10 TTTE OMAITA DAILY TVEE: TUESDAY. iOVEMBET? 0, 1900. L CAN MR, SHIELDS EXPLAIN? Interesting Facts from Oourt Dockets on His Gambling Record, ADMITS THAT IT IS BEING CARRIED ON Sot Mnisle Vnme linn Itcen llrnunht to Trial In Uood Faith llnrlnic Ills Inctunln'tirr the Office. Tn view of the fact that the. present in cumbent of tho county attorney's oltlco l making a bid for votes on the ground that ho Is opposed to gambling and proposes to Klainp It out It ho Is re-elected, the follow lac circular compiled from tho court records U worthy of careful perusal: The prcHcnt Incumbent of the ofllce of county attorney, Oeorge W. Shields, Is now uttcmptlnK to get the votes of tho sclf rcspcctlng. law-abiding citlicns of this tounty on the plea that ho Is opposed to gambling. Ills record (is county attorney exhibits tho most hypocritical conduct on his part on this question. He admits that gambling hitB flourished In tho most open and flagrant manner under his very nose and yet ho has not In good faith brought a single offender In this partlculnr to trial before court or Jury. Tho court records show him In his true light. Tho case of the State of Nebraska against Henry Oerter, charged with gam bling, was begun by Howard H. Haldrlge, thon county attorney. Oerter was brought to trial boforo a Jury, tho witnesses were Hworn, their testimony was written out by tho omclal court reportwr and certified to by tho Judge before whom tho case was Uled. Oertor was convlotrd and sentenced. Oertor's attoruoy appealed the case to the itiprcmo court, whoro the sentence was re verted on a mero technicality and the case nont back for a new trial. Did Shlolds call tho witnesses to teitlfy again? Not at all. "Why? . . In tho meantime Oerter's attorney had been appointed by Shields his chief deputy. Tho caso was dismissed. Why? Tho paid assistant county attorney was tho paid attorney for this notorious gambler who had been convicted upon overwhelming testimony. Why? Can't you suess? Later when this same gambling holo was raided Shields asslstuut was found to havo boon ono of Us froquontors. When put on the stand to testify to what bo saw up thero this assistant refused to tell. Why? Ho said: "It might Incriminate me. Ho ought to know. Did Shlolds demand his resignation? Not at all. Ho lot him stay. Why.' Shields knows. Wouldn't the voters like to know? Can't you guess? Filed Defective Complnlntn. Shields Is masquerading as the great ex terminator of what Is called tho gamo of policy. Once tmon a tlmo ho did fllo a complaint against tho policy game and tho district court held It to be so dcfoctlvo as not to c-.liarco a crime. Did ho amend It in ac eordanco with the suggestion of the Judge? Not nt all! Why? He Hald tho Judge was not his friend and ho appealed to tho supreme court and thero the ruling of tho district Judgo was fully sustained, and the suprome court told him that tho ruling of tho district court wan right and that hla complaint did not charge any crime. Did ho then amend the complaint to meet the rulings ot the district ana bu promo courts aid bring the offender to trial? Oh, to! He dismissed the case! Why? Then he kept still, very still, until he thought It was about time to make another poso at exterminating somo moro, so ho filed another complaint against the policy gamo. Did be draw one this time to meet the law laid down by the supreme court In tho first caao? Most certainly not Why? Of course the rosult was that the Judgo ot the district court wan compelled to again bold that this second complaint did not chargo a violation ot any law. He ngaln said the Judge was not his friend nnd hn niraln annouled to the sunrome court, which again told him tho Judge of tho district court was right aud that he was wrong. IHanilaaed the Cane. Did he now amend bis complaint to raeot tho law an laid down by the supremo court a second time and bring his man to face a Jury? Not at all. Ho dismissed the case. Why? Tho administration of George W. Shields bas cost the taxpayers In salaries alone over 2,000 a year more than that of his predecessor. He has caused arrests, had tho offenders bound over to the district court, tilled the oourt bouso with witnesses at $2 each per day, excluslvo of the sheriff's fees for nerving tho subpoenas, and thon dismissed the cases. In this manner ho has ruth Jessly wasted thousands of dollars ot the public funds. Though his salary list Is much larger than that of hla predecessor, nut of nev oral hundred consecutive cases ho secured less than ono-thlrd as many convictions s bis predecessor and tho number of ac qulttals was Increased morn thai fourfold. At times while Howard II. Baldrlge was county attorney the number of convictions reached SO per cent of those tried. Never during Shlolds' Incumbency has the per centago of convictions reached 20 per cent Do you want to Indorso this record of Incompetency by ro-olccting Shields? Six Frightful lullnres. Blx torrlble failures of six different doc tors nearly sent William H. Mullen of lackland, O,, to an early grave. All said )Be bad n fatal lung trouble and that h must soon dlo. lint he was urged to try Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tlon. After taking five bottles he was en tlrely cured. It Is positively guaranteed to euro all diseases of throat, chest aud lungs Including coughs, colds, la grippe, pnou monla, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever croup, whooping cough, HOu and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & &Co.'s drug store Watch Tho Ree bulletins on tho New York Llfo building for election roturus to sight. Aimrutr Oiiiitlin'a School. association was meeting In Council Muffs many superintendents Inspected the new n V n nnltnnl til H t.l 1 1, n-u mill Itl Vta 1 1 1n I Aft w 1 1 1 1 1 1 nwtvw. MMMnnin" ...... ......... n.. tho system of heating and ventilating tu tiso In Cuss school ami otlnu' modern build ing. Superintendent II, 13. Kratz of ho Kioux City schools, Superintendent A". II. Varnor of tho MUso.trl Valley schools and J. R. Kirk of Klrksvlllo. Mo., ex-statu an.,..lnlall,l.llt nf Mlll I 1 11 1 O tl n tl til Afl. aourl. comprised one pHrty which made a caxeiui OAltjIlllllUlluil "I pnr,ni ui mu buildings and pronounced them superior ta Ilia ncuuui nilllllilK nu i:in Mr. Kirk hnB mniln a special study of heat In and venttlatlm: and said the Cass liulldlng Is u model structure lu Uiat par RYING TO MISLEAD VOTERS nltr llenutillcnii I.enKiir lnmucn Clr- culur AicnliMt Douitlan County I.PKlslntUc Ticket. OMAHA, Nov. C To the Editor of The Bee! My attention has been called several times to a circular which has been scattered broadcast throughout the city and no which has also been sent to voters nd Ulni? republicans not to vote for the re publican legislative ticket In this county nd which purports to emannte from n so- called "republican league." The only re publican league recognized by tho general organization of tho republican pnrty In his state Is thn one of which I am secre tary nnd which Is called tho "Nebraska Re publican league." I can conceive of no purpose which the parties Issuing those circulars can have had In adopting tho title "Republican league" except that of misleading aud de ceiving voters Into tho belief that their Irculars nro Issued by somo regular re publican organization. The Nebraska Re publican luaguo Is supporting tho repub lican candidates for ofllco lu every county In the Btate nnd especially urges repub licans to vote for their legislative tickets, without regard to the candidate for United States senator which those candidates may prefer, for tho renson that Hie election ot two republicans as United Stntcs senators epends upon the republicans controlling the Joint session In tho coming legislature. Tho loss of Uicmi two senators, In vnso ot tho election of Hrynn ns president, might mean a reversal of our present flnnneliv policy and their election would in all prob- blllty prevent such a disaster, wo there fore urge all republicans In this county to vote the republican tlckot straight. H. ,M. WAR I NO, Secretary Republican State League, BURGLARS WORK AT BENSON (Jeiirrnl Store if .Inmrn A. Ilnnnril Ilrokrn Into mill lloliliril of ' .Money anil JiMvrlrj. Three burglars made a good haul In the general Btoro of James A. Howard at Hen- on early Sunday morning and escaped with thulr plunder. About 2:23 o'clock they forced open the front door and In- doing ho awakened tho clerk, James I'cterson, who was sleeping In tho store. He opened fire upon them, but tho burglars stood their ground and overpowered him. Whllo one stood guard .over tho clerk tho others blow pen the safu and secured $1U0 In currency, lot of Jowelry, gold dust and nuggets, $150 In checks nnd drafts and n school warrant for $100. Tho only cluo left behind wnH a largo wrench which had been used In forc ing the door. Mr. Howard says their loot represents a aluo of not less than $350. Tho Jowelry Included a gold watch worth $12."), n dia mond ring nnd a plain gold ring. Tho gold ust was worth $27. Tho boy, James Peterson, in unablo to gtvo a good description of tho burglars lid about all he can say of them Is that two wero tall and ono was short. About .1 o'clock In the morning three men wore seen driving south out of town In a light buggy drawn by a tenm of brown horses. Three suspicious characters wero Been loafing about the saloon Saturday after noon, Thn matter was reported to tho Omaha pollco and to the sheriff's ofllce, but thus far no material cluo has come to light. Tho Reo will havo a storcoptlcon bullc- In Tuesday night for tho benefit of Its readers. Watch It for election returns. N HONOR OF THE FOUNDER nlveralty St nileniVllold Snltnlilr Kx frdr on the Annlvrrnary of Kdvrnrd CrelKlaton'n Dentil, Yesterday the students of Crelghton university commemorated tho anniversary of tbe death ot the school's founder, Edward Crelghton. After tho celebration of solemn requiem high mass they adjourned to the university hall, where a program was given. The first number was an address by Wil liam Leary of tho senior class, which was In the nuturo of a memorial to tho high qual ities of Kdward Crelghton. The university extet then rendered two excellent selections and finally tho prefect of studies announced tho award of honors In tho quarterly ex aminations for tho months of September and October. The list was as follows: Colleg- lato department Highest honors In Junior class merited by Frederick Vaughn; In Sophomoro, Francis Delker; In Freshman, rancls Vcnnal. The honors of special class were merited by M. Barrows and Edward Streot, tho academic honors by A. Heck man, M. Duskl and S. McCaffery. President Dowllng of tho university closed the exercises with a memorial address. Ho enumerated tho lessons to bo learned from the llfo of Edward Crelghton. His monu ment did not consist In tho raising of a vast marble column nor in making wills that would perpetuate his millions In tho hands of a few, but ho laid a monument that would make his name a glory to Omaha, to Ne braska and tho whole United StuVa. FAIR AND BAZAAR BEGINS Catholic Women Working for HrneUt of lloiur of Good Shepherd. Tho fair and bazuar of the Catholic omm of Onwim for the bent-tit of the Homo of tho Oood Shepherd was Inaugu rated with a sumptuous dinner yesterday and will contlnuo for two weeks. The oponlag was made auiplclmts by thn attend in is of a number of prominent citizens. Mayor Moores was tho guest of Loior and deliv ered n short address, commeullnjc tho ob ject for which tho bazaar Is to be held and Indicating his sincerity by a donation ot The afialr Is under the direct supervision ot Rev. John J.. Jeannotte, chaplain of St. Josoph's hospital, assisted by Father Glau ber, pastor of St. Mary Magdaleno church. It Is being enthusiastically supported by tho members of tho various parishes and Its success U assured. Dinners will bo served dally and tho menus will comnrlso as toothsome a selection as one could pro cure at the unest cafo. Tho servlco will bo in the hands of young women of social promluenco who aro moro accustomed to the wearing of eventug gowns than tho Jaunty whlto caps nnd aprons of a dining room maid. Tho booths will be supplied with articles deslgnod for practical and ornamental uho and will be presided over by tho leading women of the Catholic de nomination In this city. DR. MILLER IS MUCH BETTER Will He Heniovea from the Council 11 1 it ft a Snnltnrlum to II U Home in ThU City. Dr. George h. Miller, who for a month or moro has been receiving treatment at tho Council Bluffs sanitarium, Is re ported much better. Friends who havo called on hlni At late say apparently ho Is as sound as ever. They tire taking steps to have tho doctor brought home. With that end In view Dr. Tllden called on Dr. Mil ler Sunday and after an examination he stated that tho patient conversed rationally on every subject touched upon and that bis condition was much improved. Later, after consultation with those who have Interested themselves in Dr. Miller's welfare,l)r. Tllden consented to tho re moval ot Dr. Miller to his old home, whero congenial eurrouudlngs may conduce to still further Improvement. SUCCESS TO THE WINNERS All Parties Are Winners in the Educational Contest, LOOK CLOSE FOR YOUR CANDIDATES (Jrent (limiKe AniotiK the Con Irxtnntu of the l'rei ScliDlnr hli ."w Oiien Toil it j . Look at the list today and sue what place your favorite holds. Do not let him stay behind In the race; clip your coupons fast and often. Today Is election day, tho only chance that you will havo for four years to vote for a president. You can cast but one vote. Seo tho coupon on page 2 of Tho Dec and vote tho coupon for some future nrpnlilnnt. Tho president of 'the United States Is calling for educated men aud women today Ho must bo surrounded by tho best of In tellect. Why not qualify and accept ot some well paying position with the govern mcnt? In H90 tho United States lend all nations In mechanical arts, und 00 per cent ot tho applicants wero American born boys, but In IS'j'J the percentage had fallen to 15 per cent. Tho demand today Is greater for skilled labor men that use their brain ami not so much muscle than tho country has over seen. Tho young man or young Indy that Is tolling long, weary hours every day back of a store counter can In a very short tlmo qualify to a moro higher, bet ter paying position by devoting their Bparo time In studying with tho international Correspondence schools of Scranton, I'n., and not lose a penny's salary. Educntlon Is not llko n disease. It Is not contagious, but It requires self-energy. A little tlmo each day spent In studying somo special lino will put you In a posi tion whero you can command hotter things. Tho Omaha Deo gives, you tho op portunlty. Can you, In Justlco to your self and family refuse It? Start today and lay the foundation of a manly career. Add your naino to the growing list. Following Is tho standing of the con testants to date: F. Rcnzlng, Grand Island 3,307 W. R. Reynolds, Hastings, Neb 2,231 Henry L. Cassell, 2230 Moredlth avo ..1,402 Watson II. I'erklns, E. B. Bruco & Co.. 802 John C. Allen, 2220 Chicago Ht 870 John W. Mulr, Omaha Machine works.. 813 F. II. Holbrook, 1108 Harney st 763 John Hnyncs, Dewey & Stono Gflfl II. E. Muller, Fischer & Lawrlo 570 II. C. Vun Avery, 1003 Cnpltol avo 478 Rlnncho Mlggs, Millard hotel 45: Will A. Urown, Fullcrton, Neb 431 J. W. Bartllng, Nebrnska City 410 Emma Rood, Telephone Exchango.... 321 .1. W. Woods. Council muffs, la 300 Albert Sessmnn, Murray hotel 2S0 John Furbush, 101S N. Sixteenth St.... 20 William Kochcr, 2021 I'arker at 237 Fraak A. Decker, Council 1)1 lifts 224 W. F. Hatch, 1019 Spencer 219 Theo. Schutz. 2024 Howard 1G3 Lawrence William. Council I) luffs .... 15C Daisy Hickman, Dennett's Dept. storo Will Rink, Milwaukee city ticket olflco 52 Carl Rouch, 1109 S. Twenty-seventh at 29 Charles D. Cole, box 963, Omaha 11 Aniinniit'ciiiciilN of tin- Tlirwtern. Tho dainty ,Frohman comedy, "At the Whlto Horse Tavorn," will be given a Bpe clal matinee performance today. Tho com pany concludes Its engagement tonight. Tho matinee In given especially for the women and children. Tonight bulletins on tho result of tho cloctlon will bo read from the stage as fast as thoy are ticked off tho telegraph Instru mcnt. "The Brownies," a beautiful fairy spec tacle, without doubt tho most popular Ju venile operetta on tho American stage, nt the Boyd Wednesday, November 7. Mat Ince, 3:30; evening, 8:15. Sioux l'launt fin? ninnketa. Forty Imllnus, Including five chiefs, four squaws mid thlrty-ono bucks, comprising the aboriginal contingent of Ouffulo Bill's Wild West show, wero In Omaha yesterday. enroutc to I'lnn RIiIko ncency. S. D.. where they will arrive In time to vote. All nra hioux una uro urcHscu in incir uaiivo cos tumo. Tho Bee has tho best facilities, for get ting tho election news. Wntch the bulle tins on Seventeenth street tonight. Completo election returns by special Western Union Tuesday evening, Frank Swanson, 312 N. 16th. Three tor 25c Lotus Cicam, for chapped hands, face lips, etc., costs 10c a bottlo or three bottles for 25c. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c Perumi 76c Carter's Liver Pills 16c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c Wine or Cnrum 75o Duffy's Malt Whiskey 85c I'li.rrn's Prescription 7f Dr. Karl Kramer's Pennyroyal Pills. .$1.00 Hyrup or iik .mo H. H. 8 "5o I'mut's Extract 40n Hu-Cau Hntr Tonic 75o Ayers Hair vigor 75p Bar-Ben 40c Ajnx Tablets i0c vino Kolaira k&c Scott's Emulsion 7Gc; Miles' Nervine 75o Oem Catarrh Powder 35c Illrney's Catarrh Powder UZc SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST b. V. Cor. ltltb and Chleuxo. Omaha Goes Burlington l)y au unprecedented majority. The California ticket proved espec ially popular, forcing the Burling ton to multiply Its California tourist car service thrco-fold. Personally conducted excursions leave Omaha Tuesdays ut S:40 a. m. and 10:ir, p. m.; Thursdays nt 4;25 p. m. A ticket to San Francisco or Los Angeles, $40.00; a berth, $5.00. TICKUT OPPICB, 1502 FAR AM STREET. TEL. sno. BUHMXtiTON STATION, IOTH AND MASON STS. T12L. I'M. THIl CLOTIIIMJ IX THE nASK.MUXT. I Toiluy'n the l,nt tin), of tlie- Sulo of Levy .V Wrlimtclii'n $35,000 STOCK OF MEN'S AND HOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS AND 1ANTS. Damaged by Water On Sale in tho Basement nt IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA, Today positively tho last day. All tho pants which ve advertised at 75c, which ero damaged by water, were sold out, so wo will sell all the pants which wo advertised for PSc Saturday at ioc tomorrow, $5.00 MEN'S PANTS $1.60. All tho finest pants In this stock, guar anteed sound and perfect, worth up to $j.00, go In the basement at $1.50. tour cholco ot any man's suit tn this stock for $3.00. Your cholco of any man's ulster In this stock for $3.08. lour choice of any man's overcoat in this stock for $3.00. lour cholco of any boys' overcoat In this stock for $1.98. Your cholco of any boys' knee pants suit for $1.25. Your choice ot ouy young man's long pants suit for $2.60. SPECIAL NOTICE. Although this entire stock was bought suboct to damage by wnter, wo will ab solutely guarantee all clothing that Is now on sale In tho basement In" this stock to bo perfect and frco from any ilamaga what soever. And wo will cheerfully refund tho money if you are not satisfied with your purchase. (Signed) J. u. RRANDEIS & SONS, PROPRIETORS HOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. Coming, The Brownies, 400 strong, at the Boyd, matinee, 3:30; evening, 8:15; Wednes day, November 7. Tho most popular on th. stage. Spectacular, special electrical and calcium clfect. Beautiful tableaux, In tricate marches, witty lines, catchy music. Election returns will bo received by pri vate wlro nnd long-distance telephone Tccsday night at rooms of Omaha lodge, I). P, O. Elks, for members and visiting Elks. Wired to Albany He is Awful Mad. Albany, Nov. 2. 1900. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co,. Gentlemen; Our western agent has wired us that you urn Helling Cratner'n Kidney Cum tit Kic u bottle. While wo cannot illo- iiiio to you what prlco you shall sell It for. wo will mil lit- von this iirnnnsltlim. U'n will buy every bottle of Cramer's Kidney Curn that yo.t have In stock for GOc. If von will accept this offer wlro us at our expense. cramer unemicai t:. Wo will not pell to tlio manufacturers the stock of Cramer's Kidney Cure that we have, but W12 will continue our special salt on CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE FOR 6Da the balance of this week. Wo expect tho ngent would get awful mad, but we can't help that. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go PROMOTERS OF POPULAR PRICES Now Location, ICth and Dodgo. Omaha. GOING WEST CAN UNION PACIFIC MISSOURI RIVER TO SALT LAKE CITY, 10 HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTIIEJt LINI5. MISSOURI RIVER TO SAN FRANCISCO, 15 HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHJMt LINE. MISSOURI RIVER TO PORTLAND, 16 HOURS QUICKER THAN ANT OTHER LINE. New City Ticket Otlloo HSIM rnrntini St. Trlepliaue aid. HAYDEN There may be some difference of opinion as to which of the above gentlemen will be our next President, but Hayden Bros, are the unanimous choice of all shrewd and economical buyers of Men's and Boys' Clothing OUTER COAT FASHIONS. PERFECTION AT HAYDEN S. Tho remarkable tlevf3lopment of ready-to-wear attire to ward the prescribed point of desirability is amply illustrated in the Raglan, Chesterfield, Paddock, Newmarket and Automobile. Any one of which meets the requirements of fashion, and all of which represent the highest grade of the tailoring art. Wo have them all, and invite you to seo them this week. Swell Automobiles, Kaglans and Chesterfields, in all tho newest Hhades of gray, green and oxfords. Newest styles at Hayden's this week, 10, $12 50, 815, 18 and $22.50. Men's Swell Fall and Winter Suits, The now 'Varsity Suits, extra broad shoulders, military back, the very newest creation. Every suit equal to the best custom tailoring, ex cept in prices 10, i?12.50. $15, 18, 20, and 22.50. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the most clothing in Omaha. 1IOSTOS STOUT, SALE ti.lOIF.S' HOSK. $1 tlnnllty Imported Snniplrn I. mile"', 3llnr;' anil M-n' llolrry line I'lr. ON SALE TODAY. We bought tho entjro sample Hues of Imported hosiery of ono of tho largest Im porters In tho United States at exactly the ccst of duty and we consider It one of the most fortunate purchases of hosiery wo ever made. $1.00 IMPORTED HOSE, 25c. 7,200 pairs of samples of tho finest grades of hosiery for men, women and children, Including all-wool cashmcro hose, fine silk lisle hose, plain black hose, fancy, bright colored llslo thread hose. In fact, you will find In this lot every Imaglnablo color, size nnd stylo of Imported lioso for ladles, men and children and they all go ON BARGAIN SQUARES AT 25c A PAIR Como early to got your choice. BOSTON STORE, Omaha, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. nii:i. MICKEI-Mrs. T. E November 4th, 1500, nue 37 veurfl. Funeral November 6, 2 p. tn., from residence, n.4 center street. Tales of the Insurance man Calls it Rank Cussedness In my experience, says V. Curtis Taylor, I llnd tho con trast furnished by the Equita ble with some other companies to bu Immense. My first policy was taken In nn assessment company, and, In cluding tho "Strongest In the World," I have been a pollr.y holden In seven companies. Ono Is now defunct, und nnother ought to be. Two of them wero note companies, which nre very beautiful n't first, but tho policy holder must take euro not to live too long, or ho may bo burled under his notes, so to speak. Hut for rank cUHseflness com mend mo to n floundering as sessment oouipnny, tampering with experiments. Thank good ness that with my policy In thn Kqultnblo 1 know that my estate will get tho fucc of tho policy, nnd get It promptly. Now that man talks straight business sense. Ho has quit experimenting. Hp knows what tho Equitable will do for him mil Just what tho cost will be. Como In and let us show you a few points about insurance In general nnd our endowment pol icy In pnrtlculnr. The Equitable. II. I). NEELY, .Manager for Nebraska. 206.208 Bee Building. Omaha. BUSINESS MEN SAVE A DAY VIA S Exceptional CIotKing Opportunity The n:n!ssivo spirit, of this store is again aliown in the fall clothing prices, ami the matchless values placed upon them. A like stock was never shown to greater advantage. The suits and overcoats we offer you are full of worthi ness and economy, and the like of them is not elsewhere for the money. M UN'S ALL WOOL Scotch LMaid Suits, farmer's satin Si rfl made for our for Ml-N'S ALL W O ill I Fancy worsted, as much care clothes, look are just as good MKN'S ALL WOOL At UN'S FALL OVHKCOA IS made of patent beavM',velvot collar good lining, AIEN'S FALL OVERCOATS Made of oxford gray, newest lined, satin piped seams, equal to any $10 you run J" across, it is yours if you buy AIEN'S FALL OVERCOATS Muck or blue all wool kersey, lining, box back, genteel dress overcoat AIEN'S FALL OVI RCOATS Oxford gray, velvet collar, gantly tailored throughout, , . HAYDEi Great Manufacturer's Shoe Sale. kll or vuHtliiff tups, ull bIscm anil wlUUis, Ladles' nno patent leather J3.0O dress lnco shoes, it 11 sIzcb, for I1.S9. UHcn' lino $2.60 kid. vostlng top lace Hhoxfl, all nlzos, for $1.44. Ladles' 75c felt houso slippers, 4?o. Great Bargains in Our Annex Shoe Department. For Misses, Boys and Children. Misses' $1.51 kid lace shoes, sizes U to Hoys' semilno Brnnlte $1.C0 lace Hhoes, A Mlase.V $1.15 kid school shoes for 7flc, Misses' 40c spring heel ruuhers for liSc. Infants' CSc kid button bIiocs for 40c. HAYDEN For Ladies Only $1.00 I'lerco's Prescription 75c $1.00 Wtuo of Cardul 70o $1.00 I'luklwm's Compound 7Co 25o Plnklmm'H Wash 20o $1.00 Mothers' Friend 75o i'5o Hurkhart'B Tablets 2'o 25a Hooper's Pills 20c $1.00 Pminyroyal Pills 75o $2.00 Tansy Pills $1"" $2.00 Marbel'B Kronen PIHa $173 $1.00 Clark's Kcninle Pills 75o $1.00 Kllinor'x KemalH Hemedy 75c Ooddyear'B I.ndy Syringe $2-co Lady's Suction Syrlngo $2.00 Rood Hrrnst Pump 23c Uood Kountaln Syringe 50o J, A. Fill LER & CO. CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS, 14th HJrt DonKlH Ma. Olien Ml Mitllt. Not once In n hun dred times docs Antl-Kawf fall to euro a cold It'H sum Hen your rlriit lilst. no sens it. Smoke the best. IT OOST8 YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. F. R. RICH N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE lined, llrst class suit in every respect 41 du MEN'S ALL WOOL Steel gray cassimere suits, nicely lined and well made, perfect in style and tit, every care has heen exorcised in their construction rriirilintlf s with nliiirn ntnr iiiwl i iwl i v!,l im 1 ; 4 , .i 7.75 own trade, J" 'OL in dark patterns, made with as your tailor takes with your just as well, $ 10,00 Fancy worsted suits, In checks, stripes, etc., correct in every respect, and equal $IQ flH to any $15 suit shown anywhere. .. 2.iUU !4.5fl correctly constructed. cut and make, farmer's satin 's satin 7.00 9-00 it here for velvet collar, quilto$ good quality lining, ele- $1000 ;,2, real value $Js, for - , . lA. Selling 20,000 pairs new fall shoes, closed out to us by big eastern manufacturers, go in this sale, All on sale in our two big shoe departments, Thousands of Pairs of fine Shoes Thrown on Big Bargain Tables, At Less Than Cost of Making. T.ndles" Wo overgnltors, 2Dc. Mon'B fine $3.50 full dretm patent leather coiiBieHH shoes, nil bIzoh, for II.U7. Mcii'h $3.50 "Sutono" calf luce shoe, ull sizes, for $1.93. Men's S2.W rutin calf Ince Phoes, nil sizes, $l,:."i. Men'H 70o felt solo house, slippers for POc I . , t - Hovs' $1.50 BUtln calf lace tthoes, sizes 9 tn 13V for 00c Child's $1.00 kid Ince shoes, wlzes E to , for C?c. GOOD TEETH mako pood health, Have your teeth at tended before they are beyond saMnt,'. Tako VITALIZED AIH for painless ex tractliiB. Vitalized Air W)" i:xtraolliiK Uood Hct Teeth Gold C'rawntJ w Rooms, - i i Ask your dealer for a iROS I Tail's Philadelphia Denial i