12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 'OVEMT$T2Tl IS, TJUU. J. L. Brandeis & Sons Always Give the Best Values. Tomorrow this fact will be forcibly demonstrated. The offerings are of utmost interest to everybody, as the merchandise is the most desirable during the cold weather. A greater money saving opportunity has never been presented to you. Be sure and profit by it tomorrow. $1.25 Silk Velvets 69c yd 50 pieces black silk velvets worth $1.25, in silk department lVyCT yard W W BOSTON STORE Pnmtu Velvets 50c yd Big lot Panne velvets, all shades, inelud "v ing black, Mon- EC1. I day, yard Muslin SG-ineh wide bleached mus lin, yard, Uc Thread 200 yards standard ma chine thread spool, lc Pins Safety pins, two papers for lc Cotton Odd lot e ro chet cotton, all colors, worth Be ball, lc Emb. Silk Odd colors in embroidery silk, worth 8e dozen, lc 0 A Phenomenal Dress Goods and Silk Sale Tomorrow. $1.00 Dress Goods 25c yard The greatest values in all the latest styles, dress goods in plain and novelty effects, in cluding two toned granites, mohair jacq minis, silk and wool plaids, tweeds, coverts, diagonals, storm serges, whipcords, home spuns, (.icrinnn Henriettas and French serges in every shade including black. mi. . t j ucno goous are an exira wiuo ana sen in the regular way up to 1 special sale Monday OX ItAKGAIX S(2lMS, yd... . $1.25 Dress Goods 49c yard 200 pieces high grade imported and domestic dress goods, including such high class woolens as English Camel's hair, Broadcloths, Vene tians, Zibelines, Kerseys, Meltons, Armures, rrunellas, Melrose suitings, shrunk Cheviot, Satin Berbers, Jamestown suitings and French poplins. These are all this season's latest and most desirable fabrics at a price that does not cover cost of raw material. Mon- A fx day they go in this Clearing sale LJl. vJ ON BAKUA1N SQUAKE at, yd. W Extra Special -Silk Waist Patterns $2.98 Over 300 silk waist lengths In the newest silks, Including corded fV f l'crslun tarTotns, self corded poplins, natln lirocliu, tnffclas, cncli J. J 25c $1.50 Dress Goods 75c yard An immense assortment of new tailor cloths in all the most stylish weaves, comprising Habit -loth, pebble suitings, French panne cloth, vicunas, plaid back golfings, silk and wool Bengalines, lhnpress cloth, new Foulos, Henri ettas, Vigeraux and granites in all the new thins, Zibelines, Kerseys, Meltons, Armures, goods range in price up to ?l.i0 Monday they go on sale l DRESS GOODS DEPART- M EXT, yard, at.. . 75c Special Black Goods Sale A late arrival of new black dress goods, pur chased at, l-ll manufacturers cost, BO-inch camel's hair zibelines, 11-inch sponged and shrunk pebble cheviot, -Hi-inch new satin soleil, Bldnch English broadcloths, '11-inch prunellas and -IB-inch silk and wool pierolns in neat small designs. Those goods include some of the highest grade black goods shown this season. Monday the entire line on speciafsale in BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT, yard, at. . 95c SI. BO HI.ACK TAl'FKTA 85c YARD 100 pieces of 27-ln. bla'ok Kixirnntrcd taffotns. Imported from Lynns France, positively worth 11.50 yd, Quantity limited to "0 yds., Monday pattern contains St4 yards, all k at. per pattern. IS pieces $1.30 black Sxlnner Satin, 30 Inches wide, tor llnlncj and separate skirts yard Silk Skirt Patterns Worth $10 for $4.50 OOC 00 lllack all Bilk Rutin ducliCHse 27-Inch and 30-lnch wide skirt an patterns, each containing 7 yards. This la the biggest ImrK-iln OyC over offered and worth $10 our price, Monday . 4.50 H fpk Rni1 rrll t" l Rosenchcin & Co.'s Overstock Icmlr'f'C n4" Op on the Dollar and we arc AJUWyill. of Women's and Misses' JdwIVCtO Cl V uUt selling them the same way ere is another instance where B jaton Store's ready cash servoi you to good advantage. I. Rosenehein & Co. were overstocked with jackets, owing and in thoir ofrorts to dispose of tluir stock, they turn to us, wo made them an olfer of 50c on tho dollar, which thoy accepted. That is why wo ish jackets at such low prices. Bdar in mind that every garment in this lot wad made for this season's trade, of tho garments they manufacture. The above linn (I. Koson&hein & Co.) to unfavorable trade conditions aro able to olfer you these styl are noted for the excellency Mittens Children's yarn mit tens, pair, 2c Mittens Girl's and boys' yarn mittens, pair, 6c Boys' Caps Boys' heavy knit caps with tnssle, worth fiOe at 19c Boys' Caps Sample line boys' warm caps, worth $1.00, at 25c Zephyr Yarn Zephyr yarn, all colors, lap., lc Angora Yarn Best grade angora yarn, all colors, ball, 10c Fur Coats Automobiles Ladies' Jackets, mndo of genuine astrakhan -21 In. 1 iff. lined with Skin iiur satin llnlnjr, full nkins and stitched intorlfn. In?, worth up to $2f, 15 Ladies' genuine Astrakhan Capes, made full skins, 00 in. lotlff, 110 ill. HWCOp, ntariintetid nuulltlos .JH t aTV bklnnur'H llnlnir. Ti3 wm-th $20,011, for A Sample Line of Automobiles 49 mid 42 111. lonir. mudn with Htorni coK liirs, natln lined. Htrnpped seams, wdl tnll nrcil, halt fitted back, in cantor nnd browns und blacks, many dir- OL-a A wm f Front styles, your M I 1 choice, of this Funerh Jl T" JJ lot for 393 for ladies' $6,50 jackets this lot consists of lino korsey, heavy Irish friezo and curly bouclo juckots.all lined throiiRhout, mndo with hiph collars, nowest stylos, porfcot fitting regular retail prlco $0.G0,ynur choice of an end less varioty, all sizes, for $3.08. " 1 H . 6QQ for ladies' $12.50 jackets JTlioro aro many samples In this lot thut nro worth considerably more that tho price wo eatlmato them ut, J12.D0. These Includn fur trimmed kerseys, velours and novelty Katments, also all wool knrseys with nppll'iueil collars and revere, nobby box front effectH, nlso a litif lot of coverts, Venetians, boticles, etc., all colors, all styles, choice of tho lot for qq for ladies' $20.00 jackets This lot consists of tho very swell- QQ for ladies' $8.50 jackets- You will marvel at tho JackolB ' A a m You will marvel at tho JackolB we S aro HfiowltiK In this lot. Extra lino T kerseys, friezes, cheviots, Venetians, cov erts, bouclo, etc., silk nnd satin lined Hcitnn with Inlaid velvet reveres nnd storm collars, also golf buck coverts, actual J8.W values, for M.8S. 5Q for ladies' $17 50 jackets- I The llnost Kncllsh kerseys, tnlli The llnost Kngllsh kerseys, tnllor- mW stltchud, lino meltons, with storm collars, Imported friezes In storm effects, nlso elenaqt kerseys with fur collars und reveres, tho very newest styles, some with shield fronts, others applliiued, nil silk or satin lined, 117.50 values, for $9.5". This lot consists of tho very est Jackets, In the box front effect, j with storm collars, coat effects, ete. Mnterl.ils of tho tlnest kerseys, vicunas, ehevlots, etc., lined with punranteeil satin or silk, all colors, nil sizes. 15u odd sample Jacket's nre nlso Included. Actual KQ vu'.ues, for Ill.JO. "I yl 50 tor ,adles' $25,0 iackels I Those garments nro made of the M Hncst material in tho newest htyloi, box fronts, 125 samplo garments aro included in this lot. Actual f2o,00 values, on talc at $14.50 Women's Tailor-Made and Golf Suits Tomorrow wo place on salo a special line of In dies' golf a n d walking suits. The suits a r o made in the new eton a n d box front jackets of line plaid back cloth, in grays, blues, & browns, elegantly tailor or stitched, deep stitched fnctnc at bottom of sklrl-JlG.OO to Slis.no value.' for Ladies' tailor-made $7.85 short box front, eton effects, well lined nnd tail ored, perfect llttliiK Kiirinent 12.60 vnlue, for Ladies' $2f.00 Russian bloiiHo Bulls nlso eton, single and double breasted tlirlit nulim suits, nearly nil nro silk lined throunhout tliey uro mndo of Imported cotrts, cheviots, vene tlansiiebble cheviots, etc. worth up to $25 salo price only suits for ,7.85 14.50 Grand Hosiery Sale Ladies', misses and children's fast black, full seamless hose, all sizes, worth up to 20c pair, at... I"t Ladies' tine imported. medium and heavy weight, fleece lined hosiery, all sizes, all, styles, worth Toe. iro at ut n - -- -- -- Ladies' fine cashmere wool hose, fast black, regular made, medium and heavy weight, go at, pair Lv, Men's extra fine cashmere wool socks, black and tan, worth up to-MOc pair ,'0 at 19c A GREAT MILLINERY FURORE. Closing put all our Pattern Hats that cost us $25, $35 and $40 for $10, tomorrow. These pattern hats are all the latest creations from London and Paris, including 200 hats from Fran cois and Leichenstein. About SO of these magnificent hats on hand k noiu, no two alike, your choice at 50 more of Joseph's $10 hats, many $EZ CC fur hats in this lot, to close them out, at -JVvJ 10.00 $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2.50 Cholco of over C00 trimmed hats, many of the Herthe hats, that were $5.00 last week, In order to J? clMe them out aulck.chotce. JW'O vf 75c Fancy Feathers 10c S0c and 75c fancy feathers wings, breasts, blrda, all In -f f-i one great nusortmcnt, at.... lUv Oslricli plumes 25c, 50c and 75c each. $3.50 Ready-to. Wear Hats 50c lteady-to-wcar hats tu nil the now shapes, trimmed with bands, quills nnd so on. They wero ?2.fi0 and $3.50 your choice. 50c Underwear Bargains Children's line ribbed and heavy lleece lined vest, )ants and drawers, go at 10c, 15c, 25c Ladies' jersey ribbed vests q and pants, medium and g ueavy weigm in crtie and silver 9f "ray, go at .vt Ladies' tine jersey ribbed, heavy lleeced and haxony wool ribhed vosts anil pants, all bIzos I r worth up to $1.01) each 4VC go nt 10,000 pair Ladies', men's and children's gloves in all wool cashtnciru and o.Ntra lino cotton flucco lined gloves, nlso hundreds of styloH of golf gloves ja nnd Scotch gloves, all nosv styles, i)C an" 4VC fino Uniterm), worth up to SI pair, tit Blankets Full size soft downy bed blankets pair, 49c Wo warrant every pair of shoes we sell sell bettor shoos and newer stylo shoes ono else. Men's Tan Shoes -and we than any 8 Blankets Extra heavy largest size bed blank els, Avorth ?i.no, at 98c Comforts Full size sateen and silkoline bed comforts, worth $1.50, at. 75c All th different and new atylea of mnn'n tan ahoea for wlnUr war, In alncla, double and trlpla rnlts, plain drill and leather lined, made to re tail for S3, U and W, all aliea and width, r on aaln nt JLJS, 2M and (3.00. Men's Patent Leather and Enamel Shoes $300 $350 Wrappers Ladies' lleece lined Avrap pers, Avorth Si.un, at 39c All the newest and latent style of patent leather and enamel shoes for dress wear, street wear, made to re tail for 5 and J, all sizes and widths, fo 1250, uu and V-i.w. Men's Box Calf dhoss Tull line of single double and trlpl sole shoes. Men's box calf shoee, Trostler's k 1 d shoes, willow call shoes, French ca f shoes, all welt aoles. all sties, all widths, worth up to M.00, ko at J3.00 and J.W. $3.00 and $3.50 Men's .Velour Calf Shoes ZS different styles of men's flno ve lour calf, wait sole shoes, single, double and trlplo soles, tho softest and moat beautiful leather, all the new styles of toe, lace eenrreas and but ton, worth up to M.W Pr pair, o at S3.00 and S3.SO Ladies' Shoes 1.98 On bargain square on main floor. 1,200 pairs ladies' $4 and $5 black and tan welt and turn sole shoos go at $1.98 a pair. Misses $3.50 flno button pat ent calf shoes r" gL C 11 to 2 ADO Grand open ing new styles ladies' skating boots and out-door boots and rniny day skirts boots black and tun, $3. BOYS' FINE CLOTHING m Child's shoes' 2 to D Fifth rVyenue. SEE THAT THIS ""r at Child's shoes, 5 to S Child's shoes, -4 OETf sii to n .... Mlssrs' shoes, 12 to 2 1.50 Yount; ladles' -f Cjrv shoes, 2i to 6,... LOU IS BRANDED Ofl EVERY SHOE. Klb Estrael Call. Heavy double sole, extension edge, hand welt, low heeL SPECIAL SALE OF GOOD SHOES CHEAP IN OUR BASEMENT Ladles' 7 button bluuk UVEKGAITUKS 19c Ladius1 Kunmuts, st'iall eizo, 10c Infant's warm Overshoes, 30c Child's 8 to It Doisgola Shoes 79c Mon's 05 c Plain Rubbers, 29c Misses' Shoes, 75c Ladlob' Fino J2.00 and ;i SHOES small hlcB 50c Ladlos 10 button black OVF.U GA1TEKS, 29c Lndles' Warm Slippers, 59c LudlcV Fine Shoes $1.59 Infant'u Soft Sole Shoes 10c and 25c Men's- Fine Shoes, $1.59 Child's Shoes, felzes 1 to 5, 39c Boys' Shoes, worth $1.15 On sale tomorrow at very special prices. Boys' $5.00 and $6.00 Suits for $2.98. 2QQ For children's vesteo suite, apes 8 to 10, made of tho finest English serges, kereoys, fancy cheviot and lino mixed caysimores, elegantly trimmed, with plain and silk vest, nsnally priced from $f to $0. Monday's special price $2. 98. Boys' $6.00 and $6.50 Suits for $3.98. 3QQ for boys' iinest knee-pants suits, L ages 8 to 10, extra heavy thibets, cheviots and cussimores. Mothers know thoni well as onr boys' indoitrnotlblo suits punts raado with dt ublo seats and knees values up to ifl.M). Monday special prieo 5:i.08. Boys' Heavy Reefers, Top Coats and Ulsters at Special Prices. Ages 8 to 1G, Keefers and Ulsters with extra lariro storm collars, in Chinchilla, Heaver or Oxford Vicunas, mado in tho litest styles and outs many odds and ends size which wo placo on O HQ O flQ HQ salo for Monday at AiVO O.VO Ht.VO All worth almost doublo. Extra Speciul Knee Pants 29c. $100 and 75c all wool cabsimero and worsted knee pants, for Monday only . . ages 8 to 10, 29c N. B. .Remember our great pale of men's line suits and overcoats, purchased from Levy, liosen fold tfc Co., is still on. f.00, 7,n0, 0.50 for suits and overcoats worth fully doublo tho price Lining Mark dress liniii:, yd., lc Damask Fast eolor turkey red table dam ask, yd 15c Dress Goods 10 .Ml. dark colorod dress pat terns at 39c Toweling Twilled cot ton towel Ki .vd V2c Table Covers Fa ne y colored, fringed all around, each, 15c Flannel Lijlit col ored online; llannel, good quality, yd 5c Gingham Host stand ard apron checked injdiani. yd., 5c I-hui lie 1 Extra heavy imitation French llan nel. vard, 10c LA.il V'JI 17.1 tJIUM M Cretonne Very heavy twilled coin fort cretonne yard, 8j,c Percale 8(!-i nch wide percale, full pieces, no remnants, vd., 3c Handkerchiefs Ladies' pure, sheer linen hn nd kerchiefs 10c Shawls .1,000 all wool crochet shawls, black and white, 25c Silk Caps I ii Hint's si IK I cliilds' all silk embroidered caps, worth $1.00, at 25c Kid Gloves SI no line im ported kid gloves, new fall shades, all sizes, at pair, 69c Handkerchiefs Ladies' hand embroidered initial hand kerchiefs, at 10c