Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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MI.VOK mhmtiox.
Davis Kclln glnm.
"Mr. Illloy," 6-cent clear.
Fine Missouri oak. Gilbert Ilros.
Gas fixtures nnil globes at filxuy's.
Vino A. II, C. brer. Noumayer's hotel.
Wollinan, scientific optician, 409 H'd'y.
Bchmldt's photos, new nntl latest styles.
W. J. llostcttcr, dentist, Baldwin block.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens.
Drink Uudwelscr beer. L. Itosenfeld, ast.
Ltffcrt, Jeweler, optician. 2S0 Uroadway.
Tlio placo to have your frnmlnt' done
Alexander & Co, 'a 3C3 llroadway.
Get your work done at Hid popular Eagle
laundry, 'H HroaOwny, 'l'hono 137.
W. C. Eslep, undertaker, IS I'carl street
Telophones; Office 97: residence, 33.
W. K. OrnfT, undertaker and llernfetl cm
balmer, 101 .South Main street. I'hone M
.Mnranii & Klein, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress making, 122 H. Main at
Mr. and Mrs 1.. II. Illghsmlth have gone
to Waterloo, la., which will bo their future
Mrs. C. II. Morrltt of Wakefield, Nnl., Is
tho guest of Mrs. J. H. Hunter of I'lvrcc
Tho Athenlnn club will meet this nftrr
noon at tho residence of Mrs. King, 3IS
Avcnuo V.
Mrs. 13. S. Kimball of rialesburg. 111., ar
rived yesterday on n visit to her daughter,
Mrs. George. At. Strain.
White Itose cnstlo No. ir.2, I.ndy Hlgh
laiidiTH, will meet this afternoon with Mrs.
Smith, 151 Itldgo Htrcct,
Your wife will lovo you If you buy Sheri
dan coal, Hmokeless, no clinkers, soot nor
sulphur. Fenlon & Foley, sole agents.
The Daughters of tho American Involu
tion will moot this evening at the homo of
Mrs. Victor 12. lleuder on Bluff street.
A want add In Tho Hoe will bring re
sults. The same attention given to a want
add In Council muffs a ut tho (Jmuha
Mrs. Frank Kdwards and children of
Logausport, Iml., are visiting Mrs. Kd
wards' sister, Mrs. W. W. Clifford of Frank
There will bo a special ron vocation of
Htar chapter No. 47. lloyal Arch Masons,
this evening for work In the most excellent
musters' degree.
C. li, Jacquemlu, who has been visiting
relatives hete Hlnco Ids return from his
Hiiropcan trip, left last evening for his
home hi Helena, Mont.
I.lly enmp Aid society, Itoynl Neighbors
of America, will meet Friday afttruoon at
tho home of Mrs. Slitter, corner of Ave
nue C ami Ninth street.
The Woman'a auxiliary of Grace Mplsco
pal church will meet this evening at 8
o'clock nt the residence of Mrs. Harry
Jones on Knepper street.
Hon. Shirley Gllllllnnd of Glenwood will
deliver un address on "Tho Man and tho
School" at the Sunday school convention
next Sunday afternoon at the Flrat Con
gregational church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cosgrove of I.esueur,
Minn., who have been tho uuests of Mr. and
Mrs. II, It. Curtis of Stutsman street, left
yesterday for n visit In Kansas, accompa
nied by Mis. Curtis.
Company I. Flfty-Ilrst Iowa National
Guard, will hold a competitive drill follow
ing tho regular Inspection tho tlrst Tues
day In December, when u gold medal will
be nwarded to the winner.
Tho paving on West Urondwuy Is com
pleted to tho Illinois Central tracks and tho
bridge over the creek at Thirteenth street
win navn to ito closed to traffic for a few
days while the brick Is being laid to the
Charles W. Camllcld and' Miss Frank
Anita Messlck, both of Omaha, wore mar
ried In this city yesterday nfternoon, tho
crccmony being performed by Itev. It.
VcTTtlng. pastor of tho liaptlst church, at
his residence.
Tho frou' trucks of a largo motor car
Jumped the trncks yesterday noon ut the
curvo of tho Thirteenth street bridge over
Indian creek on Uroadway and enstbound
travel on the Omaha lino was delayed for
a conslderablo time.
The pollco received word yesterday morn
ing thnt tho general store of Haynlo Hros.
nt Tactile Junction had been broken into
and robbed Tuesday nlxht. A quantity of
goods, consisting of shoes, shirts, hose,
gloves und other articles, were carried
County Auditor Inncs was yesterday ap
pointed administrator of tho estuto of the
lato Georgo Simmons, a colored man who
died nt St, Bernard's hospital a few days
ugo while a county charge. There In a nick
bencllt of t'Jt due from a company In which
SlmmonH was Insured which will bo col
lected for the bcnctlt of the county.
Ait ocicoat. a suit of clothes and a
pair of shoes were stolen Tuesday evening
from tho place o' L, Friedman at MO West
llroaiUvny. The overcoat belonged to Fried
man inid the other property to II. ltoark, a
roomer. A transient roomer Is suspected
of being tho thief, as he disappeared a't
the same time that the goods were found
to be missing.
Thero will bo a regular meeting of Pot
tawattamie trlbo No. 21, Improved Order of
Hed Men, at Grand Army of the Itepuhllc
hall tonight. Thero will bo work In the
adoption degree and tho members of the de
gree tenm are requested to bo present. A
Inrgo delegation of Ited Men Is expected
from Omaha and South Omaha und visiting
brothers aro Invited to attend.
Tho homo nnd buggy which the "myste
rious stranger" was trying to sell when ar
rested last Saturday Is still at Weather
bee's livery barn on Broadway. The fclljw
has never returned for It and tho police aro
beginning to believe that ho played a llrst
class bunco game on them. Detective Weir,
however, only smiles nnd looks wiso nnd
Bays ho Is awaiting Interesting develop
ments, Tho raiding of chicken roosts In tho resl
donco portions of the city continues nightly i
and so far tho pollco have been umiblo to
get their lingers on any of tho thieves.
John Mlkcsell or KI10 Avenue D ami Levi
Orover of Twenty-fourth Htivot nnd Avc
nuo D are tho latest victims. Mlltesell hud
sixteen stolen Tuesday night, while Grov
er's henhouse was entirely depopulated ex
cept for ono old lone rooster which tho
thieves evidently thought would bo too
tough even to make soup of,
N. Y. Plumbing Co., tlphone 230.
Most for your money Domestic soap.
Wins IIlKlity-Tlirrr Cents.
A Jury was Impanelled In Justice Vlcn's
court yestetduy to try a suit In which tho
sum Involved was 83 cents. II. J. Palmer,
n fruit grower, sued tho Iowa Fruit and
Produoo company for tho vnltio of eighty
three baskets of grapes which ho had com
missioned tho defendant firm to soil for
him. The plaintiff thought ho wns entitled
to JG cents a basket, whllo the defendant
mado him a tender of 14 cents. Tho Jury
brought In n verdict for tho plaintiff.
Mnri'liiice I.leeiiPien.
Licences to wed wero Issued yesterday to
the following persons:
Namo and Ilcsldenco. Ago
Dietrich Wohlers. Beebeetown, la !ii
Adelo Witt, I'ottawattamlo county 20
Georgo B. Nourse. St. l.ouls. Mo :il
Mury K. Anderson, Knst St. l.ouls, III... 26
K. D. Goode, Council lllurfs 19
Victoria 13, Wright. Council Bluffs u
Charles W Camlleld. Omaha 3
Frunk Anita Mcselek, Umaha IB
Rough Rider
School Shoes
Every l'alr
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa, James N, Casady, Jr.,
i:t' Main St , Council Blurts.
Save Your Money
Hill I'enrl .Street, Council llliiffn, lu.
Motion to Dissolve the Motor Company's
Injunction Overrulod.
Hotillt Mnln Street Suit Is Slowly
hllpplntc Into Ilrep Wutcr mid
Property Owners Aro lle
cmuliiK Itcstlcis.
Tho first round In the district court In
the controversy between the city and tlio
motor company over tho Uttcr's rights on
South Mnln btreet has resulted adversely
to the municipality. Judge Green yester
day ocrrulcd tho motion of tho city to
dissolve tho tompornry Injunction secured
by tho motor company restraining the city
from Interfering with Us work of laying
a second track on tho street In dispute.
Judge Orcca hold that the contention of
tho city that the Injunction could not be
Issued without notice being first sorved on
the city was forco In the caso at
bar, but gave tho city Ieavo to prevent the
riu sluing grounds of tho motlou.
Ir. order to scouro a dissolution of tho
Injunction tho city will now havo to show
that the motor company has no right on
tho street and that the franchlso under
which It claims to havo tho right to lay
u second track Is Invalid. By tho time tho
court gets ready, however, to hear this
pbaso of tho caso the motor company, In
all probability, will havo entirely com
pleted Its work on South Main street and
will, It la expected, dismiss tho Injunction
proceedings on Its own account, Then the
city If It elects to proceed further will bo
placed In tho position of tho attacking
party nnd any further proceedings will
have to be commenced by It.
The fight on tho part of tho city ngnlnst
tho motor company may result In tho mu
nicipality having further litigation on Its
hands, as property owners on South Main
sttect aro seriously talking of taking a
honrt in tho mnttcr. Those property
owners want the money which tho motor
enrpany paid to tho city for the portion
of tho paving between nnd ono foot, out
sldo of the track which It has Just laid.
This money belongs to tho property owners
who originally pntd for this paving and
they arc raising objections to tho city with
holding It from them. Tho amount paid
In by tho motor company wbb $4,09S and
with tho exception of about $G00, which
reverts to tho city for tho Intersection
paving, should bo. divided pro rata among
tho owners of tho property abutting on
South Main Btreet between Eleventh aud
Sixteenth avenues.
There Is talk of theso property owners
bringing mandamus proceedings agr.lnst
the city to compel It to accept the motoi"
company's check for tho monoy nnd to
distribute It without further delay among
thoao to whom In right It belongs.
Premiums given with Domestic soap.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
Council IllnffN Iteinbllciiii Object to
tlit Dm Main Arrangement,
Advices from Des Moines yesterday wero
to tho effect thnt tho politicians had al
ready outlined a plan for tho readjustment
of the congressional districts of tho stato
undor tho census and apportionment of
1900. The plan as proposed would affect
tho Ninth district materiality and will be
strongly opposed by leading republicans
of this city and county. The census shown
tho population of Iowa to bo 2,231,863 and
It Is asserted that tho congressional dis
tricts must thcreforo bo nrranged on n
busts of a population of 202,1)00 to a dis
trict. This redisricting will come before
tho legislature In Jantinry, 1002, unless n
special session should bo called next year.
Tho plan which hua been proposed In
Des Moines as far as tho Ninth district Ib
concerned Is to tnko Mills, Montgomery
and Adair counties from It and put them
In tho Eighth district, giving tho Ninth dis
trict In their placo Sac county from the
Eleventh district nnd Crawford and Car
roll counttos from tho Tenth district. At
present thr Ninth district Is composed as
County. Pop'l'n.1 County. Top'i'n
Adair lfi 1W Montgomery ... 17,8ni
Audubon 13,020 I'ottawattnmle.. GJ,n3t
Cnss 21,274 Shelby 17 !I32
Guthrie 18,720'
Harrison 25,M7 Total 202,254
Mills 10.701 1
Under the proposed plan tlio district would
Pop'I'n. County. Pop'l'n.
... 21,274 Pottawattamie.. M.MO
... 20 319 Shelby 17.932
... 2I.0.S5 Sao 37 030
...'a .
... 1S.729 Total 211,137
Carroll ..
Guthrie .
Theer aro many reasons local republicans
say why such rearrangement of tho district
should bo opposed. In the first placo. It Is
claimed It would Imperil tho republican
complexion of the district and In doubtful
years glvo the democratic party a good
fighting chance to elect a congressman.
The removal of Montgomery county would
not bo sanctioned for a moment. It Is
tho strongest republican county In tho dis
trict and is nlwnys looked to. save tho dis
trict In a closo light.
Stato Senator Hazlcton, when ho learned
of the plan being formulated said he
would oppose It from tho very start. In
his opinion there Is no need for any chango
In tho Ninth district, as tho present popu
lation Is about the right ratio.
Postmaster Treynor regards tho rear
rangement as absurd and docs not believe
that It can ever bo carried Into effect so
far as this district was concerned. Ho
said: "We would not for a moment allow
them to take away from us such good re
publican counties ns Mills and Montgomery
and glvo us In exchange democratic coun
ties, such as Crawford and Carroll. Sac
county Is always doubtful nnd on tho
ragged edgo until tho vote Is counted. No;
this plan will never do. Personally I do
Our Armored Cruiser Shoo
For Boys Wear
Filled with CIIILLKD HTREI, Cllt.
l?I UTS, which protect the bottom and
assure tho wearer double tho service
ot any aiioo muue for uoys.
Sign of the Hear.
not think the committee on congressional
districts would ever sanction any such re
adjustment." Congressman Smith said tho plan was
unsatisfactory from every standpoint.
Such a rearrangement would put Congress
man Conner and himself lu ono dis
trict. Thomas C. Dawson, former chairman of
tho county central committee, said: "Such
n rearrangement of tho Ninth district
would, In my opinion, be suicidal. As tho
district Is outlined under tho proposed plan
of adjustment, I doubt If onco In the last
ten years It would have given n republican
majority except this year, which was a
phenomenal one. It would undoubtedly
Imperil tho republican complexion of tho
district and I do not sea how any such
plan could have possibly been suggested In
good faith, I see, however, by the Dcs
Moines parers that It has been, but beforo
tho matter comes beforo tho stato legisla
ture there will bo many changes. There
Is no reason that I can sco why the Ninth
district should be disturbed, ns Its popula
tion nt present Is tho right ratio under
the recent census."
Commonwealth 10-cont clear.
Domestic soap has no equal.
District Court Note.
Tho fruit tree contract caso of D. J.
Fogarty agalnBt Simon Olson, a yonng far
mer of Harrington, Nob., was brought to
a sudden closo In tho superior court yes
terday afternoon, whon Judge Aylcsworth
took it awny from tho Jury and ordered a
verdict roturned for tho defendant. Tho
defenso set up tho contention that Olson
being a minor at tho tlmo ho Is said to have
entered Into tho contract, under the laws
of Nebraska, tho contract as not binding.
Tho court sustained this contention as it
was clearly shown that the defendant It
ho entered Into any contract nt all, did
so In tho state of Nebraska and not Iowa.
In tho district court a Jury was Impanolcd
yesterday afternoon to try another fruit
treo contract case, the plaintiff being Free
man Monerny nnd tho defendant Leonard
Kverett of this city. Tho plaintiff sues on
two alleged contracts for tho purchase of
Tho following defendents Indicted by tho
recent grand Jury wore arraigned beforo
Judge Green: Archer Wnlker nnd Mike
Smith, charged with tho theft of Jowelry,
took time to plead, ns did O. U. Hill,
charged with breaking Into and robbing
the Swanson Music company's store. Thomas
It. Ecntcr. tho alleged farm mortgago swind
ler, entered a plea of not guilty.
Davis sells pulnt.
Domestic soap gives bc&t satisfaction. I.nndy In Jnll.
Hugh Landy, who acquired conslderablo
notoriety In pollco circles ncross tho river,
Is under arrest at tho city Jalt on a chargo
of vagrancy. Giving the namo of Coady, he
applied at pollco headquarters last night
for lodging. Ono of tho officers recognized
him, however, nnd ho wns locked up, as
he Is suspected of being Implicated In the
holdup of Sweet's grocery store September
15 lUBt.
Laudy wns wanted by tho pollco at the
close of the last exposition In Omaha for
running away with a 10-ycar-old girl, but
managed to avoid arrest. Ho bobbed up
later at tho Avoca county fair In company
with n hypnotist. Ho waB put to slcop by
the hypnotist and burled, a small pipe
being Inserted Into tho gravo to glvo him
air. During tho night a sevcro rainstorm
occurred and tho water poured Into tho
gravo nnd I.andy was almost drowned be
fore ho could be dug out. Among his ef
fects wten searched at tho pollco station
Inst night was tho photograph of the young
girl ho ran away with and his contract
with tho hypnotist.
nest weight Domestic soap.
onierr A l'mtr Ilnnk Affairs.
Itccelvors Bcrcshclm and Murphy ot tho
Officer & Puee-y bank applied to Judgo
Green of tho district court yesterday for tho
appointment of appraisers to placo a value
upon the real ostato of tho firm wharcvor
situated. Judgo Green took tho application
under advisement. A commission has al
ready been appointed to appraise tho per
sonal property.
Frank S. Pusey has filed application for
letters of administration of the estate of
his father, tho lato W. II. M. Pusey, but
tho application has not yet been ncted on,
owing to 11 delay In securing n bond. It Is
said that tho only part of tho eatato need
ing administration 1h a $5,000 policy of Jlfo
Insurance, payable to tho estate of tho
do:cascd. This will roqulre tho adminis
trator to glvo n bond In tho sum of $10,000
and tho delay In securing this is duo to tho
fact that It has to bo obtained from tho
homo offlco of tho bonding company, to
which application has bo;n made.
All grocrs sell Doraestlo soap.
Gravel roofing. A. 11. Bead, 641 Broadway.
Hrul IXnlc Trnnaforii.
Tho following transfers wero filed yester
day In tho abstract, title and loan office of
J. W. Squlro, 101 Pearl street:
John Mutsnu and wife to A, II. Hrnwn,
lotH 1 and 2, block 10, town of Wal
nut, w. d J 75
Caroline 9. Brown nnd husband to K.
H. Anderson, lot J, block 4, town of
Walnut, w d L200
Council III tiffs Lodge. No. 4D, I. O. O.
P., to Alice A. I'eck, H M feet of lot
I. Street's Huh of lot W, Original IMat,
Council Bluffs, w. (1 3:0
John C. Sohermerhorn nnd wife to
Nora A. Bungle, lot 12 and w. 10 feot
of lot 11, block 6, Baylies 1st add,,
w. d 2,0:5
Henry Scott and wlfo to Frank Hough,
BwU 11 w'i 20-76-43, w. tl 1,'jOO
Frank Hough nnd wife to Patrick
Turner, same, v. d 1,60)
Sheriff to George Weare. lot 5, block
2, Buyllsa &. Pulmer'a add., sh. a,... 263
fc.imo to fame, lot 9, block C, Bnyltsu
& Palmer's ndd., sh. d 2(11
Sumo to sumo, lot 4, block 22, Baylls.4
.t Palmer's ndd., sh. d 265
Same to same, lot 5, block li, Bnyll.1.1
k Palmer's ndd., ah. d 203
Same to hnme, lot 2. block 9: lot 3,
block 10; lots 1 and 3, block 23, Uay
llss & Palmer's ndd., sh. d M3
Charles A. Hoberts nnd wife to Chris
thin Peterson, pnrt hwH noli 29-75-43,
w. d 0
Christian Peterson nnd wife to Julius
Peterson, part swU neU 23-75-43,
w. d 300
Lars Jensen and wlfo to Christian Pe
terson, part bwU noli 23-75-13, w. d. 21?
Fourteen transfers, aggregating.... J9.G-I4
Ititllrnnd ('oiiimU.ilcinorN to Sleet.
DBS MOINUS, Nov. 21. (Special.)
Dwlght Lewis, secretary of Iowa's board
railroad commissioners, has given notice
that tho board will meet lu Us office hero
Tuesday, December 4, at 10 a, m "for the
purposo of making Bueh changes or re
visions In Its schedules of rates and claB
slQcvatlcn of freights as it may determine
Juat and reasunablo," nnd that "any and
all persons who mny bo Interested therein
aro Invited and requested to appear before
tho board on that day,"
Fluinlnir GiiriuentK Hum llrr Fatally.
CltKSTON, In.. Nov. 21. (Special,)
Whtlo stirring a llro to make It burn faster
tho llttlo C-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hughes, who resldo near Now
Market, was no badly burned that Bhe
died In a few houro. The blazo Ignited
her clothing and beforo her aunt could
tear off tho flaming garments tho child
was so fearfully burned that recovery whs
Impossible. Tho parents wero in tho corn
Held when tho accident took placo.
Do you need a hired glrlt A Beo want ad
,.-IU V. ..I
Another of a Famous Family of Brothers
Anawers the Call,
l'lxen Kvrrytliiiifr Snfo nntl UIiiori
of .Indue Conner by Hcttlnc Hint
0cr Into .Indue Siiilth'n
DES MOINES, Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram,) Larapson I'! Sherman, brother of
tho lato John Sherman of Ohio, died nt
his home In Des Moines tonight, aged 79.
He was ono ot tho earliest settlers, coming
here moro than fifty years ago and begin
ning publication ot a newspaper cnlled thi
Gazette. Ho was mayor of Dcs Moines In
1854 aud held other city and federal offices.
Ho was aflllcted with paralysis about fif
teen years ngo and the nows of the death
of his brother brought on another Btroko
which resulted fatally. His son, Hoyt Sher
man of Salt Lako City, ono of tho benefi
ciaries of tho will of John Sherman, arrived
today. Tho deceased was also left 10,
000 by John Sherman. Another brother still
survives, a resident of Des Molncs,
Nor ConKrmlnnuI IlUtrlcts.
J. A. T. Hull, tho Iowa member of tho
republican congressional campaign com
mittee, who has been In consultation with
stato politicians here, declares that tho
membership of tho next congress will not
bo enlarged, but will remain practically as
at present and tho basis of representation
bo increased to 209,042. Ho has figured out
an cntlrn now districting of tho Btato of
Iowa. Inasmuch ns tho last districting of
Iowa was mado when severnl of the dis
tricts wero closo n big Job of gerrymander
ing was Indulged In nnd somo of tho dis
tricts wero awkwardly constructed. Ono
district was carved out to bo a democratic
district so that all tho others would bo
republican, but even tho ono which wns
set npar as a sort of reservation for tho
democrats, has becomo converted aud Ib
now reliably republican. No gerrymander
will bo made this tlmo.
To tho First district will bo added Davis,
Wnpclloand Keokuk counties, and Wash
ington nnd Louisa will ho subtracted.
Theso two wilt bo given to tho Second dis
trict and Jackson will be tnken away. From
tho Third district Franklin and Wright
will b- subtracted and Grundy added,
Franklin will go to tho Fourth and Worth
bo taken from It. Jackson will bo added
to tho Fifth In plnco of Grundy. The Sixth,
having three good counties, will have added
to It Lucas. Wayne, Appanoose, Marlon and
Warren. Tht Seventh will havo Greene,
Boono and Hamilton added to tako the
placo of Madison, Warren and Marion.
Tho Eighth, havlngOost three counties, will
get Madison. Adair, Mills and Montgomery.
To tho Ninth In placo of tho threo last
named counties will bo given Sue, from
tho Eloventh and Crawford and Carroll
from the Tenth. To mako tho Tenth tho
right size it will bo given Clay aud Dick
inson from tho Eleventh, Worth from tho
Fourth and Wright from the Third. Tho
Eleventh will lose Clay and Dickinson.
The present congressmen will not be dis
turbed by this arrangement, except In the
caso of Judgo Conner of tho Tonth dis
trict, tho newly elected member to succeed
Dolllvor. Ho will bo shifted over Into tho
Ninth district. All of tho districts will
be reliably republican under this arrange
ment and tho weak districts will bo ma
terially strengthened, so that In tho next
ten years thero will bo small chanco for
the democrats to break Into tho solid dele
gation. Captain Hull Is reported to ba
very much In favor of a redisricting of
the stnto along the lines Indicated. The
work cannot bo dono until Just beforo tho
congressional elections of 1902, as tho leg
islature will not meet next year.
ClKnrcUcn I'nilcr the linn.
Iowa cigarette smokers had almost for
gottou that Iowa has a stringent law for
bidding tho sale of cigarettes or cigarette
wrappers until they were reminded of the
fact by un agent of tho tobacco trust this
week. Tho agent went quietly about among
tho dealers nnd notified them that tho
Amcrlran Tobacco company would no,
stand back of the dealers In enso they got
Into trouble over selling clrarettes con.
I trary to law. Hcretoforo tho dealers have
felt securo becauso the tobacco makers
wero willing to stand tho expense of any
suit that might bu brought. But a do
cislon by tho federal supreme court in n
Tennesseo cbbo In which a law similar to
the Iowa law waB held to bo constitutional
and regular, compelled tho tobacco people
to glvo up. This decision is to the effect
that tho tobacco dealers could nnt
the penalties of tho stato lutv by pleading
sales In original packages. Tho Iowa law
requires payment of a feo of $300 a year
for tho privilcgo of selling cigarettes.
Nono of tho dealers feel like paying this
sum and nil of them stopped selling
soon as tho support of the tobacco trust
was withdrawn. Tho users of clgarottos
aro In a great stow ever tho unexpected
action, but It Is Impcsslblo to buy, beg or
steal n cigarette In Dcs Moines. Presum
ably tho Bamo action will bo taken in
every towi of tho state.
Ilnllroutl ICttctiKlou Celebration.
Superintendent Gilmoro of the Bock Is
land railroad, with a party of other rail
road men and prominent citizens, returned
this morning from Sibley, la., where they
participated In a grand banquet In colo
bratlon of tho opening of tho most con
siderable railroad extension In Iowa slnco
tho completion of tho Omaha extension of
tho Illinois Central, Tho citizens of Sib
ley gao tho banquet to the railroad of
ficials and guests and covers wero laid for
100 persons. It was In every respect an
enjoyable oceastnu. marklnc nn It r1na
1 tho completion of a lino which gives tho
I Bock Island entirely new territory In
I northwest Iowa 173 miles from Dcs Moines.
Tho new lino ts called tho Gowrlo & North
western and leaves tho Fort Dodgo lino of
tho Bock Island nt Gowrlo. At Sibley tho
now lino connects with tho Burlington,
Cedar llaplds & Northern, which Is
closely allied with tho Bock Island. This
gives direct communication with Sioux
Falls and Watertown in South Dakota. It
15 expected that trains on the now line will
bo run throug to Sioux Falls noxt year,
thus giving tho Bock Island actual en
trenco Into South Dakota. A new lino Is
being projected westward from Sioux Falls
find 100 miles have already been surveyed
and tho profiles muda and this Is to bo In
connection with tho Cedar Baplds and
nock Island roads. Begulnr trains aro al
ready being operated on tho new Gowrlo
I'ever Kpldriuto Kniled,
Tho epidemic of typhoid fever at the Iowa
Stato college, which a few weeks ago caused
much harsh criticism of the college man
agement, may now be considered at an end,
the full board of trusteca having met at
Ames nnd unanimously approved tho meas
ures taken to end the epidemic and tho
care given patients. Thero aro now no
cases remaining. At ono tlmo It was ro
ported thero wero more than 200 cases
among tho students at tho college, and un
doubtedly a very lurgo number of the stu
dents wero affected moro or less. Tho cause
was traced direct to Impure milk which was
purchased for use In the kitchen at tho col
lege. This Impure milk was tho result of
carelessness on tho pnrt of a farmer in
providing a water supply for his llvo stock.
When tho cause wns discovered tho epidemic
was soon ended. Now tho board has ordered
that tho milk used by tho college Bhall bo
Foul Piny In I'eurcil.
II. II. Marshall, nged 55, a trusted em
ploye of tho Ottumwa Poultry company, ts
reported missing and his employers
fear that ho has been murdered. Ho left
Otttumwa for Eldon Inst Friday with a
largo amount of money with which to pur
chase poultry. Ho shipped back to tho house
several small consignments of poultry and
then purchased a ticket to Ottumwa, but
slnco that tlmo has not been heard from.
Ho camo from ICentucky about two years
ngo, where ho had been engaged tn newspa
per work. Ho has been fully trusted by his
employers and they bellovo ho has been
foully dealt with.
Plans for tho new library building and
museum for tho Drnko university wero re
ceived hero today. It will cot $50,000, of
which sum David Ewlng, a lumber denier
of this city, has agreed to glvo $30,000.
Governor Iesllo M. Shaw tins been se
lected to deliver tho address on behalf of
tho territory west of tho Mississippi river
nt tho capital centennial celebration, to
bo held next month In Washington, D. C.
Tho stnndplpo of the Cedar Falls water
works burst last night nnd 100,000 gallons
of water fell 100 feet. Tho loss was $2,000.
No damago was dono to other property.
amendmenTITaring fruit
Slonz County Inounibriitu Tnko Ad
Tniitase of I' I hit In New Iotta
Kleetlon Limy.
BIOUX CITY, Nov. 21. (Special.) Tho
firs', definite evidence of trouble as a ro
suit of tho Titus amendment tanglo has
ptesented Itself nt Orango City In Stoux
county, where contest papers havo been
filed by incumbent officers, who do not pro
pose to surrender their offices without
making a fight. Tho officers who wilt
ranko tho contest nro: P. D, Van Ostor
haut, democrat, county nttornoy; Harry
Molroso, republican, county clerk, nnd B.
F. Jones, republican, county recorder. Tho
other parties most vitally Interested aro:
Attorncy-olect A. Tepusko Clerk-elect
Brewer and Becordcr-elect Jonggewnard.
Tho hearing will bo beforo u contest court,
ns provided by tho general statutes. The
contestants set forth tho claim that the
ndoptlon of tho Titus amendment ns a
mnttcr of constitutional law Invalidated
tho election of all ofllcers whoso election
was In conflict wltti the amendment, on
tho ground that tho amendment becamo a
pnrt ot tho constitution of tho state ns
soon as the polls closed.
Hoy Killed In Hulililt Hunt.
AMES, la., Nov. 21. (Spcclul.) Louis
Brltson, aged 10 years, was accidentally
shot yesterday by his brother, John, while
hunting rabbits In tho lumber yard at Bo
land, twenty ratlcs north of hero. Thoy
aro tho sons of L. A. Brltson, a lumber
dealer, who owned tho yard. '
South Omaha News .
Yesterday City Prosecutor Murphy com
pleted the drafting of an ordlnanco pro
viding for tho Inspection of steam boilers
and tho examination of tho engineers In
chargo of tho same and also providing
penalties for tho violation of tho ordin
ance. In the first plnco tho mayor Is empow
ered to appoint, by and with tho cousent of
the council, a duller inspector, who Is to
hold ofllcu for two years commencing the
first Monday In January, 1901.
This inspector must bo a mechanical en
gineer, well qualified from practical ex
perience lu tho use nnd construction of
boilers, generators and superheaters and
their appurtenances used for generating
steam, for power, steaming or heating pur
poses. No ono who Is directly or Indirectly
Interested In tho manufacture, ownership
or ngency of steam boilers will bo ellglblo
to the ofllcc of Inspector. A bond of $3,000
will bo required from tho Inspector ap
pointed beforo ho will bo permitted to
cuter Upon his duties.
The duties of the Inspector will bo to
Inspect all boilers used for the genera
tion of atcam power or for heating or
steaming purposes and all tanks subjected
to Btcam pressure used In any business,
(subjecting tho same to the hammer test or
hydrostatic pressure, as his Judgment may
direct. In no case shall the working pressure
be moro than 100 pounds for a new holler
forty-one Inches In diameter, made of No.
1 Iron plates ono quarter of nn Inch in
thickness. Tho sumo standard of strength
ohall govern all boilers.
Provision Is mndo for tho Issuing of cer
tificates in case boilers uro found satis
factory and this certificate must be posted
in a conspicuous placo on tho promlscB,
No boilers must bo used after repairs huve
been mado until examined by tho In
spector and a feo of $5 may bo charged by
tho Inspector for each boiler or tank In
spected, this sum to bo paid by the parties
requiring tho service.
A fine of $100 ts provided for In case the
Inspector takes monoy or other vnluablo
consideration from any person other than
tho feo nllowed by tho ordinance.
It Is tho Intent of tho ordlnanco to mnke
this n salaried offlco with a vlow to turn
ing all fees Into tho city treasury.
Flrst-clAss engineers' licenses will bo
granted for $3, oocond-clnss engineers for
$2 and thlrd-rlnsa engineers for $1. Flrst
clnss certificates permit tho holders to
take chnrgo of engines or boilers of 100
hoiso power or ovor. Tho seeond-clnss cer
tificates run from fifty to 100 horse-power
engines, while tho third cIbbs Is for power
below fifty horso power.
Any licensed engineer who shnll neglect
his duties In any manner shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction shall bn fined not less than $25
nor moro than $500.
Every person using steam boilers or
tanks must cnuso an Inspection to be made
nt least oneo each year and ecry licensed
engineer will bo required to notify the
boiler inspector when ho accepts employ
ment and also the location of tho boilers
In his charge, Neglect to comply with
this provision means a fine ot either $5 or
All fees collected by tho Inspector will
bo turned Into tho general fund. A board
of engineers, composed of tho boiler In
rpector, an appointed city official and n
practical mechanical engineer, will be
named under tho provisions of tho ordin
ance, to which an nppeal may bo taken by
porsens aggrieved at tho decision of the
boiler Inspector.
ClirUUnn Axiticlutlon Benefit.
Members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the
Young Mcn'a ChrlBtion association nro
making a determined effort to dispose of
r a 1 iv 1 f
Do you know that three-quarters
of all tho world's headaches aro tho
result of using tea nnd coffco ?
So physicians say.
Quit them and tho headaches
Graln-0 has tho coffee tasto but
no headaches.
JUlcrocenj 15c. and Wc
tickets for tho coming lecture courso and
aro meeting with gratifying suicess. Tho
proceeds wilt be used In Improving the
present quarters ot tho association nnd
what money Is loft will form tho nucleus
of a building fund, It Is stated thnt tho
courso of lectures nrranged for wilt surely
attract a great dcaj of attention and doubt
less recclvo liberal patronage.
Harmony Club OruunUnl.
A muittnl organization to bo known as
mo ll.rn'ony club has been organized with;it fifty mcnibets. Dr. W. H. Plabaugh
Is president, Georgo O. Francisco ci
president nnd E. I Williams secretary nnd
ttenttiror. Tho executive committee Is
composed of James II. Bulla, J. E. Lush,
Ito Haskinj, G. W. E. Cny and J. J. Moaro.
E. P. Baker Is murlrnl director. Meetings
of tho club will bo held every Monday night
at Collins' muslo store, Twenty-fourth and
IC streets.
Itl.c In Fined.
T. O. Illce, tho well known oil Bnlcsman,
wns arraigned beforo Judgo King yesterday
ou a charge of peddling without u license.
It wns contended by City Prosecutor Mur
phy that as Bice sold coal oil and gasollno
from house to houso lie should bo nmcnnblo
to tho peddlers' ordlnanco which provides
for nil annual ttcenso of $25. Although
nbly dofended Blco wns fined $10 and costs
by tho pollco Judgo. A notice of an appeal
was nt once given.
llerry llnilly Injured.
James Berry, who was bo severely cut
by Amll Closor, ts still tn a precnrlous
condition at tho South Omahn hospital.
An examination mado yesterday shows that
Borry received twenty-two wounds, Bovernl
of which aro trivial. Tho pollco say that
Closer has been working In tho beet fac
tory nt Ames and that ho hao a bad repu
tation, having frequently been In trouble
before. Ofllcer Plcrco arrested Closer and
not Officer Newmnn,
Preparing to How lleetn.
Mr. Chapman cf Bcllcvuo, on whoso land
tho South Omahn business men raised a
largo crop of sugar beets last sumtnor, Is
now engaged In plowing tho seventy acres
ten inches deep with a view to putting In
a Bltnllar crop In tho spring. Tho beets
grown on this ground this year wero ex
cellent nnd for 11 Inrgo portion of tho ship
ment $4.25 n ton was paid by tho factories.
l'oot Hull (iitine.
Tho South Omaha foot ball team will
play tho Fremont team nt Fremont, on
Thanksgiving day. It ts Btated that tho
South Omaha team Is tn first-class con
dition, grcnt progress having been made
under the Instruction of Coach Cowln. Quite
a delegation of Magic City pcoplo will go
to Fromont to witness tho game.
Nlnlit .School Clnnen.
The night school now being maintained
by tho Beard of Educotion for tho benefit
of thofo who cannot nttend the day schools
Is composed of ltctwoen forty nnd fifty
pupils, the ages ranging from 1,4 to 21 years.
Two tcachvs tiro employed and Superin
tendent Wolfo is apparently well satisfied
with tho progress being made.
MhkIo City r.oxtp.
Arnold Jameson, 363 South Twenty-elnhth
street, announces tho birth of n non.
T. JorgcnBon has taken out a permit for
u $1,200 dwelling at Twenty-first nnd N
Notices of special grading and sewer
tuxes overdue are being sent out by the
city treasurer.
Tho Hoclal to havo been held at thr home
of Mrs. George Chaee Thursday evening
has been postponed until further notice.
Two bright boys with ponies can get po
sitions carrying newspaper routes by im
ply tie at The Bee office in tho city hall
Th.0f ls fomotalk of asking the mayor
to onforco the Slocumb law by closing the
saloons nt midnight und keeping them
closed on Sunduy.
Neighbors will give a party nnd dnnco at
Modern Woodman hall on Wednesday even
ing, November 28.
Boy. Dr. Bcllly of Omahu will lecture to
night nt Mnson o hall for tho benefit of St.
Clenionts mission Christian fund. The
topic ls "A Night In Ireland."
Bolder .Not from Sun Cnrla.
PHOENIX. Ariz., Nov. 21,-A mfMni
received hero today from tho San Car"""
reservation snys that no Indians have left
the reservation, contradicting the belief that
the Apacho band which tins been on tho
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
FIfUen loti la a body for sal at a rery reasonable price. TfeeM
lets are located In Omaha addition and It hlrh and dry, Tatr
will make a splendid location for tome factory. Beraral other lets
aaltabte for bulldlne purports one of them especially will make
a fine location fer a home, balnx within one block ot tho metor
line and within two blocks of a school bouts aad church locate
la the wMtara part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
1 bl VlUllicr,tUprMflrlpilonoffmnoiii French pbyiiclAn. will quickly cure you of U
rervounor tlt'unut tbs (tnerallv f.r;nt, lucii u l,o. luhu4, lu.uwnl
-' ipc iKi,aiiniiiiii kiuiiiiu. nrriuut uriinii7i "r""
Unci tarn tuMHrry, Kx banal Ibk Dratlaa, Yi'lf-nrelr una f'anallpiillan.
1 1 Italic all Iftkipft hv davnr lr...nt.niil.L-n. i.t if'iph.,,.. vl hIM, If not L'ZlPCkra
Ipfldl tn Knftrmnlnrrhma nnri nil the
andrpitoresiraall "cat orcann. '
?.'' I f u u tfe r e rs ar not ctnad by Doctors la WamoMpfrei-ntMo tronhlrd with trtlle.
DCI'lIHiNK. Ill only known rrro(1 tn cure without nn oporatlco. WW lutlmonlalj. A wrlltaa
guarantee ttvrn and mnwr rrttiriint If ('iiit 1 uotinol effect T permanent curt. ll.W)boxlorl.ea,
Omall. hen I tor Kiiiciirfrrular aait lllrai.slila.
Aildr li t fO, JIl'DIUSi; CO., l'.O..'0I WT, Ha Fraaebco, CaS.
FOR SALU UY UYUUS.U1LL.UN i.lllKJ CO.. Itt'l'll A.D FA It 5 AM.
DAY & HESS, 9 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
mvc itir nair n lait'f liat or improved
vru.tiililc lauilat tilao rmltlrnco
uitu UiiiHlin. SOMi:
1C0 acres Hazel Uell twp., 11 miles ne C. B.,
good hullilltigs, ill. per acre.
10 acres near Crescent, well Improved, JIG
per acre.
DO acres C miles east, good buildings and
fruit, $50 por acre.
60-acra fruit farm, near city, good Improve
ments, J 1C0 per acre,
10-acn fruit frra adjoining city, JO, 009.
The aliiire la only a eumple of our
0 net Zsnt lutercat, Teleuhouo UJ4.
warpath In Mexico came from Snn Carlos,
Thero tiro 110 Indications of uneasiness
umong the Sun Carlos Apaches.
A dispatch front Cnsn Grande, Mex.,
states thnt the light reported thero be
tween Mormons and a band of Indians wan
grossly exaggerated, Slight trouble oc
curred near Colonbt Pneheco and the whiten
tired on 11 few wnnderlng reua who plun
dered eutublt's from 11 ranch house, one
Indian Is said to havo been killed and
another wounded.
Aiuerlcnn Ml.ttrrutrit In icriiiun .
CHICAGO. Nov. 2t.-C!mrlcs Melka of
Moinence. III., who wns recently reported
to havo been arrested by the pollco ot
Hamburg, 1ms exonerated himself nnd re
turned to hit home He was nrrested nn
false charges snipped ot his belongings nnd
Imprisoned for live .iny.. during which ho
wus not allowed t0 comtituiilcnto with tho
American consul
Outrnici'd, ltuhiM-,1 n, Murdered. N v., sof. 21,-Mlss
Theresa Keating, a highly respectnblo
young wonian. wns found murdered In 11
vacant lot off Davis Mrcet, near tho New
) nrk Central railroad tracks, ut noon today.
She hud been robbed of her money und outraged.
Wak Women Mado Hnppy by l.ydla It,
l'lliktiktu' Vegetable Compound
Letter from Two Who Now rtT
" Deau Ma?. fiNiutAM : It wns my
ardent desire to have u child. 1 linil
been married three years and wns
ahlUUess, r,o wroto to you to And out
the reason. After fol
lowing- your hind ad-
vloo and taking Lydla
E. I'inkhnm a vege
table Compound, I be
came the mother of
a beautiful baby
I boy, the joy of our
home. Ho la a
fat, healthy baby,
thanks toyour medi
cine." Mils. Ml.NPA
Fikki.k, Koscoo,
N. Y.
From Orateful
Mr5. Lano
' Dkah Mks.
Pl.NKltAM t I
wrote you n let
ter fioiuo time
ago, stating- iny caso to you.
" I had pains through my bowels,
headache, nnd baulcnchc, felt tired
and blccpy all the time, was troubled
with tlio whites. I followed your
advice, took your Vegotablo Com
pound, and it did me lots of good. I
non havo 11 baby girl. I certainly be
lieve I would havo miscarried had it
not been for Lydia IS. I'lnkham's Vege
table Compound. I had a very easy
time ; was sick only n short time. I
think your medicine is a godsend to
women in the condition in which I
vhs. I recommend it to all nn the best
medicine for women." Mas. Murr
Take No Risk
Do yon know that the dif
ference between fresh nntl
stale drugs may be tlio dif
ference between llfo nnd
death, when those drugs are
compounded to 111! your doc
tor's prescription? Stnlo
drugs have lost their virtue
nnd have llttlo or no niedlcl
nnl value.
Wo 1111 prescriptions with
frcsli drugs only. You tnko
no risk when you trade at
Dell G. Morgan's
142 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Tel. 222.
If You Wish
good reliable dental work nt mod
erate prices we can please yon.
Onr methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 115
H. I. Wotdbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. ' Giantl Hotel.
knrr.r. nf'linm.i.n.. tf'lt ! It VI! clraDIOI Ibe
fnrin., rlilckru ruiiolirn, frnlt anil
biialui-aa pro.irrty lit Council UlurTa
lCO-acrea Missouri bottom land, 8 miles
city, $40 por acre.
COO aero stock faim near Karllng, Eelby Co.,
320 acres in Silver Creek twp., J50 per acre;
well lmprova.
213 acres fine bottom land In Rockford twp,
J42.IA pet acto; well improved.