10 THE OMAHA DALLY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2rt, 1900. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Traden Desert Other Markets to Orowd the Corn Pit. PHILLIPS' UNLOADING INDUCES REACTION tWIirnt llnles Dnll nnd Fentnrelpss Ont Stlrk In the Sump Old lint Pro villous Arc ."Ncalectrd nnd Dull, CloiiliiK I'll I rl y Steady. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. Tho November corn deal monopolized attention to 11 ureal ex tent on tho Hoard of Trado today, that do Hvory, on welt us for December, closing ',4c higher. Wheat was dull nnd cloded un changed. OatH nt tho closo was ',ic higher and provisions a sliado to Ea lower.' Tho corn jilt was crowded to tho last Inch nt tho opening, other markets being almost deserted by traders. November opened nt from o to 4JV4o nnd soon touched 47c under heavy bidding, but Mr. l'hllllps, who Is credited with controlling that option, sold a few D.OOO-liuslicl lots and a reaction followed. A snlo wns mudo at He, but It was a nuke, ns tho market reully stood nt 4414o. Tho market becamo much uulotcr towurd tho close. Acccplnnccs wero light and tho wi'iilhcr was reported ns be ing again unfavorable. December corn wild at between .ToTfriCific and 3Cc. closing u higher at Mo; November closed Ho higher at 45Hc! receipts were 311 cars, only o vp n teen of which graded contract. Wheat ruled dull und featureless, Cable wero linn nnd receipts light. Theso fac tors caused n better tono following easi ness at tho Btnrt, when tho benrlshncos of local trailers and tho nbsencn of commis sion housn trado wns fqlt. December opened n shodo to W(Ha lower at 714c to 7Uc, touched 71c, rallied to 71'ic on cash Bales of 210,000' binhi'ls nnd closed steadv and unchanged nt 71i71V4c. Now York reported twenty-llvo loads taken for ex port. Hcnboard clearances In wheat and flour wero etiml to 4Sl,fi00 bushels, l'rl mnry receipts aggregated fiTC.OOO bushels, compared with l.lM.Ouo bushels last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 360 cars, ugalnst 33) last week and 705 a year ago. Local receipts wero 110 cars, ono of con tract grade. Oats stuck In tho samn old rut nnd made no attempt to get out of It. Prices scarcely stirred, but tho general tono was Ilrm In sympathy with corn. December sold at between 21T4'&22o nnd closed ',4c Mgher at 217(22c; receipts wero nlnety-ono curs. Provisions wero neglected and dull. Tho market opened lower on heavy ,hog re ceipts and lower prices at tho yardH. Fluc tuations wero narrow and tho closo fairly steady. January pork closed Do lower nt $11.7214; January Inrd 214c lower at JC.R5 and January ribs a shodo lower nt in.30fifi.32V4, Estimated receipts tomorow: Wheat, 140 cars: corn, 350 cars; oats, 12i cars; hogs, KJ.000 houd. " Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Artlcies. Open. nign. Low. ciosc. Ycsy. Wheat Nov, Dec. Jnn. Com Nov. Dec. May Oats- Nov. Dec. May Pork Nov. Jan. May v. Duo. Jan. Mny Whs Nov. Jan. May imnw 7i Tin Tin 71UW54 71i 71 71?;SV4 71RH 72'i 7iy 72U 72Vi 45 ?41 47 44 4514 45 S3T4W38 3C4 30W30 36H 3."Ti 36MM4 3Ci 36 3814 21; 21?; 21i 214 21H 21H 22 21T4 SlVcTJS 21if'4 21 2P.4 21 24&24H 23'24 L 11 00 11 00 11 80 11 SO 11 70 11 7714 11 Sil4 11 75 11 7714 11 75 11 75 11 7714 7 1214 7 1214 7 10 7 1214 7 15 0 9714 6 97'4 C 915 6 97'4 7 0214 0 RT, 6 8714 G S214 fi 85 6 SVA 6 87W 0 8714 6 S7J4 6 8714 C 90 7 75 7 75 7 .75 7 75 7 70 fi 30 fi 3214 0 25 C 2214 C 3214 0 30 6 35 C 30 0 35 6 35 No. 2. Cash quotations ware as follows: FLOUR Easy: winter patents. J3.7OS3.90: straights, $3.1CHjj3.G0; clears, J2.90ft3.40; spring specials, J3.40: patents, J3.COC3.90; straights. J3.0iH3.45: bakers. J2.20Cr2.75. WHKAT No. 3, CG!4&72c;,No. 2 red, TIM CORN-No. 2, 4"4!4G-15i4c; No. 2 yellow, OATS No. 2. 22c; No.,3 white, 25&ff25?ic ; No. 3 white, 2Uifc','Cc. RYE No. 2. 4511c HARLEY (Jood feeding, 3940c; fair to cholco mnltlmr. OoiilOOc. I SEEDS-Flax, No. 1. J1.C914W1.70: No. 1 northwestern, $1.71. Prime timothy, J4.104P 4.20. Clover, contract grndo, J10. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., J10.87U Cfll.OO. Lard, per 100 lbs.. J7.10Q7.1214. Short ribs sides (loose). J7.25fP7.75. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). t'i.$lWa-lV&. Short clear sides (boxed). JG.855iC.95. WHISKY Baals of high wines, per gal., J1.27. SUGAR Cut loaf. JC.15: granulated, J5.75; confectioners' A, J5.55; oft A. J5.40. Following aro the receipts and shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..... 20,000 10,000 "Wheat, bll..... 195,000 297,000 Corn, lui 227,000 481,000 ' Oats, bu 126,000 98,000 Ryo. bu 1,000 3,000 Barley, bu 97,000 14,000 On the Produco exrhange today the but ter market was dull: creameries, ir?t25c; dairies, 121422c. Cheese, active at lOMUVic. Kggs, ciulet at 18fl22c. NEW YORIC GENERAL SIAniCET. I Qnotailona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 22,-FLOUR-Rccelpts, 26,090 bbls.; oxports, 565 bbls.; market well sustained and fairly ncttvo without change; winter patents, $3.00:83.90; win ter Btrnlghts. J3.4ftiJ3.ri6; Minnesota patents J3.P0JI4.25: winters; J2.COii2.90; Minnesota bakers, J3.O0Jf3.25; -winter low grades, J2.45W '2.60. Ryo flour, steady; fair to good. J3.05ij) 3.20; choice to fancy, 3.255'3.C0. Buckwheat flour, steady at $2.1i'ft2.25. BUCKWHEAT Firm at G0G3c, c. 1. f New York. CORNMEAt Firm; yellow, 87c; city. 89c; brandywlnr. J2.45JT2.G0. 1 RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. CBe. f. o. h., t afloat; stute, DOySlc, c. 1. f New York enr . lots. ' HARLEY Steady; malting, KIIGIc, c. I, f Buffalo. HARLET MALT Quiet but firm ut C3 G72c. WHEAT Receipts. 55,n00 bu.: exports, 209,122 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 7S?ic, f. o. b., ulloat, nnd 77,c, elevator; No, 1 north ern, Duluth. S3c. t. o. b nlloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 8"Hc, f, o. b., afloat. Op tions wero generally llrm nil duy except for an lnter-al of dopresston at noon under realizing and short selling; strength was inspired by htghor cables, unfavorable Ar gentina crop nows, export buying In tho southwest nnd fair speculatlvo support; closed firmer, partly Ho net higher; March, ROHWSlHc closed nt Sic; Mny. 80 3-lCfl1 SO 13-lCc. closed, at SOio; November closed nt TJMfC; December, 77H(S7S 1-lCo; closed at 77TIC. CORN Receipts, 115,250 bu,; exports. D9.8SI bu. Spot, steudv; No. 2, 4Gc, elovator, and 4C?e, f. o, b., uflont. Options Irregular but generally nrm, louowmg tno west. Higher cables, disappointing receipts, timidity of shorts and tho wheat ndvunce nil had nn , Influence. Closed llrm nt H5j?o net ml l vanco. May, 421442c, closed at 42Hc; Do I cember, 43iNlVic, closed nt 411'.c. I OATS-Recelpts, 120,200 bu.; exports, 19.C72 bu. Spot, Btendy; No. 2, 26',ic; No. 3. 25?io; No, 2 whlto. 29c; No. 3 white, 2Slic; track mixed western. 2.14Tl2714o: track wiilto, 2Sif 84c. Options, dull but fairly steady. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 184 C719c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 244f30 lbs., 15c. LEATHER Firmer; hemlock sole. Iluonos Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 24Jf 25c; ncld. 231 iff 2414c TALLOW-Flrm: city (2 per pkg.), 4T4c; country (pkgs. free), 4j&lic. ROSIN-Stcndy. RICH Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 4H CH'C: Japan. 4iiI5o. MOI,ASSE8 Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to cholco, 42053c. FEED-Stendy; sj)rlng brun, J16.00ffl6.33; middling. J!7,Wfl9.5u; winter brun, JU.OOij) 18.60: city. Jl6.5njil7.00. , PROVISION8-Heof. steady; family. $10.50 MU.ij; mess, ij.vu'iia.wj : oeei uums, jju.wnf 20.60; packet. JIO.C01flO.50: city oxtm India mess, J16.OOifl7.00. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies, 9yi014o; pickled shoulders, 0a; jilckled hnm, 8'id"i91ic. Lard, eusler; west ern steamed, S7.65; Novembor closed nt J7.C0; rellned, weak; continent, J7,C5; South i Amorlca. JS.40; compound, J6.005i6.18. Pork, nulot; family, $15.fi04iia.f4); short clear, J14.00 i5.w: mess, um"kjj.w. HAY'-Qulet; shipping, 7714OS0c; good to choice. 5y!)3e. "WOOIi Quiet; domcstlo lleecc, 2200; Texus, HfflCc. ..I IH 1... twtnln M....nn in .linln 1900 crop. 16o; old, 2W0c; Paclllc coast. 1W0 crop, ttQilvc; iktj rroi. ivauiu; niu, ;aioc. POTATOES Quiet: Jerseys. Jl.005fl.50; New York, Jl.2MJl.75; Long Island, Jt.60if 1.75: Jersey sweets, Ji.rW2.50. HUTTER Kecelpts, 4.440 pkgs.; steady; creamery. 18fft20c; Juno creamery, lSiT23hc; fnetory. 12(fd6c. CHEESE-Ilecclpts. 6,597 pkgs,; , .quiet; largo, September, faitcy, 10-Jicj small, Sep- ternbcr, fancy, lie; large, October, fancy, 10lic; small, October, fancy, lOijc. EUaS-Rccolpts. 6,045 pkits.; steady; wtat ern, regular packing, at mark, 212lc; west ern, loss off, 27c POULTRY-TI10 demand for llvo poultry modernto and market easy, with prices fa voring buyers; fowls, per lb., 8084c; chick ens, 7i7l4c; ducks, DoUfoe: geese, J1.00ffl.37!4. Dressed stock! Chickens, slow; spring chickens, western, dry picked, fancy, 9f9Hc. METALS lluslncss was generally very slow In metal circles today. Tin, though somewhat higher, showed very little sjrength nnd closed steady at J2S.S0. Lake copper ruled quiet nnd unchnnged nt J16.73 JM7.MO. Pig Iron warrants wero quiet at J9.5O01O.W. Lead wns quiet nt Ji.3714 nnd spelter steady at J4.3CKii4.35. Tho brokers' price for lead wus J4 nnd for copper J17. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS, Condition of Trntlr 11 ml Initiations on .Staple mill l'ane- Produce. nnOS-Recelpts, light; good stock, 20G22c. LIVE POl'LTHY-Hens. 5c: roosters, 3 4c; spring chickens, CHfite; ducks, 61i'37c; geese, 614'07p: turkeys, "fiSVic FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 63? CHc; roosters, 6tCc; ducks and geese, 8Q9o; spring chickens, per lb., C14G7c: turkoys, ludillc. (1AME Prairie chickens, per doz., J5.003 5.50; mallard ducks, per dor.., J3.00S3.50; teal, Jl.50fjl.76; mixed. Jl.WHfl.75: Jacksnlpcs. J1.2o r(1.5o; quail, Jl.50iil.75; Jack rabbits, $1,755? 2.00; cottontails. Jl, HUTTER Common fo fair, 12H13c: choice, lGftl7e; separator, 25c; gathered creamery, 20W21e. FRESH OYSTEKS First grade, solid packed, Now York counts, per can. 38c; ex tra selects, 32cj standards, 25c; medium, 20c. Second grade, slnck lllled, New York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., PIOEONS-Livo, per doz., 90c. VEALS-Cholce, 910c. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholco upland, ?9! No. 1 Upland. JS.50: medium. IS rannn J7.50. Ryo ntrnw, J6. These prices nro for nuy 01 goou coior nna quality, uemand fulr; receipts 3 enrs. OATS No. 3 white, 2Go. lJUAN J13. VEOETA BLEB. TURNIPS Pur bu. basket, Wc. HEETS-Per bu., 00c. CAItllOTS-Per bu.. 50c. II ' I .. i I : LETTUCE Per dor., 30350. RADISIIES-Per doz.. 30c. UEANS Wax. oer 1-3 bu. hnsliAt. ! string, 90c. I'O'l'ATOES-Pcr bu 40ST50c; Idaho, per bu.. 75c. SWEI2T POTATOES-Pcr bbl.. J2.00ff2.25. OAUHAGE Per lb.. Hie: Holland seed 1?C. TUMATOES-Por Vi-bu. basket, EOo. ONIONS-Per bu.. ,5c CELERY" California, ns to size, 4575a FRUITS. PEARS Per box, 12.0012.25. GRAPES Dnlnwurn nml Nlnrnm nr K. lb. basket, 15c; Malaga, iier keg, J150ir7.60. , APPLES-Natlvo, 75cl.00 per buY; por bbl.. $2.50; eastern. J3.00di3.25. CRANUERRIES-Hcll und Rugle, J9 per bbl.; per crate, J2.75. J KUPIUAIj FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings. 12.75; navels, $3.50; Mexicans, J3.50; Florldas, J4. LEMONS California, extra, fannv. tl- choice, $3.50. HANANAS Per bunch, according to $2.OOff2.50. Fiub California, new cartons, 90c: lay ers. 85c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS EtiRllsh wnlnutri. nor lh.. ISn? filberts, nor lb.. 13c: almonds, ner lh.. 18a 20c; raw peanuts, per lb., B5Hc; roasted, 614f(714e.: Rrazils, 13c; Pecans, 9iitl0c. HIDES No. 1 green, 714c; No. 2 green, 6'4c; No. 1 salted, 814c: No. 2 salted, 7Hc; vim, o iu i& jus., o'.-sc; io. i veai cnlf. 12 to IE lbs.. CV4c: drv h Men. KSil.ln? shoep pelts, 2J(&75c; horse hides, $. 602.25. St. 1, 011 In flraln nnd ProTlalona. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22. WHEAT Dotter; hnrd. C914'S70c. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 35e: traek. SC5!) IClic; November, 33Uc; December, 34Hc; OATS-Dull; No. 2 cash, 23c; track, 23V4o; November. 23c; December, 23c; May, 24Sc: No. 2 white. 2626!4c ' itifr-stcntiyj 17lic. fancy and straight. 13.15W3.23: elunr itfsm 3.10. ' " SEEDS Timothy, steady. J3.754I4.20. Flnx no market. CORNMEAI Steady nt J2. 11RAN Firmer: Backed, cast trnelt. dSMffn hay steady; timotny, J9.oogi3.50; prai rie. JS.OOWIO.&O. I UlCHVl iRl'UU) Ul 41,4 I HON COTTONTIES-J1.25. HAGOING 3J -.c. HEMP TWINE-Sc. PROVISIONS-Pork. steadv: tobbln-. 113. i-ard. J7.037.10. Dry suit meats (boxed), steady: extra shorts, J7.3714; olear ribs nnd clear sides, J7.6214. Hacon (boxed), steady; extra, shorts, J8.37; clear ribs und clear Sides. JS.C214. METALS Lead, steady: $4.25. SDelter. firm; JI.20. POULTRY- Dull nnd easy: chickens. 614c; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 7c; geese, C14c uu 1 1 nit-nicauy; creamery, i'ojrc: dairy. 18ff20c. i';uii BMauy: lbisc. RECEIPTS-Flour. COO) bbls.: whent. 39.. 000 bu.; corn, 32,000 bu.; oats, 20,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 8,'XW bbln.J wheat, 47,000 bu.; corn, 25,000 bu.; oats, 10,000 bu. Liverpool CSrnln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22. WHEAT Steadv. s5il4d higher: December. 5s 6Hd; March, Csid. Spot, quiet; No. 1 California. 6s214d; ro. j rea western, winter, us una; iso. 1 narinern, spring, ns ju. f-rT l.lr... 1 ,1 ,n t,ii,A. x . 741. , iy 7414 IH"1 iUVKlll' ber. 4s llid: December. 4s 4d: January. 3s lOJJd. Spot, American mixed, now, firm at 4s Id. FLOUR St. Loul& fancy winter, steady at Ss Cd. PROVISIONS-Uecf. extra Ind a mess. easy, C9s; prlmo mess, nominal. PorK, inimo mess western, nrm, isa. Lard, Amer ciin retlned. in nails, steady. 39s Cd: nrimn western, in tierces, steady. 3Ss 6d. llnmq. short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 46s 3d, Hacon. uuniDenano cut, -3 10 ius strong, 47s; short rlbH, 18 to 22 lbs., strong, 4Ss3d; long clear middles, light, steady. 46s; long eleir middles, heavy, strong, 47s; short clear backs, IB to 18 lbs., firm. 43s 9d; clear urines, n 10 10 ios nrm, bus. nliouiders, square. 12 to 14 lbs., strong, 33s 9d. HOPS At London (Paclllc coast), steady, 2 Esfii;3 6U1. " HU'rrER-Un ted States finest, ntiiet. nsa? United States good, dull. 81s Cd. 1'1'JAH L'anaiuun, quiet, ss U, TALLOW Prlmo city, :lrm, 23s; Aus tralian. In London, firm. 27s Cd. CHEESE American finest white, easy, 51s 6d; American finest colored, easy, CCs. Kansns Cliy (I nil 11 und Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 22. WHEArn. cember. CI'Sc: May. CSHc: cash. No. 2 linrd fi6'(iC7MiC: No. 3. ClV4C614c; No. 2 red, 7071c 41 u. , uiiywv. CORN Deceinbrr, 3374330 ; May, 34c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 33c; No. 2 white 2014c; No. 3, 36-030140. ' uAin-Mi), . wnite, I'liisyrc. RYE-No. 2, 43c. HAY Cholco timothy, J10.004fl0.50; cholco priilrle. 9.O0ii9.C0. HUTTEH-Creumory, 19S23c; dairy, fancy. 17c. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, lsc doz., loss off, eases returns'l; new whltewood cases Included, Ifcc mors. RECEIPTS-Whcat, 75,2W bu.; corn, 0,100 bu.: oats. 9.000 bu. - SHIPMENTS Wheat. 114,100 bu.; corn. 4.0UO bu,; oatJ, 3.000 bu. Toledo MnrUet. TOLEDO, Nov. 22.-WHEAT-Dull but steady; cash, 75c; December, 75!lc; May. SOlkc. CORN Dull nnd higher; cash, 3814c; De cember, 37?ic. OATS Quiot but firm; cash, 22',;c; De cember, 231ic, a RYE-fdc. SEEDS Clover, dull nnd wenk; cash, 1S99, prime, Jtf.15; December, $6.70; March, J6.70, Phil ndeliililn Produce Jlnrltet. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 22, n UTTER Stcndy; fancy western creaniory, 20',4c; fancy western prints, 2Sc. EGGS Steady for fresh nenrby at 21c; fresh western, 26c; fresh southern, 25c: fresh southwestern, 23c, CHEESE-Stendy; New York full creams, fancy smnll, llle; New Y'ork full 1 reams, fulr to choice, loiilOc, Mlnni-iiiioll WJient Mnrkrt. MINN'EAPOl.lS. Minn., Nov. 22. WHEAT Cash, 75Hc; December, 73!4c: May. 7CT!fi73ic; No. 1 hard. 7711c: No. 3 northern. 7CVo; No. 2 northern, ,Mc. FI.OUR-Flrst patents, J4.IO8I.20: second pntents, $3.S2(Cf 1.00; tlrst clears, J2.904,'3.00; second clears, J2,isfi2.25. UltAN In bulk. Jll.50-oll.75. Alllivniikrr Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Nov. 22. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern, 70c; No. 2 northern, 71,4'if73'.4c. RYE-Steadv; No. 1. 49f494o. HARLEY Steady; No. 2, &9fiC0c; sample, 4547c, Dnlutli Market. DULUTH, Nov. 22.-WHKAT-Cash. No. 1 hard. 77e; No. 1 northern, 73c; No. 2 northern, 7014c; No, 3 spring, C4Hc CORN 3SV. OATS-u'jaiic Suunr Market. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 22. SUGAR Firm; open Kettle. 3 7-lMj37c: open Kettle, centrifugal, UTitfliic; centrifugal, granu i-u. . reu. ensn, ciuvaior, lUYatviic; tracK, 72ff721Jc; November, 70Ho; Decomber, 701i 70c; January. 711ic; May, 741iQ74?ic; No. r lmrl miLTim lated, 4 15-16c; whites. 4!4ff4He: yellows, 4ff 4VSC! seconds, 3lT4c. Molasses, steady; open neme, laiy.iic; cciuriiugai, bu ljc. nyrup, steady at 2(fl2Ge. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. SUGAR Raw, jirm; isir renning, stc: centrifugal, s test, tc; molasses sugar. 3Hc; refined, steady; crushed, 6c; powdered, 5,70c; granulated, JIOVBMEATS OF STOCKS AM) 1IOXDS. llenrn Trr to Inlliienee Mnrket by Itenortliiar Tlint Cznr Is Dend. NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Thcro was tho samo ebb and flow In today's stock market thnt havo characterized It for several days past. Neither tho beginning nor tho end, however, wns as well defined ns they wore yesterday. Tho currents and cross currents wero very confusing all day and mado It dlfllcult to nnalyzo tho tono, except during ii iieriuu 01 pronounced reaction, wnicn de veloped after tho ooeiilnir. nnd nn eounllv pronounced recovery bcfoio tho close. Tho cioso iiseii wns reactionary and weaK, un der tho Itlflueneii of a violent lirenk of 41; points In American Steel nnd Wire. Thiit stock got up to 51 In tho general rally of juu nuirKei, out piuugeu downward to 4ir,. 11 a fan, .....I t .1 4 1 . 1 .. ... lun llllliuivn, 1111U LIUCU ilUUUb BU'UUft Professional traders In Wall street havo worked for some tlmo In tlio fnlth thnt they wero following tho bull leadership of n combination of forces between tho most notable speculator In the street and a newer anu almost cqutiliy dashing operator who mado his mnrk, nnd n deep ono nt that, In tho speculation In steel stocks during tho last year nnd a half. Tho break in St6el nnd Wire coming near homo to this nl leged speculatlvo combination served to tin settlo sentiment very considerably nt tho closo. Tho benr contingent succeeded In pretty well getting tho upper hand curly In tho day. Tho market opened with prico currents moving In whirling eddies. Tliero wus continued strong ubsorptlon iu soma of yesterday's strong stocks, tho local trac tions and St. Paul being conspicuous. Later a strong demand developed for Chesapeake & Ohio on buying said to bo for Philadel phia uccount. This stock moved up an ex treme 2H. This movement, however, wns not suniclent to dlscourago tho prollt tak ing nnd bear pressure, which had been more or less manifest, especially In the steel stocks, from tho opening, and tho whole market fell awny without much support to tho lowest of the day. Tho rally was ln nugurated lnlt. Paul. That stock was car ried to 130 nnd ttio other grangers, Sugnr, tho locnl trnction stocks and General Elec tric, mado tho readiest response. An effort was mado to contlnuo tho movement bv tho time-honored dovtco of bidding tin tho Van derbllts, but this proved unavailing in faco ui uiu ticiiiu wenKness suown uy mo steel stocks. Tho nows of tho day was llttlo re garded. Somo disappointment wns felt ut tho cessation of yesterday's heavy demand from London. That center turned seller today to tho extent of nbout 40,000 shares on balance. There was nn unexpected dc mnnd from tho west, which was cut off from wiro communication yesterday. Tho bears were also Inclined to make, capital out of the dlsputo among tho diplomats nt Pekln and their tactics wero shown In tho circulation of a rumor that tho -czar was dead. The fact that theso rumors wero given somo weight nnd that tho Kruger demonstration In Marseilles nnd tho re ported Injury to General Roberts had an influenco tend to show that tho movement of tho markot was to n large extent on sentimental grounds. Tho monoy murkut showed no signs of any stress from tho largo speculation and was appreciably easier 011 tho largo receipts of Australian gold hero during tho week. Sterling ex chango hardoncd on tho largo soiling of stocks by London. It is conjectured also that sterling exchange la being accumulated with n viow to New York subscriptions to foreign loans. Tho bond market wns notnbly strong In spots, but weakened nt other points. Total snles, par value, 13,515,000. United States re funding 2s advanced '4 and tho new 4s 14 per cent on tho last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Americans still monopolize attention in tho markets here. Trading In them today wus expensive, al though thcro was less oxuberatlon than yesterday and the dealings had rather n spotty character. London continued buy ing, though arbitrageurs sold. New York works both ways, but on balanco realized, causing an uneventful finish. The London bulls seem n little Inclined to take prollts. Tho short interest li not extensive. Tho bank returns show a reduction of i:2,5CO,000 In' markot balances. Tho bank Is still work ing to secure control of tho market in viow of government borrowing In January. Tho following aro tho closing prices on tho Now Y rk Stock exchungo: Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O... Catl. Pacific Can. Southern ., Chcs. & Ohio..., Chicago G. W... C, 11. & Q Chicago I. & L.. do pfd Chicago & E. I., Chicago & N. W, C R. I. & P..., C. C. C. & St. L, Colo. Southern.., do 1st pfd do 2d ufd Del. & Hudson., Del. L. & W Den. & R. O do pfd Erio .., do lfet pfd Gt. No. pfd Hocking Coal ... Hocking Valloy., Illinois Central., Iowa Central .... do pfd L. E. & W do pfd Luko Shoro Louis. & Nash... Manhattan L ... Met. St. Ry Mex. Central .... Minn. & St. L.... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio... M.. K. it T do pfd N. J. Central.... N. Y. Central.... Nor. & West do pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontario & W,.., O. R, & N do pfd Pennsylvania .... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio G. W. do pfd St. L. & S. F.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul ,do pfd .. Si. P. & Omaha.. So. Parlllo So. Railway do pfd Tex. & Pacific... . 39i Union Pacific .. K1 do pfd , S? Wnabsh 874, do pfd 58(i W. & L. E . 20V do 2d pfd Hi Wis. Central ... 13714 Third Avenuo .. 23 Adams Express. 5714 Am. Express ... 99 U. S. Express... ,1(HV4 Wells-Fnrgo Ex. 116U Amer. Cot. Oil.. 6714 do pfd 7 Amer. Malting . 4214 do pfd IS Amer. S. & R... 110 do pfd ISO 'Amer. Spirits ... 22 do pfd . 72H . 82 . S . 21 . lCli . 2955 . 12 .112 .135 .1C0 . 4S 121 . 3114 . W . r , 17 77H Amor. S. II 13)i do pfd. 40 Amer. H. & W.. do pfd Amer. Tin Plate, do pfd Am. Tobacco .... do pfd Anaconda M. Co, Rrk. Rnti. Tr lSlli 10 39 tt ,110 n . 60 , 76U . M'i , 37 91 . GOJs 7fi HO 51; 102 22 72 'ii SS 92 iO D3 .17'.6 9-14 Id' 18 50 86 -.f.7 43 100 6314 N 19'J . UG 75 1514 70 XA 93 Wli Ifi'i 0414 C3 125 107 Colo. F. & 1 2101i Con. Tobacco ... h'it do 'pfd 1HH Federal Stuel .... 17314 do pfd 131i Gen. Electric .... 01 .Glucose Sugar .. 100 do pfd 5914 Int'n'l Paper .... !0 do Dfd 11 Lacleilo Gas 37U National Ulscult, 144 do pfd 140 National Lend ., 41 do pfd 81'i National Steel ., 7."7i do pfd f.1 N. Y. Air Drake., ?51i No. American .., 42 .l'uclllc Coast .... 76 do 1st pfd 143 I do, 2d pfd 19 Paclflo Mall CI People's Gas 3d Pressed 8. C t'" do pfd 91 Pullman P. C..., 17 Stand. R. &. T..., 73 Sugar 45 do pfd 14, Tenn. C. & 1 3.1 U. S. Leather..., 12914 do pfd 175 U. S. Rubber 121 do pfil 41 Western Union,, 1414 Republic 1. & S.. C3 do pfd 19 IP. C. C. & St. L, New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. MONBY-On call, steady at 3il per cent: last loan at 3 per cent; prlmo mercantllo paper, 4?j4 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE-FIrm, with nc tun I business In bankers' bills at J4.K4 for demand mil ut $4.81 for sixty dns: posted rates, $1.82 nnd 31.S314; commercial blllH, J4.MV4fif"4.80. BHA'EU-Certlllcntcs, Gly4JC3!4c; bar, C3T4c; Mexican dollars, 60o. HONDS Government, strong; state, In active; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today aro as follows: U. 8. rof. 2s, reg, do coupon do 2m, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. do coupon do old 4s. reg. do coupon do 5s. reg 104'4 104, a 1)7 . WIS 137 14 13714 UoVa U5V3 IU), IN. Y. C. Is 1084 N. J. C. g. BK....12UV4 ;No. Puclllo 33.... 71 iln l.i IftllT N Y C & S L 4s.,IM14 hi. x w. con, 4s. :i9f Ore. Nuv. Is pr.i do 4s . ini O. S. L. Cs.,.1 127 do con. 63 115 Rending gen. 4s.. S9 R, G. W. Is 100 8 I, A I M c, Ds..112U S L & S F g. 63.. 127 fat. Paul cons t"ii St. P.. C. p. ls.us'i, do 6h linv, So. Paclllc 4s Mi: do coupon D, of C. 3 63s.... Atch. gen. 4s.... do adj. Is Can. So. 2s C. & O, 414s do 6s C. & N. W. c. 7s. do S. F. deb. 5s, Chicago Ter, 4s.. Colo, So, 4s 1). & R. G. 4s.... Erie gen. 4s F. W. & D. C. Is, Gen. Electric 5s.. Ia. Central Is..., L. & N. mil. 4s., M.. K. & T. 2s... do 4s 112 1241i 101S KM4 10114 US 1 10 93 84 100 so. Hallway 5h...hlU S. 11. ,t- V. fla .-I if T. & Pacific 1H...11G rli. "ft 1 . 71 , 76 lUnlon Pacific' Vs'.'.lOfili 143J4 HUllBU is llliVi do 2s io7j West Shoni 4s... 11 1 Wis. Central 4s. S7U , 7014 aril Va. Centuries ... 92 Offered. Neir York MIiiIiik Stocks. NEW YOnK. Nov. 22.-Tho following nro the closing quotations for mining snares today: Chollar A. 8 Crown Point 7 Con. Cat. & VU..115 Deadwood 67 Gouid & Currio.,100 Hale & Norcross. 20 Homestoko 0000 Iron Silver 71 Mexican 22 Ontario (TO Ophlr ... 73 .. 10 ,. ir ..700 XI ...290 .. 12 ,.. 20 ..10 Plymouth ...iicKHllver ... In pfil Sierra Nnvnda Standard union con Yellow Jacket Brunswick .... Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22,-Today's state- of the treasury balances In th gen fund, exclusive of the 1160.000,000 gold era! fund reserv uliin.-s. eservo in tho division of redemption, hows: Available cash balance, J133,936,481; :old. 192.414.2f,!). gold, 192,414,259, Ilnstnn Stooks and Itnads, ROSTON, Nov. Z2.-Call loans. 3i?4 per cent; time loans, 4H5 per cent. Official prices: A., T. & a. F.... 39 do pfd F3'd Amer. Sugar ,...133t do pfd 116 Am. Telephone ..169 Huston & Al 2I9V4 Hostoti Elevated.157 lloston & Mo 193 C. II. & Q 13714 Dominion Coal,,. 11 do pfd lit Federal Steel ... 50 do pfd 1r. Fltchburg pfd ...13S Gen. Electric ....10914 do pfd 143 Ed. Elec. HI ?15 Mox. Centrnl .... l."V4 Mich. Telephone, 85 N. E. O. & C 13 Old Colony 202 Old Dominion .... 30 Rubber si Union Paclflo .... 72 Union Land 3 West End , 92 West. Electric .. R2 Atchison 4s 100- N. E. G. & C. 6s.. CS(i Adventure fi Allouez Mln. Co. 2'4 Amal. Copper ... 9SU Atlantic 27 RoBton & Mont. .320 illulto & Hoston.. 9) Oil. & Hccla 830 Centennial 19 Franklin 15 Humboldt 25 Osceola 7:4 Parrot 50 oiilnoy lw Santa Fe Copper. 72 .Tamarack 2S9 Utnh Alining .... 33 Winona 4 Wolverines 4514 London Stock Itaotntlona. LONDON, Nov. 22.-4 p. m.-Clolng: Cons., monoy do nect.... 01 7-10 Erio 14U PS 9-161 do 1st pfd 4U4 Atclilson 41'Pennsy Canadian Pac... S0T4 Readln St. Paul 131lJ.No. Pa Pennsylvania .... 73 R 10 aclflo Dfd... ECU iiiuiuis i.;cnirai...lZ9V4 I.oulsvillti 81 irand 'I'runK .... f:K, Anaconda in Rand Mines ...... 4014 U. P. pfd.. .. SIV4 ..14IU N. Y. Central RAR SILVER-Steady nt 29 9-16d per ounce. MONEY-314 per cent. Tho rate of dls count In tho open market for short bills Is 33J4 per cent; thrco months' bills, 3T4W 3 15-16 per cent. I'orelK" Flnnnclnl. LONDON, Nov. 22.-Money Is In pood de mand and Is growing scarco and tho Rank of England bus urranged to further reduco tho flouting supjily closely. Discounts uro Bympalhetically firm and It Is considered they havo been ns low ns they nro likely to bu before Christmas. On tho Stock ex cnango today most of the departments wuro easier, partly in sympathy with tho reac tion, and partly to tho revival of nervous ness In regard to money. Homo rails opened quiet, being influenced by tho poor trafllo returns, but subsequently hardened. American securities, following Wall street, reacted to below pnrlty, wero afterward better and cbscd firm. Tho public is grad tially becoming Interested In purchases nnd thcro Is a prospect of n further rlso. Mil waukee wero exceptionally llrm. Kafllrs wero dull In splto of tha rumor that tho governmont would so nrrnngo taxation that It would not ho felt by the mining industry for tho next three years. Tho weekly state ment of tho Hank of England shows tho following changes: Totnl reserve, lncroaso, 236,000; circulation, decrease, 303.000? bul lion, decrease, 64,159; other securities, in crease. 201,000: other deposits, decrease, 2.511.000: nubile dcnoslts. Incrense. JM.41S.. 000; notes reserve, Increase, 178,ltiO: gov ernment, sccuruics, decrease, ii.&w.v.v. uno proportion of the Rank of England's re serve to liability Is 45.31 per crnt. List week It was 43.5 per cent. Rate of dis count unchanged nt 4 per cent. Gold pre mium quoted nt Ruenos Ayrcs, 133.30. PARIS, Nov. 22. Huslness on tho bourse todny wns hesitating, but with a more Ja vorablo disposition. Internationals wero quiet except Spanish 4s. Rio tlntos wero In good demand. Toward tho closo there wore lnrgo repurchases by option sellers of Industrials and banks, especially Credit Lyonnls and Hnnquo do Pnrls, which Im proved considerably and closed firm. Kaf firs wero In reouest for London neeoiint. Thrco per cent rentes. lOOfCOc for tho ac count. Kxclinngo on Loudon, 25r livjc for checks. Tho weekly statement of the Hank of Franco shows tho following changes: Notes In circulation, decrease, 61,250,000f; treasury accounts current. Increase. G.C75.- OOOf; gold In hand, Increass, 6.525,000f; bills ,1Iua.k,..i...1 .... . .. ... nor jw. -, 1 ... uiaiuuiiii;u. ucil curse, lj,j,wjlj BllYe.r in hand. Increase.. 3,C3O,O00f. HEREIN, Nov. 22. Northern Pacifies wero well In sympathy with New York on tho bourse today and Canadian Pacifies woro maintained. Homo funds wero harder. upanisn 4s improved considerably on the report that tho Spanish minister of finance would Intervene to maintain tho integrity of theso securities. Hanks were weak on un favorable dividend anticipations, with tho exception of DeUtscho bank. Mines were wenk and TrarVsvaal rails declined on the decision of tjie hoard to defer "tho payment of a dividend;" Exchongo on London, 20m 4414pfgs for chroks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3 per cent; three-months' bills, 4 per cent. Ilnnk Clearings. CHICAGO, Nov. 22,-Clearlngs; J25.264.1S1: balances. J2,020,20l; posted exchnnge, J4.82 4.8514; New York exchange, 60 discount. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22. Clearings, $6,362,797; balances. $606,514; money, 414G6 per cent; New Y'ork exchango, 20c premium bid, 30c premium asked, NEW YORK. Nov. 22.-CIenrinRS, $2C9, 480,601: balances, $10,931,130. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23.-Clearlngs. $18,310,023; balances, $2,073,233; money, 4 per cent, HALTIMORE. Nov. 22.-Clcarlngs, $3,627, 745; balances. J495.3S5. CINCINNATI, Nov, 22.-Clearlngs. $2.MR, 60 New Y'ork exchange, par; money, 314U6 per cent. HOSTON. Nov. 22.-ClcarIngs. $24,584,540; balances, $1,514,010. 1 Cotton Market. NEW YORIC. Nov. 22.-COTTON Early Influences on tho Cotton exchango wero bullish and led to a decided rlso in values; later a pronounced reaction occurred un der conflicting rumors nnd a scramble to unlcud early purchases by timid holders. Tho market started firm und &812 points higher on energetlo bull speculation and a scaro of room shortu based on much hotter English cables and a lighter forward move ment of tho crop than predicted. Claims of higher spot prices in tho south helped to undermlno tho position of shorts and brought In buying from tho outside. At tho bent level of tho morning prices wero 1101 points net abovo last night's close. Hut soon ufter midday the markot becamo weak and Irregular under hurried sales of largo blocks of long cotton and pounding by room bears. Not only was tho forenoon Improvement wlied out, but n slight net loss was scorod before tho selling move ment displayed slgnB of positive abate ment. Tho bears mado tho most of rumors that tho czar was dead. So fur as southern estimates for tomorrow's receipts wero concerned, tho bulls had tho udvnntage. Trndlng wns spasmodically active and prices showed erratic courses toward the . .. . . I 1. ... ,..!. ...1,1, n.nAa 1 Clone, wiuuu nun nt-v, i',i.t--7 4 point lower to 3 points higher net. Spot closed quiet: middling uplands. 10o: mldv tiling gull, lUiiiOj Hairs, uou imius, r mures closed steady; November, I0.03c: December. 9.S3c; January. 9.8lc; February, 9.80c; Mnreh. 0.77n: Anrll. 9.70c: May. 9.7lc: June. 9.72c; July, 9.7lc; August, 9.65c; September, S.80e,.. NEW OKiiKAKM, . inov. ij, i i un steady; sales. 3.150 ba es; ordinary, 8c; good ordinary. 8c: low middling, 9Uc; middling. 9T(.c: good middling, lOlio mid dling fair. I0 7-I0o: receipts, 13,!HC Dales; stock. 293.551 bales. Futures steady; No vember. 9.75c bid; December, 9.7059.71c; January. 9.70139.71c: February. 9..0i89.,2c; March. 9.70fi9.71c: April. 9.70fip.72c: May, o.70J9,71c: .Tune. .7Wi9.7ic: Juiy. wnu.ae. 1-lOc higher; middling, -16c: receipts, C.109 bales; shipments, 6.8C2 bales; stock, 69X9? bales. ... LIVERPOOL. .nv. i-u 1 1 y.i di, fair demand; prices steady: American mid ullng. f.7d; sales, 10.000 bales, of which 600 wero for simulation nnd export and In cluded 9.500 American: receipts, 16,000 bales all American. Futures opened quiet nnd closed steady; American. 1. m. c, Novem ber, 6 31-fild. sellers; November rind Decem ber B SO-filfff-31-Old. buyers; December and January, 5 28-Cld, sellers; January and Feb runrv. 5 26-Cld, buyers; February and Mure 1. 5 24-iilil, iiuyem, -"" 5 -A-M 23.6ld, buvers; April and Slny. 5 21-Cld. buyers; May una J n, ""'Jit r,20.f!4d sellers: .Uno and J ly. 617.6 r iR.Rlil sellers: July and August. 5 15-Gt Jp Btfilfild: sellers; August und September, 6flG7-C4d, sellers. Oil Market. ... n. ...... on ntr Crpfiit linl. nnce'v IL05; CwVinltjo WJ.S "v.?P. a. l,.Ulfl' n, r.Rnttonseed. HiZia v: prlmo crude.; l'r'"u?0.ye 33c. Petroleum, sternly. Rosin, quiot. Tur- l:' 'P-v ' S"v' -nir-Turnentlne snlrlts. ensj" at 30s" 3d; Unseed, firm, ut 1 nVnfiV Nov ii:. Ul in Livu 1 iu- seed snot C9s. L nseed oil. 31s Od. , Turnon Uno Hdrlts. SOs 3.1. lfostn. Amorlcan strained, 6s 7l4d. llvnniirnleil nml Dried Frnlls. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. EVAPORATED APPLES-Trndlng was of n lwid-to-mouth character In thu market and the undeTtotio was no better than steady nt nominally unchanged prices: stnto. mm ja-; prime, tTiffSUc! choice, BliQCc; fancy, Wf California dried FnuiTS-ouirt and steady. Prunes wro quoted nt from 314o to 84c per oound, ns to size and qual ity. Apricots. Royal. ll14e: Moor Park, 15fi'lCc. Peaches, peeled, IMJiOc; unpeoled, Oijflc, Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, Nov, 22, WOOL Steadv: me. ilium grades. 14fi21c: light fine. 14f?17c; heavv line. UffilSc; tub washed, 1822914c. men OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET BtcelpU of 0ttle Hot i HeTy m TcUr itj ind Little Ohuge in Frioet, HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE LOWER TODAY Quality of Sheep and Lambs Offered Rather Poor, but Market Steady on Fnt Stuff and Feeder Wethers Steady to StroiiK, BOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 22 Receipts were: Cntlle. Hoes. Sheen. " ':J;on(1av 5,100 4,295 4,530 "lc aJ Tueslay 4,363 12.160 7.012 P.G10 a iyedncFday B,w3 9,970 6,35i) uiuciui rnursuay 1.S29 10,102 6.179 I-oiir days this week. ...16,294 36,527 23,371 gmiio days lust week....lS,253 25,C 22,310 Sumo week before r,25? 17,066 15,926 Sumo threo weeks ugo... 16,309 2),819 tSMi oiiioq iour weeks ago... 16,674 1S.S04 33,039 "'"mo iJnco paiu ior nogs lor me loai several dnvn win, nnMn..i.nn.i I ...... Ulll jJ.kl I.UHD , 11900. 1S99.1S9S.1897.189.1S95. 1S94 Nov. Nvo. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1... 4 617; 4 01 3 E3 3 29 3 42 4 44 4 04 3 45 3 41 3 27 3 4 4 4 43 4 04 3 4 7 3 4 3 3 30 4 39 4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 33 3 62 3 41 3 21 3 33 4 41 4 01 3 40 S 17 3 36 4 60 4 02 .1 65 3 23 3 45 4 66 4 03 3 52 3 54 3 45 4 42 4 06 3 45 3 41 3 28 3 39 4 29 4 03 3 47 3 31 3 27 4 41 4 02 3 43 3 32 3 17 3 39 3 41 3 33 3 22 3 45 4 43 3 94 3 34 3 23 3 44 4 64 3 92 3 41 3 25 3 45 4 34 3 90 3 33 3 27 3 40 4 37 3 81 3 35 3 31 3 18 I 45 4 45 3 87 3 36 3 32 3 11 4 48 3 86 3 S3 3 32 3 II S 41 3 29 3 34 3 16 3 39 4 61 3 88 3 34 3 13 3 42 4 65 3 89 3 31 3 15 3 42 4 S7 3 86 337329 3 38 4 41 Z. 8. 1 BU 4 66 4... 5, 6 7... JJ 2! 8... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13,. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 73;fc A St; 4 78JJ 4 70 Tl, Anlini . - i i.:1. iiuinoer or cars or brought In today by each loud was: stock iiiuivuics ounuay. r M at 1. n "ogs. Sh' 1 0 ii Mo. Pacific Ry 7 c. n. wi ,?.:: i Y,' " 23 9 40 1 10 23 18 9 1 1 C., St. P..M. & O. 'Uy. 'l i. nc iu it. 11. it 13 C, H. & Q. Ry 5 C. II. T. I .n.f C., R. I, & P.. west'.'. 1 Illinois Central Total recclnts ss 169 Thft dlftnnwtHnn tf , 1. , . AM TnllAtva anli t.,,.AH . . . 1 , . . ber of head Indicated: Ci Omaha Packing Co O. H. Hammond Co Swift und Company Cudnhv PneWlnir nn. t ttle. Hogs. Sheep. 63 l,uS7 15 69 1,073 ISO 263 2,012 253 033 3,350 591 306 2.999 CO 223 112 70 310 25 08 101 2 41 10 48 61 31 23 600 !!!! s'isi Armour & Co Armour & Co., 8. C... R. Tleelrr Xr n'in Vansant A; Ho J. L. Carey Lobman & Co , McCreary & Clark W. I. Stephen 1 111 X, Unnl.lni. Livingstone & Schaller. Hamilton Sc Rothschild. L. F. Husz H. Is. Dennis & Co R. F. Hobblck A. S. Mawhlnney Other buyers Totals 2,732 11,246 4,239 CATTLE Tha suddIv or cattle today was considerably smaller than it has been for tne last several nays, rno market, how ever, was not particularly active, buyers apparently being rather Indifferent. Tho supply has been liberal all the week, nnd besides that Chicago cams weak to a dims lower, which had a tendency to mako buy ers rather bearish. Thcro were only about five or six cars of cornfed steers on sals today, and whllo tho market was rather uneven, tho better grades were bought up at i:ot far from steady prices. The common kinds wero dull and weak, and sellers found it dlfllcult to get buyers to bid on them. Tho cow market did not show much change from yesterday. There wero about twenty cara on sale and buyers picked them up at closo to steady prices. It was not an active market, however, and It was somo time before tho pens were Anally clearcu The medium kinds and canners woro tho hardest to move, and In some cases they oerhans sold a shade easier. Tho feeder market was rather dull this morning, ns yard traders still havo con siderable cattle on hand. The lowor prices aro attracting buyers from tho country, but still tho demand Is by no means heavy. The cattlo offered today changed hands at rignt arouna sienuy prices wim yesiernay tr ihnv were at all aood. but the common kinds and light stock cattle wero almost imposslblo to move at any price. No ono wants them, and consequently tlioy are a drug on tno maritet. chock cows and heif ers, and also stock bulls, brought about yesterdays prices, ii mey were at an at' nlra Mn. Thero wero hardly enough western rrass beef cattlo on snlo to make a test of tho market, but it is saio to can tnom steady Urass cows, und also western feeders, sold without material change from yesterday's orices. iicpreaemiMiTo ui"t; No, 1.. il- Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ,.. 900 3 75 46 965 4 40 ... 970 3 75 22 1124 4 85 ,..1170 4 25 23 1293 6 05 8TEEHB AND HEIFERS. 18... 10... 14... 938 4 15 4 60 3 70 23. 30. 917 .1012 .1043 .1102 COWS. ...1010 ... 800 ... 810 ... C50 ... 912 ...1000 ... 910 ... 970 ...1060 ... 885 ... 910 ... 900 ... 996 ... 934 ... 990 ... 980 ... 842 ... 993 ... 920 ... 990 ... 980 ...1150 ... 915 ...IOCS ... 800 1 75 .... 815 ....1280 .... 902 ....1000 ....1330 ....1140 ....1176 ....1003 2 SO 2 S3 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 05 3 10 1 75 2 10 2 15 2 15 o 05 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 35 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 E0 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 00 2 63 2 03 2 70 2 70 2 70 1... 9... 1... 1... 2... 3... 3... s'.Y. 1... 2... 1... 8... 14.., 10... 4... 1... 7... 2 IS""" 33 7 8ir 946 952 3 10 .1098 '3 15 3. .1030 3 16 4... 5... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 9... 1... 3... 6... 5... 1... 10... 12... 1... .1060 3 25 11M 1020 1090 1180 1110 1010 1035 1090 1070 103 1120 1174 1.160 871 1100 980 3 25 3 25 3 26 .1 23 3 35 3 33 3 '13 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 30 3 65 3 CO 3 60 3 C5 3 75 3 2 1 B. 2 B 4 1 1 1 1 9 2 1 8 19 ... 952 2 ... 742 2 ...hot 2 ... 950 2 ... 990 2 ...1100 2 COWS ,.. 876 3 75 AND HEIFERS. 26 27 814 3 40 3 f5 3 70 3 73 5 00 3 00 3 25 3 25 3 ?5 3 25 3 30 3 40 2 40 3 60 3 60 6 CO 5 50 fi 50 C (10 0 00 HEIFERS. 2 W 3 1143 3 00 4 815 3 10 8 953 3 45 1 1440 545 720 913 839 HULLS. 1.... 1 ....1330 ....1300 ....1000 ....1360 ....1445 ....1170 2 25 1 .1100 .1C60 .1100 .1110 .1090 .1300 .1110 ,1310 .1360 .1450 2 25 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 76 2 75 2 80 2 85 2 90 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ALVE3. 'I.... 1.... o 1... 1 1320 1 1120 1 1 5 4 1 4 .1600 .1380 . 342 . 322 . 480 . 357 . 260 3 no 1 4 00 2 4 26 3 4 40 1 4 75 1 STAOS. 2 10 130 163 210 210 186 820 STOCK COWS AND 3,... 8.... 2..'.. HEIFERS. 493 3 00 4S0 2 W L... 5.... 5"" 1.... 950 930 333 980 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 rs 2 75 708 740 600 C40 751 :a 1015 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 IS 3 20 3 40 3 10 3 90 5.. ') 4.'.' 27.. 720 C33 600 490 600 1000 . 1 1 76 1 3 1 1 1 14 1 1 : iu 2 90 2 1)0 iftu 1 590 6 6S3 CALVES. 1 240 STOCK .... 496 3 25 1(50 3 25 3 60 BTOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 830 5 1. 780 3 33 650 C75 CM 7C0 715 2 75 4 73 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 20 3 35 0 33..., 12...J 10 5 28 20 24 916 C46 CM 720 COB 707 892 739 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 CO 3 CO 3 70 4.. 787 10 COO , 1 860 (i uza INDIAN TERRITORY. 60 Tex fdrs 464 3 83 51 Tex fdrs 542 3 25 M. H. Patmore-Neb. 2 rows 790 2 40 1 bull 730 2 90 1 feeder... 770 2 75 1 feeder... 1020 3 25 1 feeder... 850 3 00 39 feeders.. 891 3 80 3 culves... 333 4 40 1 calf 430 3 75 I cow 930 2 40 NERRASKA. 5 feeders.. 812 3 00 1 cow 1170 12 75 23 feeders.. 783 3 60 1 cow 980 3 00 II cow S89 2 30 12 Bteer 1168 3 SO 3 00 2 33 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 60 10 feeders.. 753 4 feeders., MO 1 calf S40 1 heifer.... 460 4 cows...., 972 2 steers.,,. 975 3 40 3 C) 4 O) 3 M 2 2.) " 23 3 ) 2 S3 1 cows 1252 3 00 3 rows 973 IV ir. Idntrhnftrfnhn. M feeders.. o S 65 6 feeders.. 818 1 feeder... 9S0 3 SO 17 steers.... 811 1 steers.... 915 J. 1 feeder.. .1000 6j cows f03 1 i'ow 7G0 2 feeders.. 715 3 35 P. Klug-Colo. 3 50 1 feeder. 2 30 1 cow.,.. 2 30 133 COWS.., 830 750 9SS 3 00 2 30 3 00 3 6. II. E. Johnson-Neb. ell ree,Vr. . ir' 3 Go 4 feeders 966 3 60 3 60 3 23 3 60 3 23 4 00 3 25 1 feeder... 1090 2 feeders., K2 , 3 00 , 11 feeders., 925 3 00 3 fedors..l096 C. Clark-Colo. 3 23 21 feeders.. 910 .1 r.i 1 fircler... 730 o leeoers 2 foeders SID 760 V. A. Hltnninn Idaho. 21 cows.. 2 cows. . 1 bull... .. 9VS 3 60 32 feeders.. 922 ..1083 3 00 3 feeders.. 845 ..143) 2 75 , . c. w . Lennon-coio. 33 feeders,. 75 4 0" T I Ar.l1Vh. 19 feeders.. 1027 3 1 feeder... 9 S 25 1 feeder'...' 770 3 S3 NEURASKA. 28 cows... 717 3 05 23 iccaern 790 3 V4 1 lielrer. ... cc) 1 no HOOS Thern who nnother rood, liberal run of hogs hero today, tho supply so far tills week being considerably In excess of tne arrivals for severnl weeks past. Chicago this morning came weak to 5c lower, which hud a depressing effect upon values here, and that, together with tho liberal sup ply, gnve buyers a chance to get their hogs a little lower Tho market opened nbout 214c lower than yesterday's general mar ket, or not much different from tho early market yesterday. Tho bulk of tho sales went ut J4.75, with n few nt 11.7714 and nn occnslonnl load at 14.80. Huyers thought they wero paying too much for their hogs and sellers were Inclined to hold for a stronger close, so tho hogs did not change hntids ns rapidly us they did yesterday and the day before, Parkers had to have tho hogs, however, nnd the last end of the market was n llttlo stronger. The last sales wero largely at 14.7714. with a fow at 14.80 and the less desirable loads went nt 51.75. Everything wnB sold In gcod season. Lnto In the forenoon several loads ar rived and they did not sell hardly as well is at, tho high time. Tho bulk of them brought 11.76. or about what they would havo sold for on tho opening market. Representative sales: No, Av. Sh. Pr. ca 64. 67.. CO.. ro.. IS:: 43.. 60.. 75.. CO,. 62.. 67.. 62.. 64. ......325 65 350 80 89 112 139 93... ...166 79 181 SHEEP' made up largely of feeders. What little fat stuff was offered sold readily at Dractlcally steady prices as comnarcd with yesterday. The quality of the offerings to day was not up to the usual standard and consequently the sales do not show up as well as they did yesterday. There wero verv few lambs here and nothing; to com. para In quality with the $5.15 sals of yester day. Considering quality, however, every- tning soia aooui sieaay. uooa reeacr wctners were in rooa aemand today at steady to stronaer nrlccs and sellers had no difficulty In disposing of nny- iniug cnuicu. 1 110 uuinmuii niiiua, nowever. wore rather neglected. Ewes and feeder lambs were also slow sale. Quotations: Cholco fed wethers, !3.S5Q 4.00; fair to good fed wethers, 13.fi5Si3.85; cnoics gross wemers, w.aaffi.w; rair to ood grass wetners, j.tiJj.J.s; cnolce ewes, J.25G3.50: fair to' good ewes, .003.25; choice spring Jnmbs. 14.9005.15; fair to good soring lambs. 14. 05514.90; feeder ewes. 12.26'if 3.00; feeder wethcrB, 13.5003 75; feeder latnos. S4.00f4.49. Jtopreseniative sales; JMO. JV. IT. 53 NelirasKa ewes w vs 26 1 Nebraska buck 140 3 25 60 Iowa fed owes 12S 3 75 1157 Wyoming feeding wethers.. 82 3 85 14 Nebraska reu wetners 4 uo 7 Nebraska lambs 67 4 50 30 Iowa fed lambs 73 4 83 128 native fed lambs 63 4 50 1j buck native lamos id -m 2 Wyoming feeder ewes 85 2 60 1(1 Wvnmlner feeder wethers .... 70 3 85 129 feci wethors 99 3 83 130 fed wethers 95 S S3 , 106 Nebraska fed lambs 71 4 80 375 feeder lambs 49 4 00 CHICAGO 1,1 V 12 STOCIC MARKET. Hons Steady o Five Cents Lower Sheep and Lambs Finn nnd Autlve. 1 wi 4 ,lr XT..., o. rt , ,n,t I.- i ...... 15,500 head; best stcors steady to slow, oth ers lOo to 15o lower; butchers' stock, me dium steady, others weuk to lOo lower; canners strong und active; natives, best on salo todny, six carloads ut 15.63; good to prlmo steors, $5,264(6.75; poor to medium, 14.2306.15: seleotod feeders, slow at 13.75JJ' 4.25; mixed stockers, weak at 52.23W3.6i; cows. 12.taaH.35; noircrs, j:7&'i(4.,ti canners, llOOiW.IS; bulls, strong at !2.50i?4.40: calves, steady ut $4.00t5.75; Texas fed steers, It.OOff 4.85; Texas grass steers, 13.2534.10; Texas bulls, :.burJ.. HOGS Recolpts today. 40,000 head; to morrow. 28.000 head, estimated; left over, 6,000 head; steady to 6a lower; top, 11,95; mixed anu nuieners, ji.wuii.jj; ki i" cholco, heavy, J4.70tf-4.92V4; rough heavy, 14.55W4.65: light. 1I.C0&I.8714: bulk of sales, sfHiEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 11,000 head: firm nnd nctlvo; good to cholco weth ers. S4.00M4.3U; inir 10 cnoico muni, ..w 4,00; western sheep, $1.0014.25; .Texas sheep, $2.50ff3.65; native Inmbs, $l.4(flu.40; western lambs, $4.85U5.25. St. I.ouls Lire Stork'. ST. LOUIS, Nov, 22. CATTLE Receipts, i.nn.i innln. liner 1 fMiO TnvntiM! mnrkot Mtnnrlv! native sh mi ng and export steers, $l,ft)!f(G.45: dressed beef and butcher steers. H.IJyau.lo; steers unuer i,mw iu., o.-)ici.wi StOCKera nnil leeuern, i..W'jil.lu, i:irn mm helfern, !2.00r4.75; cunners, $1.2 iff 2, (5; culiii E2.li)ul3.li; ICXIIH MIH1 1I1I1IU1I nit-tip, It.vsw 1.75; cows und heifers. $2.40ffl.23. HOCiS Recelnts. 8.7u0 head; market 5c lower: pigs and lights, J4.75fo4.S5; nuieners, SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 800 head; market nctivo and sternly; native muttons $3.754.00; lambs. $4.60ft6.op: culls and bucks, !,7644.w; siocKerw, Stock In Slitht. -Pnllnu'lnor r.r he recelnts nt tho four principal western markets November 22; South Omaha 1.829 l'UTO Chicago 15.600 40.000 Kansas City 8. M0 12.500 St. Louis 3.2W 8.70) 11.479 11,0)0 40 80 Totals 28,729 71,302 21,679 ir York I.lvc SI or I.-, WEW YfirtK. Nov. 2! IlEHVE8-Ro- celms. 990 head: dull: five cars rough stuff sold at baraly steudy prices. Cables steaoy. Culves, receipts, 6C0 head; veais, nuiei iiui steady; grassers slow; veals, $l.00to7.00. 2 cows 850 1 cow 900 1 cow 900 1 bull 770 18 feeders.. 722 17 feeders., loyo ISO. AV. Sh. IT, li 1UU ... 4 tO GO 2(S KO 1 75 19 i'J ... 4 60 til 181 40 4 75 33 97 ... 4 60 49. 21S ... 4 75 31...... 81 ... 4 60 61 20) 120 4 75 34 101 ... 4 63 65 219 120 4 75 33 103 ... 4 GO 36 322 ... 4 75 42 2tJ ... 4 72V4 25 29S ... 4 75 53 161 40 4 05 63 279 240 4 75 39 110 ... 4 65 56, 3J5 220 4 75 43 293 40 4 7214 4S 353 120 4 75 60 241 ..t 4 75 49 286 120 4 75 151 189 ... 4 75 59 297 ... 4 75 15 226 ... 4 75 63 3i 80 4 75 68 288 80 4 75 111 ISO M) 4 73 US 315 120 4 75 71 213 80 4 75 68 293 ... 4 73 79 246 80 4 75 63 284 80 4 75 A 257 ... 4 75 47 270 2U0 4 75 87 203 80 4 76 65 309 ... 4 73 74 292 1C0 4 7714 4S 312 120 4 73 62 295 80 4 7714 77 276 80 4 75 71 236 ... 4 7714 62 305 220 4 75 85 224 160 4 771a 68 317 160 4 75 102 19S 120 4 77$ 62 253 220 4 75 74 257 80 4 77 , 49 328 200 4 75 54 332 ... 4 77-4 67 301 80 4 75 63 306 SO 4 7714 80 293 160 4 75 05 242 80 4 774 60 259 200 4 75 ts 264 80 4 7714 71 200 ... 4 75 66 221 120 4 : 7Vi 49 263 10) 4 76 57 2C3 ICO 4 7714 62 271 SO 4 75 76 224 40 4 7714 60 222 ... 4 75 60 262 ... 4 77W 46 267 40 4 75 05 274 40 4 7714 79 248 80 4 73 CI 276 ... 4 7714 67.. ..,.275 SO 4 75 71 267 80 4 77H 65 334 40 4 75 75 242 SO 4 774 38 369 ... 4 75 63 302 ... 4 77(4 84 168 ... 4 75 64 296 40 4 77(5 66 311 80 4 75 CI 308 ... 4 1'K 43 239 ... 4 75 45 274 ... 4 7714 60 S34 120 4 75 71..,. ..229 120 4 77,4 62 322 80 4 75 C1......244 SO 4 771 84 216 " 4 73 66 294 80 4 77 64 275 160 4 75 SU......262 80 4 -71J. 4 312 40 4 73 56 237 ... 4 77fJ C9 318 ... 4 75 87 212 80 4 774 52 263 ... 4 75 95 334 80 4 774 IP 231 164 4 IB 65 296 80 4 77U C2 280 200 4 75 64 273 ... 4 77,4. 62 272 126 4 75 79 253 ... 4 77V4 67 368 80 4 75 65 23.) 160 4 774 CS 282 80 4 75 92 160 ... 4 77,4 37 327 ... 4 75 64 .".05 80 4 77',. 45 308 160 4 75 60 228 ... 4 K 70 S04 80 4 75 32 207 ... 4 77(4 62......1S4 160 4 75 74 2S3 40 4 774 72 239 ... 4 75 60 276 120 4 774 67 273 80 4 75 85 232 40 4 7714 78 242 80 4 75 C5 269 120 4 774 51 271 40 4 75 52 297 ... 4 77U ...836 160 . 4 75 72 278 160 4 771: ..,31Z ... 4 75 63 283 80 4 77 ...339 200 4 73 7S 225 1C0 4 7714 ...325 80 4 75 69 240 40 4 77U ...284 80 4 75 61 225 200 4 77k ...248 ... 4 75 68 2S7 160 4 77U ...353 SO 4 75 64..320 220 4 7714 ...322 120 4 73 CS 245 40 4 7714 ...249 ... 4 75 66 311 120 4 77l4 ...302 1 60 4 75 62 327 ... 4 7714 ...22S 160 4 75 05 297 ... 4 RO ,..304 ... 4 73 80 239 40 4 80 ...Til ... 4 73 97 201 80 4 0 oil A Ir. r9 or.i . en ... 4 73 72 251 ... 4 fO ... 4 75 C6 KS ... I tO ... 4 60 107 175 ... 4 (0 ... 4 65 90 189 240 4 SO ... 4 70 69 234 80 4 SO 200 4 70 The supply of sheeo today was grussers, $2.23fl2.50; fed and mixed calves, $2,761(3.60. L SHEEP AND LAMUS-Hecelpln 3,013 head; dull nnd wenk; llttlo llrmer for choice Inmbs, others slow; sheep, $2.0o1f 3.75; culls, $1.60; Inmbs. H.dOtri.w); good to choice Canada lambs, $4.7&Uv.12'4i one cur extiu, $5,25. HOdS-Recclpts, 4,011 head; nominally steudy. Kiinnns City l.lve Storh. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 22,-CATTLE-Ro-ff'I'ts. ,.o natives. 1.SU0 TVxnns, 330 calves: the light supply strengthened values n:id desliuble killers sold freely at firm prlcts; n. few trashy kinds n shaJe lower; st el. ers nnd rcolM ranged from stcndy fur good to n sliudo lower for tommon; nntlvo ?,C,C,.,4 5WIS-2S; stockers nnd ficilrr. J, 25 ff4.3; butcher cows nnd helfer., JXpyifl 5; cntiiiers, $2 cni3 00; fed weslenu, $.t.S.V5.W; v!l!,',.,,I. exatis, $,l.r,itff).w: grass Tcxuiis, 3i(?,i',?J0:,.li,1V('!'. M.WC6.W. HOtlS-Ilecilpts. 12,500 held: opened vr.v to 60 lower; gained strength und closed Mostly (it llrm prices; li.-uvy. $4.flil95; ti'SS'i '-s,K'.90, light. $i.7lyi.95; pigs, ll.WW i.e. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Itooelpt. 4X) head; supply too light to tost market;, tho fev offered sold steady . lambs, $(.SMi6.25; tnut tons. $3.S0r, 1.2); stockers nnd feeders, $3.2j ll.00; culls, $2.7541.1.2.). Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 2'.-COFKEE-Spot. Rip, steady; mild, mnrket quiet. Tho mar ket opened steady, with prices unchanged to B points lower ami for a tlmo ruled barely steady, with liquidation prominent, following bearish ndvlci-s from foreign rof feo markets, heavy port nnd Interior Urn zlllnn receipts, slack spot demand and un friendly domestic statistics, Later thero was a not gain recorded, duo to covering nnd light new buying, bused upon n final rlso of Ijo In tho French mnrket. Specula tion wns considerably more nctlvo than of late. At the closo tho mnrket nuatn turned easy under fresh realizing nml wns barely steady, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Total sales wero 41,600 bugs. Including: De cember. C.2Wtfi.30e: Jnnunry, C.30c; Febru ary. C.33c: March. (!.4.Vrifl..V)e! May. CMta! July, H.C34(6.70e: August, 6.70c; September, 6.701ifl.76c; October, C.75'ii0.S0c. Cotton Coniln .Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Nov. I? tinv nnnriH Tho demand for cotton goods todny has ueuu 1 uuy ui nvernge proportion, ino tendency In four-yard sheetings form wero of 11 good brand; prints uro selling fulrly well: blenched cottons nro llrm and look as though prices might be udvnnced before luiih uu ii-uuiiiK not.'.'., nevrrtu lines 01 plnlds and tickings udvanced htO to 14c per yard: nrlnt cloths nnd nllled linen nre verv llrm. with n cbod demund: nlnchnms oc casionally liffHo higher for staple lines und lancies. Ribbon Win 11 em In Hovlevr. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. The Haeknev horso u gal 11 held sway nt tho horse show today. Tho show opened with tho judg ing of a class of two Hackney stallions. Rut 0110 was shown. Prince Common, tho exhibit of Ebon D. Jordan of Hoston. A class of four llnckucy brood mares, shown ill hand with two of. their produce, followed uy i'". v. Stevens or Attica, is. y., carried off both llr.it and second prizes, tho third olng to Mr. Jordan, a class or 4-ycar-oId liirlcnev stallions, followed by one nt French coaching stallions, completed tho list of heavy stallions for tho morning. Standard bred trotting stallions und ponies In harness occupied the tlmo of the judges until nearly 11 o'clock, when a clncs of thirty-four qualified hunters wero tried out for tho entries in tho Corinthian class, 101, the ouccssful competitors to bo Judged Into this evening. Standard Slinres Still Cllinlil.ni;. NEW Y'ORK. Nov. 22. Stiindnrd oil shares mado unother new high record to dny. selling up to 7.41 u share, "cx dlvldend." This represents n Jump of 21 points for tho day nnd is equivalent to nn advance of 31 points, tho dividend being 10 per cent. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, tako Foley's Honey nnd Tnr. It never falls to cure, and will prevent pneu monia or consumption If takcu In tlmo. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug otore, South Omaha. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER AN J oHEtfi' 1HUN WORK nrake, Wilson " a Williams uooessora Wilson & Drake Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and breechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard anu water tanks, poller tuoes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and prompt attention to repalts In city or country. 19th nnd Pierce. DRY GOODS. HE. Sfinilh ft Co. Importers and Jobbers ot Dry Goods, Furnishing Ooodi AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical yv Company Electrical Supplies. Klectrlo Wiring Bells and Gas Ltghtlae G. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howurd St. AFE AND IRON wORKS. I ho Omaha Safo and Iron Works G. ANDREEN, Prop. Makes a specialty of I-?J'VF? ESCAPES, XXXVXv SHUTTERS, And Burglar Proof Safes & Vault Doors, ett OlO H. l-ttli St., Oinuhn, Melt. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A SPKCIALTI IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. JOOl, lnofl and 1R05 JaoUson Street, Omnba, .Neb. Tel. n.'IM. B. Zatjriskls. Agent, J, B. Cowgill, Mgr. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick und Easy Rising Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATE3. Send for cotnlogue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. 1WS 9th Stretit, Telephone 113. f H. Davis & Son Airenls for flu- Hlohmoa Safety tintcs anil Fire Doors. Elevator Hydraulic and Hsnd Elevators. niri n Bneclalty. Iatuei Valvo Cups for Elevators, fcnglnes Printing Presases. H.R.PEtlMEY8.C0. D0OM4Iir urn BUG. OMAHA nta BRAMCH 103 tiXt IN flClL JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1031). Omsli.t, Nat COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS aOAUU OF TR.WJK. Correspondence: John A. Warrsn Co wui vUm Ut CaJca8 aad Ntw zong 4