Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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EitensiTO Linen of Pall and Holiday
Rohlfa' method of presenting a mystery the Revolution. Mr. Tomllnson has visited
story Is well known, "The Circular Study" alt the places which arc the scene of the
Is a good example. It Is said that the story, has bad access to many old docu
author originally had In mind a drama1 ments and has produced a book which
niches, arc usually served (or luncheon or
dialing tllph suppers. Theao give hu op
portunlty (or using up In a dainty, accept
able manner many otherwise hopeless ma-
i:.i,.vm;iMi thi: wiiitu nut si:.
1'liuin uf the l.tltt .Mr. HnrrUoii Will
I'nibtilily Hp Adopted.
Hcgardless of tho result of tiio presi
dential election, the commission authorized
Fiction a DudhI Predominate, bat
Thuiie Who Prefer More Solid Mat
ter AVIII Kind Mumethlnt; to
Their Llklnir.
h. C. Paget & Co. hava added very ma
terially to their line of fall publications and
a large number of books have come to
band tbo last week from that most enter
prising house. Their earlier publications,
many of which wero revlowed In these
columns, were most favorably received
and the more recent arrivals round out
and complete their lino of fall and holiday
publications. Among tho works of Dctlon
fresh from L. C. l'ago & Co.'s press might
bo mentioned "Dauntless: A Story of a
lAst and Forgotten Cause," by Ewan Martin,
tho author of "Tho Knight of the King's
fluard." The book la Illustrated by Harry
C. Edwards. It Is a atlrrlng romance of
lovo and war In England and Ireland. It
rolatcn tho adventures of a young Irish
gentleman who espouses tho Stuart cause.
1'rlco, 11.50.
A second novel from tho same publish
ra bears tho tltlo "Wreaking tho
with this plot. The story has been long , parents will gladly choose for their children, terlals and at tho same time savo many
In her mind, tho motif antedating all others Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. Trice, a dollar for fresh meats which arc always al tB0 ,Rgt BCgglon of C0Ugrc9S t0 consider
written by her, with tho exception of "The U.GO. a tax on tho limited pocketbook, Uj0 ,,ucston of cninrgtnK tho olllclnl resl-
,..,., Ancnovy uunapes uemuva uio nones dunco of tho chief executive linn decided
' rccKies anuiuu; j i I a bottle of good Anchovies, preserved t0 recommend tho plans originally sii-
Verse, by H. C. Uowinan, Is a little vol- n oU, rut (our lnt0 a mortar or bowl; gcgled by ,ho lal0 Mr8, uellj;milti Harrison.
umo mai is sure 10 uriug qoiikih 10 n adu tt tablespoonful lemon juice, eighth of luo rt.port ot lne commission Is practl
ioers ot mo nuraor una pamos mui uuvur a Bpoon(Ui 0f cayenne or paprika, which Is cnuy completed, relates tho New York
nuoui ooynoou nays. mt. ioimiu lino '- ,nllder, and ono tablespooniui of butter. Herald, aud tho drawings have been pen-
du.uu lun.aui. iuiu iUU u. i wi u pound or rut) to a paste, uui amps oi ccj outi 80 tmU tn0 resuu 0f Its dellbeni-
same keen sense of humor and tho namo stalo bread ftwelvo for this ouantltv of Hna u-itt i. r,i inr r,r..,.nttinn m tins
command of slmplo pathos that character- anchovies), quarter of an Inch thick, ono committee on public buildings nud grounds
lie much of tho vorso of Lugeno Meld and and cre.half Inch wldo and three Inches wnen congress convenes In December. Ac
James Whitconib Itlley. Alfred Dartlctt, longi clarify four tnblespoonfuls of but- companylng tho report will bo a plaster
tor and fry tho strips of bread a dcllcato model of tho present building and tho pro-
1 t ,. , rl , -1 I . I. . ... ... . .
,,....., i . .. v... uruwn 111 mis. luui uuu njivuu nuu mo nosed extension, wmcu win no umsucu in
Tk. n... i. nf nnnMxinv. Porn anchovv pasto. Cut tho remaining an- lmo to bo exhibited nt tho Washington
.uu - "o- . . . . ..... -,. ... --. . ...
Co.'s new magazine Is at hand and If future cllovl(s ul '"b centennial celebration in mis city on ue
month .hall brlnir forth caua v oralse- l"u u" -"cu luu cu uuu ccmocr ..
worthy Issues, a most successful career ul "pnco iu ueiwtuu uu miernmo Tho work or tno commission was uoi nc-
Leavenworth Case," her first book. Tho
present story takes Its name from the
TO PLEASE ALL READERS snape of a room In a New York houso
round which tho action moves. The courso
of the story Is out of the ordinary. The
mystery Is solved In tho first half, but tho
explanation ot the motives and the recital
of tho events which led up to the tragedy
possess that compelling Interest which
keeps one reading until tho end ot the
story Is reached. McClure, Phillips ft Co.,
New York. Price, $1.25.
Tho Scrlbners merit the thanks of every
admirer ot good literature for harlni;
brought out a holiday edition of "Tho Old
Gentleman of the tilack Stock," one of the
most highly praised ot tho stories by
Thomas NelBon Tage. The edition has
beon prepared with Illustrations In color
similar to "Santa Claus' Partner," Issued
last year, which was ono of tho most
successful ot the Christmas books, being
now In Its twenty-fifth thousand. If any
thing, the new book is more attractive In
appearance and Is equally deserving ot
public commendation, Charles Scrlbncr's
Sons, New York. Price, $1.60.
Work of Fact.
John P. Youne of Saa Francisco has
written a book which ho Is pleased to call
I " lrnl ant tnn n nit PfnffPAul " t Vi n nlitnt lialncr
tn rnmtinf anil nvnrthrnw "thn rrrntipnm
Shackles." It Is a novel of excitement and ,dca that ,he ony uscrul functon of tno
adventure by tho author of "A Set of ByBtcm of protection Is to aBslst In the
Ilogues," Frank Uarrett. Tho scene c8tnbiuhmcnt of domestic manufacturing
la laid In England and tho Interest centers industry." Beginning with tho first at
In tho efforta of the herolno to obtain tcmpt at protccton ln England, made In
tho freedom of her husband, who, although 12Cli jlr Yur)g traces the conflict of pro
innocent, has been convicted of murder and tccttvo legislation with treo trade opposl
entenced to imprisonment for life. The tlon down t0 tne pr0ValllnR business condi
plot Is Btroiig and moves quickly and con- tlong )n tno united States In tho closing
Istcntly to the climax. Price, $1.60. ycarg of tho nineteenth century. In a
In giving to the public Joslah Flynfs mnstcry and convincing way he arrays
"Notes of an Itenerant Policeman," Messrs. tno ot.)o of indisputable facta and figures
Tago L Co. have conferred a distinct favor ln suppoi.t 0f the proposition that no per-
upon novel readers as nil will agrco who ,rnncnt business misfortune can hludor
havo read bin "Tramping with Tramps." lll0 career of a nation which steadfastly
A number of the chapters of this book havo adhereB to a policy of self-sufficiency,
apcarcd In Tho Independent, Harper's .,Thc development," says the author, "of a
Wcokly and other publications, but much prctoctlonlHt country with manifold ro-
f tho material is now and all of tho B0UI.ce8 results In tho accumulation of
aitlclos have been revised beforo bolng vastly greater stores of wealth than could
republished. Prlco, $1.26. possibly bo gathered In a dependent coun-
A now novel by Oabrlelo D'Annunzlo. tho try( andi wnen crrated, tho wealth of a
Italian romancer, will bo welcomed by nit nrntpctlonlst nation Is nractlcallv Invul-
auch as enjoy his unblushing realism. Hla nerable. Tho groat manufacturing plants
latest work, entitled "The Flamo of Life," 0j a country ot tho magnitude of the United
' baa been widely discussed and crltlolsJd states nro sublnct to certain economic vl-
throughout Europe. Tho enemies of clesltudea, but thoy can nevor bo brought
U Annunzio navo clairaca mat tno ncroino to a standstill by a blockade." Hand, Mc
is tne portraituro or a coicDraicu uanan Nally & Co., Chicago. Price, $1.25
actress ami mat no nas uroiion tana wun
nor in giving to tno worm certain conn- Al . timn .h(1 itpmatlonftt comullea
fences which wero meant for him alone. tton3 naVo turned tho oyes of the world
a aumcicni ami wnai snouiu uo conciua- tt,ard nussla, Edmund Noble'a "Rusla
lvo answer to nil such statements Is tha and tno itusganB" muat bo considered In
author's prompt and Indignant denial. ln uKDt o a mogt tmey pUbllcatlon.
Prlco. $1.60. jjr fjobio does not attempt to cover cx
In nddltlon to their long list of fiction haustlvcly tho history of Ilussla In this
Messrs. Pago & Co. havo brought out a voiume. but to bring into prominence the
great variety of books of a more solid great controlling processes of Husslan do
character Among others "Tho Day's Work Volopment. and to present the story of
Berlea" will bo found very attractive to Uugsla and the UUB8an people 80 a8 t0
many. It Is the purposo of the publishers mako u mtol 1 ltblo to the reader. Tho
to Include ln this series stories and short booK. lg contlnuoua narrative and on
popular treatises on self culture, ethics. tnlB are groupBd the 8evera, episodes of
religion and reform. The volumes con- IlUBBan history which should be espe
tain from thirty to sixty pages and aro clay empha8lxed. Tne chapters ot the
bound in cloth. Among tho latest additions book ,ncIudfl. nd and People. Laying
to this scries may be mentioned "Why Qo tbe Foundatloni( How Ru88,a necamo an
7.? ,h.urf ?? .byman.,A.0tV ,n Autocracy. Peter tho Great and Europeanl.
Ilia orld." by Charles P. Thwlng; "Sow- laton The Women ncf0rmers, Revolt of
lna anil Uitan nn " hv llnnL'tti rT Ivaahlnai. ...
! ..J. . """"" the Decemorists, emancipation of tne
ton: "Graven On the Tables." by William Peagallta, Ruiii.n Expansion, Siberia and
Ewlng Love; "If Yo Lovo Me." by Lucia ,no Ex0 s tcm Lan(?uage and Literature.
M. Knowlcs; "Our Common Christianity," elc, Tue bcok whlIo ,nfendcd t0 bo str,ctiy
br,Arl.h.UL P Sta.?iy.:. 0W, byJA e.X accurate ln its historical atatemcnts, is
ander McKcnilc; "Nobio Womanhood," by frankly wrltten from an American stand-
Charlco F. Dole. Theso dainty and Incx
may ho predicted for the new venture, layers of whites and. yolks of two hard compllshed without considerable outside
"Tho World's Work" Is a ma khz I no of uu"-u 1kk yn-aseu iuiuurh a mcio. m- opposition, notauiy irom ceuaiu urcuucun,
human progress, dealing with tho vital ranK 'ko canapes on a dish and garnish anxious to supply designs for tho cxtou-
question of contemporaneous Interest ln with stuffed olives or plmolas. slon of tho historic mansion,
a thoughtful yet frank and Inolslvo way. Deviled Bones Tako tho legs, back or I There Is another clement of opposition
It considers conditions not theories, facts wings of cold chicken or other fowl, scoro which threatens to mako Itself felt wheu
not fancies, believing that our own time dP with a sharp knlfo, rub over with the question of appropriations comes be-
and country aro good to llvo ln, and that melted butter and cover with a mixture fore congress. It is a combination of cltl-
'tho best is yet to be." It Is a necessary ' a dessert spooniui or made mustard, zens wno own ucsirauie property uu
magazlno for the men who do things. If chutney and curry powuer. uroll them Washington Heights, at tno ueau oi v-on-In
Illustrated bv olcturen larcer than those lightly and servo with following sauce: A nectlcut avenue and Sixteenth street, who
usually published ln our magazines. There cupful of tho gravy or stock, a teaspoon- are anxious to have the official resldenco
will be clear-headed articles on topics of ful of sifted sugar, juice or one lemon, of tno president permanently locaicu iu
vital Interest, by men who know what they dash of paprika, thrco teaHpooufuls of that vicinity. It Is not a new idea to sep
write about. Tho editor is Mr. Waltor II. catsup and, If you uso wine, half a cup of arato tho cxccutlvo office from tho presl-
Page, assleted by trained writers; no nt- Good cherry. Cook the bones ln tho briuo dent's official homo, aud many influential
tempt will be made to obtnin a famous about five mlnutea until very hot, then porsons aro interested in trying to bring It
list of contributors the Idea of tho mag- serve. I about.
azlno well carried out Is expected to win Oyster Cannpes Cut slices of brown I la not likely, however, tnat tnis gen-
respect and Interest. Tho magazlno will bread Into fancy shapes. Itcmovo tho erauon win witness a cuango ui wiu i.reoi
retall at 25 cents. Tho current number musclo from twclvo largo oysters, cut them dent's official resldenco from its present
contains a most IntorMtlnir nrlpl on tho In small tilecns. add a tablesnoonful of location. Thcro Is no doubt of tho ncces-
state of Nebraska by William R. Lelghton, chopped capers, a tablespoonful of chopped ""X tor ,noro liberal accommodations for
an Oraaho writer. gherkins, two tableppoonfula of mixed "10 presiaoni, ma lamuy auu in uuicmi
horanradlflh. thrrn tableaiioonfiila rhnnnnd staff. Tho subject has been agltatcu ror
Tho abovo books are for sale by the crlerv. Mix with about nuarter of a run several years and tho consensus of opinion
Mcgeath Stationary Co., 130S Farnam St. of Mayonnalso dressing and two table- aooms to bo la favor of enlurglng tho
spoonfuls of Worcestershire sauco. Spread Present building and preserving tho out-
plnu" It contemplates the construction
of an cast and n west wing, of steel and
whitu limrble, with all the modem lin-provements.
Tho cast wing will bo devoted to the
executive force and furnish better accom
modations for official functions.
Tho weBt wing will contain a large state
dining room tapablo cf seating 100 guests,
Tho present atate dining room Is crowded
beyond comfort with fifty guests at table.
and ln recent years It has been tho prac
tice to servo state dinners in tho main
corridor on the first floor.
Tho second floor of the west wing will
supply additional living accommodations
foi tho president and IiIb family, and there
will bo a private entrance from tho west
so that official functions will not, as now,
bo retarded by tho appearance at tho front
door ot tho garbago man, tho expressman,
with presidential luggngo, or tho grocct
or the butcher delivering domestic supplies.
According to the plans and specification
as now drawn, tho extension will roqulre
an expenditure of nearly $1,000,000, but
when the work is completed the country
will have a homo tor its president that
will bo commodious nnd convenient, and
tho lines ot the present structure will be
as fully preserved, as were tno lines or
tho capltol when the senate and house
wings were added.
George A. Points, Upper Sandusky. O.. over lno bte'aa whlch Bhmlld to vcry lines of the original structure.
, 1 have been using I-oley's Honey sBhtly buttered. Garnish with capers and , Mrs. Harrison gavo much time nnd
..v-u uu uuu tt, tuv I shrouded clcrVt
remedy I ever tried. It stopped tho cough CUccsc ncllsh-Put Into a bowl four
liiuucuiuiciy uuu reuevcu
Illl BOrOD68fl. I 1n.,A h Vilnannntiftlta nrn nlntnoit wrt
Myors-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's ,.. .nhinnnf,ii nf m,.iin,i M.t'.nr n
drug store, South Omaha.
Practical Suggestions About Foodind the
preparations oi ii.
dash ot paprika and quarter of n teaspoon-
ful of salt. Beat all to a cream. Mix n
teaspoonful of flour with a tablespoonful
croam and add to other mixture Beat all
well together. Spread upon buttered crack
ers, Btand in a hot oven a few minutes and
Dnlly Mentis.
Cereal Toast. Applo Sauce.
Liver and uacon uons.
Hrown Suuce.
Rice Grlddlo Cnkes. Maple Syrup
Cream of Turnip Soup.
Grilled Deer. sip'
I'ancaKes. l'cacn
Reof Rrotli.
Brown Frlcusseo of Chicken.
Dolled itlco. Uaked Onions
Hiciimnit Hwcdl Potatoes.
Almond Pudding. Foamy faauce. Correo.
penslvo volumes must provo very popular
as books for the holidays. Price, 35 cents.
There are throo books among Messrs.
Tago & Co.'s recent publications which
desorvo much more than a passing notice,
Inasmuch as they aro not only Interesting
ia tho matter of contents but are espe
cially well calculated for holiday gifts, be
ing elegantly bound and illustrated.
frankly written from an American stand
point and alms to express tho deep Interest
which Americana tako ln tbe future of
Russia. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston.
Price, $1.60,
JuTenllr Literature.
Those who havo been so fortunato as to
read Eliza Orno White's two previous books
for children, will give a warm welcome to
The her latest work, "Ednah and Her Broth-
first Is "Heroines of the Illblo In Art," by era." Ednah Beverly Is 9; her brothers aro
Clara Ersklno Clement, author of "Angels s, 7 nnd 6, and two cousins aro a little
ln Art," "Saints In Art," etc. No ad- oldor. From their pleasant home they
mlrer of sacred writings or of biblical art mako long visits to their grandmother, near
could fall to appreciate this most nt- Boston; they spend a winter ln New York,
tractive volume. It Is ltsolf a work of nrt como near bolng arrested for climbing
of which Its publishers havo every reason trees In Central park; go gypsying In
to bo proud. "Famous Pianists of Today Pennsylvania, have a picnic ln Nahalit
and Y'estorday," by Henry C. Lahee, nnd and do many other Interesting things. They
"Contemporary American Composers," by aro well trained children and aro good com
Rupert Hugheri, nro two 1 tltlo volumes pony for young readers. Tho book Is capi
brought out ln uniform style which aro tal for little ones to read, or for mothers
most appropriate as holiday gifts for all I to read to them, and both mothers and
lovers of music. Both volumes are 11- children will be suro to enjoy it greatly,
lUBtrated with a largo number of photo- Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. Price, $1
graphs or prominent musicians ot this and
other dayB. Tho price of tho two latter "A Georgian Bungalow," by Frances
volumes is $1.60 and of tho former. $2. Courtnay Baylor, is a pretty story ot
Messrs. Pago and Co.'s long list of Ju- Bouthern plantation life in which much
venlles recently rovlowed In thoso columns of tho fun Is contributed by a young Topsy
seemingly loft nothing to be desired, but ot a negro called Candy Doll and by a Qer
thoy havo recently made a number of ad- man governess who finds somothlng new
dltlons. Among tho number might be and startling every day in her scientific
mentioned four little volumes very much study of the llttlo negroes. The adven-
alike, cloth bound, and soiling at 60 cents turca of the family ln tholr trip to Europe
each. Thoy uro: "Tho Water People," by are very amusing. Tho book Is finely 11
Charles Lee 8lclght; "For His Country," lustrated. Houghton, Mifflin Co., Bos
sy Marshall Saunders, author of "Beautiful ton. Prlco, $1.
Joe;" "Farmor Brown and the Birds," by
Frances Margaret Fox, and "Tho Story of Several volumes that will be of interest
Dago, by Annie Follows Johnson. to educators are at band from tho Amerl
"Tho Advontures of a Boy Reporter," can Book company of Chicago. "A Brief
by Harry Steelo Morrison, Is a pretentious Course ln Qeneral PhrBlcs." by George A
volume telling tho story of a young re- Hoadley, is a work calculated to Impress
porter who goes to tho Philippine Islands, teachers most favorably. The author has
Price, $1.26. aimed at providing a text book that can
Whllo tho above la distinctly a boys' be completed, with a reasonable amount
hook, Mirla Louise Pool, In "Chums," has of work, within an academic year. Price,
written a atory especially for girls. Like $1.20.
all of Miss Pool's booka, tho present story "Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene for
la entertaining and of commendablo char- High Schools" embraces ' the latest re
actor, Prlco, $1, searches and developments In physiological
Peoplo who havo been to Paris or con- sclenco, combined with the best pedagogical
template going should not fall to secure methods in modern science. The naturo
a copy of "In Paris," by Catharine S. aud and effect of alcohol and othor narcotic
Gilbort S. MacQtiold, It Is a little volume Is treated, where it naturally bolongs, as
very extensively Illustrated and tells tho a part of the hygiene of the various dl
story of Paris and Its sights. For a guide visions of tho subject. Price, $1
book It Is more than usually Interesting Teachers of German will be pleased with
Corn Meal Mush. Stewed Prunes.
Kgga a ia iierKiiner.
Sally Lunn. Coffee.
Lobster Fricassee.
Potatoes a la Ducheuse.
Tomato Soup,
TMnh nnd Ovster Pie.
Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes,
Maceuoine euinu.
Jam Pudding. Currant Sauce.
Ceroal. Cream.
Crerm of Dried Heef.
I'ntnln Omnlet.
Lone Breakfast RoIIb. Coffee.
Cream of Pea Soup.
Slices Cold Pressed Lamb.
Cold Mint Sauce.
Tomato Fritters.
Stewed Fruit. Chocolato Cake.
Wirntaliln Soun.
Broiled Steak. Brown Onion Sauco.
.MUBIieil wnuu i-nimoes.
Italian Tomato. Lettuce Salad.
Boiled Rico. Applo Compote.
two little books, one of them "Der Assist
ent," by Frlda Schanz, and tho other "Der
Melster von Palmyra," by Adolf Wllbrandt,
Tho price of tho latter Is SO cents and o
the former 35 ccntR
"In tho Hands of tho Redcoats," by Ev
In Its general descriptive matter. L. C.
Pago & Co., Boston. Prlco, 60 cents.
Recent I'lctlnn.
Tho "Breaker of Law," who Is tho chief
flguro In tho book of that name, by W.
Pett-Rldgo, is a nharp and smart young
cockuoy, who has become a burglar and Is erett T. Tomllnson, is a story which has
Introduced In tho first chapter In tho tho tamo starling qualities of truth to fact
middle of a successful operation of that and accurate portrayal of character which
hind. He lovea sincerely an innocent and distinguish tho author's previous book
pleasing young servant girl, nnd after Most stories of tbo Revolution relate th
marrying her reforms and becomes a work- acts of the leaders; this describes the life
man. His BUbsequent roiapso into criml- 0f the noonle. The experiences of tho tirls
nal habits Is not duo to pressure of poverty oner aro based on tho true and personal
or to pressuro appneu ny ins rormer com- recollections of a man who was oiik con
rades, but comes chiefly from what may be nncd there. The Btory Is an exciting but
called his professional love of tho buslnoss, truthful plcturo of actual conditions, and
In other words, ho Is uuubla to resist the 0 niauy forgotten or Ignored features of
Pleasure of committing a clover stroae or
crlma which presents Itself to him, not-
withstanding his genuine affection for his
wife and child, v. ho kflow nothing ot his
wrong-doing to tho last page of tho book.
Herodltary criminal tendency also acta upon
him more or less. His wife bollovea him
to be dead, when ho Is. lu fact, In prison.
and upon his release rather than tell her
tho story, as ho had intended to do, and
thus spoil her future life, ho goes away
to South America a broken and probably a
dying man. This character has strength
and is carried throughout with consistency
and Interest. The Macmlllan Company,
New Y'ork. Price, $1.60.
For nijr, Stronir .Men and I.lKle llnblca.
Granola tho most dollcutu and tooth
some ot all cereal foods Is used at all the
leading sanitariums tn tho United Status
and lending medical Institutions ln various
parts of tho world. It Is tho most delicate
and most palatable of all tho cereal foods,
and, besides, so perfectly meetu the needs
of the stomach that this much abused und
achMarmXd'e" aintctcd organ quickly and gladly responds
IU U1U Ulliuiui cuuuniuua vaiuui.auuu, uuu
tho better blood resulting builds up tho
nerves, brnln, muscles nnd all the tissues.
Tho reconstructing Influences of this un
equalled food ia quickly felt. Sold by lead
ing grocers. Thero aro many cereal
products mado ln Battle Creek. Tho gen
uine Granola bears a plcturo of tho Battle
Creek Sanitarium on tho packago.
nldoratlon to this subject. Sho suggested
that tho architectural beauty and nin
mctry of the present building would not bo
marred by preserving It lutact and extend"
tng Its wings to tho cast and west, thus
affording amplo accommodations for lha
constantly Increasing force of executive
clerks and tho much-necded facilities for
tho social and domestic portion of the
Whllo Mr. Harrison was prcxldcnt ho
declared that the space, lu the White House
was so limited that tho occupant wns apt
to oxpcrlcnco such sensations nnd Incon
vcnlcnccs as a merchant who lived over
bis shop
"Notwithstanding tho numerous draw.
backs nnd discomfitures of living In the
Whlto Houso ln Its present condition," Bald
Mr. Harrison, "I do not believe thcro Is
any lady ln tho land who happens to bo
a member of tbo presidential family who
would not cheerfully encounter many llttlo
Inconveniences rnther than reside beyond
tho atmoBpbcro ot historical events aud
associations which cluster bo thickly
around this old house, beautiful ln lta
Tho report tho commission has adopted
backs and discomforts of living In the
tall, will bo known as "Mrs. Harrison's
Rico Cooked In Milk. Stewed Figs,
limited lllrdn on Toast.
cn,nfli rJntfitrw.u Kronen Pried.
Turkish Soup.
Hum. niipntnut Htultlnur.
Sweet Potntoes, Brown uiazeu.
Escallopcd Tomatoes.
Apple and Celery Bnlad.
Dato Whips. Coffee,
Cheene Relish.
Sweetbrertd Salad. Stewed Fruit.
Cake. Tea.
"The Superfluous, n Very eccoy
Thin ir.'
These accessories to our list of dishes
custom, and not necessity, has created a
demand for, and tho list increases each
season as tho scekera after novelties dis
cover something now and yet untried.
Those dishes may be served at various
nprinds throuchout the meal, from begin
ning as tho flrsl course, or appetizer, to
tho ending ln tho character or a aigest.
In all these dishes there must Do a
touch of piquancy, an clement, pungent,
keen, biting. Either sour or hot or a
combination of both. At the beginning of
the meal these usually tako the form or
sandwiches, canapes or cocktails, near the
Balad courso some cheeso preparation, aud
If you wish genuine Java and
and MOCHA Coffee, we can
furnish it at 40c a pound.
Phone 1019, 1403 Douglas St.
Many of your friends, or people whom
you know of, havo contracted consumption,
pneumonia or other fatal diseases, by
neglect of a slmplo cough or cold. Foley's
Honey and Tar, a safe, sure and pleasant
cough medicine, would havo saved them. It
Is guaranteed, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omnha.
The Star Stnwnnkee'
holds fsit to public
fax or. The boneat and
delicious flavor of malt
and hops - and the del
icate aroma of Uses
becra utll satisfy the
most fastidious.
Blatz Malt-Vifine
An Irnaltrablc Tonic
All DruttflJU.
1412 Douglas St. TEL. 1061.
irrik rant, mute mru
t trim if, ?liorout, mnuid
I niftrrtcl rem. mm Intrnil'
1UK I" HINT I. Plti.uit, n tua, . . -
Ultl 1 IIIKUt lotim iionui uwrr rrsiuirui 11
I Mirrmun K McO'imrh. Kiihn & Co nr1 ollif r
ilrut;(Uit ur miLcabj N cm liwu Co. Ilodtlo N T"
for people who are willing to pay a
fair, but not a fancy price on rain byi
CUIaal Jt Smith. 14th Jt Dong-la.
Pure Food
1 None but Advertiser of Thoroughly Re
liable, Pure and Healthful Foods Will
Be Accepted for These Columns.
GEN. MILES writes a thought
fvl Letter about Pure rood!
If Your Physician
Hns prescribed beer order Gettle
man's Natural l'roccss Hrer. It's the
finest of nil beers for Invnlldn and
convalescentH-on nccount of Ha rib
soluto purity. , Hrewrcl of choicest
hops and malt-it Is rich In wholesome
nourishment-strengthening and Invig
A. J. SHOUT, Manager Omaha
Branch. 624-2G South ICth Street.
Tea Drinkers
at the end a bit of cheoBe, an olive, pre- ccrtaln
.... nna nr in Iml Hnenitnliln roffep. v"" J - .
served ginger or the Indispensable coffee.
Alt throughout the meal, If It be comprised
of many and rich courses, celery, olives,
pickles and salted nuts aro passed, we
leave the readers to iorm ineir own con
Minions na to whether a genorous In
comes from they get Buch a cultivated
taste. It's for this class of tea drinkers
that we're looking now the ones who know
what tho best tea tastes like and will not
bo suited with anything inferior. We've got
a fine Young Hyson and a Formosa Oolong,
?ulCD.c0. "...''T..'"""1,? old Btralght or mixed, that we think If
hVKlenic lawa and u naturally refined taste
To use these articles simply as incentives
to lncrcaso tho appetite should not bo
necessary aud suggests tho Idea of living
to cat, with nc higher results to bo gained
from our food.
Olives, salted nuts and tho "bit of
checHC," n fashion of our grandmothers'
time, when Indulged in with moderation
aro Innocent enough In themselves nnd not
only possess considerable food value but
act as mild digests. But with these, as in
regard to everything else, observe tem
perance and do not eat more than enough
because they taato gocd. u childish habit
many grown peoplo havo uot overcome,
Meat savories, In tho form uf deviled
onco tried will never bo abandoned.
R. E. Welch.
24th and Farnam Sts.
I'honc 1511 Phone 1500
l''ur Meats. Fr Groceries
Meat savories, in tno iorm ot uuviicu Ty n (
dishes, curries or highly seasoned sand- VjladStOflC Df OS Cx Vi O
Does This Remind Vou
of Anything You Wish?
.Importer ot.
"Tha Circular Study," Is the tltlo of a new
book by Anna Katharine Qreen (Rohlfs),
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vte are ncaoquuriers tor hooks, stationery, acnooi ami uuice oupiniex,
If you wish tho latest popular novel or the newest thing in labor-saving of- ."
flee devices, this Is the place to look for it. f
We cio showing the latest stjles In fine papers, copper plato work und rt
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wedding Invitations, announcements, etc. If you are Interested It will cost ff
you notning to look. ji
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Fancy Groceries,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
1 08-1310 Douglas St-.
Telephone 2"s.
No Imitation Goods Handled.
Headatiarters of the Army. Washington, D. 0,
To tbe I)iittloCrcekBanHnumooa wo.,
namo i,rwu. , .
food, and to some eitnt have tested ann njed
iicollent and healthful food. Ur your method
ofnreDartng this food you aeem to have re
ulDeYthaiuitalnliwqualltle. aud to hava rj-
that mM the food very fleinDie ana Tam
able. Tour great work of charltr l also moit
oommenoaDie. I,:'AT,i, W.Va
Major Ueueral, U.S.A.
are B3 to OS per rent "nutrition." Ak your uro
... . .,,, Tii, imi m hlood.bone nnd muki'le
for welt peoplo ana aucoor tho lck. Eeudifo. for
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us It M4 vf cln 4 ? titla !! ttt
lut iff k" IU vfllill w.ik, It l,mlnl
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Richard Cobdcn's name has gotic down into
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Richard Cob den
5 Cent Cigar
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credit to his noble achievements. As with the
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the better one becomes acquainted with
the Richard Cobden five cent cig ir the bet
ter one likes it. If s worth kno inp; and
Call for it wherever cigars are. sold,
Distributor, Omaha.
Your rund ot Knowledge g
is not complete. No man, however studiouB, how-
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Every render, every student, every searcher aft
knowledge, depends a great denl on his dictionary. In
fact, no study, no home library is complete without t
good dictionary.
The latest and best is
The Standard
No dictionary has received so much praise from the fjC
people scholars, students, teachers, professors and the
An opportunity is offered the people to procure a
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This low price places the book within the reach of so
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William Black, tbe Scotch Novelist:
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A Conan Doyle, the Eminent Eng
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tiser. Glafgow, Scotland: "Taken al
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Youths' Companlci: Edward Stan
wood, ManaKlnu Editor: "We have
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ary for tho use of our proof-reader In
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Tho Times-Democrat, New Orleam:
"He who has the Standard nt his el
bow to ref.'r to for the mean ng, pro
nunciation, or derivation of a word,
or for ItB compounds, synonyms, an
tonyms, or phrase use, will never
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The Christian Cynosure, Chicago:
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Tbe Interior, Chicago: "It was a
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The Tribune, Now York: "... A
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tionary leads to the Inference that
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a distinct advance In certa n fields.
. . . The new dictionary Is rich ln
terms peculiar to occultism and
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The ConKrcRatlonalMt. Boston:
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ford: "Wo cannot speak In too high
THE STANDARD has a vocabulary
words. The Century 225,000, Webster's 125,000, Worces
ter's 105,000.
THE STANDARD was produced at a cost of a mil
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THE STANDARD will bear comparison with any
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THE STANDARD contains the best deflnltloni!
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Step into the store and see- the work.
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