THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1000. J )1 4 SEW BOOKS AMD MAGAZINES Hamlin Garland Writes a VI eorous Story cf tEo West. MR. DOOLEY'S GOOD HUMORED PHILOSOPHY blorlr of AVnr nml Wound In Call Uy Stephen Crnne Sarah llern liurilt'n .rrr 1'lay l'liliUxhcd In KiikIInIi. Ilamtln (larland ban recently completed the novel which la regarded as tho strongest and moat Important literary uork that ho has yet done. The tltlo la "Tho Eaglo'fl Heart" and the story pre sents an epic of tho west, wherein the hero wM "tho eaglo's heart" goes westward and enters upon tho strango and pictur esque llfo of tho plains. Tho novel offers vivid pictures of cattle ranching and other phases of western life. Thoro Is an inter action between tho middle west and tho far west, which Is ndroltly Indicated, and tho variety of tho story Is as notlccablo as Its vigor and dramatic power. Mr. (lar land has been engaged upon this romance for some years and It embodies his most earnest treatment of a themo which has appealed especially to lilm, both from the artlstlo and tho realistic points of view. "Tho Eagle's Heart" is published by D. Appleton & Co., who, It will bo recalled, aro also tho publishers of Mr. (larland's "A I.lttlo Norsk," "A Member of the Third Houso," "Jason Edwards" and other of hlB books. "Tho Kaglo's Heart" promises to bo one of tho most striking and Important novels of tho season. D. Appleton & Co,, Now York, l'rlcc, S1.50. "Mr. Dooloy's Philosophy" Is a now Doo ley book, giving that well known philoso pher's vlows on tho recent Important events of tho day. Mr. Dunno has gained tho car of tho English-speaking world by his pertinent and striking observations on topics of International interest. It Is In tho calm Hold of philosophy that Mr. Doo ley's quiet humor and acuto analysis aro at their best and "Mr. Dooley's Philoso phy" is Inimltablo In its good-humorod handling of curront topics and questions of tho hour. Among tho subjects aro: "Marrlago and Politics," Tho Servant Ctrl Problem," Alcohol ns a Food," "Tho Amer ican Stage," "Tho Futuro of China," "Training tho Young," "A Bachelor's Life," etc. Tho book contains thlrty-slx chapters In addition to a collection of now savlncs bv Mr. Dooley. has a frontispiece In color by William Nicholson and Is fully illustrated by E. v. Kcmble and F. upper. It. H. Russell, publisher, New York. Price, 91.50. "Wounds in tho llaln" was almost the last work of Stophan Crane, whoso untimely death a few months bgo was a blow to tho literary world, and Its oppcaranco in book form will bo welcomed by the many admirers of tho author of tho "lied IJadgo of Courage." The ordinary war corre spondent gives tho dry cpltorao of facts. Tho ImproHstonlst tries to record, ub would a phonograph, not to much. action, as tho sounds of tho small arms and the boom of tho big guns, nut the author of "Wounds In the naln" goes very much further than tho mero Interpretation of sound. Ho Is flllod with the spirit of battle, eschewing all the falso glitter of glory, or tho French idea of It. As you read his wonderful pages you know that ho Is telling of men who are Imbued with truo patriotism, who light to the last gasp, urged to their death by a stern senso of duty. Nature, even In the man Bhot beyond all chanco of recovery and who knows .that, his -laM moment, is nigh, may rco tho end of his days in an entirely dlfforent Hunt from another, fatally stricken. Tho merits of tho last fltory in the volume, "Tho Second Generation," Is incontestable. There Is no pomp of power In what Mr. Stephen Crano writes, You too tho horrors of It, lightened hero and thero by heroism, and It Is tho matter of fact heroism, which Is most to tho author's liking. FreJerlck A. Stokes company, Now York. Price, Jl.DO. Iu "Tho Houso Hehlnd tho Cedars" Chnrlcs W. Chestnutt, who so skillfully drow a number rf pictures of life on tho ''other Bide" of tho "color line," In "The Wlfo of His Youth," has again depicted tho tragedy which, In America, accompanies tho taint of negro blood. Tho story ap peared originally In Modern Culture, and attracted therein much attention and favor ' nblo notice, Tho heroine Is nn octoroon, whov half Innocently, wins a white lover and this, when her slight lnfualou of negro blood Is discovered, leads to a denouement traglo in Its qulot Inevitable nesa all the more traglo because so devoid of anything llko molodramatla violence. Mr. Cbestnutt In his other books has shown himself a master of lucid style. In "The House no hind the Cedars" this quality Is not only again in cvldonco, but Is accompanied by a psychological grasp ipid philosophical depth of understanding that tndlcato for the au thor u fut ii ro of power. It Is almost cer tain that tho book will exclto opposition and Incur condemnation from many critics whoso fcoltngs on tho "color question" are strong, while from all whose sympathies go out to a raco struggling to elevato It self in the face of great odds, and even opposition, It must win appreciation. Houghtnu, Mifflin & Co., New York, Price, S1.G0. "IAlglon," a new play by Edmond nos tand, tho author of "Cyrano do Hergcrac," was written for Mmo. Sarah Ilernhardt. Miss Maude Adams will appear In the play early In tho autumn and later Ilornhardt and Coquelln will play It In French throughout tho country. Tho English ver slon of the play Is now at hand, printed In a good, clear typo. This Is tho only edl tlon that will bo published, as tho play Is thoroughly protected by copyright. Tho present edition makes a hnndBome volume fully Illustrated and decorated throughout Hud would mako a very ncnt holiday pres ent for anyone Interested In tho theater. It. II. Russell, New York. Prlco, 11.60. i , "Tho Weird Orlont" Is a volume of mys tic taleo by Henry Itlowlzl, for many years a teacher In tho Jewish missions of Mo rocco. These legends, instinct with the mysticism of the east, were gathered by Mr. lllowlil during his lengthy residence In Totuan, Morocco. They are largely from Arabic and Persian Bources through a cer tain Yakoub Malok, a Parses from Ilombay, of whom Mr. lllowlil gives a picturesque account In his Introductory pagcB and now for the first tlmo accessible In any modern language, with tho exception of tho old le gend of King Solomon and Ashmodla, tho prlnco of demons .which Is found at somo length In tho Talmud and is more or less Does This iff of Anything Ll We are headquarters for Books, ?f? Ifjrou wish the latest popular novol iVi flc devices, this Is tho place to look ill We nie showing the latast styles lu fine papers, copper plata work and die stamping snd wish especially to call your attention to tho now form for .t. ff wedding Invitations, announcements, etc. If you are Interested It will cos? (J tgk you nothlug to look. ii UEnC ITU CTI'I'IIINMUV 1 11 '""'V'"" fl JllCUCAlII J11IVH1 TEL. 21 familiar In English. The cover design rep resents an Arab sitting at night on his mat at tho edgo of an oasis In the desert, the smoke from his chibouque rising In fan tastic wreaths, with human faces In tho Binokc, and forming a cloud among tho twinkling stars and tho crescent moon. Henry T. Coatcs & Co., Philadelphia. Prlco, 11.C0. Volume of Verse, Howard V. Sutherland, a new poet from tho land of Joaquin Miller and Markham, and now In New York, has just Issued, from tho press of Doxcy's, a very refresh ing novelty of verse. It consists of a charming little lovo story told In simple, musical stanzas. Things of this sort used to bo .written by the poets, but It Is a long time slnco anything of tho kind lias been put forth cither In England or America. Possibly Mr, Sutherland has opened a new field of endeavor for the ever-Increasing number of peoplo In this country who woo tho muse. If so, ho deserves nnd will un doubtedly receive tho thanks of the public. One thing certainly Is to bo said of Mr. Sutherland's production, namely, that "It reads right along," with the close Interest of a pleco of fiction and that Is tnoro than can bo said of many poems which havo ap peared Btnco "Snowbound" was written, moro than thirty years ago. Tho tltlo of Mr, Sutherland's volume of verso and of the principal poem In tho volumo Is "Ja cinto." Published at Doxoy'B, New York. Juvenile Literature. "Tho Prlncoss' 8tory Hook" Is a volumo of 440 pages, odlted by George Laurence Oommc, which will bo found equally Inter esting to young and old. It Is a collec tion of historical stories, selected out of English romantic literature In Illustration of the reigns of English nionarchs, from the conquest to Queen Victoria. It Is tho fourth and last volume of a series. Five of tho stories aro taken from Sir Walter Scott, two from Lord Lytton and four from Alnsworth. Then there aro stories culled from Sir William Napier, Charles Klngsluy. Fenlmoro Cooper, Lord Deaconsflcld, Horace Smith, Krolssart's Chronlclo, etc. Tho other volumes In the scries are entitled "Tho King's Story Hook," "Tho Quecu's Story Hook" nnd "Tho Prince's Story Dook." Longmans, Green & Co., Nuw York Price per volumo, 2. Good books, especially suited to girls, aro by no means numerous, and for that renson a new volume from tho pen of A O. I'lympton, who has already dono such corcmendablo work 'along that lino, will bo moro than welcome. This latest work by tho author of "Tho Flower of tho Wlldor ness" and "Dear Daughter Dorothy" Is entitled "A Child of Glco: nnd How Sho Saved the Queon." It Is a story of a little American girl traveling In Europo with her father. Tho father was arrested by mistake as a conspirator and tho llttlo girl sent to an orphanage In Holland, of which tho young queen was n patroness. Hy this means tho attention of the queen was called to tho little girl, who afterward became her playmate. Around these clr cumsianccs mo autlior lias woven a very ingenious plot that will bo found most In teresting reading. Tho book Is neatly nounil una very handsomely Illustrated, maKing it a most HUltablo gift book Little, Brown & Co., Hostcn. Price, Sl.BO. "The Wild Animal Life." by Ernest Seton-Thompson, will bo a welcome nddi lion to tlio Juvenlio library. Llttlo need be said In Introduction of Scton-Thomp son s animals. Neither Kipling, ,Vc3op nor -uncio itcmtM" has been moro sue fcsEful than he In interpreting wild animal nature nnd In delineating tho characters of grlizly. wolf or fox. In this little book for children we again meet with such old friends as Wnhb and Lobo, together 'With many now ones. The sketch was written as a llttlo drama for eomo children who wished to personate tho oharncters nf "The Sandhill Stag," and "Wild Animals Have Known." In Ita present form it is practical play, eminently nmuslnc as a parlor comedietta, and can bo gotten up ai nimosi an Hour's notice. Sunn pmrm tary music has been added that children can oaslly bo taught to sing. Doubleday, rago ti uo., .New York. Price, 50c. Llttlo children not old enough to read, hut of tho right age to be amused by pictures ot aous, especially of comic ones, will wel como a now Golllwogg book. This latest ad ditlon to tho ocrvlce Is called "The Gol llwogg'B Polar Adventures," and Is a worthy successor or "Tlio (JoIHwoke in War. brought out last yeur. Tho verses are by ncrtha Upton nnd tho Illustrations, of which thero are thirty-one In colors, are by l iorcnco K Upton. It Is tho kind of book that will mako the little folks laugh anu rurnisii amusement for many a pleasan nait nour. Longman, Green & Co., Now York. Price, J2. "Mother Wild Ooobo and Her Wild Deast Show Is a handsomely bound and illus trated book that would readily find fnvor In tho eyes of nny child. Tho Ultistra lions are In colors and the accompanying verse Is a combination of old nursery rnymes aim moro recent Jingles. Tho nnl mals aro represented as dressed In fan Ustlc costumo and In many of tho rhymos tney do tho speaking, two features of a toy book that never fall to interest young poopio. II, Jl. Caldwell Co., Boston, Mass, Mnicnsliie Notes. The Magazine of Art for N'nvmnhm. milt retains its position ob the most beautifully nnd artistically Illustrated publication do voted to tho arts In this country printed with all the enre thnt can be lavished unnn It, nnd decorated with wood engrnvlnif. Rembrandt photogravure, etching- nnd such uwut iirucepups us may o. mom effectively ainiuuyeu. uiu! new ienuiro or especial 111 irrt'Pi win ue inc isue encn mourn or calendar in a specially drawn design, wit rcforerico to tho birth and death of dls unguiHnen iiriusn omits exclusively Amuiii; niuoworuiy suujecis nre articles n "Art Collections," "Art Sales," "Color 11 itmrmionH, An i,ove una Curloslth of Art." "Decnrativo Art." "Art nt th l'nrl Exposition," otc. Cn&scll & Co., New 1 Ul IV, Tho Btrongcst fashion detail In tho No vember Delineator Is that which draws niicniion 10 military Bnoumrs as tho voku for women during the coming winter. Th nresent tendency In dress Is In nrndiir-n m uthlctlo appearance In women by means of miiunry anouiaere, me ain at tno wulst line nml the higher lino for tho bust than has prevailed during tho past Bummer All of thlt) Is made clear In the November De lineator. Tho spirit of hallowe'en with its miscniers, its superstitions nnd its harm less anuisomunts is strong over tno Novom her number nf the Delineator. Rillth M Thomas makes a striking contribution to the number with a four-page story In verse entitled "Tho Enchanted Ring," This n fittingly illustrated with very urtlstlo borders by J. Allen Bt John. Miss Llna Heard, sister or uan Heard, tne cartoonist under tho heading or "jMstimes for Con valesolnir Children," also toucnes th hullowo'en nerlod. There is a thornutrhl brlcht storv In the November Delineator which will bo of Intorest to nil college girls and boys, us well as those who enjoy pure sentiment. It is called "Tho Komnnco of a Co-Ed," , Tlin nbovo books are for said bv tlio I Megeatli Stationery Co., 1303 Farnain. Remind You You' tyish? Stationery, Sshool and Office Supplies, or the newest thing in labor-saving of for It. 9) Vii iVMTE MAY FIND LOOPHOLE Alleged Burglar Hot Caught Red-Handed and May Thus Escape, SUPREME COURT RULES UPON THE CASE Discovery of tlnoty on Thlef'n Person Villi! to lie Insufficient Hvldcncc of III Unlit Conviction Jlnilr Dinieiilt. Tho hearlug In the caso of tho State gainst Tom Whlto beforo Judge Haker Is likely to como to au abrupt stop. Whlto Is barged with burglary. While tho proso utlng attorney was mapping out his plan f presenting tho proof of guilt to tho Jury tho statement was mado that reliance on securing a conviction would rest on the fnct that Whlto had lu his possession tho prop- rty bu Is alleged to havo stolen. Judgo Haker Interposed tho opinion that posses- Ion of stolen property Is not sufficient for conviction under a recent ruling of tho su promo court. Tho higher tribunal, ho in formed tho attorneys, has held that a man must bo detected In tho very act of bur glary, unless his memory of tho decision Is faulty. After tho discussion that followed this point a recess was taken to cxamlno tho papers In tho case. Tho decision Judgo Haker has In mind was on reversing a verdict In bis court In tho caso of tho State ngalnst Henry Lelsen bcrg, tho chargo bolng burglary. Tho court Instructed tho Jury that because the coods stolen were found In tho defendant's posses sion a verdict for tho plaintiff was war ranted. Tho opinion was not sustained wnen tno. cnao camo Dcroro the Buorcmo Justices. Tho attorneys say that If Judgo Haker 1b correct In his recollection of the decision It will be Impossible In tho future to prevent or keep In check burglaries for the reason that tho collco will never be ablo to secure conviction. KncoiiriiKcinent for Crlmlunln. Captain Her of tho Pollco department was n tbo court room to testify against White wnen tlio discussion came up. Ho told tho lawyers that lu the last ten years tho pollco had not caught moro than one man In thfl act of butglary. With a department as vigilant as tho ono tho city now has It Is a dimcult task to track a burglar by means of the property ho has stolen as soon ns It Is sold, as waB dono In tho cnto of Whlto and Lelsenberg, but when this plan of proceduro no longer becomes sufficient proof of a thief's guilt, thero will bo prac tically no way of securing his conviction, a circumstanco that will bo an encourage- mentment to this class of criminals. Judgo linker said that in nine cases out of ten there Is only ono way In which proof of burglarj can be obtained and that Is by the property tho offender has taken "When a burglary has been committed nnd a certain watch taken, if you find a man with that watch, you know ho Is tho burglar, un less ho can prove he got It somewhere else," said the court, "that Is the only way you can discover who took tno property In a good many instances. Whlto is C2 years old. Ho admits that twenty-seven years of this tlmo have been spent In various penitentiaries. On tho night of April 14 he Is charged with having entered tho dwelling of John Bowles at 414 North Fourteenth street nnd of having stolen a lot of Jewelry and clothes. Ho was caught by means of a watch ho gave to his landlady In payment of a board bill. The woman attempted to sell tho tlmepleco to a pawnbroker and tho pollco seized It. If Judge Baker finds that his version of the supreme court decision Is correct, It Is likely that the case against Whlto will bo dis missed. SCHRAMM UIVOUCI2 CASK DKCIUKI). rinlntllT (liven Her Mnlilen Xnnie, lint la Denied Atlnion)'. Tho Schramm divorce caso, which has at tracted a good deal of attention hero and In Sarpy county, has been brought to an end by n decree In Judgo Dickinson's court. Mrs, Schramm was allowed to tako again her maiden name, Maria Hautzlngcr, tho marrlago relations between tho couple being eet aside, but tho alimony asked for was refused. Tho caso created something of rensatlon when it was commonced a few months ago because of tho novel pleadings of tho plaintiff. Mrs. Schramm asked the court for paperB of separation on tho ground that her husband had failed In every way to koop his anto-nuptlal promises. Accord lng to tho bill of particulars, Schramm as sured his Bweetheart that her married life would bo ono long-drawn-out dream of ease and bliss. On the contrary, Mrs. Schramm testified that It fell to her lot to do all tho housework, chores out-of-doors as well as In, nnd even when n large number of farm hands were hired In crop seasons she was allowed to havo no asslstanco with tho cooking or drudgery. Schramm's father, sho complained, was In the hnblt of enter ing tho houso nfter a day's work and going to bed with his boots on. Another of tho man's customs that made llfo unbearablo for tho daughter-in-law waB that of lifting tho lids of kettlos and pots containing cook lng food, Inserting a dirty forefinger Into their contents and tasting them. Mrs cnrnram auegou mat ner nusnand was wealthy and asked for a largo alimony.- Conrt Xoten, Thn Jury In the cnte of Edgar Shlnn nilmlnlnt rntor nf thit pntntn nf .1 T. ai,fn against Pevckn Rros, has returned n verdict in rnvor 01 tno piaintin ror uw. Frank Crawford has been nnnnlntod guardian for Naomi Ferguson In tho mnttrr 01 tne esiato or airs, cnnries t. Ferguson to succeed Charles T. Ferguson, removed ror not having rued a report or the pro cceus ui uio eaiuie. J ml eo Baxter Is henrlntr n milt brotitrh by Anna Mellhede ngnlnst the city to re cover Judgment on nccount of damages ul leeed to have dono to nronertv on Six teenth strvot by the South Omaha viaduct The suit Is a test case, thero being seven others which will bo disposed of In accord ance with the verdict of the Jury In the present ncarinc. Judge Keysor is hearing a suit coin menced ten years ago by Joseph Bark"i ugalnst John II. Ureen to establish nn In tfrest In a nltce of land known a.n thn nl stone quarry reserve, south of the Union Pacillo railroad bridge, The caso has been to tho supremo court twice. It Is now up ror neuring neeauso or irregularities in tn. testimony at tho last luarlng In the dls trict court. The Jury In tlio case of the state agulns Frnnk Howe, charged with having burglar'i tools In his noscHH-lon. returned a verdict o guilty. Howo Is the man who uttemptoii 10 nuw me iock on i ne ,'umt conininiug in llvron need collection of coins nt the nubll library Tho theft wns prevented by tho burglar alarm, which rings at tho pollco station, Judico Baker Is hearintr tho case of th State against George Hametz and William Anuerson ior unyugnt nreaKing nna enter lng. The two men are charged with having ooiaineu access 10 tno uwouuig oi cnrin Chrlstoffcrson. Tenth and Hickory streetB AumiHt 1C. and havlnir stolen a nuantltv ol jewelry. Among tho articles was n watch valued at ?w, Judtre Dickinson Is hcarlnc tho annllcn tlon of George Outhard for n restraining order to prevent liolthus Jettor rrnm oust ing him from a saloon owned by Jetter on Twenty-fourth street. South Omaha, Jetter contends that the lease winch has enabled Uuthurd to ho lil tho bu d nn durlnc th Inst year has expired and he is entitled to possession 01 ni.i property. I'oliinil I'uiierul Thtiradar, Tho funeral nf the late Mrs. Clara M Poland will tnke place Thursday morning at iu o ciocit, rue rervices win do at the homo of Henntor Thurston, conducted by nev. r, j, .uucKiiy ot au naints cnurcn, Tho Interment will bo nt I'rosnect Hill Many nf Mr. Polund' former friends and relntlvcH from other cities will be hero for tne oiisequies, ,mnng mem nre tienaioi Thurstoi'"H nhiter and niece, Mrs. Anttle V, Newman unu .Mrs. v. u. Thomas of roln. Mr. L. II. Dow and Mrs. Dow ol North Platte and Mr. Carroll Purman ind Miss Grace Purman. a brother and a sitter of Mrs. Thurston, of Washington. Senator CASINIR0 OWNS THE CAMP t'ntnturil Mexican Sheep Herder TlirentetiN fo Put to Ilentli In inn ten of Mutti Street Kcnort, Caslnlro Caslnlro, a wild and woolly Mexican sheep herder who halts from Rock Springs, Wyo., took possession of a house t 10S South Ninth street Tuesday evening nd declared his Intention of butchering 11 tho Inmates, As an evidence of good faith ho produced a big knife, with which e created n panic. Detectives Hcelan and ohnson wcro sent to arrest Caslnlro, who refused to go and put up a flerco resist ance that only weakened after tho arrival moro ofllccrs. During tho mix-up an overturned lamp exploded and made moro excitement In the narrow hallway where tl)c fight took place. Tho blsio was ex tinguished before any further damage wan done. Cnslnlro's bond nnd face wcro cut In tho fight. Tho wounds were sewed up by Pollco Surgeon Ames. In addition to tho knlfo tho herder car ried a largo revolver, which was taken away from him beforo he had a chanco to uso It. Ho was charged with being drunk and disorderly, threatening to cut with In tent to wound and carrying concealed weapons. WORLD-HERALD AT A BARGAIN Price Cut to Trvo nnd llnlf Cents n Week ns llesnlt of Klec tlon UlNitstcra, Another effect of tho election on tho World-Herald has Just come to light In tho forced reduction of the price of tho paper. In order to muko a showing on Its sub scription list tho World-Herald Is now to bo had at bargatn-countor rates, as can vassers aro taking threo months' subscrip tions for tho dally and Sundny paper, de livered In this city, for 33 cents, or about V4 cents per week. The pretonso Is mado that this special re duction Is given to new subscribers only, but old subscribers who Insist upon equal treatment are getting the eamo concession when they refuse to contlnuo to pay six tlmco tho reduced prlco. Of course, selling a newspaper seven days n week for 2 cents would bo ruinous if cxtendod to tho cntlro subscription, so an attompt at secrecy Is maintained In or der to prevent old subscrlbcrn paying rog ular rates from learning of the reduction, oven though tho quality of the paper Is on a par with Its low prlco. BISHOP SGANNELL RETURNS Sn- There In ,N Truth In Itnnior thut lie In to He Trnnif erred to CTiIchko, Bishop Scnnncll has returned from Chi cago, where for a month or nioru ho has been engaged In parochial work, assisting Archbishop Fcehan, who Is seriously ill, his nuxlltary bishop also being unfitted for duty on account of the condition of his health. Regarding tho rumors coucerntng his probable transfer to tho see of Chicago as bishop coadjutor Bishop Scanucll said: "Thero is not a word of truth In tho report. It Is all tho work of tho news paper talent of Chicago, who seem In ex tremity for something to write." Regarding the proposed elevation of tho see of Omaha to an nrchlcplscopal see tho bishop stated that he had heard nothing about tho matter since he left for Chicago and the matter Is probably resting whero It was last fall. Your Favorite tiniiie of cards for social entertainments can be made most enjoyable by getting Anheusor Busch's new Army nnd Navy playing cards. High quality, low prlco, 25 conti In money or stamps. Malt-Nutrlno Dept., Anheusor Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. Lnuls, Mp. 917.00 CHICAGO AMI ItIVrtU-tU7.00. Via Chlcaao, Mllrrnukee Jc St. Paul Ily On November 30 nnd December 1, tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway will sell round trip ticket, Omahn to Chi cago, for $17. Tho tickets are limited to December 10. City Ticket o.Tlco 1501 Far- nam street. F. A. NASH. General Wostern Agent. TIIU IIIJAI.TV MAIIICDT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, Wurranty Herd. James Wnlsh and wlfo to William iiopper. neu zs-is-io $ 3,G53 j'.mma wauswonn to nose I'oliard, lots G nml S. blnek 6. I'lnlnvlote 700 1 1.CC0 C. W. Hare, trustee, to K. It. Ayres. n 40 feet lot 2i, block 1, Armstrong's 1st add E. It. AyreH to C. W. Hare, mime.... iioro t'oiiaru to a. m. 1'iupps, lot 6, block 0. Plolnvlew mid 351 AmoRkenir Havlnea Hani: tn K. I.. ur nnell. lot 8. Ituut ii'h add 070 II. A. Olerlch to Fannie Hell, nV4 lot 10. block 10. P a nv low add 1.000 j'.ita iinrrisou to J. . i.ryiuu, o ;i rect lots l and -, moot iu, nanscom Plnce lnlt CI ii tin UeeilK. Caroline Thomson to K. L, Grlnnell, lot x. llustln's ndd American Loan and Trust Co, to II. A. Olerlch, n lot 10, block 10, Plnin- vlcw add Deeds. W. K. Potter, receiver, to P. J. For rell, a 30 feet lot G, block . South Omiiha, it lot 0 nnd all of lot 12, block 3, Kxclinugo Place: lot 3, block 104. Houth'Omnha (770 American Savings Hank to II. A. oiericn. n'.'j lot iu, uiocu w, inain vlcw ndd Total amount of trnnsfers JS.703 A Hot Picture Talk- Don't run invny Wo liuvo just ns many pretty pli'turos In cool wenther ns In hot Just now wo nro Hliowlng many beautiful photogravures lu special sub jects suitable for gifts of every kind Then, too, our lino of platinums Includes everything from life to 'classic subjects that heart could wish for Wo will be pleased to show them to you Appro priate frames for every kind and stylo of plcturo Two thousand patterns to select from. A. HOSPE, Musfo and Art, 1613 Douglas. We Make Candy Candy eating Is n very bnd habit If one eats very bad candy, but under uo other conditions Try ti box of our chocolates and see what you think about the candy habit Wo make more candles than any other makers lu Omaha nnd everybody knows that tho best results are always obtained in manufacturing establishments by doing things on a large scale We maku fresh candles dally nnd make them only as fust as wo sell them Wo don't havo any dirt-cheap accumulations to dls poso of. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Fartiam St. weak, men who suffer nervousness, giddiness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, physical weakness, sediment in urine, costiveness, melancholia, lack of energy, wunt of confidcucs. FREE TO MEN. If you are undecided as to whether or not 1IUDYAN is applicable to your case, we will send free copy of that splendid book, "Diseases and Weaknesses of Men," by Professor M. jieh ringer. This book usually sells for $2. We will send it to men free of cost. HUDYAN HAS RESCUED THOUSANDS OF MEN AND WOMEN FROM PHYSICAL DECLINE. Men who are ;'iin down physica lly, whose nervous system are wrecked as a result of overwork, dissipation, excesses, worry, or any cause whatever, tind that HUDYAN is a great restorative. HUDYAN has no equal as a restorative of utal energies. It allays nervous irritability, invigor ates men who are weak. HUDYAN promotes repair to the nervous system when it has been tie ranged by abnormal conditions. UUDYN inspires a man with confidence. HUDYAN renders a man energetic. Feeble women find in HUDY'AN a powerful invigorating tonic, for it gives strength to the whole organism. HUDYAN is a Booth iu and strengthening nervine. HUDYAN corrects all those ir regularities and miseries to which women alone are subjected. The severe pains that attend the physiological process of menstruation are promptly allayed or prevented by the great HUDYAN remedy. HUDYAN is a positive cure for those obstinate cases of loueprrhoeu, excessive flowing and all painful and inllammutory conditions of the delicate organism of women. HUDYAN cures are permanent. HUDYAN is for sale by druggists 50c a package, or six packages for 2.50. If your druggist does not keep HUDYAN send direct to the HUDYAN KEMEDY COMPANY, corner Stockton, Ellis and Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. YOU MAY CONSULT THE HUDYAN DOCTORS ABOUT YOUR CASE FREE OF CHARGE. CALL OR WRITE. DruKfilsts Kulin & Co., Sherman & McConncI Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J. A. I'uller & Co., Chas. II. Scbacfcr, J. II. Schmidt, Omaha, Camp Ilron, Council Muffs, Dillon Drug Co., South Omaoh all oell nnd recommend Iludyun. HIGH DUTIES FOR DR, TEAL Omaha Homeopathist Chosen to Direct the Hospital at Norfolk. NEW GOVERNOR BEGINS HIS APPOINTMENTS Cantody of lnntl t iition AimrHed to Oik WIionc I'rtif mnIouiU llutlm Ilnvp Still Allowed Time Cor Honorable Party Service. It was announced yesterday that Gov ernor Dietrich had conferred tho superiu tendency ot the Hospital tor the Insane at Norfolk upon Dr. Frederick P. Teal of this city. The appointment will take effect upon tho governor's installation in January. Dr. Teal's selection Is a recognition ot the homeopathic school and will be viewed with satisfaction by tho members of tho city, state and national homeopathic societies of which Dr. Teal Is a member. Dr. Teal had contributed a number of valuable treatises to the literaturo of his school during tho flvo years ot his practice in this city and Is looked upon as a successful and up-to-dtte practitioner. In addition to his professional duties Dr. Teal has found tlmo to tako a limited part in politics, and for tho last three years has occupied a seat on tho Hoard ot Education. Ho has an unblemished record as n repub lican and was a member of tho convention pale, debilitated women who suffer painful menses, irregular menses, leucorrhoea, impaired digestion, dizziness, pain iu back, pain over abdomen, nervous heudaches, constipation, palpitation of heart. HUDYAN CURES. 50c, which nominated Dietrich. Dr. Teal has lived In Omaha for many years and is a graduate of tho Omaha High achool. Ills medical education wns acquired at the Chi cago Homeopathic college Following hi acceptance ot now duties Dr. Teal will go at once to New York and will spend some tlmo among tlio leading hospitals for the Insane devoting special study to mental and nervous diseases. Tho lnstitutiou nt Norfolk Is one of the largest In the stato and In number of occu pants falls but little behind tho asylum at Lincoln. The honor and responsibility be stowed upon Dr. Teal are considered as Im portant as almost any other within the giv ing of Qovernor Dietrich. Many of your friends, or peoplo whom you know of, have contracted consumption, pneumonia or other fatal diseases, by neglect of a simple cough or cold. Foley's Honey nnd Tur, a safe, sure nnd pleasant cough medicine, would havo saved them, It Is guaranteed. Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's dru Fture, South Omaha. Mortality StiillHllix. The following deaths births wera re ported to the rlty health commissioner for the twenty-four hours eliding at noon Tuea- uny: Denths Patrick Harrington, Dougl'Vi County hospital, aged 73; Haliy Wilson, 2573 St. Mary's avenue. Hlrtlis-C. T. Swnnberg, Thlrt v-t-eventli nnd Vinton, boy; John Hymc, 472? North Fortieth, girl; Chnrli" Anderson. M2ft Hur dette, boy; .Michael Murphy, Kli) Uurdctte, boy. TnxpnyerH Muke fomiiliitnl. Tho board for the oiiuiillzutlun of taxes which Is now sitting at the city hall Is Women's Soles A prominent Omaha physician once said: "If the people of this city would wear their chest protectors on their feet there would be less pneumonia" Drex 1.. Shooiuan has a heavy welt sole on the finest of lino uppers us well as on heavy rough weather uppers-Welts made with uppers to wear without rubbers and welts' made of such flue uppers that rubbers are necessary In wet weather We aro making a wonderful showing of shoes for both men and women The shapes are nenrly tho same-Ottr $.'1.50 shoes wear. Drexel Shoe Co. fietf talSIUKVF rcilllj- unu ir (lie uniting. Omnhn'H Ilp-to-dote Shoe Hmie 41 KAUNAS! HTItl'.ICT Our Bicycle Man- Ucde paat juur houso today and ha says he can Id hear your water pipe t hum plat and crowllng -nd making a terrlhlo rarest. Do you know what that means? It mcana that j cut w&tor front needs cle.vilmi cut and pat.iibly z. few new vastier. Da do that kind of wcrk? Of course we do vt net enly dean them, but we fur?.Uh enr cues nhca needed and when ycu nd a new vsier attachment for your runjr cr fUTCxca why sot get our price drat 2nd me if we have It? Our bicycle man s-tys ycu enj ao funny for you tnld lilm that xrhtl we mljht bavo repiirs for other pes pie's ctotei ami furnaces, you did not think we had them for yours I Just had tn laosh ct bis Ignorance. I told him to tel phene !i0. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Telephone 0C0. 1207 Douglas St FHEE TO WOMEN. If you are in doubt whether or not you need HUD VAN, we will send free a copy of the re nowned work by Professor Kigaux, upon "Di seases of Women.'' This book will assist you to diagnose your ease. The book usually sellB for $2.50. We will send it to women free of cost. receiving many complaints from ownerB of real estutc who fall to consider thnt tho increase In their tuxes Is due to an Incrensn In the levy anil nut to nn Increase In the assessed valuation of their property. Tho tax commissioner Is not responsible for tho Increase m tho levy nnd this In a matter which cannot lio remedied by tho board of ciiuii'.U itlon. T'o years ago the levy wns 2& mills, but lust year It was Increased to IS mills und us a result all tuxes Increased repnrdless of any action of the tax commissioner or tlio assessors, DO V01 USE ONE? If you do vrc would lllto to naTe you come to our store nnd see how much we can save you on supplies. Our stock Is iriost complete overy known reliable camera all the different developing and lonln baths troys printing frames inountii. etc. Wo develop urfl print t reusonable prices. Tilt ALOE & PENF0LD CO., .4riif-i4r i'hototiraphle Aiipji.'lti. 1408 Fnrnam O.MAUA. Op. I'nxton Hotel. Thurston will come with .Mr. and Mrs. fur man eanesaay inoriiiim.