to THE OMAHA DAILV 11 10 lis AN KPN ESI) A A', NOV73MTU3TI M, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Breaks Sharply on Lower Gables Mid Visible World's DecreasCi ONLY A MODERATE ACTIVITY IN CORN 1' r 1 it I im I Support Comes from Con. IrollliiK Operators Outside lln Ing Sustain (Int Provision. Vnlrly Lively, tint I. oner. A CIIICAOO. Nov. 13. AVIieat broko sharply today on lower cubit ami a heavy worm s isioin unoreaso, nositiK iiVW miner tirdoy. Corn clnsiil ' e anil outi Uy'ie closu vero K'&l tlOWIl, Provisions ut the 22Vic depressed. . wncut wit nn nptlve mnrknl nearly nil I ho session, but holders were disgusted with thtt headlong tendency ot prltes to rtarh a lower level. To be'iln with. Liver 1'tiol showed a decline In tilt- fact! of tln ndvuncu l.crr ytMterd ly ami Mie on " demand was. slack. December, undr lircssuro from lnnirs utitl traders wilo saw proMt lit the short side, opened lower ni 7;itc to 73-v,r. Later Hruiisucei s an i ouneument of an Increase in thf world's vl.slbln of "MWi bushels, tloublii tin; ninoutit thu'. hail l'n expected call-id renewed lltiililatlon, timlor wlilch December molted to T2r' utitl closed weal; and 1a 'UNo under yesterday at WtftiZc. n-w York rotiurted live lnatls tnknii for export. Seaboard clearances aggregated ioi.ov bushels, compared with VS,Vr) last Mlnncii noils ilihI Diilntli rciiorted 510 car'. against 801 a ypar ago, Local receipts worn itf cars, ipii or eontrnet grade, i.ivetpjoi was weaker on heavy stocks. Corn waH mnderitcly actlvi-. The mar ket rarly Hhowptl considerable steadiness, despitn tint good weather, receipts of f2l curs ami thn wheat wr.ikr.ts8. Tho support time moHlly fiom an operator who 1h er'l lted with controlling thn market anil who purclm-Bcd 225,ihii bushels parly. Later tho pronounced wheat weakness and prospects of frppr country offerings alarmed tho itiuviI ami prices broko sharply ami tho market closed weak. December opened be twrnn WVi' antl 35io anil closed IsffV" down at 33c. Oat wpru moderately r-ctlvo and, con sidering tho weakness ol othtT grains, rlpudy In regmd to prlccn. A fair ainoiint of outside buyltiv ami good Hiipport trim n Iot'al bull sustained the market against tho weakening tendency it lt neighbors, ltecelpts wiro 1SS ours. December sold lie. twppii 221,40 and 22c and closed Wj'tC de pressed at 221(22 Vdc I'rovlnloiiK worn fairly npllvc, hut prlrpfl hi ruck a. Iiiwit IpvpI. TrailPM who btiunt ypftpnlay Hold today on thp heavy .'un of Iiobs and u droti In prlees at lh" ynrH Thorn won a i;ooil eash i.emand for lu tl nnd rlliM. but. in Idpr.t, both local and out side, huw no prollt In holding thn product In tho faro o thn Kraln wcaknrsri uml the lirnspi'rt of a liberal mipplv of Iiokh. Janu ary pork mild between $ll,irij ami Sll. IS'ic 1 1.47-y. and oloiod 22'.sc under yeslenliiy at Stl.l'Hj; January lard between Jh'W and J'i.'7'i, oltmliiK 12V4t! lower at W 77', and January rlln b-lweon G.20 and $i.ia, with tho 12'n down at 5fi.l(Ki0.12'v. Kfttlinatetl rectlptH tomorrow: W heat. 1 10 eitrHi eorn. 210 cara; oat.-t, DO earn; hosa, S6,(w head. Tho leading futureH rnnKPd nn follows: ArtleltH.1 Oiien.l I-.IIkIi. I.iiw. C1oko. Yew'y. Wlioat Nov. Dee. Jan. Corn Nni, Dee. May OhIh Nov. Dec. May Vork- Nov. Jan. May l.urd- N'ov. 1 IOC. Jan. May 3111)8- Nov. Jan. Slay 73 72s; 72WV 73i'u4, 73 7Pi 74U 7511 73Vt7t I7I1(N :?iV4 WW 74 71 ilS', ::i S6Ti I 211.4 21 2215! 2114 21 10 M 11 45 11 S3 7 (10 ii sr. t! 77!s 2$ Vk 21 2HI 2I 22' i I 10 :i2Va 11 IV) 10 11 2!s ii a 10 no 11 47 u a 7 oo Ii xr 6 77U 10 M 11 70 11 73 7 10 7 02'.i li 90 0 93 11 C2Ii I 7 02! II !) I II S2ys! 7 n: u sr. r, 70 n my 2214 I! 7." fi 20 (i 23 i; 70 i; 10 fi 73 I fi 7fi li 1214 25 li 17Vs (i :w 174 No. 2. t'ltob ouot.itlona wnre nn .follown: Fl.Otllt Q'ulnt; winter pa'ontn. J3.70(33.90: utralKhtH. H..10O3.OC clears. J2.90f(3.40; nprllli npeelul. J4.30: patentH. J.':.ri003.il0; stralshis. S3.001:i.45: bakcrH. J2.20fi2.70. WilKAT-Nu. S, caftTlo; No. 2 red, 7274 76o. CO UN No. 2. 33!4.03S!4c: No. 2 yellow, S?!ic. OATS-No. 2 white, 27i(27!ic7 No. 3 white, 21f27f. UYH-nSc. IIAUM5Y Fair to choice ninltlnif. nsgBOc. Hi:i:US Mw, No. l, Sl.Sl; i;o. 1 north iveBtern, Il.SJ. I'rlmti tlinotJiy, Jl.10ijl.20. Clover, eoiitrnct Kraile, $10. I'UOVISION'H Mens pork, per bbl., $10.37(f? 10.60. Lard, mr loo lb.. J7.07H7.10. Short rlbH Nldea (Iiiohp), I7.fi0ii7.10. Dry salted fhnuldiirH (btmel. X5.ll2V45i3.75. Short clear flllll'H (IioxpiI). WIIIHKY Haslfi of IiIkIi wlneH, J1.27. HtTOAUH Cut lour. $0.16; KraiKiIated, $5.75: eonfectlonerH' A, $5.55: off A, $5.10. KollowliiK are tho receipts and tdilpments today: ItecelptH. ShlpmcntR. l!,fHKI 110.(100 107.000 105,000 215,000 12;i,l 112,(Xio 103.1KW 8.000 112.1KI0 L',(i00 Vlour. Wils.. Wheat, bu... Cora, lit) OalH, bu llye. bu nanny, nil.. On thn Produce evohanuo today tho but ter market wan active; crcsiniertps, 15(Ji24e; tlalrles. 12',4i(lSf. Olvoese, uotlvo at lOlifillc. ICbbs, active; fresh, 22c. MCU YOIIK (ilSM'lHAIi MAHKFr. )untatioi)H of tlir Day fin Vnrlnti (.'oiniiKiillllen. NKW YOIV.IC, Nov. IS.-Kl.oru-UccclptH, 31.512 bblH.; tucports, 2fl.9S5 bblH. ; hiiIph, ii.S50 IiUkh. : market wiih Ipsh netlvo ami weaker to sell, but lu'ld no'tnlnally at old prleeH; winter patontii, $3.75'il-I.OO; winter HtralKhts, $3.ffKj3.ti0; MlnneMota iiatentH, $1.(KWu4,ri; winter oxtniH, $2.i(3.()0; .Mlunexola bakers, $.l.oo(3.40; winter low Kruilen, $2.l3''n2.U0. Uyo Hour, easy; sales, 600 bills.; fair to Rood, $:i.ooj3.20; eholeo to fancy. $.1.251 3.1W. liuck wbt'iit Hour, steady at $:'.10Tf2.20. HrCICWHKAT-Oillet nt WVt'iKXlVic. I'OKNMHAh - Hteady; yellow western, S7e; city, M'c ; llrandywlne, 3il5fi2.C0. UYH Klrm; No. 2 western, Clio. f. o. b., limit; state, 61(ii52c, c. I. f., New York. UAUKHY Stoad.v; feeilliu,-, 425llCe. c. I. f., lluffaio; malting, njfiir.V. c. i. r.. Huffalo. HAKLKV MAl.T Dull at li'liiSc; western. f21iiwe. WIIKAT Iteeelpts. 71,000 bu.; exports, 112,171 bu.; sales, 010.000 bu. futures ami 80, WJH bu. spot. Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 79V', f. o. b ulloat. and 777itC. elevator; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, 84i,e, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth. fcHe. f. o. b., alloat. Options "xperleneed decftled weakness from start to llnish today. ItcallzlttK, llnuldatlou ami short MdllliK all f.-oiitrlbuted to promote de piesHlon, behiK hisplred by HtroiiKcr Liv erpool cables, ln'tfcr ArKcntlnn news, heavy Increase in world's stocks ami lmii'li ills.ip liolntuient In wetttern supiiort. Hales In eluded: No. 2 red. March, SI'iiMc. closed at Sl?e; May, !2VMl MV4c, closed at M4c No vember closed at l?hio; December, 7(j9-10if cloBed at 7SHc COUN- ltecelpts, 2J9.023 bu.; exports. PCS bu,; salos, 200,001) bu. futures and 320, ik bu. spot. Spot, steady; No. 2, 4t;c, ele vator, and 47c, f. o. b., alloat. Option mar ket was very steady at Hist on IiIkIut cables. bliT clearances and llRht offeriiiKS, but HUbsetiuiiiitly yielded to tho wheat break mid closed weak at MlVjc net decline. Slay, 42'il2c. closed at 42sc; December, 43 3-10 U43-V cloned at 42WC. OATS Hecelpts. lia.OOO bu. : exports, 93.651 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 2(ic; No. U, 23Wc: No. 2 white. 2S14e: No. 3 white, 2Sc; track mixed western, 25'sWc; track while west em. 27'41i:i3c; track white state, 2i-'.Cf;i.1e Options unsettled and rather easy " with other markets. FIJKD Steady; sprlnp bran, $lG.fftlfi.S5: mldillliiRS, $17.uvjfl9.50; winter bran. $ (itis.50: city, Jhi.ViiK.W. HAY Quiet: shipping, '3U7T!4c; good to choice. t2lifl92',sc UICH Unlet : tlomestlc. fair to lm 4s:- Vie: Japan, 4c. lIOl'SQtilet; stato, common to choice, K9li crop, lOlillle; old olds. 2$j5c: 1900 crop GfrCOH". l'aclilc coast, quiet; 1S99 crop, lost 3c; old olds. 21itic; l!)) crop, 15',ilflc. .... ......... ' '.' Ill 1K90 IGIlCOH", 13c. old IIIDUS Steady. Galveston. ;o in s iiu ISc; ('allfornl.1, 21 to 23 lbs., lSHc; Texas tin. 21 to 30 lbs., 13'4o. liKATHKU-Qiilot; hemlcek sole, llupnos Ayres. light to heavy welRlits, 22l.f.'ii2.1lc: WOOl-guIot; ilomcstlo fleece, ISc; Texas, ISfilfic. I'UOVISIONS Ueef. steady: mess, $9.lK)w S.60; beef hams. $20.O04i21.(); city extra lmlli mess, $1(1 00Jii7.tif); family, J10.60tiii.;i3; packet. $10fJOino.CO. Cut meats, quiet; pick, led bellies. fliTUci pickled shoulders, lie; jilekled hams, OUUljC. l.ard, weak; western Hteamed, $7.45; November closetl nt $7.45, nominal; rellued. weak; coiitliiput. $7.ft); Mouth America, $s,25; compound, $a,UOf!f0.124; October closed at $7.f3, l'ork, easy: innillv, J15.ri04ilii.tio j short clear, 51l.0Oijl7.Wi hubs, si? raMf i.i .'. IOTATOi:S-Qi;let: Jerseys, $1.3714: New York. 51.25: l.oinr Island. Sl.601il.75; Johsv Bwents, $1.50112.00. TALUIW-Steady; city ($2 per pkB.), 4?ic: country tpktrH. free). 4lSff4Te. UL"n'i:u - ltecclpis, 13,172 rkss.; llrm; i J'lti.' iriiimcrv i7u2Jc; factory, 13f15t t itr tlalr . ".-ci jj. . ('irr;i;sK ,ipt. 3,9:1 pkits.: dull; I.'irpe while. ImU'uPi,, : small white, lOHW lie. lart'u colonil, li ,c; sttiHll colored, I04 4M1e. HCIOS I!erelpl., l$.2- pkes.! firm; west ern regular packing, at mark, 19f?24c; west ern. lo'l oil, 2W , .mui,assi;s-uuI. I; New Orlcnns open "''Ufi fr.'"'l 'o cholce,N2fi5c. l'Ol'i.TUY Alive, nomlmil; dressed, llrm; CIirillKS. 101..',, tf : lirnller. IHilliv MKTAI.9-TIII In the local market for menus wat soiupwhat IrreKUlar today lltimiltltf Ifi.l'n.. t,...I..M .11.. ......I ... I. ....I.I...J It lltmlly rallli'il on smaller offerltiRS and closed llrm al S27.00-lf27.75. Spelter was also llrnier, prime on a better Inquiry, and closed Ilini at JI.20M.25. IMs Iron warrants were quiet at ! tti lo 01. I.akn copper was quiet ill $lrt.7MM7.(io and lead dull at $1.37',, The brokers' price for lead was Jl and for copper jie.s,'iJ 17.011. omaiiv viioi,i:!.ai,iT"mhkkts. ('onilltliin of Trnile and Utiotatlona o .staple ami l'nncv I'rotlacr. KCiGS ltecelpts llulit; Rood stock, 1711 ISC I.1VK I'Ot lniV Men.-. .ViltCc: rooMeM. 31( l'-; sprliiB t hit ken". C'a?i7c; ducks, Btf'e; Reese. CrTi7c: tiirkevs. 8fJ9r, FiiKsii dui:hsi:d l'fnir.Tr.Y-Hens, s flic; roosters, MtJc, tlucks nnd Recso, 9ifl0c; broilers, per doz.. JJ; sprlnj; chickens, per lb., k'((Sf.4c: lurkey. 120. . OA.MK- 1'riilrle chickens, per doz., XI.OVIp ; mallard tlucks, per iloz., $J; teal, Jl.fifiv l.iu; mixed. $l.r.!il W; Jacksnlpes. $1.25iill.60. lit TT15U- Common to rair, 12e; choice, Mlhje; separator, 21c; gathered creamery, 'FjtlisH OYSTKHS-Flrst srade, solid packed. Now York counts, per can, 35c: ex tra selects, 32c; stantinrils, U5c; medium. 2Uc. Second brittle, slack tilled, New York conn s, per can. .Vs; extra selucts, 26c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., i:iy;ONSTIJve, per doz., 90e. y,,?A.,'s?rf 'holtc. 9rM0c. it", r' fho qufflcd by Omaha Wholesalo if.aK. Dealcra association: Choice upland, oV.,0-,,1 uhland, $V50; niedlum, $3; coarse, f. J'y" Ht,'"'. $a. Thes prices aro ror of Kood color and quality, Dcmund fair. IlpcelptH, 2 cars. 3wlmo, 26c. COHN No., 3, 3!c. UltAN-U. ' e J., vi:ai-:TAni.ES. Ilhl. I S 1'er bu., (iOc. V'.M,Uf.o;,,"',tT hu.. COc. J?!, "1?." 1 tr itu -5e. llhA.Nh Va. tier- 1.1 l,i. I,nalMt Ckl. strliu,'. 75c. ' , A 'UiA'lOUS-l'er bu., 40Q30c; Idaho, per IIU., inc. ?.ViY,::?',,UOTA'ro,': lr bbl.. $2.0022.25. AIll!AMi.:r.,f 11. ni... tin...,.i t,i .V-'. 'XVl s U-bii. basket, COc. ONIONS Per 1m ?r. CKl.MllY-Nebniska. and Utah. 30l3c; extra mammotli, 03c FKCtTS. I'KAUS- I'er box, $2.Wfj2.25. UllAI'liS Delaware and NhiR.ira. per 5- I'.'Nl'h '''Bit. !er Hep. $f!.50;37.rJ0. AI'l'I.MSI Nntle,. 11,1 ..... Ui. . ..... bbl., J2.60; eastern J2.7M bm ' " " CHANIIintlllKS Pee 1.1.1.. rr.Rd! ncr crate, J2.75, ' THOPICAT. FUFITS. PA.N,".l:s -1J'lcan, per box, $1.60. MM nxw-t?,. .i c,,.,.,.. im. Choice. J3.M. ' "w' M W' c..,5.'AN'AS-1'cr hunch, nccordliiB to size, l.o'il2.50. ers V'c UW carlon8' Mo' ,a' ' MISCKI.I.ANKOUS. I. I ' PS K!ll?ll1l WllltllttU 11. t4n. filberts, per lb., 13e; almonds, per lb., lSff -0c; raw peanuts, per lb., 5161sc; roasted, 6W17V; llrazlls, 13c; I'ceans, 9jil0c. HIDI.h-No. 1 Kreen, 7Vje; No. 2 Green, 0V4c; No. 1 suited, .V,4c; No. 2 salted, 7V4c: 1 -iu inn, 3 10 ij ins., D'.jc; r.o. veal calr. 12 10 15 llw r.iir. ,ir,- i.l.inu n, n. sheep pelts, 23y75c; liorso hides, J i. '60512.25! Nt. I, otili (,'rnlii itml Pro InIoiin. year. 1111,!'; May, 355c. OATS Weak: No. " cash. 2.1e: trnelc (i2lc; November, 23c; -May, 2llc; No. '5 .iute. kin! itec. HYK-K.-m at ll'c. Si:i:DS Tlniothv, steady at J3.75fi4.20; llax, nominal at Jl.SO. HAY Timothy. strontr nt S9.r,0rtlis.0fl! prairie, steady at J9.0M(lo.C0. FI.Ol'Il guiet ami steady to firm: pat ents, JJ.504i.ffii extra fancy and straight, J3.l5if3.2ft; clear. $2.S5'(l3.ll. i:oHNMi;Al.-Steuily at $2. llltAN-Stpadyisacked. east track, ClBCGc. WHISKY-Hteady at Jl.27. 1 HON COTTONTI KH-J1.25. UA001N(5-7c.!Sis.c. 11RMP TWlNi:-9e. l'UOVISIONS-Drv salt meats fhoxrdl. easy; extra, sliorts, J7; clear ribs and clear sides, J7.25. Bacon, boxed, easv; extra shorts, $8; clear ribs ami clear sides, JS.25. Pork, steady; Jobbing, J13. l.ard, lower at JCS214. POFI.TltY-SIow; chickens. 6c: younu. 711714c; turkeys, fie; youiifir, 0V4c; ducks, 7c; Kcese, Co. Hl'TTHU HlKher; creamery, 207,23c; dairy. lhlilUc. j'iuiis-steaiiy at l7',ac. MKTAI.S Lead, llrm at Jl.22Ufil.25: nuol- ter. thin at JI.03. UFCFIPTS-Flour. bills.: wheat. 33.- Ooo bu.; corn, Bl.omi bit.; oats, bu. SIIIPMIINTS-Flour, 11,000 bbls. ; wheat, 101.UW bu.; corn, 90,00.) bu.; oats, 27,000 bu. 1,1 eriitml tint 1 11 ami I'tovIhIiiiin. I.IVHUI'OOI,. Nov. IJ.-1'ItOVISIONS- lleef. extra India mess. easv. 09s: nrlmu mess, nominal, l'ork, prime mess western, llrm, 72s, l.ard, American lcllnetl. In palN, llrm, 39s; prime western. In tierces, unlet. 37s Od. llanis, short cut, 11 to 1C lbs., llrm. 41s. llacon. Cumberland cut, 25 to SO lbs., llrm, 17s; short ribs, IS to 22 lbs., llrm, 17s; loriu- clear middles, licht. 30 to :i", lhu. steady, ICs; Ioiik clear middles, heavy, 33 to 40 lbs., firm. 45s; short clear backs, 10 to IS lbs., llrm. 12s; clear bellies, II to 10 lbs., HtroniJ, 55s Oil. Shoulders, square, 12 to 11 lbs., steady. 32s. "WIIICAT-Hnot. No. 2 red t.-eai- ern. winter, t's Ud; No. 1 1 orthern, prlns, 0s 4il; No. 1 California. Os Id. FuturJi easy; December, os -mi; .March, 0s ld. COHN -Sput quiet; American mixed, now, 4s Id. Futurei, quiet; November, 4s 141I; January, 3s 10'id. ("II r:i:si- American finest white, slenrlv 63s; American finest coiore.l, steady, 54s. 1 ,i,iiun i'i 11110 euy, sieauy, -13 yq; aus trallan. In London, llrm, 27s. iiors ai i.ouuon craciiio coast), steady, HlTTTFIt-l'cltcd Statat. nulot. 9s: Unlie.l States t-'nciil. Gd. IMPOHTH-Tlio imports or wheat into Liverpool last week wcro 50,700 quarters rrom Atlantic ports and 15,000 from l'aclilc ports and 43,oOu from other ports. Thn Im ports or American corn Into Liverpool last week wcro 49.WJ quarters. A tillable Ciraln Supply, NKW YOIIK. Nov. 13. Snnehil cAbte nn teleuranhle comiiiuulcatlons to llradstreei'a show tho followliiK chaiiBes In available supply rrom last account: WIIHAT Fnltcd States nnd Canada, cast of Itocklea, Increase, 1,398,000 bu.; alloat for and In Furope. Increase, 5,700,000 bu.; total supply. Increase, 7,U9S,0(nJ bu. COHN I'nlteil States and Canada, cast of lloekles, decrease, 1,114,000 bu. OATS I lilted States and Canada, cist of Knckles, decrease, 20.1,000 bu. Amnmr the more lmnortaiit liicreiiRH re. ported to Hradstreet's are those of 425,Wi0 bushels III Manitoba. 300.000 hishetq In northwestern Interior elevators, 112,0m bush. els al I'litfiiKO priMito elevatorM and 65,000 i)iisiitis 111 UKiiuiisiiurK. The lcailliiir tlecreases Include tbnvn of 02,000 bushels nt Loulsvlllo and iW.OOO bush els at St. Joseph. Tho law Increase In Kuropean supply Is nccouiited fur by monthly revisions. Tho combined stock ol' wheat at Port land. Orv.. Tscoma and Seattle. Wash., In cre.ibid 12T,0u0 bushels last week. KaitsiiN City 1. 111 1 11 anil I'rtM InIoiik. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 13.-WIII:ATlln. comber. C."c, May. o:iie: cash, No. 2 hard, liOTiOSe; No. 3, 0H(07e; No. 2 red, 70ii71c; No. 3. CCliOO'!'. COllN-De.-ember, Kli.p; May. 3;;,iT,34V4c: cash, No. 2 mixed. 33i;'i(33V4c; No. 2 white. 314l3IHc; No. 3, :avsc. ' OATS NO. . Willie. Zo'jWZtiC. IIYH-No. 2, 43V8C. HAY-Choice timothy. SlO.COIt 10.M- ehi prairie. SS.00jiS.5O. llUTTKIl-Crcanicry, isii::e; dairy, fancy, 17c. KOnS-Fhin; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, li'.e 1I11R., loss off. cases returned; new wiiiit'wooit eases 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 " 1 . i.,c mop, 43,0J bu.; com, s I ! IHltM UM 1m Ik. I bu.: oats. 2,ioi bu. SIUPMi:NTS-Wheat. 3J.W0 tin.: corn 11.. 000 bu.; oats, 3,t) bu. Mimic upttll AVIieat IlitrUrl. MINNIIAI'OI.IS. Nov. 12. W-hhat Cash, 75c; December, 7l'kC; May, 77't'i? 771c; 011 jraek, ?No. 1 hard, 77'ie: No. 1 1111, mi'. ... it.'.v, ...... M tiuiiiii'i o. l.'ll t.1VC. Fi.Ol'U First Patents. $l25Tft.3.',: Be.-nn,! I.nteuls, Jl.(u,4.lf: tlrst, f2.931i3.05; tiecond clear. J2.155i2.23. ' HliAN In bulk, jn.23.7ii.o0. 31 II it it 11 Leo drill,. 1I,ii.1j-. MII.WAI-KF.L'. Nov. 13.-WHHAT Dull; No. 1 northern, 70c; No. 2 Doriliern, 731i7lc 4 . 1 , . C . , ,l, lt U.l HAHI.l'iV l.'ii'mer: No. " tW!ile! .nmnU isgcoc; Diilntli Ciraln .llnrkrt. Tmt.TTTir K'rM- i naien' e.i.t. v- .'.'..w . .., .... - .,.,., v 11 a. 1, ij 1 hard, tliViC, No. 1 northern, 76Uc; Nq. 2 ST. I.OIMS, Nov. lS.-WHKAT-I.ower; h',.r r''11, t,,s1' 11,1,1 elevator, 72c; track, till, IVjc; November, 71?4f; December, 7174c; May. ,7,c; No. 2 hanl. 70!s1i71c. ,!'U-Nli"w,,r: No- - PaHl1' mHc: track, ..UliilJic; November. mc: Deeeinher. 3Akiv northern, 71 '4- . No. 1 sprins. r... t ar- rivt, ,o 1 hard. 7v4r N.i 1 north -n. ir'c: iir-emiicr. ...'.e, .Ml", TPi COItN-37 . OATS-23i,tl2lc. Toledo MnrUrt, TOLKDO. O. Nov 13 UMIKAT l.Vlflv nttlv- and lower; cath, 76Sc; December, n'tc: .May, m"p. COUN-Aetlvt! and unehaneed; ensli, 3'c; December, 37e. OATS Dull nnd uncliariRc.l: cah, 22'4e; ijeceinuer, i".p. UYR-Slc. , HUKDS-ciovt r, isfri prime, J6.25; Drc"rr.. bcr, J6.95, Mnrch, 50.S5. Plillit.lelpliln Produce I'HILADIILI'HIA. Nov. 13, Ilt'TTHH I'lrni ami 6c hlBher; fancy western cream, cry, 234e; western prints, Sue. LOOS Firm and 1c lilclter: fresh, nenrbv. 20c; fresh western. 25c; fresh aouthwei'tcrri. ic; iresn souiucrn, -,IC, I'tll'l.'HI, llnl.l V.,. V...! C.ll fancy, small, .Dill'i.e; New York full cream', iu.r iu caorjc, ivyio-;4c. MOVEMKSTS OK STCJCKN AM) ll(M)S. Ilriihern Knou Prices Will Deellite anil re (Inly WontlcrliiK' llotv Par. NKW YOUK, Nov. 13.-Today s relapse In prices was quite vlKorously cuiitcst'Ml by some powerrill Interests still lotu: of stock, or which had fixed on a considerable Usher price level as desirable to unload old nolil Iiiks by speculative pools. Hut the rein-lion was too closely in accord with skilled oplh Ion nnd observation to be opposed with hearty conviction. Tho real question was not whether or not prices would decline, but how far the tlecllno would extend. 'J ho question still remained undecided when the market closed with speculative liquidation still In force and prices on the down Krnd, except where proresslomil room shorts ,vcro takliiK nasty prollts by covcrltiK their con ttacts. As a result of the day's tr.idltu; prices In a number of prominent industrials, Including- HtiKiir. Tennessee Coal, Sttel m il lro and People's Oas suffered iIpcIIiiph if from 3 to 4 points and Metropolitan Hlrcct Hallway tost 4.. A still lurunr Hut ,1 in dustrials fell between 2 and 3 points and m the railroad list not a few Iomics reached between 1 and 2 points. The more substantial commission liniiunn street havo been advising their customers ror several days past lo tako their protllii and to buy no 11101 stock Tor tho prennl, Tho proresslomil operators, except smuts poweriui speculative pools, have so 1 out on a very extensive scale and takrn inclr iirouts. i;p to this tune, slnco the electl.m, buyer outside tho street have been ,111 heedrul Of their brokers' atlvlen nti.l line,. continued to buy stock without lunch dis crimination. Yesterday's late yielding or prices hail the Inevitable ulTcet. which 110 amount of ndvlco could have. 1llsc0ur.iKl.iK some of the outside demand. Tho xt-nil to which the advance has aonu made tho iniirKci, iih a nun ter or course, topheuvy. Illled as It was with nianv siieculitilv,, 11. - counts 011 light inarBlnH nnd backed by weakenhiB holders. Professional bear specu latois who have been alertly looklni,- ror tho moment of reaction ever sine,. I'ir.i U'..,ltiu. day found that the free eolllnr; today for ... ii.Bi .line nun 1101 oiieeiuauy lilMoro,tl. Their efTorts wern redoubled and when prices beiran to makn wide ileellnnM uinninuu orders were dislodged ami the Tall thus pre cipitated. Tho bears were in a reckle.s moon ami were iiiucK lo tako prolltt;, cans im; rrcuuent rallies as thev eovnt.1,1 tbeir short contracts. Whlln snniu outsnlo de. mand contlnuetl diirlnx tho dav It was at no time resumed hi force. Tho resutup- tun. 111 nei.uiK tor l.oiltioil IICCOlllll IllhSI- paieu tint nopo 01 mi enormous short dt mand for that account io bo uuvreil. If Loudon Is t 111 short In New York It de pends upon luturo settlement anil the ron tlnucd sellhu? rrom there lntllcates an 1.11 cluiuKeil conviction that a reaction In prices will Intervene hern before that time. The expectation of another law loan to bo floated In Loudon depressed that market uml was a tllicct lnllueiice In New York as well. It emphasized tho .ipprehoiislon hitherto felt that there Is to lie n rtirt;...r Ucrman government Issue also, it in not to be supposed Uiat, with tho Iiiiko In debtedness or the foreign iiinnev uaikets In thu I'nlteil States, the foreign Kovern mentH can hope lo successfully float their loans without help from tho American money markets and experts believe .111 out ward movement of Kohl rrom Now York would probably be necessary. The monev which is usetl ror speculative 1 urposis lit tho stock market Is money lor Ahleh no more substantial demand exists ami it Is In variably tho rule that when any advanliiKi mis opportunity Is offered for ..xe.l Inwst ment of capital, speculative borrowcu. arc called upon to repay their credits'. With this prospect In tho future cali money in New York advanced to 0 per cent tud.iv, notwithstanding tho considerable specula tive liquidation. An active demand sprang up ror short time loans, which rorrnd tho rato up Tor sixty and nlnety-tlay money to 6 per cent. The tono of tho money niuriwt was in rnct a decisive. Influence on tho day's; speculation nnd It was not without signifl ennco that sterling exchange was llrm In spite or the higher money rate. lIuslnesH In bonds was on a large scale and there was free prollt taking In somu of tho speculative Issues, whllu others ad vanced strongly. Total bales, par value, $1,770,000. All United States bonds declined ! per cent on tho last call except tho new 4s. which advanced li, per cent. Tho following art. tint closing prices on tho New York Stock exchnnco: Atchison do pfd llaltlinoro O.. Canadian Pacific Canada So CIiph. & Ohio.... Chicago (I. W... C. IJ. .t Q Chi. Ind. As L.... do pltl Chi. & K. Ill Chicago A- N. W C., It. I. P C. C. C. ri St. L. Colorado So tin 1st pfd tlo 2d pfd Del. 'C: Hudson... Del. L. & W Denver & It. O.., do pfd Frio tlo 1st pftl Ot. Nor. prd 1 Inciting Coal .... Hocking Valley., Illinois Central... Iowa Central tlo prd Lako Frio & W.. tio prd Lako horo L. K- N Manhattan L Met. St. Uy Mex. Central .... Minn. & St. L.... do pftl Mo. l'aclilc Mobile ti. Ohio..., M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central .... N. Y. Central .... Norfolk & W tlo pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontario & W Ore. Uy. & Nav., . 35 .Cnlon Paclllc ... , 70V tlo pftl , 7N?; Wabash . W.I41 do pfd , r- Wheel. & L. li.., , .11'i1 tlo 2d pfd , , K Wis. Central ,1324 Third Avenue .., , 2214 Adams I'.x 6713 American Fx...., 9il3 l'. S. Fx 10514 Wells -I'lirgo Fx., 112i Amur. Cot. Oil.., 05 I do ptd UU Amor. Malting ., 401. do ptd lOAmer. S. & H.... 115V, I tlo pfd ISO lAtnor. Spirits .... 2H4 do pfd 7'1 'Amer. H. Hoop.., 13141 do pr.l 371a Amer. S. & W..., 100V4 tlo plil Amer. Tin Plate. :H do pfd 12114 Amur. Tobacco... i'O do pftl 45 Anne. Mill. Co..., 37 Hrooklyn 11. T... 1U". Colo, li'uel & 1.... 2I0U Con. Tobacco .... 7$Ai do pftl 107"-(, Federal Steel .... 103i tlo prd 13V4 Oon. Kleetrlo .... 02 Glucose Sugar ... 100 I do pfd CSVInter. Paper 40 I do pfd Ills Laclede OaH 3I1S National lllscult., 13S 1 tlo prd 1371 i National Lead.,., IllSl tlo pfd 7(-14Natlonal Steel .., ItPi ilo pfd , 00 ' ' - , 20' i . It'N 2SV4 . l2Va 111 ,133 103 , IS 130 30 93 r.14 2! if 3014 7(14 13 Sll. 4014 ,S7 107 13(1 47i; UKiJ 40it r.i j4 115 67 10314 l'l'J , 3iU 92 21i 97 7i'.iJ,N. Y. Air Hrake. r,o lG'i M S5 OS 51 97 6314 S5U. 19.1 r. 12S7i 117 09 70?i M4 No. Anierican ... Paclllc Coast do 1st prd do 2d nfd 42 do nfil 7fi Pennsylvania ..nor Heading tlo 1st pfd do 2d pfd Uio O. W tio prd St. L. .t S. F.... do 1st prd do 2d prd St. 1 1. Southw... do nfd Ht. Paul , do pftl St. P. H Omaha. So. Pacltlo So. Hallway do prd Texas & Paclllc. 191! Paclllc Mall OJli People's (las "i1 I'resseti s. car. 63 do nfd SO Pullman I". Car., 131i S. H. & T 70 Sugar 3V tlo pfd 1114 Tenn. Coal fe I.. U. H. Leather ... 1!1 It do nfd.. i73i?v ,117 . 41 V!? V. S. Hubber ... tlo prd Western Dillon. . Hepubllo 1. ri S. do pfd P. ('. C. i St. L. llosiou Muck (tiiolnlloiin. HOSTON, Nov. 13.--Ca loans, 3fi4 per cent; time loans, 4'(j! per cent. Otllcial prices: , A.. T. .t S. V.... do pfd Amer. Sugar ... do prd Koston & Miliar C, 11. & y Dominion Coal . do pfd Federal Steel ... tlo pM Fltehbiirg prd.... lien. Kleetrlo ... tlo ptd Fd. Flee. Ill Mex. Central.... Mich. Tel N. F. O. & C Old Colony Old Dominion ... Hubber Fnton Paclllc ... Union Laud SlJj 12S 110 192 WIT 43 1131. Fols 1 IS 110 '.13 AVest Flld ... Atchlbou Is... N. F. O. & C. Adventure . , . AUouck Mln. Amal. Conner loo'i 6s.. 0SL OiJ Co. 2 .... 91 Atlantic lloston Ar Mont., llutto Si Hosion. . Cal. & Hecla .. 20 330 05 M0 I9S, ll.3 CO 10 4S lu; ... 2S0 31 4 'Centennial .Franklin IIiimlMildt i)oceola Parrot .'. iQulncy Santa Fe Copper iTiimnrack il'tah Mining .... iVI notiii Wolverines 121'. S3 F'ls 201 27 no 0i.l Hld. I'oi'elun I'liiiuielnl. , LONDON. Nov. 13.-Tho prohpect of a largo government borrowing operation soon strengthened discounts today. The easier tendency which had been Induced by tho result of tho tieasury bills allotment prae. Ilcally disappeared. Two ami a half mil lion pounds wcro offered ami over i,0A)i) or tenders wero received. On the exchaugo tho small business dene a fairly good tone, especially homo rails, The feature was tho con Untied demand ror Scotch dererretl stocks. Consols weakoned In expectation of a new loan. Americans were easier, 'itiey opened below parity una closed Ir- r'Knltr lii'v stiiijp, t 1,1 lb, attitude f .i.jnrK HIo tlntos were In belter th mand. Paris suiitiorilni' them The .iliimint 0 bullion withdrawn from the Hank of I'.IIBlHntl on bnlnlieo lodav w'lts iSti,"!" Spanish Is closed at CS.1H14. Hold premium ui ttiienos Ayres, 132.40. HFltl.l.V. Nov. 13. -Hentlzntlont today wero tho order of the day 011 tho bourse on appreheiitiuns of a scarcity of m)i'v in connection with the new Ilrltlsh war loan. Hesldes this the New York reports wero considered less encouraging mid the Hiiiiuue or London was less sutisniciory. Atter botirso hour locals further reacted. Fxchongc on Londntt, 20m 44"4prgs. ror chrckt. Discount rates: Short bills, 34 per cent: three. months' 1 Is. 4W per cent. 1'AUIS, Nov. 13. -Huslness opeiietl calm on the bourse today, but later Improved on the rlsn In Spanish securities, HIo tlntos wcro llrm. Toward the close realizations in Spanl'h Is and HIo Unto calicd a de cline. Transactions wero restricted rtid tho market closed dull. On tho street after the elostj of regular business on the bourse iHiurs were 111 goon urinaim aim iiurocr. Thrett Dcr cent rentes. lOOf 470 ror tho tic- count. ICxchangn on London. 25f 10c for checks. Spanish 4s closed at CS.80. Nimt Ytirli Moiipy Mnrlirt. NFW YOUK. Nov. 13. -MONFY-On call (lrm ut 3is'!(0 per cent; last loan at 3'c per cent. 1'rlnio niercantllo paper, VsiiVi per cent. STFItLlNO FXCHANOF -Firm; with nc tual business In bankcVs' bills at $l.l'414'(t 4.M, ror demand nnd at $1 SoWl.MTa mr sixty dayii; ported rates, Jl.Sl'jJil.ij's; cota merrlnl bills, J l.soTi l..sni. SILVFIt -Ccrtlliciites. 04i65l4c; bar silver, Clc; Mexican collars, &o'ic. HONDS-tlovcrnment. irregular; slat", (iteatly; rallroatl, Iri'fguhu. Tho closing prices on bonds today ar ns follows: F. S. rcf. 2s tlo coupon rcg.lOllilN. Y. C. Is 10S 10l4 N. J. I', gen. 5..124 do ;is, rcg tlo coupon do iiow Is, rcg tlo coupon tlo oltl 4s, tog. 10214 No. l'aciiio as.... 70 .'l09i tin ss nm, N Y, C tt St L 4s.l00 N. & W. con. 4h.. !is4 Ore. Nav. Is I'i9 do 4h 103'-i .1:17 .137 .115)4 tio bs, rcg do coupon . . ...1124 Oregon S. L. s..127V4 ,..12lii do consul 6.n 111 ...100'i lteadlng gen. 4s... S9 ... Ml; lllo O. W. Is 9') D. of C. 3 6Zd Atch. gen. 4s ... tlo adj. 4m Canada So. 2s., Ches. .t O. P5s 1074 St L to I M c. 6S.IIP4 F1OI4 "St L & S !' g. Csl25 tlo 5s 11914 St. I'-. C. t P. lB.llSti C. & N. W. c. 7s. 13714 tio bs So. Paclllc 4s WV4 So. Hallway 6S...U2I4 S. H. & T. (is 714 Tex. ct l'ac. Is. ...115 do 2s SO I'nlon Pac. Is 10(1 Wabash Is 110 tlo 2s 101 West Shore 4s.... 114 tlo S. I' . deb. 5s.HK Chicago Ter. 4s .. V! Colo, So. Ik M D. & H. (I. Is... .10.) Frle general 4s... 71 W. & D. C. Is. .8 (leu. lilectrlc 5s. .125 III. Central Is 115 L, K- N mil. 4s... 991; M.. l. (V: T. 2S.... 70 Wis. Central 4s.. STVi tlo 4S.U.. Olfcrcdf rf Va. Centuries .... PHI .en- York .11 1 11 1 11 a Slocks. NFW YOIIK. Nov. 13. The follnwitn? nr.. thn closing nuotntlons for inlnlmr hnr. today: Chollar 8 Ophlr Plymouth yulcksllver ... I do pfd Sierra Nevada .. 70 .. 10 ..125 ..'.00 .. 20 ..320 .. II 11 crown Point 7 c. .t vu 90 Deadwood 55 (Jotild & Currlo... XS Hale & Norcross. 20 Standard Fnlon Con Yellow Jacket Hruiiewlck .... llomcstuke. liV.J Iron Silver 70 Mexican 21 Ontario 825 London Stock (J. notation. LONDON, Nov. 13,-CTosing: Consuls, money. . ns'-iKrle , I'sH Frle 1st prd iWl' Pennsylvania 91'4 Heading 120 Paclllc pfd... 12514,Orand Trunk.... . M's Anaconda M4 Hand Mines 1I241 l.Ti tin nccount Atchison 'an. Pac S8T4 71 10 7'lt, St. Paul 111. Central Louisville nr 1 . P. pfd N. Y. Central... Wli HAU SILVFH-Stcady nt 2911-16d per ounce. MONFY .IIAfl ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market lor snort inns is 3Vi4 per cent mid lor inree-moniiis- mils :M0-lti'(i4 per cent. Hunk CleiirltiK. CIIICAOO, Nov. 13. Clearings. J2fl.00G.(;O3 balances, $1,002,420 Postetl cxcluincc, $I.S1'4 (!.i i.kVv. isew i ork excnange, par. ST. LOFIS. Nov. M.-CIenrlngs. $7,313,031 ; balances. $521 OtVI. Money. 617 ner cent. New York exchange, 20c premium bid, 232 premium iiSKfti. HUSTON. Nov. 13,-ClcnrlnE3, J30,90s,004; uaiances, -i.i..i..:u.i. NFW YOUK, Clearings, J33S,333,507; bill ances, J8.79:l,'J2S. CINCINNATI, Nov. 13.-Clenrings. $2,671. 050. New York exchange, 6c premium. iioney. ;miu per cent. IIALTIAIOHF. Nov. 13,-ClearIngs, $5,321. C94: balnnccji. J532.72S. PH1LADFLVH1A, Nov. 13,-Clearlngs, S1.',j,hm; balances, j-.iiDi.i.'u. Wool .MnrUel, HOSTON, Nov. 13. With the exception or lasi wcdk in lines in tne wool mnrKct hero this week wero tho largest In many months. Dealers are firm In their demands ror the market prices and somo aro hold lug for an advane. Territory wool was tho leading feature of the sales. Fine medium and line scoured staple Is quoted at 4.ilbc, while for strictly stanlo article 60c Is asked. Fleece wools 1110 moving slcwly with prices llrm. The following are tho quotations lor leading tlescriptlons: 01110 anil l'ennsyi vanla fleeces X ami above, 25520c; XX and above. 274i27'xc: delaine, 2Sf29c; No. 1 comb ing, 2Mf29c; No. 2 combing and three, eighth-blood. 2R1i29c: tiuartcr-bluoil washed 2.vf29e; coarse and braltl. 20fi27c. Michigan, Wln'onsln, cto. -No. 1 Michigan combing, 21C112.V; iso. 3 Michigan combing. 37Ct2Sc tpiartcr-blood washetl, 2tVf27c; coarse and braid washed. ".Vii2Gc: Hue tlclalnc. 2Ki2 Fnwashed mcdtiliu Kentucky ami Indiana quarter-blood combing, 23ft 24c; three-eighths-blood, 23fi2le: .Missouri quarter blood combing, 22j(23c; tliree-elghths-blood, 22f23c: braltl combing. 20fc21c; lako and Oeorgia. 225i23c. Territory, scoured basis Montana ami Wyoming linn medium mid line, 17i(iSc; scoured, 47H4SC; staple, 50c; ('tali linn medium ami line, 10fil7c; scoured, 474Sc; staple, 60c: Idaho lino medium anil line, 15ftl0c; scoured, 174o; staple, fiOc. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices Combing suiierllne. linnrinnl at 73ii75c: nootl. OftflTOc; average, 02(070. Whllo tho sales of wool hero this week tlo not root up as large as lasr ween business 1111s ueen, wiln that exception larger than In several months. Values aro stronger and somo dealers aru holding for an advance. Territory wools continue to bend thn list or sales, with lino medium uml line scoureti quoted at 47S(4Sc. Thero has not been much doing In fleeco wools. Tho market ror foreign wools is quiet, with no changes in values. ST. LOIMS. Nov. 13.-WO()le-IInehanged. MANCIIFSTFH. Nov. 13.-Cloths, dull; yarns, buyers antl sellers apart. NFW YOUK", Nov. 13.-WOOIi-QuIet. Condition ol' Ilie Trenniirj', WASHINC.TON. Nov. 13,-Today's state, ment or tlio treasury balances lu tho gen eral fund, exclusive ot the Jl&O.OOO.Oi'o (roll reservo In tho tlevlslon of ri'demptlon, shows: Available cash balance. $13y,13,923: mill. J'll wr, gold, $91,275,070. 1)11 Market. OIL CITY. Pa.. Nov. 13.-Credlt $1.07; ccrtlliv'ilt-iS, 110 bid: shipments, 7,'.ri ouis.; average, lu.M.i uois.; runs, 101, wa bbls,; nverag ', a.,49.1 bbls. LONDON, Nov. 11 -OILS-Cnlcutta llu scitl, spot, 69a 9d. Linseed oil. 32s 6IJ1I. Pttroleum, American retlnetl. 0.1. Spirits, 91d. SpiritB of turptntine. 31s 9.1. TOI.IODO, O.. Nov. 13,-olIc Fnchange.l. NFW YOUK, Nov. 13.-OILS-Cottonseed. Mlindy; prlive crude, 20ti31c; prlmo yellow, !B'sfi3le. Petroleum, weak; rellued New York, $7.25; Phllailelphla and Haltlmore, $7.2o; Phllailclphla and Haltlmore, In bulk, J1.C3. Turpentine, llrm at IIVu 15c. Cotlee .llarkel. NF.W YOniC, Nov. 13. - COFFKH - Tho market for futures opened steady at an advance, or 6 points anil further Improved partially a few points on bi tter cables than expected; again turned easier on unsatis factory later cables from Havre uml en tire ubiienro of public support. Closed steady, with prices net unchanged to 0 points hhjht r. Total sales, 15,230 bugs, In cluding: December. $U.!0?fl.N5; January, J0.S5; February. J0.95; March. $7; May, J7.10; July. J7.15; September. 17.2". Spot, Uio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 814c i mild, quiet; Cor dova, bV4f(13iic. Now York Dry fioo.Ix. NFW YOIIK. Nov. 13. DHY OOODS Thero havo been no further developments in tho print lino todny. no new prices beim; nnnutinced. The market ronttnues llrm, with a slight Improvement In tho dcnmivl. Holders aro showing nu tlenlro to forcn business by naming irductlons In price. Tho weather has been m. Important ele. ment In lmproIng business at tccnnd hands, whllo iciuli trade thowa a better tur.e. lit api. ruled nnd Dried IVnltx. NFW YOUK, Nov. U.-CAL1FOHNIA DHIFD 1''UL'ITS-Were Inactlco Tho mar ket for cvap'jratud apples continues qulci; slate, common, was quoted at 475o; prime, 41sJ5Uc: choice. rVtTiio; 'ai.iy, filiti'.te. Prune.! wcro uuoleil at 3V!c per lb., 111 lo hlzn and tiua'.ity. Api'l.tns. Hoynl, Hit' lie; .Moor park, ir.iilGc. Peacucs, pecleiL 10 ij2l'c: unpecled. 0'jc. Siiu-nr ."IiirKet. NFW OULFANS. Nov. U-HI'OAU-Flrm! open kettle, 37c; open ketlh, cuitrl. rugal. ISMt 1 1-lBc; ceutrlfuiral granulated, 4 13.10O-4V: Whites, 4 7-lKll l!c; ycllowi, 3 15-lOf F.c; seconds, 3ff4c. Molasses steady: open kettle. ZuXlc, cent l IfUful, !t'10c. wyrvip, steady ut 22-a2$c, OMAHA L1VEST0CK JIARhliT Corn Oattle Qcnerallj a Dime Lower and All but Best Feeders Alio Easier, HOG MARKET SLOW AND MUCH L0VER (iootl I) e to noil for Ilo tit Sheep nnd l.nmbft mid Slcntly to Stroniter Prlcen I'tilil for Metier (irniles, Feeder Abn 1'nllj- Stciuly. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. IS. HecellllS were.! Cattle. Hogs. Olieep Olllciul Alontlay Olllclal Tuesduy Two days this week. Snnio days hist Week .Same week before... 4,229 s.arj 4.2.0 7,211 . 5.SI2 ,ln,07l . 2,612 .914 10, 13 11.197 S.215 1J.SI9 21.103 ... 1.1 9.&U7 fami) three Weeks 11 en.. S.'IJ t O.IHll Sumo four weeks lino.... .S.M2 11,119 Average prlco paid for hogs for tho last several duyc, with comparisons. . I l!OJ. l-)S9.1lS9S.l397.rrs90.UTirai. 15...1 J in I . n em f rti 1 t'.i 1 1t .1 fcO Oct. Oct. ' Z--' 72-,, 1 20, 13 59 3 20 3 70 4 A ' is" J,Ki;l 1C 3 70t i 3 23, 3 70 4 . ' ii J4? i- M S ill i 54) " .1 J "I f S' 19... 4 7!' uct Oct. (Jet, 4 1 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 3 71 3 Ml I, 3 17 4 a 21.. i 71, 3 l1 l 3 fi, 3 Ml S 21 3 52! X 50! 4 fii 3 06 3 131 3 25' 4 ii 4 63 4 l( 4 44 4 41 4 3 3 $7 4 K 44 4 4 45 4 39 23.. i'4.. 4 HOT 4 it; 3 03 J2fl 1 4 si H 4 4S 4 14 1 3 U 3 2o 3 53 3 54 3 47 4 13, 3 tiSi 3 4G 3 ' ... 27... 28... 30... 3J... 1... a... U, 4... 5... C... 7. . . i... 3... 4 15 3 54 3 41 1 OJft 4 10 4 10 3 47 3 52 3 64 3 38 17 3 n 3 16 3 4 3 44 4 Ot 4 0.1, 3 Z 3 29 3 2 1 DV 4 47t t BMi 4 60 4 CO 3 21 3 17! 3 56 3 19 3 27 3 W 3 31 3 21 3 17 3 23 3 40 4 01 4 04 4 04 3 63 3 29 3 42 3 41 3 41 .1 li. 3 4 3 43 4 02 3 51 3 62 3 651 3 62 3 45i 3 47 3 43 3 4 i 6(1 J 4 67lJ 4 70'4 :3!, 3 44 3 46 3 3 4 41 I W I 55 I '8 3 301 4 01 4 02 4 03 4 0 3 43 3 451 3 391 3 64 !1 41 i 3 2Sj I 29 4 031 I 02 3 31 1 2 3 32 3 17 3 3S 3 221 3 31 3 23 I 41 3 391 3 451 4 43 3 411 4 54 3 43 3 41 JNov 12..! 4 R.1Vi Nov. 13 7I(, 3 91 lntllcates Sunday I0, .""h'litl numlier of cars of stock biought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sli p ll'r's. : . m. . si O. St. !,. Mo. P. Uy. . P. Uy. Ky i P. system ... N. W. Uy F. .t Al. V. H. 15 '7 2 0 42 7 J 12 4 22 13 . 10 I 1 3 i 121 37 5 ii. S- ,v P. Hy 2 Ht. P., M. - O. Hy II II. v .11. II. i. It. .. ,-,l C.. li. a- o. r.v '. i st. j. .. 15 K. it. I. p., east.. ; U. I. ,fc P., west.. : Total receipts 22 The tllsiioslilnti nt ti,. day's receipts' was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho'niun- ui iivuii iiiuicaieu Cattle. . . 205 .. .C0 . . 117 .. 1.052 .. 1,025 Hoas. Sheep. Omaha Paekhur Co 1.21. 71 . II. Hammond Co. . Swift nnd Company . Cutluhy Packing Co. ... Armour rt Co Omaha. Pkg. Co., K. ('.. Hammond t'o.. K. c. H. Decker .i Dcgan Vnnsiint Ai Co J. L. Carey Lobiuan - C W. I. Stephen HpiiIoii A,- rnderwood. Livingstone Ar Sch.iller. Hamilton Ai Hothschlltl. L. F. Husz II. L. Dennis .t Co... Other buyers 1.6SS 1.10.1 1.977 2.(i93 112 1.021 7V 710 141 53 M 100 235 :;oi 520 223 (."i 51 770 .11 Totals D.77S 7.9'-t 6.219 1 aj 1 i.b- l here was a good, liberal run or cattle here today and In ru'et receipts wero the heaviest since October 9, when 392 ears, or 10.279 head, were mi sale Tim demand was lulrly good In all departments in.. luniK euusioercti mo prices paid . The proportion or eornfed uteers waa verv largo todayi about seventy cars being In cluded In thn receipts. Other markets wcro In noun too good tthupo and as the liberal receipts here gavo buyers tho ml vantagn they went to work to get their supplies u nine lower. tn somo cases where tho cattle happcnvil to Just suit them they paid about steady prices, but 111 general tne mantel was a tiimu lower. as has been tho case for somn tlmo past the handy weight cattlo of good qualltv wero lu the best demand. Hair-rat stutT was Hlow sain at any prlco anil so were Mil- UOIIlIIIOIl K1I1US, Auoui iiuriy-uvo or loriy cars or cows iiiiu nciiers wero on sain this morning and buyers took hold with considerable life ami nougiii mem up at not far from ves .terday's prices. In somo enscs the choice grades may havo sold a little stronger, but on tho other hand the common grades wero a llttlo lower In spots, but, taking tho market as a whole, It was not rnr iroui sieuuy wuii ycsieruay and ralrly active. The supply of stockers and feeders was liberal today and buyers were us a rulo trying 10 pouuii uown tne market a tt Tho good heavyweights and yearlings of li.iuu iiu.iuiv wen. leauy sellers antl told uuoui meatiy wnu ycsieruay. Tho com moner kinds, however, of all weights, and particularly those that went neither heavv nor light, were neglected and brought a nine hjht iiriut's man sucii grades were selling ror yesterday. Stock calves so'il not much ilirroivnt from yesterday and tho sanin could bo said of stock cows and nriicrn unit goon siocit nulls. jneie nciv tuny 11 iew western grass beef cattlo on nalo ..nil they brought nbotit steady prices. Grass cows also brought 1LUI1UL IIH IIJini III ll'PN IIH 111141. 111 fill H..11. day, particularly If they wore choice. Ooo.l heavy reeders or choice yearllngH held about steady, but tho less desirable grades wcro siow aim tower. Hepresentatlvo sales: UKKIr STIJUHS. No. Av. IT, No. .Av. ...1221 ...1293 ...1217 ...1261 ...1173 ...1370 ...l.'iOO ...1311 ...1110 ...1092 ...1100 ...1200 ...1270 ...1009 ...1030 . .l.'57 ...1100 Pr. D 05 5 03 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 15 5 15 6 20 5 20 6 :-o 6 20 6 20 5 27 5 'SO 6 35 5 10 1 610 2 V5 1 1050 4 ) 5 912 4 15 4 9.S5 4 50 2 730 4 50 IX 123.X I 00 20 109!) 4 70 20.... 27. . . . 63.... 15.... 31 1072 4 70 19 1112 4 75 4K.... 37.... 18.... 13.... 23.... 19.... Ml.... 09.... HI no!'.! 93 1233 4 M 0 1125 4 S3 .V 124S I 9i) 124 1027 4 ! 61 1114 4 90 49 1120 4 90 IS 1252 5 Oi) 1235 5 IV 20 lira r. 'v STIiKHS-TFXAS. ...1009 I SO 8TFFHS AND IIFIFFH8. 15 20 Sll 971 4 10 23. .1003 4 90 1 G3 COWS. 1 1 .... 790 .... 930 .... 370 .... W0 .... 6S3 .... 610 ....UIO .... 70 ....1120 .... Rfli) ....1010 ....1220 ....1010 ....US0 .... 970 ....1110 .,..1110 ....1020 .... .... 600 .... 975 ....1137 ....1050 ....1.170 ....1120 ...AM .... 223 .... 100 .... 120 .... 1S0 1 73 2 15 2 25 2 50 4... ....1030 ....1035 .... 942 ....1240 ....10S.1 ....101S ....1190 .... 950 ....10S5 ....1130 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 10 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 SO 3 9) 4 00 4 00 4 20 3 00 2 75 ;: 50 3 !!3 3 10 3 (0 2 55 1 15 ID. . 1.. 0.. 9.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 12.. a.. 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3!.'!!!.' 1 1 4 m .1. 2 90 3 ') :i 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 :i 00 3 10 3 15 3 20 ..1120 ..1160 ,.10W ..1070 .. 9(2 ..1240 .. 010 ..1030 1 1 1 1 HFIFKHS. 2 25 4 2 25 1 2 30 1 BULLS. 2 "0 1 2 Hi 1 J W 1 3 10 1 .. 917 .. Mo .. MO ..1030 ..1400 ..1270 ..ICO) 3 10 CALVFS. r. 00 1 n oo 1 r. ?5 1 1 6.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 170 140 170 140 5 75 li 00 0 W STAOS. 1 Ml 3 00 1 CALVFS .1240 4 00 HTOCIC 3 390 4 m STOCK COWS AND l 070 2 50 2 s5o 2 10 s.... 1 1010 3 ai 1.... 1 wo :i 10 21.... 9 523 :: 10 r..... HRIFFH8. 6S0 3 3 40 3 50 3 .1". ....lo5o .... 690 .... S2I 540 3 10 13. . 6.S 3 S3 STOCKFH8 AND FFKDKHS r,.... .1H32 3 ll 21. f97 1 ;i i 3'.!!!!!!! H:;;"!!! . 610 . 005 . WO . 910 2 10 12.... 1.... 13.... 40.... 41.... 29.... 60) 620 611 979 937 072 3 05 3 0". :: 70 3 sr. 3 90 4 10 3 13 3 25 3 .".O 3 50 3 50 . 492 . !''' . s;i .. ..r.i ..1030 NFHHASKA 21 cows.. . 3 50 feeders. 'CI 1100 1215 3 S3 it 25 4 10 3 M 2 60 4 BJ 3 .0 !l cows.. . 2 ... I 10 3 01 2 00 2 75 2 ft) 2 SO 2 75 3 30 1 reetler.. 4 fepdrr.s. 9 reeders. 10 steers. . ..U.'O ..1035 . !il .. S23 . "01 .1233 , I02O . 291 2 steers.. 11 cows. . . 3 hciriTS. 6 cows... 3 bulls .. 1 cow . . 910 ! rctiers . ti'34 4 feeders. 3 heifer.. 1252 S73 calves. . . 290 i G6 10 calves. U YOM1NO. !kV 2 7 9 cows 1097 1302 4 10 6 feeders.. 1170 IHleli.'ni'k .1- A Neb. 3 rows, i. feeders. :i 75 4 10 3 a 3 90 26 cows. . ,10V) 3 70 30 strs. Tex DOS 3 rpetlers. 2 feeders. 10S3 3 70 2 reetlcrs,.uw ;XM 3 00 S. J. Peck-Nel). 22 feeders.. 101 1 3 70 2 cows 9S0 U" W t.luen Nell. 3 23 30 cow s 1 cow lrtW 3 1 9 COWS 1002 lUW 3 IV . . . J. Mitchell-Net). S feeders., snj :i 65 II. L. O raves-N en, 1 cows 971 2 35 2 cows.... Is cows .... 9is 3 10 Vi feeders. 2 reeders.. 7.M) 3 25 63 feeders. 2 feeders... 900 3 25 .. , . S. Skcen-Neb. feeders.. 1020 3 Sj 5 feeders. 2 feeders.. 723 3 00 .,. , , J. F. West-Nob. 4i feeders.. S17 3 M n. , , . 'N'- Nelson-Colo. 2o3 feeders. M.I 3 M M feeders. SO feeders.. i) 4 20 14 feeders. 33 7S0 900 2 ;5 3 M 3 S3 P30 3 03 MS Ml 927 3 75 3 SO 3 40 10 cows. 911 3 4') 3S cows.... 5.10 I 'M 11 feeders. M. J. Johnson-Colo, CO feeders 1 cow 1 cow 10 Htfers. . I steer.... CO 3 SO 1 feeder. 90 923 3 25 3 25 3 cows..., .. 910 .1 ..1310 ..101) ..14'.-. 1 I.. W. 4 4 ,Y. ncll-Wyo. ,1 cows. . 2 cows.. ..1273 ..11S0 3 .13 2 0) 2 bulls. William ..1021 ::::o Hrown-Wyo. 3 feeders. 2 cows. , . . If cows... 1 cows... 11 steers. 1 cow.... 910 S70 3 e) 3 10 ..917 2 M John Patton Wvo. 1210 3 90 6 COWS.. .1020 3 C3 ."HI 2 76 1. I II,,.., It. n,, Will V steers,... I2iv. '4 05 1 steer... , . AI- O- Fltzmorns -Wo, S50 3 00 910 4 10 i lecoers. 1147 1 10 1 steer. Mitchell Cattle Company Wyo. "s 910 3 70 2 cows 102.. 30 cow 3 70 2 73 t COW P.lll 1 Til ' er.tvtf S10 435 T' cows MO ; 75 y cows. ,. , H. Henkc Wyo. 10 steers.. ..1I5 ,) . O. L. Mlllcr-Wyo, IS steers. ...1173 ICO , J. H. Allcn-Wyo. Ij steers... .ma 1 . Miller Son-Wo. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. 61 reeders. 1 cow 4 cows 1 cow 1 cow 3 feeder: KM S S . 950 . W) . 71S .1040 .1122 .120) .1010 3 feeder.. 1 1 It; 27 feeder.. 094 2 feeders.. ,SN0 ''"! 1120 "' HW bull mil 1 cow 1010 3 ,vS 3 s", 3 ll 2 50 2 Ml 2 50 3 00 3 W 3 (V 3 90 3 W 3 90 60 ItOOK-Ther" was a good, llbeial run cf nuns iieio louiiy, receipts being uio iieaivi-. slnco early in October. I"ntem markets broke lu shapo today under the In tluenco of heavy receipts, and as a result buyers htari.'.l .mi 1,1.1,1111b- ititt nbi.ilt a illmn lower. A lew loads changed h.uiils at JI.721- ami JI.75, but hircclv at Jl 75. Afin; tl,,. .!.., ...... ... .1.. . 1 1....... ....lit ' III.. . ...l. -I. ," I ,113 ..... rw,.. buyers seemed to weuken a little ami Wanted lo l.nv tinii i.vervt liltur at Jl.721. They also bid lower on plgi. In some cases as much as 25c lower than they did yester day. Packers state that thev are not ship ping enough fancy be r to Hoslon nnd otii 'r eastern cities to umkn It pay (o handle tho pigs, as they aro all sent to the eastern markets. It was a slow market alt around antl It was somn time before buyers and Nelleru tfienll.rtr U'lii.,, ll.i'V 1II1I Pllt loose it was generally on the basis or a 10c decline, the bulk ot the hogs selling a J4.72Vsf4.75. Ill spite t.f the rlcw Marl every thing was sold lu good season, the last end or the market being active and rally iu good un at any time. As will be recti irotn the Inl.ln of 11 vera ir o ttt'tees. Monday's ad- vunco sales: No. Is Just about lost. mpicMcntuiive Av . 91 ln:i .110 . 95 . 9.1 . 92 .'.HI .257 .215 .250 .213 .220 .251 .17X .319 .259 .2WI .263 .230 .200 .217 .260 .254 , Sll. Pr. No. Av. Kb. Pr. ... 4 10 71 221 160 1 72j ... I 10 65 247 120 4 .'.'14 ... I 10 72 220 M 4 72'... ... I 10 42 20S ... 'I 72'3 ... I 10 67 3H0 SO 4 721s ... 4 10 70 210 240 4 75 SO 4 70 01 2SS ... 4 75 ... 4 "0 66 2SI 160 4 75 ... I 70 07 25S ... 175 101 4 .'0 69 271 120 4 75 240 4 70 65 247 120 I 75 SO t 70 67 310 40 4 75 40 4 72 i 77 221 ... 4 75 ... I 71. 67 2S7 SO 4 73 120 4 721. 5S 241 ... t 75 300 I Til'i 60...... 2X1 40 4 75 20O 4 7214 67 31S SO I 75 ... I 2 200 16i) I 7". so 4 ::'Z 67 321 160 I " 120 4 7;'K. 71 25S 200 4 75 SO 1 721 1 71 :; so 4 75 210 4 72'4 02 292 1 20 4 75 ... 4 7"l.J 73 270 ,VJ 4 75 40 4 7?i j M 39fi ... 4 7.". SO 4 72' 69 320 120 1 73 160 I 72 14 OS 250 SO 4 75 M) 4 7.'lJ 72 244 120 I 73 100 4 72lJ 0.1 217 SO 4 75 160 4 72'n 70 215 SO I 75 10 4 72' 71 219 SO 4 75 120 4 72U Hfl 269 40 I 75 40 - 4 72lJ 6S 269 ... 4 73 10 4 721$ 63 277 120 4 75 120 4 72lJ 60 211 80 4 75 SO 1 7214 06 254 SO 4 73 SO 4 7'VS 74 221 ... I 75 200 4 72!4 7K 205 1 60 4 . 40 4 72U CS 23S ... 4 75 50 4 72(4 61 218 SO 4 75 ... 4 72V4 73 233 SO 4 73 ... I 7214 77 257 SO 4 75 SO 4 .'.14 60 222 ... 4 73 ... 4 7214 53 244 40 4 73 SO 4 72U. (vu ... 47-, ... 4 7214 67 275 ... 4 75 ... 4 7214 161 239 210 4 75 SO 4 7H4 62 29i) 120 4 75 SO I72I.S " 255 ... 4 75 100 4 72iJ 77 193 ... 4 75 ... 4 72'J 6S 299 ... 1 75 120 4 7214 (V) 255 200 4 75 100 4 ?2U 60 308 ... I 75 40 ! 72lJ 69 303 40 I 75 ... 4 7214 01 251 40 4 75 120 4 72'4 60 2S1 40 4 73 2.S0 4 72V4 65 320 SO I 75 2O0 4 7214 SI 211 SO 4 75 200 4 72V4 65 200 40 4 75 S') 4 72J4 61 271 10 4 73 ... 4 72Va 69 201 40 4 75 200 4 72J4 4S 341 SO 4 75 ... 4 72K 63 292 1 60 4 75 ... 4 7214 SI 240 200 4 7714 120 4 7214 00 2.S0 SO 4 SO 40 4 7"U CI 321 161 4 S2VA ... 4 721.; 13 47 20 10... . 2s 77 01 7S 15 97 71 51 71 47 57 55 71 7.S 6S SO 01 67 02 60 44 S.7 . .293 ..311 . .24S mo ! .'2sl ..311 ..292 . .2X5 ..175 ..24X ..247 ..249 . .207 . .235 . .32S . .232 ..2(0 . . .201 . .250 . .2.1.X . .21S . .200 00... 60... 03... 74... 10. .t 65... 64... 69... 75 71... 61). . . 69. . . 67... 49... 60. . . M.... 14..., 51..., 63. . . , 65..., 70 61..., 20 61.... 45.... 60.... 40. . . . 62.... 01..., .273 .259 ,.2S9 ..33S ..317 ..2IS O'Ml ,,( ! !335 ..293 ,.2S3 . .200 ..201 ..212 ..270 ..200 61 . . . 53. . . 69... 60. . . 09... M)... 60... 8HLLP rhero was a heavier run of sheep hero today than him been arriving of laic, but the demand was also of moro liberal proportions. Chicago was reported dull, but In r-plto of that fact liuyerH Jumped In hero anil Imtudit 110 evervlhl nir ut nil ...wi.t at steady to stronger prices than wero pa tl yesterday. Tho bulk or tho receipts today worn fed stuff, not very many feed iirs arriving. Ah high as J4.05 was paid for wethers, which is a nickel more than was mild yesterday, and a bunch of cliolco lambs sold for $5.25, but they were better than anything has bcn offered hero III till) WnV (r red Stuff tills uei.unt. Tnlc. lug everything into consideration the mar ket can best bo described by calling It steady to strong and active. Feeders wero also In good demand to day anil strong prices were patel lor the good stufr. The demand is fully equal lo the supply nt tho present tlmo and sellers have littlo dllllculty lu disposing or tho better grades at very satlsraclory prices. Quotations: Choice fctl wethers. JI.O0W 4.16; rail' lo good red wethers. J3.9uf 1.0); choice grass wethers. $3.S3f(4.U0; rair to good grass wethers, J3.C5fi3.S3; cholcn ewes i.4.ju-.i'". inn iu i;immi rwrH, y.Wrud,"n' cIioIl'O Mtrlnj-? Iamb. Srj.OOfin.STi: fair In f-n,,,l spring lambs. J4.75ff5.O0; reetler owes, $2.2511 if i0.1 Vf V7,!01" -vt'1 ,cs. 3.Mif j 3.75; reedcr lambs, J4.Ooff4.40. Heprescntatlvt) sales: No. Av. 90 SO 150 S2 110 91 69 !) 11.) ' 70 Si) 123 117 l'2 S3 93 91 OS 93 110 S9 79 110 113 92 87 140 105 01 Si". 78 70 .2 97 73 (IS Pr. $2 60 3 00 3 Ol 3 20 3 55 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 W 3 TO 3 60 3 55 3 60 3 75 3 75 3 S5 3 85 3 S3 3 S3 3 :1 3 V 3 '5 3 93 3 05 4 01 4 1 0 4 (V 4 '0 4 05 4 10 6 IV 6 (V r. (0 5 01 5 ro r. (v 5 25 5 15 6 25 10 culls , 15 South Dakota ewes 1 Iowa buck 151 Montana ewes 99 Nebraska led ewes 6 South Dakota ewes 61) reeder lanins 1C2 red ewes 6 Iowa fed ewes 32 Iowa fed ewes 1 wether 64 Nebraskx ewes 33 Nebraska owes 16 Ni'.niiska 1 wes 'IS Wyoming feeder wether.... 2 Montana wethers 72 Wyoming feeder wethers 125 Montana wethers 447 South Dakota wnthers 251 Nebraska grass wethers. 420 Nebraska clipped wethers.... 27 Nebraska wethers 200 Nebraska led mixed :.9. Nel.riisk.i fed mixed 109 Nebraska fed sheej 10 mil I vn weiners I Neb. fed yearling wethers... 3 Iowa wethers 300 Neb. fed yearling wethers... 8'9 feeder lambs 54 Iowa red lambs 42 Iowa fed lambs CS5 Nebraska fed lambs 2' Colorado led lambs 4 native lambs 40 Colorado fed lambs 125 Nebraska fed lambs 4 Nebraska led iambs Nebraska fed lambs Nebraska fed lambs 07 S7 Yen- York 1,1 vi Slock. NKW YOUK Nov. IS.-HKIJVFS-He. relp s, 242 head; yery little doing: feeling weak; cables quoted vn initio llrm at 11 J.12V; per lb.; sheep. 121,l2)ic; rerriKeralor beer higher at Dc per lb; shipments, S50 cattle, 1,250 sheep and 6,0V quartijri or beer. CALVFS-ltecelptB. 124 head. Market hteadv and -ill sold; vouls,, grass ors. J3.(m3.5l; red calves. J( (V. h , SHFFP AND I.AMHS-HceelpiH. 2.6o) bead; sheep llrm: geod lambs steady, .v -ilium and common grades dull' nil' en, J" 5u 4 16; lamb.t, J5.2ori5.s7V4; culls, yoo. no sales on Canada lambs. HOOS-Hoi . IptM. 3,391 head. Marlvt llrmcr at J5.25fc5.45, sutn plus, $5.60. Knimii CI 1 3- l,.ve Slock, KANSAS CITY. Alo., Nov 13-l'ATTLF Receipts, 17,0o natives. 1,600 T''Xiini', 1.200 tfalvfii all diulruble una feeding cattlo sleatlv, tommen ari tht a -ii.tdo I'Wtl auve si nr 1. 11 tnwij , no. at 1 .110 'in Ifctod feeder, slow at H.7tVf4.30i nilx'tl Mockers, weak at J2.6f3.S0; cows, J2.G"'" heifers, t2,iSM canners. Sl,2.ifi2 Mi, bulls, steady at J2 '!''( 41. :.o: calves, sttoi g nt Jl.(vi(6.s3; Tesans, r (t lptii 3 0 h- id. lust on J.a!e, three carina Is at $5.00; Tc.a 1 fetl steers. I.Ot 4i3.iv. Texas irr.isu steers. J.I.Mnffl 10; Texas bull. $.'.6T.lf3.25. IIOOS-HeeelptM lodav. nLOOi head; t' morrow, 2MW test. mat 'd); left over. fri Market 5c lower nrd weak: lop. $3.05; tulvctl nnd butchers, JI.701i5.iV, food lo chol"e heavy, JI.McifuO..; rough luavy. JI6.vjn.7S. light. JI70f)fiO5: hulk of salt s, Ji.soff l.f5. SllKKP AND I.AAIHS Hecelnl. I9.("V head: sheep uhd lambs oppppd strong, do ing a shade 1 aslcr; good to choice wethers, fl.OOi74.40; fair to choice mixed, J3,soa4.0 western snecii. i.e"'u i,.i.: nxas sucep, fi3.ii0: unlive lambs, jl.ioftA. I); wester. 1 Inmbs, JI.S5y5.10. M. I.oul- Live Slock. HT. LOFIS. .Mo.. Nov. 1.1, -I'ATTLB Hi. celpts, 6,91V hcail, Including 2,6iv Texan' MiirKet w ower lor nauve. w 111 'rex ins slow nnd weak: native shipping and r port steers, Ji.Wio.'O: dressed beef and butcher steers, Jl.oiVi5.35: steers under Loin lbs., $l.Siiir..ti. stockcrs, 12.10'n 1.15; cows and heifers. $2. irj.i.rv, HODS -llcce tit, ii.'.sv henil. Market loc lower: nigs and lights. $I.7Orf4.S0: backer J4.75fi(!V; butchers, J I.SO' 1.9. SHDDl' A.M i.a.miis ltecelpts. -.'.(M head. Mnrket steady; nauve muttons. $3 (if 1.30; lambs, Jl 23f0.40; culls uml bucks, J2.Wff 1.25. SI. .lose pit Live Slock. SOFTH ST. JOSFPH. Mo.. Nov. 13 (Special.)--Tin Journal quotes; CATTLF-ltccellits. 2..00 heati. Mnrl.t t steady to We lower; nallvcK, Jl lot)5.-0 I cxas mid .'t'stcrns. J.l.3.'iii6.2j: nu I le'i'trs. J2.25f 14.65; bulls and stag. ?.! 4.50: vcitrllugs ami calve. M. loft I I): 'tink ers lllld feedus. $3.0 "1.11; eals. JLIKIJIO L3 HOOS Hece'pts. ,r.iv neail. Marku Kc ower; all grade. Jl.7tlt4i I. IV: bulk of sale. JI.SO'u I.S5. SlIDIiP AND I.AMHt- HecC III. 1. )) head. Mnrket strong: lambs. J4.60ii5.5o. bhcip. J3.6oyi 15. Slock In SluhL. Following arc the reretnts al Hie roar principal western markets November 13 Cattle. Does Hlu.-.i South Omaha B.M2 7.911 7.2(1 Chicago O.r.iV 41.0( 13.V Kansas City 19.f.v 17 00.1 3 son St. Isolds 6,900 II, JO') 2.111V Totuls .'17,212 7,141 :,oii C0M011 .llni'kef. LIVFUPOOL. Nov. 13. COT'IY)S." ,.ni lucreaseil demand; prices llrm ; American middling, fair. ri29-32d. eooil tiililHIIi.p 6 19-32.1; middling, G'4d; low inl.ldllng. n6-l6d; good tirillnary. 5 11-10.1: onllnari . 13-li'l. Thn sales of thn dav were lOtniii bales, or which 600 were fur and export mid Included 9.601) American. rece hits. 40.0m) bales. Includlm? Amer. lean. Futures opened quiet nnd Hteatlv and I0SP1I ll.trelv Hteiltlv Atimrlr.,,. ..,1.1,111,,- 1. in. c, Novcinber,'r.21-04ii522-6ld, sellers! November ami December, r, lO.r.KM IT.61,1 sellers: December unit .liinmirv r. l"..:i,l sellers; January ami I'ebruars. 6 2-0ld. si ll ers; February and March, 6 lO-Ctd, sellers. M,...flt. ...... ...i. . c ..... . .. . . : )... ...i ,i,vim ii, tiuei-. ,prn aim -Ma. 7-01.1. sellers: Muv uml .tone r, r,.i:ii 6 6-eid, value; June and July. 6 4-Otd. hellers. Illl.V and Alluust. 6 2-tilfi'S 3.61.1. liiiveix: All. gust iiiid September, I 00.6Hi4 61-Gbh buvers. M'in J OHK. Nov. 13. -COITON There wii' less activity In cotton circles lodav Hie market opened steady, with prices un I'hailged to 6 iiolnts lower. Thern wnu u further decline of 10'nll uolnfn nnd tl.ri. e sharp rally. Knrly busluess was chlcllv on unsatisfactory cables; later, however, local otid lions becaiiio morn iierulli r,ii... Ing a rumor that Nelll was ready with a bullish cotton elreulur. This letl to pretty active trading hern, tho shorts be came particularly Interested antl Wall street and the south also bouelit frcolv. prices went un 10112 nolnts from ihe Inw. est llgures ol tho forenoon. The upward movement was Irritated by Indications or coltler weather over tho eastern central sections or thn cotton belt nnd rains lu thn western loca'ltlcs. At thn same tlmo tho southern spot markets wero generally working lowartl higher prices. Selling was chlelly for tho purpose of securing protlts although a few net short uccouutH wero open on the belief that Instead of being now oversold, thn market had recently be como overbought. Futures closed sieady at a net decline of Tti 10 noltils:,,,' 9.30c; December, January and February ;iuc; .Alnrc i and Anr 11. 9.37c: Mav. a.:e June. 9.30e: July, t'.a'c: Aimust. n.sAe: Ken tcmber. 8.7uc; spot elosetl unlet at 1-Itlc dn- -llue; middling uplands. 9c: inldtlllncr e.i'r 1l)c. NKW OULFANS. Nov. 13.-COTTOX . Quiet; sales, 5,800 bales; ordinary, 7'liC; good iruinary. s-,c: ow m dill tur. 9p: m dl.t 9ic; good mldillltig. 9Se; middling fair lr.-iu-; recclnts. ln.OI'S bales: Htoek. bales. Futures barely Hteatlv; November .lSf(9.19c; .16f9.17c; Dtceniber, 9.1Sfi9.19c: Janiiiiri. February. 9.17ff9.19c: Murr i ,19fil).20c: Anrll. 9.2Ufi 9.21c: Mav. 9"Ki9.'".' June, 9.22fl9.2lc. HT. l.Oll.S. Nov. 13. COTTON-Sten.U sales, 600 bales: middling, 9 3-16c; receipt's. 10.351 bales: shlmncilts. 9.221 bates: sliiett 58.217 bales. C.ALVKSTON, Tex., Nov. 13,-COTTON inn at 9 2-16. TesOniony In (lie tin) nor Cinp, NHW YOniC. Nov. 13. -Tim evu.i.t Ill thn ense of the .hren Oavu.if ii..ti,..rn and 11. D. (Jreonn wiih resumed today with the croHS-cxamlnutlon of Campbell Ford, an eiiKini'i. in" irniiniini was lecutilcal III reiilv to ouestlons concernliiir th,. ft it, I ro ,,l ti ami speelficatloiiH and about thu making of the maltreses which composed tho fascines used lu Savannah harbor Improvement)! rhoimiH F. (iaynor. a relative ,,r n... iccused contractors, was next ev Ills testimony was bearluir on 11... ,...tti.,.. or the brushwood and thn making or mat tresses composing tho fascines sunk ror tho roiiudatlons at Point Poter. Ho ha Id he. eartl those goveriimeut olllel.-ils theniselvcH as being MitlHlled with tho work. Sue for Two .lllllloii. DKNVFH. Nov. 13. -A Mill for to .1 rvi against thn Poriland Oold Mining compn'ny has been brought In the I'nlteil Slates ill trie! court bv the he rs of liuiretn. l),.i,.,, n ono or tho original pateulcu of tin Hla.'k Diamond mine, which was acquired by pur chaso In 1895 by tho Portland. In ?) Dohnrty was killed lu a shaft or tho Hlm k Diamond mlno uml the suit is brought bv his ludrs td recover thn amount alleged to b duo his estate. Thero aro eight hcii all of whom llvo In Ireland. Tho coniplm alleges that no accounting wiih ever made by tho Portland company to their Intern1 In thn Hlack Diamond. James Hums, v S. Ktrntton and John Human urn the prln clpal owners of the Portland mine. Decline In Accept IlllimU Scale. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 13.-In a confer nncn yesterday afternoon tho Indiana coal operators declined to accept tho IIIIiikIn scale because of tho Increase lu wnges, hut offered to contlnun thu present scale until the convention of Fnlteil Mine Workers at Indlauapulls incuts In January, at wild n tlmo tho iiuestlon of paving thn Illinois rdilo to Indiana miners will bo considered Ah a result of this conference and tho In structlnns Issued by Chief Tnylor of the Fnglneers' Hrotherhood tho mining Industr III Indiana Is Idle today, except in a ft w places whero the hoisting engineers refused to obey tho order of their labor organlz.. IIoiib. Mill I,om lis C'liiirfer. r.,. .r.f.ii'U . v.... 1'! A .if ouster agulnst Mom' Ho-I"; college of Uog ers, i oiuiuiiiiioiL .-.iiiu.j. ,.." "v,'1 "J. ,i" supremo court todnv mid thn 'ollego loses l.u ,r 'I'll., IT.. 1111. 1 llllllll Which It WIIH asked was' that tin college had been selling diplomas. H.R.PEMNEY&CO. ir i f i j 1 1 ixxjyn tv-c llltlM BOOM-HiYUrE BLD0. CK.HA nfu. BRANCH 10301(41 ilMMlrt mm E BOYD & GO., Telephone 1039. Oinnlia, Sal COMMISSION. (JRAIN, PROVISIONS uud STOCKS liiltve si nr ., 4lpM(, 111, iu. K( 1. ilie 1.,. crs, J.I25yi23; butcl't r cow . and In If r,t J3nm 1.10, dinners. HWiXw. fed west' 1 1 W. 76ft I 76; wintered Texntn. $3.5 "i1 i' "" Texan-, J3.l5fTfl.l5f calves. JU.-if.) ' HOOS-Hpi clpts, 17,000 head; tln :-n supply cutisid n reaction anil, advance was lo-t today; heavy. JlSi'dl'-i i mixed, JI.S0Jjl.S5; light, JI.SWi.90, pigs, l fei fl I 75. HHFFP AND LAMIIS-UeclpU. '.n head; there wiui an Improved ilrmaul tor nil elasns at stendv to 10c higher; lambs JI.75fJS.36, mutton, J.1B0JJI.85; stockcrs . i 1 reedcts, J.1.23if4.(), culls, J2.75fj3.2i. ciiiCAtio i.ivTi-sTnit'ic AIAUKFI. Wesleriis AVenUen Hog- u Mckcl l.iniiT-Mict'ii uml I.niiibu Mronu. CIIICAOO, Nov. 13,-l'ATTLi:-HecPiil , C.tHV head, Including !HV Tcxnlis and .'.0 westerns; native steers fdow but"h r slock steady; western 1 weak; TcxJ.vt st.atly to strong, natives, best on sa'e to t'ny. two load! at $3.23; gool to prime lrcr. J3.3iVi3.9o: In medium. !i :;0',iS.i: k IIDAHU UK THAUK, Correipontlonoe: John A. Warrn C uu9e wlrf t Citlccwi u4 Mw TarU CiiUicm biui (f --s