THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, ISOYEMBEIt 7, 1900, BOLO Of THE BROWN PEOPLE Put the Hitloaal Weapon PUji in tie Life of Filipinos. VARIETIES AND USES OF THE BLADE L'loaely Connected with the Social and Hellaslou Life of the Islander Other Weaponi and Their t'glr Look. While much li beard of the bolo men In the Philippic islands, little li ktown of the bolo Itself and" the Important part It plays la the Filipino clvilliatloa. Every llllplno aud Mcro has his bolo. He does not necessarily carry It at a war weapon. It esters lato his home life and marks his social and professional rank by lti shape nd ornamentation. A Filipino who has Im proved his opportunities and risen from the laboring class to the rank of an oScer In Is terriblr effective. The average Filipino la as dexterous In handling the auadaag as a fearing master is with the rapier. Camptlana, Dald and Hirsute. The camrllan Is the regular arm of the Mcro private soldier. It is about four fee', long aad Terr ibarp. Its scabbard consists of two pieces of wood loosely tied to gether with a single plee of bamboo thread. It Is carried over the shoulder and Is never unsheathed for the first stroke. When necessity for iu use arises It Is brought do a on the head with the scabbard on It. The blade cuts through the thread, thus uasbea thing Itself. Tbis Is a derice used to disarm the enemy" of tuspieloa. There Is a regular drill thai the Moros go through with this weapon, cut ting and chopping with extraordinary swlftnes? while continuously leaping hither and thl'.hrr to avoid the return of the enemy. An Individual encounter between two eathea armed with the caasplltn pre sents a cur.ous and startling spectacle. One sees the sudden stroke, hears the cla; and rattle of the wooden scabbard us it lands tnd watches It fall to the ground In halver. e If the tlow bed been effective uiy in creaking me weapon. it seems the Filipino army preserves carefully the hideously trronrruous that the recipient of poios wnicn cave followed him in ms up- the stroke should go dowi ward career. At home the bolo Is kept In a place, tiered to Itself, usually over the door of the main room. Sometimes one will ie In a wealthy Filipino or Mcro home as many as four or five of these blades ranging from the sucdang to the ornate krls (pro nounced creee.) These will Indicate that the owner haa risen In life from the laboring class to tho land owning class or thai he has held oOee. possibly reaching the helghth of a general In the native army. Mindanao Is" the home of the bolo. Nearly every bolo of any value at all coxes from this lslsnd, which Is next In die to Luton. So far as the, social and proles atonal significance of the arm Is concerned the classification of the Moroa of Mindanao la taeltly accepted all over the Philippine! aa official. The officers and men of Import ance In the Filipino army and goverament have adopted the classification along with tho wapon Itself now the Weapon I Made. All these Instruments are made by hand. There are several bolo. factories In Min danao, mostly located la Interior and mountain towns. There are alio some fac tories of importance :n Samar and Leyte, two other large Islands. Criminals are usually made to work In the bolo factories, though there ate special experts paid by tho towns to superlntead the labor. A factory or "fabrka de bolo" consists gen erally of a large nlpa shed with hue pieces of iron and steel lying about to be beaten Into shape. Some of this work Is so ornate ad beautiful that one might easily imagine that It is the product of skilled mechanics. A criminal can secure his liberty very go down with his skull split at the same moment. But the sheath .-1 steel does Its work so swiftly and au'-h duels are over with the first awing that rta'-hee the mark. The handle of the campllan la always of hard wood; usually t oy cr mjhegany. The hairy campllan Is the mark of the OUAIXT CHINESE NICKNAMES 1 father what a quiet, gentle, attractive boy I Wei Fan was, and he. poor maa. hadn t 1 the least Idea of whom I was speaking un: 1 Odd Meaning of Manj cf tie Illustrious 1 t0 h,. w," Lm nc 1 son, when the face of the old man lighted 00gnome2 Of UllCa. UP( nd he said: ju, you meaa uti That was the boy s milk came. The n GROW IN NUMBER WITH THE YEARS Milk amet, School 'atne. Life .Name and Sobriquet Heal .nuri More Heron ruBble Than Those !len In Snort. (Coprrlght, lyo. by L T. Headland.) Someone has said that If ycu wish to put a maa to sleep or destroy all his Interest la hat you have to say, jou cevd only re;eat a few Chinese names to htm. Whether Chi nese nanus are interesting cr not depends, however, upon one's understanding of them as wtil as whvm the name represents. The name of LI Hung Chang ia no better sounding than any othir Ch.cese name, aad ytt it attracts attention and is lull of mean ing. U is the family name, and Is said to indtca e its owner's .e cent the rounder of laolim. This ola man, torn nearly too years B. C., was said to have been born un der a plum tree which Is called LI, and to he was cailed Flum. The given name of a Chi nese boy Is supposed to Indicate h.s disposi tion, character, prospects or the desires of his parents. And so the given name cf the school name hadn't been rivn until the boy left home, and so the father did not recognize It as applied to his eon. Another man whom I knew called his first boy Got a Mountain, blsvsecond Got a Garden and his third Got a Man. Those who have been following the con duct of affairs In China aad reading the pi pen without any thougat cf th . geograph ical names, except their difficulty of pro nunciation, would have found pleasure and Instruction In knowing the meaning of these almost unpronounceable, but often pcetle. characters. For instance, when we read about Shan Hal Kuan we wculd be much more appreciative If we understood that shan means mountain, Sal means sea and kuan the official residence wh h control, the whole meaning "The City Which Guards the Narrow Gap Between the Muuntalns and the Sea Tlea Tsln Is the Heavenly Place, Pekin the North Capital. Pel Ho the North River, Hua Ho the Muddy River. Vang Tsua the Village of the Yang family. Ho Hsl Wu t the Piece on the West of the River. Chi- i ncse names also preserve mu;h of the his- , tory c. tho past and explain tbe reasons lor the.r existence. The Grand Canal Is called i ale and Hearty at 97 : ,1 i i ,1 W officer below the rank of major. It differs , Krt Chinese diplomat. Hung Chang, may for TnknipcrliBg Grain. The name of Che 1 from the ordinary campllan oalr In the eaa ,,uu wis Bira - Cr "Ue&rnea Treat- i Vnn v.n t.i nA moans Rotkr ditall of the carving of the handle and In I " H1 brother, who was also a viceroy, Afiajni uk, nLaM 0f the streets oa tho fact that a long tuft of hair Is at- known as "Bottomless Bag." perhaps In 1 whlch th, vart0Ui piaCes which have been taehed to the handle. This hair is dred i reference to the depth of his diplomacy. i- are situated. The Meth- k... i in I.I HUnr rrianr tfeA mi.mi "111. ... ... . , UUb W . with vegetable dye, usually a deep red. icrretlmes bright jellcw or green. In former times the hair ornamentation a from the head of a slain enemy. It is eald that even now the scalp of the dead foe 1 In some of the Islands a source of supply Weapon of the Staff Otltcer, "Illus trious Bird" In Chins, Is Viceroy Chang Chih Tung, the famous author of "China's Only Hope." His family name, Chang, means "to open out" while Chlh Tung sig nifies "hla a cave," the whole name sign!- j fy:cg, apparently, one who opens himself ... . ..... 1. . i L . Among the staff officers the kris Is the I" Vtl .IV ...J 'J 1 - favorite w.Mn. If I. f iw . .Sr..""" y -s-vu -ivn taaag imn iuna feet long. One It Is from two to three third of the way down from the tip it ripples In little wavelets of steel. It is said that the small twordt InSlct a ghastly wound, and from the ap pearance one wculd choose It last of any to be perforated with. The approved krls stroke Is for the body with a peculiar weaving motion of the wrist, supposed to send the blade home and spread the wound. Artistically, jhe krls Is one of the most beautiful weapons In the world. The blade Is often magnificently Inlaid with gold, aad and LI Hung Chang as peace commissioner Is Liu Kun Yl, and his name and surname taken together Indicate that he win "put the earth in order." It Is to be hoped that he wlil fulfill the mission of his nomencla ture, as ieace commissioner Misfit .Vatne. The governor of Shan Tung, who has made himself ti useful the past few months In the transmission of telegrams from the government (?) at Pekin to Che Foo and Shanghai, la Yuan Shih Kal, whose name inaicates seal ce is tne "nrsi" o: a "gen- sometimes with Ptarla and other (ewel in tneory this Is to make It Cash in the ' cration of victors." light as It ia brandished above the head Prince Chtng'a name Is Yl Kaag, and of the chargine leader, a beacon of victory. . proclaims him an "assistant generation. The krls is the insignia of leadership, t whatever that may mean. As a matter of Every hlrh officer wears one strapped o! ! fact, Prince Chlag's character Is as often by turning out some special piece of; 'led to hla belt. Indefinite as his name. He Is one of those work. Many of tho men become expert In I Very similar la design to the krls Is the nondescripts who never makes any serious wood and Ivory carving, as the handles of j terclada. It is by no meaas so ornamental, errors and yet never takes a stand which the bolos plainly indicate. tns blade being straight and the Inlaying, 1 indicates a etroag character. Commonest of the forms of the national If there is any, of some cheap metal. It, ; Ta president of Pekin Imperial unlver weapon is the bolo proper which gives the 1 too, signifies leadership in the field and Is. I eltjr. who Is, by the way, one of China's generic name to all this class of weapons. I aa a rule, the mark of the noscommisstoned creat liberal leaders. Is Sun Chla Nat. His Simple la design, and without ornamenta tion. It Is primarily a weapon of war OSlclally, the carrying of the bolo proper Indicates rank or position. Its handle Is cut from carafcao horn and its blade Is hammered out of a piece of steel. The bolo o( the Filipino does not enter Into the religious life of the owner as does that of the Mora and the native of the southern Islands of the group, in some Islands It Is the center of etraage and secret rites. Men and women perform Intricate and pictur esque bolo dances, the signification of which they canaot bo prevslled upon to reveal. Often a native will dance with the bolo until he or she falls from exhaustion. During the mystic dance always performed prior to a- marriage the bolo plays a most Important part, all members of the family or clan finally prostrating themselves bi fore It and swearing allegiance to It should the marriage contract ever be violated. In the north of the archipelago a form of bolo Is used as an agricultural Instru ment for the gathering and harvesting of crops. Of late years these Implements have become weapons of war and as agencies of death are far more effective than the Cuban nlachete- This particular weapon Is known as the sundang, which when car ried, places the owner In the laboring class. It Is now the reguluar weapon of the oldler In the Filipino army la Luxoo and the northern Islands. It Is hammered out pf an old piece of Iron or steel, while the handle Is usually of wood or horn. The scabbard is cut roughly out of two pieces of wood tied together by strips of bamboo. The weapon is curiously shaped and cun ningly balanced so as to throw the weight toward the sulking end. Even a light blow A LAW UNIO HIMSELF, Kvery Man Mnut Be That, to Hetaln Hla Health aad Digestion. Tcere are thousands of people la this world who eat no meat from one year's end to another, and certain savaxe tribes In Africa and Polynoala are almost exclusively meat eaters, but while there are thousands of these, there are millions who live upon mixed diet of meat, vegetable and grain and it number Is a critarlon It would seem that a mixed diet Is the beat for the human family. The fact that you wllhfind manr veretnr- lans who appear healthy and rigorous and meat eaters equally so, and any number of robust specimens who eat both meat had vegetables and anything elce that comes their way, all goes to show that the old saw is the true one, that every man must be a law to himself as to what he shall eat and drink. To repair the waste of tissue In brain workers aa well as to replace the muscle and sinew of the laborer, can only be done through the process of digestion. Every nerve, muscle, sinew, every drop of blood Is extracted from the food we eat and digest. In these days of hustle and worry, and artificial habits of life, scarcely one person In a thousand can lay claim to a perfect digestion, dyspepsia Is a national affliction aad Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets a national blessing. Most cases of poor digestion are caused by failure of the stomach to secrete sufficient gastric Juice, or too little Hydrochloric acid and lack of peptones and all of these Impor tant essentials to perfect digestion are found In Stuart'k Dyrpepila Tablets In con venient palatable form. One or two of these tablets taken after. meals Insures perfect digestion and as elmllatton of the food. Cathartic pills and laxative medicines have no effect whatever In digesting food and to call such medicines a cure for dys pepsia. Is far fetched and absurd. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain peptln tree from animal matter, diastase and other digestives, and not only digest all wholesome food but tend to Increase the Cow of gastrio Juices and by giving the weak stomach a much needed reit bring about a healthy con dition of the digestive organs and a normal appetite. Nervous, thin blooded, run-down people should bear In mind that drugs and sttml tanta cannot furnish good blcod, strong mus cles and steady nerves; these come only from wholesome food, thoroughly digested? a fifty cent box of Stuart's Tablets taken after meals for a few aetks will do you rcore real rood than dmgs, stimulants and dletlnr combined, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is probably the safest, most popular and succestful di gestive oa the market and sold by druggists everywhere la the United States, Canada sxd Oreat Britain. Like the krls, the borong of tho Moro Indicates ranV and leadership, but rather the leadership of the forua and the council than of the field. Holders of political offiue carry the borong; so does the class which I we would call "leading citizens" In the United States. This arm has a broad axe like .blade and Is rather clumsy to handle. It Is not for use and Its original purpsse has been forgotten. The Moro sultans carry It. Mahogany and Ivory, Inlaid with gold, silver and Jewelt, form the handles of these arms. Some of them undoubtedly are worth a king's ranscm, but these are kept carefully hidden and are worn only on state occasstons. Deadly and Beaatlfol. Women and children carry the Dunal de krls. One hardly ever finds a Moro child with any pretension to family and breed ing who Isn't the proud possessor of one of these diminutive but deadly weapons. Occasionally they come Into play In ch:ld- un quarrels and the disadvantage of arm ing an Irresponsible human with a lethal implement is sufficiently attested in the subsequent funeral, not to mention the feud that may result. The woman of the better classes takes the same pride la her pusal de krls aa does her more civilized sister In stylish apparel. Seldom Is this weapon more than a foot long and usually It Is not more than seven or eight la?hes, but the blade Is well pointed aad sharp ened. In shape It Is an exact replica of the krls on a small Scale: sometimes even more ornate In Inlaid device. A punal de krls beaten blade, handle and scabbard from solid silver Is no uncommon th;n? and I have heard of punals beaten from gold. The qulnabasl 4s the knife of the private soldier. He carries it very much as the Amerlcaa private does his bayonet. It s his general utility blade and not used much In actual warfare. His whittling, brush cutting and foraging bring It lato play and It Is his tableknife when he feels the need oi aoy. oeneraiiy speaning. It is a uten sil rather than a weapon, though by no means to be despised at close Quarters. Oae of the most Interesting weapons of the Moro la the tallbong, a sort of heads- b ex. ii is irom tour to ave feet ong ana weigns anywhere from four to eight pounds. In time of war certain companies are equipped with these arms excluslvel) acu are used as an advance guard. They ere also used by the official headmen la uecapnattng criminals. The chief use et tae tallbong. frcm which It got Its came was to sever the head of the victim fallen In battle. The Meres r.en warring with otter tribes oi even among themselves never too prisoners After a battle men armed with the tallbong were pent amoa tne nam to finish the work. The weanoa has now no significance, but Is held sacred In the families of those who were onee rommlaslored to use it. While there are other special designs of the bolo among tne natives of the Philippines the Imnle- ments herein described constitute the con ventional types of the bolo aa officially recognizee ey tne Moros. In Great Demand. , The distinctions between the different types of weapon drawn so close among the Moros of Mindanao hare lost mueh of their force In Luton and the section Immediately under the Influence of Manila. SUll even here the old families keep racred their tclos, though the weapons do not enter Into the religious life of the people as they do further south. But even In Luzon the native without his bolo stands as a man without a trade. Every cahdrlver has cae uader his clothes or concealed among, his worldly goods. During the continuous warfare between tne Mores and the Spaniards the Moro army was armed almost exclusively with bolos. There Is peace between the Moros and the Americans and the greatest good feeling exists between them. In Zamboanjea. Illgan and Parang. Parang the chief Moro cites In Mindanao It Is as safe for an Amer lcaa soldier to go about unarmed at night as It Is in an American city. The Moro Is not deprived of his bolo, but since peaee has been established many have given their bolos as presents to the officers. The ma jority of natives, however, have sold them as souvenirs. They are In great demand and th various ships tnd transports enter ing these southern ports hava ruu the price up to an abnormal point. CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD W. BUTT. They Work While Yoi Sleep, While your mind and body rest, Cascareta Candy Cathartics repair your digestion, your liver, ycur bowels put them la perfect order. All druulm. J0e, :, 50c. given name. Sun, means "grandson." and Chla Nal means a "house rase " "Grand son of a House Vase," a title which ta America rnJjht be tegarded as open to the suspicion of ridicule. The Taotal at Shanghai, who Is In charge of the tele graph communications and has scat so many telegrams the last few months. Is Sheng Hsuan Hal. His name, Sheng, means "abundant," and bis given name, Hsuan Hal, means to "reveal thoughts." If be revealed all the abundant thoughts that passed over his wires since the pres. ent outbreak he would be liable to have his own thinking apparatus removed with the sword. Jung Lu, the, man who was objected to on the peace commission, has a name which, means "glorious salary" or "happi ness," which may be regarded by many as a fair equivalent, The man who was ap pointed governor at Tien Tsln when LI Hung Chang was removed was Wang V.'eu Shea. His came, Wang, Is the same as our name king, while Wea Shea means classical music." He Is not, however. known aa a composer. General Nleh Shin Ch'eng, who was In commaad of the troops which attacked and killed S00 of the Box ers between Pekin and Tien Tsln; who was then rebuked by the empress dowaget in aa edict, aad who was afterward killed, had a surname which means "hard" and a then name which means "successful stu dent.' Here the name fitted, as the road to military glory ta China Is through hard and successful study. General Ma Yu K'un's family name means "horse" and bis given name a "Jade mountain." Any American who can make anything out of this combination Is welcome to the result. Appropriate and Inappropriate. The Chinese minister at Washington, one of the most popular who has ever been In this country, Mr. Wu Ting Fang, has a name which signifies "fragrant palace." The name of the minister to England, Mr. Lo Feng Lu, means "a rich harvest," while the name of the minister to France, Mr. Yu Keng, signifies "much gold," a very appropriate name for any Chinese wbu obtains aa official position. Now let us turn to some of the antl forelga ccnscrvatlves who have made them selves prominent and obnoxious in the past few meaths. Prince Tuan's name Is T'sat Yl aad means a "clear year." No name even given to a man was more Incongruous. He has been largely lastrumenui In mak ing his first year ta public life' cae of the darktst la the whole history of his coun try. The name of Tung Fush Slang, the Macchu general wr-o has been In charge of the troops In Pekin and who fled with the empress as her bodyguard, means "happi ness and auspicious oiaeas." To whom be has brought happiness and what auspicious omens ptecede his ccmlsg it would be difficult Indeed to point out. Nothlag U-t fear precedes his coming, nothing but walling follows in his tracks, and the em press dowager will discover before sha is through with him that neither Joy cor fortuno goes with him whom she selected as her bodyguard and protector. Again, take the name of the man who was governor cf Shantung when the German snatched away the port cf Ch.a Chou. His name Is LI Ping Hcag. He Is the ' plum' who "holds the scales," but as a Chinese gentleman with whom I was talking a few days ago remarked: "The scales which he holds would never weigh out Justice either to his friends or to his enemies. The man who was governor of Shantung when the Boxer trouble began, aad who is mere than any other persoa respoas.ble for the whole unfortunate disturbance, as well as the murder of all the foreigners. both at Pao Ting Fu and Tal Yuan Fu, Is Yu Hslen. His came means to "nurture virtue." He was about as much a patron of virtue as was Nero la his most freaks. Two men among this anti-foreign group are true to the cames they bear. One Is K'acg Yl, the principal advisor of her majesty, whose name signifies a "strong determination," an "unbending will;" the other Is Hsu Tung, the tutor to the heir apparent, who Is SO years old, constitution ally antl-fereign, and above bribe takiag His family name signifies "slow" and his given came a "varnish tree." "Slow as a Varnish Tree" he is, and as steadfaet and stubborn. ' Changluar of autrn. The Chinaman has almost any cumber of names. As a baby he receives his "milk cane," when he eaters school, his "school name:" when he enter life, a title or "life name." Aa old friend of the writer bad la the Pekin ualverstty a s,on whom, he had not seen since the lad left home to en er upon his studies. I bad cever known this studeat by anything but his school name. i odlst mlision ta on Hsaio Shua Hu Tung or "Filial Piety urtot." the American Baard of Foreign Missions at Teng Shlh K'ou're, or the "Mouth of the Lamp Market," the school fcr the blind on Kaa Yu Hu Tung, or "Dried Flih street," the Presbyterian mis sion oa Ya'rh Hu Tung, or "Duck street," which runs off Yea Tal Chlch. or "Pipe street," and the London mission oh Lu Jou Hu Tung or 'Donkey Meat street, while the Society for the Propagation of the Gos pel Is oa Juag Hslea Hu Tung, or " Silk Thread street-" Some Hiahlj Decrlptle Titles. The names which the Chinese give to all kinds of foreign Inventions, machinery and Importations are not without interest. The ear Is called a "fine wheel cart." the en gine a "fire cart head," and the railroad an "Iron read;" The steamer Is called a "fire wheel boa't" and the man-of-war only a "soldier beat." The bicycle is called a "self-moving cart," cr a "cart that one can himself move." The phonograph Is called a "talk-box," the telegraph an "electric wire," the telegram an "electric letter.' and the telephone a "talk wire." "Coal gas lamps" and "electric gas lamps" are sufficiently clear not to need explanation. A fountain pea Is a "water pen." a desk Is a "book table" and a washstand Is a "wash face table." Xo Csqape from Mcknatulnc. That rule which cautions us against talk ing about feet In the presence of a club footed man does cot apply In China. Every peculiarity, particularly If It be physical and obvious. Is eagerly and promptly seized upon as a basis for the almost universal habit oi nicknaming. The founder of the Taolst sect goes by the came of "Old Boy," Lao Tzu. This Is cot applied to him In any sportive sense, but because It Is said he looked old when he was born. It great officials and found ers of religious systems are not free from being nicknamed, it cannot be expected that the people will spare the common herd, or the forelga devil. The members of our tnlsslaa, la traveling through the country aad talking with the people, were commonly addressed, though not in a spirit of rudeness, as Mr. "Foreign Devil," Kuel Tzu Lao Yeh. And the doctor, when he visits a patient. Is frequently an nounced in a manner which Is hardly cal culated to prove cheering to the sick one "the Devil Doctor has come." An Individual Is nlckcamed usually from some physical deformity or shortcoming, or mental or moral characteristic. A man wbese face Is pitted deeply with smallpox gees by the name of pock-marked Ma, Ma Tzu. The ordinary Chinese method of ad- dresslag a child Is to call him "Baldy" either because of his shared head or his scant hair. A little girl Is called "slave." Ya T'ou. A cross-eyed maa. If his came is Wang. is always "crossed-eyed Wang." Hsteh Yen. If he Is the unfortunate possessor of an un- thatched roof be gees by the came of "Baldy" Hsla Yen; If It Is his hearing he is "deafy" Lung Tzu; If he la lame he loses all other personality and answers perforce to "lamey" Ch'ueh Tzu. There Is an old woman la the Presby terian mission in Pekin who Is affiicted with a birth mark, which almost covers her face. She goes by co other Lame than Black-face Wang." HerLlen Wang. Any peculiarity about the nose, eyes, hair, beard, feet, mouth or figure may attach to Its possessor some such rhyme as the fol lowing' The blg-bet'.led merchant. He opened up a stall. But had to sell his trousers To get the capital. What pertalcs to physical deformities 1: true also of mental characterltslcs. I knew a young man who went by the came of JOHK W. ATTRIDOE, P7 Years Old. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey A Form of Food Already Digested. IS THE TRUE ELIXIR OF LIFE. It Aids DIcestJon.StlmuLat&s and Enriches the Blood.lnvlg-orates the Brain, Builds Nerve TLssue, Tones Up the Heart and Prolongs Life. If you are III write u it will cost you nothing lor advice. vn. WILLARO II. MOHSE,r .c..Aaerlcan Director of theBureauof Materia Medica, says: "Dcflv'i Pure Mn'.t WHjiey U the only relltble and absolutely sure cure fcr the Grip, Pneutaoals, BronchitU, Consumption and wasting diiestes, from whatever caue." OVER. 7,000 DOCTORS WHO THINK AS DR. XOK8B DOES, PRESCRIBE DUFFY'S PURE MAIrT WHI8KEY. Du2y Pure Malt Vuiiiey and Dufiy's formula will cure Ccntnmptlon. Take a teaspoon (ul in a glau r.I wau-r every two hours. It w Id also prevent Conturaptloa, as it kill! the gera. It hat flood fevere tests fcr over fr rty year, aad hu always baca found eUalvldf pvt. All drurcisu and grocer, or direct- ILCO a tottle. Book st free- To any reader of this pafr who will write us we will send free one of cor patent Game Counter, for Euchre, Whist, etc. They are unique and CMrcL DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. Though ncaring the century mark, Mr. John W. Attridge preserves health and vigor by using DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. The standard of purity and excel lencc for nearly half a centurv. "Three or four tablcspoon fuls each day" keeps him well and strong. Read what he has to say of the world's greatest medicine: Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1900. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Gtnttemcnt It gives mepleasure to Trite and tell you that at theigeof ninety, seven I can see to read and write without the aid of elasses and (eel xj bale And bcirty as I did fifty years ago. I have been taking Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly for several years, a tablespoonfui In a vine glass of vster, three or four times a day, and I know that it has prolonged my life and kept me strong and vigorous. I never was a drink ing man, and I regard your valuable vbiskey as a medicine of the best kind. I have not taken a dose of medicine out side of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for rwenty-flve years, and may it do for other old people what it is doing tor me. Gratefully yours, JOHN W. ATTRIDGE. NO FUSC OIL a characterise which I had never noticed until after I heard his nickname. X center of another mission In PeVIn' was known as the "Buddhist Priest," Wen Ho Shan?, because his baldness gave hia more or less the appearance of having had his head thaved. Another member of the same mission had an immense beard and was always lenown among the Chinese as "Ml Big Whiskers," Ml Ta Hu Tru. Two other members of one of the mis sions In Pekin seem to have been nick named without any particular reason, one of them was called the "Old Felow," Lao T'ou Tiu, and the other "Old Pao," Lao Pao. A youn; man. a member of this same mission, was called "My Elder Drothcr Sea," Hal Ta Ke. while I myself went as "Uncle Ho" Ho Ta Sbu. I know another gentleman nho, while in charge of a school, had the reputation of keeping order amccg the boys by frequent use of a ruler, and they dubbed him "Board." Chla Pan Tiu. A teacher who kept rigid account of everything was called "Contractor LI." LI Chang Kuel Tl, or, as we would say. "Overeer Li." Oftea nicknames are extremely pat and hit the mark with such effect that they characterise for life. One's only hope of avoiding some humiliating or sardonic sobriquet from his Chinese friends is to keep himself pure, geatle. kind, considerate and Juet, and then If he Is given a nick name It will be one which reflects credit upon him. I. T. HEADLAND. Frofessor, Pekin University. cupylnc respectively fiats 1, I and S. Mrs r Insists) on doing her washing; on Tu day to the great annoyance of Mrs B., who Is entitled to that day by flat eustott. Th agent of the bul.dicg was appealed to and he sustained Mrs. C. Then the aid' of the law was Invoked and the rnnorab.9 court enjoined Mrs. C. against trying to use the laundry on Tueeoay. Thu. one by one, customs are crystallized Into law. OCT OK TIIU OHDI VIUV. Twenty-tiro crematories are In operation In the Urited States. A Providence pothunter has Just rud 5.C as the penalty for killlnir one rc-bln, which birds row are prnlected the year round by the Rhode Island game law. A Chicago police captain of a more In quiring turn of mind than mot of his fel lows has discovered that the city has tin ordinance prohibiting the erection of f n"ei tipped with spike, nails, or other pointed Instruments under pena'ty of fine ranrlni; from E5 to VA. The law has Ion; been a dead letfer. and even the city owns many such proscribed fences Prom the outbreak of the corte?t with the Boers up to the er.d of September the actual war exoendltureo of the Br.tlth cov. LAB OH AAD IMDCSTRY. The United States has sixty-five co-epera-tlve colonies. It will bi hown by the new United States census that fully 1.W9.W3 married women are employed, factories. Such a scarcity of sailors exist on the Pacific coa.t that vesiels cannot leave port. Vessels lour deep are tied up to the docks awaiting men. Common laborers In Spain get from ! to 40 cents per day in the larger towns and from ?) to 39 cents In the rural dis tricts. The only factory In the country that turns cut glass marbles ha just been built at Ptuben1He, O., and the production will be 1M.:0 per day Milwaukee's great crane, operated by electric power, coit iKVO. and can lift 30 tons. It has a alxty-flve-foot span, and will be operated on a track fifty-six feel from the floor. At New-port News. Va., durlnr the time constituting a. working day, U.57J f'ns of coal were dumped from the Chesapeake and Ohio coal piers Into the vesels waiting to receive It. Perry made the first steel pens at Blrm Irgham In 1524, selling them at SO cents apiece. The weklv output of that city just now Is 3'.0.03, and some are sold for 6 cents a grot. On? of the Chicago bulldlwr contractors er.gatred In the fight against organised labo. In that city has lost twelve Jobs In St. Louie, the men refusing to work on the buildings so lene aa he Is In any way connected with the work. Two hundred unions connected with the New Tork Workingraen'a Educational and Homo association have decided to erect a labor temple. The sum of tM.MO has been collected to pay for the grcund. which will cost mini, me new tempie win nave a roof pardon, a gymnasium ar.d club rooms. Typographical union No. S of New York was asked by Comptroller Co!er recently to submit to him an estimate of tha cost of a municipal printing plant. The anlon an nounced yesterday that the plicit would cost 1$6..iQ. and the building for the plant about $20.w. or ISOO.CW for building and p.ant together. The estimated rail equipment for 3J Is I.lCO.OuO tons, and the orders for this combined, five other nations excel us In exports to Brazilian markets. South Carolina negroes have surted a. new Industry by the hand-plctlrg of phos phate rock. During the iammr they an chor boats on the Coo? aw river, which fs from seventeen to twenty-five feet deep, and dive for the fertilizing rock, ftometlnv bringing up a fragment w ighlng iai pound. Trie pnospnate irom tne river uea ts tae most valuable known. At Chlcaco Judse OroMCun has- derided an Interesting case as arblttr for the Brick layers' union ana Ai&on -r.a uuuaers- as sociation. When the lockout was declared, lti February, an apprentice Indentured by the union haj only served four years an! two months of his five years' term. TM boy was thrown out of wtrk acd hU em ployer refused to pay him wages, although he was under obligations to furnWh steadr employment or do o. The controversy waa referred to Andrew Llnqulst for th employer. Thomaa Preece fcr the union, and Judge Grosicup. The latter dc.ded In favor of the boy and the employer mutt pay all back wages. Hla Illce Company Organised. CROWLEY. La., Nov. . The American Rice Growers' Distribution company, lim ited, has been Incorporated here with a aplul of Jtf.OCO.0.0. half of which is paid. The officers nre aa follows: William K Vanderbllt of New York, president: Wil liam Duson of Crowley, vice president and general manager; Alex W. Ilallberg of New York, treasurer; James V. McGovern of New York, secretary'. Garland Store ana nansrea were awarded highest prltes at Paris ex position, 1KO. ernraent were uwm W.'.. ar.d tne .... .. ., Kiij.ved. will be nlaced enimate or payments rtlil to r,e M--, gW,,,. after the election. The railroads based on the declaration that the war Is over Is IsO.CrO.OCW mire, maktne a total ef BWAOW. This is nearly e-jual to the pr" output of the South Afrlcin gMd mt-es from their discovery to the begir.nlnp of the "Impulsive Liu." If his tempsr Is bad ' wr- 8 f-f? ". tnd.a h.aLf VY that gives him hi IJlCknaae. If he lS a th. Amerfr nl!n were ( frnm the say. he Is called either a face of the earth! A recent careful cut beokwerm, aa we "took cover," Shu Pao Tzu, or a "book in sect," Sbu Ke Tru. if he is generous or by a competent person places the whole number of animals of the kind IlVng t iday at only 1.0TM. Dr. William T H rr.aday a-s In hif b-ok concrmlr? the bufTa'o that bonevolent. ambitious or avaricious, lust or good, his disposition gives him his namo. ) " w?uId ,hav " fy "ou,r'- ,- A lazy or useless woman Is JuMly aad per- . th number of huffa-'oe.. living at any given tlcectly designated as a "bread basket" time durinc the history of the species acd a "dotheshorse." Sometimes the clck- i previous to 1570. name hnweirer denecds uon nm rr. I John McDonald, a KanSPS newspaper name, however, depecas upon some par-1 man wh0 u vUltJnc Sco-.Hnd. says that tlcular action, as for Instance, I knew one i h recently went Irto a s'ore In a llt'le of the missionaries who preached a series ' mgniana town ara insneeted tne gorii of sermons on Galatlans and became known to his hearers at "Galatian Liu," Chla La T'aL Another preached a series of ser mons oa the eight beatitudes and they called him "Eight Beatitude." Chla Pa Fu CfcU. Missionaries Mcknnmed, Another mlsslcaary, because he wore a mouse-colored suit of clothes, vent by the name cf "Mel Mouse," Mel Hao Tzu, aad still another member of the same mission, a man beloved by every Chlnamaa with thorn he came Into contact, was known among his Oriental friends as "Bllad Pal." Pal Hsla Tzu, because his eyes were deep set acd had la them a sightless appearance played for a!e. finding among thern the f I lowing American prfdjits: Corn IV ur, canned beef, canned peaches, canned apri cots, canned pears, soap, rolled oats, wash boards, chum. cheee. hams, fiour. sal mon, applm, forks, hoes, axes, hammers, saws. Joiners' toils, braces and hits. "Th's partial list of th.ngs used In a Scotch mountain village." says Mr McDonald, "will give r mt idea of the trade between the United Slates and Great Erltaln." An Illinois Judge has Invested, with all the dignity of law, the rule prevailing in fiat bui'dinfr that where there le a c m mon law the tenant of fiat No. 1 ahull observe the first day of the week, i-om-monly ca.ied Monday as washday; the dwellere In flat No. I shall enjoy the prtvl lege of the laundry on Tuesday, and to on through the week. The ouesvlnn cme up on a petition fcr an Injunction. Mrs. A.. Mrs. B and Mrs. C. are Tat dwellers oc- AfSer All a Regina Music Box- a Regina Music Box Is the prettiest and most Inexpensive automatic Instrument for a home It plnys Itself liy means of a very jowerfuI clod; movement anil It plays evcrythluc by means of Inter changeable music dlscs-nnd it pltys beautiful by means of new Improved duplex steel combs They nre made in this country and warranted lu every respect They ure sold on eay pay ments and within the reach of everyone You are cordially Invited to call and see and hear them play. A. HOSPE, ' Unit all Art, 1513 IlirJiL have more orders for steel bridges r.ow tha.i ever before, and there are prospects that order" w-tn crowu in ail winter Of the total exports of the United States In IW or.1)' tS.Ti per cent went to the coun tries of the western heml'phere, and of that only I.SO per cent went eouth of the ejustor. Although we buy more of Brazil's grfa ataples coffee and rubber than all Europe CRUTCHES The best quality of maple crutch, per pair, $1.50. CRUTCH TIPS 25c A Fair, PsU,5c The Aloe & Penfoli Company, eforaitr 8 ran aUaalsctsrera, 1405 'arms Osaka, Dex L's Armorsd Cru'ssrs You've heard of them bought them, probably the shoe with the soles all covered with miniature horse shoes of Heel they protect the sole leather sole so that It's well nigh Impossible for a boy to wear them out no matter how blK or Email the boy we can fit him with a pair of these Armored Cruisers and the boy Is plphty lucky that gets a pair they're tood for all kinds of weather wear and they're only $2.00 for youths sizes and $1.75 for little gents' sizes. Drexel Shoe Co., Xew Calalosr-e ready Seat free for the asking-. Omaha's t'p-to-date Shoe Uoose. 1418 F AH. NAM STrlBBT. About Candy. Our candles have always been tine candy but never before has it been so cood as now we are proud of it and ask you to trv a box and see if It Is not all we claim for It Just try one box of any of these raarsbmallows, pure cream caramels, opera caramels, soft, creamy and delicious, all flavors ' French honey noucets stuffed dates angel food taffy all kinds of salted I nuts and hundreds of others purity of ingredient Is the first merit then their freshness adds a further virtue the result Is a dream of dellclousness. W. S. Balduff, 1520 FartuuM St.