Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5
T7TE OMAHA DATX.Y BEEt -WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1000. FRAMING CUBA'S GOVERNMENT GonrtltuUonal Oonvantion Begins Ita Sea a ods at Havana. MAXIMO GOMEZ DECLINES TO TAKE OFFICE Sara the Fnlurc of Cnlin. In No! to lie Settled by Ovalrr 01iar(tp, ttut . by Prmlrnt unci L'nlm tJellhernllon. HAVANA, Not. 6. The Cuban constitu tional convention, which met yesterday In the Marti theater, ro-assomljled this after noon at 2 o'clock. Tho first business was tho adoption of a resolution to send to I'rosldent McKlnley tho following tele gram: "Tho Cuban constitutional convention has tho honor and satisfaction, respect fully, to saluto tho prcsldont and congress of tbs United States and to express senti ments of gratitude to tho American peo ple" Two committees worn appointed, one on credentials and tha other on rules. Prob ably several days will elapse before the permanent organization Is effected. Ii Oonoral Maximo domer., In a letter to Ilavana papers, says ho will not accept office under the Cuban republic. Ho writes Jim a. rovuiuuumnc i nuu uuii- atood that thn moment tho revolution h ended my mlnslnn will ln terminated. What remains to bo done to attain the felicity of the land Is not a mntter to be decided by cavalry olmrKOs. The problems pressliiK for solution must be solved, with prudenco and calmness and without the anient pat riotism that might luivo been necessary at other times. Cuba now presents a ureut Hold for lm- Srovement. which must bo carried out Ju Iclously. It Is a field where all Its children can work. My retired life nntl my per sistent rcfUKUl of tho positions that have been offered mo should bo tuitllclent proof that my determination Is Irrevocable. 1 (Irmly bollevo that the hlchest distinction which a mnn who has fought mo much can take with him to the srave Is the esteem of all and this can only be attained by not governing anybody or anything. - ,...1 I .. 1 ..... ........... ..M.l.... AFRAID OF UNITED STATES Leader of TuMIc Opinion In Oermnny Ilcpreuntr TnrltT Wnr rrlth Amrrlen. nBIlUN, Nov. 6. Tho Cologne Volkcs buns, the leading consurvutlvo organ, dis cussing the growth of the United States In population and wealth, says: "A tarllT war could be wnged against the United Elates only by tho European states com bined. If Germany alone wero to make tho attempt Ita Industries and commerce would have to foot the bill, wtille other na tions would get the advantage. However unpleasant tho admission, It nevertheless remains true that we are unable to under take alone economic measures against a nation of 76,000,000 inhabitants and its enormous resources." D Hot Prr Turin War with Germany BT. PETEKSBUnO, Nov. C Referring to the report that Iluasla and America had treed to warn Uormnny against fulfilling tbs ulta agrarian demands regarding tho train tariff, the proper authority In the finance ministry has Informed the corre spondent of the Associated Press today that Russia does not Intend to Interfere with 'Germany In tho conduct of her do Biestto affairs. KUshU, ho added, will aotlce the tariff legislation, only when It Is enacted and commercial treaty negoti ations oro begun. It Is possible Germany will establish maximum and minimum rates. Tho discussion of this point has hitherto been academic. In any casn Russia will calmly wait, as oho la not afraid of a tariff war with (lermany. Buy a IJro extra if you want to know bow tbo election has gone. BRYAN SWEARS IN HIS VOTE PTaatan Candidate llrturiin to Home After a MKlit In OimiliH. Ills LINCOLN, Nov. 6. Mr. Hryun cabt bis voto at 11:10 o'clock. The placo at whlch( be exercised this public duty was kose house No. 3, a halt dozen blocks from bis place of residence ou II street Tho seremony was witnessed by halt a hundred residents who wero congregated In the hose bouso and a dozen or so of newspaper men who followed Mr. Ilryan from tho railroad station. Before going to tho voting place Mr. Bryan repaired to tho city ball, where bo flllod out a certificate stating that ho bad failed to register because of absence from the city. Tho clerk at the city hall Who supplied him with a certificate also dlsponscd to all who would recetvn them yellow badges bearing tho Inscription: "I am a republican," and ho seemed qulto ns much occupied with ono duty as the other. Thero was quite a procession from tho city ball to tho voting place, consisting of sltlzons and newspaper men In carriages and a number of Mr. Bryan's neighbors on toot, who escorted him to tho voting place. He reached tho Are company's house bout 11 o'clock and Immediately proceeded to the rear of tho building, where tho vot ing corner was roped off from the re mainder of the house. Ho was, of course, recognized by almost every one present and general handshaking ensued. Two free boldors of his ward, ono a republican and the other a democrat, volunteered to stand tor him, and they, us well ns Mr. Bryan, were ewaru as to thn facts In the cum. Tbo presidential candidate was granted no exemption by tho Judge of election, Hov. lr Ludden, n Lutheran minister of repub lican proclivities. Mr, Bryan was required to give his place of residence, tho stato Where ho was born and also Inform tho offl lals as to how long he had lived In the precinct, the wnrd and tha state. Having obtained this Information, Mr. Ludden asked Mr. Bryan, in accordance with the law of tho state, whether he wished to sta.o the name of tho party with which he affil iated. To this Mr. Bryan promptly re ponded: "The democratic party," and with a smile ho added: "With friendly feelings toward two others." Aftor this Mr. Bryan took the ballot which was banded blm, entered a booth und prepared It. Emerging from tho booth, he dropped tbo ballot Into tho tin box pre pared for that purpose und the vote was given tbo number 1S3, As ho was voting So vera I cameras wore turned upon him and tho elcctlou Judge requested all present to remove their hats. The request was promptly complied with. As Mr. Bryan Why? It is because Ayer's fhif Vigor is i hitr-food : goes right down to the roots of the bur : feeds the hair bulbs just the wiy they used to be fed when you were younger tnd more vigorous: Tint's why the dirk, rich color of early life always comes back to your gray hair. The hiir grows longer, too. If jcra At not obtain tha benefit you daalra from uio of It Vie or. wrllt tin Doctor atni' It. Ua will tell you Jut tha rlatit thin to do. Adarau,l)r,J.C.ATsa,Lowtu, left the booth he was asked If he had cast a straight ballot, to which he replied: "Vei, the electoral candidates are all friends of mine." The voting ovt'r, Mr. Uryan was escorted to bis homo and there made a brief address to the friends assembled. Standing on his front porch, he said: "Ocntlcraen, I want to thank you for tho loyalty you have shown, not only In this campaign, but In tho campaigns which have preceded It, and I hope that within twelve hours we may bo able to meet again and rejoice over a victory. W'o opened this campaign at Kansas City by Indorsing tho Declaration of Independence,, written by Thomas Jefferson. I want to close this cam paign by reading an extract from a speech mado by Abraham Lincoln, for, In this cam paign wc bavo been quoting tho Bpceches of Lincoln and Invoking his authority, as Lincoln, In his first campaign, quoted from the utterances of Jefferson and Invoked his authority " 'Mauy freo countries bavo lost their liberties, and ours may lose hers, but If sho shall, may It be my .proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert her, but that I never deserted her.' "I will add that I think we shall suc ceed today. Hut If we fall, be It eo. Wo shall have the proud consolation of saying to our conscience and to the departed shade of our country's freedom that tho course ap proved by our Judgment and adored by our hearts. In disaster, In change. In torture, In death, wo never faltered In defending." The brief address was received with cheers and tho party took Its leave, giving Mr, Bryan a few hours with hU family. He repaired to his home and was sound asleep fifteen minutes after ho entered tbo house. GLOOM AT BRYAN'S HOUSE lllntrhe from I'otiKlikeepale and the V.nnt Foreslindnvr brnaknn'a Defeat. LINCOLN, Nov. 6. Mr. Bryan received election returns at his residence In this city. Ills Ih.uso was fairly overrun by newspaper men and telegraph operators. Not only was tho lit st floor of tho house largely given up to them, but two of tho rooniB In tho second story also. Tour telegraph wires ran to tho house. Mr. Bryan had with him his brother, CharlcB Bryau; his former law partner, ex-3tato Senator Talbot; National Committeeman L'ahlman and Attorney Schmidt. Mrs.Ilryan had as companions a cousin, Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. Dahlman. Mr. Bryan took his dinner a little after 6 o'clock and later Hpcnt a fow minutes In conversation with tho newspaper men, referring to tho bulletins received and nsklng some questions about different states, but without venturing any opinion upon tho figures. Tho first 'bulletin In was the one announcing that Poughkeepslc, N. Y had given McKlnley a majority of 1,327, and this was quickly followed by another bulletin to tho effect that Elmlra had gone In Mr. Bryan's favor to tho ex tent of 1,722 majority. When shown this message ho simply remarked that it was encouraging. Tho othor bulletins from Now York camo In thick and fast aftor that and while Mr. Bryan made no comment, thero was a feel ing among thoso present that he was disap pointed in the returns from New ork City and Brooklyn. His reports up to the last concerning thoso cities had been en1 couragtng and his own observations had led him to bnltevo that thero would be a larger Increase in his vote, rather than a Iohh. On the other hand, there was con siderable encouragement from tho Interior of Now York stnte, and especially gratify ing was a message from National Commit teeman Mack, saying that Buffalo had gone republican by a majority of only about 3,000, ngalnst a majority of 12,000 four years ngo. Coming closely upon tho heels of tho Buffalo dispatch was ono from a friend In Boston announcing that city to have gono for Bryan by a majority of 7,000, as against 17,000 for McKlnley four years ago. Tha early dispatches Indicated tho loss of Marylund and this oIbo was a disap pointment, for It had been believed that that state was fairly safo for tho demo cratic ticket. After recolvlng the earlier returns In his library, In tho midst of his friends, Mr. Bryan retired to his private apartments, which were connected with thb outstdo world by a special wire. Both he and Mrs. Bryan were In cheerful mood and n person unacquainted with the clrcumstnnceB would never have dreamed from their demeanor that thoy were at this tlmo the center of national lntorest. At 8 o'clock, when tbo newspaper men congregated a Mr. Bryan's houso and sought to secure a statement from him, they were told that ho bad Just gono to sleep and could not bo disturbed. When ho retired to his own room ho glanced over tho returns with apparent Interest and then, expressing a desire to make up some of tho rest ho had lost In tho last few weeks, lay down and was asleep In Iqss than five minutes. Ho had slept an hour In the afternoon, after which he went for a horseback ride to his farm. He did not, however, feel fully recuperated and therefore sought additional rest, thuB man ifesting probably less concern than hun dreds of thousands of his followers. lleujaniln Harrison Votes, INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 6. Benjamin Har rison walkod to a livery stable In East Sixteenth street three blocks from his homo at 12:20 today and voted. The crowd at tho polling placo made way for tho former president, who was Inside the booth only a short time. He then walked back to bis home, WEST VIRGINIA WHEELING, W. Va., Nov. 6. Tho elec tlon passed off quietly throughout this state today. Returns nro slow, as usual. At torney General Recker wires that McDowell certainly has gone 2,000 republican, a gain of 400 compared .with 1896. Cabell county goes republican by 250 to 350, In 1896 It went 60 republican. Only two precincts of this county (Wheeling) have been reported and they Indicate a republican majority of 1,600 at least. In 1896 this county gavo McKlnley l,7ro plurality l'ARKERSRURO, Nov. 6. Tha repub lican stnte committee says partial returns from three counties show gains of 700 for McKlnley over 1S96. WHEELING, W. Va Nov. 6. Election day In Wheeling was notable for the swear ing out of warrants boforo the United States commissioner for Illegal voting. All tho warrants were sworn out by demo crats. Republicans are Indignant over the arrests and damage suits aro threatened. No West Virginia returns aro In ut 8 p, rn HYMENEAL. Mnexer-rtnrry. WfiEI'lNG WATER, Neb., Nov. 6. (Spe clot.) Last evening at the Methodist Episcopal church nt 8:30 Rev. J. K. Max- field, using the Episcopal ceremony, united in holy wedlock Mr. Edward Moeser and Miss Lena Berry. Ab'ut 100 ruesta wit nessed the most beautiful wedding that ever occurred In tho city. The bride and groom left on tho night tralu for New Orleans and Galveston on their wedding tour. The groom is a MUsourl Pacific train dispatcher at Omaha. Tho Bee never prints fako extras. When you buy a Beo extra you get the truth. Youtary Juror llnrneil o Death GEORGETOWN. Kv.. Nov. .Jame A Norton, who was one of the Jurymen In me muisey trial, was nurnea to aeatn in the prison at Sadlevllle last nlcht. In which he had been put on a charg of drunken- nsss, IS SAFE FOR SOUND MONEY (Continued from First Page.) tlon as governor by a substantial majority. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Sven hundred and fifty precincts out of 1,127 glvo McKlnley 125,1521 Bryan, 111,716. At 0 p. m. Chairman Rowe of tho repub lican state central committee claimed Illi nois had been carried by McKlnley by :tt least 100,000. !7t-Congrcssman Htnrlch sen, who was at the democratic state head quarters, conceded the stato to McKlnley by not more than 40,000, but claimed that advices showed that Alschulcr, democratic candidate for governor, was elected by about 10,000. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Nine hundred pre cincts out of 1,127 glvo McKlnley 160.50S, Brynn 136,001, Woollcy 1.872 and Debs 4,021. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Four hundred and twenty precincts out of 1,127 In Chlcagi glvo Alschuler (dem), for governor, 68,783 and Yntes (rep.) 60,694. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Basing their esti mates on the first 210 precincts received cut of 1,127, leaders of the democratic party In Cook county say McKlntey's ma jority, In this county will bo about 15,000, bnt that Alschulcr, tho democratic candi date tor governor, will carry tha state. CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. 6. At 7 o'clock 150 ballots bad been counted In this city. McKlnley, SO; Uryan, 51. Seven precincts out of 2,190 In tho stato outsldo of San Francisco glvo McKlnley 116 and Bryan 82, Same precincts In 1896 gave Mo Klnlcy 141 and Bryan 95. COLORADO. DENVER, Colo., Nov. C Returns received up to 11 o'clock lndlcato that Colorado has given Bryan at least 30,000 plurality. The fusion stato ticket is probably elected by half that plurality, and It appears thut the fusionlsts will havo a majority of tho legls la tti re. Many counties have not been heard from, others have only estimates and none una given iuii returns, A hard fight has been made by tho reuub llcans all over tho stato on tho legislative ticket In the interest of Senator Wolcott, who Is n candidate for re-election, and It Is possible that republican representatives havo been elected in somo counties which went for Bryan There Is little doubt that Congressman Boll has been re-elected In tho Second dls trlct and It Is believed that Shatroth Is re elected In the First, but this cannot be said positively. LEADV1LLE, Colo., Nov. 0. Indications nro that Bryan carries Lako county by 2,000. DENVER. Nov. . Milton Smith, chalr- mun of the democratic state central com mlttee, at midnight made the following statement: "I am satisfied that Bryan bas carried Colorado by from 40.000 to 50,000 and the fuslonlst stato ticket will not run 5,000 votes behind him. Tho republicans havo not elected more than twelvo of tho seventy-flvo members of tho legislature- Congressman Shafroth has n majority of 12,000, and Bell, In the Eccond district, Is elected by 25,000." CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 6. Stato Chairman Tbaycr of tho democratic com mittee concedes defeat for tho democratic national tlckot In Connecticut, but states that he bolleves Judgo Bronson, tho candi date for governor, will carry the stato by a small majority. If tho returns from New Haven, Waterbury and Hartford ore pro rata ha gives a plurality of 4,000. He claims tho election of Oliver Glldcrslcovo for congress, but may revlso his claims In an hour after bearing from cities. O. R. Filer, chairman of the republican state central commltco, nt 11:30 on the basis of returns received at that hour clatms Connecticut for McKlnley by 25, 000 and tho election of a republican stato ticket by 12.000 to 16,000. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. fl. Thirty- eight cities and towns In the state glvo Bryan 3,163; McKlnley, 6,8S. Same In 1896, Bryan, 2,344; McKlnley, 6,303; republican net loss, 6 per cent; dem ocratic net gain, 35 per cent. Same cities and towns for governor give McLean (rep.), 6,411: Bronson (dem.), 3,565. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 6. One hun dred cities and towns In Conctlcut out of 168 glvo Bryan 11.410, McKlnley 21.065; re publican net loss, 8 per cent; democratic net gain, 37 per cent. On this basis McKlnley s plurality In Connecticut Is estimated at 23,2S5, DELAWARE WILMINGTON. Nov. 6. Returns received up to 10:30 o'clock Indicate a republican majority In Newcastle county of 2,000 to 2,500. This will give the Btate to the re publicans by 1,200 to 1,600. The democrats havo carried Kent and Snssex counties ac cording to early reports, electing two sena tors nnd nine out of ten representatives In Kcnt('county. Thla makes It certain that the democrats will have a majority of the next legislature. INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 6. Ten vot ing precincts In Indiana give McKlnley 1,027 and Uryan 892. The snme precincts In 1696 gave McKlnley 1,014 and Bryan 300. Net republican gain, 111. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. . The Sev enth ward, Eighth precinct, Indianapolis, shows a republican loss of forty-aoven. Chairman Hanlon df Floyd county demo cratic committee wires as follows: "Floyd shows democratic gain of 800 over 1896. Will glvo democratic ticket 550, state and national." CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Chairman Johnson of the democratic national commlttco has re ceived a telegram from Mr. Martin, chair man of the democratic state committee on Indiana, saying: "Indiana has surely gone democratic." INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 6. Thirty precincts out of 3,302 In Indiana glvo Mc Klnley 2,482 and Bryan 2,580. Tho same precincts In 1896 gave McKlnley 2,345 and Bryan 2,580. Net republican gain, 120. KANSAS. TOPEKA, Nov. 6, Based upon scattering returns so far received republicans claim plurality of 3,000 for McKlnley In this city and county, MAINE PORTLAND, Mc Nov. 6. Returns from fifty cities and towns give Bryan 7,671 and McKlnley 12,403. Same places In 1896, uryan 6,i&a, .MCKiniey 14,765, Tnis is a republican net loss of 16 per ctnt and a democrat not gain of 24 per cent. KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 6. At midnight both democratic and republican commit tees claim the state, though they furnish no figures In support of their claims. The Laulsvllle nowopapers claim that Bryan and Beckham or McKlnley and Ycrkes have gained tho victory In this state, Just ac cording to whether these papers supported tha democratic or republican tickets In the campaign Just closed. McKtnlcy's ma Jorlty in 180 out of 200 precincts In Louis Title and the county Is 4,059. In tho samo precincts the majority of Yerkes, repub llcsa candidate for overaor. orsr Bck- ham, democrat, Is 4,498. Tho democrats arc claiming gains out In the stnte. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. . Out of 1,877 precincts In tho state 101 give Bryan 11,537 and McKlnley 11,826; for governor, Beck ham (dem.) 11,402 and Yerkts (rep.) 12,015. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. C In thl city 120 precincts glvo McKlnley 15,088 and Bryan 12,355, Samo precincts give Ycrkcs, for governor, 15,492 and Beckham 12,095. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, Nov. 6. At 10:30 o'clock Ml precincts glvo Bryan 42,329 and McKlnley 31,768, tho democratic presidential candi date leading bis opponent by 7,661 votes. Tho Indications were that Bryan would carry Boston by n plurality of about 7,000. That was tho situation, with ten precincts to hear from. It was a net gain for Bryan over 1S96 of 14,116 and a net loss for Mc Klnley of 10,986. In tho vote for gov ernor 171 precincts gave Crnno 1,417 and I'nyno 84,617. It appeared on theso return's that Payne would carry the city, but by a far less plurality than that accorded to Bryan. Goorgo Fred Williams wns asked to give his opinion on the national result as based on tho returns at hand, but he said that bo would not discuss the situa tion until tomorrow. The Indications were that Henry F. Maphcn Is ro-electcd over Pierce, his op ponent, by about 2,000 plurality In tho Tenth district. In tho Ninth Joseph Coney (dem.) appeared to bo elected. BOSTON, Nov. 6. Out of 191 preclncta 123 show a gain for Bryan over 1896 of 9,325 nnd a loss for McKlnley of 7,26!. The total plurality for Bryan In the city, on this basis, Is estimated at between 5,000 and 6,000. BOSTON, Nov. 6. Fifty cities and towns In the Htnte give Bryan 6,767 and McKlnley 12,368. The same In 1896 gave Bryan 4,958 and McKlnley 14.843. Republican loss, 17 per cent; democratic gain, 36 per cent. For governor tho same cities and towns gave Crane, republican, 11,864 and Payne, democrat, 6,005. MICHIGAN. DETROIT, Nov. 6. President McKlnley has carried Michigan beyond doubt. Con servative estimates place his majority at 65,000. His majority In 1896 was 41,542. The Evening Nows says that If McKln ley 's ratio of majority In tho 110 districts henrd from Is maintained throughout the state his majority will be 90,000. Tho re publican state ticket has also been elected, but by a smaller majority. At midnight It Is thought that tho republicans havo olected all their congressional nominees. DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 6. Rolurns from flvo districts In Detroit, glvo McKlnley, 7S3; Bryan, 678. DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 6. The News ee tlmatcs that Bliss, (rep.) has carried the state by 40,000. MINNESOTA. ST. PAUL. Nov. 6. Forty-five out of 114 precincts In St. Paul glvo McKlnley 6,476 nnd Bryan 4,666. NEBRASKA LINCOLN, Nov. 6. Nebraska's national committeeman, Dahlmnn," who Is very closo to Mr. Bryan, says that whllo apparently New York and Illinois nro lost, he doos not by any means concedo McKInlcy's cloc tlon. Ho thinks other states may come to the rescue. LINCOLN. Nov. 6. At 8:30 Mr. Bryan raye ho will mako no statement until the result Is definitely known. LINCOLN, Nov. 6. According to Journal returns, fourteen preclnct3 out of twenty In Lincoln give SlcKInlny a gala of 5C2 over 3S96. NEVADA. RENO. Nev., Nov.- 6. The election passed off quietly throughout Nevada. Present In dications point to Brynn by anywbero bo- tween 600 and 1,000, and Newlands (demo crat) for congress by about 800. Legislative tlckot not yet canvassed. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONCORD, N. II., Nov. 6. Twenty-ono towns and wards give Bryan 1,678; McKln ley, 3,378. Samo places In 1896 gave Bryan 824; McKlnley, 2,459; same places give for governor, Jordan, republican, 2,312; Potter, democrat, 1.584, NEW JERSEY. TRENTON, N. J Nov. 6. Incomplete re turns from different parts of the state In dicate that New Jersey has been carried tor McKlnley and Roosevelt by more than 50,000. The republicans elect six of the eight congressmen, tho samo representa tion as last year, and will havo au over whelming majority In both hcuscs of the legislature, Insuring the election of a re publican to succeed William J. Scwcll, re publican, as United States senator. JERSEY CITY, Nov. 6. Complete returns from nil parts of New Jersey Indicate that the stato, has gone republican, tho estimates varying from 16,000 to 40,000. CAMDEN, N. J., Nov. 6. Camden county's plurality for McKlnley Is 12,000. Tho entlro republican ticket wins. Harry C. Laudenslager, republican candidate for congress, defeated George Pfeltfer, demo crat, NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 6. At 0 o'clock Chalrmnn Murphy of the republican state committee said he claimed the state by 65,000. This was based upon tho returns from the different counties he had received. Ho also claims six out of the eight con gressmen, and possibly all eight He also claims that all the eight state senators baltoted for have been elocted. NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH, N. C. Nov. 6. The election In North Carolina was very quiet. Returns indicate that Bryan's majority will not be less than 30,000. Seven democratic congressmen are elec ted, with two In doubt, the Eighth and Ninth districts. It is almost certain that the republicans have carried tho Ninth. Democratic State Chairman Simmons Is olected United States senator to succeed Butler, populist, by 40,000 over his oppon ent, General Julian S. Carr. NORTH DAKOTA. KARGO, N. D., Nov, 6,-Chalrman Klolnegen of the democratic stato commit teo conceded tho election of republican electoral and state tickets, with the pos slble exception of attorney general. In thirty-seven out of 130 precincts SIcKlnley received 2,950 nnd Bryan 1,459 against McKlnley 2,638 and Brynn 1,836 In 1896. This proportion of loss to democrats Is being sustained by later reports. Thomas Marhsall (rep,) Is certainly elected to con gress over M. Hlldreth. Max Wlpper- man (dem.), candidate for governor, la running ahead of his tlckot. Republican committee claims McKlnloy's majority Is 10,000. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn,, Nov. 6. A Times special from Bismarck, N. D., says: "The vote In the state Is very slow coming In. The city of Bismarck, it Is estimated, will give McKlnley 175 majority. -"The republican legislative ticket Is prob ably elected. The Judicial fight Is close bo- tween Winchester (rep.) and Register (dem.) Secretary Jewell estimates from returns that come In a majority of 8,500 for Mc Klnley, with the state ticket a little behind.1 JfARQO, N, D. Nov, I. Seven precincts In Pargo gltr McKlnley a majority of 461; against 32, for tho same prfC.nets four jeurs ago- RHODE ISLAND, PROVIDENCE H. I., Nov. 6. On nn In creased vote, Uryan bas made considerable gains In Rhode Island. McKlntey's plural ity of four years ago, w.u 22.P7S. Only half of tho 113 districts In the state havo been heard from, those mls3tng Including most of thoso In the cttles, with tnwt of tho flfiy-clgbt In Providence McKInlcy's plurality will bo about 20,000, It 1b believed. Providence, fchlch in 1896, gavo McKlnley 8,211 plurality, while electing n democratic mayor, bas elected Granger (dem.), by a plurality of less than 1,000. In 1S96, every .lty and town In th slate gave a McKln'ey plurality. Tho republican stato committee admits a reduced plurality. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. 6. Twenty seven districts out of 143 In Rhode Island glvo McKlnley 4,648 and Bryan 1,880. The same districts In 1896 gavo Brynn 1,000 and McKlnley 3,700. No returns yet from the five cities. SOUTH DAKOTA. BIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 0. Reports thus far recohed from this part of tho stnte show heavy republican gains, but re ports from other sections of tho state yet arc too meager to show If gains will bo main tained throughout the state. City of Sioux Falls complete on president gives McKln ley a majority of 493 over Uryan; repub lican gain, 614 over four years ago. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 6. McKlnley, In twenty-one out of forty-two precincts of this' (Minnehaha) county, Including th") cIUcb of Sioux Fulls, Dclt Rapids, Valley Springs and Garretson, has a majority of 764 over Bryan, a pronounced republican gain. This Is Senator Pettlgrcw's county nnd tho republican legtslntlvo tlokvt Is running well up at thn head of tho ticket. He will lose seven members of the legisla ture. TEXAS HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 6. Bryan's ma jority will bo over 175,000. HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 6. The demo cratic stato ticket, headed by Joseph D. Bayers for governor, Is elocted by a ma jority Increase of 100,000. Tho legislature Is almost solidly democratic. It will elect Joseph W. Bailey United States senator to succeed Horaco Chilton. It Is estimated that the majority of tho stato electors will not fall short of 175,000 and may go beyond that figure. VERMONT WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt., Nov. B. Ira H. Allen of Fair Haven, chairman of the republican stute committee, at 11 o'clock to night announced that McKtnley's plurality In tho Htato will reach 85,000, based upon the returns received up to that tlmo. Curtis Emory, chairman of tho democrntlc stato committee, would say nothing with regard to tho result. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt., Nov, 6. Twenty cltleB and towns gava Bryan 718, McKlnley 3,241. Same In 1S96 gavo Bryan 669, McKlnley 3,964. WYOMING. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 6. Returns from the stato are coming In slowly. It will bo some hours before the result Is known, but Indications thus far aro that tho stato is safo tor McKlnley and con gressmen by 2,000 plurality. Che.ycuno will give abotu 300 majority for tho repub lican ticket. "The Strong Man," Sa Ir. Ilennett, "I Admired ly Krerybofly, nml Mlllloiinlrcn from Their Glided I'nlucen Who Have "Wrecked Their .llnnlinoil li- Indul gences Bvny III m I Guarantee Elec tricity na Applied ly Mr Eleelrlo Hell to Cure IJvery Komi of Wcak nrti In Men mill Women." The Doc tor Cautious Yon Airalnxt MFreef) Trial" ami "Pay When You Arc Cured" Concerns. If you suffer from any weakness pecu liar to men and women one of tha dis orders, thu direct result of youthful In discretion or excesHes In later years the very worst possible thing you can do Is to put drugs Into your stomach, The medi cines all doctors uho for these diseases morphine, damlana, cantlmrldes, strychnia, pnospiiorus, etc. nro aeaaiy poisons tney stlmuluto or deaden they cannot cure. Thero are a great many moro druir wrecks than nlconono wrecKs. i am telling you the truth no one can deny It, I offer yon tho only natural remedy for nil wenk men and women ELECTIIICITV and I abso lutely guarantee n permanent cure when the Electricity is applied uy trie greatest or remedial agents. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Mr I-leetrlc SuaucnNOry for (he per fect rare of Nen'n Wrnknriiri I Junt as Bjrent nn Invention aa my llrlt, nnil la free to eucli male patient. The cur rent through thla auapenaory la dou blet It Klvea n current Itoclf bealdea the current received from bring; con nected to the Ilelt. 1 vn Vou rct Klectrlclty by trentlntr with mv ritlt In Its purest form. There Is no possl bin chancs for It to Injure, you. It does not stimulate. It must strengthen. To get pood results from Klectrlclty, you must have constant application soveral hours at a time. You cannot do thts with tho bat teries used In doctors' offices. It would keep you nway from your business. My Ilelt does not bother you u bit and you can work, ride, Jump or run with It on. I have known for mam veitrs that Electricity wns tno greatest curative agent that would over dc Known, i no not kivo arugs at an now. I could make more money If I did. It does not cost nnyililnK to write a prescription. I devoted a good portion of my life and money In perfecting my Kloctrlo Belt. 1 do not nromtse It to cure you I cuaranteo It. The prices of my Belts are within the reach of nil the afflicted, You can rest ns surtd my Ilelt will not burn or blister you, as do all tho other kinds of Ulectrlc Holts. It has soft, silken, cliumols-covored sponge electrodes that entirely do nway with the burning. They can be renewed when worn out for 75 cents no other belt enn be re newed for any tr!ce. and when burned out Is worthless. The renewing feature and tho electrodes of my Bolt are my exclusive pat ent and are used on no other belt or appli ance. I absolutely guarantee my Klectrlo Ilelt to euro Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Losses rnd all Sexual Weakness In either sex: rentorn Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs nnd VI- taiity; cure ttneumnusm in every rorm; Kidney. Liver nnd Bladder Troubles. Con stipation. Stomach Ailments, all Female uompiainis, etc, Call or write today. I have written book. "The Flndlnnr of the Fountain of Kternnl Youth," sent free, postpaid to any nun re, ior tno uaKing. ivice Wlinoui cost, tsoiu oniy uy nD DCMMCTT Electric Belt I I Company, Hooiua 18 to 81 Donajlaa ninck, aaWttfiaaaaaaaaaL-- Dd an 10 th at.., Omaha, Neb, ITCHING LIMBS And All Forms of Itching, Scaly Humors Are Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by CUT1CURA. The Itching and burning I suftered In my feet and limbs for thrco years were terrible At night they vfcro worse and would keep me awake u pitals, and alt else fall. Bold throuehnat tho world. Pom a Diiua Attn Ciuuc Cohf., Solo Props., Boston. ' llow to Purify and DuanUfy the Skin," free. Ve only Ctmcnnx Poap for baby's ektn. scalp, and hair. It U tint only tha pom t, Mtueteet, nnd moit rcfrei-hltig of nursery Miap, but Itruntttui delicate, emol. MILLIONS Heut proittrlli'it, obtained flora t'trricunA.the grtut dkln cure, whleJi rreferte, purify, and bciioltfr tho din, scalp, and hair, and pretent elmplo nVtln blcm. Ur (she from becoming; tetlom. Kor diMreMlnc; ht ranliei, chafing, tnaani. MnTHFne. nations and vrnptinns for ornnted, Itching trrllaUona of the cb., with dry, mu i ntno th)rii Bni, faun), lia)r( fr rf(j, monk handa, and slupeleii naib, and simple In. tanUle humors It Is abeolutely lodlipcntsblc. EES ttiormon OishoDS' Pills rv.s T.Z'lA."'h'.JZwu.Tr ct telMUM, diiii;Uoa. tunwi, m RPlfJSI: few rrm. Sthttt! tha brtln cJ uiv ttnHn. m let, fir fi $ f rull. rrV1! Arl-rip -Mite, toj turn aj manrwinadtj. m Uit. ocuiw bco. Adslrssnt Bishop Remedy Co., Con fr nclscot OsuU FOH MY SlVliltS-l)ll,l.l. OKtU CO.. 1UTI1 AND K A 11.1 AM. HlfnHpPffc oxraor(nary values of special interoBt to IIUIIUI vuJ economical bouBekeupors during this GREAT NOVEMBER SPECIAL SALE. Iteliable home furnishings nt absolutely unmntchable prices, offerings that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. DON'T MISS THE BIG SALE. Hall Racks Very pretty hall rack made of solid oak, highly finished, richly carved, has pretty bevel mirror, worth ItUli in US VI 7.50 $11.00 Novem ber Special Salo Price.... ELEGANT HALL IUCK Has largo oral French bovel mirror, frame made nf choice oak. highly gol den finish, rlchlr ornamented with carving wltn carving 10.50 --worth JH.CO a bargain at November special plrce Price Sideboards Made of solect golden oak, richly carved, i largo mirror, richly ornamented with iuiulcu n uu 10,00 carving, sold elsewhere at $13. (K ur November Special Salo l'rlco only , Dining Chairs- Solid oak, cano seat, neatly embossed back a chair that sells all around 65c at 95c at November Special Sale Trice DRESSERS at Special November Bale l'rlces at a saving of at least ono-fourth JS.50, $10.00, $11.80, $14.00, $16.25, $17.50 and $19.00. Orchard 6c Wilhelm Carpet Co., 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street. EHT EEB GNIDLIUB Eleven years ago the best office building In Omaha was built. It Is still the best ofnee buildilng in Omnhn today. Why? In the first place it was built to last ton lifetimes not fcr a year or a decado. It has been kept in constant repair and has never been allowed logo BACKWARD Many of the tenants who moved in eleven years ago are still occupants. They have been properly and courteously taken care of. There is no bettor place to go so the reason IS easy to discover, Why not move now into an office where you will fjol satisfied as long as you are in busi ness? When you move, move right. Tho placo for you is THE BEE BUILDING H. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building "Mnn want hut little uci e below" Said .1 morbid poet long yeur.s a no, I'm prone to doubt that undent auge When I loolt ut The Bee's great "Want AU" puRO. rciiter part or me mgut. i cuusuitett tctor liter doctor, ns I was travelling on tho roiid moat of my time, nlo one of our city doctors. None of the doc tors knew what the trouble wns. I got a lot of the different wimples of tho medi cines I hxd been using. 1 found them of so mauy different kinds that 1 con cluded that 1 would hare to go to a Clnelanatl hosplul before I would get relief. I had frequently been urged to try Cuncuru Krmedii'j, hut 1 had no fultli la them. My wiro lltially prevailed upon me to try them. Pretol What ' chittigcl I a tn now cured, and It Is a permanent cure. I feel like kicking some doctor or myself for suffering threo f ears when 1 could have used CUTICUKA H.'jEN'KLN'S, MIddlcboro, Ky. COMPLETE TREATMENT $1.25 Consisting of Ctmcuiu 8or (2.V.), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scutes and softn the thickened cuticle, C'OTiruiu Ointment (.Wc), to InfUntly allay itching. irtiUlion, ami Inflammation, and soolho and, and Cutk cha Resolvent (iOc), to cool and cleanse tha blood, Is often sufficient to euro the mnxt torturing, dlsfijnrlnR nkln, ttulp, aud blood hamon, raphes, and Irrita tions with loi of hair when phvilclana. hos ' s " r iim Non cunt ma wont cunliiM M mar tiKlnr fion ta ctfnttaMtl!i, DurSS LOt Sannhood. Int Dining Tables- Ilcavy massive design, nicely pollshod, has heavy legs, fluted and turned heavy mould ed rim all around tho tablo; In overy respect nt $14 valtio November special sale price. 10.00 Coaches A good strong courh covered In best vclour. has spring edge and end, tufted top. full site this couch sells regularly nt $P.C0 ai sgo 5.00 a tew more iclt at No vember Special Salo Price , PANTASOTE LEATHER COUCH that sella every where and elsewhere at $20.00 made up In best pantiuote leather eight rows tufted top, has pretty frame, 29 lnchc wtdo, 9 feet 6 Inches long vory 14.50 epoclal at November Special Sale Frlco only Bedroom Suits Solid oak suite, richly finished, golden, neat ly carved dresser, has large mirror, a good suite worth regularly $22.00 a limited number of thts suite In stock, at November Special Sale Price only 16 75 Pennyroyal pills A lam M.k.l. J a . L . IB II aT t mnA t A . . " - " " a"'ll " MUM ItkUMrtMM. turjM Saiamai t-lllutloa. mm laalta- lara Mall. Iimwiu I iiiaiaia s.Uba r all Dr.ui.w Ckl. Lfc,ul ir,fc.r'.'ri-s1-' TtCCItKS alt Kidney Kldneycura. n iKHKava, tiacii- aobn, etc. At 1rur rlvu. rr by uall, I Ftim boolc,a . v I'nuwR.w Tloe, etc, of Dt, 11. J, Ka, Sarao. M. T.