ga
Ladles' Percalo Wrappers, each 29o
Ladles' Taffeta Silk Waists, worth $3.00, for ji.jr
Ladles' Flanncletto Wrappers, worth $2.00,
Ladles' $2.60 Underskirts nt
Attend the great, salo of Chicago manufacturer's suits and cloaks In tho Cloak De
partment. Special for tomorrow, 75 Suits, somo silk lined throughout,
worth $20.00, for $9,95
In the now -Economy Bargain Room for
fourth usual on men's and boys' Pants.
In tho now Economy Bargain Room. 10c Hooks and Eyes, lc; 60c Marking Cotton.
3c; $1.00 Books, S9c; 25c Embroideries, 3c;
3c; 25c Books, 2c; 15c puro line iianakerchlefs, 6c; 6c best Corduroy Velveteen
Binding, 2c.
Special Shoe Bargains
in the New
Economy Bargain Room
Infants' 60a Uld uhoos for 35c,
Chlld'a kid buiton $1.00 shoes for 59c.
VVomon'n flno $3 kid Ipco shoos at $1.38.
Cut prices on ruhbers, overgalttrs,
mackintoshes and ruuch weather goods
A complete line to select from. AstonlBhln? vuluos.
18 pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00
Eagle Lye, can 2c
2-pound package Selt-RatBlng Pancake
able pancake flour on the market,
3-pound can Syrup 9c
Japan Rice, per pound 6c
Fancy Head Rice, per pound SHc
Lentels, per pound 3c
10-pound Back puro Nebraska Buck-
wl eat '. 45c
10-pound sack N. Y. stato puro Buck
wheat 60c
49a Granite Dish Pans 19c
79c Granite Dish Pans 49c
69a Grantto Water Pall 39c
25c Granite Stow Pan 11c
35c Granite Tea Pots 19o
15o 3-quart Oranlte Milk Pans Bo
25c C-quart Granite Milk Pans 2c
Special prices on everything in the way of
Heating Stoves.
ready for use nnd tho congested condition
of tho main building will ho relieved,
Do you want n stenographer? Spend 25
cents for a llco "nant ad."
In the
Aro many resorts whero you can pick
bright flowers, play golf, go coaching,
or boating, or fishing all winter long.
Florida, Cuba, Dcrmuda Islands, Mex
ico, suggest delightful Journeys.
Tho Durllngton Routo now offers
tourists rates for theso trips.
Better ask about them.
TKL. 230.
TI2L. V2H.
for nRn
Dargaln Day. Prices less than one-
10c Cotsot Steels, 2,ic; 25c Crochet Silk,
of all kinds
11 bars Best Laundry Soap 25c
Pint bottles Tomato Catsup 7V4c
Flour, tho most delicious and palat-
package SHc
6-pound pall Jelly 15c
Caroline Rico, per pound 7 Vic
Mikado Fancy Rice, per pound 10c
Pearl Tapioca, per pound 7 Vic
10-pound Back Graham 19c
Sago, per pound 7 Vic
10-pound Back pure Iowa Buckwheat.. 45c
'59c Granite Dish Pans 23c
S5c No. 8 Granlto Tea Kettl 49c
15c Milk Pans, granlto , 8c
30c Granite Stew Pan 19c
29c Granlto Cullenders 13c
20c 4-quart Granite Milk Pans 9c
25c Granite Dipper 13o
Bits of
Store life is active these dnys. The
regular advertising ennnot begin to
touch nil points of interest, so wo con
dense the news.
Mere suggestions must answer whero
n column might be written. For tho
rest, see the goods.
Strong fleeced lined Jj
calf work gloves TUU
Best quality, gnot lined
well made 75C
Henvy buck nnd horse-hide
asbestos tunned QJJ
Good warm mittens, well
mnde, leather faced, IP
per pair tOu
Heavy asbestos lined, goat
and calf skin, ele- TRa
gant work glove I Ju
Best quality buck and horse
hide, asbestos mitts,$ Art
well sewed liUU
Good quality Jersey gloves
extra good value, OR A
for ZOU
Good quality dog skin,fl eece
lined work rnp
glove ., . JUU
run a rem
Winter Ceps
Toques, Tarn 0'Shanters,etc. I Plush Turbans, 25c.
Golf or Brightons, 25c. Boys' and Youths', 35c.
, mm,m ,m
Interesting Fur Items
Sheared Coney Collarettes with long tails edged with
bear fur collarette worth 7.50, j (JQ
Gray Fox-Head Scarfs 45-inches long, with Inrge Q Qfi
tail, sold everywhere for $7.50, : J J (J
Bed Fox-Head Scarfs, 45-in. long, with large tail F ft ft
and natural head, worth $10 JiuU
Beal Marten Scarfs, trimmed with six tails, Jj ft ft
a beauty iu furs, worth $7.50 TbuU
Beal Marten Derby Collarette, with cluster of 0 7C
tails, others ask $15 for them I J
California and Oregon
Mrs. George Montgomery of Los Angeles, Cal., wrlle as follows of
these Union Pacltlc excursion:
"I have traveled a great deal, but never ued tourist cars betore, and
we bad not thouebt it possible for a Journey to be made so comfortably,
"Tho ordinary cars wem u revelation. This being our first trip In
tourist oars, we were almost afraid wo would miss many of the comforts
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thing provided for the oumfort nnd convenience of passengers for a long
trip, and uleothe kind attention of yourself and the porter.
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ery Friday.
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