TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, XOYEMTtER 11. 1000. 4 1 i ESTIMATES IOWA'S CORN CHOP Director Sage Sajs It Will Exceed Three Hundred Million Mark, BOONE IS TO HAVE A NEW HOSPITAL Till Wrk' VLIt of thr Incoming Trrnnnrrr nml Srvretury of Stnlr (llvrn lluiir lo Vnrloit .tnll cnt for .tioliittiif-iit. UK3 , MOINES, Nov. 10. (Special Tele arratn.) "Tho corn crop In Iowa will still vxcnc tho 300,000,000 mark," raid Director John It. Soku of tho wenther crop service to'lay, "IteportH from 1501110 of our reporters throughout tlio atnte Indicate that the crop la Rolmj to be even larger than was at first estimated. Tho quality, however, will prob bly bo somewhat Impaired by the wet weather of the full nnd tho value of the crop will bo lessened considerably. This will have comparatively little effect, however, ns tho creat bulk of the corn crop In fed rlht hero In tho stato and the merchantable value docs not effect matcrlully the value of tho corn for homo feeding purposes. Practically all the corn raised In town Is sold In live fUock. and tho profits aro always good. I'rob ably two-thirds of tho crop Is In tho crib by this tlmo. A Minall percentage of tho corn will bo reduced In value by molding to tlio extent of 3 or 1 per cent per bushel pcrhapr, Tho fall has been too wel for tho highest uecesn of the grain crnpH In tile state, al though tho yield will bt enormous, 1 bo llnvo the yield will bo as high as forty or forty-one bushels to tho ncre. Last year It 'was tlilrty-Hlx and u fraction." Articles of Inccrporatlon wcro filed this morning with the secretary of state for the Klcanui- Mnurn hospital of Ilnone. Tho cap ital Is $2fl.000. A general order was Issued from the stato (irnml Army of the Republic headquarters ulllng attention to the annual elections In tho different posts, nnd alan to tho fact that the memborshlp Is decreaalng rapidly, not fco much on nccount of Month as because of membern dropping thi'lr membership. Dur ing the hint nln yrars the s'ate department inn Inht ,l'j from this cause, us against 2,371 from death. The total membership nt tlio present time in (own Is 12,224, It nppcarH that many of tho strong advo cator of munlrlpal ownership voted for the calling of u convention to revise the state constitution with ihU Idea In mind. "I voted for the calling of tho conven tion," said ex-Mayor John MacVlcar today, "bccaiiHo I bellovrd that there needed to bo some authority for changes In the laws governing our cities. Of course thero Is room for nmendmentH along this line, but It Is hard to get anything through the legisla ture which Is directly for the benefit of Dew Moines. 1 think that n city of this Hlzn should be, under different law from tho bmaller tow ns " Des Moines had tta first fall of snow to day. It was light. It was uunounced today that Stato Treas-mor-eteet fl. S. flllbcrtson of Koresl City and William 11. Martin, the Incoming secre tary of slate, ci Greenfield nre to be at I he tats house next week, at which time It Is anticipated tome light will bo thrown on tho question of appointments. It Is under Htood that both (illbertBon and Martin Iiavn nlgnlned their willingness to tako the mnt ter of appointments up with tho various ap plicants at as early a dato as possible In order that the matter may bo disponed of before thu flrsl of tho year. Hunt Trlul nt U'lili-rluo, WATEKI.OO, la.. Nov. 10. Tho prosecu tion rested today In the caso of the Stato ngalnst Hoot, charged with an attempt upon tho' llfo of his wife, through tho agency of n Mynamlle"bomt), and court ad journed to Monday morning. Among tho witnesses today wero threo conductors of tho lloch Island railroad, from Omaha to Chicago, who testified to Hnot'a having tnado the trip, when the Infernal machine I MS, INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION Tbfse lie twin evils which work leilous mischief in the human body. They sap the strength, destroy energy nd impoverish the blood. Ass result of these ailments, the system gradu ally becomes disordered and the con stitution weakened so that the body loses vitality and Is unfit to stand the strain ot hard or continuous labor; thus, the victim olfers a shining mark for kidney disease, lung trouble or the life-crushing malarial fever. An easy and certain means of warding eff this condition is within the reach ol every one. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System Regulator, is the remedy. A few doses whenever the digestion Is disturbed, or when the bowels fail to move regularly, will remove the diffi. culty and stimulate the vital organs to a better and more complete per formance cf their duties. With vigor anJ regularity In the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, there can be no loss of strength or eneriv. ih m,n.i I. will be pure and nourishing, and th capacity or me ooay lor work thereby maintained it the highest standard. Send for t bottle te-day. Keep It lwy$ In the house. A half wine glassful when the stomach feels bloated, when the breath is bad, or the bowels constipated, will quickly restore the feeling of vigor and cheer fulness. DRUGGISTS SELL IT AT li nn mmm M BOTTLE. was bought, Adolph Kraui, a cabinet maker who made a box which Inclosed the dynamite; Terry Perkins of Des Moines, who testified that he cold dynamite to Hoot, W. 8. Wlllams of the Cnlted States express office, Chicago, who testified that Hoot sent a package from Chicago on Oc tober 28, U98, which was compared with tho box received In Waterloo by Mrs. Hoot. Mrs, Hoot spends little time In thu court room. The prisoner shows no signs of the evidence having made any Impression on him. town College Minna a 1'rmlilent, OIIINNELL, la., Nov. 10. (Bpeclal.) Tho trustees of lown college aro at sea at the present moment In connection with the presidency of tho collego and aro unablo to determine whether or not the college has a president. Former President George A. Oatrs, who has been president of the college for thirteen years, formally severed hlc connection with, tho college, tho first of tho month. A call hnil been extended to I'rof, V. K. Sanders of Yale. President Harper's succcseor In tho chair of sacred litoruturo nt that Institution. I'rof. San der visited Orlnnell early In the term and It wavj understood that ho would accept tho Invitation that had been extended to him. Ho has Just written the trustees, however, that recent developments at Yale make It doubtful whether or not he can accept. Itnmtn Melt Ont to llurlliiKtoii. KKOKUK, la., Nov. 10. Tho stock holders of the- Keoktik & Western Railroad company met here toJay and unanimously accosted Hie proposition to sell tho entire property and franchise of the road to the Chicago, Ilurllngton A Qulucy Hallway company. Tho line runs front Keokuk to Des Moines, with a branch to Oalncsvllle, Mo. A majority of the stock wns bought by the Ilurllngton company last year, Tho stockholders of the Keokuk & Northwestern railway also votel to sell the entire property and franchises of the road to the Chicago, Ilurllngton & Qulncy. Tho line runs from Ilurllngton to St. Louis, nnd has been leased by the Ilurllngton for years, the Ilurllngton having a controlling Interest In tho stock. .Mini' Dairymen Will .Meet. STOItM I.AKK, la.. Nov. 10. (Special.) It Is (xpected that about 800 dairymen will bo In attendance, nt the stato convention, which opens on November 13. A large machinery hall, well lighted nnd heated, will be devoted to the display of dairy sup plies ami butter exhibits nnd there will bo an exciting contest for tho gold and silver medals. One of the notable ad dresses Is that of C. Y. Knight of Chicago, upon tho subject of oleomargarine. Con gressman Thomas will give bis views upon tho (irout bill. Sns'ilri- .Mint Annuel- liuulile Ciinrnr. OHINNKM., In., Nov. 10. (Special.) Charles Snyder, giving his homo fin Monona county, near Maplu Grove, has been cap tured b:- tho officers near Albia, and will havo to answer to tho charge of horse fcteallng nnd nrroii. Snyder ct lire to u valuable barn, on tho Thomas Ilrannon place and stole tho horso within, thinking tno evKienco of tlio theft would bo hidden by tho ashes of tho tire, but no carcasa was found, so the officers gavo pursuit. If 1 J ii I it ii CietN HlKlit .Month.. CHBKOKKK, la.. Nov. 10. (Special.) night months In thn county Jail and to pay n flue of 1200 and nil costtt In tho ac tion waa tho Hcntcnuo given by Judge (lay nor to Hay McQutnn In tho district oourt laat evening for tho seduction of Martha niedesel. a young girl living near Aurella In this county. I,ii in ler Cnnipaii' Lrmra DiiIiiiiiiif. DUI1UQUE, In.. Nov. 10. The nnnounco ment Is mnde hero that, tho Knapp-Stout Lumber company, employing 200 men, will glvo up Its yards hero nnd conccutrato Its business at St. I.ouls. Tho firm has been In huslneea In Dubuque for nearly fifty years. GRAND JURY ENDS ITS WORK (Continued from Eighth Page.) of Western Star lodge No. 1 and by Pyth- lans, Odd Fellows nnd members of other prominent fraternities. The church is to glvo a splcudld enter tainment In Woodmen hall, 203 Broadway, and It has been arranged that tho exercises shall Include Jubilee songs by an Omaha choir and others, piano selections by thu Montgomery ohlldren nnd drills by a com pany of Council Illuffs women. Itov. Elder Wilson, the pastor, has extended a general Invitation. You can own a fine rug, a beautiful Art squaro or an excellent Axmlnster, Moquetto or Ingrain carpet by paying t a week un til paid for at Keller & Band's, 407 Broadway. Domestic soap gives beit satisfaction. .Nuiidu- School Convention. A Sunday school convention will bo held this afternoon and ovenlng at tho Epworth Methodist church on Avenue II nnd Twcnty llrst street. II. W. Hnzolton will preside and tho following program hna been ar ranged. AJ.ernoon Blackboard exercise, F. h. Evans; address, "Tho Spirit and Purposo of tho Teacher," Itev. J. W. Wilson; short talk on Sabbath school topics, A. M. Hutch inson. Charles Swalne, Mrs. Shepard, Hov. E. XV. Erlckson and others, Interspersed with songo at the call of tho chairman. Evening Song and prnlao Bervlce, eon ducted by Itev. James Sims; social meet ing, conducted by Hev. Henry DeLong. The afternoon meeting will open at 3 o'clock and the evening session at 7 o'clock. Davis sells paint. Officer Jt l'a.ejr Affnlra. The First National bank of Omaha filed a petition In the district court yesterday asking ttiat an overdraft ot 17S1.40, due It by tho firm of Officer & Pusey, bo made a claim ngalnst tho estate of the late Thomas Officer, senior member of the firm. Tlio petition Is directed against Charles T. Officer, administrator of Thomas Officer's estate. Judgo Green Is expected to hand down Ills decision on Monday In tho matter ot tho application for the removnl of W. H, M Pusey as trustee of tho Ballard trust fund. Kent Uatnto Traiiifcrn. Tho following transfers wcro filed yester day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J. XV. Squire, 101 Pearl otrcet: a. C. Smith and wifo to E. L. Flow ers, in acres in nYi 23-71-39, w. 5,700 Ernest K. Hart nnd wifo to Sarah E. inicnman. ha ne; seu and n4 sei f'U 1-75-4.1. w. il Elizabeth Nixon and hutband to same. h4 eU se'i 1-7E-43. w. il Joseph Mfchener nnd wife to A. II. 1.G00 ',L0 Johns, lots 3. 4 and 6. Auditor's snh. swti soVi 12-75-40. v. d 2,K)0 Sheriff to executors of Sarah II. Cole man, lot 9, block "J," Curtis & Ham- UDf'u ,1.1.1 .1 , ?ll ""I " (!. , I, dUll John P Allison, recorder, to Fremont iinjiiiiiiii. n is irri ni itu J3. uiocu; SO, town of Avocn, d 175 A. J. Seaman to Fremont Iienlamln. loti 17, IS and 19. block 21. Omaha add., nnd lot 3, block 31, Ferry add., q. c. d 30 Seven transfers, ngurefjatlng' JI3.293 MnrrlURC I.tt'enara. Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to thn following persous: Nome and Itesldence. Ase, A. K Donaldson, Council 11 luffs f Minnie Cnvttt, Council Bluffs '.' H. J I.andon. Council Bin fita (il Catherine! Heastnn, Council Bluffs M I.oenl Soelnl .ntea. Mlsi Key entertained at dinner Monday for Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Dawson. The marriage of Miss Harriott Blodd and Mr. Htymest Stevenson will tako pluco Wednesday cvetilng nt the home of the bride's parents. Miss Josephine Jonn'.ng.l entertained ut cards Saturday night. Mrs Nat Snepard entettnlned nt cnrd.i Saturday nftcrnuon. Mrs. Brock has Issued Invitations for n card party next Thursday afternoon. Mrx. D. XV. Bujhncll Is entertaining Miss Jones of Henry, HI. Mrs. It. U. Montgomery gave a dlnnT party Tuesday night In honor of Mr. nnJ Mrs. T. C. Dawson. Mr, and Mra. 1. M. Trevnor entertain ;il ft lunch Inst Sunday for Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C Dawson. Mrs. XV. XV. Lunger nnl son Fred re turned yesterday from n visit with friends at Toledo, In. Mls.s Dora 1,. Eaton of Chicago wni the guest Inn wtek uf Mr. i.nd .Mrs. XV. II. Bates and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. ErneM K. Htrt nf Park nvenue entertained Informally Sunday even ing for Mr. and Mrn. T. O. Dnwson. Mlw Mne Beacon entertained nt lunch Tuesday for Miss Maude Plcrco of Des Moines. c Miss Annette Wnllnce of Bluff strtet left last evening for Denver or. n two weeks vlflt to friend. Fidelity council Hoynl Arcanum, gnvc r.n enloyable nml well attended curd nnd djinp Ing party Thurdny evening. Mrs. Clorlmm won the ladles' prize. A number of friends n.i!".lrd J 12. IluMd In the celebration of hi SIM blrtlidav Inst Wednesday evening. A d.iltity luncheon wus served by Mrs. M. llttdd. The teachers of the Washington Avenue school entertained yesterduv afternoon .it the home nf Mr nnd Mrs. XV. H. Mayno on ark avenue in honor of Miss Blodd, The members of tho Progressive Euchro club of this cltv will be entertained tomor row by Mrs. Hurry Cumnilr.s nt her homo on Twenty-sixth street and Dewey avenue In Omnha. Mr, nnd Mrs. Jnmos Fenlon. formerly of this city, celebrated their golden wedding latt Tuesday ut their home In Des Moines. Sorrnl members of the family from Coun cil Bluffs wero present. Mr. and Mra. T. Dnwron pave u hmd nmely nppolut'd dinner ut the Grand hotel Wednesdny nlrht. The decorations! wero yellow rnrynnnthemums and ribbons to match. Cover were laid for sixteen. Mr. and Mm. I M. Treynor ce'ebratod their twentieth wedding anniversary, nnd Itev. nnd Mrs. George Edward Walk their twenty-llrst nnnlverary by a delightful luncheon last Sunday evening at St. Paul's rectory. Tho members of Council Hlurfu tent, KnlKhtH of the Mnccnbeef, have Issued In vitations for iin entertainment to be given Friday evening next at tho Dohnny citfra house, complimentary to D, P. Mnrkey r.f For' Huron, Mich., supreme commander of tho order. A high cIiihh mutcal nnd llturuiy program hna been arranged. Miss May Jepson entertained Frldny even ing nt curds for her guest, Mies llreta Sprlnkmnn of Milwaukee. Thern were twelve tables and a guessing ecntest for those who did not nlny cards. Miss Anna Thlenlmrd and Millard Gonglnnd curried oft tho prizes nt curds and MIsh May ll.izel tnn for tho guessing contest. The decora tions were yellow and white chrysantho mums and ferns. Domestic soap has no equal. William L. Thlckstun, teacher of piano, S02 Avenue II. 'Phono, 610. ..Minor .Mention, Davis sells plus "Mr. Blley," B-cent cigar. Ons fixtures nnd globes nt Blxby's Fine A. B. C be-r Neumnyer's hotel, Wollmnn, scientific optlclnn. 409 B'd'y. Schmldt'H photos, new nnd latest styles. XV. J Hostettrr, dentist. Baldwin block. Moore'rt stock food kills worms, fattens. Drink Budwelser beer. L. rtosenfeld. agU Lon'urt, Jeweler, optician. 130 Broadway. "Sun Bonnet Ilnblea" ut C. E. Alexander & Co. s, 333 Broadway. Oct vour work done at the popular Eaglo laundry, 7JI Broadway. 'Phono 157. XV. C. Estep. undertaker. IS Pearl street. Telephones: Oflloc, 97; residence, 33. Tho I.ndy Maccabees will meet Tuesday afternoon nt the usual tlmo und place. C. "Mi i n..er wns called to Abbottstown, Pa., by the nerloiiH lllnesa of his father. XV. F. Graff, undertaker nnd licensed cm balmer, 101 South Main street. 'Phone f,ii! Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture repairing, mattress making, 122 fi. Main nt. Ellis C. ItctMO has been railed to Gnrrtt, Kan., by thu nerloui lllncs of his brother, who la In n critical condition. XV. C Bunnell, trustee) of Knox township, was In thu city yesterdey and neslsted In tho rntlllcatloi celebration Inst night. Will Knne, for creating' n disturbance nt hN home Frldny night wns given n seven day Jail sentence yesterday In police court. Itobert Henderson has resigned as city editor nf the Nonpareil nnd will go to Washington nt private ecrotnry to Con grersmiin Walter 1. Smith. News hns been received of tho death In Salt Lake of H. F. Gallnnd, for many years n resident of this county. Mrs. Gnlland Is a sister of Mrs. J. W. Kelly of this city. A motion has been filed In tho district court to transfer the damage milt of Mrs. Sadie Coleman ngalnst Dr. J. E. Summers of Omaha to the United States circuit court. A man giving the name of H. C. Edwards and said to to from South Omalu was ar retted last evening, charged with Mcnllnu; a sack of flour from n Broadway grocer.' store and several women',) undervests fff ni In front of thn Boston atore. Ho was ar rested at the Kiel hotel. The attraction for tonight at tho Dnhany theater will oc "Escaped From Sing Sing; ' by the Hedmond company. This announce ment Is doubtliss sufficient to drnw n well filled house, an tho Hedmonds aro favorites In Council Bluff nnd tho piece Is ono of tho most popular lt tho repertolro of the company. N. Y. Plumbing Co., tnlephone 250. Gravel roofing. A. H. Head. C41 Broadway. Government In TeNtliiK Sluiiiit I.iiiiiiik. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Tests nre now In progress In this city of storm-warning lights to be placed on tho new Nlgunl towers recently authorized by congress to be estab'lshed In the principal harbors of the country. A large number of mnkes of lights have been submitted for adoption unit nre now under consideration. It Is planned to test the nower of the respective lights from tho tower of the postoftlce building In this city, If authority Is given by thu liontat officials. The object aimed nt Is to Increase the carrying cnpaclty of tho llEhts. While the present mnxlmuui Is nbout five or nl' miles, It Is aimed to reach n dlatanc of twolvo miles at sen with tho now oil lamps nnd fifteen to eighteen miles with tlio electric lights )n ordlnnry weather. Makers of lamps In this country nnd Europe have entered Into the competition, which Ib now closed, for equipping the 300 stations contemplated. American mnkers have protested agnlnst the award of the contract to tho foreign manufacturers und Chief Moore ot the weather bureau has do elded that the contract will be given to American bidders, unless the Europenn lamp greatly exceeds tlio American lamp. Will Erect DeiTey Monument. SAN FBANC18CO. Nov. 10. A monument to comtnemornto the victory of Admiral Dewey at .Manila ib to lie erected in this city. The commltteo to which tho designs offered In competition were submitted hns accepted tnnt sent in ny uoorgo T. Browster of New York. It Is a clnsslo dorlo column surmounted by n winced llgum of Victor' About tho square bnNc, will bo reliefs tllustrntlng the naval battle which cavo thn Philippines to this country. ILERS PURE MAIT WHISKEY Purity above Suspicion, Sold by Druggist and Dealers. WILLOW SPRING! DISTILLERY, OMAHA ,U.S.A. CURES THE rpenfs jStmg Contagious Blood Poison is the most treacherous, the most degrading and humiliating of all diseases, and no other is so surely handed down from parent to child from generation to generation and many severe cases of Rheuma tism, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers and obstinate skin troubles can be traced to this blood poison taint. The doctors know as little about this disease now as they did one hundred years ago, as they still prescribe Mercury and Potash to be taken from two to three years with the result that at the end of that time the patient is in a 'worse condition than when the treatment was begun aching bones and muscles, offensive sores and ulcers, spongy j;ums, and loss of hair and finger nails may be expected when the system has been saturated with these poisonous minerals. Mercury and Potash do not cure Contagious Blood Poison. Under their use all signs of the disease may disappear, but when the treatment is left off the same old symptoms reappear, and those who rely upon these minerals find to their sorrow "the snake has only been scotched, not killed ". Contagious Blood Poison is a dangerous disease always at work, though you may see no sign of it on the outside. You know from the frequent pains and general run-down condition of your system that the poison is doing its deadly work within you. A pcrsou afflicted with this terrible disease is unfitted to occupy the station in life he aspires to in the business and social world, and must deny himself the enjoyment of domestic happiness. If your blood is tainted, it is certain that your children will inherit the same disease, or perhaps it will make its appearance in the form of Scrofula or some terrible skin trouble. What a horrible inheritance to leave to innocent posterity. S. S. S. has for fifty years been curing Con tagious Blood Poison in all stages. It is the only antidote, the only remedy that can over come this peculiar virus. It searches out and removes every vestage of the poison from the system, and there is never any return of this vile disease to embarrass and humiliate you. The cure is thorough and permanent. No matter how long this poison has been in your blood, even when the constitution has been broken down by the inroads of disease and effects of Mercury and Potash, S. S. S. will build you up and restore your blood to a healthy, vigorous condition. It is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains not one particle of Mercury, Potash. Arsenic, or any CJOVliKlil-) W I 1 IT. oOR.ES. was a,mclea wlUl a terr,ble bloo disease ; my muuui was inn oi sores aim uiccrs, eruptions THE ONLY ANTIDOTE FOR THIS DEADLY POISON- poisonous drug. It leaves no bad effects, no matter how long it is taken, but builds up the general health while purifying the.blood. It is nature's remedy, and guar anteed absolutely harmless. CURE YOURSELF AT HOME. appeared on my body, in spots at first, but afterwards spread all over my lKxly. These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before I became convinced that the doctors could do no good I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. I then tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first IxHtlc of S. S. S. I was greatly improved, and was delighted with the result. The large red splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin as clear as a piece of glass. H. I MVKRS, ioo Mulberry street, Newark, N. J. Our book on Contagious Blood Poison contains valuable information about this disease, with full and complete directions for self-treatment. It is sent free to any one desiring it. Write for it. It tells you how to cure yourself at home, and rid 3'our system of this dangerous poison. Our physicians have made a life study of blood poison diseases. Write them fully and freely about ypur case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA. i i ' i Furniture Guarantee For 30 years wo have been purveyors to the Furnituro wants of. tho people, and our name has been synompous with the best quality and low est prices. We have today put a price on a miscellaneous lot of pieces of Furniture at from 25 per cent to 50 per cent below our regular low prices. There is not a singlo piece but what is strictly first-class in stylo and finish, but tho crowded condition of our warerooms necessitatof the moving of some of our stock to make room for Holiday goods. Notice the following. No. 781 Combination Bookcase Mahogany fin ish; carved; genuine marqueting on desk lid and draw ers; 42 Inches Avide nnd 79 inches nn high; regular price of this piece ?3G, now. . . UUu33 No. 64 Combination Bookcase Solid Quartered oak; golden finish; polished; finely carved; has three large drawers at bottom; 35 inches wide nnd (50 inches high u very pretty pattern; was $23 nn present price lUiUU No. 29 Library Case Mahogany finish; lined with bird's-eye maple; large drawer at bottom; 33 inches wide by (57 inches high; usually f O Ca sells for our price lUiJU These quotations ropresont but a very few of made up of the no west and best goods to be found in tho No. 81 Library Table Solid Mahogany; 30 inches by UK-inch top; large drawers, beautifully carved legs former price $35.00 an exceptional value JJ' gQ No. 584 Bedroom Suit Solid 'Quartered Oak, 30x40 pattern; French plate mirror top of dresser is 28 inches deep and 52 inches long; double sweli front u very heavily carved suit our regular price LTZ A A has been 00.00 price now only UJiUU No. 62 Brass Bedstead A $30.00 Bed for $20.00. Full size; heavy pillars and knobs; double side rail. This bed is put together in the most substantial manner, ft can not be equaled for the price. what we are prepared to show you. Our entire lino i markots. As to prices, you will find them always right. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co., 1115 and 1117 Farnatti Street. STRONG Bold by WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Ther hire ttood the tMtofyean. dull (14T. buim inuuimu, u caiet of Nfrvou, Diteaici, incb at Debility, Uutincit.bletpleii- Ah AIM I 2Sx2rtaiaTh,yd"rh:bri'm',Mtn,hea nUrilll I VB,BB, the circulation, mate diitlon pa perfect, and impart a healthy krlfor to the whole beiof. All drama andlooej are checkthrrmtxtntly, Urlni patienta are properly cored, tbeir condition odea worries them Into Insanity, Ceniumptionor Drub. Milled icalcd. Pnc tt per boa: 6 boxei,with Iron-clad lejal auaiantee to cure or refund tho f money. vco. "r fn-i book. Aodreaa. PEAL Hf'CII" rtf.f"1. 0. Kubn ft Co.. UUi and Douela. and J. A. Fuller ft Co.. nth ana Douim. - JS A. f t p ENTOOYAL, PILLS jfVv , MrUlMl Only Gemlue. lor riiiuticsTKK'n j.Mii.iriii la HKII .14 U.ld latliUL 1mm m!4 Uh tliierltui. Tl.ei.thtr. Krf j Maagrri kaVttllntlsai aa4 liaiu. linn. & t jar linigl,i r niJ4 Il irM Ui FarlltaUr. TaatlmaaUU Il "lUller far l.adla,"a lr, 7 r urn Mall. 1 O.OOO TMIlBtsalftlt. IUI4 ft all brufftttt. CftlfhMb.Ck.MlMl fk .tl-JUlif.f.! M kaaar. Mlll., t'Ai CURE YOURSELF! Uau Ilia ii fnr unnatnraa dlarharfea, lofl.min.tivna. Irritations or ulcerailoni uf liiuouui raernbranea raliilett. and cot aitrla. 1'nOmuTuCl, Ktal or roUonua. .CiHCiin,0.TiTH u,u "7 aarttreisiaw -nr arm in plain wrapper. hr exprris, prepaid, I. in. or I bottiaa. aa.rs. Urcuier hhi rwaaatj la 1 KlOli'V la Jr'rtTft auitaa laaVclHCi k v. a. BTaTaTaV- .aTv