The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTAULISTIED JVXE 10, 1ST1. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOHXiyG, 2COT32MBEK 6, 1000 TEX PAG-ES. SIXCTLE COPY FIVE OEXTS EDICT CHIEF DEYERY New York Grand Jury Holda Tiraamj Big Kin Criminally Ewponsible. HIS BULLDOZING TACTICS WILL NOT GO Intrferenc of Police with Honest Election Geta Vigoroui Rebuke. STATE INSPECTOR STANDS ON HIS RIGHTS John McOullagh Will Not Tolerate Boss Oroker! Methods. D EVERY EMITS AN UPROARIOUS HOWL lays ne 1 fining frotet the Pro pte'a llih In .HpKe hr t Slate I.nw or An)- - hotly Else. NEW YOHK. Nor. 5. Chief of Poller Devery was today tudlcted by the grand Jury for alleged Interference with State Superintendent ot Election. John McCul lagh, In tho performance of hi duty. The Indictment was returned shortly after noon and after a little past 2 o'clock the In formation wu conveyed to Chief Devery by Elate Senator Timothy Sullivan, who was accompanied by Michael F. Lyons. n el-c-tor on the democratic ticket who hid agreed to furnish ball In any amount named for Chief Devery. When the chief was Informed of bis Indictment he went at once to tho court of general sessions, where he save ball In the sum of Xl.OOO. Chief Devery. after ching ball, made the follow Ins; slate ment "When I was sworn In as chief of police of New York city, I swore that I would do my duty and protect the people of this city. I propose to do my duty toward the whole people here. I do not propose to be bulldozed. I am going to see that the people s rights are protected and that everyone entitled to vote will be allowed to vote. I am going to see that the policemen In my charge are not bulldoied, even by John McCullagh." Mr. McCullagh refused to talk concerning tho Indictment. He said, however, he was a witness before the grand Jury to day. Chief Devery was released on Jl.OuO bail. Assistant District Attorney O'Reilly, speaklsg for District Attoraey Ga.-dner. gave out the following statement "Tho Indictment does not charge an vert act and without the commission of any overt act there could be no Interfer ence. The Indictment will not hold water." Tho Indictment against Chief Devery charges felony. It charges in part: "That he did attempt wilfully, knowingly and with felonious Intent to hinder bald John McCullagh la the performance of his dutj as state superintendent of elections." Gardiner Say If Foriterr. Colonel Gardiner himrelf. discussing the Indictment, called attention to the fact that it was typewritten, even to bis sig nature, and that of Attorney General Davis, appended to tho document. "Mr name to that indictment Is a for gery," he said. "It was placed there with out my knowledge, consent or authority." A minor Incident that figured In the con trovert was a request made by the police officials for Superlatendent of Election? McCullaeh to turn over to them any In formation In his possession tending to show . ... . . . - lilt UL pUlitC Ulli IOAC Ul lU.l that the election U were being 0 aDl, w, prerve order. I have the ut in sections of the city - where he cl aimed I C0BflPdence ,a ,he chw knQW, atcd vrungaoins w uo kuiuk v. ..... ..... - however, declined to answer the police commissioners, but tonight he announced that he had unearthed a btg scheme to brine rcneatcrs into the borough of Man hattan on election day from Jersey City and that ona of the rren. Peter Friend, a saloon keeper In Jersey City, had been ar rested and was being held at Jersey City police teadquartera In default of J1.000 ball. The concensus of opinion Is that the election tomorrow In New York City will be a quiet one and no serious clash will occur between the police and the state de partments because of the misunderstand ings growing out of Chief Devery's ordar of late Sunday night, In which he de clared that the rights of citizens would be protected regardless of Interference on the part of Superintendent McCullagh. Chief Devery Just before leaving his office for the night said: "Tomorrow's election will be the fairest eevr held In New York City. I will do -ill that lies In my power to see that that end U accomplished," NEW YORK SAFE FOR M'KINLEY aianlry and Oilrll Look for Repub lican Plurality of IR.IMM) or 3!ore Toils). NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The mot Interest lag development In New York on the eve t battle Is the Indictment found by the local grand Jury against Chief of Police .William S. Devery on the charge of Inter fering with the work of State Superintend ent of Elections John McCullagh. AJVtCJJ - MAIM . B - have been made for hearing the case the day after election, The Indictment has attracted a great deal of attention In politi cal circles. The points Involved appear to hinge upon the rights of men to swear In their votes when challenged by any of the deputies of the state superintendent of elections. The legal aspects of the case are interesting republicans and demo cratic leaders for the reason ttut It has been feared that a clash might occur at the polls tomorrow between the S.000 policemen and the 00 deputies. At all the political headquarters, at the ofSce of the chief of police and at the Democratic club the concensus of opinion seemed to be that the election would prove a quiet one despite the differences of opinion be-, tween the chief of police and the state superintendent. Heavy Vote 1 Kspectrd. Everywhere confidence is expressed that a full vote, will be polled and republicans and democrats alike agree that more than 00.000 citizens In Greater New York will tomorrow deposit their ballots for the men of their choice. Indications are that the yote In the city will be at least 65.000 larger than ever before la' tho history of Greater New York. Generally speaking republicans cencede that Qryan will cetry Greater New York. On the other hand, democrats admit that McKlnley will carry the state It Greater New York Is excluded. Th Iterances of opinion arises on the ques tion of the pluralities that the democrats are conceded In the metropolis and the re publicans are conceded la the up-state dis tricts. Democratic national headquarters were practically deserted today, only Secretary Mason of the executive ccmmlttee being iCcBtlsued ea Second Page.) - " f'M. FAKE SAMPLE BALLOTS Iteneuades aistlui: thtj fulon managers are prlntlug for distribu tion fake sample ballot." labeled it-publican, but containing cross- marks for tho fusion legMatlve cnndldntf'5. Thoy arc also clrculnt inn another bath of jrtirrllou clr cuilnr attack Ins Mr. Kosrvcntpr. Beware of all thi"c fnke-5. v -- --- ROOSEVELT WARNS VAN WYCK nv 1urk' Major MM llerul! I)err Order or Hear the OYSTER BAY. L. I . Nov. 6. Governor Roosevelt sent the following communication tonight to Hon. Robert A. Van Wyck, mayor ot.New York City: Sir My attention has been rall-tl to the oinclal order lsuel by Chief or Police Drverv. in whlrh he direct" his subordi nates to ilWregunl the rhlrf of the state election bureau. John McCullagh. and his deputies. Unless you hnve already tHkrn step to secure the recall of till order It In wees sary for m to point out that I shell be ohllxed to hold you responsible hi the head of the city government, for the action of the chief of police. If It should result In any breach of the peace and Intimidation or any crime whatever against the election laws The state and city authorities should work together I will not fall to call to summary account either state or city authorities In the event of either being guilty of intimidation or connivance .it fraud or failure to protect every legal voter In his rights. I therefore hereby notify you that In the event of any wrongdoing following upon the failure Immediately to recall Chief Devrrys order, or upon any action or Inaction on the part of Chief Devery. I must necessarily call you to account. Yours, etc.. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Oyster Day. Nov. 5. Governor Roosevelt's message to the mayor was delivered to Mayor Van Wyck at the Democratic club tonight. The mayor at once took a cab and was driven to police headquarters, where he called upon Chief Devery Tho mayor and the chief of po lice were closeted together for an hour. At the conclusion of the conference Chief Devery anounced that In accordance with the mayor's orders, the order Issued on Sunday to the captains In regard to the McCullagh deputies and voters would be rescinded. The order of the mayor read as follows: "You will at once revoke the order Is sued from your office on the 4th Inst, rela tive to the duties of the police force on election day and you will Issue Immedi ately such further orders as will require your subordinates to co-operate with and assist in the execution and enforcement of the metropolitan election district law and amendments thereto." Later Mayor Van Wyck made the follow ing statement: "There will be no Intimidation or violence at the election tomorrow. It will pass oft as quietly as that of a country village. The cn,ef ' Police wHl 'ake charge of that his duty, and Is a perfectly efficient chief and understands how to malntala peace and order." Chief Devery said that there would b no trouble at the polls tomorrow and that he would enforce the orders ef the mayor to the letter. Van Wrk and Devery Flank. NEW YORK, Nov. C Chief Devery an nounced at police headquarters tonight thst he would rescind his order of Sunday re garding the McCullagh men and voters. Mayor Van Wyck Issued an order to the chief to revoke the order. AKIIT MADK IV KBSTI'CKV. Ilenuhllrun nd Democrat Both lloprfnl of Carrylnic State. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 5. A campaign that really began before nominations were made c!osel tonight In Kentucky, with both sides claiming the state lp published reports by 10,000. though disinterested es timates do not put the majority either way above 6.000 or 8,000. The republicans made the Issue and named it civil liberty, which term ex presses their opposition to the Goebel elec tion law and to the election of the legisla ture In the contested election cases. The state central committee of the Independ ent democrats, who In the last election cast 12. HO votes for John Young Browu for governor, has endorsed Yerkes, re publican, for governor, and Bryan. The democrats claim that the bulk of the In dependent democrats have returned to the party. It Is generally believed that Bryan will run ahead of Beckham, democrat, for governor, and that Yerkes will run ahead of McKlnley. whether democrats or re publicans carry the state. The republicans hope by fusion with Brown democrats to carry several congressional districts now represented by democrats. Already arrests have been made in various parts of the state for alleged bribery and alleged plans to Invalidate ballots before thay are cast. Both fcides are unusually watchful and alert and the election will be conducted under a veritable searchlight of public scrutiny. PA II A DP. 1 MUT!li:il IIIIIUAHDS. Member of Pollilrnl Club of All Parties fraternise at Whrrlliiu. WHEELING. W. Va., Nov. 5. Wheeling's "Mother Hubbard", parade the evening be fore presidential elections, when the mem bers of the marching clubs of all parties come together and Join In a great demon stration In honor of the woman's suffrage candidate for president, Is unique and or Initial with this city. Tonight's affair. In honor of Mrs. Catt, was the largest on record, fully 1,000 marchers being In line. The real woman suffragists, however, have on this occasion entered an emphatic pro test against the demonstration, but the opposition seemed to add to tho favor with which the public looked at It. Over 30,000 persons lined the streets and laughed at the queer and ridiculous costumes the marchers wore. The situation tonight Is unchanged. The republicans continue to claim the state by over 15,000. Wyoming's Majority. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. S.-(8pecial Telegram.) Chairman VanOrsdel of the re publican state committee tonight Issued a statement In which he sijs McKlnley will carry the state by a majority of from 3,000 t 1,000. DENVER EXPECTS WARM TIME Chancei for an Exciting Election Are Very Good Out There. PEACE OFFICERS ARE IN A TANGLE Poller Force Arrayed Aaalnt the Sheriff anil County Coninil- lonrri AKInt the Dlatrlrt Court. DENVER, Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) The chances for an exciting election day tomorrow seem very good tonight. Five hundred extra poltcement have ben sworn In by the democratic police board and as many republican deputies by Sheriff Jones. The board of county commissioners today. In defiance of an order of Judge Butler cf the district court, revoked the commissions of the deputies and this evening b-nch warrants were Issued for the arrest of the commissioners for contempt. It is said the shorlff v.111 rerommlsslon the deputies and It Is feared the rival peace officers rUsb in some of the downtown dis tricts tomorrow. United States District Judge Moses Hal lett this morning declared that United States Marshal Bailey had so right to swear In extra deputy marshals to su pervise the election. The chairmen of both parties are -aira-Ing everything In sight, but it Is noticeable that the bettlrg Is rapidly switching to wards the republicans. The outlook tj ulght Is for the election of the Bryan elector by from 1.V000 to 1S.OO0 plurallt": Frank G. Goundy. republlran candidate for governor, and his ticket by from 3.000 to 6,000. Robert W Bonyge. republican. In the First congressional district, by 5.000, and the re-election of Congressman J. C Bell, fiiflonlst. In the Second district, by from 13.000 to 25.090. The legislature will likely be republlran by a small majority on Joint ballot, so Insists State Chairman C. D. Ford. The betting tonight is 2 to 1 that the republican legislative ticket Is elected in Arapahoe county fDenvcr). This will In sure the electlcn as above estimated. Claim of thr Knlonlatn. The state is conceded to Bryan, but not by tho enormous pluralities and majorities claimed by Milton Smith, democratic state chairman. Smith asserts that 55.000 to CO, 000 Is the least that Bryan will get, as against 134.000 tour years ago. He ack nowledges that J. B. Orman. nominee for governor, will run behind, estimating his vote at 35 000 to 40.000 plurality. The re election of Congressman Shafrotb In tht First district Is claimed by 10.000. Everyth'ng depends on Arapahoe county Goudy, It Is thought, will run ahead of bis ticket S.OO0 In the state and Is counted upon turning the trick to the extent of 3,000 In thle county. Bryan will likely get the county on a scratch. Bonyge expects to come down from the northern farming counties with a plurality over Congressman Sbafroth of several hundred, depending on Arapahoe county to hold the vote for him. County Chairman Charles Hartzell of the republican committee expects the McKlnley legislative ticket to win out by 3,000, while his fusion adversaries boast of 10,009 for themselves, although split tn twain by the. recent decision of the state supreme court, which decided that the democratic branch beaded by former County Chairman Thomas J. Maloney, is not the bolting element but the faction to whtch the title democratic rightfully belongs. Maloney has nom inated a separate legislative ticket pledged to fight Wolcott and 'expects to poll as many votes as do the disinherited branch chaperoned by Governor Thomas and Tom Patterson. Conservative estimates give him about 3.500 votes in the county, which will be enough to throw the election to Senator Wolcott. If Wolcott carries Arapahoe county it means sev'enteea legislative votes for blm, thirteen reperesentatlves and four sena tors. With these assured, he can count on nearly half of the assembly and bis chances of re-election are bright. IIOTII I'AHTins CLAIM M Alt YLAXD. Illial Chairmen Present Flsnres that Ousht to He Convincing. BALTIMORE, Nov. S. On the night be fore election the leaders of both political parties profess to be confident of victory at tomorrow's balloting and both sides are claiming the state by pronounced ma jorities. Before leaving for his home In Harford county tonight, whither he goes to vote. Chairman Murray Vandlver of the dem ocratic state central committee said: "I have no hesitancy In claiming that we will carry the state by from 6,000 to 10,000 majority and that both city and county will contribute to that end. We will not only carry the mate for Bryan, but will elect four congressmen sure and it would not surprise me In the least If Major Little should defeat Pearre In the Sixth district." Secretary William F. Porter of the city democratic committee supplemented Mr. Vandlver's statement by adding- "We have made a careful poll of the city by men experienced In the work, who made polls In the two previous campaigns. I have the utmost confidence In the accuracy of this latest poll and will say that the outlook Is bright and that the city will go democratic by a substantial majority. I will not give figures, but am confident of a favorable result." Chairman Phillips Lee Goldsborough of the republlran Mate committee said today that he looks for even a larger majority i than the ll.CwO which he mentioned last night as his estimate, and Insists that Ma ryland's congressional delegation will be entirely republican. He will not go to Cambridge to vote, but will remain at headquarters throughout the day. Senator McComas left tonight for Washington county The prevailing odds at hotels snd clubs tonight range from 10 to 6 to 2 to 1, with McKlnley at the big end. Some few bets were recorded, the largest, JI.000 against J1.:P0. being placed late tonight. On the general result a few small wagers were made at 5 to 1. SOUTH DAKOTA IS HUH ATA 111.15. Republican. Ilowrvrr, Are Confident of Overthrowing Ilrjanlani, SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Nov. 5. The eve of election finds both parties still stoutly claiming that they will carry the state. Conservative republicans estimate that the majority for their state ticket will be be tween 6.000 and 8.000 and that this ma jority will carry with it the congressional and state tickets and a comfortable ma jority on joint ballot In the next legisla ture. The tusionlsts say Bryan will carry the state by at least S.000 and that their congressional and state nominees will be elected by majorities ranging from 1.S00 to 3,500. They also claim they will have a majority of not less than twenty on joint ballot in the state legislature. Insuring the return of Richard V. rcttlgrew to the Vailed States senate. Ransom in Hjsjrue Colors, Edgar Howard in Paplliioa Times, April 1, 1M7 On the first day of the legisla tive session the Times picked Sen ators Ransom and I to well as the leaders of the corporation contin gent In that IkmIj". The picklni; was not an evidence of smart ness on our part, for. Indeed, any man trho hn watched the course of thoe worthies! In recent years could and would have done aa well as we did. Speaklnc of linn som and Howell, what a dls Rraoc the pair has been to tue free silver force wlilcb elected them. Hand In hand In every scheme to aid Iti cor poration robbery, back to bnck to flcht against the sharp shafts of public criticism while pushing pamblcrs' bills to passage. Shame's crown for shame Is the fact that thpse traitors bear the democratic name. SERENADE FOR PRESIDENT Litlrnt of Cnnlon to ih- Nmnlirr of Thousand !.ltrn to I'uloiclum by Jmlur III). CANTON. O . Nov. The MrKlnly lawn, so famous in the carapainn of lv6, waj this evening the scene of an enthusi astic demonstration similar to that xl k-h closed the campalga four years ago. The president made a short adlre to his neighbors and fellcw-tow nsmen. free from partisanship, but apropos' of the election tomorow. He aNo Introduced Judce &ay for a nhort speech from the famous front j porch The occasion was an uaadvertmed and unannounced serenade by the Grand Army band, with several thousand people following the band with loud cheers and hurrahs and a glare of red fire that Illu minated the whole scene roundabout the McKlnley home. 1 The band appeared upon the scene some j time after dark and the report that the president was to be serenaded spread like wildfire. First a score fell In behind the band, than another score, then hundreds and iln-illy. by the time the McKlnley home j nas reached, thousaads. Somewhere, no I one knows Just how, a supply of red lire torches was secured and they were burn ing at their height when the cheers of the crowd around the house drowned the mu sic of the band. Two or three selections were played In the streets In front ot the house and then the bond was Invltco to the front of Mrs. McKlnley's parlors for another selection. After each number there had bren calls for the president and finally he appeared on th porch. He bowed to tbe crowds In front of him to to his right and to hts left, amid deafening cheers. There ere calls for a speech and some one pulled from the vestibule of the house a relic of the campaign of four years ago, a Tennessee stump, with polished top and engrar;d emblem, brought hero by a Tenaessee dele gation. The president rtnl upon tUs ana tpo.r as lollnw-s- My Fellow Citizens: I am very aiud to greet you once more at my old home. Thlc Is not a year when I am making speeihwj Tomorrow from one end of this country to the othr the American peop.e win Bpe&k. (A voice: "For William McKlnley " Tre mendou applause and cheers i and we must wait reverently and In patlnc" for their verdict. I know you will be glad to hear a word from our fellow townsman. Judge William It. Day. who has held a run splcuoux plac In the administration over which you called me to preside In 15S. I thank you and bid you good night. (Tre mendous applause.) When the president mentioned the name of Judge Day there was another enthusiastic ovation and the judge was constantly In terrupted by applause when he spoke as folio: My Ftrllow Citlxens: It has been my for tune for a few months to occupy a position of which It Is one of the unwritten laws that Its Incumbent shall take no part In political campaigns. I have had, as you have had. the privilege of listening to the arguments thin fall. I hope with an Impar tial and judicial spirit, and having henrd it. for one. I am prepared to say m mind Is fully made up. (Laughter nnd applause.) And now yon have come tonight, as you have often come before, to testify to your loyalty, your devotion and your apprecia tion of our great fellow townsman, the Urst citizen of the republic, (Tremendous ap plause). You know, and we all know, with what ability, with whut earnestneHs. with what eelf-sacriflce he has given hlmnelf to the duty which this people Imposed upon him four years ago. (Great applause, i No man hue done more for the country, no man hu done better for the peo-le than lias William McKlnley by his wise, patriotic nnd able administration of the affairs of thin government. (Great applause.) We know with what reluctance he un sheathed the sword of war. We know how with every fatr and honorable means he sought to avoid war. (Great applause.i We know with what Hteadfast earnestness h directed the affairs of that short and decisive struggle to a successful conclusion. Ar.d we know how much he has contributed to place this country In the foremost rank of the nations of the earth, with prestige all over the world and. what Is better, pros perity within the limits of this country for our own people. (Cher.) I know that no endorsement will be given him tomorrow, hearty and universal a I believe it will be. that will be more appreciated, that will be more gratifying to lilm than the endorse ment that 1 think is In store for him from his old neighbors and friends and fellow citizens, who are assembled here tonlgnt and who will go to the polln tomorrow. (Great applause i And one more thought, with all the honor of that exulted position, with all that he has achieved, with all that his name stands for. when he goes to the polls tomorrow to cast his vote It will count for just as much as yours and mine, and no more. In what other country can It be said that on one day In th- exercise of the great DrtvileBe of eaual suffraue all Its citizens. Including I la chief magistrate, stand with equal power, each doing his duty as he fees It for the best Interests of his coun try (Tremendous applause ) Now. ray fellow citizens, I will not de tain you, but I will only say. having made up your minds, go to the polls early to morrow, discharge your duty and when next we meet I think we will rejoice tn a victory which shall be for the best ntereu of this country and promote the welfare of far distant people. KJreat arplause.) FIGHT- FOR DAVIS MILLIONS llrlr of thr Mining- Kins: of Iluttr Turned Donti by a llnlim Judge. BOSTON, Nov. 5. Judge Grant of tbe Suffolk county probate court today dis missed the petition brought by H. A. Hoot asklag for a partial distribution tn Massa chusetts ot the estate ot the late Andrew J. Davis, the Montana millionaire. In ac cordance with the Jecreee of the court of Montana, which affirms a compromise. Judge Orant said that it did not seem equitable at this time to grant the pcti ton, since tbe application appeared to have been made with a view to evade liens filed In Montana against tbe Interest of tbe petitioner and others. Mr. Root's petition Is only a side issue in an extended litiga. tlon over the estate ot the dead, mining king of Butte, which has been befora the courta of Massachusetts and Montana for several years. Much of the Davis property includrd shares is mining companies pro moted by Boston peoplt. VICTORY IS ALREADY WON Todaj'i Election Will Be a Greater McEhlej Victor Than in '96. P0P0CRATIC POLICY TO CLAIM ALL IN SIGHT llepnhllcan .Vatlonal Lender ltae Their Confidence on Actnal tie port of Men Who Hate Hern In the I'lrlrf. CHICAGO, Nov. 5. The following state ment was given out at the headquarters of the republican national committee: "There are few surface Indications at this time dissimilar to those of four years ago. when McKlnley swept the country by the greatest majority probably ever given to a presidential candidate Tbe work of the republicans during the last four weeks has been mirvelously effective. It has been marked everywhere by completeness In detail of machinery, harmonious action and desired results. McKlnley and Roose velt will carr) every state which voted for McKlnley and Hobart fonr year? ago and certainly several others that voted for Bryan In 18S6. "The alleged hopes of CroVer and Bryan as to carrying Indiana and New York are simply following out the program of claiming every thing In sight for the purpose of encouraging their followers In close states to make the mort desperate efforts for suc cess. The claims of th republicans are based upon the result of artual ork re ported by men In the field, brought up through precinct ward, township, city, county and state organizations, and upon actual farts as shoun by the closest poll ever made by political organization." m:w .ii:hm:y rou m'kim.iiv. ltru of Klctlnn lny Drtrrnilnr nc- eor of riiaior etr!l. TRENTON. N. J.. Nov. 5. There has heen no change In the political situation In New Jersey today. The republicans arc confi dent of success, but the democrat claim that If tbe members of their party who remained away from the polls four years aco turn out tomorrow the state will go for Bryan. The lncn-ase In registration. ' the republicans claim. Is due to the nor mal growth of the voting people. The democrats, however, claim that the In crease shows that the democrats who re mained away from the polls four years ago expect to vote tomorrow. The great fight In the state will be for the legislative ofilccrs. The eight senators to be elected w-IU have a vote next year for a successor to Senator William J. Sewell. whose term expires at that time. Vnder ordinary cir cumstanced the democrats would hope to elect seen of the eight nenators because the counties Irom which they are to be elected are democratic, but It being a presidential year, the republicans claim tbe big vote that will be polled for Mc Klnley will enable them to pull throuKb five of the senators, which would give them such a majority In tbe senate that only a landslide next year would prevent them having a majority on Joint ballot. Chairman Franklin of the republican state commltee today said' ThT' I' ''ery little that can b said that hj. t.ut been said already The republican party eems to be in very good condition all over the state, and during my experi ence I have never seen the county organiza tions so npparently satlsn with the way hr camnaJcn has been handled. We of the state committee have i.on the best we could for the party In every county, and ; so far as I can see now no mistaken have t been made. Our majority, 1 brieve, will j be at least 45,w0 or 50.(Xn ! Taken nil In all I brllvr the New Jer- ; sev rep-.tblicans are satisfied with the rim- palgn and confident of victory tonwow. i chairman William R. Gourley of tho democratic state committee, through Sec retary W. K. Devreaux, made the follow ing statement- "We are not giving out any figures, but I claim Bryan will carry New Jersey by a safe margin. "I am confident the democrats will carry tour of the eight congressional districts." 0 noiTiT AS TO JMIIA.XA. Chairman Hrrnelry- rrrdlrt ItrKuInr Hrpnbllruu I.anillldr Today. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Nov. 5. The eve before the great battle In Indiana finds both sides resttng on their guns, eager for the fray ot tomorrow. Indications point to a full vote being polled. Tbe Marion county political committees were busy today exposing alleged efforts toward corruption in the election In this city tomorrow. The democratic committee started la last night by causing the arrest of William H. Evans on the charge of attempting to cor rupt aa election Judge. This afternoon the republican commit tee made an affidavit for tbe arrest ot John Banks, negro, who, according to its Information, has been trying to bribe a ; republican Judge of the election to sell a j ballot j Chairman Martin of the democratic state I committee made the following statement, j "I believe Indiana will go democratic by a very safe majority." Mr. Herneley, chairman of the repub lican state committee, gave to the As sociated Press the following final estimate of tbe probable result' "It Is a landslide. We will elect eleven congressmen sure and will carry the state by not less than 40. 000 and will elect the entire state and na tional tickets and will carry both branches of the legislature." BETT1G OX KA.NSA1 IlEsL'I.T. ropocrnl Are Boaatfal, bnt Thry Will ot Hack Their Opinion. TOPEKA, Kan.. Nov. 6 There have been no important developments in tbe political situation in this state since Saturday night Both sides tonight profess great eagerness for the battle tomorrow and the utmost confidence in tbe result. The republicans claim a victory for McKlnley by C5.000 plurality, tbe success of tbe state ticket by a plurality somewhat less, the electloa of eight congressmen and a majority on joint ballot in the legislature. The fuslonlsts concede one congressman to the republicans, but claim everything else, placlag Bryan's plurality at 16.000. The betting odds are In favor of the re publicans, butery little money Is being wagered. With fair weather, for which the Indi cations are now favorable, a very heavy vote will be polled. Onr Rally- Held lu Hhoilc Ialaud. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Nov. 5. With the republican rally In this city tonight, the first of the campaign for either party, tbe can vass In this state ended. Tbe socialist vote, coming principally from workers In the tex. tile manufactures, will show a large In crease and the republican managers expect to Increase their plurality ot ;2,000 of four years ago. McKlnley' Plurality In Maine. PORTLAND, Me.. Nov 6. Tbe conditions in Maine have not altered materially since Saturday and there U no reason to change the estimate of the probable republican plu rality ot :S,000 is this state. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska . Fair. Variable 'Win Is Tr mpr ra ttire nt Oamha YeMerdayt Hour. Urn. Hour. llrr. R a. m -I.t I p. in ." O a. m ...... I"J 2 p. ni AT 7 au m 12 .1 p. m A? smin -t:t t p. ii r.s I) n. m -14 T. p. in ..... . AM III a. n 4H II p. in H 11 a, m lill T p. in ..... . r.:t 12 m r.;t k p. in r.2 tl p. in r.o .BRYAN BOODLE ARRIVES Thnt I What Jim Dnhlninn Went All thr Way to fir VurL For. The return of the Bryan party from New York was hailed with special delight by the fusion managers here because It meaut the arrival of the Bryan boodle fund for which Jim Dahlman ai. democratic na tional committeeman bad made the pil grlmagt to New York. Dahlman's trip with Bryan to New York was for the special purpose of raising money to put Into tho campaign to Nebraska to save Bryan's home slate to him. It Is reliably reported that a large slice of the stuff , has been planted In Douglas county, the disbursal to begin this morning through the hands of Ed Ho veil. Lee Herdman and G M. Hitchcock each of whom has been liberally supplied The plan contemplates th wholesale employment of what l known as the floating vote All sorts of pressure is also to be brought by th fu sionlsts on the Judges and clerks of the election, so that it behoove the repub licans to watch well the rount to make sure no manipulation is practised PROMISE OF FINE WEATHER Clenr klr for Voter I'.irryiihrrr KicrpI I'natllily In rrr K null! nd. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5.-11 a. m Special weather forecast for Tuesday, Not ember 6: The fine weather conditions of last night have chanced but little. On the Pacific coast. In all Rocky mountain states, the DakoUs. Nebraska. Kansas. Minnesota, Icwa. Missouri, Wisconsin. Illinois, In diana. Ohio, Kentucky. Michigan, Tennes see the east rulf and south Atlantic states, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia. Penn sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, the weather Is certain to be unusually fine, with clear skits and pleasant temperature. In New York the weather Is clear, except cloudiness on the lakes, where light show ers occurred last night. There Is a pos sibility of light and unimportant shewrrs In the northern part of tbe state tonight, but north winds are now- setting tn and the weather Is almost certain to be fair and pleasant Tuesday. In New England there Is considerable cloudiness under the In fluence of an area of low pressure, which Is drifting eastward. Fair weather will prevail, except that light rains In Maine northern New Hampshire and Vermont to night may continue during a portion of the day Tuesday. WILLIS L. MOORE. Chief United States Weather Bureau. HANNA MAKES LAST SPEECH Talk tn thr Mill Hand at Srnlh Chlraica and Then Leave for Home. CHICAGO Nov. 5. Senator Marcus A. Hanna. chairman of the republican national committer made his last speech at noon today, addressing several thousand railroad employes and steel workers at South Chi cago. When the Illinois Central special, bearing the senator and party, arrived at South Chicago, the whistles of all tho big mills there were blown, and large crowds gathered at the depot to extend a welcome. Accompanying tho senator was Richard Yates, the republican candidate for governor ot Illinois. At 5.30 p. m. Senator Hanna will leave for Cleveland, where he will vote tomorrow, after which he will go to Canton to be tbe guest of the president. Senator Hanna sald: Mv friends, save your 'enthusiasm for 'i morrow night, for then you will have plen'y of opportunity to give It full play. .Ap plause t We nre on the eve of one of the createst elections and one of the most im portant elections that has ever been held In the United States. It is second to none other for the effect It wit have cn the masses who toll for their living and it is secona to none lor its ttrect upon thT,. who rare for and unhold the nrlnrlnlrn .,f I sound money and a protective tariff. I come to you as u buslress man who ha been engaged all his life In the kind f work that has built up this pan of Chlraso. Tomorrow It will be In your power to de:lde thlH great question of whether we arc- to cuntlnue prosperous or to suffer a calam itous reverse 1 bIlve you will stand bv the republican party and stand by the g--at lrnder of that party. President McKlnley, who has stood by you. (Applause. "Look on Thi Picture." Let me present a picture. On one Mde you have a man whose only part In con gress during Ms short term there was t j tear down what McKlnlr" had been four years building up the McKlnley tariff bill and what Wi It he pavo you? The Wilson Gormait bill that put out the tires In 'he furnaces, ihut checkJ Industrie i,n-l brought about a condition that, God forbid wo may ever see ugaln. (Applaue.) And now Bryan Is aj,klnir you to elect him pres ident of the United States and he cares not what means he uses to cet th re quired number of votes. He tell.- you that If elected he will eutabllsh a free silver basis and a system of free trade, and .ve know he will lsnore all economic nrlnclnlrj Making such frantic uppeals he reduces hlmbelf to the rank of the lowest dem agogue. Now turn with me to whire Wil liam McKlnley shouldered his muket In defense of his country and follow him through a four years' war and then see him enter congress, elected then, as r.e always has been, by the working men. Ha haw always stood with them and by them and ha always been ready to hear them . , V. ln , it; . V. , V. ...r rl. Inimi.n hftrf i" nnnrl unltv tn vnfe for li m ' they made him president and there tt-y will keep him another frur years. (A! plaus and crls of "We will.' i Now. what 1ms Bryan stood for Whit hat he done for the working people? iA voice: "Nothing"' Yes. lie has He dl I all ln his power to defeat their Interes s. He helped kill the McKlnley bill He I a been at a loss to find an !Mue that would last over nlaht and roucht to creato one by working for and voting for the reaffir mation of the treaty with Spain. When he workvd to get democratic congressmen to vote for the treaty wax Bryan honest? (A voice. "No.") Honest no He raise the cry of Imperialism, and that Is an lnul to the American people. Congress settled that question and It wan for the president to put down rebellion when the American flae wan assailed Now. I want to assure you that William McKlnley will be re-elemed tomorrow by the largest plurality that was ever given to a president of the United States. I am horry I cannot talk longer, but you look like men who know how to vote without my advice and to vote right too. Kana City Mnn Take HI Onn Life. KANSAS C1TV, Nov. 6. A. A. Cooper, aged 63 years, a real estate and Insjrance agent, cmmltted suicide at his office here today, shooting himself through the head w)th a revolver. Mr. Cooper was the lathtr of L. D. Cooper, traveling passenger and ticket agent of the Chicago & Alton railway, anu Ernest and John E. Cooper, Kansas City business men. He had been ln business here and at Lawrence. Kan., for twenty years. No cause for Hulclde Is known, Antl-Trut Law .Not Violated. WACO, Tex Nov S. The case of the state of Texan against the Waters-Iien e Oil company tor penaltlen for alleged viola tlon of the anti-trust law of amount ing to a total of tlM.OOO. came to an end today In favor of the Waters-Iierco Oil company. MR jC, ft. JJJDJJQ Douglu County's Sheriff Fleei froa thi Eenrico of Sumnons. HIS NEFARIOUS GAME IS INTERRUPTED Court Interferes, with an Ifior. to Ontragt Freedom of tbe Ballot. INTIMIDATION OF VOTERS IS AIMED AT Deputy Sheriffs to Overawe Oitiieni at the Poll. During the Day. COURT ENJOINS THE WHOLE PROGRAM Paper Given the Coroner to ffnr, but III .Mot Diligent Search Tails to Ucstr the herlft In III Hiding Place. Sheriff Tower remained in hiding all day ypstcrdiy and all of last night to evade the service of a restraining order Issued by Judge Baker at 3 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon to prevent the sheriff from violat ing the election law which he has sworn to enforce. The papers were placed In the bands of Coroner N. P. Swanson, who made every effort lo serve Ibeiu, but with out avail. When the coroner entered the Jail one ot the deputies remarked that they nee expecting him and had no Informa tion to Impart concerning the fusion sher iff, who fully expected that Ms trickery would bo headed off. At an eariy hour this morning tbe cor oner visited the homo of Sheriff Power on South Tenth street, but the family re fused to answer the doorbell. Lights were burning In the house and there was every evidence that members of the family were at home. Another visit lo the Jail failed to bring tbe hiding sheriff to light. party of democrats watched every move of the coroner and kept Power Informed as to his whereabouts. It was reported that Power attended the Bryan meeting at the paUllos on Capitol avenue, but 'he either was not there or disappeared before Mr. Swanton nnd his assistants succeeded in locating blm. Why thr Order W lurd. The restraining order was Issued on the relation cf Chairman Ostrom of the repub lican county committee, who set forth In his petition the fact that Sheriff Power and others were ln a conspiracy to enlist a large number of deputies prejudiced tn favor of the fusion candidates tor the pur pose ot coercing and intimidating voters. In the capacity ot county commissioner Mr. Ostrom protested against the county being put to such unnecessary expense maintaining that it is the duty of the police departments of Omaha and South Omaha to preserve order at the polls. He pointed out to the court that tho police are fully able to preserve peace at tho polls and that the appointment ot deputies by the sheriff is Illegal and only for th purpde of alnderlcg the clerks and intir terlng with the election. Judge Baker granted the following re straining order, the service of which tbe tricky sheriff avoided: Upon application of the plaintiff for at. Injunction. Lpon his petition duly verified It being necessary' that the defendant have notice of the application before an Injunc tion Is granted. It Is therefore ordered that said cause be set for hearing on the th day of November, lft.0. at 9:30 o'clock a m. before the Honorable Jacob Fawcett. Judge of the district court, at court room No. 6 In The Uee building, In the city of Omaha, Neb., and that the plaintiff be forthwith required to notify the defendant of the time and place of said hearing, and that until further order of the court a re straining order Is allowed against the de fendant, any and all his deputies, and all other persons acting for or under said de fendant, restraining him from calling or causing to be sworn in any special deputy sheriffs to serve at or near any polling place within the cities of Omaha or South Omaha ln Douglas county. Neb., on the 6th day of November, Wu. A. D., or from plac ing or causing to be placed, and from per mitting any special deputy sheriffs to be stationed or remain at or about any polling plaren in the city of Omaha or South Omaha on the 6th day of November, A. D. ISOu: that the said sheriff be restrained from Inter fering In any way with the said election, to be held on the 6th dav of November. A. D. 1M0, or from doing any act or thing to pre vent any elector legal of either of the cltli-s of Omaha or South Omaha or the county of Douglas from castlnK his vote for the per son or candidate of his choice at the elec tion on the 6th day of November, A. D. 1?"0: that the said order shall become of effect upon the plaintiff executing an un dertaking in the turn of tVO, cs required bv law, to be approved by the clerk of the court. B. 8. DAKEB. Judge of the District Court. Power Flees Harly. As soon as tbe republican committee heard that the sheriff was about to swear in his political henchmen for the purpose ot furthering their own Interests at tbe expense ot the county, action was taken to prevent such corrupt and Illegal action. Before the sheriff had succeeded in commit slonlCft more than a dezen ot bis men, rumors of the efforts to interfere with such proceedings came to the sheriff, and, profiting by his experience last spring, be disappeared as effectively as if the ground bad swallowed blm up and kept under cover. Another evidence of disreputable tactics adopted by the tusionlsts was the arrest of Councilman Harry B. Zlmman on a warrant sworn out by Pat Ford, who connected the Third ward councilman with the alleged illegal registration of some Russian Jews, The case was brought in Justice Baldwin's court and Mr. Zlmman was Immediately released on bond. The councilman's friends resect the attack as an outrage and Mr. Zlmman asserts that be does not even know tbe persons who are said to have registered Illegally. Many tusionlsts In the Third .ward are disgusted with the employment of such rolltlcal methods and have an nounced that they will not stand with a party which stoops to such low practices In the hope of gaining votes. iiinrrnur Say -sr' Conrir Approved, GALVESTON. Tex.. Nov, 6. The Galves ton Deep Water Commission, wheb has In hand the preparing of the measures for Mtate and federal government relief In re lation to the late hurricane, today passed resolutions taking notice of a possible im pression that Governor Sayers had been derelict In calling a special session of the legislature to relieve Oalveaton. The coin mission says Gevornor Bayer" course has Its entire approal, as Galveston will re quire more substantial assistance than can be accomplished by nn appropriation from the state treasury The commission prale, thr Kovernor ami the people of Texas for what they have done. tuliK'rlhr to World' Fair. ST LOUIS. Nov. 6. Late this afternoon x:50.W, the largest subscription yet made to the Worlds fair local fund of ts.000.000, was handed to Wt'.llam 11. Thompson chairman of the finance committee. It came from the St, Louis Transit company nnd the Suburban railroad, the two com panies controlling the street railways of St Louis, A quarter of a million dollars was the sum originally apportioned to the ptreet railway Interests and this subscrip tion will make the closing of the local tu&d a comvarailvely easy matter.