THE OMAHA PAELY BEE: TTESDAV. NOVEMBER fi. 1000. 5 BRYAN'S TOUR OF NEBRASKA Twehe Houn DtTot&d to a Trip, Among Isttrior Dittricia. ALL OF HtS BOGEY MEN PUT ON PARADE Hrrrr Srl of Calamity Ip t Loas of i'mdom Will .ltrnJ lilt Urlrit Accord I nc to III Public Mtlrnfiilii rt GET THE,R DATES BERLIN POLICE SCANDAL it of trust and an Increase of tbe standing army. He then referred to tbe fact that Great Britain's government of India It, of tea pointed to as a model tor what tbe United States can do la the Philippine and la that connection be said- The republicans tell you that England ret k'eat verr nicely In India. How f.ttt Fft along? 6h read h governor I vt,f there and mak th teople of India t Tvrvn v -,- e wr, w i ..,. ! J'a him year and she send an LINCOLN . or. 5 Hon. J. Bryan , ' . to kt, the tax collector bompleted bit presidential tampalgo tour 1 in office, and while rhe if doing that mil- publican fanner could rupport a ticket which favors a poller looking to tbe ex- eroptlon of tbe wealth of tbe ctmntrj- frera j, p j JJ- p0jct, xt, IM Just ahare of taxation. . . ,. .... Hftr or Mi His. India a Horrible Example. Mr Bryan spoke briefly In condemnation ENTHUSIASM Or NINETY-SIX IS LACKING Audience Are I.arse aai the eecn Are Alone the Candidate' Well Knorrn Lines, bat -A pinnae la Weal. William Jennlug Bryan brought the democratic ranmatgn of 11-00 to a close f this state with a speech lo thts. fair i Ho" of A'f.. Ll L1B iaQV.r. a'sht after a firing trip to thirteen some city, at i o'clock thin evening. He returned here at that time from a twehe hour tour of the laterlor If the Mate and. proceeding immediately to the People'r ;uare, delivered a speech. of about thirty minutes duration to hit townspeople. Mr. Bryan seemed entirely satisfied with tbe audience which greeted him at the va- rloua points la bis own state. Many of SJEthat ffi'VrroSj crVlhey citica and a speech la each during the day. bat nothing at Hii insTeaa n; ngiana tut nrst in it. wm bud sending roomy to feed her starving rub- xj-e last was long after midnight and dur- fcilVmh. i6 tbe afternoon and evening tbe efiects rather than to become Brltlsn rjbjeits. of the severe strain were apparent When conqwt in the Philippine that ire- cannM roBrteeath atreet aad Capitol ' Kaasa fferenee. Tppekn. Kas.. March IS. expr-es our.fMniH.tW with them. Our ' L., tV.Z 1 I"P Merrill. LetlnKtoa confertace. In- ?W?.l,nt'. H J'.1 ira..r. .' ! ! r rur' , " ::r:. .. .V. vLl: v. I dlaaapoli. lad.. March ::. BKbop Merrill: 3e ouen looa niwuisr u i.i-- , . , . ti-vi- ,i Iloard Aul(n IrrldlnB Offlcera of DWtrlrt Confercncea for Cow Inn Mi Month. TRENTON. N 3.. Not. C Tbe board of Mabopa of the Metbodlat Eplwopul church of tbe t'nlted State coaeluded their nl aaaueJ meeting la tal city tonight. The aeatioa were all held la private aad the ctly b-utlaesa of publte laportancp traa- tacted wa tbe selecuag or tie blihopt to out the United States during the next Mi month. The aaslgnmeate Include the fol io wing: Auun confercace, Saa Antoalo, Teu, December IS, Bifcbop Joyce, Southern German conference, Wiw, Tex, Norem ter S. Blahop Joce. Texa conference, Mif abtJl, Tex., Decemlx-r T. Bltbop Joyce; We-st Texan conference, Victoria, Tex . Decem bcr 1?, Uiabop Joyce. Arkana conference, Texarkannt. Ark January SI Bltbop Ninde, Central Mlswrnrl conference Tort Scott, Has.. March IT. Bishop Andrews Disdomres at Trill of B&nksr Stirnberg Eilse VeriUbls Teapsst. SCORES OF OFFICIALS ARE IMPLICATED Kulirr AL for Dally Onlletln of j Trial While th Ooi eminent Or der InTeatlsatlnn of Police jlem. war la over, but that It w1l! (,-0 on in j,m b tbe place, at which be spoke are repub- , hey thought iV "going "to V HteA CF rpells accord o: app iaue to MlMirI coa- Hcan In stntlment, but In all cases the i for they are s-ndltic more troot there to lean on tbe shoulder o. a incna lor a . v.mH,, March l? lhfi ' trowds were larce in nronortloa to ttoeu- I ontli.u- the ar The fact Is that the war brief rest. His voice retained Its ae- , xarj-vllle mc... Jiarcn n. aop i-.iT V . proportion to popu i m 9 , f w h rrr,mis-d ..rr,rth hat he lacked the noner Andrews: North Dakota conference. l a-TO. Utlon aad m most of them there was a , h,de,.nd-n,-e , ,,e rillplnos and they will roomed streBEtb, but he acked the power Waldca. North la- bii ,1-... r.i i.,--., ni. f.hii,,. oikv v .r to nrolect it a creLt distance, bis en- -. . . . " I Xtod. g."..gto sm" h.rihiFhavc-beennghting durance and energy being nearly ex- " conlerrace, ina, April w. rif- t-lliinnh IJjti Atirll S ttlntinn Will. ... MO. Exeter, the first stopping place, aixty tva miles disunt from Lincoln, was reached at 7 o'clock. As tbe train drew Into he station at that point there were quite a lot of people drawn tip along tbe railroad track, notwithstand ing tbe early hour of tbe morning, and Mr. Bryan a hastily escorted to a public hall fctar by, wkrc be made his brst speech. The hall was quite a commodious one, but it as filled to overflowing. Tbe speech tis very little dlfiertnt from Mr. Bryan's speeches to agricultural communities in ether parts of the country. "You are about to vote." he said. In be- MiikIdk HI Old Souk. In his speech at Wilcox Mr. Bryan said In response to aa introduction of him self as the next president, that it nas not the fault of tbe people of Nebraska that be bad failed at tbe last election to become president, "but," be added, "now that other states arc coming to tbe rescue. I hope tbt Nbraka will not be found wanting." He spoki- at that place for about fifteen minutes, giving his especial atten tion to the Philippine and trust questions. While speaking on tbe Philippine tub lirt. some one In tbe crowd asked him. hausted. Those ho nave ceara nrariy an .Mr. j Bryan's great oratorical efforts say mat den. St. Louis conference, Bolivar. BERLIN, Nov. 5 Tbe highly UBsatltfac tory condition of tbe Berlin criminal p""', 1 as laid bare by the sensational evldesce j In the second trial of Sternberg, the rich Berlin backer accused of an oSense against morality, and the peculiar manner In vhtch the testimony was prepared and presented are tbe talk of the whole city. As clear i signs of corruption and lack of discipline were brought uut by the proceedings It was resolved today at a conference between Count von Buelow, the Imperial chaacellor aad Baroa von Rhelnhabea, Prussiaa mia lster of the interior, to overhaul the Ber-, lla police department. Immediately after the confereaee Barcn i von Rhelnhabea ordered a sharp mvestlga- i i tioa, without fear or favor. It is ex-' pected that a large number of tbe criminal 1 police will be disclpllnt-d-and that about I a score will be dlsmltsed, among them the 1 r ,m dAPROSE SOAP. ' Superb Transparent Glycerin Soap Exquisitely Perfumed. Contains a large percentage ) of ohpmirftllT ptr? plrcwia. ron TOJLET A2vD BATH. JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. IT .fc. Ar.. t lh. tnt wan nn r? his taost i Karen .1'. iJi&aop Aaorrwt. couui vRnsas . . - . ... i,.. vm ti.r brilliant In spite of bis apparent exbaus- , fonfemite, Eureka, Kafc.. Marca SO Bishop , fcLtWt nuellessem. who has been strongly tlon. It abounded In irony and witticisms , n. Southwest Knn,as conference. compromlt,ei by tat. lrlBl. tl.f. r, 1r,f tit ftll f rif vVltlt tinning, "and by your votes determine what j ,,,,. , A' lTir. ,v,,... .nnndine. Mr Bryan said- you want in goternment and In the way of laws." He took up the subject of farm mon tages narly in his talk, but before doing o made a passing thrust at the trusts. Baying on this latter subject that caught tbe fancy of tbe crowd aad ' Newtoa, Hub March kept those within hearing continually ap plauding. But the utterances were not convincing, as at no time during the even ing did the rpeaker resort to argument. Mr. Bryan promised his followers many re forms in tbe event of his election. He sssured them that If their votes enabled blm to take a seat In the White House evry power of the executive will be ex panded to curb the trusts. He promised also that before the expiration of hit tern of office senators will be chosea by a majority vote of tbe people aad not as they are at present by the state legisla tors I.atr ItrarhlDK Ton n. Nn tnorr than Ouen Victoria has tT what sh docs In India The trouble is tht the republicans are amending the ontl tutlnn without cottir through th fnrtnai I ltl-s provide 1 for in the constitution at nil Thev ure umendlnr the D-cJaratl-n "The republican party has been in power "f Independence so a to read that all m'n I Th-v have omendt-d the commandm-nt. I "And thou shult have no othir Gfd but I Me." and made It thuF "Thou shall hv nn ether god but ptild " They have amndl tb commandmTit "Thou shaJt not steal' and mad- it "Thou shalt not Meal on a rnmll wale " If It Is large enough '.: Is oonditions brought by the republican party , ,1.Fn1lht. tni'hJ Somethlnc T vou vrJnt e addresses aloag tbe route, although ad It has uo plaa aor purpose to rid the md they now wunt to amend orie of the tbe.throngs which gathered to bear blm In country of the. trusts or to protect poople against them. tor tour years, ana during teat time we have seen the trusts iarrease at a rapidit) erer known before, and when republicans tell you that they wudI you to be satisfied with tbe conditions they have brought, just remember that the irust if one of the I The train that brought Mr. Bryan to tbe city was more than an hour late when it drew into the Burlington sta tion at South Omaha. To be able to keep his appointments in the theaters In this city, it was found necessary to cut short j Auogcmer no icwer tuna prt-aij uiim bers of the criminal police are said to be Implicated In tbe Sternberg case. The proas, without distinction of party, strongly t demands thorough reforms. In addition to the two commissioners against whom damaging evidence has been oSored It Is rumoifd that a number of others ire In volved Today Emperor William requested that be be furnitbed with running reports dally of tbe trial and cf tbe part flayed In It by the police. the 1 latitude- The bible says, "Blessed ur tfie dowxtown halls were demonstrative UK ShfwroVcld." ahnl iU'w'"" beyond expectation In the briefer speeches Kelle In Mil Kent' i'liiurr. He then entered upon his discussion o o-i.tii m unw-nri It nnd make it read "Ble(d Mr. Hrvan did not dwell on the isssues. are the nes comaker., for they shall lnhem hut confined himself almost altogether to the -artV' and the republican who votes , , . . s aa2 remaining c ballots are left men asssembled Outside of Lincoln and Omaha Hastings 1 to greet him In Metr' hall on Thirteenth supplied the largest audience of the day. street, he exclaimed "I have been told At that place Mr. Bryan spoke for half ' that the day will not be long enough for an hour and In connection with his dis- alll the voters la some precincts to cast uion of tbe Boer question Mr. Bryan their ballots. If there are any shut out U to the election of John Burns to wbea the polls close, be sure that It Is p. -tuent. On that point Mr. Bryan said- those who believe the foundation of an cm- Tlie huve recently had an election In i plre can be built on the ruins or a repub- tbe farm rnortrRrr nurctlrm mrlnr- "Th 1 th tlcki-t tins tall must lie nrepaxi-u u tll to,, i-m, v.... , , a v renounce nil b- has evtr IHm ed In nn3 going early to the poll .hi. ..... t , ' 1 . rurrend-r the oonvicu-ns o: a nieume. , tDerf. unt a flelaoerBl, fcaTe been filed with him for the various counties, and I want to show you some thing of the prosperity that the repub licans are now boasting of. When Mr Roosevelt was here be made a statement that 40 per cent of the real estate mort gages had been paid oS under this admin istration. The fact is that little less than 124,000,000 In real estate mortgages bten released in excexs of thniko fit you roust take out of tbe 2:4.000,000 all of ' that was manifesting Itself in South Africa j force. DECLINE TO REINSTATE BOYS Omaha and Council 111 off Student Anions (be Snnitirr Expelled at Culver. CHICAGO Nov C Fifty persons were present last eight at a meeting in tbe Grand Pacific hotel of parcati of boys dismissed from Culver Military academy. Culver, lud . last week. The chairman of the meeting announced that a committee of five. conMttlng of R. W - Alshtcn ot KNOCKS OUT BOARD OF TRADE Chicago. J. M. Morehouse of Omaha. E. G Van Brunt of Council Bluffs, former Oov- jndBf. n,ju quotation Hnt Be ernor Jackson of Iowa and R. G. Queal of nivrn to Public- Wlthonut Minneapolis, had left for Culver during the Dlscrlmlnntlon. day and would In all probability arrive at 1 some satisfactory arrangement wua the I CHICAGO, Nov f . In a derision ren superintendent. derod by Judge Vtill m the circuit court It was hoped that a favorable rommual- j n,r" tody it is declared that tbe Chicago catioa would be received from this com- , "ra or Trade marKet quotations arc a "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO MANHOOD RESTOED""; tti v.ivutr, tbprroriru!o oftmpt. rrmb nerai". wu- .mtiiTcuri l'rrui or c!iiwbl Ik fbrut orrw.s, uc - aa Iiala, P. la. a ik, llM-h., k.a.ln.1 Hrii fcllly, tlBBSlaa 1srnB uffrrr nut md by Pyton W rn 10 yr iwl ar t-oobr with tattlla. CCH Ot.NE tli or .? known rtr0T Ut nn wtthoni 11 oprnurm. tXO imcroo'iuu. A wrltt urnitttft .nil ntn irr rniriir1 11 ti-oir 6rub act a bcnuooci cur. 1J0 a baa,( lot ttja, mll. hrI tor isr rtrrsUr .hd irtlnu.;ut:a dd n t, rt ttii l.M io r.o..iex Jna, &aa rmclo. Cat rOU SALE II V atVKIt-UlLLO.1 bill G CO- 1CTTU AID PAJLHAJL mlttec before adjournment of the meeting, but lnttead there came a lelegram from Superintendent rieet, stating that the 112 students haa hcn dismissed for a Ssgrant breach of discipline and that the punish ment meted out had been decided upoa by tbe maevgement as commensurate with the offense,. Superintendent Fleet gave no public interest and must be ditlributtd without discrimination The decision was rendered la the case of the Chicago Board of Trade agalast the Central Grain and Stork Exchange, the board having csked the court to dlsbolte the temporary Injunction restraining it from withholding its quotations frcs tb intimation that the boys would be allowed j defendant, alleging said defendant to be h to return. The meeting adjourned to meet , bucket shop. In ruling against the Board acnln upon the return of the committee sent to Culver. OPENING DAY AT AQUEDUCT ! teourt! caTTivi l,efore lhe of Trade. Judge Vail made the lajunctloa perpetual Sixty days are allowed the at torneys for the board to prepare a bill of op- I England and John Burns, who represented llc tna not tno(ie or m opinion that the ;s nave k jBOi,r district, was re-elected there and j T , . . ,,m ed. and i he mad- his flrht against the imp-rlnllsm ' Declaration of Independence is still la thR nmtirrir whirl. huU v,..n in l and 1 want to reud you nn extract from his Every available foot of space la the dem tbe rroperty wnich has been turned oer to IOr wh(.n our man Kent, from this headouarte-s at South Omaha wai the mortgagee in sat sfacUoa of the debt, state, one of the two de egnt-s from the tlc heaaquerte ra at houta Omaaa wai Vou know that is very often the way of 1 fnlted Ptntes to the labor congress In Eng- occupied wnen Mr. Hryan made nis ap a,aylng the mortgage. Of the 224,000.000 ' I"?- .JJ1 , K:MJ?5niW? Enr! 1T .u"the 'Peers' platform a tnarked satisfied, less than 220,000.000 comes Und did whs to pa? resolutions condemn- ' fw "inutes alter tne amv ai o: tne train. ing the Boer war. They SRy nr ournt not ne w lms-oaurea ut. wci-maii hi tar to say anything against ine i uipino war next president and tne vocaj tumult tail from farm mortgages. But while tbe mon tages paid off and released on real estate are much less than Mr. Hoosevelt saj-s. the Increase in Ibe chattel mortgages of this State in tbe last four years Is very much, greater than the decrease in the real estate I mortgages. And il you will take thn real estate mortgages filed and released, and the chattel mortgages filed and released, you will find that adding them together yce have 2140,000.000 more in mortgaged Indebtedness In this state than we had four years ago, that la, the chattel mortgages have increased so much more rapidly than the real estate mortgages have decreased that the Increase is 1140.000.000 in four years. Bear in mind that these figures -ere taken from the statistics in the Labor bureau and those are made up from the sworn statements of county officials of this tate." Tale of the Trnat. Reverting to the trusts. Mr. Bryan said: I want you all tt vote early, and wften rou get up on ilec tiou innming it will prob ably be dark, ynu will have to light a lamp, and remember that you ore uMng lO ttkj ,1 1 J ,. I til 1 1 1. ftr-amn. in, ' ...,...' - , UCAk JJ CIUTUh UUU tut: ..(I. They would dt-ny to VAhT-riwi. irJTS rrreted tbe prediction kept him waiting speech that they even have in Lngland and ' r , ' sky that in i free f America we shall not raise several minutes before it subsided, our voice ugalnst Itjustice and the violation With Mr. Bryan was Edgar Howard, In of the ronstltutlon And vet the laborlnE v-j,nft. behalf be made earnest pleas to the men of England paned their resolutions de- ,, . . '., , nounclnE the Boer -war and John Burn was j voters. At Mcti hall he salfl- "If you are re-elected ov-r there after making a sv"ch, going to send me to the White House, senJ an extract of which 1 will r-hd you. Speak- democratic congressmen and senators lo ing OI xn ji i. : ni:i ut vtiiuk v. v vu the new lmperiallsra he said: 'In a word, the new imperialist prattlces and gets the people's army and navy to en force his sordid, v-ulqar Ideals. A nation which countenances that is doomed, a peo ple, that connives at It Is ut least half way on the road to slavery-. A working class that does not reslt it is destined to be taught the sharpest lesson they ever re ceived " Mightily Afraid of 1br Army. That Is what John Burns of England said to the English ix-ople in his contest for re flection, when he made, the Issue on the Boer war. And yet In this country you will find republicans who want to do exactly in the Orient what England is aoing in &oum the houses of legislature at the same time, because I want to have bills to sign when I become president and I can't have them with the republicans in power In both bouses." Ed Howell and other democratic leaders accompanied Mr. Bryan from hall to hall. Arrangements had been made for only one rpeech at South Omaha, but as tbe people who were able to get admittance to tbe headquarters were only a small part of those who besieged tbe building, plans were made for an open air address at Twenty-fourth and O streets. Mr. Bryan MUrrable "Work of Mnrtrr I'rtttniflll Mars Jport Tbat Otherwi.e 1 l.ood. Africa. Today the United States Is not able delivered his second address from tbe steps to svmputhlie with the Boers, for If the , . T., ,,,..,, ,m , republican party were to announce to the!0 Dr- McCrann s residence to several government a resolution of sympathy with 1 thousand people la a vacant lot adjacent. the Boers England, through Parliament, i yBt. party war driven rapidlv la carriages at Nineteenth and Vln- At Harvard there were a great many gold Hull, the chairman of the nousc military committee, in a letter tn wrucn ne aavisea and recommended accepting a site for a fort near Pes Moines, said: "It has been the policy of the depart ment to concentrate the troops near the large centers of population, where many rallwuy lines conversr. and allow of them bring rapidly transported to point of dlBturbances," That haa been the policy In recent year and yet when 1 Raid the other day that one purpose of the large army was to co erce laboring men and have the army near large centers to suppress strikes Mr Boose velt said that I was stirring up class .ireinflire unit vet I was unlne the very lan guage that was used by tbe chairman of the military committee of the house, a re- escort ox his rormer regiment, the Third i Nebraska, which marched behind him to the tent. Ill Addre I'ptovru. . on rurnisneo ny wie Munuiro uil company. 1 ,1 , .,. j7r ,(,. ur - ' "ttat th. Standard Oil is trying tl.l, I J, lZlll "nVVE Todl , to Damn on', hall KS.? Produced by company is proierim: under a republican "ervaUves of Lngland are doing over there. jom Flrnn. The next talk was at Metr" udmlnlstratio;) ..IJ" lok at the i.raMieritr , T!"1" " ,wfir fSSf.j1" r'S ' At the corner of Thirteenth and of the Standard Oil company whi e jw In the purchase of trade, ana ir oj read . , We. ... v. lamp Is burning-, and compare It with the (what was naid by Senator Hawiey In the i Jackson streets Mr. Bryan was met by an jirospenty ot trie larmer. jnen wnen you i i- iucu ciaies senaie juu m '" c.t vntir puflee remember the tirtre of I want an armv In this country to coffee is contt oiled by u trust and when j coerce laboring men and you will tind i Mr. you put your tugar in, remmrer tnat it t controlled by a trust, atid If you have crackers, remember that the National Bis cuit company control the price of biscuit. You find that there is hard.y a thing you use that the trust does not control 1 promise you that if 1 am elected every jiower of the president will be used to make It Impossible fnr a private monopoly to exist In the United Statea. rifteen-mlnute stops were made at tbe towns of r&trmont and Harvard, aud la both places Mr. Bryaa made speeches aloag the general lines and to good crowds. Mr. Bryan again urged his audience at Talr xnont to vote early. NEW YORK. Kov a-The fail meeting of the Queens Count Jockey i'ub beca'i today at Aqueduct The weather was cl-ar tnd bright the track fne and the at tendance pood C H. Pottlnglll tiroppefi the flag. Bad starting w-a the oiJy thing that marred tb opning. In the first rne The Chamberlain was left ct the jiort. while at least six other were hopelessly strung out Carnellan w as left In the second, with Isaac H ppr prac tically left in the third. Kadlord waa eight or ton lengths behind the leaders passing the stand Two faveritcs won, Helen C In the second and Trlllo In the third. The others went dawn btfore a sec ond choice and three long i.h3tK The fourth rcce was the feature of the day McMeekln was an odds-on favorlie. but Mitchell rode a llstleas race and was second ut the nd to the heavily playd rirst Whip. McMee.kin and Beau Ormonde made the early running, but First WW) moved to the front on the far turn ind won cleverly by a length and a half. Beu Ormonde stopped In the stretch and The Golden Prince took second money, a ntcK before Annoy. The other dinners were Oliver Me, at 7 to 1. in the first; The Puritan, at D to 1. in the fifth, after makins all the running, and Water Cure, at b lo 1, in the last Summaries: First ruee. selling, about seven furlonss Oliver Mr. JOS flhelanv, T to 1, won. Mid night Chimes. 103 (Shawl. C to 1 ar.3 : t 1. second. HttftzlWichtll. 116 rvValsh , 10 to 1 and 4 to L third Time: 1:171.6 AW j WtifT'ion, Olea Templar. Excelsis. KInai 1 Jecuinaj. ;uit5 luiiciieii niurj uuu, iw- land Prince and The Chamberlain t!sn -an Second rate, fye turlongs: Helen O'C 1 9 Mltchelli. K io fi, won; Orlenta, 1tt fBurr'' 7 to 1 and & to ". second. Lone Flshermar 11S AValrtii.- l-n to 1, third. Time 1 ft" 1 u Automaton. Donna Henrietta. Hand Vte Yllasqurz. Tower. Infallible, Isaac Hopr and "arnellar also ran. Third race, milt and a sixteenth Tr'Ko V illenrv 7 to 1 won, Mlse Hancver fl fMlchaelsi. : to 1 and 1 to 2, second Lr-e-wood. W iBrernaci. 30 to third Time l:f-j. Itadford and Wwt Baden also ran Tounh rac?, mile and seventy yars T"irt Whin, vf, CHenrvi. 13 to C. won Mc- Meekin. VJZ .Mitchell. 7 to 10 and out, ( In the strict sense of the term the court finds that tbe Central Grain and Stock Ex change Is not a bucket shop, the records brought Into court showing that grain, al though In small amounts, had actually been received and delivered Vndcr the decision tbe board must fur nish its quotation to any Interest asking for tbem, assuming that they are to be Jegally used. The board, the court holds. 1e not a proper Judge of the legality of the use, that being a matter for the considera tion of the criminal court. Should the court find a concern receiving the board quotations '.o be a bucket shop, the board may then, under the Illinois statutes, with hold tbe quotations. Movement of Oreim Veel Vor. S, New York Arrled. La Tourajne, from Havre Genoa Arrived. Aller. from New York, via Naples Liverpool Arrived: Lancastrian, from Boston. I Glasgow Arrived: CallforrJan, from Nx York- 1 London Arrived: Minneapolis, from New Arrived Kaiser WUhelm der Grosse frum New YirV. via Cherbourg, lor Bremen. I Gibraltar-Arrived "Werra fr. tn Ntv York for Naples ard Gnaa a-jd prvecird . Hong Kong Sal - 1 M nniouthihlre, for 1 Yokohama and Pnrllar. i second. The Golden PHre, fci (Sin fci At Washington ha, Inot ore than , per- l , J sons were present when C O. Lobeck called ' Fifth race, five and a ha'f furlongs, eell the meeting to order and briefly introduced 1 ing The Puritan. US rryilllamKt. f. ts 1 Harrr O'Neill as chairman. Victor Wll- ! ?n: QoJr,S?bhL c&dA.-l, 1 aiil . i i , m-tutiu , . . l ... ... - t., third. 'nme: 5 'w. Animosny. v j.t-u Carnival, About. Tmario, Lady Paddcn and Torkh!re also ran Udges in tbeKrowd which greeted Mr. JincPin theame language what Mr Bryan and there were fewer cheers there j nttiiP-, as senator, stated In the United than at most places. j States senate a year ago. At Mtndrn Mr. Bryan spoke only fifteen Dern Interest In the LerUlatnre. blnules. and after declaring that the full ' Mr. Bryan made brief speeches at tbe dinner pall argument of tbe republicans I towns of Aurora, York and Seward, ad bad been abandoned, he addressed himself dressing large and enthusiastic audiences to tbe farmers, of whom his audience was i tt each of these places. His remarks at largely composed, declaring that the re- ach place were a summary of his previous publican party had no policy calculated to nchrt the agricultural interest At Holdrege Mr Eryan devoted his at tention especially to trusts, but gave more cr leas consideration to the subject of an Income tax. He railed attention to the fact that Abraham Lincoln had signed an in- 3 THE CURE ThatYouBreathe To breathe It five minutes Kills a Cough or Cold. To breathe It four times dally Cures Catarrh and Bron chitis. To breathu It every hour Cures Consumption. If it fatli to cure, y.'ur moniy is refunded Five days' treatment and medical advlsJ free. Bold by all druggist or ient by mall. Outfit Complete, 1.00. Trial Outfit Sic TUU IU T. BOOTU CO., Ithaca. . Y. rpeeehes and he touched upon all the prln cipal questions of the campaign. He also took occasion at each place to urge the Importance of electing the whole demo cratic ticket and of aendlEg a fusionlst to the senate in place of Senator Thurston. At Aurora he explained tbat he had spent a great deal of his time during the campaign outside of the state because he thought hiB own Interests would be looked after at home and his own attention was more earnestly needed elsewhere. He said In his Aurora speech that there were mort than 100 trusts In operation In the United States and tbat they eater Into every household and exact tribute from every family. Referring to Nebraska's position In former elections, be said that the state had been a pioneer in the matter of re form and he hopud to see it cast Its vote on the side of the United States and against European ideas at the coming elec tion. At York Mr. Bryaa referred to the cir cular Issued by Mr. Charles R. Flint, ad vising democrats to vote tbe republican ! ticket this ;ear .and said. "I am glad that Mr Tllnt has taken that position, for I don't want him pr any other trust magnate coming to the White House If I am elected and telling me what to do." on, Stephano Franco, a native Filipino, and H. B. Fleharty of Dawson county occupied the time until the arrival of Bryan. As Mr. Bryan entered be was gTeeted with an ovatJcn from tbe people who crowded the room. His voice was stralaed aad cracked, as he began to speak. Tbe speaker appealed for the electloa of tbe congressional, state aad legislative stith race, mile and M-venty yards Water Cure, ll iLlttlefieldi E to 1 wo' Rorhevter. M iPlacki. 40 lo 1 and 10 I' 1 second King Bramble 111 rtlurnsi ti to 6. third. Time 147 Kamara, Philippia'!. Iroquois Belle and P-andy also ran EHT EEB GNIDLIUB Eleven years ago the best office building In Omaha was built. It 1 still the best office bundling In Omaha today. Why? In the first place it was built to last ten lifetimes not fcr a year or a decade. It has been kept In constant repair and has never been allowed logo BACKWARD Many of the tenants who moved In eleven years ago are still occupants. They have been properly and courteously taken care of. There is no better place to go so the reason IS easy to discover. Why not move now into an office where you will feel satisfied as long as you are In busi ness? Wnen you move, move right. The place for you is THE BEE BUILDING R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building- Kxcltlntr Uny at Lakeide. cijtc nr. v".. I r I,,. n f ti. mn.t er '. ' . i tickets and Immediately started for Boyd's j lnp contests "ever witnessed between race theater, where the house was filled from pit horses occurred In the fourth event at ,o gallery. Mr Bryaa spoke at first oa the I-Hkesl e this &n Issue of imperialism, saying that a vote for 'rT niw clo-ely Lurched that it was the renuhllcan narty would be a vote to hunt tn tell which was first and which was nullify the American constitution. Taking , last Knight Banneret was given the t Jrse j.n, . .a. T up the trust question, he repeated hi. re- & Cnj. -Mo .aytauUgt ( ActftfeaSailtfy andfivmpty. Syrup-Figs THE BEE EXTRAS" Don't think you have drank the ne plus ultra of wines until you have tried Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne- The Bee will have a stereoptlcon bulle tin Tuesday night fcr the benefit of its renders. Watch it for election returns. mart made at previous meetings In the r.r, trnrv ft. Hesults' evening, as he did in reference to tbe stand- 1 rirst race five furlonrs- Joe Collins lit" , ,ZV, I fKansomt. 40 to 1. won' Lord I.isn 1(6 De- lng army. xu. S to !. second. If You Dare no (Tull At the Crelghton a larger crowd, if pot- s ,0 t third. Time- l.flSS-r. Mr. Pomerov i sible. thaa at Boyd's greeted Mr. Bryan Quarterback. Tbo lght. Give AU, Jack as he stepped to the front of the stage. ' Ale' ar0rFe aad Krewer Tbe last rpeech of the evening was de- Second race, six and one-half furlongs- llvered at tbe baiaar of the Home of the Deponent, K'6 (V. M'Dermotti. S to 1 won , Good Shepherd at Schllu' roof garden DmarUA. tftfA wnere ue rrcmru u uwirum .uu uu. Time : 1 :!J 3-B. Okema jonn urjgrny. l'aisy enthusiastic reception. He was presented o. Woodstock and Village Irld also ran with a bosuet from the hands of Miss Third race five and onehalf furlongs: Ophelia Hayden. The rptaKer was intro- cxevtn? ! tt I second- Alpaca, !ij duced bv Father John Jennette. who naid iRnnuimi. '? to 1. third. Time: 1-T-S. I tribute to the dlstlngulihed Nebraskan. It . Genride. herry. Head. Albert Lee. Alleen was several minutes before the speaker could obtain a bearing. He said that this would be his valedictory address and urged upon the women the Importance of the In terests at stake. Tbe speaker closed with ta appeal to the voters to vote their coavictlont aad as tbe crowd of men. womea and children l ,jt.vini 10 to 1. third Time: liS4-t Red gathered around him to shake his band the campaign of 1PO0 ended. The Bee will have a stereoptlcon bulle tin Tuesday night for tbe benefit of Its readers. Watch it for electloa returas.'tle Jack Horner also ran Fourth race, one and one-elrhth miles. ' pulling: Knight Barm-ret V! fTu'lj-.. 11 to; 10. -won- Vrince Blares, 101 Bradtord. s ta 1 second; Moroni. 10T iA- Weber V, to 1. I third Time: I:. Dirangesi ami ecanei Lily also ran. . .... Fifth race, rix furlongs: P.obert WaddeU 107 (Alxander T lo 10. won. Popart. Ill i?arv&eg. 10 to 1 necono; i anevwoou; iin ?lirnal. Natural Gas. P.oyal Victor and St Pedna also ran. Sixth race, tmc mile Obsidian. HI (Hf, Pennon . 7 to 1. wen. Irish Jewel. 1O0 i Han som i S to E. second: 7.acatosa, 103 (Tully' IS to 1. third. Time- 1 51-u. Dandy H Dutv. Brown Vail, Hub Prather and Ver netta also ran. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. In the most acceplableann the jLrat'rr principles of pJsurts Aton-! to act jnost 2eneijciMlj'. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCa SAN rR.NCISCO, CAL. tOlNSVIUL . KY NtW YORK. N.Y. - iJr tt drvftitrj fice 50 per bonlr. A Sk'lN OF DEALT IS K J0 FOREVER DR. T. 1LL1X QOURAUD'S OPIATAL CKLAM, OR MAGIC Al iEAUTIFlFJC. r.i-mcrfct Tan Pimrle. yv.rt iioih Patch-a, firv Rat- Flc.ii di 'J)efc' and eer The Day Affer the Election Will Contain The First Reports, The Most Reliable Reports, The Most Complete Reports, The Best Arranged Reports, If you want the truth, Buy The Bee lection Extras Explosion at tVliirheatrr Arms Plant. NEW HAVEN. Conn . Nov. L An ex plosion took place today In the dyhouse connected w'th the worlts of the Winchester Repeating Arms company The walla or tbe building were blown out and the windows In the adjacent buildings were shattered. No one waa In the building at the Umc The loss Is nominal. Ilnutins;ton May Itealaro. NEW YORK. Nov. C Rumors were re vived tcday that H. E. Huntington con templates resigning Irom the vice prcsl dency cf the Southern Pacific compaay, the cause being stated that he was dissatisfied with the election of the new president. Charles M. Hayes Chairman Tweed char- nerireA the rumor us absurd and de clared tbat no member of the board had hih more heartily approved Mr Hayes' elec- i iOPr Drnm In Cbrckrr Mnteb tlon than Mr. Huntington BOSTON. Nov. 6. The play in the checker DeudTrood llefenta Lead. DEADWOOD S. D-. Nov. C (Special.- ! An estreme!v interesting rame 01 root cm was played tn this city Saturday hetwien Oevens from the Hlyh sthools of Lead and Dead wood. The game jt suited In a score of 10 to lr. favcr f Doadwcrxj Twr nore games e'll te playJ by these te.r'? the champion to t-lav i rfroe with the ileven from the School of Mines .it Rh -1 ftv for the chamj'lonshii of the B1a'k de"p beaut) the skin keep. chamnlonshlp resulted, as usual. In two Million of Australian Golil. draws and still the match between Jordan NEW YORK. Nc 13. & W. Pellcman ' of Edinburgh and uarner oi tins city is a Co announce today that their San Tran- I standoff, with two mes won each and J Cisco correspondent, the At glo-Callfornla i thirty-four drawn The experts meet to bank, has about S.KiO.OiW gold on the way morrow for the last two games Jd there Is i trrnn AiiKtnUa. It la due at San rranclaco little Indication that either will get the In a fortnight. 1 Juma on tbe othtr and take the sursa. I t:i ot1r dt-tr--L9i ! hat stood tlif list at U r I. ujii It o l,nnl(ii taitc It l In iuti It it jiro;rly wuit. Arcrpt no oounter fr!t of c.mllar nm Dr 1 A. Fa) raid to a la ir of t-i haut-tos i patitr.t); A yr. lries wm se -,:--cin 1 recom mend 'GO' HAl'DS CREAM ;s th least harmful of a.l the Kfc'.n preparations Tor sale br a.l Druggists c.d Taney Goods Dealtra In the U S. and liuroT'e FEKD. T. I101'KI.. I'rup'r. C7 Great Jones Bt.. N Y rwiH ltnr:iKC '1 Uinlfc r -ucue-! uui ' ukI iiiocthlT bycTer i0,(Xi ladies. liien. i By mail. il.OS. Sena eenls for J0 iri,.. , nil t,b ii-i 1 1 , . The CVutk fVi . tT " W ' Detro)' Vtch tl la OmfcLa V KoU t Co U I- Soutfaa Jnt a kla of Sntln-Bkln Powder trans- I forms a shiny, oil', red, discolored face Into a iream oi anunnt loveliness me magically beautifying effect, cf thene twin charmers, Sutln-Bkln Cream and Hattn-fc'kln Powder. Is worthy cause for deserved pop ularity with the most refined and particu lar people. Wash face In cold water using Kiun-Skln Soap. Then apply lightly Satin Skin Powder. Note the delicate satin tex ure of your fkln, the airy hoftnesR, de llghtfuJy perfjmed. rem wed feeling A satin sl'In complexion Is stylish. Iff pretty l s vep- attractive, why not have one Ask at Boston Store for Satin-Skin Toilet Artl'ies. Only Si- wiHK1 fl POIELY VEGETABLE. Acta a a Ttmle ud Stopa Hair trm Fallltt Oul. Cure Dasdruft, BrttUa Hair. Itch ing aad all Scalp Tmiblaa. Guaranteed to Cure When all ctiitr remtditi tare JaiUd or vumry rtjuridtd. lold eTrywhre. tS, Bur. XallabU , Treatise & Hair and Scalp trouble trt. L. m. BRCUCIt CO Ohiesar Par sal fcr Sherman : .McConni ll Urug ct., Myers-Dillon Drug t o., M. A. Dillon, South Omaha. Trade Suppllril br M. Monrelt Hair Baraar. A. U UndeUnd. Richardson Drur Co. ? RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. '3;;e5:sef WOMEN Kr Tit, M,t vfliliT, Mi pii.i f.ll.t.l In fn, v - it a) klirnnan 4. i-j iiJtir la, Kutm ft O"- and blbrr Cnii-fliu tr ma.itu l j Litis Iiruc lusu. It T FEMALE BEAKS brrat montUli reralatorf or w- itiiniiintonetati