Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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It the Sad Condition of Millions of Men. Thousands Havi
Bien Rescind and Rastored fo Health
and Kapplnass By fha .
State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines
All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine
and Electricity in Our System of
Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence Can be Attained Only by
the Doctor Who Concentrates All His Facul
ties on a Single Class of Ills.
Specialist in Discuses of MISS, of the Stute Electio.MecHcal Institute,
1U03 Furimm Street, Omaha, Neb.
Xn almost every Vocation cpeclalty work 1h now called for and dematuled. This Is
notably true whon llfo or health Is Involved. It U then that the best treatment
the medical profession ufrords In sought after, end thin can com only from the
trun specialist, whoso deep knowledge, expert skill vast experience and thorough
sclentlllo equipments hnve given him complete mastery rver the diseases that de
stitute hU specially.
Whatever may be your aliment, get help from ono who has made such cases a rpe
clal study. If your eyclgh Is fMllnwr, go to a relUble optician or oculist. If
your hearing Is defective, consult a competent aurlst If a bad tooth Is distress.
Ing you, engage the skill of a dentist. Or If you are burning: with fever or shak
ini with chills, tell your troubles to a family physician. They can do more good
than I can, for I d not treat such complaints, nor pretend to cure them.
But If you havu one of the serlouH dlascs peculiar to men, such as VARICOCELK,
DEHILITY or allied tumble which la depleting your manhood, or If your case has
been aggravated or made wur.m by tho use of specifics, free famplos, trial treat
ments or similar devices If this li your unfortunate condition, 1 want you to
writ mo or como to my office, where you will be welcome to private counsel, ,
careful personal examination and an honest and iclrntlflo opinion of your caso
free of charge.
These diseases and weakness of men end they nlono are my specialty. To them I
have earnestly and exclusively devoted 2.1 of th best years of my life, durlnr
which time I nave discovered and developed various forms of treatment which
makn their cure an unqualified ami nb-o'uto certainty. la It not worth your while
to Investigate a euro that has made ilfe anew to multitude of
Whatever may be the cauie of Varicocele, Its Injurious effect Is well known. It de
presses tho mind, weakens tho body, racks the nervous system and ultimately
leads to a completo loss of power
If you are a victim of this dire dlseaie come to otir otllce and let us explain to vau
our process of treating It. You will then not wonder why we havo positively
cured moro than "00 cases of Varicocele during the past 12 month.
Under our treatment tho patient Improves from th very beginning. All pain in
stantly ceases. Soreness and swelling quickly subtlde, The pools of stagnant
blood uro forced from ths dilated wins, which rapidly ussume their normal size,
strung-til and soundness. All Indications of disease and weakness vanish complete
ly, and In their stead enme the prldo, the power and the pleasure of perteot
health and restored manhood.
It matters nut how tony you havo suffered from obstruction of tho urinary canal,
nor how many different doctors have disappointed you, wo will euro you Just as
certainly as you come to us for treatment.
We will not du It by cutting or dilating.
Our treatment Is new, entirely original with us, nnd perfectly painless. It completely
dissolves sjid permanently removes o erv obstruction from tho urinary passage.
It stops every unnatural discharge, allays all Inllummutlott. reduces the pros
tate gland when enlarged, cleansed and heals the bladder and kidneys when Irri
tated or congested, Invigorates the organs and restored health and soundness to
very part of the body affected by the disease,
On account of Its frightful hldeousness, vyphllltlc blood poison is commonly called the
king of all venarlal diseases. It may b either hereditary or contracted.
Once the system Is tainted with It, the disease may manifest ltaelf In the form of
scrofula, ecsoma, rheumatlo pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions or copper
colored spots on the face or body, little ulcers In the mouth or on tho tongue, sure
throat, swollen tonsils, falling out of the liulr or eyebrows, and Anally a leprous
like decay of the flesh and bone,
If you have any of these or similar svmytnms you are cordially Invited to consult
us Immediately If we find your fears unfounded we will quickly unburden your
mind. 13ut If your constitution Is Infested with poisonous virus we will tell you ao
frankly and show you how to get rid of It.
Our special troutment for syphilitic blood poison Is practically the rosult of our
pnysiciaiis in jinnrica ana r.urope, u con
life-work, and Is endorsed by the best pli
tains no dangerous urugt or injunn
It goes to the very
ty. Boon every sign
mm mmirpltins nf iinv klnil.
bottom nf the diseases and forces out ovcrv uartlcln of linnurltv
and HvmDtom of the disease disappears completely nnd forever. The blood, the
tissue, the flesh, the bones nnd the whjle system are cleansed, purified and re
stored to perfect health, and the patient prepared anew for the duties and plea
sures of life.
Ken, many of you ore now reaping the result of your lormer folly. our manhood
Is falling you, and you will soon be lost unless you do something for yourself,
There Is no time to lose, Impotency, like all sexual diseases. Is nevsr on the stand
still. With It you can muku no compromise. Hither you must muster It or It will
master you, and All your whole future with misery and Indescribable woe,
We have treated so many casus of tills kind that we arc as familiar with them as
you are with the very daylight.
Ones cured by us you will never be bothered with drains, prematureness, small or
weak organs, nervousness, faring memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms
which roo you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business,
pleasure or marriage. ,,, ,, , .... .
Our treatment for weak men will correct all these evils and restore you to what
nature Intended a hale, healthy, happy man, with physlcul and mental powers
In curing an ailment of any kind wo nover fall to remove all reflex complications or
asroclate diseases, ,
Tf the case Is Varicocele, ths weakness caused by It dlappenrs.
If It Is urinary trouble which ha devslopod into Prostatic, Madder or Kidney affec
tions, the Injured organs are all restored to perfectly healthy condition.
If It Is acquired Blood Tolion, any and ull Shin. Wood and Hone Diseases arising
from the taint are entirely and permanently eliminated from the systtm.
If It Is Nsrvous Debility, the many dlstregjlng symptoms following In Its train and
Indlcaing a premature decline of physical and mental powers are totally re
moved and rapidly replaced by the youthful enercy of robust manhood
Hence all resulting Ills and retlex complications, which may be proprly termed as
sociate diseases, and which, In fact, are often more serious than the original all
merit that gives rise to them all, we say, disappear completely and forever with
the cure of the main malady.
ef this Institute by their special combined Electro-Medical treatment are making
many wonderful cures In diseases of the
Nosi, Throat and Lung?, Haad, II oar I, Stomach and Bowels,
Livar, Kidiirs, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Paralysis, Pilas, Etc.
Prlvatt Disoasos, Blood Poiso.i, Hupturo, Strictiin, Varico
cili, Hydrocele and all Alliad and
Most cases can be treated successfully at home, Orij JL' vlf!!i,' .r.ftrrn
But IT It Is imposam c or incoinoi""" i" " v" -- -
unreserved history of your case, plainly stating your symptoms, physicians having
stubborn cases to trea ore cordially Invited to consult us. We make no charge for
Drlvata i counsel and give to each patlont a legal contract, backod by abundant cap
fta boM for SSr ifromllo. It you cannot call at tho Institute today, write. Ad-
dress all communications to
Permanently Located, 1303 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
k i:0URS 8 n. m. to 8 p, tn. SUNDAYS 10 n, m. to p. in.
Auditorium Project i Finally Counted
Among Actual Creations,
Mutter Is so I'nr Ail niti'i'il Tlml fill
diluting Investors In It Pros
pect of I'roilt mid Are llu)
Iiik t'P Stuck.
When the men who had so successfully
conducted tho musical festival Inst fall
ileiirmlnocl that tho need of an auditorium
In this city warranted an oftort In tho
direction of supplying this nord they estab
lished January 1. 1001, n3 the datu whon
operations toward the actual bulldltiR of the
tie hall iiould begin. Tho Interest nnd
enthusiasm which havo been manifested by
Omaha citizens havo been ho pronounced
ond hearty and tho material assistance
plvcn the project so spontaneous that the
strait of conjecture hns now been safely
passed and tho auditorium bark in salllUK
tho high seas toward tho port of certain
"Thoto Is no rcasou for doubting our
ability to carry out our plans with rcRar.l
to the building of tho auditorium," said
President P. E. Sanborn of tho Hoard of
Directors "The biggest part of the un
dertaking hns now been completed. It was
tho arousing of the people's Interest in the
plan and they havo awakened to the neces
sities of the ease in n most commendable
and public spirited mnnner. Tho edict
has gone forth that Omaha must havo an
auditorium. Nothing is no much needed
In this city nnd nothing could be provided
that would bring tho city more prominently
to tho fore ns the progressive, wldcawako
melrojolln that It in.
"The tulk of our subscriptions thus far
has been furnished In small amounts. Tho
financial utatUB of the company Is In mioh
shape now that we can go to tho motieyod
men of tho city and tho representatives of
tho conservative llanclul nnd commercial
Interesta with a proposition, that must
command their attention because of Iti
stability. Wo expect liberal subscriptlonr
from these various Interests and these, with
tho revenue that will ho derived from other
miscellaneous sources,- will bring tho fund
up to n point by January 1 that will Justlfj
our beginning uctlvo operations,"
Mst of Stot'kliuldf-rs,
The total fund on hnnd Saturday after
noon amounted to $70,181 ond tho subscrip
tions received from the begtunlug aro ns
JM.OCO-Omaha Street Railway company.
$10,000-Omahu .Musical Festival.
5,000-Ocoig A. Joslyu.
W.fKW-Omaha Water company.
K'.0U0 l'axton, (Jallairhcr A Co.. lllch.ird
bou Drug company, M. 13. lmlth .V Co..
pmijha National bank. First National
Jl.&OO-MerrhnntH' National bank.
Jl.Ouo-K, 1C. Druce & Co. Rector-Wil-hclmy
company. Carpenter Paper company,
Thompson. Heldrn ."i Co.. Commercial Na
tional bank, W. H. I'oppliton. I'nlted
States National bank, Iieo rublishlti!,' com
pany. KW-Cndy Lumber company, R K. San
born company, lleebe. & itutiy.ut company,
llllnm llayvard Shoe company II. 10.
Palmer, Sou & Co., Omaha Coal, Coke nnd
l.lme company Paul llorbich.
C. IVtera ,& Co., John Hoch
strossur. John Steel, Fleming l.ros., Kdgar
i. Smith, I'.tyne-Knox company, Omaha
Printing comprtny.
$:'5( Omaha Loan and Trust company,
W. S. Ilaldun. Onto 'Mtv Hut company,
Wenrne Hro.. Shlverlrk Furniture com
pt.iiy. Itetnlnk'tou & ICcsslor, Nlcoll, iho
JJi-C'hnrbs 10, Aily. O. W. Hooblor. II.
It. Penney St Co., Western F.lectrlenl com
pany, It. Charlton, Ooorgo II., Wulter
C. Clark. Ktbbel Woodenwnru company,
Aloe & Pcnfold company, F. H. DavN,
Omiiliti Tent and Uubber company, II. 1.
N;eley. a. 10. Shukert. Sherman At .McCon
ncll Drug company, Alfred Millar. I. Cl'n
tm 11. UrlgBs, Martin Bros. & Co., Uttrkley
Printing company, W. C. Cole, (!. I.. Daup,
O. 1). Klpllnger, ltee.i Printing company,
A. 1. Hoot. Adams & Kelly.
Jlto O'Flyng-Parker Printing company,
A. I j. Stpnecypher, Schmoll r ii Mueller.
Jlt--M. Hvrnstelu, Somf
company, II. K. Ilurket. Oscar Ml II nap,
Mayor Moore.-. llnrry P. Oeu"l, Mrs. Harry
I". Oeul. Omaha IOxcelslor, C. S. Klguttur,
.1. 10. Ftt. Mrs, J. 10. Utt. Mrs. Churls
If. Pickens, Mrs. W S. WrliMit. Mra. F.
10. Sunborn, C. 1). Thompson, W. W. I'm-sti-d.
W. A. OelSord, II. F. Marshall, W.
J. Huston. 1). II. Merrcr. J. A. Dalz.ll.
Chnrlna T. Kountzc. Mcgoatli Stationery
company, J. II. Merchant, Uoburt Domc
ster company, Charles W. Ttalney. Albert
Calm, A. V. Todd, Alfred C. Kennodv,
Frank Durman, 1.. O. Sharp. Charles O.
aeorgo, N. W. Anderson, Pottur-Sholen
company. John I.atonser, John N. FrctinT,
Omaha lOlectrlcul 'Works. S. A. MoWhnrtor,
Wlthnell llros. Smith. T. J. Miihotmv,
W. W. Morsmnu, 10. V. Pickering, Wil
liams & Smith. Anna C. Millard. CI. O.
Wallace. John McDonald. Arthur Hnijllih,
Hugh W. Williams, J. It. I.ehmer, Dr.
J. P. Lord, lien T. White, Western Tin
ware company. Levi Carter.
176 A. II. Ilennlngs, Hurvcy Oafford.
J5O-I0. d. McClllton, H. A. Wagner, did
K, JnliiiFon, Charles A. Gosh, Frank W.
Dandle. Morltz Meyer, W A Carter, Ly
man Waterman. J. W. Craig, Wvman,
Shrlver comoiinv. J. C. llnlllncer. T. ft.
Cottrell, Dexter L. Thomas, W. It. Human,
John W. LytlH, II. F. Mcintosh. J hn
(ir.iut. Joenn It.
Omham & t're, Lewis S. iletd, H. n. v
Clarkson. W H. I'pdlke
vis, M. L. Learned, Dr. W. O. nrldges,
Knoae. urowmng a i.ymnn, v. a. rteatcK,
John L. ICcnnedy, 0enr U. Hoffman. J.
Merrltt. Mrs. J. I). Foster. Harrett. John
son Co., Gunrce A. Llndauest, J A Ker
vuti, Pantorlum company, llelln & Thomp
son. V. P. Chlodo, Warren Swltzler, Whin
wiry & Walliice, Dr. H. C Sumney, An
drew Hosowaler, K. C. llarton.
tK John Ilecan Ityan, .lossph llarker, J.
II. Daniels, Itobert 10. Douglas, Clara F.
Cooper. 11. Strasxbocfer. I)r, J. II. Italph,
N. D. Williams, W. A. Wvatt, S. A. Ilrond
wU, George, )0. Tarklntjton, Clnr'es
Thomas. A. It. Cuyler, Henry 15. Pavne,
A. I. Tilkey. W II. Thomas, Howarl
Kennedy, Jr., Victor H. Lacderlch, G orge
A. Dan, John 10 Summers. S. Sugarm'tii.
Charles II Keller, Stephen IlroJerlelc,
Dreshcr Tailoring compnny. l'rank Vo
dlcka, Kylon Wlekmnn, ,1. .1 Phlliil-i,
H, A. Westerlleld. Dr. O. It. Ollbert. Dr
A. I'. Johnston, Cash, H. L. Ilamacclott.i.
Hum W. Scott I). n. Sarcent. W. n ir-ii
bourn. Dr. Victor II. Coffman, Georgo P.
' r?wH. II. Webster. A. nubensteln. m
Frank Hrown, James II. AdnmM. David (311
bott. Alfred Hugh, John N. Westberir, Wll-
Ham I' lemintT.
JF A. C. I'owers, W. II, Gates, Charles
10. Wllllnmso'i, 10. IJ. Fenn.
JID J. P. Harton, N. A. Kennedy, J. 11.
Piper, W. A. Hponcer, c. mover, tjeorgo
K. Hlnp. N. O. Tn'bot, J. II. Johnson, F. A.
liuiilimer. A. J. Cook. J, II ('onrnd. T)r.
Charles IloBCwnter, John It. Munich. Hyron
It. llnstinits, iienry it jortinn. i ivor
rls, Hr. Hubert P. Jensen, Dr. Frederick
It conveys a healing, strengthen'
jn influence to the afflicted orgins
which is Instantly apparent. Quiets
pain, stops wasting of the klJney
tissue, removes that tired, despond
ent feeling that all victims of kidney
ailments have A short course with
this splenJIJ remedy brings back
strength, good digestion, energy and
cheerful spirits
Price. 51.00 at trug Stores.
Rustln, cash. P A. lOdmilff, L. K llutton
Albert F. Mayne, William Schmidt, S.
Koper Crlckmore, A. W McLaughlin, W
F SeHrs, J. H. Urynm. Frank It. Honza.
John Muthlesen, Kdward F, Scl' trlg, Joel
Johnson, W. II. Christie, John Fiala, Miiy
Iteglna M.tlone, John L. Lynch, P. T
Peterson, H. K. Allen. H, A Lewis. John S.
Helgren. W E. Storkham, Otto Wolff, John
Dilputko, Paul 11. Seward, J an km S. lirynnt,
W. S. Askwlth, lOdwurd A Taylor. Henry
V. Plummer. F. W. Ilandha ter.
JS-C W Johnson.
to-H. S. 1-rdyard, H. W. Cowdnroy P, P..
Hrown, Henry G., John Parker,
J. G Ilrooks, Samuel c Walkup, William
Donohue, Charges Singer, Samuel Simon
son, Scott MeWllllains. V V,', J.tycox, Jr.,
K. W. Hoberts. Jr., Frank Severance, n.
Donahue, J. Lean Coulter, .Matthew
U -William Shane, M J. Lacy
M-C, F. Hopper.
-Kmll Wnhlstrom, John Hillings.
Total amount, $79,1S1.
Voters' t'nlnn if South Dakota Pcrn
Little Siitlofftetlmi Hut Oulroiiic
of ItvrriiC t:uiiiinlKn Uttorti.
M1TCH10LL, S. D Nov. 17. (Special.)
Tho Voters' union In this stato, which Is a
tort of an adjunct of the Anti-Saloon league,
did not cut the ilguro lu the nte that was
anticipated. Particular stress was laid on
the fact that It necessary to defeat
CongrcBftman Ilurke, but his voto In nearly
every county la the stato shows that he
did not toll behind his colleague and stayed
up pretty well with tho national ticket. In
conversation with wirno of the members
of the Voters' union, who wcro In Mitchell
a few days ago to attend the annual meet
ing of the Anti-Saloon league, they ex
pressed thcmsolvcs aa not being pleasod
with tho outcotno nnd lay tho large vote
received by Mr. llurko to tho manner In
which the names appeared on the ballot.
Thoy assort that It was a scherao to placo
thn names of llurko nnd Moore opposite
each other and those of Martin und Lee
opposite, so that If a person desired to
vote for Leo the scratching would not af
fect the vote of Ilurke, but would operato
ngalnst Martin, which wns directly op
posite of tho desires of the union, and which
operated to give llurko as large a vote as
Martlu. The vote, however, docs not bear
out tho assertion, for in a great many
rountlea It has been discovered that Lee
did not run very far ahead of Moore
on his own ticket. Thero were n great
many members of tho Voters' union who did
not Ilko the manner In which the candidates
had been selected for them to support, nnd
could seo no reason why such a fight should
to expended upon nurko nnd nothing really
said ngalnst Judgo Moore, or Andy Lee,
when tho latter W acknowledged to be as
much a license man 3 Durku. In this
comity Leo only ran abend Just a few voto3
over Moore and In the city his vote was
no larger than Moore or Lien. It Isn't
likely that the Voters' union will lake
another hand In the campaign, as It Is
difficult to Impress nil the members that
a wise selection has been made for them
nnd they would prefer to uso their own
Judgment, nlthough that of the committee
Is not particularly criticised.
Cheyenne Htntlon Ordered to See lire
Mr ii for Cavalry In tltr
CHKYKNNB, Wyo Nov. 17. Tho United
States army recruiting office In this city has
Just tecelvel orders to enlist an many moil as
possible for all branches of tho service,
with especial directions to procure recruits
for cavalry service in tho Philippines. Tho
enlistments hore number forty to nfly per
.South Dnltotu IleleKnte Appointed.
I'IBKKE, S. D., Nov. 1". (Special.)
Governor Leo today appointed ns delegates
to the International Irrigation congress, to
meet In Chicago November 21 to 21, Carl
Jackson of Clark, S. A. Cochrane of llrook-
lucs. Charles L. Hydo of Pierre, A. G.
Williams of Gettysburg. J. M. Woods of
Hapld City anil John Scollard of Sturgls.
Ha also appointed aa dolcgatcs to tho
National Gocd Honda convention, to meet
at Chicago on November 10, C. K. Ely of
DeSmot, I). Flnncgan of Yankton, F. E.
Jones of Vermillion and Charles Eastman
of Hot Springs.
The official count of tho voto of Hughes
county, which wos mado today, shows tho
highest voto on republican electors was
037 and tho highest on fusion electors was
274. Tho voto on congressmen was: nurko,
641; Martlu, 51E; Moore, 261; Lee. 283. On
governor the vote was: Horrled. ,112; Lien,
268. Tho voto on tho dispensary amend
ment repeal was 437 for ond 321 ugaltist,
giving tho repeal n majority of 10C. The
chool fund Investment nmondmcnt voto
was 400 yes and ISO no. Tho vote on tho
dispensary repeal showed that tho new
method of voting on amendments will call
out about ull the voto on propositions In
which tho people nro Interested, aa the
voto on that ainendement was only sixty-
two votes less than tho voto on govornor.
Articles of Incorporation were flled today
for the Swander & Uuell Sheep company at
Hnpld City, with n capital of $100,000. In
corporators, Harry K. Swnndor, Charles J.
Huell nnd George V . Maxwell.
Tim state treasury today received $125
from tho Taylor fund, which whs secured
from tho disposal of nn equity In u "Taylor
tract" In Spink county.
Ilrlile llrdirns to Ilrr Parents.
AD13HD10EN, S. D Nov. 17, (Special.)
George Stuart and Mlsii Fannlo Hitter of
Hivorslde were married Tuesday at the
home of tho bride's parents and eamo to
Aberdeen that evening, where they In
tended to begin housokcoplng. They regis
tered nt n hotel and Mr. Stuart went out,
saying that he would return In a Bhort time.
That was tho last his wife has seen of him.
During the evening n package nnd a noto
were delivered to her by n messenger. Tho
package contained a sum of money, tut the
contentu of tho noto aro not known, except
that It stated that Mr. Stuart had been
suddenly called from tho city anil did not
havo time to bid her good-byo. Tho bride
has returned to her ptmnts. i
for rrtipsel
with or with
out border
others ask 91.
for ciotcc jMi(
terns Mnqttotto
new (I e. t I jj it s
othirsutk SI. 25.
f o r !" x 12
Hi tifSL'ls rujrs
)tt miters only
(me settm
wortli $'J0.
Slove-buyiug time is certainly hore Tho People's Store gives values in all kinds of
stoves aud ranges that other stores could not think of offering. A tremendous showing of HEPHEStONTATIVK LINKS
such ns I'ennlsulnr Daso llurners Estate Oak Stoves Quick Meals, etc , nmkes It easy to select, especially at our LOW
1'lllCKS Only a few of which we quote here: ...
Coral Oak
Ktoven 1 n a.
number of rtxes
has top urn
nickel top ring
and picket foot
tiwn tnuoh for
AKCt I n
a havy sub
stantial, a o f t
coal t o v e
guaranteed to
rive satisfac
tion. The ;irlce
nn this sa!e to
morrow will In;
Thin moditrn
heater 1 tlm
n I y le.idlnir
medium priced
liortrt liunier und
tlrst-cUss hjat
er In the ma--katr-h
a Mil
shut Clues, un
usually lartt,
nil sites, has
powerful a.l.r
flues; tukus thn
wild nlr fr-im
thn floor mid
beating; It le
rorr being ills
ch.irgKd; hea.'y
tfrn nut. M1f-
feedllm C tl il I
IM- leeuiiiK u u u i
mjjrazl .L, elaborate, nickel top, nick
el side rails, nlukul nnmn plate, bii.te,
h'Ks.hluge nlns and knobs. Ian "SOC
Weight of heater 250 lbs., HO. 1 3
Price tomurrow nwaiiw
6-hole ca-i Am l.anni w,i udaptrd
for either hard or noft ronl, or wood
set on heavy base base large squuro
oven, nnd made i f the smooth! l cunt'
lugs, Has iilalu or duplex grute, and
heavy tire linings. WAItltVNTlOD A
PIOHFECT HAKI0H. und tumid to
give satisfaction you cannot Judge
the quality by thn price ffh Plf
call and sni: t J J. nil
price tomorrow m.mmw
The Eelatu Oak (we aro sole agents) Is the flnett soft coal heater made. Flrn box Is made of ono pleco (Jolutlcsa) and
doom haso SCHEW HEGISTEH not tho cheapest, but 11V FAH tho llncst hard coal Q
beater made upward from gt 9
Star Estate Steel Hange closely riveted asbestos lined throughout heavy steel plates PEHEECTLY
SQlfAHE OVEN equipped with patent broiler price
Cook Stove well mado-smooth castings A GOOD UAICEll-guaranteeil 0 fkf)
price tomorrow ) vlJ
By our system
of Kasy Payments
we placo within
tho reach of those
who find it incon
venient to pay all
at once, every
thing choice and
desirable in home
Thousands o f
Omaha's happy
homes have been
made possible only
by oxtr lenient sys
tem of "buying
noto and paying
later. " Let us aid
you to our long
list of customers.
A Cash Prize of
per imir for rufllcd
ttuwlln niift iiins fu I
size worth double .
V1"..!1!0 .lven V Ul?. Porsol .who offers the best explanation why u turtle
bhould bo used In this cut to in, ,,...,. i ......!r... ,.r.llt .r.-
plunatloiiB limited tp DO words uml nuist bo In by noon, December 15tU.
Mali or leave at main office.
per pair for Xoltln
hum Iti co ciii tiiltis
) Inclios by l 1-2
.Viirds iinti - button-
htdo cd,'o worth
per pair for ilorby
portieres fringed
both cmlx now color
Inps worth $4.50.
f 3S
Itdlos' Dressing Table golden quarter-sawed oak
EYE MAPLE French PATTERN plate mirror
size 15x21 swell top drawer tomorrow
Ladles' Desk mahogany finish or Mnn'S-EYE
now design highly polished
tomorrow Golden oak or mahogany finished Music Cablnets-
PIANO POLISHED nice ustortment, at
Library Case double doors quarter-sawed gold
en oak 6-foot high 38 Inches wide price
Indln Seats gol den oak finish only on sale
tomorrow LAST LOT
Iron Ilcds white enameled, revcrslblo sldo rails,
good design tomorrow's price
. 2
Hedrooin Suits, finished In mahogany or golden, 20x24-lnch,
beveled mirror plato top of dresser 40 Inches, bed six
feet six Inches high complete tomar- IQ TfC
lJi IU
row's price
Dining Room Chair, enna seat, solid golden
brace arm, six spindles and stretcher In back
skirting under seat tomorrow's price
nuk, high
Extension Tabic 42x42 top, golden finish, has extra leaves,
ball bearing casters, highly polished
Prlco tomorrow
Chiffonier, solid oak, has C commodious drawers, beveled
plato, size 10x17, ft grand bargain
tomorrow's prlco
i, beveled
IftSa PUT ni"FP n Pces oi a ladies' wearing apparol
iff In UU I UCassiar values heretofore unheaid of on now
desirable Jackets, Suite, Skirts, waists, etc.
dise, the very newest of EVERYTHING.
All desirable morchan
500 Jackets in beaver, melton and Kersey, all O QO
colors, worth $0.50, prlco tomorrow faiUO
TjOO Jackets, black blue and brown colors, A QQ
worth S9.C0. prico tomorrow "YtfwO
'200 ladies' tailor-made Suits, tight-a g- ff
flttlntf nnd fly fronts ull colors, worth J8 and X J9 II and jfi H Rl
! divldnd into two hits at sfcBWW V W
7 '
400 imitation Marten Scarfs, worth 8. 50, to
morrow ,
We make tho largest showing of Automobiles and
and Box CoatB in tho city.
I i . u
When- the LllClitiilnif Striken.
YANKTON, S. D., Nov. 17. (Special.)
Mr. Samuel Glenn, chief observer of the
Weather bureau of South Dakota, reports
that Ibis year In South Dakota thero have
been four deaths from lightning, and that
property to the extent of 91G.013 has been
destroyed or damaged, Including twenty
buildings and 143 head of livestock. Con
trary to tho view accepted by the weather
authorities, that tho loam lands along the
rivers wcro most subject to lightning dam-
ago, this year's damage has largely been In
the central part of the state.
DnuKlitrm of the C'oiifnleriiry Itc
niemlier Forest, (lie Ilushlui;
Cut airy Ollloer.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Nov. 17. This
liist"dav of tho conference
of the United Daughters of tho Con
federacy. The constitution was gone ovor
and somo minor revisions made.
Thrnn hundred and twenty-five dollars
wcro contributed to a fund to enclose Ilull
Run cemetery, nnd between not) and xaeo
for tho Forest monument at .-ucmpuis.
Mnnv nf vour frlonds. or people whom you
know of, have contracted consumption,
Dneumonla or other ratal diseases, by
reelect of a simple cough or cold. Foley's
tinnev and Tar. a safe, sure and pleasant
cough medicine, would have raved them. It
Is guaranteed. Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon s urug store, noutn umana,
IniiiiK Dunliip, I'nmoim In Criminal
Annuls, tines to Jollrt for
Twenty Yeurs,
CHICAGO. Nov. 17.-Jaines H. Dunlap,
the leader of several bands of bank burg
lats, one of which robbed the Northampton,
.Mass., bonk of $1,000,000, confessed today
at Watseka, III., to lcotlng Pate's bank nt
Wellington, 111.. March 23 last, no lias
been In Jail In Watscka over since last
April, when hu was captured In Chicago,
but until today denied his guilt.
Finally ho pleaded guilty and Judge
Illlsrher sentenced him to twenty years'
imprisonment, the extreme limit for rob
bery, lie will bo taken to Jollet tomorrow.
James II. Dunlap, known for many years
ns tho king of bank robbers, was arrested
in Chicago on March 24 last by Central
station detectives. Mo was found living in
luxurlovib apartments In Wabash I venue
near Twenty-third street, and was arrested
nn his return from looting Pate's bank nt
Wellington, III. In his possession wcro
his tools and supplies for safe blowing,
but none of tho $3,000 of which tho bank
had been robbed.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Tho following
.... . 1 1 U.inlln .,-
cahUall 1111 vn icuncu ipiiii .iiummi.
dlKll'ed-Oetober 27. Catbulogan, Samar,
t'ominny D. Twenty-ninth Infantry,
Spanish-American war as first lieutenant
In tho Twenty-second Knnbas and was ap
pointed a tlrst lluiitenaiit of the Forty
fourth volunteers August 14, 1000.
Huguson, 1'anuy. First Lieutenant M.
Koontz. Torty-fourth Infnntrj-; November
12, I .a pa z, Luzon, t'ompany K, Twelfth In-
'antry. Jotin i.amnert.
Wounded Charles Mecolllster, severely;
November 2, Point Hun", Luzon, Company
Twenty-eighth Infantry. Patrick v.
t . , . ....... 1...... . , i
t rann, senousi i.uuiv uunn j'ii, umkii,
serious; Corporal Henry Kunkel, head,
slirht. .... , ,
Lieutenant Koontz served during tho
Two Men Iimtnutly Klllt-d und Sev
eral liijurril in Acelilrnt .Vear
,ltielNon, .lllss.
JACKSON, Miss., No;-: 17. Two men were
Instantly killed and four others received
Injuries that will probably result fatally
lu u disastrous rear-end collision that took
place ou the Alabama & Vlcksburg road I
one mile west of this placo this afternoon. I
Tho east bound passenger tialu, running
at tho rate of forty miles an hour, struck
the rear end of a special freight train .
standing on the coal chute track and sev-
era I cars wore completely demolished, fol
lowing is a list of the killed:
O. RCKFE', horse trainer, Dallas, Tex.,
killed Instantly.
ORNA HITFINOTON, horse trainer,
hilled Instantly.
Hud Ilobami. erglnecr, Internal Injuries,
abdomen crushed, may die.
L. Mhhou, horso ownor, Dallas, Tox., In
ternal Injuries, may die.
Dr. E. Jones, horso owner, .Mllwntikoj,
Wis., will probably die,
William Connolly, Jockey, Kort Dodgo, la.,
bruised ou head nnd chest.
Several ears of race horses on tho train
In charge of their owners and trainers
were en ronto from Vlcksburg to the Mer
idian, Miss., fair.
On Thursday, November 21, al 10 A. M.
we will toll ftt PUBLIC AUCTION rnr.
Manufacturers and wholesale Jobbers of
Clothing and Woolens
Value 9UU,UUU
Consisting of
$200,000.00 worth of 0ercoals and Ulsters.
$100,000.00 worth of Men's and Boys' Suits.
43u.uuu.uu nurin 01 nccc tiooas.
A 1 1 Hn:i UAIinttln iruwlu n rtit tin r.lil elnr l
. . hiiwiihiiiii fwowa itiio ii" m nun n,
Stock on exhibition with catalogue, Tuca-
nay, November 20
Q A f.'. 1 1 CT I RAUQ Mnnnnn.
w r-t , . , w unnu I.IUIIIIKUli
Western Sahafc Wrecking Agency, Cli Icajfu
Cxiir's II rot her Starts for Itnanlu,
roi'ENHAOEN, Nov. 17. Tho czarowlteh,
Grand Duko Michael, brother of the czar,
started this morning for Huisla,
KJ7i k!yy- l-r.Hai lValr..aliiifl.l
U Hi:i -o1 (.-Id ufUilii hQitt I'tiiJ
nil viiiiianni nuiniTt lriUIV
Unstra Hybnittnllunt nJ ImlU
tln. C of r twfil. or tn t If. lu
Ut I'artlfuUrft, 'I'rsllmviiUU
rBi iciiri ir iiit-t iti si. wr t tj rm
turm Mali. I O.UUti Tatiintkit.1 HM 0
ll Priio. Chlnbrttcr I'krMlcul '-,
Fr, MtUa biiari 1'JllI.A., VA