4 THE OMAHA DAILY 1JE13: STTs'DAY, XOTEMBE 18, 1900. BACILLI LOSE THEIR JOB Yollow Fever at Least Temporarily Ban ithed flora City of Santiago. NOT A SINGLE CASE FOR NEARLY A YEAR K.i nil )i tin ii it r Co ui in ii ii It)' from IJri-nd lllsrHMf Dm lit the lli-liirnn In stituted Mini Utifureed Ii) ( il miel Whiteside. ' SANTIAGO UU OUUA, Nov. 3. (Corre-iVoi-a-'jiu of tho Aasoolated Press.) Tbrco hunOri.fl year of continuous yellow fever In Santiago culminated In tliu terrible epl- tlciiilo of 1889. In December tho last cuso wns cured and to tho overlustluK credit of I tho IntolllKcncc. vigor and fearlessness of j thu United Stutes artny ofuecrs ud sanitary Inspectors a year has passed without n t bloftlo case. , Tho yellow fever epidemic at Snntlai;o ' . .. . ...... .1. ..... Oil ...... la IbJJ rCFlUUOII III It UUUIU imw ui ..v ,u cent of all who contracted tho disease, n grunter percentage of casualty thiin Is shown hy tho Mniwcr for those struck In Ur.tllo. fortify ncslnat the disease and prevent (lis entrencfl durlnjj tho summer of 1000 wii.1 ' winter's work for the department com- innndor, Colonl Whltaalde of tho Tonth 'tavalry, and hlu chief surgeon. Major Oarr. Tlio result of two years of American rulo 'had been to make Santiago, to all outward )ipicarBcc), na clean nj nny Amorlcan city Hill It hs.n been a whitened aepulcher. Clean usphtlt. r.treetn h-.vo been bordered by 'houses hundreds of years old with no 1 scwerasc, no draluigo and no attempt at itracltatloa. Vast areas of buildings havo 'but sl&slo entrance, through whlth pnsacj 'all thai gooi In or cornea out. Horse;! aro jsublol In iht inner courts. Hmi.ica have 'but one door, throiish which pax! servants, visitors, dori. horses, all thosn vrhii call the house their home. ThroiiKh thn Nino Icor, If It come.! out at all, passcii the Mlh and dirt. Derth llulm In Every ttuarter. In the cente of th court or "patio," ti? only yard a Cuban house bus. Is usually a Tell or cistern which supplies drlnklns water. From a cesspool u few yards away filth porcolatra constuntly Into tho domestic water supply. It Is tlio climax of un limi tary bulldlDj? by a nation which ueoins to haw made a specialty of that sort of work. In one such block tho sanitary Inspector found 1IC persons, ,.hlto and black, brcath lai tha poisoned ntmoaphuru of cesspools Make a Note Of tiio Numbers, 1621 Farnam St. nnd 305 S. I7ili St. Tel. 1055. The Talking Machine head quarters of the entire west. Drop in at your leisure and hear the latest music FREE. and Llnooln, Net, x tnuiiM st. a aofi . irtk it. 1kom IMS. Opmm Brcnlas, ONLY ONE PUCE FOR THE Knabe Piano, Kimball Piano, Kranich & Bach Piano, Itallat 8, Itairie iiuiiui vu uuiio Piano, Hospe Piano. You don't havo to pay ALL CASH. You can m time Easy Payments. DON'T FOR GET that $5 per month buysg those beautiful $167 Pianos in nil nuhntranu and walnut III UUn, IllUIIUgUIIJ UIIU lIUIIIMirg cases. Ycu pay more than this r( eisewnere. in our Organ department we have instruments from $15 up, on very small monthly pay ments. 1513 Douglas St. 1 HQSrE nnd drinking drainage from n well In the center. The only Ingress or egress was through one narrow passage, choked with filth. Hern lived, or ox Is ted, plnyini; In the dirt with pigs, dogs and chickens, naked children of both soxes, Homo of thorn 10 or 12 year old, who had probably never ventured Into tho struct outside. To locnto audi places, iler i the cess pool-, open drains nnd force thu Inmates to clean tho house was a task for a sanl tnry force. Inst winter. A tr,cdlcal ofllcer of the army, as sani tary Inspector, has made a houso to houso Inspection throughout tbc city. Ci-()ii'riitlon of I'll)- ii I li r 1 1 lr-. Colonel Whiteside has had the co-opcrn-tlon of the city authorities, wuo have made It n misdemeanor, punlshnblo with 11 tip or Imprisonment, to resist this Inspection, or to fall to carry out tho resulting orders. Whero poverty prevents compliances with orders to clean tip tho work Is done at the public expense, but public or private, thu work has to bo done. Kvcry house where yellow fever occurred last year has bien disinfected threo times, nighty-flvo miles of streets In Santiago liao been swept dully nnd 25,000 cubic yards of snccplngs have been hauled out of tho elty during tho year. Unit hundred ttud eighty thottsnnds ruble yards of garbage have been removed, In the destruction of which 35,000 gallons of erudi pctroloum hn"o been used. l-'our thousand gallons of carbolic arid and 11,000 pounds of chlorldo of llmo luivo nlfo been employed In tho work. .No street engineering work entailing excavation hail been permitted. A census of nonimmune, persons was mndo, every Individual liable to tin attneU of fever being located, with occupation nnd phieu of residence, nnd nil could have been hurried to tho country within ten hours had tho fever appeared. Under penalty of lines for noncompliance, boarding houses and ho tels report all arrivals every twenty-four hours to tho chief surgeon. Under similar penalties for neglect all cases of sickness arc reported within twenty-four hours by any keeper of a public house In which It may occur, or by any physlclnn having knowledgo of It. Tho result of this work la thut there has been no fever In tho city alnco last December. Had fever como In splto of nil that was dono everything was organized to take raro of It. Tho yellow fever hospital Ih located on tlio Islnnd of Haul, n full mile from the city. It has Itn own whnrf, n launch and light nnd tole phnno connections with the city. The whole establishment, happily In enforced Idleness for a year. Is ready at any moment to meet the crisis should It come. Thero are no soldiers stationed within tho city. No troops lu tho stations that encircle, tho city am allowed to enter, ex cept between 8 o'clock In tho morning nnd G In the afternoon, nnd then only on busi ness. Tho yellow fever baccllll never fol lows a man down tint street nnd attacks him in the sunlight, so that ono may go about a fever-Infested city whllo tho sun shines with comparative Impunity. Tho banishment of yellow fever from this city, Its favorlto habitation for 300 or 100 years, has been accomplished by American cleanliness nnd energy Intelligently di rected by the military authorities and Us absonco has been no freak or accident. GENERAL LEE LEAVES M0RR0 Xrir ConuiiHiidrr fit tilt Drpsrtnu'ut of the MliiNOiirl I Still In ('iiltn. HAVANA. Nov. 17. General Loo has luft Morro castlo. Thu constitutional convention held a short session today. Secretary of Stato Tnmayo addressed tho convention, defend ing himself from thu attacks made upon him yesterday by Senors (Itborda and Gomez. Sonor Tamuyo suld tho election had been conducted legally. Tho convention sustained the report of the commlttoo on credentials by a voto of 21 to C, thus seating ail tho Havana dele gates. Tho report of tho committee on rules was laid upon the tablo. It will bo discussed Monday. United Stntes Secretary of War Hoot and party nro on the Cauto river. They report good duck, sulpo and alligator FIND SCORES OF DEAD BODIES Surveyor) Cotnr .term. Over 100 Vic tims f UnlvcNtun Mtonu In Sit it mp. OALVE3TON, Tcx Nov. 17. Tho United Stales Biirvoylng corpa today found over 100 dend bodies in a swamp Just west of tho city, on tho Island, where thoy had been deposited by tho storm of September 8. Tho uuburled dead were In an out-of-the-way place near the county road and hud not been dlscovorod by tho burying purties sent out after tho storm. OMAN'S ork a; IN v Tho board of managers of tho Crecho deslro to thank tho many Interested women who called at thnt Institution Inst Tucs- ilay and left contributions of monoy und supplies. The needs of this charity, at tho beginning of thn winter seuson, are great and aid Is sorely needed nt present. Last Tucbday'n money contributions aggregated $57. The library committee of tho Young Wo men s Lnristmn Association is iuhuii pleased over a splendid gift of books from some Interested friends. A class bogliinlng in French will bo or ganized next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A chibs of girls nt tho south branch of the Young Women's Christian association has organlted tho "Margnrot Muller Lltor ary club," having as Its object a larger knowledgo of all that 1b best In litera ture. The meetings will bo hold every Tuesday ovenlng and one night n mouth will bo devoted to n talk on somo topic of especial Interest to tho girls. A publlo program will bo glvcu each month. The next meetlnK of Unity club will be hold November 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Draper Smith, 6'.M South Twenty-ninth avenue. Medieval civic history will bo the subject of discussion, particularly with reference to the legendary lawgivers of the Greeks. The paper will bo read by Mlsa Kunlco Stebblns. Mr. F. Holler will havo a paper on "Government in t'rimtiivo Grueco" and Mr. J. W. Uoudebush will dis cuss "Institutions of Spnrtn." The Duudeo Woman's club mot on Wednesday at the homo of Mrs. Curmlchael. Thero was a largo attendance and nn In teresting program was given. There will be' a donutlon party on Wednesday. November 21, from 1 to 5 o'clock, at tho Old I-ndles' home. Tho Invitation la general and the board hopes for a liberal response. An Informal rccoptlon nnd exhibition of tho Nebraska Ceramic club Is to bo given Kt tho Ilrr Grand hotel next Thursday from 2 to 10 p, in, There is probably no morn beautiful memorial in the elty than the Rtr.ma Flower mission, which for several years has been conducted In memory of one of Omnha's best-loved young women, Miss Urania Hoagland. Every Thursday morning SCATTERED TO FOUR WINDS I Coroner Unablo to Find Even a Trace of John Portor's Body. NO ATTEMPT AT INQUEST APT TO BE MADE lnlliee of the Mtinlrretl . I r I I!. irrNKfa Herself ni (ilail Thut the IlltieU rienil tin. Keen Cut Out of the Wny. I.1.MON, Colo., Nov. 17. No Inquest, it Is said, will be held over tho remains of l'reston Porter, Jr., tho self-confessed mur derer of t.oulso Frost, who was burned at the stake by a mob of men at Lnko Sta tion last night, lu fact, the coroner can find no remains upon which to hold uu I it -ipiest. A few men remained lato last night at the vpot out on tho prulrlo where tho murder was committed and avenged, nnd renewed tho lire ngalu and again, until every vestige of tho negro was gone. Tho Iron rail to which the victim was bound will bo left standing us u warning to all Inclined to deeds similar to that tor which young Porter's llfo was taken. DKNVKH', Colo,. Nov. 17. "Well no other parents will suffer from thut brute's crimes." Theso wuru tho words of Mrs, Frost today, when asked for an expression on thu punishment of the negro who con fessed that ho was the murderer of her child. "Of lourse, I was not consulted as to tho punishment to be meted out, nnd I did not know what futo awaited him," she continued. "I did nut care, just eo he was tcmoved from tho fuce of thu earth. "Noth ing can ntotio for tho death of my baby, and I did not have the feeling of revenge, which fo many people snld ought to possess me. My only thought Was to save others tho pain wo sulfered. Whutevcr was dono with that bruto was right, no matter what, Cer tainly ho did not surfer what I.oulio did, and sho was innocent, whllo ho was guilty. Mny bo I would have some pity were 1 not her mother. No one, but a parent of nn out raged nnd murdered child can know Just how I feel." Tho murdered child's father, Robert V. Frost, returned to Denver todny from tho scene of thu lynching. "A great load has been Uitud off us, tald he, "and as for mo, I don't caro who condemns me for start ing tho blaze. No other father will havu to do what I did on account of that nig ger, nnd, as I said before, If the brtlto had been lynched for his first offense lu Kan sns, baby would bo alive toduy and our hearts would not bo broken." A mass meeting hns been called for to morrow afternoon tit tho First llnptlst church, to protest ngnlnst tho work of tho Ltmon mob and to discuss tho question of a restoration of capital punishment. Gov ernor Thomas has proir4il to address tho meeting. BLAIR'S PUBLIC BUILDING More Mutiny Mny lt Axkeil friini Con Kreun lo Complete the I'ro iitneil Mriieturc. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Supervising Architect Taylor said today It Is probable congress may be asked to mako nn additional appropriation for tho proposed public building nt lllalr, Nob. lllds will again bo called for next week and If tho work cannot ho done, for $2(1,000 It will bo necessary to havo additional funds. There remains of tho appropria tion about $33,000, of which about ,0,500 Is to bo used for Installing heating ap paratus. The first set of bids opened, some time ago have becen rejected. Included In tho estimates to be pre sented to cougress Is u recommendation for nn additional appropriation for tho Ab erdeen (S. D.) public building. Rural free delivery Is to bo established at Logan, la., on December 1. Service will embrace an area of thlrty-throo square miles, with a population of 853. J. D. Hornby was appointed carrier. HE DENIES CANAL RUMORS Mcnrnctinn Mlnlatrr Nayn Mo N'ro tlatluiiM for JlfW Trent y Are at I'reMent Cnntrniiilnteil. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Senor Coroa, tho Nlcaraauau minister, when asked as to reports that actual negotiations for a new canal treaty bad begun, said there was no warrant for such statement; that no such negotiations havo been begun hero or at Managua, nor are they at present contem plated. Ifls calls on Pecrotary Hay thus far have been solely for the purpose of pre senting his respects. Mr. Corea dismissed tho report, that ho will propose thn sale of u wnterway right of way to tho United C LUB and i flowers nro scut to thu homo ot Mrs. Clcorgo A. Honglaud, Sixteenth and How ard, and from thero distributed umong the hospitals und sick ot tho city. During the summer quantities of garden flowers wore ii sod, and now that the season for theso Is over friends of tho work, many of whom nro unknown, contribute flowers from their conservntorles. Many of tho flowers used In decoration at fashlonablo functions through tho medium of the mission uro later used to cheer some sick ropm. Tho Missionary society of tho First Con gregatlounl church held Its regular monthly meeting on Krldny nfternoon, "Turkey" being tho subject, Tho regular papers were dispensed with and Mrs. Allen Hamlin Hluman of Lincoln addressed tho women lnstond. Mrs. Hinman Is a daughter of Hov. Cyrus Hamlin, tho pioneer missionary of tho Amerlcnn Hoard, In Turkey, nnd lived ninny years In thut country and gnvo n most Interesting nnd Instructive tnlk on tho educational conditions before and sluco tho Christianizing Influence affected It. A duet by Mrs. NVquhart nnd Mrs. Eley nnd a solo by Mrs. Kley completed the program of the afternoon, nfter which re freshments were served. At Trinity cathedral parish house on Wednesday afternoon or cured tho annual distribution of articles of the Needle Work Oulld of America. Though this splendid work Is but little known lu Omaha, it Is doing great good. It wns organized orlg tuully in Philadelphia In April, 18S5, aud Is patterned utter tho famous English so ciety founded by Lady Wolverton. It is non-sectarian nnd has spread to all the large cities of the United States. A con tribution of two now articles each yenr entitles uuyouo to membership nnd Its ob ject Is to collect nnd dlhtribute new. plain, suitable garmcuts to meat the great need ot hospitals, homes and other charities. Last Wednesday -tho following officers were elected In tho. Oiuahu guild: President, Mrs. W. Templeton; treasurer, Mrs. W. A. Smith; secretary. Mrs. S. A. Collins, honor ary nresldent. Mrs. Van Nostrand. This year the Omaha guild hah collected 1,100 new garments, which were distributed among the following charities: Methodist hospital, Child Saving Institute Salvation Armv Itescue Home. St. James' Ornhnnace. Creche, Visiting Nurses' association, Old Ladles' Home, Hancroft Home, Immnnucl hospital, King's Daughters, L'lnrkson hos pital nnd private houses. Monday and Tuesday Only . w m Steel Strings, for Mandolin, Violin and Guitar, lc each ; 2d floor, Crockery Department. We have just receiv ed a car load of the best White Granite- ware, especially impor tant for Thanksgiving, which we offer at fac tory prices. Teacups and saucers, lfri set of. C CMSJ1 Dinner plates 5c Soup plates 5c Tea plates 4c Pie plates ,3c Oatmeal dish 5c Sauce dish 2c Turkey dish 25c Have you got one of our Telephone Index Cabinets? If not, drop us a card and we will have one put in. Siur-Rc. 'El Stntes for 15,000,000 nnd certnln unnuul rentals. Ho says no Bilch plan has ever taken form, nud what Is to bo dono will depend upon the uctlou of congress and the subsequent negotiations which may b entered upon. Tho Isthmian hurrying along tho pKillmlnury Canal commission !e the preparation ot statement ot tho summer Inquiry Into results of Its tho canal possibilities ot tbc Isthmus, nnd It wus said today the report would bo ready for submission to congrcsu an tho llrst day of tho sehslon. Much detailed work of an engineering character remains to be done. The commission now hns a party stationed on tho Chagrcs river. In Colombia, taking boundlngs to complete the data ntt to tho Panama canal route, and threo score men nt least nro engaged lu taking bearings on tho Nlcaraguu route. Hut the dntu they will collect Is not ncccBsnry for tho use of congress. Tho report will dismiss nil but tho Nicaragua and Panama routes from further consideration, nnd It Is understood will recommend the former routo. GUN BREAKS ALL RECORDS Xeir Tvrelve-Inoli .Vnvtil Ciiiinon I"n jertn S50-louinl Projectile lit Lnhrnrcl of Velocity. WASHINOTON, Nov. 17. The tests of tho nuw 12-luch naval gun within the last throa days havo resulted in some remarkable performances, entitling the gun to rank ahead of any of thu other 12-Inch guus thus far made, In this country or abrond. It was known that tho tests had bceu most successful, but It wns not until Admiral O'Noll received today from Lieutenant Straus, commandant of tho Indian Head proving ground, tho detailed report of the tests that It was known that tho monster weupon had eclipsed all former records for oloclty and power. With a charge of SCO pounds of Binokclcss power, giving a pressure ot sixteen and n half tons per squaro Inch, the gun gave a muzzle velocity of 2.S34 feet. Prof. Alger, tho naval expert, snys this Is the highest over attained by a 12-Inch gun, tho record thus far ranging from 2,C0O to 2,600 feet. With nn 850-pound steel tipped projectile the big gun would plerco nny nrtnor ever made. It Is tho first of forty guns which will go on tho now battleships nnd armored cruisers. REMEY COMMANDS SUBIG BAY Wur Department ltellnqulxlir Con trol iif Aiivnl Station lu Philippine!.. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1". The Navy de partment hns been advised that tho Brook lyn has left Manila for Olongapo, on Bublg bay, whero Admiral Hcmey will receive fiom General MacArthur tho custody and control of the naval station situated on Sublg bay. Tho station was boguu by tho Spanish prior to tho war, and wus designed to be an ox tenslvo establishment, ultimately taking tho plnco of Cuvlte ns the naval headquarters, us It wns thought to havo superior natural defences. Slnco tho Islands havo como un der American nuthorlty tho military has exorcised control over tho station. Hut as It Is essenlally n naval establishment, its future direction will bo turned over to Ad miral Hcmey. Various plnns aro beforo the department for making tho station nn Im portant one, but It Is said the present trans fer does not Involve nny consideration of the development of tho station which may hereafter bo undertaken. Seeonil Lieutenant Wonil Dead, WASHINGTON Nov. 17 General Mac- Arthur has notified tho War department that Second Lieutenant Palmer G. Wood, Jr.. Twelfth Infantry, died of malarial fever Headache Pain back of your eyes? Heavy pressure in your hesd? And arc you sometimes faint and dizzy? Is your tongue coated? Bad taste in your mouth And docs your food distress you ? And are you troubled about sleeping ? ' Then your liver is all wrong. But there .3 a cure. Tis Aycr's Pills. ArA. Ayf r'i I'll' net directly on the ller. Ther ..i.tln.fi,in. hthouin... sick tl.td- clic .ml iljipcpla. I'or liiy ycr tlicy 'till. W, R. BENNETT CO. Tomorrow we will place on sale the greatest bargains ever offered, Bran new goods, at less than factory prices Children's Bargains? An overstock of Mouth Harps on sale Monday at half regular prices. Mouth Harps 5C and 10c Includes Holmer. R ichter and Emmett concert harps. Music department 2d Noor. Take advantage of the ?i'eutest bargains in Mimical Instruments ever offered in Onialia. D-rib .Mandolin regular price 5jf,'l.fi()--our price. . . Oft Other .Mandolins up to .;!(.()(). i.VO Guitars, birch back and sides, mahogany finish f A O Others up fo 25.00. ' W'HrO 15anjos-8-inch head. (! brackets i g2 Others up to 520.0(1. .wO Violins genuine Hop, model g Ot hers up to 2i".0(). jt&D Instruction book free with each instrument. Jews Harps, fie, 10c ami lfic. Aeeordeons. 08c to ?10.00. Autohnrps, Zithers. Xylophones, .Music lloxes. Music Kolls. Music Stands, at money saving prices. tf.R Iron Beds from $1.00 up. Another Big Shipment Brass and Enamel Beds. The New Prices are Posi tively 20 per cent Below the Manufacturer's Cost Price. I his shipment contains thu most iiincninccnt line nt boils wo have ever sli We give our stock numbers on it prevulllnn discount. No. E2-ENAM1SLED IltON BED-lIriuis ton rails, head und foot best solid brass rails bow foot.tlnest enamel finish, three quarter or full size a bod A El generally sold for $7.50 price No, S9.1 ENAMELED IRON BED Brass knobs best unamel finish made In threo Hlzes exclusive design bed sold nil around us as high as (2.00 our prico on the special lot i.w No. 2t HALF HKASS BED-Scroll pattern, no Kiious, rounu top, lower purt unisiiea In uny of the stylish finishes or colors n oeil made to sell at retail ror KS-u big special at 20.00 j No. 11 WHITE ENAMEL ONLY with brass trimmings pear shaped knobs and splndlen u regulur 125.00 vaiue, A (( with the other specials to go ut..1"" r. ii, . LOUClieS alia Hair mattreSSeS , niw, i n. f. . In nn other branch of the furniture busl ness does u purchaser have to depend so m.icli on the reliability of the dealer us lu upholstery and mnttrcss maklim. The vnlue of a Couch 13 not "how much does It cost?" but "HOW LONG WILL IT LAST?" We havo a fine HAITI MATTHES8 0 lbs. In weight, made In best ticking only u Customers who anticipate purchasing furniture before the holidays will - be interested if they call and examine our bargains. at Snu Juan do Gutmlu, Luzon, yesterday. Lieutenant Wood was tbo son of Major Palmer Wood, Korty-flrst volunteer In fnntry (captain Twelfth Infantry), nud bis mother lives at Governor's Inland, N, V. He enter d tho army ns a prlvato In tho Third Infnutry on August 1. IS'j". nnd served In tho ranks In tho Philippines an corporal und sergeant uutll September 11, 1899, when he wu3 appointed second lieu tenant In tho Twelfth Infantry. SMITH T0STAYTn CABINET l'ontiurtNter (icneral Denies Itiimor That lie liiti'inlH tu ItehlKn Next .Month, WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Postmaster General Smith tonight gavo an unqualified denial to a published report that he ln tenlcd to resign next month. PENSIONS Full WI'.STKIIN VETF.HA.VS War Siirvlvnrn Hrinrmheretl by the tienernl (Jo vernlll.Mit, WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-The followlnr; pensions were grunted today: Issue of October Sft: Nebraska: Original 1'lorlan J. Wlesncr, West Point, $tf; tleorgo M. Drew, Wlsner, S; Artemus L. Itnzzell. Plattsmoiith, $S. Additional James II. Hidden, t'rounr-e, $S. Increase James W Ueorge, Spnrks, JS; W '. in I ' l-.MW.-ty. M. l'i.ok. John Wills, Omaha. $10. David It furtlss. Omaha. $ln War with Spain, widows, etc - Marthu A. Shlvey (mother), Oenovn, $12. Iowa: Renewal Jiimes T. F. Worster, Adel. ii. Increase Thomas Mrl'lcllaiid, Hhannon fit v. $W; Mlln L. Doty. Soldiers' llonin. Mnrshalltown. $10. Original widows, etc -Jennie M Shaffer, Pustalla, $S; Eitza J. Strain. lUnnells, ft. Montana: t.rljtli.al- Itlrhnrd Noble, lHwistown. $0. Wur with Spain. orlKlna' Edward Morrlssey, Butte, $i;. Colorado: OrlRlnuhrJohn R. Wilson, Den vt. $5 North Dakota: Restitution, supplemental nnd liicreuso Joseph F. Randolph, Steele, South Dakota: Original Mark I). Wheeler. Rcdlleld, $0. Ilnjor- . (i. Taylor in lie lletlreil. WASHINGTON. Nov. 17 Major William Taylor. Sixth Infantry, appeared before a ritirliiR board In this city todny. He hug been under orders for Manila, but that ns hlKnment hns been revoked and he will KD upon the retired list. IIETT BME2E3EBI EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. few specimen values, representative o limited quantity, aud our spcclnl price, whUo it lasts Is 2 gO Thn llneat Bed n man can buy Is n Kood BOX SIMM NO (see cut.) We are making a special low price on these a ttprlng muds of best steel springs and finest up holHterlnir made. In bout ticking to fit either Iron nr wood beds fi OS I big special nt IU..S O 1 PATENT ADJUSTABLE I)lVAN-(our , numuer cnrveit nvinogany iuiihiuhi i frame - covered In any color or puttern- I adJustnb!o ends, very finely miulo ' number 1221, carved mahogany finished best volour can bo extended us couch or uivan upholstered, extra fTnu 163 (( I and very BOft- u bargain nt SCJ.vFVF No. 1C9-VELOIH COl'CH-Wit havo mtido . up a special lot of theso with line springs nnd finely made cover, best) grade velour color und pattern ns custo-: mcr may select a couch such ns only , sold In FPHNITVKE stores we put I Thousands of these celebrated in Umaha and vicinity. No, 8 Cook Stoves from $8.75 up jo, 8 Steel Hangos from 25,00 up noiii outfi oase burners, id, in up Stoves and Ranges Cor- 14th and A Sportsman's Delight. Our low prices wilt bring you, and our guns arid ammu nition, w ill bring tho gamo. Shells. Black Powder Shollsl per 100 & Smokeless Shells, O 1 O per 100 .lr Shot Guns. I'nrker UsmmcrleBs rl'7 Shotgun O JL H.V Itemlngton Ilnmmcrless K O ft Shotgun Ut'VO Carper Premier tt rj CT Ilnmmerlcss Gun I J J-) h. C.' Smith's Ilnmmer 2100 Ilomlngton 22" 50 Hammer Oun v Doublo Imported Q-fSO Ouns ", Sltiglo American FJ.OO Cluns v- v w Duck Decoys ciinvuB each.... JJ Duck Decoys O j wood each " Ornss Suits -j OC? for blind kJmJ Shooting A Coats l.Afrt S5r. 48c Dumb Hells, per pair Indian Clubs dSfiJ Punching -f CI nags 1 50 Koot Or Halls 7Ut Itovolvcrs, hunting knives, rifles and pis tol ammunition ot all kinds. Brass Beds from $16.75 up. own. New designs nnd new finishes f our immense assortment und our the special price of $12.75 on JO 7ft this high grade couch tAj (Come nnd see It.) A Inrge selection of LEATHER. COUCHES at lower than prevailing prices. A COMBINATION OF ADVANTAGES which our stock presents to buyers ot to day: 1. "It Is tho largest and most compre hensive stock of Fine Furnlturo In Oil part of the country." 2. "It Is absolutely complete In alt the lines reiiulred for modest home and for homes of luxury." 1 "It represent) the very latest designs In all tho fashlonablo woods and various finishes, together with reproductions of tho old styles now so much In vogue." 4. "It abounds In Novnltlca, comblnlnx utility and beauty with Inoxpenslvenerm." 5. "Prices tho lowest that enn possibly b. quoted for Furniture of standard quality nnd merit." We. are the only furniture house In Omaha that daro.i to gtvo the numbere of our goods along with the price of our bargains. ogers & Son SOLE AGENTS fOR Monitor, Majestic and Quick Meal Steel Ranges, Radiant Home Base Burners, Garland Stoves and Ranges, The Genuine Round Oak Stoves. Stoves and Ranges are in use 1 hey have no equal. Oak Stoves from - $5,45 up Hot Blast Heaters from 9,25 up Air Tight Heaters from 2,95 up Sold on Payments. Fariiam Streets.