THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TV ESP AY. VOVEMBETJ ?. 1000. BRYAN'S COURAGE LIVES OUT No Loager Does He Oliin New York u ' Btloagicg to Him. CANNOT WIN WITHOUT THE EMPIRE STATE Slorti Gloom Settles Over I'opocrata . Itsnlt of b Cnnlrrrnrc Held Atlfr Itelnrn of the Can dldate. LINCOLN, Nov . fSpecIal.) W. J. Jiryan does not eipeet a democratic vic tory In New York state. This be prac tically admitted to political friends who conferred with him at his home last nlgbt. lie professes to be hopeful of the general retuit. however, and maintains that rondl t'ens ire favorable for democratic success In Illinois. Indiana and Obto. Democratic and populUt party leader In this city now sgree with .Mr. Dryan. but before he re turned they all thought that New York was more likely to go democratic than any of the other Hates mentioned Vice Chairman Edralstea of the populist rational committee has contended that the general result depended entirely on the vote In the Empire state, and as he Is now In posed to ros'-ede It to the republicans, it Is concluded that he believes the fight Is lost Members of Bryan's traveling party look upon New York state es safely re publican and they do not think that more than one of the other states will go demo cratic One of the men who confer! with Bryan Us' night, said "It is very clear that liryan will hate to carry New York state or Illinois and Ohio to be elected. The sign, are not so favorable for carrying the former state as they were two months ago I and although we hope to get the other ' states .fa. Indications are. as enraging ' t- tbey might be. Mr. Bryan thinks he ; iil succeed btst if hK tl th- reports aemocrai. iuic a logical ana mrciuie wanning nous- furniture and nx that come from Illinois and Ohio are true Wmiam II Hayward and John 1 cannot sc where he can possibly get a majority of the electoral votes." Colonel E. II Slier his received the fol lowing letter from his son In the Philip pine islands MANILA. P I O. t ; neer took rn .ch Interest in politics before, but now I read everything about It If the Americans oer hert- er- fcllow-ed to vote HcKlnl-y ould get a solid vote from here.. The in surgents are becoming active again. Thy retire that If they keep up eome ort of a demonstration to show that the Insurrec tion Is not d-ad that it will hurt McKln ley. They think if Hryan Is elected that lie will Immediately withdraw the troops and leave the Insurgents to their "Hbertad." This means the liberty to plunder wherever they please and to kill all of the natives who have sympathized with the United States. KU R. SIZER. JR. hoald Pnt Ald Politics. fOLl'MBCS. Neb. Nor 6 (Special.) Her O. A. Monroe. In the Times of this city, speak thus of the republican eindl date for state superintendent of public in struction There is at Jest one state of!W that i.hiuld b entirely dlvoro-d from politic a-nd that Is the offlce of state sufwnn tender.t of public In-tructlon. H-re. at i mn should n supported because 1 laei of his tltness or opposed because ot nis ihfm.wh as to who Is the best man for th! pImcc and then vote for that man. re- , rardless of hl iKtrty aSlllatlons. I have , Known I'nii v row it oi moir mr rnor- than Mi-enteen years I know him ery Intimate!) Hl election to the office cf superintendent wojld b a boon to the erhools of the state and. hence, to the etate Itself 1- Ik a Christian gentleman, he Is a finished scho'ar. he Is a teacher of rich experience, he l an cduratlonal ex th'Jslast No city superintendent In the Msl of Nebraska enjoys a Iwtter reputa tion thwn lie and he hss placed tne Hlalr public . hoots in the very first rank He ( full of enePgy and Tpush I want to se7 ' Mm elected pecau.e I believe his election ) weiild be in the interest of the schools In ; the. state of ?ebraVH. , i;. c. Fltrli at Carlrton. CARLETON. Neb . Nov. 5. (Special ) The republicans of this part of Thayer : county turnisnea an onject lesson for tne oi v. mi assistance a city pnysician oi toe fusion element Saturday night that will not democratic faith has given tbem. The In soon be forgotten. The speaker of the stltutlon Is Just recovering from an epl evenlng the Hon. E. C. Fitch of Chicago, ; demlc of typhoid and one of the Inmate.. .... . 1 I . I . ... wt . a"' UJ , . a. .... V t'nf aaa Ss f arae lit ran n ffsH w nrlllf laal on. , dress ln this village. The meeting which ! running sores, caused. It Is said, by neg ii held upon the public square, (the . lect. A prominent democrat staled today opera houte would not hold one-third), was ' that he would vote for Dietrich-and that If opened with music by the Hebron quar- , he had any money he would bet the same tette, after which the speaker In one of way. Another stated that he was pray- the most logical and convincing addresses of this campaign held his audience in rapt j attention for nearly two hours. The ; parade w-bs the largest, the fireworks the grandest ever witnessed In a like demon stration In Carleton. Republicans Offer llmnrit, HARVARD. Neb. Nov. 5. (Special. I The article which appeared in the World Herald of November t to the effect that N. M. Graham (late county superintendent tt schools for this county) had written Chairman Edmlsten of the populist atate committee, that republicans bad of fered to pay the fare and expenses of two fusion voters If they would go to Omaha and stay over election, has been taken up by the republican county committee, who rnaae tne oner oi iiw lor tne arrest ana conviction tier. of an; republican making the Tlally at Douglas. DOUOL4.S, Neb.. Nov. 5 (Special.) Char 1m E. Winter of Omaha delivered a two hours' speech at the republican rally Faturday night. The meeting was beld In the opera house and was well attended. Many fuslonlsts were present. All the Is sue of the campaign were presented In such a manner that even the fuslonlsts ad mitted it a a good speech. Although m.. .u.uaiW orre iew mooses are arrer made, a number of conversions from Bryan to McKlnley have been reported. The lepubllcan vote will show up well. I'mlnn Knlly a Fnllnre. TRENTON. Neb.. Nov. 5. (Special Tele gram.) The widely advertised and much-talked-of county fusion rally was almost a Complete failure No speakers could be obtained, although G M Hitchcock was ex pected. A few local speakers spoke to the small crowd that assembled. Little en thusiasm was demonstrated, as the people ran easily read tn the eastern sky four more years of good times and rlctory that It written In letters of gold. Indications point to larger republican majorities than for some time tn this county Fusion Campalcn Closed. NORTH LOUP. Neb.. Nor (Special ) The last rally of the campaign was held here by the democrats, Saturday evening. A fair crowd was In attendance and all the candidate for office were present. District Judge Nume was the principal speaker W K. Whitney, candidate for state senator, and J. A. Allls, for the house, made labor ious efforts to catch a few farmers' votes. Nothing new was said aad enthusiasm was eonsplclously absent. Mraistratloa at PlaUsntonth. rLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nor. S. Special.) The total registration tn thia city was 1.1&3. There will probably be OTer 1,200 Tstea cast here, aa many did not reflrter. SICK HEADACHE Hereford's sid Phosuhati Sooth ci and strenrth-ra the serves : relieves pzir. ia tis, Jcp.-es- I aion ana c2"ki. CoicIm1ui! IlsnretVs on -rrrr. REMEMBER That you hare a right to express your choice for the two men you want the legislature to elect to rep resent Nebraska In the United States pennte. This right is given to you by the constitution of Ne braska as the nearest approach to the election of senators by direct vote of the people. Hemember. also, that an expression of preference must be followed by a vote for the leplslatlve candidates who will carry out the popular will. In other word, be sure to put r cross op posite the name of your preferred candidate for t'nlted States sena tor and a!io opposite the names of the republican candidates for the !ezilature. NEBRASKA CITY IS UNITED Democrat, and Itrpubllcans Join Hand. In Mniidltm t for Welfare of Town. S NEBRASKA HTY. Nov. t.i Special Tel egram.) The overland theater was filled to overflow lac tonight by cltlxens of the city of alt shades of political belief, who gathered to listen to speeches by business and professional men who discussed the political iu. from a nonpartisan stand point They denounced the action of the attorney general In commencing the suit against the s'arth factory and urged their ! hearers to stand up for the material wel- . . . . .. . . .. ....... "n r D repuui.c.u , aor John Mattes was chairman . o: meeting ana delivered a strong ao- John W Stelnbart. cashier of the uloe -ouaty National tan. ana a lue-iong v.. imon also silvered aaaresses. At the conclusion of the program there . were loud ells for J Sterling Morton, who responded briefly He stated that If Ne- j braska City gives a majority for McKlnley ( tomorrow that the rarveltv of the starch i factory will be Increastd 4.0O) bushels per t day within a year He concluded by say- j ing that he would vote the straight Tt- I publican ticket and urged evety business man ana laboring man to do likewise The fuslonlsts wound ur hlr rinmlm by an attempt at a torchlight procession .. . . . ... . r . and a speech by George W. Berge, candi date for congress. Less thaa thirty voters marched In the parade and a small hall was amply sufficient to hold the people who cared to listen to Berge's speech. The tuslonlsta have abandoned all hope of. car rying this county. iikimiimc vironv AMHKD. Deranrratu Lose Hupr After Hrcistra tlnn Rr.ult. llfrnmc Knorrn, BEATRICE Neb Nov. 5 iSpeclal Tele gram, i The toul registration In the city H mgoi is i.?.-i oi -airu 1,216 are registered as republicans. This Kivr, a republican majority o 545 votes, ' b,ch ls thought will lncreaae at least 100 by the votes to be sworn In. The republicans beld their last great demonstration before election in the city tonight. A grand torchlight procession over a mile In length was the order ot the evening. The parade was the largest ever held In the city and great enthusiasm was manifested. The democrats hare practically given up the fight in this county and are discouraged. A number who would have voted for Poyn w determfned to yote the re- publican state ticket owing to the bad ftate of affairs at the Institute for the Ke(h,e M,nje(j. Ever sl3Ce Dr. Dearlng has bad charge he has been out campaign- ing. and as a consequence the Inmates have , lacked proper medical attention outalde .. . . 1. Jk I TT I T 1 1 r-Ae ! ..Ill V ... L w ,:; rlasitTAfrktltlV 111 inaa Tn V rT&al flsf Af a I 13 rrA I Ing for bis party's success, but that the turmoil at the institute had spoiled any chance the) did have. Day of speaking; at Iloldrea;r. HOLDREGE. Neb.. Nov B. (Special Tel egram ) The greatest political rally held in this city during the present campaign was held here today. The day's delibera tions opened with a twenty-five minute speech by W. J. Bryan, who arrived t 10 45 a m. by special train, accompanlsd by Governor Poynter. A. Schallenbarger and other fusion candidates. At : o'clock Mary E. Lease delivered address of nearly two hours, during which she scathingly arraigned Bryan and the fuslonlsts generally Mrs. Lease was given I c05e utentlon and applauded throughout . her address. The MeKlnler and Roosevelt club of Bloomlngton, numbering forty men ln uniform, were present. about Closing; Speech at Rlalr. BLAIR. Neb.. Nor. 5. (Special Tele gram ) Hon. John L. Kennedy made the closing speech of the campaign here to- w, ..t.hi.H m .h- i,.r. house ' during this campaign, the room being ! packed to the dcors. Mr. Kennedy spoke ' for two hours and forty-fiTe minutes and had the closest attention of his hearers , t0 ,he Ult ajnute. Much enthusiasm was ' .,. r.n.iMir.n. r. riin- confident orer tomorrow s results. Attorney t. fc. Howell spoke to a crowded bouse at Splker hall, northwest of Blair, tonight. I Ilrjan .Meetings at Pawner. I PAWNEE CITY. Neb.. Nov. 5. (Special ! Telegram.) Two different Bryan club ; meetings were held ln this city tonight. The contest between both Is hot. One Is led by a deposed president ot the Bryan i club. Grant Lackley. and the other by Fred j Hassler. an avowed opponent of E. L. Ful ' ton. fusion nominee for state senator. Hassler Is exerting himself for Bryan. while the opposition Is straining every effort to sare Fulton from the wreck The halr-pulllng among democratic tactions j here tomorrow will be Interesting. Injured In Ksn.n.j. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nor. 5. (Special ) While Mark White and wife were re - turning to their home ln the country frem this city last erenlng, the team became frightened and ran away, throwing both out of the buggy Each was more or lees j nruisea ana it is repartee mat ne lost one ear. They were brought to this city and a physician dressed the wounds. Davlrs at Union, UNION. Neb.. Nor. 5. (Special Tele gram ) The campaign closed here last night, at which time the cltlxens listened to the best speech of the campaign, Hon. John A. Darlea being the speaker. His argument was convincing and yet not of fensive. The Plattsrnoutb News quartet was present ano meir campaign songs I were loudly applauded. The kidneys are small but Important organs. Tbey need help occasionally. Prickly Ab Bitters It a successful kidney tonic and system regulator. The Bee has the best facilities for get ting the election news. Watch the bulle tins on Seventeenth street tonight. 1111 LIONS IS SI ATE BANKS Bepor: of Nebraska Isitiiutircs Sb-owi t Eatiifactorj Cenditioa. GENERAL DEPOSITS UNCOMMONLY HEAYY Secretary Hull Give Oat 'tilrm'nt Which He ays Will fsmpare Favorakl) with Aay State la the Valon. LINCOLN. Nov. S .Special.) No better evidence of the general prosperous coadl tlen of Nebraska can be found than In the quarterly report of all state, private and savings banks, which was Issued this morning by the state Banking board. TU a reports shows an Increase In all Important Items txceptlag rediscounts and bills pay able. In the Item of deposits there Is an Increase of J 1,C45.04S.?S-. In loans and discounts the Increase amounts to MM.- cct.n. Attached to the report Is the following comment by Secretary Hall "This report, like the one preceding 1L Is a very Salter lag shvwlng for our banks and will com pare favorably with the showing made by the basks of any state In the union." In comparison with preceding reports the showing of the Nebraska institutions Is unparalleled. For three years there has been a steady Increase In deposits, but never In recent years has the Item reached such a high mark as shown In the last re tort Following Is the summary of the con dition of all Nebraska banks, exclusive of ' " RESOURCES. discounts . :.. TJ overdrafti. ! ! . ! ! . &.K?.tt icks s-eurltles. Judgment... ' private banks and bankers. .. ... W.CT 076.W i.irs'.M.s r (it m.4H CT.T?.l T4 current expnT-s and i taxes paid! iremlums on bonds Aif-ets not otherwise enumerated "V(. inited States bonds on hnd'.'!! Total , , LIABILITIES, gJEjuji ifnd i t'tiduided proriti.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'."'.'.'. ...K.lti.K:.S"5 ..J S.SKS.JVUO .. 1,B4.4M. .. lijot: ,U7. . . :,V6.CM 5.14M.1T 4.U.07 .(.() uiviaenas unpaid.. oe.P0?1 utner liabilities. Notes and bills redlscounted.. Bills payable Total M.lC.r. Secretary Hall, who Issued this report. Is chairman of the democratic state cen tral committee and today he traveled with Mr. Bryan, telling the people there Is no prosperity in the state and quoting from old mortgage statistics to prove his state ments RALLY AT LINCOLN A WINNER ( lo.lns (.athrrlnit of Itepohllcana the Sraon' Record for t'nthnsla.m. LINCOLN Neb . Nov S (Special Tele gram i In marked contrast was the final re publican rally tonight with the closing event of the fusion campaign on Saturday even ing. More than four times as many persons marched In procession through densely i crowded streets and more than three times i as many persons listened to the speaking. Charles H. Dietrich, the gubernatorial ' j nominee. Congressman E. J. Burkett and ' 1 Gus Hyers. the latter a mechanic employed I In the Burlington shops at Havelock, were! ! the speakers. The meeting was held In the auditorium and the crowd assembled there ! was as larje as the Immense audience that : listened to Senator Hanna. Erery seat was r-h.n-. u m.inA w.. i.irMn, there was no vacant standing room In the I building. ' The parade was one of the loncest of the ! campaign, fully 1.500 men being In line. th wa no vaeajJt fUnd, roon ln thf Following a platoon of police, a drum corps I 1 VllW-li and the parade marshal came the carrlares containing the speakers and prominent re publicans, and then "the following clubs I'nion Veteran. German McKlnley, Trarel Ing Men's. Indies' McKlnley Scandinavian. Havelock Flambeau. University Place. Col ored Republican. McKlnley Junior. Hayward and the seven ward clubs. Captain P. James Cosgrave. a former demo crat, presided at the Auditorium. In a few brief remarks he told why he left the nrv of Bryar. Mr. Hyers was the first speaker He spoke from the worklngmaa s standpoint and mentioned the Increased wages of all Havelock employes as one example ot the good results of a republican national ad- minlstraucn He w.s followed by Congress - man uurneit. Dietrich ( the People. When Mr. Dietrich, who closed the meet ing, arose to speak he was greeted with thunderous applause, which lasted for three minutes. His address was brief, but logical and emphatic and It made a deep impression upon his hearers. "As the speaker has told you, I am a plain business man," he said, "and this Is the first time I hare erer been a candidate for any office, but I want to say to you now that on tomorrow I win be elected gorernor ot Nebraska. I stand before the people of tthe state a. the candidate of tho republican party, having recelred the nomination by ac- elamatlon. Up to the time of the coarentlon no man erer attacked my character, but at .v .... , ui,. . ,kL ,, the last moment, like thieves In the night, the fuslonlsts have circulated broadcast orer the state falsehoods that are baseless and .v. -i.,..i - n- f,mtiin tm. .. absolutely without 'any foundation. This Is the first time I have ever felt called upon to deny ln public cnarges maae against ., Mr. Dietrich next spoke of the mismanage ment of state institutions by the popocratlc administration and deroted tome time to a discuselon of national Issues. He called at tention to the fact that the only states that supported Bryan In Is?; were "the southern states that nerer allowed the confutation nor the Declaration of Independence to fol low the flag '.ag. the western drouth-stricker. w i. .,,.,,. the silver producing states. Not states and a stngle state norm or .Mason ana inxon line went for Bryan then, and none of them will do so tomorrow. He spoke of prosperity and then of the Phillnnlne poller, kavlnr "Shall we. like a lot of weaklings, shirk the responsibility we owe t0 j.ujnitr anj tear down the flag ln tbe)le jfUnas and allow the Innumerable 1 , a,d f0r.lrn nations to encage In war? No. we will abolish slavery there and allow the flag to float where it now stand.'' Closlns Itally at Mffook. McCOOK, Neb. Nor 6. (Speelal Tele giam.) The congressional, senatorial and county campaigns were closed tn this dty tonight, with a tremendous rally, the opeTa house being utterly Inadequate to accom modate the people who came out to cele brate the event with tbelr enthusiasm and deep Interest. Short speeches were made by W. R. Starr, candidate for county at torney. Dr J. E. Haathora. nominee' for representative, after which Hon. W. S. Morlan delivered an able speech on the Issues of the campaign from the repub lican point of view His speech was re eetved with deep Interest acd c'.enett at tention, hts utterances being cheered at many joints as be premted the policies and principles upon which the republican party hopes to vin this campaign In the Fifth district and In the nation. The Nebraska Brigade hand and the Mc Cook Glee club were In evidence, the former g'.itng s r-on r before 'he speeds ar 3 h latter de.iiehi.Eg 'he attiieace a -ta.-el intervals during the meeting. It was a 11. tlag close to as Important eapalg closHy fought, a caapaien that republicans hare great confidence will mem victory for the party In the Fifth dtitrlet at the polls tomorrow et a, .Man on t'lre. V.'INNETOON. Neb.. Nor. F. (Special ) j A very pleasant dancing party here Satur day nlgbt ended suddenly and alaest dls- astrously at about IS o clock by th fiendish act of a tcugh. A disreputable character who lives at Crelghton deliber ately saturated a large pocket htndker- , chief with kerosene and. pinning It to the tall of the coat worn by the man who vas ! calling." set a llrhted natch to It. and i the man was In an instant In a mass of , Cases, and making a rush for the dosr ' nearly set fire to other. No one aside from the burned t&an was Injured and he ! was no', burned badly. Methodists Deilicate rimreh. LEIGH. Neb. Nov. . (Special Yes terday was a red letter day for Methodists la Leigh. Their new building was dedi cated by a neat serrlees at II o'clock. Pre siding Elder F. M. Slsson oSclatlng. after delivering a masterly sermon fitting for the occasion. The building, which was Just completed, Is a magnificent edifice and Is complete in every det all. The structure complete cost SI id and stands without a cent of Indebtedness, which fact causes every member to feel proud. The regular quarterly service was held la the evening. Hunter Kills n llor.e. MEAD. Neb. Nor. 5. (Special.) While I Phil Prlraley and Gus Sjogren were out , hunting yesterday afternoon. Sjogren , Moore. Walker Moore aad a friend were 10 ,Ce r,Sat 01 ! W'B,,V ' coming to town, asd as they turaeJ a cor- f them, fireworks In front of them vol .,. ki . . ' leyed aad thundered. Men yelled, boys beside the road, aimed at a rabbit and a he pul3 the trigger the horse was drlrea t'etween him aad his game The horse , was shot in the lungs and died a short tine j after. ard. 1 Midl-n Urnth at Ileemer. DEEMER. Neb . Nor. 3 (Special Tele- gram ) Thomas H. Hartmaa. who was publican demonstration witnessed here to building tanks at J. L. Baker's lumber ard 1 night was the largest and most enthuslas- quit work about 3 o'clock this afternoon and started for home, stopping at Gecrge Purt ters harness shop, where he sat down and In a few minutes tell dead from his chair. He was 72 yers old and had lhed In Dodge and Cuming counties for twenty-seven years. Podar I'oontj .Mnrtsf. FREMONT, Neb. Nov S. (Special i The following Is the mortgage record of Dodge county for the month of October Chattel mortgage filed 101, amount. 160.100 IS, re lesed. 46. amount JI0.540 41. Farm mort gages recorded. 10 amount. 111.?, 40. re leased K. amount. J10.450.M. Town and city mortgages recorded 14. amount. 15.767 J?; released P. amount 4.0I4 14 Wayne ttrlrk Plant. WAYNE. Neb. Nov. S (Special Tele gram About 1 o'clock this morning large brick kiln of John Sherborn here was discovered on fire The fire dpartment succeeded In extinguishing the Jsnn. but r.ot until about (3.000 damages had oc curred. There was no insurance on plant. It Is HUpposed to have ben work of Incendiaries. the Ilrenn lis EMERSON. ot Joined Ilryanltes,- Neb.. Nor. S. (Special.! J Bert H. Brown, who was reported In yes- terday's World-Herald as baring come out flat-footed for Bryan, pronounces the story a falsehood pore aad simple. Mr. Brown, who Is one of Emerson's prominent mer chants. Is for McKlnley and is not working against the republicans as was reported. firrst Croud at 'I.tndaar. LINDSAY Neb.. Nor. 5. .Special Tele gram, l At the republican rally here to night, the largest crowd erer assembled ! l political meeting in this town was preent- rharle A Randall of Newman i Grove, delivered a splendid speech, which , enthusiastically received. Insane I'ntlrnt Killed. LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 5. (Special.) George Rottenkelber. an Inmate of the State Hospital for Insane, was killed to night by a freight train on the Burlington tracks a short dlstanre from the asylum building. He was conmited recently from Saunders county. Mnde Yonnar Again, "One of Dr. King s New Life Pills each eight for two weeks has put me In my 'teens' again." writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown. Pa. They're the best In the world for lirer. stomach and bowels. Purely regetable Nerer grlne. Onlr lie , at Kuha i. Co.'t drug store, I ' REPLY THAT DOES NOT ANSWER Vi In KfTort af Senor Mxto I.opes to Controvert President cUrmn'i Filipino Kihllilt. BOSTON, Nor f. Senor Sixto Lopez this afternoon gare out the following statement In reply to that recently made by President Jacob G Schurman of the first Philippine commission President Schurman has formulated what Is nald to be the "reply to my open letter" to him. I had i pointed out that he had "cruelly and ! carelessly ' but. I believe, "unintentional!) Eu'cISEW ? 'showed by faPt8 ,ithln n. 0n personal knowledge ' that there were 4tt teachers ln my own province of Hatanga or one to each 6 !n- . nab tants. whereas Dr. Srhjrman had rep- j rt,,nl.d that there were only thirty-one teachers, or one to each 1 K7 Inhabitants I I pointed out that the conditions in Batangaa obtained throughout the whole archipelago. . ,.,th thf Hwpb,0 of central Mlndiano 1 I stated further that the "fact that the Flit- pmos are an eaucaira pru,. is praniumi I BOBlllIfO uy Dr Schurman and by a!l classes and conditions of men. To all this and other matterF about hegher education Dr. Schurman furnishes no reply and expresses no regret at his cr-iel misrepresentation, whli-h he practically ad mits by his Inability to deny or contro-K-rt the farts. Inuad of furnishing any reply he turns upnn me with a tirade of utterly irrelevant at.d erroneous statements about the alleged f&age and disunited ronamon of tne nil Mn nd he makes the roost unwarrantable ! fcstrrtloni that I "do t dr-r.y that the Fill- llnoi( ar uneducated and lsnurant." H , runner declares mat i u iuicren. aaniu V"'raBett. 'and 7l& j m(.tf to the American press I have sped- . fically denied practically everything he says admit I shall fcava occasion 'o refer later to Dr Schurman s "reply." but ln the meantime I may point out that after .'eclartng that the Filipino are abject saagi. ready to tear each other s throats and latoe Into anarchy, and that thev are "marked by dense Igno rance. ' Dr. rVrhurmcn closes nis reply by stating that "It is the mission of our re public to save the Filipinos, who in general are most promising, estimable and even loxable prple." This the truth will come out tn spite of all attempts to hide It Dr. Schurman la one of the best of Imperialists. If his "replv ' is a sample of the "fair treatment which we. may exptct from the best ImperiiJlsta, then may heaven defend u trcra imperialist rule. SIXTO LOPEZ. Declares Semi-Annual Dividend, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 5 -The Lehigh Coal and Navigation company today de clared a semi-annual dividend of per cent, or H per cer.t more than Its usual rate. This places the company on a 6 per cent basis. The company also contributed ' KS.CV.J to the n.i-.e-s benefit fund. This i represent a perctrtage deducted from he . menage of the mines that It devoted to I the re.ief of InJjreJ miners. Thirteen Dead in Mine. riULLIPP: W Ye . Nov 5.-The latest rej-orta ir-ra ths i!l-?atei mine at Berrys burg show- that thirteen are dead. Tvro men were foucc d. d In a part of the mine which had been abandoned. The door at the mouth of the mine was shjt and the two men blown through the door. Si feet from the mouth The cause of the explosion has cot yet been determined. WARM FINISH AT HASTINGS Different Partj Follower Line Up is Twe BiTal Parade, PRIZE DEMONSTRATION BY REPUBLICANS City la a Blnie of Red Fire and Ilense Crowds .March the Mreets to the .Noise of .Man; Discordant Dands. HASTING. Neb., Nor S. (Special Tele gram.) It seemed as It people had roce mad. stalk. Marine raad, at one ..nd the si!b time here tonight, as the double headed political rally was in full blast. As It was the eve of a great pollt'eal battle , the fudenists sad republicans were w ; trimming over with enthusiasm there was , nothing else to do but pull the cork and watch the result. The republican demon stration was by far the ereater and more j enthusiastic than was that of the fuslonlsts. The city of Hastings was ablate with enthusiasm and firework'. The thorough- ; fares were a mass of humans packed so closely that moving was difficult almost ; every wrere and on Second street It was Impossible There were scores of bands In the parade and the catloaal airs min gled with cakewalks and medleys, which ; made a cccglomeratlon of anything but , rauslr. Thv heavens were ablate with a raarxlficcnt display of fireworks and had an electric spark been touched to the fuse i of hd-s nc grander sight could have been witnessed As the people paraded the streets fireworks right streamed and women cbred for McKlnley and 'prosperity ("ompnrlon of rarndes. The republican parade was at least 2e or 811 time; as long as that of the fuslon lsts and was enlivened with six bras lands anc two drum ccrps. while their op ponents were content with two. The re- tie rally the western part of Nebraska has seen for eight years and If tonight's dem osstration Is ny Indication as to how the state will go. Nebraska will be placed In the repibllcan column after tomorrow. Many of those who had taken an active part in politics tour years ago in the In terest of Bryan were at the head of the republican procession tonight and as they were recogaited by the spectators along Maximum temperature the line of march a mighty uproar cy. Mt cheers went up. followed by thousands of 1 Prrintat1on balls of colored fire that punctured the at mosphere In every direction. Immediately after the rally the people flocked to the orera house to hear Charles Greene of Omaha make the closing cam paign speech here The opera house packed to the doors aad hundreds tailed to gain admission Thronsh the Plrturesque Bine Moon tnlns. The route of the Lehigh Valley railroad between Niagara Falls or BuSalo and New the eye at every turn. Fast trains. Din ing cars, service la carte Watch The Bee bulletins on the New York Life building for election returns to night. DEATH RECORD. Funeral of Mrs. Mults. FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. ,. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs A. C. Stultt. who died here Saturday was held this afternoon, from St'. James Episcopal church, of which she had been for many years an active member, Rev H. P. Silver of South Omaha, conduct- ius, iae service. ,ir. r-iu.iz was lur pct- trat years In charge of the Woman's Chris- tlan Ttmprrance Vnlon temple, ln this city. an active worker la that organization and had an extensive acquaintance among the Woman's Christian Temperance Union throughout the state. She was about M years of age. A son and one daughter sur vive her. ' Resident of I'rrmnnt. FREMONT. Neb Nov. 5 (Special i 1 Mrs B. Roberts, died at the residence of . her son. Ben F. Rober.s. In this city ye terdaj, aged 73 years, of general debility She was born tn Kentucky and In the days ' before the war was a prominent leader In society circles in the Blue Grass country After her marriage she removed with her husband to De.atur county. Iowa, and about ' sixteen jears ago to Fremont, where she ' has since resided. She leaves two sons, B 1 F Roberts of this city and F Roberts of 1 Norfolk and two daughters, one of them being Mtf! LUrle Roberts of this city Helped to Nominate Lincoln. CHICAGO. Nov. 5 Hampton Rich, for merly president of the Ionia A Lansing railroad, now part of the Flint Pere , Marquette system, and at one time promt- nent tn Michigan politics, died here today aged S4. Mr. Rich was a delegate to the republican national convention at Chicago ln 1164 which nominated Abraham Lincoln j Isaac Hnll Adams. QUINCY. Mass . Nor. 5 Isaac Hull Adams, a grandson of President John Adams and a nephew of President John Q Adams, died at bts home here today aged elghty-seren. Mr Adams neTer was mar-1 rted. flarlaud Stoves ana Ranges were awarded highest prttes at Paris ex position. , WEATHER FOR ELECTION DAY Except In r.v England Conditions Will He Pleasant Overhead and Inder Foot. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5 Weather condl- 1 ttons and general forecast The etorai center has moved to Nova Scotia and the pressure la generally high tonight, except In the Atlantic states and Canada. The weather has been almost entirely 1 clear throughout the country, except n northern and western New York where there were light showers. Temperatures hare fallen generally, though not decidedly, except in the At lantic states and Montana, and are every- ( where moderate i In the Pacific coast and plateau regions ( the weather has been clear, with little . change In temperature. ' With but very few exceptions fair weather Is Indicated for Tuesday and Wednesday over the entire country, with pleasant temperatures. Over northern New England there will likely be light rains on Tuesday morning, followed by clearing weather In the afternoon. Showers are also probable Tuesday In Montana and westers North Dakota, eastern and south ern Texas and western Louisiana, continu ing on Wednesday over the two latter dis tricts and extending over the southern portion of the west Gulf states On th" Atlantic coast and over the lower lakes the winds will b fresh, west to north. On the upper lakes there will be fresh westerly, becoming varable, wjni" Forecast l.y States. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kan sasFair Tuesday and Wednesday; vari able winds. For New England fair Tuesday and WelSfS'ln ;'va v fre ' 1 ! t; 1 'f't morning It lith' ra.a oir - l portico c3olr Tuesday in nerh r. portions, fresh westerly winds For Plstrlct cf Columbia. Kastern Vw Vera. Kastern PewnsylraBl. New jers-v Delaware. Maryland. Virginia ad .-:i Carolina Fair Tuesday sad Wedaesdif. with moderate temperature. Itiht to freh northerly wiads Fort South Carolina and Georgia Fair Tuesday and Wedsesday, light ist to northwest winds. For Eastern Florida Fair Tuesday aad Wednesday; variable winds. For Western Fterida Fair Tuesday: Wednesday probably showers, light north to east winds. For Alabama and Mississippi Fair Tues day. Wednesday fair In northern, probably i showers la southern pcrtloa. winds mostly lirht north. For Louisiana Cloudy Tueeday. w,th showers la western portion Wednesday ! light north to east winds For Westers Texas Cloudy Tuesdiy with showers la eastern and extrent southern portions. Wednesday fair ci eept showers near the roast, variable j w-tais. mostly light easterly For Western Texas. New Mexico. Okla I horaa aad Indian Territory Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; light variable winds For rkaasas Fair Tuesday and Wei' nesday. north to east utnd. her leanessee aad Kentucky Fair T--ts dtr aad Wrdaradwy. northerij wind For West Virginia. Weatera New Yek Western Pesaylranla and Ohio---F.i r Tuesday and Wednesday; fresh writ lv north "iad. For Indiana. Illinois aad Lower Mi )-.' gan Ftlr Tuesday aad Wedndy : g northerly winds. For L'pper MUbigaa Fair Tuedar snJ Wednesday fresh westerly winds, be' ora ls; variable For Wisconsin aad Minnesota Fair , Tuesday and Wednesday, light wtaterly 1 winds, becoming variable. j For lowa and Missouri Fair Tues 1 aad Wednesday, variable wind. For North Dakota Partly cloudy Tt--day. with possibly showers In wrsttrr: portion. Wedneday fair: variable wlt.d For Montana Partly cloudy Tjesday posslb'y showers. Wednesday fair vari able winds. For Colorado Fair Tuesday and Wed nesday, variable winds For Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednes day, northerly winds. Ioral Itrrord. ! OFFICE OF THE WEATHER RfHEAf i OMAHA. N iv S -Official record cf ten 1 perature and precipitation compared with ; the corresponding day of the last three years iy iv its: C (3 'i SI 4J ,3 4 a .(i lit t f.v 41 M .(I Record of tmrerature and precipitation . at Omaha for this day and since M irch 1. l'.O ! I Norma! temperature l Kx''ess fur the day i Total xce sine March 1 Normal precipitation 04 r Defliietirr for the day ... ' I ' T'tl rainfall since Marrh 1 9?t"'i 1 Ex- es slno- March 1 . 1 "l t- s ' ; Deflclenrv for ror. jrloJ. l,1-f .. 5 r. e Denrlenc) for cor. twrlod. fSS 3 7; t- vs llriort (mm Mntlon nt r. M. '-25 I. UTATIONB AND STATE OF WEATHER. : Z': i .' ir i 4' .: 54 C4 . I Af. C .' 4 1 I" .1 40 ui I .1 tt S4 ' -J .i h c .1 4" (4 1 .i 4 . .. ff f4 .1 U Ou . 4" i I . S 4' . 6- 7; i.i Omaha, clear North Platte. cWr Cheynne. clear Salt Lak. c ear Rapid City, pert cloudr. Huron, part clcudy. Willlstoo. psrt cloudy... Chicago, tiosr. St. l.oul.-, clear St Paul, cl-nr Davenport, clear K4n&. City, dear I :loudv Helena. car jilsmarrK, chiuqv , Cialvest.m. ioudy , L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast OtHcial Watch The Bee bulletins on the New York Life building for e!e "on re'urns to ntgb' I Failure is life It rare often doe to exhausted nerve farce than to lack of capital. Strong serves are the capital that helps men conquer conditions. When people lote their capital they set to work to regain It When we lo cur nerve force we ought to seek a means of getting It back. There is a way, certain and scientific. feed the nerves, making them steady ani strong as steel. We do not b..e tker can fell to cu't Nervous !' 1 I'y ar J phrs;al ex ha uitlm that w!-y w- a ret to refund y ar money if six boxes do njt cure you. 11 CD per box: 6 boxes SSCO. mailed securely sealed upon receipt of once. Book frrr Address, ptAi. MauicurE v ' irr-iii'' - - r.u , . , a t . k . and J A. & Co- llti u.i Douglas. Ksssa ssV a 1 1 sgsyrg ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Benr Signature of 4 Fsc-Slmllt Wrrrr IWhm. Tary amaU and as V taLe as rags. rn drlil amp liAril tKO.FOR DlUIHtSt. FOR IILIOUSRCtt. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION tsuvu 1 rurwly Tcrttakleviie?; CURE SICK HEADACHE. S5e00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Prhatc Diseases and Disorders of Men . ear In Onita VARICOCELE mDROCELE cursd. Me-fc drew never falls, wi'f ut cutting, pain or oss ri iiroe CV9MII ICUfUf Titfeandttepolson r,,tliarvUs-t.y clratf'il from tasy.tem dIarDr S,a every sign atd sympum eomp eteiy and farever. No "UKCAKIS j )CT ' .if thedlieastontheskln or farr l'ratment roctales Cacgerous drags or lcjur.ous ruedlrines WEAK MsTN s ur .M5ROOifrom . -Cii .7 C 'ese$ or VltTlM TO NSBVOCa SEXUALLY Debility or Exhacstiok, WaTt."o Waar.stss Isrot tfraT losses, with r.Ani.V Ot at In VitM. and UlVVUZ Aocn, lark of rim vigor and sirecgtn, with sexual organs impalrtd and weak STBICTUDF Rail -ally cured with a new r err"4 IrlaUlb.e Heme Tr-at-ana CLtLI ratal N-lntrumnts.copaln. no detenttr-n frcui tailnrss. Uonotrfaoea, Kidney and H' ' errrtiMe. ctm (U'AKANTirri). CwmUtlM rrte. Irritnett t) M3. ik. o:. Li-ii ress Ha Q. Iaih 9t Dr. Sear les & Searles, Omaha, Neb. BUFFET MBRARY CARS Best Olnicg Cat Serviss Rats STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE kills RATS. MICE, COCKROACHES and all otlier VERMIN, leaving no odor. At all dealers, 2-"c. a bo You know the adage about fools and their money. Fact is, fools have very little money. The MAN WHO INVEScS WISELY is the man who has money. One evidence of wisdom or intelli gence, is investing in A GOOD DICTIONARY For many years it was an open question as to which was u:e best Dictionary. The question has been set tled. The best, the newest and most com-1 plete is THE STANDARD DICTIONARY It is complete because no expense was spar ed by the publishers in securing the ablest men to edit it. It con li i tains 300,000 words, a great many more than any other. Be sides completeness it is cheapest in price. : ONLY $7.00. Ask Megeath Station ery Co., 1309 Farnam St., for particulars. Vbll W Eli ll all dealers, 2-"c. HSS I Is9 ri- r-rw r r., rvw., a, .. .t.v r. r. z m i