TO THE OMAnA DATLV BE E: FRIDAY, yOTEMBET? 0, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Dull and Slightly Loner Moit of the Session on Lower Cables. CORN EASY ON FREER COUNTRY OFFERINGS Unix Hull rtltli Trmlr of I.luhl Local Chnracler Provisions ilel, .Mar ket Hliirtlnir Higher on I.lKlit 1 1 OK Heeellits. CHICAGO, Nov. wns dull alj'l asy most of Ihe ilay, on lower cables, but later steaiilcd on export business, December closing a shade lower. Corn closed UTi lower and oats miclianuf'l Provisions at llin clout! were I'ilfGc down December wheat opewid Uo higher to 'kc lower nl nWi'Z'iV, striving to wee Its way clear through conflicting news, a Liverpool decline on ono liuml und .lulllsh Argcntl.i.j nlvlces on the other. Following the open ing, December touehetl 7:i".f73'xc. Tli"rr after, however, the tnur.ot generally Ignored tho wonl from th" other side tr.o eipiutor to the effect ilru storms hud done unveru damage to the crop In the province of Santa Fc A Jones cnhlo tinnoutiolng that the prclhnlnary Kiisslun report show.i the wheat eroit in be tin best since 18.M wan a depressing factor, the recent lurgu Hhlpmetits from thai country seeming 10 bear out the report. December graduall). on a narrow trade, sngnui to u this point cash sales here were reported nt ,1I0,(M) bo. and New York claimed forty llvo loads for export. Shorts covered and u recovery ensued, December cosing a shade under yesterday at 73M'i3,i. Sei board clearances In wheat and Hour wuro eiinal to 33j,io bn. Primary receipts ag gregated tm.uw Int., como.ired with WilOiO bu, last veur. Minneapolis ami Dultl n reported 126 cars, against 1177 last wee-j und W a year ago. local lecclpts wero 131 cars, two of coiitrne grade. Freer eoiintrv offerings, due largely to the cooler weather, eanced u recession In the prlco of corn, Lowir cables wero . minor factor. Offerings or November were very liberal and elevators were freo su'I'is of December and May. D -comber sold be tween 3.'i&e and AVfe and closed UdW down at 3..'(i(."..",c liicelpts wero cars. Oats were t.nll and the trade of u light local charaet-r Prices w re steady. ' cember sold between SITufl'c ami 2lV'2t'..e mid closed unchanged at Il'.c. Hecelpts wero 157 cars. . , Provisions wero iulet. The market stiirti'l 2!ifj6o higher, on Hutu has receipts und better prices at the yards, bill eased olf later with -vheat anil on liberal offerings of lard. Trade was principally local mil bare of features, .lamury pork sold be tween Jll.22'3 and Jll.15 and closed r.o low'r nt f 11.15; .lannnry lard bclwicn HWIJ and J6.C3, closing SVflific down at Kffi, and Jnnu iiry ribs between anil tj.'J2i, with the close Te depressed at KM Kutlmated receipts tomorrow. Wheat, 8j rars; corn, :i0 cars; oats, ISO cars; boss, tti.omi head. TIkj leading futures ranged as follows; Articles.! Open. IIIrIi.I Low. I Close. MVy. No. 1 northern spring, 6s SHd: No, 1 Cali fornia, fis 4d. Futures, quiet; December, 6s "jd; March, 6s l'id. COHN Spot, quiet; American mixed, nominal nt 4s 2d. Futures, steady; No vemler, 4s Id; December, 4s Sd; January, 3s 10,d. PHOVIHIONB-IInm-i, short cut, Arm nt 43s cd, Shoulders, square, steady nt 32s. TAUXJW-Austrnllaii (In London), llrm at 27s, omaiia wiioi.kxali maiikets. Wheat Nov. Dec. Jan. Dec. May Oats Nov. Dec. May Pork - Nov. Jan. Ijird Nov. Dee. Jan. Jllbs- Nov. Jan. 72'v WMtl, ii -StITSVj'fi I I r.i-i 7i'.fc 73 S. .W'fiV38 fiai;i7i1Sil 37s;; ou-i'lj-il '".II -Hi; i ii'.: I'.i'JlTMii.'! I ..U'.HI IK:! 3'U' I 21H1 3? ii.1' -i S7(,i21,1( "S 4 10 r,2tt! 10 ti-Oii P 111 7 021,1 fi 72': 7 0-ji-i fi ,S2', U 72V4I n 2T, Ii CD Ii 93 Ii 7? Ii K i I i 2.) fi 01) fi 2.i I 10 40 10 7fi 11 15 11 20 6 M 7 00 Ii 77' i 0 SO Ii 5 li ?i) G 2Ti 6 S! 5 93 5 I'f) No. 2. rimh ountatlous were ns follows: PLOl'U Unlet: winter patents. J3.703.50; Mraluhtw. J3.10'u3.lXl. bakers. $2.205j2.75. WlllCAT-No. 3.; No. 2 red, 72'ifT T&V'C. lrOItN No. 2, MV,e; No. 2 yellow, 3S(je. OATS No. 2. 22-ii22c; No. 2 white, 27c; No, 3 while, await!. , , , 1IA 111,10V-Fair to choice maltliiK. 4,.1?-lc. hkkiih-Nii. 1 flax. 11.70; No. 1 north western, it 7S; prime timothy, Ul5( u20; clover, contract Rrade, $10. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. J11.0). J-ard, per 1W lbs..'i. Short -'lbs dldes iloose), Jii.Wi.0. Diy salted slnul ders (boxed). Jfi.00fl6.25. Short clear sides (.boxed). Jfi.iWfJfi.70. WHISKY Itasls of high wines, J1.27. FollnwliiR are the receipts and shipments today; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bills 24.000 J1."II0 Wheat, bu 73 000 122 0 Corn, bu OT.00O 3Si',i0 Oats, bu 113.0H0 143,0 0 Jive, bu 1. 0 Uarley. bu '8,000 2o,CW On the Produce exchanKe today the but ter market wne steady; creameries. 15fi22o; dairies, 12Uflhc. Cheese, dull, at lOitll'.C Krks, steady; fresh, 20o. NKW TonK (iKNKn.1L MAIIKRT, Cluofntloii ,r )ay an Varlan CanniiMll(leR, NKW YOUK, Nov. 8.-FI,OUIt-Itecelpts, a!.601 bbls.; exports, 11.467 Mils,; sales, S.SW nkK'S.; market dull and teudlnR lower, with buyers scarco on account of the crop In wheat; winter patents, J3.70W4.00: straights, 3.5Wt3.lV); Minnesota patents, J4. 004.25; win ter extras. J2.Gj(ii3.0O: Minnesota bakers. $3.00m3.40; winter low untiles. J2.4r.ir2.60. Ilyo Hour, easy; sales, 3P) bids.; fair to Rood .00iia20; choice to fancy. S3. 25ft 3. GO. Duck' 'wheat flour, easy at J2.0fl'32.13, HIUMCWHKAT Dull at (50c. COHNM10Al Quiet; yellow western, 86c; city, (ixo.; iinnuiywine. fi.MU-.w. UYi: Steady; No. 2 western, EGo f. o. b.; state, r.lfi52o e. I. 1, New York. HAHLKY Qlllut: feedlliB, 42fj"lfiQ c. I. f., llulTalo; maltliiK, r0fi5So c. I, f.. HufTnlo. UAULKY MALT Quiet ; western, fflliGSo. WII1CAT Hecelpts. 155,550 bu.; exports, R3.727 bu.; sales. 3.S2r,000 bu, futiires; spot, easy; No. 2 red, 70o f. o. b. alloat; No, 3 red. 77,iu eliivntor; No. 1 northern. Duluth. HI?io f. n. b, alloat; No, 1 hard, Duluth, SSUe. f. o. h. alloat. Ontlnns had n firm npenlnR on bulllsli Argentine reports and a demand from local shorts, but subsequently yielded to liquidation based on weakness nhroad and disappointing outside support; closed easy ut ic net ueeiine; .iaren, K2 3.16c. closed at h2o: May. SI 3-16fjS2 3-lGc. closed at SlN,c; December, 7M'u'79 1-lGo, ' closed ut 7S&c. COUN Hecelpts. 40G.8OO bu.; exports, 141, 226 bu,, sales, 210,00(1 bu. futures; spot, easy; No. 2, 45',ii! elevator and 16Ve f. o. h. afloat. Options opened steady with wheat, after which they weakened under bearish cables, fair weather conditions and unloading closed easy at net lower; May. 4bit 42Mc, closed at 42'c; December, 42:ifJ'42c, closed at 42He OATS Receipts, 240,8iW bu.; exports, 50.064 hu.i spot dull; No. 2, 25!?c; No, 3, 25c; No. S white, 2So; No, 3 white, 27Wc; track, mixed westuru. 25iiT26Hc; track, white western and Htate. 27ft 33c. Options dull. FRKD-Qulet: spring bran, Jie.SOfriG.:!.!; inlddlltiKM, J17.O0fTin.5O; winter bran, J17.00.'n 1D.0O: city. J17.00'il 17.23. HAY Dull; shipping, 75fi'77Ucj Rood to choice. S2iif'J2Vi. HOPS Quiet; state, common to chtle, SS99 crop, 10f"13c; olds. 2fi6c; Paclllc coast, 1S99 crop. 10ft 13c, olds. 2fi5c. lUDKS-aalveston, 20 to 23 bB 18c; Call f oi ilia, 21 to 25 lbs., lSVic; Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 23ViC WOOI-Dull; domestic llceco, 25St27o; Texas, 15Silfic. l'KOVlSIONS-lleef. dull; family, J10.50 fll,75; mess, J9.0ivii9.50; beof hams. JlM.OIff 21.00; packet, JI0.00Jfl0.5i); extra India mo's. J16 0Offl7.0O. Cut meats, bteady: pickl.'d bellies. J9.25ffll.00; pickled shoulders, Jfi.25; lilckltd hams, J9.Wfi9.50. Lard, weak: western steamed, J7.424; October closed at J7.55, nominal; refined, market quiet ; onntlnental. ST. 65: South America. JS2'. rompnund. J6.12'if6.23. Pork, dull; family. 9I6.0V11 16.50; Bliort clear, JI 1.251)17,00; mes, J12.255fl3.50. IIUTTKU-Steadv: creamery, 16f23Vjc; June ereamerv, lifi.ivsc; inciory, i3(it'e CIIKKSl'Wteceliits. S.093 pkes.: steady larRo while, 10c; small white. 11c; large co ored. jo-'ic; small colored, lie. HfinS-Iteceliits. 7.216 nkus, : firmer: went crn, reRiilar packliiR, at mark, !SQ2lVic; western, loss on, J4i:. POTATOKS-Qulet; Jcrsevs. J1.37V4c: New Tork. J1.25: Loin? Ishmd, Jl.50ffl.75; Jer-ivy Hweets. Jl .WMW. TALLOW Quiet ; city. 4kc; country. 44 Sf4;o. HICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4MiWo: Japan. 4:45C. MOLASSKS-Qulet; New Orleans, open Iiullle. irooil to eholcn. 42fi53c. MF.TAI.S There wus little or uothliiR do InR In tho metal uxchanRe and the prlco movement wiiH on u nominal order. Ca bles and news from primary doniobtlo no nts lackiMi reaturo or incentive minor tance. At tho close, the metal exclmime railed tile Iron warrants quiet at J9.0ofr 10.00 lako copper, quiet ut Jfi.75fil7.o0; tin. dull and nominal at S2S: lead, quiet nt JI.37H. unit anelter. unlet at J4.10fll.15. Tho brokers price for lead was Riven as Jl and for cop per Jlti.754ilO.S7H. Liverpool 4. ml 11 mill Pro vlloii. LIVKIIPOOL. Nov. S.-WIIKAT-Snot Bteudy; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s 'M; Condition of Trade nml Uuotatlonn on Mttiplr and I'niicy Produce, .naOS-Hccclpts llRhti Rood stock, 16'.41i "lIVK POI'LTIlY-lIens, 60140; roosters, 3fjlc; sprltiR chickens, 7f7',sc; ducks, Gfj7c; Reese, fiiffjc; turkeys, kWJc. FHIOSH DIlLSSiiD POI'LTIIY Hens, Sff c; roosters, b'aHc; ducks and geese, 9iiI0c; broilers, per doz., J3: sprint? chickens, ier lb,, SfiSHc; turkeys. 12'jc. OAMK-I'ralrie chickens, per doz., J3.00 l.fin; msllard ducks, per doz., J3; teal, Jl.ry-q 1.75, mixed, Jl. 25-511,50; Jacksnlpes. Sl.'Mil.iM, HI'TTICK -Common to fair, 12c. choice. 15filfic; separator, 21c; Ratherod creamery, l'u2uc. FUKSII OYSTMitS-Flrst Rrade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, Use: ex tra selects, 32c; standards, 25c; medium, -'I-. Second Rrade, slack tilled, New ork counts, per can, 3oc; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c; bull standards, per gal., JI.25. PIOKONS-Llve, per doz., 90c. VICALS-Cholce, !)H10c. HAY Prlco qlloled by Omaha Wholesale liny Dealers association: Choice upland, S9: No. 1 linlaml. JS.50: medium. JS! coarse. J7.50. Ityo straw, J6. These prices are for nay or Rood color and quality, fair. Hecelpts, 5 cars. OATS-No. 3 white, 26c. CORN No. 3, 3M.'. IIHAN-13. VKOHTAHLKS. CrCCMHKRS-Per doz., .fl25o. TI'RNIPS -Per bll. basket, 5"c. IIUKTH Per bu.. 60c. CA RROTS Per bu.. 50c, LHTTI'CH-Per doz., I(fal5c. IIA ntHI I FM Per iln.. lr,e. HI'ANS Wax, per 1-3 bu, basket, 90c; strltiR, 76c. . . . POTATOKS-Pcr bu., 40fGOc; Idaho, per h'w'kKT POTATOKS-Per bbl.. J2.00fi2.25. CA1IHA(II2-Pcr lb., IVic; Hollnnd seed, H.c TOM.toi;h per 2-iiu. duskci, wc, ONIONS-Per bu., 75o. . rir ClCLIiRY-Nebraska and Utah, .10ff45i:; extra mammoth, fiOc. FRCITH. Pi:ARR-Per box, J2.COfj2.23. ORAPI'.S-Debiwari! and NlaRara. per 5 Ib. basket, 15e; Malaita. per keR, J6.u0f ..50. A PPL KS Native. 75C(U1.00 per bu.; per bid., J2.50; eastern. J2.75fj3.00. CHANIti:RRli;S-Pcr bbl., J7.50; per crate, J2.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOFS Mexican, per box. J4.50. LI3MONK UuHfornlft, nxtru fancy, J4.00; choice, J3.50. , I1ANANAS l'er bunch, nccordlnR to size, J2.OOfl2.50. FKIS-Cnllfornla. new cartons, 90c; luy- Cra' 6V' MISCKLLANFOCS. NCTS FtiRll.'li walnut-. i-r lb., 13c; filberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., aic; raw peanuts, per lb Sfn.'ic: roasted, GM7'jc; ltrazlls. 12c; Pecans, 9i10c. .St, I.oiiIn (J rill 11 mill Provlnloim. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 8.-WHi:AT-lllRher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 71c; track. 7Sfi74c; November. 71c; December. 71Uc; May, 75Ti,c; No. 2 hard, 69fj70c; receipts, 3.1,100 bushels. , COUN Lower; No. 2 cash, 3.)',ic; track, mi'fcc: November, 34ic; December, 3l!ic; Miiy. SrttXtMc. , OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash, 23c; track, 2;i'ifi23e; November, 23c; December, 22!ic; Mav, 2kSc; No. 2 white, 26'ifj26!ic RYF-I'lrm at 49c. FLOl'R Quiet and unchaURcd. SI'.FDS- Timothy, steady nt $3.75f4.20. CO RNM FA L Steady at J2.00. 1IRAN Fasy; sacked, cast track, 64!4fi 65e. HAY I IlRher; timothy, J9.50fjl3.00; prairie, JS.&IM 10.50. WHISKY-Sleady at J1.27. I RON (.'OTTONTIFS-J1.25. HAlUIINfJ 74SV4c. I I KM P Twine. 9c. MFTALS-Lead: Steady nt .J4.20S-I.22U. Mi,,. Her: Ste.'iilv nt J4.00. POl'LTRY Steady ; chickens. was 1J. On the other hnnd, tho mercurial specialties, which aro always favorites with tho speculators, rose buoyantly on enor mous deallnRS One or two of them had been below last nlKht's closo early In tho day, notably SjRur, which broke m nt the openltiR. The late upward movement carried HURar, People's Oas, Manhattan, llrooklyn Transit. Metropolitan Street Rnll way, Pacific Mull and American Tobacco tip from 24 to nearly points. Yesterdays enormous buying of Northern Paclllc was explained by today's declaration of an extra dividend of 1 per cent on the com mon stock. The omission of this dividend In AurusL when the rcRUlar semi-annual dividend of 1 per cent was declared, was considered a very ominous sIrii of tho prospect of curtailed earnliiRS for railroads. Today's action Is accented as showlliR re stored confidence In the malntenanco of the earnlnK power of railroads, but It did not save the stock from n sharp reaction on proilt-tuklnR. The steel stocks were IrrcRiilar, Sleel mid Wire and Pressed Steel Car sIiowIhr reactions, while other members of the. croup wero stronp. Money continued In abundant supply und sterllnc exchnnRe rose fjrther, with tho demand for payments for the enormous sales of stocks for Lou Ion ticcount. I ho bond market continues active and llrm. Total sales, par vnlue, J4,U83.nuo. rutted States 5s advanced '.4 und all other Issues, except tho 5s, 4 per cent on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's Ixjndon financial letter says: There wus far broad.T business In the markets here today. In cludlng a revival in homo rails, which spurted on closing of bear contracts on the news that coal contracts have been mui(e nt 11 reduction of 6 shlllliiRS. Americans wru le.H excited, lull ullll viri nnlle... I.ire tiir.?....?A lnv changing hands on professional ileal Demanu tlKHt ''). public and mo continent Is still standiiiR, ninof. Loudon took prollts all ;iay, wiiiiu .New York bought, thus cant ing .a see-sawing market. Money win harder, on tho withdrawal ol i:3,(0,0f0 1 11 war loan Installment and the ImPeiidtnR iiir paymeius on exenequer uoiius balances, $651,500, money, 5ft7 per cent; New York exchange, discount bid. par asked. CINCINNATI, Nov. S.-Clearlngs, J2,2;i. 150. New York exchange, 15'q25c discount, monev, 3i3fiH per cent, PlttLADFLl'HtA, Nov. S. Clearings, Jl.4:il,64fi, balances, J2,140,R91. IIALTI.MORF. Nov. S.-Clcarlligs, J3.S37, 7il; balances, JI99.271. 1IOSTON. Nov. S.-Clearlngs, J22.589.6IS; bnlanees, Sl.RSt.4VS. NKW YORK. Nov, 8,-ClearltiRS, J1S7.I39, 492; balances, J9.240.514, 11 i-i'mii y oiiin. j no nana oc ingiauii le i iuii iiinw surprised tno inarKet by dlsclosinu that tho bank had boiTiiweil il.M)t. making a consequent reduction by 2,u,n) In the market balnnces, despite il.i,(i Roverument disbursements. Silver fell a rnrtlilnR, which was popularly atti United to Itrynn's defeat, but wns reallv owlmr to tho fact that thcru was little demuud In u narrow market. Tlio follow line art the closlnir urlces on the Nuw York Stock exchnuco: I'lirelKii l'liiniieliil. ,.LONDON, Nov. S.-The hardenltiR of New 1 ork.exchango consequent on the election has lessened the prospect of Immediate shipments of Rold to tho t'nltcd States, lioney Is harder, tins efforts of the Hank of FiiKlaud t.j regain control lessening th supplies. The tlnal Installment of the war loan was paid todav. A large amount of exchequer bonds must be paid November 15, and then the new treasury bill lssuo Is expected to tako off .C1.5oo.V. Discounts are firm. The continued rise In Americans strengthened prices oil tho stock exchungo Renerally today, but there was little In crease of iictivltv. Home Hinds were firm and the war loan was dull. Home rails wero higher and London A: Hrlghton Im proved 011 bear purchasing. Huslness In Americans began early, with prices well nhfivn tinrltv TliAin ,t-na tmieh i.vcltemetlt and large transactions were lecorded, tho bulk of which were for New York account Afterward there was n reaction owing lo profit taking, but the securities again Un proved and closed steady. Chesapeake A. Ohlos wero tho features nnd Northern Pn clllea were particularly strong 011 dividend rumors. A notable feature of the transa. tlons was tho demand for the better cm. of Investment stocks and bonds, which t Is believed will continue to attract much, attention, now that the currency queslU'i In tho Culled Slates Is reirarded lis settled. The weekly statement of the Hank of htiK land shows the following thunges: ri'siTi'i. i1m,m-..iw,.iI j!ln(Oo: circulation. i!e- nd I creased i20-'.iii): bullion. I'ecrcased ifi?!.- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Light All Around and Good Stuff Brought Stronger Prices, HOGS AVERAGE I A TRIFLE HIGHER flood Deiiiniid for ('holer Mirrp anil Market Fifteen to 4(nnrtpr Itlkclirr Tlmn It AVns 11 VVrfk Arii l'ce'd-T Also .XoIIIiik Well. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. S. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 1.mi 2,M4 i.Iji Ofllclal Tuesday ;a'5 5.17J 1.I0 Oniclal Wednesday 2.KIS 3,644 5,1110 Olllclal Thurjday 2.2S 5.1.75 L7il Atchison T4H I'nton Paclllc do nfd do nfd. ...... llaltlmoro & O... 78 Wabash Canadian Pacific. hH do nfd. Canada So.... Ches. & Ohio.... ChlcaRo . W. f.:, u. it w Chi. Ind. & L.. do pfd Chi. & 13. 111. 2ot: JO 26i; H4 1124 132 15.1 19 iu'4 wneci. a. 1., l... 3: do 2d pfd . 13"t, Wis. Central ... .Mlk Third Avenuo .. . 21V, Adams Fx . 674t American 13x.... . W 1'. H. Fx Chicago & N. W ic.,14 Wells-Furgo Kx.l3i C, R. I. ,t P H2 Amer. Cot. Oil... Wi C. C. C. & Ht. L. 6Vi do nfd 92 Colorado So 0 Amer. Malting... h'4 do 1st pfd 41 do pfd 2u do 2d nfd 17 Amer. S. A: It.... 44' Del. fc Hudson.. 'It"! do pfd 93 .17S Amer. Spirits ... . 20-m do prd 17 . !l'( Amer, S. Hoop... . IJ'i do pfd 78'4 . ,W4j Amer. S. & W... J3 .IfSt'i do pfd SI 10 Amer. Tin Plate. 3'i IS i,i do pfd kS L" G.. Del. L. & W, Denver & H. do nfd Frln do 1st nfd (It. Nor pfd Hock cir Coal .. Hocking Valley.. Iowa Central do nfd Lako Frio & W do nfd Lako Shore .... L. & N Manhattan L.. Mel. m. m ir,Tii ilo nf Mi.vlnuti fVnlrnl 111' ri 1. Minn. Ac at. i,... i". uiucoso sugar do nfd 'hi do nfd Mo. Paclllc usti Inter. Paper ... .'Miuiic ,v unio... it no pin id's no nfd i;:o . I3s Anne. Mill. Co... 47i . a, urooiuyn 11. -r .11) Colo. Fuel & I .21oi Con. Tobacco . . 7Hu do nfd V:t Federal Steel . mi Icctrlc young, 6c: "Vic; young, ducks, creamery, 3SfJ23c; 6V-fi7Vjc; turkeys, oc 7c: geese. 6c. HCTTFR-Stoudy; dairy, LSiiic. FfKiS -Firm at 17c. PROVISIONS-Pork; Steady; jobbing, tlfiim 1 .11 I'll : Nomlnnllv lower at S6.75fi6.77. Drv salt meats, boxed, llrm; extra shorts, ,'... clear ribs and clear sides. J7.37'i. Haoon. boxed, firm: extra shorts, clear ribs and clear sides, JS.Zj, llFCKlP TH-1' lour, u.oibi nois.; wueni, 0.1, una In rni'ii. 37.0ml bu.: oats. 23.000 bll. SHIPMl-'NTS Flour, i.',00U udis.; wneai, S2.000 bu.; corn, 129,000 bu.. oats, 3U,000 bu. KniisHH City ; rill 11 ami Provisions. KAN'MAS riTY. Nov. 8. WHEAT-De cember. lilTif(65c; May, 69Vc: cash, No, 2 hard. Ctil&fMifc; No. 3, 6l',4'B6ic; No. . red, IlUffiTL'e: Mo. . ttlrtiTOe: rece nts. cars. CORN December. 32T4fi33o; May, 34H 3P,ic; cash, No. 2 mixed, 33!c; No. 2 white, 33Uc: No. 3, 32fl3lc., l Willie, ?4C. IlYK No. 2. 43V,c. HAY Choice timothy, J10.OOfJIO.50; choice prairie. JS.O0fi8.50. HUTTKU Creamery, lSfl21c; dairy. fanev. 17c. FCOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 17c dor... loss off, cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, w more. RFCF1PTS Wheat, 44.&00 bu.; corn, 26, 600 bu.: oats. 9.00O bu. SHIPMFNTS-Wheat, 114,400 bu.; corn, $,KK) bu.; oats, 11,0)0 bu. M.. K. .1; T. do nfd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & W..., do nld No. Paclllc do nld Ontario A- W.... Ore. Ry. & Xav do old Pennsylvania .. Reading do ItUMlfd do 2d nfd Rio G. W do nfd St. L. ,t S. F.. do 1st pfd ilo 2d nfd St. L. Southw.. do nfd St. Paul do nfd So, C9 .. 44T4 .. 32' .. Sl'd .. I'i'fe .. n ..145 .. Mi ..IK) .. 2!'i .. 70U Il4ij ll'i Lacledo Gns .... . :i4 National Biscuit .136 ilo pfd it' .137 National Lead .. -V3; . .t'jia do pld !l . Tfi National Steel .. 3.1 . 6l do pfd 92U . 71. 4 N. 1 . All llrako.131 31. No. American 42 Pacillo Coust .. .. 70 1 do 1st pfd.... 1 do 2d pld .. 1SH Pacillo Mall .... .. Peonlo'H Gas .. .. 23'4 Pressed S. Cur .. 5o do pfd .. Sfi I'lillmnn P. ..13 S. R. & T. .. 69 Sugar .. 3s4 do pfd... .. 14'. Tcnn. Coal .. 3.1V. U. S. Leather .. ..12')i'4 do pfd ..172, V. S. Rubber ... P. & Omuha.115 do 11 til Pacific ."JT Western Union.. lfi'i 59 si 46J ,Vj Cnr.191 .64 i-i'i & I. So. Railway 1:;, Republic I. & S. 110 iirn j9'4 do prd Texas & Pacific. ItOi P. C. U. & St ! 12'i. 23 Mi M(n 17 62 L. 53 New York .Honey .Market. NKW YORK. Nov. S. MONK Y On call. steady, at 2'5ffl per cent; last loan at 5 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44f per cent. H I'fillKlJNU K.XCIIANGK Firm, with nc- iiiui niiRiness in naiiKers bins nt 51. HI!, for demand and ut J4O,f4.S0Vi for sixty days. i-osieu rais, j.ii'; anu com mercial bills. Jt.MUft.bOi;. SILVKR Cert flcales. 64fi65c: bar. KlUe: Mexican dollars, 49)4C. HONDS Government, strontr: state, in active; railroad, strong. Tno closing prices on bonus today are as follows: Toledo Mnrket. TOLKDO. O.. Nov. S. WHKAT Dull: cash and November, 63T4c; December, 77Hc; May, MRsC. CORN Fairly active, weaker; cash nnd November. 37Uc: December. Itb'ic. OATS Dull, unchanged: cash and No vember. 22Uc; December, 23'4c. CLOVFR-Dull: cash, IKffl. prime, $8.W; December, J6.S0; March, Jb.'i. l'lillnilrlnlila I'rodii.T Msrkrt, TMIILADFLPHIA, Nov. 8.-HUTTKR- Flrm; Rood demand; fancy western cream orv Hio; fnnev western nrlnts. 2Sc. f.r-!fsFlrm and nenrbv stock lc hlclior: fresh nearby, 25c; fresh western, 24c; fresh southwestern. 23c; fresh southern. 22c. CHFFSK Quiet and easier: New York full creams, firm nt HUe; New York, good to choice, lUUffllc. Ilulutli Mneket. Dl'H'TH. Nov. 8. WHKAT No. 1 hard rv.uh 7(.n: n arrive. 7Sci November. 78c: Do cember. 75Hc; May, SUic No. 1 northern, nali 7fiv. to nrrlve. 76c: November, ,nc: ue cember, 75'ic; May. 79".ic; No. 2 northern, 71c: No. 3 spring, 010. O ATS .'arq a nc CORN 37'.4C. . I'eorln Mnrkel. PKORIA, Nov. S.-CORN-Stcady; No. OATS Stead v : -o. - i'niie, -jc, ouieu through. . . . ..... , WHISKY l..i lor iiniHiii-u houuh. Mllwnnkee (irnln Mnrket. MILWACKFK. Nov. S. WHKAT Lower; No. 1 northern. 76c: No. 2 nortnern. iJUTic. RYi; i' inn; .-so. 1, uu. HA RLKY Higher; No. 2, 60c; sample, 44S5Sc. iiiiiiipuiiiiHs Wheat Market, MINNFAPOL1S, Nov. S.-WHFATCash. 7ilc: iJecemoer, ii'! . .i. . ""V: w" track: No. 1 hard. 77',c; no. 1 nortnern. 75Hc; No. 2 normern. iivt'ttuvic MOVKMK.NTS OF HTOCKS AMI DOXDS. Conservative Klement Makes Its in 11 in-nee Felt from tile llopriilnK. ni." vntitv. K'iiv. !i. Tho stock market showed tho effect of some unsettlemcnt of yesterday's buoyant conviction of specula- ' . . ......1. .1 , no iinnmhnnu nil tors aim iuu ki" "i'i" . ..... that tno rise 111 prices ai wn puce ni mifht und nn early culmination, Tho more conservative element made Its Inllueiico felt from the opening and at 0110 time during tho day brought tho ad r,iii'K to 11 Htandstlll. Thn firmness of tho undertone) of the market at that tlmo was very striking nnd it was shown miiio conclusively thut tho largo holders of stock wero not particularly nervous nvM. MPi'lnir tho rise In nrlces checked. F.von those who aro willing and anxious to sell out on 1111 upward tide showed a determination to hold at any lower level A very buoyant tendency then developed In 1110 iiuiUHiriai anu nin'i-iaiij 111.-11U1 v iiients of the list. The localized character of this strength, with the ubsenco of any I'. S. ref. 2s, reg.105 do coupon 105 do as, reg no do coupon 110 do now 4s, reg. .1:1 do coupon .... do old Is, reg do coupon 110 as, rcR do coupon .... D. of C. 3 63s N. Y. C. 1H 1US N. J. C. gen. 6s..l2lsii No. Paclllc 3s.... fiii, do 4s KM'. N V. C Xr Ml l. 4m 11)7 13oi Nor. W. c. Is.. 9Si, 115:i Ore. Nnv. Is Iu9 110 do 4s 103?, 113 Oregon S. L. 6s..l2I'i no's no consoi us.... in. other securities, doercnseil i;2,(9o,o,io; public deposits, decreased X1.4AW); lioti' reserved, lm reau'd x:5'i3.r. The rate of discount was unchanged at t per cent. PARIS, Nov 8. -Tho weekly fttutemont of the Hank of Franco shows: Notes In circu lation, decre'ised fisi'.OTf; treasury nccoiints current, deerea-ed 31,(i.w)fi Rold In hard, Increased 7,(iM00f; bills discounted, de creased 10n.525.0nuf; silver In hand. Increaseil 750.('iOt. I'rlce.'. wero firm on tho today. Influenced by the strength of the American market. Internationals were Ir regular. Spanish 4s were calm and If.i zlllnns miiilo 11 good recovery on tho im provement of the situation. Hlo tlntos were strong, In sympathy, with New York. Kattlrs hardened considerably on reassuring remarks made by .1. H. Robinson at the meeting, of the shareholders of bis bank, tho Roblni)n's South African Hank ing company. Three per cent rentes, Vl Kc for the account, Kxchnngo on London, 25f lOt-e for checks, Spanish 4s closed at G..(. HKRL1N. Nov. 8.-Prlccs were rtrong on the bourse today In response to tavorublc New York advices. Locals wero largely purchased and advanced conlderablv. There was a ti mporary reaction, but prices ngiiln advanced and closed very llrm. ifx chani'e on Loudon, 20m 45ilgs for checks. Discount rates for short bills. 24 per cem; for three months bills, 4', per cent. Cotton Market. NKW YORK, Nov. S.-COTTON-S pecu lation was decidedly more uctlvo today. Th mnrket opened nt an advance of (if (10 points and further advanced Sf(22 points chiefly on covering, although there wius considerable more attention paid to cot ton by the Investment class. The rise on prices was due largely to a better class of cable accounts, the Important featuro of which was the Increased activity In spring clrc'is and to frost forecasts of 11 sensational nature. Tho upward movement of prices here was accelerated by better accounts from New Fuglauil and southern spinning sections and also from the cotton goods market. More activity was nlso n imrlml In Din unlit hern mint mnrkets. Willi holders demanding higher prices. 1 he 1 ally was checked by selling for profits. The general characteristic of the local market, however, was decidedly better. The frost predictions failed to unnerve shorts while at the naini tlmo creating many new friends for the market In speculative cir cles. The closo was steudy. with tho net ndvance reduced ISfj'Jl points. Futures e'osed sleadv: November. 9.09c; December, O.OSe; January, 9.09o; February, March, April. May. J 1 tie-ami July, 9.11c: August, 9 03c. Spot c!ocil i-ulet; mliliPlng up lands. 9D-16c; middling gulf. 913-16c; snles, none. L1VKRPOOL, Nov. S.-COTTON-Spot, moderate; business easier; American mid dling, 51S.321; good middling. 6 9.32d; mid dling, ii ::i-i,iii: low middling, goon orui narv. 4"id; culinary. 4Hid. Tho sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 500 wero for speculation and export and Included R.00O American; receipts, 11.000 bales, nil Auu'ilcaii. '"'utur.'S oiieiied quiet nnd closed stuidy; American middling, I. m. c, No vember. 5 5-i,lfi5 fi-fild. sellers: November ntid December, 5 2-fild. buyers; December and January, 5d. sellers; January and February. 4 iKl-flld. sellers: February and March, I fil-filf4 62-filil. sellers; March and April. 160-fild, sellers; April and May, 4 59-6ld, sellers; May and June. 4 5S-64d, sellers; Juno nnd July, 4 5fi-fi4fi I 57-64d, sell ers; J.I ly nnd August, 4 55-fitd. sellers; Au gust nnd September, I 5fi-64fj4 51-64d, sellers. NKW ORLKANS, Nov. 8.-COTTON -Steady: sales, 3.IW0 bales; ordinary, 7".c; good ordinary, Mc; low middling, S-e; middling, 97dc: good middling. 9c; mid dling fair. 9 11-lfio; receipts, 15,49.'i br.les; stock. 211. 21S bales. Futures, steadv, No vember. S.87fS S9c; December, 8.87fiS.SKc; Jiinuary, S.f.fi78.87c; February. S.SSfiS 90c; March, 8.90fiS.9lc; April. S.91f?3.93c; May, 8.92ri8.93c: June. 8.9318 93c. ST. LOIMH, Nov. S,-COTTON-Qlllot; sales. 20o ba'ei; middling, 9 l-16c; receipts, 10,3i3 bales; shipments, 9,178 bales; stock, 55.25S bales. Four days this week 7,19. Same days last week 16,3'9 Same days week befote.. 16,674' Samo three weeks ago.. 19.462 Same four weeks ugo.... 24,293 Average price tmid lor hogs several days, with comparisons. , 1900. 1S99, l&9j. L.97.l!96.ll'3.!lt- 3 691 .1 61 3 191 3 76 I W a ,01 1 . 4 74 lT.lKiO 21, KW 18.S04 27.159 ij.717 for tho i..,;-ij 25.616 16.331 4i,S22 Inst 960 3 35 467 3 10 275 3 9 844 I 0) 3 cows. ...110 8 53 3 bulls.... .1200 ! 1 J 1 bull 110) 2 40 2 cows 72o 2 OJ K. 11. Colvln-Neb. 1 cow S40 2 0) 26 COWS 1016 3 70 Scow 1010 3 70 Duck Hrand Co. Nfu. 14 cows 926 2 ll 9 cows.... 1 feeder,.. looo 3 90 W. L Colvln-Neb. I cows 'At, 2 60 4 heifers,, 20 cows Itoo 3 53 61 calves.. 6 calves... 116 3 25 . , C. Hoyt-Ncb. 12 feedpra srrt i no 1ft fe-.lerc. 6 feeders.. Mil 4 CO 1 bull .Htw aw HOGS There were a few more hogs here today than arrived liny day so far this week, but still tho supply was not lure. Other points suit In favorable reports, nnd as 11 result the lnurkot hero opened up J'i Sf5o higher. A few of the pncKers, went out and bought up tho better grades at JI.J2-J. and a lew loads went ns high Sl.u, Tho bulk of thn early srles went from JI.iOfri.75, with tho Ion.7 string nt,J4.:W. After thu first forty loads had chang hands packers lowered their bids and wan.ed to buy tho rest hogs at $4.70. and the others at Jl.67'i, ho that the last end of the mar ket ,in about like vestetday. Sellers wero not willing to cut looso nt thine figures, and ns a result it wns hits before anything like a clearance was made. Representative sales; Oct Oct, Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 15... I 4 82j 1 16.... 4 71A, 4 2o! ...( 4 64, 4 16! 13.. 19.. 20.., 21 . . 22... 23., 24.. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29... 30... 31... 1... 3.'.'. 4... r... c... 7... 8... 452 2-5 451 2-5 457 3-5 4 61 4 K074 4 51 U 4 48 4 SV'4 4 ai. fit? i t'O. 4 46.5 4 61'; 4 60 4 66 4 C54 4 10, 4 1( 4 13 4 16! 4 141 4 13 4 n 4 10 4 10 4 09 4 03 4 01 4 01 4 01 4 02, 4 01 .1 61 3 19 3 59i 3 2J1 70! I 3 231 3 4 7,ki 4 0: 4 TOHi 4 03 3 67 3 73 3 71 3 I A 3 55 3 56 3 M 3 64 3 47 3 62 3 54 3 66 3 63 3 45 3 47 3 61 3 62 3 65 3 52 i 611 3 W! 3 nil 3 62 3 63l V3j 3 46 3 411 3 38 3 42 3 38 3 31 3 29 3 41 3 43 3 43j a 44 346j 3 641 3 27 a aa 3 &: I 25i 3 60 3 26 3 4 3 25 3 63 :i at 3 261 3 47 3 17 3 13 3 15 3 17 3 19 3 41 3 .19 3 36 3 40 3 42 3 44 3 27 n 30 3 31 3 33 a ?1 3 35 3 171 3 361 3 231 3 4f. l M 4 r 4 65 4 6V 4 62 4 66 4 41 4 4S 4 ? 3 37 4 35 4 44 4 41 4 45 4 39 4 41 I 50 I 63 3 451 4 i Indicates Sunday . , u Tho official number of cars of stocK brought In today by each road wns: Cuttle. Hogs. Sho'p. H'rs. C, M. & St. P. Ry.. .. 3 Mo. P. Ry 7 6 I'. P. system 16 L 1 C. & N. W. Ry 3 F K. & M. V R. R. 19 17 3 C, St. P., JL & O. Ry .. It. & M. R. R. R. ... 29 C, H. & Q. Ily 2 K. C. & St. J ti C, R. t. k P., east.. 1 ('.. R. I. .t P.. west.. 9 Illinois Central 13 9 Totnl receipts 89 79 3 Thn disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of henil indicated Iluycrs. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 70 (1, II. Hammond Co 182 Swift and Company 281 Cudiihy Packing Co Armour & Ct -is Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C. 169 Swift & Co.. K. C 49 Hammond Co.. NC. C... Ci R, Heckcr & Dcgun 7 Vnnsant & C 63 Lohtnan & Co 75 MrCrenry & Clark .... 5s Illll & Hunzlnger 253 Hellton fi I'lldi rwood. . 27 Livingstone A- Schnller. 42 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 82 L. F. Husz M 11. T. Ilobluck 3 A. S. Maheny 1 Other buyers 292 Hogs, Bfi 93fi 1,302 1,065 1,591 Sh'p. '"ii 43 3,987 ,.iio;b 00 cousni UH....111, ..124V4 Reading gen. 4s.. 89 Atoli. gen. 4s VKM4 Rio G. W. Is 91 do tuu. 4s 8H Hi 1. & 1 M c. r,s.l Pi Canada So. 2s. ...107 'St L & 8 F g. 6s. 125 C. & O. 4!s lOO&st. Paul consols. .172 do 6s 119 St. P.. C. & P. ls.118 C. & N. W. c. 7s..l.l7'4 do 6s do S. I" . d. 6S..117'! So. Inc lie 4s K" Chicago Ter. 4s... 92 So. Railway 5s. ..Ill uoio. iso, -is -a, it. i- 1 . lis.... i;j D, & R. G. 4s.... 99'.3Tex. & Paclllc ls.UBVf. Krlo general 4s... i'i do .'s 72 F. W. & D. C. Is. 75:4 Plllon Pnc. ls....P)ii Gen. Klectrlo 6S..US Wabash 1h Ufi la. Central ls....H6Vi do 2s lOIVi L. & N. Itnl. 4s... 94 West Slinro 4s. ..112 M.. K. & T. 2s... fiSUWls. Central Is... S7',4 clo 4s 93? Va. Centuries ... Ol'.j "Offered. Iloston Stock luntntloiin, HOSTON. Nov S.-Cnll loans. 4M5 per cent: tlmo loans, IVfcfifi per cent. Ofllclnl prices: A.. T. & S. F Utirnlon Land i do nfd ii West I'Jnil VVA Amer. Sugar ,...12s Wis. Central II do Pfd no1 Atchison 4s ion Hoston & Alb'y.. 105',4 Adventuro GH Hoston Klevnted.r7 Allouez Mill. Co.. 2!4 Hoston & Mo 191 lAinuI. Copper ... KPi C.. H. & Q 131H Atlantic 21 Dominion Coal... 12 Hoston &. Mont. .317 do nfii u;i uutto ,v HoHtou. i.ji.f, Federal Steel .... 4fi (al. & Hecla ....805 do prd 3! ueiileuuial IT'i Gen. Klectrlo ....146 Franklin 15U do pfd 140 Humboldt z Kd. Klec. Ill 113 Osceola 73ty Mex, Control 13"; Parrot 45'.-.. Mich, Tel 85 Qulnoy 157 N. K. G. & C 13 Santa V Copper. 7 Old Conoly 201U Tamarack :m Old Dominion ... r-'i 1 ian .-tuning .... sii Rubber XI Vlnona 3'b Union Pacillo .... u',t'Wolvorlnes 4314 Coffee Mnrket. NKW YORK, Nov. 8 COFFKK Futures opened steady at a decline of Gf10 points and ruled mole active, but generally weak, following lower Ktiropean and Rio cih'eu, weakness at Santos, large receipts 111 Ilrazll, apathv In local pot circles and aboenee nt publle speculative support, Increased the decline to infill! iiolnls. Cloed steady, with prleiM 10fr IS points net lower. Total s'tles. 3S.750 bags Including December ut J7.101I 7.15: March. J7 20f7 25; May. J7.35: June, J7.33; July. J7.40fi7.l3; August, J7.45: Septem ber, J7 50f7.55. Spot Rio. ensy; No. 7 In voice. 81,0. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9'.4fjl31'c. SiiKur Mnrket. LONDON. Nov. S.-SI'GAR-Heet. Novem ber. 5Ud. NKW ORLKANS. Nov. S.-SUOAR- Qulet; open kettle, 3U-IU0; open kettle, cen trlfip'al. S'ifil i-lfic; centrifugal, granulated, 44filTic; white, 414c; yellow, 3 15-16fi4 7-16c; seconds. 3fi4c. Jlolasses, quiet; open kettle. 2of32c; centrifugal, 12f(19c; syrup, quiet at 25fi29c. NKW YORK. NOV. . Ml 'iMtl-uaw, barelv steady; lair rellnlng, 37e; centrifu gal, !)t! test, 4fc. Molasses sugar, 3ic; re fined, easy. California Dried Fruit. NKW YORK. Nov. 8. CALI FORNIA DRIKD FRIMTS Very dull, with prices nominally unchanged; evaporated apples came In for little attention on the part of buyers all day, though tho situation as a whole showed somo Improvement: prices remained about unchanged; prime, V4'it 6'ic; choice. 5V4t-6c: fancy. irfiiiYfec. l'runes. .i'i'itxV4e per in., as 10 size aim quality. ,p- rlcots, UflHc; .iioor rnrK, limine, i-cacues, peeled, ICft'JOc; impeded, 6f9c. (Ill .Mnrkel. 011. CITY. To.. Nov. 8. OILS Credit bal- imrwi. J1.10: cerllllcates. no bid: Hhlpniciits. 91,245 bbls.: nverage, 1W.972 bbls.; runs, 99,332 bbls.: average, i,--;; inns. LONDON, Nov. 8. uil.H l.inseed, Totals PATTLH Them wrp head of cattle 011 sale this morning, and as tho demand was good from ull sources the. market ruled active und (itrotigei on nil kinds of good cattle. Parkers all wanted cornfed cattle and bought up what wero offered at goo I, strong prices. The belter grades In SJine cases sold n little higher than the prtce.i paid yesterday, and even tho common kinds seemed to move fairly well, it wns a good market from start to finish, nnd tho prices paid were very satisfactory About fifteen cars would cover the ic celpts of cow stuff. There were quite a few cornfed cows and nelfers nnd they sold nt steady to strong prices. Huyers were nil good bidders and the grnsi stuff as well as the cornfeds wero active and tully steady. Cauners wero also pond sell ers. Kverythlng was weighed up early In the forenoon. , There seemed to be considerable demand for the better grades of feeders this morn ing, and tho market was fairly uctlvo ard a little stronger. The common grades did not movo qulto as rcadliy. but still th.'y brought fully steady pi Ices. Stock cows und heifers were In light supply and brought very satisfactory prices as 00111 .,,,,'1 IH, vBHlnr.liiv. C.nild Mock bulls vere also In good demnnd nt stiong prices, but stock calves wero aguin miner iki, leeted and sellers found It dimcult to find buvers for them at steady prices. There wero oniy 11 lev wcinrrii cattle on the market today. T he su'ors good enough tor killers told readily at Hilly as good prices as wero paid yesterduy, and tho samo Is true of the cow stuff. I he better grades of feeders also brought go id strong prices, und anything at all good was sold early. Representative sales: UKKF STKKRS. No. 82 82 21 US 51 107 63 1 111 10 78 43 in 3S in;, 37 ISO X 107 70 145 ta is:: 41;.... 45.... 31.... 24.... 56 Av. Sh. Pr. 4 Vj 4 3i) 4 35 68... S3... 4... 65. . . 69... 9.1... 63... 37... 11... 66... 69... 60... 91... 73. . . 60... 50. . . 67... M. . . es.. 4 35 .. 4 .r. .. 4 i . 4 K . . 1 55 .. 4 40 4 80 4 in 80 4 65 .. 4 67" 2 40 4 67'j, ... 4 ir,i3 fO I 70 262 PV) 4 70 ...190 120 4 70 ...Eil 40 4 70 ...2l 120 4 70 ...281 40 4 -0 IU7 100 4 70 4U Av. Sti. Pr. ..J44 280 4 7214 ..262 ... 4 7214 . .ItM 120 4 7214 ..213 40 4 72'4 . .233 80 4 ?2'i, ..302 ... 4 72'4 6S 291 ... 4 72 2 81 ES HW 4 72'j 63 319 ... 4 72' j No. 77. . 67.. CO.. si.. 7S.. 61 Kli 307 220 262 i0 4 72la t 7'2 4 C714 1 l iVj .292 80 .249 160 .190 ... .256 . . . 40 ..Sol ..227 ..303 ... ..29J 1M ..291 320 ..346 ... ..189 40 ..23S ... ..260 280 ..370 ... ..278 ... ..246 lis :ii- ... 1 i-'a t -Ml 120 I "'."a 77 244 aii 1 1 69.... Im.... 18..t. 10.... 41 :w.t 73 247 80 4 6714 66 216 160 4 67lj 64 271 120 4 70 63 241 ... 4 70 71 222 40 4 70 81 191 80 4 70 71 229 100 I 70 49 3 IS ... ,4 70 65 25fi SO 4 'i0 I, I S9J ISO 80 75 2IS ..341 . .273 4 724 4 72" 4 4 721.1 139 200 4 72ts 13. 47. 89. IW. 53. 271 .240 .276 .213 40 4 76 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 75 4 75 SIIFFPTlin r..vT- run it aliKen und Iambs that were offered IhH morning wero ooiignt up in n hurry nt good, strong prices. An 111 t-li 11 m ii'T. n'lm until for ted sheep, and yearlings and $3.00 was tho top on lambs. A string of western grass stuff urnugiu j4.i.i. 11 was u good, active mar kot, and It Is safe to sav that tho prlcai paid today nre 15f(23c higher than the quo tations of n week ago. l'ackcrs nre all anxious for good stuff, and as the Mipply has been light they have nail to pay eoo'1! birong prices ior wnat tney got. Tho feeder market was In better sliapo today than It has been tucst of tho week. There wero qulto a fow buyers on tho mnrket. and what was sold brought rjood strong prices. Quotations: Choice western grass weth ers J3.75ffl.10: choice grass yearlings, J3.75 (ft 4.10; choice ewes, J3.25ff3 50; fair to good ewes, J3.00f?3.25: cull ewe.4, J2.6flfi3.O0; choice spring lambs. j3.oofTS.S3: fnlr to good spring Innibs, Jl 751f5.i'i; feeder wethers.; feeder lambs, Jl.nofH.IO. Representative sines: No. 661 Wyoming grass wethers... 4 Wyoming ewes 9 fed ewes 206 Wyoming feeder wethers. 1515 AVynmlnjr leeder sheep.... 031 Wyoming wethers 339 Wyoming wethers 19 AVyomlng yearl.ngs 5 Wyoming grass wethers... .ii.i Wyoming leeder luniiis IW Wvomln,; feeder lnmo.-i 51 1 fed wether 120 W fed yearlings 8.8 161 Wyoming feeder lambs 59 206 Wyoming lambs C7 HAVE THEIR EYE ON CUBA American and Canadian OapitaliiU Organize $20,000,000 Company. SUGAR PLANTATIONS TO BE BOUGHT UP Option on Kverjr Street Hallrrny Line on the Inland Will 15c Tnken by Vnn Home anil Asdoclntes. PIIILADKLI'IIIA. Nov. 8. Following uioetlng of Philadelphia nnd Canadian cap italists In this city last night Sir William C. Van Home, chairman of tho bonrd of directors of tho Canadian Pacific rallrond, nnd his son, 11. II. Van Home of Montreal, sailed from hero today on the Btcaincr Ad miral Sampson for S.ttitlago, where they will tnako an effort to secure options on all hnrso nnd trolley lines In Cuba and also on nit sugar plantations lu tho Island. Tho departure of the two men was the result of tho permanent organization at last night's meeting of the Cuba com pany, with a capital of J20.000.000, Thoso present nt tho meeting besides Sir William and It. I), Van Homo wero: William L. Klklns and Thomas Dotan of this city, It. A. C. Smith, president of the Cuba Mall Steamship compnny; I'orclval Farquhar of Now York nnd Dr. T. W. Shepard and M. L, Evans of Montrent. Av. Ill 95 ICS 89 82 91 8S 1 1 113 Pr. J3 80 3 10 3 61 3 ft." .1 3 73 :i W 3 Oil 3 9i) 4 10 I 2) 4 2."i I 25 4 30 5 00 CIIICACO I.IVK STOCK .MA It K FT. London Slock (lunta t lon. LONDON, Nov. 8.-4 p, m. Closing: Cons,, money.. .99 l-16.Krle 13'. do 1st nfd ?7V Pennsylvania .... 7i:,i Iteudtng 9i No. Paclllc pfd... 7814 (Irand Trunk .... 154 Anaconda Vk Hand Mines 4) Doudwood CO (5ould & Currlo... 80 Halo & Norcross. 20 llomestako 0000 Iron Silver Mexican 27 . .. , , in ..'.' " . ., 1 unouai " special liows 10 uvcoiiui nn 11. sir ni""iiu ,,.. I'olnt .... 8 ii, HimtinHiiiiin inoi noweriiii mainiui-1 ... v. . . iaa .... "-: ,: -.!. ..;,. ...i,ii. ron. uai, u...iw 111111111 ,10 ........n ... ...j uccompanled the iminhmlutlon Invited ro neweu specuiaiiou 111 iiuii quurit'i- uy uui nlders and at tho samo time served us a uowerfUl silBiniuing inuueiico ior inn resi ' - .t... H.n.l'.il lltnlnr nm'Mi nr Ihlu umi III III" ,imiJ. ,... ... ...... nnrt. nroill-iaKIIIK lM.'lll nil Ull 11 iny ruiy scu'e. Kxcept for Biidden ndvunees In Home of tho usually Inactive railroad utnfkM. the ra road 1 st wus dlst nctly iiuuvv throughout tho day. Peniisvlvunla was mnracu up 111 uim nun. iu iiu, um n held there only momentarily. Tho prlco remained abovo last night's level, but was unuble to get back to tho top, Tim Pa niiiPH and Soutliwesterns. ns well as the Htocks of railroads ntllllated with Pennsyl- vnnia. wnien wero hii coiiiruuuiius 111 yes- laniiiv-H uowarci movemeni. 111: simeieo from realulng. In Missouri Pacific tho net decline nt tho lowest was a point and In Northern Pacific the extreme decline do account Atchison Canadian Pac St. Paul Illinois Central, T.OIltHVlllo Union rue, pru.. si N. Y. Central ...110 81LVKH Har. quiet, at 29 7-16d per ounce. MONKY 2fi4 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 34 is-", per cent; for tliroo-moiiins uiiis, j wiiudu per cent 'er York Mlnlnir Slocks, N'RlV YOUK. Nov. 8, Tho following nre the closing quotations ior mining !iar-j today ""inrlo ... Ophlr t'lymoutn . ijulcksllver no pin Sierra Navnda Standurd I'nlon Con Yellow Jacket 600 8) 11 125 . .650 .. 21 ..325 .. 15 .. 15 Condition of the Trrimury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. Today's state innnt of tlio treasury balances in the cen eral fund, exclusive, of the J150.00fl.0ri0 gold reservo In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 113.830,439; gold, ji,i;,u.t. Financial Note. ntlimnfl Mm' fi Pliinrlniru I'll: HI balances, Jl.608,200; posted exchnnge, Jt.Siy 4.85; New York exchange. 25c discount. ST. LOUI8, Nov. 8.-CIcarIiies, J7,35$,(9; IMensed nt I, Hurler's lleliirn. LONDON, Nov. S. The editorials In the papers here today express warm approval of tho re-election of Hlr Wilfrid Laurlcr, the premier of the Dominion of Canada, nnd tlio return of the liberal government to power. Tho Pall Mall (lazetto voices tho neneral tone of tho "abtnet. snylug: "Sir Wilfrid Laurler Is thn embodiment of tho spirit required In Canada. It looks us If ho might have us long n spell of nower as Sir John MncUouald. Not only Is this Frencli-Canndlan but enthusiastic Hrltish Imperialist statesman ono of tho most inspiring, most useful personalities in tho empire, but the election attempts to turn raco feeling to his disadvantage luivo deserved tno sovoro oeieat, Itiimiiiny llnjK Captured. SAN FHANCISCO, Nov. S.-Wlllle Don oho, the 12-year-old son of W. II. Donoho. who. lu company with his chum Hert Howard, recently ran away from home nnd came to this coast, Is at thn pojlco station hero and will bo held until his parents can bo communicated with. Ilo was arrested while asking Ior 10 cents wltn which to obtain food. Young Howard bns not yet been located. llevtitrd fur Murderer, LKAVKNWOUT1I, Kan.. Nov. 8.-TI10 mayor today offered a reward for tho arrest of tho murderer of Pearl Fodbes, tho 20- vear-old girl wnoso tiouy was yesterday found In n ravine near her home. It Is now believed that tho murder was a negro. Tho funeral today was attended by 11 largo crowd of people. Feeling Is lntcnso and lynching Is still talked of. Look lug: for Con true! 1. 11 borer". NKW YOHK. Nov. 8. Assistant Cummin, slnnur of Immigration McHweenv boarded the steamer Knlserln Mnrlu Theresa to. day ut quarantine to look for twenty-four lacenuiKers wno, it wus saiu. were 10 bo broucut here In Volution or tne nllen con tract labor law. He failed to find them and learned they did not tuko passage 011 the boat. No. 1.... 1.... 20.... U. t 1.... 13.... 44.... 13.... :o.... 60.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 11.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... 1... 9... 1... i'.'.'. Av. ... 67A ...1070 ...1091 . .. 920 ...1150 ... 85fi ...1220 ...121 Pr. 2 25 3 40 I 35 4 60 4 75 4 75 4 811 5 ih) No. 12... fi... 1... 38... 20... 21... 42... Av. . . . 1015 ...1043 ... 911 ...1164 ... 900 ...1206 ...1361 ...1450 Pr. r. or, r, 10 5 10 6 10 5 15 5 15 5 10 5 10 STKKHS AND 1IKIFKHS. 1.. 1.. 20.. 891 .... 913 .... S20 .... 750 ....1010 .... 820 .... 780 .... 920 ....1130 .... 810 .... 910 .... 900 ....1050 .... 730 ....1280 .... 770 ....1010 ....1070 ....1200 .... 901 ....1100 .... 963 ....1070 .... 660 .... 710 .... 690 .... 677 .... 3tV) .... 4S0 ....1540 ....1490 ,....1560 ....1670 ....1430 1170 .... 830 ,....1310 ....1170 1380 .... 150 180 166 250 4 5 05 ( 2 00 2 25 2 10 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 r. J 50 2 '0 2 60 2 80 2 SO 3 33 2 83 3 Oi) 3 '10 3 15 :i r 3 15 21... COWS. 1.... 1.... 1.... I. ... 26..., o 1".!'.! 10..., 19..., 1..., I V.'.'.', o 47"! 10..., 5..., II. .. 17... 1... 1. ...1376 5 10 I1KIFKHS. 2 73 3 05 3 25 3 3 V5 910 1281) 5S0 1060 970 906 1073 1120 1183 1044 1220 1355 1130 10S0 1161 77.3 9.111 1096 1085 ..1130 ..1250 861 344 8.. 16... 6 10215 6.... 1. .1130 .1000 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 10 2 70 2 70 2 80 2 90 2 90 i 1) BULLS. 1.. 1... 890 STOCK COWS 670 2 50 , 760 , 618 , 578 774 493 CALVKS. 3 75 1 4 50 1 4 SO 1 4 75 STAGS. 3 00 1360 14S0 101O 1250 1100 1010 950 920 1230 .149) . 70 . 130 . 110 3 15 3 5 3 23 3 23 3 25 3 10 3 50 3 r.U 3 60 3 iVI 3 75 3 80 3 V0 3 SO 3 85 3 85 3 90 3 93 4 00 I 00 4 25 3 50 3 60 3 '.ifl I 00 1 00 2 Oil 2 90 3 00 :i on 3 10 3 10 H 25 3 25 3 75 4 00 6 Ofl r, n 5 50 Cattle (ienernlly llluber, Stronu nml Active IIokn SIIkIiHv Advanced. fHICACO. Nov. 8.-CATTLK-Hecelpis. 6 600 head; generally 10c higher, strung, nc tlve: native, lief.l no Mala tndnv. mm car load at J5.95; good to prime steers, J5.6o5f ' I'. m nnni t tii.t.llt, n, 1 r.flI, f. Jrt u.,l,.nt. I feeders, J3.75T4.40, quiet; mixed stocker", slow, at J2.40f3.85; cows. J2.7Uf 1.40; heifers. J2.80ff4.73; canners. J1.50fJ2.65; bulls. J.'.40ff 4.50; ealvs, J4.25fi6.Oii. Toxans, receipts, IIOO head; best on sale todny, corn fed, J4.3off 5.30; Texas fed steers, J4.(VHf4.9S: Texas griiK-i Bteers, J3.35'o4.15; Texas bulls, J2.60 fCI.23. HOOS Hecelpts. 24,000 head: estimated ti morrow. 2I.0U0; left over, 3,(k); opened To higher, cloed easier; top, J3.00; mixed n d butchers. J4.65f5.00; good to choice, heuvv. J4 70fi4.974: rough heavy. Sl.65fi4.65; light, JI60fi4.95: bulk of sales. J4.774fi4.90. SI1KKP AND I.AMHS-Hecelpts, 12,W head; sheep strong, lambs slow to 10- lower; good to choice wethers.' J4. 00 1.30: fair to choice mixed, J30?i4 00; western sheep, J3.00f(3.20; Toxans, J3.26fi3.60; mtlvo lambs, Jl.60f'5.60; western lambs, J5.O0S-T5. 10. St. I.oiiIn Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Nnv. S. -CATTLK-Hecelpts. 2,500 head, Including 1,60) Texnns; market active, strong for nntlven; slow and sieadv for Tcxans; native shipping nnd expert steers, J5.(K)f,5.70: dressed beef nnd butcher steers. si.itKiis.ori; stters under l,foi lbs.. J3.20f?5.0i): stoekers nnd feeders, J2 40fi 1.50; cows and heifers. J2.00fi5 00; canners Jl lo fi'2.75; bulN. J 1. 76ft 5.00; Texas and Ind'an steers, J3.05fl.65; cows and heifers, J2.I04I 3.60. 1 IO(iS Hecelpts, 7.500 head: mnrket Btront; and active; pigs and lights, J4 75fil,85; pack ers.; butchers. Jt 85f l.'.C. HHKKP AND LA.MHrj Hecelpts, l.'JO) head: mnrkot strong and uoMv; natlvo muttons. J3.83ff4.25: lambs. Sl.25f40: pulls and bucks, J2.60fi4.10; stoekers. Kiiiikiih City Live llni'li, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 8. CATTLK Tie. eelpts, 5.301) natives. 1.400 Tcxans, $nil calves. Market In excellent demand for n'.l classes at an advance of 5f?10c; native steers, J4.35 f3.50; stoekers nnd feeders, J3.00( 1.25; butcher cows and heifers. J3.o0ffl.:;o; can ners, j.'.iiuii.i.w; jeu wesierns, j;i.7.ifi 1. 10; wintered Texnns. 13.6013.9!): grass Tcxans. J3.10fj3.40; calves.,. MOOS HecelplH, 9,300 head. Market ac tlvn at an advance of 5fil0c; henvv. JI.Kflff 4.90; mixed, JI75fJI.S5; light, JI.70fJI.S3; pigs. i i.mFti 1,11.1, SIIKKP AND LAMIIS-Uecelpls. 5.100 bead. Market active and firm: l.unlis srt.vs fil4.40; mixed. JI.MD 4.50; stoekers and feed ers, r.!..'u 1.2&; cuus, j2.50f3.r.o. GOOD THING FOR POPULISTS Triumph of Itepublleana Sonnda Heath Knell of tuholy Alliance iiith Democrats. Vhen asked to say something about Ne braska, 1). Clem Ucaver made tho follow ing statement. "Thu result In Nebraska Is a fUtlnr. re buke to hypocrisy of sham reformers who wenr tho livery of heaven to serve tho devil In. When populists elect officials apaln In Nebraska I think they will un derstand that It Is necessary to keep tho party pledges that havo been made. Popu list voters aro exacting and demand of their public ofTlclnls strict adherence to party principles. This drubbing that fu sion has received Is a nod-send to the populist party and I predict nn unparalleled growth of populism In tho near future, "Wo aro now rid of fusion forever and wo will havo no moro conferenco commit tees to barter away popullet principles for hopes of office. Our party Is now It: posi tion to draw iccrults from both old par tics, whereas the gates havo been closed tho past four years nnd wo were con stantly growing weaker. I have no doubt but 26,000 men voted tho republican ticket this year In Nebraska who aro populists at heart, but would not stand for fusion with the democratic party. Tho fuslnnlnts undertook to disfranchise nil mid-road voters and finally succeeded In branding them with tho term mid-road ns au ofllclal name, which caused thousands of them to vote tho republican ticket as a rebuke to tho disfranchising, hypocritical, unpatri otic democratic party. "Again Governor Poynter's administra tion has been much vacillating and dis graceful. It is a blessing for the stale that ho has been defeated. If the popu lists of Nebraska will get together upon principles wo ran easily rc establish tho party In this state." 1.... 20.... AND 1 20 1 3 IK , 1 CALVKS. 8 , 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 25 3 23 STOCIC .... 210 3 25 8 380 1 10 .... 270 3 50 8TOCKKHS AND FKKD1..1S, HRIFRIIS. 800 3 ."0 W2 670 fi20 72 940 3 30 3 33 1 33 3 33 3 73 15 635 673 520 870 710 790 , 697 383 , 673 , S00 , 620 1 2 50 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 25 3 23 3 26 :i : 42. IS... 10... 1... 460 .1190 . 345 . .160 . 369 . 720 . 800 . 615 . 849 . 711 . 703 11 cows... 1 cow.... 1 steer... 1 bull.... 47 feeders.. 5 feeders.. fi cows.. 1 cow..., 7 cows. . 3 cows.. 1 heifer. 51 16 20 H. Lucas Neb Wi 3 70 1 heifer.... 070 1130 3 23 1 1 Ull 1010 !0 3 33 4 heifers... 48') 1520 3 00 1 bull 1330 A. Fllllt-Wyo. 687 1 30 6 feeders.. 1213 718 3 60 It. LUIKIsroril-.Nfl). 3 33 3 if, 3 60 3 W 3 50 3 7il 3 75 3 so 3 90 4 13 I 15 .. !".!) .. 8!l ..1121 .. 926 .. iao . 972 . 930 .lli'.il 7 cows, 2 cows, 1 cow.. 0 cows 1010 2 feeders.. 595 37 feeders.. 925 lcow 1160 22 calves... 4.19 IS calves... 431 3 4." 11 hellers... 2 75 11 feeders.. 3 00 II. Keeler Neb. 3 4fl 9 calves... 3 10 1 calf 3 f 4 calves... 3 40 1 bull 4 (O 1 feeder.. NKHHAnKA. 4 00 1 feeder... 810 2 60 Scows UM rto 916 43? 610 427 .1270 . 760 2 M 4 30 3 ! "1 4 75 3 3i 3 90 I 40 4 10 4 H 3 15 1 ft) 4 M 2 &5 ev York Live mock. NKW YOHK. Nnv. S.-HKK VKS-Heeelnl. 628 head; lltllo doing; feeling steady; cables uucnani'eii; exports, s cnitie. CALVISH Keeeipis, 143 head: stendv: veals J3.(KVfi.50; little calves, J4 00fi5(0' vrussers J.l.(mfi3.50; fed calves, J4.00; year- SIIKKP AND LAM HS-Hece nts. fi.ri75 head: sheep dull, good lambs In fair de mnnd nml iilendv. undor prudes w,.iV: sheep. J2 25f4.0O; lambs, $3.O0fJ5.tiB; Canada lambs. m.:i.i. lines itcccints, 1,10 bead: steadv. nt J5.00il5.60. St, .loneph Live Stock, ROFTII ST. .IOSKP1I. Mo.. Nov. .-rSoe. clnl.)-The Journal quotes ns follows: CATTI.K iteceims. win bead; market strong; fl"e natives, Jl.33ff5.40: Texnns and westerns. J3.40fi5.25; cows and heifers, J2.25ff 4. 90; bulls nnd slass, J2.23ff4.05; yearlings and calves, J3.lflfil.l0; Blockers and feeders, J3.oeffi4.16; veals, J4.OOfifi.25. I OCS Here nts. 4.200 bead: market blir and 6e higher: oil grades. JI.77VsfJ 1.90; bulk of soles. JI.S0ffi4.M14. S1IK1.1' AND l.A.uliri Ilecelnts. 600 bead: market steady; lumbs, J4.76U5.4U; sheep, J3.7ufj4.lS. Stock III Slvhl. Following nre tho receipts nt the four principal western markets November R: .linn. ijui; nili'i'li Smith Omnha 2.2-.H Chicago 6 500 Kansas City 6 ir0 St. 1-ouls 2.500 11 iiiu 21, (Ml 9, ) 7.60) 1'71 12,0'-! 5,100 1,20 Totals. .ll.&SI 46.473 2 X071 liiilli'linenl Will .Vol lie 1'i'enNrd. NKW YOHK, Nov. 8 -The Kvenlng Post tnil.'iv sas: So far as can bo gathered from tho rather non-commllal statements of tho persons interested, me iiiiiiciineni against 1 biff of Police Dovery fur Interferlni with the action of Superintendent McCullagh Is not likely to bo pressed wi'h any particular strenuousness. iho main object. It has been stated, was to get 11 quiet nnd orderly election, and It seems that with that end accomplished runner prosecution or Devery would simply create trouble for no purpose. Ocean Linen lo f iiiittiilldiite. HALTLMOHK. Nov. 8. Humors wero cur. rent toduy concernng a combination of transatlantic steamsniji companies, which will Involvo several, companies und many millions of dollurs. It was suld that tho Atlantic Transport company, which op. eruloH llneB of steamships between New r,lt,.rii.lnli1n lliilllmrtrn ntirl I nn,l,,.. will im part of thn combination. Heruaril N. Ilakcr, president of the company, when seen today said no nan nothing to give out Member of Aliibiunn'n Creiv. ATLANTA, (la., Nov. 8. Jerry Lynch, need 72. believed to bn tho lust surviving member of the crow of tho confederate bat tleship Alabama, men ai nis resilience in Ilimun runt loony, lie icn u mrBu ihihic, INVADES ENEMY'S COUNTRY .Vutlouiil IrrlKiillon Canicrena to Meet In ChleuKn This Mnnlh Oinnhnn Invited to Attend. Oeorgo H, Maxwell, chairman of the ex ccutlvc tcmmlttee of tho National Irriga tion congress, will be lu Omaha Tuesday and address a meeting of all Omaha men Interested In the reclamation of western arid lands by means of Irrigation, at tho Commercial club Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tho ninth nnuual session of the Irrigation congress will bo held In Chicago November 21-24 nnd Mr. .Maxwell's visit to Omaha Tuesday will be primarily for the purpose of Impressing upon tho business men of this city the necessity of their at tendance and co-opcratlon in thn cuds that will be sought through the means of this congress. 'This Is the first tlmo In Iho history of thn congress that It lias met cast of thn Missouri river," writes Mr. Maxwell. "It bus gone into what might bo termed 'tho enemy's country,' except that some of tho most substantial friends of the national irrigation movement aro to be found among eastern matiufucturcrs, who seo the great possibility for Increased trado In the open ing and settling of tho west through tho union of lnnd anil water. "The National Irrigation association has been sending out culls and Invitations to all section of tlio country and tho con gress promises to be truly national, with probably an cxtremoly large attendance from both cast and west. It Is highly important to tho west that It should ho well represented In this first eastern session." Itolltnu Mill Stnrta Up. PIQUA. O., Nov. 8. The Plnua rolling mill, owned by tho American Sheet Steel company, will resume operations next Mon day. Two hundred men will bo given em ployment inter an or inreo montlis. Tllll It MALTY MAIUC11T. INSTIU'MKNTS placed 011 record Thurs day, November 8: ' AVurrnnly lleeils, M. C. Dahlslrom, ot nl, to Potter- Hholes company, 101s .1 to -u, diock 3, Hoso Hill J J K. Oeorgo to D. K. Fisher, lot '16. Sulll van's add. . .. Carlos Woodsworth and wife to M. K. West, lot 11. tiodfrey's add Charles Turner and wlfo to Knthryn llllcy, lot 1, ii.iica u, ouinuui un serve T, W. Hextou to M. K. Harbtg, lot 9, block 2. Hiiggs' Placo 0. F. Shelby to A. F. Connett, lot 600 350 4,000 3.200 17. Ilawley Terrace, und lot 1 lu 1st add. t" Lakovlew II. H. Moore, ei ai, to Max Hyplns, eU lot 3, block 12. Heed's 1st add.... Catlieilno O'Hourke and husband to J. K. George, east 40 feet of west 80 fret lot 4, Moloney's add Atlnntlo Healty association to F. K. Gumble, lot 2, block 3, Howery Illll. tin It Claim neeilx. M. L. Wolfo and husband to O. F. Shelby, lot 17, Ilawley Terrace .... Heeds. Sheriff to Nebraska Savings nnd Kx chnngo bank. 69x132 feet, com menclng nt 1,056 feet northeast cor east corner block 10, Omnha T. II. McCngue, receiver, to Atlantic Healty association, lot 2, block J, Howery Hill 100 1,200 100 3,500 ID 1,330 Total amount of transfers J14.486 we iv H.RPrOTiEY&Ca Gram ROOM 4 MY LITE BLDC OI" mm BCAKCH W3ftSt JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1 039, Ouialw, Not COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS ml STOCKS HOAHO OK l'HAUB. Correapocdenct: John A. Warria Ca 1MHI wli la Caictwia a&e iSw Tark i