8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.MJIl S1UNTIO.X. Davis sells Rlnss. "Mr. Ulley,' G-ccnt clgnr. Oas fixtures and Klobes at Illxby's. Fins A. II. C bpor Noumnyer's hotel. Wollman, sclcntinc optician. 109 ll'd y. Bchmldt's photos, new and latest style. V. J. Hostettr.r, dentist. llaldwlti block. Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens. Drink IJudwelser beer. U. nosenfeld. Lefrort. Jeweler, optician 230 Ilroadwny. Attend thu anlversary ball, W. of . ball, Wednesday evening. November . Get your work done at tin popular Ragle laundry, 724 Broadway. 'Phono 157. W. C. Kstep. undertaker, is 1'iarl street. Telephones, Ofllfe. ; residence, 23. C. E. Alexander & Co. liao Just Im ported lornn beautiful Italian pictures. W P Clriiff. undertaker and llct.nscd em balmer, 101 South Main street. I'hono KtJ. Mrs. Ernest E. Hart of Park avenue Is borne from a visit with friends In Chicago. CleorKo Oerner, Jr returned home In time to votf from C'lilcnuo, where ho wit nessed the Clilcnico-Iowa foot ball game. Colonel V. J. Davenport of tho Hurling ton left last evening on n short trip to Colorado on business connected with hw road. Don't burn your old wool mattress. Mor gan fc Klein will do them over by the now broccsBbetlur than new. 122 Bouth Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. 1". M. Oault, former resi dents of Council muffs, now of Kansas City, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. . liushnell Tho Athenian rlub will be entertained this afternoon by Mrs. Hamilton, 1002 Third avenue. Charles U. Ellis, cushler In the local ollleo of the Adams Express company, has been called to Denver, Colo., by tho serious III jiess of his mother. Herman I.ttmhrldct and Matnlo Nelson, both of Hod Oak, la,, were, married In this city yesterday. Hev. H. Venting of tho llaptlst church performed the ceremony at his home. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of tho State Savings bank tho board of di rectors was Increased by the ulectlnn of two new members. They aro August Here shclm and N. I. Dodge, Jr. l'hlllp Altmans whh run down by a hack Monday night on West Hrondway nnd tho back wheel of his bicycle demolished. The police have been asked to discover tho identity of tho driver of the hack. Victor l.eo opens u two nights' engage ment nt tho Dohany theater this evolilng. Ho Is called tho "Kunny Wizard" and it Is claimed that there are few men who can perform the tricks with the onso and per fection that Victor In can. Thoso who go will certainly have an evening of raro en tertainment. Isaac Carlylo, sr., a well known farmer of this county, died yesterday morning at his home In Underwood from cancer of tho stomach, aged SO yours. Ho was a widower and leaves a crown up family. Tho funeral will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence ami burial will be In Walnut I fill cemetery In this city. P. F. Maxllnld, whoso homo on Harrison street was broken Into and robbed last Sat urday night, has given tho police descrip tions of additional property since discov ered to bo missing. The list Includes, be sides a quantity of wearing apparel be longing to Mrs. Maxllcld, somo valuable iiteces of Jewelry and u lot of bed cloth ing and tablo linen. The city Jail was without a prisoner yes terday morning. O. H. Ballard of Tabor, la., who was won ring a plcturo of Hrynn about the sire of u soup pinto when ar- Iestcd Monday for being drunk, whs re eased In time yesterday morning to permit dm to return home and cast his ballot. Tho only other occupant of tho Jail, a plain, everyday drunk, was let go so that ho could vote. The receipts at tho Christian home last week were again below tho financial needs of the Institution. In the general fund they amounted to JS7.S7 being J32.13 below the estimated needs for the current ex- Reuses of tho week anil Increasing the u clency In this fund to dato to J1.O02.O4. In the mannger'n fund tho receipts were $17. being SIS below tho needs of tho week and Increasing the deficiency In this fund to Hate to J316.4S. K. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone 250. Prepilums given with Domestic soap. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Harry Ilelxer on n Tear. Harry HeUcr when' placed under arrest' by Officer Chrlstensen for being drunk and disturbing tho peace last cvcnlnir, showed fight and tho officer was compelled to break his club over tho young fellow's tiead before ho could land him In Jail. Ilolscr mannged to throw tho officer and Kicked him In tho face Just beneath the right eye. Ofllcer Chrlstcnsen knocked Holaor down three times with his club, tho third blow breaking the club In two. It took threo men to put Helser In tho steel ell at tho Jail. Holser was arrested about two years ago for shooting a man named McCalmont In tho mouth, but escaped con viction. Best weight Domestic soap. Par IIIckmI Votlnar. The police received word yesterday after boon to Intercept and arrest two farm hands named Charles Mack Alexander and John Weaver, who wero charged with Illegal rotlng at Glenwood, In Mills county. Tho men after voting boarded a rig and started for Omaha. Word was received later that the deputy sheriffs had caught them beforo they crossed tho county lino. Tho men had beon shucking corn In Nebraska an-' went to Olenwood yostorday morning and It Is charged voted In a township where tlieoy did not have a legnl residence. Domestic soap has no equal. Davis sella paint. Turk Cominltnors Meet. The Hoard of Tark Commissioners held their regular monthly mooting last night and allowed tho bills and salary rolls for the preceding month. Chairman Schmidt announced that threo does purchased fr.r Falrmount park hnd arrived that mornlns and woro safely housed nt tho park. Thoy wero purchased from C. Ilushenlleld of riumer settlement and cost $75. Tho high bridge at Falrmnunt park oyer tho cut was reported to have been safely anchored In caso of tho embankment cav ing la. fliirlnl for VnrrUit. The remains of Lou V. Tarrlsh, tho nock Islatid engineer who was killed near the Union Pacific bridge yesterday morn ing, will bo shipped from Omaha to his home at Stuart, la.. It Is understood that no Inquest will bo held. Pnrrlsh was a lnglo man and resided In this city, WHY PAY $5 for a shoe when you can buy tho Best Shoe Made for. $3. 50 uud you save $l.Ed ut HAMILTON'S Shoe Store. 4ia imoAinvAV. FARM LOANS Monniini.ul In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa James N. Casady, Jr., 12C Main 8t , Council Muffs. Savt Your Money; AVINGB, LOAN AND BUlLUlXI ilv I Inventing IWlth lh SAVINGS, LOAN AND BUll.UI.10 AOS', U3 ral Attract, CuaMotl Bluffs, la. w : . -. BLUFFS. RECORD MADE FOR ELECTIONS Quietest Eyer Hold and Largest Vote Ever Cast in Council BlufFi. NO FRICTION OR CONFUSION ANYWHERE Voters Qnletlr I'roceeil to Mark Tliclr Jliillut Mild (iu About Their L'Hiinl lluslnesi V Ithout Ally I'iini. The election In Council Hluffs yesterday was a record-breaker in moio respaciB than one. Not only was tho vote tho largest ocr cost in thu city, but It was tho quiet est and best conducted election lu the his tory of tho city. Tho precautions taken by tho municipal authorities, assisted by tho chairmen of tho republican and democratic committees, resulted In a total absence of any lawlessness or disturbance during tho entire tlmo that the polls wero upon. The plan of roping tho "dead line" around tho voting places proved effectual In pro venting any crowds congregating around the bootb3 and did much undoubtedly to do away with the usual loitering of peoplo In tho vicinity of tho polls. Tho polls opened at 7 o'clock In tho morn ing and tho voting was brisk for an hour or so, those casting their ballots In tho early hours being mcu anxious to get to their work. During tho entlro morning up to noon the voting was steady and It was estimated that in most of the precincts u third of the vote had been cast In that time. During 'tho dinner hour tho voting slackened, but about 2 o'clock It got brisk again and continued so all the afternoon. Tho lust two hours, from C to 7 o'clock, tho balloting In several of tho precincts was tho heaviest and In some precincts thoro wns a regular rush of voters to get their ballots In at tho last moment. When tho polls closed at 7 o'clock, It was generally estimated that tho full voto In tho city, as shown by tho registration lists, had been cast. Incidents nf (lie I'olltiiK. In some of tho precincts, especially In tho First ward, there was evidence of considerable scratching, while In others the opinion prevailed that tho majority of tho voters wero casting straight ballots. Tho latter was noticeably true In the Third and Fourth wards. In the First ward soma of tho voters romalned so long In the booths that tho Judges were compelled to notify them that they wero overstaying their limit. This was taken to Indicate that the ballots wero being scratched. In tho Third and Fourth wards and In tho Second precinct of tho Second ward the voters as ageneral rule stayed in the booths but a very short time, and this was taken to in dicate that they voted straight ballots. In tho First precinct of tho First ward a very largo voto was cast and at an early hour the ballot box was Jammed full and a barrel with the head securely nailed up had to bo pressed Into service In which to deposit tho ballots. Around somo of the polls thoro was llttlo to Indicate that a presidential election was In progress except for the presence of tho party of challengers and tho two special policemen. Voters wont to the polls, cast their ballots and then went back to their places of business or homes. From tho rapidity In which tho votes were cast In somo of tho precincts It was ovldent that tho voters had fully doclded before hand how they intended to voto. The usual electioneering around tho polls was conspicuous by Its absonce. Toward tho close of tho polls tho crowds Increased somewhat, but nt no tlmo was there the slightest disturbance. It was t typical republican day even to tho weather and by 4 o'clock In tho afternoon It was es timated that the republicans had carried tho city by at least 400. Even Mayor Jen nings, who had boen most sangulno of a democratic victory In tho city, conceded at 4 o'clock that his party was beaten and beaten badly. Public Interest Is Croat. Tho deep Interest In tho outcome of tho election was signified by tho throngs which gathered nt every placo where roturns wero received. As each bulletin was throwu on tho screen or read by somo strong lunged Individual deafening applause would rend tho nlr and tho only complaints to bo heard were on tho ground that tho ro porta wore all one way. Early In the even ing it became apparent that tho repub licans hadwon a victory, not only locally, but In tho country at large, and tho demo crats soon vanished, leaving tho town In tho possession of their opponents. Tho novel fenturo Introduced by Manager Atkins of tho telephone company by which subscribers wero furnished tho returns as fast as they came In proved to bo a popular Innovation. Owing to tho slzo of tho ballot and the numerous scfatchlngs, no definite figures wero obtainable In tho city at midnight, although tho straight tickets Indicated that tho republicans had carried tho day by from COO to 600 votes. This practically Insures tho election of tho entlro repub lican ticket from top to bottom, as this plurality cannot be overcome by tho demo crats In the country precincts. Four precincts out of twelve In Council Bluffs, glvo McKlnley, 797: flryon. 709. "Nine precincts outstdo of Council Hluffs In Pot tawattamlo county, glvo McKlnley, 1,281; Hryan 817. Ilrookn Hood Given lip. Chairman Heed of the democratic county central committee at midnight conceded a republican victory In the county by a good plurality. ' Itoturus received by midnight showed that In tho First precinct of the First ward 467 votes wore cast, ns against n registration of 4S3. The straight ballots woro 193 republican and 196 democratic, Sevcnty-olght wero scratched. In tho Soc ond precinct GIG votes wore enst, as against a registration of D20, thero being 2,'.S straight republican, ISO straight democratic and 109 scratched. In tho First product of tho Second ward tho total voto cast was 511, as against a registration of D36. Thero woro 231 straight republican, 160 straight democratic and 121 scratched. In tho First precinct of the Third ward tho straight bnllots gavo tho republicans 33, as against 125 for tho democrats, In tho Second precinct of tho Third ward 4ir votes woro cant, as against a registra tion of 433. Tho straight ballots gavo the republicans 200, against 164 for tho demo crats, with 45 scratched. In tho First precinct of the Fourth ward 381 votes were oast, 195 being straight re publican, 83 straight democratic and 103 wore scratched. ' In tho First precinct of tho Sixth ward 527 votes wore cast, against a registration of 547, the straight ballots being 264 repub lican and 220 dotuncratlo and 43 wero scratched. In tho Second precinct of the Sixth ward the republicans got 25 straight ballots and tho demo"rata 33. Indue Smith' Majority. At midnight it was Estimated that Judgo Smith would have a plurality of over 4,000 In the Ninth congressional 'district. Chair man Wright of the republican county cen tral committee estimated a nluralltr of from 1,000 to 1,500 for McKlnley In ho county at largo. In ISOti Pottawattamie county gnve McKlnley 5,810 nnd Uryati G.4C3. In 1899 Pottawattamie county gave Gov ernor Shaw (rep.) 5,247 and White (dem.) 4,378. In ISO'! the voto In Council Hluffs for president gavo McKluluy about ten plu rality. In 1S99 Council Hluffs gave Shaw 2,242 and White 1,640. Domestic soap gives best satlsfactloa Commonwealth 10-cunt cigar. All grocers sell Domestic soap. MOTOIl COMPANY WILL ONLY WAIT. Intends to Give the City Council a f'luim-L- to Hecover Hi Semes. Whon City Marshal Albro acting under tho Instructions of tho city council, went to notify tho mo'.or company to stop tho work of laying n second track on South Main street, ho discovered one louo laborer leisurely tearing up tho granlto paving. He notified tho mnu to itilt work and he did so. Marshal Albro then served formal notice on General Manager Dlmmock. After tho action of tho city council Mon day night, tho motor compnny decided to practically stop tho work until tho alder men seo the error of their ways. Ono man, however, was left on the Job, so that tho program of tho city council ordering the work stopped might be carried out. This having been done, Manager Dlmmock nnd Attorney Wright arc now laughing up their sleeves. Tho aldermen In tholr anxiety to ques tion tho right of tho motor company to lay any tracks on South Main street en tirely overlooked tho fact that the right to lay a sh'g!o or a double track was granted to the Council Hluffs, Lako Manawa & East Omaha Construction compiny In Do cember, 1607, when the people voted fnvor ably on tho franchise. Tho Construction company's franchise wns later assigned to tho Surburban company, when Town send & Hoed purchased tho old Lake Manawa railway's property. It Is under this franchise which tho motor company now claims Its rights on South Main street. The records of tho city council show that nt tho time tho Council Hluffs, Lako Mauawa & East Omaha Construction com pany filed Its acceptance of tho franchise, It presented a list of streets which it elected to occupy under Its. charter. In cluded In tho list are South Main street from its Intersection with Sixteenth avenuo to Its Intersection with Washington avenuo and Peari street, from Its Intersection with Uroadway, to Its Intersection with Main street. Mayor Jennings admitted yesterday that ho had all along been under tho Impres sion that these two streets wero not In cluded In tho Construction company's fran chise, but tho right to occupy them had been granted to tho Surburban company at th time of Its supposed troublo with the old motor company. Tho mayor said that his object In calling a halt on the work on South Main Btrect was simply to secure to tho city In a proper manner tho cost of the paving, which tho Suburban company tindor tho law was compelled to pay be fore laying any tracks on that street. As far ns he could sco tho company had a right to lay a second track If It so desired. City Solicitor Wadsworth stated that ho would bo unable to furnish ,tho council with a written opinion by tomorrow night when It meets In adjourned session, but hoped to have ono ready If still desired by next Monday night. Ho Bald that by Its action Monday night the council apparently did not now want an opinion, but a suit. Gcorgo F. Wright, general counsel for tho motor company, said yesterday that his company would not do any more work on Mnln street until after tho council meet ing Thursday night. What the council did that night would guide tho company's future course. Tho motor company had no desire to fight tho city eounctl, but he expected that by this tlmo the aldermen havo real ized thnt tho company has somo rights on South Main street. Ho believed that after tho aldermen havo carefully read the terms of tho franchlss granted tho Construction company that tho whole matter will be satisfactorily settled without any litigation. Most for your money Domestic soap. Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, C41 Broadway. SHOOTS UY Ci;.TKII"l!(iAI. l"OHCI3. A I'oivilerleas Mnclilne Gnu that FIrca :i,000 Prujri'tllen a Mlnntr. Our Newcustlo-on-Tyne correspondent Informs us, says the London Times, that a tuachjno gun of a novel character has been Invented by Jnmes Judgo, a well known cnglneor of Newcastle, who thus describes It: Tho gun Is a patent centrifugal. quick firing machine gun; It Is five feet high and weighs about five hundredweight. It Is In tended for battleship, earthworks and gar rison purposes. Tho motlvo power Is elec tricity transmitted to a motor attached to tho side of the gun. The motor causes a disk to rovolvo at a very high rato of speed. Tho bullets, which are Introduced Into the Interior of tho disk at the axle, travel along curvos In the Interior to the clrcurafcrenco, and are thoro Impelled through a barrel. It 13 claimed that this disk will rotate, under the Influence of tho motor, at tho rato of 12,000 revolutions a minute, nnd will ojoct shots from tho muzzle of tho gun with an Initial velocity of 2,000 foet per second. Ono of tho chief characteristics of tho gun Is that It will maintain a continuous flro. If necessary, a shot may bo discharged at every half revolution, but In practico one shot every fourth rovolutlon will bo found sufficient. Tho bullets aro spherical and mcasuro 3-1S Inch in dlnmotor. Tho following aro tho results of the tests already tnado with the gun: Eighteen thousand rounds of shot at tho rata of 8,000 a mlnuto havo been discharged from tho gun. Theso bliotH consisted of nickel steel, somo of brass (as used In Franco), lead nnd chilled metal. It was tested seven times privately, no motor was used, nor Is ono yet attached to the gun, although tho gun Is constructed for an electric motor, Tho tests wero made by means of a belt driven by a steam engine. Under theso conditions tho velocity required and which it is maintained an electrle motor will produce was not, of course, attained,1' but tho practical working of the gun was fully demonstrated. A long range could not be had because of the necessity of secrecy, and tho testing was done In a covered shed at niyth dry docks. A stcol target, 3-32-lnch thick, was shattered, tho disk of tho gun revolving at n speed of 2,600 revolutions per minute. From the penetration of the target It Is calculated that at a dlstanco of 400 yards a penotratlon of a similar character will bo effected of a. plato 7-10-lnch thick under tho lnfliienco of an electric motor. Thero Is uo heating of tho barrel of tho gun, be cause of tho continuous stream of cold air which Is Impelled through It by tho turn ing of tho disk. The disk Itself is also freo from beating on account of the special bearings on which It Is constructed. These bearings aro a highly complicated, me chanical contrivance, and are similar to thoso tued In Parson's turblnes.'whlch can rovolvo at thu rato of' 22,000 revolutions a minute, and Lovall'a motor, which revolves at the rate of 39,000 a minute. To test the gun thoroughly It will be necessary to affix a motor which will be a five-horse power motor oounled direct onto th shaft. I IOWA SHOWS BI,C CAINS Republicans Eipect to Carry the State by Ono Hundred Thousand. ALL SECTIONS REPORT HEAVY VOTE CAST llennlta In the Congressional Fliclitii Cannot Yet lie Told, Although (he Indication Are That Ite pnhllcann Are Klooteil. DES MOINKS Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) At mldnnlght 243 precincts out of the 2,137 In tho state have been heard from and 'these compared with the ote of 1896, shows a net gain to the republicans of twenty to a precinct. If this rut to Is main tained, and It Is more than likely that It will bo, McKlnley plurality In Iowa, will bo 100,000, In view of the great confidence felt by all republicans In the result In Iowa and thu lack of any great contest In this state, the result Is espectaly gratifying, At midnight, Chairman Weaver of tho republican state central committee said: "Iteturns from 263 precincts la Iowa bo far recolved show a net gain for tho re publicans of twenty votes to the precinct. This ratio, carried out, will mean a plurality for McKlnley In Iowa, of over 100,000. Cer tainly Iowa will glvo that much, which would bo tho largest majority ever given by tho state for any party," Tho plurality for McKlnley In 1896, was 65,552. ' Returns show that a heavy vote has beon cast nil over tho stato. The result In the congrerslonal fights cannot yet bo told, although tho indications are that all tho republican congressmen will bo elected. In tho Second and Sixth districts tho fight Is closo. In Muscatine, In the Second dis trict, Ilumplo, republican, has a majority of 500. Thero seems no doubt that the amend ment to thu stato constitution for biennial elections instead of annual ones haa car ried. Polk county, In which Is Dcs Moines, will glvo about 6,000 majority an Increase of about 2,000 for tho republicans. Tho voto on the stato ticket In Iowa Is running very close to tho national, show ing that most of tho members of other political organizations who havo laid asldn patty lines, have left tho old party on tlrely and havo voted a straight ticket. The entire republican stato ticket has boen elected by a most complimentary vote. Tho returns from tho eleven congressional districts of the stato aro meager, but there is every reason to believe that tho dele gation will be solidly republican. LESS HOURS WITH SAME PAY International Aasoelatron of Machln Inta Make Demand for Ad vance la Wigta, SIOUX CITY, la.. Not. 6. (Special.) H. J. Conlon of this city, one of the four mem bers of tho board of arbitration of the In ternational Association of Machinists, to day announced that a demand bad been made for a 10 per cent advance In wages. A strike of 60,000 men Is threatened. Tho settlement of tho strike this spring for a nlno-hour day lias been construed by the national metal trades to include a reduc tion of pay. Tho men want ten hours' pay for nlno hours' work. Fall Mar Prove ratal. BOONE, la.. Nor. . (Special.) This morning Andrew Anderson, foreman of the pile driver, whllo working on the high bridge across tho Des Moines river, lost his footing and fell a dlstanco of forty-five feet, striking on his face, receiving Injuries which will probably prove fatal. He was brought to this city on tho work train and taken to his home at 1304 Carroll street, where the physicians gave no hope for his recovery. Ho has worked for tho North western railroad many years and was a steady, reliable man. Woodknry County. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 6. (Special Tele gram.) Sioux City and Woodbury counties will go 2,000 republican. Lot Thomas of Storm Lake, Is re -elected congressman from the Eleventh district by an over whelming majority. Kalla Into Vat of Lime. CLINTON, la., Nov. 6. (Special. Wohn Johnson, while Intoxicated, fell Into a vat of lime and was terribly burned. He will lose the sight of both eyea and will probably die. MIHSINO GREAT THINGS. reople Who Have Stubbe Their Tees Atratnat Genuine Gold Brloka. "I dare say every great Invention, beforo It la finally hit upon," remarked a New Orleans lawyer to a Times reporter, "has been within hand's reach of dozens of men who were unawaro how near they stood to fortune. Thero Is nothing more singu lar In fact than the way peoplo can skate around somo huge Idea without seeing It. When the foreordained fallow comes along, grasps the practicability of the thing and reaps the reward of perspicacity, tho others who have been so near and yet so far, feel somehow that he has Interfered with their vested rights. Lots of famous law suits have grown "out of thoso conditions. Dut It Is certainly exasperating to realize that you havo stubbed your toe on a gen uine gold brick and then were fool enough to walk off and let somo other chap pick It up. "I had an experience of that kind once myself. It occured to me that a revolv ing bookcase would bo a handy thing for office use and I bad one built to order. It proved a success and on several occa sions I thought vaguely of having the device patented, but dismissed the scheme as 'not worth while.' Nearly two years afterward a moro Intelligent gentleman up in New England did what I wouldn't do and today ho Is rolling In riches. I have been obliged to buy ono of his canes since and I nover hated to give up the money so badly In my life. Several other Instances In the same lino havo coma under my personal observation. "I havo a friend, for Instante, who stumbled upon the principle of tho nell telephone long beforo tho war. He was at college at the tl.ma and he and a fel low student actually went so far as to construct an experimental line over half a mile long. They had It In successful operation for several weeks, whon It was discovered and destroyed by a cantankerous professor, and thus vanlMhed what might have been one of the biggest fortunes In tho world. The Incident had almost faded from my friend's mlud when Prof. Hell launched his Invention on the public. "Another gentleman who was formerly n client of mine anticipated the pneumatic tiro years beforo somebody else patented it. He Is fond of One horses, and away back in the. 70s he had a light road cart made that wan almost the exact counterpart of the modern pneumatic su'ky, The big, clumsy-looking tires excited great merriment among his friends. They dubbed them 'sausage wheels, and ho has told mo mora than onco that that fooliah Joke was the thing that caused him to abandon tho oxporlraont. Pneumatic tires have since made half a dozen big syndicates rich. "Still another acquaintance figured out tho exact mechanism of the self-binding reaper nearly ten years beforo the machine was covered by patents. Not being a far mer, he failed to approclato tho Importance of tho thing. It impressed him as being chimerical and he pigeonholed his drawings to gathor dust until he awakened to the fact that he had a fortuno by the throat, only to let go again. His comments on the Incident wouldn't sound well at n prayer mooting. WHAT A 1'OG COSTS. ICatlniateil In Vnrlom Warn-V'or In Inner In ItrKiiril to lleulili. The cost of a day's gcnulno fog in town can be estimated lu different ways, says a writer In the Contemporary Hovlew. About a dozen years ago, I. o., Just beforo tho electric light had seriously Interfered with the street Illumination by gas alone, tho calculation In pounds, shillings nnd pence worked thus: Statistics furnished by ono chief company showed that 35,000,- 000 cubic foet In excess were consumed on a slnglo day of fog. This wns computed to b.i a quantity sufficient for a year's supply of gas to a town of 10,003 or 12.000 Inhabi tants. Adding to this the "extra supply de manded at the snmo tlmo of two other metropolitan companies, tho total excess of gas amounted to 150,000,000 cubic feet, or, put It In another way, tho cost of the day's fog In gas to London could not bo put at u loss figure than $35,000 or $40,000. Then, as to the cost In health, wo have a statement In tho Lancot from a health officer who Is proparcd to take tho lenient view, that In splto of a few days' discom fort peoplo after a fog llvo on-pretty much ns before. Ho is ready to admit that to counterbalance tho bad effect of mochan- tcal Irritation thoro Is possible good to bo derived from Inhaling carbonaceous matter by reason of such matter being a disin fectant, whllo, as tho result of actual meas urement, thoro Is shown to bo present nil tho whllo pretty much tho normal amount of oxygen. For all this, the writer Is con vinced that tho mischief wrought goes far beyond streaming eyes and smarting nos trils. Thero nro other products in tho banoful nlr besides the particles of slmplo soot, sulphurous ammonlcal acid nnd or ganic particles, which, whon added to tho usual accompaniment of a loworlng of tern pcrature, must tell materially against tho Infirm or aged. Dut this question has beon approached In yet anothor way. Prof. Oliver, In a pre llmlnary roport to the scientific committee tit tho Royal Horticultural society a few years back, details tho result of scraping twenty square yards of tho roofs of glass houses at Kew and also at Chelsea, which had been carefully washed dowr previous to a visitation of a fog. c In both cases the weight of doposlt wus about the Bamo, thirty grains per square yard, or six tons per square mile. Proceeding to nnalyzc tho deposit collected nt tho moro densely In habited locality, thero was found about 40 per. cent of mineral mattor to 36 per cent of carbon, whllo tho analysis yielded 6 per rent and 14 per cent of sulphurous acid and hydroclorlc acid, respectively. Thoro was also a considerable proportion viz., 15 per cent of hydrocarbons, to which was at tributed tho familiar oleaginous character of fogs as wo know them. I.TJItKI) TIIK HOG TO COMI1AT. Wise Nerr York Cat IXnlillHhod Her Authority In a Cafe. Cats and dogs do not fraternize as a gen eral thing, though now and then they strike up an alliance. An interesting In stanco of this took placo lu an uptown enfo tho other night, but not until after tho cat and tho dog Involved were, in ac cordance with tho usual custom, at swordB' point. The dog was Captain, a particu larly smart cocker npanlol. Tho cat was Lona, who as her namo suggests, Is fond of frankfurters and Swiss chceso, and who hitherto has maintained a standing feud against all dogs. Lena Is a fighter and dogs, barrlnc Cnptnln, aro her pet aversion. Captain belongs to John Hogan, the old tlmo mlnstrol man, and it canto to pass that tho first time be ventured into Lena'd stronghold ho wan looking for troublo, soys tho New York Times. Lena never exerts herself to avoid troublo and Captain was accommodated boforo his visit was over. Lena posted her forfeit nnd lost no time in quibbling over tho tlmo for weighing In. The point of tho story, however, is tho de liberate manner in which Lena brought about the conflict. It seems that Lena has two feline, as sociates who aro of a pcaceablo nature. When Captain appeared on tho sccnu tho two timid cats wore sharing a bono which Cnptaln at onco appropriated. Lena was closo by taking note of thn proceedings. For a minute sho did nothing but think. Her plan of campaign figured out, she arose and slowly walked behind the luuch counter. Her actions were noted by Cap tain's owner and others, who, knowing Lean's prowess as a rcpoller of dog boarders, had regurded Captain's temerity with amazement. Lena's plan was apparent when sho emerged from behind the lunch counter with another bono. This eho carried to within a few feet of Captain, where- sho laid It down and then coolly Bteppcd asldo to await developments. It was a palpable challenge. Captain accepted the lssuo In- stanter. He walked over, took Lena's bono In his teoth and then put his foot on tho other bono. Thn next Instant he had other things to attend to than bones, Lena was on his back and tho battle was on. Captain Is a valuable dog and tho combatants wero quickly pulled apart. Cnptaln was minus a few locks of hair, whllo Lena had tho bono and a smtlo of triumph. Captain and Lena are friendly enough now, although Captain has not yet r'ecoV' ered from his surprise at discovering that there Is one cat that not only doesn't go out of Its way to avoid dogs, but lures them Into conflict as well. Once Wealthy Farmer llnnkruiil. LOUI8VILLI3, Ky., Nov. 6. Richard Wuthen. a fnrmor and stocktrador of Hardstown Junction, filed u petition In bankruntcy today. He owes J20l,07o and has no assets. DE6IDE YOURSELF The Opportunity is Here, Backed by Omaha Testimony. Don't tako our word for It. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment; Head tho statements of Omaha cltl zens, And decide for yourself: Here Is ono case of It. Mr. It. L. Uowe, 2621 Bristol street, who has charge of tho transmitters between Chicago, St Louis and California In the Western Union Telegraph company's ofllce, says: "nefore I procured Doan's Kidney rills at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, I tried sov eral well known proprietary medicines guaranteed to be suro cures for any form of kidney troublo, but at best they only gave me temporary relief. Finally I gavo up searching for a remedy, but as my back ached and thrfre was too frequent action of the kidney secretions, It struck me If Doan's Kidney Pills performed half what they promise, they might help me over tho difficulty. The treatment has apparently cured me, for up to date I havo not noticed a symptom of a recurrence." Sold by all dealers. Prlco 60a per box, Foster-Milburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. nemember the name Doan's and take no substitute. Weak and trembling, unsteady of hand, uneasy of mind. Frightened at trifles. Tortured by an indefinable feeling of fear. Excited by noise, oppressed by quictncver at ease. Irritable and miserable. Forerunning symptoms of Nervous Prostration brought on by a debilitated system and over-taxed body or brain. THE CURE is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They bring new life to . . sufferers send rich blood tingling through every vein, soothe and strengthen every nerve. They have restored to the Paralytic the use of his limbs; to the victims of Locomotor Ataxia and St. Vitus' Dance the full control of the nerves ; have raised up the sufferer from Nervous Prostration J freed thousands from the pangs of Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and saved the lives of many who were threatened by Brlght's Disease and Consumption. AtnJlDrmgliHonllr.ct from the Dr. Wllllm Mrtlcln C'ofchfnfc- I udy, N.Y., pustiuUilon rtcll or Good Prope Is a Good Investment Fifteen lata in a body for sale at a rary reasonable prloa. Thasa lots are locatod In Omaha addition and 11a hlfh and dry. They will make a splendid location tor soma factory. Sararal othar lots suitable for bulldlns purpose ana of them especially will raaka a Una location for a home, batnc within oaa block of th motor Una and within two blocks of a achaol housa aad churok laoatad la tha wattern part of tho oily. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. S5.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years in Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. ' Method new, nevar falls, wiUnut cutting, pain or loi-H nt tlmo. S YPHlLIRc1,rectl,,rll'eBDdtbpPol'o w aBBiwtborouy'jIy cleaned from thoNytem, Soon every nlpn and symptom ?i?a.I2P??.r?..,C0,nl,'tey B"d forever, Wo 'UetlSAICINU OUT" of the illease on the skin or face. Treatment rnutatns co dangerous drucsor Injurious medlrltien. WEAK MEN ''0SR ol' MANnoonfrom &e evn i v Teenies or VltrilMiToNrlivous SHXUH1.UT Dkihi.itT or K.XHAtlbTtuK, Wxstino Weaknkm Involuntary l.ossrs, with KAntA- dkoat In Young aud Middle Aocu. lack of vim, vigor nnd strength, with sexual oruans Inipalrtd andwoak, STRICTURE Hadlrally oured with a new nrt rLFFT"4. I'jfslllble Home Tr-it-una ii.tti ment. Noinstruments.nopaln, no detention from boolm-is. Gonorrhoea, Kidney and llbiilrtrr Trnutilef. ;tllti:. UUARANTKRD. Contultallon Tree. Treatment hy Mall. Call on or address 119 S. 14th St. Dr. Searlss & Searlos. Omaha. Neb. NO CURE, NO PAY It you have small, wrak organf. Ion power or itrakrnlnir drains, our Vacuum Organ l0Telir will rr.torn you without dm? or elrctrlcttri SS.WO In i not nn failure I not one returned i no C o. t). fraud i writ for partfruian. enl sealed In rlnln enrelope. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Crimes list.. Dmvir, Cila. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS lest Olnlnc C Sirdci MEN price, toe. per box; tlx boie, liw. Our Customers Sell Our Stoves. AlUill I Cd K the rciihoii, asic Tiir.sn ruoi'i.u what 11 ASK III ItM'tt TO IILYl II. Stephenson, 2319 8. Ninth street. Conrad Destniaii. S2J Avenue II. T. H. Hllcy. 615 Hoventh avenue. W. H. Ferguson, 518 N. Seventh St. J. H, Arthur, Washington avenue nnd Second street. W. H. Dalboy, 515 Mnln xtrcct. 3. J. Ferguson, M7 Third avenue. Mr. Maybee, Oakland nvenue, A. P. Iluoves, Silver City, la. With No. 165 Favorite Hosoburner, heated live rooms from October 1. till May, and only burned 2'. tons hard coal. Kept all doors open tho whole winter. One room 12x19, ono room 12x 14; two rooms 10x12; ono romn 10x10. T. 11. ItlLBY. 615 Seventh Avenua. COLE FC0LE, 41 Mm In .Street, COUftCII, HMJI KS. IOWA. WE ARE THE FUEL SAVERS DEALERS SELL THEM Charter Oak Stove & Range Co MAKE THEM' ST, LOUIS. DOHANY THEATEt. two Mt.irrs, .Vovrmlirtr 7 nnd 8. VICTOR LEE, The firent A merlon" SIiia?lelaiii-Noro. uiuutlgnr Conirillnn unil Ilia 'iiiuiuny. LADIKM I'HKIS I'lllST NIGHT. Prices, 10a and lOe. RHFUrYITISM Us Lit'll ithoumatlc Cure, a sure an A nromnt remedy for rlieumatlsm, neuralgia, .rlutlca. luniliaao, gout. Huh cured tbous Snds will cum you, I'rlce 60c a box; small Size J5c at IriittwIstH or mailed. KING DRUG COMPANY, Council Ulutfa, Iowa., Auenta. BROWN'S IN TOWN. rty r O- , I cVWb7e STOVt&lumM i