THE OMAHA PATLYIt.E E: VC E D"N ESP A V, XOVEMHET? 11, 1000. JEWELL SEES A CHEAT LIGHT Expert Accountant Finally figures Out What Ererybody Eleo Knew, ADMITS THAT POYNTER HAS BEEN BEATEN Hpten 1)nx of I iiNueeeiiifiil .IiiurIIiik Mllli lli-luriift llinW In I)Imii IHilnlinciil for (In- t'lilllif ill I'rlx ntv ."ei'rpnry. LINCOLN', Nov. 13. (.Sitrlnl. l'rlvatfl Secretary Jewell, after UkutIdk and cnl cuIutliiK for Htvcu days, today admitted lliHt tlio returns from the election last week Indicated Hint Churles A. Dietrich was elected Kovvrnor. Today was the llrsl time he conceded Ills chief's defeat. Since the ily ufter election lie hail Inslstid that an official canvass would ho necessary to dennltely determine tho result of the elertlon. "Fifty counties have sent reports of their vote In the secretary of state." he said. "From the duplicates enclosed by Hie county clerk, we figure that I'oyntcr lias u plurality of 1.3!) I, with forty counties yet to hear from. Thlrty-lho of theso re ported unoinclnlly to the Htatn committee nnd their figures show n plurality of 1.07.1 for Dietrich, n net plurality of 421 for I'oyntcr. Tho II vo remaining counties all Knve majorltleu for the republican cnndl dale two years uko. They Includo Doutrlas. and, mltnlttlilK that thn figures nro cor- rrct, Dietrich Is (dectcd by 261 votes over roynter," 'I'liiinUnul t Iiik I'rui'liiniiitlnii. Tho Irony of fato lmn mado It uoco.i snry for Governor I'oynter to forRet his iiisappoliitment Ions enough to write n TlinnkHKlvinK proclumallon, Tills year tin document Is dliTerent in many respects from tho proclamation Issued by Oovernoi' I'oynter In 18W, u few days prior to elec tion, In which ho cautioned tho people ngnliist "tho lust for power." ami petitioned them not to become proud and forget the duties of citizenship. No reference Is made to any political question In tho proclama tion issued this year. It follows: For tho lilexslnir of hrnllh we shmill thank tho (Jrent (liver of nil ri "I. Ncltlic 'jddcmle no;- pestilence has vlslttd ,mr Mate. For fruitful Lutein and Imtmlltu! hnrwt tho thanks if a grateful people hIkmiI 1 lis Sendenil to Him wll'i rules tile elemin.H, M'liillnK tho sunshine mid the rain. Tho onercy and Industry of out people have lieen filiundntitly hliwil. In our abundance we lmvo not fornotteii those In dlstru.-. but have contributed to Hie nssistunc,! of the starvliiu- In India, us well us to those mado desolate by storm and flood In our own country. For tlio bl,Nlnus of sucn i; spirit ,.r riiii?thiM civilization let us thank tied. Ily the authority vested In me as gov ernor of flu, ftute of Nchinsku I ilcdK'iato ijnd proclaim Thursday, Ni vember ssi, us u day of public tlmiikHKlvlm;. In iiccoriliineo with tliH proclamatioii lot our people lay aside busllosM ulTiilrH, and, ns fur us possible. In places of public wor ship mill In the family circle, ilev.ite the day tn tlmnksKlvlNff for the blesslims nf tile ear, nnd in petlllon to mi everru'iiiK l'rovl dene;, for n eoiiiluimliiiii of divine favo-. 'fJlvo thanks until the Lord; for Ho Is Kood: for Ills mercy eudurelli forever." In thanksKtvliu; for our abundance, re member those less favored In witness whereof I hove hereunto s( t my hand anil caused to be nlllxed tlio HI'.'lI Of tllf, Hllltn (if Vol. r.'iuWu Minn, ., Lincoln this ICtli day of November. A. V.. Uy the governor. W. F. I'OKTliH, Soil clary of Slate. To Iteiiiinic I. Inei, In Mroetn., All ordinance hiis been Introduced In tho city couucll which provides for renaming thu city streets now designated liy tho letters of thn alphabet. Tho change Is proposed tn prevent confusion duo to tlio similarity In tho hound of many of tho letters. Tho or dlnanco provides thut eaeli name Fhall bo ftlu with tho present letter of tho street, , tho following names being suggested: Archer, Ilurnslde, Cameron, Douglas, Krlc oii, Fnrrngut, (Irant, Uamlln, Jewell, Kear ney, Logan, Meade, Newman, Porter, Qulncy, Itussell. Sheridan, Thayer. IJpton, Vine, Wlnsiow, Vates and .ollner. No provision Is mnde for changing tlio name of 0 street, tho principal business thoroughfare. Colonel Alexander Ilouglund, widely known as "tho father of tho nowshoys," lias usked tho city council to pass two ordinances that nro designed to correct wayward nnd Incor rigible youths. One of these makes It tho duty of tho chief of police to causo tho ar rest (jf all vagrant or tramp boys and girls found within his Jurisdiction and to Incar cerate them pending correspondence with their relatives. It provides that wherever possible tho ofllccr making thn nrrcHt shall take tho prisoner to his home, where his parents aru held rcaponslblo for his cor.'co- tlon. Tlio other proposed law Is entitled "An act to prevent tho Incarceration of youths, leys and girls, In station houses, Julls, workhouses, ' etc., with old, hardened criminals, designating tho olllcera tn en force tho name, defining tho penalties nnd declaring an emergency. This ordinance would plncu iv Hnn of J.'i on any o Ulcer found guilty of arresting and Incarcerating with ndults uny boy or girl under 18 years of age. Colonel Iloaglnnd addressed tho council last nlghl In support of these two measures nnd urged that they be adopted without de lay. He said similar laws had been adopted in mnuy cities. 1'or it (ily I.IkMIiik; I'lnnt. Knr about tho tenth time in less than three uiuuths iho couucll has passed n reso lutlon asking for an cstmato on tho cost nf a city electric lighting plant. Many of tho couuclliucn contended that tho prlco nsked for tho street nrc lights was cxhortl taut and u proposition has been Mlhmlttcd providing for tho construction of a city pinnt In connection wltli one of tho pumping sta tions. A committee lecoutly appointed to prepare us estimate on tho cost of n new plant decided that the t-chemo proposed was impracticable. At the ctigKCstloii of Mayor Vuughan of Fremont the niuyors of four cities below tlio hrst class met at tho Llndoll hotel to consider legislation proposed to correct evils In tho laws governing their munici palities. The death of Mayor Vnughan's father prevented him trim attending thj meeting, but Fremont was represented by City Attorney Stlnson. Tlio others were: points worth remembering If you wish to learn about the greatest family entertainer ou earth visit tho Talking Machine Theatre hcro wo nro always pleased to show you tho very latest Improvements and piny nny neclal up-to-date records as requested FREE. OMAHA and Lincoln, Nob. tU2t Fnrimiil null U0.1 Ho. 17th .,(. l'honc lOilil, Open etrnlnif. Mnyors 11 O. Hosteller of Kcnrtmy. V 11 Matt of Grand Island nnd John Mattes, jr , of Nebrnska City. Hastings, Norfolk, He ntrlce, Columbus nnd Plattsmollth had been Inilted to send delegates, hut none nf thes- towns were represented. As there were only four persons present It was decided to hold nnolher meeting, at which n largo representation Is expected. Ilreoril for DHoree Work. Judge Holmes in tho district court has established a new record by granting thir teen divorces In nine hours, actual time. Ho began the consideration of thu cases yeuterJay morning nnd concluded tho work at noon today. There nre twelve moro dl orrc cases on the rail for tomorrow and It Is likely that nil will bo disposed of during the day. The following arc tho thirteen decrees nlrcady granted: Fred erick Hnrtjo against Ida Htirtje, decree, desertion, William 0. Taylor against Mnry I. Taylor, conditional decree, desertion; Matilda It. McConnell against John L. Mo Connell, desertion decreo withheld; (leorgo L. Hancock ngalnst Ida K. Hancork. decree, desertion: Jennlo I'. Anderson against Wil liam II. Anderson, .decree, desertion; Jennie Pollock against (icorge W. 1'ollock, de cree, desertion; Kiln Hllcy against Martin Klley. dismissed, wnnt of prosecution; Caroline (ilnzo against Jo seph W. Glaze, nonsupport, decreo with held; Ida lllnnchurd against Joseph A. lllanchard. desertion, decree; Mary Ander son against Isaac Anderson, decree, cruelty and nonsupport, desertion; t.uclla Ilecbo ngalnst Wlllnrd lleebc, decree, desertion and nonsupport: Nettlo Mcdllllvrny ngalnst Duvld J. Mrdllllvray. decree, desertion; Hallcy C. l.yman against ilc.isle Lyman, di vorce refused. MOVES ITS HEADQUARTERS II - i ii III leu ii Slule C'liniinlllre Closes lis diner' In Omiitiu a nil lte- iMiift In Lincoln. LINCOLN. Nov. 13. (Special Telegram.) Chnlrman II. C. Lindsay, Vlco Chairman loung and Secretary Mallnllcu of tho state central committee today arranged for re moving the republican statu headquarters from Omaha to this city. Koomn on tlio sec ond llnor of tho Llndcll hotel were engaged nnd tho furniture and property of tho com- mltteo will bo broil xlit to Lincoln tomorrow or next day. Mr. Lindsay said whllo hero that ho would remain In active charge of tlio committee work and would receive the continued assistance of Messrs. Young nnd Mallnllcu. Polk ('oiiiitM lliinril Klnislies, OSCKOLA. Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.) Folk county's canvassing board hns com pleted tho canvassing of tho voles. Tho lieu has had a report of thu comploto vote except that of preferuneo for United Stntes senator. That resulted, Hosewater, 4.1S; Allen, 105; Hitchcock, DT; Thurston, :i; Halncr, 30; Thompson, 5; Webster, 4; Mclltlejohn, T; Lumberson, II; Heese, 7; Ecnttcrliig, 33. Tho republicans lmvo elec ted In this strong popocrntlc precinct, their candidate for Justice of tho peace and also their assessor, besides In tho county their candidate for county attorney, Hnrvy C lletbc, Tlio fuslnnist majority has hen reduced moro than half in this, their ban ner county, nnd nnolher pull or two will finish them. Iu- Xcirr lie Conllrinol. I'KUr, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) Tho chango of heart for Nebraska Is coming homo to tho employes of tho State Normal school. Two members of tho hoard, Uogcr.s of roru and Towney of 1'lcrce, huvo been named since tho meeting of tlio Inst legls laturo nnd havo never been confirmed. With u republican legislature to back a repub lican governor they may never bo con firmed. Theso two places, together with that of state treasurer and superintendent of public Instruction, gives four republican mombcrs, or n majority. In viow of tho fact they all hold places because of former political claims and without any particular fitness, they feel uneasy. Ilunril Incorporate. SIDNEV. Nob.. Nov. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Tho vlllago of Uayard, llfty miles northwest of hero on tho 1). & M. rail road, was today Incorporated, tho county commissioners granting thu request of Its citizens. E. M. Steams, J. II. Long, 1 O. Wlsner, Ward Vcrvalln and C. II. Hurl; wero named ns trustees. This enterprls Ing place now contains 250 thrifty people nnd will bo ono of tho principal towns on tho now Hue. It Is In tho midst of tho largest Irrigation belt In western No brasku. N(riiiiKr'n Check Won .No (iooil. NOHTII FLATTK. Neb., Nov. 13. (Spec- clal.) A stranger who claimed to bo stiirt lug on n duck hunt visited several stores hero, trying to get u check cashed. Ho would pure ha ho J2 worth of provisions nnd then tender a check for $10, signed by J. Ilarclay. At Harrington & Tobin's ho was successful, hut they discovered that tho paper was worthless beforo tho man left town nnd compelled him to sottlo In lull. Uiter an arrest was decided on, hut ho had escaped. Diirlil ( Ily .Mini Dies of I.tickjnir. DAVID CITV. Neb., Nov. 13.-(Special.) John Knott dlod of lockjaw at his resi dence In East Dnvld City at G o'clock last evening. Ills trouble resulted from accidentally running a rusty nail Into his foot nbout ono week ago. Ho was 10 years old and leaves a wife nnd thrco children Funeral services will bo held Wednesday from St. Mary's Cuthollc rhurch undor the auspices of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen and Woodmen of America. Tulilc lloek I'olllien. S TA11LK HOCK. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) Republican:! hero feel Jubilant over tho result of the election and nro proud of hav ing raised their majority in this precinct from 30 to 71. Last night thoy held their rntltlcatlon meeting, postponed from Satur day night on account of tho weather, nnd It was a "hummer," with plenty of fire works and noise. Ilonuril County Senatorial Choice ST. FAUL. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) The vote ou preforonco for United Stntes sena tor resulted In this county ns follows: Edward ltosewnter col w. v. Alien W. II. Thompson A K. C.ldv Scattered on seventeen candidates 43 Total CM HiuiillfNt Docket In Yearn. DAVID CITV, Nob., Nov. 13. (Special. Tho November term of tho district court commenced today, Judgo Sornberger presld lug. Tlicte are thlrty-nluu civil nnd eight criminal cases on tho docket, tho smallest number In'soveral years. The Jury Is sum inoucd to appear November "0. Mr. McNeil Gocn (11 llnstliiK. WEEFINO WATEH, Neb., Nuv. 13. (Spo clal.) Henry F. Nielsen has resigned the prlucipnlship of tho High bchool here, to teach Latin nnd German In the Hastings schools. His resignation takes effect Friday Tiililr Hock tietn 2Vew l.lvrry Ham TABLE HOCK, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special. J.'C. Heck Is replacing his burned livery barn hero with a now brick structure fiOx 130 feet, two stories and basement and modern In equipment. Curr Your Cold While u Cua. Is It not better to euro your cold while you can, In Its Inclplency, rather than tako tho chaucca of its resulting In pneumonia, catarrh or consumption; all of which ills enbes begin with a cold and may bo pre euted by curing ovcry cold at tho start Chamberlain's Cough Kcniedy can always be depended uron. It la pleasnnt nnd safe tu take, too. 0R BURNING MITCHELL MAIL Editor McBride Asks that Forty Citizens Fay Him $25,000 Damages. OUTCOME OF A SENSATIONAL EPISODE lliilnr .Men Object to (lie Fitper'n (nurse imil l)i-Nlro- Ihr I'lnnt DurlliK the Alisenuc of the Owner. MITCHELL. S. !).. Nov. 13. (Special.) Ono of the most Interesting eases that lias betn on the court calendar of this county for a long tlmu will bo tried at tho term of circuit court for Davison county, which will begin on Weduesdny. Tho ease Is that of Hobert H. Mcllrldo ngalnst about forty citizens of Mitchell, who wero asso ciated In the destruction of his newspaper, tho Mitchell Mall, nnd his cntlro printing outfit. On tho morning of February 24, IMC, nbout llfty of the Mitchell citizens marched to tho tfllco of the Mall to carry out the ngrecment with tho editor on thu Saturday night beforo to buy thu materlol and paper. Mcllrldo did not meot tho committee when It called. Thu committee appointed ono of tho number to net ns ngont for Mc llrldo, Iho oillco was Invoiced at u llttlo over (300 and tho amount was turned over to tho ngent to pny Mcllrldc. Tho work? of demolition commenced nnd In a very short time tho entire olTlce material was dumped In 11 pile. In tho street, sovcrnl gallons of kerosene wero poured over tho heap nnd a match started tho blazo which Boon con sumed nil there wns of tho Mitchell Mall. Tho committee wub very deliberate In Its actions. No masks wero worn nud tho wholo affair took place tn broad daylight, without n restraining hand from a 11 body. Orliclu of the Trouble. Tho facts leading up to the destruction of tho Mall wero of several years standing. Mcllrldo bad 11 strong hatred for thu Into John I;. Lawler, alleging thnt ho enmo be tween Mcllrldo ami his wlfo and caused their soiuratlon. After tho separation .Mc llrldo commenced to nbuse tho supposed separator of his homo through his paper. Ho not only attacked tho personal char acter of Mr. Lawler in tlio paper, hut mudo many severo reflections on tho First Na tional bank, of which Mr, Lawler wan pres ident, and attacked several enterprises In the city. Interested citizens tried in every possible legal way to stop tho publication of thu paper, but, to no avail. Mntters continued In this way until nbout n week beforo tho destruction of tho paper took place. Mcllrlde nsks for dnmagcu amounting to nbout $23,000. Since tho burning of his out lit ho hns continued to llvo In Mitchell for tho purposu of bringing his rase Into court An action was commenced shortly ufter tho Incident occurred, hut It was postponed from tlmo to tlmo as vurlous points that camo up in tho case wero argued either beforo tho circuit or supremo court, ulid which prevented tho enso from coming to trial. Notice was given u few weeks ago that tlio action could bo ready for a hear Ing at tho November term. On account of tho wldo knowledge of tho ensu In this county tho court Issued an order for an unusually largo panel of Jurors to bo drawn for tho term. Fifty Jurors wcru drawn In tho hopo thnt a Jury could bo obtained from that number to try tho case. Tho euso was llrst started In Aurora county by thu plaintiff on tho ground tint he could not secure it fair Jury In this county, but ns much tlmo has elapsed slnco then It Is likely thut a Jury ean bo ob tallied. Mr. Mcllrldo has retained us his nttor reys H. F. Fellows of Flanklnton and Judgo Alkens of Sioux Kails. Tho do fendnnts have secured tho Bervlccs of A K. Hitchcock of this city nnd A. 11. Kltt- redgo of Sioux Falls. F. II. Wlnsor and F. M. Hammer of this city nro also nssocl nted In tho ense. Thtr defendants In the rase are mado up of tho leading business men of Mitchell. eliritMkn "Want lllni for Larceny. FIEHHE. S. 1)., Nov. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Oovernor Leo today granted a requisition wurrnnt on application of tho governor of Nebraska for N. E. Wltchcr, wanted In Sherman county, Nebraska, on a chnrpo of larceny. An application was llled today for a pardon for James Morris, who was sentenced from Meado county on a rhaige of larceny. A remonstrance was also sent In from that county. Cull for (lii(n(iiiiillnir Warrant. IMEKHE; S. I)., Nov. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Statu Treasurer Schambcr Is pre paring to mnko u call for $03,000 of out standing stato warrants. Tho rail will bo mado about tho 20th of this month. WILL IT KECOMK POPULAR? How Do Vim Like 'I'll I n Ximv I'nrtf Vegoturlans. antl-c&lfeo drinkers and food cranks of every description, must now take a back seat for 11 now fad has tho floor. A socloty haB recently been formed, tho members of which pledge themselves to eat no food whatever thnt has been cooked. They claim thut uncooked food is tho only rational healthful . diet; that our remotu ancestors nto no cooked food and therefore If wo do tho same, vigor and health will bo our reward. Haw meat, raw potatoes, raw wheat, raw eggs, raw overythlng. Is tho enticing bill of fnro held out to tho enthusiastic food crank of the future nnd tho society pro pobes to estubllsh restaurants In tho larger cities whero this delightful menu may ho served dally. Modern cooking Is often a dyspepsia pro ducer, because, wo fry so many foods which should bo baked, roasted, broiled or boiled; fried food Is Indlgestiblo hecnuso each par tlclo of food Is encased In hot grease which tho digestive Juices of tho stomach can not easily penetrate; but properly cooked food Is moro easily digested than tho same food uncooked, and wo predict for tho now fad n very limited following. Tho real causo of idigestion Is tho lack of Hydrochloric ncld and peptones in tho stomnch so that no matter how woll cooked tlio food, It can not bo well digested unless tho gastric Julco Is abundant and contains tho necessary amount of peptones to dls solve tho food. Therefore tho most senslblo cure for poor digestion Is to tako after each meal pome safe nud rollablo dlgestlvo llko Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which supply peptones to digest the meat nnd eggs nnd dlnstaso to digest tho bread, potatoes and similar starchy foods. La.xntlvo medicines nover euro Indiges tion becauso they lmvo no digestive effect whatever upon tho food; on tho other hand If tho food Is properly digested thoro will bo no need of laxatives; good digestion does nwny with constipation. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain ptiro aseptic pepsin (government test) diastase. und tho dlgostlvo elements which weak stomachs lack and they euro Indigestion by assisting tho over-worked, rundown Btomach In Its hard work, until It Is jestored to Its normal condition, when tho tablets aro no longer needed, but thcro nro thousands of robust men and women who never eat a meal without taking ono or two of Stuart's Tablets, becauto by so doing they can eat what they please and when they please und he fret, from any bad after effects. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druRglits every where In the United States Canada and Great Britain. South Omaha News . Another attempt will bo mado Thursday night by tho city council to sell u bunch of special district bonds. lu the lot Is In cluded $33,000 In Twenty-fourth street pav ing bond, which have already been declared Illegal by the courts. Other special tax as sessments Included In tho Issuo aro in doubt ns tn legality. Ono of tho bond buyers said last evening that ho would bid ou the wholo Issue, subject tu legality, nnd when thu Twent) -fourth street paving bonds were thrown uut ho would only havo to pay n pro ratn premium. As for tho certified checks for $1,000 each put up Monday night by thu tin 'jo bidders, It Is asserted that tho checks nro void for tho reason that conditions arc written on the back. Interest on tho securities which the bonds arc to replace nud which tho city will havo to pny Is running at the rate of $400 a month. Homo of tho districts lu tho bond proposi tion nro good while others aro not, nnd this Is whero tho whole trouble lies. It Is the opinion now that this Issue of bonds will never bo sold nud members of tho council nre kicking themselves for having allowed tho bid of Frank Morlnrly to get away from them. The mayor nud Fovcral members of tho council agreed yesterday that If tho Issuo did not go It will bo necessary to Issuo gen eral Indebldncss bonds to tako up tho out standing obligations. Should all of tho ob ligations now outstanding on special district assessments bo taken up It will mean an issue of $125,000 In general Indebtedness bonds. With the present general Indebted ness at $307,000 tho lncreaso In taxation will bo felt by tho property owners If $125,- 000 Is added, nnd this will bo tho result In tho end. So many special district assess ment taxes havo been declared Illegal by tho courts that there Is nothing else for tho council to do but to provldo for n general bond Issue. It Is true that home of tho districts aru paying In slowly, but tho ma jority of those who owu tiro holding buck In hopes that their taxes, too, may bo de clared Illegal. Thus tho load must be car ried by tho city, nnd there Is no money at hand to pay theso maturities without a bond Issuo. Owing to mismanagement un der democratic ndmlnlstratlous In tho past no provision has been mado for sinking funds nnd so tho city has to stand up now and shoulder tho burden which should nat urally be homo by district property owners, Whllo tho Issuo of $12.",000 In general in debtedness bonds may possibly bo needed, It has been suggested that an effort bo mado to lmvo a hill passed by tho legisla ture legalizing tho special district taxes al ready assessed, or to uuthurlzo tho mayor and council to reassess tho taxes. Some thing llko this was dono In Nebraska City some years ago. Nebraska City adopted n certain chnrter, but for some reason Us adoption was not legal nnd 11 bill was put through tho legislature legalizing tho nets of the mayor und council during the period thnt this charter hnd been In operation. If a hill can bo passed by tho next leglslnturo legalizing tho special assessment of taxes In South Omaha or giving authority to tho council to rcasEess It will mnko a big dif ference In tlio bonded debt of tho city. This bonded debt Is not being decreased to any alarming extent and as thero is no sinking fund thcro Is no liability of Its being wiped out beforo tho end of time. An Increase In tlio general Indebtedness therefore means that the city, with tl its wealth nnd Income, Is not making any rovlsion for tho future. Including general nnd special district bonds South Onnihii owes In the neighbor hood of $700,000, and thero is very llttlo If anything on hand with which to pay this amount. Froperty owners nro lighting tno a fcossment of special taxes levied for Im provcmentB with tho result Jhiit tho city at large will havo to pay for nearly u not nu of tho Improvements mado within tho last ten yenrs. Fosslbly tho only exception is tho repairs to tho two vluductB. Now the railroad companies protend to keep theso bridges In repulr. which relieves tho city of an nnnual expenditure of at least $4,000, Tuoso who aro fumlllar with tho cxlotlng conditions say that what Is needed now Is a new city charter which will protect tho mu nlclimllty and tho citizens as woll. Specking on tho topic of n city cnartcr a well known politician nam inBt nigut mat. somo nrovlslon should bo mado for tho col lection of speclnl taxes, the enforcement of the nermnnent sidewalk ordinances nnu uiso n clauso empowering tho city to repair ami keep In good shupo nil wooden wnllts at mo ,.renRp of nronerty owners. In about six weeks tno legisiaiuro win meet and so fur llttlo If anything hns been ,lon towards tho formulating of u now cl.nrte: for tho city. Tho attention of Mayor Kl' was called to this yesterday ami no until that ho supposed that tno uommorcini nini. iv. Innldnir nfter tho matter, it is nnw Rimcested that tho mayor with tho con sent of tho council nppolnt 11 commission 10 formulnto 11 now charter, providing espe cially for tho needs of South Omaha nnd ihnt nn minronr ation bo niauo tor icgai n slstauco In order that tho bill providing for tho charter may bo properly drafted. This question will be taken up very shortly by tho council as tho time is short and If anything Is to bo dono an effort must bo mado at once. Tulkluc Aiuieiutlon AkuIii. co..,n I,,,,,, 1 imviTH who wero in tho city . .,nin inni.-inir over tho city's financial condition expressed tho opinion that tho only . . 1 1 ..I 1 , r solution of tho present uimncmi uuuiut was annexation. It wns stated that eastern ,..,,. i,.,v,. tnvnstmnnts hero aro anx iously looking forward to a unity of tho two Oniahas. Those hero wno javor sucn 11 biuo .,.,...., i,..i 11 win ho a big saving In tnxo- iirnvi 1 v ..... Hon nnd at the sanio tlmo provldo hotter tiro and police protection for tho citizens and tho packing nouses. i "" ,i.... ui,r,,nn mnv bo brought up in the legislature nud pressure brought to bear to Induce- tho local omceholdcrs to let go In order that tho taxes may bo reduced nnd tho Increase In tho bonded debt kept whero It Is Instead of Increasing u. . .i iiappliilN Acaln, As usual election week caused dull times at tho stock yards, out yesicrnuy mui. out with good prospects, as C.000 cattlo, 8, , .,.i nan sheen wero unloaded, yarded and sold here. This was considered 1 TnnBi'nv'H market. Kroni very kui u - - now on It Is predicted that fat stock will be ... .,. 4l..,n 1.-111 Itn tll sent in rapidly nnu iuiu Increase In hog receipts. Tho range stock season Is about over, but somo smull ship ments coctlnuo to come. Excellent hogs aro being sent In from Iowa nnd Nebrnska points, whllo fat camo aru uriiigiiib icumm ably high prices MitKlo Clly (iosnlp. C. A. is in f 'i couiuy. Ore. Henry Lewis It (it homo after nn ex tended western tilp. Tho iA)w (.over from I to K streets Is nearly half completed. An effort Is to bo mndo to Incrcnso the pale nf hospital buttons. "Tlio" painting of the First Freshyterlan church has been complete 1. Mrs. W. O. Slnanu will eniortatn St. Mar tin's auxiliary '.Ids afternoon. Tho beet sugar crop bun est "n Hellovuo island was completed yesterday. W A. Hchrcl of the Hammond Fucking company Is to move to Chicugo .shortly. Degree of Honor No. 2 will Klv 11 sorUl nml dnnco Thursday evening lit Workman Tho f uncial of .Mrs. Henry, Easter will b held TliurMluy ut tho Chr.stlun church at 2 p. m. CoiiHldcriiblo building Is going 011 at tho present time, numerous small p.rnilts IjcIhk taken nut every day. lt,v. Martin, the ovungoliHt, speaks t night nt tho christian church on tho tuple: 'The Hlblo from God." Tho Jury in tlio Jorgemion naloon easo returned 11 aeab-d verdict at fl o'clock U it night This vsidlct will be opened by Judffo . Kinc today. STRIKE FOR SIX MINUTES Shopmen at Ohojenne Threaten to Go Out Oter Triyial Matter, ENGINEER CUT THE NOON HOUR SHORT .Mlslnkr In lllonlnn Whistle Hrlngs About n Dlspiitr that Mny Unit In 11 Nlrlkf l Eight llnnilrrit Men, CHEYENNE, Wyo Nov. 13. (Speclnl Tel egram.) Thero Is 11 possibility of a strlko among Union Fnclflc shopmen at this place. Several secret meetings havo beeu held by the machinists nnd n strike may be ordered ut any moment. Tho men say four of their number wero discharged yesterday without Just cause. It seems that tho shop engineer neglected to blow tho whlstte until six minutes after 12 yesterday ut neon and during tho meal hour lie set tho clock ahead and blew the whistle ngalu at 1 o'clock. Four mnchtulsts nro al leged to havo refused to return to wo.'k un til 3lx minutes nfter 1, and upon being re ported to headquarters wero discharged. Tho Machinists' union held a meeting nnd demanded tho reinstatement of tho dis charged employes. This, It Is said, was re fused and tho men held another meeting to day to discuss plans for future action. It Is understood tho younger men uro strongly In favor of ptrlklng, whllo tho older ones urge n settlement of tho dlfllculty by arbitration. Thero nro over 800 men employed In tho shops here. SOUTH DAKOTA IRRIGATION (Jot eminent Knirltirer ."nyn Slnnx Hlvrr'11 Wntrm Can lie- Nlurnl In l.iikm Fnlnnctt mill Kmiiirkn. SIOUX CITV, la., Nov. 13. (Special.) As ono result of tho lust session of con gress u survey was ordered made by tho United Stutcs Engineering department to determine, whether or not It would bo feasible, us claimed, to build reservoirs at Lakes Folusott nnd Knmpesku, In South Dakota, near tho headwaters of tho Sioux river, lu which tho surplus water of tho spring rnlns could bo stored and let Into tho stream during tho dry seasons to keep Its flow uniform. Colonel II. M. Chitten den of this city, government engineer lu chargo of tho Improvement of tho upper Missouri river and tho Improvement of Yellowstono park, has Just returned from un Inspection of tho country nenr tho lakea and tho engineering problems In volved und ho asserts thnt tho plan is so very feaslblo that ho has no doubt about Its being adopted nnd tho reservoirs built. "Tho expense of the neccssnry dams," ho said, "would bo Inslgnlllcant, nor would thoro bo damages to pay for tho ovcrtlow ot prlvato lands which constitute the greater part of tho expenses of most of tho channels from tho lakes to tho Sioux rlvor. At Lake Folusett it would beneccs sary to dredgo u channel about four miles long over level lund. Through this tho waters of tho Sioux during high watet would bo let nnd tho freshets doilected. Theso would fill tho beds of tho old lakes. Folnsctt has an ureu of obout twenty-threo square miles, Kampeska a third ns largo. Tho dams could bo built to admit tho river water at ono season nnd to let it out again ut another. "It Is rcmarkablo that tho combination of circumstances should bo to favorable." Tho purpose of tho reservoirs would bo to hold water for tho cattle, which grnzo In tho neighborhood of tho lakes. Ifeitvjr Snow Storm In Northweat. LA CHOSSK. Wis., Nov. 13. A heavy snow storm rnged here today. The mercury fell to 20 degrees. Tho snow seems to bo general throughout tho northwcHt. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Ttto Fair Dnya, with Vnrlnble IV 1 ml 11 , Are I'roKiiontlpntetl for Nebrnska. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Wed nesday; Thursday, fair; warmer In eastern portion; varlablo winds. Indiana and Illinois Fair Wednesday; colder; Thursday, fnlr; fresh to brisk northerly winds. Arkansas Fair and much colder Wednes day; Thursday, fair; northerly winds. Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair and colder Wednesday; Thursday, fair; north erly winds. Western Texas Fulr nnd colder Wed nesday; Thursday, fair; northerly winds. Eastern Texas Fair Wednesday nnd Thursday; colder; varlablo winds. Iowa Fair nnd continued cold Wodncs day; Thursday, fair; northerly winds. Missouri Fair Wednesday nnd colder In southern portion; Thursday, fair und warmer; northerly winds. North Dakota Fair Wednesdny; warmer in western portion; Thursday, fair nnd warmer; northerly winds becoming varia ble. Knnsas Fnlr Wednesday and Thursday; north to east winds. Colorado Fair Wednesday and Thurs day; varlablo winds. Montana Fair Wednesday nnd warmer; fnlr Thursday; varlablo winds. I.oenl Ilreoril. OFFICE OF THE WRATIiKll BUREAU. OMAHA, Nov. 13. Ofllclal record of tem perature nnd precipitation, compared with tho corresponding day of tlio last thrco years; 1900. 1S. 1S9S. 1897. Maximum temperature .. 31 61 42 43 Minimum temperature .. 24 47 31 38 Precipitation T .00 . 00 .00 Itfcord of temperature and precipitation at Omalin for this day and alnco March 1, ivw: Normal tcnuernturo Deficiency for tno nay 10 Total excess since March 1, 1000 KV, Normal precipuimon 03 Inch Deficiency for tho day 01 Inch Total rainfall slnco March 1. .29.63 Inches Excess slnco March 1 1 .40 Inchon Deficiency for cor. period. 1899.... C. 40 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1S96.. 4.02 inches Iteport from filnllona at H I1, M. "3 5 OTATIONS AND STATS OF WEATHER. PS n n 3 5 Omaha, clear North Flatte, cloudy Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake, clear Hupld City, cdoudy Huron, clear Willistoii, clear ehlciigo. clear St. Louis, clear St. 1'aul. clear Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, clear Helena, partly cloudy ... Havre, cloudy Hlsmarck, cloudy Uulveston, clear 21 3li T :: ia .00 36 4n .on r,2 m;! . 31 36 .00 15 21 T 16 IS V 211 3S T 32 Mi .!) til 20 'I' 211 :6i T 301 4S .10 Mi ri .00 ftl 32. HO 16 IV T 021 6.K 00 T indlcntcH traco of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. I.oenl Forecast Ofllclal. ABSOLUTELY FREE! 3ySeiid n postul card, addressed to Wur Iftrner's Sufo Curo Co., Rochester. N. Y 3T requesting a free sample of Wurnor's i$TSafo Curo, mentioning this paper, nnd iryou will receive name by return post The Conqueror OF Catarrhal years, aud it is the one true cure for all such troubles. If you keep Pe-ru-ua ou hand this winter, you will not need the doctor. "Lectures on Chronic Catarrh," is a complete treatise on catarrhal diseases. It treats of every phase and variety of summer catarrh, winter catarrh, and the catarrhal affections peculiar to women. This hook contains ninety-five pages, is instructively illustrated, and will he found very useful in the fam ily. Sent free to any address by The Peruna Medi' cine Co. , Columbus, Ohio. it, Snj Dr. Ilrniictl, "No Watch ( 1111 There, .llilt It 11 fi 1 tin- Work Arc llrliitrxfl to Movr J11M So Willi tllf llnninn Snt-ni, Without Vital l'ower It In n AVcuK. .Silent mill Hrlplrnn Mueh In ". Kiiinoun I'llec trli llrlt Thut linn Curi-il Mori Tlltlll 10,000 (iriiti-ful Men 11 nil Women A WuritliiK; AitnliiNt AVoulil-lle Init iator), mill 'l',r-i- Ti-liil" mill "I'liy 'When Von Arc Curi-il" Coni-r run. My Electric Hell Is the creutest illHeni- cry of tho ago for the perfect euro of weak men unci women. 11 , , . performs Its silent dOii:' hut positive euro whllo you sleep, ami Is not Iiicoiin enleiit. No drugs to wreck your stomach. 1 t causes sound, sweet slumber; It replaces tho lost vitality rinent each day lu mental or pliyiilcal exertion When you uwuke In the morning mi u fecl refreshed unil amiil-, tlous to perform the, tasks ahead of you. Tims your nerves be come iih of Iron; your constitution uh strong riM Ht,l Vllnlttv. which Is nothing but Electricity, uiuKcs men courageous and fits them for nny battlo of lite. Uemember. I unequivocally guarantee my Helt to euro every form or. Sexual Weakness lu either sex; Nervous' nnd Chronic Dlsoaces and Weaknesses. . Varicocele. Hiierinalorrniieii ; r 1 o r n Shrunken or fndevelopeil Organs; cure Stomach. Kidney, Liver and llladder dis orders, Constipation. Hheuniatlsiu, all mate Complaints, eti . All theho diseases vanish like magic before tli strong cur rent oi Electricity genere.ieu nnu mnv. Into tho system by my pannted Elee rlc licit una eieeiroues. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt IS 1110 niliy one iNuiuiui-iui v, ui.wi, (--ly scleiitltlc I rlnclples and Is constructed ei.tlrely dlftVicnt from nil other electric wn.l Mi.enlli-il electric belts. It has oft, silken, chamois-covered sponge, water chamber "le iroues inai no noi .inn .-annul burn and blister as do tho bare metal ..leetrodea used on all oilier makes of belth. VerdlKils will accumulate on ban. metal fcleetrmles. veniisris o nolson. The tmtterv of my llel. Iiiih Inter . . n:,. .menu nnd can bo reiiewed when burned nut for only ,m; 110 owier neii im, ""1"l;;-,,,. nrlcii nnd when burned out Is wort hi' s i. I'."":.."".' . ' . V-,. Ml Till urn llBnl .Mv I'.ICCironei ijiiiiT-ui olfno oihor .'lectricui npp' V"1 perfect cure of mull's utlmcntH free to ni'!' lmtlp."ti'... .. n. uhrrrvrr liriilim. rrneurch, Htmlj, Hotelier mill illNcov.-ry lmve kIv-ii luininnity . . 1 , ,l.niii,iPtll flllll HIIIIII'IIIIIIK " betterment, tlinl siune thlH lint een ooanlerfelti-il. ." " ",,n , Kin-trio llelt ""' rmn-n. n,r, -oer 'ihrlr Imru ineliil uli-etroilen with elinnioltt or fell mill loll J 011 thpy lire lll." mine. Eli-etrli'lly Min n.,1 iirnk IliroiiL'li IhlN eicerliiH, but Verdlurli I'lin. ' I'liurliiliiiilxm null litiKf, Kliiilmr nilvertlNi-iiifiitB llu-y bone to eiiNiinro yuu Into iiiiroliiiNlnn IniltiitlniiN. Si oven ho no fur un t iiiiiU crtl "ny Iioiu-mi innii nlll m-eiiri- me enii li't my licit mill pny nn vvIumi enroll." nni-ii niiri eonibef Do nu think it li-HUIninle ilnnlei- miulil reiiiilre Heoiully from 1 if It inn lui i nil,'- III i,i,,n-w. ii v eliiiMil iiik- of tin-Mi- IniltiilioiiN unil It burn or bHnli-m, or n you nrr nirnm ol VitiIIki'I"! r " renl oi- In not euriillve, wenil II to 1110 im linlf prliM' of nnf or mini-. I minr iiiitee my Hell ( Mt'lir u lllf IIiiip mill tho current not or illinlnUh, AVrltc I'm- CIIONC of "I'Voi! Ti'IiiIn." ( all or write tuuay. 1 nuvu wriuon a biiok. "Thn Klmllnif of the I-'ouiituin of ... 1 . ...1. .llr,l ll-lll ImII .,,,11 (ill l.ieriiiii li'uiu, mu. 11 nbout It sent free, postpaid, tor tlm ubklmr . 1 ..... 1. It, .it. .it iiMtltnitt inml Until Electric Belt P.nrrnonu k-UII pi-ill) ItlllllllH IS DiiiIkp mill In '-I, IIiiiikIiin llloel.' Itlth Sl Oiunhii, Nell. Anti No tlckllnp; li tlio tlirtmt if yru tibo Autl-Kuwf It etops It ut ( nee, All (lru'(?Uts soil it MT K. TT NERVE BEANS rtitor Kj h.U wilc part, raikomea 11 Mruiur.. vloruui, rubuitt JStHf li Zil married men, men Intend In tn marry, mould tkn u hon mtonlmlni; r mitt I nlKtit U a-i iloppeili pwfr rcitoreilt II (it Mirrinall ii Mrl.nnr II". Klitlll & t i nl ollirr itrufiijtiurm.ihsai'j'MnaliciuCo. J!uajvN V ! in ! ill I ill! A Am "A DR BENETT Diseases. C?OMK people can't un derstand why Pe-ru-na, being a catarrhal rem edy, cures Lung Troubles Bronchitis Pharyngitis Throat Troubles Ozena Colds Grip Consumption Asthma Pleurisy as well as stomach disorders and con gestion of any nature. This is why. Kach of these dis eases called by its proper name is ca tarrh, or inflammation of the orgau affected and Pc-ru-na is a rem edy for catarrh in any part of the body. That's all. It is very simple when you think of the deli cate membrane which lines the entire body and how easy it is for this 'membrane to be come inflamed, weakened and sore, and how easy it is for Pe-ru-na to reach and cure it. It has been used successfully for o JOBBERS & MANUFACTURER OF OMAHA DRY GOOD IJi E. Smith t Go. " L importers andJobkera of Dry Goods, Fxirnishing Good AND NOTIONS. hraka, Wilson u & Williams Succmaorn Wllaoa & Drake. Manufacture hollers, eniolto stacks' and tircechlngs. pressure, rendcrlni;, sheep dip, lurd and water tanks, boiler tuoes con stantly on hand, Becond hand boilers bought nni sold. Special and ptompt attention to repairs In e!tv nr rountrv Ifth nnd l'lrcn. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. lAesfern Elecfrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Dells and Gas Llghtla Q. W. JOHNSTON', Mur. lfdO Howard at. 5AF1S AUD IrtOW i ORtCS. T he Omrha Safe and Iron Works . ANDKKEN, Prop. Makes a spcclnlty of 111 iJT KSPAPIM. lrllxsz BiiuTTints. And Burslar I'roof Safes Sc. Vault Doors, U flit) M. Mth HI.. Oniahn, Nob. Davis &, Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTl'RKRS AND JOBBERS OK MACHINERY. QENErtAL, ItlOPAiniNO A BPBCIAXTJ IRON AND BRASS FOUNDBRfl. IBOl, ir,Otl mni lr.OS Jaokaon Htraat. Omaha. rb. Trl. o3. M. Zaljrlskle. Agent, J. B. Cowgill, Ur. maha Mashins Works Pattern Makers and Model Builders. Manufacturers and Dralen SteatU Kittlncs, Elevator Supplies. Steam Unjliies and Hollers, Gasoline Kn itines. Crram Separators. Machin ists Supplies, Illuh Orade Repair Work a Bpclalfy Trnth Ht. ;ty Factory and office COJ-14 South Phone ?.T.'6 El.EVAl'O.i SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Qutclc and Kasy Ittslnc Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATE8. Send fur catalogue. KIM n AM., BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. 1W1 9th Street. Telephone 111. r H. Davis & Son Bt AK-nt far the Hlchiuaad Sufrty (Salra and Flrr Uoura, Ulevator Hydraulic and Hana Eletators. Klovator rcpnlrlui;' a specialty. Leather Vulvo Cups for Klevators, Enclnes and Prlntlnc Prcasscs. .(i i:it..Mi:.T .M)'ii(.i:. Muckliends, enlarged pores nud all atlcctloiiH nt'tliuskln spct'dlly ir fllmmc. Kllll Information and hook litaw HIHllcdfri e JOIIV ii.wooiiiiriir iuu utaii: sriiF.irr, miicauo fir U ati'o I nnn Palm lor couglis, colds. Ul. Iaj u Lllllg unnn anu tutu.i PlmrLES