THE OMAHA DAJIiV HEE: MONDAY", OVRMBEH 10, 1000. COUNCIL amoii Ain.N'no.v. D.ivia nrlla bIbb "Mr. Hlley." B-cent clear. tfino .Missouri oak. Gilbert Uros. llxlures unci globes at nixby s. Flno A. B, C. beer, Neumayer's hotel. Wollmnn, scientific optician, 400 Il'd'y. Schmidt's photon, new and latest styles. W, J, llostcttcr, dentist, lialdwln block. Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens. Drink Iiudwcl.tcr l Hosenfeld. ax'- Loffcrt, Jeweler, optician. 2T'i Hroadway, "Bun 'Jnnnit Hablrs" at C. U. Alexander sV Co.'e, SM Ilroadway. Tho place to havt- votir framing done Alexander fc C'o.'s 333 Ilroadway. Oct your work done at tlw popular Eagle laundry, 724 Drtiu.luny. 'I'hono 157. W. C. Kstcp, undertaker, 2i Pearl street Telephones; (Ufllcc, 97; residence, 33. Miss Daisy Clow of Denver, Colo., Is tho KUtst of her sister, Mrs. 1;. A, Hamilton. W. Oraff, undertaker and licensed cm aimer, 101 .South Main atiect. 'Phono Uh Morgan & Klein, upholstering, fumlturo repnlrliib', mattress maKlng, 122 H. Main at. Vour wife will lovo oii If you buy Hlierl Uan coal. Hmokrloss, no clinkers, soot nor sulphur. Kcnlou ft Koley. sole agents. Mrs. I). M. Small of Oakland utnniin Is entertaining Mrs. A. M. Jllako of I.lncolt;, Neb, Thn regular monthly session of the Hoard of Kducatlon Is on tho slate for tomorrow night. Mrs. r. I). Maylmuer of Mount Vernon, la.. Is tho Bucst of her sister, Mrs. O. 1. Wheeler. Mrs. It. St. Osborn. formerly of this city, now ii resident of CIiIcuko, Ih tho guest of Mrs. J. 11. Atkins. Krcil ('. Lewis has gnnn to Xeola, la., where ho has been engaged to teach u school during tho winter. Ivanhoo homestead No. 391, TJrotherhood of American Yeomen, will meet tonight In Woodmen of tho World ball. Mrs. William Coppnck of Mason City. In., mrrlved yesterdny on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. I,. Douglass of South Klghtli street. Thero will bo a special convocation of Btar chapter No. 47. Hoynl Arch Masons, this evening for work In tho past masters degree. Miss ttosn Uttrchmnro of Norfolk, Neb., Is visiting In tlili city, thn guest of her sister, Mrs. O. M, Frascr of Second ave nue. ICIder .lames Deny of Woodbine occupied the pulpit at thu morning and evening sorv Ices vestenlay ut tho Latter Day Saints' church on I'lerco street. Application has been made to th overseer of tho county poor for aid for tho family of S. i:. Ouelow, who recently went to Utah in search of employment. Tho family Is not only In need of medical uttendancc, but Is absolutely destitute. .lames Jncobsen, tho Janitor of the Shu-Itart-Ileno block, who was crushed In tho rhivator of that building hist Friday morn ing, Is recovering rapidly. Ills most ser ous Inlliry proved to bo thn fracturo of his leg. ilo was not Internally Injured as at llrst supposed and tho bones of his hips wern tiol hurt, tho IIchIi alono being bruised. N. T. Plumbing Co., tnlephono 250. Davis sells paint. ToiiIkIiC" CoiiiicII Mrrtlnir. At tho meeting of tho city council to night Mayor JrnnliiBH Is expected to pro lent u wrltton statement explaining bis reasons for not complying with tho orders of tho aldermen In tho matter of appoint ing a mounted patrolman and l:i tho mat ter of tho Sixth street paving contract. As to tho mounted patrolmati, It Is under stood tho mayor will kIvo as his reason for not appointing ono that tho appropria tion for tho police department will not stand tho extra expense. This will bo con tradicted by Alderman Iloyer who, on be half of his constituents, Is pushing tho appointment of tho omcer nnd ho Is ex pected to show by tho auditor's state ments that $7fi n month has be,'n saved In tho pollen fund and that consequently there uro amplo funds to pay tho salary of such nn oMlccr until tho beginning of tho new fiscal year next April. Tho mayor, U Is said, will also tako thn position that ho and ho alono has control of tho police department. In tho matter of refusing to sign tho contract for tho paving of South Sixth strent Mayor Jennings will glvo un his reasons for not complying with tho direc tions of tho council that ho does not think It good policy to do so until tho question of whether tho motor company can bo held rosponslblo for Its share of tho cent of tho Improvement, U decided. Commonwealth 10-cunt cigar. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. StrnnmiT .Still n Jl) strry. Tho man who was arrested Saturday Afternoon while attempting to sell a horno and buggy to a Ilroadway liveryman and Tefused to glvo his namo or any Informa tion concerning himself Is still a mystery to tho police. Nothing could bo got out of him yentcrday, although tho police learned from other sources that ho spent Friday night In Mlneola and drove from thero to this city Saturday. It is also known that ho was accompanied hero by another man of whom tho police have a description. After Dnlectivo Weir had ui,cd every rilfort to Induce tho stranger to talk last evening tho follow confided to him that If ho would wait until Monday morning ho might consent to tell him what his imuio Is. Tho Btrangor seemed perfectly con tent In Jail yesterday and touk tho situa tion qutto pleasantly. Chief Albro und tho rest of tho forru admit they havo never boon up against, a casa llko this before and do not know what to mako of It. llcst weight Domestic soap. All grocers sell Domestic soap. I'nli" of ii l'liriiihnnd. T). T. Harmon, a farmhand from Mlneola, la., camo to town yesterday to hcii a touch of high llfo. After rounding up n number of tho Baloons lu company with somo now nude friends, ho found himself short shorn J30 and a gold watch. This made hltn mad and ho vented his spleen on tho atmos phcro in languago which a passing police man thought Improper. The olllcer ex postulated and Harmon told him more forcibly than politely to go and shovel coal In a certain placo whero tho Ilrc.i are said to bo kept ever going. Harmon was mado to feel tho majesty of tho law nnd spent last night at the city Jail and (his morning will bo lined up before Judge Aylcsworth on a chargo of being drunk and using obscene language on tho streets. Domestic soap gives be&t satisfaction. Most for your money Domestic soap. FARM LOANS NepotlnteU In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N, Casady, Jr.. lie Main St , Council muffs. Save Your Money fe K.WINfiS I.OAV AMI III II. DIM! ASN, 1U1I l'cnrl Street, Cuuucll lllufla, lu, I Wo buy ONLY tho Gj I Best Shoes Made I Cut from thn 1'INF.T I.KATHKH H and mndo by UNION LAUOlt, B I HAMILTON'S I I $3.50 Shoes I H 412 Broadway H BLUFFS. BISHOP MORRISON'S VISIT Head of the Protestant Episcopal Ohurch in Iowa on His Tour. PREACHES TWO SERMONS IN THE BLUFFS Doctrine of I'liriintiirlnl I'rolilrni li Kxiioiimlrd lu the .Maritime nnd AcimIk of Hie Mlnvlonn l'.i plained In the Kt piling, Klght Hov. Theodore. M. Morrison, bishop of tho Iowa dloreto of tho l'rotestant Epis copal church, spoko Sunday In Council ill tiffs, in the morning ho occupied tho pulpit at St. Paul s church nnd In tho even ing preached a missionary sermon at Draco Liiurch. In Bpeaklng of diocese affairs Ulshop Mor rison said thero Is a great deal to encourage him, Tho missionary offerings havu doubled In tho last year and tho members of the church arc apparently taking tnoro Interest In Its advancement. With tho nssltitanco thus rereived Ulshop Morrison says ho has been enabled to arrange for services In al most all parts of tho state whero thero appears to bo any possibility for growth. In many of theso localities ho hoped In tho near futuru to e-itabllsh permanent parishes. Thero nrn a number of. now men In tho Meld and the work In the stnto has progressed moat favorably during tho last twelve montliK. Tho church has grown materially In membership during tho snmo period and tho bishop has given tho rlto of confirma tion to over 700 persons. Ulshop Morrison Is on a tour of his dlo ccso and from hero will go this morning to I.emars. At St. Paul's church Ulshop Morrison was greeted by a largo congregation. Ho took as tho thenio of his sermon "Christ's Teach Ing Regarding tho Intermediate State" and his text from tho last two versos of tho eleventh chapter of Hebrews. Doctrine of I'liruntni-inl Probation. In discussing this subject Ulshop Mor rison spoko of thu Insistence upon tho fact that Christ taught that nt death men do not go Into heaven or hell, but Into an luttr mediHto stnto of spiritual experience und referred to tho fact that tho church hnu nlway.i taught tho existence of this Inter mediate state. Ho said that tho very fact that wo are only here In a stnto of salva tion, that tho Christian likeness might bo perfected In us, and that nono of us In this llfo attain to this holiness without which none of us can see tho Lord, Is a ground for believing that many Christians are not good enough for heaven nor bad enough for hell. To deny this doctrine, said thn bishop, leads to tho denial of tho resurrection of tho body and thn flnnl Judgmont. Ho dwelt on tho fact of tho llfo und teaching of the. Lord Jesus Christ, Ills words to tho penitent thief, 'Today shalt thou bo with Mo in paradise;" to tho woman tho morning after tho rosurioctlon. "Touch Me not for I havo not yet ascended to my Father." He re ferred to 1 Peter ill. 17, In which St. Peter refers to Christ whllo he Is being put to death lu tho flesh, being quickened In th'o spirit, preached to spirits in prison, some times disobedient. Ulshop Morrison held that whllo wo can know nothing of tho details of tho spiritual llfo, wo can bo very sure of a two-fold puri fication; that tho soul will see its sin, real izing what sin is and Its consequences; that It will bo purged by sorrow and repontence and that tho presence of God and tho moro complete revelation of that which was good will change tho soul. Ho held further that tho destiny of tho Raved Is likeness to tJod; that the wholo moaning of tho llfo hero has roferenco to tho development of man's spiritual and moral nature, and that which Clod has begun hero Ho will carry on until the day of Jesus Christ. .Special Mimic for the liny. Tho following special music was rendered by the choir, under tho leadership of V. I.. Thlckstun: "To Deum." P.. Minor, Iluck; "Jubilate." F. II. Urackett; offertory an them, "Vo Christian Heralds," from "Christ tho Victor," lluck. At (iraco church in tho evening Ulshop Morrison's address on missionary work was listened to by a cougrcguttou that com pletely tilled the pretty little church. Ho impressed upon his listeners tho necessity of the members of tho church contributing liberally to the work of their means, other wise It will bo imposalblo to secure tho desired growth and upbuilding of tho church In the diocese nnd tho country nt large. Ho explained thn needs of those parishes and localities which arc not self-supporting and tho large Held thero Is for Improvement. Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, 541 Broadnny. Itetlvnl .WretliiKK Commenced. A sorles of revival meetings commenced yesterday at Trinity Methodist church and will bo hold dally during tho week at 2-..10 and 7. -30 p. m. Thu pastor, Hov. W. II. Cable, Is nsslsted by Miss I.Ida M. Hcr rlck, formerly of Chicago, now of Omaha, and llev. M. M. Cablo of Defiance. Tho latter Is rendering special servlco in di recting tho inutile. Tho opening servlco yesterday afternoon was well attended und Miss Derrick showed herself to bo a plain hut pungent teacher of tho gospel. Revival meetings, which will last through tho week, opened yesterday nt thn First Christian church under tho chargo of the pastor, Rev. W. II. Crewdson. Tho meet ings will bo hold nt 7:30 o'clock each even ing. Music is being rendered by nn en larged choir and Rev. Crnwdson expressed himself last evening ns very hopeful, Judg ing from tho attendance nt tho llrst meet ing, that they would prove of much benefit to tho church. Tho congregation of .Mount Zlon Bap tist church formally opened Its new church building yesterday afternoon und the Rev. E. E. Wilson, through whoso efforts tho building was secured, was Installed as pas tor. Rev. Adams of Mount Zlon church preached tho opening sermon and was as sisted in tho Installation service by Revs. Gieen and January of Omaha, Premiums given with Domestic soap. Colonel llnRi'lnuil'n Aililrc, Colonel Alexander Hogelaud, father of tho eurfow ordinance, delivered two ad- What do you think when you see $., shoes advertised for $.1, and H shoes for $2? Does It scorn rensoimblo to you? Were they ." or $.1 shoe or Is It hum bug? If you think It Is try SARGENT whero thero Is Just ono price, nnd as good uh can bo bought for the money on earth, Look for the Bear that's SARGENT dresses In this tity yesterday, one In tho morning at tho First Congregational church and the other at tho Ilroadway Methodist church In tho evening. His theme at both places wan "Mother, Child and Curfew." Domestic soap has no equal. Grand ball to bo given by Hawkeye lodge No. 1S4, I. O. O. F on Friday even ing, November 23. All cordially InvlUd. Tickets, SOc. COSTLY FIRE AT DAVENPORT Hundred Tlioiisiinil ilollnrn DitninRC Done by liunies In the Iimth Ton ii, DAVENPORT, la., Nov. 18. (Special Tel egram.) At 3 o'clock this afternoon fire de stroyed tho building occupied by tho Daven port Furnlturo company and falling walls crushed several adjacent buildings to total wrecks, Tho fire originated on tho top door of tho four-story building and was soon followed with an explosion that blew tho roof high Into tho air nnd shot tho flames downward through all tho other floors. When tho flro department arrived tho wholo build ing was n mnss of flames and could not be saved. Six firemen and tho chief were working in front of the structure when tho crowd that had gathered shouted that tho front wall was falling. It crashed down Into tho stiect nnd tho llrcmcn narrowly escaped being crushed. Tho south wall stood two stories higher than tho adjacent building, but soon fell, crushing It, nnd tho occupants barely escaped with their lives. This build ing was occupied by Harold Petersen with a wall paper storo and nbovo his family lived. Next to It was tho Jarvls Whlto Art com pany's storo, which was also crushed to ruins, nnd tho flno collections were nil uc stroyed. Tho rear of Uarr & Co.'a and of the Davenport Fruit company's stores were crushed by falling walls. A saloon was wrecked and a shoo shop was totally do mollshed. 1'Hlllng electric wires came near electrocuting many of tho crowd and In tho stampede persons were pushed through plato glass on the opposlto side of tho street and badly cut. Tho total loss is estimated nt $100,000. Tho big building belonged to tho Itenwlck entato nnd wns recently in sured for $24,000. Tho art storo occupied tho William Wlncckcr building, which wa insured. Tho other losses aro only par tially insured. Not en from Itiinnn. ONAWA, Ia Nov. IS. (Special.) Charles Uttcrback of Castana, nged 77 years, nnd Mrs. Adolln Sapplngfleld of Council Bluffs, n lively widow of f7 years, were united in marrlngo by llev. J. K. Dtnton this week. This Is tho fifth matri monial cxpertoneo of Mr. Uttcrback, but ho is still In tho ring and festlvo ns a colt. Thero aro tweuty-flvo or thirty won developed cases of smallpox nt Decatur, Nob., also several cases of scarlet fover. Thn cases wore diagnosed as "Cuban measles," but It is smallpox when It gets on tho Iowa sldo and thero aro uow threo lu South Lincoln township, ns a re sult of exposure at Decatur. Tho cases nro In a mild form nnd nro nil strictly quarantined. Tho dlscaao at Moorhead 1b entirely stamped out and tho quarantine has been removed. Dave Daywalt, a pltibterer who formerly lived in Onnwa, is reported sick with smallpox at Little Sioux. Thero have been no deaths nud thu dlscaso seems to bo In a very mild form. Charles Snyder, who burned tho barn on tho Honing placo In Ltncoln township last spring, has been located by Sheriff Strain nt Albla, la., whero ho is under arrest for larceny. Georgo Snow of Franklin township sold ids elghty-acro farm this week to C. W. Waterman of Wisconsin for $50 per ucrc. W. J. Tori, who owns a largo tract of laud In section 33, West township, threshed out 7,000 bushels of flax this week und will erect flno buildings this year. Tho Monona county district court ad journed yesterday until Monday, when It will adjourn for tho session. Judge Oliver will go to Des Moines for a short visit. The grand Jury adjourned yesterdny, after a two weeks' session, nnd they have mado it decidedly lively for tho liquor men of Monona county. Fifteen Indictments woro returned and twenty-two persons aro In dicted therein. Hobcrt Johnson of Ulencoo is Indicted for "assault with intent to commit murder." There nre two indict ments for criminal assault nnd ono for arson. Tho balance nro for selling liquor and even tho druggists did not escape. A largo number of tho parties aro not yet under arrest nnd their names cannot bo given, but It Is tho liveliest shaking up tho liquor men havo had for somo time and a good part of tho bootleggers havo been hiding in Nebraska and tho woods this week. Itemnliin of n Colllnloti. FORT DODGE, la., Nov. 18. (Special.) Tho Illinois Central's crew Is still busy clearing away tho remains of u wreck that resulted from n collision here Friday be tween freight train No. S3, pulled by en gine 43, In charge of Engineer I.lvlng- htone, and u switch engine. Tho switch engine backed a long string of cars Into tho freight train us It whs pulling Into town. Tho two camo together at tho Sevsnth street viaduct nnd the wrecked cars aro btrung along the track for two blocks. Neither engine crew was Injured, hut the men ou the switch engine took tho precau tion to Jump. Their locomotlvo wns badly damaged and sovernl of tho cars reduced to kindling. To Trnl n Filipino Teuchera. CEDAR FALLS, la Nov. 19. (Special.) Fred W. Atkinson, superintendent of pub lic Instruction in tho Philippine Islands, wroto to President Secrley of tho Stnto Normal school somo time ago asking that ho bo allowed to send a number of tho natlvo teachers to the school for a course of Instruction. Tho matter has been re ferred to tho directors, who have decided to admit a limited number. They havo nlso made tho provision that if tho students bo ex-soldlers for Uncle Sam thoy may como In free of charge. Tho government has agreed to carry them free of charge. After tlio Delinquent, ATLANTIC, la., Nov. IS. (Special.) Notwithstanding tho fact that several suits havo been filed against it, tho Hoard of County Supervisors Is continuing Its cam paign for back-tax collection nnd has Just given Auditor Shlpplett authority to draw a county warrant for $1,605 as tho bal anco of his share of tho amount collected to date. Mr. Wolman's commission, fig ured on a basis of $50,000, has amountod to about $6,000, which ho has already been paid. Tho board proposts to sue those who have still failed to make settlement. 11 ii nd Ilecnnie Inilrpi'iirionl. CEDAR FALLS, la.. Nov. 18. (Special.) The Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen has withdrawn control of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen baud of this city nnd It now takes tho namo of tho Fitzgerald Conrert band, an independent organization. Prof, Fitzgerald has been tho leader for tho last live years, Tho band represented the stnto at the last national encampmeut of tho Grand Army of the Republic at Chi cago and enjoyed the samo distinction at four former encampments. Woodmen l;nvell .Mini nine lit, LOGAN, la., Nov. 18. (Special Telegram.) Woodmen of tho World unveiled a monu ment hero today to mark tho grave of John II. Haker. Rev. K. H. Schloh delivered the nddress. Consul Commander Isaac N. Watson had chargo of tho ceremonies and Charles Doltcr was pout of the day. ACCUSED OF PATRICIDE fifteen-Ycnr-OIiI on of Arknimnn Farmer Snlil to llnto Hern Tool of DenlKiiloK IteintU . POPLAR 11 LUFF, Mo!, Nov. IS. Walter Alexander, the lo-ycar-old son of Richard Alexander, a farmer living across the lino In Arkansas, is under arrest on suspicion of being implicated In the death of his father, who was shot and killed yester day. Young Alexander, who was arrested ptndlng an Investigation, Is eatd to hive confessed tho crime and to have Implicated his mother, sister and tho latter's husband, James Hogan, all of whom havo been ar rested and placed lu Jail at Corning, Ark. Citizens nro aroused and Hogan, whom they plofess to bcllovc Is at tho bottom of the artalr, will bo taken to tho county Jail at Pnragould, Ark., for safekeeping. Alexander wns killed with a shotgun, receiving the contents of both barrels In the breast and stomach and dying almost im mediately. His family Informed tho officers, who had previously been notified of the affair, that ho had accldently shot him self while loading tho gun. Tho nature of the wounds and the report of tho neighbors that tho fnmlly had quarreled frequently with tho dead man led to the detention of thn son. 'i cur,g Alexander, It Is stated, ad mitted In his confession that tho kilting had been planned deliberately nnd that he fired tho fatal shot as his father appeared suddenly around tho corner of tho house. Alcxnuder was well-to-do, owning valu nblo farm lands In tho vicinity of Corning. DEATH RECORD. .Mm. Luther l'olniiil. Mrs. Luther Poland, wifo of tho late Colonel Luthir Poland, nnd mother of tho late Mrs. John M. Thurston, died last night at tho Thurstou homo In this city. Sena tor Thuruton, who Is lu Washington, has been notified of tho occurrenco and ar rangements for tho funeral will bo mado when he is heard from. Mrs. Poland, who was Miss Clara Den nett of Montpellcr, Vt., was about 72 years of age, and had been u resident of Omaha for thlrty-flvo years, Sho and her hus band wero Intimately connected with tho social llfo of tho city years ago, but gave way as age crept on. Slnco the death of her husband nnd daughter Mrs. Poland has lived very close, devoting her time nlto gether to tho enro of her grandchildren. Her circle of friends, however, had nar rowed but llttlo, and tho news of her death will bo learned with regret by a great many people lu Omaha. .Mart I n Iron. HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. IS. Martin irons, who was onco leader of tho union labor organizations and who directed tho great Missouri Pacific strlko in tho 'SOs, died yesterdny at Urucevllle, twenty miles south of Waco. Irons camo to Harris rounty threo years ago and, stopping with Dr. O. 11. Harris, tho then populist county chairman, ho found congenial company and begun organizing social democratic clubs. "Antl-money-rent" was tho slogan used to nrouso tho tenant farmers nnd in tho course of a few months tho entire south border of McLennan, tho eastern part of Hell und tho northwest portion of Falls counties wero organized Into clubs. Then tho agitation extended to tho cast sldo of tho Urazos river. Mm. '. O. .finikin. FULLERTON, Neb., Nov. IS. (Special.) Mrs. F. O. Judklns of this city, who had for several years been afflicted with heart dlBBase, died suddenly at hep rcsldcnco Fri day evening shortly after sho had finished bor supper. About nn hour U?foro her death sho recolved n loiter convcrlng to her the sad Intelligence of her only brother bclug stricken with apoplexy und it Is supposed by her physicians that this news hastened her death. Sho w3 married to F. O. Jud klns April 12, 1S70, nnd camo to this city with her husband and only daughter, Dr. Dnrn M. Judklns, in the early '80's, whero Bhe hud since lived. Sho was u member of tho Presbyterian church of this city and bad done much for tho upbuilding of that organization. Clllltlllll ,1, .. O, Yromnii. FORT DODGE, In.,' Nov. 18. (Special Tel egram.) News was received here today of tho death nt his old homo in Ohio of Cap tuln J. A. O. Yeoman, ono of the most prom Incut attorneys of northern Iowa. Cap tain Yeoman is prominently mentioned In United States government hUtory of tho civil war for conspicuous gallantry on t.ho battlefield. He was ono of tho captors of Jefferson Davis. He wns a prominent dem ocratic politician and was .a candidate fcr congress on that ticket. )lr, f. I,. Huffman. AINSWORTH, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. I. L. Huffman of this platfn died last night from tho effects of a cancer on her breast. Sho leaves n husband nnd elcht children. Sho was a member of the Sons and Daughters of Protection, which order will conduct tho funeral services Tues day morning. Sho was n good neighbor und wa3 respected by all who know her. I'll o m on llulilinril Cumvell. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 18. Funeral services in accord with tho Masonic ritual wero held today over tho lato ThomaB Hub bard Caswell, grand commander of thn su premo council of tho thirty-third degree Scottish Rlto of tho southern Jurisdiction. Thero was ,t largo attendance of members of tho Masonic fraternity from this city und coast points, llurliil of Mr, Crow. NEURASKA CITY, Nov. 18. (Special.) Tho funeral of Mrs. Emmet Crow was con ducted from tho Cumberland Presbyterian church yesterday nfternoon by Rev. Samuel Garvin, pastor, Mrs. Crow formerly rc bldcd lu this city. llev. Iliivtd Wnlkor l)reser. SPRINGFIELD, III., Nov. IS. Rev. David Walker Dresser, D.D., S. T. D., rector of Emmanuel Episcopal church, Champaign, and senior priest of tho diocese of Spring Hold, died toduy. HYMENEAL. .My cm-Jo him to ii. Thn groom's friends in Omaha have ro eelved cards announcing the marriage last Wednesday of Mr. Preston Urown Myers to Miss Anna Loulso Johnston, at the home of the brido's parents in Nevark, N. J. Mr. Myeis Is n membeer of tho Myers Dillon Drug company nnd Is expected to return to Omaha, accompanied by his bride, next Saturday, to ilvo at the Millard hotel. They aro spending their honey moon In tho east. Me) er-llrrifHtrom, HURON, S. D., Nov. 18. (Spoclni,) Tho inarrlago of Benjamin W. Meyer and Miss draco Dorgstrom nt tho home of the brido's parents was u notable event. Rev. J. I'. Jenkins ofllciatcd and a largo company wit nessed tho ceremony, J. Odgers of Frostburg, Md., writes: "I had a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley's Kidney Curo, which gave mo Immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured after tnklng two bottles." Take no substitute. Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's drug storo. South Omaha. ovcl rent In I'oivcr TritiiHiiilnHloii. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. IS, The Snoijuil mlo Falls Power company of this city has performed a novel feat In tho driving of an electric motor 153 miles distant from tho generator. All tho lines of tho company were connected In onn continuous circuit beginning at Suoqualmlo Falls, running to Seattle, buck to tho lulls, thenco to To,- comn nnd back again to tho falls. Tin reg ular transmission Is tlilrt-two miles to Seattle and fort-four miles to Tm im.t The tests wero conducted for purposes only nnd to show that tictra transmission of power can be made com mercially 'practical nt much greater UK Inures than has heretofore been tontrin- plated. lit k- Steel .Mill Iteotitiirn Work. JOLIF.T, 111.. Nov. IS -Tho billet mill and converter of the Illinois Steel companv re sumed operations tonight after a thre weeks' shutdown. About l.Ouu men were put to work. Do you need a hired girl? A Heo want ad ! will bring one, j FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Cloudy Tmlny, but (irnrluir (Iff on Tnesilny ltli Xorllierly AVImU l'rc filling. WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: ! For Nebraska Partly cloudy Monday; Tuesday, fair; northerly winds. For Iowu Colder nnd fair Mondny. except rain lu eastern nnd central portions; Tues day, fair; northerly winds. For Missouri Fair nnd colder In north west, much colder In enstcm und oouihern ( portions Monday, with rnln, possibly turn ing to snow; Tuesday, fair; winds becom ing variable. For North Dakota Snow nnd cold Mon day; Tuesday, probably fair; easterly winds. For South Dakota Snow, continued cold Monday; Tuesday, fair; vnrlublo winds. For Kansas Fair, continued cold Monday, Tuesday, fair; northerly wind?. For Colorado Fair In eastern, rnln or snow In western portions Monday nnd prob ably Tuesday; colder Mondny; variable winds. For Wyoming Fair in eastern, snow and j colder in western portions Mondny, Tues day, fair; variable winds. For Montana Snow and colder Monday; Tuesday, snow In western, fair In eastern portions; northerly winds. For Illinois Rain, much colder Monday, possibly turning Into snow near Lnko Mich igan; Tuesday, fair; brisk to hign nortn erly winds near lake. For Indlnna Rnln. much colder Monday; Tuesday, fair; winds variable. For Arkansas Rain, much colder Monday; Tuesday, fair; northerly winds. For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory Rain Monday; Tuesday, fair; northerly winds. For Western Texas Fair, colder Monday, Tuesday, fair; variable winds. For New Mexico Fair, colder Monday; Tuesday, fair; varlablo winds. For Eastern Texas Rnln Mondny; much colder in northern portion; Tuesday, fair, colder; varlablo winds. Local Hccoril. OFFICE OF TIM. WEATHER Ill REAI. OMAHA, Nov. IS, Olllclal record of lein pernturo nnd precipitation compared with tho corresponding day of thu last threo yearM: lft'K). 1S03. 15ns. Maximum temperature.... Ill u'i f7 59 Minimum temperature.... 2H .vs -s Precipitation 01, M M Record of temperature nnd precipitation nt Omuha for this duy nnd bIiico March 1. Normal temperature - Deficiency for the duy - Total excess since .March 1 Normal precipitation 0.1 nch Dctlclency for tho day....... . .(.'Inch Total rainfall slnco March 1 20. hi nches Excess slnco March 1.............. 1. 2i. nches Dcllcleney for cor. per od. 1S99... S.43 nches Dellclcney lor cor. period, 1S9S... 4.L Inches Itrport from Sll.lloni nt S 1. M. tt S " ft 1 1 STATIONS AND BTATffl OV WEATHBH. 3, - 3 3 5S ST : 3 Omaha, cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, purtly cloudy Salt Lake, snowing Rapid City, cloudy Huron, snowing Wllltstnn, snowing Chicago, ralnlnK St. I.onlH, ralnlnK St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy Helena, cloudy Havre, snowing lllsmarck, cloudy Galveston, cloudy !S' L'Si T ;o, T ; .00 4S .08 ll) 10, .(1 m v .nt 4 t; .10 a: rt j. 2 Gl, .OS a; us .i 44 .7 M Cl .00 6 .... I .0.S - .IS 5 Si .Oil 71 71 .UO T Indicates traco of precipitation. Zero. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Olllclal, What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in tho family every day. Let lis answer it to-day. Try Jell-O a delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking! add boiling water nnd set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry anil Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. Sir. VIIiiom- snutlilnc rrrup Has been used for FIFTY YEAKS bj MILLIONS of MOTHDHS for their C11IL DUUN WHILE TEETHING, with PKR FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD. bOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN, CUKES WIND COLIC, and Is tho best rem edy for DIAURH013A. Sold by Druggists In every part ot the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no otner kind. Twenty-nv cents b boltlo. REWARD We, the undersigned druggists, offer a reward of E0 cents to any person who pur chases of us two 25-cent boxes of Baxter's Mandrako Hitters Tablets, if it falls to curo constipation, biliousness, sick head ache., jaundlco, loss of appetite, aour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint or any of the diseases for which it Is rceom 1 mended. Prlco 25 cents for cither tablets or liquid. We will also refund tho money on ono package ot clthor if it falls to glvo satisfaction. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUQ CO. Stock Ranch for Sale About a tnlleH nartli of Council Mufff, 11 mlleB from Houth Ornuliu and l's miles from rallrcml HWlth Abo -t "0j ucro. So ncres cultivated, Inn inline hay meadow and frultx; SuO at-res lu timber, net to blui and nativo j;ramH lx :o m houise, barn, Htock Mied ., ihleUen h m.-o and enRlno Iiouhc: i.exer falling wat ! by (horsa-imwcr Kasollno engine, to W. barrel reservoir, to houie. ban, feed lot, hoK pasture and three (mature enclos ures j all fenced by 3 barb wire fcnet.i. L. P, JUDSON, 929 6th Ave. Council Bljills, la, Tel, 348, i Your Fund of 3 is not complete. No ever great his attainments, however extensive his infor mation, but is more or less dependent on his books. Every render, every student, every searcher aft knowledge, depends a great deal on his dictionary. In fact, no study, no home library is complete without k good dictionary. The latest and best is The Standard No dictionary has received so much praise from the people scholars, students, teachers, professors nnd the people. An opportunity is offered the people to proenre a Standard Dictionary for $7.00 This low price places the book within the reach of so many that a discussion of the merits of the book seems In vain. Hut here are some of tho opinions: It. D. Ulackmore, tho English Novel ist: "Tho Standard Dictionary Is most comprehensive and correct." William Illack, tho Scotch Novelist: "Admirably comprehensive and exact." A Conan Doyle, tho Eminent Eng lish Novelist, London : "It has becomo qulto n Joko with us that wo cannot trip up this dictionary. Wo havo several times been suro that wo would, but havo always failed." Sir Edwin Arnold: "A noble pleca of work, dcatlncd to be most useful. . . . Everywhere copious, erudite, and reliable." Engineer and Iron Trades Adver tiser. Glasgow, Scotland: "Taken al together, tho sum total Is, tho Stand ard Dictionary Is without a peer." Youths' Companion: Edwnrd Stan wood, Managing Editor: "Wo havo selected tho Standard as tho diction ary for tho uso of our proof-reader In his own room." Tho Tlmes-Dcmocrat, New Orleans: "Ho who has tho Standard nt his el bow to refer to for tho meanlnc, pro nunciation, or derivation of a word, or for Its compounds, synonyms, an tonyms, or phrase use, will never need another dictionary to help him out." Till" STANDARD has words. The Century 225,000, if ft ft tor's 105,000. Till-: STANDARD was produced at a cost of a mil lion dollars. THE STANDARD will bear comparison with any other dictionary because there is nothing omitted. THE STANDARD contains the best definitions from t he most eminent scholars of the day. Step into the store and see the work. Megeath Stationery 1309 Farnam Street. EL arm on BIlhOQS' Pills Chunh J Uti' Uawcf. Tomitt. cf tell AMU?, umtptuoa, xcutit cr hllitv. Hadach.UnfltnBB to errr function. Iuiir ect (impendent. vrfrTUt numutiieh mo cram ana ncn cemer. 50c n toi, CSMMcyidaadttit with 6 bi. ciiaiUrt Oee., jfcdtf roMj SUmnittet. the brim and ntna tenters. oc s tot, FOU SALIC II V AlllSKS-mUMJAi Good Property Is a Good Investment Fifteen Iota in a body for sals at a Tory reanonablo prie. Thu lots are located in Omaha addition and lie high and dry. They will mako a splendid location for somo factory, titveral other lot suitable for building purposes one ot them especially will raalis a fine location for a home, being within one block of the meter line and within two blocks ot a school house an4 churca looaUA In tha woatern part ot the city. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. A Splendid Wholesale Location The building formerly occupied by The Bee at 910 Furnam Htreet will be vacant November 1st. It ban four storieH and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee press room. Thin will be rented very reasonably. If inteieuted, apply at once to O. C. Itosewater, Secretary, Iioom 100 Bee Building. geady November First Knowledge man, however studious, ho"v Tho Christian Cynosure, Chicago: "It Is dllllcult to spenk adequately ot this great wo-!c without siremlng to bo cxtravngant." Tho Interior, Chicago: "It wns a rtroko ot genius to glvo a full cat alog, for example, of the name of every tool and of overy device em ployed by tho carpenter; to glvo us tho namo of ovory one of the vast varieties of apple. The editors have e r forgotten nothing. It is all hero, nnd everything whero ono can lay band upon IL" Tho Tribune, Now York: "... comparison with the Century Dic tionary lends to the inference that tho Standard Dictionary has iukIo a distinct advance in certain fields. . . . Tho new dictionary la rich In terma peculiar to occultism and oriental religions." Thn, Host on: "It Is positively a splendid piece of JIS work nnd an honor to our country." 7iT The Western Drugslst, Chicago: j?f "Americans havo just reasons to fSf feel proud of this achievement." Tho Christian Secretary, Hart- ijf ford: "Wo cannot speak In too high Ze( praise." ;i vocabulary of 300.000 Webster's 125,000, "Worces- Co. lvc teen la us over g yetrs lf Vti icahcu ci uc Mormoa curtt tL uont cmti la old tad younv tritlnf (ton e fleet;. Ouras Uott Manhood, imH atarrnoftq Imomnln, IPafna Marry. kOBi of (T- ismdrif VarlooqsUt fhnrzoi Stops nori nrnj.ot .u4 latency tm Ituirrcs ccull untteTtlepoC cure U it o i-r t 59 ct mu, o m 537 iiii) - m Bishop KomccJy Co., Can ' rar StSCQt Gi A w-i, .n eg, to cur UULU CO.. 1UTII A.U FAIIAAM 1 1 u Cole's Original Hot Bias! Hums Soft Coal clean ns Hard Coal in a base burner. What Our Customers Say Hail nlwavn uhpi! a hnrd coal huso burner (III lnt wlntor, when 1 Kot a No. liCfi CoIc'h llot Hlnat. Wo burned ) (oiih of soft coiil all winter; heated 3 rooms; lire never went out, nnd I enn't seo but what wo ot just uh oven, Bteiidy heat nnd Just an great clennllncsa na wo ever had with hnrd eoal. l IUOaiNS, C It. I. & r. Conductor. 1120 H. 8th St. Jt i.s guaranteed to give these results, ware of worthless imitations. lie- 41 Main St Council Bluffs,