Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 16

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    Novutnber 11, 1000.
Experiences of a
Mohammedan Convert
to ahticl the blood of his own nation. ' II
guzed up to tlio sky, appealing to Cod
Almighty In thlu manner: 'Oh, God, open
his eyes, touch his stony heart
make him reallza what he la doing. It Is
a curao for mo to havu my blood shod by
his hands.' Hu was continuing til pruyer
Tho founding of tho L.0V0 und I'euco really bolluvo that Mohammedanism is bet- when I lost invm-lf. fnlllnu to tlm mirth
Georgia Woman With
Half Dozen Trades
There is one Georgia Klrl who docs not pcpullBU., domocrncy. socialism ropub
mission In Omaha recently by J. I. lum- tur than Christianity?' I declared tho with this smite of rtmmienre 1 knew mv propose to rust out, nnd she Is nut afraid, ap-
Inoslan, u naiivu oi ayria anu u uuuvunuu trutn tnat I had been honored with titles, life would he in danger If 1 refused my piirently, of wearing out
llennlsm and all other Isms dealing with
' 1 ... ......... l.n otui
Already she 18 P""" ' " "'T:'""' . , 1
Mohammedan, Is so out of the ordinary In but there Is no satisfaction In my bouI. I duty, but tho love of nation and Justice engaged In six occupations, and It Is said she ' ul " . ' j (rom 1 Z
religious work that we p.lnt u picture of d I realized 1 did wrong, but there is to humanity made me willing to siicrltlee is seeking to add still further to her 1 o accented a noslt on In tlu-
the founder of this mission and also pic- ,, possibility to release myself from that my life rather than to commit such a activities. She Is Miss Lulu M. I'lerco of .
lures showing some of the religious cub- hondage, becnuso everybody Is allowed to crime. When I received the command Thomson. She Is now postmistress of her ,1,'10" , ,i ,' h h.MnVi.. bolnvr nil Pxnort
toms of tho Mohammedans. The followers join Mohammedanism, hut no one can leave from tho lieutenant to attend to my duty town, church organist, editor of the county l; ' Then sho re
of Mohammed, uccordlng to recent esll- It without penalty of death, according to 1 refused, lie reported the fact to the newspaper, correspondent of several city ' ,.,,,. ,1(i .,,. i,v
matcH, number about lbU.OOO.OOO human be- tho teaching of their religion. The dear old general and sent me to Jail immediately, dallies, lire Insurance agent and a solicitor " 1L 1 10 "r,omi nrofesslons mentioned
IngH. "There Is no (lod but God" Is the reverend gentleman said: 'It you go back to Tho matter provoked the general and my for health Insurance. One would think she . " l'"3 ,nuu,onul
principal tenet In Mohammedan dogmatics Constantinople I will write to the patriarch. havliiL' Armenian blood In mv veins was could llnd enough to do In these half dozen 11 .......
and Ho has created tho world and tho l.M- who can appoint some people who can assist against me. A report with strong preju- occupations to keep her busy, but she Is ' " ' . tn.....n -., hml with
mortal houI of man, whoso life on earth you to escape to Ktchmendzln, In Russia, dices was prepared by the general and "ot yet satisfied nnd Is seeking for more
Ho shall judge and reward or punish In a where you can cultivate yourself In Chris- sent by special carrier to the sultan. Tho employment. She was not obliged from niii nt Th Znn T
futuro Btate. Hut tho further development tlanlty." 1 accepted the suggestion nnd sultan had full confidence In the general necessity to go out Into the business world. riLui P "''XTrrimn
In order to accomplish my purpose when and he therefore passed sentence by say-
but did so because of a pointed Inclination 8ro belonged to a notorious cr mina.
lamuy UI1U BUU uo iuiuuii:ui:u wim viu-
lence If sho prosecuted tho thief. This
of this Idea, especially of tho relation bo
tween God and mankind, Is narrow, fun- I returned to the mansion of the governor nm: 'Let him be banished to south Arabia to do a man's work. She says she has a
tastlo and arbitrary. Hoforo tho almighty I said to htm: 'I like to go back to after fulfilling his term as a soldier In man's ambitions, thoughts and Ideas and
power of Allah tho free will of man van- ConBtantlnopIo for tho purpose of Joining tho city of Yntnon; In place of his re- fcls like exercising them.
IhIioh. Mohummedunlsm Is fatalism. Im- tho nrmy, where I can gain more glory for celvlng his discharge lot him rccelvo Miss I'lerco was but IS years old when sho ' '
..... .1... ...(,.,,..1 fil.tit.'.. tuir amil 1 1 ti'.ia linr.l r.. til... In .... ...... t r. b t .i...t. . I i in ...lit. i t . 1.. I I f . ... ...1,.... CUICU
mctliuiciy liner uiu iiuonuhu num.-, ,,; ,um ,v c ..(. lui ,i,, wii'",tnl uriiui. iiier i wrni) -uiit! iui)h in jitu wmi iiiuue ner swiri 111 uuniuunn. it nuw
follows: "And Mohammed Ib Ills apostle.
only iniiilo her all tho nioro dotermlned.
and, going to Augusta, alio had him prose-
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Christ
uro acknowledged iib prophetB sent by God,
but Mohammed Is tho fulfillment of all
prophecy and tho Koran tho final revela
tion. Tho llvo principal commandments In
tho moral code of Islam, symbolized In
Mohammedan art by tho hand with Its
llvo lingers, are prayer, ulmsgiving, fustlng,
pilgrimage and war ugalnst tho Inlldel.
Tho lnlluencu which these llvo command
mentB exercised In tho time when they ac
tually boro away over tho Moslem mind
1h very upparent in history. Uul at pres
ent only tho Jlrat of them, tho dlfforent
modoB of which nro shown In tho accom
panying pictures, has malutulned Its au
thority Intact. That of tho last Is en
tirely lost and that of tho three others Ib
disputed, or at leaBt subject to commen
taries of a doubtful character.
TruvelerH In Mohammedan countries
speak with unualllled pralso of tho ear
nestness, sincerity and devotion with which
tho Moslem performs IiIb prayers several
times u day after cureful ublutlon, kneel
ing on his pruyer carpet, us ahown In form
5, If ho cuunol go to tho mosque, und with
his face turned toward Mecca.
Kurmtltra Armenian Knltli.
J. I. Tumlnoslan Ib uu Armenian by birth,
having been boru In tho village of Uathyuu,
ubout eighteen iuIIob Bouthweat of Autloch,
Syria, August 20, 186'J. Ho was reared in
lila uatlvo city, where tho diBclplos were
llrat called Christians. HIb parents were
ArmeulauB. Hib futher wub u deacon In
tho Congregatlonul church and tho early
training of tho bou wub about tho Bumo ub
American boys receive. Like many boys In
ChrlBtlan lauds, ho forsook tho faith of
his paitntB when ho becuuio u young man.
Thlu vub brought about lu tho following
muuner ub told by Mr. Tumlnoslun:
"When 1 wub a young boy attending
bchool wo had a neighbor who wub a Mo
hummedun Bholk. Ono day whon absent
from uchool 1 Baw children, aa woll ub
grown people, gathering lu his house. From
tho window lu our houao 1 had Boon the
cerumonlea they porfoimed. It wub a won
derful show. Somo wero eating lire, others
playing with Buukea und atlll othora Btlck
Ing needlea through tholr bodlea und eat
ing glass. These torturous performances
seemed to havo no effect ou them, I was
amused uud desired to learn tholr peculiar
tricks. At my earlleBt convenience I visited
the Bhelk and expressed my doslro to
learn 'that trudo.' Ho roplled: 'My aon,
wo do those thlngB by tho strength of our
religion. Those aro mlracleB. Only holy
people aro entitled to exerclBo thorn.' Then
there to my tnlud tho words of Christ;
llohold I give unto ycu power to tread on
serpents and Bcoiplons and over all power
of tho enemy und nothing shall by auy
lacuna hurt you.' I was convlncod that
tho true gospel was exorcised among tho
MohummcdunB und Blurted to recolvo lu
BtrtiotlotiB ubout tho rellglou of Moham
med. "It was not long beforo my family know
1 wna aocrotly visiting tho house of tho
sholk. In order to uccompllsh my purpose
and roleaso myBolf from persecution I left
my homo and rolatlvoa and under au ub
sumed nnmo went to Egypt. After many
trials and dllllculHos I gained tho sympa
thy of I'rlnco Ibruham I'ashu, cousin to tho
khedlvo. Tewflk l'asha. While In IUb palace
r mm
Hut A m. M . i iiiiiiiiiiM
1 . 3
,pui)tv Uvtf yfdit zircon
110 0.
In newspaper work Miss Pierce Is editor
of tho McDulIlo County Journal and corre
spondent for the Atlanta Journal and
Augusta Herald. She hua tho "news In
stinct," and has run down many a story
that has escaped the vision of the other
correspondents In the town.
"1 do not think that there aro more ob
stacles In tho way of women than of men
In the business world," saya Mlaa Pierce,
"and 1 see no reason why womon who do
not. care to bo lotus eaters should not go
Into business or professional ltfo. I work
for tho sheer lovo of It It Is play for me."
Roman Cookery
The honor of having produced the first
cook book in the world belongs to the
liomans. Its authorship has been attributed
to Caellus Aplclus, a gustronomo who lived
111 years before the Christian era under the
Hmpuror Trajan. Here aro two recipes taken
fiom lis pages: "First, for a sauce to he
eaten with boiled fowl, put the following In
giedicuts Into a mortar: Aniseed, dried
mint and lazor root, cover them with
vinegar, udd dates and pour in llquumcn (a
dUllled liquor made from lurgo llsh which
were suited and allowed to turn putrid lu the
sun), oil and a small quantity ot mustard
seeds. Reduce all to a proper thickness with
sweet wine warmed and then pour this same
oer your chicken, which should previously
bo boiled In aniseed water." Tho second
recipe shows tho sumo queer mixture of
Ingredients: "Tnko a wheelbarrow of rose
leaves and pound In u mortar, add to It
brains of two pigs nnd two thrushes boiled
and mixed with the ehopped-up yolk of egg,
oil, vinegar, pepper and wine. Mix and
pour these together and stew them steadily
and slowly till the perfume Is developed."
Tho Romans wero very fond of surprise
dishes, such ns pigs stuffed with live
thriibhes, and, to anticipate a little, this
taste descended so near our own times ns
the reign of Charles II, as witness a recipe
of that date for making two pies which were
to bo served together ono containing llvo
birds and the other live frogs. When tho
latter was opened "out skip tho frogs, which
make the ladles to shriek nnd skip," while
tho birds when relensed wero to add to the
general confusion by flying at the candles
und putting out tho lights. A dish of pea
cock was a favorite "plat" ot Home and waB
served at tho beginning of dinner. Tho bird,
having first been dono to death by stilling,
was then skinned, the Inside was filled with
the lli'Bh of other birds and tho whole sowed
togother again and finally sent In to tnble
atllxeil to a small branch, ns If alive.
Professional Enters
O. A. Wright of Madison, Wis., supervisor
of Indian schools, tells nn Interesting story
concerning tho professional eaters of the
Sioux Indiana on tho Dovll's Lnke reserva
tion In North Dakota. Tho professional
eater among tho Devil's Lnko Indians, ac
cording to Supervisor Wright, pursues a
recognized profession which entitles him
to distinction nnd eminence, measured
largely by his capacity. Thu more capacity
tho more eminence nnd distinction.
The Sioux at Devil's lake are a hospitable
people. A guest must bo fed, and tho table
placed beforo him must bo bountifully sup
plied. If not, It Is a gross violation of Indian
etlquotto, which subjects offenders to harsh
crltlclBin. Tho obligation on tho part of tho
guest Is equally binding. Very often the
latter Is tho unfortunate victim of too much
I ntinnnilnil mv fnlttl In MohaiUniOdUnlBUI. .... ..,
Ho appointed nn especial teachor to give " ., ,,on., uUo to bo' a stumbling 1,0 Privilege of reading or writing or talk- Thomas K. Watson, former nominee for vice kindness. If, however, ho should fall to
mo Instructions lu tho myBterlea of Moham- ' . 1 ,,0 tho lMuX inTOcia lag. living on dry bread and water, sleep- president on tho populist ticket, and a dlsposo of all the food placed before him his
med'B religion. Threo years later I waa , 3 ing on tho dnmp ground, with only my resident of Thomson, was editing n paper In offonso would bo ns great as that of tho host
ordained n priest, but contluued my educa- you' - soldier overcoat as covering, tho sentence. Atlanta called tho I'eoplo'a I'nrty, which had whose larder failed to respond to tho do-
tlon for nnothor your, when I wob aont to Jolim (lit- Army. was rend to me. a circulation of 17,000. Mr. Watson suddenly mands ot tho prevailing social usage among
Constantinople with a rocommendotlon to im-mmhmi iuiiiik ruru. mm ueeu oi a uusiness man, nnu Knowing theso I ml
ollBlHUlimijMu , .., "On tho 12th day Of Juno I sailed from mviilln I una nil mv wnv tn fh ntnnin- MIhh l'lnrrn frnm M,ll,ll,nn,l nn.l I., im... ....
second to tho sultan In power. I was pro- Morclnla, landing at Constantinople on tho l RW ft (ovt peoplo BtamUllB ttt n ,1(lonco tl)nt 8ho coull, thu p08lUon lu, mlliTA ,B
Honied to tho sultan, Abdul Hamld. who 19, ''"y of tuo Bttt month. Only four cornor nyftr tho Benshoro. I signaled tho wired an offer to Miss I'lerco, nsklng her to carefully
desired to hear tho Btory of my conversion (,n'B bc,oro my arrival, on tho day or Bjgn of llnnRor 0f nf0 nccordlng to tho in- go to Atlanta. She had similar confidence returns fc
had need of a business man, and knowing theso Iudlnns.
Miss I'lerco from childhood nnd having con- Tho capacity of some of theso professional
phonomennl. Thoy aro said to be
trained to tholr calling, nnd the
desired to hear tho Btory of my conversion " " " -" ".,, "lnr BIKn 1 ,lnKr 01 1110 according u mo in- go io auhuih. sue nau similar commence returns for tholr services nro certainly very
to Mohammedanlam. I was hU guest for . ' . . , . i 'Z sirueuons oi me loung inrKs sneieiy io nnu iook mo nrsi train lor Atlanta. AUUough remunerative to tho Indian mind. One who
three days In tho Ylldlz Kiosk, tho private J! patriarch had run awa rrom 1U i omco. wbich , belonged. I received no response, new to the newspaper business Miss I'lerco Is about to make a call and who feels that
palace Ho honored mo by giving mo COO Tho representntlvo of that omco, nf er near- My Krll( ,, Horrow wm, incroase.l. When entered Into her now duties heart and soul he will not bo equal to tho occasion secures
plastrcB pension snlnry and appointing mo '"K my story, was suspicious, thinking mo n wo reached tho ateamshlp tho captain gave and made nn astonishing success. Tho a professlounl eater. The latter secures
to preach at St. Sophia mosquo, with 350 'lotectlvo. Thoroforo ho objected to taking tho eommnnd nnd atnrted his Journey. paper wns $C00 In debt when sho took hold for his services tho food ho devours nnd Jl
plustrea monthly wages. Ho also con- any part in the matter. Whon I wna dls- ..After two ,my8 wo lauded tn tho gulf of of it. She soon had It out ot in addition. Supervisor Wright met one
ferred tho honor of sheik (bishop) upon appointed I Joined the army. I am sorry Smyrna. At night there came a great crowd leut nnd n comfortable sum In of those professional gentlomon at Dovll's
mo uud I began performing coremonlos In to sny my duty called mo to take part In nmJ took nl0 from tno jltnds of the soldiers the treasury. Aa Editor Watson was Lake who had recently performed tho ro-
tha't great and famous mosque. shedding tho blood of my own nntlon. Two by forc0i Tnpv ,m(J l)Uon instructed of tho often out of town and thero was a paucity markablo feat of eating seventeen pounds
"During my summor vacation, when I ""nda of soldiers nnd one lloutennnt wero fnctH Xiy tlll! young Turks' society, the of editorial matter, Miss I'lerco was often of fresh beef. Somo doubt Is oxpressed here
wna in tho city of Adana visiting tho grand appointed to receive forty-nlno Armenians reBVlU o( tno Bfinnl whch t gflV0 whllo on obliged to write tho editorials. Sho wrote as to the possibility of n man eating so much
vlzlor'a brother, who wna governor of that from tho city Jail and destroy their lives. ray wny to tho steamship. I was kept good ones, and her work attracted tho nt- meat at ono sitting. Mr. Wright told the
state nn Armenian bishop sent mo a mea- I wns ono of tho soldlors. Hoforo wo 8Pcretly about ten months, but when tho tcntlon of Atlanta dally newspaper men. offlclnlB. howover, that tho story Is vouched
Bugo 'desiring to havo a conversation with renchod tho placo of destruction ono of K0fB,)8 exposed tho plnco of my hiding to nnd sho was offered sovernl positions on for by Agent Oetchell and Father Jeromo,
mo I accoptod tho Invitation nnd visited them recognUtd mo. With a tender voico, ,no government I waa obliged to escape, the dallies there. Sho had about decided tho latter Pathollc missionary at Dovll's
him nt tho appolntod time. With team In In tho Armenian lnngunge, ho said: 'My ,nd Immediately wont to tho American to niuko Journnllam her life work, when Lake. Tho supervisor added that tho In-
hla oyca ho Bald: 'My boy, why did you brethren, I feel that wo are going to bo missionaries' tlomo, ny them I wns Bent sho temporarily succumbed to nn attack dlan was extremely modest amid tho shower
not try to bo a bishop In tho religion of Kiuea, out i nuw a "- io America, reacning mis country June t, oi nervous prostration, wncn sue recov- of congratulations bestowed upon him by
nhrlst ninonit your own nation! Do you who m.iur.i n.. m,.
eied she had such a dlstasto for politics friends and admlrer.