12 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEPy ES DAT, yOYEarHEK 7, 1900. I RETURNS COMING LIVELY Ererene Anxloui to See How the Candi date! Are Coming. GREAT INTEREST BEING DEVELOPED 111 OnJnn Slndi! Today In lic I-'rce Bcliolamhli Contest Clmitiri Anionic the l.eaiters 4 j 4 In the liner. DAILY, J1Y CAURIEIl. Ono'year, $7.80 secures 70 votes Blx months, $3.90. ...secures 390 votes Three months, $1.95. .secures 155 votes daily, dy mail. One year, 18.00 secures SOO votes Blx months, 11.00 ccures 400 vote Threo months, $2.00.. secures 200 votes T Tho ballots are being counted as fnst as posslblo on the national election, but tho votes of tho Free Scholarship contest con tlnucs and we will ho count In votes until 6 o'clock the evening of December 3. Now that you have- voted for tho national and other tickets, it Is your duty to cut tho coupon out, which Is always found on the ocond paso of The Dee, and cant your vote for Bomo ambitious, entorprlslnR poison who Is desirous of a better education. Don't lose your ambition. Don't think that bceauso you failed to get a Rood educa tion when young yon can never get one. You can got an education now that will cnablo you to rlso In llfo as surely and as high as If you went away to college. You can get a professional education right at home, In spare moments, and without nn hour's loss of time from your present work. Start now by voting early nml often. Tho following shows tho standing of the randtdntcn to date: I- Bonzlng, Ornnd Island, Nob 4,442 W. D. Reynold, Hasting. Neb 2,231 John W. Mulr, Omaha Machine Works 1,624 Jlenry L. Casaell, 2230 Meredith avo.. 1,402 Watson n. Perkins, E. R. Drucc & Co. 903 John C. Allen, 2220 Chicago street.... 870 P. II. Itnlbrook, 110S Harney stroot... 7C5 W. V. Hatch, 1919 Spencer street.... G63 Will A. Brown, Fullorton, Neb 610 John Haynos, Dewey & Stone COB B. E. Mullor, Fischer k Laurlo f70 Albort Sossman, Murray hotel C55 II. C. Van Avury, 1008 Capitol avenue 48 Ulancho Wlggs, Millard hotel 452 V. W. nartllng, Nebraska City, Neb. 410 15mma Ilood. telephono exchange 321 J. W. Woods, Council Bluffs, la.... 300 John Furbush, 1018 N. lflth Frank A. Decker, Council muffs, la.. William Kochcr, 2831 Parker stroot.. Thoo. Schuotz, 2021 Howard street.. Lawrence Williams, Council Bluffs.. Daisy Hickman, Bennett's Dcp't storo Carl Rnnch, 1103 S. 27th st Charles I). Cole, box 903, Omaha inoBi- ox UAHOAI5 sui'Anns. Immense Lots I.nlf', floya', Mlasra, looths nml Chllii'a Shorn on Hale. at doston sTonn. omaiia. ON DAKGAI.V SQUAItES. All the youths' and little gents' flms shoes, now fall and winter styles, made to rotall up to 12.60, go nt $1.25. All tho hoys' shoes made to retail up to $2.50 and $3.00 go at $1.50. $5, $1 AND $3 LADIES' SHOES, $1.93. IJnrgaln squares tho entire length of our main Hour shoe department. Ladles' welt hnd turn, black and tan, light, medium and henvy sole, new fall and winter shoes, go on sale on bargain square at $1.9K; all sizes and all widths. HOSTON STOItE, OMAIIA, Sole ngcntn for tho celebrated "Queen Quality" $3.00 shoes for women; 30 dif ferent now styles, all In now. Also Edwin C. Hurt's $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 shoes for women. And Trimby & Brewster's $8.00 nnd $10.00 shoes for ladles for evening wear. BOSTON STOItE. OMAIIA. Selling tho most and finest shoes of any body in tho west. BOSTON STOIIB. OMAIIA, N. W. Cor. 16th und Douglas Sts. Tho district attorney Is preparing tho criminal docket of tho November term of tho United States court, which will bo held Omaha commencing next Monday. So far there nro thirty-four cases on docket for trial nt tho coming term cases against parties for selling liquor to Indians predominate ns usual. Aside from this feature, the postmasters and postal clerks furnish moro work for tho prosecu tor than any other class, 260 235 237 163 156 52 29 11 WELL KNOWN CITIZENS TARDY City Clcrk'n Oilier Crowded During the l)n with Voter Who Nrjtlroteil to Iteirlnter. Senator John M. Thurston was among the first men who appeared nt tho office of City Clerk Elbourn yesterday for tho purposo of swearing in his vote. Two freeholders of tho Fourth ward accompanied tho sena tor und made affidavit that they' knew him, In accordance with tho provisions of tho law. Mnjor T. S. Clarkson rnme from Buf falo, N. Y., to votn and was among tho first men who appeared beforo tho notaries. I'll 1 1 E. Winter and many other woll known Omaha men who were provonted from reg istering also sworo In their votes. During tho entire morning the clerk's ofllco was crowded with voters who had failed to register and wero noxious to make affidavits that they had valid reasons for not complying with the registration laws. W. F. Wapplch and Georgo W. Holbrook, tho two notaries appointed by tho mayor to take tho affidavits, wero kept busy throughout tho day and at 4 o'clock re ported that more than 200 voters had qual ified. Moro than half of the men who ap peared at the clerk's ofllco wero voters who failed to understand tho election laws and lost their votes because they failed to reg stcr and had no valid reason for not doing no. I. J, Dunn tried to persuade tho notaries that men cttnnot be allowed 'to vote unless they swear that they wero out of tho city all thrco of tho registration days, but th notaries refused to put. this construction on tho law and held that It men who wero In thn city during tho first two days of reg istration failed to register thoy should be allowed to vote providing thoy were out of tho city or had other valid reasons for not registering tho third dny. of the united States nralnst Albert J. Davis, charged with embezzling tho postal and money order funds of station 13 while e was In chargo of that branch office upon tho removal of Itlohard Phoenix, who con fessed to embezzling the funds InBt March. uavis was in charge of tho ofllco ono day nd night. The next morning over $200 paid in by Phoenix that dny had dlsap- eared. The only keys to tho snfo wero those In tho hands of Davis and a pair In tho safe. Early In tho day Davis bad called t the home of Pboenlx and secured tho combination to tho safe. When tho Inspec tors visited tho office on tho morning after tho arrest of Davis it was found that tho Interior drawers of tho safo bad been forced nd this fact Is ono of tho principal features of the defenso of tho cx-postnl clerk. SUIT TO RECOVER MONEY Cmc of Stnte Aicnlnnt Alma llanU to Jit Arururil In Teilernl Court Thin Month. On tho flrBt day of tho November term of the federal court will bo argued the case of the State of No braska against tho First National bank ef Alma and others, a suit to recover certain money deposited In that bank by a tato treasurer. The suit Is brought gainst tho hank and tho persons who Signed what purported to be a bond for tho aocurlty of tho money deposited by the treasurer In tho bank. Tho principal guar ntor is ex-Judge William Oaslln, who sots UD to his answer that tho money was not deposited according to the torrna of tho bond, as thore was a prlvato agreement between the cashier of tho bank and tho tato trcaauror In which the banker prom lscd to pay a higher rate of Interest than that mentioned tn the bond, thus relieving tho security from all responsibility. The case wan called tor trial at the Oc tobcr term of court at Lincoln. After tho Jury was sworn the attornoys got together and agreed upon n statement of fucts which was signed by the foreman of tho Jury, tho matter bolng submitted to the Judgo for a decision of tho caBe on points of law. Tlx case la considered of Importnnco as show lng tho extent to which a contract can be altered by4parolo without releasing guar anions from responsibility. J. W. Bryan of Lowder, 111., writes: "My llttlo boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him Ifoloy's Honey and Tar. The result was magical nnd puzzled the doctor, as it Immediately stopped tho racking cough and he quickly recoverod." Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; DUlon's drug store,- South Omaha. Ilnntrra Iletnrn from Wyoming. City Electrician E. F. Schurlg, Walter Stark and W. B. Craig havo Just roturned from a hunting trip In tho vicinity of New castle, Wyo. They wero In tho mountains bout thirty miles from Cambria most o the time and killed six deer and a large , amount of atnallor game. Although the now is about four Inches deep In that part of tho etuto Mr. Schurlg Bays tho weather wna very pleasant and did not Interfere in tho least with their sport. Omaha Iloya Not ISzpelleri A telogram from Chicago, published yes torday, etatod that the parents of boys expuueu irum mo wuivr. inn.. The Chliii-ftu Situation. Tho cause for the present Chlncso cn- tnnglcmcnt Is not religious differences, but tho nbuso of the Chlncso Immigrants by tho foreign powers. Another grent revolu tion comes from tho abuse of tho stomach. Oxcrtaxed digestion produces constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia nnd flatulency. Hos teller's Stomach Bitters Is tho best medl- Ino to tnko. It will rcstoro n healthy tono to tho entire system and thus prevent nervousness, sleeplessness or despondency. Don't fall to glvo It a trial. Buy a Bco extra If you want to know- how tho election has gone. Winter Mvenlnn; nre coming, when home amusements call for now, clean playing .cards. Our now scries lo superb and novel. Army and Navy heroes on court cards. Wo send them prepaid for 23 cents a pack, money or stamps. Malt-Nutrlne Dept., Anheuscr Busch Browing; Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo. Mortality Stntlatlua. The following births nml denthn wr re. ported to tho city health commissioner for me iwcnty-uur nours ending at noon Tucs dny: Births w. AV ntlirow. 2373 Bt. Mun-'n are nuo. bov: Henry Funk. 2627 Patrick avenue. boy; Hugo lloven. 1925 V.inCiimp avenue, girl; J. Jensen, 3927 North Twenty-first, boy una gin; j. i: nui'.'n, u-- .Norm .Nineieenui iri;tA. -v. uieKerny. ui3 rsorui Twentieth, irl:E. 8. Bradley. 20uS North Eighteenth girl; uert husii. .vjji miiney, Kiri; Houry m. Biunen. iiai in on n iNineie entn, oy Carl Wmi. Mips Cuss, boy: O. Carlson. A3 Chicago, girl and boy: Matt .filer, 1017 center, gin; Konori uoian, i.zi hoii-i six tecum. Kin. Deaths Mabel Matilda Carlson, 1439 Phelps, nged 7; lsudore , Kahmltc, :71B Dodge, aged 9; Haby NecKol, 1444 South Eighteenth, ngeil 21 days; Mrs. Florence Id Mlckei, uu center, agcu Ji As an external application to heal cuts, wounds, bruises and like Injuries thero Is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It causes the parts to heal without maturation and In one third the time re quired by tho old fashioned treatment. academy had 'held a meeting nt tho Grand Racine noiei in unicagn to accomplish the reinstatement of their sons. IC. C. Moro houso of Omaha was named In the list, and although Mr. Morehouso Is In Chicago, tho atatcmont In the telerrnm Is misleading, as his son was not expelled from tho academv. Charges of lnauVorllnatlon were mido ugalnst 113 cadets, who wore expelled, nnd tilnety-threo boys were retained in tha school. Mr. Morehouse's son was among the latter. It was also reported -that u son of Mr. Klppllngcr was expelled, and this Is also untru-9. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, taka Foley's Honey and Tar. It never falls to cure, and will prevent pneu monia or consumption If tnkun in time. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's 4rug store, South Omaha. QUICK. Leave Omaha at 7:50 tins evening on ' the Burlington's Chicago Limited. Arrive in Chicago 9:30 tomorrow morning TICKET OFFICIO, 1502 FARr AM STREET. tel.. ur.o. nimLINCTON STATION, IOTH AND MASON STS. IUI VM. REPARING TO OPEN COURT RAILROAD ENGINEER KILLED nltrd State Dlatrlot Attorney Work- inn; on Crlmlnnl Docket Thlrtj 1'otir Cnsr'a to lie Tried, W. I'arrls lilt lr 1'nsaenner far and -Mortally Hurt Ilealded In found! lllurlfl. L. W, Pnrrls, a Ilock Island engineer, xvtos accidentally killed yesterday while nt his post of duty. Mr. Parrla was hand Una thn ihrnMln nf rnclno No. 00. 'a switch tho I engine, and was pulling a string of enrs The from Council Bluffs to Omaha. About mid way betwecu tho transfer and tho end or tho brldgo on tho Council Bluffs sldo Mr. Pnrrls leaned far out from his cab window peering toward tho end of tho train and with his head turned away from tho dlrco- Tho most Important caso locally Is that tlon bolng pursued by his onglnc. Announcements of the Theater. "Tho Brownies,". a beautiful fairy spec tacle without doubt tho most popular Ju venile operetta on tho American stage, nt tho Boyd Wednesday, November 7. Mat inee, 3:30; evening, 8:15. Tho Bee has tho best facilities for getting tho quickest election returns. Buy a Bco extra. Just nt Mils Instant a string of passenger cars, backing toward Council Bluffs on nn ndjolnlug track, passed engine No. 06 and tho renr end of a coach struck Mr. rams In tho head. Ho was knocked Insensible and blood flowed In streams from tho wound In his head. His fireman ran tho train to Omaha and Mr. Parrls was carried Into tho yardmastcr's office. Medical attendance was summoned, but nt 9:20, beforo tho ar rival of a doctor, Mr. Parrls died. Tho dead engineer's homo was In Council Bluffs and the remains will bo taken thoro for Interment, tho body having been pro- pared for burial nt a local undertaking es tablishment this morning. Knea to Iteeoier I, nnd. P.'dwnrd M. Martin, ns administrator of tho cstuto of Michael Costcllo, has com- Wired to Albany He is Awful Mad. Albany, Nov. 2, 1D0O. Rhcrmnn JCr AtOnnnplI Drllir Co.. Gentlemen: Our western ncent has wired us that you aro soiling Cramer's ICIdncy Curo nt Cio n bottle. While wo cannot dlc tftto to you what .price you ehall sell It for. wo will mnkc you this propoltlon. Wc will buy every hottlo of C'rnmor'n Kidney Curo that yo.i have In stock for 63c. If you will accept tills orter wiro us ni our cxponso, Cramer Chemical Co, Wo will not sell to the manufacturers the stock of Cromer's Kidney Cure thnt wo havo, but WE will contlnuo our special sale on CltAMlCU'S K1DNI2Y CUItE FOIt C9o tho balance of this week. Wo expect tho ngcut would got awful mad, but wo can't help that. Sliemanr& McConnell DrugCo rnoMOTKus or roruLAit pricks New Location, 16th and Dodge. Omaha. MRS. J. BENSON. Children's Cloaks and Jackets Because thoy aro eo pretty and so good for tho money, our children's clpak's and jackets are going very. fast. Long Coats in box or full backs, from 2 to 10 years. New Box Jackets, from 4 to 12 years- all desirable shadoa and trimmings. SPECIAL GOOD THINGS IN HOSIERY. Tho Black Cat tbo best boys' heavy weight cotton hose made, sties 64 to 11, 25c A One quality of children's seamless hose, double knee, heel and sole, sizes BH to l',4 prices 16c, two for 26o, I A line of children's Fleeced hose any site, ISc an extra good quality at 25c. A lino of cashmere hose, any site, 25c better quality 35c extra good quality COc. A good quality of Ladles' Fleeced lined bote, 25c hotter quality 36c extra quality 60c Ladles' Fleeced lined with white Bole, only 36c, I Kxtra good values In ladles' Cashmoro nose qualities :3c, 35c, 50c, 75c and 1.00. ' Heavy winter weight cotton bote, double heel, to and sole, :cu. 31.000 PIECES OF WINTER ..Underwear For Men, Women and Children, AT LESS THAN HALF VALUE, ALL PERFECT GOODS -ALL SIZES: 1 hese prices guod for 2 days onlv WcdnesUiiy and Thursday. 31 AIL OltDEit FILLED Lot 13,500 pieces 'men's natural Gray nnd camel's hair underwear "V skirts and druworp, nil slzo9, regular IMH price Hoc sale price. Lot 24,000 pieces of men's fleece lined shirts and di awera heavy weight, all sizes, generally jf) nold at 50c on enlo for m Lot 33,500 pieces men's finest quality nntur.il Rray underwear S BnlrtB and drawers, all sizes, good value -jMH at 76c on ealo for Lot 4 2,600 pieces men's silk 49c fleeced underwear very good' quality. assorted colors, nil sizes, shirt and draw ers, $1.00 values sulo price Lot 52,800 pieces men's very finest quality heavy riobed underwear shirts und g "V drnwors. all sizes, assorted colors, goods that tf C soil regular for 51.25 on sale ut . Lot 63,500 pieces gentlemen's un derwear Koot's colobiatcd "Tlvola" s andmd gy goodp, 8 difforent colors to solcct from, u'armonts jC In this lot at o worth from 5! to ull trout... Lot 78,000 pieces children's, boys' and girls' gr.ty and camel's hair under- rv , wear vests, pants and drawers, sizos for chll- 1 1 3C ..uu noun fci. ill rmoittUI III u,i ,u uwu jw ( Lot 82.700 pieces ladies' fine qual ity camel's hair and natural gray vests and pnntt also Egyptian yarn ribbed uudorwear all go at -l'vv Lot 91700 Prices Ladies finest grade camel's liair underwear and natural pray underwear ACr ' Cr as woll ai tho finest grado wool ribbed under- -JC KjC wear at " Men's and Women's Sample Hosiery. $1.00 Imported Hose for 25c Wo bought the ontlro samplo lines of un&tory from a largo importer nt tho cost of tbo duty. This lot o nsists of the tlnoit grades of hosiery for men, womVn und oblldron, in cluding ull wool eu-hinoro hose, lino silk lisle hso in plain nnd fancy c lorings. '1 ho very g cholcost pa turn ovor pr ducod, uil sizes, jjlj worm up to Tii.o" a pnif, nt Special Cash Purchase 10,000 Yards Eiderdown Flannels. The Surplus Stock of a Manufacturer Purchased for spot Cash. ffn-s Kiderdowu l'lanno , 'Mi. yard All Kinds of all wool fuceil eiderdown flannels In tho new uropo clTei!ts,und heavy tufted s- r pluln colors, worth 76o a yard, only M ML OHD1KS I ILLKO. FiOi l.liloidown l lannei, line yard Strictly all wool faced fancy strlped,eheol:6d nnd plain eiderdown llnnnol, that generally Cl- sella at 50o a yard, on jZjjQ sulo for rrenced suit In tlio district court to get possession from tho city ot a ploco of land I bIoiir the rlvrr front formerly donated for uso for wnnrr purposes, vosieno gavo inoi mnnertv tn the city n rood mnnv years ngo when the river was extensively used nB a irciftm rouic nnu menmooais wero nu-, luniulllt'M lu liu til' lit lilt; nimitci , uu petition avers tnnt tno city never mue wr, nf tlin land, nnd na It has not been opened for rondway or pnrks, a ilemnnd ts innno tor lis roiurn 10 mo ncirs oi ino former owner. The rtroDcrtV Is nenr Nicholas nnd Ninth streets, adjoining tho Union l'ncinc rignt-or-wny. , ComlnR, Tho Itrownlcs, 400 strong, at the , lloyd, mntlnee, 3:30; evening, 8:1G; Wcdncs-. day, November 7. Tho most popular on the , stngo. Spectacular, special electrical and catctum effect. Boautlful tnblcauz, In tricate marches, witty lines, catchy music. llnxelvrooil, "World's Finest Iluttcr," from pure pastcurlud cream, at Courtney & Co. Tbo Ileo never prints fako extras. When you buy a Ileo extra you get tho truth. Wednesday Morning When you meet him on Wednesday morn ing nnd he snys "I told you so," don't get nngry with l.ltn. Tell htm that Loiui Cream is the nt.me of that lino nreparattuti that Is used i-o extensively for chapped hnnds, fnce and lips. It Is perfumed nicely nnd after shaving it Is Just lovely. 10c a bottle. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c 'e-ru-na uc Duffy's Mnlt Whisky Wc Wlno of Curdiil 16c Iiromo Quinine ija H S. S. ............ . .... ...... .......... &o Hyrup of Figs 20c Cnstorlu SSc Iilrncy Catnrrh Powder.. Uom Catarrh l'owdcr ... Aycr's Hair Vigor.. ...... l'lercc'H Prescript Ion.. .. Cutlcura Bonp Packer's Tar Sonp Unr-Uen AJnx Tablets 1 doz. 2-tirnln Oulnlnn Cntisulea 1 doz 3-grnln Quinine Capsules iOc 1 doz. 6-grnln Quinine Capsules 15c CLT l'RICE DRUGGIST E. V. Cor. tilth and CIiIchho. 25c 3SO ............ ij 75c 20c 15c 40c 40c .......... iu SCHAEFER 04040Q4040VO004040 sVote the Straight Ticket: Wedrvesda.y Warvtacbles. If we can't toll you who will carry the state, we can tell you with cer- talnty which is the best KODAK OR O CAMERA to buy. TRBMOS, POCOB AND KORONAS greatly reduced in price. O Call and see our complete line ot beautiful Albums, from 10c to $5.00. 4 Tho Robert Dempster Co., o Exclusive Dealers In Photo Supplies. Q O 1215 Farnnm St. a O4000400400004000 Whatovor tbo uowb tho press bna gathered up for you today, nono hnB moro diroct interest to the 'pt'oplo than what's contained in theao few items Women's Golf Cpes. 100 golf enpej, made o tho very best golfing materials, in all tho newest) shades, made with hood and trimmed with korsoy straps, not sold QA anywhere Iosb than 7. 50, " Women's Wjalking Skirts. 85 golf or walking skirts, made of heavy cheviots, meltons and pebble cheviots, properly made, with pocket and the now flaring bottom, finished willi 14 rows of stitching, a skirt that would bo '"i Cf cheap at $5.00 JVJ Men's Underwear. Men's fleece lined Sc shirts anil drnwors, oaclt Men's jersey ribbed hirtt?and draw ers, flcccoil, bnlbrlggnn, full wolht, Asp funcy colors, each TJL. Men's wool finished, silk faced striped KC)c shirts nnd drnwors, extra good vnluo, cuoh JJ Men's fine natural wool and camel's hair 7C plush bnok shirts extra strong drnwors, each ' Men's all wool shirta and drawers 1 HQ extra quality, each X.vV Men's extra heavy Australian wool, 1 95 funcy colors, fashioned ecanis, fnst colors, each. ... Men's fine quality, camel's hair, su- 1 AQ porlor finish shirts or drawers, enoli ' Men's fine medium weight French mer 9 QO Ino, fashioned scums and full regular nmdo, oach J' Men's ribbed balbriggan combination 1 OCT suits, at XtCiJ Men's fino Australian wool, ribbed O QQ coniblnation suits, at jJJ t ililaaaaaaaaaaalal -.i HAYDENs $225,ooo.oo Stock of Silks,Dress Goods, Cloaks Shoes, Carpets, Etc., Etc.. From the leading mills of the world, and the great Bankrupt New York Jobbing house, Bigger bargains than ever Wednesday, The entire main floor devoted to this sale, Having made arrangements with the mills to handle all their goods not sold before the first day of November, we have added a new dress goods dept. of strictly new goods. In this depart ment will be found the greatest bargains that you. ever dreamed of. These good will go at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c nothing higher than 25c. Some goods are made to sell from $ 1 to $2 a yard. BOO pieces of half wool goods from 32 to 3G inches wide, in fan cies, plains, etc., some goods worth up to 40c 1( tp all will go at lJ 500 pieces of half wool and all wool novelties, Jackquards and other goods that sell from 50c to 75, all will go 1 on this sale at one price only lt-Jw 1000 pieces of all .wool silk, and wool and silk, wool and mercer ized goods, sold up as high as ?r" yard tnese are an new fall goods and bought direct from the Botany mills at less than one half of the cost to manufacture Q all will go on this sale at . - Black cheviots 49c, 75c, 08c, up to ?5 a yd. TAILOR SUITINGS. We have them in Venetians, in plain and mixed, all 54 inches, at from 75c to $5.00 a yard. We have one particular grade, 14-oz finest tex ture ever produced for the money, and defy any house in the west to show as good goods for aflElVuKjEjJaaaaaaaaaaMaKtV OUR FAVORITES WON OUT! Thoy are Pennsylvania Hard COAL Sheridan. Wyo.. Soft VICTOR WHITE, .605 FariiamSt. Tel. 127 350 pieces of all wool and half wool dress goods - . ..11 MAttnUtnO from m to 40 inches wide, in new iuu uu -, black berbers, black Jacquards and other weaves wortli up to 1.25 yard 20C all on this sale at REMNANTS 10,000 yards of mill lengths and remnants, some long enough to make waists some to make children's dresses and some full dress lengths, at 20c, 25c, 50c and 75c, for whole pie- ce's, and judges of goods will say they are fori h four times as much HIGH GRADE DRESS GOODS DE PARTMENT. An immense line of black all wool cheviots, shrunk, sponged and ready for use. 45 inch black and navy cheviots, fine weight, strictly nil wool, far superior to anything 4QC ii.!.. i 4- 7ft mitt r.t'iri . 98c fl.98 it is worth this money, but Ql 1 O CC we will sell it on this sale at ... . - GOLF. We are headquarters for golf goods, see our leader at 98c a yard FRENCH FLANNELS AND FRENCH CHALLIS. Iu these lines we have always been recognized as leaders an entirely new line of the finest silk dotted French Flannel Q ESp now on sale nt OtV Great Bargains in the Bankrupt Stock of Notions, fancy floods and Laces. 5,000 gross fancy pluah balls, tassel nnd novelty ornaments, regular price 20c to 50c per doz., special price Wednesday, 5o dos. 75c ftna pearl cloak buttons, 15c per dor., from bankrupt stock. 2uo pearl shirt buttons, from bankrupt stock, Co doz. 2 spools Bolrtlna: Jiros.- Dest siik, ic. 10 yards silk bnby ribbons for 7V4c, from bankrupt stock. Heat quality corduroy velveteen skirt blndlnc only 2c. LADIES' NKCKWHAH SALE. From bankrupt stock. 12,00 fine neck wear, $1.00. $1.50 One neckwear, 76c $1.25 fine neckwear, 50c. $1.00 fine neck weur, 6c. HAYDEN BROS. I RESULTS TELL i THE BEE WANT ADS 3 PRODUCE RESULTS. WY THI QINUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUrACTUM BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C Not once In a hun dred times does Antl-ICawf fall to cure a cold. It's wire. See your druf Kist. Ho sella It Dr. Kay's Lung Balm forconghj. colds, and throat dUcata 4 KaalOGKI