Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 10

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    win? At a tr a TATr,v it k. p, ifi?TnA". "stdv Frvrnrcn lit. i nnn.
jii.Non .unvriox.
Havls sells glass.
"Mr Itlley.' 5-ccnt clear.
Kino Missouri oak. Gilbert Broa.
Oas fixtures and globes at Bixby's.
Kino A. B. C. beer, Ncumaycr's hotel,
Wollman, sclcnllllc optician. 4W B'd'y.
Schmidt's photos, new and latest styles.
W. J llostettr.r, dentist, Baldwin block.
Mooro's stock food kills worms, fattens.
Drink Budwelscr beer. I.. Kosenfeld. ast.
Leffcrt. Jeweler, optician. 230 Broadway.
"Hun Bonnet Babies" ut C. K. Ale.xnndor
& Co, H, 33 Broadway.
Alderman K. C. Brown was reported yes
tcrday uh beliiK seriously ill.
Oct your work done at tin- popular nasi
laundry, 724 Broadway. 'Phono 157.
Born, to .Mr. rind Mrs. Henry Krohardt of
Logan Htreet yesterday, n daughter.
Krnnk It. I. vln Is sojourning at Colfax
.Springs for tlm benetlt of his health.
W C. Kstep. undertaker. 2S I'carl street.
Telephones! Ollloe, 97; residence, 33.
M. Oraff, undertaker and llcm-cd em
balmer, 101 riouth Main street. '1'huno 5')
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furnlturo
lepnlrlng, mattress making, 122 H. Main nt.
Harry M. Brown, deputy clerk of the su
perior court, Is contlned to his homo with
Mrs, I.uwrenco Brown of Boone, 7a., Is In
tho city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J I A Mossmore.
Mrs, A. T. Kllcklnger Is entertaining her
mother, Mrc. S. T. Spunglcr of Aurora,
Buchanan county, la.
Thrrn will be n Kiicrlal meeting this even
ing of Hxcelslor Masonic lodge, No. 23), for
work In tho llrst degree.
Mrs. J. 1.. Htewart has gone to Cincin
nati, O., where she has been called by the
riness of her little grandson.
County Attorney Klllpaek expects to re
move his residence from Neola to this city
pome tlmn during this month.
Cieorgu Hlmnionf, colored, II1) Washington
avenue, died yesterday afternoon nt Ht.
Bernard's hospital, aged SO years. ,
J. T. Hurl of Bed Cliff. Colo., who was
interested with tho lato Thomas Ollleer In
Colorado mines, nrrivcil in mo city yester
day Wllllnm Itvilen niid Jenide Carlson, both
of tlilH ell v. wero married yesterday, tho
ceremony being performed by Justice Ovldo
W J l'eters of Sheldon has asked the
pollen to assist htm In finding his 15-vear-old
brother, (leorge, who left his home
nomn months ago and Is supposed to be
Mllwnukeo passenger train No. 3 arrived
hero yesterday afternoon with the coaches
covered with snow. At Marlon the snow
was two Inches deep when tho truln passed
tnroilgli mere.
The funeral of Mrs. Ktlzu Neonbar will
tin In. Ill this afternoon at L':3) o'clock from
tho residence of her daughter. 722 Pierce
street, and interment will bo In Walnut Mill
cemetery. How A. overtoil will conduct
tint services.
H. B. KiiowIch has filed n petition in tho
district court asking to havo his claim
against Ollleer it l'usey us guardian of
l.amnnt Orr inauo a preiorreii eiaim on me
grounds that tho money deposited by him
was a trust rjnu.
The ladles of the Broadwav Mothndlst
Kplscopal church aro planning to hold a
bazar at tho old Ueno building on Decern
ber 0 and 7. Dinner and sunner will bt
served each day. All kinds of useful anil
fancy articles will bo on sale.
I.llllmi M. Holllster, supremo commander
or mo i.aiues or tno .Muccanees, win tie
liver an address tonluht at the entertain
meut In the onera house to be given In
honor of Hupremo Commander Markey of
uic lvniguts or tno .muccuijcch.
Tho decrease In the tk'lliui lout tax list
this year Is taken ns a sure Index of good
times and republican prosperity. In the
published list this year there are only S.21C5
lots, as against l,M7 In ISM. Tho list last
year showed a rcmarkablo decrease over
A telecrani received here from New York
announcing that .Tnhn T. Stewart second of
this city hud started from Stamlord. Conn.,
intending to make tho trip to Council Bluffs
In an automobile. Is regarded hero by his
friends as a Joke on thu part of some of
tils eastern menus.
Caleb lloblnsou severed his connection
with tho local postolllco yesterday lo enter
the railway mall service. lie will be suc
ceeded at tho postolllco by Harry Mitchell
and Lewis Patterson, formerlv sneclal de
livery messenger, has been recommended by
Postmaster 'I reynor lor tno appointment to
iwitcucirs piacc.
Chester Egbert, charged with complicity
In the theft of a sack of Hour from a Broad
way grocery store, was given Hfteeu days
In tho county Jail yesterday. It. C. Kd-
wards. Egbert's alleged partner, who Is
serving a twenty-day sentence for stealing
two undervests from tho Boston store, was
niso given niieen nays.
N. V. numbing Co., telephone 250.
StoUrr Siiy lie In Bankrupt.
Venial W. Baker, a flroman In tho employ
of tho Chicago & Northwestern railroad
claiming Council Bluffs as his home, filed
a petition lu tho United States district
court yesterday asking that ho b adjudged
a bankrupt. His liabilities aggregate
VM)'.i.', consisting of storn accounts and
bills for medical attendance. His assets
consist of household goods valued at $50
and SCO salary dim him by tho railroad
company, all of which ho claims us ex
empt. Best weight Domestic soap.
CoiiKriiliilutlonM from lliuinii.
Hepubllcan National Committeeman Er
nest E. Hart of this city has received the
following acknowledgment from Chairman
Hnnna: "I thank you for your report ot
Iowa's magnificent plurality, nnd congratu
late you on your very material contribu
tion to tho came,"
Domestic soap gives be&t satisfaction PmInIa Ti.iiii.fiti. I
The following transfers wero filed yester-
day in the abstract, title and loan office ot
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Nettle Eaber and husbnnd ct nl to
lames Peterson, lot .1, block 12, Jaek
sou'h add., w. d S 1,700
J'litnk P. Lewis and wife to Fort
Dodge, & Omahii Hiillroud company,
I'm) feet right-of-way over w'a nw't
43-lti-tl. w. d 410
County Treasurer to Ueorge S. Wright,
lot II, Midland add., tax d S
Samo to Mary I.. Everett, lot S, block
8, Mullln's Htihd.. tax d A
Same to Leonard Everett, lot 12, block
8. Muync's 1st add., tax d 1
Hnnio to name, lots 1, 2 und 5 to 11, U,
15 and 10, block I, Mayno's 1st mid,
tax d 21
Some to wmi', lots 1 to 10, block 5,
Mnyne's 1st add, tax d IS
Mary B, Foster and husband to
Susctta Hoyer. lot 5, block 3, Pros
pect Place add, w. d 1)00
V 1C. Seltzer and wife to Hattlo
Jacks and Hniinnh Celley, lot 20,
block 7, Highland Place, w. d ibO
Total nlno transfers $ 3,519
DtvlB sells paint.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N, Cnnady, Jr.,
i:c Main St , Council Bluffs.
Save Your Moneys
itn tno
I $3.50 SHOES I
You don't need 55 1H
to wall till THP D
they are half i-r WM
worn out to PJDJT iH
havo comfort I ltvl Kl
lu wearing . r
J them. DAY. J
Council Ula0a, la.
Bluff City Denies tho Reported Purchase of
Old Company n Plant.
fteerrlnry !reriiNhlrliln Sny Mntler
Arr (ioliiR Ahead Itnpldl.v mill
'Mint All Will He Bendy
In Contract Time.
The report that the Blult City Electric
Unlit and Ons company has purchased the
electric lighting plant of the Council Bluffs
Oas and Electric company la denied by J. 1".
Grecnshlclds, secretary of tho former com
pany. Ho said yesterday: "Theru is no
truth In tho report that our company has
bought out tho electric lighting plaut of
tho old company, although we may and
probably will purchase it- At tho tlmo
that wo secured tho contract for tho city
lighting and tho pcoplo of Council Bluffs
voted to glvo us a franchise wo submitted
a proposition to tho old company to buy Its
clectri.-, lighting plant and to pay for it
with stock in our company. Tho proposl
Hon was favorably received by the direc
tors of tho old company, but a3 yet th'e
purchase has not been consummated.
"We expect to bo soon ready to do busl
ncss, but do not caro to mako our plans
public until tho Btoclc of our company Is
Issued and subscribed for. Wo already
havo bidders for a good deal of It and
qutto a bunch of tho stock will bo held by
Council Ululfs people. Tho report that tho
stockholders In tho Omaha Street Hallway
company are Interested financially in our
company is without foundation."
Whun auked If his company intended to
secure power from Omaha, Mr. Orccnshlelds
said: "As to that I cannot speak author
Itatlvcly at present. In tho event of our
buying the electric lighting plant of tho
old company we will bo obliged to put In
entirely now machinery, but will bo ablo
to use part of tho poles nnd wiring now
used by it. Wo hope to mako au nrrango
ment with tho motor company whereby wo
can supply It with power for lighting its
resort ut I.ako Maim v.-a nnd negotiations
to that end are now pending. About all 1
can say of a definite nature now Is that wo
will certainly bo prepared before tho
proper tlmo comes to take caro of our con
tract with the city."
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Den Hi of W. II. M. l'usey,
William II. M. Pusey of tho banking firm
of Ollleer & l'usey died yesterday morn
lng at tho Htnte Hospital for tho Insane nt
Clarlnda. He leaves a widow and threo
children Mrs. Ella Plnney of this cUy,
Frank S. Pusey of Denver, Colo., and Mrs
Kate McGco of this city. Mrs. McGco and
her husband, Judge J. E. K. Mctlco, wero
with Mr. Pusey nt tho tlmo of his death.
Tho body was brousht to thiu city Inst
night and tho funeral will bo private,
Mr. Pusey was born In Washington
county, Pennsylvania, July 20, 1S2C, his
father being Nathan Pusey, whoso nnces
tors camo over with William Ponn and
settled in Philadelphia. Ho was educated
at tho Washlngtou-Jefforson collego in
Washington, Pa., from which hu was
graduated in 1817 in tho same class with
tho lato James 0. Blaine. Ho came to
Council Bluffs in 1865, whero ho made his
homo ever since. In 1857 ho engaged in
tho banking business with his brothcr-ln-
law, tho Into Thomas Officer, under the firm
namo of Ollleer & Pusey, ami they con
ducted u prlvuto bank until tho death of
.Mr. umccr insi oopieinucr, wnen uio ueuwi
ot tno senior niemner anu tno mcniai
irotlliie or .Mr. i-usoy caused uio uau 10 uo
placed in tho hands of receivers.
In 1858 Mr. Pusey was elected state sena
tor from tho Pottawattamlo senatorial dis
trict, then embracing twenty-soven coun
ties bordering on tho Missouri river and
extending eastward. In 18S2 ho was elected
u member of congress from the Ninth Iowa
congressional district on tho democratic
tlckot and served ono term.
Premiums given with Domestic soap.
Truck In Ncnrly Completed.
By last eveniug tho motor company had
the cntlro.of tho second track laid on South
Main street, from tho Burlington crossing
at Tenth nvenuo to tho railroad tracks ut
Sixteenth avenue. Tho track Is being laid
on a concrete base and tho heavy ones
bought by the Suburban company for Its
contemplated Hue. A forco of 1B0 men
aro nt work on tho street and rapidly push
ing It to completion.
General Manager Dlraniock stated yester
day that for tho present the brldgo line
would uso tho oust track and tho Suburban
company tho west track. As tho company
is unable to becuru nt tho present tlmo
tho crossings for Tenth nvenuo and for tho
network ot tracks on Sixteenth nvenuo,
temporary crossings and switches nro bo-
Inn ... I. l.,.nu. n..A.. ...
UH !'" II. nnwna .ii.ii;i;iiiii uiuiiiiu uuw
ou tn" b,0'" laldnt Pwent to con-
nect with tho Manawa line, but next spring
tho second track will bo laid and then tho
company will havo a doublo track clear
from Omaha to tho lake. For tho present
also only a single track crosses tho Bur
lington's tracks at Tenth avenue, tho two
tracks being connected here with a switch.
Tho "V" at Fifteenth nvenuo will bo
retained as It will bo necessary for turn
ing long cars when not making tho through
trip to Manawa.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds,
nmiril of Hupervlnorn.
Yesterday's scsnlon of tho Board of
County Supervisors was demoted to routine
matters of little public Interest.
The penalties on tho official bonds of
county officers and Justices of the peace
and constables elected at tho recent gen
eral election were fixed In tho samo sums
as heretofore.
Manager Atkins of tho local offlco of tho
Nebraska Telephono company submitted a
sargent s,,::.'.:.
proposition to place a long-distance 'phono
In tho court house at Avocn for S3 n month
on a two-yriar lease. Tho company Is es
tablishing an txchaugo lu that town with
twenty-flvo subscribers. Tho need of a
telephono nt Avoca Is much felt by tho
county olllcers nnd members of the bar, nnd
it Is said the supervisors will act favorably
on the proposition.
The county auditor wai instructed to ad
vertise for bids from physicians for medical
attendance upon tho county poor in the
different townships during 1901.
The auditor was Instructed to satisfy tho
Judgment secured by Constablo Albertl In
Justice Vlcn's court ngalnst tho county
for his expenses In connection with tho
seizure of tho llijuor stock of a llroadwr.y
saloon under search wnrrant proceedings.
Albertl'a bill originally was $10. It wns
disallowed nt the former session of thu
board nnd It now, with tho costs attached,
amounts to $11.10.
Most for your moneyUomcstlc ioap.
County Bourd 'Will llntc n Knotty
((ucnIIoii to I'iiin Upon,
A matter that la expected to como up nt
the present session of tho Hoard of County
Supervisors la that of tho contract en
tered Into over a year ago by tho board
with K. M. Cunningham of Indiana to "fer
ret" out property which wns llnblo to but
had escaped taxation. Tho contract pro
vides that Cunningham shall rccclvo 60
per cent of all moneys recovered by the
county through his efforts. Subsequent to
tho board entering Into this contract the
statu legislature enacted u law declaring
all such contracts illegal, null and void
unless within thirty days utter tho passage
of tho act tho persons holding tho con
tract accepted lu writing 15 per cent us
full remuneration for their work.
Mrj. Cunningham, who assisted her hus
band hero in tho work of ferreting out
taxable property, arrived in the city yes
terday, after nu absence of several months,
nnd Mr. Cunningham la expected horo by
tho end of the week. In answer to in
quiries, Mrs. Cunningham said they ex
pected to mako a report next week to tho
board of tho property which they have dis
covered as liable to taxation, but which
has novcr been assessed. She also said
that Mr.' Cunningham expected to bo paid
tho 50 per cent as provided for by his con
tract with tho board, and that ait far as
ho was concerned, ho had paid no nttentlon
to tho net of the lcglslnturo any more than
If It had novcr been parsed. Mr. Cunning
ham is nlso engaged lu the samo work In
Krcinont county, whero ho has a CO per cent
Tho constitutionality of tho net abrogat
ing the contracts previously entered into
by county boards in different parts of tho
state has been attacked by some of tho
tax ferrets, as they havo como to-bo styled,
but tho question has not yet been passed
upon by tho supremo court.
County Attorney Klllpaek gavo It as his
opinion yesterday that In view of tho lnw
passed by tho legislature, tho county board
would have no authority to pay Cunningham
CO per cent of any moneys It might recover
through his efforts. Any payment above
15 per cent, ho believed, would bo Illegal.
There would nlso bo a question whother the
board'a contract with Cunningham has not
becomo nullllled owing to Cunningham not
having filed u vrllten acceptance of 15
per cent within tho required thirty days
after the passago of tho act.
When afcked about tho matter yesterday,
tho members of tho Board of County Super
visors stated that they had not paid it
any attention and could not say what they
would dj until It was formally presented
beforo them.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, Gil Broadway.
Ovlilc Vlen In it I'reilloiiiiienl.
Tho only county officer in Pottuwnttamlo
county who could bo affected by n strict
Internretutloti of ihn Titua nmnmlmnnf nrn.
vl(lng for 0ounlal eiectious a jutlco of
tho Veuu0 0vl(io vlcn of thu cU A
ot tho othcr countj. ofllceis elected at tho
reci!nt conunil election will loifend ihnm.
selves, so, as far us they are concerned,
nny interpretation of tho nmendmont will
not trouble them, ono way or the other.
In Justice Vlcn's case, however, it is
different. Under tho ordinary courso of
events ho would bo succeeded on tho first
Monday in January of next year by H. T.
Bryant, tho republican candidate who was
elected Justice of tho peace. AVhen asked
yesterday If ho Intended to tako advantngn
of n construction of tho wording
of tho amendment Jimtlco Vlcn said: "I
am a law-abldlug citizen, nnd if tho law
onys I shall hold over for another year I
supposo I must comply." Asked if ho
would not resign so ns to glvo his duly
elected successor n clear Held, ho" suld:
"I cannot answor that nt prcscut."
Tho troublo over tho amendment comes
from tho fact that when It was drawn up
It was dono so under tho impression that
tho terms of nil county oltlcors expire De
cember 31, whereas they do not until the
llrst Monday in January.
All grocers sell Domestic soap.
Illitrlet Court Xolo.
Judge Green of tho district court has act
next Tuesday for hearlug tho motion of tho
city to dissolvo the temporary Injunction
secured by tho motor company restraining
tho city olllclala from Interfering with Its
work of laying a second track on South
Main street.
The Peterson dlvorco suit occupied tho
entire of yesterday in tho district court,
tho evldenco for tho plaintiff not being all
lu when court adjourned for tho day.
Tho following cases have been listed ns
subject to call nt tho closo of tho Peterson
dlvorco suit trial: Iowa Mortgngo and
Trust company against tho City of Council
Illufl'3, Hnrtwell against McCalllstcr and
Hosb against Heed.
In tho damage suit of John Hayes against
the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, tho
defendant company has filed n demurrer
to tho petition.
Domestic soap has no equal,
IloodrKKcri Biiumt 0rr.
Frank Breeso of Clarlnda wns brought
beforo United States Commissioner Wright
yesterday by Deputy Marshal Bill Hichards
on tho ehargo of bootlegging nt Atlantic.
Tho preliminary hearing resulted in Breese
being bound over to await tho action of thi
federal grand Jury nnd In dofault of ball,
which wns llxed at $200, ho was committed
to tho county Jail.
Harry Brand of Clarlnda, charged with
bootlegging, who wns committed lo tho
county Jail about a week ago, secured ball
In tho bum of $200 yesterday nnd was ro.
There oro at present In tho county Jail
twolvo men charged with violating Uncle
Sam's internal revenuo laws nwnltlug tho
action of the federal grand Jury. Tho ma.
jority of them come from Clarlnda.
Order f tUv (iolilen I'reerpt.
CLINTON. In., Nov. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho biennial session of tho su
premo lodge, Knights and Ladles of the
Golden Precopt, will bo held In this city
next month, commencing December 4 and
continuing several days. Tho supremo
lodge is composed of the supremo officers
and a duly elected dclcgnto from each sub
ordinate lodge. Tho meeting of tho su
premo lodgo this year will bo an Important
one, as some changes nro to" mndo In
the ritual and by-laws. This order wns
organized In this city a few years ngo
and has n largo membership,
Slirowd shoppers do not hesit.ito to tnko advantage of the bargains our Novcmbor Clearing Sale odors.
Crowded counters attest this fact. For tho balance of tho week wo havo put on sale some exceptionally
strong lines. Rend here the prices
Underwear Dept.
Children's Hlbbed Vests and Pants, lots
assorted valuo 16c and 20c "1 i,t
salo price
its' good quality ribbed Union Suits,
In i,isorted sizes, valuo 30c per Xt)C
garment, salo price
Men's wool Undershirts, without drawers,
valuo 75 cents per Garment oUC
salo price
Men's extra value wool fleeced Under
wear, very warm, valuo C5c oOC
salo price
Special offer ot Men's extra quality, 75
cent value, Shirts nnd Draw- ()2'C
crs salo price "
Silk fleeced Undorwcar for men, also in
wool fleeced garments, regular $1.25 value.
nBk to sco them X00
salo price
Australian wool, very flue quality, ShJrts
and Drawers, J2.00 valuo 1.50
sale price..
Special lots in Underwear that spaco
crowds out, all at reduced prices.
Ladles' Union Suits, all grades, $2.00,
$1.50, $1.00, 89o, 60c 19C
Ladles' lino ribbed nnd fleece lined Un
derwear, ask to sco them OnO
50c, 39c and wtv
Special Ladles, all wool f K
Underwear, $1.00 and '
Lndles' extra heavy wool
fleeced Underwear..
Regulars slzo Comforter, with good cover
and Dlllng salo price 75C
Full slzo Comforter, regular Ofrt
price $1.25 salo price
Extra largo well mado
filled Comforter, salo prlco
V v
pure cotton
Itegulnr $1.75 homemade
Comforter, salo prlco
, . . . . .
Hand-tied Comfort, filled with long whlto
cotton, extra uuullty cover- Tj Q
lng snlo price X.vl
Hegular 29c quality all wool O'p
45c fine quality Twilled
Flannel sale, prlco
89c quality all wool Skirt (lQf
Patterns, salo price JOKj
$1.25 Skirt Patterns, best quality nil
wool, Just a few left, "1 ffi
salo prlco 1,uu
Olinton Editor Demands That McPhorson
Be Impeached and Eemored.
Order ItcMrulnliiir Clerk bt Daven
port from IMirHUlnir Their Tnctlcn
Stlm Hp a "Honp Chener"
I'p the Hlver.
iihs MniNUb?. Nov. 15. (Special Telo-
grum.) A violent nttack has been mado on
Judgu Smith McPhorson of tho federal
court as a result of his Issuing a temporary
writ of Injunction forbidding the clerks of
Davenport, Hock Island ana .Moiine ui
parade, pass cards or boycott a certain
inni nrm nt merchants. Davo Brandt of
tho Clinton Herald has issued n stinging
denunciation of tho court, calling for Judge
McPhorson'3 impeachment anil auacKiug
tlm innnilnp nillt rnflHOn of his appointment.
Inquiry hero develops tho fact that the
Des Moines Trades and Lauor nssemuiy
has tuken no nctlou regarding tho court's
Injunction, although tho labor trouoies in
liii.nnnnri urn Hlmllar to tho waiters' strike
on In Des Moines a fow months ago. The
attack upon tho court no far nas connncu
Itself to tho Clinton Herald, as tho labor
unions refuso to be drawn Into tho lm-
brocllo until after tho ilnal determination
of the pending case.
ltniidn May Coiiiillilnle.
Thn Hiirvov of tho Des Molucs, Iowa Falls
&. Northorn railroad, ot which President
Ellsworth of tho Iowa Falls National bank
Is tho promoter, has been complotea into
vovmin ami nfnclals of tho road nro at tho
latter point today trylug to effect a com
promise with tho promoters ot tho Duluth
& New Orleans, tho proposed road from
Nevada to this city. It is almost certain
that Bomo arrangement can bo mado with
tho latter rond to got out of tho way nnd
glvo tho Iowa Falls toad tho full sway.
Tho Duluth & Now Orleans road promoters
havo been qulot In thoir worn lor tno nisi
two months, although they havo accom
plished much. Tho lino between this city
n.,,i KVvail.i has all been surveyed, thu
right-of-way practically all In hand nnd
ten mlleB of tho road norm 01 luuiui-nuuu
has been graded and is ready for tho ties.
It Is stated that tho compnny controlling
tho Duluth & Now Orleans has not tho
money to go ahead with tho worK anu mat
It !,ni nnt tieen as successful as could bo
desired in (jolting bonds for tho road floated.
Xow Wrinkle In Illectlon.
Thn into-.! nupstinn which has arisen as
a result of the defect found In tho Titus
amendment Involves tho legality of tho last
olcctlon. It is claimed mat. mo voters 01
inwn .winred themselves in favor of bi
ennial elections and, that by tho letter of
tho amendment so passed, voted to extend
tho terms of all ollicera expiring on mo
n,ut Mnmlav In January. 1901. If this Is
go, then It Is claimed that tho election
Just hold is illegal and superfluous, lor
tho reason that there wero no cuuit-a
i i,.. fiiio.i ninl there being no vacancies
no election was required. This being the
case, tho terms or an omcors dpiriuK uu
tlm Mmiitnv In .Tanuarv will bo ox-
tended not only tho additional year pro
vided by tho Titus ainoncimcni, oui sun
another year, bocauso thero will bo 110
annual election held next fall. All county
and statu ofllccr3 elected this year, accord
ing to thH theory, have no ciaim 10 mo
nit her next vear or the year after
and must bo again elected by tho pcoplo at
tho general election to no neia in ivu..
Will Tent the I.uvr.
An action for damages brought In the
district court may teat tho validity of tho
now outomatlo coupler law, which went
Into effect July . F. W. White, a brake
man ou the Chicago Great Western, Is suing
tho company for damages received at Mar
shalltown on August 4 while coupling cars.
In tho petition, which will be filed on or
Friday and Saturday
Dress Goods.
New 36-Inch Plaids nnd Check Dress
goods, valuo 25c per yard p
now, per yard ' "u
Black Figured Mohair, 30 Inches wide,
large nssortment, valuo 25c per Qp
yard, now
Strictly all wool new Plaid and Check
Suitings, full 35 Inches wide QCp
value 39c ynrd, Bale price tUU
Pressed Flannels, in browns, blues, reds,
black and green, 3(3 inches wide, vnluo
39c per ynrd 9QP
salo price LQv
Silk and wool Novelty Plaids, full yard
wide, very neat asd beautiful patterns,
valuo 60o per yard OOn
salo prlco
Fancy Mixtures, Checks, wool nnd silk
and wool Plaids, In endless variety of pat
terns, vnluo EOc yard QQp
Ralo prlco OuU
Fine Woot Suitings, In very desirable
plaid patterns, but a (ow left, vnluo C9c
per ynrd salo ARP
price ..full
SPECIAL Flno black striped Crepons, '
inches wide, splendid style, value $2.00
per yard salo prlco RQo
only Uuu
Heavy Suitings In Cheviots, Venetians,
Serges, English Twills and Scotch Mix
tures, 62 nnd 64 Inches wide, In grays,
browns, Hues nnd tans, 7RP
vnluo $1 ynrd, salo prlco I Ju
Golf Plaids nnd Suitings, Just right for
waists, beautiful assortment value $1.75
per yard salo prlco
New Scotch, German nnd English Plaids,
Tho latest cloths for walBts, in desirable
patterns and beautiful colors, tin
valuo $1.60 snlo prlco IiUU
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
Ladles good black figured Mohair Skirts,
extra good material, well lined nnd
mohair binding 7K
snlo price ! N
Ladles' Dress Skirts, in serges, cheviots
nnd figured mohairs, In blacks and
grays, ut $5.00, $3.75, 9 9R
$2.50 nnd .LiLO
Ladles' extra heavy natny-Day Skirts, In
nil sizes, in dark gray and blacks only,
ten rows of stitching around O QQ
bottom, wero $1 salo price tUU
beforo December 23, ho will nllego ono of
the cars was equipped with tho auto
matic coupler as provided by law, but tbnt
tho othcr ivas not. In fastening tho cars
his right hand was caught.
Tho stato nudltor has received a letter
from J. II. Hollander, treasurer of I'orto
Rico, asking for information concerning
tho method of properly taxation lu this
state. Tho letter states that they aro
about to institute a tax upon property
which will embrace somo of the features ot
tho Iowa law and asks for copies of blank
forms upon which property is listed or
assessed for taxation In this state.
l'npuliitlon of Hon Molneit.
The now city directory will bo Issued
in threo days. Tho book is entirely printed
and in tho bauds of tho binder. It Is stated
that tho nuw book will show about 2,200
new names. This means that Des Moines
has increased In population during tho last
year closo to B.OOO pcoplo. Tho Polk city
directory pcoplo will claim for Des Moines
n population of 75,000. Tho St. Josoph
book has almost 10,000 fewer names Chau
Des Moines. St. Josoph Is credited, how
ever, with a population of 102,000, whllo
Des Moines has but 62.11S.
Inwn Diilrymen'n llimcniiMiiii.
STOHM LAKE, In., Nov. 1C (Special Tel
egram.) At tho Iowa Stato Dairy conven
tion on Thursday morning, first, second
and third prizes wero nwarded and tho but
ter on exhibit, ninety-eight tubs, was all
bought by a Now York firm ut 21 ccuts
per pound. Tho program of tho nfternoon
session was as follows; "Creamery Re
frigeration, Ico and Mechanical;" "Sani
tary Condition nnd Sewerage of Cream
erics," "Handling and Testing Separator
Cream," "Causo of Mottles in Butter,"
"Iowa Coal for Uso In Creameries,"
"Starters nnd Their Relation to Churn
Yield," "Qualification of a Creamery Man
ager" and "Skim Milk Pasteurization."
Clinrpnl with Dyiininltlnnr.
MEDIAPOL1S, la., Nov. 15. (Special.)
Albert Carlson, a welldlgger, has been
anested charged with dynamiting tho resi
dence of Mrs. A. Larson, a widow. Mrs.
Larson nnd her threo daughtcra wero much
frightened during a ratification meeting
hero Friday evening by a heavy explosion
at tho sldo of their framo houso. No dam
ago was dono and tho nffalr was at first
considered only an ncoldent of tho celebra
tion, but other discoveries havo Blnco been
mndo which havo led Mrs. Larson to swear
out tho warrant for Carlson's arrest and
a sensational trial Is anticipated. Carlson
denies all kuowlcdgo of tho dynamiting.
Minister Miller Flint Trip.
IDA GHOVIJ, la., Nov. 15. -(Special.)
Rev. A. E. Kcpford of this city, an orator
nnd preacher, left yesterday for Omaha.
From there, accompanied by Assistant Su
perintendent KelloSg of tho Iowa division
of tho Northwestern lino, ho will rldo on
tho engine of the Colorado special. Ho
will ride In tho cab nnd will glvo his Im
pressions ot tho thrilling trip In nn Illus
trated article to tho Cosmopolitan maga
zine. Georgo A. Points, Upper Sandusky, O.,
wrltCB: "I havo been using Foley's Honoy
and Tar for hoarseness and find it tho best
remedy I ever tried. It s'topped tho cough
Immediately nnd relieved nil soreness."
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
drug store, South Oraalm.
l'lnnl WltncsM In tJaynnr Ciiup.
NUW YORK. Nov. 15. In tho hearing bo.
foro United Ktntrs Commissioner Shields
today of tho Clnvnor conspiracy case. Wll
Hum F. McCauloy of Savannuh, who at
ono time was tho secretary of the Savannah
Dredging company, lu which Contractors
Greene nnd Oaynor held thu majority of
stock, nnd tho secretary of thu Savannah
Towboat compuny. In which Captain Carter
held 'I'M shares, was tho Ilnal witness. lie
admitted ho hud been a "dummy" bidder
011 the contracts so that tho accused could
go on his bond and to mako out that thero
was competition in tho bidding. Tho
documentary evidence will be Introduced
at the Ilnal hearing tomorrow.
.'tin re 11 n llnly'H Kuneriil.
NEW YORK. Nov lB.-Funeral services
over the Into MnrcuH Daly, who died In this
ilty November 13, took place at St. Patrick's
cathedral today. Solemn requiem mass was
celebrated by Right Rev. Bishop Ilrondel of
Helena, Mout. lie was assisted by Rev.
Full size 10-1 Cotton Blankets, EEp
vnluo 69c, salo price Jxll
Extra heavy 11-4 Cotton Blankets, In
whlto and tau, regular prlco (111
$1.39, salo price ' uu
Full Blze 11-4 extra henvy Cotton Blank
ets, value $1.50 salo I QQ
price I"J"
Extra heavy 12-4 Twilled Cotton Blankets
vnluo $2.00 salo prlco I 7R
only I'lu
All wool 10-4 Blankets, In gray
valuo $2.00-sale 7R
price I' I u
All wool sliver gray Blankets, extra
henvy nluo $3.9S Q flfl
salo prlco ,...0,UU
Extra quality $4.50 Blankets In fancy
blue nnd black, and rod and black, plaids
and plain silver gray nnd Q 7R
tans, salo price O'ld
Extra lnrgo 11-4 gray and fancy guaran
teed strictly all wool A QC
Hlunkcts, salo prlco T Zu
All ool Sanitary Blankets, extra
in grays and tans
grays and tans R fill
lo price U'UU
Ladies' Jackets.
Jackots, blacks only, u few with lining
throughout, In fancy Kerseys, largo lapels
and collars valuu $5.00 Q QQ
sale price.. 0-uO
Ladles' Jackots in all sizes, blacks.
browns nnd bluc3, fully lined, la newest
und latest styles, valuo
$0.75 snlo prlco
Ladles' flno Kersey Jnckets, in blacks,
6 39
blues, tans and grays, valuo
$7.60 and $8.75 salo prlco
Entire lot of $12.00 nnd $16.00 value
Ladles' Jackets, in nil tho leading styles
and colors, fully lined with silk and Skin
nor satin, in all sizes Q QQ
sale prlco U'dO
Ladies' Tailored Suits.
Lot 1 Comprises Ronio very neat nnd
nobby Suits In gray, brown and black
cheviots. In tight und half-flttlng, form
erly sold at $10.00 and C QQ
$12.00 salo prlco U'uO
Lot 2 Comprises our cntlro lino of high
grade garments, randng In price from
$15.00 to $20.00 fl QQ
salo price O-vJO
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In a body for sale at a Terr reasonable price. ThM
lots are located In Omaha addition and II high and dry, Tatr
will make a splendid location for soma factory. Sevaral other lota
ultabU for building purposes one of them especially will make
a fln location for a home, balng within one block ot tha motor
line and within two btooks of a achool fcauaa and church loeatae
in tba WMtarm part of tha city.
Apply ot
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs,
lliivc for mile a Urur lint of Improved
vrKdulile lunilHt 11 1 an realilcncc and
and Omiilin. NOMC. l.'AH.MSi
1C0 acres Hazel Bell twp., 11 miles ne C. B.,
goou bulldlucs, $45 per ncre.
30 acres near Crescent, well Improved, ft
per aero.
CO acies 5 miles east, good buildings and
fruit, $50 per ncre.
C0-acro fruit farm, near city, good improve.
ments, $150 per acre.
SO-acn fruit f-rm adjoining city, $6,000.
The aluive Ik only a rutin le of our
5 per rnit Intercut. Telephone ftl-l.
Father Michael J, I.avollo of St. Patrick's
and others. , , ,
The musical proKram waH rendered by n
doublo chorus nnd choir. The grand re
qulem masn by Cliorublnl was sung.
Tho pall bearers wero James D. Ilnggtp,
John W. Jduckov. Henry H. Rogers, ilomfir
II. Rnrsons. Jolin A. Sulllvnn, Former
Mayor HiikIi- J. Orant, William Hciillnn
nnd William I.. Bull. Tho casket was taken
to Calvury und placed In tho receiving
(ienrriil While I'lenil Not Utility.
liANSINC,. Mich., Nov. 15. -General W.
I,. White, ex-aunrtermaster general of the
Michigan National Ouard, who ban been
under Indictment for tho last year for nl
leged complicity In the slum military
frauds, uppeared buforn Judge Wlest lu the
circuit court this afternoon, (leneral White
returned to Michigan lust night voluntarily
after an absence of almost a year. Ho
stood miit beforo Judgn Wlest nnd a plea
ot not guilty was ordered entered by the
In Honor of .It it re im Duly,
IIKI.HNA, Mont., Nov. 15.-MemoMal
nervices for Mnrcus paly, whoso funeral
took place In New York today, were uold
In nearly all tho churches throughout tun
state todny and business of nil deFcrld"
Hons suhpi'iidcd, Including tho operation t
nil tho mines, smelters und mills of tho
Amalgamated Copper company.
ItelrlmtHK Itr-HlecM llullenlrrni.
BKRI'IN, Nov 15. -Tlin Reichstag today
re-elected Count von Ballnstrem president
of that body by 'J6SI out of 2V votes cast.
Wash Goods Dept.
Standard Prints, samo that sett
everywhoro for 6o
salo price. ,
Best quality of Shirting A a
Prints, salo price T-b
Outing Flannels, dark colors,
that bcII for Co usually,
sals price Uj)li
Heavy 10c Outing Flannels,
reduced nt this Q .
fcnlo to 0;(j
Blnck Sntlno Hcmnants 7n
of 10c Satlnes, snlc prlco I U
Lot of 12!4c Outing
Flanuels, salo prlco..
German Calico and heavy twills
reduced from 12Uc por Qn
yard to lull
Lot beautiful Mercerized Satlnes,
19c value salo 10 In
price 1Z2U
Miscellaneous List.
$0.60 lino Ostrich
Boa, halo price.. ..
$1 75 quality Ostrich CQn
Boa, sale prlco ...UvJU
$1.00 quality Boys' QQp
Wool Sweaters Odu
7c quality fancy nnd plain Taf
feta Hair Ribbon, Cp
salo prlco UU
35c nnd 6Sc all nllk and satin
Hlbbon, C Inches wide, JQn
ealo price lull
$1.25 quality Mocha Gloves, In
green only, salo CQp
price uUU
19c ruffled nllk Elastic, In black
and colors, ealo
Lndles' Outing Gowns, extra
value, home- I fin
mndc UU
$1.75 qunllty hand QQ
mado comforters 109
$1.25 quality black nnd colored
Underskirts, nccordcon QQn
plentcd, salo prlco ..u0(
15o Fancy Tidies, salo in,,
price IUQ
10c Saxouy Yarns, In r
black and color.", enlo price.. u(J
Whlto and gray An- Qj
gota Yarn, &nlo price O 'Q
19c Pillow Tops,
rale price '. .
If You Wish
good reliable denial work at mod
erate prices we can please yon.
Our methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
. ..Telephone 143
H. I. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hots).
form, clilcLi'ii runebm, fruit anil
uiiNlnriift property III Council II 1 11 IT s
ICO.acres Missouri bottom land, S miles ci
city, U0 per acre.
600 aero stock farm near Karllng, Belby Co.,
320 ncrcj In Silver Creek twp,, $50 per acre;
well lrnprovd.
213 acres flno bottom land In Rockford twp.,
$12.50 pei acre; well Improved.
lint. aiO.MCY LOAM: It OS . It MS 4T
Stock Ranch for Sale
About 3 miles north of Council Bluffs. It
miles from 8011th Omaha und l' ml'oi
from railroad switch. About 70) ncrcc,
85 ncres cultivated Including buy
meadow and fruits, 3(0 aires In timber;
set to bliifl nnd native grusnr-s, clx io rn
house, barn, stock shed', hleken hUMo
and englim hoiiHe; nccr falling watr
by 4-liorse-liower gniollnii i-mdne In iml.
barrel renervolr, to h"Ue, bnrn. feed lot,
hog pasti'te and Hire" naiturc. onclns
ures; all fenced by i barb wire fences.
L P, JUDSON, 929 6th Ave.
Council Bluffs, la, Tel, 348,
Add nttructlon nnd fas
cination to one's priH
tnco that nothing elso
enn t'nslglitly skin nf
lllctlons, wludburn. sun
burn, tan-frecklfs, heat
blotches, rash, redness,
all Irritation disappears
llko dew beforo tho
morning huh, applying'
tho exquisite bcautlfeiH:
Hatln-Skin Cream und
Boston Htorc,
I'owder. Only 23c,
1U3 tearl btreet,