Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 20

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November 11, 1000.
Good and Bad
Four Years More
. . . of the . . .
Full Demijohn
His Victory is Phoiiomonnl and Demonstrates
tlio Great Fact,
'I'll it No AiikIo-Siixoii lliiec Will
IIchitI it I.i'IkIit While tin
Country 1 1 I.i-ihIh In
ill Will-.
Artificial Limbs
Apparently Senator I'ettlKrow'a iiHHortlon
tlmL no AiikId-Suxhii pcoplu hnvo ovor do
sorted u lender wlillo ut war In true Tliu
wnrforo In tlio Philippines Is oxpotislvo and
public sentiment Ih greatly divided upon
tlio l'lilllpplno problem. It hut) been tlio
effort of tlio republicans throughout tho
cainpalKU to minimize, this warfare and ot
tlio democrats to iiiunlf y It. The- former
call It
A lllNliirluiiii'c of (In Pi-nee
Thoy nro mnklng artificial limbs bo was not properly done nnd that makes
cleverly thcBo days that tho pcoplo who lots of trouble.
wenr thorn forgot thoy ovor suffered tho "A falso Icr will last from eight to flf
trlllltiK cmbnrruBBinont of losing a leg or tecu years, depending upon the character
two or even an arm, relates tho Chicago of tho work done by tho man who wears
Chronicle. Thoy put In such flexible Joints It. If ho has to give It very hard service,
nnd such charming rubber feet that tho of coutso It will wour out sooner, like
wearers of these Improved legs danco gayly anything else. Hero Is a photograph of a
at balls and cotillions without raising iv boy, you see, with both legs amputated
question as to tho mako-up of their limbs, below the knees. Hero ho Is standing up
Thero Is n man In a downtown ofilco wear- with n pair of falso legs. That boy Is no-v
Iiik an artificial leti and foot his own a telegraph operator In Knnsas and ho
having been amputated four Inches below plnya baseball as well as tho beBt of them."
the kneo, who Jumps six foot forward In
Guerrilla Kmnicrson
Captain S. I. Kmmerson, formerly of
a sprightly manner Just to show what ho
can do when tho subject of woodon legs
Is mentioned. Ho can pick up a 200 pound
man In bis arms, and hold hltn easily and
danco a Jig with his rubber foot and willow Dallas, died In Denver, Colo., on Tuosday
limb. Ho would Just ns soon havo an nrtlll- Inst, relates tho St. Louis Republic. Cnp
clal leg nnd foot ns not. There Is ono ad- tnln Emmerson was one of tho most noted
vnntni:o. ho savs. Ho never has rheumatlmn characters produced on tho southern sldo
and tho later a revolution. The pcoplo were ftn(j no nov0r suffers with corns or chll- of tho wnr between tho states. A native
unwilling to take chances and stood by tho Plains. c can cult a nokor irnino nt any of Kentucky, ho had strong southern In-
admlnlstrallon. Tho patriot who said: "My tnK0 without being ncciiBcd of having "cold cllnatlons and when tho wnr camo bo
country, riglil or wrong, amy sue ovor uo tuvt." Ho Is aB hanny ns a grig, though raised and commanded nn "Irregular" con-
right, but, right or wrong, my country," jHt wny (l RrK should bo happy Is ono ol federnto force commonly known as guor
struck a sympathetic chord In tho brensts , tlittiKM no fellow can find out. rlllas.
of tho Ainorlcnn people. It Is tho same ..Tll0 muinE 0r nrtlflclnl limbs." Bald ono Many of the exploits of Kmmerson's com-
of tho mnkorB ns ho stood with n pleco mand were as daring nnd sensational aB
of willow trco In his hands nnd looked nt those of Qiinntrull. Morgan or Mosby. In
It with a critical oyo, "Is an art. ICvory ono of bin raids he was captured and Im-
Tom, Dick nnd Hnrry who hangs out n prisoned In Kentucky, but made a bold es
Hhlnglo cannot mnko nrtlflclnl limbs prop' capo by cutting through tho prison roof.
serve Life Association was organized there erly. If they did some of us would have Ho was hooh In action agnln nnd In I860
was lit lit Incentive to do otherwise than ,0 Ko out or inisiness. You see, tnoy go or isti nan commnnci 01 mo lorco 01 nooui
keep tip the old policy. Now, howover, m tno liiisineBs in n Plundering wny anil try mu men mm rouo into umcngo wnu tno 111
llianks to the foresight of " """" "t legs as cheaply as possible, nnd tentlon of cniiHlng nn uprising thnt should
tho reBiilt Is thoy turn out bnd ones, Every- capturo or destroy tno city, in hub nopt
1 lil n 1- lliw iii Din nt 1 1 in' nf Dm utnniii. Tin. EiiimcrBoii wuH 1 1 h ii ii i x) I ti t o (i . He escaped
of this young, vigorous and popular life m(lklllK of tllL, )oK ,t(,clf , ni,no3t Hecondary capture, as ho often related, by stealing t
insurance company, too people 01 eiiniaii nttlni? H11,.h ...nv ..., u ...m nol horse nnd riding beyond the lines of
bothor tho man who wenrs It. Tho ninklng danger. Ho then turned the horso looso
of bnd logs Ih what keeps the business of and "hoped It got back to Its owners,"
us who mako good legs going." Hero tho aB ho always expressed It.
limb mnkor paused a moment to see Captnln Kmmerson was n friend of Frank
whothor thnt Bhot had found a tnrget. James ln war days and also of City Mar-
"TJforo nro plenty of limbs demanded," he shnl I'lilllnm of Ardmore. I. T. These men
went on, "owing to accidents and ampiita- have often spoken highly of him ns n roan
tlons for ono reason nnd another, but If and soldier. Captain Kmmerson lived for
nil tlio legs mndo nnd sold were flt to wear niauy years on his Dallas county farm,
permanently tho business would bo pretty near Richardson. Ho was nn old bachelor
slack. Tho fact Is that two-thirds of tho and Inclined to retlconco on tho subject
false limbs turned out by boiiio houses nro of tho civil war, particularly In rcgnrd to
unBatlsfactory nnd their purchasers come his own part In It. Ho novcr got over
hero nnd throw them nwny when thoy got his grief for the "lost cause." Ilcforo go
now ones. See," and ho opened tho door Ing to Denver, when his henlth failed him.
of a closest nnd showed a scoro of nrtlflclnl he called on Mrs. Knto Cabell Currlo of
IcgB of nil makes, patonts nnd weights. Dallas, former nntlonnl president of the
Thoy wore all second-hand, but some of Daughters of tlio Confederacy nnd now nt
them had ovldontly boon worn only a short t"L" head or tlio local ciiapter or tho order,
tlmo. "e Bald to her:
"Fool tho weight of Hint," ho Bald, hand- "When tho southern confederacy por
ing nut a ponderous thing of leather and Ished I lost what stood to mo In my af
wood and metal. It fell on tho Moor with fectlons tho smiio ns do a wife, children
a clank like that of a bushel of coal. and family ties to other men. When 1
"What do you think of a man trying nm dead, which will bo soon, I nsk that
to wear a thing like that?" he asked. "Now, you see that I nm burled nmong my own
In here I'll Bhow you the lightest nrtlflclnl kind of people. I deslro that n plain buU
limb over mndo." of confederate gray bo my burlnl garments.
Ho led the wny to nn Inner room, where I want none but former confederate sol
di n cabinet were half a dozen now limbs, dlers to net as pallbearora and to place mo
all of tho queer pink which Is supposed to In the gravo. I deslro that tho confed-
resemblo flesh tints. Hut they certainly rnto nag Do spread upon my collln. I do-
wero light. A limb which was Intended sire that a plain monument, surmounted
to bo strnpped around the hip for nn am- by llfe-slzo confederate soldlor, be
putntlon above the kneo wns as light as erected over my grave and that on my
a basket of chips. It was mndo of willow, monument shall be enrved this epltnph
pared very thin, covered with raw hide, nnd onl': '"ro "''s a man who believed ln
thon painted with waterproof enamel. Tho l" traditions nnd teachings of tho old
feeling which prompts men to stnnd by
their stale nnd to stand by (heir town.
Ill Hie liiNiiriuiee IIiinIim-nn
tho policy hitherto has been to stand by
alien companies. Until tho Hankers Ro
and the west nro opening their eyes to tho
Importance of building up great flnnnclnl
Institutions here at homo which are the
mainstay and support of our growing com
merce. The Hankers Reservo I,lfo writes
I'olleli'N t'uexeelleil A n ivliere.
They nre modern, llbernl, clear In diction
and up-to-date In every particular nnd nro
cheerfully taken by the best business men
In Nobrnska because they know the com
pany, the maiingcmeut uud the plan. Tho
plan of Insurnnco meets the domnnds of tho
Home Olllee, Met'nuue lliillillnur.
The Difference . . .
Home beers are brewed with the very beHt
materials, but the water used In not whnt
It should be, hence the beer cannot lie
called perfect
foot wns of rubber, Arm but flexible, nnd
tho knee nnd nnkle Joints worked as well
as metal Joints can work.
"That Is tho leg that I got that certificate
for," Bald tho llmbmnkor, pointing to a
"In my will I shall mnko provisions for
my burlnl expenses."
Mrs. Currlo promised Captnln Emmer
son thnt sho would do as ho had requested
It Is different with our popular III, UK
KIIIHOK bottled beer The innterlalH we
iihii In Hid iiroiliictlon of this faiiioilH brand
are tho very best In q.iullty and the water
lined Is direct from our own artesian well,
insuring n pure perfect and wholesome
beer PHONIC Km
Editor and Preacher
sou htiYfAlwarn
vltli rflii. KmhiUI
wtwt iiy uattitf lit I
1'rtworvHn nnl whiten tlio tethi strengthen the!
uuiiih, Hwiiiiu inn uroaui, i luuibemic, coounif,
rufrtwhlutf. Tho nUiulunl dentifrice for 3D year.
U5o ut nil lrutit, r bjr mall.
C. H. STKONO & CO., Chicago, U. 3. A.
framed certllleato from the World's Fair, When notified last Tuesday of his death
which set forth that tho artificial limbs alio mndo tho arrangements for his funeral.
mndo by tills manufacturer wero the real The body was met nt tho railway station
thing. on Its nrrlval from Denver by n sound of
"Very few of tno old-fashioned wooden former confederate soldiers, who horo It
stumps are made now," ho wont on. "Of to the residence of Judgo Kd S. Lnudor-
courso, some people who nro too poor to dnle, from where tho funeral took plnco,
get nn nrtlflclnl limb mnko them themselves. The grave was In the middle of tho burlnl
They take n couple of pieces of wood and lot owned by the Daughters of tho Con
chop them out some way to support their federacy. Camp Sterling I'rlco, United Con-
welght. A good leg, one of tho kind I federate Veternns, attended In n body and
showed you In there, Is worth nbout $100. their old bnttle-Bcnrred confederate flag
Of course this prlco keeps many people was sprend ove tho coflln.
from getting them, but thoy nro worth
It. They must bo fitted with a care nnd
skill which comcB only with experlonet
and It Is worth money to got the right
thing tho first time. Thero hns been a Rev. Judson Tltsworth, pastor of Plyra-
great ndvance iiindo In tho making of artl- outh Congregational church of Mllwnukoo,
llclal limbs ln the last decade. One tin- edited tho Mllwnukoo Journal on Saturday,
provement tins followed another until now October 27, and his experience led him
It Is almost Impossible to detect tho pros- to tho following conclusion: "Tho paper
once of n flrst-class artlflclnl limb. They ns it Is published today Ib nearer what
aro making foot of rubber nnd of aluminum Clirlat would mako It than tho paper edited
and of wood, but I think the rubber feet by Mr, Sheldon, I havo learned many
aro tho only perfect ones mndo. They things today that I shall always romomber.
bend nnd glvo to tho steps of n man walk- It has been a pleasant experience." George
Ing, which aluminum does not. F. GrasBle, a reporter of tho Journal,
A funny thing nbout falso legs," went preached In Mr. Tltsworth's church on Sun-
on the builder of underpinning, "Is tho day ovonlng, October 28, tnklng for his
prevalence of tho term 'cork leg.' Now as topic, "Tho Ethical Sldo of tho Newspapor
a matter of fact thero Is no such thing as Business." In tho courao of bis sermon
a cork leg nnd there never wns, Cork ho said: "That tho press is a great In-
would uot do for a leg It would crumble- stltutlon all will agreo; that it has many
away. It was never used for the purpose faults no ono knows bo well as the news-
and I cannot Imagine how that oxpres- paper men thomselvos. Thoy feel It every
slon originated, but right along you hear day. And they aro trying their best to
peoplo talking nbout somebody with a remedy the defects, but they are held down
'cork log.' The legs aro mado of willow, and choked by tho public, Thoy can get no
docuubo It Is light and vory strong. Wo higher than tho public lets thorn. Every
got It In blocks, as you seo, and make man ho meets knows how to run a paper
evory leg to ordor. It must be much roor hotter than tho editor docs. 'If I were run-
carefully fitted nnd measured thai a pair nlng your paper,' ho begins. Tho editor
'My dear man, you cannot
W&TPn Hoiianio women or men
TV rli Hvf to sell our uoodH to tha
consumer In communities from 1.000 to 10.- of shoes or n suit of clothes, for tho least Btona and aava
woV7iayIlUOlireM,aT QIIKA''kaST- thl"K Ut f th Wny wlU lrrltnto tho run a papon 1 caunot run n papor- The
URN COFITKK AND J ISA CO., 301 South I 1 ''' unuu uuiu iu iicui wmi puuuc ruua uu mu )iuiwrs. i cuiur to ino
. . . Have it filled with
Green River Whiskey
In order to Introduco this celebrated whiskey, wo will for
a short tlmo, deliver, express charges prepaid
One Gallon for $4.00.
Goods neatly packed In plain boxes. ThlB whiskey Is ln usa
at tho United Htntes Naval Hospitals on uccount or Its abso
lute purity nnd high medicinal properties, for which It also re
ceived the Gold Medal at Paris Exposition, 1900.
At all flrst-class burs.
M. WOLLSTEIN & CO., Sole Agents,
522-524 South Ulh St., OMAHA, NEB.
-Do you want a fine
bottled beer that
combines nil tho
qualities of a stim
ulating tonic with
tho pleasant tasto
and snnppy flavor
of n choice bever
age? All beers may
look allko to some
people, but they
grade from A 1
down to mighty
bad, and regular
Indnleence In tho
mighty hnd kind
mentis biliousness,
hendnche nnd ren
ernl depression.
Our bottled beer
grades A1 nnd wo
only mnke ono
kind. Its n new
brnnd, brewed
from pure water,
best hops nnd se
lected bnrley, nnd
its properlv nsted
before delivery.
Ask your denier
for It or send to
ub direct.
rfo Mvonire I
llijpi'" iiW j
TEL. 119. OMAHA.
vWH09fiBlHr' BF' BBBsBIb
IN COMPOUNDING, nn incomplete mlxttir.
wait accidental! y spilled on tlio back of the
hand, anil on wuhIiIui: afterward It wan ill,
covered that the bulr was coniplutuly ro
niovcil, Wo named the new discovery MO
UKNK, It l absolutely hannlvsH, but worki
HiircrcHiiliH. Apply for a few niliime-1 tinil
tin- lialr disappears as If by iiinjrlc. It Can
not Fall. If tho k'rowtli bo lltrlit, one appli
cation will rcmovu lti tho heavy growth
sued as the beard or Krowth on moles, may
reuulrotwoormore applications, and with
out slightest Injury or unpleasant feeling
when applied or everafterwnrd. Modene su
..I....ilinilu lll h ... ....
lliieiiient, and recommended by all who have
tested Its merits.
Modcmt sen t by mull, In safety mailing.
ci ses iseeureiy seaiuiii, uu ii-euiiu ui 91. uu
pi r bottle. Send money by letter, with .vour
fu 1 address written plainly. Postage
st nip taken. Local and sren'l agents wanted
1, ,!Uf .llilUIVI.iil uuui, ,10,
-l nliomll l rvnpv linlltll l.n-lt-lll!iuf IV..
er Sl.lHllI for failure or nllKhtoat Injury,
10th Street, St, Louis, Mo,
bad nmputatlons whore tho surgical work public'
The $eal of
"tlTHEN we delirer an order of
TT printlna we render full value
for our charges, and also "satis,
faction." The "satisfaction" Is
thrown In, aa It were, Just to gra
tlfy you and retain your patronage.
We nave only one way of doing
business, and that la why every
customer gets "satisfaction," 0
A. I. Root, Printer
414-416 South 12th, Omaha
All the Laales Bat
Gold Medal
Chocolate Bon Bons
By Rxpreas,
1, SI, 3. aut 5 ponnd boxes, 60e a ponnd.
W. S. Balduff,
lClS-10 Parmaaa St., Onaha. Neb.
In the celebrated KEOENT $S.B0 SHOES
shoes of the most ipproved aid tip-to-date
patterns In all leathers, Including the new
and popular patent vlcl kid the shoe for
durability, tone and ease others ask you
$5.00 and $6.00 for their equal cur prices
$2.50 and $3.50. We
205 South 15th.
Write for Illustrated Catalogue-free
iREEosSllfflnSal fl 1
If alck send a lock of your hair, name,
ago, sex and 4 eta. In stamps and I will
dlnBnoae your case FItEK and tell you
what will cure your ailments. Address Dr.
J. C. Batdorf, Dept. 12, Grand Rapids, Kioto.
by best
Ask your
to show
you a
Cake Secrets
Contains more Information about making
Fine Cakes than many high-priced
cook books. It will be given
rPETC For Llmlud Tlmt w(h
r n U.C. Mch pickjgc sold of
Not Helf.rlsing. Good all the year round.
Made only by
Iglihoart Bros., Evamvllle, Indiana.
Departaent C.