Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1900, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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    Telephones 618 And 09 1.
may be
but not
kind "fall wool that sensitive
people care to have. We shall
Bpeak of the liner pradi'3 of
all wool blankets today.
North Btar all wbol white blankets,
size 01x80, at JI.GO, J5.00, J3.C0, JG.00.
Tin: omo klekcb hlankhts.
I-'Ino grade of all wool whlto blanket,
slzoz 70x82, weight 5',4 pounds, at
18.10 a pair.
an excellent puro wool guaranteed,
unBhrlnkablo lilankot, made In fancy
plaids, It Ih strong and Arm, yet pll
ablo and fleecy tlzo 01x80, lbs.,
at fS.75 a pair.
Blzo 71x81, 3V4 lbs., at J8.S0 a pair.
flt, Mary's Hobo Mankct. Theso are
fltit double faced goods, In Jacqunrd
figures, for ladles' wrappers, bath
VobeH, etc., sizes TCxS I, at J7.G0 each.
Our Indian robes are the talk of the
town, hIzu 60x72, In all wool beau
tiful color effects, at $1, U0, $?,
$5.50, $8, and 56.50 each.
BulileV Indian blankets, ut (I each.
Odd but beal'tlful.
Our con-el
departintnit is
one of the
most popu ar
in tho store,
because we
nover fail
to give most
complete natisfaction.
Eiery thins Is Straight Front Corsets
this year. "La Grecquo" lattice,
ribbon corset. They lit closo to the
form, giving firm support nnd nsslst
In development of an erect, stately
figure. Ask to be flt toil with "La
Orecque" corset prices $l."0 to J3.C0.
Ohinfio Emperor Declines to Punish Tung
Fu Hsifuig as Allies Bequest.
Present Drain In I.liultnl to Contriiel
liilC Preliminary Trent jr AcUniml
rtlKlnir u 1mv Vltnl
l'EKIN. Nov. y. (Via Shanghai, Nov. 10.)
LI Hung Chang has received -n note from
Emperor Kwnug Su declining to accede
to the demand for tho punishment of Tung
Fu Hailing nnd conscntlnc only to the ban
ishment of Yu listen. Tho note has not
yet bocn formally communicated to the
Although the ministers affirm that tho lr
meeting wns porfectly harmonious, they
practically agreeing upon all tho questloii3
considered, they havo not yet proceeded
beyond most elementary subjects. Tho
question of Indemnity, for Instance, wns
not evou discussed. It Is of such magni
tude that thoy seemingly nro desirous of
putting oft Its consideration as long as
possible and tho negotiations aro likely
to bo greatly protracted before anything
will bo toady to present to tho Chluoso
plenipotentiaries. The present deslro of
tho ministers is, llrst, to contract a pre
liminary treaty acknowledging a few prin
ciples, such as Indemnities and tho se
curity for tho future of tho lives nud prop,
erty of foreigners, leaving tho other ques
tions to ho negotiated soparatcly by each
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of
eczema or salt rheum, pimples and
other cutaneous eruptions proceed from
humors, either Inherltea, or acquired
through defective digestion and as
similation. To treat these eruptions with drying
medicines Is dangerous.
The thing to do is to help the sys
tem .discharge the humors, and to
strengthen it against their return.
Hood'f Hrprlll ptrtnauently cured J,
O. Illnes, Franki, III,, of rrtema, from which
kti had suffered for sum time; and Miss
Alvlna Wolter, Box 212, Alcona, Wis., of pim
ples ou her face and back and chafed skin on
her body, by which she had been greatly
troubled. There are mora testimonials In
faror of this great medicine than caa be
Hood' 9 Sarmapariila
Promises to cure and keeps the prom
ise. No longer put off treatment
Buy a bottle of Hood's today.
ffalp soma 4erTlng koy or tlrl cat practical saucatloa rnn,
(t. aid No.)
Tata eoupna If accompaalei by cask
Th Omaha Be oounta IS vot for each Ue paid, 100 rotes far sack f 1 pall, ata.
.. Coupons with rash must b oouatcralcnsd br etreulatleo dsDartmaBt
C4-t4. T'lIc f-4- DPet F offlre or mall to 'TRBB f
Will. 1 Ilia UUl SCHOLArtSmr nKPARTMRNT," Osaaba I
- Bee, Omaha, Nab. !
- ii'iiiel uiunri tteu, .ird, h ti'eioou i, in, i
Are Elected
Sell You Choice and Reliable
I" - r Li
Two Barnains in
From this
Black Dress Goods
vast stock
of black
goods, the finest in Omaha, wo
select two numbers of black
goods for special pricing that
should command the attention
of economical buyers.
Stylish Pebblo Cheviot, $1 yard.
flood wool, weight, handsome finish.
Two beautiful serviceable stuffs.
This beautiful satin finished material
still retains Its well deserved popu
larity, and will be much used for the
clinging gown now so fashionable,
all colors and black. Ask to seo
this new fabric bofore making your
purchase 4U-lneh, $1.2, a yard.
Today, zibcllnes hold first placo In
tho world of fashion. They aro (treat
favorites among lovers of tine dress
textures Without question, tho aris
tocrats of the season. All colors nnd
black, SO-lnclt, $1.60 yard.
Wo nro showing a handsome line of
mixed zlbcllnes at $1.00 yard.
Th kind that will wear, strong In tex
ture nnd a beautiful lustre. 7"c, ft,
1.25, l.r,0, 11.75, 2, $2.50 yard.
Underwear Special We havo a
lino of wo
men's suits in silk and merino
That wo have always cold at $7.50 per
suit, on special sale this week at
SG.00 per suit. Thoy come In fle3h
color and are tho fatuous Portage
Klilt-to-Flt goods.
We Close Our Store SnttirJnys at fl P. M.
Thompson, Beldeh 2c Co.
power. There Is every probability that the
negotiations will last for years.
Tho best Informed persons do not be
lieve tho Chlneso court will return to tho
capital whtlo any foreign troop. remain
In Pekln.
General Ilallloiid lleiinrt Untile II r-
tween French Troona and
ISn trenched Inaururtita.
PAHIS, Nov. 10. General Hnllloud, com
mandlng the French forces In China, an
nounces In a dispatch received hero today
that u serious Tloxer movement Is reported
south of Pao Kit Ting.
Ho reports that tho French troops at
tacked an entrenched village on October
30 nnd drove out tho L'oxers, desplto tho
lattcr's artillery. Three Frenchmen woro
killed and several wounded.
IlrttUli Owners of Tien Tnln-Pekln
I.lnr Will lie Tut In 1'osars
alnn of Their Property.
TIEN TSIN. Nov. 9. (Friday.) As a re
Biilt of tho British representations to tho
St. Petersburg government Httsgla Is off!
daily Uaudlug over tho railway to Pekln
to Count von Waldcrsce, who will glvo It
up to tho Urltlsh owners.
Bplglum ulso 1ms annexed land for n for-
olgn settlement.
Ilepurt nf Lord HoberU Contulna De.
Mcrlntloim of Mnny Intereat
Iuk Fltflitn.
LONDON, Nov. 10. Lord Uoborts. tele-
graphing from Johnnuesburg under date of
.ovcmbor 8, reports to the War ofllco as
uonerai Knox stutes Hint he tuUis no
crcitlt for tho very ueccsful iiBngenifit
or November 6, which was due in the tlrst
Instanco to tho determination of LegallaU
never to loso touch with the enemy, and,
secondly, to tho uble way in which De
Lisle handled the llring line after LegalUls
and lloss were wounded.
Hnilth-Dorrlcu reports that tho two days'
lighting tnent.oneii wus verv hard. Hlj
force consisted of 25) mounted troops from
the Mfth Lancers, his roynl
(IruKOOIls lllnl mntintpil rlrten minl
Canadlun artlllory guns, four guns of tho
l?,BnJy-fo.,.,rtn battery und m Infantry of
the Suffolks and Shropshlres.
The Htiers wero met soon nfter starting:
from Belfast and hung "it the front, Hunks
and rear until the Komatl river was
trnched, where they Btnod nt very strong
position. From this tin" wero forced to
iciiru uy ii wiuo lunuug movement by win
nUrfOlKs lllld tho ClUl.uU.ui mounted trnnnn
nround their (Unit. All th6 llrst day Boer
slgnnl tires wero lighted In nil directions
mid befuro nio.-iiln they wete strongly
Vlllltlt V 111,
Our casualties tho flr-u day were nix
Killed nnd twenty wounded, ehlellv of the
HhropnhlreH, who fought splendidly. The
next day tha Boers tried to seize tho strong
position on thi hnnli nf the Knmutl fr.on
niiiLii iiiuj wriii iieuien out ivemuor ti,
hut wero prevented tiy Colonel Kvnn. with
..... , ..i. ... , ...
inn i.'ntuuimii mounted trojtiH and two of
too t'.ign y-roui tn kuiib, gii iopinB two miles
nnd seizing It tu tho nick of time. The
rear on ino leturn nuircli wns i1efonrtd
by Colonel Ix'ss.ird, with tho Canadlnn
dragnnns nnd two royul Canadian guns
undur Lleutonuut Morris.
Sinlth-Oiirrlon says no prulfo can bo too
high for the devoted gallantry these troops
parmtnt on subscription aceonml tm
) --- (!
Art Needlework Now is the
season for wo
men to begin to think about
fancy work.
Wc havo n nice line of stamped linens,
Including centers, doylies, lunch
cloths, Ncarfs, tablo covers, tray,
cloths, nlllow- tons. etc. Mini a mi I
Pin cushions from 50c to $3 each.
Laundry bags, 35c to C5c cacti.
Tablo covers, 10c each. ,
A complete Hue of novelties, hand
decorated, suitable for gifts.
Hattenburg nnd point lncc materials.
A complclo lino of Holding llros' cm
broidery silk.
Lesions given Wednesday and Saturday
Bonnets and
Don't delay
about mak
ing your se
lections until
the assort
ment is broken. Kemombor,
that early selecting means
first choice.
Wc arc snowing nomo pretty things In
bonnets, In nil new and deslrnblo
Our utcck of Angora and silk crochet
rups, U very complete. Seo tho line
of wool crochet Toboggan Hoods, at
50c and 7ou each, for school girls.
Knitted and Jersey leggings for ltttlo
folks, misses mid ladles.
Linen Mesh Underwear -Wo are
for the Deimel Linen Mesh
Underwear, tho most practi
cal garments to wear all sea
eons of the year.
Pcoplo who are troubled with colds or
rheumatic troubles, (should Investi
gate this garment. We have a llt
tlo booklet that tells all about It
ask for ono at our underwear coun
ter. showed In keeping off. the enemy from the
Infantry convoys.
In tho afternoon nn event unprecedented
In this war occurred, when some &
mounted Bner.i suddenly charged thu rear
gunrd to within seventy yards, when they
were stopped by tho Canadian drugooiis.
Dining the dglit sixteen of the Cnnadlann
fell Into tho bands of tho enemy, who
treated them kindly nnd released the n nfter
removing their own .lea. nnd wounded
during which operation the Canadians vero
compelled to llo ou their faces in prjer
that they mlitht not seo how heuvlly iio
Boers hud mffored.
Our casualties were two killed and twelvo
.Noble Muritit of In Sum
moned by 111m Wife tn Defend
Jlofore Chancery.
(Copyright, 10OO, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Nov. 30. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho suit
for divorce brought by tho beautiful young
marchioness of Anglesey ngnlnit her hus
band, Henry Cyril Paget, fifth marquis of
Anglesey, was foreseen here, since within
a month after tholr marrlago they sepa
rated ou tho Riviera. Tho marquis has
sluco devoted himself to his favorite pas
time of skirt dancing and last year ho ap
peared at a music hall in Munich lit Imita
tion of Lole Fuller's dances.
The marquis of Anglesey Is tho head of
tho famous l'aget family and Is a cousin
of, Almerlc Hugh Paget, con-ln-law of
William C. Whitney of New York, and
of Sydney and Arthur Paget. Ho
Is only 25 years old and suc
ceeded to bis title on the death of
his father, two yearH ago. lie Is a thor
oughly offctutnnto looking young follow and
ho may be seen when in Paris walking
around with n toy terrier under his arm,
tho pet being heavily scented and bediz
ened with bangles and bows. Tho ringers
of the marquis fairly blazo with rings.
lie presents the characteristics of tho
Oypsy type.
Two years ago tho marquis of Anglesey,
then enrl of Uxbrldgo, married the beauti
ful Miss Chejwyud, daughter of Sir (leorge
Chetwynd, tho marchioness of Hastings.
Sho Is only CO years old, of beautiful and
refined features, with violet oyes and
masses of Venetian red hair. Her expres
sion Is sad nnd wistful. Tho young
marchioness went to Paris after she sepa
rated from tha marquis In tho honeymoon.
Her huslHind made her a handsome allow
ance, n $00,000 Income. Iluforo marriage
Anglesey presented her with $350,000 worth
of Jewels. She Is said to havo strong
religious leanings.
Vlalteil In Amcrlcu Onor.
Just after the marquis of Anglesoy camo
into his title by the doath of his father, In
1S93, ho paid a visit to America. He was
the guest of his cousin, Almorlo Paget.
When ho depnrted for England ho took
away a French bulldog and in soma way
violated tho regulations governing tho Im
portation of dogs, for which he wa3 lined
100. While In Now York City ho attende'd
the horso show of 1S98 with Mr. and Mrs.
Almerlc Paget.
Wheu ho married Mlas Chetwynd ho was
congratulated. Tho separation was a nlno
days' wonder. It was said at the tlmo that
bo m a do the financial terms of tho separa
tion of such a nature that It would bo an
Inducement for his wife to remain away
from him, as each succeeding year's allow
ance was an increase over that of the
previous, year. Tho marquis Is descended
from nu eccentric family. His mother, who
was u beautiful woman, was bo unhappy
with her husband that sho committed
suicide. Sho was the charming Hlancho
Mary Boyd, His father married In 1&S0 tho
widow of Henry Wodehouse, who was born
Mary Livingston King of Georgia. He had
promised to wed another American woman,
the divorced wife of William Wetmoro of
Nrjv York City, who afterwards polioned
horself, The Anglesey tltlo was won by
Lord Uxbrldgo on the Held of Waterloo.
From the sccno of war to the scenes of tho
stage Is the descent of the title.
As a Hehtnlng chRngo artist In Munich tho
present marquis appeared at first In costume
characteristic of different nations. Ills
talent tn making up Is said to be marvelous,
With an Income of $1,000,000 a year, he was
not particular about his salary, so long as he
could Indulge In his strange, wild freak.
Tho UrltltU cation has been heavily taxed
Deo, Nov. 11, 1!M0.
Coats, Suits, Furs,
Flannel Waists,
Dress and
Walking Skirts
All fashionable
garments. Our
store is the recog
nized center for all
now and stylish ready-to-wear
clothing for women.
Handsomo dresses, cut with all the grace
which tho best tailors can put Into
n garment nt $20, $25, $30 and $35.
Gcnulno fur scarfs, storm collars, In
nil tho new artistic designs, at $lu,
$1G and $20,
Genuine marten muffs. Many a woman
buys a dyed ratcoon, a dyed oppoa
sum or even a dyed marten, thinking
she Is getting tho genulno fur. Yes,
and many a time will pay more for
thorn than alio would for real marten
Womakoa specialty of line browu mar
ten inurfs, ami sell them nt $8.50.
$10, $12 and $15 Is wtmt Is commonly
charged for tho aamo nrttclc.
Notions We maintain the right
standard lor our no
tion department. The highest
quality at smallest prices.
DcLong'a hooks nnd eyes, from No. o
to No, (!, 10c a card.
Skirt yokes, 15c and 25c each.
Kerr's luster twist, a substitute for
silk, Ific u spool of 400 yards.
Hall and sockut fn3teners, 10c dozen.
A pretty collection of hoso supporters,
nt 25c, 40c und 50c u pair.
Steel sheaKT. S ami 0 Inch, 25c pair,
nrooks' fllaco spool cotton, 5e a spool.
55c a dozen.
Sslf threading needles, 10c u paper.
1(1(1 0,vc Special
1.00 per pair, roduc
ed from $1.50.
Monday we will sell
at a special price a lino
of ladies' kid gloves,
8 clasp, in the following
shades, brown, red, green,
black, white and cream.
These gloves are taken from our reg
ular stock, so wo know they are per
fect In quality, fit nnd workmanship.
This will be an opportunity to sup
ply jourself nt n great saving In
price. On sale, beginning Monday
morning at $1 per pair.
to support tho Paget family. Thirty-four
Pagets have been carried on tho national
pay roll during the last thirty-three years.
Tho titled members of the family hnve
borno reputations more or less savory. Ono
of the first holders of tho mnrqulslte wns
twice directly concerned In divorce proceed
ings before tho Houbc of Lords. After
obtaining u dlvoreo ho wns named hs co
respondent In a caso In which tho husband
was awarded $100,000 damages. The father
of the present marquis wa3 n gay man.
When ho married nud settled down his past
sins rose before htm. One day thcro was
a light fire In the Anglesey's castle, Plas
Newydd, and n lot of hand grenades were
ordered to guard against future emergencies.
The butler hung up tho grenades in every
placo ho could think of and having n dozen
left npproached the marquis, saying:
"What shall I do with these?"
The marquis thought u moment nnd then
said radly: "You may put them In my
Honsatlonal testimony Is expected at the
trial of the dlvoreo suit brought by tho
present mnrchloness of Anglesoy ngalnBt
her husband, who Is her cousin as well.
It Is said that the marrlago was ono of
convenience for tho purpose of Inheriting
property which could not bo reached by
either singly. It is rumored that the
marchioness, who had agreed to lead her
own life, retaining hor niimo nnd title, re
peuted of her bargain, and, If successful, it
Is rumored she will marry Count Herman
von Ilatzfeldt.
Muliiiriijali of I'ntluln, Ildiienteil In
ICtiKlnnd, lntroduem Many lie
form Into liulln.
LONDON, Nuv. 10. -The deth of tho
Maharajah of I'atlala at Simla November
S removes ono of the best nnd inont In
teresting products of Anglo-Indian rule. Ho
was tho tlrst reigning prince to blend the
elements of tho nullah cenileman nnd In
dian potentate. IJduoated at Cambridge, he
rnturned to India and put In force In hlu
rich klhgdom tho reforms which ho had
carefully abtor!-ed In Knijlar.d. cndoiNlnt; fro
hospitals for women, establishing orphan
ages, drilling troops, sending them to help
n Urltlsh expedition nnd leading them
personally. It wns ono of his keenest dis
appointments not to bo allowed to forve
In South Africa,
Hut he was not only a just and enlight
ened ruler. Ho becarno tho best polo player
In India, wna a fearless rider, a deadly
shot, was tecond only lo IlanJIUlnJh! at
cricket and wns ono of the flncbt umatucr
bllllardlsts of tho day. Tho deceased wns
n closo friend of Lord William Dercsford,
Lord Itoberts aud other well known people.
Ho was passionately fond of horsos and
Imported a splendid stud and Irish expert
named Ilrjan. to be master of the hor.Jo
nt I'athiln. With Ilryan went his daushter
nnd tho prlnco fell desperately In love with
hor, proposed and was ucccptcd. Tho Slhks
murmured nnd thrcntonod rovolt und tho
Imperial government, dreading trouble, rn
deavered to break off tho match. Hut both
Great llrltaln and his own subjects wero
outwitted nnd eventually nppeaeed, tho brldo
embracing tho Slhk faith. Her leign wns
short. Accompanying her husband during
u campaign In tho Icy Hlmlluyas, she died
of pnoumonU. .At tho head of hU silent
army the prlnco brought back tho body
hundreds of miles to I'atalla, where tho
remains wero cremated with nil tho weird
Slhk rites, which this week wero accorded to
Domit Iiiiin to Gal vrxlnn.
GAI.VKSTON. To , Nov. 10. John Seilv,
trensurer of tho Galveston rel'ef fund,
makes the following statement: Donations
rr reived October ST. to dntc. JIKUM, nf
which 10 771 wns received through Al-iv-r
Jonfs. Previously acknowledged, JUtCS.
Total to date, U.153.71U.
I'n in o ii h M-inlln Giinnrr lllem,
nOSTON. Nov. 10. Lieutenant Com
mander Stokelev Morgnn, U. H. N., retired,
who had the distinction of lirlng the llrst
cun at tho Spanish lleet in the battle ol
Manila bay, died nt his homo In itnxbury
today from paralyse. He was 41 years old.
to n;r. a coi.n n o.m: n iv
Tako Iixattvn Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugglstH refund tho money If It fails to
12. W. Grove's signature Is on each
Data Concerning Its Construction FuruMieu
to the OoTernment.
I'luuiei tflven tUionlnii llnormoin
lUlienilltiiren Uy All the llnrniienn
l'ner lor llnili.rlnt;
I'leld Artillery.
WASHINGTON, Nov. lO.-The Board of
Ordnanco nnd FortMcntlous hold an Im
portant meeting today nnd decided that
tho rapld.flro gunn of the seacoast defenses
should bo supplied ltl shields. This ac
tion must bo approved by the secretnry
of war before It becomes operative. Tho
ordnance ollloers. the engineers nnd some
artillery olllcers do not npprovo of shields.
This Is a continuation of the contest be
tween the ordnanco olllcers nnd engineers
on the one hand und tho majority of Hie
members of the Board of Ordnanco and
Fortifications on tho other rolntlve to dis
appearing gun cui-rlnges.
In accordance with tho action today there
developed an Interesting fcnttiro of the
progress of tho hoard relative to Held ar
tillery. It appears that an nqent of tho
department has come into possession of
what he nsserta aro accurate plnns for tho
new' French held gun and these ho oiTers
to place at the disposal of tho board If
ho Is permitted to undertake tho eonmrue.
tlou of a sample gun from the plans at
the cost of tho government. In hi rennri
ho says:
Through personal nionda In l'aris I wua
loritltlfltn enmit?. t,i .. , in i i..
lei'innt nn .r .... ....... ,i i
, ' - ... v ...,.. i.-t lilt. '
wii.ih. ier nn io convince m- tluit I Miu no.v
mrorined as to every eliMiicnt of
construction Involved, nud with this knowl
nig" mn uble to not only nmlte h working
:, ... "K . Vl1 ' 'luipineiit nr 11 now Is In
TIT. ,cc' .lml lf Sv'a" "n opportunity could
construct a gun mid carriage of sr-rvlee elfl
cleiieyequnl to the French material. I would
line to bo given the opportunity to superin
tend the ronstrueilnn nt the works of -no
i'f the large lesnoiislble mtimifu; Hirers (
ordnanco of n complete (.ervlce model of
iiui.-ieci'iiiiig lTencii una cnrriugo em
bodying ull til.' informal Inn gained, It bid
understood I give .Uiuluie!v to 'lie
M nr department nil rights In the Improve
ments or lirlnelples of coiitiuetloii em
ployed, nnd that the tmiiiiifneturlng com
pany will Iteo'i the sumo, ttrn
Ing over to the department nit drawings,
PiiltcniK, etc.. when the work is c imp'ofd
J he pest of such comtruedon will not ex
ceed J2,ikXI nud the carriage could be emi
pleted In munition for lervlro test wit'i'-i
tin; 120 days tiennimeiided by the board of
ordnance and fnrtllleatlon for tho prepar.i
Hon of Held muletlnl for tst.
Klnee ISM i lie French government has ex
pended ?l(i.000.r.i on Ha new Held artillery,
i he Kufislun government him iilrendy se
cured tllo liueemiirv ermlli rue m.
organizing and re-eqillplng Its Held nrlll-
jei io uie extent ol l tuo six-gun bat
teries, to be iw Hia ,.t virti
nnd involving a totnl expenditure of ap
proximately K0.(Wi,(mi tJ,'rmanv. nlthnugii
ii nun tin e an v e.xii.i'oeu over WlV'K',0'0 111
the Kl'UliI) Held eniiM IntrniliieeH Int.. ihn
service In IS'JD, linn derided to change an I
improve thl.i rqulpnient .it an expenditure
v.hteh probably will nuinunt Io $l!,Q'0rJ
more, ehanglin; the pattern of the rurrhrtc
very radically. Tho lCng'Ish government U
rendy has under colistt iictlon nboui CO)
Held guns of the newest tvpe. Sweden has
Just nrrnngnd with n (ierninn firm fo.- the
ninnufaeture Of fnrtv-slv rntrmUl.i ilv.irti,.
butteries, lnvohimr an exnendltiiro of
nearly Jl.Ooo.eoa Turkey has within the hut
three months given nn order to ICrupp for
over?K) of his latest Held guns nt an up
nroxlmnlo cost or $i,3eo,ni, whl'e an Kng
llsh firm has already partly eonmleteil an
order for 1LM gun.s ree- lve(j a short wht'o
ngo from Spain. I refer to the fnregotig
farts simply to emphasize the Importaneo
that tho modern raolil-Hre Held miillerv i
assuming In the war preparations of tlu
The board decided to avail Itself of tho
opportunity to build tho test gun and made
recommendation to thnt effect to the
secretary of war.
AVn nnd Menu Committee tn Con
sider .Mutter In CiiticitH With
in ii Miort Time.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Representative
I'ayno of New York, chairman of the ways
and means committee of tho house, had a
conference with the president yesterday.
Mr. I'ayno said after leaving tho White
House that he would call a meeting of the
republican members of his committee for
November 20 to outline a partial program
for executive work lit tho house for tho ap
proaching session.
Ono of tho nutters to como before this
meeting will bo tho proposed reduction of
war revenue taxes. He did not think, how
ever, that tho reduction would exceed, $ir,
000,000, or less than one-fifth nf the pres
ent revenues from that pouroc. Much, he
thought, would depend on the. state of af
fairs In tho Philippines when the bill camo
up for consideration, lf a considerable nrmy
had to be mnlntnlned there for any length
of time It might be thought wise not to cut
down tho revenues too much. There were,
howover, a number nf Items In tho present
law that might be wisely eliminated nnd
these would receive attention. Mr. I'ayno
said ho thought the ship subsidy bill would
bet taken up nnd nn effort made to pass It
nt tho coming session.
Amerlenn inl In 1'ieneli Nnty.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. LlentenntU do
Farramond, Krench naval nttnrho here, has
been making Inquiries as to Amorlcan coal
along tho same lines an the French am
bassador, M. Haul Catnbnn. at London, the
purpose being lo ascertain If the American
product Is available In place nf the Welsh
coal and tho French brlquott, which ure
now used by French naval vehsels. As n
means of testing tho American coal, Lieu
tenent du Furrnmnnd shipped 300 tous tu
Martinique and about 700 tons to the
French naval slat ion at New Fouudland.
The erulsir Coiillo, now In American
waters, took on n supply of tho American
coal, and has found II very satisfactory.
The tests on tho Sfnx havo not been as
satisfactory, although this is attributed to
tho construction of tho French grates,
which aro mndn to accommodate tho largo
briquettes. Tho result of tho shipments
to New Foundlnnd has not been reported.
On tho whole. Lieutenant do Farramond's
observations lend him (n tho conviction that
American coal Is a satisfactory substltuto
for tho Cardiff and other classes of coal
herntoforo used exclusively on French ves
sels. MiieAiiliur'x CnMiuilty 1,1st.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Tho Wur de
partment today received the following
radially Ilkt fiom General MacArihur at
Killed November 1, llllayug. Luton,
Troop II, Fourth cavalry. Sergeant Wlli.iiii
II. Htemmer; Novembers. Cetiu, Hatte'v tl,
Sixth nrtlllerv, Hoi genu t Kdwnrd F. Cleer
Wounded No ember 1, ISalayiig. Luzon,
Troop II. Fourth cavalry, John II Itoilgers,
wounded In aim. serious: N .veinhnr '.
I'asuqtiln, Luzon. Compi'iiv ', Thirty
fourth Infantry. Thomas A Ciliio, butto..'.(.
slight; November 4, Oil moll, Luzon, Com
pany O, Twelfth Infantry. John Price
wounded In arm. moderate; carl Hennlngu,
cyo, severe; October IS, Hainan, Luzon,
Company 11, Lightecnth -nfan'ry. Law
rence R. Kelkonny. wounded In should".,
severe. October 5. Kualbual, C-bu. Com
pany K, Forty-fourth nfuniry, lougltto- S.
Klmlilfl. wounded In leg nlnvo kno. sight;
October II. llalunii Panav. CVmpany I),
Twenty-sixth Infnntry. .Joenh Wat "in.
wounded in arm, s'Juht; ThnmiiK Oige,
wounded' In arm. serlviis; Oct her 10. Mnm
busao, Psnay. Cnmpai y L. nightuentli p.
fnntry, Thomas Notinan, wouiuU-d in bieg.
slight; September II, Slbu'on, Panav, Com
pany A. Nineteenth liu.intry, Corporal
HlOmril K. Molfett, wounded In he-id.
Blight. MACAinildt.
Klnil.l mill llloe I'lilforini.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Interesting
tests nro being made at tho cavalry post,
Fort Myer, to doiormlnn thn rolatlvo pro
tection of khaki color nnd tho bluo shirts
formerly worn by soldlora. Complaints
havo beca mado iq tho War department
Skin-Tortured Bab
Find Comfort in Guticure
Instant Relief and refreshing sleep for Skin
torturcd Mubics and rest for Tired Mothers in a
warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a single anoint
ing with Cuticuiia, the great skin cure and purest
of emollients. This is tho purest, sweetest, most
speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for
torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding,
scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors,
with loss of hair, of infants and children.
Millions of Mothers Use Cuticura Soap
Kxclufivcly for presorting, parlfylng, and be.MttlfjInjj the Mn, for draining the scilp of
crtuu, schIok, and d.indrulf, nnd tliu stopping of fulling lulr, for Mifteulng, whitening, ami
toothing red. rough, nnd ore hands, In the form of bath for annoying Irritations, lnilatr
matloiu, nnd rhAflngii, or too five or onennlre per.iplratlon, In tlio form of wiuhes fo
ulcerative wcaLnciucn, and for many lanutlto antiseptic purposes which readily nigsrfi
tlieiusclve to womeu, and CApeclnlly motlierci, ami for nil tho ptu poc of the toilet, bath,
nnd nursery. No amount of penm.idon can Induce tlione who hTe once uaed It to noo anr
other, especially for preserving ami purifying the skin, fcalp, and hair of Infnnti anil
children. Ct;ricnit 8okv combines dcllcnte emollient propertlei derived from Ctm.
cuiiA.the grcttoklncure, with the purest of cleansln Ingredients ami the niuit refresh
lug of flower odors. No other medicated sosp over compounded Is to be compared wltli It
for preserving, purifying, nnd beautifying tho tkln, rralp, hair, and hands. No other
foreign or domctlo toilet soap, however expensive, Is to lio rompnicd with It for all th
imriKipei of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thui It eoinblneit In osi: Soap st Osr, I'iiicr,
vli!.,TwKNTr rivr. Oknts, the Htar kln and complexion oan, the iilsv toilet and urj;
baby eoap In the world.
Complete Extcrnal and Internal treatment for every humor SI. 25.
Bold throughout the world. I'ntci, Tur HrT.Jl.'.'i; or,8oir,sSe.; Ointumt, t0e.i Itrot.
TEy, &uc. 1'otteh l)iu:o and Cum. Conr., fiolo Props., ltoitoti, Mass., U. 8. A. "lion
to Cute Kvcry lluuor," free.
that the Khaki uniform, on nccouut of Its
color, offered a bettor tnreet to the enemv
thn. , ii i !?- ,.ni... J y
than tho old blue uniform of tho army,
The testa Include obnervutlous of garmentn
of different colors at varlotm distance to
determine the relative coiiHplcuousnesH un-
dcr different eoudltluns of tlmo nud
Ceo Mm of Current Vear (ilr Cen-
tennliil State Over llalf-MII-llon
VASIIIN(!TO.V. Nov. 10. The Census
bureau today announced the population of
Colorado in 1S0O.
Tho ptpulatlon of the state In lf-00 is
fiStl.700. as compared with u population In
1S?0 of 412.1BS. reprcKcntlns an Increaso
durlnt; tho decade of 127,C0L or Si.'j per
"in. ,v pari ot inifl lncrenHo in iiuu to
tho fact that there were 'JS3 ImllaiiH and
r Peraona. or a total of 1,031
pemoiiH, on Indlnn rchcrvntlons, etc., in
Colorado who wero Hpeclally enunierated
In ISao under tho provisions of the ceiisui
.... ... ... . . . . .
net. but were not included In tho Reneral
population of the Blnto nt that cennus.
Colorndo hnd In 18C0 n nonnlntinn nf
3),a77, und In 1S70 u population of 33,St!l
but In 1SS0, the llrst census taken after It
admission as n slate, It had grown to
181.327. representing nn Increaso In ten
years of 151, 103, or 3S.7 per cent. Uiirlng
the deendo from 1SS0 to 1S9J Its population
was again increased by considerably moro
than 100 per cent, giving u totnl in 1830,
as provloualy Minted, of 42, 16S.
Tho populatlou of Colorndo In U00 s
nearly sixteen tlmeo ns large ns the popula
tion given for 1SC0, the first year In willed
Its population is given In the cens'ts,
Tho, totul land surface of Colorado U
approximately 103.015 iiouaro miles, tho
average number of persons to tho square
mile nt the census of 1S90 nnd M00 being:
In 1S90, 3,11, nnd in 1800, C.2.
CurfeM' It I n s nt MliIniKlit,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Previous orders
requiring residents of the city of Manila,
I'. I., to confine themselves to their housos
after 11 o'clock p. in. have been amended
by General Mai-Arthur, tho military gov
ernor, ao ns to extend the time to 12 o'clock
midnight. At thnt hour tho street will bo
cleared by the police. Saloons are clubcd
nt 10 o'clock and tho sale of liquor Is pro
hibited nfter that dour.
,, ,7, ... .
I opiiliitloii or Idaho.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. The population
of tho state of Idaho, ns officially announced
today, Is as follows: 1000, 101,772; 1W0.
84,3S.. Tills is un increaso since IS'jO of
"7,387, or 01.7 per cent. Tho population In
1SS0 was 32,010, showing an Increase of
fl,77., or 158. 7 per cent, from 18S0 to 1S00.
filler of HlnfT In Ailinlrul I'll rinliu e.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Captnln Folder
of tho battleship Koarsagn has been ap
pointed chief of stnfl! to Admiral Furqutiar,
commanding tho North American squadron,
to succeed Captain Snow of tho Now Yoik,
which Is detached from tho squadron.
I'olinln I Ion of New Jersey.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. The population
of the atato of New Jersey, tis ofllclnlly an
nounced today, hi l.SSH.Oii!' nn against 1,444,
'.'33 In ISM. This Is an Im-ienso since is'io
of 43S,730, nr 30.(1 per rent
etv lliittlemhli I.eiiv.-N foe .VlKler.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Tho Kentucky
left Gibraltar for Algiers today.
GiieslN Assembled to Do Honor to
Murk Tivnln lliive tn ItemVid
lllni b- 'Pholie.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Mark Twain wa.i
tliei guest of honor at a dinner tonight
given nt tho Lotus rlub. Thiuo woro 200
pnrsous present. President Frank It. Law
rence wns tho presiding officer. Others
present woto; Thomns Hnlley Aldrleh. Wll
llniu Dean Hnwnlls. Senntor Ilepow, Thomas
H. Heed, Joseph C. Hendricks, Augustus
Thoinus, John Kendrlck Han(.'s, Johu Hart,
St. Clair McKciway. John Klderkln, H. H.
Itogcrs, Frank II. Piatt. Hooker T. Wnsh
Ington. William Henry While, Chester S.
Lord, Georgo S. Daniels, Dr. W. W. iithey,
Colonel J. Howard Cowperlhwalt, General
Stewart L. Woodford, It. J". Hoiuut, Henry
Glcason, Louis Wlmlmuller, Horace C.
Duval, Judgo James A. Hl.uichard, 1-3. W.
Itossllrr. C. A. Knox, W. T. Hvans, ltati
dolph GURgenhelmcr, Miles M. O'Hrlon,
William Hrookllold, A. P. Dowley, 15. K.
Austin und William llorrl.
Thu dinner was held In tho drawing room
nud cafe, made Into one room for thu oc
casion. It was hardly Riilllctcnt in rapa
city. The guest of tho evening gavo Presi
dent Frank 11. Lawrence Just a little bit
of worry by not appearing until somn
minutes lifter 8 o'clock, and then only aftor
ho had been called up by telephone. Mr.
Clemens oxplalned that tho dinner had
quite slipped his memory nnd ho made
Mr. Twain said In part:
Hlncn I left this country wo huvo fought
a richteoua war. A righteous war, no rare
In history na to be practically unknown.
Wo havo set Culm free nud given It u placo
ninong tho two or three real free nations
that exist. Wn tn tr..n tlm I'hllln.
Pines, but It seems thnt the righteous pur-(
poso miscarried somehow. I um glad, how-
ever, we mndo n creditable record In China,
duo to the sniind-hoiidedness of our admin-
lutratlori. AVhat yellow peril Is threaten-
Ing the world today we do not know, but
nothhw' toevoke It Kovorument has done j
Wc havo dune our best to nurso tree fll-
, ver. We have watehed by ti! cradle und
I done our lieat to ralne that i hlld Hut theno
Pi'Htiroroim republlcniiH have been trying to
give II the meimleH und 1 am ufrnld we will
, never bo able to r.ilm- It now. We linvt had
i'S Pldoitt whom we h.ue trltlelred up ami
1 votex eiinunh to tumre to elect nnothei-.
And Itoosevelt. thn Illustrious ItoiiL-li
Hitler, we have made vice president. Not
to honor hltn, but to confer distinction upon
the olllce, and It Ih needed, too. I am not
used to bestow such fulsome praise und um
liroliablv oveidolng It n little; but I know
lllni. mid If you give 1 1 1 til rope -I jurat)
well, let It stand lie will probably luxury
my compliments.
i'luil Glided Minimi.
Ills place as governor wc have gl.- to
Odell, another Hoiu h llldcr. All fat things
seem to go io th it profession, f could
hnve been u Hough Itldei- uisclf If
hiul known this political Klondike was to
open up. I could have gone to war in mi
automobile, nut not en u horse, gentle,
men, I know- horsi s too well for tluit. No
horse for mo, either tn war or in peace
There Is no time when we can get well
i,,,....i,.,n i.. u... -,.,.. ,o v i,ru
I" o 'kIicii to i.ew fannied lilcns- 1 do
, :X"u!"? u,,,t 11 13 n,,t
, And there is Hnniitor Depew. That mnn
has paid many true HiIiikh uboiit inc. I.oolc
I i'.i t,"lt M niuininy-lie Iiiih miidc mv
lit'" fc nn nni until mi turn nnii" iiiiit un iiiti
other nldo of the ocean, ut nmiu n ban-
'unit. I nlwiiyH enld somethlnt? wouldi
. ''PI' lo mm. nnd now lie lias Bol en It
thev have made hltn a tvnntor. All thin
wh'lo I have been nwn. Thnt shown how
in (toll a poor mugwump Ih missed In tills
cold, unfeeling world, even when It is thn
Inst one left, und ho makes a rrranil old
party alt by himself.
I eomo brick from my exile young ngnlti,
rendy to begin life anew. Your welcome
puts tho lliilslilug 'ouches to my renewed
youth nnd makes It something more1 than
a dream that uii vanish with the morning,
Thomas . Heed nnd William Dean How
ells nlso made fcllcltlous remarks and (Jov-urnor-elect
II. H. Odell. St. Glair McKcl
wny, John Hum, fimuncoy M. Depow, John
Kendrlck Hangs nnd Thomas llalley A Id rich
also tpokc.
Owned and Hndorned liy t. .. (,'ot t-i-n-ineiit.
Tor rheumnllsm, neuralgia, gout, calami
nnd nervous troubles, tho Hot Springs of
Arkansas. Write Hurenu of Information,
Hot Springs, for Illustrated book tclllu;;
all about it.
I.lve Moeli poxl t Ion ill Clilemco,
CHICAGO. Nov. 10-Tlm ln'
live Stork exposition, to he held In Chi
cago from Utieemher 1 to .s, promises tn lio
the most notali'e event of Its hind eve
held. There will be lO.Oon lioad of iinlini's
on exhibition, Including l,f.m head of royally
pedigreed cattle, 1.2U0 Hheeii. lugs mil
I'm hoies. The remainder of thn ohlhl'
will be animals of the fat elnsses Ther j
I W'li ne ii iuuHes represented and "li -u
3,,, premiums, amounting In all to $75,om.
I The entries como from Canada, Heotlvnl,
Kliulaud. mid seven other l'oieifrn envern
meuts have slgnled their Intention of Inning
representallvei nt the exldtitlon. A notnblii
leutiire of l he uhow will bo the collectlo'l
of draft hor.iej.
Movements of Oeenn Veh-iels Knv, 10,
At New York Arrived Prlns Itegent
Lultpold. from Hretnen: Lueanla. from
Liverpool. Hailed-K'nirln for Liverpool;
Manltoil, for London; It .Itrrdntn. for ltot
tcrdam, via Hoii'ogne; K i'-or Wllhelm II,
for Naples: Lthlonlu, lor (51-isgow.
At Antwerp-Snlled -Kenslngton, for No-v
At Liverpool Snlled-Tmlirln. f"r Nw
York. Arrived Cmnpanla, irom New Yon;,
At Yokohama An Ivei' America M.iru,
from San Francisco, via Honolulu, for I long
Kong; Ta co in a, from Tacamn, for Hong
Kong. At Hong Kong Arrived Coptic, from
Han l-'rnneieo, via Hnu-jliilii anil Yoko
liama. At Ocnna Arrived "Werra, from N'fv
York, vln Naples
At Quronstnwn Arrived Sylvanla, from
lloston, for Llvoipool.
At Tnku Arrived-Hnsnki, from Han
At Hrlsbane Sailed Wnnlmoo, from
Oran, Hv-dnny, N. S. W., for Vnncouvcr.
At Glasuow Arrived Trltonln, from
At Cherbourg Sailed New York, from
Southampton, lor New York.
IteliullilN llriiln nnd Muscle,
A young uthlete, commenting on the net it
of well sulcctod food to build up a man
nfter over-study, saya; "Tto yenrs ago f
roturncd homo from tho university with
my health quite run down from over-study
and severe athletic training. I needed ti
good resl to put mo right; but Instead of
taking it, went to work in an ofllco wHh
very confining duties.
"My health grow no bolter; 1 felt unfit
for work nnd ut night would llo nwnke
several hours beforo sleep would come,
Tho appetite was gone entirely. Ouo morn
ing n new dish appeared on thn table,
Grapo-Nuts with cream. Wo all thought
It nn oxcellent food, nnd I not only enjoyed
breakfast that day, hut dinner and supper
as well.
"This rather surprised nie Situ-o that
I havo made the food a regular article if
diet. I keep a box on hand at the nlllrn
and often lunch on Grape-Nuts and tresm
Instead of going lioino to dinner.
"Although It was In thu nuinmur when
I started tho use of the fond, It was not
long befnrn I had gained 15 poundu, nnd
I know It It from tho use of this food that
I can titand so well tho Indoor work. My
health Is now perfict; sleep sound ami
enjoy my meals, but find I do not need lo
eat so much volume of other food while
entlng Grupe-Nuts.
"A short time ago I thought Grape
Nuts were commencing to disagree with
ine, but found It was because I v in'
Ing moro than you recommend. I m.mily
nto too much nt a tlmo mid moie than tho
system required., When I returned t" tho
regular 'feed of four heaping teaspoons,
the. old zest for the food returned "
Ti,1m ..., . i. ,, ,' ....
. ,lllH V .1? " U u m,,muo' of l"lt a
famous family. Ho requests that his nam
,o omitted, but the rame can be furnished
by nppUcatlon to tho Postum Cereal Co,
Ltd., Hattlc Creek, Mkh.