THE OMAHA DAILY BJ?E: FRIO AY, NOVJ3MIVEH 0, 1900. I T SPECIAL JOMS Advertise inrnta lor lliese column will lii- InUrn nntll 1 m. r truing edition mill until H !t t. m. for morning nml Sinitlny edition. Ilntr.. I l-i!e trnrd flrl liiirrnon, 1c a u-tirtl thereafter. Nollilitu tnUm for Inn thl.ii a.'.e liir the Hrt lnrf ln. Tlicur ndvrrtUeuienls mail bo run ninvrculU elj. Atlvrrllvern, ty rrimlln a num bered elieeL. can lime itnutei-s nil dressed tii numbered letter In rnre of The Her. Ai"r nililrrrd rrl II he delivered om presentation of tbe cheek only. Wanted mam: in;i.i'. WANTED, wo hnve sternly work for n fw good hustlers of good habits imil Ptcl?,r.' unco, C. !. Adnms Co., 11195 Howard Ht H lw HAHHEH trudo taught thoroughly In short tlmo, catnloguo and particulars tree. Address Western Harbors' ln?,,ll,Vi ' Omuhu, Nob JS!H SALESMEN? to sell office specialties; ; fine side line; used by nil merchants. ' " ,J V loglm free. Modal Mfg. Co.. Box I. Him It )i':nil. Ind. "THE GALVESTON DISASTER, panes, loo Illustrations; sump!" fr'A"v." oiitllt of f. bookH for 30 rent. wn1f,in 1 W. A. HUetibnugh ft Co.. On ill . Wnro block. H-M147 CALL tut for wiles or n,lvirVs,n,r;nh straight nol.iry. Triumph SV'Stwrtpl Texas, ,51JrJll WANTKD. experienced harness makers. Apply nt Dch Moines Buddlcry Co.. .Des Moines, in. BM.ft 9 WANTED-tHALKHM The Hawks Nursery Co., MUv.uukee.NMH. .iYi ..i Bitli frnll trrrp: hi a NuU "i-MD' WANTKD, 'il good liplinWeror, who ran also lay cornets; stM.-. wages wini. I mid reference. WlenstJ A: Mnlwuld, BIS I. m Ueiitrlce. Neb. B-Mj.i WANTKD. men to lenm barber trii 1c. 115 weekly imrnnt...,l; write fnr p.'rtlr. to Agent Mnr Harbor College. Ct; '" blocK. O-.nnhn B--M5-1 i' EXPERIENCED opurntotw waited on Hblrtf ind overalls. Apply to Rym Hammer Dr goods Co., 12th and 1 I In ward. WANTKD A nrst-eliiM mnelilne operator to run Campbell H Hnswurth .maoliln-'; itoort pay anil neauy wmi m i Y'rcmotit.SuiJdli'ry Co., rrtniont. write at once, , Net) WANTKD. at onen, bronmeorn, sorter mil tier. A. H. i ncHUll, janacu, yjjju j WANTKD A 5'uutw man tfi lourn tho lr'JK 17 yearn. Ailriret.!t II U, I lee. -MjIJ - lMdVrip'ti tt'AXTUn. Stee.ilv iioil'lnni ,m,i ulvil references. Ha 'er Vawtcr Co., AtehHon. Ka. H-Mi.V.i ii. i vtm'i.m n:mi relln'.h'. Intelligent buy iibout IS. not afral.1 of work, to clean uniee nml run crraiulM. State pay i wnniwl, H II.. Hif. l5M.i' wTNTll"l neat sober, Intcllhtent. Indus h..t ' iii ii in itikkI tienman. cood ni iimitna. ffor wluileHii'.o olllee; state wanen wanted. 11 4.1 Hoe. ll-Mu.0 11 fJOOD newspaper reporter oi lintel Ito- pnrter omeii. " w.Tr.n-ruMAi,n ii!2i.i'. WANTKD, JOO girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7.1. C Pi7 Mj"giris wanted. Canadian olllco, :322 Dini'jlas C IDS WANTKD. waist and sklrtmnkers; good wages. Mrs. Mercer, Crosby Urns.. To poka. Kat C-MM7 11 WANTKD? girl Tor general housework. Mrs. f roil 11. lllaltc, 1121 S. 30th ave. C-M&OO 9 WANTKD. a competent girl for generil housework. Mrs. Slmcral, U70 N 2ith uvanvo, C Sll !i aiHI.,for general housework; small family; no wabbfiig 2T.74 Haniey. C-M51 10 WANTKD, ladles to learn balrilre-sinar, manicuring or barber trade; half rate this week'; call or wrlto fnr par'leulars. .Mo 'r's Harber und IlnlrilriMsing College, Civl h ton block, Omaha. C-M.'i2H fi" WANTKD-Oood cool: nml laundresfi; wages, J3 per week. 2102 St. Mary's Ave. C G3S WANTKD Competent girl for general housework; small family; references re quired. Mrs. O. II. Kelly, 1812 Wirt St. C-G3G- roil itixvr noi!si:s. If you want your houses well rented pl ica them with Henawa it Co. D 10.1 ALWAYS moving H, II. poods, pianos. Olllco, 1511 f amain St. Tel. 1553 or VH. i D-170 HOUSES for rent in all parts of the city. Hronnan-Love' Co,, 320 So. 13th Sti D-171 HOUSES, stores, Hernia, Paxton block: . D-172 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 farnnm D-174 rOU HKNT, house & rooms. 8. W. Cor. Tar.k ave. and Leavenworth. Modern ax cept furnaco, Key at cottage In rear. D-105 BEK HENRY U. I'AYNE, COl N. Y. LlfK D-175 1IOUSK9, eta f. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas. D-177 KI8 LANDON Court, 10 rooms, .nodem. hi lino condition: rent $15 00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. ISth & Douglas Sts. D-17tS 120ii WILLIAM St., 3 rooms, city water. J3. 1107 Mnrcy St., 3 rooms city water, K Omaha Loan and Trust Co., ICth nnd Douglas Sts. D-S6J fOR RENT, new brick cottago. cor. 20h unci Ohio st., 6 rooms and large nttlo, 2o per month. Ella A. Ittner. 3VJJ N. iTth st. D 105 l-ROOM house. 27th nnd farnam Sts.. all modem. Call 26M farnam or phone 5SS. D-281 HOUSES nnd flats. Ringwalt, Barker Blk D-na FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav ldge building, oiinoslte city hall. JOHN W. HOUU1N3, 1S02 V AHNAM ST. D-102 705 S. 37th St., 0 rooms. $20. OmnUa Loon and Trust Co,, 10th and Douglas Sts. D-SC1 10-ROOM furnished or unfurnished, modem home, with barn; location, west; winter cosl In: nt cheap rate; unnd ijirl will stav with small family: possession given nt once; references required. Address a M, Heo. D-125 9-ROOM house, modern. Monroo & 'Co., 611 N. 10th. , D-271 EIOHT-ROOM modern except furniio Siioa Webster, JIS: llvc-rodm. 221!l C1I- fomla. II I. ' Others RliiKwalt It oi unraer uiock u ai.ui HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brewn hlk. D-337 SEVEN rooms, hlodprn, 1320 North fon eth street. D-M4S3 12 fOR RKNT. frnnm rnllninv 5T?1 Plnknnv st., good cellar nml nil In good condition, r.r month. Inquire of.W. D. Mend. Jr., Dellono hotel. D M493 9 10-ROOM RtVletly modern house with bam, In very cnoje location, will rent reason able, elthor furnished or unfurnished, to puny wiiii "man inmtiy nnu gooit rerer enceH. Address It 3S, Hee, D M501 11' 6-ROOM modern, cor. flat. 2101 Lcavenw'th. u bis ro MODERN S-room house. Inquire 111! Vln ton. D 534 H FIVK-ROOM flat, furnlslicd or unfurnished Inijulio Sunday afternoon, IWi 8. 10th st D M5U 11 WANTED, everywhere, hustler lu tack tip signs, distribute circulars, etc. ."..V","; vanliiKt good pay. Htump for repls (Hobo Advertising Bureau. Omafm.Nob I'Olt HK.M'-I't ll.MSIIKD UOO.M5. 8TKAM heated rooms at The Thurston. U lw WITH or without board. 2S7 Hnrney. MODKIt.V, choice location. 122 S. Kth .St. Ii MX HOOMS, modern. KS0 Harney St. B-M977 10 Ft'HNISIIKD or unfurnished room, prlvato ranuiy. t-v: . rai si. h mjh a l'AHI.OH and kitchen, also one front room, ior uouscKeeiiniK. tun ... iuui si. K M501 0 THUKK nice rooms, housekeeping. Ilf2 H, mn. ii M5ii STKAM 1IKATKD furnished room. eeona noor. 6rj5 jtitn. k M5H H I'lHMSlIKll ItOOJIH AM) HOAltl). Gl.KNCAIUN,tratiHlcnts,$l.:5day. 1C09 Don?. 1151 GOOD board, prlvato lamlly. WO So. Avo UTOI'IA, K.'I Dnvenport Ht. I'-ISI NICK wiirm rooms, oood board, reasonable tales. Ttio I'.ose, 2020 Harney. I' 2C0 M2 NICK south room. The I'ratt, 212 S. The Mcrrlam, nood winter homo. 25 & DoiIko v is I TO ItKNT, 1 furnished. 2 unf urnls-licd rooms uir win i ii i inn n i . wun uonrn, in pnvnio family; inlet ni'Ishborhood, near Hanscom ,'.n it V.UH iiuumui ui 4 . I. . K-M227 NKWIjV furnished steam-heated rooms 2315 Duuk'us. K-M291 Dl TWO large front rooms, furnished; with or without board; prlvato family. Call 1313 Hurt St. K-535-10 I'Olt UK.Vr-t MM ItMNIIKI) ItOO.MH. L'NKl'HNISHKD. for housekeeping, 2021 St. Mary a avo. u s. roit ni:.T-sT(ini:s ami oki'icks.. I'Olt HKNT. storu In first class location rent rorummlik- Apply II. C. retcrs & Co., ground lloor, Heo bids. I ICo t'Oll HKNT. th" bulldlnK formerly occupied by Tho Hen nt tllG fnrniitn street. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used ns Tin; Heo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ift oncu to C. C. Hose. water, secretary, room 100, Uco Hiilldlni?, I 2dl AGK.XTH WA.M'lin. AO KNTS Article of absolute necessity In every bulldlnK; no competition; big pro llts; exclusive rKhts; fnlltire ImpoHiIbl". Agency Dept., 312, 27 William St.. N. Y. J MJ2o Ml' U'AVTI.'nAnnl. .i.llli ,...!.. .it llnl'Jil' Metallic Hubber Tires for rocklni; cliuirJ, you can mako $KW per month. J. C. Hayes, 41S Hast locust st Des Moines, IOWU. .1 IV w..vri:n to iiuxt. WANTKD, to rent, a building containing nhntit M rooms, sultiOtln for a Kurop an lintel and lodfjing house. Address Hoom vi., .n. i. i.ue mug. .tusi be mouernto. Central Ilote.l Co. K M.lil 0 STOIt AIJI". I'ACIKIC Storncn Wnrehouso Co.. 012 011 Junes, general storage und forwarding, 1SJ Om. Van Ktor. Co., 151U6 f am. Tels. 1539-SC3 IKl) WANTKII TO IllIY. Al.I. kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In large und small quantities. Chicago I' lirniiiuu wo., iivu-jv uougc. ici. i'u.'d. N-187 HOUSES to move. Wallace. Brown blk. N-;cs WILL purchase n limited number of umiiua savingH iianK nccounis. urennnn I.ovo Co., 3 So. 13th. N 188 WANTKD to buy. $1,000 of Omaha Savings bank accounts ror cash. Address a jo. Hen olllee. N M51S WANTED TO BUY. a small static elec trlcal machine. Address at once, stating price, ii so, neo, ;s m-i roil sAi.iv-ri H.MTtim:. fl'RNlTURK. carpets, etc.. of 13-room house, located in best nart of cltv. 5 blocks from postofllcii; very reasonnblo rent, suitable for parties wishing to keep roomers. It will pay you to Investigate tins. Aiiuress u Ji, nee. u .M0O3 13 fou mam: houses, vi:iih'm:s, nrc NEW und 2dII. vehicles at marked down prices, uarry itosi, itin Leavenworth VlbB fOR BALE, a horse and buggy cheap. In quire in .'ii-- Ht. Mary s Ave. i' jitsb fou sale mihg'i:m,am:oiis. T.MVW Vika unrli-lif nlnmi nt trmnt onr.lfln puny leavma city. Address v ao. Heo oincc. Q 197 N3 HAllD and soft foundation piling; hog loners aim criuoiug, ivi uougias. Q iau 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1110 farnam y 191 SAf ES; buy, sell, ex'go. Schwartz, 114 So. 13, Q-192 DON'T miss the opportunity to Inspect our motis. in- tain me inrgest tlliO) most complete lino of 2dhund stoves In ciy; prices low. uoiri lurjjet tne plnce, ijuiviiiiiDu I- uiiiiiuiu wu,. iu---i an, iiiii ZI6 Nil FOR SALE. 1 150-H. P. HolTmnn & Hlllinga i.nruss engine in kuou coniiiuon. Call or nuuress neo y oi ucc ui'ig jo, Q 601 WRITE for catnloguo of trusses, support ers. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, o n h y iB.1 COMPLETE plato glass storo front for unl Vi I ) wnmiiu AJtwj U1U UOi, ?i 10111 si. Q JI506 u GOOD rook stove. 2C07 Woolworth nve., upper uoor. tj M,7)2 9 OAK. llrOD tOP. Wheeler & Wilson iinn-ln machine, new; smyerua iuk 9x12. good enniuiioii. uu i", neo. W ll HANDSOME round ton rxtcnMnn any dining room table, oerfect condlt'oii, 1IOX iJ, lieu. IJ 5U !l 24 HEAD fresh cows, call nfternoon. lor ter s yarn, am nnu uurt ejib. Q-512 9' i!scem,.m:oi).i. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furni-u and stoves at lowest prices, cnrload lois or less, u-mcago I'-uriiuuro uo., hoo-jo noiig, R-1W CIiAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. f R1TZ, clairvoyant. 13 North lOtn. 8-197 THE reliable Egyptian peacemaker, fortuno teller am" imlmlst, Hat 11. f.20 S. 10th st, eees, w, ii auu ncr uranii nnnex. S-M474 Dl .-m.-xii'-.u 1..1U.U gcnuino pnimist. nui jji.ii 8-M1W KMCCTllIC THIMTJinXT. MMK. ADAMS, mnsnctlc treatment, W7 13th, room " t 177-11" MAE EDOAR, 31i!i N. 15th St.. lint K T-M155 1 10 MM E. AM KB, 1C15 Howard. 2d floor, roor Ornce Reynolds, assistant, T M3U ELITE parlors, C15 S. 10th., serond fl o T-M519 PUHSOXAI.. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nr.d uuperllu mi uuir it-iuuveu uy eiucinciiy, u. i f renzer block. U 199 VIAVI, woman's wuy to health. 3(8 Heo bldg UJ 1'KIISOXAI.. TI.'IIKIHH baths, masnaKO baths, electric natns. ror iames oniy; iKinen woin'-n niassaso operators ', tlnest equipped baths In the city. Heimtrom Dath Company, Hooms 218 to 220 Heo HldK. U-201 HLTTt'ItE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger: sen-i ror circulars, empire uup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bide Omaha. U 20! SKWINO machines rented and repaired; rem . jcr monin; supplies ior an kiuhs of machines. The Singer MunufaclurlnB Co., 1620-ICi! Douglas 81. Telephone LADIES' Jackets and tailor made suits al tered, Cleaned, repaired. M. Fogol, 307 H..17, U tiiA PRIVATE hospital for ladles before A dur ing conuncmeni; oauics aacpieu. nm 'j1' Can be altered to look new nnd stylish hv using one of our benntirui Fiircijtiii Aivfiriiiinv pi.HATHn plol'NCE3. Any kind complete from ll.iM til iLi" TKltATION 1 ATTKRNd AND INSTRl C- TlU.NS I HICK. Accordion und slue pieai Ine by the ynrd. Send for circulars M. (JOLDMAN CO., 2C0 Douglas Blk., 10th und Dodge. U 203 I'llIVATR linmn linfnrn nml illirlnir COllllne- mcnt; babies adopted. Mrs liurget, a.h ijurueite. u -vi SEWING in private families. 673 N. 45th U-SH-NU I'LEATING nnd Bklrts, nil kinds: buttons iiuiue to inaicn. ummii rieaini u., 1521 Douglaii. . U-2W CHILDREN boarded or adopted. S13 N. ild street. U-M7S2 N23 LIKHKN, theatrical, masqucrado costumerj iwia earunm. u -oi .1IO.MJY TO' MJA.V HEAI. ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebrnskn and western Iowa rurms nt 5 per cent- borrowers oa:i nny 110") or nny tnultttde: nny Intere't date; no delny. Hrennan-Love Co., 309 Ho. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 207 MONEY to lean on Improved Omaha real cstntc. urennan-Love co., aw bo. iatn. W-20J JlnXI nnd upward to loan on Improved city property nnu inrms. w. raruam amitn & to., nv) I'arnum. v .w WANTED City loans, bondR and warrants. ucorga & iompuuy, iuui rurnitm street. W-210 MONEY In nny amount nt B. 64. fl per rent. J. W. ROBUlNS & CO.. 1S02 f AHNAM ST v -ill MONEY to lonn on farm nnd city property; lowest ruiea. u. i' . uavis 1.0,, iujj r arnam W 212 MONEY to lonn nt 5 nnd 5'4 per cent on Omaha prop -rty. W. B. Mclkle, 401 8 15 h. v 13 PRIVATE money, C, Cl4. 6 per cent; no do- lay. unrviu liros., itiiii t urnam. w an WANTKD City and farm loans; also bond una warrants, k. u. I'oters .t vn liirj Farnam St., ueo mug. w li PRIVATE money, f . D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. v Zlti FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. v j ii MONEY to loan on (lrst-class Improved city nrAtturlv r t- rnp l.till.lln ,t,ipi,A, Pnvnit. Knox Co., New York Life. W 21S PRIVATE money to loan. J.H.Sherwood, v.ij ss . i.ue. v .'iy $1,500 TO LOAN on real estate; call nt once. M. J. Kcnnnru iNs son, 3lu-3ii iirown iiiock. v MM MOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You to keep tlio property. SALARY LOANS to people permanently employed on their own names, wiiiioui.cnuoi-ser or moriKtiire. Wo loan from $10 up. Wo chargo nothing for making papers and wo keep nothing out or the amount you ask for. You may repay tho money In one month or take 2. :i, 4, 5, 0 month' or more In which to repay It. Our rntes are as low as the lowest; our uusiuesH is coniiuentiui unci wo always iry to piense, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.'. Established 1S92. 20G S. 10th St X 220 MONEY . . MONEY LOANED SALAIU1SD PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and aTItl UT I. Y C'( J.N K 1 IJ E NT I A L. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 520, fifth floor, New York Life nidg -v SSI AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY will pay olT your SALARY ASSIGNMENTS And nil other debts. A steady position nil that Is required. EASIER TERMS AND LOWER CIIAKWES THAN ANY OTHER LOAN COMPANY. Call und have u prlvnte talk with us. ROO.M Oil HEE BU1LDINU. X 222 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position wun respou-iinie concern upon their own names without security; IUB JJUJ liiviifco. Avuwtiu, iw i 1, J,. lllUK. A -l IfrtVnV lmtn.l nr f,,rt.l,,M ln i tutitt, i iiiuiiiuiiun. wntches; payments confidential. Omaha cnatiei i.oan naiiK, ..u . loui, upstairs. .X 224 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. No mortcacu or publicity. Pnners free. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS SURE. R. R. employes receive tlmo to suit convenience. Loans of other com panion taken tin. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Hoom 303. Paxton mock. x 22 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. f . Ueed. 219 8. 13 X-229 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dla monds, watches, privately. Berger's Loan ysa:, rarnam m., upstairs. a. .at SALARY LOANS 3. CHATTEL LOANS. J :18 f Irat Nut. Bank, Bids. V. TAlLUti X-220 MONEY loaned on nlanos. furnltlirc. horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green. R S, Barker blk A JJj BUSINESS CIIANCDS. $150 CASH or easy pnyments buys 25 strictly cigars or ensh: will earn $2 nnd ujiwurd lntvriii iiucKeu sioi mnemnes ior nruiK-t. weekly eacn. isnn, uiaric & Co.. l-umi turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y 230 FOR SALE first-class rcstnurant In fro mont. Neb. Address, J, R. Hoover, Y-109 $300 CASK will purchnfo n one-eighth In terost In a valunb o Invention: monev b needed to perfect patents, Addres Oliver a, nun, car fticrcnams noiei, iniun i Y-M13ti 13 OROCEHY stock nnd llxtures: rood trndo self supporting business; best locution In umunn. nuuress ii to, ueo. i-m ui m FOR SALE, bnkorv. restaurant nnd uto eery; win Invoice about $1,S00 to $2,000, lu u good 'country town, county seat, lu care or umana lien. y jimj 22 f OR SAI.n-IIF.AI, ustati:. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company B A. McAUaster land commissioner, Union racnir ueauquaricrs, umana, Men. RE 197 FOR SALE cheap, large lot a. nl threo cottages. J. I. .ovegron, 4th floor Pax ton block. in; m.iig HOUSES, lots, farms, lnnds, loans; also rlro insurance, iiemis, pnxton uik, he 231 8KB HENRY B, PAYNE, COl N, Y. LIFE Rl-23j CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 farnam St UK 230 nARGAINS! 7-room house, urnund 100-foot frontaxe close to car llho; eastern owner wants offer. $3,000 property, well located: will pay 12 per cent net on purcnase price. $900 mortgage, better than government Dona, ror snie quick. M. J. ICENNAnD & SON, 310-311 Brown Block. RE-M2S3 HERE Is ono of the best harualns In small homo In tho city; 331C Larlmoro St (Monmouth Park). 5-room house, well rents , wu, on payments: aiscount ro cusu it lioui wunin n ween. George G Wallace, 313 Brown Blk. RE-790 FOR SALE, farm, $1,500. Address B 21 fOIl SALE-HEAt, KMTATH, LAND. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Neliraska. FOR SALE or trade, SO flue productive inrms nnu 10 nne stock rancnes in cast Nebraska for Aile cheap nnd on easy terms, some of which can be traded for merchandise, hardware, furniture, Imple ments, horses nnd cattle. For particulars nddrcss George W. Htltton. Coleridge, Neb. RK-M201 NJJ FOR ONE week, good east front lot, njth st., umana view. Mane oner, .musi si-h, O. O. Wallace, 313 Brown blk. RE-339 FINE cast front tot, 3 blocks south of de pot, on lot i St. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE-532-D-7' . GREAT SACRIFICE. An elegant ll-room house, all modern, largo cast front, grounds western part of city, near farnam St. This property cost original owner over $12,0o0. I am authorized to offer It this week for $7.5no. Can give Immediate possession. HICKS, 323 Board of Trade. RE-C31-8 FIVE acres choice garden land, adjoining rity lots, only $l,72i. hicks, ;k.i noaru ot Trade RE-o3l-S SO ACRES, 0 miles from Omaha, $15 per acre, 'ino uyron itccu to,, .i. m. mn 't. RE-M5W MEDICAL. LADIES oil of henlMi And prompt relief. Box 232, Omahn, Neb. Conlldetitinl. -237 LADIES' free monthly regulator: cannot fall. Mrs B Rowan, muwiuikoo. wis. M-150 N 30 LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden neai, never railing temaie regulator, win relievo most obstinate cases of delayed periods In 5 hours; sent secure from ob rervntlon, $1 Dr Annlo Fowler, 20.1 South Hth St., St. Louis, Mo. M-2CS N30 DR. LE DUEU1 vVmals Rtgulator. posi tively wnrrantea to cure mo most stuu born cases of pathological monthly stop pages, Irregulerltles. obstructions nnd suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package, or 3 for $5; scut any where prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American of fice, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, M. A -lllon. South Omahn; Davis Drug Co., Council Blulfs. Full lino of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg.: ici. ibti; Alice jonnsoii, u. u,, mines dept.; aid E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 233 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kirksvino, iio. wi l'axton uik. Tel. 1307. 239 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbach, Tel. 2352, Mo2 I.O.ST. LOST, between Hnyden Bros, nnd North 'jin live., oiown icnin?r pocueiuooK con taining money, key and knife Howard will bo given If returned to !52 N. 23lh avo., or room i, h. & m. iie.uKiunrters. Loit 510 '. LOST Black morocco purse, containing about JI.-M; tinder may nnvo fontents If purse is rciurneii to uco otnee. Lost-M54". 11 IIKI.CIA.V IIAltES. FINE Belglnn Hares for sale nt common- sense prices. Mi noronro uoulevanl. -832 N25 I HAVE n choice lot of young stock nnd bred does for sale enenp. All pedigreed, Address Ed Hcrvey, 1110 N. 40th. Omaha, M-204 S DANCING sriIOOl,. NEW classes for beginners are forming this week nt Atorniul s. creicnton linn: children Wednesday and Saturday; adults Tuesday nnd Friday S p. m.; prlvato les sons tinny; iisscniiiues cunesony; enn for terms: always open. auw ni .MLS I OA I,. FREE scholarships to piano students. Prof. liruum, uo itamgo line. 6S7 Jl'.VIC B.&M. Junk house, J. Milder, Trop., dealers in all mctnls, bottles, etc. carloads a specialty. i01-S03 Farnam, Oinuha. Tel.237S. 2S5 HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wtnterod. $1 per month. J. W. l'iicips, vjt N, V. luo oiug. -I'nnno 10J4 M-821 D2 .Ml It It Oil FACTORY. Damaged looking glnssca resllvered. "OS N 10. 241 1IIH1IS AND TAA'innil.MY. STOCK'S Bird Storo. 1003 Leavenworth. -C43 PLAIN SEWING. WANTED, plain sewing-. 1033 S. 22d st. -51790 N30' SIIOHTUAM) AN' 11 TYPBWIUTINtL A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 240 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg . -211 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. 212 GREGG Shorthand Om. C. Col. 10 .t Doug. 213 I.ANtiUAtiES. CHATELAIN School of Languages Boyd's tneaicr, nils reopencu ior mo season. -M14i PIANO TUNING. WE tune your piano for $1.50. Rose's Art Storo, 1521 Dodge. Tel 1915. 213 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c:colIurs, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -217 PAAVNII HOKE Its, EAGLE Lonn Office, rellnble. accommodat ing; all business contldcntlul. 1301 Douglas -251 LOANS, II Marowltz; low ruteu, 41S N. 16, accordion Pi.n.yriNf;. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson lilK., 17th and farnam Sts. CMS ENGINES, BOILERS, HTC, L. C. Sharp Much. Wks.; motors, dynamos, -219 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -250 WANTED TO UORHOW, $3,000 PRIVATE money; good Improved city property first mortguge. B 41, Hee, 637 CARPENTERS AND JOIIIIHIIS. ALL kinds of enrpenter work und repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2uth nnd Lakn Sts TICKI'.T IIHOKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere, P. H. Phil! bin. 1505 farnum, Telophone 781, 251 TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest designs. S. J. HrodtrlcU. 1017 fnrnam. M 171 N1S FOUND. GRAY Dane pup, Finder call at Nebraska Piauonai uniiK, t, i eanuimrg FouuiI-MSIS 10 i i iimti m: iir.PAiitiNci. TEL. Mil. M S Walkllit, 2111 Cuml-.ig St Om. t'lh. Wks. 101S Cap. nve." Tel. WX :ci4 DJ DHESSMAKIMI. IN "l 'A Ml LIES. Miss Sturdy, 31S S. "wt"hs' M -5o: D7 j 4 ti Ji0- -"J 'J i UkW"L SUES & CO I PATENTS R Patent Lawyers GUARANTEED Bee Bldp.. Omha,Neb PntcntuookFroo FALL AND W NTER NECESSIUES. The InrKt'St nud must select line tif enrrliiite LAP ROBES Plush. Heater, Wniil, Motttniin lliiiriilo, Wolf nml Hear Skin, Don s.ln. KORS.E BLANKETS for stable nud otitiltiiir tie. AH Kind nt Intvent prloea, Cnrrlime Heaters nud Foul Witrinrri, Coiteliiiinn's l'lif C'tilliii'fttes. Iluehntt it) s, ItrtitiKtintns, Depot Wukoiis, NOW Is the time to buy. Drummond Carriage Go, 18lli mid llarncy ?J POSTOf f Il'E NOTU.E. (Should bo rend DA II Y by nil Interested, as i minecs may occur nt any time.) foreign malls for the week ending Novem ber lo, 11 xi, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) nt tho General Post Olllee as fol lows: PAHCELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing ttino shown be low. Parcels Post Mulls lor Germany close at 5 p. in Monday Truiinnt lnnt lt Mnlls. SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per 8. s. Etrurlu, via Qticenstown; at S a. m. for ITALY, nor s. s. Kaiser Win. II, via Naples (malt must bo directed "per s. s. Ktitser Win. II"); at S u. m. for NETH ERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Rotter dam"); ut 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND, per h. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per h. s. Ethiopia"). PRINTED MATTK7i7"f.TC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Gerinanv only The same claas qr mall matter tor other parts of Europe vdll not bo sent by this ship un less specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supulemcntary Trims-Atlantic Molls named above, ad ditional supplementary mulls are opened on the piers of the American, Etiglluli, f rctich and German steamers, und ro-naln open until within Ten Minutus of the hour of liiilllng of steamer. .Mil Mm for South find Central America, West lull If, etc. FRIDAY At 1 p. in. for MEXICO, per s. s. Matanzns. via Tampleo (mall must bo di rected "per H. 8. MatanznH"). SATURDAY t 1" a. in. (supplementarv 10:3) a. m.) for fORTVNK ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA, CARTHA GENA nnd GREYTOWN, per s. h. Alone (mnll for Costa Rica must bo directed "per H. s. Alcnu"); at 10 n. m. ior PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan; nt 10 a. m. (sup plementary 10:30 n. m.) for CURACAO anil VENEZUELA, per s. Hlldur (mnll for Savanllla nud Carthagena muut be di rected "per h. s. Hlldur"); nt 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. 8. Mon o Castle, via I la vana; lit 11 u. in. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Hermann, via Progrcso; nt 1 p. m, for NORTH BRAZIL, per 8. s. Polycnrp. SUNDAY At 8:30 p. tn. for ST. PIKHRK M10.UKLON, per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close qt th's olllee dally ut 8:30 p. in. (connectlti': close hero every Mondav. Wednesday and Saturday). Mnlls for Mlque'on. by rail tn Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close at this olllee dally at S-30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by mil to Pott Tampa, fin., and thenco by steamer, close nt thin olllco dully nt 7 a. m. (tho connectlnit closes are on Sunday. Wednesday and f rldayt. Mnlls for Mexico t. uy, nverianti, unless specially un dressed for dlspntch by Htonmer, close ut this ortlco dally nt 2:30 a. tn. nnd 2:30 p. m Mails for He'lze. Puerto Cortez und Ouate mala, by rail to New Orleans and thenco by Htenmer .closo at this olllee dally at 3 p. in. (connecting closes here Mnndavs for BelUe, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala) Malls for Costft Rica, by rail to Mobile, Ala., nnd thenco by steamer, clo?o at this office dally at M3 p m. (connecting closes hero every Tuesday fieglstored mall cIosch at 0 p. in. previous day. I'l-nnspnetlle .Malls. Malls for Hawaii, vln San Francisco, closo here da'lv nt I..I9 p. in. up to No vember 5, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Zealandla. Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China and Phl'lpplno Island, 'la San Frnnolseo, close hero dally at C:30 p. in. up to November "S, Inclusive, for dis patch pot- s. s. Hong Kong Maru, Mn'lt for Australia (except West Australia., which goes vl.-t Europe, nnd New Cealnii I wh'"h go'-s via Snn Frnnc'sco) and FIJI Islands, vln Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November "lO. Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Anrangl (sup plementary malls, via Seattle, closo nt 1:30 p tn. November "ID. Malls for A is tralla (except West Australia). Now Zea land. Hawaii, FIJI and Samonn Islands, via San f ranclsco, close here dally at r, D p. m. after November ll and up to No. vember "24, Inclusive, or on tiny of nr rlvnl of s, h. Cnmnanlii. duo nt New York Novemb"! 21. for dispatch per 8, s. Sierra. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally nt 0:30 p. in. up to November "27, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. n. Empress of China (regis tered mall must ba directed "via Van couver"). Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port of salting dal'y and the schedule of closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their un Interr unci overland transit. ""Registered mall elo" nt ii p. in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Poslmastor. Postolllce, Now York, N. Y November 2, 1900. RAILWAY, TI.MI3 TABLES. UNION PACIf IC-'THE OVER, land Route" General Otllees, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets City Ticket Otllqo, 1321 Furnain Street. Teleidione, 318. Depot, Tenth und Mason Sts. Telephone, ti.9. Leave. Arrive Tho uwriand Limited. .a S:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chicago-Portland Special a S:2n nm a 7:35 pm Thu Fust Mall u S:o(l am a 2:2.i pm Tho Coluindo Special... all ;35 pm n 0:50 am The Faxt Mall u 4:35 pm Llnco'n. Uentrlco nnd Stromsburg Express.. Ii 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm The Puclllc lCxpress...,a 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express,,, a 0:50 nm Ornnd Island i.ocnl b 5:30 pm b 9:30 um u DjII b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL-road-Omnlm, Kansas t'lty & Enstorn Rnl road-"The Oulncy Route" Ticket Of. Ilco. 1415 farnum St Tele phono, 322. Depot, Tenth und Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 029. i . . - . .... ,rr Hi ki-uvu. Arrive. Louis Cannon Ball xprcss n C-.05 pm Express t Kansas City nnd vjulncy t npi i i a 8:20 am ,a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dully MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-Gcnerul Offices nud Tlrknt OMlnns Roiitb,nnt sF7.2lSl Corner llth and Douglas Uniun Stuuoii, Leavo. Arrive. .c- Kansas City Expres a"' m n own pm K, C , Ht L. Express.. .al0:10 pin a fl;!5 um Leavo from 15th Wtibstor Streets: Weeping Water h 4:15 pm al0:45 am a Dully b Dal'y except Sunday. CHICAGO. HURLINOTON t Qutiicy Railroad "Tea Burlington Houto 'Ticket Olllee. 1502 fHriiam Si. Tflephoiie, 250, Depot Tenth und Mason Sis To tphone. 123. LettVi;. Arrlvn. U'lyiigiu cmcugc spe cial .. u 7;00 am al0:25 t n Chlcag-i v-Phtlhuled Ex .a 4;oi p:n n 7 (5 in Chlcugo Iocal Express. a 9.30 am a 4 'i m ( hlcugn i.imued .a 1M pm a 7 1 um fast Man . S;1j pm a llallv .iLUli Si t I i. ,IU RAILWAY TI.MI1 TABLES. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route General OHices. N . Corner Tenth nnd F.trnttn Bts TlCltei umce. iw lrtrnit!ll rtt. .len TVl Itiirllnctoll station. Tenth nud Nlosoii Arrive. Bts. Tckphur.c, 12i. Leave. Lincoln. Hasting and . McCook a S:I0 am a ,ul rm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rnrin I'tiih I'ntifornla a l:K 'im n pra t.tnenln .0 lll"k Hills, .a 9:V pin u i:4"i mi Montana, Puget Sound.. a : pm Lincoln fust Mall i..,a S.W pm a i:tS am ul0;3i am n 6:15 am nil :43 nui u S:20 am bll5 am u S:2J i ni Denver ctiiornuo, umn nnd California Bellevue. Pnpplo n10:l. am Paclllc Junction nll:50 am Paoltlr Junction u 7:00 pm So. Bend, Louisville. , . Plattsmouth . , b S 3 pm ft, Crook, Plattsmouth. a o:i pm a Dally: b ex. Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council itlurtt Railroad "Tho Iturlnt ton Houto" Ticket O'llce, fnrnnm St. Tele, phone, 2M. Depot, Tenth und Maon Sts. Tele ulioiie. v:s i.eave Arrive, a C. 5 pm u 0.15 am Kansns City Day Ex. ...i I't am City NI ht Ex pm si i.tMiis I-iyer ror Si. Joseph and 81, Louis, ft 4:50 pm all:16 nm a Dully FREMONT. KLKUORN & Missouri V.ti ey Hntlrond 'T h e Northwestern Line ' General Otllees, United States National Hank Hldg.. S, W Cor. Tlvi'lftri inut t.l rn.-i tii Htm 'Ilcket Olllee, 1401 farnam St. Telephone, 501. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Tele phone, His Leavo. Arrive, Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Spring. a 3:00 pm a S:W pm yoinlng, Cuspar nnu Douglas d a'.tO pm o 6:00 pm HuslliiK. York. David t'ltv ftit i!o-. teneva. Exeter sml ewArd ...b 3:00 pin b 5:00 Dm Norfolk, VerUlgro und fremunt b 7:20 nm bl0::5 am Lincoln, Wahqo nml f reinont b 7:30 am bl0.2i am Fremont Local c 7.3' am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only d Dally except Saturday o Dully except Monday. ClIICAOO, ST. PAUU Minneapolis & Oniunit Hallway - "The North western Lino" Gcnoral Otllees. Nebrnskn Divi sion, l.'th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket tlltlee. Hoi i.i o .mi St, 'telephone, Dtil. Depot, lUli and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pastcngcr....n 0:00 um n 9:1) pm Omaha Pussengcr ulltlO am Sioux City A: North east Nebraska..' 3:45 pm ft Dally, b Dally except tfuuduy. CHICAGO fc NORTH western Hallway 'Tlio Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onieo. 1401 i-nrnnm st. .CI Depot, Mason Sts. Te'nhono. Tenth and Telephone, Arrlva. t2J. Leave, Daylight Chicago Spc clul a 7:00 nm Chiciigo Passenger a 4:15 pin Eustern Express. Des MTilucs, M.'irsh.tllloun. Cedar RaplilH und Chi cago. 410:55 am Eastern Special, Chi cago und Last a 1.55 pm I'ii . Mall. Chicago to Omnlia Omahn-Chlcago Limited. a 7:15 pm Fast Mall Cedar Rapids Passenger Eastern Express b 9:00 pm u Dally, b Except Saturduv. nll:3) pm a b:10 am a 4:05 pm a 4:C5 pni a 2:45 pm it 8:0o pm n S::;o ii m n 5:30 pm SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC Rnl road Tho North western Line" General Otllees, United States National Hank Bulbl'mr, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd l.nriifi to Mih TImV Olllee, lid Farnam St. Telephone, r.r.i :e pot. 'lenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv? Twin City Exnres a 0.55 nm nio 25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a S:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 um a 3:50 pm u Dally CHICAGO. ROCK Isl and & Pacltlc Railroad "The Grnt Roclt I si. nnd Houtu" Cltv Tick et Olllee, 1321 Fanrim Street. Tflephoiie J2S. Depot. Tenth & Marcy u, U.CWIIUIIU. 0"J. I .rn i Des Molucs and Daven port Local a 7:25 nm Chicago Express bll:l5 nm c: cagu Fait Express.. n 5:i) pm Lincoln and eiiirbur . ..a S:3o am Lincoln, Culor.ido Spgs.. Denver, Puebl" and West a 1:30 pm Des Molne, Rock Isl and and Cblenrro n 7 ir. nm Arrive. bl l:3i nm o vi'i m a 1 :25 pm a i:0j pm a 4:15 pm a 5:50 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CKNTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnam Street. Telophone. 213. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets Leave. Arrive. Chicago Kxprcss ...all .1j um a 4 Oj pm unicago i.unltea ., Minneapolis and Puul Express Minneapolis and . aul Limited ... ...a i;ij pm St. ..b 7:00 am St u h:15 am b 9:40 pm a 8:15 am a 7Mj pm Fort Doilco Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a Dully b Dally except Sunday, b!0:l5 am WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Olllee. 15oi Fnrnnm Street. Telephone S9.. I)e. pot. Tenth and Marcy Streots. Telephone, G.-.l. Leavu Artlv.' St. Louis "Cannon Hall" Express a 5:05 pm a E:S0 am u I'uny CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A 81 Paul Hnllwnv-Cltv Ticket Olllco. 1501 Furnnm Street. Telephone 2SI. Do- Bot, Tenth and Mnson treets. Telophono, 029 t n n ,n Arrlv,, MlLWAUKL Chicago Limited Ex.... n 6:oo pm a 8:u5 nm Chicago & umnhu Ex...b i;l.i am b 3:10 pm u Dally, b Dally except buuday ENCOURAGING THRIFT. A Merchant's Wuy of IIi'lpliiK His Km ploca to Liiy I ii .Mout-y. "I always havo confldenco In peoplo' who savo u llttlo money out of tholr salaries," said a prominent western merchant to a Washington Star man, "und I do what I can to encourage habits of thrift. I em ploy about ecventy-ilvo clerks in my estab lishment, to whom I pay weekly salaries ranging from $10 to $40. Naturally enough, more of thorn got tho former than tho lat ter amount, but they nro none tho less worthy on that account. "In tho beginning, when I employed only two peoplo, I lived pretty closo to them and I knew how thriftless they could bo when they were not encouraged to do oth erwise. I havo discharged moro clerks for that sort of thing than for any other causa. They spent their salaries, largo or small us might be, In a rccklcea fashion, nud let debt accumulate qulto regardless ot tho rights of creditors. As my business In creased, and with It my profits nml my force of people, I began to glvo tho matter more study and In tho end, when I felt nblo to bo of material assistance in en couraging thrift 'nnd honesty, I proposed a yearly recognition to thoso who would aavo something out of their salaries. It was email at lira t , but wan so successful that today I haven't a clork who has not somo kind of u hunk account, and not ono who wilfully refuses to pay his debts. Whon wo got a new ono who refuses to tako advnutago of tho opportunities af forded wo let hlra go at the end of tho first year. "My present plan Is to double tho sav ings of all clerks who rccclvn $10, $12 and $15 a week; to add 25 per cent to all who receive from $15 (o $25 und 10 per ccut for thoso over $25. A clork en $15 a wook or under cannot novo much, but us a rulo that class of clerks nnvu no ono to maintuln but tin nmelvea, and If ono cannot save moro than $25 nut of his year's labor, It Is rather pleasant for him to get $25 clear profit. Thoso who receive tho larger I amounts usually liaro families nnd their 1 ravin"! are not largo, but v.-hatovcr they are tloy arc comfortably Increased. One. , of my $l,200-a-yenr clerks, with a wlfa nml I two email children, saved $100 last year wwr ItlPr 1 nnu my check for $100 additional wus dc- posited to Ills nccottnt the day after New Year, A young woman In i barge of a do partnieut nt $900 a your lms almost paid for n nice little cuttngc in tjio suburbs out of her extra, and so tho list runs on through every branch of tho busluess. I in.iko It a condition that all current obli gation.! must be met at ttio end of the yeur, so that the savings arc actual not profit. Every year some of the clerks nro not en titled to any extra, hut If this Is the result ot slckticts I assume a part or nil of the doctor's bills. You tuny t,ay It cosls some thing for mo to do this, and 1 an) under no obligation to It, nud ou nro right. Hut I tuiMi tho best class of clerks In tho city nnd us rcmilt I hnvo the best class of custom In the city, und I guess 1 don't lost, enough by It to necessitate an assignment at nn onrly date," and the merchant smiled with a very oldant satlsfRctlon. STILL OWNED THE .MM; II II V. Others Tliiiuulit They Hud llliu, lint Got the .Mitten. "It didn't surprise mo any to read th other day that 'Lucky' Baldwin had again struck It rich, this time In the Alaskan sold fields," remarked a well known Cullfortiluu to a Washington Post lunii. "Haiti win Ii about tho hardest man to be chiselled out of anything ho lins set his heart on gettlug that 1 ever uiet with. A whole lot of PCOnlu have tiled tn out It nn him In ),nl. ness nnd other sorts of deals, but none ot those over succeeded In catching 'Lucky Ilaldwln Rulllcctitly asleep to rnuko tbelr plans stick. "Horsemen still talk nbout a funny game In which Haidwln figured on mm of tho Chicago race tracks nearly n doten years ago. Baldwin had brought his unigulllcctil string of thoroughbreds to Chicago to limits an effort to annex tho swell Makes ttiut were then on lap on the tracks In thu windy town and ho got llicin home Hrat or In th money In many of tho biggest events. Well, ho hnd ono of his finest horses entered In a valuable long-dlstanco event and Huldwlti was particularly mixlotis to win the rnre, not so much for the put so cud of it as for tho glory of capturing tlio sinke His horjit Just nbout llgureil lo win, too, and Huldwin Intended to 'go down the line' on tho nnl mill's chances, not only nt the truck, but at nil of tho big poolrooms In tho country. Ha stood to clean up considerably moro than $100,000 on tho horso If tho brute got under tho wlro flrht. llnldwin's regular stable Jockey was tiikon Blck on tlio morning of the. raco anil tho old man had to hiiBtlo sround for another boy to rldo his homo In tho big event, from another horseman tio bought, for n big round sum, tho release of a high grado rider, who was to hnvo taken the mount on u thoroughbred that didn't figure lo got near tho money In tho stako race. Ualdwln gnvu tho Jockey his Instructions as to tho way ho wanted tho horao ridden and then, when tho betting opcne.l his commis sioners dumped llnldwin's money Into tho ting In such quantities that tho horss be camo an overwhelming fnvorlte. "A qtiurtcr of nn hour beforo tint horsrs wcro duo to go to the post n well kuowu bookmaker to whom Baldwin had often ex hlbl:cd klndncfs In less prosperous days rati to where tho old man wna standing, chowing n strnw. In his barn. " 'Baldwin,' snhl tho bookie to the old man, 'Micro's a Job to beat you and you'rs golnt; to got beat. They wnnted me to go in with 'cm, hut you'vo always been on tho level with me and I wouldn't stand for it. Tho ring has bought up your Jock nnd your uorso is going to be snatched. " 'Much obliged for telling me that, re plied tho old man. 'I'll Just mako a stnb to see that thu boy doesn't do auy Biintchlng, though.' Baldwin borrowed nnother gun from ono of his ntnblo hands In thoso days he always corrl -d ono of hid own about ns long as your arm and with his artillery ho strolled over tlio Infield nud took up his stand by tho fenco at tho turn Into the stretch. Ha hadn't mentioned to anybody what ho was going to do and tho folks who saw tho old man making for tho stretch turn simply thought that Baldwin wanted to watch tho taco from Hint point of view. Ho did, for that matter, but he happened to have an other cud in view. "Well, tho horees got away from tho post In an even bunch and then Baldwin's horso wont cut to make tho running. Tho Jo;key' Idea vns to raco tho horse's head off and then pull him In tho stretch, making It ap pear as If tho animal had tired. Baldwin had Instructed tho Jock to play a waiting game nnd mako his hid toward tho finish. Tho hon.0 simply outclassed his company, howover, and ho didn't show nny Indications of log-weariness whatever ns ho rounded tho back stretch on tho rail, a couple of lengths in front of tho Held. Baldwin could sec, howover that tho rrooked Jock was sawins tuo uorso s neau on in his elfort to take bltn back to tho ruck. When the horses worn till 100 feet from him Ilaldwln let out a Oil to attract Ills Jockey's nttentlnn nn then ho flashel his two runs In Um suntii-ht nnd bawled nt the Jock; 'Loggo that horso's head, vnn mnni. dovll, nnd go on nnd win, or I'll shoot you bo full of holes that you won't hold mo usses! "Tho Joel: gavo ono look nt tti nan ftrn rtnna that Baldwin was polntlnc straleht nt him Then ho gavo Baldwin's horse bis head, sat uown 10 nne for nil that was in him and tlio liorso under him cantered In ten innn,. to tho good on tho hit. As long as 'Lucky' imiuwiu was on mo eastern turf nftor that no jockey ever tried to yank ono of bl horsc3." Nn mutest lliillilliiir to lie Sold, Any ono with a fondness for frentr tmii.t. IPCS can. If ho bids blch enoueh. hnv a veritable curiosity on Thursday, whon tho nnrrowest business building In tho city Is to bo put up at nuctlon at the bourse, ropoits tho Philadelphia Record. This qiioor building, Which has morn tlmn local fame, Is only four foot und ten inches wiuo aim lias a depth of 141 feet, reaching back an American street to innlr. Th.. nro six different firms that curry on busi ness in Hie ground lotr. Tliem.. n n cigar store, two outlnir. bruises. mnklng shops and a'tallorlng establishment. ino inreo upper storioH of tho building nre deviled io lodgiw: renins, of which thero aro seven on each floor, entranco bolng gaiucn irom ino line strcot by means of three winding stnlrwayn of tiny proportions. Ench of these rooms is fourteen feet long. An ordinary bed takes nn tho wimin uMih of tho apartment and tho occupants nra ineroioro compuneii to crawl in over tho footboard. Not Infrequently ono of theao rooms Is occupied by a man and his wlfa and constitute their entire placo of abode. According to tradition, whero American Btreot now Is thnro was onco a narrow alley, Just wide enough for a person to walk through, and when It was brondoned many years aro thn building on the corner hnd to bo reduced to Its present dlmon- ulons. Mrs. T. Hrldillcman of ParshallvlUe. Mich., wob troubled with salt rheum for thirteen yp&rs and had tried a number of doctors without relief. After two or three applica tions of Hannnr Ealve, her hands became better and In a short time she wns entirely cured. Mycro-Dilon Drug Co., Omaha;. Dil lon's drug store, South Omaha. A Dreiini. - Detroit Journal: It was the genius of tho Anglo-Saxon race tlmt performed tho nfllces of introduction, unylng: . "Heathen, tho Incvjtablo; InovltaMe, the Heathen " ' Tho Heathen bowed. "('hawmcil'" said tho Inevitable. Wo had barely tlmo to think how much better this than cannon and hospital ships, when wn awoke with a blurt, for of coursa It was all a dream