The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUE .1 9, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOIttf NIJTG, UOVEMLBE MBElt 20, 1900 TEN I'AUES. SIKGEE COPY EIVE CENTS. PUTS UP BOLD BLUFF Germany Declaims All Responsibility for Trouble in China. VON BUELOW PRESENTS CASE FOR KA Eier Mot8 Dictatod in Promotion of Eight and lfefenio of Honor. NO WAR OF CONQUEST IS BEING WAGED Oonditioni on Which Peace Will Be Granted Are Officially Stated. IDEA OF SPHERE OF INFLUENCE DISOWNED "World Informed (lint Hy DlMpntchlnu; Troop to Orient Government Hits Xot Impi.lrcd Hemlines for Ilattlc .Vrnrrr Home. ItKHLIN, Nov. 13. In tho HelchBtag today, on ihts occasion of tliu presentation of tho supplementary credit for China, Couut von JIuclow, tho Impcrlul chancellor, emphatic ally denied tho assertion frequently made abroad thnt tho China Imbroglio wnH traco Hblu to tho Ocrmnn occupation of Klao Chan. This statement wan creeled by tho social dumocruta with loud cries of "It In quite true." Count von Huelow cxprctscd keen re gret that such u cry was henrd In tun German I'nrllumcnt. Tho chancellor further declared hn did not wlnh ut present to say nnythlng which mlKht hu prejudicial to tho common objects of tho powera In China, but hu felt tho need of placing himself In touch with tho nation. Germany, ho explained, had adhered to the alms and policy outlined In the circular to tho allied governments. Tho allegation that tho government had not foreseen the Chinese crisis was true, nut most of the othor nations likewise failed to anticipate that tho storm In tho far cast would burst bo violently or so soon, "Hut," added Count von Iluclow, "tho premonitory signs did not escape us. We directed tho attention of the other cabl nctn repeatedly to these signs. I wish to icprouch no one, least of all Baron von Kcttcler, who In endeavoring most earn estly In tho fulfillment of hi duty to bring tho chief Chtneso authorities to reason, went, almost without fear, to his death, worthy of the laud ho represented and tho name ho bore." This fctaltmcnt caused loud applause. ' MoUcty Held Them Hack. Hcvcrtlng to tho Kluo Chou allcgutlon Count von nuolow recapitulated the pre vious territorial acquisitions and expedi tions of tho other powera In China, ndd Ing: "We, with proverbial modesty, restrains'! ourHclves longest of all the powers, even until tho massacro of our missionaries in Shan Tung." Continuing, Count von Huelow said: "Wo first act 1 In China by forco of circumstances, and, then, lu such u wuy that peaco' was affected neither directly nor Indirectly. Our prescnen at Klao Chou Is based on a treaty with China In accord with International law. Wo havo slioih a frlondly and benevolent disposition towards China and demonstrated this specially In 1893, when China was at tho mercy of tho victorious Japanese. We havo no ileslro to Interfere with tho interests of tho other powers in China. Wo wish to pro tect our- rights to tho fullest degree. Our position thcro Is ono of lcgltlmato defense. The mlserablo Chlucso administration per mitted tho Hoxrr movement to gain ground, observed towards tho ministers an attltudo of equivocation and Inaction, vio lated tho rights of nations and tho dignity of tho Onrman people by allowing tho outrageous murder of Damn von Kcttcler and did tho utmost In tho Intercourse with tho ministers to put off matters by all kinds of subtcrtugo and palpablo false hoods. Protection of It I nil ( , Defense of Honor "In the faco of such an attltudo wo had to lake tho ncct.ssary measures for tho pro tection of cur rights and the defense of our honor. Tho other powers wcro compelled to act in self-defense. A dlspusslonato ob xerver cannot doubt, that tho recent move ment Is traced neither to Klao Chou, Hong Kong, Tonqulu or Tort Arthur. It Is di rected against civilization, with which Japan has thrown in her lot. What Her mans dcslro Is, not n political adventure, but the assertion of our Interests, our rights mid our honor as u gieat people. Wo are waging no war ot conquest on China. We only wish for atonement for Chinese mis deeds and n guaranty of reforms. Wo especially desire utonemint, since other wise such things might occur again. Wo dcslro tho Inllucnco accruing to Germany in tho prewent movement shall bo preserved to her. Wo dcslro our share In what Is to ho won frcm China. Wo will not overreach unyono and wo will not let nnydun over reach us. Wo havo nothing to gain by n partition ot China and wo do not ileslro it. Wo shall faro best If China recovers her self, r.o far ns possible, under tho best ordered, administration obtalnablo and re mains solvent. We wish to confine our selves to our present position and will not hhnkn Chlnii unnecessarily. Wo huvo no . reason for going beyond tho convention o August n, lbOS, or to arrive for territorial acquisition. ".Neither havo wo Interest in nalllnc our nelvetj down In China to a definite Btrctch of territory. German trade had spread far in China long beforo no occupied Knlo Chou, Wo defend our rights lu peaceful competition, therefore, with all nations, on tho principle of 'llvo and let live.' That Is tho object ot tho Anglo-Gorman agreement of October 18, tho principles of which tho other cabinets havo declared themselves with. CondlttniiB Niiiurd to Chlnn, "Wo assunto thut the other powers will not innko territorial ncqulstlons. There Is no ground for doubting their loyalty. Tho cud set iu view by tho circular note tho do liberation of tho Kuropenn In I'okln-has been attained. Other highly important ob jects remain to bo reached. Security of tho lives and property of foreigners, ado quato satisfaction for outrages, compensa tion for tho disbursements mudo and costs incurred, and tho safeguarding of our pos cessions. The attainment of leso by unaulmous agreement has bce:r arrived at by tho representatives of tho powers In To kin, whoso demands I now communicate: "China shall erect a monument to llaron A on Ketteler on tho site whero ho was murdered and send an Imperial prlnco to Gertnauy to convey au apology, Sbo shall Inflict tho death penalty upon cloven prlpcca and olllclals already named and fuibpcud provincial examinations for five scars whero tho outrages occurred. "In futuro all ofllclals falling to prevent anti-foreign outrages within tholr juris (Continued on Second Page.) RUSSIA PLAYS FOR VANTAGE ntTnrt to Iletncli Italy from Triple Alliance Amtrln lo He Ixutnlcd, ST. PETEHSUtRO, Nov, S.-Ono of the most cherished Ideas of tho pan-Slavic publicists la to detach Italy from the triple lllancc, and u writer In tho Hossyla, ono of r of at. Petersburg Journals, pro- pllsh this and to overcomo atria In the Ualkans nt ono HtroKtWWjif u'JMythat Ilussla shall put Italy In tho wl'Wecurlng a foothold or, perhaps, even domlnnnt influenco In Albania. Tho editor of tho Rossyla finds that this Idea has Its disadvantages, Tho plan, ho thinks, however, might bo made acceptable If Hussla had to deal with one Italy only the Qulrlnnl and Its policy, nut there Is another Italy to bo reckoned with tho Vatican and Catholic Italy the ancient enemy of tho orthodox Greek church. To substitute Italy for Austria In tho direc tion of Ilnlkan affairs would be, ho thinks, llko the change of King Lear's daughters Hegan for Goncrll. The Hosayla thinks It sees Indications of a possible reconstruction of tho triple alllanca with England In tho plnco of Austria. It notes evidences of coolness between the courts of Itomo and Vienna and nttaches great significance to the; forthcoming vUtt of tho young king of Italy to England among other countries. Tho result of It all may bo tho transformation of tho Anglo-German agreements regarding China and Africa Into a formal alliance, Into which Italy will bo taken on uccount of Its position In tho Mediterranean, Austria will bo Isolated. Tho natural result would bo that Uuisla would have much easier sailing lu the Ilnlknns. This conclusion no doubt explains tho Itossyla's article. It Is the wish, not tho facts so formally inarshulled, that fathered this thought. Tho mlnlatc of flnnnco Issues figures showing that, although they have not thrlvod particularly, tho Ilclglan Joint stock com panies of Russia nro making a small dividend, taken as a whole. Thcro aro 148 companies with n capital ot 494,000,000 roubles, or nearly $250,000,000. Of this num ber sixty-four arc less than eighteen months old. Tho annual report on tho grain crop ot Russia, harvest ot 1P00, shows that of the winter grains the ryo crop Is a little' above and tho wheat crop below tho average. Winter wheat suffered from excessive humidity In tho Bouthwcst and "Now Russia" Bprlng grain Is said to bo near the average Twolvo new sugar refineries will bo opened In Russia next season. Warsaw newspapors report that the agents of tho United States nro buying sugar beet seed In Poland. This seed will be given n trial at tho agricultural stations In tho United Btates. Such seed has previously been obtained principally from France. EMPEROR MAKES A PROMISE China's Krstwhllc llulcr I'IciIhfh Gcr. mini Monarch to l'unlnh Ilnrun Von ICettcler' Murderer, 11EHLIN, Nov. 19.Tho Rclchb Anselgcr (official) publishes tho text ot a telegram of tho emi oror of China, dated November 14, In which tho former promises to inflict severe punishment on tho authorities who were accomplices of tho murderers of Huron voii Ketteler, tho German minister, nnd expressed thu hopo that friendly rcla ttons will roon bo re-establljhcd. Ho.also declares that so soon ns the peace cdmmls sloncrs attain tho desired point ho will fix a time for his return to Pekln. Ills Chtneso majesty adds that tho protec tion of tho Christian missions will he es pcclally nnd strictly enjoined on all tho provincial authorities. MORE ANTI-CHRISTIAN RIOTS Vlcerny Attempt to Settle Trouble Ducked lip li)' n French (unbuilt. CANTON, Nov. U. Refugees who havo arrived hero report that nntl-Chilstlaa ltots havo broken out In tho provlnco ot Klang SI. Tho non-Christians aro wearing badges and all persons not ho decorated aro in danger of death. Tho viceroy ot the provlnco has appointed a deputy to scttlo tho disturbances nnd French gunboats will nccompany the latter with a view of en forcing hla orders. ORDERED TO JOIN THE COURT lndlcntlnn Hint Chinese Itojnlty la to Move to the Province of file Cliiirn, SHANGHAI, Nov, 19. Tho governor gen eral ot tho provlnco of Szo Chuen has been ordered to join tho court. This causes ex cltemeut In provincial officialdom, as It Is regarded as u further Indication that tho Imperial family Is going to Szo Chuen. Chlncur llcatro)- Ilnllronil. ST. PHTEHSUUHG, Nov.' 19. Dispatches from Vladlvontock say tho Chinese havo de stroyed M0 vorats of the southern section of tho Manehurlan railway. All tho sta tlons wero burned and much rolling stock was destroyed. Tho ditniago is estimate! at 10,000,000 roubles. BRITISH STEAMER SEIZED Colombian Itchcln Credited vMlh Unr Iiir Act Hint I llnrdly Leu 'I'll ii it ( Piracy. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov. 19. Passen gers who arrived hero on Sunday on tho Urltlsh steninor Atrato from Colon say there wcro rumors at Colon when they sallc that tho British steamer Taboga had been seized by tho Colombian government a Panamu aud sent, under an armed escort to Iluena Ventura (a portvln tho depart trent of Caucn tin tho bay of Choco). It was added that tho British consul at Pan aina hud asked his government for u wa ve'ssol. Confirmation of the reports, how ever, wcro lacking and It was assorted that the Ilrltlsh consul at Panama cannot dls patch cipher messages from thut city. Lthrniln Appeal tn Country. NKW YORK, Nov. 19. Many of th provincial governments ot Canada, which are liberal In politics, havo decided, ac cording to u Montreal dUpatcb to tho Tribune, to take advantage of tho flowing tide ot liberalism and hnvo appealed to th electors for support, Tho election In Quebec will take placo on Dccomber 7. Tho liberal government had a majority of about thirty In tho last bouso (out of seventy-four mem bers) aud this Is likely to bo Increased Tho other election will be held In Prince Edward Island, whero for it year past there has been a virtual deadlock, tho liberal government being sustained In power on sovcral occasions by tho casting vote of tho npcaker. This election will bo close. with good changes for the conservatives. Stcnincr l'rlcnlnud Dlmiblril, LONDON', Nov. 19. Tho steamer Fries land, Captain Nickels, from New York November 7, for Southampton and Antwerp, passed Scllly today disabled, in tow of the Ilrltlsh steamer Clowden, from Newport News for Rotterdam, The Frlesland'a rudder was damaged. ALL SAVE ONE PERISH Storm Orertakos Party of Thirty-Eight Tntks on Black Ben at Night, COWARD MEN THINK ONLY OF THEMSELVES "rut (he Children Arc Thrown (Iter to Mjchtrn th llonl, Then the AVomrn, bnt It I)oc ,o Good anil All lint One Die. LONDON. Nov. 20. Tho Dally Kxprcss publishes the following from Odessa: A party of thirty-eight Turks wishins to leavo Russia secretly sailed at dead night from Tschuruksu to cross the Illack sea. A storm arono and the boat filled Irst tho baggage was thrown ovcrbonrd. Then tho children and finally the women were- committed to tho sea, but this did not provent tho vessel from foundering, and all perished save ono lad, who clung to tho most and was washed ashore." BARTERING CROSS OF HONOR IIIiiIm of Kipunuri! PreclpltMte I.lrely Drbnte In French ClinmUrr Over I.pkIoii of Honor ScnndnU. PARIS, Nor. 19. The Chamber of Deputies today discussed tho alleged decorations candal, tho reactionary press having hinted for severnl days past at an unpleasant ex posuro regarding trafficking In decorations. Finally It was said that M. Jean Dccrnals, sou of the minister of tho colonies, bod been paid 20,000 francs for his Influence to secure a cross ot the legion of honor for M, Edouard Drumont, proprietor ot tho lbro Parole. Minister Dccrnnts epoko feelingly on the subject and Bald tho charge was false. M. Decraals described the details of tho decorations given by M. Miller and tho minister of commerce, and the method followed, pointing to the reaeons for which tho decorations wcro bestowed. A lively debato followed, many deputlco partlclpat lng In It. Tho government was asked to refer the subject to a magistrate, and others suggested a law to restrain the 'calumnious press." M. Wnldeck-HouBscau, tho premier, Ironi cally replied, scoring tho press for descending to such methods In its efforts to Injure the ministry. He claimed tho stories were nothing more than political fabrications. The government ex planatlons wero approved by a voto of 379 to 31. DEPUTIES DISCUSS BUDGET Chamber Drvolen Srnxloii to Chinese AtTnlra llaillcul Hucluliitt Chartce Wnliierseo with Incompetence. PARIS, Nov. 19. During tho morning ses sion of tho Chamber of Deputies today tho budget for tho ministry of foreign affairs was discussed nnd M. do Kstournelles do Constant, republican, representing tho La Klelcho district of tho Sarthc, asked how ong tho Chinese campaign would last. Ho said he feared It would cost a largo amount; They could not depend on an in dcranlty to cover the expense, for it would not bo necessary to continue tho cxpedl Hon to enforce tho payment. The speaker also expressed fear that tho exaction ' of nn Indemnity would result In tho dlsmem bermcnt ot China, resulting lu a universal war. Thus, he pointed out, "Chlnn lays a trap for Kuropo to fall Into." M. Marcel Scmbat, radical (socialist, rep resenting ono ot the Selno districts, dc- manded to know by what right the govern ment had engaged In war without the con Kent of Parliament and questioned tho gov ernment ns to tho truth of tho press an nouncements of atrocities committed by soldiers. He concluded with tho state ment that Field Marshal Count von Walderseo was unfit to be commandcr-ln. chief ot tho allied forces. Tho debate will be continued tomorrow ONE MORE FIZZLE FOR SPAIN I.Htc HlMinnn incrlcnii Coimrr 3lnilrll Accomplished Aoth Iiik TniiKlhlr, PARIS, Nov. 19. "Even those who sym- putlilzii with tho movement that led to tho Hlspanlo-Amcrican congress," says special dispatch from Madrid, "will not bo satisfied with tho results of the congress, They aro obliged regretfully to acknowl edge that tho congress did not cxclto lively Interest in tho peninsula; that tho spirit that onco prompted Spain to cherish her old tlmo, influences In the western hemisphere, does not now exist and that tho present is unfavorable to any attempt to develop It. 'Tho delegates wero not numerous aud tho dlscources conslstod for tho greater part of generalities Instead of practical fitlutlon. Nevertheless It Is hoped thnt the work of tho congress will not Ins altogether thrown away and that tho ultlmnto result will bo to draw closer togothcr Spain nnd tho South American republics-" Sulfmi Srndn CniiRirntnlatlans. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 19. United States Cbargo d'AffalrcB Griscom was again at tho Ylldlz palaco November 17, attending a court muslcnle, after which hn remained and dined witlj tho BUltan, who charged him tn transmit to President McKlnley his wannes congratulations upon his re-election, adding that tho result ot tho olectlon had given his majesty tho greatest pleasure, because It assured tho continuance ot the present ex cocdlngly friendly relations betweon Turkey and tbo United States. Tmtliiir nill'i Coimtltntlonnlltr. WINNIPEG, Manltobn, Nov. 19. The con stltutloualtty of the provincial prohibition bill passed by tho legislature, at Its las session will como ljutoro tuo court o queen's bench next Monday. Tho Hudson Day company claims to have rights given it under the North American act by the Imperial government In tho matter of trad lng In tlio products of tho country which tho provincial government cannot Interfere with. Ilullrlin of t'snr'H Condition. L1VADIA, Nov. 19. Tho czar continues to linprovo lu health. Tho bulletin issued by his physicians today says: "Tho emperor passed a good day yestcr day. At 9 o'clock In the evening his tem peraturo was 101.2 and his pulso 72. 11 majesty passed a very good night. Thl morning his condltloa la excellent. His strength Is well maintained. At 9 o'clock this morning his temperature was 100,7 pulse, GS. Imnrlainiipd fur l'nNlf ylnjr Tlooka LONDON, Nov. 19. Director Nelson and Manager Shlmmon, who with the auditors o tho Institution, wero found guilty November 14 ot falsifying the books ot Dumbells bank of Douglas, Islo ot Man, which recently failed for over 100,000, wcro today sen tonccd to five years' Imprisonment. Tho others received sentences ranging from six months to eighteen months' Imprison ment. WHY HARRISON IS RELIEVED His Service No l.onner .Vcerted bj the AVnr llcpnrtneiit OWInn tu Cnntrncdoul WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. (Special Tele gram.) There Is lllnnturcd talk In quarters unfriendly to tho administration to the ffect that tho honorablo dlschnrgu last rlday of Lieutenant Colonel Russell D. Harrison, inspector general uf United States volunteers, was an act ot resentment gainst his father, ex-President Harrison, for his nonpartlclpatton In tho Into presi dential election. The War department ex plains It, however, as an act In tho ordi nary course; that tho discontinuance of the military department of Porto Rlcu removed tho ncco3Slty for nn Inspector general In that department; that all tho military de partments In tho United States aro pro vided with officers of that r.frps, nnd that It was Inadvisable to send Lieutenant Col onel Harrison to tho Philippines ul this late day, for tho reason that tinder tho law nil the volunteer ofUccra may havo to bo discharged from tho scrvlco by Juno 30 next. This explanation will Batlsfy nil save those who nro determined not to ho satisfied by anything the administration does. senator Thurston left toniftht for Omahn, accompanied by his brothcrtund sister-in-law, to attend tho funetal dt Mrs. Poland, mother of former Mrs. Thufslon. Senntor Thurston, bcfoio leaving, si I'd that wltllo Mrs. Poland was seemingly in good health. sho had been afflicted with dropsy for sev eral years, and ho believed: that this was tho primary causo of dUuase. Ho was greatly shocked, however, i learn of her death, as ho had no previous Information ot her Illness. It Is understood thnt his daughters, Graco nnd Jean, will return with Senator Thurston to Washington. W. II. Michael, chief clerk of tho Stato de partment, resumed his official duties toJay, havlug roturncd yesterday from Nebraska. Rural frco delivery service will bo es tablished at tho following rolnts tu lown on December 1: Favragut, Fremont county. area covered, forty nquuro miles; popula tion served, 693; carrier, J. W. Hill. Imo- geno, Fremont county; nren covered, forty flvo squara miles; population nerved, est; carrier, J. A. Carr. Leon, Decatur county; urea covered, forty-ono squaro miles; popu lation served, S14; cnrrler, F. H. Allen. Letts, Louisa county (additional service); nrea. covered, thlrty-threo aquaro nillcu; population served, CC2; carrier, C. N. Coder. The National Hank of tho Republic ot Chicago was today approved ns reserve! agent for tho First National bank of lllcb land, lav G. V. Grovcr was today appointed post master nt Grindstone, Stanley county, S. D. CAPITAL'S FIRST CENTENNIAL KInlioru(c I'rcpurn tlonm Arc Ileitis; 31ude fur Celebration Set for Ilecemher WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-?Today was tho 100th anniversary ot tho meeting ot tho congress which assembled!! Washington alter tho capital of tho, republic was transferred, to this city .from Philadelphia. Tho centonnlal anniversary ibf tho removal of tho seat of government ;to this elty Is to bo elaborately celebrated on December Exercises will bo held nt tho Capitol and the whlto House. In many repeats the occasion U to bo comiiuiiorattv 6 of tho growth ot tho ropubllc during tho cen tury. Tho governors of all tho states, ns well as many other distinguished guests, hnvo been luvlted tor ho here. All tho dc partments will ho closed. Ono of tho features of tho celebration will bo a mili tary parade, which will contrast tho unl forms nnd accoutrements of tho militia of a century ago with those of tho present day. In connection with the event thcro Is a project for an enlargement of tho ex ccutlvo mansion to n scalo commensurate with tho present features and granducr of tho country. HARRIS GOING BACK TO POST Mlnl.oter In Auntrln .Voir TtedirnlnK lo Vlrunii Will Ant IlcMKn I'll 1 11 .Miirch .(. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Addison C Harris, United Stutes minister to Austria, reached Washington todny on bla way from his homo In Indlnua to Vienna. It Is now known officially that .Mr. Harris will ru ulgn, though his resignation has not been formally submitted. Hn will, however, re turn to his post, whero ho expects to remain until March i next beforo retiring from' tho diplomatic scrvlco. Mr. Hart, United States minister to Colombia, also Is In Washington and called upon Secretary Hay today to pay his respects, He Is on lcao ot nbsenco from IiIh post. DAWN OF NEW ERA FOR LABOR MnchlnlwtN unit Their Kmilo ith Will Ilerenfter .Submit All Differences to Arbitration, WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. Ily agreement between representatives of tho National Metal Trades' association nnd ot the- Inter national Association of Machinists, tho hours of labor of tho machinists throughout tho United Pttites, beginning todny, wero reduced to nlnn hours and a half per day. Beginning May 18, 1901, nlnn hours will constitute a day'n work among tho machin ists. In accordance with tho agreement strikes and lockouts will not bo resorted to in tho machinist trade. All further disputes nro to bo sottle.1 by arbitration. MAY AMEND WAR REVENUE TAX IlcniilillcMtt Member of Wnr Menu Committee Meet In AVnublnicton Todny. iiml WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. many mombera of tho house ways and means commlttea arrived In Washington today, Tho repub lican members' will meet tomorow to con sider a bill to modify tho war revenuo act, passed In 1898. Several plans havo been outlined for the proposed reduction In taxation. Lnimch Torpedo Lion In Thursday, WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. The Navy do- nartment trulnv advised that thn tnr. pedo boats Do Long nnd Dlakcly, built by tno ucorgo uawiey sons- corporation, win bo launched at South Doston, Mass., next Thursday morning. A largo party of promi nent officials of tho Navy department will attend tho launching. Tn Nluily the Hobo, WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. The Industrial commission has appointed Prof. John R Commons ot tho bureau of economic re search, New York City, as an expert to Investlgato tho effect ot Immigration and the problem of the unemployed, especially with a view to tho study of tho tramp ques tion. Mlnnrantn (in In pi Per Cent, WASHINGTON, Nov, 19. The population of the slate ot Minnesota aa announced by the census bureau Is 1,751, U91 against 1,302, S'JG In 1890. This Is an Increaao ot HS,5CS, or 31.5 per cent. HAVE TO FACE 1 HE ACCUSERS Inspector Cross and Captain Herlihy Are on tho Carpet, FRlilT BISHOP POTTER'S LETTER BEARS Acir York Police Torec. Order Ac cused OClclnln lo lie lMnced nil Trlnl nnd Allows Prosecution to Anmo lis Ovn Terms. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. The Board of Po llen Coramltsloncrs today ordered charges preferred ncalnst Inspector Adnm A. Cross nnd Captain John LI. Herlihy nnd practi cally tutned thorn over to tho mercy ot their accusers. Tho two officers nro to bo proceeded ngnlust In no lenient mnnncr, ns Is demonstrated by tho'fnct thnt lltshop Potter has been requested to name couusel to assist In tho prosecution; and tho further fact that Edward M. Shepard and W. M. I. Olcott nro to represent tho pollco board In suslnlnlng tho charges. Insepcctor Cross will bo compelled to meet tho charges of neglect of duty In that ho permitted pre clude within his Inspection district to leek with vlco and tho further charge of conduct unbecoming nn officer. Captain Herlihy is accused of conduct unbecoming nn officer nnd of neglecting to enforco tho law In his precinct. Having provided for tho prosecution of Inspector Crots nud Captain Herlihy, tho pollco beard Informed Mnyor Van Wyck of their action nnd then Instructed President York to communicate with Klshop Potter, rcqustlng tho latter to placo beforo them any cvldcnco which ho may havo against tho two officers or against any other mem ber of tho pollco force. After tho adjourn ment tho pollco board, It Is said n misun derstanding nroso between Chief of Pollco Dcvery nnd President York. At headquar ters It was Intimated that charges of as serious a nature ns those against Inspector Cross may also bo brought against Chief Dovcry. Tho latter has refused to remove Crocs of Herlihy from duty pending tho hearing of tho chnrges against them nnd In doing this ho has incurred tho displeasure of President York. Ilonrd'n Letter to lllnliou I'ultrr. Tho board sent a letter to Ulshop Tot ter, of which the folowlng Is a copy: ltlght Rev. II. ( Potter, Ulshop of New York, Lafnyetto Place, New York ltignt ltevcrcnu sir: 'ine ponce uoaru nas under ditto of tho 16th Inst., received a communication from Hon. Hobnrt A. Van Wvclt. rnuvor of tl-e cltv. trunsmlttlnir a communication from you, dated November 15, nnd which communication In part states nn follows: Tho statement now In my possession of two elurcviiiHii of llui hlirhcat character. contains the testimony of two men given without exaggeration, with the most pains taking reserve and with absolute truth fulness. In substance It Is briefly this, that when one of them complained to n police rnpinin ot u condition or tilings in nis im moil In tn neluhborlmnd. whose, dlscustlllt; 111 fumy Is u mutter of notoriety a condition of tliliiL-R cusllv verified by any Intelligent citizen who passed through tho street 'n which It exists ho was told that ho hnd lied, nnd that when, disheartened by SUCH uii experience, he carried Ills complaint to n Higher uutnonty in tno pouco torce, ne iviiM met with lnnntent tlurlslnn. ,Tho first knowledge that any member of tup police, tionru una ot. tins aimgco insur was conveyed In tho nubile nrllitff ot SeP' tembor 2S. which reported ,tho proceedings of tho' Uplsoopnl convention having refer enco to thlH tmb.tcct matter. Th resolution ndonted bv such convention called for ail investigation by you und, If the fncts IiihIIHimI It. the iiL'i'sentutloii of a sultnbln communication to the mayor. In view of this resolution tho nollce board bus waited jho result of your Investigation anil such action as you deem necessary. The receipt of your communication from the mayor places the matter now beforo tho hoard for Its action; nnd to the end that proper rhiirirex may be formulated nsnlnst the officers complained of, tho preparation of WHICH necessarily icquiroo n Hpeenic muie meiit nf tho dates and tlmeH of thu alleged offense nnd tho personH against whom the offense was committed. I respectfully re quest that you cntifn to bo mibmlttcd to me for tho iiho of thn pollco board, the nnino of the person or persons against whom the offciiHi was committed; flic dates or Onto ot Its occurrence and tho language used na nearly sm may be. Upon tho rocelpt of hucIi Information charges will bu formulated mid preferred agnlnBt thrsn ntneerH who innv be named, Tho practice of tho pollco board haw been to permit til" appearance, ui counsel im uw imrtlp makfnir eoinnfiilnts on thn trial had ngnlust n member of the force. In this case, however, theie Is no desire that tho complulnt Hhould be made, by the party to whom thn alleged Insult was given, the pollen board preternng tun cnarge. u win, lintvni'iir. ncrmlt nnd It most earnestly r- questH that you ileHlgnato wnmo counsellor nt mW, WHO Will rejreacili juu in inn iirnHortit on or tnis comniaini. unti. u in his judgment it is deemed best, tho form of n compiuitu may uo uraiicu uy sucn coun Htl. In reference to tho statements contnlned In vnur i nminiuilcnllori ns to onen and nub ile violation of lnw and discipline lu tho neighborhood of tho pro-cathcdrnl the board lias tiiKc.n action inercon. I havo tno Honor to nn. very respeomuiy t , i . nn i ........ I Tho following resolution was also adopted. Tfnunlrit,! H'lint llin nil lo f nf linltr,. Iia find Is directed to causo a rigid enforcement of nil lawn and ordlnnneeH throughout tho city of New York and thnt ho give to the tamo Ills personal attention anil Insist on a Held cnmtillaiH'O with HiIh resolution on the part of every officer In tho department nud that ho will ndopt such measures an will cnablo Him to be assured that tlio rpoiilHltlons of this resolution aro com titled with and when n fnllure to so comnlv exists, he Is required to nt onco prefer charges against tno delinquent persons, llu,,iiM nnvnni. llfnrlnv. NRW YORK. Nov. 13. Thn hearing In IIIU MJ nut (ini,i uiimii nun Hill 1 1 niry iir- foro Unite. States CommlBHloncr Shields lavlil NfviiiH, chief clerk nf the National If ilim m Luuiinriru, iuciuuiuu imi rrriiii- cutoH of Htock of tho Deluwuro ami IIudHon 7-.......1 f liVl alir. ru oul. .....1 Lilt l II UUIIMMlll J fc ' fclMbVU t tlllU ,.nl lii nil,1nnn,i rpl,..,. Identified by Qeorco C S. Mcf'ary, cashier for Handall & AVhltlock, stock brokers, aa I ft...... I,.I1 tl.n ,.,...... 1 1 it V I II K ('(111 IIIUU UVCII IIIU JMUIVI J Oberlln M. Carter. 1, 'I. If! n'nlr.nlS I hi, MAarllllT U'flU nt.ll.'llllil.l and December 18 wus set for tho hnudlii:; In or uricm arm i uiiiiuint; u. llnsinillnn Jewrln 'nt No Much. NKW YORK, Nov. 19. At tho custom houHO today It was announced that nil nfllrlnl nnnrlsal of tno Ko-cullcd Maximilian joweiH, taken from tho person of n In this city last week, fixed their value nt J:',"60, cxcluslvo of tho O per cent custnint duties. Tho ease will prouuoiy no sutimitted to Viilted Stntes District Attorney Hurnitt on charges Hint tno jeweiry wus smuggiu Into this country. Harris ,t L'nmpiuiy AukIkii, NUW YORK, Nov. 19.Harrls & Co., gen eml brokers and commission men nt & iiroiidwav. mudo mi assignment today with out prefrenceH, to an attorney, who said thn liabilities aru cHtlmuted nt KU.OoO and the iiHsctH ut from JtS.OOO to JW.OOU. Harris : Co. wero not ir- "h of the Stock Ex ,'tnmire or thn con dn'ci exchange. Thel customers wero for tho must part out o town. (irlusN May Itemime Practice, NKW YORK, Nov. 19. Personal friends o Attorney General Griggs aro authority foi tho statement that Mr, tirlggH upon his re tireiiH'iit from President McKlnleyn cabl net will onen n law office III New York t'ltv It Is said that hu will also hnvo nn otlice lu W'HHlilncton und will muko a xneclaltv of practice In tho supremo and circuit courts, Life .Inter tu the Itrxciic, TWO TllVKHH, VIM Nov. 19. Tile schooner Holmea run ashore. Houth tit Main towuo ilurlm.' tho Heavy Bea last num. TH llfc-savlliB crew has left for the Hcene. I Is thought tho men on the vessel reach,' suoro in mc yawi. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER 'oreeast for Nebraska- Snow; Colder; Northerly Winds. Temncrutnrc nt Ouinhn Yeterdn I Hour. Ilea. Hour. Urn, r. it, ni V.7 I p. in "'- i ii. n u4 a p. m 7 ii, in an :: , in,,..,. :tit n n. ii :io -t p. m :i:i ii ii. in no r. i in :t:t in . in ill II p. ni :t'J 1 1 n. in :i t 7 p. m :tu t- n :u s v. in :tu ii n. nt :i2 IRE ON STORM-TOSSED BOAT Creiv nf Mlennicr l.lxtlc Miiddcti llnvc Terrible llKirrlciicc on l.nlie .Superior. ASHLAND, Wis., Nov. 19. The steamer .Izzlc Madden nrrlvcd here badly dis figured by a flic which broke out during tremendous galo on Lako Superior on Sunday, und which for a tlmo threatened the Btcamer with total destruction. "It was a llfo and death struggle," said aptaln M. J. Madden, "nnd It Is n miracle that wo are not nt tho bottom of tho lako. Tho fact that tho flro started when wo were changing watches Is tho ony thing that saved us, Tho flro was first seen In tho deck hands' quarter nnd was extinguished after it hard struggle. No sooner was It under control hero than It broko out nnew around the smokestack and over tho hollers. The men buckled to It bravely and nlthough the'lirc ran from ono nd of tho boat to tho oilier wo finally subdued It. Tho dro occurred when wa wcro about twenty miles south of Outer slnnd, Wo had tho Noquo Hay und Maute- neo In tow, but there waH such n ter rific galo that they could not havo come alongside had our efforts to quench the flames been unsuccessful, Tho wind was from tho northeast and wc wero running so thnt I had to cling to tho rail with both hands to keep from going overboard, Tho hlef engineer and first mnto wcro all but suffocated by tho smoko and flames, but soon recovered," SAID TO HAVE SKIPPED OUT John Pun em nud llerrj- llnnuril Wanted for Cuiiiiillclt; In Gueliel Murder Thouuht to lime lMcd. MIUDLESDOKO, Ky Nov. 19. It Is re- ported that John Powers and Horry Howa rd, under Indictment for tho assasslna- lon of tho lato" Governor William Gochel, havo left tho mountains, whero they sought rcfugo from arrest. Powers was at Har- an and Howard In tho mountains of Hell county, both places being twenty miles from any railroad, Tho men aro said to hnvo left two days ngo, accompanied by sovcral mountaineers, nnd to havo struck hrough tho mountains for West Virginia. Tho story Is generally believed here, as owcrs and Howard feared troops would bo sent after them, but Inquiry nt Plne vlllc, which Is tho ncurcst point to the home of Howard, failed fo confirm It Powers Is a brother of Caleb Powers, sell' fenced tn the penitentiary on tho charge of being an ncccssory beforo tho fact to the assasslnntlon ot Goebcl. AFRAID TO HOPE TOO MUCH l'ear That leeiiilnir Iniurnt eiuent In Senntor IIbvIm Condition -VI nj JJc huperllclHl. ' ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 19. Whether the Improvement noted this afternoon In tho condition ot United States Senator Dnvls Is other thuu superficial it Is Impossible to Fay. Tim continued intervals of delirium nro deemed unfavorable to recovery. How, ever, tho fact that he continued to tako con sldcrabla food nnd tonics Is considered much In his favor. Messages of sympathy wero received today from Wu Ting Kang, Chinese minis ter ut Washington; Lord Pauncefote, am bausadur from Kngland; M. IlcAsplroz, thn Mexican ambassador; Secretary of State Hay, Senator Kryo of Maine, and former Senator Thomas W. Palmor of Detroit. Dr. Stone'ii bulletin tonight Is as follows "Senntor Davis has been resting quietly throughout tho day, with lucid Intervals Temperature tonight, 9S 4-5; pulse, 106, and respiration, 23." SWAZEY IN SOUTH AMERICA Detect l en l'olloirliiRr Kiiiikb City Ciitllrmnii Who .Svrlndlril llnnk by Duplicate Mortitnircs. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 19. Kdward L. wa7.ey, who fled from Kansas City four mouths ago after obtaining a largo rum ot motioy from banks throughout tho country by means of dupllcato cattle mortgages, Is being followed closely by detectives In South America. Tho locnl nttorney for the CattlcmotiB' Protcctlvo association, which Is prot.ccutlng tho search stated today that Swazey will bo arrested nnd brought back hero If ho enters a country ttboro extradl Uon laws would not Interfere with his bo lng taken. It appears that Swazey went direct to Montevideo from Kansas City. ARRESTS COLORED DEPUTIES Denver Detective Jul In hltrriff'H As ftlNtnuta on Chnritc of l'nrtlc Innt Jnir In i:ieetton' 1'ntnl Idol. DKNVKH, Colo., Nov. 19. Captain of Detectives Armstrong today filed Inform Hon with District Attorney Malono against William IxhvIb, alias Urundago, and John Davis, colored, deputy sheriffs, who took part In tho olectlon riot. Lowls Is ac cused ot having shot Special Policeman Stuart Harvcry, who subsequently died, Davis is accused of having shot Policeman Carponttr, who Is now convalescing. MiikIUIi Cbiiniiel In Cboiini. LONDON. Nov. 19.- Heavy Knlea cniillnii to sweep over tho channel, Tho continental man ooars reporiuavinKencouutereii torrlll suas anil tiicro nnvo neen n num inr i minor mishaps. Tho small Hremen steamer uuiHourg, which was nisauicii on Folke aiono yesteruay, nas oeen lowed into th Thames. Ills: Price for tnttle. PITTSIlIHia, P.i.. Nov. l!..-Today fifteen head of Polled Annus cattle were Hold to tho Pittsburg Provision company at J).i;5 per niinurt'iiwcigiit. wiuen is tllo lllglieit prlco paid for cattlo In this country slnco tno cany su , It exult nf Itcnulillciiii Pulley. HPKINOFIKLD. 111.. Nov. 19. It whh nn nounccd today that thu Wiirdner-HiMliii'll rnmnanv. manufacturers of aurlcultural lin- plcmeutu, will resumn operations Deofltnber j. Bovcntccii riunoreii men nre cmpioytu, Girl PerUhen lu Hotel I'lrc. HTI'IKIKON HAY". VIs.. Nov. 19. Thn Hotel French burned today, MIkh lleekurdt or Aliuupo, wis., was uuriieu lo ueatli, All otliers in tlio noiei CHCnpni, -a nn pe cuiuuiy man un uiimiiiai, Hheru SimiiemlM. NKW YOHK. Nov. 19. Tile susnonflon i J. Fletcher Hliera was announced on th Stock exchange toiluy. Mr. Kliera Is comparatively new member. Ho Is said t nnvo v nsnington connections. Hurt I'niler I'nllliiif Wnlln. CHICAGO. Nov. IU. -Six men wero In jured, two probably fatally today, by tho tailing of tho wall of a two-story building in coursn nt construction at ."so, ?iti f orty ccvcniii street. 1UKL DEFI AT POPE Sensational Utterances at the Methodist Miislonarj Conference, '' BITTER ATTACKS ARE LOUDLY APPLAUDED Ohnrch of Home is Denounced in Terms Absolutely Unqualified, ' BISHOP G00DSELL BEGINS THE DISCUSSION Declares That in Italy Man of Empire Has Bccomo Mero Organ Grinder. REV. DR. DREES TALKS EVEN MORE RABIDLY (Inrftllnn UnUrd lir (he Pralmtnnt llefuriuuliun, It In luilMcd, Nnrr Dcmnuil Tlmt They lie Pushed tu Their I'lunt Ismie. NHW YOHK, Nov, 19. Tto tlerco on l.iughts on tho church ot Homo cnlhentd ho proeccdltigs nt today's session ot tho general missionary committee. On each occasion an audience, which filled every part ot tho largo auditorium lu St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, whero tho committee Is meeting, broko Into np- lattso uud no effort was made by tho chair to check these demonstrations of approval. Tho general committee, which Is com posed of nil thn bishops and leading di vines In tho Methodist church ot America, has been In scsslou dally slnco Wednesday ast. Upon several occasions durlu.K former sessions when refcrencu has been mado to auythlug pertaining to tho Hoiunn church tho snmo spirit of dctlnnci) has been apparent. Upon no former occasion, how ever, has that church been denounced In terms so unqualified, nor has thn approval of thu audience, been given vent In no vigorous nppluuse. Illftlinp Goodncll'n Atl.icW. Tho first pursou to advnnco to tho nt- tack Ulshop Goodsell- of Tennessee. n the courso of an address on tho work ot the Methodist Episcopal church lu various parts ot Europo ho had occasion to speak of the wotk done In Italy and conditions obtaining there. It was In thn recital ot the latter tho bishop used such strung Inngungo against the church of Home. Ho said: "In northern Europe, for Instance, In Ger many and tho Scandinavian countries, wo havo mnde satisfactory progress, though wc havo had a great deal of Indifference and even opposition to contend with. Sta tistics show thnt wo havo mado as much headway during tho llrt thlrty-fivo years lu Europe ns wo hnvo In tho uanio period In this country, which offers a moru con genial soil for our creed. "In southern Europe the conditions am somowhnt different. Them the struggle has been harder. Thcro uro many who doubt whether wo havo any work at all lu Duly, thu land of superstition and priest craft. Doubting whether wa could ever hops to accomplish anything thcro In tho face of tho tremendous press of adverse thought with which wo aro confronted, wo sent one ot our workers Into Italy. Ilea hoon mado up his mind that in Homo wa had to do as do tbo Homans. Ho began by training thn young, by taking them Into our schooU and seminaries. "Tho work Is slow, but Its value has been recently testified to -by tho pontlrf himself, who bah honored us by excommunicating overy one, teachers nnd pupils nllke, con nected with our institutions of learning. In tho effort to preserve for himself tho triple clown of papacy he has Issued a sweeping Interdict ngalnst the schools nnd every ono passing through their gates. This, however, has only mado tin moro determined to wipe out h hystem which has created out of tho former man nt einplro a cringing beggar with n monkey nnd n grind organ." Tho applauro which greeted thlu sally was deafening. CruNiide Asulunt Cnthollc, Church. Tho next speaker throw tho gauutlct to the Church of Homo lu termii aH direct and condemnatory as did Ulshop Goodsell. This was ltov. Dr. C. W. Drees, who for a num ber of years has been Identified with tho work of tho Methodist lCplaropal church In South America and was appointed by tho committee to tako over tho supervision ot tho work among tho Spanlsh-Bpcaklng natinn3 on this continent. Ilesldcs Ulshop Goodsell he la tho only member of the committee who In tho t:ourso ot bin labor has como In direct contact with tho work of tho Human Catholic church. In beginning his address Dr. Drees mado rcterenco to tho end ot Spanish rtilo In thlu hemisphere nnd whh roundly applauded. "It was wiso of tho chairman to call the subject on which I am to spenk tho work amcng tho Spanlsh-Hpeaklnc Inhabitants ot America. Happily, thcio la no longer a. Spanish America. Tho Inst vestlgo ot Spanish domination In thlu hemisphere dis appeared when tho old Spanish battleship Maria Teresa, In being towed to this coun try after having been wrecked by our gunn. laid her bones to rest on tho sands ot tho Iblund which was tho first American terri tory discovered. "A former speaker has said that u con dition whero half of tho world Is pagan and tho other half Christian cannot long en dure. Tho snmo can bo said with as much truth of ii stato of affairs whero Christen dom Is divided Into two greut camps, with Proteatanlsm on ono sldo and Greek and Homan Catholicism on tho other. Th" tlmo l:i upon uh when anew tho questions which appeared In tho Protestant Hefprma tlon will begin to agitate tho world and de mand to bo pushed to their final issue. After slumbering for four centuries thesn sclfsamo questions wcro uwakoned through tho last act ot Infamy of tho pontiff In de claring himself Infallible. Within twenty four hours after that 1 lasphcinous declara tion had been written on the trlplo crown of Home, tho Prussian armies Invaded Catholic France, ,1'orty-flvo days lutcr tho battle of Sidan was fought with Protestant Prussia thn victor, and twenty days had only claprcd when tho united armies en tered tho "Holy City." whero the pope held sway, bringing with them carloads ot bibles. l.iiiiKiiuce Almimt Ilrutnl, "Tha pope lout bin temporal power and slnco that day the erred has been weaken ing. "Tho Human church at ono tlmo held sway cveiwhero, but now both that church and Spsnlsh domination have fallen off their high pedittnhi. When Spain Is arraigned tho Homiin Catholic church should bo ar raigned with that power ns co-respondent. Ever tlnco Isabella signed away tho liberty of Spain to tho pope there ban been nn 'Illegitimate nlllanco botween ntatecraft and priestcraft against human liberty and human progrets." Tho applause which followed was an tremendous as It was tpoatancous. Dr.